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                     Alert                                                                                              A report for clients and
                                                                                                                             friends of the Firm
                                                                                                                             January 2009

                                                                                  that the time clock for filing a Charge with the EEOC
                     President Obama Set                                          for compensation-related discrimination restarts each
                                                                                  time an employee receives a paycheck that manifests
                     To Sign Ledbetter Fair                                       the discrimination. In other words, under the
                                                                                  Ledbetter Act, so long as workers file a Charge within
                     Pay Act                                                      180/300 days of receiving a discriminatory paycheck,
                                                                                  their Charge is timely, notwithstanding how long ago
                                                                                  in time the discriminatory decision was made. Finally,
                     On January 27, 2009, the House of Representatives, by        the Ledbetter Act applies retroactively, as if the law
                     a vote of 250-177, approved S. 181, the Lilly Ledbetter      was in effect on May 28, 2007, the day before the
                     Fair Pay Act of 2009 (“the Ledbetter Act”) sending the       Supreme Court’s landmark ruling.
                     bill to President Obama who has promised to sign the
                     legislation into law. Earlier, on January 22, 2009, the
                                                                                  Background: Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire &
                     Senate voted 61-36 approving the Ledbetter Act. A
                     signing ceremony is anticipated for later this week          Rubber Co.
                     signaling the Obama Administration’s intention to            On May 29, 2007, the Supreme Court held in
                     revamp current labor laws and expand coverage under          Ledbetter, that disparate treatment pay discrimination
                     existing employment laws. Many believe that the              claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1991
                     selection of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as the first   must be filed within the Charge-filing period (either
                     law enacted under the Obama administration is a              300 days in states with fair employment practices
                     harbinger of things to come.                                 agencies, or 180 days) after the alleged pay decision is
                                                                                  made – not within 180 days of receiving the last
                     The Ledbetter Act reverses a May 2007 Supreme Court
                     decision, Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber, 550
                     U.S. 618 (2007), that Ledbetter could not recover in a       For nearly 20 years, Lilly Ledbetter worked for
                     discrimination suit because her claim – alleging her         Goodyear as a supervisor at its Gadsden, Alabama
                     employer paid her less than her male co-workers during       plant. Just prior to taking early retirement, Ledbetter
                     most of her 19-year career – had not been filed in a         filed a Charge with the Equal Employment
                     timely manner, notwithstanding the continuing effects        Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) alleging sex
                     of alleged past discrimination. This was so, the Court       discrimination. In her lawsuit, Ledbetter alleged that
                     reasoned, because Ledbetter did not timely complain          she received smaller raises than her male counterparts
                     of discrimination when Goodyear purportedly made its         as a result of performance evaluations motivated by
                     discriminatory decisions about Ledbetter’s                   discrimination, and by the conclusion of her
                     compensation, years prior to her Charge-filing date.         employment with Goodyear, Ledbetter was earning
                     The 5-4 decision was controversial, and the dissent by       significantly less than her male counterparts.
                     Justice Ginsberg called upon Congress to reverse the
                     decision. Congressional leaders, including                   The jury found in Ledbetter’s favor awarding her
                     then-Senator Obama, vowed to overturn Ledbetter.             backpay and more than three million dollars in
                                                                                  punitive damages. On appeal, the U.S. Court of
                     The new law effectively eases the statute of limitations     Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed. The court
                     for compensation-implicated personnel actions                held that a Title VII pay discrimination claim could
                     (including promotion, hiring, evaluation, and employee       not be based on pay decisions which were made and
                     benefits decisions) under Title VII, as well as under        implemented prior to the Charge-filing period, and that
                     other federal employment discrimination statutes (e.g.,      Ledbetter had not established that Goodyear had acted
                     ADEA, ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act). It codifies          with discriminatory intent in either of its pay decisions
                                                                                  made within 180 days of her Charge.
