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17 Rapid Fat Loss Tips
By Dr. Eric SerranoMD and Scott H. MendelsonCFT,SSC,SPN
1. Do NotDrinkFruitJuices.
A healthyglassof OJeach morning- noway!It ispoisoninmy book.Freshsqueezedorange juice
includingthe fiberfromthe pulpwouldbe mypreference.The glycemicindex ratingfororangesis
moderate while orange juice isskyhighpartiallydue toaddedsugarsputinjuices.Rememberthe
glycemicindex determinesbloodsugarandinsulinlevels.Thisisthe firstthingIpull outof any diet
especiallyif there are juvenilebehaviorproblems.Use real fruitsforyournutrientneedsandremember
to include avocadosandgrapefruitwhichbothfitwell inmostfatlossplans.
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2. Eliminate the Consumptionof RefinedFoods
Most acknowledge thatrefinedfoodssuchasbread,pasta,packagedbakedgoods,cereal etcsupport
the storage of bodyfat.Do not be fooledbywhole wheatbread,pitas,tortillasandotherproductsthat
alsocontainedenrichedflour.Inmanycasesthese itemsare the same as theirwhite counterpartswith
some addedcoloring.
3. AminoLoadbefore andafterexercise
AminoLoadingisa termwe use to describe the combinationof 100 % MR and Muscle Synthesiswhich
efficientlydelivercrucial aminoacidsina rapidfashion.Consumedbefore trainingthisunique combo
forcesthe bodyto use more storedfat as fuel duringexercisewhile alsohelpingthe trainee toshifttoa
more anabolic(fatburning) hormonal environment.Duringandaftertrainingaminoacidsprovide an
alternative energysource tosupportimprovedtrainingperformance (especiallyimportantduringalow
carb diet) andlay the buildingblocksneededfornew muscle growth.Timingiscritical andthere isno
time to spare postworkout.100% MR andMuscle Synthesisrapidlydeliverthe raw materialsneededas
theybypassdigestionandgetrightintothe bloodstreamtotake advantage of the hormonal and
4. Do notuse bars of anykindas meal replacementswhentryingtomaximizefatloss.
Bars have come a longwaywhenitcomesto taste,but theyare nothingmore thanhighproteincandy
bars. Theyare a greattool forgainingweightoreveryonce ina while whenyouare ina pinch.
Otherwise donotuse them,be aware that this“netimpactcarbs” andotherlabelingtricksare a scam.
Companieshave replacedsugarwithothersweetenerswhichdonotcountas carbs on the label.Asa
resultyouendup witha bar “lowincarbs” butsky highinsweetenersthatwill cause more havocwith
insulinlevelsthanreal sugar.I have yetto finda bar highenoughinfiberandlow insweetenerstoallow
people tolose bodyfatwheneatenregularly.
5. Do notreplace solidfoodmealswithshakesandneverconsume ashake withoutfiberasyourfirst
meal of the day.
I understandpeopleare verybusyinthe mornings,buta real foodmeal firstinthe day isvital.The body
has beenstarvingovernightandmusthave real foodwhichprovidesabasisof nutrientsandfiber.
Withoutfiberyourbloodsugarwill gohaywire.Furthermoredonotrelyonshakesforeverymeal.Iam
amazedto see people inmyoffice eatingone foodmeal and5 shakes perday.I make moneyona few
differentproteinshakesasIhave designedthemtosupplementfoodmeals,notthe otherwayaround.
6. Rotate foodstoavoidfoodallergies-especiallyproteinshakes.
Foodallergytestingisone of the greatestadvancementsinmyoffice overthe last5 years.I am able to
identifyspecificfoodsthatcause allergieswhichcanproduce the followingsymptoms:stomachupset,
excessivebodyfat,poorenergy,trouble concentratingandmanymore.Most people considerafood
allergylactose intolerance oranimmediate allergicreactiontopeanuts.Iam speakingof allergiesyou
developfromconstantlyconsumingthe same foods.Someof myclientshave eatenenoughchickento
grow feathersbeforetheycame tome.Rightafterconsumptionof certainproteinsourcespeople feel
sickand couldnot figure outwhy.Well here isyouranswer,rotate yourfoodsor youwill paya price.
