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Chapter 1
Measurement and Vectors
Conceptual Problems
1 • [SSM] Which of the following is not one of the base quantities in the
SI system? (a) mass, (b) length, (c) energy, (d) time, (e) All of the above are base
Determine the Concept The base quantities in the SI system include mass, length,
and time. Force is not a base quantity. )(c is correct.
2 • In doing a calculation, you end up with m/s in the numerator and m/s2
in the denominator. What are your final units? (a) m2
, (b) 1/s, (c) s3
, (d) s,
(e) m/s.
Picture the Problem We can express and simplify the ratio of m/s to m/s2
determine the final units.
Express and simplify the ratio of
m/s to m/s2
: s
= and )(d is correct.
3 • The prefix giga means (a) 103
, (b) 106
, (c) 109
, (d) 1012
, (e) 1015
Determine the Concept Consulting Table 1-1 we note that the prefix giga
means 109
. )(c is correct.
4 • The prefix mega means (a) 10–9
, (b) 10–6
, (c) 10–3
, (d) 106
, (e) 109
Determine the Concept Consulting Table 1-1 we note that the prefix mega
means 106
. )(d is correct.
5 • [SSM] Show that there are 30.48 cm per foot. How many centimeters
are there in one mile?
Picture the Problem We can use the facts that there are 2.540 centimeters in
1 inch and 12 inches in 1 foot to show that there are 30.48 cm per ft. We can then
use the fact that there are 5280 feet in 1 mile to find the number of centimeters in
one mile.
Chapter 12
Multiply 2.540 cm/in by 12 in/ft to
find the number of cm per ft:
540.2 =⎟
Multiply 30.48 cm/ft by 5280 ft/mi to find the number of centimeters in one
48.30 5
Remarks: Because there are exactly 2.54 cm in 1 in and exactly 12 inches in 1 ft, we
are justified in reporting four significant figures in these results.
6 • The number 0.000 513 0 has significant figures. (a) one, (b) three,
(c) four, (d) seven, (e) eight.
Determine the Concept Counting from left to right and ignoring zeros to the left
of the first nonzero digit, the last significant figure is the first digit that is in doubt.
Applying this criterion, the three zeros after the decimal point are not significant
figures, but the last zero is significant. Hence, there are four significant figures in
this number. )(c is correct.
7 • The number 23.0040 has significant figures. (a) two, (b) three,
(c) four, (d) five, (e) six.
Determine the Concept Counting from left to right, the last significant figure is
the first digit that is in doubt. Applying this criterion, there are six significant
figures in this number. )(e is correct.
8 • Force has dimensions of mass times acceleration. Acceleration has
dimensions of speed divided by time. Pressure is defined as force divided by area.
What are the dimensions of pressure? Express pressure in terms of the SI base
units kilogram, meter and second.
Determine the Concept We can use the definitions of force and pressure,
together with the dimensions of mass, acceleration, and length, to find the
dimensions of pressure. We can express pressure in terms of the SI base units by
substituting the base units for mass, acceleration, and length in the definition of
Measurement and Vectors 3
Use the definition of pressure and
the dimensions of force and area to
[ ] [ ]
[ ] 22
Express pressure in terms of the SI
base units to obtain:
9 • True or false: Two quantities must have the same dimensions in order
to be multiplied.
False. For example, the distance traveled by an object is the product of its speed
(length/time) multiplied by its time of travel (time).
10 • A vector has a negative x component and a positive y component. Its
angle measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis is (a) between zero and
90 degrees. (b) between 90 and 180 degrees. (c) More than 180 degrees.
Determine the Concept Because a vector with a negative x-component and a
positive y-component is in the second quadrant, its angle is between 90 and 180
degrees. ( ) correct.isb
11 • [SSM] A vector A
points in the +x direction. Show graphically at
least three choices for a vector B
such that AB
+ points in the +y direction.
Determine the Concept The figure
shows a vector A
pointing in the
positive x direction and three unlabeled
possibilities for vector .B
Note that the
choices for B
start at the end of vector
rather than at its initial point. Note
further that this configuration could be
in any quadrant of the reference system
shown. x
12 • A vector A
points in the +y direction. Show graphically at least three
choices for a vector B
such that AB
− points in the + x direction.
Chapter 14
Determine the Concept Let the +x
direction be to the right and the +y
direction be upward. The figure shows
the vector A
− pointing in the −y
direction and three unlabeled
possibilities for vector .B
Note that the
choices for B
start at the end of vector
− rather than at its initial point.
13 • [SSM] Is it possible for three equal magnitude vectors to add to
zero? If so, sketch a graphical answer. If not, explain why not.
Determine the Concept In order for
the three equal magnitude vectors to
add to zero, the sum of the three vectors
must form a triangle. The equilateral
triangle shown to the right satisfies this
condition for the vectors A
, B
, and
for which it is true that A = B = C,
whereas .0=++ CBA
Estimation and Approximation
14 • The angle subtended by the moon’s diameter at a point on Earth is
about 0.524º (Fig. 1-2). Use this and the fact that the moon is about 384 Mm away
to find the diameter of the moon. HINT: The angle can be determined from the
diameter of the moon and the distance to the moon.
Picture the Problem Let θ represent the angle subtended by the moon’s
diameter, D represent the diameter of the moon, and rm the distance to the moon.
Because θ is small, we can approximate it by θ ≈ D/rm where θ is in radian
measure. We can solve this relationship for the diameter of the moon.
Express the moon’s diameter D in
terms of the angle it subtends at Earth
θ and the Earth-moon distance rm:
mrD θ=
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate D:
( )
Measurement and Vectors 5
15 • [SSM] Some good estimates about the human body can be made if it
is assumed that we are made mostly of water. The mass of a water molecule is
29.9 ×10−27
kg. If the mass of a person is 60 kg, estimate the number of water
molecules in that person.
Picture the Problem We can estimate the number of water molecules in a person
whose mass is 60 kg by dividing this mass by the mass of a single water
Letting N represent the number of
water molecules in a person of mass
mhuman body, express N in terms of
mhuman body and the mass of a water
molecule mwater molecule:
N =
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate N:
16 •• In 1989, IBM scientists figured out how to move atoms with a
scanning tunneling microscope (STM). One of the first STM pictures seen by the
general public was of the letters IBM spelled with xenon atoms on a nickel
surface. The letters IBM were 15 xenon atoms across. If the space between the
centers of adjacent xenon atoms is 5 nm (5 ×10−9
m), estimate how many times
could ″IBM″ could be written across this 8.5 inch page.
Picture the Problem We can estimate the number of times N that ″IBM″ could
be written across this 8.5-inch page by dividing the width w of the page by the
distance d required by each writing of ″IBM.″
Express N in terms of the width w of
the page and the distance d required
by each writing of ″IBM″:
N =
Express d in terms of the separation s
of the centers of adjacent xenon
atoms and the number n of xenon
atoms in each writing of ″IBM″:
snd =
Substitute for d in the expression for
N to obtain: sn
N =
Chapter 16
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate N:
( )
( )
= −
17 •• There is an environmental debate over the use of cloth versus
disposable diapers. (a) If we assume that between birth and 2.5 y of age, a child
uses 3 diapers per day, estimate the total number of disposable diapers used in the
United States per year. (b) Estimate the total landfill volume due to these diapers,
assuming that 1000 kg of waste fills about 1 m3
of landfill volume. (c) How many
square miles of landfill area at an average height of 10 m is needed for the
disposal of diapers each year?
Picture the Problem We’ll assume a population of 300 million and a life
expectancy of 76 y. We’ll also assume that a diaper has a volume of about half a
liter. In (c) we’ll assume the disposal site is a rectangular hole in the ground and
use the formula for the volume of such an opening to estimate the surface area
(a) Express the total number N of
disposable diapers used in the United
States per year in terms of the
number of children n in diapers and
the number of diapers D used by
each child per year:
nDN = (1)
Use the estimated daily consumption
and the number of days in a year to
estimate the number of diapers D
required per child per year:
Use the assumed life expectancy to
estimate the number of children n in
diapers yearly:
( )
Substitute numerical values in equation
(1) to obtain:
( )
Measurement and Vectors 7
(b) Express the required landfill
volume V in terms of the volume of
diapers to be buried:
diaperoneNVV =
Substitute numerical values and evaluate V:
( ) 36
diapers101.1 ×≈⎟⎟
(c) Express the required volume in
terms of the volume of a rectangular
AhV = ⇒
A =
Substitute numerical values evaluate
Use a conversion factor (see
Appendix A) to express this area in
square miles: 2
18 •• (a) Estimate the number of gallons of gasoline used per day by
automobiles in the United States and the total amount of money spent on it. (b) If
19.4 gal of gasoline can be made from one barrel of crude oil, estimate the total
number of barrels of oil imported into the United States per year to make
gasoline. How many barrels per day is this?
Picture the Problem The population of the United States is roughly 3 × 108
people. Assuming that the average family has four people, with an average of two
cars per family, there are about 1.5 × 108
cars in the United States. If we double
that number to include trucks, cabs, etc., we have 3 × 108
vehicles. Let’s assume
that each vehicle uses, on average, 14 gallons of gasoline per week and that the
United States imports half its oil.
(a) Find the daily consumption of
gasoline G:
( )( )
Assuming a price per gallon
P = $3.00, find the daily cost C of
( )( )
×== GPC
Chapter 18
(b) Relate the number of barrels N of
crude oil imported annually to the
yearly consumption of gasoline Y
and the number of gallons of
gasoline n that can be made from
one barrel of crude oil:
where f is the fraction of the oil that is
Substitute numerical values and
estimate N:
( )
Convert barrels/y to barrels/d to
19 •• [SSM] A megabyte (MB) is a unit of computer memory storage. A
CD has a storage capacity of 700 MB and can store approximately 70 min of
high-quality music. (a) If a typical song is 5 min long, how many megabytes are
required for each song? (b) If a page of printed text takes approximately
5 kilobytes, estimate the number of novels that could be saved on a CD.
Picture the Problem We can set up a proportion to relate the storage capacity of
a CD to its playing time, the length of a typical song, and the storage capacity
required for each song. In (b) we can relate the number of novels that can be
stored on a CD to the number of megabytes required per novel and the storage
capacity of the CD.
(a) Set up a proportion relating the
ratio of the number of megabytes on
a CD to its playing time to the ratio
of the number of megabytes N
required for each song:
MB700 N
Solve this proportion for N to
( ) MB50min5
Measurement and Vectors 9
(b) Letting n represent the number of
megabytes per novel, express the
number of novels novelsN that can be
stored on a CD in terms of the
storage capacity of the CD:
novels =
Assuming that a typical page in a
novel requires 5 kB of memory,
express n in terms of the number of
pages p in a typical novel:
pn ⎟⎟
Substitute for n in the expression
for novelsN to obtain:
Assuming that a typical novel has
200 pages:
20 • Express the following quantities using the prefixes listed in Table 1-1
and the unit abbreviations listed in the table Abbreviations for Units. For example,
10,000 meters = 10 km. (a) 1,000,000 watts, (b) 0.002 gram, (c) 3 × 10–6
(d) 30,000 seconds.
Picture the Problem We can use the metric prefixes listed in Table 1-1 and the
abbreviations on page EP-1 to express each of these quantities.
MW1watts10watts000,000,1 6
m3meter103 6
μ=× −
mg2g102gram002.0 3
=×= −
ks30s1003seconds000,30 3
21 • Write each of the following without using prefixes: (a) 40 μW,
(b) 4 ns, (c) 3 MW, (d) 25 km.
Chapter 110
Picture the Problem We can use the definitions of the metric prefixes listed in
Table 1-1 to express each of these quantities without prefixes.
W0.000040W1040W40 6
=×= −
W000,000,3W103MW3 6
s40.00000000s104ns4 9
=×= −
m000,52m1025km25 3
22 • Write the following (which are not SI units) using prefixes (but not
their abbreviations). For example, 103
meters = 1 kilometer: (a) 10–12
(b) 109
low, (c) 10–6
phone, (d) 10–18
boy, (e) 106
phone, (f) 10–9
(g) 1012
Picture the Problem We can use the definitions of the metric prefixes listed in
Table 1-1 to express each of these quantities without abbreviations.
(a) picoboo1boo10 12
(e) megaphone1phone106
(b) gigalow1low109
= (f) nanogoat1goat10 9
(c) microphone1phone10 6
(g) terabull1bull1012
(d) attoboy1boy10 18
23 •• [SSM] In the following equations, the distance x is in meters, the
time t is in seconds, and the velocity v is in meters per second. What are the SI
units of the constants C1 and C2? (a) x = C1 + C2t, (b) x = 1
2 C1t2
, (c) v2
= 2C1x,
(d) x = C1 cos C2t, (e) v2
= 2C1v – (C2x)2
Picture the Problem We can determine the SI units of each term on the right-
hand side of the equations from the units of the physical quantity on the left-hand
(a) Because x is in meters, C1 and
C2t must be in meters:
m/sinism;inis 21 CC
(b) Because x is in meters, ½C1t2
must be in meters:
1 m/sinisC
Measurement and Vectors 11
(c) Because v2
is in m2
, 2C1x
must be in m2
1 m/sinisC
(d) The argument of a trigonometric
function must be dimensionless; i.e.
without units. Therefore, because x
is in meters:
21 sinism;inis −
(e) All of the terms in the expression
must have the same units. Therefore,
because v is in m/s:
21 sinism/s;inis −
24 •• If x is in feet, t is in milliseconds, and v is in feet per second, what are
the units of the constants C1 and C2 in each part of Problem 23?
Picture the Problem We can determine the US customary units of each term on
the right-hand side of the equations from the units of the physical quantity on the
left-hand side.
(a) Because x is in feet, C1 and
C2t must be in feet:
ft/msinisft;inis 21 CC
(b) Because x is in feet, 2
must be in feet:
( )2
1 msft/inisC
(c) Because v2
is in ft2
2C1x must be in ft2
( )2
1 msft/inisC
(d) The argument of a trigonometric
function must be dimensionless; that
is, without units. Therefore, because
x is in feet:
( ) 1
21 msinisft;inis
(e) The argument of an exponential
function must be dimensionless; that
is, without units. Therefore, because
v is in ft/s:
( ) 1
21 msinisft/ms;inis
Conversion of Units
Chapter 112
25 • From the original definition of the meter in terms of the distance along
a meridian from the equator to the North Pole, find in meters (a) the
circumference of Earth and (b) the radius of Earth. (c) Convert your answers for
(a) and (b) from meters into miles.
Picture the Problem We can use the formula for the circumference of a circle to
find the radius of Earth and the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to convert
distances in meters into distances in miles.
(a) The Pole-Equator distance is
one-fourth of the circumference:
m1044 7
equator-pole ×== DC
(b) The formula for the circumference
of a circle is:
RDC ππ 2== ⇒
R =
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate R:
(c) Use the conversion factors
1 km = 1000 m and 1 mi = 1.609 km
to express C in mi: mi102
Use the conversion factors
1 km = 1000 m and 1 mi = 1.61 km
to express R in mi: mi104
26 • The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s at normal room temperature.
What is the speed of a supersonic plane that travels at twice the speed of sound?
Give your answer in kilometers per hour and miles per hour.
Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.61 km to convert
speeds in km/h into mi/h.
Find the speed of the plane in km/h: ( )
Measurement and Vectors 13
Convert v into mi/h:
27 • A basketball player is 6 ft 10 1
2 in tall. What is his height in
Picture the Problem We’ll first express his height in inches and then use the
conversion factor 1 in = 2.540 cm.
Express the player’s height in inches:
ft6 =+×=h
Convert h into cm:
in2.58 =×=h
28 • Complete the following: (a) 100 km/h = mi/h, (b) 60 cm =
in, (c) 100 yd = m.
Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factors 1 mi = 1.609 km,
1 in = 2.540 cm, and 1 m = 1.094 yd to perform these conversions.
(a) Convert
100 to :
(b) Convert 60 cm to in:
(c) Convert 100 yd to m:
29 • The main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is 4200 ft. Express this
distance in kilometers.
Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1.609 km = 5280 ft to
convert the length of the main span of the Golden Gate Bridge into kilometers.
Chapter 114
Convert 4200 ft into km by
multiplying by 1 in the form
: km1.28
30 • Find the conversion factor to convert from miles per hour into
kilometers per hour.
Picture the Problem Let v be the speed of an object in mi/h. We can use the
conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to convert this speed to km/h.
Multiply v mi/h by 1.609 km/mi to
convert v to km/h:
vvv =×=
31 • Complete the following: (a) 1.296 × 105
= km/(h⋅s),
(b) 1.296 × 105
= m/s2
, (c) 60 mi/h = ft/s, (d) 60 mi/h = m/s.
Picture the Problem Use the conversion factors 1 h = 3600 s, 1.609 km = 1 mi,
and 1 mi = 5280 ft to make these conversions.
(a) skm/h36.00
10296.1 2
(b) 2
10296.1 =⎟⎟
(c) ft/s88
60 =⎟⎟
(d) m/s27m/s8.26
32 • There are 640 acres in a square mile. How many square meters are
there in one acre?
Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor given in the problem
statement and the fact that 1 mi = 1.609 km to express the number of square
meters in one acre. Note that, because there are exactly 640 acres in a square mile,
640 acres has as many significant figures as we may wish to associate with it.
Measurement and Vectors 15
Multiply by 1 twice, properly chosen,
to convert one acre into square miles,
and then into square meters:
( )
33 •• [SSM] You are a delivery person for the Fresh Aqua Spring Water
Company. Your truck carries 4 pallets. Each pallet carries 60 cases of water. Each
case of water has 24 one-liter bottles. You are to deliver 10 cases of water to each
convenience store along your route. The dolly you use to carry the water into the
stores has a weight limit of 250 lb. (a) If a milliliter of water has a mass of
1 g, and a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 lb, what is the weight, in pounds, of all the
water in your truck? (b) How many full cases of water can you carry on the cart?
Picture the Problem The weight of the water in the truck is the product of the
volume of the water and its weight density of 2.2 lb/L.
(a) Relate the weight w of the water
on the truck to its volume V and
weight density (weight per unit
volume) D:
DVw =
Find the volume V of the water:
Substitute numerical values for D
and L and evaluate w:
( )
(b) Express the number of cases of
water in terms of the weight limit of
the cart and the weight of each case
of water:
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate N:
Chapter 116
34 •• A right circular cylinder has a diameter of 6.8 in and a height of 2.0 ft.
What is the volume of the cylinder in (a) cubic feet, (b) cubic meters, (c) liters?
Picture the Problem The volume of a right circular cylinder is the area of its base
multiplied by its height. Let d represent the diameter and h the height of the right
circular cylinder; use conversion factors to express the volume V in the given
(a) Express the volume of the
hdV 2
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate V:
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
(b) Use the fact that 1 m = 3.281 ft
to convert the volume in cubic feet
into cubic meters:
( )
(c) Because 1 L = 10−3
( ) L14
0.0143m 33
= −
35 •• [SSM] In the following, x is in meters, t is in seconds, v is in meters
per second, and the acceleration a is in meters per second squared. Find the SI
units of each combination: (a) v2
/x, (b) ax , (c) 1
2 at2
Picture the Problem We can treat the SI units as though they are algebraic
quantities to simplify each of these combinations of physical quantities and
(a) Express and simplify the units of
( )
(b) Express and simplify the units of
ax :
m 2
Measurement and Vectors 17
(c) Noting that the constant factor
has no units, express and simplify
the units of 2
at :
( ) ms
m 2
Dimensions of Physical Quantities
36 • What are the dimensions of the constants in each part of Problem 23?
Picture the Problem We can use the facts that each term in an equation must
have the same dimensions and that the arguments of a trigonometric or
exponential function must be dimensionless to determine the dimensions of the
x = C1 + C2 t
x = C1 cos C2 t
tCx =
= 2 C1 v − (C2)2
xCv 1
37 • The law of radioactive decay is ( ) t
eNtN λ−
= 0 , where N0 is the number
of radioactive nuclei at t = 0, N(t) is the number remaining at time t, and λ is a
quantity known as the decay constant. What is the dimension of λ?
Picture the Problem Because the exponent of the exponential function must be
dimensionless, the dimension of λ must be .T 1−
38 •• The SI unit of force, the kilogram-meter per second squared (kg⋅m/s2
is called the newton (N). Find the dimensions and the SI units of the constant G in
Newton’s law of gravitation F = Gm1m2/r2
Chapter 118
Picture the Problem We can solve Newton’s law of gravitation for G and
substitute the dimensions of the variables. Treating them as algebraic quantities
will allow us to express the dimensions in their simplest form. Finally, we can
substitute the SI units for the dimensions to find the units of G.
Solve Newton’s law of gravitation
for G to obtain: 21
G =
Substitute the dimensions of the
variables: [ ] 2
Use the SI units for L, M, and T to
obtain: 2
39 •• The magnitude of the force (F) that a spring exerts when it is stretched
a distance x from its unstressed length is governed by Hooke’s law, F = kx.
