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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

 Mapping the Jung-Graves Model
      to Spiral Dynamics
           NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept
                       27th 2012
                      Mike Forte

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

      Jung... A quick re-cap...

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

These symbolic primordial images reflect basic
patterns or universal themes common to us all which
are present in the unconscious and exist outside space
and time.

We’re all pre-programmed to look for
archetypes in our everyday lives, because they
serve as a framework for our understanding of
the world.

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012                  Individuation

• Jung believed that a human being is inwardly whole, but that most of us have lost touch with
important parts of our selves.
• Through listening to the messages of our dreams and waking imagination, we can contact and
reintegrate our different parts.
• The goal of life is individuation, the process of coming to know, giving expression to, and
harmonising the various components of the psyche.
• If we realise our uniqueness, we can undertake a process of individuation and tap into our true self.
• Each human being has a specific nature and calling which is uniquely their own, and unless these
are fulfilled through a union of conscious and unconscious, the person can become sick.

• Jung argued that the alchemical process was the transformation of the impure
soul (lead) to perfected soul (gold), and a metaphor for the individuation process.

     Individuation = Transformation = Alchemy
                                       NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012                     4
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012                     Actualisation
•Archetypes seek actualisation within the context of an individual's
environment and determine the degree of individuation. Jung also used the
terms "evocation" and "constellation" to explain the process of actualisation.
•Thus for example, the mother archetype is actualised in the mind of the child
by the evoking of innate anticipations of the maternal archetype when the child
is in the proximity of a maternal figure who corresponds closely enough to its
archetypal template.
•This mother archetype is built into the personal unconscious of the child as a
mother complex. Complexes are functional units of the personal unconscious, in
the same way that archetypes are units for the collective unconscious.

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

      Graves... A brief intro...

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                               A Man called Clare...

                                        • “Briefly, what I am proposing is
                                          that the psychology of the mature
                                          human being is an unfolding,
                                          emergent, oscillating, spiralling
                                          process marked by progressive
                                          subordination of older, lower -
                                          behaviour systems to newer
                                          higher-ordered systems as man’s
                                          existential problems change.”

                                                                                Clare W Graves

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

      The Jung-Graves Model

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012                Jung / Graves Model
                                                or Graves / Jung Model

• Graves took the Jungian concepts of
  Archetypes and Individuation and created a
  (much needed!) sequence which applied to
  humans both individually and collectively...
• ..and so was born the Dynamic Spiral...!!!
• ... and Integral theory...
• ...and AQAL...

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   10
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                    Level 1
        L1-Beige         Savanna grasslands

Stage One: Survivor/Transitional-Object
Consciously, the first stage consists of surviving, the psychological base of

Whether or not adult humans ever had this as their highest stage, even
today infants who have not yet formed a trusting bond with their caregivers
are principally engaged in mere survival.

Since this stage gives no opportunity to the social instinct, the latter is
repressed to the unconscious, from whence it may gradually emerge in
attachment to some personified object, (e.g., a favourite cuddly toy).

                                    NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   11
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 2
       L2-Purple        The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs

Stage Two: Truster / Trickster

This stage arises when fantasy proves so inadequate that individuals
seek real families/tribes, for which fantasies have partly prepared them
by letting them practice with extensions of themselves.

Stage Two requires trust, the sine qua non of tribal life, dependent on
having sufficient faith in its culture to acquire a language, mythology, and
other normative patterns.

Graves’s phrase for this stage was “Sacrifice Self Now for the Tribe….”.

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   12
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 3
       L3-Red           Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes”

Stage Three: Unscrupulous Competitor/Hero

While developing from infancy to early childhood, individuals usually evolve from
trustingly basking in the family or tribe (Stage Two) to competing with one another
for attention and with their parents for authority (Stage Three).

In societies, Stage Three arrives when internal or external problems cause what was
a tribe to learn the military techniques to conquer its neighbours and the political
ones to turn its temporary war chief into a permanent monarch (with a pecking
order of lesser winners beneath him or her).

Graves phrased Stage Three: “Express self now, the hell with others.” Since healthy
maturation constantly adds skills, Stage Three should retain caring for kin (learned
at Stage Two), but this places no restraint on exploitation of strangers; and if the
entrant into Stage Three comes from a dysfunctional family or tribe, even kinship
ties may be ineffective.
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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 4
       L4-Blue          The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer

Stage Four: the Virtuous/the Shadow

Very young children simply trust that what they are told is right (Stage Two) and
slightly older ones think that they only have to obey people who are bigger,
stronger, and less sensitive than they are (the conscious side of Stage Three).

