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OOP vs and FP
by Mario Fusco
Red Hat – Principal Software Engineer
A bad (and mostly wrong) joke
... and I did
the same
A world of false dichotomies
A world of false dichotomies
A world of false dichotomies
A world of false dichotomies
False dichotimies in software engineering
False dichotimies in software engineering
False dichotimies in software engineering
False dichotimies in software engineering
OOP as we
know it
Actually I made up the term "object-oriented",
and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.
Alan Kay
The way OOP is
implemented in most
common imperative
languages is
probably the biggest
in the millenarian
history of engineering
This is Class Oriented Programming
A Smalltalk object can do exactly three things:
OOP == Message Passing
✔ Hold state (references to
other objects).
✔ Receive a message from
itself or another object.
✔ In the course of processing a
message, send messages to
itself or another object.
A Smalltalk object can do exactly three things:
OOP == Message Passing
✔ Hold state (references to
other objects).
✔ Receive a message from
itself or another object.
✔ In the course of processing a
message, send messages to
itself or another object.
That’s the Actor Model !!!
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code
✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task
including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code
✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task
including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming
✔ FP is an all or nothing game: you can choose the amount of FP
that is right for you according to your task, skills and tastes
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
Functional Programming Myths
✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code
✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task
including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming
✔ FP is an all or nothing game: you can choose the amount of FP
that is right for you according to your task, skills and tastes
✔ FP solves all problems: oh yes, you can write horrible code also
doing pure functional programming
✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s
lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow
the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can
be effectively mixed in any program
✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
Object Oriented Programming
Object-oriented programming (OOP) represents the concept
of objects that have data fields (attributes that describe the
object) and associated procedures known as methods.
Functional Programming
Functional programming (FP) treats computation as
the evaluation and composition of mathematical
functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
What’s the difference?
All programs are functions operating on data
OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in
which they bind functions and data together
FP: f(o)OOP: o.f()
What’s the difference?
(f o)
All programs are functions operating on data
OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in
which they bind functions and data together
FP: f(o)OOP: o.f() But does it really matter?
In reality it is just
Functions ARE data, do you remember map/reduce?
But does it really matter?
What’s the difference?
(f o)
All programs are functions operating on data
OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in
which they bind functions and data together
FP: f(o)OOP: o.f() But does it really matter?
In reality it is just
Functions ARE data, do you remember map/reduce?
But does it really matter?
Biggest OOP advantage: Polymorphism
Polymorphism is THE thing that truly
differentiates OO programs from non-OO ones
It is true that it can be achieved in FP
with long if/else chains, or better with
pattern matching
Polymorphism does NOT create a
source code dependency from the
caller to the callee
OOP vs FP Decomposition
eval toString hasZero ...
OOP vs FP Decomposition
In OOP, break programs down
into classes that give
behaviour to some kind of data
eval toString hasZero ...
fill the grid with
one class per row
OOP vs FP Decomposition
In FP, break programs down into
functions that perform some
operations over its arguments
In OOP, break programs down
into classes that give
behaviour to some kind of data
eval toString hasZero ...