(a) What are the dimensions of the force constant, k? (b) What are the dimensions
and SI units of the quantity kx2
Picture the Problem The dimensions of mass and velocity are M and L/T,
respectively. We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of force are ML/T2
(a) We know, from Hooke’s law, that:
k =
Write the corresponding dimensional
[ ] [ ]
[ ]x
k =
Substitute the dimensions of F and x
and simplify to obtain: [ ] 2
(b) Substitute the dimensions of
k and x2
and simplify to obtain: [ ] 2
Substitute the units of kx2
to obtain:
Measurement and Vectors 19
40 •• Show that the product of mass, acceleration, and speed has the
dimensions of power.
Picture the Problem We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of power are
. The dimensions of mass, acceleration, and speed are M, L/T2
, and L/T
Express the dimensions of mav:
[ ] 3
M =××=mav
From Table 1-2:
[ ] 3
Comparing these results, we see that the product of mass, acceleration, and speed
has the dimensions of power.
41 •• [SSM] The momentum of an object is the product of its velocity and
mass. Show that momentum has the dimensions of force multiplied by time.
Picture the Problem The dimensions of mass and velocity are M and L/T,
respectively. We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of force are ML/T2
Express the dimensions of
[ ]
M =×=mv
From Table 1-2:
[ ] 2
Express the dimensions of force
multiplied by time:
[ ]
Comparing these results, we see that momentum has the dimensions of force
multiplied by time.
42 •• What combination of force and one other physical quantity has the
dimensions of power?
Picture the Problem Let X represent the physical quantity of interest. Then we
can express the dimensional relationship between F, X, and P and solve this
relationship for the dimensions of X.
Chapter 120
Express the relationship of X to
force and power dimensionally:
[ ][ ] [ ]PXF =
Solve for [ ]X :
[ ] [ ]
[ ]F
X =
Substitute the dimensions of force
and power and simplify to obtain:
[ ]
Because the dimensions of velocity
are L/T, we can conclude that:
[ ] [ ][ ]vFP =
Remarks: While it is true that P = Fv, dimensional analysis does not reveal
the presence of dimensionless constants. For example, if πFvP = , the analysis
shown above would fail to establish the factor of π.
43 •• [SSM] When an object falls through air, there is a drag force that
depends on the product of the cross sectional area of the object and the square of
its velocity, that is, Fair = CAv2
, where C is a constant. Determine the dimensions
of C.
Picture the Problem We can find the dimensions of C by solving the drag force
equation for C and substituting the dimensions of force, area, and velocity.
Solve the drag force equation for the
constant C: 2
C =
Express this equation dimensionally:
[ ] [ ]
[ ][ ]2
C =
Substitute the dimensions of force,
area, and velocity and simplify to
[ ] 32
44 •• Kepler’s third law relates the period of a planet to its orbital radius r,
the constant G in Newton’s law of gravitation (F = Gm1m2/r2
), and the mass of the
sun Ms. What combination of these factors gives the correct dimensions for the
period of a planet?
Measurement and Vectors 21
Picture the Problem We can express the period of a planet as the product of the
factors r, G, and MS (each raised to a power) and then perform dimensional
analysis to determine the values of the exponents.
Express the period T of a planet as
the product of cba
MGr Sand,, :
MGCrT S= (1)
where C is a dimensionless constant.
Solve the law of gravitation for the
constant G: 21
G =
Express this equation dimensionally:
[ ] [ ][ ]
[ ][ ]21
G =
Substitute the dimensions of F, r,
and m: [ ]
( )
Noting that the dimension of time is
represented by the same letter as is
the period of a planet, substitute the
dimensions in equation (1) to obtain:
( ) ( )c
L 2
Introduce the product of M 0
and L0
in the left hand side of the equation
and simplify to obtain:
bbabc 23100
Equating the exponents on the two
sides of the equation yields:
0 = c – b, 0 = a + 3b, and 1 = –2b
Solve these equations
simultaneously to obtain:
and,, −=−== cba
Substitute for a, b, and c in equation
(1) and simplify to obtain:
MGCrT == −−
Scientific Notation and Significant Figures
45 • [SSM] Express as a decimal number without using powers of 10
notation: (a) 3 × 104
, (b) 6.2 × 10–3
, (c) 4 × 10–6
, (d) 2.17 × 105
Chapter 122
Picture the Problem We can use the rules governing scientific notation to
express each of these numbers as a decimal number.
(a) 000,30103 4
=× (c) 000004.0104 6
=× −
(b) 0062.0102.6 3
=× −
(d) 000,2171017.2 5
46 • Write the following in scientific notation: (a) 1345100 m = ____ km,
(b) 12340. kW = ____ MW, (c) 54.32 ps = ____ s, (d) 3.0 m = ____ mm
Picture the Problem We can use the rules governing scientific notation to
express each of these numbers in scientific notation.
47 • [SSM] Calculate the following, round off to the correct number of
significant figures, and express your result in scientific notation:
(a) (1.14)(9.99 × 104
), (b) (2.78 × 10–8
) – (5.31 × 10–9
), (c) 12π /(4.56 × 10–3
(d) 27.6 + (5.99 × 102
Picture the Problem Apply the general rules concerning the multiplication,
division, addition, and subtraction of measurements to evaluate each of the
given expressions.
(a) The number of significant figures
in each factor is three; therefore the
result has three significant figures:
( )( ) 54
1014.11099.914.1 ×=×
Measurement and Vectors 23
(b) Express both terms with the same
power of 10. Because the first
measurement has only two digits
after the decimal point, the result can
have only two digits after the
decimal point:
( ) ( )
( )
(c) We’ll assume that 12 is exact.
Hence, the answer will have three
significant figures:
× −
(d) Proceed as in (b): ( )
48 • Calculate the following, round off to the correct number of significant
figures, and express your result in scientific notation: (a) (200.9)(569.3),
(b) (0.000000513)(62.3 × 107
), (c) 28 401 + (5.78 × 104
), (d) 63.25/(4.17 × 10–3
Picture the Problem Apply the general rules concerning the multiplication,
division, addition, and subtraction of measurements to evaluate each of the
given expressions.
(a) Note that both factors have four
significant figures.
( )( ) 5
10144.13.5699.200 ×=
(b) Express the first factor in scientific notation and note that both factors
have three significant figures.
( )( ) ( )( ) 2777
1020.3103.621013.5103.62000000513.0 ×=××=× −
(c) Express both terms in scientific notation and note that the second has only
three significant figures. Hence the result will have only three significant figures.
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Chapter 124
(d) Because the divisor has three
significant figures, the result will
have three significant figures.
× −
49 • [SSM] A cell membrane has a thickness of 7.0 nm. How many cell
membranes would it take to make a stack 1.0 in high?
Picture the Problem Let N represent the required number of membranes and
express N in terms of the thickness of each cell membrane.
Express N in terms of the thickness
of a single membrane: nm7.0
Convert the units into SI units and simplify to obtain:
×=×=×××= −
50 •• A circular hole of radius 8.470 ×10−1
cm must be cut into the front
panel of a display unit. The tolerance is 1.0 × 10−3
cm, which means the actual
hole cannot differ by more than this much from the desired radius. If the actual
hole is larger than the desired radius by the allowed tolerance, what is the
difference between the actual area and the desired area of the hole?
Picture the Problem Let r0 represent the larger radius and r the desired radius of
the hole. We can find the difference between the actual and the desired area of the
hole by subtracting the smaller area from the larger area.
Express the difference between the
two areas in terms of r and r0:
( )22
0Δ rrrrA −=−= πππ
Factoring 22
0 rr − to obtain: ( )( )rrrrA +−= 00Δ π
Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔA:
( ) ( )[ ]
×+×+××= πA
51 •• [SSM] A square peg must be made to fit through a square hole. If
you have a square peg that has an edge length of 42.9 mm, and the square hole
has an edge length of 43.2 mm, (a) what is the area of the space available when
Measurement and Vectors 25
the peg is in the hole? (b) If the peg is made rectangular by removing 0.10 mm of
material from one side, what is the area available now?
Picture the Problem Let sh represent the side of the square hole and sp the side
of the square peg. We can find the area of the space available when the peg is in
the hole by subtracting the area of the peg from the area of the hole.
(a) Express the difference between
the two areas in terms of sh and sp:
hΔ ssA −=
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate ΔA:
( ) ( )
(b) Express the difference between
the area of the square hole and the
rectangular peg in terms of sh ,sp and
the new length of the peg lp:
hΔ lssA' −=
Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔA′:
( ) ( )( ) 22
mm03mm10.0mm9.42mm9.42mm2.43Δ ≈−−=A'
Vectors and Their Properties
52 • A vector 7.00 units long and a vector 5.50 units long are added. Their
sum is a vector 10.0 units long. (a) Show graphically at least one way that this can
be accomplished. (b) Using your sketch in Part (a), determine the angle between
the original two vectors.
Picture the Problem Let A
be the vector whose length is 7.00 units and let B
the vector whose length is 5.50 units. BAC
+= is the sum of A
and .B
The fact
that their sum is 10.0 long tells us that the vectors are not collinear. We can use the
of the vectors to find the angle between A
and .B
(a) A graphical representation of vectors A
, B
and C
is shown below. θ is the
angle between A
and .B
Chapter 126
α θ
(b) The components of the vectors
are related as follows:
xxx CBA =+
yyy CBA =+
Substituting for the components
( ) ( ) αθ cos0.10cos50.500.7 =+
( ) ( ) αθ sin0.10sin50.5 =
Squaring and adding these equations yields:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ]2222
cos50.500.7sin50.5cos100sin100 θθαα ++=+
( )( ) ( ) ( )[ ]2222
cos50.500.7sin50.5cossin100 θθαα ++=+
Because 1cossin 22
=+ αα :
( ) ( )[ ]222
cos50.500.7sin50.5100 θθ ++=
Solve this equation for θ (you can (1)
use the same trigonometric identity
used in the previous step to eliminate
either sin2
θ or cos2
θ in favor of the
other and then solve the resulting
equation or (2) use your graphing
calculator’s SOLVER program) to
°= 4.74θ
Remarks: You could also solve Part (b) of this problem by using the law of
53 • [SSM] Determine the x and y components of the following three
vectors in the xy plane. (a) A 10-m displacement vector that makes an angle of
30° clockwise from the +y direction. (b) A 25-m/s velocity vector that makes an
Measurement and Vectors 27
angle of −40° counterclockwise from the −x direction. (c) A 40-lb force vector
that makes an angle of 120° counterclockwise from the −y direction.
Picture the Problem The x and y components of these vectors are their
projections onto the x and y axes. Note that the components are calculated using
the angle each vector makes with the +x axis.
(a) Sketch the displacement vector
(call it A
) and note that it makes an
angle of 60° with the +x axis:
Find the x and y components of A
: ( ) m0.560cosm10 =°=xA
( ) m.7860sinm10 =°=yA
(b) Sketch the velocity vector (call
it v
) and note that it makes an
angle of 220° with the +x axis:
Find the x and y components of v
: ( ) m/s19220cosm/s52 −=°=xv
( ) m/s16220sinm/s52 −=°=yv
Chapter 128
(c) Sketch the force vector (call it
) and note that it makes an angle
of 30° with the +x axis:
Find the x and y components of
( ) lb3530coslb04 =°=xF
( ) lb0230sinlb04 =°=yF
54 • Rewrite the following vectors in terms of their magnitude and angle
(counterclockwise from the + x direction). (a) A displacement vector with an x
component of +8.5 m and a y component of −5.5 m. (b) A velocity vector with an
x component of −75 m/s and a y component of +35 m/s. (c) A force vector with a
magnitude of 50 lb that is in the third quadrant with an x component whose
magnitude is 40 lb.
Picture the Problem We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find magnitudes of
these vectors from their x and y components and trigonometry to find their
direction angles.
(a) Sketch the components of the
displacement vector (call it A
) and
show their resultant:
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
find the magnitude of A
( ) ( )
−+=+= yx AAA
Find the direction angle of A
⎛ −
= −−
tantan 11
Measurement and Vectors 29
(b) Sketch the components of the
velocity vector (call it v
) and
show their resultant:
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
find the magnitude of v
trigonometry to find its direction
( ) ( )
+−=+= yx vvv
= −−
tantan 11
°=°−°=−°= 15525180180 αθ
(c) Sketch the force vector (call itF
and its x-component and show Fy:
Use trigonometry to find α and,
hence, θ :
= −−
coscos 11
°=°+°=+°= 21737180180 αθ
Use the relationship between a
vector and its vertical component
to find Fy:
( )
°== θFFy
Remarks: In Part (c) we could have used the Pythagorean Theorem to find
the magnitude of Fy.
55 • You walk 100 m in a straight line on a horizontal plane. If this walk
took you 50 m east, what are your possible north or south movements? What are
the possible angles that your walk made with respect to due east?
Chapter 130
Picture the Problem There are two directions that you could have walked that
are consistent with your having walked 50 m to the east. One possibility is
walking in the north-east direction and the other is walking in the south-east
direction. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance you walked
either north or south and then use trigonometry to find the two angles that
correspond to your having walked in either of these directions.
Letting A represent the magnitude of
your displacement on the walk, use
the Pythagorean Theorem to relate A
to its horizontal (Ax) and vertical (Ay)
xy AAA −=
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate Ay:
( ) ( ) m87m50m100
The plus-and-minus-signs mean that you could have gone 87 m north or 87 m
Use trigonometry to relate the
directions you could have walked
to the distance you walked and its
easterly component:
= −
cos 1
The plus-and-minus-signs mean that you could have walked 60° north of east or
60° south of east.
56 • The final destination of your journey is 300 m due east of your starting
point. The first leg of this journey is the walk described in Problem 55, and the
second leg is also a walk along a single straight-line path. Estimate graphically the
length and heading for the second leg of your journey.
Picture the Problem Let A
be the vector whose length is 100 m and whose
direction is 60° N of E. Let B
be the vector whose direction and magnitude we
are to determine and assume that you initially walked in a direction north of east.
The graphical representation that we can use to estimate these quantities is shown
below. Knowing that the magnitude of A
is 100 m, use any convenient scale to
determine the length of B
and a protractor to determine the value of θ.
Measurement and Vectors 31
250 m50 m
86.6 m
The magnitude of the second leg of your journey is about 260 m at an angle of
approximately 20° S of E. If you had initially walked into the southeast, the
magnitude of the second leg of your journey would still be about 260 m but its
direction would be approximately 20° N of E.
Remarks: If you use the Pythagorean Theorem and right-triangle
trigonometry, you’ll find that the length of the second leg of your journey is
265 m and that θ = 19° S of E.
57 •• Given the following vectors:
A = 3.4ˆi + 4.7 ˆj,
B = −7.7( )ˆi + 3.2 ˆj , andr
C = 5.4ˆi + −9.1( )ˆj . (a) Find the vector
D, in unit vector notation, such thatr
D + 2
A − 3
C + 4
B = 0. (b) Express your answer in Part (a) in terms of magnitude
and angle with the +x direction.
Picture the Problem We can find the vector D
by solving the equation
0432 =+−+ BCAD
for D
and then substituting for the vectors .and, CBA
(b) we can use the components of D
to find its magnitude and direction.
(a) Solve the vector equation that
gives the condition that must
satisfied for D
432 −+−=
Substitute for BCA
and, and simplify to obtain:
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
(b) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
relate the magnitude of D
to its
components Dx and Dy:
yx DDD +=
Chapter 132
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate D:
( ) ( ) 8.635.492.40
Use trigonometry to express and
evaluate the angle θ :
⎛ −
= −−
tantan 11
where the minus sign means that D
in the 4th quadrant.
58 •• Given the following force vectors:
A is 25 lb at an angle of 30°
clockwise from the +x axis, and
B is 42 lb at an angle of 50° clockwise from the
+y axis. (a) Make a sketch and visually estimate the magnitude and angle of the
C such that 2
A +
C −
B results in a vector with a magnitude of
35 lb pointing in the +x direction. (b) Repeat the calculation in Part (a) using the
method of components and compare your result to the estimate in (a).
Picture the Problem A diagram showing the condition that iBCA ˆ352 =−+
from which one can scale the values of C and θ is shown below. In (b) we can use
the two scalar equations corresponding to this vector equation to check our
graphical results.
(a) A diagram showing the conditions
imposed by iBCA ˆ352 =−+
approximately to scale is shown to the
The magnitude of C
is approximately
lb57 and the angle θ is
approximately .68°
(b) Express the condition relating the
vectors ,A
and :C
r iBCA ˆ352 =−+
The corresponding scalar equations
352 =−+ xxx BCA
02 =−+ yyy BCA
Measurement and Vectors 33
Solve these equations for Cx and Cy
to obtain:
xxx BAC +−= 235
yyy BAC +−= 2
Substitute for the x and y
components of A
and B
to obtain:
( )[ ]
( )
( )[ ] ( )
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
relate the magnitude of C
to its
yx CCC +=
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate C:
( ) ( ) lb57lb0.52lb9.23
Use trigonometry to find the
direction of C
= −−
tantan 11
Remarks: The analytical results for C and θ are in excellent agreement with
the values determined graphically.
59 •• [SSM] Calculate the unit vector (in terms of iˆ and jˆ ) in the direction
opposite to the direction of each of the vectors in Problem 57.
Picture the Problem The unit vector in the direction opposite to the direction of a
vector is found by taking the negative of the unit vector in the direction of the
vector. The unit vector in the direction of a given vector is found by dividing the
given vector by its magnitude.
The unit vector in the direction of
is given by: 22
yx AA +
Substitute for ,A
Ax, and Ay and
evaluate :ˆA ( ) ( )
A ˆ81.0ˆ59.0
Chapter 134
The unit vector in the direction
opposite to that of A
is given by:
jiA ˆ81.0ˆ59.0ˆ −−=−
The unit vector in the direction of
is given by: 22
yx BB +
Substitute for B
, Bx, and By and
evaluate :ˆB ( ) ( )
The unit vector in the direction
opposite to that of B
is given by:
jiB ˆ38.0ˆ92.0ˆ −=−
The unit vector in the direction of
is given by: 22
yx CC +
Substitute for C
, Cx, and Cy and
evaluate :ˆC ( ) ( )
C ˆ86.0ˆ51.0
The unit vector in the direction
opposite that of C
is given by:
jiC ˆ86.0ˆ51.0ˆ +−=−
60 •• Unit vectors iˆ and jˆ are directed east and north, respectively. Calculate
the unit vector (in terms of iˆ and jˆ ) in the following directions. (a) northeast,
(b) 70° clockwise from the −y axis, (c) southwest.
Picture the Problem The unit vector in a given direction is a vector pointing in
that direction whose magnitude is 1.
(a) The unit vector in the northeast
direction is given by:
(b) The unit vector 70° clockwise
from the −y axis is given by:
Measurement and Vectors 35
(c) The unit vector in the southwest
direction is given by:
Remarks: One can confirm that a given vector is, in fact, a unit vector by
checking its magnitude.
General Problems
61 • [SSM] The Apollo trips to the moon in the 1960's and 1970's
typically took 3 days to travel the Earth-moon distance once they left Earth orbit.
Estimate the spacecraft's average speed in kilometers per hour, miles per hour,
and meters per second.
Picture the Problem Average speed is defined to be the distance traveled divided
by the elapsed time. The Earth-moon distance and the distance and time
conversion factors can be found on the inside-front cover of the text. We’ll
assume that 3 days means exactly three days.
Express the average speed of Apollo
as it travels to the moon: timeelapsed
av =v
Substitute numerical values to
obtain: d3
mi102.39 5
Use the fact that there are 24 h in
1 d to convert 3 d into hours:
Use the fact that 1 mi is equal to 1.609 km to convert the spacecraft’s average
speed to km/h:
10319.3 333
av ×=×=××=v
Chapter 136
Use the facts that there are 3600 s in 1 h and 1000 m in 1 km to convert the
spacecraft’s average speed to m/s:
10340.5 33
av ×=×=×××=v
Remarks: An alternative to multiplying by 103
m/km in the last step is to
replace the metric prefix ″k″ in ″km″by 103
62 • On many of the roads in Canada the speed limit is 100 km/h. What is
this speed limit in miles per hour?
Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to
convert 100 km/h into mi/h.
Multiply 100 km/h by 1 mi/1.609 km
to obtain:
63 • If you could count $1.00 per second, how many years would it take to
count 1.00 billion dollars?
Picture the Problem We can use a series of conversion factors to convert 1
billion seconds into years.
Multiply 1 billion seconds by the appropriate conversion factors to convert into
s10s10 99
64 • (a) The speed of light in vacuum is 186,000 mi/s = 3.00 × 108
m/s. Use
this fact to find the number of kilometers in a mile. (b) The weight of 1.00 ft3
water is 62.4 lb, and 1.00 ft = 30.5 cm. Use this and the fact that 1.00 cm3
water has a mass of 1.00 g to find the weight in pounds of a 1.00-kg mass.
Picture the Problem In both the examples cited we can equate expressions for
the physical quantities, expressed in different units, and then divide both sides of
the equation by one of the expressions to obtain the desired conversion factor.
Measurement and Vectors 37
(a) Divide both sides of the equation
expressing the speed of light in the
two systems of measurement by
186,000 mi/s to obtain:
(b) Find the volume of 1.00 kg of
Volume of 1.00 kg = 103
g is 103
Express 103
in ft3
( ) 3
cm10 =⎟⎟
Relate the weight of 1.00 ft3
of water
to the volume occupied by 1.00 kg of
Divide both sides of the equation
by the left-hand side to obtain: lb/kg20.2
65 • The mass of one uranium atom is 4.0 × 10–26
kg. How many uranium
atoms are there in 8.0 g of pure uranium?