Take itemsthat youhave consumedformonthson endoutof the dietforat least4 weeksandyouwill
see a huge difference.The mostcommonculpritsare eggs,milk,andpeanutbutter.
7. Do NotUnder Eat or DietEndlessly.
Caloriesare notthe onlysignificantfactordeterminingratesof fatloss.Starvingto lose bodyfatisnot
the answer;youmust fuel your humanengine withqualityfoodsourcesandcombinationsatthe right
time.Caloriesare secondarytofoodchoices.Eat2,000 caloriesof luckycharmsand 2,000 caloriesof
highqualityprotein,healthyfatsandfibrousgreenvegetables.See whathappens, notthe same after
8. Elevate greenvegetable intakeforthe numeroushealthpromotingandfatlossbenefits.
Greenvegetableshelptokeepyoufull andincrease absorptionratesof protein.A lackof green
vegetable fibertoreplace otherfibersourcesduringalow carbohydrate isa problemformanypeople.
Numerousvitaminsandmineralsare withingreenvegetables;the mostpopularinclude broccoli,
asparagus,greenbeansetc.Notice Irecommendgreenvegetableswhichdoesnotincludepotatoes,
tomatoes,cornor peas!Focus onthe greens;the sickeryouare the more youneed!Aimforat leastone
servingof greenvegetableswitheachfoodmeal.Flavorvegetableswithextravirginolive oil asalarge
salad,but use lesslettuce andmore solidgreens. Lastlygreenvegetablesdonotcountas carbs inmy
bookwhenitcomesto lowcarb dietingcalculations.Theyare mostlyfiberandwaterandwill notput
youover carb allowances.If youmustconsume shakesasmeal replacementsaddextrafibertoslowthe
rate of digestion.
9. Consume The "right"Fats!
Dietaryfatis not the enemy;lowfatdietsdonotworkand can leadtomany healthproblems.Ihave
founda correlationbetweenverylowcholesterol levelsanddepression.Gooddietaryfatsare a key
componenttogoodhealth.The bestchoicesare extravirginolive oil,avocados,mixednuts,fatsfrom
organicmeats,and the like.The mostimportantsupplemental fatsource isomega3 fatty acidswhich
youhave all heard of latelydue tothe recentresearch. You mustget a filtratedfishoil whichistoxin
free;Eatinggrassfedbeef isyourbestchoice asa red meatsource,inmany situationsproperlyraised
grassfedbeef willhave ahigheromega3 contentthansome fish!Verifythe cattle are raisedwithout the
use of antibioticsorhormones.
10. Do NotAbuse Alcohol
I am not sure howdrinkingbecame sopopularamongstpeople wantingtoreduce bodyfat.Letme
breakit to you,drinkingisprobablyone of the worse thingsyoucando, itwill setyouback for weeks
dependinghowmuchyouconsume.Ihave dozensof patientspayingthe price now fordrinkingdone
yearsago. Ascertainfat depositsiteswere developeddirectlyfromalcohol side affectsandtake three
timesaslongto burn off.One of those nice sugar ladentropical drinksisthe obesitymarket’sbest
friend.Nobetterwaytopack on the pounds.
11. Drink.6 x your bodyweightinpoundstodetermine the numberof ouncesyouneedperday.
Coldwaterforcesthe bodyto expendenergytoheatitup to bodytemp.Iconsiderwaterto be an
essential nutrient.Youmustdrinkwaterwithandbetweenmealstooptimizehealthespeciallyduring
timesof increasesphysical activityandheat.Donot waituntil youare thirsty,be pro active.Evena 2 %
decrease inbodilywatercontentcantriggermanyhealthproblems.Thisisperhapsthe easiestthing
people candoto improve theirwell being.
12. Neveruse breakfastasa cheatmeal
I do advocate periodiccheatmeals,butneverforthe firstmeal of the day.Researchprovesthat
breakfastisthe mostimportantmeal of the day whenitcomesto settingthe pace for bloodsugar
levels.Iwantmyclientstosatisfycravings,butat the same time I wantto minimize the damage and
preventbodyfataccumulation.Take AlphaOmegabefore andafteranycheatmeal andyou will keep
bloodsugarlevelsundercontrol whichwill minimize bodyfataccumulation.Itisnota fatblockeras that
conceptis a scam, butthe concept issomewhatsimilar.