According to Piaget, between five and seven, children develop elementary desire to
play with logical organization and from twelve on they may amplify this into mature
skills with abstractions.

Opportunities to develop organizational skills nonetheless depend on one’s culture.
Tribes (Stage Two) have no openings for accountants (Stage Four). Eventually,
however, a large kingdom needs a bureaucracy of educated clerks (at Stage Four) to
administer and promulgate the rules.

At Stage Four, actions are either correct or incorrect (not somewhere in between).
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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 5
       L5-Orange        Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace

Stage Five: Materialistic Analyst of Things/Anim(a/us)

This stage recognizes that there are so many exceptions to the rules of
Stage Four that some principles must be demoted to superstitions, while
science yields new ones, fostering technology and a vast economic

Before Stage-Five can dominate a society, four must have produced
sufficient peace and order for commerce so that money and other material
rewards start to be the measure of everything.

Examples of its analysis include the industrial division of labour and the
scientific method itself. This stage expands mental horizons, but social
affections become obscured in the vast bookkeeping of physical details.
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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 6
       L6-Green         Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness

Stage Six: Empathizer with Every Person/Wise One

This stage translates the previous appreciation of life into an ecological
empathy with every being.

People dissatisfied with Stage Five’s mere accumulation instead cultivate
empathy, generating social structures ranging from liberal government to
secular charities (e.g. Friends of the Earth).

At Stage Six, a sympathetic effort to befriend each entity on his, her, or its
own terms replaces dogma. Stage Six’s insistence on “political correctness”
(i.e. politely presupposing universal equality) condemns any effort to
classify people—such as Graves’s system itself (a product of Stage Seven).

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                    Level 7
        L7-Yellow          Solar power and alternative technologies

Stage Seven: Distancer /Self
The stages themselves become evermore inclusive through Stage Seven, which tries to
comprehend life in all its paradoxes, not just the occasional intuitions that satisfied Stage Six. Some
institutions (e.g. the ashrams of India, monasteries of ancient China, and government think tanks)
permit people to distance themselves from the preoccupations of the lower-numbered stages.

For many people, a final state (often in old age) is to retire from the present squabble and look at
the larger picture—how all the turmoil fits together. If they have reached Stage Seven, this is not a
single materialistic analysis (Stage Five) but a synthesis of many processes combined with the
empathy mastered at Stage Six and everything else that has been learned along the way.

The conscious mind, however, flounders in such complexity. Science supplements human brains
with computers yet even so finds much of the world disconcertingly unpredictable.

Graves provided a vague description : “Express Self Now, but not at the expense of Others or the
World, so that Life May Continue.”

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                                   Level 8
                        The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from

Stage Eight and beyond....

Although Graves never had clinical evidence for any stage above seven, he
speculated that there might be an infinite number of higher stages and he guessed
that the eighth would be the “global village” predicted by McLuhan.

This is simply to say that Graves’s system—where odd-numbered stages are self-
expressive and even-numbered ones social—suggests that stage eight might itself
form a community (if it ever came into existence).

As far as Graves’s clinical evidence extended, however, it agreed with Jung’s: seven
stages in the human condition up to their time.

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

    L8-Turquoise      The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from space

    L7-Yellow         Solar power and alternative technologies

    L6-Green          Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness

    L5-Orange         Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace

    L4-Blue           The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer

    L3-Red            Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes”

    L2-Purple         The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs

    L1-Beige          Savanna grasslands

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

    ...and next...
             ...Spiral Dynamics...
                    ...Round and round
                         and round she goes...
                 ...Where she stops...

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
                                                   Spiral Dynamics

...”A conceptual framework for understanding the
   cultural stages through which individuals and
   social systems evolve as they adapt to their life

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                            • Spiral Dynamics reveals the
                                              hidden complexity codes that
                                              shape human nature, create
                                              global diversities, and drive
                                              evolutionary change.