Picture the Problem We can use the given information to equate the ratios of the
number of uranium atoms in 8 g of pure uranium and of 1 atom to its mass.
Express the proportion relating the
number of uranium atoms NU in
8.0 g of pure uranium to the mass of
1 atom:
g0.8 26
Solve for and evaluate NU:
×= −
Chapter 138
66 •• During a thunderstorm, a total of 1.4 in of rain falls. How much water
falls on one acre of land? (1 mi2
= 640 acres.) Express your answer in (a) cubic
inches, (b) cubic feet, (c) cubic meters, and (d) kilograms. Note that the density of
water is 1000 kg/m3
Picture the Problem Assuming that the water is distributed uniformly over the
one acre of land, its volume is the product of the area over which it is distributed
and its depth. The mass of the water is the product of its density and volume. The
required conversion factors can be found in the front material of the text.
(a) Express the volume V of water in
terms of its depth h and the area A over
which it falls:
AhV =
Substitute numerical values and evaluate V:
( ) ( )
(b) Convert in3
into ft3
(c) Convert ft3
into m3
(d) The mass of the water is the
product of its density ρ and volume
Vm ρ=
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate m:
( )
Measurement and Vectors 39
67 •• An iron nucleus has a radius of 5.4 × 10–15
m and a mass of
9.3 × 10–26
kg. (a) What is its mass per unit volume in kg/ m3
? (b) If Earth had the
same mass per unit volume, what would be its radius? (The mass of Earth is
5.98 × 1024
Picture the Problem The mass per unit volume of an object is its density.
(a) The density ρ of an object is its
mass m per unit volume V: V
Assuming the iron nucleus to be
spherical, its volume as a function of
its radius r is given by:
rV π=
Substitute for V and simplify to
obtain: 3
3 4
4 r
ρ == (1)
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate ρ:
( )
( )
(b) Solve equation (1) for r to
r =
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate r:
( )
or about 200 m!
68 •• The Canadian Norman Wells Oil Pipeline extends from Norman
Wells, Northwest Territories, to Zama, Alberta. The 8.68 ×105
-m-long pipeline
has an inside diameter of 12 in and can be supplied with oil at 35 L/s. (a) What is
the volume of oil in the pipeline if it is full at some instant in time? (b) How long
would it take to fill the pipeline with oil if it is initially empty?
Chapter 140
Picture the Problem The volume of a cylinder is the product of its cross-
sectional area and its length. The time required to fill the pipeline with oil is the
ratio of its volume to the flow rate R of the oil. We’ll assume that the pipe has a
diameter of exactly 12 in.
(a) Express the volume V of the
cylindrical pipe in terms of its radius
r and its length L:
LrV 2
Substitute numerical values and evaluate V:
( ) 345
in6 ×=×⎟⎟
⎛ ×
V π
(b) Express the time Δt to fill the pipe
in terms of its volume V and the flow
rate R of the oil:
t =Δ
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate Δt:
Δ 6
= −
or about 21 days!
69 •• The astronomical unit (AU) is defined as the mean center-to-center
distance from Earth to the sun, namely 1.496 × 1011
m. The parsec is the radius of
a circle for which a central angle of 1 s intercepts an arc of length 1 AU. The
light-year is the distance that light travels in 1 y. (a) How many parsecs are there
in one astronomical unit? (b) How many meters are in a parsec? (c) How many
meters in a light-year? (d) How many astronomical units in a light-year? (e) How
many light-years in a parsec?
Picture the Problem We can use the relationship between an angle θ, measured
in radians, subtended at the center of a circle, the radius R of the circle, and the
length L of the arc to answer these questions concerning the astronomical units of
measure. We’ll take the speed of light to be 2.998 × 108
(a) Relate the angle θ subtended by
an arc of length S to the distance R: R
=θ ⇒ θRS = (1)
Measurement and Vectors 41
Substitute numerical values and evaluate S:
( )( ) parsec10848.4
s1parsec1 6−
⎛ °
(b) Solving equation (1) for R yields:
R =
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate R:
( )
⎛ °
(c) The distance D light travels in a
given interval of time Δt is given by:
tcD Δ=
Substitute numerical values and evaluate D:
102.998 158
(d) Use the definition of 1 AU and
the result from Part (c) to obtain:
( )
(e) Combine the results of Parts (b) and (c) to obtain:
( ) y262.3
m10086.3parsec1 15
×= c
70 •• If the average density of the universe is at least 6 × 10–27
, then
the universe will eventually stop expanding and begin contracting. (a) How many
electrons are needed in each cubic meter to produce the critical density? (b) How
many protons per cubic meter would produce the critical density?
(me = 9.11 × 10–31
kg; mp = 1.67 × 10–27
Chapter 142
Picture the Problem Let Ne and Np represent the number of electrons and the
number of protons, respectively and ρ the critical average density of the universe.
We can relate these quantities to the masses of the electron and proton using the
definition of density.
(a) Using its definition, relate the
required density ρ to the electron
density Ne/V:
m ee
==ρ ⇒
N ρ
= (1)
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate Ne/V:
= −
(b) Express and evaluate the ratio of
the masses of an electron and a
kg109.11 −
Rewrite equation (1) in terms of
protons: p
N ρ
= (2)
Divide equation (2) by equation (1)
to obtain:
= or ⎟
N e
Substitute numerical values and use the result from Part (a) to evaluate Np/V:
( )( ) 3334p
protons/m4melectrons/10586.610455.5 ≈××= −
71 ••• You are an astronaut doing physics experiments on the moon. You are
interested in the experimental relationship between distance fallen, y, and time
elapsed, t, of falling objects dropped from rest. You have taken some data for a
falling penny, which is represented in the table below. You expect that a general
relationship between distance y and time t is y = BtC
, where B and C are
constants to be determined experimentally. To accomplish this, create a log-log
plot of the data: (a) graph log(y) vs. log(t), with log(y) the ordinate variable and
log(t) the abscissa variable. (b) Show that if you take the log of each side of your
equation, you get log(y) = log(B) + Clog(t). (c) By comparing this linear
relationship to the graph of the data, estimate the values of B and C. (d) If you
Measurement and Vectors 43
drop a penny, how long should it take to fall 1.0 m? (e) In the next chapter, we
will show that the expected relationship between y and t is ,2
aty = where a is
the acceleration of the object. What is the acceleration of objects dropped on the
y (m) 10 20 30 40 50
t (s) 3.5 5.2 6.0 7.3 7.9
Picture the Problem We can plot log y versus log t and find the slope of the best-
fit line to determine the exponent C. The value of B can be determined from the
intercept of this graph. Once we know C and B, we can solve C
Bty = for t as a
function of y and use this result to determine the time required for an object to fall
a given distance on the surface of the moon.
(a) The following graph of log y versus log t was created using a spreadsheet
program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add
Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis
to generate the trendline.)
log y = 1.9637log t - 0.0762
0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
log t
(b) Taking the logarithm of both
sides of the equation C
Bty = yields:
( )
tBBty CC
(c) Note that this result is of the
mXbY +=
Y = log y, b = log B, m = C, and
X = log t
Chapter 144
From the regression analysis
(trendline) we have:
log B = −0.076
Solving for B yields: 2076.0
m/s84.010 == −
where we have inferred the units from tho
given for
Bty = .
Also, from the regression analysis
we have:
0.296.1 ≈=C
(d) Solve
Bty = for t to obtain: C
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate t to determine how long it
would take a penny to fall 1.0 m: s1.1
(e) Substituting for B and C in
Bty = yields:
84.0 ty ⎟
Compare this equation to 2
aty = to
84.02 =⎟
Remarks: One could use a graphing calculator to obtain the results in Parts
(a) and (c).
72 ••• A particular company’s stock prices vary with the market and with
the company’s type of business, and can be very unpredictable, but people often
try to look for mathematical patterns where they may not belong. Corning is a
materials-engineering company located in upstate New York. Below is a table of
the price of Corning stock on August 3, for every 5 years from 1981 to 2001.
Assume that the price follows a power law: price (in $) = BtC
where t is expressed
in years. (a) Evaluate the constants B and C. (b) According to the power law, what
should the price of Corning stock have been on August 3, 2000? (It was actually
Measurement and Vectors 45
Price (dollars) 2.10 4.19 9.14 10.82 16.85
Years since 1980 1 6 11 16 21
Picture the Problem We can plot log P versus log t and find the slope of the
best-fit line to determine the exponent C. The value of B can be determined from
the intercept of this graph. Once we know C and B, we can use C
BtP = to predict
the price of Corning stock as a function of time.
(a) The following graph of log P versus log was created using a spreadsheet
program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add
Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis
to generate the trendline.)
log P = 0.658log t + 0.2614
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40
log t
Taking the logarithm of both sides
of the equation C
BtP = yields:
( )
Note that this result is of the form: mXbY +=
Y = log P, b = log B, m = C, and
X = log t
From the regression analysis
(trendline) we have:
log B = 0.2614⇒ .831$10 2614.0
Also, from the regression analysis
we have:
(b) Substituting for B and C in
BtP = yields:
( ) 658.0
83.1$ tP =
Chapter 146
Evaluate P(20 y) to obtain: ( ) ( )( ) 14.13$2083.1$y20
Remarks: One could use a graphing calculator to obtain these results.
73 ••• [SSM] The Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector in Japan is a large
transparent cylinder filled with ultra pure water. The height of the cylinder is
41.4 m and the diameter is 39.3 m. Calculate the mass of the water in the cylinder.
Does this match the claim posted on the official Super-K Web site that the
detector uses 50000 tons of water?
Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to relate the mass of
the water in the cylinder to its volume and the formula for the volume of a
cylinder to express the volume of water used in the detector’s cylinder. To convert
our answer in kg to lb, we can use the fact that 1 kg weighs about 2.205 lb.
Relate the mass of water contained in
the cylinder to its density and
Vm ρ=
Express the volume of a cylinder in
terms of its diameter d and height h: hdhAV 2
Substitute in the expression for m to
obtain: hdm 2
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate m: ( ) ( ) ( )
Convert 5.02 × 107
kg to tons:
The 50,000-ton claim is conservative. The actual weight is closer to 55,000 tons.
74 ••• You and a friend are out hiking across a large flat plain and decide to
determine the height of a distant mountain peak, and also the horizontal distance
from you to the peak Figure 1-19). In order to do this, you stand in one spot and
determine that the sightline to the top of the peak is inclined at 7.5° above the
horizontal. You also make note of the heading to the peak at that point: 13° east of
north. You stand at the original position, and your friend hikes due west for
1.5 km. He then sights the peak and determines that its sightline has a heading of
15° east of north. How far is the mountain from your position, and how high is its
summit above your position?
Measurement and Vectors 47
Picture the Problem Vector A
lies in the plane of the plain and locates the base
or the peak relative to you. Vector B
also lies in the plane of the plain and locates
the base of the peak relative to your friend when he/she has walked 1.5 km to the
west. We can use the geometry of the diagram and the E-W components of the
vectors d
, B
and A
to find the distance to the mountain from your position. Once
we know the distance A, we can use a trigonometric relationship to find the height
of the peak above your position.
β α
d = 1.5 km
Your positionYour friend's
Referring to the diagram, note that: hB =βsin
hA =αsin
Equating these expressions for h
gives: αβ sinsin AB = ⇒ AB
Adding the E-W components of the
vectors d
, B
and A
αβ coscoskm5.1 AB −=
Substitute for B and simplify to
Solving for A yields:
Chapter 148
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate A:
Referring to the following diagram,
we note that:
( )
°= Ah
Remarks: One can also solve this problem using the law of sines.
75 ••• The table below gives the periods T and orbit radii r for the motions of
four satellites orbiting a dense, heavy asteroid. (a) These data can be fitted by the
formula n
CrT = . Find the values of the constants C and n. (b) A fifth satellite is
discovered to have a period of 6.20 y. Find the radius for the orbit of this satellite,
which fits the same formula.
Period T, y 0.44 1.61 3.88 7.89
Radius r, Gm 0.088 0.208 0.374 0.600
Picture the Problem We can plot log T versus log r and find the slope of the
best-fit line to determine the exponent n. We can then use any of the ordered pairs
to evaluate C. Once we know n and C, we can solve n
CrT = for r as a function of
(a) Take the logarithm (we’ll
arbitrarily use base 10) of both sides
of n
CrT = and simplify to obtain:
( ) ( )
rCCrT nn
Note that this equation is of the form
bmxy += . Hence a graph of log T vs.
log r should be linear with a slope of n
and a log T -intercept log C.
Measurement and Vectors 49
The following graph of log T versus log r was created using a spreadsheet
program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add
Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis
to generate the trendline.)
log T = 1.5036log r + 1.2311
-1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2
log r
From the regression analysis we
note that:
50.1=n ,
( ) 232311.1
Gmy/0.1710 ==C ,
( )( ) 50.123
Gmy/0.17 rT = (1)
(b) Solve equation (1) for the radius
of the planet’s orbit:
( )
Gm/y0.17 ⎟
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate r:
( )
76 ••• The period T of a simple pendulum depends on the length L of the
pendulum and the acceleration of gravity g (dimensions L/T2
). (a) Find a simple
combination of L and g that has the dimensions of time. (b) Check the dependence
of the period T on the length L by measuring the period (time for a complete
swing back and forth) of a pendulum for two different values of L. (c) The correct
formula relating T to L and g involves a constant that is a multiple of π , and
cannot be obtained by the dimensional analysis of Part (a). It can be found by
Chapter 150
experiment as in Part (b) if g is known. Using the value g = 9.81 m/s2
and your
experimental results from Part (b), find the formula relating T to L and g.
Picture the Problem We can express the relationship between the period T of the
pendulum, its length L, and the acceleration of gravity g as ba
gCLT = and
perform dimensional analysis to find the values of a and b and, hence, the
function relating these variables. Once we’ve performed the experiment called for
in Part (b), we can determine an experimental value for C.
(a) Express T as the product of L
and g raised to powers a and b:
gCLT = (1)
where C is a dimensionless constant.
Write this equation in dimensional
[ ] [ ] [ ]ba
gLT =
Substituting the dimensions of the
physical quantities yields:
= 2
Because L does not appear on the
left-hand side of the equation, we
can write this equation as:
bba 210
Equate the exponents to obtain: 12and0 =−=+ bba
Solve these equations simultaneously
to find a and b:
and −== ba
Substitute in equation (1) to obtain:
CgCLT == − 2121
(b) If you use pendulums of lengths
1.0 m and 0.50 m; the periods should
be about:
( )
( ) s4.1m50.0
(c) Solving equation (2) for C yields:
TC =
Measurement and Vectors 51
Evaluate C with L = 1.0 m and
T = 2.0 s: ( ) π226.6
Substitute in equation (2) to obtain:
T π2=
77 ••• A sled at rest is suddenly pulled in three horizontal directions at the
same time but it goes nowhere. Paul pulls to the northeast with a force of 50 lb.
Johnny pulls at an angle of 35° south of due west with a force of 65 lb. Connie
pulls with a force to be determined. (a) Express the boys' two forces in terms of
the usual unit vectors (b) Determine the third force (from Connie), expressing it
first in component form and then as a magnitude and angle (direction).
Picture the Problem A diagram showing the forces exerted by Paul, Johnny, and
Connie is shown below. Once we’ve expressed the forces exerted by Paul and
Johnny in vector form we can use them to find the force exerted by Connie.
EW θ°45
(a) The force that Paul exerts is:
( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ji
The force that Johnny exerts is:
( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ji
Chapter 152
The sum of the forces exerted by Paul and Johnny is:
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ji
(b) The condition that the three
forces must satisfy is:
0ConnieJohnnyPaul =++ FFF
Solving for ConnieF
yields: ( )JohnnyPaulConnie FFF
Substitute for JohnnyPaul FF
+ to
( ) ( )[ ]
( ) ( ) ji
The magnitude of ConnieF
is: ( ) ( ) lb18lb9.1lb8.17
Connie =+=F
The direction that the force exerted
by Connie acts is given by:
tan 1
= −
78 ••• You spot a plane that is 1.50 km North, 2.5 km East and at an altitude
of 5.0 km above your position. (a) How far from you is the plane? (b) At what
angle from due north (in the horizontal plane) are you looking? (c) Determine the
plane's position vector (from your location) in terms of the unit vectors, letting iˆ
be toward the east direction, jˆ be toward the north direction, and kˆ be vertically
upward. (d) At what elevation angle (above the horizontal plane of Earth) is the
Picture the Problem A diagram showing the given information is shown below.
We can use the Pythagorean Theorem, trigonometry, and vector algebra to find
the distance, angles, and expression called for in the problem statement.
Measurement and Vectors 53
(a) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to
express d in terms of h and l:
hd += l
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate d:
( ) ( ) ( )
(b) Use trigonometry to evaluate the
angle from due north at which you
are looking at the plane:
tan 1
= −
(c) We can use the coordinates of the
plane relative to your position to
express the vector d
( ) ( ) ( )kjid ˆkm.05ˆkm5.1ˆkm5.2 ++=
(d) Express the elevation angle φ in
terms of h and l:
= −
Substitute numerical values and
evaluate φ:
( ) ( )
= −
Chapter 154
Chapter 2
Motion in One Dimension
Conceptual Problems
1 • What is the average velocity over the ″round trip″ of an object that is
launched straight up from the ground and falls straight back down to the ground?
Determine the Concept The "average velocity" is being requested as opposed to
"average speed".
The average velocity is defined as
the change in position or
displacement divided by the change
in time.
The change in position for any
"round trip" is zero by definition. So
the average velocity for any round
trip must also be zero.
av ===
2 • An object thrown straight up falls back and is caught at the same place it
is launched from. Its time of flight is T, its maximum height is H. Neglect air
resistance. The correct expression for its average speed for the entire flight is
(a) H/T, (b) 0, (c) H/(2T), and (d) 2H/T.
Determine the Concept The important concept here is that "average speed" is
being requested as opposed to "average velocity".
Under all circumstances, including constant acceleration, the definition of the
average speed is the ratio of the total distance traveled (H + H) to the elapsed
time, in this case 2H/T. )(d is correct.
Remarks: Because this motion involves a round trip, if the question asked for
"average velocity," the answer would be zero.
3 • Using the information in the previous question, what is its average speed
just for the first half of the trip? What is its average velocity for the second half of
the trip? (Answer in terms of H and T.)
Determine the Concept Under all circumstances, including constant
acceleration, the definition of the average speed is the ratio of the total distance
traveled to the elapsed time. The average velocity, on the other hand, is the ratio
of the displacement to the elapsed time.
Chapter 256
The average speed for the first half
of the trip is the height to which the
object rises divided by one-half its
time of flight:
1half1stav, ==
The average velocity for the second
half of the trip is the distance the
object falls divided by one-half its
time of flight:
H 2
1half2ndav, −=
Remarks: We could also say that the average velocity for the second half of
the trip is −2H/T.
4 • Give an everyday example of one-dimensional motion where (a) the
velocity is westward and the acceleration is eastward, and (b) the velocity is
northward and the acceleration is northward.
Determine the Concept The important concept here is that a = dv/dt, where a is
the acceleration and v is the velocity. Thus, the acceleration is positive if dv is
positive; the acceleration is negative if dv is negative.
(a) An example of one-dimensional motion where the velocity is westward and
acceleration is eastward is a car traveling westward and slowing down.
(b)An example of one-dimensional motion where the velocity is northward and
the acceleration is northward is a car traveling northward and speeding up.
5 • [SSM] Stand in the center of a large room. Call the direction to your
right ″positive,″ and the direction to your left ″negative.″ Walk across the room
along a straight line, using a constant acceleration to quickly reach a steady speed
along a straight line in the negative direction. After reaching this steady speed,
keep your velocity negative but make your acceleration positive. (a) Describe
how your speed varied as you walked. (b) Sketch a graph of x versus t for your
motion. Assume you started at x = 0. (c) Directly under the graph of Part (b),
sketch a graph of vx versus t.
Determine the Concept The important concept is that when both the acceleration
and the velocity are in the same direction, the speed increases. On the other hand,
when the acceleration and the velocity are in opposite directions, the speed
(a) Your speed increased from zero, stayed constant for a while, and then
Motion in One Dimension 57
(b) A graph of your position as a
function of time is shown to the right.
Note that the slope starts out equal to
zero, becomes more negative as the
speed increases, remains constant while
your speed is constant, and becomes
less negative as your speed decreases.
(c) The graph of v(t) consists of a
straight line with negative slope (your
acceleration is constant and negative)
starting at (0,0), then a flat line for a
while (your acceleration is zero), and
finally an approximately straight line
with a positive slope heading to v = 0.
6 • True/false: The displacement always equals the product of the average
velocity and the time interval. Explain your choice.
Determine the Concept True. We can use the definition of average velocity to
express the displacement Δx as Δx = vavΔt. Note that, if the acceleration is
constant, the average velocity is also given by vav = (vi + vf)/2.
7 • Is the statement ″for an object’s velocity to remain constant, its
acceleration must remain zero″ true or false? Explain your choice.