fill the grid with
one function per column
fill the grid with
one class per row
OOP Decomposition
public interface Expression {
int eval();
boolean hasZero();
String toString();
public class Int implements Expression {
private final int i;
public Int( int i ) { this.i = i; }
public int eval() { return i; }
public boolean hasZero() { return i == 0; }
public String toString() { return "" + i; }
public class Addition implements Expression {
private final Expression e1;
private final Expression e2;
public Addition( Expression e1, Expression e2 ) {
this.e1 = e1;
this.e2 = e2;
public int eval() {
return e1.eval() + e2.eval();
public boolean hasZero() {
return e1.hasZero() || e2.hasZero();
public String toString() {
return e1.toString() + " + " + e1.toString();
public class Negation implements Expression {
private final Expression e;
public Negation( Expression e ) { this.e = e; }
public int eval() { return - e.eval(); }
public boolean hasZero() { return e.hasZero(); }
public String toString() { return "-" + e.toString(); }
FP Decomposition
public interface Expression { }
public class Int implements Expression {
final int i;
public Int( int i ) {
this.i = i;
public class Negation implements Expression {
final Expression e;
public Negation( Expression e ) {
this.e = e;
public class Addition implements Expression {
final Expression e1;
final Expression e2;
public Addition( Expression e1,
Expression e2 ) {
this.e1 = e1;
this.e2 = e2;
static int eval(Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof Int)
return (( Int ) expr).i;
if (expr instanceof Negation)
return - eval((( Negation ) expr).e);
if (expr instanceof Addition)
return eval((( Addition ) expr).e1) + eval((( Addition ) expr).e2);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass());
static boolean hasZero(Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof Int)
return (( Int ) expr).i == 0;
if (expr instanceof Negation)
return hasZero((( Negation ) expr).e);
if (expr instanceof Addition)
return hasZero((( Addition ) expr).e1) || hasZero((( Addition ) expr).e2);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass());
static String toString(Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof Int)
return "" + (( Int ) expr).i;
if (expr instanceof Negation)
return "-" + toString((( Negation ) expr).e);
if (expr instanceof Addition)
return toString((( Addition ) expr).e1) + " + " +
toString((( Addition ) expr).e2);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass());
Which one is better?
To write an interpreter FP
decomposition is more
natural: I’m evaluating an
expression and I have
separate cases for the
different expression’s kinds
Which one is better?
To write an interpreter FP
decomposition is more
natural: I’m evaluating an
expression and I have
separate cases for the
different expression’s kinds
In a GUI there are lots of different things on
the screen with different behaviours and
response to user’s actions: better to keep
these behaviours together with the
graphical objects using OO decomposition
Which one is better?
It’s mainly a matter of
personal tastes and using
the tool that fits better
the problem at hand
To write an interpreter FP
decomposition is more
natural: I’m evaluating an
expression and I have
separate cases for the
different expression’s kinds
In a GUI there are lots of different things on
the screen with different behaviours and
response to user’s actions: better to keep
these behaviours together with the
graphical objects using OO decomposition
Functional composition
OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms:
1. Inheritance (IS-A)
Functional composition
OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms:
1. Inheritance (IS-A)
2. Association (HAS-A)
Functional composition
OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms:
1. Inheritance (IS-A)
2. Association (HAS-A), often implemented with
dependency injection
Functional composition
Biggest FP advantage: Immutability
✔ Thread-safety: immutable objects are inherently thread-
safe since race conditions are impossible
✔ Parallelizability: no race conditions implies also no need
for any synchronization
✔ Caching: the hardest problem in using a cache is
invalidation, but with immutable objects it is not necessary
✔ Correctness: immutability makes it easier to write, read
and reason about the code
✔ Consistency: once you are given an immutable object
and verify its state, you know it will always remain safe
✔ Better encapsulation: objects can always be passed by
reference and there is no need to have to worry about
solutions like defensive copying
OOP makes code understandable
by encapsulating moving parts
FP makes code understandable
by minimizing moving parts
- Michael Feathers
(im)mutability – OOP vs FP
... but this is only for historical reasons
nothing mandates that OOP implies mutability
An expression e is referentially transparent if for all programs p,
all occurrences of e in p can be replaced by the result of evaluating e,
without affecting the observable behavior of p
A function f is pure if the expression f(x) is referentially transparent
for all referentially transparent x
Referential transparency
String x = "purple";
String r1 = x.replace('p', 't');
String r2 = x.replace('p', 't');
String r1 = "purple".replace('p', 't');
r1: "turtle"
String r2 = "purple".replace('p', 't');
r2: "turtle"
StringBuilder x = new StringBuilder("Hi");
StringBuilder y = x.append(", mom");
String r1 = y.toString();
String r2 = y.toString();
String r1 = x.append(", mom").toString();
r1: "Hi, mom"
String r2 = x.append(", mom").toString();
r1: "Hi, mom, mom"
Under a developer point of view:
Easier to reason about since effects of evaluation are purely local
Use of the substitution model: it's possible to replace a term with an equivalent one
Under a performance point of view:
The JVM is free to optimize the code by safely reordering the instructions
No need to synchronize access to shared data
Possible to cache the result of time consuming functions (memoization), e.g. with
Map.computeIfAbsent(K key,
Function<? super K,? extends V> mappingFunction)
Referential transparency
means no side-effects
OOP vs FP Error Management
public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException
What’s wrong with this signature?
