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Dr. ManehHammadal-Johani
- Translator'sForeward
- ShaikhIbn Baz'sPreface
- Author'sIntroduction
ChapterI - Beliefin Allah's Lordship,Oneness,and
Allah'sWill: UniversalandLegal
Moreof Allah'sArtributes
DescribingAllah by His Revelation
: il::::;.::#'o.lll,-, contradi.
ChapterIII - Angel'sFunctions
ChapterIV - Beliefin Allah'sBooks
- Booksknown
- TheQur'a-nProtectedfrom Change
- PreviousScripturesChanged.
ChapterV - Beliefin l,lessengers
- TheFirstendLastMessengers
- TheBestMessengers
- MessengersareHumanbeings
- Islam:TheUniversalandFinalMessage
- RightlyGuidedcaliphs
- Prophet'sCompanions
ChapterVI - Beliefin theAngels
- Beliefin Resurrection
- Beliefin RecordsandScales
- TheProphet'sIntercession
- TheStraightPath
Beliefin ParadiseandHell
- Beliefin WhatHappensin theGrave
ChapterVII - Beliefin Fateand DivineDecree
- Levelsof Beliefin Fate
- Man'sFreeWill
- FateNo Excusefor Sinners
- Evil Not Attributablero Allah
ChapterVIII - Virtuesof Beliefin Allah
- Virtuesof Beliefin Angels
- Virtuesof Beliefin Books
- Virtuesof Beliefin Messengers
- Virtuesof Beliefin Day of Judgement
- Virtuesof Beliefin Fate.
ln the Name of Allah. Mosl Grgcious, Most Merciful
I found this treatiseof the Muslim's creeda conciseand useful pre-
sentationof a very important topic. The needfor this treatise,especially
among the non-Arabic speakingreaders.cannot be over-estimated.The-
refore, I decidedto transalteit and make it accessableto English readers.
I would like to draw the attention of the readersto the following
l. I gavethe book the title THE MUSLIM'S BELIEF insteadof the
author's'Agidat Ahl rs Sunnahwe-l-Jami.ahwhich may be trans-
lated asThe Creedof the Peopleof Sunnahand Mejority. I think
my preferenceis justified by:
a) The title I preferredis shorter
b) The two titlesmeanalmostthe same
c) The originaltitle containssometechnicaltermsthat arenot only
difficult to translate,but alsodifficult to understandby many rea-
d) The original title may antogonizesomereaderswho are misin-
formed about the true designationsof the words in the original
2. I provided,in parenthesesafter everyQur'dnic verse,the numbers
cf chaptersand versesquoted by the author without giving their
proper reference. This I deemed useful for readers who do not
know the Qur'an by heart and would like to check any of these
3. Becausethe author, in most cases,quotesor paraphrasessomeof
the Prophetictraditions without indicatingthem to the readers.I
tried, wheneverI could recognizethesetraditions,to put them in
quotationsand to cite in parenthesesthe Propheticcollectionsin
which they are reporred.In most casesI limited myselfto Bukhari
and Muslim collections,wheneverthesayingis quotedin them. If it
is not in thesetwo collections,'lmention one or two of the other
collectionsthat contain the quoted saying.
4. I providedthe arrangementof the textinto chaptersand headlines
for easeof readingand understanding.I also provideda table of
contentsfor easeof reference.
5. ln translatingthe Qur'6nic versesquotedin this treatise,I did not
follow any specific translation of the Qur'in. I benefitedfrom
more than one, but followed my own preference.
It is my sinceredesireand hopethat this book would be of greathelp
to thosewho consultit. Pleaseincludein your prayerall thosewho con-
tributed to its presentshape.
In the Name of Allah. Most Gracious.lfost llerciful.
Praisebelongsto Allah arone;pcaceand brc.'rirr,ron the last pro-
phet,his familv and hiscompanions.
I wasintroduccdto rhelaluableanclconcisctrcatisr.on theMurlim.s
belief preparcdb1'our brorher. rhe -ereatschotar.shaikh N{uhanrrnad
as-sdlehal-Urhaimin.I lisrcnc.clttrit all and t'ound;harir coversthecrccd
of the Sunnircsand themai' strcanlmajorityof llrciluslims, in thc arca
of the onenessof Allah. His A,rrributes,thc bcricfin rhe Angers.thc
Booksand rhe Da1'of Judgemenrand in the bcliefof
Fateanc!Di'inc Decree.He'succccdcdin collcctinguhar rhc seckcrof
knorr'lcdgcand L''cr)tuslim nccdin hisbelic.t'inAIlah. Hir ,ngel,.His
Scriptures.His messc'ngers,the Da1.ol'Judgcnr.'nranciFutc.Hc incltrrlc<l
in his trcatiseuscfulintormationrclareclro thc lrtuslim,sbelicfsrharare
not readilya'ailablcin manyof the bookswrirrenon rhesetopics.May
Allah re'*'ardrhc aurhor, incrcasehim in knouredgcand guidance,ancl
make this book and his othcr books mosr uselul. ilay-Allah the Hcarer
and the Close,blessusand him and all our brothersanclmakeusamong
thosewho areguidingand righrlyguidedto call peopleto Allah uirh surc
Dictatcdbv 'Abd
al-Azizihn Baz.nrly Allah forgivchint und showerpeaccand blessingon<rurProphcrltuhamnrad,his l':rmi11..and his companions.
- 7 -
In the Nameof Allah, Most Gracious,Mosl Merciful.
Praisebeto the Lord of theuniversewho giresthebestrewardto tlrc
godfearingand the greatlossto the transgressor.I bearwitnessthat there
is no God but Allah; He hasno partnerand possessesrealsovereignty.I
bear witnessthat Muhammad is His servantand messenger;the sealof
the Prophetsand the leaderof the godfearing.May Allah blesshim and
blesshis family, companionsand thosewho follow them till the Day of
Allah hassentHis messengerMuhammad, peacebe upon him' with
the realguidanceandthe true religionasa mercyto mankind,a modelfor
those who do good, and Allah's argumentagainstmankind. Through
Mumhammadand what wasrevealedto him, namely,the Qur'6n and the
Propheticsayings,Allah showedmankind all meansof reforming them-
selvesand straighterringtheir religious and mundane affairs in sound
beliefs,right conducts,fine morals,and laudablemanners.The Prophet,
peacebe upon him, 'left his followers' on a clear straight path, only the
doomedwill deviatefrom it." (lbn Mdjah & Ahmad) His followers,the
companiorrs,their followers and thosewho faithfully followed them are
the bestof mankind. They establishedhis law, upheldhis way and held
fastto it asa beliefand piactice,a moral and manner.By this, "They are
consideredthe party who are victorious, on the straight path, unharmed
by thosewho are againstthem till the end of the world." (Bukhiri &
We, thanks to Allah, are following their footstepsand guided by
their exampleswhich are supportedby the Qur'dn and the Prophetic tra-
ditions.We are sayingthis only asan announcementof Allah's blessings
and clarificationof what everyMuslim shouldbelieve.We pray to Allah
that He may keepusand our brotherson the straightpath in this life and
in the Hereafter and give us mercy from Him, He is the Giver.
It is beeauseof the importance ol this topic and the difference of
opinions about it, that I want to briefly explain our creed- the belief of
the Sunnites and the main stream Muslims (Ahl as-Sunneh
wr-l-Jami'ah). This creedis the beliefin Allah, His Angels,His Books,
His Messengers,the Day of Judgement,and Fate whethergood or bad. I
prav to Allah to make this effort sincerefor His sake,in agreementwith
Hrs wish, and useful for His people.
- 8 -
Our creedis to believein Allah, His Angels,His Books,His Mes-
sengers,the Day of Judgertrent,andFatewhethergoodor bad.
Beliefin Allah's Lordship,Oneness,snd Attributes
- Webelievein Allah'sDivinity,thatisHeistheLord,theCreator,the
Sovereign,andtheManagerof all affairs.
- WebelieveinAllah'sCodship;thatis,He istheTrueGodandevery
otherdeityis false.
- We believein His Namesand Attributes,that is He hasthe mosr
- We believein His Onenessin all this,that is, He hasno associatein
HisDivinity,HisGodship,HisNames,or HisAttributes.Allahsays
in the Qur'6n: "He is the Lord of theHeavensandtheEarthandall
that is in betweenthem, so worshipHim and be patientin His
worship,do you knowanyequalto Him." (19:65)
- We believethat He is "Allah thereis no Cod but He, the Livingthe
Everlasting.Slumberdoesnot seizeHim, neithersleep;to Him
belongsall that is in the Heavensand the Earth. Who is therethat
shallintercedewith Him exceptby Hispermission?He knowswhatis
beforethemand whatis behindthem,and theydo not emcompass
anythingof His knowledgeexceptwhatHewills.HisThroneextends
overthe Heavensand the Earth;the preservationof themdoesnot
burdenHim; He is theHigh,theGreat."(2:255)
- We believethat "He is Allah, thereis no godbut He - theKnower
of theUnseenandtheVisible,He is theMostGracious,MostMer-
ciful. He is Allah,thereis no Godbut He,theKing,theHoly One,
the Sourceof Peace,the Keeperof Faith, the Guardian, the
Almighty, the Subduer,theSublime.Glory be to Allah abovewhat
they associatewith Him. He is Allah, the Creator,the Maker, the
Shaper,His arethe mostbeautifulNames.All thatisin theHeavens
and the Earth glorfiesHim. He is the Almighty, the Wise."
- Webelievethat to Him belongsthekingdomof theHeavensandthe
Earth: "He createswhat He pleases.He gives,to whom He wills,
females,andHe gives,to whomHewills,males,.or Hecouplesthem,
malesandfemales;andHe makeswhomHe willsbarren.Surely,Hc
is the Knowing.the Powerful." (42:49-50).
We believethat "There is nothing whateverlike unto Him, He is thc
All-Hearing, the AII-Seeing.To Him belongsthe keys of the Hea-
vensand the Earth. He enlargesand restrictsprovisionsto whom
He wills. SurelyHe has knowledgeof everything." (42:l l-12).
We believethat "There is no creaturethat movesin the Earth but its
provision dependson Allah. He knows its dwelling and its resting
place.AII is recordedin a clear Book." (l l:6)
We believethat "With Him are the keysof the Unseen;none knows
them but He. He knows what is in land and sea;not a leaf falls, but
He knows it. Not a grain in the deepdarknessof the Earth, not a
thing greenor dry but it is in a clearBook." (6:59).
We believethat "Allah alone hasthe knowledgeof the Hour, sends
down rain, and knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it
shall earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it shall die.
Surely,Allah is All-knowing, All-aware." (31:34)
We believe that Allah speakswbatever He pleaseswhenever[{e
pleases"And Allah spoke to Mosesdirectly." Q:164) "And when
Mosescame at Our appointedplace,and his Lord spoke to him."
(7:143)"We calledto him from the right sideof the Mount (Sinai),
and We brought him near in communion." (19-52)
We believethat "If the oceanbecameink for the words of my Lord,
the ocean would be finished before the words of my Lord came lo
an end." (18:109)"And if all the treesthat are in the earth were
pens,and the ocean(wereink), with sevenoceansswellingit there-
fore, the words of Allah would not be exhausted.Surely, Allah is
Mighty, Wise." (31:27).
We believethat Allah's words are the most truthfirl in conveying
information, the most just in ruling, and the fairestin conversation.
He said, "The word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and
justice." (6:l15) "And who is more truthful in his word than
Allah?" (4:74).
We believethat the Qur'an is Alllh's words. He literally spokeit to
Gabriel who conveyedit to the Prophet, peacebe upon him: "Say
(O Muhammad) the Holy Spirit has brought it down from your
Lord in truth." (16:102)"Truly it is the revelationof the Lord of
the worlds brought down upon your heart by the Faithful Spirit sc
that you may be one of the warners,in a clearArabic tongue."
We believethat Allah is well abovehis creaturesin His personand
His Attributes, becauseHe says, "He is the High, lhe Great."
(2:255)"He is SupremeoverHis servants,and He is the Wise.the
- We believethatHe "createdtheHeavensandtheEarthin sixdays,
then He settledHimselfon the Throne;He manageseverything."
(i0:3) His "settlingon the Throne" meansthat He is sittingin
personon HisThronein a waythatis becomingto His Majestyand
greatness.NobodybxceptHe knowsexactlyhow He is sitting.
- We believethat He is with His crearureswhile He is still on His
Throne.He knowstheirconditions,hearstheirsayings,seestheir
deedsand managestheiraffairs.He providesfor thepoor'andthe
broken.He givessovereigntyto whom He pleasesand takesaway
sovereig,ntyfrom whom He pleases;He exaltswhom He wills and
He abaseswhom He wills. In His hand is all good and He is
powerful over everything.Whoeverpossessesthesequalititesis
literallywith His creaturesevenif He is literallyaboverhemon His
Throne."There is nothingwhatsoeverlike unto Him; He is the
All-hearing,theAll-seeing." (42:lll
- We do not say as the Incarnationistsamongthe Jahomitesand
otherssay,that is, Allah is living with His creatureson Earth. We
considerwhoeversaysthis a non-believeror strayingawaybecause
heattributedto Allah that doesnot becomeHim of defects.
