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endtime magazine   | maRCH - aPRiL 2007 | VoL 17 / no 2 / $3.00

                                                                                         Will tHe
                                                                                         Anti-CHriSt be

March / April 2007 | $3.00 US
                                      If Saddam HuSSeIn waS, In fact, “tHe deStroyer”
                                      of tHe 5tH trumpet, It would certaInly appear
                                      tHat HIS deatH SIgnaled tHe end of tHe 5tH
                                      trumpet era.
                                     Ministries Needs
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                                     Jesus Christ and how to be ready. I cannot adequately
                                     thank you for all that you do. Only eternity will tell the
                                     whole story!

                                     God bless you and thank you so much!

                                     Irvin Baxter Jr.

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   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                              SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
end ime                                             endtime magazine   | maRCH - aPRiL 2007 | VoL 17 / no 2

                                                    13 COVER STORY:
                                                           The Destroyer is Dead
                                                    12 The Good Side of Armageddon
                                                    17 Will the Anti-Christ be
                                                    22 Bible Prophecy:
                                                           How Do I Respond?

                                                    27 Foreknowledge vs.

                                                    04     Are We Approaching Armageddon?
                                                    05     Editorial
                                                    06     Letters and Feedback
                                                    08     World Review
                                                    21     Politics and Religion Radio

                                                    28     Shop Endtime
                                                    30     Endtime Prophecy Bible Studies
                                                    31     Prophecy Conferences

SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                       ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007

     are we approaching

Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years
prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies, we can
get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon.
1   THe FInAl Seven yeARS WIll BeGIn WHen THe AnTICHRIST
    AnD THe InTeRnATIonAl CommunITy GIve THeIR SuPPoRT
                                                                      6  THe TemPle mounT WIll Be PlACeD unDeR THe SuPeRvISIon
                                                                         oF THe WoRlD CommunITy AnD THe leADeR oF THe WoRlD
                                                                      CommunITy, THe AnTICHRIST, WIll STAnD on THe TemPle
By GoD. THIS IS CAlleD THe ConFIRmATIon oF THe CovenAnT               mounT, ClAImInG To Be GoD (2 THeSSAlonIAnS 2:3-4).
(DAnIel 9:27  GeneSIS 15:18).                                        The Temple Mount will be placed under the supervision of the
Israeli Prime Minister has openly stated that the number one goal     world community and the leader of the world community, ThE
of his administration is to obtain the support of the international   ANTIChRIST, will stand on the Temple Mount, claiming to be
community for ISRAEl’S fINAl BORDERS. He hopes to achieve             God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Ehud Barak, Israeli Prime Minister
this by the end of 2008.                                              in the year 2000, suggested placing the Temple Mount uNDER
                                                                      uN CONTROl in order to make a sharing of the Temple Mount

2   A WAR WIll BeGIn FRom THe vICInITy oF THe euPHRATeS
    RIveR (RevelATIon 9:13-16).
Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq. The United States has
                                                                      possible. When the UN takes control of the Temple Mount, the
                                                                      leader of the world government will feel justified in claiming
                                                                      ultimate authority there.
140,000 troops STATIONED AlONg ThE EuphRATES at this time.
The conflict between the U.S. and Islamic Fundamentalism is not
diminishing, but increasing around the world.                         7  A WoRlD GoveRnmenT WIll DomInATe THe WoRlD FoR
                                                                         THRee AnD one-HAlF yeARS PRIoR To ARmAGeDDon
                                                                      (DAnIel 7:23  RevelATIon 13:7).

3   THe WeST BAnk (JuDeA) In ISRAel WIll BeCome A PlACe oF
    GReAT TRIBulATIon (mATTHeW 24:15-21).
Ehud Olmert has openly said that he will withdraw from the West
                                                                      The nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the authority
                                                                      of INTERNATIONAl lAw. We now have the World Bank, the World
                                                                      Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World
Bank (Judea) by the end of 2008. Then, recently, he announced         Court—just to name a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate
that his convergence-withdrawal plan is off — “NO lONgER              the international laws of the emerging world government.
RElEVANT.” Whether or not Israel withdraws, the prophecy is
clear that there will be slaughter in Judea.
                                                                      8  eACH PeRSon on eARTH WIll Be RequIReD To HAve A mARk oR
                                                                         A numBeR In oRDeR To Buy oR Sell (RevelATIon 13:16-18).

4   THe TemPle mounT In JeRuSAlem WIll Be PlACeD unDeR
    A SHARInG ARRAnGemenT BeTWeen JeW AnD GenTIle
(RevelATIon 11:1-2).
                                                                      On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed the REAl ID ACT. The law
                                                                      requires that every American must have a national ID card by May
                                                                      11, 2008. Without this card, a person will not be able to hold a job
President Clinton suggested the ShARINg Of ThE TEMplE                 or open a bank account. Without a job or a bank account, how
MOuNT in July of 2000. It is generally believed this is the only      much buying and selling will an individual be able to do? Oh, by
possible solution to the Temple Mount dispute whenever the            the way, you can’t get your card without giving your number…
issue is finally resolved.                                            your social security number.

5    THe JeWISH TemPle WIll Be BuIlT on THe TemPle mounT
     (RevelATIon 11:1-2  2 THeSSAlonIAnS 2:3-4).
All the furniture for ISRAEl’S ThIRD TEMplE is now complete;
                                                                      9   THe WoRlD CommunITy, leD By RuSSIA AnD IRAn, WIll
                                                                          InvADe THe nATIon oF ISRAel (ZeCHARIAH 14:2-4  eZekIel
                                                                      38  39).
Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer, which is needed before     Iran (Persia) and Russia (Meshech—root word for Moscovi or
the re-establishment of temple worship; and in June of 2005, the      Moscow) are NOw IN AllIANCE. Iran is the leading advocate of
newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they were proceeding with           “wiping Israel off the map.” n
building the temple. They intend to pre-fabricate it off-site.

                                 Are we approaching the Battle of Armageddon? Absolutely!
           How much time do we have left? Probably between seven and ten years. • Could it be longer? Yes, but it’s not likely.

   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                                                SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
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 m a g a z i n e
                                                                                               Irvin Baxter - Editor-in-Chief

                       Irvin Baxter
                                                                       Nukes, IDs  Armageddon
                 Ginger Boerkircher                                    As America’s stake in Iraq continues to escalate, other prophetic
                                                                       fulfillments move steadily forward.
                    Craig Treadwell                                    A NuClEAR IRAN?                                    ThE MIDDlE EAST
                                                                          The United Nation’s deadline of Febru-             In spite of Hamas’ adamant refusal to
             pARTNER RElATIONS                                         ary 21st for Iran to halt nuclear enrichment       recognize Israel’s right to exist, the interna-
                      Jana Robbins
                                                                       came and went. Iran’s President Mahmoud            tional community continues its full-court-
          CONfERENCE DIRECTOR                                          Ahmadinejad not only rejected the UN’s             press to move Middle East peace talks for-
                      Kara McPeak                                      demand to halt nuclear activity, but also          ward. The first face-to-face trilateral summit
                                                                       promised to speed up Iran’s race down the          in six years was held on February 19th when
                        INTERNET                                       nuclear path.                                      U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,
                      David Novick                                        Reports surfaced claiming that Israel           Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and
                                                                       has requested from the U.S. an air corri-          Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met to
                 gRAphIC DESIgN                                        dor through Iraq for use in the event of an        discuss the possibilities for peace. The only
                Paul Povolni                                           Israeli air strike against Iran. In the mean-      success announced from the meeting was
          Voppa Creative/                                     time, a British newspaper reported that it         the agreement to meet again.
                                                                       had received a copy of a plan from the U.S.           The international slogan adopted by the
STATEMENT Of fAITh                                                     Defense Department for an American at-             world community for the Middle East is
We believe that the Bible is the inspired                              tack against Iran.                                 “two states living side-by-side in peace and
Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior                                                                              security.” Since Hamas controls the Pal-
of the world, and that He will come again
to establish a kingdom that shall never be
                                                                       NATIONAl ID AND TRACkINg                           estinian government and since its charter
destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born                            SYSTEM DRAwS NEAR                                  calls for the annihilation of the state of Is-
again (John 3:3–5) will have eternal life and                             With the deadline for the implementa-           rael, many have thought these peace efforts
rule as kings and priests with Christ forever.                         tion of the national ID looming just months        to be futile.
whAT IS ENDTIME?                                                       ahead, states have begun to wrestle with the          However, a new approach to peace has
In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United                        requirements for conforming to the federal         recently surfaced. It has been proposed
States and other modern nations in the Bible.                          governments mandate. As the cost and the           that Israel unilaterally withdraw from the
He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible                             extent of privacy invasion dawns on the state      West Bank, inviting the European Union
and that one day it was to be torn down,
re-uniting Germany, and that event would
                                                                       governments, one after another have begun          to occupy the area until a reliable Palestin-
be the catalyst to spark an international                              to rebel. Maine passed a resolution calling        ian government can be put in place. This
movement called the “New World Order.”                                 for the repeal of the Real ID Act. Montana         would allow Israel to escape international
These things have now come to pass. Irvin                              passed a law flatly rejecting the enacting of      condemnation because of its “illegal” oc-
Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began
                                                                       the national ID in its state. As this issue goes   cupation, and Europe could protect Israel
Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A
Message For The President, a book explaining                           to press, 38 states have either passed legis-      from the incessant rocket attacks from the
the major prophecies of the Bible which                                lation against the Real ID or are consider-        Palestinians.
he had been teaching since 1968. After the                             ing doing so. Could it be that Americans              This proposal will ultimately lead Israel
fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment                         will once again reject being numbered and          to Armageddon! n
accelerated rapidly. The decision was made
to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose
of the magazine is to explain the prophecies
of the Bible and to show that they are now
being fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles
focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the
truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.                              are you a writer?
Endtime does not deal with doctrinal                                         DO YOu wRITE ABOuT ENDTIME pROphECY?
controversies, as valid as they may be. This
will be left to other publications.
                                                                             Endtime magazine invites you to submit your article for consideration for
                                                                             publication. If you are interested, please contact Endtime Ministries at
                                                                    or by mail at 449 Kingsbridge Dr, Garland TX 75040.
Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 449 Kingsbridge
Drive, Garland, TX 75040. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. ©
2007 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in          wE wIll BE glAD TO SEND YOu A COpY Of OuR puBlICATION guIDElINES. All
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    SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                                                                      ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007
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                                    letters and feedback
SOCIAl SECuRITY NuMBER =                                                                                 ye therefore shall see the abomination of
MARk Of ThE BEAST?                                                                                       desolation.” In v21, He says, “For then shall be
How can a person be sure that the Social                                                                 great tribulation...”
Security Number is not the Mark of the
Beast described in Revelation 13:16?                                                                     STOCk MARkETS TO MERgE...
                                    - Lloyd                                                              ANOThER STEp?
                                                                                                         I was wondering what you made of the
REPLY | The true tests lie in Revelation 13                                                              stock markets merging together (Tokyo
and its definition of the mark of the beast:                                                             and NYSE -
Revelation 13 says that the mark of the beast                                                            id/16786542/), how this renders the SEC
system will be:                                                                                          and the US Government impotent over
 • Worldwide - Verse 16, along with the con-                                                             our companies, currency, and eventually
   text of the chapter, which is the antichrist’s                                                        economy? It seems like this is another pre-
   rule and the one world government.                                                                    cursor to the one-world government, and
 • The mark will be in the right hand or the                                                             that we would be told the world govern-
   forehead - Verse 16                                                                                   ment is needed to oversee and regulate
 • Without it we cannot buy or sell - Verse 17                                                           these global international institutions and

                                                      “  Although I wouldn’t think
So, let’s compare these Biblical criteria to                                                                                                  - Andy
the SSN:
 • The SSN is a US only program, though oth-
   er countries have similar programs.
                                                      animals can be damned, I am                        REPLY | This is a huge sign of the advance
                                                                                                         of world government. Globalists say that in
 • Currently, the SSN isn’t applied to the right
   hand or forehead.                                   very concerned about this                         order to have peace and security, we must
                                                                                                         have a one world political system, a one
 • Although working and operating in this                                                                world economy and a one world religion. The
   nation without a SSN is difficult, it is still      because I love my pets as if                      development of a global stock market is a key

   possible to buy and sell.                                                                             component to the one world economy.
                                                        they were my children.
That said, though we can safely say that the
Social Security Number is not the mark of the         REPLY | You are correct that Daniel’s 70th         TIMINg Of REVElATION 1:1
beast, systems like it, along with the National       week is divided into two equal periods of 3 1/2    I am trying to put Rev 21:1 on the timeline:
ID, are definitely taking us closer to its fulfill-   years (42 months, 1260 days). We know from         “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
ment - rapidly.                                       Dan 9:27 that the midpoint is the “abomina-        for the first heaven and the first earth were
                                                      tion of desolation.” We read of this division in   passed away, and there was no more sea.”
DANIEl’S 70Th wEEk                                    numerous places, including Rev 11:2-3, Rev         Does this take place at the beginning of the
What is the significance of the extended              12:6, and Rev 13:5. In Daniel 12:7, we find        1000 years or at the end?
period of time after the the mid-point of             the same period of time being referred to as                                              - Brian
Daniel’s Seventieth Week? I am of the un-             “time, times, and an half”. The same terminol-
derstanding that Daniel’s Seventieth Week             ogy is also used in Rev 12:14.                     REPLY | Many believe that this set of events
is broken into two segments of 1260 days                                                                 follows the millenium. This conclusion is
with the “Abomination that maketh Deso-               According to Jesus’ statement in Matthew           reached, in part, because Revelation 21 fol-
late” transpiring at the break point. Is my           24:15-21, we understand that this latter 3 1/2     lows Revelation 20.
understanding incorrect?                              years of Daniel’s 70th Week is the Great Tribu-    However, if we compare the statements of
                                     - Virgil         lation. Notice that in verse 15, He says, “When    Revelation 21 with those of 2 Peter 3, we find