OOP vs FP Error Management
public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException
What’s wrong with this signature?
1. There isn’t anything exceptional in a String that cannot be parsed into a number
2. Breaking referential transparency prevents use of memoization
public static OptionalInt parseInt(String s)
Map<String, OptionalInt> cache = new HashMap<>();
public OptionalInt memoizedParse(String s) {
return cache.computeIfAbsent(s, Integer::parseInt);
would allow memoization
Often abused, especially for flow control
Checked Exceptions harm API
They plays very badly with lambdas syntax
Not composable: in presence of multiple
errors only the first one is reported
In the end just a GLORIFIED
Use Exception only Exceptionally
Exceptions should be used only
for non-recoverable errors
OOP : FP = Imperative : Declarative
List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>();
int errorCount = 0;
BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String line = file.readLine();
while (errorCount < 40 && line != null) {
if (line.startsWith("ERROR")) {
line = file.readLine();
List<String> errors =
.filter(l -> l.startsWith("ERROR"))
What a
it a bit
it a bit
We are now asked
to create a report
with the first 40 error
lines AND the line
before each of them
OOP version
List<String[]> errors = new ArrayList<>();
int errorCount = 0;
BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
String previous = null;
String current = file.readLine();
while (errorCount < 40 && current != null) {
if (current.startsWith("ERROR")) {
errors.add(new String[] { previous, current });
previous = current;
current = file.readLine();
FP version 1
List<String[]> errors =
.reduce(new LinkedList<String[]>(),
(list, line) -> {
if (!list.isEmpty()) list.getLast()[1] = line;
list.offer(new String[]{line, null});
return list;
(l1, l2) -> {
l1.getLast()[1] = l2.getFirst()[0];
return l1;
.filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR"))
.collect( Collectors.toList());
FP version 1
List<String[]> errors =
.reduce(new LinkedList<String[]>(),
(list, line) -> {
if (!list.isEmpty()) list.getLast()[1] = line;
list.offer(new String[]{line, null});
return list;
(l1, l2) -> {
l1.getLast()[1] = l2.getFirst()[0];
return l1;
.filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR"))
.collect( Collectors.toList());
must read
the whole file
in memory
FP version 2
List<String[]> errors =
zip( Stream.concat(Stream.of(null), Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))),
Stream.concat(Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)), Stream.of(null)),
(s1, s2) -> new String[] { s1, s2 })
.filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR"))
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
static <A,B,C> Stream<C> zip( Stream<? extends A> as,
Stream<? extends B> bs,
BiFunction<? super A, ? super B, ? extends C> zipper) {
Iterator<? extends B> itr = bs.iterator();
return as.filter( x -> itr.hasNext() ).map( x -> zipper.apply( x, ) );
OOP – FP (false?) dichotomies
Polymorphism – Functional decomposition
Mutable – Immutable
Exceptions – Optional / Validation
Imperative – Declarative
OOP – FP (false?) dichotomies
Polymorphism – Functional decomposition
Mutable – Immutable
Exceptions – Optional / Validation
Imperative – Declarative
Stateful – Stateless
Threads – Futures
Statements – Expressions
Iteration – Recursion
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
private double result = 1.0;
public synchronized void processResult(double value) {
result *= value;
public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode,
String currency)
throws InterruptedException {
Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) );
} );
Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) );
} );
return result;
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
private double result = 1.0;
public synchronized void processResult(double value) {
result *= value;
public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode,
String currency)
throws InterruptedException {
Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) );
} );
Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) );
} );
return result;
Threads vs (Completable)Future
The problem with object-oriented
languages is they’ve got all this implicit
environment that they carry around
with them. You wanted a banana but
what you got was a gorilla holding the
banana and the entire jungle.