- We believein what His Messengertold us that He descendsto the
nearskybeforethelastthird of everynightandsays:"Who prays
to Me andI will answerhisprayers?WhoasksfMeand I will give
him?Who asksmy forgivenessand I will forgivehim?(Bukhari&
- We believethat He will comeat the Day of Judgementto judge
amongHis peoplebecauseHe said,"No indeed!whentheEarthis
crushedto powder,and your Lord comesdownwith the angelsin
rowsafterrows,andHellis broughtour thatday.On thatdayman
will remember, but what will rememberanceavail him?"
- WebelievethatHe is theDoerof whatHe wills.
- 1'l-
- We believethat His will is of two kinds:
Universal will: through which His intention is carried out. It is not
necessarythat what is carriedout is liked by Him. This type of will means
permission,asAllah said, "Had Allah willed, they would not havefought
one againstthe other, but Allah doeswhateverHe desires,"(2:253)and
"If Allah desiresto leadyou astray,He is your Lord." (ll:34).
Legal will: which does not necessarilyentail that the execution of His
desire.The will, in this case,cannot be but what He likes, as He said,
"Allah wants to forgive you." (4:21)
- We believethat His universaland legal wills are part of His wisdom.
Every thing He performs in the universeor requireslegally from His
creaturesis for a good reason and according to His wisdom, whe-
ther we grasp it or it escapesour reasons:"ls not Allah the best of
Judges?" (95-9), "And who is better than Allah in judgement for
a peoplewho havefirm faith." (5:50)
- We believethat Allah lovesHis selectservantsand they love Him:
"Say if you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you," (3:31)
"Allah will bring a people whom He will love and who will love
Him", (5:45) "Allah lovesthe steadfast," (3:146)"And act justly,
surely, Allah loves the just," (49:9) and "Do good; Allah loves
thosewho do good." (5:93)
- We believethat Allah likes what He prescribedof good deedsand
sayingsand He dislikeswhat He prohibitedof bad deedsand
sayings:"If you disbelieve,surelyAllah doesnot needyou, yet He
does not like disbelief for His servants;if you are thankful, this
pleasesHim," (39:7), "But Allah dislikedtheir marching forth. So
He kept them back, and it was said to them: "Stay with the weak-
lings." (9:aQ.
- We believethat Allah is pleasedwith thosewho believein Him and
do good deeds: "Allah is well pleasedwith them and they are well
pleasedwith Him. That is for him who fearshis Lord." (98:8)
- We believethat Allah is angry with those who deserveHis anger
among the non-believersand others; "And those who think evil
thoughts of Allah, againstthem shall be the evil turn of fortune.
Allah is angry with them." (48:6)"But whoeveropenshis heart to
disbelief, on them is Allah's wrath and they shall have a severe
p"rnishment." (16:106).
- We believethat Allah hasa gloriousand dignified face: "There will
reinainthe faceof your Lord, majesticand splendid." (55:27)
- We believe that Allah has two generoushands: "No, both His
handsare wide open; He spendshow He pleases,"(5:64)"They do
not esteemAllah with the esteemthat is due to Him. The whole
Earth will be His handful on the Day of Resurrection,and the
Heavenswill be rolled up in His right hand. Glory be to Him and
exaltedis He abovethat which they associatewith Him." (39-67)
- We believethat Allah possessestwo real eyes, becauseHe said,
"And build the ark under Our eyesas We reveal." (ll:37) The
Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "His veil is light. Had He
removedit, the sublimity of His countenancewould have burnt all
that His sight reached." (Muslim & Ibn Mijah) The Sunnitesuna-
nimously have agreedthat His eyesare two. This is supportedby
the Prophet's sayingabout rhe Dajjdl (the anri-Christ)that "he is
one-eyedand your Lord is not one-eyed."(Bukhiri & Muslim)
- We believethat "Eyes cannot perceiveHim, but He perceivesthe
eyes,He is the Incomprehensible,the All-aware."(6:103)
- We believethat the believerswill see their Lord on the Day of
Resurrection:"Upon that day some facesshall be radiant, gazing
upon their Lord." (15:22-3)
- We believethat Allah has no equalbecauseHis Attributes are per-
fect: "There is nothing whatsoeverlike unto Him. He is the All-
Hearing,the All-Seeing."(42:ll)
- We believethat "No slumberor sleepseizesHim," (2:255)because
His life is perfectand eternal.
- We believethat He does not do injusticeto anybody becauseHis
fairnessis perfect.
- We believethat He is not unawareof His servants'deedsbecauseof
His perfectsupervisionand comprehensiveknowledge.
- We believethat He is capableof doing anythingin the Heavensor
in the Earth becauseof His perfectknor.rledgeand power: "lndeed
His command,when He desiresa thing, is only to say to it 'Be' and
it is." (36:82)
- We believethat He is free from wearinessand weaknessbecauseof
His super-power:"Surely, We createdthe Heavensand the Earth
and all that is betweenthem in six days, and no wearinesstouched
Webelievein all that
describedHim with.
l) To sayor believe
He assignedto Himsell'orwhat His Messeng:r
of names and attributes; but we reject two
that Allah's Attributes are similar to thoseof
2) To say or believethat Allah's Attributesare like suchand such.
We negateall what He negatedabout Himself or what His Messenger
negatedabout Him. We believethat negationimplies the affirmation
of a perfect opposite. We do not discusswhat He or His Messenger
did not mention about Him.
We believethat following this apprach is a must becausewhat Allah
affirmed or negated concerning Himself is a statement He made
about Himself. He knows Himself best,His words are most just and
trustful and people cannot know everything about Him. What
Aliah's Messengeraffirmed or negatedabout Him is a statementhe
made about Allah. Besidesknowing Allah bettcr than anyone,he is
the most truthful, sincereand eloquentamongpeople.Thus, in what
Allah said and what His prophet said concerningHis Names and
Attributesis truth, knowledge,and clarification.Therefore,we have
no execuseto reject or even hesitatein acceptingit.
All that we mentionedabout Allah's Altributeswhetherbriefly or in
detail,affirmalivelyor negatively,is basedon the Book of our Lord and
the traditionsof our alsoagreeswith the practiceof the pre-
vious generationsof Muslimsand the rightly guidedscholarswho gnms
We believeit is obligator;-to take the textsof the Qur'an and the
ProphetictraditionsconcerningAllah's Attributesat their facevalueand
interpretthem in a way that is suitableto Almighty Allah. We rejectthe
practiceof thosewho twistedthe meaningsof thesetextsand understood
them in a way.lhat wasnot intendedby Allah and His messenger.
We alsorejectthe practiceof thosewho madethem devoidof their
meaningsasconveyedby Allah and His Messenger.We finally rejectthe
approachof the exaggerationistswho gavethem a pnysicalinterpretation
that makesAllah similarto someof His creatures.
We knorvfor surethat what is revealedin Allah's Book and in the
traditionsof His Messengeris the truth. lt doesnot containanycontra-
diction:"Do theynot ponderovertheQur'dn?If it hadbeenfrom other
than Allah, surelythey would have fotrnd in it a lot of differences."
Contradictionsin statementsfalsifylhem, and this is impossiblein
thosestatemerrtsrevealedfrom Allah and saidby l{is Messenger,peace
beuponhim. /lroo'erclaimsthattherearccontradiclionsin theQur'an,
tht'l'ronhetictraditionsor betueenthetrr'omusthaveuickcdintention
anda misguidedheart.So he shouldrepentand quit hissitr.ll'sonreone
the Prophctor bclweenlheselrv<,r,thismustbea resultof hislittleknow-
ledge,inadequateunderstandingor lackol deepthinking.Therefore,he
shouldseekknorvledgeanddo hisbest'inreflectionuntil thetruth is clear
to him. lf afterall theseefforts,the truth is not clearto him, he should
leavethe wholematterlo theOnewho knowsit andshouldquit hisima-
ginationand sayasthosefirmly rootedin knowledgesay:"We believein
it. all is from orrrI ord " (l:7) He muslknorrthatthereareneithercon-
tradictionsnor differencesin theOur'an,theSunnahor betueenthetwo.
- l l -
- We believein the existenceof the angelsof Allah and that they are
,,honouredservants.Theydo not speakbeforeHe does,andtheyact
only by His command."(2l.26l Allah createdthemand theywors-
hippedandobeyedHim. Thosewhoareat His presencedo notdisdain
to worshipHim, nor do theyweary."(21:19)
- Angclsareconcealedfrom us,wecannotseethem'Allah mayshow
themto someof His servants.TheProphetMuhammadsawcabriel
in his reatshapewith six hundredwingsthat coveredthe horizons
(Bukhlri & Muslim).Gabrieltook the form of a handsomehuman
beingwho metMary andexchangedconversationwith her.Hecame
to the Prophetwhile he wasamonghis companionsin the appea-
ranceof anunknownmanwhodid not showanytraceof longtravel,
with very whiteclothesand veryblackhair. He sat facingthe Pro-
phet:his kneesto the Prophet'sknees,peacebe upon him, and his
lat€rtold hiscompanionsthatthemantheysawwasGabriel
(Brrkhiri& Muslim).
- We believetbat theangelsareassignedcertainfunctions.Amongthe
angelsisGabrielwhoisentrustectwith revelation.He bringsit down
rrom nttatr to whomeverHe wishesamongHis Prophetsand Mes-
Amongthemis Michaelwho is in chargeof rain and plantation.
Amongthemalsois tsraftLwhois in chargeof blowingthe Horn at the
time oi Thunderbolringand ftesurreclion,Amongthemis theAngelof
death,who takesar"af people'ssoulsat thetimeof death'Amongthe
angeliistheonewhoisin chargeof mountain;andMalik,thekeeperof
siblefor protectingthehumanbeingsandotherangelsarebusyin recor-
ding men'sdeeds:two angelsfor everyperson,"when the two angels
,"..iu. (hisdeeds),onesittingon therightandoneon theleft, notaword
hf utteribut by himisanobserverready."(50:18)Someotherangelsare
in chargeof questioningthe deedafter he is put in his lastabode.Two
angelscometo him and askhim abouthis Lord, his Religion,andhis
Prophet.There"Allah confirmsthosewho believewith thefirm say,in
the presentlife and the Hereafter,and Allah leadsastraytheevildoers
andAllah doeswhatHe wills." (14:27)
Someof theangelsarein chargeof thedwellersof Paradise:"The
angelsenterto themfrom everygate,saying'peacebeuponyou for that
you werepatient.How excellentis your final home." (13:24)
The Prophet,peacebe upon him, told us that seventythousand
angelsenteror prayin the PopulousHousein Heaveneveryday.They
nevercomebackto it aslongastheylive." (becausetheirturn will never
come)(Bukhiri & Muslim).
- 1 7 -
- We believethat Allah revealedBooks to His Messengcrsas pr'oof
against nankind and a guidance for the righteous workers. They
purified nd taught them wisdom by theseBooks.
- We be e that Allah sent down a Book with every Messenger
becaur He says "lndeed We sent down our Messengerswith the
clear signs, and We sent down with them the Book and the
Ilalanceso that peoplemay uphold justice." (57:25)
Among theseBooks we know the following:
I The Torrh which wasrevealedto Moses,peacebe upon him. lt is the
grealcstamong the lsraelites'books. "Surely, f,'e sclrt down the
Torah, whercinis guidanceand light; by its laws tltc Jcrrshavebeerr
judged by the Prophets who surrenderedthemselveslo Allah, the
rabbis and the doctors of law becau:;elhey were entrustedthe pro-
tectionof Allah's book and werewitnessesthereto." (5:44)
2. The GospelrvhichAllah revealedto Jesus,peacebe uporrhim. lt is a
confirrnation of the T0rah and a complementto it. "And we gave
him the Gospel, *'herein is guidanceand light and confirming the
Torah before it, as a guidance and an admonition to th,
godfearing." (5:46)"And to make lawful to you certairrthingsthat,
trefore,were forbidden to you." (3:50)
3. The Psalmswhich Allah gaveto David, peacebe upon ltitlr.
4. Tablelsof Abraham lnd Moses,peacebe upon them.
5. The Glorious Qur'an which was revealed to l{is Prophet
Itlulrammad, the Seal of the Prophets. ll is "a guidanceto the
pcoplc and clear signsof guidanceand criterion bet'cct.lright and
u rong." (2:I85)
Ihe Qur'an is "confirming the scripture that was bcfore it and
standsasa guardianoverit." Thus,by theQur'an Allah ablogatedall the
ptcvi6n5Books.Allah hasalsoguaranteedits protectionlrotn anyplayor
nriscnievousdistortion. "lndeed, We sentdorvnthe messagcand We will
gtrardit." (15:9)That is becausethe Qur'an is a proof againstmankind
till the f)ay of Judgement.
The previousscripturrsweremeant for a limited period that ended
with the revelationof what abrogatedthcm and exposedwhat had takcn
placein them of distortion and change.That is why they were not pro-
tectedfrom corruption. They underwentdistortion, addition and omis-
sion. "Some of the Jewspervertwords from their meanings."(4:46)"So
woe to thosewho write the Book with their hands,and then say,
'This is
from Allah,' that they may sel. it for a little price. So woe to them for
what their hands have written, and woe to them for their earnings."