13. Gain some muscle fora change
It seemslike 75%of the people come intotomyoffice,and90% of womenand wantto lowerbodyfat
%,cannot dieteffectivelyforeverandattimesthe bestlongtermsolutionforrevivingmetabolismisto
put onsome good oldfashionmuscle!Remember thata longtermdietespeciallywithlow caloricintake
will actuallyteachthe bodytostore fat to preserve survival.If youhave beendietingforanextended
periodof time withpoorresults,asluggishmetabolismmaybe toblame!Noladiesyouare notgoingto
pack on 20 lbsof muscle overnight,thatisnotgoingto happenwithoutthe rightgeneticsandeffortsto
do specificallythat,howeversome gainsinmuscle,sayeven5lbscan helpyouburn manymore calories
24x7 while improvingyourhormonal landscapeaswell.Remembermore muscle alsohelpswithlong
termbone healthandeverydayfunction.
14. Change yourdietat leastevery3 months
Do youfollowthe same trainingprogramforever?Well if youdoitisa mistake,the bodyadaptsvery
quicklytoomanystimuli includingthose createdthroughyournutritionplan.The prioritiesof your
nutritionplanshouldchange oftenandsoshouldyourmacronutrient%s.The goal isto breakthe cycle
of the bodyusingjustproteinorevencarbs forfuel;we wantthe bodyto be overloadedwithdietary
fat fora periodof time sothe systemcan efficientlyuse fatasfuel.Whenyouwill returntoa lower
dietaryfatintake,yetthe bodywill still know how toutilize the storedfatonyourbackside asfuel
insteadof yourhard earnedmuscle.
15. AminoLoadbetweenmeals
AminoLoadingwith100 % MR and Muscle Synthesisprovidethe specificfuelthe bodyseeksforoptimal
mental andphysical functionbetweenmeals.WhydoesAminoloadingfool the bodyintoburningbody
fat? The specificingredients,ratiosandproprietarytechnologyfoundwith100% MR and Muscle
Synthesisprovideshighimpactnutritionwithonlyafew caloriessignalingthe bodytobelieve massive
amountsof foodhave beenconsumed.Metabolismisrevampedthroughthe roof tohandle the
incomingnutrients,butthere isnofoodtodigest,leavingstoredbodyfatasthe onlysource available to
16. Loweryour StressLevels
I knoweasiersaidthandone,butit isa keyfactor of the fat lossequation.Stresswill ruinyourinsulin
sensitivitycausingthe bodytooversecrete the fatstorage hormone insulin.Furthermore highcortisol
levelselevateddue tostressalsoactivate fatstorage receptors,formeninthe midsectionandwomen
have a harder time withthe hips/buttocksarea.We are well equippedtodeal withshorttermstress
such as beingchasedbya wildanimal,butthe longtermstressorsfromoverdue bills,relationship
issues,sickrelativesetcare whatreallytake a toll.Signsthatyouare overstressedincludeexcessive
bodyfat levels,consistentfatigue,irritabilityandlackof motivation.Overtrainingsyndrome hassimilar
symptomsashighstresslevelsare one of the keyfactorsinvolvedwithreducingyourcapacityto
17. Get Your Rest
A lackof sleepmakesyourhormonesturninthe wrongdirection.Countlessstudiesshow thata few
nightsof poor sleepcannegativelyalteryourinsulinsensitivity.Inourexperiencethose withinadequate
sleepconsume more sugarfora varietyof reasons.A good nightsrestisa keyto successful daysfueling
optimal physical andmental energytoaccomplishthe tasksathand.Optimizingyournatural anabolic
hormone levelsisanimportantpartof the recoveryprocessas itrelatestoweighttrainingespecially.
Lack of sleepisacommon cause of overtraining.Whilesome people have trouble goingtosleepmany
more experience difficultystayinginadeeplevel of sleep.Wakingupfeelingtiredisasignthat the
qualityof sleepispoor.Highstresslevelsare a commonreasonbehindsome sleepdifficulties;trythe
Fat Reduce PMwhichwasengineeredtolowerstresslevelsbefore sleep.