                                            • These dynamic spiral forces
                                              attract and repel individuals,
                                              form the webs and meshes that
                                              connect people within groups,
                                              communities and organisations,
                                              and forge the rise and fall of
                                              nations and cultures.
                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   22
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                             Spiral Dynamics
                                             provides information
                                       • HOW people think about things (as
                                       opposed to “what” they think)

                                       • WHY people make decisions in different

                                       • WHY people respond to different

                                       • WHY and HOW values arise and spread

                                       • The nature of CHANGE

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   23
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                          SPIRIT (We)
                                         GUARDIAN (I)
                                         GLOBAL (We)
                                          SYSTEMS (I)
                                      INCLUSION (We)
                                        ENTERPRISE (I)
                                          ORDER (We)
                                           POWER (I)
                                    MEMBERSHIP (We)

                                         SURVIVAL (I)

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   25
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

           The Beige vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   SURVIVAL (I)


                             The world is a state of nature

  ORDER (We)                 Behave instinctively, much like
                             other animals according to biological urges
   POWER (I)
                             and drives. Contact with others is centered on
MEMBERSHIP (We)              the survival of the self. Self Focus

                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   26
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Purple vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   MEMBERSHIP (We)


  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)                The world is mysterious and
                              frightening. A magical world view where the
                              intention is to appease the spirits/gods.

  ORDER (We)       People:
   POWER (I)
                              Placate spirits and join together for safety;
                              follow ancestors’ ways. Tribes are formed,
                              chiefs and elders are obeyed, rituals are
  SURVIVAL (I)                adhered to and customs are preserved for the
                              greater good of the survival of the tribe.
                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   27
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Red vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   POWER (I)


                              The world is tough and hard like a jungle; it’s
                              eat or be eaten

  ORDER (We)
   POWER (I)
                              People must fight to survive and
                              dominate others without guilt and
                              so as to avoid shame. Opinionated and
                              requiring others to submit, if necessary by the
                              use of force. Focus on self-gratification.
                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   28
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Blue vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   ORDER (We)

                             The world is divinely controlled and guided
   SYSTEMS (I)               with a distinct right and wrong according to a
                             plan. Order is achieved by establishing order
                             and justice by following “The One True Cause”

  ORDER (We)       People:
   POWER (I)                 People obey rightful higher
                             authority and find meaning and
                             purpose in sacrifice for later reward. Blue
  SURVIVAL (I)               wants stability and meaning for everyone.

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Orange vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   ENTERPRISE (I)


  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)               The world is full of viable options
                             and plenty of alternative choices.
                             Independence and Strategic . Striving for
 ENTERPRISE (I)              progress through research and competition
  ORDER (We)
   POWER (I)
                             People need to test options for
MEMBERSHIP (We)              greater autonomy and compete for success
                             and influence in life. Risk taking and success
                             orientated. A belief that the more able will
                             prevail. Materialistic.

                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   30
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Green vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   INCLUSION (We)


  GLOBAL (We)       Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)                 The world is the habitat for all
                               humanity to share together.

  ORDER (We)
                               People join in communities to
   POWER (I)
                               experience growth for self and
                               others for collective benefits. Green hopes to
                               save mankind from his own greed and injustice
  SURVIVAL (I)                 through education, caring and sharing. Focus
                               is on saving the planet and spreading love all
                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   31
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

The Yellow vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   SYSTEMS (I)


  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)               Systemic and Complex. The world is at risk of
                             collapse because of human excess. The
                             first Meta Perspective in human existence.

  ORDER (We)       People:
   POWER (I)
                             People seek to learn and discover what it is to
                             be human without doing harm to others or the
                             environment; sustainability. Flexibility and
  SURVIVAL (I)               functionality are the keys to restoring viability
                             to a disordered world. Accepts chaos and
                             change as inevitable facts of life.
                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   32
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

 The Turquoise vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   GLOBAL (We)


  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)               Focus on difference and integrative process.
                             Global identity. Holistic world view.

  ORDER (We)
                             People develop highly specialised roles and
   POWER (I)
                             different functions within complex systems.
                             Self is viewed as both distinct and a blended
                             part of a larger connected whole. Experiential.
  SURVIVAL (I)               “Sacrifice self now so that life may continue”

                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   33
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

 The Coral vMeme
   SPIRIT (We)
                   GUARDIANSHIP (I)


  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)               Connected to Universal energy, love for all beings,
                             entrusted to guard life in all its forms.

 ENTERPRISE (I)    People:
  ORDER (We)
                             See selves as connected to Universal energy,
   POWER (I)
                             entrusted to guard life in all its forms. Conflict is seen
                             as a path to harmony. Seek confluence with energy
MEMBERSHIP (We)              of others and energy of environment. See
                             relationships (power & interpersonal) as inter-related
  SURVIVAL (I)               ecology of relationship with other radiant, charged,
                             vibrating beings. Do not seek power over others.