(2:79)"Say, who sentdown the Book that Mosesbroughtasa light anda
guidanceto people?You put it into sheetsof papershowingsomeof thent
and concealingmuch." (6:91) "And thereis a group among them who
twist their tongueswith the Book, that you may think it is a part of the
Book, but it is not part of the Book. And theysay
is from Atlah,' yetit
is not from Allah, and they tell a lie againstAllah and they know it. lt is
not for any humanbeingto whom Allah hasgiventhe Book, the Wisdom
and the Prophethood to say to men "Worship me intead of Allah,"
(3:J8-70) "People of the Book! Our Messengerhas come to you,
making clear to you many thingsyou havebeenconcealingof the Book
and forgiveyou much. A light hascometo you from Allah anda glorious
Book, with u'hichHe will guidewhoeverfollows His pleasurein the way
of peace,and bringsthem forth from darknessinto the light by His will."
(5:I 5- l6)
- We believethat Allah has sent to His peoplemessengerswho were
"bringing good tidings and warning, so that mankind might have
no argument against Allah after the messengers.Allah is All-
mighty, All-wise." (4:165)
- We believethat the first among the Messengersis Noah and the
last is Muhammad, peacebe upon them all. "We revealedto you
as We revealedto Noah and the Prophets after hiin." (a:163)
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the Mes-
sengerof Allah and the Sealof the Prophets." (33:40)
- We believe that the best among the messengersis Muhammad,
then Abraham, then Moses, then Noah and then Jesus,son of
Mary. It is they who are meant by the following Qur'inic verse:
"And when We took compact from the Prophets,and from you,
and from Noah. and Abraham, Moses,and Jesus,son of Mary.
We took from them a solemncompact." (33:7)
- We believe that Muhammad's message,peacebe upon him,
includesall the merits of the messagesof those dignified messen-
gers becauseAllah says,"He ordained for you that He enjoined
on Noah and what He revealedto you and what He enjoinedon
Abraham Mosesand Jesus,namely, establishedthis faith and be
unitedin it." (42:13)
- We believe that all messenSersare created human beings who
have none of the divine qualities of Allah. Allah, the Exalted.
said about Noah. who was the first among them, "l do not sayto
you,'l possessthe treasuresof Allah,' I do not know the unseen,
and I do not say:
'l am an angel'." (ll:31) Allah directed
Muhammad who is the last among them to say: "I do not say to
you I possessthe treasuresof Allah, nor do I know the unseen,
and I do not say to you 'l am an angel." (6:50) And to say: "l
have no power to bring profit or hurt for myself, but as Allah
wills." (7:188) And also to say: "1 have no power to hurt or
benefit you. Say none can protect me from Allah, nor can I find
any refugebesidesHim." (72:21-2)
- we believe that the messengersare among Allah's servants.He
blessedthem with the messageand describedthem as servants,in
the context of praising and honouring them. So, He saysabout
Noah, the first among them: .,you.,
are the descendantsof those
whom We carried with Noah, he was a truly thankful servant."
Allah said about the last among them, Muhammad, peacebe upon
him: "Blessedbe He who sentdown the eur'dn to His servant,that he
may warn mankind." (25:I) He saidabout someother messengers:,,And
mention our servantsAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob men of might and
vision." (38:45)"And rememberour servantsDavid who wasa mighty
andpenitentman." (38:l7) "And to David,wegaveSoloman,hewasan
excellentand penitentservant." (38:30)
Allah saidabout Jesus,sonof Mary: ,,He isonly a servantwhom We
blessedand we madehim an exampleto the childrenof Isreal." (63:59)
- we believethat Allah concludedall messageswith the messageof
Muhammad, peacebe upon him, to all peoplebecauseAllah said:
"Say, 'O mankind, I am Allah's messengerto you all. To Him
belongsthe Kingdom of the Heavensand the Earth; There is no
god but He. He ordains life and death. So believein Allah and
His messenger,the unletteredprophet who believesin Allah and
His words. Follow him so that you may be rightly guided."
(7:I 58)
- we believethat rhe Sharijah of the prophet Muhammad, peace
be upon him, is the religion of Isram which Ailah has chosenfor
His servantsand does not accept from anyone other rerigion,
becauseAllah, the Exalted, said,,,Surely, rhe true religio-nin
Allah's sight is Islam," (3:19)and.He also said, ..Today
I have
perfectedyour religion for you and I have completedmy favour
upon you, and I have chosenlslam to be your religion.,,(5:3)
And "whoever desiresa religionother than Isram,it wilr neverbe
acceptedfrom Him, and in rhe Hereafrer he will be among the
-21 -
- lt is our opinion that whoeverclaimsthe acceptabilityof any
existingreligiontoday- otherthan lslam- suchas Judaisnt,
Christianityandsoforth, is a non-believer.l{e shouldbeaskedto
repent,if hedoesnot, he mustbe killedasan apostatebecausehe
is rejectingtheQur'an.
It is alsoour opinionthat whoeverrejectstheuniversalmessageof
Nluhamntad,peacebe uponhim, is rejedtingthemessageof all messen-
gers,evenif heclaimsthat hebelievesandfollowshismessenge. Allah,
the Exalted,said:"Noah's peoplerejectedthe messengers."(26:105)
Thus,Allah consideredthemrejectingall themessengersdespitethefact
that therewasno messengerbeforeNoah.Thisisalsoclearfrom thefol-
"Those who disbelievein Allah and His messengers,and wish to
someanddisbelievein others,'wishingto takea midwaycourse.Those
indeedarethe unbelievers,and We have.preparedfor the unbelieversa
- We believethat thereis no prophetafter Muhammad,Allah'sMes-
senger,peacebe upon him. Whoeverclaims prophethoodafter
him, or believesin anyoneclaimingit, is a disbelieverbecauseheis
rejectingAllah, [Iis messenger,andthe Muslims'consensus'
- We believethat the Prophet, peacebe upon him, had rightly-
guidedsuccessorswho carriedout his Sunnrhin spreadingknow-
ledge,calling to Islam and managingthe Muslims' affairs. We
believethat the bestamongthem and the most entitledto Cali-
phatewas Abii Bakr as-Siddiq,then 'Umar lbn al-Khattab,then
'Urhman lbn 'Affan, then 'Ali lbn Abi TAlib, may Allah be
pleasedwith them all. Thus their successionto the Caliphatewas
accordingto their virtues.Allah, the Exalted,who possessesthe
infinite wisdom,would not appointa ruler over the bestof gene-
ratiorrsunlesshe wasthe most superioramongthem and had the
bestclairnto Cdiphate.
- We believethat the inferior among thoserightly guidedcompa-
nionscan be superiorin a specificvirtue to thosewho are better
than him, but he doesnot deserveabsolutesuperioritybecausethe
- WebelievethattheMuslimUmmahis thebestamongnations,and
Allah, the Dignified and Exalted, has blessedit becauseHe said,
"You are the best nation ever brought forth for mankind, enjoi-
ning what is right and forbiddingwhat is wrong, and believingin
Allah." (3:I l0)
-- We believethat the bestamongthe Muslim Ummah are the Pro.
phet'sCompanions,then their followers,and thosewho followed
- We also believethat a group of this Ummah will alwaysremain
victoriouson the right path, unharmedby those rvho let them
down or thosewho opposethem,until the Day of Judgement.
- We believethat the disputesthat took placeamong the Prophet's
Companionswere the resultof sincere interpretationsthey rvorked
hard to reach.Whoeverwas right among them would be rervarded
twice, and whoever was wrong among them would be rervarded
once and his mistakewould be forgiven.
- lt is our opinion that we shouldstop talkingabout thcir nristakes
and mention what they deserveof beautiful praise. re should
purify our hearts from hatred and malice against any of them,
becauseAllah said about them, "They are nol equal: thoseamong
you who spent and who fought before the conquestof N,lakkah.
Those are higher in rank than those who spentand fought after-
wards.But to all Allah haspromiseda Ereatreward." (57;10)And
Allah said about us, "And thosewho came after them say: our
Lord, forgiveus and our brotherswho precededus in faith, and do
not put in our heartsany malice againstthosewho have believed.
Our Lord, You arethe most Kind, most Merciful." (59:10)
- We believein the FinalDay, whichis the Day of Judgement,when
peoplewill be resurrectedalive to remainin the abodeof enjoy-
mentor in theabodeof severepunishment.
- We believein Resurrectionwhichis Allah's bringingto life all the
deadwhen Israfil blowsthe Horn for the secondtime, "And the
Trumpetshallbe blown and all who are in the Heavensand who
are in the Earth shall fall down fainting exceptthosethat Allah
shallspare.Then,it shallbeblownagainand theyshallrisegazing
around them." (39:68)Peoplewill stand up from their graves,
answeringthe call of the Lord of the Universe.They aregoingto
be bare-footed,naked, and uncircumcised,"As We startedthe
first creation,so We shall bring it back again.This is a promise
from Us, soWeshallassuredlyfulfil it." (21:104)
- We believein the recordsof deedsthat will be givento peoplein
their right handsor behindtheir backs,in the left hands:"As for
him who is givenhis book in his right hand,he shallsurelyreceive
an easyreckoningand he will returnto his family rejoicing.But as
for him who is givenhis book behindhis back, he shallcall for
destruction on himself and will burn in a Blazing Fire."
(84:.7-12)"Everyman'swork We havefastenedon his own neck,
and on the Day of JudgementWe shallbring out for him a book
which he will seespreadopen, saying, fReadyour own bookf
Enoughfor you this day that your own soul shouldcall you to
- We believethat scalesof deedswill be setup on the Day of Jud-
gementand no soul shall be wronged."Whoever has done an
atom'sweightof goodshallseeit." (9:70E) "Thosewhosescales
arl heavy.theyaie thesuccessful;but thosewhosescalesarelight,
they are the ones who have I'st their souls in Hell dwelling
forever. The Fire will burn their faces,and there they will be
gloomy with lips displaced."(23:102-al "He that doesa good
deedshall be rewardedten timesthe like of it, and he that does
evil shallonly be rewardedthe like of it, and they shallnot be
- We believe in the special great .Intercessionof the prophet
Muhammad,peacebe upon him. He will pleadwith Allah, after
His permissionand on behalfof mankind,to judgeamongHis
servantswhen they suffer from worriesand troubleswhich they
cannotbear.They will go to Adam, thenNoah,thenAbraham,
then to Moses,thento Jesusand finally to ProphetMuhammad,
- We believein the intercessionwhichconcenrssomebelieverswho
wereto be takenout from the Fire. This mediationis grantedto
the Prophet Muhammad, peacebe upon him, and to others
- We believealsothat Allah will savefrom Hell somepeopleamong
the believerswithouttheintercessionof any one,but by His grace
- We believein the Pool of the Prophet,peacebe upon him, the
water of which is whiter than milk and sweeterthan honeyand
betterin fragrancethan musk.Eachof its lengthand width is the
distanceof a month-travel.Its glassesare as starsin beautyand
number. The believersamong the Prophet'sfollowerscome to
take from this greatcisterna drink after whichtheywill neverbe
- We believein the StraightPath isiret) set uD over Hell. people
passover it accordingto their deeds:the first of them as fast as
lighting,then as fast as wind, then as fast as birds, and then as
running men. The Prophetwill be standingon the Path, saying,
"Lord, Save!Save!" Somepeople'sdeedswill fall short.Someof
them will come crawling.At both sidesof the Path there are
hooksthat aredesignedto take whomAllah wills: somearesaved
but bruised;othersarethrowninto Hell. (Bukhiri & Muslim).
- We believein all that is mentionedin the Qur'in or the Prophetic
sayingsconcerningthat day and its horrors, may Allah saveus
from them.
- We believein the intercession(shef6'sh)of ProphetMuhammad,
peacebe upon him, for the peopleof Paradiseto entertherein.
This intercessionis exclusively limited to the Prophet
Muhammad,peacebe uponhim.
- We believein ParadiseandHell. Paradiseistheabodeof enjoyment
which Allah, the Exalted,preparedfor the righteous.The blessing
theyenjoythere,no eyehaseverseen,no earhaseverheardof, and
no humanbcinghaseverthoughtof: "No soulknowswhatcomfort
is kepthiddenfor them,asa rewardfor theirdeeds."(32:17)Hell is
the abodeof punishmentwhichAllah haspreparedfor theunbelie-
versand the evildoers.The tortureand horror in it clnnot be ima-
gined. "Surely, We havepreparedfor the evildoersa fire, whose
pavilionencompassesthem.If theycall for help,theywill behelped
with water like molten copperwhich will scaldtheir faces.How
dreadfula drink andhow evila resting-place!"(18:29)
- Both Paradiseand Hell areexistingnow andtheywill neverperish.
"Whoeverbelievesin Allah and doesrighteousness,He will admit
him to Gardensbeneathwhichriversflow, to dwellthereinfor ever.
Allah had indeedm.adefor him an excellentprovision." (65:ll)
"Certainly,Allah hascursedtheunbelieversand preparedfor them
a blazingFire to dwell thereinforever, theyshall find neitherpro-
tectornor helper.On the day whentheir facesareturnedaboutin
the Fire, they shall say "Would that we had obeyedAlah and
obcyedthe Messenger!"(33:64-6)
- We confirm Paradiseto whomit is confirmedin the Qur'6nor the
Prophetictraditionseitherby nameor desciption. Among those
who are grantedParadiseand mentionedby namesare Ab0 Bakr,
'Umar, 'Uthmiln, 'Ali and otherswho werespecifiedby the Pro-
phet, peacebe upon him (Bukh?lriand Muslim). Among those
whomwe confirm to enterParadisebecausetheyfit thedescription
arethe faithful and thepious.