ScHedule a                                             Due to Irvin Baxter’s limited schedule, Endtime is offering members of
propHecy                                               its prophEcy TEam for local prophecy conferences. all team members
                                                       work closely with Irvin Baxter and have studied his material for years. Each
conference wItH                                        minister is available for conferences throughout the year, presenting the
tHe endtIme team                                       very best and latest prophecy news and commentary from Irvin Baxter.

call Kara or VicKie at 1-800-enDtiMe
for Details or eMail Kara@enDtiMe.coM,

   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                                                          SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
that both passages are referring to the same      DID JOhN uNDERSTAND                                 ing us get the materials to the inmates and
set of events. 2 Peter 3 speaks of:               whAT hE wROTE?                                      thanks to our partners for making it possible.
 • The old heavens and earth being destroyed      I’ve heard you say that John died, not un-
   - 2 Peter 3:10-12                              derstanding his own book of Revelation              pETS IN DANgER Of DAMNATION?
 • A new heaven and a new earth - 2 Peter         and that it was only meant to be under-             I have a question about pets. With all the
   3:13                                           stood by the generation of the time of the          animal-chipping, will any of those chips
                                                  end. Will you tell me where that scripture          ever become the actual “mark of the beast”,
whEN DO ThESE EVENTS hAppEN?                      is in the Bible? Thank you so much! I love          damning our pets for eternity? I hope and
2 Peter 3:10 says they happen at the “day of      your show and your ministry!                        pray not! Although I wouldn’t think animals
the Lord.” 2 Peter 3:12 says that they hap-                                           - Chris         can be damned, I am very concerned about
pen at the “day of God.” Both of these terms                                                          this because I love my pets as if they were
are used in connection with the coming of         REPLY | Irvin has said that Daniel did not          my children. Thank you.
the Lord and the Battle of Armageddon (1          understand his own writings, and that they                                                 - Carl
Thess 5:2, Rev 16:14).                            were sealed up until the time of the end. Dan-
So, Revelation 21:1 occurs at the beginning       iel 12:4 and Daniel 12:9 tell us that Daniel        REPLY | When the scripture speaks about
of the 1000 year reign of Christ.                 was commanded to seal up his writings until         the mark of the beast in the book of Revela-
                                                  the time of the end. Daniel was told that the       tion, it only refers to human beings, and the
fIghTINg ThE NATIONAl ID                          words he wrote were “closed and sealed” un-         consequences to them. Please note the fol-
I have been listening the last few days to        til the end times.                                  lowing:
the discussions about the possiblities of
the government “chipping” us. What do we          Nothing in Revelation says exactly the same         • Rev 13:17 says, “that no man might buy or
do?                                               thing about all of John’s writings. John was          sell save he that had the mark...” The scrip-
                                    - Scott       told to seal up the things that the seven thun-       ture refers specifically to human beings, and
                                                  ders uttered and to not write them (Rev. 10:3-        to the process of conducting buying and
REPLY | Well, first and foremost, we need to      4). However, he is told not to seal up the say-       selling, something our pets cannot do.
be “diligent to make our calling and election     ings of the rest of the book (Rev 22:10).
sure” (2 Peter 1:10). Far ecclipsing anything     Does this mean that he understood every-            • Rev 16:2 says that the angel went and
else, is the importance of making sure we are     thing he wrote? The intuitive answer is no.           poured his vial (of God’s wrath) on “the men
daily walking with God.                           Whereas John was writing about things that            which had the mark of the beast.” It speaks
                                                  hadn’t happened yet, and wouldn’t happen              specifically of human beings, not animals.
After that, we need to focus our energies on      until long after his death, it is hard to imagine
spreading the Gospel to “every creature”          how he could have understood everything             However, we also need to consider something
(Mark 16:15). Our world desperately needs to      that he saw.                                        else. The whole issue of sin, judgment, salva-
hear the message that we are in the end times,                                                        tion, and damnation is one that pertains
and that our only hope is in Jesus Christ.        ENDTIME MATERIAlS fOR pRISONS                       strictly to human beings, not to animals. The
                                                  I would like to thank you for all of your gen-      whole reason Jesus came and died for us
Please visit On this        erous donations that you have sent us this          was because of sin that human beings, who
website, you will find the No National ID         year. All of your donations have been met           were made in the image of God, committed.
pledge, as well as a place to sign up for End-    with much gratitude and thanks from the             In the beginning, it was Adam and Eve (hu-
time’s weekly newsletter. Signing the pledge      inmate population. We have provided all of          man beings) who sinned against God, and
will add your voice to the many who have          your donations free to the whole popula-            were separated from Him (Genesis 3). As a
said that the citizens of the United States       tion and have found that much, if not all           result, God Himself took on the form of man
don’t want a National ID. Signing up for the      of your donations have been used and en-            to redeem Adam’s descendants (human be-
newsletter will help Endtime keep you in-         joyed. Thank you for your services this year        ings) back to Him (Romans 5). I find nowhere
formed as this issue continues to develop.        and we look forward to a new year of con-           in scripture where God speaks of animals
                                                  tinued blessing for all.                            being either saved or damned. This makes
Pray for our nation. Our nation’s only hope is                         - D. Sherman, Chaplain         sense, since they never sinned against God.
that it will re-awaken to God and the things                                        Monroe, WA        The Bible does teach that all of creation was
of God. If God will help our nation, it is pos-                                                       affected by the fall of man (Gen. 3, Rom. 8),
sible that we could defeat the National ID in     REPLY | We are thankful to hear that End-           but it doesn’t teach that anybody but human
the United States.                                time materials are making a difference with         beings are in need of the plan of salvation or
                                                  the inmates in Monroe. Thank you for help-          are in risk of damnation. n

CRAIg TREADwEll IS THE                                    DAVE NOVICk IS A SENIOR                                     kEVIN RITZI IS THE
CO-HOST OF POLITICS AND                                   MANAGER OF OPERATIONS AT                                    DIRECTOR OF IT AT
RELIGION RADIO.                                           ENDTIME MINISTRIES.                                         ENDTIME MINISTRIES.

SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                                                      ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007       7
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                                                 world Review
                            —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy—
                                                      By GinGer Boerkircher

u 6TH TRUMPET WATCH                              Korea and Iran are cooperating on Iran’s        possess nuclear weapons unless military
                                                 nuclear program. According to a new             action is taken against it, and Israel
wORlD wAR III hAS AlREADY BEguN,                 agreement between the two countries,            would be capable of carrying out such
SAYS ISRAElI SpY ChIEf                           North Korea has been passing over techni-       an attack. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Ol-
According to the former head of Israel’s in-     cal information from its nuclear test that      mert has not ruled out a military strike,
telligence service Mossad, Efraim Halevy,        was conducted last fall. Western officials      but has said he hoped other ways could
a third World War is already underway be-        fear this new cooperation amongst the           be found.
tween Islamic militancy and the West. Dur-       “axis of evil” countries could enable Iran to
ing World War I and II the entire world felt     carry out a nuclear test later this year.       ShOwDOwN wITh IRAN
there was a war going on, but the world                                                          According to Kenneth Timmerman, au-
doesn’t feel that today, said Halevy. From       u.S. MullS IRAN ATTACk IN EARlY 007            thor of Countdown to Crisis: the Coming
time to time there is a terrorist attack and     According to Diplomatic sources, the Bush       Nuclear Showdown with Iran, the nuclear
then everything stays the same. Halevy           administration has raised the prospect of a     crisis with Iran has finally erupted and
predicts it will take a minimum of 25 years      U.S. strike on Iran this year. “There has not   that in the next few months we should ex-
before the battle against Islamic fundamen-      been a U.S. commitment, but the discus-         pect the very real possibility of a war that
talist terrorism is won and during this time a   sions have been interpreted as an expres-       could spread far beyond the Persian Gulf.
nuclear strike by Islamic militants is likely.   sion of intent,” the sources said.              Timmerman says the trigger for the crisis
                                                                                                 occurred when the UN Security Council
                                                                                                 passed a binding resolution to impose
                                                                                                 sanctions on Iran.

“ will take a minimum of 25 years before the
battle against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is
                                                                                                 AhMADINEJAD: IRAN NOw
                                                                                                 NuClEAR pOwER
                                                                                                 Iranian president Ahmadinejad is now
                                                                                                 saying that Iran is now a “nuclear power.”
                                                                                                 The announcement of Iran as a “nuclear
won and during this time a nuclear strike by Islamic                                             power” is bound to significantly escalate

                                                                                                 tensions. Ahmadinejad also boasted that
militants is likely.                     -Mossad, Efraim Halevy                                  Iranian scientists reached the zenith of sci-
                                                                                                 ence and technology and gained access to
                                                                                                 the nuclear fuel cycle without the help of
                                                                                                 big powers.

u.S. STRIkE gROup TRANSITS                       DOOMSDAY ClOCk TICkS ClOSER                     N. kOREA DEMANDS TO BE
SuEZ CANAl                                       TO ARMAgEDDON                                   TREATED AS NuClEAR pOwER
A U.S. Navy strike group led by the assault      The Nobel laureate scientist Stephen Hawk-      North Korea has opened back up nuclear
ship USS Bataan has passed through the           ing has warned that the world is on the         arms talks insisting that it be treated as a
Suez Canal on its way to join a buildup of       brink of a second nuclear age. The University   full-fledged nuclear power. But the United
American forces in the Middle East. The          of Cambridge mathematician’s comments           States says that time is running out for
seven-vessel Bataan group is said to in-         came as the time on the doomsday clock,         Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear arse-
clude 2,200 U.S. Marines and sailors, he-        which counts down to nuclear Armageddon,        nal. The U.S. is also threatening more sanc-
licopters and Harrier fighter jets. The U.S.     was moved two minutes closer to midnight.       tions on the communist regime.
Fifth Fleet will be overseeing around 50         Since 1947, the clock - with midnight repre-
warships in the Mideast after the arrival of     senting nuclear apocalypse - has appeared       u.S. wARNS Of ThREAT TO SATEllITES
the Bataan and an American aircraft car-         on the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic      The Bush administration is warning of ter-
rier group according to U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr.      Scientists. The position of the clock’s hand    rorist threats to U.S. commercial and military
Charlie Brown. The carrier USS Dwight D.         was moved to five minutes before midnight       satellites. “We reserve the right to defend
Eisenhower is already in the region. The         on Wednesday, January 17, 2007.                 ourselves against hostile attacks and inter-
United States has not had two carriers in                                                        ference with our space assets,” said Under-
the Mideast since 2003.                          ThINk TANk SAYS ISRAEl CApABlE Of               secretary of State Robert G. Joseph. “A num-
                                                 ATTACkINg IRAN’S NuClEAR pROgRAM                ber of countries are exploring and acquiring
REpORT: N. kOREA hElpINg IRAN                    ON ITS OwN                                      capabilities to counter, attack, and defeat
gET NukES                                        Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National    U.S. space systems,” Joseph said.
As reported in the Daily Telegraph, North        Security Studies has said that Iran will

   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                                                   SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-
moon met with European Union foreign
policy chief Javier Solana in Brussels to
discuss a wide range of issues. He said that
the position of the EU and the UN “are on
the same page.” Solana said the situation in
the Middle East, Balkans, Africa as well as
the issues of non-proliferation, terrorism
and human rights were among the topics

The Liberals in the European Parliament
have strongly rejected a plan by Spain and
Luxembourg to hold a restricted “friends
of the EU constitution” meeting. Spain and
Luxembourg deliberately excluded France          pAN-Eu pOlICE DATABASES                          RfID pASSpORTS ClONED IN fIVE
and the Netherlands, which rejected the          BACkED BY gERMANY                                MINuTES’
charter in popular referendums in 2005. An-      Germany is pushing for Union-wide rules          New passports using radio frequency iden-
drew Duff, Liberal constitutional spokesman      entailing national police operating across       tification (RFID) chips can be cloned in less
and UK MEP, says that the initiative carries     borders and the sharing of DNA informa-          than five minutes according to two tech-
the serious risk of dividing the union, and      tion. The aim is to create a modern police       nology consultants. Lukas Grunwald and
that it is “hugely undermining the efforts of    information network throughout Europe,           Christian Bottger bought an RFID reader
the German presidency, whose duty it is to       according to German Interior Minister Wolf-      on eBay and developed software that pro-
come up with proposals to renegotiate the        gang Schuble. His hope is that legislation for   vides a blank chip in which cloned data can
2004 constitutional treaty.                      it will be in place by July 2007, when the EU    be copied onto.
                                                 Presidency will be handed over to Portugal.
SOlANA AwARDED                                                                                    u MIDDLE EAST WATCH
ChARlEMAgNE pRIZE                                huMAN ID IMplANT TO BE
European Union Security and Foreign Pol-         uNVEIlED SOON                                    NSC SEEkS TO plACE ISRAEl IN NATO
icy Chief Javier Solana has been awarded         A working prototype of an implant designed       In an effort to establish more effective
the 2007 Charlemagne prize. The prize is         to monitor the physiology and whereabouts        deterrence in the face of Iran’s race to obtain
given to those who make great strides in         of human wearers, known as Digital Angel,        nuclear weapons, Israeli government minis-
working toward the unification of Europe,        is scheduled to be unveiled later this year at   tries are, for the first time, working on draft-
and many see it as being of greater impor-       an invitation-only event in New York City. In    ing a position paper for turning Israel into a
tance in Europe than a Nobel Prize.              addition to monitoring physiological data,       full-fledged member of NATO. The Spanish
                                                 the device will be marketed as a means of        Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, has said
u MARK OF THE BEAST WATCH                        verifying online consumer identity. There        that “Israel needs to join NATO as soon as
                                                 are also hopes that Digital Angel will tap       possible.” The former Spanish leader and
STATES ChAllENgE NATIONAl                        into the preventative medicine market with       current president of the FAES Spanish think
DRIVER’S lICENSE                                 its ability to monitor body functions such as    tank said that if Israel became a member of
A revolt against a national driver’s license,    temperature, heartbeat and specific needs        NATO, “the perception in Iran would change”
begun in Maine last month, has been              such as insulin levels.                          because Iran would be dealing with all of
quickly spreading to other states. The                                                            NATO rather than Israel alone.
Maine Legislature overwhelmingly passed          VERIChIp AwARDED u.S. pATENT fOR
a resolution objecting to the Real ID Act,       pORTABlE RfID ASSET TRACkINg SYSTEM              BAN uRgED TO wEIgh IN ON MIDDlE
and within a week, lawmakers in Georgia,         VeriChip Corporation has been granted a          EAST CONflICT
Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont            patent for its portable RFID asset location      European Union foreign-policy point man,
and Washington State also balked at Real         system. The patent combines RFID tagging         Javier Solana, says that he hopes to con-
ID. It is expected that these states will soon   technology with a portable receiver to track     vene a high-level meeting in Europe as
pass laws or adopt resolutions declining         the location of assets within a fixed setting,   early as this month between Mr. Ban and
to participate in the federal identification     such as a building. Rather than relying on a     top diplomats from America, Europe, and
network. Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Massa-        network of fixed receivers, the asset loca-      Russia, hoping to revive the steering group
chusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, Okla-         tion system collects RFID messages, which        known as the quartet, which oversees the
homa, Utah and Wyoming all have active           the system uses to identify the unique ID        “roadmap” for ending the Israeli-Palestinian
legislation against Real ID. Missouri State      of the asset as well as its room location. By    conflict. In a meeting with Mr. Ban, Solana
Rep. James Guest has formed a coalition of       not requiring the installation of numerous       said, “I’d like to insist as strongly as possible
lawmakers from 34 states to file bills that      fixed receivers, such a system could lower
oppose or protest Real ID.                       the cost of implementing RFID technology.                              CONTINuED ON pAgE 11 u