Determine the Concept True. Acceleration is the slope of the velocity versus
time curve, a = dv/dt; while velocity is the slope of the position versus time curve,
v = dx/dt. The speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity. Zero
acceleration implies that the velocity is constant. If the velocity is constant
(including zero), the speed must also be constant.
8 • Draw careful graphs of the position and velocity and acceleration over
the time period 0 ≤ t ≤ 30 s for a cart that, in succession, has the following
motion. The cart is moving at the constant speed of 5.0 m/s in the +x direction. It
passes by the origin at t = 0.0 s. It continues on at 5.0 m/s for 5.0 s, after which it
gains speed at the constant rate of 0.50 m/s each second for 10.0 s. After gaining
speed for 10.0 s, the cart loses speed at the constant rate of 0.50 m/s for the next
15.0 s.
Determine the Concept Velocity is the slope of the position versus time curve
and acceleration is the slope of the velocity versus time curve. The following
graphs were plotted using a spreadsheet program.
Chapter 258
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t , s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t , s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t, s
Motion in One Dimension 59
9 • True/false; Average velocity always equals one-half the sum of the
initial and final velocities. Explain your choice.
Determine the Concept False. The average velocity is defined (for any
acceleration) as the change in position (the displacement) divided by the change
in time txv ΔΔ=av . It is always valid. If the acceleration remains constant the
average velocity is also given by
Consider an engine piston moving up and down as an example of non-constant
velocity. For one complete cycle, vf = vi and xi = xf so vav = Δx/Δt is zero. The
formula involving the mean of vf and vi cannot be applied because the acceleration
is not constant, and yields an incorrect nonzero value of vi.
10 • Identical twin brothers standing on a horizontal bridge each throw a rock
straight down into the water below. They throw rocks at exactly the same time,
but one hits the water before the other. How can this be? Explain what they did
differently. Ignore any effects due to air resistance.
Determine the Concept This can occur if the rocks have different initial speeds.
Ignoring air resistance, the acceleration is constant. Choose a coordinate system in
which the origin is at the point of release and upward is the positive direction.
From the constant-acceleration equation 2
00 attvyy ++= we see that the only
way two objects can have the same acceleration (–g in this case) and cover the
same distance, Δy = y – y0, in different times would be if the initial velocities of
the two rocks were different. Actually, the answer would be the same whether or
not the acceleration is constant. It is just easier to see for the special case of
constant acceleration.
11 •• [SSM] Dr. Josiah S. Carberry stands at the top of the Sears Tower in
Chicago. Wanting to emulate Galileo, and ignoring the safety of the pedestrians
below, he drops a bowling ball from the top of the tower. One second later, he
drops a second bowling ball. While the balls are in the air, does their separation
(a) increase over time, (b) decrease, (c) stay the same? Ignore any effects due to
air resistance.
Determine the Concept Neglecting air resistance, the balls are in free fall, each
with the same free-fall acceleration, which is a constant.
At the time the second ball is released, the first ball is already moving. Thus,
during any time interval their velocities will increase by exactly the same amount.
What can be said about the speeds of the two balls? The first ball will always be
moving faster than the second ball. This being the case, what happens to the
separation of the two balls while they are both falling? Their separation
increases. )(a is correct.
Chapter 260
12 •• Which of the position-versus-time curves in Figure 2-28 best shows
the motion of an object (a) with positive acceleration, (b) with constant positive
velocity, (c) that is always at rest, and (d) with negative acceleration? (There may
be more than one correct answer for each part of the problem.)
Determine the Concept The slope of an x(t) curve at any point in time represents
the speed at that instant. The way the slope changes as time increases gives the
sign of the acceleration. If the slope becomes less negative or more positive as
time increases (as you move to the right on the time axis), then the acceleration is
positive. If the slope becomes less positive or more negative, then the
acceleration is negative. The slope of the slope of an x(t) curve at any point in
time represents the acceleration at that instant.
(a) The correct answer is .)(d The slope of curve (d) is positive and increasing.
Therefore the velocity and acceleration are positive. We would need more
information to conclude that a is constant.
(b) The correct answer is .)(b The slope of curve (b) is positive and constant.
Therefore the velocity is positive and constant.
(c) The correct answer is .)(e The slope of curve (e) is zero. Therefore, the
velocity and acceleration are zero and the object remains at the same position.
(d) The correct answers are ( ) .and)( ca The slope of curve (a) is negative and
becomes more negative as time increases. Therefore the velocity is negative and
the acceleration is negative. The slope of curve (c) is positive and decreasing.
Therefore the velocity is positive and the acceleration is negative.
13 •• [SSM] Which of the velocity-versus-time curves in figure 2-29 best
describes the motion of an object (a) with constant positive acceleration, (b) with
positive acceleration that is decreasing with time, (c) with positive acceleration
that is increasing with time, and (d) with no acceleration? (There may be more
than one correct answer for each part of the problem.)
Determine the Concept The slope of a v(t) curve at any point in time represents
the acceleration at that instant.
(a) The correct answer is ( ) .b The slope of curve (b) is constant and positive.
Therefore the acceleration is constant and positive.
(b) The correct answer is .)(c The slope of curve (c) is positive and decreasing
with time. Therefore the acceleration is positive and decreasing with time.
Motion in One Dimension 61
(c) The correct answer is .)(d The slope of curve (d) is positive and increasing
with time. Therefore the acceleration is positive and increasing with time.
(d) The correct answer is .)(e The slope of curve (e) is zero. Therefore the
velocity is constant and the acceleration is zero.
14 •• The diagram in Figure 2-30 tracks the location of an object moving in a
straight line along the x axis. Assume that the object is at the origin at t = 0. Of the
five times shown, which time (or times) represents when the object is (a) farthest
from the origin, (b) at rest for an instant, (c) in the midst of being at rest for
awhile, and (d) moving away from the origin?
Determine the Concept Because this graph is of distance-versus-time we can use
its displacement from the time axis to draw conclusions about how far the object
is from the origin. We can also use the instantaneous slope of the graph to decide
whether the object is at rest and whether it is moving toward or away from the
(a) The correct answer is .B Because the object’s initial position is at x = 0,
point B represents the instant that the object is farthest from x = 0.
(b) The correct answers are D.andB Because the slope of the graph is zero at
points B and D, the velocity of the object is zero and it is momentarily at rest at
these points.
(c) The correct answer is E . Because the graph is a horizontal line with zero
slope, the object remains at rest at the same position (its velocity is zero).
(d) The correct answer is A. Because the slope of the graph is positive at point
A, the velocity of the object is positive and it is moving away from the origin.
15 •• [SSM] An object moves along a straight line. Its position versus
time graph is shown in Figure 2-30. At which time or times is its (a) speed at a
minimum, (b) acceleration positive, and (c) velocity negative?
Determine the Concept Because this graph is of distance-versus-time we can use
its instantaneous slope to describe the object’s speed, velocity, and acceleration.
(a) The minimum speed is at EandD,B, , where it is zero. In the one-
dimensional motion shown in the figure, the velocity is a minimum when the
slope of a position-versus-time plot goes to zero (i.e., the curve becomes
horizontal). At these points the velocity is zero and, therefore, the speed is zero.
Chapter 262
(b) The acceleration is positive at points D.andA Because the slope of the
graph is increasing at these points, the velocity of the object is increasing and its
acceleration is positive.
(c) The velocity is negative at point C. Because the slope of the graph is
negative at point C, the velocity of the object is negative.
16 •• For each of the four graphs of x versus t in Figure 2-31 answer the
following questions. (a) Is the velocity at time t2 greater than, less than, or equal
to the velocity at time t1? (b) Is the speed at time t2 greater than, less than, or equal
to the speed at time t1?
Determine the Concept In one-dimensional motion, the velocity is the slope of a
position-versus-time plot and can be either positive or negative. On the other
hand, the speed is the magnitude of the velocity and can only be positive. We’ll
usev to denote velocity and the word ″speed″ for how fast the object is moving.
curve a: ( ) ( )12 tvtv <
curve b: ( ) ( )12 tvtv =
curve c: ( ) ( )12 tvtv >
curve d: ( ) ( )12 tvtv <
curve a: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt <
curve b: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt =
curve c: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt <
curve d: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt >
17 •• True/false: Explain your reasoning for each answer. If the answer is true,
give an example.
(a) If the acceleration of an object is always zero, then it cannot be moving.
(b) If the acceleration of an object is always zero, then its x-versus-t curve must
be a straight line.
(c) If the acceleration of an object is nonzero at an instant, it may be
momentarily at rest at that instant.
Explain your reasoning for each answer. If an answer is true, give an example.
(a) False. An object moving in a straight line with constant speed has zero
(b) True. If the acceleration of the object is zero, then its speed must be constant.
The graph of x-versus-t for an object moving with constant speed is a straight line.
(c) True. A ball thrown upward is momentarily at rest when it is at the top of its
trajectory. Its acceleration, however, is non-zero at this instant. Its value is the
same as it was just before it came to rest and after it has started its descent.
Motion in One Dimension 63
18 •• A hard-thrown tennis ball is moving horizontally when it bangs into a
vertical concrete wall at perpendicular incidence. The ball rebounds straight back
off the wall. Neglect any effects due to gravity for the small time interval
described here. Assume that towards the wall is the +x direction. What are the
directions of its velocity and acceleration (a) just before hitting the wall, (b) at
maximum impact, and (c) just after leaving the wall.
Determine the Concept The tennis ball will be moving with constant velocity
immediately before and after its collision with the concrete wall. It will be
accelerated during the duration of its collision with the wall.
(a) Just before hitting the wall the velocity of the ball is in the +x direction and,
because its velocity is constant, its acceleration is zero.
(b) At maximum impact, the ball is reversing direction and its velocity is zero. Its
acceleration is in the −x direction.
(c) Just after leaving the wall, the velocity of the ball is in the −x direction and
constant. Because its velocity is constant, its acceleration is zero.
19 •• [SSM] A ball is thrown straight up. Neglect any effects due to air
resistance. (a) What is the velocity of the ball at the top of its flight? (b) What is
its acceleration at that point? (c) What is different about the velocity and
acceleration at the top of the flight if instead the ball impacts a horizontal ceiling
very hard and then returns.
Determine the Concept In the absence
of air resistance, the ball will
experience a constant acceleration and
the graph of its position as a function of
time will be parabolic. In the graphs to
the right, a coordinate system was
chosen in which the origin is at the
point of release and the upward
direction is the +y direction. The top
graph shows the position of the ball as
a function of time and the bottom graph
shows the velocity of a ball as a
function of time.
(a) 0flightoftop =v
(b) The acceleration of the ball is the same at every point of its trajectory,
including the point at which v = 0 (at the top of its flight). Hence ga −=
oftop .
Chapter 264
(c) If the ball impacts a horizontal ceiling very hard and then returns, its velocity
at the top of its flight is still zero and its acceleration is still downward but greater
than g in magnitude.
20 •• An object that is launched straight up from the ground, reaches a
maximum height H, and falls straight back down to the ground, hitting it T
seconds after launch. Neglect any effects due to air resistance. (a) Express the
average speed for the entire trip as a function of H and T. (b) Express the average
speed for the same interval of time as a function of the initial launch speed v0.
Picture the Problem The average speed is being requested as opposed to average
velocity. We can use the definition of average speed as distance traveled divided
by the elapsed time and the expression for the average speed of an object when it
is experiencing constant acceleration to express vav in terms of v0.
(a) The average speed is defined
as the total distance traveled
divided by the change in time:
av =v
Substitute for the total distance
traveled and the total time and
simplify to obtain:
av =
(b) The average speed for the upward
flight of the object is given by: T
= ⇒ 04
The average speed for the same
interval of time as a function of the
initial launch speed v0 is twice the
average speed during the upward
portion of the flight:
( ) 02
upav,av 22 vvvv ===
Because 00 ≠v , the average speed is
not zero.
Remarks: 1) Because this motion involves a roundtrip, if the question asked
for ″average velocity″, the answer would be zero. 2) Another easy way to
obtain this result is take the absolute value of the velocity of the object to
obtain a graph of its speed as a function of time. A simple geometric
argument leads to the result we obtained above.
21 •• A small lead ball is thrown directly upward. Neglect any effects due to air
resistance. True or false: (a) The magnitude of its acceleration decreases on the
way up. (b) The direction of its acceleration on its way down is opposite to the
direction of its acceleration on its way up. (c) The direction of its velocity on its
way down is opposite to the direction of its velocity on its way up.
Determine the Concept For free fall, the acceleration is the same (g) throughout
the entire flight.
Motion in One Dimension 65
(a) False. The velocity of the ball decreases at a steady rate. This means that the
acceleration of the ball is constant.
(b) False. The velocity of the ball decreases at a steady rate (g) throughout its
entire flight.
(c) True. On the way up the velocity vector points upward and on the way down it
points downward.
22 •• At t = 0, object A is dropped from the roof of a building. At the same
instant, object B is dropped from a window 10 m below the roof. Air resistance is
negligible. During the descent of B to the ground, the distance between the two
objects (a) is proportional to t, (b) is proportional to t2
, (c) decreases, (d) remains
10 m throughout.
Determine the Concept Both objects experience the same constant acceleration.
Choose a coordinate system in which downward is the positive direction and use a
constant-acceleration equation to express the position of each object as a function
of time.
Using constant-acceleration
equations, express the positions of
both objects as functions of time:
0A0,A gttvxx ++=
0B,0B gttvxx ++=
where v0 = 0.
Express the separation of the two
objects by evaluating xB − xA:
m10A.0B,0AB =−=− xxxx
)(d is correct.
23 •• You are driving a Porsche that accelerates uniformly from 80.5 km/h
(50 mi/h) at t = 0.00 to 113 km/h (70 mi/h) at t = 9.00 s. (a) Which graph in
Figure 2-32 best describes the velocity of your car? (b) Sketch a position-versus-
time graph showing the location of your car during these nine seconds, assuming
we let its position x be zero at t = 0.
Determine the Concept Because the Porsche accelerates uniformly, we need to
look for a graph that represents constant acceleration.
(a) Because the Porsche has a constant acceleration that is positive (the velocity is
increasing), we must look for a velocity-versus-time curve with a positive
constant slope and a nonzero intercept. Such a graph is shown in ( ).c
Chapter 266
(b) Use the data given in the problem statement to determine that the acceleration
of the Porsche is 1.00 m/s2
and that its initial speed is 22.4 m/s. The equation
describing the position of the car as a function of time is
( ) ( ) .m/s00.1m/s4.22 22
ttx +=
The following graph of this equation was plotted using a spreadsheet program.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
t , s
24 •• A small heavy object is dropped from rest and falls a distance D in a
time T. After it has fallen for a time 2T, what will be its (a) fall distance from its
initial location in terms of D, (b) its speed in terms of D and t, and (c) its
acceleration? (Neglect air resistance.)
Picture the Problem In the absence of air resistance, the object experiences
constant acceleration. Choose a coordinate system in which the downward
direction is positive and use the constant-acceleration equation to describe its
(a) Relate the distance D that the
object, released from rest, falls in
time t:
( ) 2
gtDtx == (1)
Evaluate x(2t) to obtain: ( ) ( ) 22
222 gttgtx == (2)
Dividing equation (2) by equation
(1) and simplifying yields:
( ) 4
⇒ ( ) Dtx 42 =
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Tipler volume 2 resolução 6 edição
Tipler volume 2 resolução 6 edição
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Tipler volume 2 resolução 6 edição

  • 1. 1 Chapter 1 Measurement and Vectors Conceptual Problems 1 • [SSM] Which of the following is not one of the base quantities in the SI system? (a) mass, (b) length, (c) energy, (d) time, (e) All of the above are base quantities. Determine the Concept The base quantities in the SI system include mass, length, and time. Force is not a base quantity. )(c is correct. 2 • In doing a calculation, you end up with m/s in the numerator and m/s2 in the denominator. What are your final units? (a) m2 /s3 , (b) 1/s, (c) s3 /m2 , (d) s, (e) m/s. Picture the Problem We can express and simplify the ratio of m/s to m/s2 to determine the final units. Express and simplify the ratio of m/s to m/s2 : s sm sm s m s m 2 2 = ⋅ ⋅ = and )(d is correct. 3 • The prefix giga means (a) 103 , (b) 106 , (c) 109 , (d) 1012 , (e) 1015 . Determine the Concept Consulting Table 1-1 we note that the prefix giga means 109 . )(c is correct. 4 • The prefix mega means (a) 10–9 , (b) 10–6 , (c) 10–3 , (d) 106 , (e) 109 . Determine the Concept Consulting Table 1-1 we note that the prefix mega means 106 . )(d is correct. 5 • [SSM] Show that there are 30.48 cm per foot. How many centimeters are there in one mile? Picture the Problem We can use the facts that there are 2.540 centimeters in 1 inch and 12 inches in 1 foot to show that there are 30.48 cm per ft. We can then use the fact that there are 5280 feet in 1 mile to find the number of centimeters in one mile.
  • 2. Chapter 12 Multiply 2.540 cm/in by 12 in/ft to find the number of cm per ft: cm/ft48.30 ft in 12 in cm 540.2 =⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ Multiply 30.48 cm/ft by 5280 ft/mi to find the number of centimeters in one mile: cm/mi10609.1 mi ft 5280 ft cm 48.30 5 ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ Remarks: Because there are exactly 2.54 cm in 1 in and exactly 12 inches in 1 ft, we are justified in reporting four significant figures in these results. 6 • The number 0.000 513 0 has significant figures. (a) one, (b) three, (c) four, (d) seven, (e) eight. Determine the Concept Counting from left to right and ignoring zeros to the left of the first nonzero digit, the last significant figure is the first digit that is in doubt. Applying this criterion, the three zeros after the decimal point are not significant figures, but the last zero is significant. Hence, there are four significant figures in this number. )(c is correct. 7 • The number 23.0040 has significant figures. (a) two, (b) three, (c) four, (d) five, (e) six. Determine the Concept Counting from left to right, the last significant figure is the first digit that is in doubt. Applying this criterion, there are six significant figures in this number. )(e is correct. 8 • Force has dimensions of mass times acceleration. Acceleration has dimensions of speed divided by time. Pressure is defined as force divided by area. What are the dimensions of pressure? Express pressure in terms of the SI base units kilogram, meter and second. Determine the Concept We can use the definitions of force and pressure, together with the dimensions of mass, acceleration, and length, to find the dimensions of pressure. We can express pressure in terms of the SI base units by substituting the base units for mass, acceleration, and length in the definition of pressure.
  • 3. Measurement and Vectors 3 Use the definition of pressure and the dimensions of force and area to obtain: [ ] [ ] [ ] 22 2 LT M L T ML === A F P Express pressure in terms of the SI base units to obtain: 22 2 2 sm kg m s m kg m N ⋅ = ⋅ = 9 • True or false: Two quantities must have the same dimensions in order to be multiplied. False. For example, the distance traveled by an object is the product of its speed (length/time) multiplied by its time of travel (time). 10 • A vector has a negative x component and a positive y component. Its angle measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis is (a) between zero and 90 degrees. (b) between 90 and 180 degrees. (c) More than 180 degrees. Determine the Concept Because a vector with a negative x-component and a positive y-component is in the second quadrant, its angle is between 90 and 180 degrees. ( ) correct.isb 11 • [SSM] A vector A r points in the +x direction. Show graphically at least three choices for a vector B r such that AB rr + points in the +y direction. Determine the Concept The figure shows a vector A r pointing in the positive x direction and three unlabeled possibilities for vector .B r Note that the choices for B r start at the end of vector A r rather than at its initial point. Note further that this configuration could be in any quadrant of the reference system shown. x y A r choicesSeveralB r 12 • A vector A r points in the +y direction. Show graphically at least three choices for a vector B r such that AB rr − points in the + x direction.
