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Federal University of Acre
                    Campus Floresta - Cruzeiro do Sul
           Center for Multidisciplinary Studies - English Course
                             Morphosyntax I
                         Prof. Msc. Mauro Uchôa

What is affixation?
Affixation is the morphological process whereby an affix is attached to a

       prefix = Appears at the front of a root
       suffix = Appears at the back of a root

                            NOUN + ...ful = ADJECTIVE
      The word "-ful" is a suffix. It is used in the English language and
is taken from the Middle English having been derived from the Old
English word "full". The suffix is used to refer to something as being full
of something, characterized by or given, able and tending to be
something. It is used in a quantitative sense to refer to something as
being filling. A child who is of a pleasant temperament can be said to be
playful, a person who is generally ready to help others will be termed
helpful, something that does not contain in ones arms can be said to be
armful, that which will be of some use is useful, when some thing is
provided for in abundance it is written as bountiful etc.

                 NOUN + ...less = ADJECTIVE (-less indicates without).

-less is added to nouns in order to form adjectives that indicate that
someone or something does not have the thing that the noun refers to.
...drink and talk and meaningless laughter...
He is not as friendless as he appeared to be.

NOUN             ...ful ADJECTIVE        ...less ADJECTIVE
art (arte)       artful (criativo)       artless (grosseiro)
care (cuidado)   careful (cuidadoso)     careless (descuidado)
color (cor)      colorful (colorido)     colorless (que não tem cor)
doubt (dúvida)   doubtful (duvidoso)     doubtless (indubitável)
faith (fé)       faithful (fiel)         faithless (infiel)
fear (medo)      fearful (medroso)       fearless (destemido)
force (força)    forceful (vigoroso,     forceless (sem força, que não se impõe)
fruit (fruto)    coercitivo)             fruitless (infrutífero)
grace (graça)    fruitful (frutífero)    graceless (que não é gracioso)
harm (dano,      graceful (gracioso)     harmless (inócuo, inofensivo)
prejuízo)        harmful (prejudicial)   hopeless (que não tem esperança)
hope (esperança)     hopeful (esperançoso)            lawless (sem lei, fora-da-lei)
law (lei)            lawful (legal, dentro da lei)    meaningless (sem sentido)
meaning              meaningful (significativo)       merciless (impiedoso)
(significado)        merciful (piedoso)               mindless (inconseqüente, que não se dá conta, que
mercy (piedade)      mindful (consciente)             não requer concentração)
mind (mente)         painful (doloroso)               painless (indolor)
pain (dor)           powerful (potente)               powerless (impotente)
power (potência)     shameful (vergonhoso)            shameless (sem-vergonha)
shame (vergonha)     tasteful (saboroso)              tasteless (sem sabor)
taste (sabor)        thoughtful (bem pensado,         thoughtless (mal pensado, sem consideração)
thought              pensativo)                       useless (inútil)
(pensamento)         useful (útil)
use (uso)
beauty (beleza)      beautiful (belo, bonito)         -
play (jogo,          playful (brincalhão)             -
brinquedo)           respectful (respeitoso)          -
respect (respeito)   skillful (habilidoso)            -
skill (habilidade)   successful (bem-sucedido)        -
success (sucesso)    youthful (com aspecto de         -
youth (juventude)    jovem)                           -
wonder               wonderful (maravilhoso)
child (criança,      -                                childless (sem filhos)
filho)               -                                cordless (sem fio)
cord (fio)           -                                countless (incontável)
count (conta)        -                                defenseless (indefeso)
defense (defesa)     -                                endless (interminável)
end (fim)            -                                headless (sem-cabeça, acéfalo)
head (cabeça)        -                                heartless (sem coração, cruel)
heart (coração)      -                                homeless (sem-teto)
home (casa)          -                                landless (sem-terra)
land (terra)         -                                penniless (que não tem nem um centavo)
penny (centavo)      -                                priceless (que não tem preço)
price (preço)        -                                restless (inquieto)
rest (descanso)      -                                seamless (sem emenda)
seam (emenda)        -                                speechless (sem fala)
speech (fala)        -                                stainless (sem mancha, inoxidável)
stain (mancha)       -                                timeless (eterno)
time (tempo)         -                                topless (sem a parte de cima)
top (topo)           -                                wireless (sem fio)
wire (arame, fio)    -                                wordless (sem fala, mudo)
word (palavra)       -                                worthless (que não vale nada)
worth (valor)