- We likewiseconfirmHell to whomit is confirmedin theQur'anand
thesayingsof the Prophet,whetherin nameor description.Among
thosewho are meirtionedby namesto be in Hell are Ab'il Lahab,
'Amr lbn Luhai Al-Khuza'i and others(Bukhfri & MuSlim).Con-
firmation of Hell which is ba3edon description includesevery
unbcliever,polytheistor hypocrite.
- we believein theTriarof theGrave,whichisthequestioningof the
deadpersonin his graveabout his Lord, his relijion and iis pro-
phet.There"Allah confirmsthosewhobelievewith tnefirm say,in
the presentrife and the Hereafter."(14:27)The believerwilr say:
"Allah is my Lord,_.lslamis my religion,and Muhammadis my
Prophet."Theunbelieveror thehypocritewill say,.,I don,tknow,
I heardthepeoplesayingsomethingandI saidit.,,
- we believein the comfort of the gravefor the berievers.,,Those
whoselivesthe angelstakein stateof purity,saying,peace
be on
you;enterParadisefor whatyouweredoing'.,,(t6:31)
- we believein the punishmentof the gravefor the transgressing
unbelievers:"rf you courdonryseewhenthe evirdoersare-in rhe
agoniesof death and the angersare stretchingout their hands,
saying,'Give up your souls!Todayyou shallbe rewardedwith the
punishmentof humiriationfor what you usedto sayuntruryabout
Allah,andfor scornfullyrejectingHis signs.,,(6:93iThesayingsof
the Prophetare numerousand welr-knownin this area.e vusri.
mustbelievein ail that is reportedin the eur'6n and prophetictra-
ditionsconcerningthe unseenmatters.He shourdnot contradictit
by his worldly experiencebecausethe affairs of the Hereafter
cannotbe measuredby the affairs of this life. The differencebet-
weenthemis verygreat.Allah is thesourceof help.
- we believein Fate,whethergoodor bad,whichAlrahhasmeasured
and ordainedfor all creaturesaccordingto His previousknowredge
andasdeemedsuitablebv His wisdom.
- Beliefin Fatehasfour levels:
The first level is knowledge:We believethat Allah, may He be
exalted,knowseverything.He knewwhat had happenedand what
will happenand how it will happen.His knowledgeis eternal.He
doesnot acquirea new knowledgenor doeshe forget what He
The secondlevelis Recording:we believethat Altah hasrecorded
in the SecuredTablet (el-Lrwlr el-Mahfodh)whateveris going ro
happenuntil the Day of Judgement."Did you not know that Allah
knowsall that is in Heavenand Earth?Surerythat is in a Book.
Surelythat for AIIahis an easymatter." e2.n
- z t -
The third level is Will: We believethat Allah has willed everything
in the Heaven and Earth. Nothing happensexceptby His will; wha-
tever He wills, will take place; and whatever He does not wish, will
not take place.
The fourth level is Creation: We believethat "Allah is the Creator
of all things;He is the Guardianover all things,and to Him belong
the keys of the Heavensand the Earth." (39:62-3)
The fourth level include whatever Allah Himself does and whatever
His creaturesdo. So, all that peopleperform of sayings,deeds,or
omissions are known to Allah and He has recorded them, willed
them and created them, "To those among you who will to be
upright. But you shallnot will exceptas Allah wills, the Lord of the
Worlds." (81:28-9) "And has Allah willed they would not have
fought one againstthe other; but Allah doeswhateverHe desires."
(2:253)"Had Allah willed, they would not havedone so, but leave
them aloneand their falseinventions." (6:137)"And Allah created
you and what you do." (37:96)
- We believe,however, that Allah has granted man a power and a
freewill by which he performs his action. That man's deedsare by
his power and freewillcan be provenby the following points:
Firstly, Allah's saying,"So approachyour fields (wives)when and
how you will." (2:223) "Had they desiredto go forth, they would
have made some preparationfor it." (9:46) In these'versesAllah
affirmed for man "a going forth" by his will and "a preparation"
by his desire.
Secondly,directingman to do or not to do. If man has no freewill
and power, these directions mean that Allah is asking man to do
that which he cannot. This proposition is rejected by Allah's
wisdom, His mercy and His truthful statementin the verse"Allah
does not chargea soul beyond its capacity." (2:286)
Thirdly, Praising the virtuous for his deedsand blaming the evil-
doer for his actions and rewarding each of them with what he
deserves.If the action is not done by the individual'sfreewill, then
praising the virtuous is a joke and punishing the evildoer is an
injustice, and Allah is, of course, free from joking and being
Fourthly, Allah has sent messengerswho are "bearing good
tidings, and warning, so that mankind might have no argument
against Allah after the messengers."(40:165) If the individual's
action is not performed by his freewill, his argumentis not invali-
dated by the sen{ing of messengers.
Fifthly, every doer of actions feels that he does or does not do a
thing without any coercion. He standsup and sits; comesin and
goesout; travels and staysby his own freewill without feeling any-
body forcing him to do any of theseactions.In fact, he clearlydis-
tinguishes between doing something of his own freewill and
someoneelse forcing him to do that action. The Islamic law also
wisely distinguishesbetween these states of affairs. It does not
punish a wrong-doerfor an action done under compulsion.
- We believethat the sinner has no excusein Allah's Divine Decree
begausehe commits his sin by his freewill, without knowing that
Allah hasdecreedit on him. That is. becauseno one knows Allah's
decreebefore it takes place: "No soul knows what it will earn
tomorrow." (31:34) How can it be possible,then, to presentan
excusethat is not known to the personwho is advancingit when he
commits his offence? Altah invalidated this type of argument in
His saying: "The idolaters will say 'Had Allah willed, we would
not have been idolaters, neither our fathers, nor would we have
forbidden anything.'So did the people before rhem cry lies until
they tasted our might. Say: 'Have you any proofs that you can
show us? You follow nothing but assumption,and you are lying."
(6:148) We say to the sinner who is using Divine Decreeas an
excuse: 'Why
did not you perform deeds of obedience assuming
that Allah has decreedthem upon you since there is no difference
betweenthem and sins in being unknown before they happened
from you? That is why when Prophet Muhammad told his com-
panionsthat everyone'sposition in Paradiseor Hell has beenassi-
gned, they said: "Should not we rely on this and stop working?"
He said: "No, work and every one will be directedto what he is
createdfor," (Bukhdri & Muslim)
We may say to the sinner who is trying to find excusein Divine
Decree:"Suppose,you want to travel to Makkah. There are two roads
that may take you there. You are told by a truthful personthat one of
theseroadsis dangerousand difficult, the otheris easyand safe.You will
takethe secondone. You will not take the first road and sayit is decreed
upon me. If you did, peoplewould consideryou crazy.
We may alsosayto him: "lf you areofferedtwo jobs, oneof them is
higherin salary.You will certainlytake the one with the highersalary.
How comedo you choosdwhat is lower in rhe Hereafterand useDivine
Decreeas an excuse?"
We may further sayto him: "We seeyou whenyou areinflictedwith
a disease,you knock everyphy'sician'sdoor looking for treatmentand
bearingwhateverpain that may resultfrom surgicaloperationsand the
bitternessof medicine.Why do not you do the samewhenyour heartis
spirituallysickwith sins?"
- We believethat evil shouldnot be attributedto Allah becauseof His
perfect mercy and wisdom. The Prophet said: "And cvil is not
attributableto You." (Muslim) Thus, Allah's decreeby itself has
no evil whatsoeverbecauseit is coming from mercy and wisdom.
Evil may, however,result lrom someof His decrccs,becausethe
Prophct said in the supplicillionfor gunIl which hc taught to
al-Hasan: "And protect us from the evil of what You decreed"
(Tirmithi & Others)Here, thc Proplrctattributedo'il to what Hc
decreed.Despitethis, evil in His decreeis not pure evil. lt is rather
evil in one respect,good in anothcror it is cvil in onc case,and good
in another.Thus, corruption in the land resultingfrom drought,
disease,poverty and fear is evil, but it is good in another rcspccl.
Allah, the Exaltedsaid: "Corruption hasappearcdon thc land and
seafor what men's hands haveearned.Allah has ordainedthis for
men, so that they may tastesomeo[ what they havedone, in ordcr
that theymay rurn back (frornevil)." (30:41)Cuttingoff the thief's
hand or stoningthe adultereris an evil thing for the thief and the
adulterer,but it is good for them in one respectbecauseit is a puri-
ficatidn for them so that the punishment of this life and thc
Hereafter are not combined for them. lt is also good in anothe!'
respect.The application of these punishment is a protection ol'
property, honors, and relationships.
- 30-
f'his rublirnc'bclief which includesthose great principlesbears
numcrousand usefultypesof fruits for whoeverbelievesin it.
Virtuesof Beliefin Allsh:
. Beliefin Allah,HisNamesandHisAttributesinstilsin theindividual
Allah's loveand His glorificationthat resultin performingAllah's ins'
tructionsandavoidingHis proscriptionswhicharethemeansof achiev'
ing ultimat,'happinessin thislife andtheHereafterfor theindividualas
r.r'ellasthesociety."Whoever,maleor female,doesrighteousdeed,while
themaccordingto thebestof theirrleeds."(16:97)
I'irluesof Beliefin theAngels:
Firstly.appreciatingtheDignityof Allah,HismightandHissovereignty.
Secondh.uratitudetowardAllah becauseHe putssomeof theangelr
in chargeof His servantsrrecordingtheirdeedsand otherthingsthat
. lorc and admirationfor the angelsbecauseof what theyare
doing, namely,*orshipping Allah in the best possiblemannerand
prayingfor thebelievers.
Virtuesof Beliefin theBooks:
I irsttl, appreciatingAllah'smercyandcarefor Hispeoplein thatHesent
dou'na Bookto everynationfor theirguidance.
Secondll'.appreciatingAllah's WisdombecauseHe revealedin these
Booksto everynationwhatsuitthem.ThegloriousQur'6nis thefinal
amongtheseBooksandit issuitableto allpeopleatalltiinesuntiltheDay
of Judgement.
Thirdly,showinggratitudefor Allah'smercyin revealingtheseBooks.
I'irtuesof Beliefin Messengers:
finitly. apprc'ciatingAllah'smercyandcarefor His proplefor sending
themthosegreatmcssengersto guidethemto thestraightPath'
Secondll,thankingAllahfor thisgreatfavour.
Thirdly.lovingand respectingthe Prophetsand praisingthemin what
-31 -
His people.TheyworshippedAllah accordingto thebestof their.ability,
conveyedHis messageto mankind,gavesincereadviseto themandbore
patientlywhateverhurt theyreceived.
Virtuesof Beliefin the Day of Judgement:
Fintly, endeavorto obeyAllah to gettherewardof thatdayandto avoid
His disobediencefor fearof His punishment.
Secondly,a consolationfor thebelieverfor whateverhemissesof worldly
enjoymentby what he hopesto gain of blessingsand rewardof the
Virlues of Belief in Fateend Divine l)ecree:
Firstly, dependenceon Allah whendoing any actionbecauseboth the
causeandeffectaretheresultof Allah's decree.
Secondly,easeof mind andcomfortbecausewhentheindividualknows
that everythingis by Allah's decreeand'thatmishapsaregoingto take
placeanyway,hissoulwill beat easeandhisheartwill besatisfiedwith
Allah's decree.No onehasmorecomforiablelife, worry-freesoul,and
strongerconfidencethana believerin Fate.
Thlrdly,freedomfrom arrogancewhena goalisachievedbecausethisisa
blessingfrom Allah throughwhatHe decreedof thecausesof goodand
success.TheindividualshouldthankAllah for thatandfreehimselffrom
}'ourthly,freedomfrom worryandboredomin caseof failureor mishap
becausethat is by Allah's decreewho possessesthe Heavensand the
Earth. Sincethat is goingto happenanywa)',the individualshouldbe
patientandhopefor therewardfrom Allah.
Allah poins to the lasttwo virtuesby thefollowingverse:
"No misfortunecanhappenonearthor in yourselvesbutisrecorded
in a decreebeforeWebringit into existence,thatisreallyeasyfor Allah;
that you may not grievefor what escapesyou, nor rejoicein what has
cometo you..Allahdoesnot loveanyvaingloriousboaster."(57:22-3)
Weprayto Allah,theExalted,lo rewardusI'orthisbeliel',to realize
for usits fruits,to increaseour blessings,to keepuson theRightPathto
whichHe hasguidedus,andto bestowon usa blessingfrom Him, He is
indeedthe Giver. Praiseand gratitudebe to Allah, the Lord of the
Worlds and peaceand blessingsbe on the ProphetMuhammad,his
family, hisCompanions,and thosewho rightly follow them.
English 063

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  • 1.