  • 4. Chapter 14 Determine the Concept Let the +x direction be to the right and the +y direction be upward. The figure shows the vector A r − pointing in the −y direction and three unlabeled possibilities for vector .B r Note that the choices for B r start at the end of vector A r − rather than at its initial point. A r − x y choicesSeveralB r 13 • [SSM] Is it possible for three equal magnitude vectors to add to zero? If so, sketch a graphical answer. If not, explain why not. Determine the Concept In order for the three equal magnitude vectors to add to zero, the sum of the three vectors must form a triangle. The equilateral triangle shown to the right satisfies this condition for the vectors A r , B r , and C r for which it is true that A = B = C, whereas .0=++ CBA rrr A r B r C r Estimation and Approximation 14 • The angle subtended by the moon’s diameter at a point on Earth is about 0.524º (Fig. 1-2). Use this and the fact that the moon is about 384 Mm away to find the diameter of the moon. HINT: The angle can be determined from the diameter of the moon and the distance to the moon. Picture the Problem Let θ represent the angle subtended by the moon’s diameter, D represent the diameter of the moon, and rm the distance to the moon. Because θ is small, we can approximate it by θ ≈ D/rm where θ is in radian measure. We can solve this relationship for the diameter of the moon. Express the moon’s diameter D in terms of the angle it subtends at Earth θ and the Earth-moon distance rm: mrD θ= Substitute numerical values and evaluate D: ( ) m1051.3 Mm384 360 rad2 524.0 6 ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ° ×°= π D
  • 5. Measurement and Vectors 5 15 • [SSM] Some good estimates about the human body can be made if it is assumed that we are made mostly of water. The mass of a water molecule is 29.9 ×10−27 kg. If the mass of a person is 60 kg, estimate the number of water molecules in that person. Picture the Problem We can estimate the number of water molecules in a person whose mass is 60 kg by dividing this mass by the mass of a single water molecule. Letting N represent the number of water molecules in a person of mass mhuman body, express N in terms of mhuman body and the mass of a water molecule mwater molecule: moleculewater bodyhuman m m N = Substitute numerical values and evaluate N: molecules100.2 molecule kg 109.29 kg60 27 27 ×= × = − N 16 •• In 1989, IBM scientists figured out how to move atoms with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). One of the first STM pictures seen by the general public was of the letters IBM spelled with xenon atoms on a nickel surface. The letters IBM were 15 xenon atoms across. If the space between the centers of adjacent xenon atoms is 5 nm (5 ×10−9 m), estimate how many times could ″IBM″ could be written across this 8.5 inch page. Picture the Problem We can estimate the number of times N that ″IBM″ could be written across this 8.5-inch page by dividing the width w of the page by the distance d required by each writing of ″IBM.″ Express N in terms of the width w of the page and the distance d required by each writing of ″IBM″: d w N = Express d in terms of the separation s of the centers of adjacent xenon atoms and the number n of xenon atoms in each writing of ″IBM″: snd = Substitute for d in the expression for N to obtain: sn w N =
  • 6. Chapter 16 Substitute numerical values and evaluate N: ( ) ( ) 6 9 103 15 nm m10 nm5 in cm 540.2in5.8 ×= ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − N 17 •• There is an environmental debate over the use of cloth versus disposable diapers. (a) If we assume that between birth and 2.5 y of age, a child uses 3 diapers per day, estimate the total number of disposable diapers used in the United States per year. (b) Estimate the total landfill volume due to these diapers, assuming that 1000 kg of waste fills about 1 m3 of landfill volume. (c) How many square miles of landfill area at an average height of 10 m is needed for the disposal of diapers each year? Picture the Problem We’ll assume a population of 300 million and a life expectancy of 76 y. We’ll also assume that a diaper has a volume of about half a liter. In (c) we’ll assume the disposal site is a rectangular hole in the ground and use the formula for the volume of such an opening to estimate the surface area required. (a) Express the total number N of disposable diapers used in the United States per year in terms of the number of children n in diapers and the number of diapers D used by each child per year: nDN = (1) Use the estimated daily consumption and the number of days in a year to estimate the number of diapers D required per child per year: yilddiapers/ch101.1 y d24.365 dchild diapers3 3 ⋅×≈ × ⋅ =D Use the assumed life expectancy to estimate the number of children n in diapers yearly: ( ) children10 children10300 y76 y5.2 7 6 ≈ ×⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =n Substitute numerical values in equation (1) to obtain: ( ) diapers101.1 y diapers 103children10 10 37 ×≈ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×=N
  • 7. Measurement and Vectors 7 (b) Express the required landfill volume V in terms of the volume of diapers to be buried: diaperoneNVV = Substitute numerical values and evaluate V: ( ) 36 33 10 m105.5 L m10 diaper L5.0 diapers101.1 ×≈⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ××= − V (c) Express the required volume in terms of the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped: AhV = ⇒ h V A = Substitute numerical values evaluate A: 25 36 m105.5 m10 m105.5 ×= × =A Use a conversion factor (see Appendix A) to express this area in square miles: 2 2 2 25 mi2.0 km1 mi3861.0 m105.5 ≈ ××=A 18 •• (a) Estimate the number of gallons of gasoline used per day by automobiles in the United States and the total amount of money spent on it. (b) If 19.4 gal of gasoline can be made from one barrel of crude oil, estimate the total number of barrels of oil imported into the United States per year to make gasoline. How many barrels per day is this? Picture the Problem The population of the United States is roughly 3 × 108 people. Assuming that the average family has four people, with an average of two cars per family, there are about 1.5 × 108 cars in the United States. If we double that number to include trucks, cabs, etc., we have 3 × 108 vehicles. Let’s assume that each vehicle uses, on average, 14 gallons of gasoline per week and that the United States imports half its oil. (a) Find the daily consumption of gasoline G: ( )( ) gal/d106 gal/d2vehicles103 8 8 ×= ×=G Assuming a price per gallon P = $3.00, find the daily cost C of gasoline: ( )( ) dollars/dbillion2 d/1018$ gal/00.3$gal/d106 8 8 ≈ ×= ×== GPC
  • 8. Chapter 18 (b) Relate the number of barrels N of crude oil imported annually to the yearly consumption of gasoline Y and the number of gallons of gasoline n that can be made from one barrel of crude oil: n tfG n fY N Δ == where f is the fraction of the oil that is imported. Substitute numerical values and estimate N: ( ) y barrels 106 barrel gallons 19.4 y d 24.365 d gallons 1065.0 9 8 ×≈ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × =N Convert barrels/y to barrels/d to obtain: d barrels 102 d365.24 y1 y barrels 106 7 9 ×≈ ××=N 19 •• [SSM] A megabyte (MB) is a unit of computer memory storage. A CD has a storage capacity of 700 MB and can store approximately 70 min of high-quality music. (a) If a typical song is 5 min long, how many megabytes are required for each song? (b) If a page of printed text takes approximately 5 kilobytes, estimate the number of novels that could be saved on a CD. Picture the Problem We can set up a proportion to relate the storage capacity of a CD to its playing time, the length of a typical song, and the storage capacity required for each song. In (b) we can relate the number of novels that can be stored on a CD to the number of megabytes required per novel and the storage capacity of the CD. (a) Set up a proportion relating the ratio of the number of megabytes on a CD to its playing time to the ratio of the number of megabytes N required for each song: min5min70 MB700 N = Solve this proportion for N to obtain: ( ) MB50min5 min70 MB700 =⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =N
  • 9. Measurement and Vectors 9 (b) Letting n represent the number of megabytes per novel, express the number of novels novelsN that can be stored on a CD in terms of the storage capacity of the CD: n N MB700 novels = Assuming that a typical page in a novel requires 5 kB of memory, express n in terms of the number of pages p in a typical novel: pn ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = page kB 5 Substitute for n in the expression for novelsN to obtain: p N ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = page kB 5 MB700 novels Assuming that a typical novel has 200 pages: novels107 novel pages 200 page kB 5 MB kB10 MB700 2 3 novels ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × =N Units 20 • Express the following quantities using the prefixes listed in Table 1-1 and the unit abbreviations listed in the table Abbreviations for Units. For example, 10,000 meters = 10 km. (a) 1,000,000 watts, (b) 0.002 gram, (c) 3 × 10–6 meter, (d) 30,000 seconds. Picture the Problem We can use the metric prefixes listed in Table 1-1 and the abbreviations on page EP-1 to express each of these quantities. (a) MW1watts10watts000,000,1 6 == (c) m3meter103 6 μ=× − (b) mg2g102gram002.0 3 =×= − (d) ks30s1003seconds000,30 3 =×= 21 • Write each of the following without using prefixes: (a) 40 μW, (b) 4 ns, (c) 3 MW, (d) 25 km.
  • 10. Chapter 110 Picture the Problem We can use the definitions of the metric prefixes listed in Table 1-1 to express each of these quantities without prefixes. (a) W0.000040W1040W40 6 =×= − μ (c) W000,000,3W103MW3 6 =×= (b) s40.00000000s104ns4 9 =×= − (d) m000,52m1025km25 3 =×= 22 • Write the following (which are not SI units) using prefixes (but not their abbreviations). For example, 103 meters = 1 kilometer: (a) 10–12 boo, (b) 109 low, (c) 10–6 phone, (d) 10–18 boy, (e) 106 phone, (f) 10–9 goat, (g) 1012 bull. Picture the Problem We can use the definitions of the metric prefixes listed in Table 1-1 to express each of these quantities without abbreviations. (a) picoboo1boo10 12 =− (e) megaphone1phone106 = (b) gigalow1low109 = (f) nanogoat1goat10 9 =− (c) microphone1phone10 6 =− (g) terabull1bull1012 = (d) attoboy1boy10 18 =− 23 •• [SSM] In the following equations, the distance x is in meters, the time t is in seconds, and the velocity v is in meters per second. What are the SI units of the constants C1 and C2? (a) x = C1 + C2t, (b) x = 1 2 C1t2 , (c) v2 = 2C1x, (d) x = C1 cos C2t, (e) v2 = 2C1v – (C2x)2 . Picture the Problem We can determine the SI units of each term on the right- hand side of the equations from the units of the physical quantity on the left-hand side. (a) Because x is in meters, C1 and C2t must be in meters: m/sinism;inis 21 CC (b) Because x is in meters, ½C1t2 must be in meters: 2 1 m/sinisC
  • 11. Measurement and Vectors 11 (c) Because v2 is in m2 /s2 , 2C1x must be in m2 /s2 : 2 1 m/sinisC (d) The argument of a trigonometric function must be dimensionless; i.e. without units. Therefore, because x is in meters: 1 21 sinism;inis − CC (e) All of the terms in the expression must have the same units. Therefore, because v is in m/s: 1 21 sinism/s;inis − CC 24 •• If x is in feet, t is in milliseconds, and v is in feet per second, what are the units of the constants C1 and C2 in each part of Problem 23? Picture the Problem We can determine the US customary units of each term on the right-hand side of the equations from the units of the physical quantity on the left-hand side. (a) Because x is in feet, C1 and C2t must be in feet: ft/msinisft;inis 21 CC (b) Because x is in feet, 2 12 1 tC must be in feet: ( )2 1 msft/inisC (c) Because v2 is in ft2 /(ms)2 , 2C1x must be in ft2 /s2 : ( )2 1 msft/inisC (d) The argument of a trigonometric function must be dimensionless; that is, without units. Therefore, because x is in feet: ( ) 1 21 msinisft;inis − CC (e) The argument of an exponential function must be dimensionless; that is, without units. Therefore, because v is in ft/s: ( ) 1 21 msinisft/ms;inis − CC Conversion of Units
  • 12. Chapter 112 25 • From the original definition of the meter in terms of the distance along a meridian from the equator to the North Pole, find in meters (a) the circumference of Earth and (b) the radius of Earth. (c) Convert your answers for (a) and (b) from meters into miles. Picture the Problem We can use the formula for the circumference of a circle to find the radius of Earth and the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to convert distances in meters into distances in miles. (a) The Pole-Equator distance is one-fourth of the circumference: m1044 7 equator-pole ×== DC (b) The formula for the circumference of a circle is: RDC ππ 2== ⇒ π2 C R = Substitute numerical values and evaluate R: m106 m1037.6 2 m104 6 6 7 ×= ×= × = π R (c) Use the conversion factors 1 km = 1000 m and 1 mi = 1.609 km to express C in mi: mi102 km1.609 mi1 m10 km1 m104 4 3 7 ×= ×××=C Use the conversion factors 1 km = 1000 m and 1 mi = 1.61 km to express R in mi: mi104 km1.609 mi1 m10 km1 m1037.6 3 3 6 ×= ×××=R 26 • The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s at normal room temperature. What is the speed of a supersonic plane that travels at twice the speed of sound? Give your answer in kilometers per hour and miles per hour. Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.61 km to convert speeds in km/h into mi/h. Find the speed of the plane in km/h: ( ) km/h102.47 h s 3600 m10 km1 s m 686 m/s686m/s3432 3 3 ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = ==v
  • 13. Measurement and Vectors 13 Convert v into mi/h: mi/h101.53 km1.609 mi1 h km 102.47 3 3 ×= ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×=v 27 • A basketball player is 6 ft 10 1 2 in tall. What is his height in centimeters? Picture the Problem We’ll first express his height in inches and then use the conversion factor 1 in = 2.540 cm. Express the player’s height in inches: in82.5in10.5 ft in12 ft6 =+×=h Convert h into cm: cm210 in cm2.540 in2.58 =×=h 28 • Complete the following: (a) 100 km/h = mi/h, (b) 60 cm = in, (c) 100 yd = m. Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factors 1 mi = 1.609 km, 1 in = 2.540 cm, and 1 m = 1.094 yd to perform these conversions. (a) Convert h km 100 to : h mi mi/h62.2 km1.609 mi1 h km 100 h km 100 = ×= (b) Convert 60 cm to in: in24 in23.6 cm2.540 in1 cm60cm60 = =×= (c) Convert 100 yd to m: m91.4 yd1.094 m1 yd100yd100 = ×= 29 • The main span of the Golden Gate Bridge is 4200 ft. Express this distance in kilometers. Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1.609 km = 5280 ft to convert the length of the main span of the Golden Gate Bridge into kilometers.
  • 14. Chapter 114 Convert 4200 ft into km by multiplying by 1 in the form ft5280 km609.1 : km1.28 ft5280 km1.609 ft4200ft4200 = ×= 30 • Find the conversion factor to convert from miles per hour into kilometers per hour. Picture the Problem Let v be the speed of an object in mi/h. We can use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to convert this speed to km/h. Multiply v mi/h by 1.609 km/mi to convert v to km/h: km/h61.1 mi km1.609 h mi h mi vvv =×= 31 • Complete the following: (a) 1.296 × 105 km/h2 = km/(h⋅s), (b) 1.296 × 105 km/h2 = m/s2 , (c) 60 mi/h = ft/s, (d) 60 mi/h = m/s. Picture the Problem Use the conversion factors 1 h = 3600 s, 1.609 km = 1 mi, and 1 mi = 5280 ft to make these conversions. (a) skm/h36.00 s3600 h1 h km 10296.1 h km 10296.1 2 5 2 5 ⋅=⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×=× (b) 2 32 2 5 2 5 m/s10.00 km m10 s3600 h1 h km 10296.1 h km 10296.1 =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×=× (c) ft/s88 s3600 h1 mi1 ft5280 h mi 60 h mi 60 =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = (d) m/s27m/s8.26 s3600 h1 km m10 mi1 km1.609 h mi 60 h mi 60 3 ==⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = 32 • There are 640 acres in a square mile. How many square meters are there in one acre? Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor given in the problem statement and the fact that 1 mi = 1.609 km to express the number of square meters in one acre. Note that, because there are exactly 640 acres in a square mile, 640 acres has as many significant figures as we may wish to associate with it.
  • 15. Measurement and Vectors 15 Multiply by 1 twice, properly chosen, to convert one acre into square miles, and then into square meters: ( ) 2 22 m4045 mi m1609 acres640 mi1 acre1acre1 = ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = 33 •• [SSM] You are a delivery person for the Fresh Aqua Spring Water Company. Your truck carries 4 pallets. Each pallet carries 60 cases of water. Each case of water has 24 one-liter bottles. You are to deliver 10 cases of water to each convenience store along your route. The dolly you use to carry the water into the stores has a weight limit of 250 lb. (a) If a milliliter of water has a mass of 1 g, and a kilogram has a weight of 2.2 lb, what is the weight, in pounds, of all the water in your truck? (b) How many full cases of water can you carry on the cart? Picture the Problem The weight of the water in the truck is the product of the volume of the water and its weight density of 2.2 lb/L. (a) Relate the weight w of the water on the truck to its volume V and weight density (weight per unit volume) D: DVw = Find the volume V of the water: L5760 ) case L 24() pallet cases (60pallets)4( = =V Substitute numerical values for D and L and evaluate w: ( ) lb103.1 lb10267.1L5760 L lb 2.2 4 4 ×= ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =w (b) Express the number of cases of water in terms of the weight limit of the cart and the weight of each case of water: waterofcaseeachofweight carttheoflimitweight =N Substitute numerical values and evaluate N: cases7.4 case L 24 L lb 2.2 lb250 = ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =N cases.4carrycanYou
  • 16. Chapter 116 34 •• A right circular cylinder has a diameter of 6.8 in and a height of 2.0 ft. What is the volume of the cylinder in (a) cubic feet, (b) cubic meters, (c) liters? Picture the Problem The volume of a right circular cylinder is the area of its base multiplied by its height. Let d represent the diameter and h the height of the right circular cylinder; use conversion factors to express the volume V in the given units. (a) Express the volume of the cylinder: hdV 2 4 1 π= Substitute numerical values and evaluate V: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 33 2 2 4 1 2 4 1 ft50.0ft504.0 in12 ft1 ft2.0in6.8 ft2.0in6.8 == ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = = π πV (b) Use the fact that 1 m = 3.281 ft to convert the volume in cubic feet into cubic meters: ( ) 3 3 3 3 m0.014 m0.0143 ft3.281 m1 ft0.504 = =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =V (c) Because 1 L = 10−3 m3 : ( ) L14 m10 L1 0.0143m 33 3 =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − V 35 •• [SSM] In the following, x is in meters, t is in seconds, v is in meters per second, and the acceleration a is in meters per second squared. Find the SI units of each combination: (a) v2 /x, (b) ax , (c) 1 2 at2 . Picture the Problem We can treat the SI units as though they are algebraic quantities to simplify each of these combinations of physical quantities and constants. (a) Express and simplify the units of v2 /x: ( ) 22 22 s m sm m m sm = ⋅ = (b) Express and simplify the units of ax : ss m/s m 2 2 ==
  • 17. Measurement and Vectors 17 (c) Noting that the constant factor 2 1 has no units, express and simplify the units of 2 2 1 at : ( ) ms s m 2 2 =⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ Dimensions of Physical Quantities 36 • What are the dimensions of the constants in each part of Problem 23? Picture the Problem We can use the facts that each term in an equation must have the same dimensions and that the arguments of a trigonometric or exponential function must be dimensionless to determine the dimensions of the constants. (a) x = C1 + C2 t T T L LL (d) x = C1 cos C2 t T T 1 LL (b) 2 12 1 tCx = 2 2 T T L L (e) v2 = 2 C1 v − (C2)2 x2 2 2 L T 1 T L T L T L ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ (c) xCv 1 2 2= L T L T L 22 2 37 • The law of radioactive decay is ( ) t eNtN λ− = 0 , where N0 is the number of radioactive nuclei at t = 0, N(t) is the number remaining at time t, and λ is a quantity known as the decay constant. What is the dimension of λ? Picture the Problem Because the exponent of the exponential function must be dimensionless, the dimension of λ must be .T 1− 38 •• The SI unit of force, the kilogram-meter per second squared (kg⋅m/s2 ) is called the newton (N). Find the dimensions and the SI units of the constant G in Newton’s law of gravitation F = Gm1m2/r2 .
  • 18. Chapter 118 Picture the Problem We can solve Newton’s law of gravitation for G and substitute the dimensions of the variables. Treating them as algebraic quantities will allow us to express the dimensions in their simplest form. Finally, we can substitute the SI units for the dimensions to find the units of G. Solve Newton’s law of gravitation for G to obtain: 21 2 mm Fr G = Substitute the dimensions of the variables: [ ] 2 3 2 2 2 MT L M L T ML = × =G Use the SI units for L, M, and T to obtain: 2 3 skg m ⋅ 39 •• The magnitude of the force (F) that a spring exerts when it is stretched a distance x from its unstressed length is governed by Hooke’s law, F = kx. (a) What are the dimensions of the force constant, k? (b) What are the dimensions and SI units of the quantity kx2 ? Picture the Problem The dimensions of mass and velocity are M and L/T, respectively. We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of force are ML/T2 . (a) We know, from Hooke’s law, that: x F k = Write the corresponding dimensional equation: [ ] [ ] [ ]x F k = Substitute the dimensions of F and x and simplify to obtain: [ ] 2 2 T M L T L M ==k (b) Substitute the dimensions of k and x2 and simplify to obtain: [ ] 2 2 2 2 2 T ML L T M ==kx Substitute the units of kx2 to obtain: 2 2 s mkg⋅
  • 19. Measurement and Vectors 19 40 •• Show that the product of mass, acceleration, and speed has the dimensions of power. Picture the Problem We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of power are ML2 /T3 . The dimensions of mass, acceleration, and speed are M, L/T2 , and L/T respectively. Express the dimensions of mav: [ ] 3 2 2 T ML T L T L M =××=mav From Table 1-2: [ ] 3 2 T ML =P Comparing these results, we see that the product of mass, acceleration, and speed has the dimensions of power. 41 •• [SSM] The momentum of an object is the product of its velocity and mass. Show that momentum has the dimensions of force multiplied by time. Picture the Problem The dimensions of mass and velocity are M and L/T, respectively. We note from Table 1-2 that the dimensions of force are ML/T2 . Express the dimensions of momentum: [ ] T ML T L M =×=mv From Table 1-2: [ ] 2 T ML =F Express the dimensions of force multiplied by time: [ ] T ML T T ML 2 =×=Ft Comparing these results, we see that momentum has the dimensions of force multiplied by time. 42 •• What combination of force and one other physical quantity has the dimensions of power? Picture the Problem Let X represent the physical quantity of interest. Then we can express the dimensional relationship between F, X, and P and solve this relationship for the dimensions of X.