- Joe Armstrong
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
private double result = 1.0;
public synchronized void processResult(double value) {
result *= value;
public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode,
String currency)
throws InterruptedException {
Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) );
} );
Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) );
} );
return result;
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
public double getPriceUsingFutures(String productCode, String currency) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadUSDPrice( productCode ) )
.thenCombine( CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ),
(price, rate) -> price * rate ).get();
Threads vs (Completable)Future
public double loadConversionRate(String currency1,
String currency2) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) {
return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation
public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) {
return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) *
loadConversionRate( "USD", currency );
public double getPriceUsingFutures(String productCode, String currency) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadUSDPrice( productCode ) )
.thenCombine( CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ),
(price, rate) -> price * rate ).get();
Expressions vs Statements
Object result = condition ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse();
Object result;
if (condition) {
result = doSomething();
} else {
result = doSomethingElse();
Favor expressions when
possible, but in most cases this is
not a choice and it is determined
by the language’s syntax
Iteration vs Recursion
int sumAll(int n) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
result += i;
return result;
int sumAll(int n) {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, n).sum();
Iteration vs Recursion
int sumAll(int n) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
result += i;
return result;
int sumAll(int n) {
return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, n).sum();
int sumAll(int n) {
return n == 0 ? 0 : n + sumAll(n - 1);
FP in the small, OOP in the large ...
FP for calculation parts
OOP for stateful and architectural parts
FP in the small, OOP in the large ...
FP for calculation parts
OOP for stateful and architectural parts
FP to orchestrate and
combine small components
(objects) in a functional way
... or viceversa?
85% functional language purity
My real position is this: 100% pure
functional programing doesn’t work. Even
98% pure functional programming doesn’t
work. But if the slider between functional
purity and 1980s BASIC-style imperative
messiness is kicked down a few notches —
say to 85% — then it really does work. You
get all the advantages of functional
programming, but without the extreme mental
effort and unmaintainability that increases as
you get closer and closer to perfectly pure.
- James Hague
85% functional language purity
My real position is this: 100% pure
functional programing doesn’t work. Even
98% pure functional programming doesn’t
work. But if the slider between functional
purity and 1980s BASIC-style imperative
messiness is kicked down a few notches —
say to 85% — then it really does work. You
get all the advantages of functional
programming, but without the extreme mental
effort and unmaintainability that increases as
you get closer and closer to perfectly pure.
- James Hague Perfect is the enemy of good
­ Voltaire
To recap
does not
have to look
like this
● OOP approach models the data (noun-based) while FP
processes them (action/verb-based)
● Good software is written in both styles, because it has
more than one need to satisfy
● Programming languages are becoming evolved enough so
that any attempt of categorization is fuzzy and unpractical
● Clearly delineate which part of your code are purely
functional (e.g. because they need to run in parallel) and
which are not (for efficiency or readability)
● Poly-paradigm programming is more generic, powerful
and effective than polyglot programming
● From object-oriented to functional programming
to functions-first programming
● If you come from an OOP, study FP.
If you come from an FP, study OOP.
Key Takeaways
Mario Fusco
Red Hat – Principal Software Engineer
twitter: @mariofusco
Thanks ... Questions?

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Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
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Python Generators
Object-oriented concepts
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Object-oriented concepts
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OOP and FP

  • 1. OOP vs and FP by Mario Fusco Red Hat – Principal Software Engineer @mariofusco
  • 2. A bad (and mostly wrong) joke
  • 3. ... and I did the same
  • 4. A world of false dichotomies
  • 5. A world of false dichotomies
  • 6. A world of false dichotomies
  • 7. A world of false dichotomies
  • 8. False dichotimies in software engineering
  • 9. False dichotimies in software engineering
  • 10. False dichotimies in software engineering
  • 11. False dichotimies in software engineering
  • 13.
  • 14. Actually I made up the term "object-oriented", and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind. Alan Kay
  • 15. The way OOP is implemented in most common imperative languages is probably the biggest misunderstanding in the millenarian history of engineering This is Class Oriented Programming
  • 16. A Smalltalk object can do exactly three things: OOP == Message Passing ✔ Hold state (references to other objects). ✔ Receive a message from itself or another object. ✔ In the course of processing a message, send messages to itself or another object.