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS - Translator'sForeward - ShaikhIbn Baz'sPreface - Author'sIntroduction ChapterI - Beliefin Allah's Lordship,Oneness,and Attributes Allah'sWill: UniversalandLegal Moreof Allah'sArtributes DescribingAllah by His Revelation chapterrl : il::::;.::#'o.lll,-, contradi. tions ChapterIII - Angel'sFunctions ChapterIV - Beliefin Allah'sBooks - Booksknown - TheQur'a-nProtectedfrom Change - PreviousScripturesChanged. ChapterV - Beliefin l,lessengers - TheFirstendLastMessengers - TheBestMessengers
  • 4. - MessengersareHumanbeings - Islam:TheUniversalandFinalMessage - RightlyGuidedcaliphs - Prophet'sCompanions ChapterVI - Beliefin theAngels - Beliefin Resurrection - Beliefin RecordsandScales - TheProphet'sIntercession - TheStraightPath Beliefin ParadiseandHell - Beliefin WhatHappensin theGrave ChapterVII - Beliefin Fateand DivineDecree - Levelsof Beliefin Fate - Man'sFreeWill - FateNo Excusefor Sinners - Evil Not Attributablero Allah ChapterVIII - Virtuesof Beliefin Allah - Virtuesof Beliefin Angels - Virtuesof Beliefin Books - Virtuesof Beliefin Messengers - Virtuesof Beliefin Day of Judgement - Virtuesof Beliefin Fate.
  • 5. TRANSLATOR'SFOREWARD ln the Name of Allah. Mosl Grgcious, Most Merciful I found this treatiseof the Muslim's creeda conciseand useful pre- sentationof a very important topic. The needfor this treatise,especially among the non-Arabic speakingreaders.cannot be over-estimated.The- refore, I decidedto transalteit and make it accessableto English readers. I would like to draw the attention of the readersto the following points: l. I gavethe book the title THE MUSLIM'S BELIEF insteadof the author's'Agidat Ahl rs Sunnahwe-l-Jami.ahwhich may be trans- lated asThe Creedof the Peopleof Sunnahand Mejority. I think my preferenceis justified by: a) The title I preferredis shorter b) The two titlesmeanalmostthe same c) The originaltitle containssometechnicaltermsthat arenot only difficult to translate,but alsodifficult to understandby many rea- ders. d) The original title may antogonizesomereaderswho are misin- formed about the true designationsof the words in the original title. 2. I provided,in parenthesesafter everyQur'dnic verse,the numbers cf chaptersand versesquoted by the author without giving their proper reference. This I deemed useful for readers who do not know the Qur'an by heart and would like to check any of these verses. 3. Becausethe author, in most cases,quotesor paraphrasessomeof the Prophetictraditions without indicatingthem to the readers.I tried, wheneverI could recognizethesetraditions,to put them in quotationsand to cite in parenthesesthe Propheticcollectionsin which they are reporred.In most casesI limited myselfto Bukhari and Muslim collections,wheneverthesayingis quotedin them. If it is not in thesetwo collections,'lmention one or two of the other collectionsthat contain the quoted saying. 4. I providedthe arrangementof the textinto chaptersand headlines for easeof readingand understanding.I also provideda table of contentsfor easeof reference. -5-
  • 6. 5. ln translatingthe Qur'6nic versesquotedin this treatise,I did not follow any specific translation of the Qur'in. I benefitedfrom more than one, but followed my own preference. It is my sinceredesireand hopethat this book would be of greathelp to thosewho consultit. Pleaseincludein your prayerall thosewho con- tributed to its presentshape. M.J. -6-
  • 7. PREFACEBY SHAIKH ABD AL.AZIZ IBN BAZ In the Name of Allah. Most Gracious.lfost llerciful. Praisebelongsto Allah arone;pcaceand brc.'rirr,ron the last pro- phet,his familv and hiscompanions. I wasintroduccdto rhelaluableanclconcisctrcatisr.on theMurlim.s belief preparcdb1'our brorher. rhe -ereatschotar.shaikh N{uhanrrnad as-sdlehal-Urhaimin.I lisrcnc.clttrit all and t'ound;harir coversthecrccd of the Sunnircsand themai' strcanlmajorityof llrciluslims, in thc arca of the onenessof Allah. His A,rrributes,thc bcricfin rhe Angers.thc Booksand rhe Da1'of Judgemenrand in the bcliefof Fateanc!Di'inc Decree.He'succccdcdin collcctinguhar rhc seckcrof knorr'lcdgcand L''cr)tuslim nccdin hisbelic.t'inAIlah. Hir ,ngel,.His Scriptures.His messc'ngers,the Da1.ol'Judgcnr.'nranciFutc.Hc incltrrlc<l in his trcatiseuscfulintormationrclareclro thc lrtuslim,sbelicfsrharare not readilya'ailablcin manyof the bookswrirrenon rhesetopics.May Allah re'*'ardrhc aurhor, incrcasehim in knouredgcand guidance,ancl make this book and his othcr books mosr uselul. ilay-Allah the Hcarer and the Close,blessusand him and all our brothersanclmakeusamong thosewho areguidingand righrlyguidedto call peopleto Allah uirh surc knowledge. Dictatcdbv 'Abd al-Azizihn Baz.nrly Allah forgivchint und showerpeaccand blessingon<rurProphcrltuhamnrad,his l':rmi11..and his companions. - 7 -
  • 8. AUTHOR'S INTRODUCTION In the Nameof Allah, Most Gracious,Mosl Merciful. Praisebeto the Lord of theuniversewho giresthebestrewardto tlrc godfearingand the greatlossto the transgressor.I bearwitnessthat there is no God but Allah; He hasno partnerand possessesrealsovereignty.I bear witnessthat Muhammad is His servantand messenger;the sealof the Prophetsand the leaderof the godfearing.May Allah blesshim and blesshis family, companionsand thosewho follow them till the Day of Judgement. Allah hassentHis messengerMuhammad, peacebe upon him' with the realguidanceandthe true religionasa mercyto mankind,a modelfor those who do good, and Allah's argumentagainstmankind. Through Mumhammadand what wasrevealedto him, namely,the Qur'6n and the Propheticsayings,Allah showedmankind all meansof reforming them- selvesand straighterringtheir religious and mundane affairs in sound beliefs,right conducts,fine morals,and laudablemanners.The Prophet, peacebe upon him, 'left his followers' on a clear straight path, only the doomedwill deviatefrom it." (lbn Mdjah & Ahmad) His followers,the companiorrs,their followers and thosewho faithfully followed them are the bestof mankind. They establishedhis law, upheldhis way and held fastto it asa beliefand piactice,a moral and manner.By this, "They are consideredthe party who are victorious, on the straight path, unharmed by thosewho are againstthem till the end of the world." (Bukhiri & Muslirl). We, thanks to Allah, are following their footstepsand guided by their exampleswhich are supportedby the Qur'dn and the Prophetic tra- ditions.We are sayingthis only asan announcementof Allah's blessings and clarificationof what everyMuslim shouldbelieve.We pray to Allah that He may keepusand our brotherson the straightpath in this life and in the Hereafter and give us mercy from Him, He is the Giver. It is beeauseof the importance ol this topic and the difference of opinions about it, that I want to briefly explain our creed- the belief of the Sunnites and the main stream Muslims (Ahl as-Sunneh wr-l-Jami'ah). This creedis the beliefin Allah, His Angels,His Books, His Messengers,the Day of Judgement,and Fate whethergood or bad. I prav to Allah to make this effort sincerefor His sake,in agreementwith Hrs wish, and useful for His people. M.S.U. - 8 -
  • 9. CHAPTERI OUR CREED Our creedis to believein Allah, His Angels,His Books,His Mes- sengers,the Day of Judgertrent,andFatewhethergoodor bad. Beliefin Allah's Lordship,Oneness,snd Attributes - Webelievein Allah'sDivinity,thatisHeistheLord,theCreator,the Sovereign,andtheManagerof all affairs. - WebelieveinAllah'sCodship;thatis,He istheTrueGodandevery otherdeityis false. - We believein His Namesand Attributes,that is He hasthe mosr magnificentNamesandthesublimeperfectAttributes. - We believein His Onenessin all this,that is, He hasno associatein HisDivinity,HisGodship,HisNames,or HisAttributes.Allahsays in the Qur'6n: "He is the Lord of theHeavensandtheEarthandall that is in betweenthem, so worshipHim and be patientin His worship,do you knowanyequalto Him." (19:65) - We believethat He is "Allah thereis no Cod but He, the Livingthe Everlasting.Slumberdoesnot seizeHim, neithersleep;to Him belongsall that is in the Heavensand the Earth. Who is therethat shallintercedewith Him exceptby Hispermission?He knowswhatis beforethemand whatis behindthem,and theydo not emcompass anythingof His knowledgeexceptwhatHewills.HisThroneextends overthe Heavensand the Earth;the preservationof themdoesnot burdenHim; He is theHigh,theGreat."(2:255) - We believethat "He is Allah, thereis no godbut He - theKnower of theUnseenandtheVisible,He is theMostGracious,MostMer- ciful. He is Allah,thereis no Godbut He,theKing,theHoly One, the Sourceof Peace,the Keeperof Faith, the Guardian, the Almighty, the Subduer,theSublime.Glory be to Allah abovewhat they associatewith Him. He is Allah, the Creator,the Maker, the Shaper,His arethe mostbeautifulNames.All thatisin theHeavens and the Earth glorfiesHim. He is the Almighty, the Wise." t59:22-4) - Webelievethat to Him belongsthekingdomof theHeavensandthe Earth: "He createswhat He pleases.He gives,to whom He wills, females,andHe gives,to whomHewills,males,.or Hecouplesthem, malesandfemales;andHe makeswhomHe willsbarren.Surely,Hc is the Knowing.the Powerful." (42:49-50). -9-
  • 10. We believethat "There is nothing whateverlike unto Him, He is thc All-Hearing, the AII-Seeing.To Him belongsthe keys of the Hea- vensand the Earth. He enlargesand restrictsprovisionsto whom He wills. SurelyHe has knowledgeof everything." (42:l l-12). We believethat "There is no creaturethat movesin the Earth but its provision dependson Allah. He knows its dwelling and its resting place.AII is recordedin a clear Book." (l l:6) We believethat "With Him are the keysof the Unseen;none knows them but He. He knows what is in land and sea;not a leaf falls, but He knows it. Not a grain in the deepdarknessof the Earth, not a thing greenor dry but it is in a clearBook." (6:59). We believethat "Allah alone hasthe knowledgeof the Hour, sends down rain, and knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it shall earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it shall die. Surely,Allah is All-knowing, All-aware." (31:34) We believe that Allah speakswbatever He pleaseswhenever[{e pleases"And Allah spoke to Mosesdirectly." Q:164) "And when Mosescame at Our appointedplace,and his Lord spoke to him." (7:143)"We calledto him from the right sideof the Mount (Sinai), and We brought him near in communion." (19-52) We believethat "If the oceanbecameink for the words of my Lord, the ocean would be finished before the words of my Lord came lo an end." (18:109)"And if all the treesthat are in the earth were pens,and the ocean(wereink), with sevenoceansswellingit there- fore, the words of Allah would not be exhausted.Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise." (31:27). We believethat Allah's words are the most truthfirl in conveying information, the most just in ruling, and the fairestin conversation. He said, "The word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice." (6:l15) "And who is more truthful in his word than Allah?" (4:74). We believethat the Qur'an is Alllh's words. He literally spokeit to Gabriel who conveyedit to the Prophet, peacebe upon him: "Say (O Muhammad) the Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth." (16:102)"Truly it is the revelationof the Lord of the worlds brought down upon your heart by the Faithful Spirit sc that you may be one of the warners,in a clearArabic tongue." (26:192-5) We believethat Allah is well abovehis creaturesin His personand His Attributes, becauseHe says, "He is the High, lhe Great." -10-
  • 11. (2:255)"He is SupremeoverHis servants,and He is the Wise.the All-aware."(6:l8). - We believethatHe "createdtheHeavensandtheEarthin sixdays, then He settledHimselfon the Throne;He manageseverything." (i0:3) His "settlingon the Throne" meansthat He is sittingin personon HisThronein a waythatis becomingto His Majestyand greatness.NobodybxceptHe knowsexactlyhow He is sitting. - We believethat He is with His crearureswhile He is still on His Throne.He knowstheirconditions,hearstheirsayings,seestheir deedsand managestheiraffairs.He providesfor thepoor'andthe broken.He givessovereigntyto whom He pleasesand takesaway sovereig,ntyfrom whom He pleases;He exaltswhom He wills and He abaseswhom He wills. In His hand is all good and He is powerful over everything.Whoeverpossessesthesequalititesis literallywith His creaturesevenif He is literallyaboverhemon His Throne."There is nothingwhatsoeverlike unto Him; He is the All-hearing,theAll-seeing." (42:lll - We do not say as the Incarnationistsamongthe Jahomitesand otherssay,that is, Allah is living with His creatureson Earth. We considerwhoeversaysthis a non-believeror strayingawaybecause heattributedto Allah that doesnot becomeHim of defects. - We believein what His Messengertold us that He descendsto the nearskybeforethelastthird of everynightandsays:"Who prays to Me andI will answerhisprayers?WhoasksfMeand I will give him?Who asksmy forgivenessand I will forgivehim?(Bukhari& Muslim). - We believethat He will comeat the Day of Judgementto judge amongHis peoplebecauseHe said,"No indeed!whentheEarthis crushedto powder,and your Lord comesdownwith the angelsin rowsafterrows,andHellis broughtour thatday.On thatdayman will remember, but what will rememberanceavail him?" (89:21-23) - WebelievethatHe is theDoerof whatHe wills. - 1'l-