                     COUNT NOUN                      …hood ABSTRACT NOUN
                     adult (adulto)                  adulthood (maturidade)
                     boy (menino)                    boyhood (infância de menino)
                     brother (irmão)                 brotherhood (fraternidade)
                     child (criança)                 childhood (infância)
                     father (pai)                    fatherhood (paternidade)
                     knight (cavaleiro, fidalgo)     knighthood (fidalguia)
                     mother (mãe)                    motherhood (maternidade)
                     neighbor (vizinho)              neighborhood (vizinhança)
                     parent (progenitor)             parenthood (paternidade)
priest (padre)            priesthood (sacerdócio)
                  sister (irmã)             sisterhood (irmandade)
                  widow (viúva)             widowhood (viuvez)

      There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the
      She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood.
      The joys of fatherhood.
      Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.
      Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into
      He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood.

       COUNT NOUN                           …ship ABSTRACT NOUN
       citizen (cidadão)                    citizenship (cidadania)
       court (corte)                        courtship (cortejo, galanteio)
       dealer (negociante, revendedor)      dealership (revenda)
       dictator (ditador)                   dictatorship (ditadura)
       fellow (companheiro)                 fellowship (companheirismo, solidariedade)
       friend (amigo)                       friendship (amizade)
       intern (residente, estagiário)       internship (estágio, residência)
       leader (líder)                       leadership (liderança)
       member (sócio, membro de um clube)   membership (qualidade de quem é sócio)
       owner (proprietário)                 ownership (posse, propriedade)
       partner (sócio, companheiro)         partnership (sociedade comercial)
       relation (relação)                   relationship (relacionamento)
       scholar                              scholarship
       sponsor (patrocinador)               sponsorship (patrocínio)
       statesman (estadista)                statesmanship
       workman                              workmanship
       worth                                worship

The suffix -ness is a native English suffix which is attached to adjectives
and participles. It is used to form abstract nouns. These abstract nouns
express quality or state. The suffix -ness is added to words such as
good to get goodness, great (greatness), dark (darkness), kind
(kindness), obliging (obligingness), prepared (preparedness), bright
(brightness) and busy (business).

         ADJECTIVE                       …ness ABSTRACT NOUN
         appropriate (apropriado)        appropriateness (propriedade)
         aware (ciente)                  awareness (ciência)
         clever (esperto, inteligente)   cleverness (esperteza)
         conscious (consciente)          consciousness (consciência)
         dark (escuro)                   darkness (escuridão)
         dizzy (tonto)                   dizziness (tontura)
         empty (vazio)                   emptiness (o vazio)
         faithful (fiel)                 faithfulness (lealdade)
happy (feliz)                     happiness (felicidade)
 hard (duro)                       hardness (dureza)
 kind (gentil)                     kindness (gentileza)
 polite (bem-educado)              politeness (boa educação)
 rich (rico)                       richness (riqueza)
 rude (rude, mal-educado)          rudeness (falta de educação)
 selfish (egoísta)                 selfishness (egoísmo)
 serious (sério)                   seriousness (seriedade)
 soft (macio, suave)               softness (maciez, suavidade)
 thankful (agradecido)             thankfulness (agradecimento)
 thick (grosso, espesso)           thickness (espessura)
 useful (útil)                     usefulness (utilidade)
 vague (vago)                      vagueness (falta de clareza)
 weak (fraco)                      weakness (fraqueza)
 youthful (com aspecto de jovem)   youthfulness (característica de quem é jovem)