In a 5-4 decision, authored by Justice Alito, the Supreme            and that the proposed legislation would effectively eliminate
Court affirmed the Eleventh Circuit’s decision, holding that         the uniform statute of limitations on many discrimination
Ledbetter’s pay discrimination claim was untimely. The               claims forcing employers to have to defend against alleged
Court rejected the “paycheck rule,” that each time employees         discriminatory actions that may have occurred years prior.
receive a paycheck that evidences prior discriminatory pay
practices, it triggers anew the EEOC Charge-filing period,           The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 moved swiftly through
permitting the employee to bring a timely claim. The Court           the House of the Representatives where it passed in July 2007,
found that, in order to state a viable disparate treatment pay       before stalling in the Senate. In April 2008, then-Senator
claim, there must be evidence that the discriminatory act            Obama flew back to Washington, D.C., in the middle of his
occurred during the Charge-filing period. The Court                  presidential campaign, to cast his vote in favor of the Lilly
reasoned that a pay-setting decision is a discrete act,              Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, but the bill fell 4 votes shy of
independently identifiable and actionable, and that “current         stopping the Senate debate and was tabled for the remainder
effects alone cannot breathe life into prior, uncharged              of the 110th Congress.
discrimination.” Accordingly, the Court ruled, the statute of
limitations for Ledbetter’s pay discrimination claim ran after       Before the 111th Congress had convened, House leadership
each alleged discriminatory decision was made and                    announced its intention to take up the Ledbetter bill along
communicated to her.                                                 with another pay discrimination bill as its first order of
                                                                     business. In the first week of the 111th Congress, The Lilly
In the wake of Ledbetter, employees could not pursue a               Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 (H.R. 11) was introduced
backpay claim under Title VII for sex-based pay                      and moved directly to the floor of the House, where it was
discrimination based on pay decisions made and                       considered under a special rule and passed without the
communicated prior to the applicable limitations period for          possibility of an amendment. The House followed the same
filing a Charge, even when the employee was, arguably,               course of action with The Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 12), a
unaware of the disparity. As a result, employees who claimed         sweeping bill that would transform the Equal Pay Act by,
compensation-related discrimination, pointing to decisions           among other things, limiting employer defenses and adding
made beyond the 180/300 day limitations period, were out of          uncapped punitive and compensatory damages. The House
luck, absent evidence that discriminatory animus permeated           linked the two bills and sent them on to Senate for
pay decisions during the Charge-filing period. As the                consideration as one.
Supreme Court, long ago, remarked in United Airlines v.
Evans, 431 U.S. 553, 558 (1977), “the continuing effects of          Senate leadership, recognizing that the Paycheck Fairness Act
the precharging period discrimination did not make out a             would be a more protracted fight, decided to take up the
present violation.”                                                  Ledbetter bill (S. 181) on its own. On January 22, 2009, the
                                                                     Senate voted by a margin of 61 to 36 to pass the Ledbetter
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, in dissent, argued that the             legislation and on January 27, 2009, the House voted
Court’s opinion was contrary to Congressional intent and             overwhelmingly to approve the Ledbetter Act. (S. 181).
ignored common characteristics of pay discrimination and
the realities of the workplace. The dissent urged Congress to
correct the Court’s “cramped interpretation” and
                                                                     Key Provisions of The Lilly Ledbetter Fair
“parsimonious reading of Title VII.” Justice Ginsberg opined         Pay Act
that “[o]nce again, the ball is in Congress’s court,” referring to
the 1991 Civil Rights Act, which superseded a series of                  Adopts the “Paycheck Rule.” The time period for
Supreme Court decisions on civil rights.                                 filing a pay discrimination charge with the EEOC begins
                                                                         to run each time an employee receives a paycheck that
Congress Takes Action                                                    manifests discrimination. The new rule effectively
                                                                         eliminates the statute of limitations for compensation-
On June 22, 2007, just one month after the Supreme Court’s
                                                                         implicated personnel actions because each new paycheck
ruling in Ledbetter, Rep. George Miller (D-CA.) introduced
                                                                         gives rise to a new Charge-filing period. We say
H.R. 2831, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007, to
                                                                         “compensation-implicated personnel actions” because, in
overturn the Court’s decision. As proposed, an unlawful
                                                                         Ledbetter, she claimed that the pay discrimination arose
employment practice occurs when: (1) a discriminatory
                                                                         from performance evaluations that reflected
compensation decision or other practice is adopted; (2) an
                                                                         discriminatory animus resulting in smaller wage increases
individual becomes subject to the decision or other practice;
                                                                         than to similarly situated male counterparts.