  • 17. A Smalltalk object can do exactly three things: OOP == Message Passing ✔ Hold state (references to other objects). ✔ Receive a message from itself or another object. ✔ In the course of processing a message, send messages to itself or another object. That’s the Actor Model !!!
  • 18. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java
  • 19. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle?
  • 20. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program
  • 21. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program ✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
  • 22. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program ✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
  • 23. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code ✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program ✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
  • 24. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code ✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming ✔ FP is an all or nothing game: you can choose the amount of FP that is right for you according to your task, skills and tastes ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program ✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
  • 25. Functional Programming Myths ✔ FP is less efficient: it’s the compiler job to produce efficient code ✔ FP is good only for math-like stuff: it is good for any task including GUIs, think to functional reactive programming ✔ FP is an all or nothing game: you can choose the amount of FP that is right for you according to your task, skills and tastes ✔ FP solves all problems: oh yes, you can write horrible code also doing pure functional programming ✔ FP is new: it is older than computer, origining from 1930s lambda calculus. Haskell is 5 years older than Java ✔ FP is well-defined: are lambdas enough? Should it follow the mathemathical definition? Something in the middle? ✔ FP is the opposite of OOP: they are orthogonal and can be effectively mixed in any program ✔ FP is hard: OOP is not easier, just more familiar
  • 26. Object Oriented Programming Object-oriented programming (OOP) represents the concept of objects that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Definitions Functional Programming Functional programming (FP) treats computation as the evaluation and composition of mathematical functions and avoids changing-state and mutable data.
  • 27. What’s the difference? All programs are functions operating on data OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in which they bind functions and data together FP: f(o)OOP: o.f()
  • 28. What’s the difference? (f o) All programs are functions operating on data OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in which they bind functions and data together FP: f(o)OOP: o.f() But does it really matter? In reality it is just Functions ARE data, do you remember map/reduce? But does it really matter?
  • 29. What’s the difference? (f o) All programs are functions operating on data polymorphism OOP and FP seems to differ in the manner in which they bind functions and data together FP: f(o)OOP: o.f() But does it really matter? In reality it is just Functions ARE data, do you remember map/reduce? But does it really matter?
  • 30. Biggest OOP advantage: Polymorphism Polymorphism is THE thing that truly differentiates OO programs from non-OO ones It is true that it can be achieved in FP with long if/else chains, or better with pattern matching Polymorphism does NOT create a source code dependency from the caller to the callee BUT in OOP
  • 31. OOP vs FP Decomposition eval toString hasZero ... Int Addition Negation ...
  • 32. OOP vs FP Decomposition In OOP, break programs down into classes that give behaviour to some kind of data eval toString hasZero ... Int Addition Negation ... fill the grid with one class per row
  • 33. OOP vs FP Decomposition In FP, break programs down into functions that perform some operations over its arguments In OOP, break programs down into classes that give behaviour to some kind of data eval toString hasZero ... Int Addition Negation ... fill the grid with one function per column fill the grid with one class per row
  • 34. OOP Decomposition public interface Expression { int eval(); boolean hasZero(); String toString(); } public class Int implements Expression { private final int i; public Int( int i ) { this.i = i; } @Override public int eval() { return i; } @Override public boolean hasZero() { return i == 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "" + i; } } public class Addition implements Expression { private final Expression e1; private final Expression e2; public Addition( Expression e1, Expression e2 ) { this.e1 = e1; this.e2 = e2; } @Override public int eval() { return e1.eval() + e2.eval(); } @Override public boolean hasZero() { return e1.hasZero() || e2.hasZero(); } @Override public String toString() { return e1.toString() + " + " + e1.toString(); } } public class Negation implements Expression { private final Expression e; public Negation( Expression e ) { this.e = e; } @Override public int eval() { return - e.eval(); } @Override public boolean hasZero() { return e.hasZero(); } @Override public String toString() { return "-" + e.toString(); } }