                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012      34
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

 The Teal vMeme

  GLOBAL (We)      Worldview:
   SYSTEMS (I)               Connected to ....?

  ORDER (We)
                             See selves as ....?

   POWER (I)



                                          NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   35
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012                    Spiral Dynamics Model
Spiral Dynamics Model                    Description
Teal                                     Spirit and Life Connecting (We)
Coral                                    Guardianship (I)
Turquoise                                Global (We)
Yellow                                   Systems (I)
Green                                    Inclusion (We)

Orange                                   Enterprise (I)

Blue                                     Order (We)

Red                                      Power (I)

Purple                                   Membership (We)

Beige                                    Survival (I)
                                     NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012   36
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

Mapping Jung-Graves to
 Spiral Dynamics

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012          Mapping Jung-Graves to Spiral Dynamics
Jung-Graves Model   Description                                                    Spiral Dynamics Model

                                                                                   Spirit and Life Connecting (We)

                                                                                   Guardianship (I)

L8-Turquoise        The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from space        Global (We)

L7-Yellow           Solar power and alternative technologies                       Systems (I)

L6-Green            Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness          Inclusion (We)

L5-Orange           Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace             Enterprise (I)

L4-Blue             The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer             Order (We)

L3-Red              Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes”               Power (I)

L2-Purple           The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs                 Membership (We)

L1-Beige            Savanna grasslands                                             Survival (I)

                                      NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012                                 38
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

Images for Meditation

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

                                   NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

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NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012

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Mapping Jung Archetypes and Graves Levels