or (3) an individual is affected by application of the decision
or practice, including each time the compensation is paid.
                                                                         Applies to claims of pay discrimination under Title
                                                                         VII, as well as the ADEA, the ADA, and the Rehab.
Opponents of the bill argued that the Supreme Court’s ruling
                                                                         Act. Although the Ledbetter decision involved sex-based
in Ledbetter, was entirely consistent with its prior decisions

compensation discrimination under Title VII, the new                Undefined terms will result in additional litigation.
   legislation amends all of Title VII, as well as the ADEA,           The new Act includes a number of terms and phrases
   the ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act. Thus, the                      that are undefined or could have far broader application,
   Ledbetter Act now applies to claims alleging                        e.g. “when an individual is affected by application of a
   compensation-implicated discrimination based on sex,                discriminatory compensation decision or other practice.”
   age, race, color, religion, national origin, and disability.        Employers should anticipate litigation over who is
                                                                       protected and what employer conduct/practices may
   Applies to Retirees. The new law applies to retirement              trigger liability.
   payments such that it will restart the time period for filing
   a Charge to the first time a retiree receives an annuity        Conclusions: What Employers Should Do
   check or other retirement benefit that s/he claims was          This new law could have broad implications for all employers
   based on wage decisions permeated with discrimination           but should be of particular concern for those who have not
   because his/her pension benefits are depressed. The             been vigilant in documenting the rationale for pay and
   Ledbetter Act is less clear as to whether the paycheck rule     promotion decisions, as well as merit pay increases based on
   will apply to each new pension payment.                         performance evaluations. In our view, executives, officers,
                                                                   managers, and/or supervisors would do well by considering
   Any employment action affecting compensation                    the following:
   could be considered timely. The new law extends the
   paycheck rule beyond pay raises to include any decision             Ensure that your workplace has systems in place for
   or “other practice” affecting compensation “in whole or             setting and reviewing all pay decisions – including
   in part” that may have influenced compensation received.            merit-based decisions arising from performance
   Therefore, the paycheck rule could be applied to any                evaluations;
   employment action – including decisions on employee
   benefits, hiring, employment transfers and/or evaluations           Document the reasons for pay decisions, particularly the
   – that impacts compensation in any way.                             rationale for why certain employees may receive higher or
                                                                       lower pay, benefits, or evaluations than similarly situated
   Two-year recovery cap remains. While employees and                  co-workers;
   retirees may now reach back to their first day of
   employment for evidence of a discriminatory pay                     Recognize that documentation is key to defending against
   decision, they can only recover back-pay for up to the              a pay discrimination claim which, as a result of this
   two years preceding the filing of their EEOC Charge.                legislation, can be based on almost every personnel
   Applies to intentional discrimination and disparate
   impact claims. The Act applies to both intentional                  Retain complete personnel files … forever;
   discrimination and disparate impact claims alike.