  • 35. FP Decomposition public interface Expression { } public class Int implements Expression { final int i; public Int( int i ) { this.i = i; } } public class Negation implements Expression { final Expression e; public Negation( Expression e ) { this.e = e; } } public class Addition implements Expression { final Expression e1; final Expression e2; public Addition( Expression e1, Expression e2 ) { this.e1 = e1; this.e2 = e2; } } static int eval(Expression expr) { if (expr instanceof Int) return (( Int ) expr).i; if (expr instanceof Negation) return - eval((( Negation ) expr).e); if (expr instanceof Addition) return eval((( Addition ) expr).e1) + eval((( Addition ) expr).e2); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass()); } static boolean hasZero(Expression expr) { if (expr instanceof Int) return (( Int ) expr).i == 0; if (expr instanceof Negation) return hasZero((( Negation ) expr).e); if (expr instanceof Addition) return hasZero((( Addition ) expr).e1) || hasZero((( Addition ) expr).e2); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass()); } static String toString(Expression expr) { if (expr instanceof Int) return "" + (( Int ) expr).i; if (expr instanceof Negation) return "-" + toString((( Negation ) expr).e); if (expr instanceof Addition) return toString((( Addition ) expr).e1) + " + " + toString((( Addition ) expr).e2); throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unknown type: " + expr.getClass()); }
  • 36. Which one is better? To write an interpreter FP decomposition is more natural: I’m evaluating an expression and I have separate cases for the different expression’s kinds
  • 37. Which one is better? To write an interpreter FP decomposition is more natural: I’m evaluating an expression and I have separate cases for the different expression’s kinds In a GUI there are lots of different things on the screen with different behaviours and response to user’s actions: better to keep these behaviours together with the graphical objects using OO decomposition
  • 38. Which one is better? It’s mainly a matter of personal tastes and using the tool that fits better the problem at hand To write an interpreter FP decomposition is more natural: I’m evaluating an expression and I have separate cases for the different expression’s kinds In a GUI there are lots of different things on the screen with different behaviours and response to user’s actions: better to keep these behaviours together with the graphical objects using OO decomposition
  • 40. Composition(?) OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms: 1. Inheritance (IS-A) Functional composition
  • 41. Composition(?) OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms: 1. Inheritance (IS-A) 2. Association (HAS-A) Functional composition
  • 42. Composition(?) OOP implements composition using 2 mechanisms: 1. Inheritance (IS-A) 2. Association (HAS-A), often implemented with dependency injection Functional composition
  • 43. Biggest FP advantage: Immutability ✔ Thread-safety: immutable objects are inherently thread- safe since race conditions are impossible ✔ Parallelizability: no race conditions implies also no need for any synchronization ✔ Caching: the hardest problem in using a cache is invalidation, but with immutable objects it is not necessary ✔ Correctness: immutability makes it easier to write, read and reason about the code ✔ Consistency: once you are given an immutable object and verify its state, you know it will always remain safe ✔ Better encapsulation: objects can always be passed by reference and there is no need to have to worry about solutions like defensive copying
  • 44. OOP makes code understandable by encapsulating moving parts FP makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts - Michael Feathers (im)mutability – OOP vs FP ... but this is only for historical reasons nothing mandates that OOP implies mutability
  • 45. An expression e is referentially transparent if for all programs p, all occurrences of e in p can be replaced by the result of evaluating e, without affecting the observable behavior of p A function f is pure if the expression f(x) is referentially transparent for all referentially transparent x Referential transparency
  • 46. RT String x = "purple"; String r1 = x.replace('p', 't'); String r2 = x.replace('p', 't'); String r1 = "purple".replace('p', 't'); r1: "turtle" String r2 = "purple".replace('p', 't'); r2: "turtle" StringBuilder x = new StringBuilder("Hi"); StringBuilder y = x.append(", mom"); String r1 = y.toString(); String r2 = y.toString(); String r1 = x.append(", mom").toString(); r1: "Hi, mom" String r2 = x.append(", mom").toString(); r1: "Hi, mom, mom" Non-RT vs.