  • 20. Chapter 120 Express the relationship of X to force and power dimensionally: [ ][ ] [ ]PXF = Solve for [ ]X : [ ] [ ] [ ]F P X = Substitute the dimensions of force and power and simplify to obtain: [ ] T L T ML T ML 2 3 2 ==X Because the dimensions of velocity are L/T, we can conclude that: [ ] [ ][ ]vFP = Remarks: While it is true that P = Fv, dimensional analysis does not reveal the presence of dimensionless constants. For example, if πFvP = , the analysis shown above would fail to establish the factor of π. 43 •• [SSM] When an object falls through air, there is a drag force that depends on the product of the cross sectional area of the object and the square of its velocity, that is, Fair = CAv2 , where C is a constant. Determine the dimensions of C. Picture the Problem We can find the dimensions of C by solving the drag force equation for C and substituting the dimensions of force, area, and velocity. Solve the drag force equation for the constant C: 2 air Av F C = Express this equation dimensionally: [ ] [ ] [ ][ ]2 air vA F C = Substitute the dimensions of force, area, and velocity and simplify to obtain: [ ] 32 2 2 L M T L L T ML = ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =C 44 •• Kepler’s third law relates the period of a planet to its orbital radius r, the constant G in Newton’s law of gravitation (F = Gm1m2/r2 ), and the mass of the sun Ms. What combination of these factors gives the correct dimensions for the period of a planet?
  • 21. Measurement and Vectors 21 Picture the Problem We can express the period of a planet as the product of the factors r, G, and MS (each raised to a power) and then perform dimensional analysis to determine the values of the exponents. Express the period T of a planet as the product of cba MGr Sand,, : cba MGCrT S= (1) where C is a dimensionless constant. Solve the law of gravitation for the constant G: 21 2 mm Fr G = Express this equation dimensionally: [ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ]21 2 mm rF G = Substitute the dimensions of F, r, and m: [ ] ( ) 2 3 2 2 MT L MM L T ML = × × =G Noting that the dimension of time is represented by the same letter as is the period of a planet, substitute the dimensions in equation (1) to obtain: ( ) ( )c b a T M MT L L 2 3 ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = Introduce the product of M 0 and L0 in the left hand side of the equation and simplify to obtain: bbabc 23100 TLMTLM −+− = Equating the exponents on the two sides of the equation yields: 0 = c – b, 0 = a + 3b, and 1 = –2b Solve these equations simultaneously to obtain: 2 1 2 1 2 3 and,, −=−== cba Substitute for a, b, and c in equation (1) and simplify to obtain: 23 S 21 S 2123 r GM C MGCrT == −− Scientific Notation and Significant Figures 45 • [SSM] Express as a decimal number without using powers of 10 notation: (a) 3 × 104 , (b) 6.2 × 10–3 , (c) 4 × 10–6 , (d) 2.17 × 105 .
  • 22. Chapter 122 Picture the Problem We can use the rules governing scientific notation to express each of these numbers as a decimal number. (a) 000,30103 4 =× (c) 000004.0104 6 =× − (b) 0062.0102.6 3 =× − (d) 000,2171017.2 5 =× 46 • Write the following in scientific notation: (a) 1345100 m = ____ km, (b) 12340. kW = ____ MW, (c) 54.32 ps = ____ s, (d) 3.0 m = ____ mm Picture the Problem We can use the rules governing scientific notation to express each of these numbers in scientific notation. (a) km103451.1 m103451.1m1345100 3 6 ×= ×= (c) s105.432 s1054.32ps32.54 11 12 − − ×= ×= (b) MW101.2340 W101.2340 kW101.2340kW.12340 1 7 4 ×= ×= ×= (d) mm100.3 m mm10 m3.0m0.3 3 3 ×= ×= 47 • [SSM] Calculate the following, round off to the correct number of significant figures, and express your result in scientific notation: (a) (1.14)(9.99 × 104 ), (b) (2.78 × 10–8 ) – (5.31 × 10–9 ), (c) 12π /(4.56 × 10–3 ), (d) 27.6 + (5.99 × 102 ). Picture the Problem Apply the general rules concerning the multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction of measurements to evaluate each of the given expressions. (a) The number of significant figures in each factor is three; therefore the result has three significant figures: ( )( ) 54 1014.11099.914.1 ×=×
  • 23. Measurement and Vectors 23 (b) Express both terms with the same power of 10. Because the first measurement has only two digits after the decimal point, the result can have only two digits after the decimal point: ( ) ( ) ( ) 8 8 98 1025.2 10531.078.2 1031.51078.2 − − −− ×= ×−= ×−× (c) We’ll assume that 12 is exact. Hence, the answer will have three significant figures: 3 3 1027.8 1056.4 12 ×= × − π (d) Proceed as in (b): ( ) 2 2 1027.6 627 5996.271099.56.27 ×= = +=×+ 48 • Calculate the following, round off to the correct number of significant figures, and express your result in scientific notation: (a) (200.9)(569.3), (b) (0.000000513)(62.3 × 107 ), (c) 28 401 + (5.78 × 104 ), (d) 63.25/(4.17 × 10–3 ). Picture the Problem Apply the general rules concerning the multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction of measurements to evaluate each of the given expressions. (a) Note that both factors have four significant figures. ( )( ) 5 10144.13.5699.200 ×= (b) Express the first factor in scientific notation and note that both factors have three significant figures. ( )( ) ( )( ) 2777 1020.3103.621013.5103.62000000513.0 ×=××=× − (c) Express both terms in scientific notation and note that the second has only three significant figures. Hence the result will have only three significant figures. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 4 444 1062.8 1078.5841.2 1078.510841.21078.528401 ×= ×+= ×+×=×+
  • 24. Chapter 124 (d) Because the divisor has three significant figures, the result will have three significant figures. 4 3 1052.1 1017.4 25.63 ×= × − 49 • [SSM] A cell membrane has a thickness of 7.0 nm. How many cell membranes would it take to make a stack 1.0 in high? Picture the Problem Let N represent the required number of membranes and express N in terms of the thickness of each cell membrane. Express N in terms of the thickness of a single membrane: nm7.0 in1.0 =N Convert the units into SI units and simplify to obtain: 66 9 106.31063.3 m10 nm1 cm100 m1 in cm2.540 nm7.0 in1.0 ×=×=×××= − N 50 •• A circular hole of radius 8.470 ×10−1 cm must be cut into the front panel of a display unit. The tolerance is 1.0 × 10−3 cm, which means the actual hole cannot differ by more than this much from the desired radius. If the actual hole is larger than the desired radius by the allowed tolerance, what is the difference between the actual area and the desired area of the hole? Picture the Problem Let r0 represent the larger radius and r the desired radius of the hole. We can find the difference between the actual and the desired area of the hole by subtracting the smaller area from the larger area. Express the difference between the two areas in terms of r and r0: ( )22 0 22 0Δ rrrrA −=−= πππ Factoring 22 0 rr − to obtain: ( )( )rrrrA +−= 00Δ π Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔA: ( ) ( )[ ] 23 3113 cm103.5 cm100.1cm10470.8cm10470.8cm100.1Δ − −−−− ×= ×+×+××= πA 51 •• [SSM] A square peg must be made to fit through a square hole. If you have a square peg that has an edge length of 42.9 mm, and the square hole has an edge length of 43.2 mm, (a) what is the area of the space available when
  • 25. Measurement and Vectors 25 the peg is in the hole? (b) If the peg is made rectangular by removing 0.10 mm of material from one side, what is the area available now? Picture the Problem Let sh represent the side of the square hole and sp the side of the square peg. We can find the area of the space available when the peg is in the hole by subtracting the area of the peg from the area of the hole. (a) Express the difference between the two areas in terms of sh and sp: 2 p 2 hΔ ssA −= Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔA: ( ) ( ) 2 22 mm62 mm9.42mm2.43Δ ≈ −=A (b) Express the difference between the area of the square hole and the rectangular peg in terms of sh ,sp and the new length of the peg lp: pp 2 hΔ lssA' −= Substitute numerical values and evaluate ΔA′: ( ) ( )( ) 22 mm03mm10.0mm9.42mm9.42mm2.43Δ ≈−−=A' Vectors and Their Properties 52 • A vector 7.00 units long and a vector 5.50 units long are added. Their sum is a vector 10.0 units long. (a) Show graphically at least one way that this can be accomplished. (b) Using your sketch in Part (a), determine the angle between the original two vectors. Picture the Problem Let A r be the vector whose length is 7.00 units and let B r be the vector whose length is 5.50 units. BAC rrr += is the sum of A r and .B r The fact that their sum is 10.0 long tells us that the vectors are not collinear. We can use the of the vectors to find the angle between A r and .B r (a) A graphical representation of vectors A r , B r and C r is shown below. θ is the angle between A r and .B r
  • 26. Chapter 126 α θ 00.7=A r 50.5= B r 0.10=C r y x (b) The components of the vectors are related as follows: xxx CBA =+ and yyy CBA =+ Substituting for the components gives: ( ) ( ) αθ cos0.10cos50.500.7 =+ and ( ) ( ) αθ sin0.10sin50.5 = Squaring and adding these equations yields: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )[ ]2222 cos50.500.7sin50.5cos100sin100 θθαα ++=+ or ( )( ) ( ) ( )[ ]2222 cos50.500.7sin50.5cossin100 θθαα ++=+ Because 1cossin 22 =+ αα : ( ) ( )[ ]222 cos50.500.7sin50.5100 θθ ++= Solve this equation for θ (you can (1) use the same trigonometric identity used in the previous step to eliminate either sin2 θ or cos2 θ in favor of the other and then solve the resulting equation or (2) use your graphing calculator’s SOLVER program) to obtain: °= 4.74θ Remarks: You could also solve Part (b) of this problem by using the law of cosines. 53 • [SSM] Determine the x and y components of the following three vectors in the xy plane. (a) A 10-m displacement vector that makes an angle of 30° clockwise from the +y direction. (b) A 25-m/s velocity vector that makes an
  • 27. Measurement and Vectors 27 angle of −40° counterclockwise from the −x direction. (c) A 40-lb force vector that makes an angle of 120° counterclockwise from the −y direction. Picture the Problem The x and y components of these vectors are their projections onto the x and y axes. Note that the components are calculated using the angle each vector makes with the +x axis. (a) Sketch the displacement vector (call it A r ) and note that it makes an angle of 60° with the +x axis: A r x y °30 Ay Ax Find the x and y components of A r : ( ) m0.560cosm10 =°=xA and ( ) m.7860sinm10 =°=yA (b) Sketch the velocity vector (call it v r ) and note that it makes an angle of 220° with the +x axis: v r °40 y xxv yv Find the x and y components of v r : ( ) m/s19220cosm/s52 −=°=xv and ( ) m/s16220sinm/s52 −=°=yv
  • 28. Chapter 128 (c) Sketch the force vector (call it F r ) and note that it makes an angle of 30° with the +x axis: x °120 F r y Find the x and y components of F r : ( ) lb3530coslb04 =°=xF and ( ) lb0230sinlb04 =°=yF 54 • Rewrite the following vectors in terms of their magnitude and angle (counterclockwise from the + x direction). (a) A displacement vector with an x component of +8.5 m and a y component of −5.5 m. (b) A velocity vector with an x component of −75 m/s and a y component of +35 m/s. (c) A force vector with a magnitude of 50 lb that is in the third quadrant with an x component whose magnitude is 40 lb. Picture the Problem We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find magnitudes of these vectors from their x and y components and trigonometry to find their direction angles. (a) Sketch the components of the displacement vector (call it A r ) and show their resultant: y x A r m5.8=xA m5.5−=yA θ Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the magnitude of A r : ( ) ( ) m10 m5.5m5.8 2222 = −+=+= yx AAA Find the direction angle of A r : °=°−= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ − =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = −− 32733 m5.8 m5.5 tantan 11 x y A A θ
  • 29. Measurement and Vectors 29 (b) Sketch the components of the velocity vector (call it v r ) and show their resultant: v r x y α m/s35=yv m/s75−=xv θ Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the magnitude of v r and trigonometry to find its direction angle: ( ) ( ) m/s38 m/s53m/s75 2222 = +−=+= yx vvv °=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = −− 25 m/s57 m/s53 tantan 11 x y v v α and °=°−°=−°= 15525180180 αθ (c) Sketch the force vector (call itF r ) and its x-component and show Fy: x y α lb40−=xF y F rlb 50 = F θ Use trigonometry to find α and, hence, θ : °=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = −− 37 lb50 lb40 coscos 11 F Fx α °=°+°=+°= 21737180180 αθ Use the relationship between a vector and its vertical component to find Fy: ( ) lb30 217sinlb50sin −= °== θFFy Remarks: In Part (c) we could have used the Pythagorean Theorem to find the magnitude of Fy. 55 • You walk 100 m in a straight line on a horizontal plane. If this walk took you 50 m east, what are your possible north or south movements? What are the possible angles that your walk made with respect to due east?
  • 30. Chapter 130 Picture the Problem There are two directions that you could have walked that are consistent with your having walked 50 m to the east. One possibility is walking in the north-east direction and the other is walking in the south-east direction. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the distance you walked either north or south and then use trigonometry to find the two angles that correspond to your having walked in either of these directions. Letting A represent the magnitude of your displacement on the walk, use the Pythagorean Theorem to relate A to its horizontal (Ax) and vertical (Ay) components: 22 xy AAA −= Substitute numerical values and evaluate Ay: ( ) ( ) m87m50m100 22 ±=−=yA The plus-and-minus-signs mean that you could have gone 87 m north or 87 m south. Use trigonometry to relate the directions you could have walked to the distance you walked and its easterly component: °±=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − 60 m100 m50 cos 1 θ The plus-and-minus-signs mean that you could have walked 60° north of east or 60° south of east. 56 • The final destination of your journey is 300 m due east of your starting point. The first leg of this journey is the walk described in Problem 55, and the second leg is also a walk along a single straight-line path. Estimate graphically the length and heading for the second leg of your journey. Picture the Problem Let A r be the vector whose length is 100 m and whose direction is 60° N of E. Let B r be the vector whose direction and magnitude we are to determine and assume that you initially walked in a direction north of east. The graphical representation that we can use to estimate these quantities is shown below. Knowing that the magnitude of A r is 100 m, use any convenient scale to determine the length of B r and a protractor to determine the value of θ.
  • 31. Measurement and Vectors 31 m 100 = A r °60 θ B r 250 m50 m 86.6 m E N The magnitude of the second leg of your journey is about 260 m at an angle of approximately 20° S of E. If you had initially walked into the southeast, the magnitude of the second leg of your journey would still be about 260 m but its direction would be approximately 20° N of E. Remarks: If you use the Pythagorean Theorem and right-triangle trigonometry, you’ll find that the length of the second leg of your journey is 265 m and that θ = 19° S of E. 57 •• Given the following vectors: r A = 3.4ˆi + 4.7 ˆj, r B = −7.7( )ˆi + 3.2 ˆj , andr C = 5.4ˆi + −9.1( )ˆj . (a) Find the vector r D, in unit vector notation, such thatr D + 2 r A − 3 r C + 4 r B = 0. (b) Express your answer in Part (a) in terms of magnitude and angle with the +x direction. Picture the Problem We can find the vector D r by solving the equation 0432 =+−+ BCAD rrrr for D r and then substituting for the vectors .and, CBA rrr In (b) we can use the components of D r to find its magnitude and direction. (a) Solve the vector equation that gives the condition that must satisfied for D r : BCAD rrrr 432 −+−= Substitute for BCA rrr and, and simplify to obtain: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) jiji ji jijijiD ˆ50ˆ40ˆ5.49ˆ2.40 ˆ8.123.274.9ˆ8.302.168.6 ˆ2.3ˆ7.74ˆ1.9ˆ4.53ˆ7.4ˆ4.32 −=−= −−−+++−= +−−−++−= r (b) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to relate the magnitude of D r to its components Dx and Dy: 22 yx DDD +=
  • 32. Chapter 132 Substitute numerical values and evaluate D: ( ) ( ) 8.635.492.40 22 =−+=D Use trigonometry to express and evaluate the angle θ : °−= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ − =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = −− 51 2.40 5.49 tantan 11 x y D D θ where the minus sign means that D r is in the 4th quadrant. 58 •• Given the following force vectors: r A is 25 lb at an angle of 30° clockwise from the +x axis, and r B is 42 lb at an angle of 50° clockwise from the +y axis. (a) Make a sketch and visually estimate the magnitude and angle of the vector r C such that 2 r A + r C − r B results in a vector with a magnitude of 35 lb pointing in the +x direction. (b) Repeat the calculation in Part (a) using the method of components and compare your result to the estimate in (a). Picture the Problem A diagram showing the condition that iBCA ˆ352 =−+ rrr and from which one can scale the values of C and θ is shown below. In (b) we can use the two scalar equations corresponding to this vector equation to check our graphical results. (a) A diagram showing the conditions imposed by iBCA ˆ352 =−+ rrr approximately to scale is shown to the right. The magnitude of C r is approximately lb57 and the angle θ is approximately .68° B r B r − A r 2 C r °50 θ °50 °30 x y iˆ35 (b) Express the condition relating the vectors ,A r ,B r and :C r iBCA ˆ352 =−+ rrr The corresponding scalar equations are: 352 =−+ xxx BCA and 02 =−+ yyy BCA
  • 33. Measurement and Vectors 33 Solve these equations for Cx and Cy to obtain: xxx BAC +−= 235 and yyy BAC +−= 2 Substitute for the x and y components of A r and B r to obtain: ( )[ ] ( ) lb9.23 40coslb42 330coslb252lb35 = °+ °−=xC and ( )[ ] ( ) lb52 40sinlb42330sinlb252 = °+°−=yC Use the Pythagorean Theorem to relate the magnitude of C r to its components: 22 yx CCC += Substitute numerical values and evaluate C: ( ) ( ) lb57lb0.52lb9.23 22 =+=C Use trigonometry to find the direction of C r : °=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = −− 65 lb9.23 lb0.52 tantan 11 x y C C θ Remarks: The analytical results for C and θ are in excellent agreement with the values determined graphically. 59 •• [SSM] Calculate the unit vector (in terms of iˆ and jˆ ) in the direction opposite to the direction of each of the vectors in Problem 57. Picture the Problem The unit vector in the direction opposite to the direction of a vector is found by taking the negative of the unit vector in the direction of the vector. The unit vector in the direction of a given vector is found by dividing the given vector by its magnitude. The unit vector in the direction of A r is given by: 22 ˆ yx AA + == A A A A r r r Substitute for ,A r Ax, and Ay and evaluate :ˆA ( ) ( ) ji ji A ˆ81.0ˆ59.0 7.44.3 ˆ7.4ˆ4.3ˆ 22 += + + =
  • 34. Chapter 134 The unit vector in the direction opposite to that of A r is given by: jiA ˆ81.0ˆ59.0ˆ −−=− The unit vector in the direction of B r is given by: 22 ˆ yx BB + == B B B B r r r Substitute for B r , Bx, and By and evaluate :ˆB ( ) ( ) ji ji B ˆ38.0ˆ92.0 2.37.7 ˆ2.3ˆ7.7ˆ 22 +−= +− +− = The unit vector in the direction opposite to that of B r is given by: jiB ˆ38.0ˆ92.0ˆ −=− The unit vector in the direction of C r is given by: 22 ˆ yx CC + == C C C C r r r Substitute for C r , Cx, and Cy and evaluate :ˆC ( ) ( ) ji ji C ˆ86.0ˆ51.0 1.94.5 ˆ1.9ˆ4.5ˆ 22 −= −+ − = The unit vector in the direction opposite that of C r is given by: jiC ˆ86.0ˆ51.0ˆ +−=− 60 •• Unit vectors iˆ and jˆ are directed east and north, respectively. Calculate the unit vector (in terms of iˆ and jˆ ) in the following directions. (a) northeast, (b) 70° clockwise from the −y axis, (c) southwest. Picture the Problem The unit vector in a given direction is a vector pointing in that direction whose magnitude is 1. (a) The unit vector in the northeast direction is given by: ji jiu ˆ707.0ˆ707.0 ˆ45sin)1(ˆ45cos)1(ˆNE += °+°= (b) The unit vector 70° clockwise from the −y axis is given by: ji jiu ˆ342.0ˆ940.0 ˆ200sin)1(ˆ200cos)1(ˆ −−= °+°=
  • 35. Measurement and Vectors 35 (c) The unit vector in the southwest direction is given by: ji jiu ˆ707.0ˆ707.0 ˆ225sin)1(ˆ225cos)1(ˆSW −−= °+°= Remarks: One can confirm that a given vector is, in fact, a unit vector by checking its magnitude. General Problems 61 • [SSM] The Apollo trips to the moon in the 1960's and 1970's typically took 3 days to travel the Earth-moon distance once they left Earth orbit. Estimate the spacecraft's average speed in kilometers per hour, miles per hour, and meters per second. Picture the Problem Average speed is defined to be the distance traveled divided by the elapsed time. The Earth-moon distance and the distance and time conversion factors can be found on the inside-front cover of the text. We’ll assume that 3 days means exactly three days. Express the average speed of Apollo as it travels to the moon: timeelapsed traveleddistance av =v Substitute numerical values to obtain: d3 mi102.39 5 av × =v Use the fact that there are 24 h in 1 d to convert 3 d into hours: mi/h1032.3 mi/h10319.3 d h24 d3 mi102.39 3 3 5 av ×= ×= × × =v Use the fact that 1 mi is equal to 1.609 km to convert the spacecraft’s average speed to km/h: km/h1034.5 h km 10340.5 mi km 609.1 h mi 10319.3 333 av ×=×=××=v
  • 36. Chapter 136 Use the facts that there are 3600 s in 1 h and 1000 m in 1 km to convert the spacecraft’s average speed to m/s: m/s1049.1m/s10485.1 s3600 h1 km m10 h km 10340.5 33 3 6 av ×=×=×××=v Remarks: An alternative to multiplying by 103 m/km in the last step is to replace the metric prefix ″k″ in ″km″by 103 . 62 • On many of the roads in Canada the speed limit is 100 km/h. What is this speed limit in miles per hour? Picture the Problem We can use the conversion factor 1 mi = 1.609 km to convert 100 km/h into mi/h. Multiply 100 km/h by 1 mi/1.609 km to obtain: mi/h2.62 km1.609 mi1 h km 100 h km 100 = ×= 63 • If you could count $1.00 per second, how many years would it take to count 1.00 billion dollars? Picture the Problem We can use a series of conversion factors to convert 1 billion seconds into years. Multiply 1 billion seconds by the appropriate conversion factors to convert into years: y31.7 days365.24 y1 h24 day1 s3600 h1 s10s10 99 =×××= 64 • (a) The speed of light in vacuum is 186,000 mi/s = 3.00 × 108 m/s. Use this fact to find the number of kilometers in a mile. (b) The weight of 1.00 ft3 of water is 62.4 lb, and 1.00 ft = 30.5 cm. Use this and the fact that 1.00 cm3 of water has a mass of 1.00 g to find the weight in pounds of a 1.00-kg mass. Picture the Problem In both the examples cited we can equate expressions for the physical quantities, expressed in different units, and then divide both sides of the equation by one of the expressions to obtain the desired conversion factor.