                                                                       Train managers, supervisors, and executives on how to
   Retroactive application. The Act takes effect                       conduct an appropriate performance evaluation.
   retroactively as if it was enacted on May 28, 2007, the             Consider having a committee review all personnel
   day before the Supreme Court issued the Ledbetter                   evaluations that impact merit-based pay decisions;
   decision and expressly applies to all claims of
   compensation discrimination pending on or
   after that date.                                                    Train managers, supervisors, and executives in document
                                                                       retention and maintenance to ensure consistent
                                                                       employment records; and
What Employers Should Look Out For
                                                                       Seek advice of counsel when unsure of your obligations
   Exposure to the Paycheck Rule. The law effectively                  under the new law.
   ends the statute of limitations for compensation-
   implicated personnel actions. Each paycheck provides            If you have any questions about compliance under the new
   employees with all the documentation they will need to          law, or any other employment-related questions, please
   bring a timely action for wage discrimination – even in         contact any of the attorneys listed on this Client Alert, or
   situations where the alleged discrimination occurred            your Proskauer relationship attorney.
   years earlier.


           Client Alert
           The Proskauer Rose Employment Law Counseling and Training Practice Group is
           a multidisciplinary practice group throughout the national and international
           offices of the firm which advises and counsels clients in all facets of the
           employment relationship including compliance with federal, state and local
           labor and employment laws; review and audit of employment practices,
           including wage-hour and independent contractor audits; advice on regulations;
           best practices to avoid workplace problems and improve employee satisfaction;
           management training; and litigation support to resolve existing disputes.
           If you have any questions about the impact of these changes to the New York
           Labor Laws, please contact your Proskauer relationship lawyer or one of the
           lawyers listed below:

           Washington, D.C.
                  Leslie E. Silverman
                  202.416.5836 –
                  Lawrence Z. Lorber
                  202.416.6891 –
           New York
                  Elise M. Bloom
                  212.969.3410 –
                  Fredric C. Leffler
                  212.969.3570 –
                  Katharine H. Parker
                  212.969.3009 –
                  Marc A. Mandelman
                  212.969.3113 –
                  Mark W. Batten
                  617.526.9850 –
           Boca Raton
                  Allan H. Weitzman
                  561.995.4760 –
             John P Barry
             973.274.6081 –

                  Wanda L. Ellert
                  973.274.3285 –
           New Orleans
                  Charles F. Seemann
                  504.310.4091 –
                  Howard Shapiro
                  504.310.4085 –
           Los Angeles
                  Anthony J. Oncidi
                  310.284.5690 –
                  Harold M. Brody
                  310.284.5625 –
                  Arthur F. Silbergeld
                  310.284.5624 –
           Special thanks to associate, Keji Ayorinde, for her contribution
           in drafting this Client Alert

           Proskauer Rose is an international law firm that handles a full spectrum of
           legal issues worldwide.
    This publication is a service to our clients and friends. It is designed only to give general information on the developments actually
    covered. It is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of recent developments in the law, treat exhaustively the subjects covered,
    provide legal advice or render a legal opinion.
    © 2009 PROSKAUER ROSE LLP All rights reserved. Attorney Advertising.

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Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