             ADJECTIVE + …ity = ABSTRACT NOUN

ADJECTIVE                                      …ity ABSTRACT NOUN
able (apto, que tem condições de)              ability (habilidade, capacidade)
accessible (acessível)                         accessibility (acessibilidade)
accountable (responsável, que presta contas)   accountability (responsabilidade)
active (ativo)                                 activity (atividade)
ambiguous (ambíguo)                            ambiguity (ambigüidade)
applicable (que se aplica, relevante)          applicability (relevância, utilidade)
available (disponível)                         availability (disponibilidade)
communicable (comunicável)                     communicability (comunicabilidade)
complex (complexo)                             complexity (complexidade)
connective (que conecta, conectivo)            connectivity (conectividade)
feasible (viável)                              feasibility (viabilidade)
fertile (fértil)                               fertility (fertilidade)
flexible (flexível)                            flexibility (flexibilidade)
generous (generoso)                            generosity (generosidade)
humid (úmido)                                  humidity (umidade)
legal (legal)                                  legality (legalidade)
personal (pessoal)                             personality (personalidade)
porous (poroso)                                porosity (porosidade)
possible (possível)                            possibility (possibilidade)
probable (provável)                            probability (probabilidade)
productive (produtivo)                         productivity (produtividade)
pure (puro)                                    purity (pureza)
responsible (responsável)                      responsibility (responsabilidade)
scarce (escasso)                               scarcity (escassez)
simple (simples)                               simplicity (simplicidade)
sincere (sincero)                              sincerity (sinceridade)

1) Fulfill the blank space in the following statements.

   a) If you describe someone as …………….., you mean that they
      are very cruel or determined and do not show any concern for
      the effect their actions have on other people.

   b) …………… is a word used to describe someone who shows
      kindness and forgiveness to people who are in their power.

   c) …………….. is the act of being so surprised, upset, or angry
      that you cannot think of anything to say.

   d) You became ……………….. when you’re not able to speak,
      especially because you are extremely angry or surprised.

   e) Be …………… is to be careful about or conscious of something.

   f) Something such as a treatment that is ………………… causes
      no physical pain.

   g) If you describe someone as …………………………, you mean
      that they should be ashamed of their behavior, which is
      unacceptable to other people.

   h) Someone who is ………………………. achieves what they
      intended to achieve.

   i) If you describe someone as ………………………., you mean that
      they should be ashamed of their behavior, which is
      unacceptable to other people.

   j) Having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully =

   k) Very good at doing something that involves special ability or

2) Create abstract nouns from the following countable nouns.
      a) adult =
      b) boy =
      c) brother =
      d) child =
      e) father =
f)   knight =
     g)   mother =
     h)   neighbor =
     i)   parent =
     j)   priest =
     k)   sister =
     l)   widow =

3) Give an abstract noun to the statements below.

  a) ……………….. is the affection and loyalty that you feel for
     people who you have something in common with.

  b) A …………………… is an organization whose members all have
     the same political aims and beliefs or the same job or
  c) …………………………. is the affection and loyalty that women
     feel for other women who they have something in common
  d) ………………………. is the state of being a parent.

  e) ………………… is the state of being a father.
  f) ……………… is the state of being a widow or widower, or the
     period of time during which someone is a widow or widower.

  g) ………………….. is the state of being an adult.
  h) A ………………. is a title that is given to a man by a British
     king or queen for his achievements or his service to his
     country. A man who has been given this title can put `Sir' in
     front of his name instead of `Mr'.

  i) …………………….. is the period of a male person's life during
     which he is a boy.

  4) Read the enouncement and explain the word formation
  process in the bolded words.
05) Circle the words that are misspelled, and write them correctly.

         06) The following words are written with the suffix "ship". Edit a
         sentence for each given words.
               airship                                     internship
               ambassadorship                              leadership,
               authorship                                  membership
               battleship                                  ownership
               censorship                                  partnership
               championship                                relationship,
               citizenship                                 scholarship
               companionship                               sponsorship
               craftsmanship                               sportsmanship
               draftsmanship                               warship
               fellowship                                  workmanship
               friendship                                  worship

Can I Just Tell You?

by Michel Martin

If Women Ruled The World, Would Debt Be Less?