  • 37. Measurement and Vectors 37 (a) Divide both sides of the equation expressing the speed of light in the two systems of measurement by 186,000 mi/s to obtain: km/mi61.1 m10 km1 mi m 1061.1 m/mi1061.1 mi/h101.86 m/s103.00 1 3 3 3 5 8 = ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×= ×= × × = (b) Find the volume of 1.00 kg of water: Volume of 1.00 kg = 103 g is 103 cm3 Express 103 cm3 in ft3 : ( ) 3 3 3 ft0.03525 cm5.03 ft1.00 cm10 =⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ Relate the weight of 1.00 ft3 of water to the volume occupied by 1.00 kg of water: 33 ft lb 62.4 ft0.03525 kg1.00 = Divide both sides of the equation by the left-hand side to obtain: lb/kg20.2 ft0.03525 kg1.00 ft lb 62.4 1 3 3 == 65 • The mass of one uranium atom is 4.0 × 10–26 kg. How many uranium atoms are there in 8.0 g of pure uranium? Picture the Problem We can use the given information to equate the ratios of the number of uranium atoms in 8 g of pure uranium and of 1 atom to its mass. Express the proportion relating the number of uranium atoms NU in 8.0 g of pure uranium to the mass of 1 atom: kg104.0 atom1 g0.8 26 U − × = N Solve for and evaluate NU: 23 263U 100.2 kg104.0 atom1 g10 kg1 g0.8 ×= ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×= − N
  • 38. Chapter 138 66 •• During a thunderstorm, a total of 1.4 in of rain falls. How much water falls on one acre of land? (1 mi2 = 640 acres.) Express your answer in (a) cubic inches, (b) cubic feet, (c) cubic meters, and (d) kilograms. Note that the density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . Picture the Problem Assuming that the water is distributed uniformly over the one acre of land, its volume is the product of the area over which it is distributed and its depth. The mass of the water is the product of its density and volume. The required conversion factors can be found in the front material of the text. (a) Express the volume V of water in terms of its depth h and the area A over which it falls: AhV = Substitute numerical values and evaluate V: ( ) ( ) 36 36 222 in108.8 in10782.8in4.1 ft in12 mi ft5280 acres640 mi1 acre1 ×= ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =V (b) Convert in3 into ft3 : 3333 3 36 ft101.5ft10082.5 in12 ft1 in10782.8 ×=×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ××=V (c) Convert ft3 into m3 : 32 3 333 33 m104.1 m102439.1 cm100 m1 in cm540.2 ft in12 ft10082.5 ×= ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ××=V (d) The mass of the water is the product of its density ρ and volume V: Vm ρ= Substitute numerical values and evaluate m: ( ) kg104.1 m10439.1 m kg 10 5 32 3 3 ×= ×⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =m
  • 39. Measurement and Vectors 39 67 •• An iron nucleus has a radius of 5.4 × 10–15 m and a mass of 9.3 × 10–26 kg. (a) What is its mass per unit volume in kg/ m3 ? (b) If Earth had the same mass per unit volume, what would be its radius? (The mass of Earth is 5.98 × 1024 kg.) Picture the Problem The mass per unit volume of an object is its density. (a) The density ρ of an object is its mass m per unit volume V: V m =ρ Assuming the iron nucleus to be spherical, its volume as a function of its radius r is given by: 3 3 4 rV π= Substitute for V and simplify to obtain: 3 3 4 3 3 4 r m r m ππ ρ == (1) Substitute numerical values and evaluate ρ: ( ) ( ) 317 317 315 26 kg/m104.1 kg/m10410.1 m104.54 kg103.93 ×= ×= × × = − − π ρ (b) Solve equation (1) for r to obtain: 3 4 3 πρ m r = Substitute numerical values and evaluate r: ( ) m102.2 m kg 10410.14 kg1098.53 2 3 3 17 24 ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × × = π r or about 200 m! 68 •• The Canadian Norman Wells Oil Pipeline extends from Norman Wells, Northwest Territories, to Zama, Alberta. The 8.68 ×105 -m-long pipeline has an inside diameter of 12 in and can be supplied with oil at 35 L/s. (a) What is the volume of oil in the pipeline if it is full at some instant in time? (b) How long would it take to fill the pipeline with oil if it is initially empty?
  • 40. Chapter 140 Picture the Problem The volume of a cylinder is the product of its cross- sectional area and its length. The time required to fill the pipeline with oil is the ratio of its volume to the flow rate R of the oil. We’ll assume that the pipe has a diameter of exactly 12 in. (a) Express the volume V of the cylindrical pipe in terms of its radius r and its length L: LrV 2 π= Substitute numerical values and evaluate V: ( ) 345 22 m103.6m1068.8 in m102.540 in6 ×=×⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × ×= - V π (b) Express the time Δt to fill the pipe in terms of its volume V and the flow rate R of the oil: R V t =Δ Substitute numerical values and evaluate Δt: s108.1 L m10 s L 35 m103.6 Δ 6 33 34 ×= ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × = − t or about 21 days! 69 •• The astronomical unit (AU) is defined as the mean center-to-center distance from Earth to the sun, namely 1.496 × 1011 m. The parsec is the radius of a circle for which a central angle of 1 s intercepts an arc of length 1 AU. The light-year is the distance that light travels in 1 y. (a) How many parsecs are there in one astronomical unit? (b) How many meters are in a parsec? (c) How many meters in a light-year? (d) How many astronomical units in a light-year? (e) How many light-years in a parsec? Picture the Problem We can use the relationship between an angle θ, measured in radians, subtended at the center of a circle, the radius R of the circle, and the length L of the arc to answer these questions concerning the astronomical units of measure. We’ll take the speed of light to be 2.998 × 108 m/s. (a) Relate the angle θ subtended by an arc of length S to the distance R: R S =θ ⇒ θRS = (1)
  • 41. Measurement and Vectors 41 Substitute numerical values and evaluate S: ( )( ) parsec10848.4 360 rad2 min60 1 s60 min1 s1parsec1 6− ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ °⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ° ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = π S (b) Solving equation (1) for R yields: θ S R = Substitute numerical values and evaluate R: ( ) m10086.3 360 rad2 min60 1 s60 min1 s1 m10496.1 16 11 ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ °⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ° ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × = π R (c) The distance D light travels in a given interval of time Δt is given by: tcD Δ= Substitute numerical values and evaluate D: m10461.9 min s 60 h min 60 d h 24 y d 365.24 s m 102.998 158 ×=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ ×=D (d) Use the definition of 1 AU and the result from Part (c) to obtain: ( ) AU106.324 m101.496 AU1 m109.461y1 4 11 15 ×= ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × ×=⋅c (e) Combine the results of Parts (b) and (c) to obtain: ( ) y262.3 m109.461 y1 m10086.3parsec1 15 16 ⋅=⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ × ⋅ ×= c c 70 •• If the average density of the universe is at least 6 × 10–27 kg/m3 , then the universe will eventually stop expanding and begin contracting. (a) How many electrons are needed in each cubic meter to produce the critical density? (b) How many protons per cubic meter would produce the critical density? (me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg; mp = 1.67 × 10–27 kg.)
  • 42. Chapter 142 Picture the Problem Let Ne and Np represent the number of electrons and the number of protons, respectively and ρ the critical average density of the universe. We can relate these quantities to the masses of the electron and proton using the definition of density. (a) Using its definition, relate the required density ρ to the electron density Ne/V: V mN V m ee ==ρ ⇒ e e mV N ρ = (1) Substitute numerical values and evaluate Ne/V: 33 33 31 327 e melectrons/107 melectrons/10586.6 nkg/electro109.11 kg/m106 ×≈ ×= × × = − − V N (b) Express and evaluate the ratio of the masses of an electron and a proton: 4 27 31 p e 10455.5 kg101.67 kg109.11 − − − ×= × × = m m Rewrite equation (1) in terms of protons: p p mV N ρ = (2) Divide equation (2) by equation (1) to obtain: p e e p m m V N V N = or ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = V N m m V N e p ep Substitute numerical values and use the result from Part (a) to evaluate Np/V: ( )( ) 3334p protons/m4melectrons/10586.610455.5 ≈××= − V N 71 ••• You are an astronaut doing physics experiments on the moon. You are interested in the experimental relationship between distance fallen, y, and time elapsed, t, of falling objects dropped from rest. You have taken some data for a falling penny, which is represented in the table below. You expect that a general relationship between distance y and time t is y = BtC , where B and C are constants to be determined experimentally. To accomplish this, create a log-log plot of the data: (a) graph log(y) vs. log(t), with log(y) the ordinate variable and log(t) the abscissa variable. (b) Show that if you take the log of each side of your equation, you get log(y) = log(B) + Clog(t). (c) By comparing this linear relationship to the graph of the data, estimate the values of B and C. (d) If you
  • 43. Measurement and Vectors 43 drop a penny, how long should it take to fall 1.0 m? (e) In the next chapter, we will show that the expected relationship between y and t is ,2 2 1 aty = where a is the acceleration of the object. What is the acceleration of objects dropped on the moon? y (m) 10 20 30 40 50 t (s) 3.5 5.2 6.0 7.3 7.9 Picture the Problem We can plot log y versus log t and find the slope of the best- fit line to determine the exponent C. The value of B can be determined from the intercept of this graph. Once we know C and B, we can solve C Bty = for t as a function of y and use this result to determine the time required for an object to fall a given distance on the surface of the moon. (a) The following graph of log y versus log t was created using a spreadsheet program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis to generate the trendline.) log y = 1.9637log t - 0.0762 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 log t logy (b) Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation C Bty = yields: ( ) tCB tBBty CC loglog loglogloglog += +== (c) Note that this result is of the form: mXbY += where Y = log y, b = log B, m = C, and X = log t
  • 44. Chapter 144 From the regression analysis (trendline) we have: log B = −0.076 Solving for B yields: 2076.0 m/s84.010 == − B where we have inferred the units from tho given for C Bty = . Also, from the regression analysis we have: 0.296.1 ≈=C (d) Solve C Bty = for t to obtain: C B y t 1 ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = Substitute numerical values and evaluate t to determine how long it would take a penny to fall 1.0 m: s1.1 s m 84.0 m0.1 2 1 2 ≈ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =t (e) Substituting for B and C in C Bty = yields: 2 2 s m 84.0 ty ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = Compare this equation to 2 2 1 aty = to obtain: 22 1 s m 84.0=a and 22 s m 7.1 s m 84.02 =⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =a Remarks: One could use a graphing calculator to obtain the results in Parts (a) and (c). 72 ••• A particular company’s stock prices vary with the market and with the company’s type of business, and can be very unpredictable, but people often try to look for mathematical patterns where they may not belong. Corning is a materials-engineering company located in upstate New York. Below is a table of the price of Corning stock on August 3, for every 5 years from 1981 to 2001. Assume that the price follows a power law: price (in $) = BtC where t is expressed in years. (a) Evaluate the constants B and C. (b) According to the power law, what should the price of Corning stock have been on August 3, 2000? (It was actually $82.83!)
  • 45. Measurement and Vectors 45 Price (dollars) 2.10 4.19 9.14 10.82 16.85 Years since 1980 1 6 11 16 21 Picture the Problem We can plot log P versus log t and find the slope of the best-fit line to determine the exponent C. The value of B can be determined from the intercept of this graph. Once we know C and B, we can use C BtP = to predict the price of Corning stock as a function of time. (a) The following graph of log P versus log was created using a spreadsheet program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis to generate the trendline.) log P = 0.658log t + 0.2614 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 log t logP Taking the logarithm of both sides of the equation C BtP = yields: ( ) tCB tBBtP CC loglog loglogloglog += +== Note that this result is of the form: mXbY += where Y = log P, b = log B, m = C, and X = log t From the regression analysis (trendline) we have: log B = 0.2614⇒ .831$10 2614.0 ==B Also, from the regression analysis we have: 658.0=C (b) Substituting for B and C in C BtP = yields: ( ) 658.0 83.1$ tP =
  • 46. Chapter 146 Evaluate P(20 y) to obtain: ( ) ( )( ) 14.13$2083.1$y20 658.0 ==P Remarks: One could use a graphing calculator to obtain these results. 73 ••• [SSM] The Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector in Japan is a large transparent cylinder filled with ultra pure water. The height of the cylinder is 41.4 m and the diameter is 39.3 m. Calculate the mass of the water in the cylinder. Does this match the claim posted on the official Super-K Web site that the detector uses 50000 tons of water? Picture the Problem We can use the definition of density to relate the mass of the water in the cylinder to its volume and the formula for the volume of a cylinder to express the volume of water used in the detector’s cylinder. To convert our answer in kg to lb, we can use the fact that 1 kg weighs about 2.205 lb. Relate the mass of water contained in the cylinder to its density and volume: Vm ρ= Express the volume of a cylinder in terms of its diameter d and height h: hdhAV 2 base 4 π == Substitute in the expression for m to obtain: hdm 2 4 π ρ= Substitute numerical values and evaluate m: ( ) ( ) ( ) kg10022.5 m4.41m3.39 4 kg/m10 7 233 ×= ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = π m Convert 5.02 × 107 kg to tons: ton104.55 lb2000 ton1 kg lb2.205 kg10022.5 3 7 ×= ×××=m The 50,000-ton claim is conservative. The actual weight is closer to 55,000 tons. 74 ••• You and a friend are out hiking across a large flat plain and decide to determine the height of a distant mountain peak, and also the horizontal distance from you to the peak Figure 1-19). In order to do this, you stand in one spot and determine that the sightline to the top of the peak is inclined at 7.5° above the horizontal. You also make note of the heading to the peak at that point: 13° east of north. You stand at the original position, and your friend hikes due west for 1.5 km. He then sights the peak and determines that its sightline has a heading of 15° east of north. How far is the mountain from your position, and how high is its summit above your position?
  • 47. Measurement and Vectors 47 Picture the Problem Vector A r lies in the plane of the plain and locates the base or the peak relative to you. Vector B r also lies in the plane of the plain and locates the base of the peak relative to your friend when he/she has walked 1.5 km to the west. We can use the geometry of the diagram and the E-W components of the vectors d r , B r and A r to find the distance to the mountain from your position. Once we know the distance A, we can use a trigonometric relationship to find the height of the peak above your position. °15 °13 β α W E N d = 1.5 km A rB r Your positionYour friend's position d d r Peak Referring to the diagram, note that: hB =βsin and hA =αsin Equating these expressions for h gives: αβ sinsin AB = ⇒ AB β α sin sin = Adding the E-W components of the vectors d r , B r and A r yields: αβ coscoskm5.1 AB −= Substitute for B and simplify to obtain: ⎟⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= −= α β α αβ β α cos tan sin coscos sin sin km5.1 A AA Solving for A yields: α β α cos tan sin km5.1 − =A
  • 48. Chapter 148 Substitute numerical values and evaluate A: km42 km52.41 77cos 75tan 77sin km5.1 = = °− ° ° =A Referring to the following diagram, we note that: h A°5.7 ( ) km5.5 5.7tankm52.41 5.7tan = °= °= Ah Remarks: One can also solve this problem using the law of sines. 75 ••• The table below gives the periods T and orbit radii r for the motions of four satellites orbiting a dense, heavy asteroid. (a) These data can be fitted by the formula n CrT = . Find the values of the constants C and n. (b) A fifth satellite is discovered to have a period of 6.20 y. Find the radius for the orbit of this satellite, which fits the same formula. Period T, y 0.44 1.61 3.88 7.89 Radius r, Gm 0.088 0.208 0.374 0.600 Picture the Problem We can plot log T versus log r and find the slope of the best-fit line to determine the exponent n. We can then use any of the ordered pairs to evaluate C. Once we know n and C, we can solve n CrT = for r as a function of T. (a) Take the logarithm (we’ll arbitrarily use base 10) of both sides of n CrT = and simplify to obtain: ( ) ( ) Crn rCCrT nn loglog loglogloglog += +== Note that this equation is of the form bmxy += . Hence a graph of log T vs. log r should be linear with a slope of n and a log T -intercept log C.
  • 49. Measurement and Vectors 49 The following graph of log T versus log r was created using a spreadsheet program. The equation shown on the graph was obtained using Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function. (Excel’s ″Add Trendline″ function uses regression analysis to generate the trendline.) log T = 1.5036log r + 1.2311 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -1.1 -1.0 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 log r logT From the regression analysis we note that: 50.1=n , ( ) 232311.1 Gmy/0.1710 ==C , and ( )( ) 50.123 Gmy/0.17 rT = (1) (b) Solve equation (1) for the radius of the planet’s orbit: ( ) 32 23 Gm/y0.17 ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = T r Substitute numerical values and evaluate r: ( ) Gm510.0 Gmy/0.17 y20.6 32 23 =⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ =r 76 ••• The period T of a simple pendulum depends on the length L of the pendulum and the acceleration of gravity g (dimensions L/T2 ). (a) Find a simple combination of L and g that has the dimensions of time. (b) Check the dependence of the period T on the length L by measuring the period (time for a complete swing back and forth) of a pendulum for two different values of L. (c) The correct formula relating T to L and g involves a constant that is a multiple of π , and cannot be obtained by the dimensional analysis of Part (a). It can be found by
  • 50. Chapter 150 experiment as in Part (b) if g is known. Using the value g = 9.81 m/s2 and your experimental results from Part (b), find the formula relating T to L and g. Picture the Problem We can express the relationship between the period T of the pendulum, its length L, and the acceleration of gravity g as ba gCLT = and perform dimensional analysis to find the values of a and b and, hence, the function relating these variables. Once we’ve performed the experiment called for in Part (b), we can determine an experimental value for C. (a) Express T as the product of L and g raised to powers a and b: ba gCLT = (1) where C is a dimensionless constant. Write this equation in dimensional form: [ ] [ ] [ ]ba gLT = Substituting the dimensions of the physical quantities yields: b a ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = 2 T L LT Because L does not appear on the left-hand side of the equation, we can write this equation as: bba 210 TLTL −+ = Equate the exponents to obtain: 12and0 =−=+ bba Solve these equations simultaneously to find a and b: 2 1 2 1 and −== ba Substitute in equation (1) to obtain: g L CgCLT == − 2121 (2) (b) If you use pendulums of lengths 1.0 m and 0.50 m; the periods should be about: ( ) ( ) s4.1m50.0 and s0.2m0.1 = = T T (c) Solving equation (2) for C yields: L g TC =
  • 51. Measurement and Vectors 51 Evaluate C with L = 1.0 m and T = 2.0 s: ( ) π226.6 m1.0 m/s9.81 s2.0 2 ≈==C Substitute in equation (2) to obtain: g L T π2= 77 ••• A sled at rest is suddenly pulled in three horizontal directions at the same time but it goes nowhere. Paul pulls to the northeast with a force of 50 lb. Johnny pulls at an angle of 35° south of due west with a force of 65 lb. Connie pulls with a force to be determined. (a) Express the boys' two forces in terms of the usual unit vectors (b) Determine the third force (from Connie), expressing it first in component form and then as a magnitude and angle (direction). Picture the Problem A diagram showing the forces exerted by Paul, Johnny, and Connie is shown below. Once we’ve expressed the forces exerted by Paul and Johnny in vector form we can use them to find the force exerted by Connie. N S EW θ°45 °35 Connie F r Paul F r Johnny F r lb 50 lb 56 (a) The force that Paul exerts is: ( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ji jijiF ˆlb35ˆlb35 ˆlb4.35ˆlb4.35ˆ45sinlb50ˆ45coslb50Paul += +=°+°= r The force that Johnny exerts is: ( )[ ] ( )[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ji jijiF ˆlb37ˆlb53 ˆlb3.37ˆlb53.2ˆ215sinlb56ˆ215coslb56Johnny −+−= −−=°+°= r
  • 52. Chapter 152 The sum of the forces exerted by Paul and Johnny is: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ji jijiFF ˆlb9.1ˆlb8.71 ˆlb3.37ˆlb53.2ˆlb4.35ˆlb4.35JohnnyPaul −−= −−+=+ rr (b) The condition that the three forces must satisfy is: 0ConnieJohnnyPaul =++ FFF rrr Solving for ConnieF r yields: ( )JohnnyPaulConnie FFF rrr +−= Substitute for JohnnyPaul FF rr + to obtain: ( ) ( )[ ] ( ) ( ) ji jiF ˆlb.91ˆlb81 ˆlb9.1ˆlb8.71Connie += −−−= r The magnitude of ConnieF r is: ( ) ( ) lb18lb9.1lb8.17 22 Connie =+=F The direction that the force exerted by Connie acts is given by: EofN1.6 lb17.8 lb9.1 tan 1 °=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − θ 78 ••• You spot a plane that is 1.50 km North, 2.5 km East and at an altitude of 5.0 km above your position. (a) How far from you is the plane? (b) At what angle from due north (in the horizontal plane) are you looking? (c) Determine the plane's position vector (from your location) in terms of the unit vectors, letting iˆ be toward the east direction, jˆ be toward the north direction, and kˆ be vertically upward. (d) At what elevation angle (above the horizontal plane of Earth) is the airplane? Picture the Problem A diagram showing the given information is shown below. We can use the Pythagorean Theorem, trigonometry, and vector algebra to find the distance, angles, and expression called for in the problem statement.