  • 12. ALLAH'S WILL: UNIVERSAL AND LEGAL - We believethat His will is of two kinds: Universal will: through which His intention is carried out. It is not necessarythat what is carriedout is liked by Him. This type of will means permission,asAllah said, "Had Allah willed, they would not havefought one againstthe other, but Allah doeswhateverHe desires,"(2:253)and "If Allah desiresto leadyou astray,He is your Lord." (ll:34). Legal will: which does not necessarilyentail that the execution of His desire.The will, in this case,cannot be but what He likes, as He said, "Allah wants to forgive you." (4:21) - We believethat His universaland legal wills are part of His wisdom. Every thing He performs in the universeor requireslegally from His creaturesis for a good reason and according to His wisdom, whe- ther we grasp it or it escapesour reasons:"ls not Allah the best of Judges?" (95-9), "And who is better than Allah in judgement for a peoplewho havefirm faith." (5:50) - We believethat Allah lovesHis selectservantsand they love Him: "Say if you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you," (3:31) "Allah will bring a people whom He will love and who will love Him", (5:45) "Allah lovesthe steadfast," (3:146)"And act justly, surely, Allah loves the just," (49:9) and "Do good; Allah loves thosewho do good." (5:93) - We believethat Allah likes what He prescribedof good deedsand sayingsand He dislikeswhat He prohibitedof bad deedsand sayings:"If you disbelieve,surelyAllah doesnot needyou, yet He does not like disbelief for His servants;if you are thankful, this pleasesHim," (39:7), "But Allah dislikedtheir marching forth. So He kept them back, and it was said to them: "Stay with the weak- lings." (9:aQ. - We believethat Allah is pleasedwith thosewho believein Him and do good deeds: "Allah is well pleasedwith them and they are well pleasedwith Him. That is for him who fearshis Lord." (98:8) - We believethat Allah is angry with those who deserveHis anger among the non-believersand others; "And those who think evil thoughts of Allah, againstthem shall be the evil turn of fortune. Allah is angry with them." (48:6)"But whoeveropenshis heart to disbelief, on them is Allah's wrath and they shall have a severe p"rnishment." (16:106). -12-
  • 13. MORE OF ALLAH'S ATTRIBUTES - We believethat Allah hasa gloriousand dignified face: "There will reinainthe faceof your Lord, majesticand splendid." (55:27) - We believe that Allah has two generoushands: "No, both His handsare wide open; He spendshow He pleases,"(5:64)"They do not esteemAllah with the esteemthat is due to Him. The whole Earth will be His handful on the Day of Resurrection,and the Heavenswill be rolled up in His right hand. Glory be to Him and exaltedis He abovethat which they associatewith Him." (39-67) - We believethat Allah possessestwo real eyes, becauseHe said, "And build the ark under Our eyesas We reveal." (ll:37) The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "His veil is light. Had He removedit, the sublimity of His countenancewould have burnt all that His sight reached." (Muslim & Ibn Mijah) The Sunnitesuna- nimously have agreedthat His eyesare two. This is supportedby the Prophet's sayingabout rhe Dajjdl (the anri-Christ)that "he is one-eyedand your Lord is not one-eyed."(Bukhiri & Muslim) - We believethat "Eyes cannot perceiveHim, but He perceivesthe eyes,He is the Incomprehensible,the All-aware."(6:103) - We believethat the believerswill see their Lord on the Day of Resurrection:"Upon that day some facesshall be radiant, gazing upon their Lord." (15:22-3) - We believethat Allah has no equalbecauseHis Attributes are per- fect: "There is nothing whatsoeverlike unto Him. He is the All- Hearing,the All-Seeing."(42:ll) - We believethat "No slumberor sleepseizesHim," (2:255)because His life is perfectand eternal. - We believethat He does not do injusticeto anybody becauseHis fairnessis perfect. - We believethat He is not unawareof His servants'deedsbecauseof His perfectsupervisionand comprehensiveknowledge. - We believethat He is capableof doing anythingin the Heavensor in the Earth becauseof His perfectknor.rledgeand power: "lndeed His command,when He desiresa thing, is only to say to it 'Be' and it is." (36:82) - We believethat He is free from wearinessand weaknessbecauseof His super-power:"Surely, We createdthe Heavensand the Earth and all that is betweenthem in six days, and no wearinesstouched Us."(50:38). -13-
  • 14. DESCRIBINGALLAH Webelievein all that describedHim with. concepts: l) To sayor believe Hiscreatures: BY HIS REVELATIOI He assignedto Himsell'orwhat His Messeng:r of names and attributes; but we reject two that Allah's Attributes are similar to thoseof 2) To say or believethat Allah's Attributesare like suchand such. We negateall what He negatedabout Himself or what His Messenger negatedabout Him. We believethat negationimplies the affirmation of a perfect opposite. We do not discusswhat He or His Messenger did not mention about Him. We believethat following this apprach is a must becausewhat Allah affirmed or negated concerning Himself is a statement He made about Himself. He knows Himself best,His words are most just and trustful and people cannot know everything about Him. What Aliah's Messengeraffirmed or negatedabout Him is a statementhe made about Allah. Besidesknowing Allah bettcr than anyone,he is the most truthful, sincereand eloquentamongpeople.Thus, in what Allah said and what His prophet said concerningHis Names and Attributesis truth, knowledge,and clarification.Therefore,we have no execuseto reject or even hesitatein acceptingit. -14-
  • 15. PART II THE QUR(AN ANI) SUNNAH: SOURCESOF HIS ATTRIBUTES All that we mentionedabout Allah's Altributeswhetherbriefly or in detail,affirmalivelyor negatively,is basedon the Book of our Lord and the traditionsof our alsoagreeswith the practiceof the pre- vious generationsof Muslimsand the rightly guidedscholarswho gnms afterthem. We believeit is obligator;-to take the textsof the Qur'an and the ProphetictraditionsconcerningAllah's Attributesat their facevalueand interpretthem in a way that is suitableto Almighty Allah. We rejectthe practiceof thosewho twistedthe meaningsof thesetextsand understood them in a way.lhat wasnot intendedby Allah and His messenger. We alsorejectthe practiceof thosewho madethem devoidof their meaningsasconveyedby Allah and His Messenger.We finally rejectthe approachof the exaggerationistswho gavethem a pnysicalinterpretation that makesAllah similarto someof His creatures. THU QUR'AN AND SUNNAII: SOURCUSOI HtS ATTRIBUTES We knorvfor surethat what is revealedin Allah's Book and in the traditionsof His Messengeris the truth. lt doesnot containanycontra- diction:"Do theynot ponderovertheQur'dn?If it hadbeenfrom other than Allah, surelythey would have fotrnd in it a lot of differences." (4:82) Contradictionsin statementsfalsifylhem, and this is impossiblein thosestatemerrtsrevealedfrom Allah and saidby l{is Messenger,peace beuponhim. /lroo'erclaimsthattherearccontradiclionsin theQur'an, tht'l'ronhetictraditionsor betueenthetrr'omusthaveuickcdintention anda misguidedheart.So he shouldrepentand quit hissitr.ll'sonreone inraginesthatthcrcarcornecotttritdictitttrsilrtheQur'an,tlresayingsof the Prophctor bclweenlheselrv<,r,thismustbea resultof hislittleknow- ledge,inadequateunderstandingor lackol deepthinking.Therefore,he shouldseekknorvledgeanddo hisbest'inreflectionuntil thetruth is clear to him. lf afterall theseefforts,the truth is not clearto him, he should leavethe wholematterlo theOnewho knowsit andshouldquit hisima- ginationand sayasthosefirmly rootedin knowledgesay:"We believein it. all is from orrrI ord " (l:7) He muslknorrthatthereareneithercon- tradictionsnor differencesin theOur'an,theSunnahor betueenthetwo. - l l -
  • 16. CHAPTER III BELIEF IN ANGELS - We believein the existenceof the angelsof Allah and that they are ,,honouredservants.Theydo not speakbeforeHe does,andtheyact only by His command."(2l.26l Allah createdthemand theywors- hippedandobeyedHim. Thosewhoareat His presencedo notdisdain to worshipHim, nor do theyweary."(21:19) - Angclsareconcealedfrom us,wecannotseethem'Allah mayshow themto someof His servants.TheProphetMuhammadsawcabriel in his reatshapewith six hundredwingsthat coveredthe horizons (Bukhlri & Muslim).Gabrieltook the form of a handsomehuman beingwho metMary andexchangedconversationwith her.Hecame to the Prophetwhile he wasamonghis companionsin the appea- ranceof anunknownmanwhodid not showanytraceof longtravel, with very whiteclothesand veryblackhair. He sat facingthe Pro- phet:his kneesto the Prophet'sknees,peacebe upon him, and his patmsontheProphet'sthighsandtalkedwiththeProphet.The-Prophet lat€rtold hiscompanionsthatthemantheysawwasGabriel (Brrkhiri& Muslim). ANGEL'S FUNCTIONS - We believetbat theangelsareassignedcertainfunctions.Amongthe angelsisGabrielwhoisentrustectwith revelation.He bringsit down rrom nttatr to whomeverHe wishesamongHis Prophetsand Mes- sengers. Amongthemis Michaelwho is in chargeof rain and plantation. Amongthemalsois tsraftLwhois in chargeof blowingthe Horn at the time oi Thunderbolringand ftesurreclion,Amongthemis theAngelof death,who takesar"af people'ssoulsat thetimeof death'Amongthe angeliistheonewhoisin chargeof mountain;andMalik,thekeeperof Hell. Someangelsareinchargeofembryosinwombs,othersareresp siblefor protectingthehumanbeingsandotherangelsarebusyin recor- ding men'sdeeds:two angelsfor everyperson,"when the two angels ,"..iu. (hisdeeds),onesittingon therightandoneon theleft, notaword hf utteribut by himisanobserverready."(50:18)Someotherangelsare in chargeof questioningthe deedafter he is put in his lastabode.Two angelscometo him and askhim abouthis Lord, his Religion,andhis -16-
  • 17. Prophet.There"Allah confirmsthosewho believewith thefirm say,in the presentlife and the Hereafter,and Allah leadsastraytheevildoers andAllah doeswhatHe wills." (14:27) Someof theangelsarein chargeof thedwellersof Paradise:"The angelsenterto themfrom everygate,saying'peacebeuponyou for that you werepatient.How excellentis your final home." (13:24) The Prophet,peacebe upon him, told us that seventythousand angelsenteror prayin the PopulousHousein Heaveneveryday.They nevercomebackto it aslongastheylive." (becausetheirturn will never come)(Bukhiri & Muslim). - 1 7 -
  • 18. CHAPTER IV BELIEF IN ALLAH'S BOOKS - We believethat Allah revealedBooks to His Messengcrsas pr'oof against nankind and a guidance for the righteous workers. They purified nd taught them wisdom by theseBooks. - We be e that Allah sent down a Book with every Messenger becaur He says "lndeed We sent down our Messengerswith the clear signs, and We sent down with them the Book and the Ilalanceso that peoplemay uphold justice." (57:25) BOOKS XNOWN Among theseBooks we know the following: I The Torrh which wasrevealedto Moses,peacebe upon him. lt is the grealcstamong the lsraelites'books. "Surely, f,'e sclrt down the Torah, whercinis guidanceand light; by its laws tltc Jcrrshavebeerr judged by the Prophets who surrenderedthemselveslo Allah, the rabbis and the doctors of law becau:;elhey were entrustedthe pro- tectionof Allah's book and werewitnessesthereto." (5:44) 2. The GospelrvhichAllah revealedto Jesus,peacebe uporrhim. lt is a confirrnation of the T0rah and a complementto it. "And we gave him the Gospel, *'herein is guidanceand light and confirming the Torah before it, as a guidance and an admonition to th, godfearing." (5:46)"And to make lawful to you certairrthingsthat, trefore,were forbidden to you." (3:50) 3. The Psalmswhich Allah gaveto David, peacebe upon ltitlr. 4. Tablelsof Abraham lnd Moses,peacebe upon them. 5. The Glorious Qur'an which was revealed to l{is Prophet Itlulrammad, the Seal of the Prophets. ll is "a guidanceto the pcoplc and clear signsof guidanceand criterion bet'cct.lright and u rong." (2:I85) TI{E QIJR'AN lS PROTECTED ['ROM CHANGII Ihe Qur'an is "confirming the scripture that was bcfore it and standsasa guardianoverit." Thus,by theQur'an Allah ablogatedall the ptcvi6n5Books.Allah hasalsoguaranteedits protectionlrotn anyplayor nriscnievousdistortion. "lndeed, We sentdorvnthe messagcand We will gtrardit." (15:9)That is becausethe Qur'an is a proof againstmankind till the f)ay of Judgement. .-18-
  • 19. PREVIOUS SCRIPTURES CHANGEI.) The previousscripturrsweremeant for a limited period that ended with the revelationof what abrogatedthcm and exposedwhat had takcn placein them of distortion and change.That is why they were not pro- tectedfrom corruption. They underwentdistortion, addition and omis- sion. "Some of the Jewspervertwords from their meanings."(4:46)"So woe to thosewho write the Book with their hands,and then say, 'This is from Allah,' that they may sel. it for a little price. So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for their earnings." (2:79)"Say, who sentdown the Book that Mosesbroughtasa light anda guidanceto people?You put it into sheetsof papershowingsomeof thent and concealingmuch." (6:91) "And thereis a group among them who twist their tongueswith the Book, that you may think it is a part of the Book, but it is not part of the Book. And theysay 'lt is from Atlah,' yetit is not from Allah, and they tell a lie againstAllah and they know it. lt is not for any humanbeingto whom Allah hasgiventhe Book, the Wisdom and the Prophethood to say to men "Worship me intead of Allah," (3:J8-70) "People of the Book! Our Messengerhas come to you, making clear to you many thingsyou havebeenconcealingof the Book and forgiveyou much. A light hascometo you from Allah anda glorious Book, with u'hichHe will guidewhoeverfollows His pleasurein the way of peace,and bringsthem forth from darknessinto the light by His will." (5:I 5- l6) -19-
  • 20. CHAPTERV BELIEF IN MESSENGERS - We believethat Allah has sent to His peoplemessengerswho were "bringing good tidings and warning, so that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers.Allah is All- mighty, All-wise." (4:165) THE FIRST AND LAST MESSENGERS - We believethat the first among the Messengersis Noah and the last is Muhammad, peacebe upon them all. "We revealedto you as We revealedto Noah and the Prophets after hiin." (a:163) "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the Mes- sengerof Allah and the Sealof the Prophets." (33:40) THE BEST MESSENGERS - We believe that the best among the messengersis Muhammad, then Abraham, then Moses, then Noah and then Jesus,son of Mary. It is they who are meant by the following Qur'inic verse: "And when We took compact from the Prophets,and from you, and from Noah. and Abraham, Moses,and Jesus,son of Mary. We took from them a solemncompact." (33:7) - We believe that Muhammad's message,peacebe upon him, includesall the merits of the messagesof those dignified messen- gers becauseAllah says,"He ordained for you that He enjoined on Noah and what He revealedto you and what He enjoinedon Abraham Mosesand Jesus,namely, establishedthis faith and be unitedin it." (42:13) MESSENGERSARE HUMAN BEINGS - We believe that all messenSersare created human beings who have none of the divine qualities of Allah. Allah, the Exalted. said about Noah. who was the first among them, "l do not sayto you,'l possessthe treasuresof Allah,' I do not know the unseen, and I do not say: 'l am an angel'." (ll:31) Allah directed Muhammad who is the last among them to say: "I do not say to you I possessthe treasuresof Allah, nor do I know the unseen, and I do not say to you 'l am an angel." (6:50) And to say: "l have no power to bring profit or hurt for myself, but as Allah -20-
  • 21. wills." (7:188) And also to say: "1 have no power to hurt or benefit you. Say none can protect me from Allah, nor can I find any refugebesidesHim." (72:21-2) - we believe that the messengersare among Allah's servants.He blessedthem with the messageand describedthem as servants,in the context of praising and honouring them. So, He saysabout Noah, the first among them: .,you., are the descendantsof those whom We carried with Noah, he was a truly thankful servant." (l7:3) Allah said about the last among them, Muhammad, peacebe upon him: "Blessedbe He who sentdown the eur'dn to His servant,that he may warn mankind." (25:I) He saidabout someother messengers:,,And mention our servantsAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob men of might and vision." (38:45)"And rememberour servantsDavid who wasa mighty andpenitentman." (38:l7) "And to David,wegaveSoloman,hewasan excellentand penitentservant." (38:30) Allah saidabout Jesus,sonof Mary: ,,He isonly a servantwhom We blessedand we madehim an exampleto the childrenof Isreal." (63:59) - we believethat Allah concludedall messageswith the messageof Muhammad, peacebe upon him, to all peoplebecauseAllah said: "Say, 'O mankind, I am Allah's messengerto you all. To Him belongsthe Kingdom of the Heavensand the Earth; There is no god but He. He ordains life and death. So believein Allah and His messenger,the unletteredprophet who believesin Allah and His words. Follow him so that you may be rightly guided." (7:I 58) ISLAM: THE UNIVERSAL AND FINAL MESSAGE - we believethat rhe Sharijah of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the religion of Isram which Ailah has chosenfor His servantsand does not accept from anyone other rerigion, becauseAllah, the Exalted, said,,,Surely, rhe true religio-nin Allah's sight is Islam," (3:19)and.He also said, ..Today I have perfectedyour religion for you and I have completedmy favour upon you, and I have chosenlslam to be your religion.,,(5:3) And "whoever desiresa religionother than Isram,it wilr neverbe acceptedfrom Him, and in rhe Hereafrer he will be among the losers."(3:85) -21 -
  • 22. - lt is our opinion that whoeverclaimsthe acceptabilityof any existingreligiontoday- otherthan lslam- suchas Judaisnt, Christianityandsoforth, is a non-believer.l{e shouldbeaskedto repent,if hedoesnot, he mustbe killedasan apostatebecausehe is rejectingtheQur'an. It is alsoour opinionthat whoeverrejectstheuniversalmessageof Nluhamntad,peacebe uponhim, is rejedtingthemessageof all messen- gers,evenif heclaimsthat hebelievesandfollowshismessenge. Allah, the Exalted,said:"Noah's peoplerejectedthe messengers."(26:105) Thus,Allah consideredthemrejectingall themessengersdespitethefact that therewasno messengerbeforeNoah.Thisisalsoclearfrom thefol- lowingverses: "Those who disbelievein Allah and His messengers,and wish to makcdivisionbetweenAllahandHismessengers,andsay:'Webelievein someanddisbelievein others,'wishingto takea midwaycourse.Those indeedarethe unbelievers,and We have.preparedfor the unbelieversa humiliatingpunishment."(4:150-l) - We believethat thereis no prophetafter Muhammad,Allah'sMes- senger,peacebe upon him. Whoeverclaims prophethoodafter him, or believesin anyoneclaimingit, is a disbelieverbecauseheis rejectingAllah, [Iis messenger,andthe Muslims'consensus' TIIE RICHTLY GUIDEDCALIPHS - We believethat the Prophet, peacebe upon him, had rightly- guidedsuccessorswho carriedout his Sunnrhin spreadingknow- ledge,calling to Islam and managingthe Muslims' affairs. We believethat the bestamongthem and the most entitledto Cali- phatewas Abii Bakr as-Siddiq,then 'Umar lbn al-Khattab,then 'Urhman lbn 'Affan, then 'Ali lbn Abi TAlib, may Allah be pleasedwith them all. Thus their successionto the Caliphatewas accordingto their virtues.Allah, the Exalted,who possessesthe infinite wisdom,would not appointa ruler over the bestof gene- ratiorrsunlesshe wasthe most superioramongthem and had the bestclairnto Cdiphate. - We believethat the inferior among thoserightly guidedcompa- nionscan be superiorin a specificvirtue to thosewho are better than him, but he doesnot deserveabsolutesuperioritybecausethe Slementsconstitutingsuperiorityarevariedandnumerous. - WebelievethattheMuslimUmmahis thebestamongnations,and -22--
  • 23. Allah, the Dignified and Exalted, has blessedit becauseHe said, "You are the best nation ever brought forth for mankind, enjoi- ning what is right and forbiddingwhat is wrong, and believingin Allah." (3:I l0) IHE PROPHET'S COMPANIONS -- We believethat the bestamongthe Muslim Ummah are the Pro. phet'sCompanions,then their followers,and thosewho followed them. - We also believethat a group of this Ummah will alwaysremain victoriouson the right path, unharmedby those rvho let them down or thosewho opposethem,until the Day of Judgement. - We believethat the disputesthat took placeamong the Prophet's Companionswere the resultof sincere interpretationsthey rvorked hard to reach.Whoeverwas right among them would be rervarded twice, and whoever was wrong among them would be rervarded once and his mistakewould be forgiven. - lt is our opinion that we shouldstop talkingabout thcir nristakes and mention what they deserveof beautiful praise. re should purify our hearts from hatred and malice against any of them, becauseAllah said about them, "They are nol equal: thoseamong you who spent and who fought before the conquestof N,lakkah. Those are higher in rank than those who spentand fought after- wards.But to all Allah haspromiseda Ereatreward." (57;10)And Allah said about us, "And thosewho came after them say: our Lord, forgiveus and our brotherswho precededus in faith, and do not put in our heartsany malice againstthosewho have believed. Our Lord, You arethe most Kind, most Merciful." (59:10) -23-
  • 24. CHAPTERVI BELIEF IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT - We believein the FinalDay, whichis the Day of Judgement,when peoplewill be resurrectedalive to remainin the abodeof enjoy- mentor in theabodeof severepunishment. BELIEF IN RESURRECTION - We believein Resurrectionwhichis Allah's bringingto life all the deadwhen Israfil blowsthe Horn for the secondtime, "And the Trumpetshallbe blown and all who are in the Heavensand who are in the Earth shall fall down fainting exceptthosethat Allah shallspare.Then,it shallbeblownagainand theyshallrisegazing around them." (39:68)Peoplewill stand up from their graves, answeringthe call of the Lord of the Universe.They aregoingto be bare-footed,naked, and uncircumcised,"As We startedthe first creation,so We shall bring it back again.This is a promise from Us, soWeshallassuredlyfulfil it." (21:104) BELIEF IN RECORDS& SCALES - We believein the recordsof deedsthat will be givento peoplein their right handsor behindtheir backs,in the left hands:"As for him who is givenhis book in his right hand,he shallsurelyreceive an easyreckoningand he will returnto his family rejoicing.But as for him who is givenhis book behindhis back, he shallcall for destruction on himself and will burn in a Blazing Fire." (84:.7-12)"Everyman'swork We havefastenedon his own neck, and on the Day of JudgementWe shallbring out for him a book which he will seespreadopen, saying, fReadyour own bookf Enoughfor you this day that your own soul shouldcall you to account."(17:l3-14) - We believethat scalesof deedswill be setup on the Day of Jud- gementand no soul shall be wronged."Whoever has done an atom'sweightof goodshallseeit." (9:70E) "Thosewhosescales arl heavy.theyaie thesuccessful;but thosewhosescalesarelight, they are the ones who have I'st their souls in Hell dwelling forever. The Fire will burn their faces,and there they will be gloomy with lips displaced."(23:102-al "He that doesa good deedshall be rewardedten timesthe like of it, and he that does -24-
  • 25. evil shallonly be rewardedthe like of it, and they shallnot be wronged."(6:160) THE PROPI{ET'SINTERCESSION - We believe in the special great .Intercessionof the prophet Muhammad,peacebe upon him. He will pleadwith Allah, after His permissionand on behalfof mankind,to judgeamongHis servantswhen they suffer from worriesand troubleswhich they cannotbear.They will go to Adam, thenNoah,thenAbraham, then to Moses,thento Jesusand finally to ProphetMuhammad, peacebeuponhim. - We believein the intercessionwhichconcenrssomebelieverswho wereto be takenout from the Fire. This mediationis grantedto the Prophet Muhammad, peacebe upon him, and to others amongtheProphets,thebelievers,andtheangels. - We believealsothat Allah will savefrom Hell somepeopleamong the believerswithouttheintercessionof any one,but by His grace andmercy, TI{E PROPHET'SPOOL - We believein the Pool of the Prophet,peacebe upon him, the water of which is whiter than milk and sweeterthan honeyand betterin fragrancethan musk.Eachof its lengthand width is the distanceof a month-travel.Its glassesare as starsin beautyand number. The believersamong the Prophet'sfollowerscome to take from this greatcisterna drink after whichtheywill neverbe thirsty. THE STRAIGHT PATH - We believein the StraightPath isiret) set uD over Hell. people passover it accordingto their deeds:the first of them as fast as lighting,then as fast as wind, then as fast as birds, and then as running men. The Prophetwill be standingon the Path, saying, "Lord, Save!Save!" Somepeople'sdeedswill fall short.Someof them will come crawling.At both sidesof the Path there are hooksthat aredesignedto take whomAllah wills: somearesaved but bruised;othersarethrowninto Hell. (Bukhiri & Muslim). - We believein all that is mentionedin the Qur'in or the Prophetic sayingsconcerningthat day and its horrors, may Allah saveus from them. -25-
  • 26. - We believein the intercession(shef6'sh)of ProphetMuhammad, peacebe upon him, for the peopleof Paradiseto entertherein. This intercessionis exclusively limited to the Prophet Muhammad,peacebe uponhim. BELIEF IN PARADISE& HELL - We believein ParadiseandHell. Paradiseistheabodeof enjoyment which Allah, the Exalted,preparedfor the righteous.The blessing theyenjoythere,no eyehaseverseen,no earhaseverheardof, and no humanbcinghaseverthoughtof: "No soulknowswhatcomfort is kepthiddenfor them,asa rewardfor theirdeeds."(32:17)Hell is the abodeof punishmentwhichAllah haspreparedfor theunbelie- versand the evildoers.The tortureand horror in it clnnot be ima- gined. "Surely, We havepreparedfor the evildoersa fire, whose pavilionencompassesthem.If theycall for help,theywill behelped with water like molten copperwhich will scaldtheir faces.How dreadfula drink andhow evila resting-place!"(18:29) - Both Paradiseand Hell areexistingnow andtheywill neverperish. "Whoeverbelievesin Allah and doesrighteousness,He will admit him to Gardensbeneathwhichriversflow, to dwellthereinfor ever. Allah had indeedm.adefor him an excellentprovision." (65:ll) "Certainly,Allah hascursedtheunbelieversand preparedfor them a blazingFire to dwell thereinforever, theyshall find neitherpro- tectornor helper.On the day whentheir facesareturnedaboutin the Fire, they shall say "Would that we had obeyedAlah and obcyedthe Messenger!"(33:64-6) - We confirm Paradiseto whomit is confirmedin the Qur'6nor the Prophetictraditionseitherby nameor desciption. Among those who are grantedParadiseand mentionedby namesare Ab0 Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthmiln, 'Ali and otherswho werespecifiedby the Pro- phet, peacebe upon him (Bukh?lriand Muslim). Among those whomwe confirm to enterParadisebecausetheyfit thedescription arethe faithful and thepious. - We likewiseconfirmHell to whomit is confirmedin theQur'anand thesayingsof the Prophet,whetherin nameor description.Among thosewho are meirtionedby namesto be in Hell are Ab'il Lahab, 'Amr lbn Luhai Al-Khuza'i and others(Bukhfri & MuSlim).Con- firmation of Hell which is ba3edon description includesevery unbcliever,polytheistor hypocrite. -26-