  • 47. Under a developer point of view: Easier to reason about since effects of evaluation are purely local Use of the substitution model: it's possible to replace a term with an equivalent one Under a performance point of view: The JVM is free to optimize the code by safely reordering the instructions No need to synchronize access to shared data Possible to cache the result of time consuming functions (memoization), e.g. with Map.computeIfAbsent(K key, Function<? super K,? extends V> mappingFunction) Referential transparency means no side-effects
  • 48. OOP vs FP Error Management public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException What’s wrong with this signature?
  • 49. OOP vs FP Error Management public static int parseInt(String s) throws NumberFormatException What’s wrong with this signature? 1. There isn’t anything exceptional in a String that cannot be parsed into a number 2. Breaking referential transparency prevents use of memoization public static OptionalInt parseInt(String s) Map<String, OptionalInt> cache = new HashMap<>(); public OptionalInt memoizedParse(String s) { return cache.computeIfAbsent(s, Integer::parseInt); } would allow memoization
  • 50. ✔ Often abused, especially for flow control ✔ Checked Exceptions harm API extensibility/modificability ✔ They plays very badly with lambdas syntax ✔ Not composable: in presence of multiple errors only the first one is reported ✔ In the end just a GLORIFIED MULTILEVEL GOTO Use Exception only Exceptionally Exceptions should be used only for non-recoverable errors
  • 51. OOP : FP = Imperative : Declarative List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); int errorCount = 0; BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); String line = file.readLine(); while (errorCount < 40 && line != null) { if (line.startsWith("ERROR")) { errors.add(line); errorCount++; } line = file.readLine(); } List<String> errors = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)) .filter(l -> l.startsWith("ERROR")) .limit(40) .collect(toList());
  • 54. Let’s change it a bit We are now asked to create a report with the first 40 error lines AND the line before each of them
  • 55. OOP version List<String[]> errors = new ArrayList<>(); int errorCount = 0; BufferedReader file = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); String previous = null; String current = file.readLine(); while (errorCount < 40 && current != null) { if (current.startsWith("ERROR")) { errors.add(new String[] { previous, current }); errorCount++; } previous = current; current = file.readLine(); }
  • 56. FP version 1 List<String[]> errors = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)) .reduce(new LinkedList<String[]>(), (list, line) -> { if (!list.isEmpty()) list.getLast()[1] = line; list.offer(new String[]{line, null}); return list; }, (l1, l2) -> { l1.getLast()[1] = l2.getFirst()[0]; l1.addAll(l2); return l1; }) .stream() .filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR")) .limit(40) .collect( Collectors.toList());
  • 57. FP version 1 List<String[]> errors = Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)) .reduce(new LinkedList<String[]>(), (list, line) -> { if (!list.isEmpty()) list.getLast()[1] = line; list.offer(new String[]{line, null}); return list; }, (l1, l2) -> { l1.getLast()[1] = l2.getFirst()[0]; l1.addAll(l2); return l1; }) .stream() .filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR")) .limit(40) .collect( Collectors.toList()); mutability must read the whole file in memory
  • 58. FP version 2 List<String[]> errors = zip( Stream.concat(Stream.of(null), Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName))), Stream.concat(Files.lines(Paths.get(fileName)), Stream.of(null)), (s1, s2) -> new String[] { s1, s2 }) .filter(ss -> ss[1] != null && ss[1].startsWith("ERROR")) .limit(40) .collect( Collectors.toList() ); static <A,B,C> Stream<C> zip( Stream<? extends A> as, Stream<? extends B> bs, BiFunction<? super A, ? super B, ? extends C> zipper) { Iterator<? extends B> itr = bs.iterator(); return as.filter( x -> itr.hasNext() ).map( x -> zipper.apply( x, ) ); }
  • 59. OOP – FP (false?) dichotomies Polymorphism – Functional decomposition Mutable – Immutable Exceptions – Optional / Validation Imperative – Declarative
  • 60. OOP – FP (false?) dichotomies Polymorphism – Functional decomposition Mutable – Immutable Exceptions – Optional / Validation Imperative – Declarative Stateful – Stateless Threads – Futures Statements – Expressions Iteration – Recursion
  • 61. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); }
  • 62. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); } private double result = 1.0; public synchronized void processResult(double value) { result *= value; } public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode, String currency) throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ); } } ); Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) ); } } ); t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); return result; }