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10   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007   SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
world Review CONTINuED fROM pAgE 
that we have to tackle the peace process         tet, the UN, the U.S., Russia and China, meet   NAVY DISMISSES ChAplAIN whO
between Israelis and Palestinians.”              to resume peace plan talks. Ban spoke to        pRAYED ‘IN JESuS’ NAME’
                                                 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice several     A U.S. Navy chaplain who prayed “in Jesus’
‘BARRIER wIll BE DONE BY                         times about the Mideast before she left on      name” is being ejected from the military
END Of 00’                                     her recent trip so he is aware of what the      service. “This fight cost me everything. My
According to a senior defense official in-       American initiative is. The United States is    career is over, my family is now homeless,
volved in the project, construction of the       planning to gather Israeli and Palestinian      we’ve lost a million dollar pension, but Con-
West Bank security barrier will be complet-      leaders to discuss an eventual indepen-         gress agreed with me and rescinded the
ed by the end of 2008. The Defense Min-          dent Palestinian state.                         Navy policy, so chaplains are free again to
istry has completed 402 kilometers of the                                                        pray in Jesus’ name,” said Chaplain Gordon
barrier so far and another 106 kilometers        puTIN, SOlANA TO ATTEND RD                    Klingenschmitt. Klingenschmitt had fought
are under construction. The final route of       MuNICh SECuRITY CONfERENCE                      an extended battle with the Navy over its
the barrier has been approved.                   Russian President Vladimir Putin and Eu-        restrictions on religious expression by its
                                                 ropean Union foreign policy chief Javier        chaplains. He had delivered a public prayer
ISRAEl NukE COMMENT SpARkS                       Solana are to take part in the 43rd Munich      “in Jesus’ name” at a White House rally last
CONTROVERSY                                      Conference on Security Policy in Febru-         winter and in turn was court-martialed.
A slip of the tongue by Prime Minister Ehud      ary. The conference is widely regarded as
Olmert about Israel’s nuclear policy has bal-    the top annual gathering of political mov-

looned into a domestic crisis. In an interview   ers and shakers on global strategic issues.
with a German television station Olmert
appeared to list Israel among the world’s
                                                 Around 300 politicians, military leaders
                                                 and scholars are slated to discuss pressing
                                                                                                          This fight cost me
nuclear powers, which violated the coun-         international issues.
try’s long-standing policy of not officially                                                       everything. My career
acknowledging that it has atomic weapons.        uN REMAINS BEST DEVICE fOR AChIEV-
                                                 INg kEY gOAlS Of INTERNATIONAl                    is over, my family is
u WORLD GOVERNMENT                               RElATIONS - ANNAN

                                                 In his last speech to an American audience,
                                                 Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that the
                                                                                                   now homeless, we’ve
DEfIANCE CONTINuES                               only way to achieve the key principles of
The U.S. State Department says it will push      international relations is by “making the         lost a million dollar

for “incremental” UN Security Council sanc-      best possible use“ of the United Nations.
tions against Iran if Teheran authorities        The Secretary-General also offered a chal-        pension...
continued to ignore council demands. Ac-         lenge to the current and future leaders of
cording to spokesman Sean McCormack,             the U.S. to live up to the example set by
Iran appears to be continuing “down the          former President Harry Truman, one of the
path of isolation” by stepped-up installa-       founders of the UN. “More than ever today       MuShARRAf CAllS fOR
tion of cascades.                                Americans, like the rest of humanity, need      INTERfAITh hARMONY
                                                 a functioning global system through which       Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf
glOBAl COuRT CONfIRMS fIRST TRIAl                the world’s peoples can face global chal-       is calling on world leaders to work together
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has       lenges together,” he said.                      in promoting interfaith harmony, so that
ruled that there was enough evidence                                                             people of all religions can live together
against a Congolese militiaman to launch         BuSh NOMINATES MuSlIM TO uN pOST                in peace and share benefits of progress.
the new court’s first trial. The decision to     President Bush has nominated Zalmay             Musharraf says that Islam delivers the same
confirm charges and pave the way for a           Khalilzad to be the new U.S. ambassador         message of peace, tolerance and compas-
trial is a major landmark for the ICC, which     to the United Nations. Khalilzad is currently   sion that Jesus Christ taught. He says that
was set up as the first permanent global         the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and has served     interfaith harmony is necessary for peace
war crimes court in 2002. The court that         in this capacity since June 2005. He is the     in the world.
issued its first arrest warrants in 2005. The    highest ranking Muslim in the U.S. govern-
ICC Chief Prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocam-          ment and one of the few officials at the U.S.   pOpE SpEAkS Of EuROpE’S ChRISTIAN
po, is also planning to charge suspects          Embassy in Baghdad fluent in Arabic.            ROOTS IN hOlIDAY AppEARANCE
soon for atrocities in Sudan’s Darfur region.                                                    Pope Benedict XVI is urging Europeans to
The United States has fiercely opposed the       u WORLD RELIGION                                turn to their “ancient Christian roots” to
ICC, fearing it would be used for politically                                                    build the present and future of their con-
motivated prosecutions of its soldiers and       pOpE SAYS ROAD TO ChRISTIAN uNITY               tinent. “Show yourself mother and vigilant
citizens, but its hostility to the court has     IS uphIll, BuT IMpORTANT                        guardian for Italy and for Europe,” Benedict
been waning.                                     Pope Benedict XVI says that efforts to pro-     said. The pope was making his traditional
                                                 mote Christian unity must be intensified.       visit to the Spanish Steps on a holiday dedi-
BAN kI-MOON CAllS fOR QuARTET                    Benedict has made reaching out to other         cated to Mary. The pope prayed that Mary
MEETINg                                          branches of Christianity a main theme of        would inspire a respect for human dignity
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-         his pontificate. He said, “Ecumenism is cer-    in the world and a repudiation of violence
moon is insisting that the so-called Quar-       tainly a slow process.”                         and exploitation. n

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              the good Side of
                                                                                                                      By Irvin Baxter Jr.

              the mere mention of the word armageddon evokes ominous images
              of apocalyptic slaughter, nuclear holocaust and blood flowing to
              the horse bridles. we never look at the bright side of the Bible’s
              prophecies about the world’s final war.

         ut, believe it or not, there is a bright side, a very bright side. It   face-to-face introduction to her Messiah!
         is at Armageddon that the kingdoms of this world become the                It is also at Armageddon that the tyrannical one-world government
         kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ (Revelation 11:15). This            of the Antichrist will be destroyed. At this same time, the Antichrist
is the time when the failed human governments of this earth will be              and the False Prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire.
abolished, and we will crown Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords.                 Another major event that happens at this time is described in Mat-
   The Jewish people will bear the brunt of the Battle of Armaged-               thew 24:30-31, “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in
don. Scripture indicates that one-third of Israel could possibly be de-          heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they
stroyed in that battle. On the other hand, it is at Armageddon that the          shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power
Jewish nation will end its 4,000-year search for the Messiah.                    and great glory. And he shall send His angels with a great sound of a
   Zechariah 14:3-4 indicates that Jesus will intervene on Israel’s be-          trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds,
half and that He will actually stand on the Mount of Olives. It is at            from one end of heaven to the other.”
that time that Israel will rush to the Mount of Olives to greet Him!                So, as you can see, not all is doom and gloom when we think of
According to Zechariah 13:6, they will notice the nail scars in His              Armageddon. Yes, tragic things will occur there. But absolutely won-
hands and feet and will ask how they got there. The answer will re-              derful things will happen there as well.
move the veil from Israel’s eyes, and the entire nation will embrace                The next time you think of Armageddon, look beyond the cata-
Jesus as their Messiah and their Lord.                                           strophic events that are destined to occur. Know that it is at Arma-
   What an incredible turn of events! One minute, Israel will be fight-          geddon that the Old World Order will be abolished and the true New
ing for her very existence. The next minute, she will be glorying in the         World Order of Jesus Christ will be permanently ushered in. n

1    ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                                                         SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
C O V E R              S T O R Y                   B Y   I R V I N   B A X T E R          J R .

is the 5th
Trumpet era
If Saddam HuSSeIn waS, In
fact, “tHe deStroyer” of
tHe 5tH trumpet, It would
certaInly appear tHat HIS
deatH SIgnaled tHe end of
tHe 5tH trumpet era.
SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                         ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007   1
I’ll never forget the first time                                           my home. It contained an interesting interview with the last Jewish
                                                                           family that had left Baghdad and had just arrived in Jerusalem. In the
                                                                           article, the wife of the family was recounting an interesting experi-
in 1991 when I saw the pictures of the oil-                                ence concerning the birth of Saddam Hussein.
blackened skies of Kuwait. Saddam Hussein                                     When carrying Saddam, his mother was having a terrible pregnancy.
had set 700 of the world’s richest oil wells                               The Iraqi doctors advised an abortion. Saddam’s mother, not wanting an
                                                                           abortion, moved to the Jewish sector of Baghdad where the finest doctors
ablaze as he was being forced to withdraw                                  in Iraq lived. The Jewish doctors nursed her through her pregnancy.
from the land he had invaded. The pictures                                    When the baby boy was finally born, his mother decided to name
                                                                           him Saddam, which means destroyer in Arabic, because he had al-
were of Kuwait at noon, but it looked like                                 most destroyed her. Reading this story, I remembered the German
midnight. Immediately the prophecy came to                                 Tribune article six years earlier that had referred to Saddam “the de-
                                                                           stroyer” Hussein.
mind:                                                                         Digging deeper, I found that the name Saddam is defined as: one
   “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto    who confronts; crusher; or destroyer. In the Epoch Times on July 4,
the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he      2005, Iraqis were shown carrying signs of Saddam Hussein with the
opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as      message written, “We demand the trial of Saddam the destroyer.” In
the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened        an article entitled, “Activists are wrong to protest war against Saddam
by reason of the smoke of the pit” (Revelation 9:1-2).                     Hussein’s brutality,” the following statement was made: “This is what
   Firefighting specialists from all over the world converged on Ku-       we were fighting against. We were fighting Saddam, the destroyer.”
wait to fight the blazing oil fires. The skies of Kuwait hung heavy with   (The Tech, March 5, 1991)
the thick black smoke. The sun was not seen there for the next three
months. I remember thinking, “This certainly looks like the proph-         The destroyer is dead
ecy, but surely not…” At the time, I was under the impression that the        After a lengthy and chaotic trial, Saddam Hussein was hanged just
prophecies of the Seven Trumpets could not come to pass until the          before dawn on Saturday morning, December 30, 2006. If Saddam
time of the great tribulation. I now know that the first six trumpets      Hussein was, in fact, “the destroyer” of the 5th Trumpet, it would cer-
must occur before the final three and one-half years of great tribula-     tainly appear that his death signaled the end of the 5th Trumpet era.
tion begins. This can be proven from the scriptures.                          This being true, what do the prophecies indicate lie ahead?
   The prophecy went on to say that locusts came out of the smoke.
These locusts had faces as men, breastplates of iron, and their stings     What comes after the fifth trumpet?
were in their tails. It also states that the sound of their wings was as      The sounding of the 6th Trumpet immediately follows the sound-
the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. Locusts with       ing of the 5th Trumpet in scripture. The 6th Trumpet prophecy is one
breastplates of iron and the faces of men? The sound of their wings as     of the most catastrophic prophecies of the entire Bible. The account is
the sound of many horses running to battle? If a person saw a vision       found in Revelation 9:13-16.
of helicopters or jet airplanes in 95 AD, is there a chance he would          And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns
describe them in this way?                                                 of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which
   The prophecy concludes by saying that the armies had a king over        had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great
them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the He-      river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared
brew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apol-        for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third
lyon. The meaning of both Abaddon and Apollyon is “destroyer.”             part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two
                                                                           hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
Saddam “the destroyer” Hussein
   As I pondered all of these possibilities, an article from the Ger-      Two billion will die
man Tribune (March 10, 1991), added fuel to the fire. The article was         The salient words hit you like a sledgehammer: “…were prepared…
reporting on the Gulf War and the terrible devastation being caused        to slay the third part of men.” Could that possibly mean what it says?
by Saddam Hussein. The writer referred to him as Saddam “the de-           Does this prophecy really foretell the killing of one-third of mankind?
stroyer” Hussein.                                                          As much as I wish it were not true, all the translations of the passage
   Knowing that Apollyon and Abaddon meant “destroyer”, I had to           agree. This prophecy foretells the destruction of one-third of the 6.7
ask myself: Could I be watching the unfolding of the 5th Trumpet?          billion human beings on earth.
At the time, I thought, “Surely not.” But still, I saved the pictures of
the blackened skies of Kuwait at noonday, and I saved the German           Where will this war take place?
Tribune article about Saddam “the destroyer” Hussein.                         The prophecy says that four angels (angels are spirits) will be loosed
   Six years later, the Jerusalem Post (December 13, 1997), arrived at     from the Euphrates River resulting in the war that kills one-third of