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17 rapid fat loss tips

  • 1. 17 Rapid Fat Loss Tips By Dr. Eric SerranoMD and Scott H. MendelsonCFT,SSC,SPN 1. Do NotDrinkFruitJuices. A healthyglassof OJeach morning- noway!It ispoisoninmy book.Freshsqueezedorange juice includingthe fiberfromthe pulpwouldbe mypreference.The glycemicindex ratingfororangesis moderate while orange juice isskyhighpartiallydue toaddedsugarsputinjuices.Rememberthe glycemicindex determinesbloodsugarandinsulinlevels.Thisisthe firstthingIpull outof any diet especiallyif there are juvenilebehaviorproblems.Use real fruitsforyournutrientneedsandremember to include avocadosandgrapefruitwhichbothfitwell inmostfatlossplans. For more detailsonourproducts andservices,please feelfree tovisitusatNatural testosterone boosters,testosterone booster,boostingtestosterone,boostingtestosterone naturally 2. Eliminate the Consumptionof RefinedFoods Most acknowledge thatrefinedfoodssuchasbread,pasta,packagedbakedgoods,cereal etcsupport the storage of bodyfat.Do not be fooledbywhole wheatbread,pitas,tortillasandotherproductsthat alsocontainedenrichedflour.Inmanycasesthese itemsare the same as theirwhite counterpartswith some addedcoloring. 3. AminoLoadbefore andafterexercise AminoLoadingisa termwe use to describe the combinationof 100 % MR and Muscle Synthesiswhich efficientlydelivercrucial aminoacidsina rapidfashion.Consumedbefore trainingthisunique combo forcesthe bodyto use more storedfat as fuel duringexercisewhile alsohelpingthe trainee toshifttoa more anabolic(fatburning) hormonal environment.Duringandaftertrainingaminoacidsprovide an alternative energysource tosupportimprovedtrainingperformance (especiallyimportantduringalow carb diet) andlay the buildingblocksneededfornew muscle growth.Timingiscritical andthere isno time to spare postworkout.100% MR andMuscle Synthesisrapidlydeliverthe raw materialsneededas
  • 2. theybypassdigestionandgetrightintothe bloodstreamtotake advantage of the hormonal and metabolicconditionscreatedbytraining. 4. Do notuse bars of anykindas meal replacementswhentryingtomaximizefatloss. Bars have come a longwaywhenitcomesto taste,but theyare nothingmore thanhighproteincandy bars. Theyare a greattool forgainingweightoreveryonce ina while whenyouare ina pinch. Otherwise donotuse them,be aware that this“netimpactcarbs” andotherlabelingtricksare a scam. Companieshave replacedsugarwithothersweetenerswhichdonotcountas carbs on the label.Asa resultyouendup witha bar “lowincarbs” butsky highinsweetenersthatwill cause more havocwith insulinlevelsthanreal sugar.I have yetto finda bar highenoughinfiberandlow insweetenerstoallow people tolose bodyfatwheneatenregularly. 5. Do notreplace solidfoodmealswithshakesandneverconsume ashake withoutfiberasyourfirst meal of the day. I understandpeopleare verybusyinthe mornings,buta real foodmeal firstinthe day isvital.The body has beenstarvingovernightandmusthave real foodwhichprovidesabasisof nutrientsandfiber. Withoutfiberyourbloodsugarwill gohaywire.Furthermoredonotrelyonshakesforeverymeal.Iam amazedto see people inmyoffice eatingone foodmeal and5 shakes perday.I make moneyona few differentproteinshakesasIhave designedthemtosupplementfoodmeals,notthe otherwayaround. 6. Rotate foodstoavoidfoodallergies-especiallyproteinshakes. Foodallergytestingisone of the greatestadvancementsinmyoffice overthe last5 years.I am able to identifyspecificfoodsthatcause allergieswhichcanproduce the followingsymptoms:stomachupset, excessivebodyfat,poorenergy,trouble concentratingandmanymore.Most people considerafood allergylactose intolerance oranimmediate allergicreactiontopeanuts.Iam speakingof allergiesyou developfromconstantlyconsumingthe same foods.Someof myclientshave eatenenoughchickento grow feathersbeforetheycame tome.Rightafterconsumptionof certainproteinsourcespeople feel sickand couldnot figure outwhy.Well here isyouranswer,rotate yourfoodsor youwill paya price. Take itemsthat youhave consumedformonthson endoutof the dietforat least4 weeksandyouwill see a huge difference.The mostcommonculpritsare eggs,milk,andpeanutbutter. 