  • 1. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Mapping the Jung-Graves Model Jung- to Spiral Dynamics NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 Mike Forte NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 2. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Jung... A quick re-cap... re- NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 3. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Archetypes These symbolic primordial images reflect basic patterns or universal themes common to us all which are present in the unconscious and exist outside space and time. We’re all pre-programmed to look for pre- archetypes in our everyday lives, because they serve as a framework for our understanding of the world. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 3
  • 4. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Individuation • Jung believed that a human being is inwardly whole, but that most of us have lost touch with important parts of our selves. • Through listening to the messages of our dreams and waking imagination, we can contact and reintegrate our different parts. • The goal of life is individuation, the process of coming to know, giving expression to, and harmonising the various components of the psyche. • If we realise our uniqueness, we can undertake a process of individuation and tap into our true self. • Each human being has a specific nature and calling which is uniquely their own, and unless these are fulfilled through a union of conscious and unconscious, the person can become sick. • Jung argued that the alchemical process was the transformation of the impure soul (lead) to perfected soul (gold), and a metaphor for the individuation process. process. Individuation = Transformation = Alchemy NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 4
  • 5. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Actualisation •Archetypes seek actualisation within the context of an individual's environment and determine the degree of individuation. Jung also used the individuation. terms "evocation" and "constellation" to explain the process of actualisation. •Thus for example, the mother archetype is actualised in the mind of the child by the evoking of innate anticipations of the maternal archetype when the child is in the proximity of a maternal figure who corresponds closely enough to its archetypal template. template. •This mother archetype is built into the personal unconscious of the child as a mother complex. Complexes are functional units of the personal unconscious, in complex. the same way that archetypes are units for the collective unconscious. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 5
  • 6. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012
  • 7. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Graves... A brief intro... NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 8. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 A Man called Clare... • “Briefly, what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiralling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower - behaviour systems to newer higher- higher-ordered systems as man’s existential problems change.” Clare W Graves NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 8
  • 9. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Jung-Graves Model Jung- NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 10. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Jung / Graves Model or Graves / Jung Model • Graves took the Jungian concepts of Archetypes and Individuation and created a (much needed!) sequence which applied to humans both individually and collectively... • ..and so was born the Dynamic Spiral...!!! • ... and Integral theory... • ...and AQAL... NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 10
  • 11. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 1 L1-Beige Savanna grasslands Stage One: Survivor/Transitional-Object Consciously, the first stage consists of surviving, the psychological base of existence. Whether or not adult humans ever had this as their highest stage, even today infants who have not yet formed a trusting bond with their caregivers are principally engaged in mere survival. Since this stage gives no opportunity to the social instinct, the latter is repressed to the unconscious, from whence it may gradually emerge in attachment to some personified object, (e.g., a favourite cuddly toy). NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 11
  • 12. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 2 L2-Purple The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs Stage Two: Truster / Trickster This stage arises when fantasy proves so inadequate that individuals seek real families/tribes, for which fantasies have partly prepared them by letting them practice with extensions of themselves. Stage Two requires trust, the sine qua non of tribal life, dependent on having sufficient faith in its culture to acquire a language, mythology, and other normative patterns. Graves’s phrase for this stage was “Sacrifice Self Now for the Tribe….”. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 12
  • 13. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 3 L3-Red Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes” Stage Three: Unscrupulous Competitor/Hero While developing from infancy to early childhood, individuals usually evolve from trustingly basking in the family or tribe (Stage Two) to competing with one another for attention and with their parents for authority (Stage Three). In societies, Stage Three arrives when internal or external problems cause what was a tribe to learn the military techniques to conquer its neighbours and the political ones to turn its temporary war chief into a permanent monarch (with a pecking order of lesser winners beneath him or her). Graves phrased Stage Three: “Express self now, the hell with others.” Since healthy maturation constantly adds skills, Stage Three should retain caring for kin (learned at Stage Two), but this places no restraint on exploitation of strangers; and if the entrant into Stage Three comes from a dysfunctional family or tribe, even kinship ties may be ineffective. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 13
  • 14. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 4 L4-Blue The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer Stage Four: the Virtuous/the Shadow Very young children simply trust that what they are told is right (Stage Two) and slightly older ones think that they only have to obey people who are bigger, stronger, and less sensitive than they are (the conscious side of Stage Three). According to Piaget, between five and seven, children develop elementary desire to play with logical organization and from twelve on they may amplify this into mature skills with abstractions. Opportunities to develop organizational skills nonetheless depend on one’s culture. Tribes (Stage Two) have no openings for accountants (Stage Four). Eventually, however, a large kingdom needs a bureaucracy of educated clerks (at Stage Four) to administer and promulgate the rules. At Stage Four, actions are either correct or incorrect (not somewhere in between). NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 14