July 11, 2011

I didn't want to bite my nails all weekend waiting for the congressional leaders and the president to agree
on a plan to raise the debt ceiling and reduce the federal debt.
So I did the next best thing — watched the Harry Potter marathon. And yes, I am getting ready for the big
U.S. premiere this week. And no, I have not seen the new one yet. My hookups don't run that deep. Trust
me, if they did, I would have been there.

But while I was watching the previous films, I was thinking our political wizards could catch a clue from
the Potter gang. They could listen to Hermione once in a while, which is to say, they could let some
women in the room.

It's a stereotype that women are more reasonable than men, more moderate than men, nicer than men. I
know that's not true.

Being here in D.C., I've met more than my share of narcissistic, blowhard female politicians, and I've met
many men who listen well and don't care who gets the credit, as long as the job gets done.

But I will say, first of all, it is amazing to me that during what could be one of the most important
decision points in recent U.S. history, there are so few women with a seat at the table.

Sure, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was there on Sunday night. But is that really enough? Half
the population gets to be represented by one voice?

Can I just tell you? Is it a coincidence that in this financial crisis, as in past ones, women were often the
people sounding the alarm before anyone else was?

First there was Sherron Watkins, who tried to blow the whistle on the shady accounting practices at Enron
long before regulators and the public caught on. More recently, there was former Federal Deposit
Insurance Corp. head Sheila Bair, who raised questions about subprime mortgages when few others did.
Or women like June O'Neill, the former director of the Congressional Budget Office.

These women had the right idea. What they lacked was the power and the allies to allow their point of
view to prevail.

I would also ask, is it a coincidence that some of the countries with the most serious and intractable
budget woes in Europe right now are countries where female participation in government is minimal or
degraded? Like Greece, where just over 17 percent of the Parliament are women? Or Italy, where just
over 20 percent are, and where the prime minister evidently thinks the most important roles for women in
his country involve taking their shirts off in public and cavorting with him in private at parties where the
favors are alleged to involve something other than goodie bags?

In the U.S., women are just 17 percent of the members of Congress, holding 89 out of 535 seats.

Although many of the headline-grabbing potential candidates for president have been women in recent
years — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side three years ago and Sarah Palin and
Michele Bachmann on the Republican side now — Clinton has made it clear she is done with
campaigning. And it remains to be seen whether Palin or Bachmann will ever have an impact on
governance equal to her impact as a media figure.

This raises the question, just what do women bring to the table when it comes to difficult negotiations? It
is tough to say, and many people have tried. Is it that women are socialized to listen more and talk less? Is
it that they are more willing to sublimate their own egos for the sake of the greater good?

I don't know.

I do know that something is wrong when our economic future is at stake, and the only people who get to
sit at the table to talk about it are the very people who messed things up to this point.