  • 1. ® PROSKAUER ROSE LLP Client Alert A report for clients and friends of the Firm January 2009 that the time clock for filing a Charge with the EEOC President Obama Set for compensation-related discrimination restarts each time an employee receives a paycheck that manifests To Sign Ledbetter Fair the discrimination. In other words, under the Ledbetter Act, so long as workers file a Charge within Pay Act 180/300 days of receiving a discriminatory paycheck, their Charge is timely, notwithstanding how long ago in time the discriminatory decision was made. Finally, On January 27, 2009, the House of Representatives, by the Ledbetter Act applies retroactively, as if the law a vote of 250-177, approved S. 181, the Lilly Ledbetter was in effect on May 28, 2007, the day before the Fair Pay Act of 2009 (“the Ledbetter Act”) sending the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling. bill to President Obama who has promised to sign the legislation into law. Earlier, on January 22, 2009, the Background: Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Senate voted 61-36 approving the Ledbetter Act. A signing ceremony is anticipated for later this week Rubber Co. signaling the Obama Administration’s intention to On May 29, 2007, the Supreme Court held in revamp current labor laws and expand coverage under Ledbetter, that disparate treatment pay discrimination existing employment laws. Many believe that the claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 selection of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as the first must be filed within the Charge-filing period (either law enacted under the Obama administration is a 300 days in states with fair employment practices harbinger of things to come. agencies, or 180 days) after the alleged pay decision is made – not within 180 days of receiving the last paycheck. The Ledbetter Act reverses a May 2007 Supreme Court decision, Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber, 550 U.S. 618 (2007), that Ledbetter could not recover in a For nearly 20 years, Lilly Ledbetter worked for discrimination suit because her claim – alleging her Goodyear as a supervisor at its Gadsden, Alabama employer paid her less than her male co-workers during plant. Just prior to taking early retirement, Ledbetter most of her 19-year career – had not been filed in a filed a Charge with the Equal Employment timely manner, notwithstanding the continuing effects Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) alleging sex of alleged past discrimination. This was so, the Court discrimination. In her lawsuit, Ledbetter alleged that reasoned, because Ledbetter did not timely complain she received smaller raises than her male counterparts of discrimination when Goodyear purportedly made its as a result of performance evaluations motivated by discriminatory decisions about Ledbetter’s discrimination, and by the conclusion of her compensation, years prior to her Charge-filing date. employment with Goodyear, Ledbetter was earning The 5-4 decision was controversial, and the dissent by significantly less than her male counterparts. Justice Ginsberg called upon Congress to reverse the decision. Congressional leaders, including The jury found in Ledbetter’s favor awarding her then-Senator Obama, vowed to overturn Ledbetter. backpay and more than three million dollars in punitive damages. On appeal, the U.S. Court of The new law effectively eases the statute of limitations Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed. The court for compensation-implicated personnel actions held that a Title VII pay discrimination claim could (including promotion, hiring, evaluation, and employee not be based on pay decisions which were made and benefits decisions) under Title VII, as well as under implemented prior to the Charge-filing period, and that other federal employment discrimination statutes (e.g., Ledbetter had not established that Goodyear had acted ADEA, ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act). It codifies with discriminatory intent in either of its pay decisions made within 180 days of her Charge.
  • 2. In a 5-4 decision, authored by Justice Alito, the Supreme and that the proposed legislation would effectively eliminate Court affirmed the Eleventh Circuit’s decision, holding that the uniform statute of limitations on many discrimination Ledbetter’s pay discrimination claim was untimely. The claims forcing employers to have to defend against alleged Court rejected the “paycheck rule,” that each time employees discriminatory actions that may have occurred years prior. receive a paycheck that evidences prior discriminatory pay practices, it triggers anew the EEOC Charge-filing period, The Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 moved swiftly through permitting the employee to bring a timely claim. The Court the House of the Representatives where it passed in July 2007, found that, in order to state a viable disparate treatment pay before stalling in the Senate. In April 2008, then-Senator claim, there must be evidence that the discriminatory act Obama flew back to Washington, D.C., in the middle of his occurred during the Charge-filing period. The Court presidential campaign, to cast his vote in favor of the Lilly reasoned that a pay-setting decision is a discrete act, Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, but the bill fell 4 votes shy of independently identifiable and actionable, and that “current stopping the Senate debate and was tabled for the remainder effects alone cannot breathe life into prior, uncharged of the 110th Congress. discrimination.” Accordingly, the Court ruled, the statute of limitations for Ledbetter’s pay discrimination claim ran after Before the 111th Congress had convened, House