  • 15. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 5 L5-Orange Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace Stage Five: Materialistic Analyst of Things/Anim(a/us) This stage recognizes that there are so many exceptions to the rules of Stage Four that some principles must be demoted to superstitions, while science yields new ones, fostering technology and a vast economic infrastructure. Before Stage-Five can dominate a society, four must have produced sufficient peace and order for commerce so that money and other material rewards start to be the measure of everything. Examples of its analysis include the industrial division of labour and the scientific method itself. This stage expands mental horizons, but social affections become obscured in the vast bookkeeping of physical details. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 15
  • 16. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 6 L6-Green Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness Stage Six: Empathizer with Every Person/Wise One This stage translates the previous appreciation of life into an ecological empathy with every being. People dissatisfied with Stage Five’s mere accumulation instead cultivate empathy, generating social structures ranging from liberal government to secular charities (e.g. Friends of the Earth). At Stage Six, a sympathetic effort to befriend each entity on his, her, or its own terms replaces dogma. Stage Six’s insistence on “political correctness” (i.e. politely presupposing universal equality) condemns any effort to classify people—such as Graves’s system itself (a product of Stage Seven). NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 16
  • 17. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 7 L7-Yellow Solar power and alternative technologies Stage Seven: Distancer /Self The stages themselves become evermore inclusive through Stage Seven, which tries to comprehend life in all its paradoxes, not just the occasional intuitions that satisfied Stage Six. Some institutions (e.g. the ashrams of India, monasteries of ancient China, and government think tanks) permit people to distance themselves from the preoccupations of the lower-numbered stages. For many people, a final state (often in old age) is to retire from the present squabble and look at the larger picture—how all the turmoil fits together. If they have reached Stage Seven, this is not a single materialistic analysis (Stage Five) but a synthesis of many processes combined with the empathy mastered at Stage Six and everything else that has been learned along the way. The conscious mind, however, flounders in such complexity. Science supplements human brains with computers yet even so finds much of the world disconcertingly unpredictable. Graves provided a vague description : “Express Self Now, but not at the expense of Others or the World, so that Life May Continue.” NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 17
  • 18. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Level 8 The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from L8-Turquoise space Stage Eight and beyond.... Although Graves never had clinical evidence for any stage above seven, he speculated that there might be an infinite number of higher stages and he guessed that the eighth would be the “global village” predicted by McLuhan. This is simply to say that Graves’s system—where odd-numbered stages are self- expressive and even-numbered ones social—suggests that stage eight might itself form a community (if it ever came into existence). As far as Graves’s clinical evidence extended, however, it agreed with Jung’s: seven stages in the human condition up to their time. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 18
  • 19. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 L8-Turquoise The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from space L7-Yellow Solar power and alternative technologies L6-Green Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness L5-Orange Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace L4-Blue The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer L3-Red Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes” L2-Purple The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs L1-Beige Savanna grasslands NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 19
  • 20. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 ...and next... ...Spiral Dynamics... ...Round and round and round she goes... ...Where she stops... NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 20
  • 21. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Spiral Dynamics ...”A conceptual framework for understanding the cultural stages through which individuals and social systems evolve as they adapt to their life conditions...” NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 21
  • 22. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 • Spiral Dynamics reveals the hidden complexity codes that shape human nature, create global diversities, and drive evolutionary change. • These dynamic spiral forces attract and repel individuals, form the webs and meshes that connect people within groups, communities and organisations, and forge the rise and fall of nations and cultures. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 22
  • 23. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Spiral Dynamics provides information about: • HOW people think about things (as opposed to “what” they think) • WHY people make decisions in different ways • WHY people respond to different motivators • WHY and HOW values arise and spread • The nature of CHANGE NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 23
  • 24. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 SPIRIT (We) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) SYSTEMS (I) INCLUSION (We) ENTERPRISE (I) ORDER (We) POWER (I) MEMBERSHIP (We) SURVIVAL (I) NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 24
  • 25. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 25
  • 26. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Beige vMeme SPIRIT (We) SURVIVAL (I) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) The world is a state of nature INCLUSION (We) ENTERPRISE (I) People: ORDER (We) Behave instinctively, much like other animals according to biological urges POWER (I) and drives. Contact with others is centered on MEMBERSHIP (We) the survival of the self. Self Focus SURVIVAL (I) NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 26
  • 27. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Purple vMeme SPIRIT (We) MEMBERSHIP (We) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) The world is mysterious and INCLUSION (We) frightening. A magical world view where the intention is to appease the spirits/gods. ENTERPRISE (I) ORDER (We) People: POWER (I) Placate spirits and join together for safety; MEMBERSHIP (We) follow ancestors’ ways. Tribes are formed, chiefs and elders are obeyed, rituals are SURVIVAL (I) adhered to and customs are preserved for the greater good of the survival of the tribe. Safety/Tribalistic Safety/Tribalistic NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 27
  • 28. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Red vMeme SPIRIT (We) POWER (I) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) The world is tough and hard like a jungle; it’s jungle; INCLUSION (We) eat or be eaten ENTERPRISE (I) ORDER (We) People: POWER (I) People must fight to survive and dominate others without guilt and MEMBERSHIP (We) so as to avoid shame. Opinionated and SURVIVAL (I) requiring others to submit, if necessary by the use of force. Focus on self-gratification. self- Egocentric. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 28