  • 63. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); } private double result = 1.0; public synchronized void processResult(double value) { result *= value; } public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode, String currency) throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ); } } ); Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) ); } } ); t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); return result; }
  • 64. Threads vs (Completable)Future The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle. - Joe Armstrong public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); } private double result = 1.0; public synchronized void processResult(double value) { result *= value; } public double getPriceUsingThreads(String productCode, String currency) throws InterruptedException { Thread t1 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ); } } ); Thread t2 = new Thread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processResult( loadUSDPrice( productCode ) ); } } ); t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); return result; }
  • 65. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); }
  • 66. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); } public double getPriceUsingFutures(String productCode, String currency) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadUSDPrice( productCode ) ) .thenCombine( CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ), (price, rate) -> price * rate ).get(); }
  • 67. Threads vs (Completable)Future public double loadConversionRate(String currency1, String currency2) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double loadUSDPrice(String productCode) { return Double.NaN; // TODO – some long computation } public double getPrice(String productCode, String currency) { return loadUSDPrice( productCode ) * loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ); } public double getPriceUsingFutures(String productCode, String currency) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadUSDPrice( productCode ) ) .thenCombine( CompletableFuture.supplyAsync( () -> loadConversionRate( "USD", currency ) ), (price, rate) -> price * rate ).get(); }
  • 68. Expressions vs Statements Object result = condition ? doSomething() : doSomethingElse(); Object result; if (condition) { result = doSomething(); } else { result = doSomethingElse(); } Favor expressions when possible, but in most cases this is not a choice and it is determined by the language’s syntax
  • 69. Iteration vs Recursion int sumAll(int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { result += i; } return result; } int sumAll(int n) { return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, n).sum(); }
  • 70. Iteration vs Recursion int sumAll(int n) { int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { result += i; } return result; } int sumAll(int n) { return IntStream.rangeClosed(0, n).sum(); } int sumAll(int n) { return n == 0 ? 0 : n + sumAll(n - 1); }
  • 71. FP in the small, OOP in the large ... FP for calculation parts OOP for stateful and architectural parts
  • 72. FP in the small, OOP in the large ... FP for calculation parts OOP for stateful and architectural parts FP to orchestrate and combine small components (objects) in a functional way ... or viceversa?
  • 73. 85% functional language purity My real position is this: 100% pure functional programing doesn’t work. Even 98% pure functional programming doesn’t work. But if the slider between functional purity and 1980s BASIC-style imperative messiness is kicked down a few notches — say to 85% — then it really does work. You get all the advantages of functional programming, but without the extreme mental effort and unmaintainability that increases as you get closer and closer to perfectly pure. - James Hague
  • 74. 85% functional language purity My real position is this: 100% pure functional programing doesn’t work. Even 98% pure functional programming doesn’t work. But if the slider between functional purity and 1980s BASIC-style imperative messiness is kicked down a few notches — say to 85% — then it really does work. You get all the advantages of functional programming, but without the extreme mental effort and unmaintainability that increases as you get closer and closer to perfectly pure. - James Hague Perfect is the enemy of good ­ Voltaire
  • 75. To recap OOP + FP does not have to look like this
  • 76. ● OOP approach models the data (noun-based) while FP processes them (action/verb-based) ● Good software is written in both styles, because it has more than one need to satisfy ● Programming languages are becoming evolved enough so that any attempt of categorization is fuzzy and unpractical ● Clearly delineate which part of your code are purely functional (e.g. because they need to run in parallel) and which are not (for efficiency or readability) ● Poly-paradigm programming is more generic, powerful and effective than polyglot programming ● From object-oriented to functional programming to functions-first programming ● If you come from an OOP, study FP. If you come from an FP, study OOP. Key Takeaways BE PRAGMATIC
  • 77. Mario Fusco Red Hat – Principal Software Engineer twitter: @mariofusco Q A Thanks ... Questions?