7. Do NotUnder Eat or DietEndlessly. Caloriesare notthe onlysignificantfactordeterminingratesof fatloss.Starvingto lose bodyfatisnot the answer;youmust fuel your humanengine withqualityfoodsourcesandcombinationsatthe right time.Caloriesare secondarytofoodchoices.Eat2,000 caloriesof luckycharmsand 2,000 caloriesof highqualityprotein,healthyfatsandfibrousgreenvegetables.See whathappens, notthe same after all. 8. Elevate greenvegetable intakeforthe numeroushealthpromotingandfatlossbenefits. Greenvegetableshelptokeepyoufull andincrease absorptionratesof protein.A lackof green vegetable fibertoreplace otherfibersourcesduringalow carbohydrate isa problemformanypeople. Numerousvitaminsandmineralsare withingreenvegetables;the mostpopularinclude broccoli, asparagus,greenbeansetc.Notice Irecommendgreenvegetableswhichdoesnotincludepotatoes, tomatoes,cornor peas!Focus onthe greens;the sickeryouare the more youneed!Aimforat leastone servingof greenvegetableswitheachfoodmeal.Flavorvegetableswithextravirginolive oil asalarge
  • 3. salad,but use lesslettuce andmore solidgreens. Lastlygreenvegetablesdonotcountas carbs inmy bookwhenitcomesto lowcarb dietingcalculations.Theyare mostlyfiberandwaterandwill notput youover carb allowances.If youmustconsume shakesasmeal replacementsaddextrafibertoslowthe rate of digestion. 9. Consume The "right"Fats! Dietaryfatis not the enemy;lowfatdietsdonotworkand can leadtomany healthproblems.Ihave founda correlationbetweenverylowcholesterol levelsanddepression.Gooddietaryfatsare a key componenttogoodhealth.The bestchoicesare extravirginolive oil,avocados,mixednuts,fatsfrom organicmeats,and the like.The mostimportantsupplemental fatsource isomega3 fatty acidswhich youhave all heard of latelydue tothe recentresearch. You mustget a filtratedfishoil whichistoxin free;Eatinggrassfedbeef isyourbestchoice asa red meatsource,inmany situationsproperlyraised grassfedbeef willhave ahigheromega3 contentthansome fish!Verifythe cattle are raisedwithout the use of antibioticsorhormones. 10. Do NotAbuse Alcohol I am not sure howdrinkingbecame sopopularamongstpeople wantingtoreduce bodyfat.Letme breakit to you,drinkingisprobablyone of the worse thingsyoucando, itwill setyouback for weeks dependinghowmuchyouconsume.Ihave dozensof patientspayingthe price now fordrinkingdone yearsago. Ascertainfat depositsiteswere developeddirectlyfromalcohol side affectsandtake three timesaslongto burn off.One of those nice sugar ladentropical drinksisthe obesitymarket’sbest friend.Nobetterwaytopack on the pounds. 11. Drink.6 x your bodyweightinpoundstodetermine the numberof ouncesyouneedperday. Coldwaterforcesthe bodyto expendenergytoheatitup to bodytemp.Iconsiderwaterto be an essential nutrient.Youmustdrinkwaterwithandbetweenmealstooptimizehealthespeciallyduring timesof increasesphysical activityandheat.Donot waituntil youare thirsty,be pro active.Evena 2 % decrease inbodilywatercontentcantriggermanyhealthproblems.Thisisperhapsthe easiestthing people candoto improve theirwell being. 12. Neveruse breakfastasa cheatmeal I do advocate periodiccheatmeals,butneverforthe firstmeal of the day.Researchprovesthat breakfastisthe mostimportantmeal of the day whenitcomesto settingthe pace for bloodsugar levels.Iwantmyclientstosatisfycravings,butat the same time I wantto minimize the damage and preventbodyfataccumulation.Take AlphaOmegabefore andafteranycheatmeal andyou will keep bloodsugarlevelsundercontrol whichwill minimize bodyfataccumulation.Itisnota fatblockeras that conceptis a scam, butthe concept issomewhatsimilar. 13. Gain some muscle fora change It seemslike 75%of the people come intotomyoffice,and90% of womenand wantto lowerbodyfat %,cannot dieteffectivelyforeverandattimesthe bestlongtermsolutionforrevivingmetabolismisto put onsome good oldfashionmuscle!Remember thata longtermdietespeciallywithlow caloricintake will actuallyteachthe bodytostore fat to preserve survival.If youhave beendietingforanextended