  • 29. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Blue vMeme SPIRIT (We) ORDER (We) GUARDIAN (I) Worldview: GLOBAL (We) The world is divinely controlled and guided SYSTEMS (I) with a distinct right and wrong according to a plan. Order is achieved by establishing order INCLUSION (We) and justice by following “The One True Cause” ENTERPRISE (I) ORDER (We) People: POWER (I) People obey rightful higher MEMBERSHIP (We) authority and find meaning and purpose in sacrifice for later reward. Blue SURVIVAL (I) wants stability and meaning for everyone. Saintly/Sacrifice/Salvation. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 29
  • 30. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Orange vMeme SPIRIT (We) ENTERPRISE (I) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) The world is full of viable options and plenty of alternative choices. INCLUSION (We) Independence and Strategic . Striving for ENTERPRISE (I) progress through research and competition ORDER (We) People: POWER (I) People need to test options for MEMBERSHIP (We) greater autonomy and compete for success and influence in life. Risk taking and success SURVIVAL (I) orientated. A belief that the more able will prevail. Materialistic. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 30
  • 31. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Green vMeme SPIRIT (We) INCLUSION (We) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) The world is the habitat for all INCLUSION (We) humanity to share together. ENTERPRISE (I) People: ORDER (We) People join in communities to POWER (I) experience growth for self and MEMBERSHIP (We) others for collective benefits. Green hopes to save mankind from his own greed and injustice SURVIVAL (I) through education, caring and sharing. Focus is on saving the planet and spreading love all around NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 31
  • 32. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Yellow vMeme SPIRIT (We) SYSTEMS (I) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) Systemic and Complex. The world is at risk of INCLUSION (We) collapse because of human excess. The first Meta Perspective in human existence. ENTERPRISE (I) ORDER (We) People: POWER (I) People seek to learn and discover what it is to MEMBERSHIP (We) be human without doing harm to others or the environment; environment; sustainability. Flexibility and SURVIVAL (I) functionality are the keys to restoring viability to a disordered world. Accepts chaos and change as inevitable facts of life. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 32
  • 33. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Turquoise vMeme SPIRIT (We) GLOBAL (We) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) Focus on difference and integrative process. INCLUSION (We) Global identity. Holistic world view. ENTERPRISE (I) People: ORDER (We) People develop highly specialised roles and POWER (I) different functions within complex systems. MEMBERSHIP (We) Self is viewed as both distinct and a blended part of a larger connected whole. Experiential. SURVIVAL (I) “Sacrifice self now so that life may continue” NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 33
  • 34. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Coral vMeme SPIRIT (We) GUARDIANSHIP (I) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) Connected to Universal energy, love for all beings, entrusted to guard life in all its forms. INCLUSION (We) ENTERPRISE (I) People: ORDER (We) See selves as connected to Universal energy, POWER (I) entrusted to guard life in all its forms. Conflict is seen as a path to harmony. Seek confluence with energy MEMBERSHIP (We) of others and energy of environment. See relationships (power & interpersonal) as inter-related inter- SURVIVAL (I) ecology of relationship with other radiant, charged, vibrating beings. Do not seek power over others. NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 34
  • 35. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 The Teal vMeme SPIRIT (We) SPIRIT AND LIFE CONNECTING (We) GUARDIAN (I) GLOBAL (We) Worldview: SYSTEMS (I) Connected to ....? INCLUSION (We) ENTERPRISE (I) People: ORDER (We) See selves as ....? POWER (I) MEMBERSHIP (We) SURVIVAL (I) NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 35
  • 36. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Spiral Dynamics Model Spiral Dynamics Model Description Teal Spirit and Life Connecting (We) Coral Guardianship (I) Turquoise Global (We) Yellow Systems (I) Green Inclusion (We) Orange Enterprise (I) Blue Order (We) Red Power (I) Purple Membership (We) Beige Survival (I) NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 36
  • 37. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Mapping Jung-Graves to Jung- Spiral Dynamics NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 38. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Mapping Jung-Graves to Spiral Dynamics Jung- Jung-Graves Model Description Spiral Dynamics Model Spirit and Life Connecting (We) Guardianship (I) L8-Turquoise The colour of the oceans and Earth as viewed from space Global (We) L7-Yellow Solar power and alternative technologies Systems (I) L6-Green Green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness Inclusion (We) L5-Orange Radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace Enterprise (I) L4-Blue The sky, the heavens, and the “true blue” believer Order (We) L3-Red Hot blooded emotions and the “fire in your eyes” Power (I) L2-Purple The royal colour of tribal chiefs and monarchs Membership (We) L1-Beige Savanna grasslands Survival (I) NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 38
  • 39. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 Images for Meditation NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 40. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 41. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 42. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012
  • 43. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 43
  • 44. NLP Dorset Forum – Sept 27, 2012 NLP Dorset Forum - Thursday Sept 27th 2012 44

Editor's Notes

  1. Does not seek power with others. Seeks only to express the intent of the energy of the Universe as expressed in personal acts of presence, art, movement, love--guardianship. Life and death are approached with an attitude of non-attachment and joy. The core motivation is Service: to the Universe, to others, to life. Body and mind function as an integrated system. Multiple intelligences and expanded senses are fully developed. Learning and work are both expressed as play. Intention forms the core of all action. Anarchistic.
  2. Does not seek power with others. Seeks only to express the intent of the energy of the Universe as expressed in personal acts of presence, art, movement, love--guardianship. Life and death are approached with an attitude of non-attachment and joy. The core motivation is Service: to the Universe, to others, to life. Body and mind function as an integrated system. Multiple intelligences and expanded senses are fully developed. Learning and work are both expressed as play. Intention forms the core of all action. Anarchistic.