  • 53. Measurement and Vectors 53 θ φ r h d km5.2 km 5.1 N E hereareYou Plane (a) Use the Pythagorean Theorem to express d in terms of h and l: 22 hd += l Substitute numerical values and evaluate d: ( ) ( ) ( ) km8.5 km0.5km5.1km5.2 222 = ++=d (b) Use trigonometry to evaluate the angle from due north at which you are looking at the plane: NofE59 km1.5 km5.2 tan 1 °=⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − θ (c) We can use the coordinates of the plane relative to your position to express the vector d r : ( ) ( ) ( )kjid ˆkm.05ˆkm5.1ˆkm5.2 ++= r (d) Express the elevation angle φ in terms of h and l: ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ = − l h1 tanφ Substitute numerical values and evaluate φ: ( ) ( ) horizontheabove60 km5.1km5.2 km0.5 tan 22 1 °= ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ + = − φ
  • 55. 55 Chapter 2 Motion in One Dimension Conceptual Problems 1 • What is the average velocity over the ″round trip″ of an object that is launched straight up from the ground and falls straight back down to the ground? Determine the Concept The "average velocity" is being requested as opposed to "average speed". The average velocity is defined as the change in position or displacement divided by the change in time. t y v Δ Δ =av The change in position for any "round trip" is zero by definition. So the average velocity for any round trip must also be zero. 0 Δ 0 Δ Δ av === tt y v 2 • An object thrown straight up falls back and is caught at the same place it is launched from. Its time of flight is T, its maximum height is H. Neglect air resistance. The correct expression for its average speed for the entire flight is (a) H/T, (b) 0, (c) H/(2T), and (d) 2H/T. Determine the Concept The important concept here is that "average speed" is being requested as opposed to "average velocity". Under all circumstances, including constant acceleration, the definition of the average speed is the ratio of the total distance traveled (H + H) to the elapsed time, in this case 2H/T. )(d is correct. Remarks: Because this motion involves a round trip, if the question asked for "average velocity," the answer would be zero. 3 • Using the information in the previous question, what is its average speed just for the first half of the trip? What is its average velocity for the second half of the trip? (Answer in terms of H and T.) Determine the Concept Under all circumstances, including constant acceleration, the definition of the average speed is the ratio of the total distance traveled to the elapsed time. The average velocity, on the other hand, is the ratio of the displacement to the elapsed time.
  • 56. Chapter 256 The average speed for the first half of the trip is the height to which the object rises divided by one-half its time of flight: T H T H v 2 2 1half1stav, == The average velocity for the second half of the trip is the distance the object falls divided by one-half its time of flight: T H T H 2 vel 2 1half2ndav, −= − = Remarks: We could also say that the average velocity for the second half of the trip is −2H/T. 4 • Give an everyday example of one-dimensional motion where (a) the velocity is westward and the acceleration is eastward, and (b) the velocity is northward and the acceleration is northward. Determine the Concept The important concept here is that a = dv/dt, where a is the acceleration and v is the velocity. Thus, the acceleration is positive if dv is positive; the acceleration is negative if dv is negative. (a) An example of one-dimensional motion where the velocity is westward and acceleration is eastward is a car traveling westward and slowing down. (b)An example of one-dimensional motion where the velocity is northward and the acceleration is northward is a car traveling northward and speeding up. 5 • [SSM] Stand in the center of a large room. Call the direction to your right ″positive,″ and the direction to your left ″negative.″ Walk across the room along a straight line, using a constant acceleration to quickly reach a steady speed along a straight line in the negative direction. After reaching this steady speed, keep your velocity negative but make your acceleration positive. (a) Describe how your speed varied as you walked. (b) Sketch a graph of x versus t for your motion. Assume you started at x = 0. (c) Directly under the graph of Part (b), sketch a graph of vx versus t. Determine the Concept The important concept is that when both the acceleration and the velocity are in the same direction, the speed increases. On the other hand, when the acceleration and the velocity are in opposite directions, the speed decreases. (a) Your speed increased from zero, stayed constant for a while, and then decreased.
  • 57. Motion in One Dimension 57 (b) A graph of your position as a function of time is shown to the right. Note that the slope starts out equal to zero, becomes more negative as the speed increases, remains constant while your speed is constant, and becomes less negative as your speed decreases. (c) The graph of v(t) consists of a straight line with negative slope (your acceleration is constant and negative) starting at (0,0), then a flat line for a while (your acceleration is zero), and finally an approximately straight line with a positive slope heading to v = 0. x t t xv 6 • True/false: The displacement always equals the product of the average velocity and the time interval. Explain your choice. Determine the Concept True. We can use the definition of average velocity to express the displacement Δx as Δx = vavΔt. Note that, if the acceleration is constant, the average velocity is also given by vav = (vi + vf)/2. 7 • Is the statement ″for an object’s velocity to remain constant, its acceleration must remain zero″ true or false? Explain your choice. Determine the Concept True. Acceleration is the slope of the velocity versus time curve, a = dv/dt; while velocity is the slope of the position versus time curve, v = dx/dt. The speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity. Zero acceleration implies that the velocity is constant. If the velocity is constant (including zero), the speed must also be constant. 8 • Draw careful graphs of the position and velocity and acceleration over the time period 0 ≤ t ≤ 30 s for a cart that, in succession, has the following motion. The cart is moving at the constant speed of 5.0 m/s in the +x direction. It passes by the origin at t = 0.0 s. It continues on at 5.0 m/s for 5.0 s, after which it gains speed at the constant rate of 0.50 m/s each second for 10.0 s. After gaining speed for 10.0 s, the cart loses speed at the constant rate of 0.50 m/s for the next 15.0 s. Determine the Concept Velocity is the slope of the position versus time curve and acceleration is the slope of the velocity versus time curve. The following graphs were plotted using a spreadsheet program.
  • 58. Chapter 258 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t , s x,m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t , s v,m/s -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t, s a,m/s2
  • 59. Motion in One Dimension 59 9 • True/false; Average velocity always equals one-half the sum of the initial and final velocities. Explain your choice. Determine the Concept False. The average velocity is defined (for any acceleration) as the change in position (the displacement) divided by the change in time txv ΔΔ=av . It is always valid. If the acceleration remains constant the average velocity is also given by 2 fi av vv v + = Consider an engine piston moving up and down as an example of non-constant velocity. For one complete cycle, vf = vi and xi = xf so vav = Δx/Δt is zero. The formula involving the mean of vf and vi cannot be applied because the acceleration is not constant, and yields an incorrect nonzero value of vi. 10 • Identical twin brothers standing on a horizontal bridge each throw a rock straight down into the water below. They throw rocks at exactly the same time, but one hits the water before the other. How can this be? Explain what they did differently. Ignore any effects due to air resistance. Determine the Concept This can occur if the rocks have different initial speeds. Ignoring air resistance, the acceleration is constant. Choose a coordinate system in which the origin is at the point of release and upward is the positive direction. From the constant-acceleration equation 2 2 1 00 attvyy ++= we see that the only way two objects can have the same acceleration (–g in this case) and cover the same distance, Δy = y – y0, in different times would be if the initial velocities of the two rocks were different. Actually, the answer would be the same whether or not the acceleration is constant. It is just easier to see for the special case of constant acceleration. 11 •• [SSM] Dr. Josiah S. Carberry stands at the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Wanting to emulate Galileo, and ignoring the safety of the pedestrians below, he drops a bowling ball from the top of the tower. One second later, he drops a second bowling ball. While the balls are in the air, does their separation (a) increase over time, (b) decrease, (c) stay the same? Ignore any effects due to air resistance. Determine the Concept Neglecting air resistance, the balls are in free fall, each with the same free-fall acceleration, which is a constant. At the time the second ball is released, the first ball is already moving. Thus, during any time interval their velocities will increase by exactly the same amount. What can be said about the speeds of the two balls? The first ball will always be moving faster than the second ball. This being the case, what happens to the separation of the two balls while they are both falling? Their separation increases. )(a is correct.
  • 60. Chapter 260 12 •• Which of the position-versus-time curves in Figure 2-28 best shows the motion of an object (a) with positive acceleration, (b) with constant positive velocity, (c) that is always at rest, and (d) with negative acceleration? (There may be more than one correct answer for each part of the problem.) Determine the Concept The slope of an x(t) curve at any point in time represents the speed at that instant. The way the slope changes as time increases gives the sign of the acceleration. If the slope becomes less negative or more positive as time increases (as you move to the right on the time axis), then the acceleration is positive. If the slope becomes less positive or more negative, then the acceleration is negative. The slope of the slope of an x(t) curve at any point in time represents the acceleration at that instant. (a) The correct answer is .)(d The slope of curve (d) is positive and increasing. Therefore the velocity and acceleration are positive. We would need more information to conclude that a is constant. (b) The correct answer is .)(b The slope of curve (b) is positive and constant. Therefore the velocity is positive and constant. (c) The correct answer is .)(e The slope of curve (e) is zero. Therefore, the velocity and acceleration are zero and the object remains at the same position. (d) The correct answers are ( ) .and)( ca The slope of curve (a) is negative and becomes more negative as time increases. Therefore the velocity is negative and the acceleration is negative. The slope of curve (c) is positive and decreasing. Therefore the velocity is positive and the acceleration is negative. 13 •• [SSM] Which of the velocity-versus-time curves in figure 2-29 best describes the motion of an object (a) with constant positive acceleration, (b) with positive acceleration that is decreasing with time, (c) with positive acceleration that is increasing with time, and (d) with no acceleration? (There may be more than one correct answer for each part of the problem.) Determine the Concept The slope of a v(t) curve at any point in time represents the acceleration at that instant. (a) The correct answer is ( ) .b The slope of curve (b) is constant and positive. Therefore the acceleration is constant and positive. (b) The correct answer is .)(c The slope of curve (c) is positive and decreasing with time. Therefore the acceleration is positive and decreasing with time.
  • 61. Motion in One Dimension 61 (c) The correct answer is .)(d The slope of curve (d) is positive and increasing with time. Therefore the acceleration is positive and increasing with time. (d) The correct answer is .)(e The slope of curve (e) is zero. Therefore the velocity is constant and the acceleration is zero. 14 •• The diagram in Figure 2-30 tracks the location of an object moving in a straight line along the x axis. Assume that the object is at the origin at t = 0. Of the five times shown, which time (or times) represents when the object is (a) farthest from the origin, (b) at rest for an instant, (c) in the midst of being at rest for awhile, and (d) moving away from the origin? Determine the Concept Because this graph is of distance-versus-time we can use its displacement from the time axis to draw conclusions about how far the object is from the origin. We can also use the instantaneous slope of the graph to decide whether the object is at rest and whether it is moving toward or away from the origin. (a) The correct answer is .B Because the object’s initial position is at x = 0, point B represents the instant that the object is farthest from x = 0. (b) The correct answers are D.andB Because the slope of the graph is zero at points B and D, the velocity of the object is zero and it is momentarily at rest at these points. (c) The correct answer is E . Because the graph is a horizontal line with zero slope, the object remains at rest at the same position (its velocity is zero). (d) The correct answer is A. Because the slope of the graph is positive at point A, the velocity of the object is positive and it is moving away from the origin. 15 •• [SSM] An object moves along a straight line. Its position versus time graph is shown in Figure 2-30. At which time or times is its (a) speed at a minimum, (b) acceleration positive, and (c) velocity negative? Determine the Concept Because this graph is of distance-versus-time we can use its instantaneous slope to describe the object’s speed, velocity, and acceleration. (a) The minimum speed is at EandD,B, , where it is zero. In the one- dimensional motion shown in the figure, the velocity is a minimum when the slope of a position-versus-time plot goes to zero (i.e., the curve becomes horizontal). At these points the velocity is zero and, therefore, the speed is zero.
  • 62. Chapter 262 (b) The acceleration is positive at points D.andA Because the slope of the graph is increasing at these points, the velocity of the object is increasing and its acceleration is positive. (c) The velocity is negative at point C. Because the slope of the graph is negative at point C, the velocity of the object is negative. 16 •• For each of the four graphs of x versus t in Figure 2-31 answer the following questions. (a) Is the velocity at time t2 greater than, less than, or equal to the velocity at time t1? (b) Is the speed at time t2 greater than, less than, or equal to the speed at time t1? Determine the Concept In one-dimensional motion, the velocity is the slope of a position-versus-time plot and can be either positive or negative. On the other hand, the speed is the magnitude of the velocity and can only be positive. We’ll usev to denote velocity and the word ″speed″ for how fast the object is moving. (a) curve a: ( ) ( )12 tvtv < curve b: ( ) ( )12 tvtv = curve c: ( ) ( )12 tvtv > curve d: ( ) ( )12 tvtv < (b) curve a: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt < curve b: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt = curve c: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt < curve d: ( ) ( )12 speedspeed tt > 17 •• True/false: Explain your reasoning for each answer. If the answer is true, give an example. (a) If the acceleration of an object is always zero, then it cannot be moving. (b) If the acceleration of an object is always zero, then its x-versus-t curve must be a straight line. (c) If the acceleration of an object is nonzero at an instant, it may be momentarily at rest at that instant. Explain your reasoning for each answer. If an answer is true, give an example. (a) False. An object moving in a straight line with constant speed has zero acceleration. (b) True. If the acceleration of the object is zero, then its speed must be constant. The graph of x-versus-t for an object moving with constant speed is a straight line. (c) True. A ball thrown upward is momentarily at rest when it is at the top of its trajectory. Its acceleration, however, is non-zero at this instant. Its value is the same as it was just before it came to rest and after it has started its descent.
  • 63. Motion in One Dimension 63 18 •• A hard-thrown tennis ball is moving horizontally when it bangs into a vertical concrete wall at perpendicular incidence. The ball rebounds straight back off the wall. Neglect any effects due to gravity for the small time interval described here. Assume that towards the wall is the +x direction. What are the directions of its velocity and acceleration (a) just before hitting the wall, (b) at maximum impact, and (c) just after leaving the wall. Determine the Concept The tennis ball will be moving with constant velocity immediately before and after its collision with the concrete wall. It will be accelerated during the duration of its collision with the wall. (a) Just before hitting the wall the velocity of the ball is in the +x direction and, because its velocity is constant, its acceleration is zero. (b) At maximum impact, the ball is reversing direction and its velocity is zero. Its acceleration is in the −x direction. (c) Just after leaving the wall, the velocity of the ball is in the −x direction and constant. Because its velocity is constant, its acceleration is zero. 19 •• [SSM] A ball is thrown straight up. Neglect any effects due to air resistance. (a) What is the velocity of the ball at the top of its flight? (b) What is its acceleration at that point? (c) What is different about the velocity and acceleration at the top of the flight if instead the ball impacts a horizontal ceiling very hard and then returns. Determine the Concept In the absence of air resistance, the ball will experience a constant acceleration and the graph of its position as a function of time will be parabolic. In the graphs to the right, a coordinate system was chosen in which the origin is at the point of release and the upward direction is the +y direction. The top graph shows the position of the ball as a function of time and the bottom graph shows the velocity of a ball as a function of time. y v t t (a) 0flightoftop =v (b) The acceleration of the ball is the same at every point of its trajectory, including the point at which v = 0 (at the top of its flight). Hence ga −= flight oftop .
  • 64. Chapter 264 (c) If the ball impacts a horizontal ceiling very hard and then returns, its velocity at the top of its flight is still zero and its acceleration is still downward but greater than g in magnitude. 20 •• An object that is launched straight up from the ground, reaches a maximum height H, and falls straight back down to the ground, hitting it T seconds after launch. Neglect any effects due to air resistance. (a) Express the average speed for the entire trip as a function of H and T. (b) Express the average speed for the same interval of time as a function of the initial launch speed v0. Picture the Problem The average speed is being requested as opposed to average velocity. We can use the definition of average speed as distance traveled divided by the elapsed time and the expression for the average speed of an object when it is experiencing constant acceleration to express vav in terms of v0. (a) The average speed is defined as the total distance traveled divided by the change in time: timetotal traveleddistancetotal av =v Substitute for the total distance traveled and the total time and simplify to obtain: T H T HH v 2 av = + = (b) The average speed for the upward flight of the object is given by: T Hv v 2 1 0 upav, 2 0 = + = ⇒ 04 1 v T H = The average speed for the same interval of time as a function of the initial launch speed v0 is twice the average speed during the upward portion of the flight: ( ) 02 1 04 1 upav,av 22 vvvv === Because 00 ≠v , the average speed is not zero. Remarks: 1) Because this motion involves a roundtrip, if the question asked for ″average velocity″, the answer would be zero. 2) Another easy way to obtain this result is take the absolute value of the velocity of the object to obtain a graph of its speed as a function of time. A simple geometric argument leads to the result we obtained above. 21 •• A small lead ball is thrown directly upward. Neglect any effects due to air resistance. True or false: (a) The magnitude of its acceleration decreases on the way up. (b) The direction of its acceleration on its way down is opposite to the direction of its acceleration on its way up. (c) The direction of its velocity on its way down is opposite to the direction of its velocity on its way up. Determine the Concept For free fall, the acceleration is the same (g) throughout the entire flight.
  • 65. Motion in One Dimension 65 (a) False. The velocity of the ball decreases at a steady rate. This means that the acceleration of the ball is constant. (b) False. The velocity of the ball decreases at a steady rate (g) throughout its entire flight. (c) True. On the way up the velocity vector points upward and on the way down it points downward. 22 •• At t = 0, object A is dropped from the roof of a building. At the same instant, object B is dropped from a window 10 m below the roof. Air resistance is negligible. During the descent of B to the ground, the distance between the two objects (a) is proportional to t, (b) is proportional to t2 , (c) decreases, (d) remains 10 m throughout. Determine the Concept Both objects experience the same constant acceleration. Choose a coordinate system in which downward is the positive direction and use a constant-acceleration equation to express the position of each object as a function of time. Using constant-acceleration equations, express the positions of both objects as functions of time: 2 2 1 0A0,A gttvxx ++= and 2 2 1 0B,0B gttvxx ++= where v0 = 0. Express the separation of the two objects by evaluating xB − xA: m10A.0B,0AB =−=− xxxx )(d is correct. 23 •• You are driving a Porsche that accelerates uniformly from 80.5 km/h (50 mi/h) at t = 0.00 to 113 km/h (70 mi/h) at t = 9.00 s. (a) Which graph in Figure 2-32 best describes the velocity of your car? (b) Sketch a position-versus- time graph showing the location of your car during these nine seconds, assuming we let its position x be zero at t = 0. Determine the Concept Because the Porsche accelerates uniformly, we need to look for a graph that represents constant acceleration. (a) Because the Porsche has a constant acceleration that is positive (the velocity is increasing), we must look for a velocity-versus-time curve with a positive constant slope and a nonzero intercept. Such a graph is shown in ( ).c
  • 66. Chapter 266 (b) Use the data given in the problem statement to determine that the acceleration of the Porsche is 1.00 m/s2 and that its initial speed is 22.4 m/s. The equation describing the position of the car as a function of time is ( ) ( ) .m/s00.1m/s4.22 22 2 12 ttx += The following graph of this equation was plotted using a spreadsheet program. 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t , s x,m 24 •• A small heavy object is dropped from rest and falls a distance D in a time T. After it has fallen for a time 2T, what will be its (a) fall distance from its initial location in terms of D, (b) its speed in terms of D and t, and (c) its acceleration? (Neglect air resistance.) Picture the Problem In the absence of air resistance, the object experiences constant acceleration. Choose a coordinate system in which the downward direction is positive and use the constant-acceleration equation to describe its motion. (a) Relate the distance D that the object, released from rest, falls in time t: ( ) 2 2 1 gtDtx == (1) Evaluate x(2t) to obtain: ( ) ( ) 22 2 1 222 gttgtx == (2) Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) and simplifying yields: ( ) 4 22 2 2 1 2 == gt gt D tx ⇒ ( ) Dtx 42 =