leadership each alleged discriminatory decision was made and announced its intention to take up the Ledbetter bill along communicated to her. with another pay discrimination bill as its first order of business. In the first week of the 111th Congress, The Lilly In the wake of Ledbetter, employees could not pursue a Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 (H.R. 11) was introduced backpay claim under Title VII for sex-based pay and moved directly to the floor of the House, where it was discrimination based on pay decisions made and considered under a special rule and passed without the communicated prior to the applicable limitations period for possibility of an amendment. The House followed the same filing a Charge, even when the employee was, arguably, course of action with The Paycheck Fairness Act (H.R. 12), a unaware of the disparity. As a result, employees who claimed sweeping bill that would transform the Equal Pay Act by, compensation-related discrimination, pointing to decisions among other things, limiting employer defenses and adding made beyond the 180/300 day limitations period, were out of uncapped punitive and compensatory damages. The House luck, absent evidence that discriminatory animus permeated linked the two bills and sent them on to Senate for pay decisions during the Charge-filing period. As the consideration as one. Supreme Court, long ago, remarked in United Airlines v. Evans, 431 U.S. 553, 558 (1977), “the continuing effects of Senate leadership, recognizing that the Paycheck Fairness Act the precharging period discrimination did not make out a would be a more protracted fight, decided to take up the present violation.” Ledbetter bill (S. 181) on its own. On January 22, 2009, the Senate voted by a margin of 61 to 36 to pass the Ledbetter Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, in dissent, argued that the legislation and on January 27, 2009, the House voted Court’s opinion was contrary to Congressional intent and overwhelmingly to approve the Ledbetter Act. (S. 181). ignored common characteristics of pay discrimination and the realities of the workplace. The dissent urged Congress to correct the Court’s “cramped interpretation” and Key Provisions of The Lilly Ledbetter Fair “parsimonious reading of Title VII.” Justice Ginsberg opined Pay Act that “[o]nce again, the ball is in Congress’s court,” referring to the 1991 Civil Rights Act, which superseded a series of Adopts the “Paycheck Rule.” The time period for Supreme Court decisions on civil rights. filing a pay discrimination charge with the EEOC begins to run each time an employee receives a paycheck that Congress Takes Action manifests discrimination. The new rule effectively eliminates the statute of limitations for compensation- On June 22, 2007, just one month after the Supreme Court’s implicated personnel actions because each new paycheck ruling in Ledbetter, Rep. George Miller (D-CA.) introduced gives rise to a new Charge-filing period. We say H.R. 2831, the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007, to “compensation-implicated personnel actions” because, in overturn the Court’s decision. As proposed, an unlawful Ledbetter, she claimed that the pay discrimination arose employment practice occurs when: (1) a discriminatory from performance evaluations that reflected compensation decision or other practice is adopted; (2) an discriminatory animus resulting in smaller wage increases individual becomes subject to the decision or other practice; than to similarly situated male counterparts. or (3) an individual is affected by application of the decision or practice, including each time the compensation is paid. Applies to claims of pay discrimination under Title VII, as well as the ADEA, the ADA, and the Rehab. Opponents of the bill argued that the Supreme Court’s ruling Act. Although the Ledbetter decision involved sex-based in Ledbetter, was entirely consistent with its prior decisions 2
  • 3. compensation discrimination under Title VII, the new Undefined terms will result in additional litigation. legislation amends all of Title VII, as well as the ADEA, The new Act includes a number of terms and phrases the ADA, and the Rehabilitation Act. Thus, the that are undefined or could have far broader application, Ledbetter Act now applies to claims alleging e.g. “when an individual is affected by application of a compensation-implicated discrimination based on sex, discriminatory compensation decision or other practice.” age, race, color, religion, national origin, and disability. Employers should anticipate litigation over who is protected and what employer conduct/practices may Applies to Retirees. The new law applies to retirement trigger liability. payments such that it will restart the time period for filing a Charge to the first time a retiree receives an annuity Conclusions: What Employers Should Do check or other retirement benefit that s/he claims was This new law could have broad implications for all employers based on wage decisions permeated with discrimination but should be of particular concern for those who have not because his/her pension benefits are depressed. The been vigilant in documenting the rationale for pay and Ledbetter Act is less clear as to whether the paycheck rule promotion decisions, as well as merit pay increases based on will apply to each new pension payment. performance evaluations. In our view, executives, officers, managers, and/or supervisors would do well by considering Any employment action affecting compensation the following: could be considered timely. The new law extends the paycheck rule beyond pay raises to include any decision Ensure that your workplace has systems in place for or “other practice” affecting compensation “in whole or setting and reviewing all pay decisions – including in part” that may have influenced compensation received. merit-based decisions arising from performance Therefore, the paycheck rule could be applied to any evaluations; employment action – including decisions on employee benefits, hiring, employment transfers and/or evaluations Document the reasons for pay decisions, particularly the – that impacts compensation in any way. rationale for why certain employees may receive higher or lower pay, benefits, or evaluations than similarly situated Two-year recovery cap remains. While employees and co-workers; retirees may now reach back to their first day of employment for evidence of a discriminatory pay Recognize that documentation is key to defending against decision, they can only recover back-pay for up to the a pay discrimination claim which, as a result of this two years preceding the filing of their EEOC Charge. legislation, can be based on almost every personnel action; Applies to intentional discrimination and disparate impact claims. The Act applies to both intentional Retain complete personnel files … forever; discrimination and disparate impact claims alike. Train managers, supervisors, and executives on how to Retroactive application. The Act takes effect conduct an appropriate performance evaluation. retroactively as if it was enacted on May 28, 2007, the Consider having a committee review all personnel day before the Supreme Court issued the Ledbetter evaluations that impact merit-based pay decisions; decision and expressly applies to all claims of compensation discrimination pending on or after that date. Train managers, supervisors, and executives in document retention and maintenance to ensure consistent employment records; and What Employers Should Look Out For Seek advice of counsel when unsure of your obligations Exposure to the Paycheck Rule. The law effectively under the new law. ends the statute of limitations for compensation- implicated personnel actions. Each paycheck provides If you have any questions about compliance under the new employees with all the documentation they will need to law, or any other employment-related questions, please bring a timely action for wage discrimination – even in contact any of the attorneys listed on this Client Alert, or situations where the alleged discrimination occurred your Proskauer relationship attorney. years earlier. 3
  • 4. BOCA RATON BOSTON CHICAGO HONG KONG LONDON LOS ANGELES NEW ORLEANS NEW YORK NEWARK PARIS SÃO PAULO WASHINGTON, D.C. Client Alert The Proskauer Rose Employment Law Counseling and Training Practice Group is a multidisciplinary practice group throughout the national and international offices of the firm which advises and counsels clients in all facets of the employment relationship including compliance with federal, state and local labor and employment laws; review and audit of employment practices, including wage-hour and independent contractor audits; advice on regulations; best practices to avoid workplace problems and improve employee satisfaction; management training; and litigation support to resolve existing disputes. If you have any questions about the impact of these changes to the New York Labor Laws, please contact your Proskauer relationship lawyer or one of the lawyers listed below: Washington, D.C. Leslie E. Silverman 202.416.5836 – Lawrence Z. Lorber 202.416.6891 – New York Elise M. Bloom 212.969.3410 – Fredric C. Leffler 212.969.3570 – Katharine H. Parker 212.969.3009 – Marc A. Mandelman 212.969.3113 – Boston Mark W. Batten 617.526.9850 – Boca Raton Allan H. Weitzman 561.995.4760 – Newark John P Barry . 973.274.6081 – Wanda L. Ellert 973.274.3285 – New Orleans Charles F. Seemann 504.310.4091 – Howard Shapiro 504.310.4085 – Los Angeles Anthony J. Oncidi 310.284.5690 – Harold M. Brody 310.284.5625 – Arthur F. Silbergeld 310.284.5624 – Special thanks to associate, Keji Ayorinde, for her contribution in drafting this Client Alert Proskauer Rose is an international law firm that handles a full spectrum of legal issues worldwide. This publication is a service to our clients and friends. It is designed only to give general information on the developments actually covered. It is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of recent developments in the law, treat exhaustively the subjects covered, provide legal advice or render a legal opinion. © 2009 PROSKAUER ROSE LLP All rights reserved. Attorney Advertising. . 4 You can also visit our Website at