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Morphosyntax third class

  • 1. Federal University of Acre Campus Floresta - Cruzeiro do Sul Center for Multidisciplinary Studies - English Course Morphosyntax I Prof. Msc. Mauro Uchôa What is affixation? Affixation is the morphological process whereby an affix is attached to a root.  prefix = Appears at the front of a root  suffix = Appears at the back of a root Suffixation NOUN + ...ful = ADJECTIVE The word "-ful" is a suffix. It is used in the English language and is taken from the Middle English having been derived from the Old English word "full". The suffix is used to refer to something as being full of something, characterized by or given, able and tending to be something. It is used in a quantitative sense to refer to something as being filling. A child who is of a pleasant temperament can be said to be playful, a person who is generally ready to help others will be termed helpful, something that does not contain in ones arms can be said to be armful, that which will be of some use is useful, when some thing is provided for in abundance it is written as bountiful etc. NOUN + ...less = ADJECTIVE (-less indicates without). -less is added to nouns in order to form adjectives that indicate that someone or something does not have the thing that the noun refers to. ...drink and talk and meaningless laughter... He is not as friendless as he appeared to be. NOUN ...ful ADJECTIVE ...less ADJECTIVE art (arte) artful (criativo) artless (grosseiro) care (cuidado) careful (cuidadoso) careless (descuidado) color (cor) colorful (colorido) colorless (que não tem cor) doubt (dúvida) doubtful (duvidoso) doubtless (indubitável) faith (fé) faithful (fiel) faithless (infiel) fear (medo) fearful (medroso) fearless (destemido) force (força) forceful (vigoroso, forceless (sem força, que não se impõe) fruit (fruto) coercitivo) fruitless (infrutífero) grace (graça) fruitful (frutífero) graceless (que não é gracioso) harm (dano, graceful (gracioso) harmless (inócuo, inofensivo) prejuízo) harmful (prejudicial) hopeless (que não tem esperança)
  • 2. hope (esperança) hopeful (esperançoso) lawless (sem lei, fora-da-lei) law (lei) lawful (legal, dentro da lei) meaningless (sem sentido) meaning meaningful (significativo) merciless (impiedoso) (significado) merciful (piedoso) mindless (inconseqüente, que não se dá conta, que mercy (piedade) mindful (consciente) não requer concentração) mind (mente) painful (doloroso) painless (indolor) pain (dor) powerful (potente) powerless (impotente) power (potência) shameful (vergonhoso) shameless (sem-vergonha) shame (vergonha) tasteful (saboroso) tasteless (sem sabor) taste (sabor) thoughtful (bem pensado, thoughtless (mal pensado, sem consideração) thought pensativo) useless (inútil) (pensamento) useful (útil) use (uso) beauty (beleza) beautiful (belo, bonito) - play (jogo, playful (brincalhão) - brinquedo) respectful (respeitoso) - respect (respeito) skillful (habilidoso) - skill (habilidade) successful (bem-sucedido) - success (sucesso) youthful (com aspecto de - youth (juventude) jovem) - wonder wonderful (maravilhoso) (maravilha) child (criança, - childless (sem filhos) filho) - cordless (sem fio) cord (fio) - countless (incontável) count (conta) - defenseless (indefeso) defense (defesa) - endless (interminável) end (fim) - headless (sem-cabeça, acéfalo) head (cabeça) - heartless (sem coração, cruel) heart (coração) - homeless (sem-teto) home (casa) - landless (sem-terra) land (terra) - penniless (que não tem nem um centavo) penny (centavo) - priceless (que não tem preço) price (preço) - restless (inquieto) rest (descanso) - seamless (sem emenda) seam (emenda) - speechless (sem fala) speech (fala) - stainless (sem mancha, inoxidável) stain (mancha) - timeless (eterno) time (tempo) - topless (sem a parte de cima) top (topo) - wireless (sem fio) wire (arame, fio) - wordless (sem fala, mudo) word (palavra) - worthless (que não vale nada) worth (valor) COUNT NOUN + …hood = NONCOUNT ABSTRACT NOUN COUNT NOUN …hood ABSTRACT NOUN adult (adulto) adulthood (maturidade) boy (menino) boyhood (infância de menino) brother (irmão) brotherhood (fraternidade) child (criança) childhood (infância) father (pai) fatherhood (paternidade) knight (cavaleiro, fidalgo) knighthood (fidalguia) mother (mãe) motherhood (maternidade) neighbor (vizinho) neighborhood (vizinhança) parent (progenitor) parenthood (paternidade)