  • 4. periodof time withpoorresults,asluggishmetabolismmaybe toblame!Noladiesyouare notgoingto pack on 20 lbsof muscle overnight,thatisnotgoingto happenwithoutthe rightgeneticsandeffortsto do specificallythat,howeversome gainsinmuscle,sayeven5lbscan helpyouburn manymore calories 24x7 while improvingyourhormonal landscapeaswell.Remembermore muscle alsohelpswithlong termbone healthandeverydayfunction. 14. Change yourdietat leastevery3 months Do youfollowthe same trainingprogramforever?Well if youdoitisa mistake,the bodyadaptsvery quicklytoomanystimuli includingthose createdthroughyournutritionplan.The prioritiesof your nutritionplanshouldchange oftenandsoshouldyourmacronutrient%s.The goal isto breakthe cycle of the bodyusingjustproteinorevencarbs forfuel;we wantthe bodyto be overloadedwithdietary fat fora periodof time sothe systemcan efficientlyuse fatasfuel.Whenyouwill returntoa lower dietaryfatintake,yetthe bodywill still know how toutilize the storedfatonyourbackside asfuel insteadof yourhard earnedmuscle. 15. AminoLoadbetweenmeals AminoLoadingwith100 % MR and Muscle Synthesisprovidethe specificfuelthe bodyseeksforoptimal mental andphysical functionbetweenmeals.WhydoesAminoloadingfool the bodyintoburningbody fat? The specificingredients,ratiosandproprietarytechnologyfoundwith100% MR and Muscle Synthesisprovideshighimpactnutritionwithonlyafew caloriessignalingthe bodytobelieve massive amountsof foodhave beenconsumed.Metabolismisrevampedthroughthe roof tohandle the incomingnutrients,butthere isnofoodtodigest,leavingstoredbodyfatasthe onlysource available to burn. 16. Loweryour StressLevels I knoweasiersaidthandone,butit isa keyfactor of the fat lossequation.Stresswill ruinyourinsulin sensitivitycausingthe bodytooversecrete the fatstorage hormone insulin.Furthermore highcortisol levelselevateddue tostressalsoactivate fatstorage receptors,formeninthe midsectionandwomen have a harder time withthe hips/buttocksarea.We are well equippedtodeal withshorttermstress such as beingchasedbya wildanimal,butthe longtermstressorsfromoverdue bills,relationship issues,sickrelativesetcare whatreallytake a toll.Signsthatyouare overstressedincludeexcessive bodyfat levels,consistentfatigue,irritabilityandlackof motivation.Overtrainingsyndrome hassimilar symptomsashighstresslevelsare one of the keyfactorsinvolvedwithreducingyourcapacityto recoverfromtraining. 17. Get Your Rest A lackof sleepmakesyourhormonesturninthe wrongdirection.Countlessstudiesshow thata few nightsof poor sleepcannegativelyalteryourinsulinsensitivity.Inourexperiencethose withinadequate sleepconsume more sugarfora varietyof reasons.A good nightsrestisa keyto successful daysfueling optimal physical andmental energytoaccomplishthe tasksathand.Optimizingyournatural anabolic hormone levelsisanimportantpartof the recoveryprocessas itrelatestoweighttrainingespecially. Lack of sleepisacommon cause of overtraining.Whilesome people have trouble goingtosleepmany more experience difficultystayinginadeeplevel of sleep.Wakingupfeelingtiredisasignthat the
  • 5. qualityof sleepispoor.Highstresslevelsare a commonreasonbehindsome sleepdifficulties;trythe Fat Reduce PMwhichwasengineeredtolowerstresslevelsbefore sleep.