  • 27. BELIT,FIN +'HATHAPPENSIN THE GRAVE - we believein theTriarof theGrave,whichisthequestioningof the deadpersonin his graveabout his Lord, his relijion and iis pro- phet.There"Allah confirmsthosewhobelievewith tnefirm say,in the presentrife and the Hereafter."(14:27)The believerwilr say: "Allah is my Lord,_.lslamis my religion,and Muhammadis my Prophet."Theunbelieveror thehypocritewill say,.,I don,tknow, I heardthepeoplesayingsomethingandI saidit.,, - we believein the comfort of the gravefor the berievers.,,Those whoselivesthe angelstakein stateof purity,saying,peace be on you;enterParadisefor whatyouweredoing'.,,(t6:31) - we believein the punishmentof the gravefor the transgressing unbelievers:"rf you courdonryseewhenthe evirdoersare-in rhe agoniesof death and the angersare stretchingout their hands, saying,'Give up your souls!Todayyou shallbe rewardedwith the punishmentof humiriationfor what you usedto sayuntruryabout Allah,andfor scornfullyrejectingHis signs.,,(6:93iThesayingsof the Prophetare numerousand welr-knownin this area.e vusri. mustbelievein ail that is reportedin the eur'6n and prophetictra- ditionsconcerningthe unseenmatters.He shourdnot contradictit by his worldly experiencebecausethe affairs of the Hereafter cannotbe measuredby the affairs of this life. The differencebet- weenthemis verygreat.Allah is thesourceof help. BEI,TEFIN FATNAND DIVINEDECREE - we believein Fate,whethergoodor bad,whichAlrahhasmeasured and ordainedfor all creaturesaccordingto His previousknowredge andasdeemedsuitablebv His wisdom. LEVELSOF BELIEF IN FATE - Beliefin Fatehasfour levels: The first level is knowledge:We believethat Allah, may He be exalted,knowseverything.He knewwhat had happenedand what will happenand how it will happen.His knowledgeis eternal.He doesnot acquirea new knowledgenor doeshe forget what He Knows. The secondlevelis Recording:we believethat Altah hasrecorded in the SecuredTablet (el-Lrwlr el-Mahfodh)whateveris going ro happenuntil the Day of Judgement."Did you not know that Allah knowsall that is in Heavenand Earth?Surerythat is in a Book. Surelythat for AIIahis an easymatter." e2.n - z t -
  • 28. The third level is Will: We believethat Allah has willed everything in the Heaven and Earth. Nothing happensexceptby His will; wha- tever He wills, will take place; and whatever He does not wish, will not take place. The fourth level is Creation: We believethat "Allah is the Creator of all things;He is the Guardianover all things,and to Him belong the keys of the Heavensand the Earth." (39:62-3) The fourth level include whatever Allah Himself does and whatever His creaturesdo. So, all that peopleperform of sayings,deeds,or omissions are known to Allah and He has recorded them, willed them and created them, "To those among you who will to be upright. But you shallnot will exceptas Allah wills, the Lord of the Worlds." (81:28-9) "And has Allah willed they would not have fought one againstthe other; but Allah doeswhateverHe desires." (2:253)"Had Allah willed, they would not havedone so, but leave them aloneand their falseinventions." (6:137)"And Allah created you and what you do." (37:96) MEN'S FREEWILL - We believe,however, that Allah has granted man a power and a freewill by which he performs his action. That man's deedsare by his power and freewillcan be provenby the following points: Firstly, Allah's saying,"So approachyour fields (wives)when and how you will." (2:223) "Had they desiredto go forth, they would have made some preparationfor it." (9:46) In these'versesAllah affirmed for man "a going forth" by his will and "a preparation" by his desire. Secondly,directingman to do or not to do. If man has no freewill and power, these directions mean that Allah is asking man to do that which he cannot. This proposition is rejected by Allah's wisdom, His mercy and His truthful statementin the verse"Allah does not chargea soul beyond its capacity." (2:286) Thirdly, Praising the virtuous for his deedsand blaming the evil- doer for his actions and rewarding each of them with what he deserves.If the action is not done by the individual'sfreewill, then praising the virtuous is a joke and punishing the evildoer is an injustice, and Allah is, of course, free from joking and being unjust. -28-
  • 29. Fourthly, Allah has sent messengerswho are "bearing good tidings, and warning, so that mankind might have no argument against Allah after the messengers."(40:165) If the individual's action is not performed by his freewill, his argumentis not invali- dated by the sen{ing of messengers. Fifthly, every doer of actions feels that he does or does not do a thing without any coercion. He standsup and sits; comesin and goesout; travels and staysby his own freewill without feeling any- body forcing him to do any of theseactions.In fact, he clearlydis- tinguishes between doing something of his own freewill and someoneelse forcing him to do that action. The Islamic law also wisely distinguishesbetween these states of affairs. It does not punish a wrong-doerfor an action done under compulsion. NO EXCUSEIN FATE TOR SINNI,RS - We believethat the sinner has no excusein Allah's Divine Decree begausehe commits his sin by his freewill, without knowing that Allah hasdecreedit on him. That is. becauseno one knows Allah's decreebefore it takes place: "No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow." (31:34) How can it be possible,then, to presentan excusethat is not known to the personwho is advancingit when he commits his offence? Altah invalidated this type of argument in His saying: "The idolaters will say 'Had Allah willed, we would not have been idolaters, neither our fathers, nor would we have forbidden anything.'So did the people before rhem cry lies until they tasted our might. Say: 'Have you any proofs that you can show us? You follow nothing but assumption,and you are lying." (6:148) We say to the sinner who is using Divine Decreeas an excuse: 'Why did not you perform deeds of obedience assuming that Allah has decreedthem upon you since there is no difference betweenthem and sins in being unknown before they happened from you? That is why when Prophet Muhammad told his com- panionsthat everyone'sposition in Paradiseor Hell has beenassi- gned, they said: "Should not we rely on this and stop working?" He said: "No, work and every one will be directedto what he is createdfor," (Bukhdri & Muslim) We may say to the sinner who is trying to find excusein Divine Decree:"Suppose,you want to travel to Makkah. There are two roads that may take you there. You are told by a truthful personthat one of theseroadsis dangerousand difficult, the otheris easyand safe.You will -29-
  • 30. takethe secondone. You will not take the first road and sayit is decreed upon me. If you did, peoplewould consideryou crazy. We may alsosayto him: "lf you areofferedtwo jobs, oneof them is higherin salary.You will certainlytake the one with the highersalary. How comedo you choosdwhat is lower in rhe Hereafterand useDivine Decreeas an excuse?" We may further sayto him: "We seeyou whenyou areinflictedwith a disease,you knock everyphy'sician'sdoor looking for treatmentand bearingwhateverpain that may resultfrom surgicaloperationsand the bitternessof medicine.Why do not you do the samewhenyour heartis spirituallysickwith sins?" EVII, NOT ATTRIBUT},D T0 ALI,AH - We believethat evil shouldnot be attributedto Allah becauseof His perfect mercy and wisdom. The Prophet said: "And cvil is not attributableto You." (Muslim) Thus, Allah's decreeby itself has no evil whatsoeverbecauseit is coming from mercy and wisdom. Evil may, however,result lrom someof His decrccs,becausethe Prophct said in the supplicillionfor gunIl which hc taught to al-Hasan: "And protect us from the evil of what You decreed" (Tirmithi & Others)Here, thc Proplrctattributedo'il to what Hc decreed.Despitethis, evil in His decreeis not pure evil. lt is rather evil in one respect,good in anothcror it is cvil in onc case,and good in another.Thus, corruption in the land resultingfrom drought, disease,poverty and fear is evil, but it is good in another rcspccl. Allah, the Exaltedsaid: "Corruption hasappearcdon thc land and seafor what men's hands haveearned.Allah has ordainedthis for men, so that they may tastesomeo[ what they havedone, in ordcr that theymay rurn back (frornevil)." (30:41)Cuttingoff the thief's hand or stoningthe adultereris an evil thing for the thief and the adulterer,but it is good for them in one respectbecauseit is a puri- ficatidn for them so that the punishment of this life and thc Hereafter are not combined for them. lt is also good in anothe!' respect.The application of these punishment is a protection ol' property, honors, and relationships. - 30-
  • 31. CHAPTER VIII TRUITSOT'FAITH f'his rublirnc'bclief which includesthose great principlesbears numcrousand usefultypesof fruits for whoeverbelievesin it. Virtuesof Beliefin Allsh: . Beliefin Allah,HisNamesandHisAttributesinstilsin theindividual Allah's loveand His glorificationthat resultin performingAllah's ins' tructionsandavoidingHis proscriptionswhicharethemeansof achiev' ing ultimat,'happinessin thislife andtheHereafterfor theindividualas r.r'ellasthesociety."Whoever,maleor female,doesrighteousdeed,while believing,Weshallassuredlygranthimagoodlylife,andWeshall'reward themaccordingto thebestof theirrleeds."(16:97) I'irluesof Beliefin theAngels: Firstly.appreciatingtheDignityof Allah,HismightandHissovereignty. Secondh.uratitudetowardAllah becauseHe putssomeof theangelr in chargeof His servantsrrecordingtheirdeedsand otherthingsthat benefitthem. 'thirdll . lorc and admirationfor the angelsbecauseof what theyare doing, namely,*orshipping Allah in the best possiblemannerand prayingfor thebelievers. Virtuesof Beliefin theBooks: I irsttl, appreciatingAllah'smercyandcarefor Hispeoplein thatHesent dou'na Bookto everynationfor theirguidance. Secondll'.appreciatingAllah's WisdombecauseHe revealedin these Booksto everynationwhatsuitthem.ThegloriousQur'6nis thefinal amongtheseBooksandit issuitableto allpeopleatalltiinesuntiltheDay of Judgement. Thirdly,showinggratitudefor Allah'smercyin revealingtheseBooks. I'irtuesof Beliefin Messengers: finitly. apprc'ciatingAllah'smercyandcarefor His proplefor sending themthosegreatmcssengersto guidethemto thestraightPath' Secondll,thankingAllahfor thisgreatfavour. Thirdly.lovingand respectingthe Prophetsand praisingthemin what theydeservebecausetheyareAtlah'smessengersandHischoiceamong -31 -
  • 32. His people.TheyworshippedAllah accordingto thebestof their.ability, conveyedHis messageto mankind,gavesincereadviseto themandbore patientlywhateverhurt theyreceived. Virtuesof Beliefin the Day of Judgement: Fintly, endeavorto obeyAllah to gettherewardof thatdayandto avoid His disobediencefor fearof His punishment. Secondly,a consolationfor thebelieverfor whateverhemissesof worldly enjoymentby what he hopesto gain of blessingsand rewardof the Hereafter. Virlues of Belief in Fateend Divine l)ecree: Firstly, dependenceon Allah whendoing any actionbecauseboth the causeandeffectaretheresultof Allah's decree. Secondly,easeof mind andcomfortbecausewhentheindividualknows that everythingis by Allah's decreeand'thatmishapsaregoingto take placeanyway,hissoulwill beat easeandhisheartwill besatisfiedwith Allah's decree.No onehasmorecomforiablelife, worry-freesoul,and strongerconfidencethana believerin Fate. Thlrdly,freedomfrom arrogancewhena goalisachievedbecausethisisa blessingfrom Allah throughwhatHe decreedof thecausesof goodand success.TheindividualshouldthankAllah for thatandfreehimselffrom arrogance. }'ourthly,freedomfrom worryandboredomin caseof failureor mishap becausethat is by Allah's decreewho possessesthe Heavensand the Earth. Sincethat is goingto happenanywa)',the individualshouldbe patientandhopefor therewardfrom Allah. Allah poins to the lasttwo virtuesby thefollowingverse: "No misfortunecanhappenonearthor in yourselvesbutisrecorded in a decreebeforeWebringit into existence,thatisreallyeasyfor Allah; that you may not grievefor what escapesyou, nor rejoicein what has cometo you..Allahdoesnot loveanyvaingloriousboaster."(57:22-3) Weprayto Allah,theExalted,lo rewardusI'orthisbeliel',to realize for usits fruits,to increaseour blessings,to keepuson theRightPathto whichHe hasguidedus,andto bestowon usa blessingfrom Him, He is indeedthe Giver. Praiseand gratitudebe to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and peaceand blessingsbe on the ProphetMuhammad,his family, hisCompanions,and thosewho rightly follow them. -32-