  • 3. priest (padre) priesthood (sacerdócio) sister (irmã) sisterhood (irmandade) widow (viúva) widowhood (viuvez)  There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women.  She may feel unready for the responsibilities of parenthood.  The joys of fatherhood.  Nothing can prepare you for the shock and grief of widowhood.  Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.  He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood. COUNT NOUN + …ship = NONCOUNT ABSTRACT NOUN COUNT NOUN …ship ABSTRACT NOUN citizen (cidadão) citizenship (cidadania) court (corte) courtship (cortejo, galanteio) dealer (negociante, revendedor) dealership (revenda) dictator (ditador) dictatorship (ditadura) fellow (companheiro) fellowship (companheirismo, solidariedade) friend (amigo) friendship (amizade) intern (residente, estagiário) internship (estágio, residência) leader (líder) leadership (liderança) member (sócio, membro de um clube) membership (qualidade de quem é sócio) owner (proprietário) ownership (posse, propriedade) partner (sócio, companheiro) partnership (sociedade comercial) relation (relação) relationship (relacionamento) scholar scholarship sponsor (patrocinador) sponsorship (patrocínio) statesman (estadista) statesmanship workman workmanship worth worship ADJECTIVE + …ness = NONCOUNT ABSTRACT NOUN The suffix -ness is a native English suffix which is attached to adjectives and participles. It is used to form abstract nouns. These abstract nouns express quality or state. The suffix -ness is added to words such as good to get goodness, great (greatness), dark (darkness), kind (kindness), obliging (obligingness), prepared (preparedness), bright (brightness) and busy (business). ADJECTIVE …ness ABSTRACT NOUN appropriate (apropriado) appropriateness (propriedade) aware (ciente) awareness (ciência) clever (esperto, inteligente) cleverness (esperteza) conscious (consciente) consciousness (consciência) dark (escuro) darkness (escuridão) dizzy (tonto) dizziness (tontura) empty (vazio) emptiness (o vazio) faithful (fiel) faithfulness (lealdade)
  • 4. happy (feliz) happiness (felicidade) hard (duro) hardness (dureza) kind (gentil) kindness (gentileza) polite (bem-educado) politeness (boa educação) rich (rico) richness (riqueza) rude (rude, mal-educado) rudeness (falta de educação) selfish (egoísta) selfishness (egoísmo) serious (sério) seriousness (seriedade) soft (macio, suave) softness (maciez, suavidade) thankful (agradecido) thankfulness (agradecimento) thick (grosso, espesso) thickness (espessura) useful (útil) usefulness (utilidade) vague (vago) vagueness (falta de clareza) weak (fraco) weakness (fraqueza) youthful (com aspecto de jovem) youthfulness (característica de quem é jovem) ADJECTIVE + …ity = ABSTRACT NOUN ADJECTIVE …ity ABSTRACT NOUN able (apto, que tem condições de) ability (habilidade, capacidade) accessible (acessível) accessibility (acessibilidade) accountable (responsável, que presta contas) accountability (responsabilidade) active (ativo) activity (atividade) ambiguous (ambíguo) ambiguity (ambigüidade) applicable (que se aplica, relevante) applicability (relevância, utilidade) available (disponível) availability (disponibilidade) communicable (comunicável) communicability (comunicabilidade) complex (complexo) complexity (complexidade) connective (que conecta, conectivo) connectivity (conectividade) feasible (viável) feasibility (viabilidade) fertile (fértil) fertility (fertilidade) flexible (flexível) flexibility (flexibilidade) generous (generoso) generosity (generosidade) humid (úmido) humidity (umidade) legal (legal) legality (legalidade) personal (pessoal) personality (personalidade) porous (poroso) porosity (porosidade) possible (possível) possibility (possibilidade) probable (provável) probability (probabilidade) productive (produtivo) productivity (produtividade) pure (puro) purity (pureza) responsible (responsável) responsibility (responsabilidade) scarce (escasso) scarcity (escassez) simple (simples) simplicity (simplicidade) sincere (sincero) sincerity (sinceridade)
  • 5. Exercise 1) Fulfill the blank space in the following statements. a) If you describe someone as …………….., you mean that they are very cruel or determined and do not show any concern for the effect their actions have on other people. b) …………… is a word used to describe someone who shows kindness and forgiveness to people who are in their power. c) …………….. is the act of being so surprised, upset, or angry that you cannot think of anything to say. d) You became ……………….. when you’re not able to speak, especially because you are extremely angry or surprised. e) Be …………… is to be careful about or conscious of something. f) Something such as a treatment that is ………………… causes no physical pain. g) If you describe someone as …………………………, you mean that they should be ashamed of their behavior, which is unacceptable to other people. h) Someone who is ………………………. achieves what they intended to achieve. i) If you describe someone as ………………………., you mean that they should be ashamed of their behavior, which is unacceptable to other people. j) Having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully = k) Very good at doing something that involves special ability or training= 2) Create abstract nouns from the following countable nouns. a) adult = b) boy = c) brother = d) child = e) father =