1    ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                                                   SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
Are we already in the beginning of the 6th
Trumpet War and just don’t realize it yet?

mankind. The Euphrates River begins in Turkey, travels through Syria,          his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
and then enters the northern border of Iraq. It then flows all the way            What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? Jesus said
through the nation of Iraq, emptying into the Persian Gulf. Approxi-           that except a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
mately sixty percent of the Euphrates is contained in the nation of Iraq.      When we are born again, we are born into eternal life. Once we know
The prophecy says this war will emanate from the Euphrates River. The          that we have eternal life, the fear of death through the coming war
United States has 150,000 troops stationed along the Euphrates at this         or from any other source is removed. (For Endtime’s free brochure
very moment, and we are preparing to send 20,000 more.                         entitled “What do you mean…Born Again,” go to,
   Are we already in the beginning of the 6th Trumpet War and just             or call 1-800-ENDTIME.)
don’t realize it yet? Remember, the 6th Trumpet immediately follows               Once our eternal destination is settled, we can turn our attention
the 5th Trumpet. The 5th Trumpet is over and fighting is escalating            to helping the 2 billion people who will soon be snatched out into
along the Euphrates. Or maybe this is all just one big coincidence…a           eternity by the impending war. Since we can’t predict which 2 bil-
coincidence prophesied almost 2,000 years ago!                                 lion will be killed, we need to reach every person on earth with the
                                                                               offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I must be about
What to do?                                                                    my Father’s business.” The Father’s business is to preach the gospel to
    The question is not, “Will this war take place?” That’s a settled issue.   every creature.
The prophecies of the Bible always come to pass. The critical question            How long do we have before the Euphrates River War is unleashed
is, “What should each of us do to prepare?”                                    with all its fury upon mankind? One year? Two years? Not long. We’d
    It seems certain that the United States will be a central participant      better get busy! n
in this Euphrates River War. We already are fighting along the Eu-
phrates, and we are possibly the only power on earth with the neces-           Editor’s note: In order to reach the world with the vital message
sary firepower to kill 2 billion human beings. So what should we do?           that “The Endtime is Now,” Endtime Ministries has launched the
    Is it time to build bomb shelters? Store food? Move to scarcely pop-       Reach the World project. We are translating one hundred hours of
ulated parts of the U.S.? Some people are actually doing these things          Endtime teaching into the major languages of the world. We are
right now. But is this what God would have us do?                              then putting these videos onto the worldwide web for the entire
    Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-33,                                             world to view. This will be done just as soon as the funds are avail-
    “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What            able. We estimate the cost for this project will be about $150,000.
shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these      If you would like to help accomplish this emergency drive to reach
things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye         the world before it is too late, send your donation to Endtime Min-
have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and       istries, PO Box 461167, Garland, TX 75046.

                                                                               • Understanding the Godhead
                                                                               • True Christianity vs. False Christianity
                                                                               • Tongues—Devilish or Divine

                                                                               available From enDTime
                                                                      | 1.800.enDTime

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                                                  Great resources
                                                  from endtime
                                                  666—Satan’s master Plan
                                                  Irvin Baxter outlines the history and
                                                  evolution of the New World order,
                                                  drawing stunning parallels between
                                                  God’s acts 2:38 plan of salvation and
                                                  Satan’s master plan.

                                                    DVD Video
                                                                or     $
                                                                       audio cD

                                                  666: How Close?
                                                  In 2008, every american will be required
                                                  to have a National ID card. Without
                                                  it, you will not be able to drive, enter
                                                  any federal building, or open a bank
                                                  account. With the avalanche of rFID
                                                  (radio Frequency ID) technology now
                                                  coming into use, the rEaL ID act may
                                                  very well be the point of no return for the
                                                  mark of the Beast.

                                                     20         or     $

                                                    DVD Video          audio cD

     ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007   SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
By craIg treadwell

                                                 Will the
The                                                   “You can’t
                            hard, tight-fisted                      the Anti-Christ be anti-homeschool, and en-
                            knock at the                            force international laws, making home based

                                                    be trusted to
                            door came on a                          education illegal?”
                            Thursday morn-
ing. When Katherina Plett opened the door                           INSIDE ThE NAZI MIND
of her home in Paderborn, Germany, she
found herself staring into the face of an un-       educate your       In 1938 Nazi Germany passed a law re-
                                                                    quiring all children to attend public school
dercover police woman. Little did Katherina
know when she opened the door that secretly         own children    to avoid “the emergence of parallel societies
                                                                    based on separate philosophical convictions.”

                                                     because we
lurking nearby were German officers who                             At the core of their belief system was twisted
would arrest her and raid her home! Kather-                         logic that says, “You can’t be trusted to edu-
ina’s crime? Homeschooling.                                         cate your own children because we cannot
   Germany is presently reinforcing a 1938
Hitler-induced law which made home-                 cannot afford   afford freedom of thought. We have Europe
                                                                    to conquer, better yet; the entire world is in
schooling illegal. When this news came to
my attention, I felt the shock, since my wife        freedom of     the palm of our hands.” If you think this is
                                                                    a stretch of the truth, study the philosophies
homeschools our three children. It stopped
me in my tracks and forced me to ask, “Will
                                                     thought...”    of Adolph Hitler. Even though Hitler was not
                                                                    the Antichrist, both he and Nazi Germany

SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                   ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007      17
foreshadowed the emergence of the future
global government.
    Early on, Hitler understood the psychol-
                                                     “With the            which taught that the strong should thrive at
                                                                          the expense of the weak. To them, this justi-
                                                                          fied their engagement of eugenics, the study
ogy of propaganda. That is why he appointed
Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels as his propaganda          influence of          of hereditary improvement of the human race
                                                                          by controlled selective breeding. This led to

minister. As a devout anti-Semite, Goebbels                               forcing people to undergo surgical steriliza-
took total control of the media and developed                             tion to prevent people, considered to be car-
it into a mouthpiece for Nazi philosophy. He                              riers of undesirable genetic traits, from hav-
employed argumentum ad nauseam, the
practice of repeating a lie until it eventually       and other           ing children. This resulted in people like Dr.
                                                                          Josef Mengele carrying out brutal medical

is believed to be true. He so mastered it until                           experiments on human subjects at Auschwitz.
it eventually became known as the Goebbel                                 Forcing people into pressure chambers and
technique. To make sure every home was                                    freezing them to death was just part of their
properly programmed with Nazi ideology,
he ordered the broadcasting of Nazi propa-        influences out          attempt at making sure the Nazi party did not
                                                                          lose its monopoly of power. As reinforcement,

                                                     of the way,
ganda to the masses, all the while blocking                               Hitler established and deployed the Schutz-
out news from other countries. Any poten-                                 staffel (SS) or “protection squad” to carry out
tial threat to their influence was outlawed.                              their genocidal dreams, murdering 11 million
Is it any wonder that homeschooling was
outlawed? The propaganda ministry could
not achieve its goal of total conquest if the
                                                  Hitler was able         innocent people, 6 million of whom were Jew-
                                                                          ish. Since Hitler was not the Antichrist, just
                                                                          how brutal will the real beast be?
educational system was not completely con-
trolled. Simply put, no matter how large the       to hypnotize           EuROpEAN COuRT Of huMAN RIghTS =
megaphone of propaganda, it could not be a
complete success if parents were allowed to
raise free-thinkers who might influence soci-
                                                   Germany into           glOBAl gOVERNMENT
                                                                             If you are not sure if world government is
                                                                          gaining strength in Europe today, consider
ety contrary to Hitler’s agenda.
    With the influence of homeschooling and          embracing            the actions of the European Court of Human
                                                                          Rights (ECHR), headquartered in Strasbourg,
other contrary influences out of the way,
Hitler was able to hypnotize Germany into
embracing Social Darwinism. This was the
                                                        Social            France. One couple who felt the sting of their
                                                                          power was Fritz and Marianna Konrad who
                                                                          discovered their children were being force-
ethical theory, birthed by Herbert Spencer,
                                                   Darwinism.”            fed corrupt teachings about sexuality. The

1    ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007                          SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
Konrads filed a complaint with this court
which stated that Germany’s law, which forces
public school attendance, jeopardized their
                                                       “Article 13     inform Melissa’s parents of her location. Citi-
                                                                       zens are not seeing this case being reported
                                                                       by their German news agencies. Netzwerk-
children’s religious beliefs. The court ruled
that the parents’ desire to exclude their chil-        states that     Bildungsfreifeit, a German homeschool
                                                                       advocacy group, said “Germany blatantly

                                                     parents should
dren from such influence could not dominate                            spurns parental and human rights and can-
the need for mandatory school attendance. In                           not be regarded any longer as a free country.
other words, “We cannot allow your religious                           It is running more and more to tyranny and
beliefs to upset our quest for mind condition-
ing.” Shouldn’t the very court which claims to
defend human rights in its name have come
                                                      be subject to    dictatorship.” Didn’t Nazism die in 1945?

                                                                       ThE uNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON
to the Konrad’s defense? Can you imagine the
deep disappointment and rejection the Kon-
rads felt after such cold denial?
                                                     prosecution for   ThE RIghTS Of ThE ChIlD
                                                                          A core value contained in the United Na-
                                                                       tions Convention on the Rights of the Child
   As another example of the death grip world
government structures like the ECHR has in           any attempt to    (UNCRC) states: “Considering that the child
                                                                       should be fully prepared to live an individual

                                                      prevent their
Europe, consider this: In Brussels, Belgium,                           life in society, and brought up in the spirit of
the editor of The Brussels Journal website was                         the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the
called into the police station. They said, “The                        United Nations….as indicated in the Dec-
Belgian authorities are of the opinion that, as a
homeschooler, he has not adequately educated
his children and, hence, is neglecting his duty
                                                      children from    laration of the Rights of the Child, the child
                                                                       needs special safeguards and care, including
                                                                       appropriate legal protection.” Legal protec-
as a parent, which is a criminal offence.” This
incident leaves us with the impression that the
ECHR does not fully protect European citi-
                                                    interacting with   tion? Protection from what? Their own par-
                                                                       ents? According to Michael Farris, chairman
                                                                       of the American Home School Legal De-
zens against Hitler’s laws.
   Another case in Germany involves a                   material       fense Association (HSLDA), the Convention
                                                                       places serious restrictions on parent’s rights

                                                       they deem
15-year-old homeschool student, Melissa                                to guide their children. Article 13 states that
Busekros. She was seized from her home by                              parents should be subject to prosecution for
police and taken to a psychiatric institution.                         any attempt to prevent their children from
She was then removed from the institution
and taken to an undisclosed location. As of
this writing, German officials have refused to
                                                     unacceptable.”    interacting with material they deem unac-
                                                                       ceptable. When a nation is bound to the
                                                                       UNCRC, children receive legal protection to

SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime                      ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007       1
resist their parent’s religious guidance.         heard the evidence. Even if Hillary Clinton        has made the passing of the EU constitution
   According to Farris, in 1995 the UK was        does not win the presidency in 2008, there         her top goal. The re-birth of the Holy Roman
declared out of compliance with the UNCRC,        are many more like her who share her views.        Empire is in the making. Prophecy gives us
“Because it allowed parents to remove their          Does America have guaranteed protection         insight that the Antichrist will arise from a
children from public school sex-education         from the potential dangers of the UNCRC?           re-born Holy Roman Empire. It is no wonder
classes without consulting the child.” Farris     Farris said that the UNCRC could render            that we are able to trace the seed of opposi-
also said, “By the same reasoning, parents        homeschooling unlawful in the United States,       tion to homeschooling to the very heart of the
would be denied the ability to homeschool         even though the U.S. Senate has never autho-       Antichrist’s power. Global thinkers recognize
their children.” Could this be a display of       rized this Convention. Ferris proclaimed, “If      that if they are to achieve their dream of one-
an even larger scheme: a global initiative to     the international law movement is not cur-         world government, they must force all citizens
paralyze fundamental parental control?            tailed in the United States, American home-        to behave globally. This explains why modern
                                                  schooling will be banned.”                         German and Belgian police are forcibly taking
AMERICAN hOMESChOOlERS AT RISk?                                                                      children away from their parents and hauling
   In 1925, the United States Supreme Court       ThE pROphECY CONNECTION                            them off to attend state-run schools.
unanimously declared that “the fundamen-             Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 harmonize,
tal theory of liberty upon which all govern-      providing us with animal symbols which rep-        ThE REAl fORCE BEhIND
ments in this Union repose excludes any           resent nations that will exist in the last days.   glOBAl gOVERNMENT
general power of the State to standardize its     Daniel saw a lion with eagle’s wings, a bear,         Revelation 13:2 reveals the secret of power
children by forcing them to accept instruc-       a leopard with four heads, and a ten-horned        behind the dominating global government
tion from public teachers only.” “Yeah, but a     beast. These 4 kingdoms came together in           beast: “and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the
US president would never allow a one-world        Revelation as a unified beast, giving the Anti-    one-world government beast) his power,
government to infiltrate the sovereignty of       christ unprecedented global power. The leop-       and his seat, and great authority.” Will the
America,” some would say. “These overseas         ard portion of this beast represents Germany.      Antichrist be Anti-homeschool? As a man
reports about homeschoolers being arrested        The four leopard heads represent how many          possessed by Satan himself, will he have a
won’t affect Americans, so we can breathe a       times Germany rose and fell. Hitler ruled          choice? Are we staring into the eyes of a hid-
sigh of relief.” Oh really? The Clinton ad-       during the famous 3rd Reich (head). Nazi           eous monster who is about to emerge from
ministration attempted to make ratification       Germany was defeated by the Allied armies          a lair darker than Hitler’s? As the beast of
of the UNCRC treaty a major policy objec-         during WWII and divided into occupation            Revelation rises and the world looks on with
tive. It was signed by Madeleine Albright, the    zones. The Berlin wall was constructed; di-        wonder and amazement, we should not be
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, on         viding East from West, fulfilling the first part   surprised when he targets our dearest and
February 16, 1995. However, they failed to        of Rev. 13:3 which states that one of his heads    most precious commodity: our children. Do
achieve a two-thirds majority of the Senate.      was wounded to death.                              we value the freedom to choose how we edu-
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a former chair-            There is more to the story. The same verse      cate them? Will the Antichrist be anti-home-
man of the Washington-based Children’s            also states that the deadly wound was healed.      school? Since factual evidence reveals that
Defense Fund. As such she supported the           In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down and the         world government structures, over which the
radical legal doctrine of children’s rights and   deadly wound was healed. Daniel 7:6 says           Anti-Christ will rule, are anti-homeschool,
promoted this U.N. Convention. Remember           that dominion was given to the leopard. As         the answer is likely to be yes. It won’t, howev-
her book, “It Takes A Village?” The concept       the most powerful economy in the European          er, be without a fight. With approximately 1.6
behind this book is that it’s too tough for       Union, is it any wonder this renewed power         to 2.0 million children being homeschooled
the traditional family to raise kids in today’s   could be going to Germany? Germany cur-            in America, the global powers that be, will
world and that “the village” or society should    rently holds the brief six month EU presi-         most assuredly be aware of our presence. I,
claim control. Is America at risk? You have       dency. Germany’s president, Angela Merkel          for one, plan to take a stand for freedom! n

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The Destroyer Is Dead - Mar-Apr 2007

  • 1. endtime magazine | maRCH - aPRiL 2007 | VoL 17 / no 2 / $3.00 Home Schooling Will tHe Anti-CHriSt be Anti-HomeSCHool? March / April 2007 | $3.00 US If Saddam HuSSeIn waS, In fact, “tHe deStroyer” of tHe 5tH trumpet, It would certaInly appear tHat HIS deatH SIgnaled tHe end of tHe 5tH trumpet era.
  • 2. Endtime Ministries Needs Your Support Partners – with prophetic fulfillments developing so rapidly, you are more important now than ever! Your faithful and generous support is helping to reach the world with the vital message of the soon coming of Jesus Christ and how to be ready. I cannot adequately thank you for all that you do. Only eternity will tell the whole story! God bless you and thank you so much! Irvin Baxter Jr. Your partnership with Endtime Ministries will enable us to: Establish new radio markets that desperately need to hear the n Endtime message. n ebcast Endtime prophecy materials on the internet. W Teach more Endtime Prophecy conferences across the United States n and around the world. Supply churches with the tools they need to teach endtime prophecy n in local Bible studies. Translate our materials into the major languages of the world. n n Endtime Youth Corp. Fund TO BECOME AN ENDTIME PARTNER visit end ime or call 1-800-ENDTIME ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 3. end ime endtime magazine | maRCH - aPRiL 2007 | VoL 17 / no 2 FEATURES 13 COVER STORY: The Destroyer is Dead 12 The Good Side of Armageddon 17 Will the Anti-Christ be Anti-Homeschool? 22 Bible Prophecy: How Do I Respond? 13 27 Foreknowledge vs. Predestination DEPARTMENTS 04 Are We Approaching Armageddon? 05 Editorial 06 Letters and Feedback 08 World Review 21 Politics and Religion Radio 17 28 Shop Endtime 30 Endtime Prophecy Bible Studies 31 Prophecy Conferences 22 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007
  • 4. BY IRVIN BAxTER JR. are we approaching armageddon? Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies, we can get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon. 1 THe FInAl Seven yeARS WIll BeGIn WHen THe AnTICHRIST AnD THe InTeRnATIonAl CommunITy GIve THeIR SuPPoRT To ISRAel’S RIGHT To exIST In THe lAnD PRomISeD To ABRAHAm 6 THe TemPle mounT WIll Be PlACeD unDeR THe SuPeRvISIon oF THe WoRlD CommunITy AnD THe leADeR oF THe WoRlD CommunITy, THe AnTICHRIST, WIll STAnD on THe TemPle By GoD. THIS IS CAlleD THe ConFIRmATIon oF THe CovenAnT mounT, ClAImInG To Be GoD (2 THeSSAlonIAnS 2:3-4). (DAnIel 9:27 GeneSIS 15:18). The Temple Mount will be placed under the supervision of the Israeli Prime Minister has openly stated that the number one goal world community and the leader of the world community, ThE of his administration is to obtain the support of the international ANTIChRIST, will stand on the Temple Mount, claiming to be community for ISRAEl’S fINAl BORDERS. He hopes to achieve God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Ehud Barak, Israeli Prime Minister this by the end of 2008. in the year 2000, suggested placing the Temple Mount uNDER uN CONTROl in order to make a sharing of the Temple Mount 2 A WAR WIll BeGIn FRom THe vICInITy oF THe euPHRATeS RIveR (RevelATIon 9:13-16). Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq. The United States has possible. When the UN takes control of the Temple Mount, the leader of the world government will feel justified in claiming ultimate authority there. 140,000 troops STATIONED AlONg ThE EuphRATES at this time. The conflict between the U.S. and Islamic Fundamentalism is not diminishing, but increasing around the world. 7 A WoRlD GoveRnmenT WIll DomInATe THe WoRlD FoR THRee AnD one-HAlF yeARS PRIoR To ARmAGeDDon (DAnIel 7:23 RevelATIon 13:7). 3 THe WeST BAnk (JuDeA) In ISRAel WIll BeCome A PlACe oF GReAT TRIBulATIon (mATTHeW 24:15-21). Ehud Olmert has openly said that he will withdraw from the West The nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the authority of INTERNATIONAl lAw. We now have the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World Bank (Judea) by the end of 2008. Then, recently, he announced Court—just to name a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate that his convergence-withdrawal plan is off — “NO lONgER the international laws of the emerging world government. RElEVANT.” Whether or not Israel withdraws, the prophecy is clear that there will be slaughter in Judea. 8 eACH PeRSon on eARTH WIll Be RequIReD To HAve A mARk oR A numBeR In oRDeR To Buy oR Sell (RevelATIon 13:16-18). 4 THe TemPle mounT In JeRuSAlem WIll Be PlACeD unDeR A SHARInG ARRAnGemenT BeTWeen JeW AnD GenTIle (RevelATIon 11:1-2). On May 11, 2005, President Bush signed the REAl ID ACT. The law requires that every American must have a national ID card by May 11, 2008. Without this card, a person will not be able to hold a job President Clinton suggested the ShARINg Of ThE TEMplE or open a bank account. Without a job or a bank account, how MOuNT in July of 2000. It is generally believed this is the only much buying and selling will an individual be able to do? Oh, by possible solution to the Temple Mount dispute whenever the the way, you can’t get your card without giving your number… issue is finally resolved. your social security number. 5 THe JeWISH TemPle WIll Be BuIlT on THe TemPle mounT (RevelATIon 11:1-2 2 THeSSAlonIAnS 2:3-4). All the furniture for ISRAEl’S ThIRD TEMplE is now complete; 9 THe WoRlD CommunITy, leD By RuSSIA AnD IRAn, WIll InvADe THe nATIon oF ISRAel (ZeCHARIAH 14:2-4 eZekIel 38 39). Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer, which is needed before Iran (Persia) and Russia (Meshech—root word for Moscovi or the re-establishment of temple worship; and in June of 2005, the Moscow) are NOw IN AllIANCE. Iran is the leading advocate of newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they were proceeding with “wiping Israel off the map.” n building the temple. They intend to pre-fabricate it off-site. Are we approaching the Battle of Armageddon? Absolutely! How much time do we have left? Probably between seven and ten years. • Could it be longer? Yes, but it’s not likely. ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 5. end ime m a g a z i n e Editorial Irvin Baxter - Editor-in-Chief EDITOR-IN-ChIEf Irvin Baxter Nukes, IDs Armageddon EDITORIAl ASSISTANT Ginger Boerkircher As America’s stake in Iraq continues to escalate, other prophetic fulfillments move steadily forward. RESEARCh Craig Treadwell A NuClEAR IRAN? ThE MIDDlE EAST The United Nation’s deadline of Febru- In spite of Hamas’ adamant refusal to pARTNER RElATIONS ary 21st for Iran to halt nuclear enrichment recognize Israel’s right to exist, the interna- Jana Robbins came and went. Iran’s President Mahmoud tional community continues its full-court- CONfERENCE DIRECTOR Ahmadinejad not only rejected the UN’s press to move Middle East peace talks for- Kara McPeak demand to halt nuclear activity, but also ward. The first face-to-face trilateral summit promised to speed up Iran’s race down the in six years was held on February 19th when INTERNET nuclear path. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, David Novick Reports surfaced claiming that Israel Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and has requested from the U.S. an air corri- Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met to gRAphIC DESIgN dor through Iraq for use in the event of an discuss the possibilities for peace. The only Paul Povolni Israeli air strike against Iran. In the mean- success announced from the meeting was Voppa Creative/ time, a British newspaper reported that it the agreement to meet again. had received a copy of a plan from the U.S. The international slogan adopted by the STATEMENT Of fAITh Defense Department for an American at- world community for the Middle East is We believe that the Bible is the inspired tack against Iran. “two states living side-by-side in peace and Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Savior security.” Since Hamas controls the Pal- of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be NATIONAl ID AND TRACkINg estinian government and since its charter destroyed (Daniel 2:44). Those who are born SYSTEM DRAwS NEAR calls for the annihilation of the state of Is- again (John 3:3–5) will have eternal life and With the deadline for the implementa- rael, many have thought these peace efforts rule as kings and priests with Christ forever. tion of the national ID looming just months to be futile. whAT IS ENDTIME? ahead, states have begun to wrestle with the However, a new approach to peace has In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United requirements for conforming to the federal recently surfaced. It has been proposed States and other modern nations in the Bible. governments mandate. As the cost and the that Israel unilaterally withdraw from the He also found the Berlin Wall in the Bible extent of privacy invasion dawns on the state West Bank, inviting the European Union and that one day it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event would governments, one after another have begun to occupy the area until a reliable Palestin- be the catalyst to spark an international to rebel. Maine passed a resolution calling ian government can be put in place. This movement called the “New World Order.” for the repeal of the Real ID Act. Montana would allow Israel to escape international These things have now come to pass. Irvin passed a law flatly rejecting the enacting of condemnation because of its “illegal” oc- Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began the national ID in its state. As this issue goes cupation, and Europe could protect Israel Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A Message For The President, a book explaining to press, 38 states have either passed legis- from the incessant rocket attacks from the the major prophecies of the Bible which lation against the Real ID or are consider- Palestinians. he had been teaching since 1968. After the ing doing so. Could it be that Americans This proposal will ultimately lead Israel fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment will once again reject being numbered and to Armageddon! n accelerated rapidly. The decision was made to launch Endtime magazine. The purpose tracked? of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail. Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation. are you a writer? Endtime does not deal with doctrinal DO YOu wRITE ABOuT ENDTIME pROphECY? controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications. Endtime magazine invites you to submit your article for consideration for publication. If you are interested, please contact Endtime Ministries at or by mail at 449 Kingsbridge Dr, Garland TX 75040. Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 449 Kingsbridge Drive, Garland, TX 75040. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. © 2007 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in wE wIll BE glAD TO SEND YOu A COpY Of OuR puBlICATION guIDElINES. All part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 461167, Garland, TX 75046-1167. SuBMISSIONS BECOME ThE pROpERTY Of ENDTIME AND CANNOT BE RETuRNED. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/day, 7 days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-530-0100 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central). SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007
  • 6. d e p a r t m e n t s letters and feedback SOCIAl SECuRITY NuMBER = ye therefore shall see the abomination of MARk Of ThE BEAST? desolation.” In v21, He says, “For then shall be How can a person be sure that the Social great tribulation...” Security Number is not the Mark of the Beast described in Revelation 13:16? STOCk MARkETS TO MERgE... - Lloyd ANOThER STEp? I was wondering what you made of the REPLY | The true tests lie in Revelation 13 stock markets merging together (Tokyo and its definition of the mark of the beast: and NYSE - Revelation 13 says that the mark of the beast id/16786542/), how this renders the SEC system will be: and the US Government impotent over • Worldwide - Verse 16, along with the con- our companies, currency, and eventually text of the chapter, which is the antichrist’s economy? It seems like this is another pre- rule and the one world government. cursor to the one-world government, and • The mark will be in the right hand or the that we would be told the world govern- forehead - Verse 16 ment is needed to oversee and regulate • Without it we cannot buy or sell - Verse 17 these global international institutions and companies. “ Although I wouldn’t think So, let’s compare these Biblical criteria to - Andy the SSN: • The SSN is a US only program, though oth- er countries have similar programs. animals can be damned, I am REPLY | This is a huge sign of the advance of world government. Globalists say that in • Currently, the SSN isn’t applied to the right hand or forehead. very concerned about this order to have peace and security, we must have a one world political system, a one • Although working and operating in this world economy and a one world religion. The nation without a SSN is difficult, it is still because I love my pets as if development of a global stock market is a key ” possible to buy and sell. component to the one world economy. they were my children. That said, though we can safely say that the Social Security Number is not the mark of the REPLY | You are correct that Daniel’s 70th TIMINg Of REVElATION 1:1 beast, systems like it, along with the National week is divided into two equal periods of 3 1/2 I am trying to put Rev 21:1 on the timeline: ID, are definitely taking us closer to its fulfill- years (42 months, 1260 days). We know from “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, ment - rapidly. Dan 9:27 that the midpoint is the “abomina- for the first heaven and the first earth were tion of desolation.” We read of this division in passed away, and there was no more sea.” DANIEl’S 70Th wEEk numerous places, including Rev 11:2-3, Rev Does this take place at the beginning of the What is the significance of the extended 12:6, and Rev 13:5. In Daniel 12:7, we find 1000 years or at the end? period of time after the the mid-point of the same period of time being referred to as - Brian Daniel’s Seventieth Week? I am of the un- “time, times, and an half”. The same terminol- derstanding that Daniel’s Seventieth Week ogy is also used in Rev 12:14. REPLY | Many believe that this set of events is broken into two segments of 1260 days follows the millenium. This conclusion is with the “Abomination that maketh Deso- According to Jesus’ statement in Matthew reached, in part, because Revelation 21 fol- late” transpiring at the break point. Is my 24:15-21, we understand that this latter 3 1/2 lows Revelation 20. understanding incorrect? years of Daniel’s 70th Week is the Great Tribu- However, if we compare the statements of - Virgil lation. Notice that in verse 15, He says, “When Revelation 21 with those of 2 Peter 3, we find ScHedule a Due to Irvin Baxter’s limited schedule, Endtime is offering members of propHecy its prophEcy TEam for local prophecy conferences. all team members work closely with Irvin Baxter and have studied his material for years. Each conference wItH minister is available for conferences throughout the year, presenting the tHe endtIme team very best and latest prophecy news and commentary from Irvin Baxter. call Kara or VicKie at 1-800-enDtiMe for Details or eMail Kara@enDtiMe.coM, VicKie@enDtiMe.coM. ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 7. that both passages are referring to the same DID JOhN uNDERSTAND ing us get the materials to the inmates and set of events. 2 Peter 3 speaks of: whAT hE wROTE? thanks to our partners for making it possible. • The old heavens and earth being destroyed I’ve heard you say that John died, not un- - 2 Peter 3:10-12 derstanding his own book of Revelation pETS IN DANgER Of DAMNATION? • A new heaven and a new earth - 2 Peter and that it was only meant to be under- I have a question about pets. With all the 3:13 stood by the generation of the time of the animal-chipping, will any of those chips end. Will you tell me where that scripture ever become the actual “mark of the beast”, whEN DO ThESE EVENTS hAppEN? is in the Bible? Thank you so much! I love damning our pets for eternity? I hope and 2 Peter 3:10 says they happen at the “day of your show and your ministry! pray not! Although I wouldn’t think animals the Lord.” 2 Peter 3:12 says that they hap- - Chris can be damned, I am very concerned about pen at the “day of God.” Both of these terms this because I love my pets as if they were are used in connection with the coming of REPLY | Irvin has said that Daniel did not my children. Thank you. the Lord and the Battle of Armageddon (1 understand his own writings, and that they - Carl Thess 5:2, Rev 16:14). were sealed up until the time of the end. Dan- So, Revelation 21:1 occurs at the beginning iel 12:4 and Daniel 12:9 tell us that Daniel REPLY | When the scripture speaks about of the 1000 year reign of Christ. was commanded to seal up his writings until the mark of the beast in the book of Revela- the time of the end. Daniel was told that the tion, it only refers to human beings, and the fIghTINg ThE NATIONAl ID words he wrote were “closed and sealed” un- consequences to them. Please note the fol- I have been listening the last few days to til the end times. lowing: the discussions about the possiblities of the government “chipping” us. What do we Nothing in Revelation says exactly the same • Rev 13:17 says, “that no man might buy or do? thing about all of John’s writings. John was sell save he that had the mark...” The scrip- - Scott told to seal up the things that the seven thun- ture refers specifically to human beings, and ders uttered and to not write them (Rev. 10:3- to the process of conducting buying and REPLY | Well, first and foremost, we need to 4). However, he is told not to seal up the say- selling, something our pets cannot do. be “diligent to make our calling and election ings of the rest of the book (Rev 22:10). sure” (2 Peter 1:10). Far ecclipsing anything Does this mean that he understood every- • Rev 16:2 says that the angel went and else, is the importance of making sure we are thing he wrote? The intuitive answer is no. poured his vial (of God’s wrath) on “the men daily walking with God. Whereas John was writing about things that which had the mark of the beast.” It speaks hadn’t happened yet, and wouldn’t happen specifically of human beings, not animals. After that, we need to focus our energies on until long after his death, it is hard to imagine spreading the Gospel to “every creature” how he could have understood everything However, we also need to consider something (Mark 16:15). Our world desperately needs to that he saw. else. The whole issue of sin, judgment, salva- hear the message that we are in the end times, tion, and damnation is one that pertains and that our only hope is in Jesus Christ. ENDTIME MATERIAlS fOR pRISONS strictly to human beings, not to animals. The I would like to thank you for all of your gen- whole reason Jesus came and died for us Please visit On this erous donations that you have sent us this was because of sin that human beings, who website, you will find the No National ID year. All of your donations have been met were made in the image of God, committed. pledge, as well as a place to sign up for End- with much gratitude and thanks from the In the beginning, it was Adam and Eve (hu- time’s weekly newsletter. Signing the pledge inmate population. We have provided all of man beings) who sinned against God, and will add your voice to the many who have your donations free to the whole popula- were separated from Him (Genesis 3). As a said that the citizens of the United States tion and have found that much, if not all result, God Himself took on the form of man don’t want a National ID. Signing up for the of your donations have been used and en- to redeem Adam’s descendants (human be- newsletter will help Endtime keep you in- joyed. Thank you for your services this year ings) back to Him (Romans 5). I find nowhere formed as this issue continues to develop. and we look forward to a new year of con- in scripture where God speaks of animals tinued blessing for all. being either saved or damned. This makes Pray for our nation. Our nation’s only hope is - D. Sherman, Chaplain sense, since they never sinned against God. that it will re-awaken to God and the things Monroe, WA The Bible does teach that all of creation was of God. If God will help our nation, it is pos- affected by the fall of man (Gen. 3, Rom. 8), sible that we could defeat the National ID in REPLY | We are thankful to hear that End- but it doesn’t teach that anybody but human the United States. time materials are making a difference with beings are in need of the plan of salvation or the inmates in Monroe. Thank you for help- are in risk of damnation. n CRAIg TREADwEll IS THE DAVE NOVICk IS A SENIOR kEVIN RITZI IS THE CO-HOST OF POLITICS AND MANAGER OF OPERATIONS AT DIRECTOR OF IT AT RELIGION RADIO. ENDTIME MINISTRIES. ENDTIME MINISTRIES. SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 7
  • 8. d e p a r t m e n t s world Review —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy— By GinGer Boerkircher u 6TH TRUMPET WATCH Korea and Iran are cooperating on Iran’s possess nuclear weapons unless military nuclear program. According to a new action is taken against it, and Israel wORlD wAR III hAS AlREADY BEguN, agreement between the two countries, would be capable of carrying out such SAYS ISRAElI SpY ChIEf North Korea has been passing over techni- an attack. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Ol- According to the former head of Israel’s in- cal information from its nuclear test that mert has not ruled out a military strike, telligence service Mossad, Efraim Halevy, was conducted last fall. Western officials but has said he hoped other ways could a third World War is already underway be- fear this new cooperation amongst the be found. tween Islamic militancy and the West. Dur- “axis of evil” countries could enable Iran to ing World War I and II the entire world felt carry out a nuclear test later this year. ShOwDOwN wITh IRAN there was a war going on, but the world According to Kenneth Timmerman, au- doesn’t feel that today, said Halevy. From u.S. MullS IRAN ATTACk IN EARlY 007 thor of Countdown to Crisis: the Coming time to time there is a terrorist attack and According to Diplomatic sources, the Bush Nuclear Showdown with Iran, the nuclear then everything stays the same. Halevy administration has raised the prospect of a crisis with Iran has finally erupted and predicts it will take a minimum of 25 years U.S. strike on Iran this year. “There has not that in the next few months we should ex- before the battle against Islamic fundamen- been a U.S. commitment, but the discus- pect the very real possibility of a war that talist terrorism is won and during this time a sions have been interpreted as an expres- could spread far beyond the Persian Gulf. nuclear strike by Islamic militants is likely. sion of intent,” the sources said. Timmerman says the trigger for the crisis occurred when the UN Security Council passed a binding resolution to impose sanctions on Iran. “ will take a minimum of 25 years before the battle against Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is AhMADINEJAD: IRAN NOw NuClEAR pOwER Iranian president Ahmadinejad is now saying that Iran is now a “nuclear power.” The announcement of Iran as a “nuclear won and during this time a nuclear strike by Islamic power” is bound to significantly escalate ” tensions. Ahmadinejad also boasted that militants is likely. -Mossad, Efraim Halevy Iranian scientists reached the zenith of sci- ence and technology and gained access to the nuclear fuel cycle without the help of big powers. u.S. STRIkE gROup TRANSITS DOOMSDAY ClOCk TICkS ClOSER N. kOREA DEMANDS TO BE SuEZ CANAl TO ARMAgEDDON TREATED AS NuClEAR pOwER A U.S. Navy strike group led by the assault The Nobel laureate scientist Stephen Hawk- North Korea has opened back up nuclear ship USS Bataan has passed through the ing has warned that the world is on the arms talks insisting that it be treated as a Suez Canal on its way to join a buildup of brink of a second nuclear age. The University full-fledged nuclear power. But the United American forces in the Middle East. The of Cambridge mathematician’s comments States says that time is running out for seven-vessel Bataan group is said to in- came as the time on the doomsday clock, Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear arse- clude 2,200 U.S. Marines and sailors, he- which counts down to nuclear Armageddon, nal. The U.S. is also threatening more sanc- licopters and Harrier fighter jets. The U.S. was moved two minutes closer to midnight. tions on the communist regime. Fifth Fleet will be overseeing around 50 Since 1947, the clock - with midnight repre- warships in the Mideast after the arrival of senting nuclear apocalypse - has appeared u.S. wARNS Of ThREAT TO SATEllITES the Bataan and an American aircraft car- on the cover of the Bulletin of the Atomic The Bush administration is warning of ter- rier group according to U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Scientists. The position of the clock’s hand rorist threats to U.S. commercial and military Charlie Brown. The carrier USS Dwight D. was moved to five minutes before midnight satellites. “We reserve the right to defend Eisenhower is already in the region. The on Wednesday, January 17, 2007. ourselves against hostile attacks and inter- United States has not had two carriers in ference with our space assets,” said Under- the Mideast since 2003. ThINk TANk SAYS ISRAEl CApABlE Of secretary of State Robert G. Joseph. “A num- ATTACkINg IRAN’S NuClEAR pROgRAM ber of countries are exploring and acquiring REpORT: N. kOREA hElpINg IRAN ON ITS OwN capabilities to counter, attack, and defeat gET NukES Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National U.S. space systems,” Joseph said. As reported in the Daily Telegraph, North Security Studies has said that Iran will ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 9. u EU WATCH uN ChIEf, SOlANA DISCuSS INTERNATIONAl ISSuES United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon met with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Brussels to discuss a wide range of issues. He said that the position of the EU and the UN “are on the same page.” Solana said the situation in the Middle East, Balkans, Africa as well as the issues of non-proliferation, terrorism and human rights were among the topics discussed. ThE Eu’S CONSTITuTION CONTROVERSY The Liberals in the European Parliament have strongly rejected a plan by Spain and Luxembourg to hold a restricted “friends of the EU constitution” meeting. Spain and Luxembourg deliberately excluded France pAN-Eu pOlICE DATABASES RfID pASSpORTS ClONED IN fIVE and the Netherlands, which rejected the BACkED BY gERMANY MINuTES’ charter in popular referendums in 2005. An- Germany is pushing for Union-wide rules New passports using radio frequency iden- drew Duff, Liberal constitutional spokesman entailing national police operating across tification (RFID) chips can be cloned in less and UK MEP, says that the initiative carries borders and the sharing of DNA informa- than five minutes according to two tech- the serious risk of dividing the union, and tion. The aim is to create a modern police nology consultants. Lukas Grunwald and that it is “hugely undermining the efforts of information network throughout Europe, Christian Bottger bought an RFID reader the German presidency, whose duty it is to according to German Interior Minister Wolf- on eBay and developed software that pro- come up with proposals to renegotiate the gang Schuble. His hope is that legislation for vides a blank chip in which cloned data can 2004 constitutional treaty. it will be in place by July 2007, when the EU be copied onto. Presidency will be handed over to Portugal. SOlANA AwARDED u MIDDLE EAST WATCH ChARlEMAgNE pRIZE huMAN ID IMplANT TO BE European Union Security and Foreign Pol- uNVEIlED SOON NSC SEEkS TO plACE ISRAEl IN NATO icy Chief Javier Solana has been awarded A working prototype of an implant designed In an effort to establish more effective the 2007 Charlemagne prize. The prize is to monitor the physiology and whereabouts deterrence in the face of Iran’s race to obtain given to those who make great strides in of human wearers, known as Digital Angel, nuclear weapons, Israeli government minis- working toward the unification of Europe, is scheduled to be unveiled later this year at tries are, for the first time, working on draft- and many see it as being of greater impor- an invitation-only event in New York City. In ing a position paper for turning Israel into a tance in Europe than a Nobel Prize. addition to monitoring physiological data, full-fledged member of NATO. The Spanish the device will be marketed as a means of Prime Minister, Jose Maria Aznar, has said u MARK OF THE BEAST WATCH verifying online consumer identity. There that “Israel needs to join NATO as soon as are also hopes that Digital Angel will tap possible.” The former Spanish leader and STATES ChAllENgE NATIONAl into the preventative medicine market with current president of the FAES Spanish think DRIVER’S lICENSE its ability to monitor body functions such as tank said that if Israel became a member of A revolt against a national driver’s license, temperature, heartbeat and specific needs NATO, “the perception in Iran would change” begun in Maine last month, has been such as insulin levels. because Iran would be dealing with all of quickly spreading to other states. The NATO rather than Israel alone. Maine Legislature overwhelmingly passed VERIChIp AwARDED u.S. pATENT fOR a resolution objecting to the Real ID Act, pORTABlE RfID ASSET TRACkINg SYSTEM BAN uRgED TO wEIgh IN ON MIDDlE and within a week, lawmakers in Georgia, VeriChip Corporation has been granted a EAST CONflICT Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Vermont patent for its portable RFID asset location European Union foreign-policy point man, and Washington State also balked at Real system. The patent combines RFID tagging Javier Solana, says that he hopes to con- ID. It is expected that these states will soon technology with a portable receiver to track vene a high-level meeting in Europe as pass laws or adopt resolutions declining the location of assets within a fixed setting, early as this month between Mr. Ban and to participate in the federal identification such as a building. Rather than relying on a top diplomats from America, Europe, and network. Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Massa- network of fixed receivers, the asset loca- Russia, hoping to revive the steering group chusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, Okla- tion system collects RFID messages, which known as the quartet, which oversees the homa, Utah and Wyoming all have active the system uses to identify the unique ID “roadmap” for ending the Israeli-Palestinian legislation against Real ID. Missouri State of the asset as well as its room location. By conflict. In a meeting with Mr. Ban, Solana Rep. James Guest has formed a coalition of not requiring the installation of numerous said, “I’d like to insist as strongly as possible lawmakers from 34 states to file bills that fixed receivers, such a system could lower oppose or protest Real ID. the cost of implementing RFID technology. CONTINuED ON pAgE 11 u SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007
  • 10. 10 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 11. world Review CONTINuED fROM pAgE that we have to tackle the peace process tet, the UN, the U.S., Russia and China, meet NAVY DISMISSES ChAplAIN whO between Israelis and Palestinians.” to resume peace plan talks. Ban spoke to pRAYED ‘IN JESuS’ NAME’ Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice several A U.S. Navy chaplain who prayed “in Jesus’ ‘BARRIER wIll BE DONE BY times about the Mideast before she left on name” is being ejected from the military END Of 00’ her recent trip so he is aware of what the service. “This fight cost me everything. My According to a senior defense official in- American initiative is. The United States is career is over, my family is now homeless, volved in the project, construction of the planning to gather Israeli and Palestinian we’ve lost a million dollar pension, but Con- West Bank security barrier will be complet- leaders to discuss an eventual indepen- gress agreed with me and rescinded the ed by the end of 2008. The Defense Min- dent Palestinian state. Navy policy, so chaplains are free again to istry has completed 402 kilometers of the pray in Jesus’ name,” said Chaplain Gordon barrier so far and another 106 kilometers puTIN, SOlANA TO ATTEND RD Klingenschmitt. Klingenschmitt had fought are under construction. The final route of MuNICh SECuRITY CONfERENCE an extended battle with the Navy over its the barrier has been approved. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Eu- restrictions on religious expression by its ropean Union foreign policy chief Javier chaplains. He had delivered a public prayer ISRAEl NukE COMMENT SpARkS Solana are to take part in the 43rd Munich “in Jesus’ name” at a White House rally last CONTROVERSY Conference on Security Policy in Febru- winter and in turn was court-martialed. A slip of the tongue by Prime Minister Ehud ary. The conference is widely regarded as Olmert about Israel’s nuclear policy has bal- the top annual gathering of political mov- “ looned into a domestic crisis. In an interview ers and shakers on global strategic issues. with a German television station Olmert appeared to list Israel among the world’s Around 300 politicians, military leaders and scholars are slated to discuss pressing This fight cost me nuclear powers, which violated the coun- international issues. try’s long-standing policy of not officially everything. My career acknowledging that it has atomic weapons. uN REMAINS BEST DEVICE fOR AChIEV- INg kEY gOAlS Of INTERNATIONAl is over, my family is u WORLD GOVERNMENT RElATIONS - ANNAN u.S.: MORE SANCTIONS If IRANIAN In his last speech to an American audience, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that the now homeless, we’ve DEfIANCE CONTINuES only way to achieve the key principles of The U.S. State Department says it will push international relations is by “making the lost a million dollar ” for “incremental” UN Security Council sanc- best possible use“ of the United Nations. tions against Iran if Teheran authorities The Secretary-General also offered a chal- pension... continued to ignore council demands. Ac- lenge to the current and future leaders of cording to spokesman Sean McCormack, the U.S. to live up to the example set by Iran appears to be continuing “down the former President Harry Truman, one of the path of isolation” by stepped-up installa- founders of the UN. “More than ever today MuShARRAf CAllS fOR tion of cascades. Americans, like the rest of humanity, need INTERfAITh hARMONY a functioning global system through which Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf glOBAl COuRT CONfIRMS fIRST TRIAl the world’s peoples can face global chal- is calling on world leaders to work together The International Criminal Court (ICC) has lenges together,” he said. in promoting interfaith harmony, so that ruled that there was enough evidence people of all religions can live together against a Congolese militiaman to launch BuSh NOMINATES MuSlIM TO uN pOST in peace and share benefits of progress. the new court’s first trial. The decision to President Bush has nominated Zalmay Musharraf says that Islam delivers the same confirm charges and pave the way for a Khalilzad to be the new U.S. ambassador message of peace, tolerance and compas- trial is a major landmark for the ICC, which to the United Nations. Khalilzad is currently sion that Jesus Christ taught. He says that was set up as the first permanent global the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, and has served interfaith harmony is necessary for peace war crimes court in 2002. The court that in this capacity since June 2005. He is the in the world. issued its first arrest warrants in 2005. The highest ranking Muslim in the U.S. govern- ICC Chief Prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocam- ment and one of the few officials at the U.S. pOpE SpEAkS Of EuROpE’S ChRISTIAN po, is also planning to charge suspects Embassy in Baghdad fluent in Arabic. ROOTS IN hOlIDAY AppEARANCE soon for atrocities in Sudan’s Darfur region. Pope Benedict XVI is urging Europeans to The United States has fiercely opposed the u WORLD RELIGION turn to their “ancient Christian roots” to ICC, fearing it would be used for politically build the present and future of their con- motivated prosecutions of its soldiers and pOpE SAYS ROAD TO ChRISTIAN uNITY tinent. “Show yourself mother and vigilant citizens, but its hostility to the court has IS uphIll, BuT IMpORTANT guardian for Italy and for Europe,” Benedict been waning. Pope Benedict XVI says that efforts to pro- said. The pope was making his traditional mote Christian unity must be intensified. visit to the Spanish Steps on a holiday dedi- BAN kI-MOON CAllS fOR QuARTET Benedict has made reaching out to other cated to Mary. The pope prayed that Mary MEETINg branches of Christianity a main theme of would inspire a respect for human dignity United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- his pontificate. He said, “Ecumenism is cer- in the world and a repudiation of violence moon is insisting that the so-called Quar- tainly a slow process.” and exploitation. n SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 11
  • 12. armageddon the good Side of By Irvin Baxter Jr. the mere mention of the word armageddon evokes ominous images of apocalyptic slaughter, nuclear holocaust and blood flowing to the horse bridles. we never look at the bright side of the Bible’s prophecies about the world’s final war. B ut, believe it or not, there is a bright side, a very bright side. It face-to-face introduction to her Messiah! is at Armageddon that the kingdoms of this world become the It is also at Armageddon that the tyrannical one-world government kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ (Revelation 11:15). This of the Antichrist will be destroyed. At this same time, the Antichrist is the time when the failed human governments of this earth will be and the False Prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire. abolished, and we will crown Jesus King of kings and Lord of lords. Another major event that happens at this time is described in Mat- The Jewish people will bear the brunt of the Battle of Armaged- thew 24:30-31, “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in don. Scripture indicates that one-third of Israel could possibly be de- heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they stroyed in that battle. On the other hand, it is at Armageddon that the shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power Jewish nation will end its 4,000-year search for the Messiah. and great glory. And he shall send His angels with a great sound of a Zechariah 14:3-4 indicates that Jesus will intervene on Israel’s be- trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, half and that He will actually stand on the Mount of Olives. It is at from one end of heaven to the other.” that time that Israel will rush to the Mount of Olives to greet Him! So, as you can see, not all is doom and gloom when we think of According to Zechariah 13:6, they will notice the nail scars in His Armageddon. Yes, tragic things will occur there. But absolutely won- hands and feet and will ask how they got there. The answer will re- derful things will happen there as well. move the veil from Israel’s eyes, and the entire nation will embrace The next time you think of Armageddon, look beyond the cata- Jesus as their Messiah and their Lord. strophic events that are destined to occur. Know that it is at Arma- What an incredible turn of events! One minute, Israel will be fight- geddon that the Old World Order will be abolished and the true New ing for her very existence. The next minute, she will be glorying in the World Order of Jesus Christ will be permanently ushered in. n 1 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 13. C O V E R S T O R Y B Y I R V I N B A X T E R J R . ThE DESTRoYER iS DEAD is the 5th Trumpet era over? If Saddam HuSSeIn waS, In fact, “tHe deStroyer” of tHe 5tH trumpet, It would certaInly appear tHat HIS deatH SIgnaled tHe end of tHe 5tH trumpet era. SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 1
  • 14. I’ll never forget the first time my home. It contained an interesting interview with the last Jewish family that had left Baghdad and had just arrived in Jerusalem. In the article, the wife of the family was recounting an interesting experi- in 1991 when I saw the pictures of the oil- ence concerning the birth of Saddam Hussein. blackened skies of Kuwait. Saddam Hussein When carrying Saddam, his mother was having a terrible pregnancy. had set 700 of the world’s richest oil wells The Iraqi doctors advised an abortion. Saddam’s mother, not wanting an abortion, moved to the Jewish sector of Baghdad where the finest doctors ablaze as he was being forced to withdraw in Iraq lived. The Jewish doctors nursed her through her pregnancy. from the land he had invaded. The pictures When the baby boy was finally born, his mother decided to name him Saddam, which means destroyer in Arabic, because he had al- were of Kuwait at noon, but it looked like most destroyed her. Reading this story, I remembered the German midnight. Immediately the prophecy came to Tribune article six years earlier that had referred to Saddam “the de- stroyer” Hussein. mind: Digging deeper, I found that the name Saddam is defined as: one “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto who confronts; crusher; or destroyer. In the Epoch Times on July 4, the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he 2005, Iraqis were shown carrying signs of Saddam Hussein with the opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as message written, “We demand the trial of Saddam the destroyer.” In the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened an article entitled, “Activists are wrong to protest war against Saddam by reason of the smoke of the pit” (Revelation 9:1-2). Hussein’s brutality,” the following statement was made: “This is what Firefighting specialists from all over the world converged on Ku- we were fighting against. We were fighting Saddam, the destroyer.” wait to fight the blazing oil fires. The skies of Kuwait hung heavy with (The Tech, March 5, 1991) the thick black smoke. The sun was not seen there for the next three months. I remember thinking, “This certainly looks like the proph- The destroyer is dead ecy, but surely not…” At the time, I was under the impression that the After a lengthy and chaotic trial, Saddam Hussein was hanged just prophecies of the Seven Trumpets could not come to pass until the before dawn on Saturday morning, December 30, 2006. If Saddam time of the great tribulation. I now know that the first six trumpets Hussein was, in fact, “the destroyer” of the 5th Trumpet, it would cer- must occur before the final three and one-half years of great tribula- tainly appear that his death signaled the end of the 5th Trumpet era. tion begins. This can be proven from the scriptures. This being true, what do the prophecies indicate lie ahead? The prophecy went on to say that locusts came out of the smoke. These locusts had faces as men, breastplates of iron, and their stings What comes after the fifth trumpet? were in their tails. It also states that the sound of their wings was as The sounding of the 6th Trumpet immediately follows the sound- the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. Locusts with ing of the 5th Trumpet in scripture. The 6th Trumpet prophecy is one breastplates of iron and the faces of men? The sound of their wings as of the most catastrophic prophecies of the entire Bible. The account is the sound of many horses running to battle? If a person saw a vision found in Revelation 9:13-16. of helicopters or jet airplanes in 95 AD, is there a chance he would And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns describe them in this way? of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which The prophecy concludes by saying that the armies had a king over had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the He- river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared brew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apol- for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third lyon. The meaning of both Abaddon and Apollyon is “destroyer.” part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. Saddam “the destroyer” Hussein As I pondered all of these possibilities, an article from the Ger- Two billion will die man Tribune (March 10, 1991), added fuel to the fire. The article was The salient words hit you like a sledgehammer: “…were prepared… reporting on the Gulf War and the terrible devastation being caused to slay the third part of men.” Could that possibly mean what it says? by Saddam Hussein. The writer referred to him as Saddam “the de- Does this prophecy really foretell the killing of one-third of mankind? stroyer” Hussein. As much as I wish it were not true, all the translations of the passage Knowing that Apollyon and Abaddon meant “destroyer”, I had to agree. This prophecy foretells the destruction of one-third of the 6.7 ask myself: Could I be watching the unfolding of the 5th Trumpet? billion human beings on earth. At the time, I thought, “Surely not.” But still, I saved the pictures of the blackened skies of Kuwait at noonday, and I saved the German Where will this war take place? Tribune article about Saddam “the destroyer” Hussein. The prophecy says that four angels (angels are spirits) will be loosed Six years later, the Jerusalem Post (December 13, 1997), arrived at from the Euphrates River resulting in the war that kills one-third of 1 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 15. Are we already in the beginning of the 6th Trumpet War and just don’t realize it yet? mankind. The Euphrates River begins in Turkey, travels through Syria, his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. and then enters the northern border of Iraq. It then flows all the way What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? Jesus said through the nation of Iraq, emptying into the Persian Gulf. Approxi- that except a man is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. mately sixty percent of the Euphrates is contained in the nation of Iraq. When we are born again, we are born into eternal life. Once we know The prophecy says this war will emanate from the Euphrates River. The that we have eternal life, the fear of death through the coming war United States has 150,000 troops stationed along the Euphrates at this or from any other source is removed. (For Endtime’s free brochure very moment, and we are preparing to send 20,000 more. entitled “What do you mean…Born Again,” go to, Are we already in the beginning of the 6th Trumpet War and just or call 1-800-ENDTIME.) don’t realize it yet? Remember, the 6th Trumpet immediately follows Once our eternal destination is settled, we can turn our attention the 5th Trumpet. The 5th Trumpet is over and fighting is escalating to helping the 2 billion people who will soon be snatched out into along the Euphrates. Or maybe this is all just one big coincidence…a eternity by the impending war. Since we can’t predict which 2 bil- coincidence prophesied almost 2,000 years ago! lion will be killed, we need to reach every person on earth with the offer of eternal life through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I must be about What to do? my Father’s business.” The Father’s business is to preach the gospel to The question is not, “Will this war take place?” That’s a settled issue. every creature. The prophecies of the Bible always come to pass. The critical question How long do we have before the Euphrates River War is unleashed is, “What should each of us do to prepare?” with all its fury upon mankind? One year? Two years? Not long. We’d It seems certain that the United States will be a central participant better get busy! n in this Euphrates River War. We already are fighting along the Eu- phrates, and we are possibly the only power on earth with the neces- Editor’s note: In order to reach the world with the vital message sary firepower to kill 2 billion human beings. So what should we do? that “The Endtime is Now,” Endtime Ministries has launched the Is it time to build bomb shelters? Store food? Move to scarcely pop- Reach the World project. We are translating one hundred hours of ulated parts of the U.S.? Some people are actually doing these things Endtime teaching into the major languages of the world. We are right now. But is this what God would have us do? then putting these videos onto the worldwide web for the entire Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-33, world to view. This will be done just as soon as the funds are avail- “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What able. We estimate the cost for this project will be about $150,000. shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these If you would like to help accomplish this emergency drive to reach things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye the world before it is too late, send your donation to Endtime Min- have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and istries, PO Box 461167, Garland, TX 75046. Salvation Package • Understanding the Godhead • True Christianity vs. False Christianity • Tongues—Devilish or Divine $ 50 available From enDTime 00 | 1.800.enDTime SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 1
  • 16. 666 Great resources from endtime 666—Satan’s master Plan Irvin Baxter outlines the history and evolution of the New World order, drawing stunning parallels between God’s acts 2:38 plan of salvation and Satan’s master plan. $ 20 DVD Video or $ 7 audio cD 666: How Close? In 2008, every american will be required to have a National ID card. Without it, you will not be able to drive, enter any federal building, or open a bank account. With the avalanche of rFID (radio Frequency ID) technology now coming into use, the rEaL ID act may very well be the point of no return for the mark of the Beast. $ 20 or $ 7 SATAN’S DVD Video audio cD MASTer 1 PLAn ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 17. By craIg treadwell Will the Anti-Christ be Anti-Homeschool? The “You can’t hard, tight-fisted the Anti-Christ be anti-homeschool, and en- knock at the force international laws, making home based be trusted to door came on a education illegal?” Thursday morn- ing. When Katherina Plett opened the door INSIDE ThE NAZI MIND of her home in Paderborn, Germany, she found herself staring into the face of an un- educate your In 1938 Nazi Germany passed a law re- quiring all children to attend public school dercover police woman. Little did Katherina know when she opened the door that secretly own children to avoid “the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions.” because we lurking nearby were German officers who At the core of their belief system was twisted would arrest her and raid her home! Kather- logic that says, “You can’t be trusted to edu- ina’s crime? Homeschooling. cate your own children because we cannot Germany is presently reinforcing a 1938 Hitler-induced law which made home- cannot afford afford freedom of thought. We have Europe to conquer, better yet; the entire world is in schooling illegal. When this news came to my attention, I felt the shock, since my wife freedom of the palm of our hands.” If you think this is a stretch of the truth, study the philosophies homeschools our three children. It stopped me in my tracks and forced me to ask, “Will thought...” of Adolph Hitler. Even though Hitler was not the Antichrist, both he and Nazi Germany SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 17
  • 18. foreshadowed the emergence of the future global government. Early on, Hitler understood the psychol- “With the which taught that the strong should thrive at the expense of the weak. To them, this justi- fied their engagement of eugenics, the study ogy of propaganda. That is why he appointed Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels as his propaganda influence of of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding. This led to homeschooling minister. As a devout anti-Semite, Goebbels forcing people to undergo surgical steriliza- took total control of the media and developed tion to prevent people, considered to be car- it into a mouthpiece for Nazi philosophy. He riers of undesirable genetic traits, from hav- employed argumentum ad nauseam, the practice of repeating a lie until it eventually and other ing children. This resulted in people like Dr. Josef Mengele carrying out brutal medical contrary is believed to be true. He so mastered it until experiments on human subjects at Auschwitz. it eventually became known as the Goebbel Forcing people into pressure chambers and technique. To make sure every home was freezing them to death was just part of their properly programmed with Nazi ideology, he ordered the broadcasting of Nazi propa- influences out attempt at making sure the Nazi party did not lose its monopoly of power. As reinforcement, of the way, ganda to the masses, all the while blocking Hitler established and deployed the Schutz- out news from other countries. Any poten- staffel (SS) or “protection squad” to carry out tial threat to their influence was outlawed. their genocidal dreams, murdering 11 million Is it any wonder that homeschooling was outlawed? The propaganda ministry could not achieve its goal of total conquest if the Hitler was able innocent people, 6 million of whom were Jew- ish. Since Hitler was not the Antichrist, just how brutal will the real beast be? educational system was not completely con- trolled. Simply put, no matter how large the to hypnotize EuROpEAN COuRT Of huMAN RIghTS = megaphone of propaganda, it could not be a complete success if parents were allowed to raise free-thinkers who might influence soci- Germany into glOBAl gOVERNMENT If you are not sure if world government is gaining strength in Europe today, consider ety contrary to Hitler’s agenda. With the influence of homeschooling and embracing the actions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), headquartered in Strasbourg, other contrary influences out of the way, Hitler was able to hypnotize Germany into embracing Social Darwinism. This was the Social France. One couple who felt the sting of their power was Fritz and Marianna Konrad who discovered their children were being force- ethical theory, birthed by Herbert Spencer, Darwinism.” fed corrupt teachings about sexuality. The 1 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
  • 19. Konrads filed a complaint with this court which stated that Germany’s law, which forces public school attendance, jeopardized their “Article 13 inform Melissa’s parents of her location. Citi- zens are not seeing this case being reported by their German news agencies. Netzwerk- children’s religious beliefs. The court ruled that the parents’ desire to exclude their chil- states that Bildungsfreifeit, a German homeschool advocacy group, said “Germany blatantly parents should dren from such influence could not dominate spurns parental and human rights and can- the need for mandatory school attendance. In not be regarded any longer as a free country. other words, “We cannot allow your religious It is running more and more to tyranny and beliefs to upset our quest for mind condition- ing.” Shouldn’t the very court which claims to defend human rights in its name have come be subject to dictatorship.” Didn’t Nazism die in 1945? ThE uNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON to the Konrad’s defense? Can you imagine the deep disappointment and rejection the Kon- rads felt after such cold denial? prosecution for ThE RIghTS Of ThE ChIlD A core value contained in the United Na- tions Convention on the Rights of the Child As another example of the death grip world government structures like the ECHR has in any attempt to (UNCRC) states: “Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live an individual prevent their Europe, consider this: In Brussels, Belgium, life in society, and brought up in the spirit of the editor of The Brussels Journal website was the ideals proclaimed in the Charter of the called into the police station. They said, “The United Nations….as indicated in the Dec- Belgian authorities are of the opinion that, as a homeschooler, he has not adequately educated his children and, hence, is neglecting his duty children from laration of the Rights of the Child, the child needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection.” Legal protec- as a parent, which is a criminal offence.” This incident leaves us with the impression that the ECHR does not fully protect European citi- interacting with tion? Protection from what? Their own par- ents? According to Michael Farris, chairman of the American Home School Legal De- zens against Hitler’s laws. Another case in Germany involves a material fense Association (HSLDA), the Convention places serious restrictions on parent’s rights they deem 15-year-old homeschool student, Melissa to guide their children. Article 13 states that Busekros. She was seized from her home by parents should be subject to prosecution for police and taken to a psychiatric institution. any attempt to prevent their children from She was then removed from the institution and taken to an undisclosed location. As of this writing, German officials have refused to unacceptable.” interacting with material they deem unac- ceptable. When a nation is bound to the UNCRC, children receive legal protection to SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 1
  • 20. resist their parent’s religious guidance. heard the evidence. Even if Hillary Clinton has made the passing of the EU constitution According to Farris, in 1995 the UK was does not win the presidency in 2008, there her top goal. The re-birth of the Holy Roman declared out of compliance with the UNCRC, are many more like her who share her views. Empire is in the making. Prophecy gives us “Because it allowed parents to remove their Does America have guaranteed protection insight that the Antichrist will arise from a children from public school sex-education from the potential dangers of the UNCRC? re-born Holy Roman Empire. It is no wonder classes without consulting the child.” Farris Farris said that the UNCRC could render that we are able to trace the seed of opposi- also said, “By the same reasoning, parents homeschooling unlawful in the United States, tion to homeschooling to the very heart of the would be denied the ability to homeschool even though the U.S. Senate has never autho- Antichrist’s power. Global thinkers recognize their children.” Could this be a display of rized this Convention. Ferris proclaimed, “If that if they are to achieve their dream of one- an even larger scheme: a global initiative to the international law movement is not cur- world government, they must force all citizens paralyze fundamental parental control? tailed in the United States, American home- to behave globally. This explains why modern schooling will be banned.” German and Belgian police are forcibly taking AMERICAN hOMESChOOlERS AT RISk? children away from their parents and hauling In 1925, the United States Supreme Court ThE pROphECY CONNECTION them off to attend state-run schools. unanimously declared that “the fundamen- Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 harmonize, tal theory of liberty upon which all govern- providing us with animal symbols which rep- ThE REAl fORCE BEhIND ments in this Union repose excludes any resent nations that will exist in the last days. glOBAl gOVERNMENT general power of the State to standardize its Daniel saw a lion with eagle’s wings, a bear, Revelation 13:2 reveals the secret of power children by forcing them to accept instruc- a leopard with four heads, and a ten-horned behind the dominating global government tion from public teachers only.” “Yeah, but a beast. These 4 kingdoms came together in beast: “and the dragon (Satan) gave him (the US president would never allow a one-world Revelation as a unified beast, giving the Anti- one-world government beast) his power, government to infiltrate the sovereignty of christ unprecedented global power. The leop- and his seat, and great authority.” Will the America,” some would say. “These overseas ard portion of this beast represents Germany. Antichrist be Anti-homeschool? As a man reports about homeschoolers being arrested The four leopard heads represent how many possessed by Satan himself, will he have a won’t affect Americans, so we can breathe a times Germany rose and fell. Hitler ruled choice? Are we staring into the eyes of a hid- sigh of relief.” Oh really? The Clinton ad- during the famous 3rd Reich (head). Nazi eous monster who is about to emerge from ministration attempted to make ratification Germany was defeated by the Allied armies a lair darker than Hitler’s? As the beast of of the UNCRC treaty a major policy objec- during WWII and divided into occupation Revelation rises and the world looks on with tive. It was signed by Madeleine Albright, the zones. The Berlin wall was constructed; di- wonder and amazement, we should not be U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, on viding East from West, fulfilling the first part surprised when he targets our dearest and February 16, 1995. However, they failed to of Rev. 13:3 which states that one of his heads most precious commodity: our children. Do achieve a two-thirds majority of the Senate. was wounded to death. we value the freedom to choose how we edu- Hillary Rodham Clinton is a former chair- There is more to the story. The same verse cate them? Will the Antichrist be anti-home- man of the Washington-based Children’s also states that the deadly wound was healed. school? Since factual evidence reveals that Defense Fund. As such she supported the In 1989, the Berlin Wall came down and the world government structures, over which the radical legal doctrine of children’s rights and deadly wound was healed. Daniel 7:6 says Anti-Christ will rule, are anti-homeschool, promoted this U.N. Convention. Remember that dominion was given to the leopard. As the answer is likely to be yes. It won’t, howev- her book, “It Takes A Village?” The concept the most powerful economy in the European er, be without a fight. With approximately 1.6 behind this book is that it’s too tough for Union, is it any wonder this renewed power to 2.0 million children being homeschooled the traditional family to raise kids in today’s could be going to Germany? Germany cur- in America, the global powers that be, will world and that “the village” or society should rently holds the brief six month EU presi- most assuredly be aware of our presence. I, claim control. Is America at risk? You have dency. Germany’s president, Angela Merkel for one, plan to take a stand for freedom! n 0 ENDTIMEMAGAZINE | March - April 2007 SubscribeNow|| Call 1.800.Endtime
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