  • 6. f) knight = g) mother = h) neighbor = i) parent = j) priest = k) sister = l) widow = 3) Give an abstract noun to the statements below. a) ……………….. is the affection and loyalty that you feel for people who you have something in common with. b) A …………………… is an organization whose members all have the same political aims and beliefs or the same job or profession. c) …………………………. is the affection and loyalty that women feel for other women who they have something in common with. d) ………………………. is the state of being a parent. e) ………………… is the state of being a father. f) ……………… is the state of being a widow or widower, or the period of time during which someone is a widow or widower. g) ………………….. is the state of being an adult. h) A ………………. is a title that is given to a man by a British king or queen for his achievements or his service to his country. A man who has been given this title can put `Sir' in front of his name instead of `Mr'. i) …………………….. is the period of a male person's life during which he is a boy. 4) Read the enouncement and explain the word formation process in the bolded words.
  • 7. 05) Circle the words that are misspelled, and write them correctly. 06) The following words are written with the suffix "ship". Edit a sentence for each given words. airship internship ambassadorship leadership, authorship membership battleship ownership censorship partnership championship relationship, citizenship scholarship companionship sponsorship craftsmanship sportsmanship draftsmanship warship fellowship workmanship friendship worship hardship horsemanship Can I Just Tell You? by Michel Martin If Women Ruled The World, Would Debt Be Less? July 11, 2011 I didn't want to bite my nails all weekend waiting for the congressional leaders and the president to agree on a plan to raise the debt ceiling and reduce the federal debt.
  • 8. So I did the next best thing — watched the Harry Potter marathon. And yes, I am getting ready for the big U.S. premiere this week. And no, I have not seen the new one yet. My hookups don't run that deep. Trust me, if they did, I would have been there. But while I was watching the previous films, I was thinking our political wizards could catch a clue from the Potter gang. They could listen to Hermione once in a while, which is to say, they could let some women in the room. It's a stereotype that women are more reasonable than men, more moderate than men, nicer than men. I know that's not true. Being here in D.C., I've met more than my share of narcissistic, blowhard female politicians, and I've met many men who listen well and don't care who gets the credit, as long as the job gets done. But I will say, first of all, it is amazing to me that during what could be one of the most important decision points in recent U.S. history, there are so few women with a seat at the table. Sure, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was there on Sunday night. But is that really enough? Half the population gets to be represented by one voice? Can I just tell you? Is it a coincidence that in this financial crisis, as in past ones, women were often the people sounding the alarm before anyone else was? First there was Sherron Watkins, who tried to blow the whistle on the shady accounting practices at Enron long before regulators and the public caught on. More recently, there was former Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. head Sheila Bair, who raised questions about subprime mortgages when few others did. Or women like June O'Neill, the former director of the Congressional Budget Office. These women had the right idea. What they lacked was the power and the allies to allow their point of view to prevail. I would also ask, is it a coincidence that some of the countries with the most serious and intractable budget woes in Europe right now are countries where female participation in government is minimal or degraded? Like Greece, where just over 17 percent of the Parliament are women? Or Italy, where just over 20 percent are, and where the prime minister evidently thinks the most important roles for women in his country involve taking their shirts off in public and cavorting with him in private at parties where the favors are alleged to involve something other than goodie bags? In the U.S., women are just 17 percent of the members of Congress, holding 89 out of 535 seats. Although many of the headline-grabbing potential candidates for president have been women in recent years — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side three years ago and Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann on the Republican side now — Clinton has made it clear she is done with campaigning. And it remains to be seen whether Palin or Bachmann will ever have an impact on governance equal to her impact as a media figure. This raises the question, just what do women bring to the table when it comes to difficult negotiations? It is tough to say, and many people have tried. Is it that women are socialized to listen more and talk less? Is it that they are more willing to sublimate their own egos for the sake of the greater good? I don't know. I do know that something is wrong when our economic future is at stake, and the only people who get to sit at the table to talk about it are the very people who messed things up to this point. source: