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Ano (8a
Série) – Ensino Fundamental
Inglês Básico
List of Verbs ................................................................................................................ 5
Past Perfect Simple .................................................................................................... 10
Past Perfect Continuons............................................................................................ 11
Reported Speech 1 .................................................................................................... 12
Reported Speech 2 .................................................................................................... 13
Reported Speech (Requests, Orders, Advice) ....................................................... 14
Reported Questions................................................................................................... 15
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 16
Say and Tell ................................................................................................................. 21
Gerund ......................................................................................................................... 21
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 23
Question Tag ............................................................................................................... 24
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 25
Verbs – Past Perfect Simple –
Past Perfect Continuous –
Reported Speech
LIST OF VERBS _____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 01
Infinitive Past tense Past participle Translation
to arise arose arisen surgir, levantar-se
to awake awoke or awaked awoke or awaked acordar
to be was, were been ser, estar
to bear bore borne dar à luz
to bear bore borne suportar
to beat beat beaten bater, derrotar
to become became become tornar-se
to begin began begun começar
to bend bent bent curvar-se, dobrar
to bet bet bet apostar
to bind bound bound amarrar, obrigar, encadernar
to bite bit bitten morder
to bleed bled bled sangrar
to blow blew blown soprar
to break broke broken quebrar
to bring brought brought trazer
to build built built construir
to burn burnt or burned burnt or burned queimar
to burst burst burst irromper, explodir
to buy bought bought comprar
to cast cast cast atirar, fundir
to catch caught caught alcançar, pegar
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to choose chose chosen escolher
to cling clung clung agarrar-se, apegar-se
to come came come vir, chegar
to cost cost cost custar
to creep crept crept arrastar-se, engatinhar
to cut cut cut cortar
to deal dealt dealt lidar, tratar, negociar
to dig dug dug cavar
to do did done fazer
to draw drew drawn desenhar, puxar
to dream dreamt or dreamed dreamt or dreamed sonhar
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven dirigir, impelir
to dwell dwelt or dwelled dwelt or dwelled habilitar, residir
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen cair
to feed fed fed alimentar
to feel felt felt sentir
to fight fought fought lutar
to find found found achar, encontrar
to flee fled fled fugir
to fling flung flung arremessar (-se), atirar
to fly flew flown voar, viajar de avião
to forbid forbade forbidden proibir
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
to freeze froze frozen congelar
to get got gotten or got obter, chegar, receber
to give gave given dar
to go went gone ir
to grind ground ground moer
to grow grew grown crescer, cultivar
to hang hung hung pendurar
to have had had ter
to hear heard heard ouvir
to hide hid hidden esconder
to hit hit hit bater, atingir
to hold held held segurar
to hurt hurt hurt ferir, magoar
to keep kept kept conservar, guardar
to kneel knelt or kneeled knelt or kneeled ajoelhar-se
to knit knit or knitted knit or knitted tricotar
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar
to lead led led levar, conduzir
to lean leant or leaned leant or leaned inclinar-se, encostar
to leap leapt or leaped leapt or leaped pular, saltar
to learn learnt or learned learnt or learned aprender
to leave left left abandonar, partir
to lend lent lent emprestar (para)
to let let let deixar, permitir
to lie lay lain deitar-se, jazer, estar situado
to light lit or lighted lit or lighted acender
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer
to mean meant meant significar
to meet met met encontrar, conhecer
to mow mowed mown or mowed cortar
to pay paid paid pagar
to put put put pôr
to quit quit quit desistir, abandonar
to read read read ler
to ride rode ridden andardecarro,bicicleta,cavalo
to ring rang rung tocar, soar
to rise rose risen levantar-se, aumentar, subir
to run ran run correr
to saw sawed sawn or sawed serrar
to say said said dizer
to see saw seen ver
to seek sought sought procurar
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar
to set set set pôr, instalar
to sew sewed sewn or sewed costurar
to shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer
to shed shed shed derramar, verter
to shine shone shone brilhar
to shoot shot shot atirar, disparar
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to show showed shown mostrar
to shrink shrank shrunk encolher
to shut shut shut fechar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar
to sit sat sat sentar
to slay slew slain assassinar
to sleep slept slept dormir
to slide slid slid or slidden escorregar, deslizar
to smell smelt or smelled smelt or smelled cheirar
to sow sowed sown or sowed semear
to speak spoke spoken falar
to speed sped or speeded sped or speeded acelerar, correr
to spell spelt or spelled spelt or spelled soletrar
to spend spent spent gastar, passar (tempo)
to spill spilt or spilled spilt or spilled derramar, entornar
to spin span or spun spun fiar, girar
to split split split rachar, dividir
to spread spread spread espalhar
to spring sprang sprung pular, brotar
to stand stood stood ficar em pé, suportar
to steal stole stolen roubar
to stick stuck stuck grudar
to sting stung stung picar, ferroar
to stink stank stunk cheirar mal
to strike struck struck bater, atingir
to strive strove striven esforçar-se
to swear swore sworn jurar, praguejar
to sweat sweat or sweated sweat or sweated transpirar
to sweep swept swept varrer
to swell swelled swollen or swelled inchar
to swim swam swum nadar
to swing swung swung balançar
to take took taken levar, tirar, pegar, tomar
to teach taught taught ensinar
to tear tore torn rasgar
to tell told told dizer, contar
to think thought thought pensar
to understand understood understood entender, compreender
to throw threw thrown jogar, lançar
to thrust thrust thrust empurrar
to wake woke or waked woken or waked acordar
to wear wore worn usar, vestir
to weave wove woven tecer
to wed wed wed casar-se
to weep wept wept lamentar, chorar
to wet wet or wetted wet or wetted molhar (-se)
to win won won vencer, ganhar
to wind wound wound dar corda, curvar
to withdraw withdrew withdrawn retirar (-se)
to write wrote written escrever
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Complete com o past simple. Todos os verbos são
1)1 He jumped in the sea
and _____________ to
the beach.
2)→I think your cousins ___
_______ very nice.
3)1 He _________ his bike
all afternoon.
4)→Laura ____________ a
phone call.
1) →Yesterday __________
very hot.
1) 1 Sheila __________ me
a letter.
2) 1 The baby ________ for
three hours last night.
3) →I _____________ up at
5:00 this morning.
4) →She ________ school
early and went home.
2. Complete as sentenças com os verbos no past parti-
ciple. Todos são verbos irregulares.
a) They have ______________ school now. They’re
at the University.
b) I’ve ________________ my keys. I can’t find them.
c) Have you ever _______________ this play?
d) We’ve just ________________ a new CD player.
e) Have you ________________ your car yet? I’d like
to buy it.
f) I’ve never ____________ in a sleeping bag before.
g) Our team has _________ . We’re the champions.
h) She’s ______________ two aspirins, but she still
has a headache.
i) Have you ever ______________ to SouthAmerica?
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I / you / he / she / it / we / they + had + past participle
Exemplo: I had already cooked dinner when you arrived. → full form
I’d already cooked dinner when you arrived. → short form
had = ‘d
I / you / he/ she / it / we / they + had not + past participle
Exemplo: We had not finished our homework when the class started.
We hadn’t finished our homework when the class started.
had not = hadn’t
Had + I / you / he / she / it / we / they + past participle
Exemplo: Had the film already started when you arrived?
Observação – Usamos o past perfect simple para falar de uma ação
que foi completada no passado, antes de uma outra também no passado.
Exemplo: After John had eaten his dinner he went to bed.
aconteceu primeiro aconteceu depois
Observação – Freqüentemente usamos o past perfect com when e after.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 02
Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação
3. Leia cada situação abaixo e marque a resposta correta.
a) The boy delivered the pizza. Mark had already paid
for it.
Which came first:
a) ( ) the delivery or b) ( ) the payment?
b) The waiter brought the wine. They had already had
Which came first:
a) ( ) the wine or b) ( ) the water?
c) I’d read the book, so I wrote a composition.
Did I first:
a) ( ) read the book or b) ( ) write a compo-
d) The film had finished, so my sister rewound the
Did my sister rewind the cassette:
a) ( ) after or b) ( ) before the film finished?
e) Paul had an invitation to the picnic, but he had
already arranged a trip to his grandmother’s house.
Which came first:
a) ( ) the invitation or b) ( ) the arrange-
ments for the trip?
4. Em cada item há dois eventos na ordem em que
eles ocorreram. Forme uma sentença com as infor-
mações, usando as palavras entre parênteses.
a) I started the car. My mother appeared.
(When my mother / appear /, I / already / start / the car)
b) We caught the thief. The policemen arrived.
(When the policemen / arrive /, we / already / catch
/ the thief)
c) Daniel finished the report. His boss came back.
(When his boss / come / back / Daniel / already /
finish / the report)
d) Mary went to school. Bill phoned.
(When Bill / phone / Mary / already / go / to school)
e) My cousins had dinner. I came home.
(When I / come / home / my cousins / already /
have / dinner)
f) Tina prepared lunch. Her husband got home from
(When her husband / get / home from work / Tina /
already / prepare / lunch)
5. James acabou de retornar aos Estados Unidos.
Complete as sentenças abaixo a respeito de James,
usando o passado perfeito. Use os verbos abaixo.
live find spend fly have make break not pay be lend
a) James ___________ in Canada and in Mexico.
b) He _____________ measles.
c) He ______________ a teacher and a driver.
d) He _____________ planes in Canada.
e) He ______________ his arms in a plane crash.
f) He ______________ his relatives in Mexico.
g) He ___________ a lot of money but he ________
h) He _____________ some of the money to his
relatives and they __________ him back.
had been + -ing
After I had been walking for an hour I decided to have a rest. → afirmativa
She hadn’t been waiting for too long before the bus arrived. → negativa
Had you been reading this book before you went to bed? → interrogativa
Observação – Usamos o past perfect continuous para enfatizar a
continuidade de alguma atividade até um certo momento no passado.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 03
Exercícios de Aplicação
6. Escreva orações sobre o que as pessoas disseram
à polícia que estavam fazendo, e o que realmente
faziam na noite passada.
Exemplo: Mr. Stone said he had been playing golf,
but he had been watching people using a telescope.
7. Complete o diálogo, colocando os verbos no past
perfect continuous.
Jane: How was your test?
Beth: Horrible. I was too nervous and too tired because
(1) __________________ (I / study) the night before.
Jane: Tell me what happened.
Beth: The teacher was twenty minutes late because
(2) ___________________ (he / talk) to the principal.
(3) _________________________ (I / wait) for a long
time and I’d got more nervous.
Jane: But how was the test?
Beth: Well, I don’t know. I tried to be calm. (4) ________
________ (I / read) a book that said you have to be
calm in tests. I’m not sure if it worked.
8. Complete com uma sentença no past perfect conti-
nuous para explicar o que aconteceu de acordo com
as figuras.
stay / by the sea
b) c)
cry drive / his car too fast
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play / with matches
stand / under a tree
Usamos o reported speech (discurso indireto) para contar algo que foi
dito anteriormente.
Exemplo: Sue: “I’m tired”
Sue says (that) she is tired.
Quando o verbo usado para fazer o reported speech (discurso indire-
to) está no presente (exemplo: say / says), o tempo verbal da oração no direct
speech (discurso direto) não sofre alteração alguma.
Como você pôde verificar no exemplo acima, tanto no direct speech
(discurso direto) quanto no reported speech (discurso indireto), os verbos
estão no presente simples.
Veja, a seguir, um outro exemplo:
Paul: “I’ve never been to Canada”.
Paul says (that) he has never been to Canada.
Os verbos estão no present perfect (presente perfeito) tanto no direct
speech quanto no reported speech.
Observação – That pode ser omitido.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 04
Exercício de Aplicação
9. Passe para o reported speech.
a) Bob: “New York is a beautiful city.”
b) Helen: I play tennis every Sunday.”
c) Mary: “James isn’t studying for the final exam.”
d) Lucy: “I used to be thin.”
e) Joyce: “I can swim.”
a) Laura got sunburned. d) The children burnt themselves.
b) Bobby looked sad. e) Paul was hurt during a storm.
c) Brian was stopped by a policeman.
Quando nós usamos o reported speech (discurso indireto) para contar
alguma coisa depois de algum tempo que esta ocorreu, geralmente usamos
o verbo no passado (exemplo: said), portanto, o verbo no direct speech
(discurso direto) sofre alterações quando passado para o reported speech
(discurso indireto).
Exemplo: Jane: “I want to drink something.”
Jane said (that) she wanted to drink something.
Como você pôde observar, o verbo que estava no presente simples (want)
passou para o passado simples (wanted) no discurso indireto. Outra altera-
ção que também ocorreu foi a mudança do pronome I para she.
A seguir temos algumas mudanças que ocorrem na passagem do direct
speech (discurso direto) para o reported speech (discurso indireto).
Exercícios de Aplicação
10. Passe para o reported speech usando said.
a) Julie said, “My brother works in a hospital.”
b) Brian said, “I’m staying in a good hotel.”
c) Jessica said, “I’ve never been to France.”
d) Melissa said, “I can’t use a fax machine.”
e) Kelly said, “Thomas must try to do the homework.”
f) Pat said, “Paul may visit me.”
g) Sue said, “I’ll travel on my vacation.”
11. Passe para o reported speech de acordo com cada
Edward said: “Ellen, I hate you.”
Later, Ellen said to her friends: Edward said that he
hated me.
Michelle said: “I love your photos, Steve.”
Later, Michelle said to her cousin: I said to Steve that I
like his photos.
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a) Rachel said: “You can trust me, Peter.”
Later, Peter said to his father: Rachel said that __
____________________________________ .
b) Mark said: “Charles, your sister has been rude.”
Later, Charles said to his sister: Mark said that __
____________________________________ .
c) Ann said: “Louise is moving to my house, Claire.”
Later, Claire said to Louise: Ann said that _______
____________________________________ .
d) Diana said: “I’ll help you, Chris.”
Later, Diana said to her friends: I said to Chris that
____________________________________ .
e) The principal said: “Students! You must stay in the
Later, the students said to their parents: The prin-
cipal said that __________________________ .
f) Andy said: “Bill may come to the barbecue, Ron.”
Later, Ron said to Bill: Andy said that __________
____________________________________ .
Para passar um pedido para o reported speech usamos o verbo asked.
Exemplos: Ricky: “Please wait a minute, Kevin.”
Ricky asked Kevin to wait a minute.
Observação – No reported speech (discurso indireto), não usamos a
palavra please.
Para passar uma ordem para o reported speech usamos o verbo told.
Exemplos: “Stand up, Jason.”
He told Jason to stand up.
“You must study harder.”
He told me to study harder.
Para passar um conselho para o reported speech, usamos o verbo
Exemplos: “You should get married, Paul.”
He advised Paul to get married.
No reported speech, os verbos ask, tell e advise são usados da se-
guinte forma:
verbo + objeto + to + infinitivo
He told Jason to stand up.
Além dos verbos advise, ask e tell, também poderão ser usados os
seguintes verbos:
order persuade remind forbid warn
Quando o pedido, a ordem ou o conselho estiverem na forma negativa, a
passagem para o reported speech será a seguinte:
verbo + objeto + not to + infinitivo
Exemplos: “Don’t run!”
She told me not to run.
Jane: “Don’t listen to music now, Peter”.
Jane told Peter not to listen to music then.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 05
Exercícios de Aplicação
12. Reescreva as orações usando um objeto + to +
a) “Make lunch please, Susan.”
Paul asked
b) “You must do your homework, Mark.”
He told
c) “Don’t forget to buy a guide book, Liz.”
She reminded
d) “You should stop drinking, John.”
The doctor advised
e) “Go to school, Laura.”
Frank told
f) “Please, bring me some water, Bill.”
Sara asked
13. Complete os diálogos usando as palavras entre pa-
rênteses, um pronome (me, him, them), a palavra
not e o past simple.
A: Did you tell the children to wash the dog?
(Yes, but I / tell / to use too much soap).
B: Yes, but I told them not to use much soap.
a) A: Did you invite Beth for dinner?
B: (Yes, and I / tell / to be late).
b) A: Did the doctor tell your father to rest?
B: (Yes, and he / warn / to go to work).
c) A: Did you ask Jane to go to the supermarket?
B: (Yes, and I / tell / forget the milk).
d) A: Did the coach tell the players to eat well?
B: (Yes, and he / warn / to go to discos).
e) A: Did the dentist tell you to brush your teeth four
times a day?
B: (Yes, and she / warn / to eat too much chocolate).
Quando estamos fazendo o Reported Speech de uma pergunta, usa-
mos o verbo ask.
Quando tivermos uma yes/no question, ou seja, a pergunta começa com
o verbo to be ou um auxiliar, usamos ask if ou ask wether.
Exemplo: Do they speak English? ® Direct Speech
He asked if they spoke English. ® Reported Speech
He asked whether they spoke English.
Se tivermos uma pergunta com question word (who, what, where, etc)
usamos ask + question word da própria pergunta.
Exemplo: Where does Paul live? ® Direct Speech
She asked where Paul lived. ® Reported Speech
Quando a pergunta é dirigida a uma pessoa, usamos ask + pronome
objeto (me, him, her, etc) ou o nome da pessoa.
Exemplos: Can you ride a horse? ® Direct Speech
He asked me if I could ride a horse. ® Reported Speech
Have you been to the U.S.A., Peter? ® Direct Speech
He asked him if he had been to the U.S.A. ® Reported Speech
Observação – No lugar do verbo ask podemos usar want to know ou
Exemplo: Did they go to the party yesterday? ® Direct Speech
She wanted to know if they had been to the party the previous
day. ® Reported Speech
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 06
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Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação
14. Passe para o Reported Speech.
Exemplo: Did they go to school?
She asked if they had gone to school.
a) Do you speak Spanish?
They asked ___________________________ .
b) Why did you take my umbrella?
He wanted to know ______________________ .
c) How many students came to the class?
The teacher asked ______________________ .
d) Does Paul study on Saturdays?
I asked _______________________________ .
e) Can I see you again?
I asked _______________________________ .
f) What has she done?
He asked _____________________________ .
g) Why has Jessica cried?
Marion asked __________________________ .
h) Where do you go on your vacations?
Steve asked them _______________________ .
i) Where do you study?
Ron asked her _________________________ .
15. Dois ladrões roubaram um banco e foram presos.
Um policial fez as seguintes perguntas a um deles:
a) How long have you been out of prison?
b) Have you had a job since then?
c) Does your mother give you money?
d) Who else gives you money?
e) Do you know Joe Smith?
f) How long have you known Joe?
g) Have you seen Joe recently?
a) He asked him __________________________ ,
and he answered that he had left prision two
months ago.
b) He asked him __________________________ .
He answered he hadn’t found one.
c) Then he asked him ______________________ ,
and he said she gave him some money.
d) He asked him __________________________ .
He aswered that nobody else.
e) He asked him __________________________ ,
and he said that he and Joe were friends.
f) Then he asked him ______________________ ,
and he told he had known him for ten years.
g) Finally he asked him _____________________ ,
and he replied that he couldn’t remember.
Too Tired to Think!
How much sleep you need depends on your
age. Babies doze about 18 hours a day. For
school-age kids, nine to 10-12 hours is ideal. But
35% of 10-to-12-years-olds in the survey got only
seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half
said they do before bedtime. Watch TV.
“More children are going to bed with TV on
their bedrooms,” says Dr. Mary Carskadon, a
sleep researcher in Rhode Island. Dr. Carskadon
says that stimulating activities at bedtime make it
hard for kids to go to sleep.
Getting too little sleep can affect how well
you learn. Studies have shown that sleepy people
have trouble with memory and concentration. One
of the biggest changes comes in your mood.
When you’re really tired, you tend to be grouchy.
What can you do to stay rested and cheerful?
Go to bed at the same time every night. Develop
a relaxing bedtime routine (hint: reading is good!).
And remember: your body needs rest to refuel
for all your daytime activities.
– By Alice Park
Exercícios de Fixação
16. (Mód. 01) Complete com o past simple dos verbos
entre parênteses.
a) John ____________ to the disco yesterday. (go)
b) Laura ____________ a new jacket last week. (buy)
c) Paul ____________ a letter last month. (send)
d) I ____________ some strange noises last night.
e) They ____________ a lot last Saturday. (drink)
17. (Mód. 01) Complete com o past participle dos ver-
bos entre parênteses.
a) I have ____________ my finger. (cut)
b) They have ____________ the homework. (do)
c) She has ____________ to Canada. (be)
d) He has ______________ an interesting compo-
sition. (write)
e) We have ________________ some money on the
street. (find)
18. (Mód. 02) Escreva sentenças sobre o que as pesso-
as já tinham feito ou o que elas nunca tinham feito.
Use o passado perfeito e already ou never.
a) Last year Mike won a race for the second time.
He ___________________________ before that.
b) Last month I visited Europe for the first time.
I ____________________________ before that.
c) Last Sunday Jim drove a car for the first time.
He ___________________________ before that.
d) Last weekend John came here for the fourth time.
He ___________________________ before that.
e) Last class my son wrote a composition for the
first time.
He ___________________________ before that.
19. (Mód. 02) Usar when ou after para fazer uma sentença.
a) I listened to music. Then I watched a video for two
b) We read a text. Then we talked about it.
c) I wrote a card. Then I posted it.
d) She stopped taking medicines. She looked much
e) I bought food for dinner. Then I cooked it.
20. (Mód. 02) Escolha o simple past ou o past perfect.
When I (1) (go) to New York last Christmas, I (2)
(not be) there for three years. I (3) (arrive) on December
23 rd.
As I was walking around the city, I (4) (see) so
many familiar places and even a friend, whose
address I (5) (lose) after leaving New York. So, I (6)
(call) his name.
He (7) (not be) confortable meeting me, I don’t
know why. He (8) (arrive) in New York that morning,
and he (9) (have) an interview job in the beginning of
January. Then he (10) (say) goodbye and I could reali-
ze I would never see him again.
1 – _____________ 6 – _____________
2 – _____________ 7 – _____________
3 – _____________ 8 – _____________
4 – _____________ 9 – _____________
5 – _____________ 10 – _____________
21. (Mód. 03) Larry Smith está respondendo a algumas
perguntas de um policial. Complete o diálogo usan-
do o past perfect continuous.
A: Mr. Smith, what / you / do / that day? (1)
B: I / play / with my kids. We / make / a barbecue. (2)
A: You / drink? (3)
B: Yes, I (4)
A: How long / you / drink? (5)
B: I / drink / for about one hour. (6)
A: Ok, thank you Mr. Smith.
22. (Mód. 03) Complete o texto com o past perfect
continuous. Use os verbos:
drive lie repair work
Phill was lucky to escape after the accident he
had last night. He slept while driving and crashed into
a truch left by workers who (1) ___________________
on the road.
When he left his office at 2:00 this morning, he (2)
__________________ for 36 hour without any sleep.
Another driver discovered the accident after Phill (3)
_____________________ in his car for half an hour.
The doctor said that if Phill (4) ___________________
faster he could have died.
18 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
23. (Mód. 04) Escreva sentenças no reported speech de
acordo com as figuras. Use says.
a) d)
b) e)
c) f)
24. (Mód. 04) Complete os espaços abaixo:
Be careful with two thieves who are in the city. They
say they (1) __________ from the telephone company
and want to check if the person’s phone (2) ________
They ask people if they will (3) __________ them
enter the house.
People usually don’t ask to (4) _________ any iden-
tification and they say that the two thieves (5) ________
come in. While one thief stays downstairs pretending
to fix the phone, the other thief says he (6) __________
to go upstairs and takes everything he can.
25. (Mód. 04) Joyce foi à uma cartomante para ver seu
Fortune teller: “I can see you’re going to get married
to a dark-haired man who was your boyfriend.”
Joyce: “I’ve never had a dark-haired boyfriend.”
Fortune teller: “You always went to visit him in San
Joyce: “I’ve never been to San Francisco.”
Fortune teller: “He gave you this ring you’re
Joyce: “But I bought it myself.”
Fortune teller: “You’re going to be very happy with
Joyce: “I’m sorry, you’re wrong.”
Fortune teller: “You’ll see I’m right.”
Agora Joyce está contando a seus amigos o que
a) She said she ____________ the man I was going
to get married. She said he _________ dark-haired
and ____________ my boyfriend.
b) I said that I ___________________ a dark-haired
c) She said I ___________________________ him
in San Francisco.
d) I said that I ______________________ San Fran-
e) She said that he _______________ me the ring I
_________ wearing.
f) I said that I ___________________ it myself.
g) She said I ______________________ very happy
with him.
h) I said that she __________ wrong.
i) She said that I _______________ she _________
26. (Mód. 04) Passe as sentenças para o reported
Exemplo: “I’ll love you for ever.”
He said he would love her for ever.
a) “I can’t live without you.”
b) “I’ll never forget you.”
c) “You’re the only one I love.”
d) “You can always trust me.”
e) “I haven’t felt this way before.”
27. (Mód. 05) Reescreva o que as pessoas disseram
usando as palavras entre parênteses e o past simple.
Bob said, “Brian, would you lend me ten dollars, plea-
Bob asked Brian to lend him ten dollars.
a) My cousin said to his secretary “Remember to call
the directors.” (remind)
b) The teacher said, “Do your homework, children.”
c) Gary said, “Sue, please lend me your French
book.” (ask)
d) He said, “Kids, stay away from the river.” (warn)
e) The principal said to Mary, “You should see a
doctor.” (advise)
f) She said, “Frank, wash your hands.” (tell)
g) Mrs. Johnson said, “Marty, remember to take your
coat.” (remind)
28. (Mód. 06) Use as palavras entre parênteses para fazer
uma pergunta e complete com a reported question.
Exemplo: (where / have / Paul / go / ?)
Question: Where has Paul gone?
Reported Question: I asked where Paul had gone.
a) (do / James / play / baseball / ?)
Reported Question: I asked _______________
b) (what / have / the kids / drink / ?)
Reported Question: The teacher asked ______
c) (What / be / Michael / doing / ?)
Reported Question: He wanted to know _____
d) (When / be / the next train / ?)
Reported Question: The old lady asked______
e) (Have / Lucy / see / this video / ?)
Reported Question: Mr. Cheng wanted to know.
f) (How many / people / will / travel / ?)
Reported Question: The tour guide asked ____
20 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Say and Tell / Gerund
Para fazermos o reported speech, (com exceção de reported questions)
geralmente usamos say ou tell.
Com o say, usamos say (that) ou say to someone (that) e, com o tell,
temos que usar tell someone (that).
Exemplos: Kevin: “You’re very intelligent, Sue.”
Kevin said (that) Sue was very intelligent.
Kevin said to Sue (that) she was very intelligent.
Kevin told Sue (that) she was very intelligent.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 07
Exercício de Aplicação
1. Reescreva as sentenças abaixo usando tell em vez
de say.
Neil said to Lynn that he wouldn’t come to the meeting.
Neil told Lynn that he wouldn’t come to the meeting.
a) He said to her that he liked her photos.
b) Kevin said to Johnny that he liked that CD.
c) Terence said to Mary that he forgot to bring her
d) She said to Thomas that she would go away.
e) He said to me that he couldn’t find his wallet.
f) Sara said to him that she would send him a
g) My parents said to me that they would arrive at
Gerúndio é a forma substantiva do verbo e é sempre terminado em ing.
Pode ser usado como sujeito ou objeto.
Exemplo: Swimming is a nice sport. ® como sujeito
Do you like running? ® como objeto
Formação do Gerúndio
eat – eating
swim – swimming
write – writing
play – playing
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 08
22 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
2. Complete com a forma correta do gerúndio.
a) _________________ is a good exercise. (swim)
b) ______________ movies is good to relax. (watch)
c) I love __________________ clothes. (buy)
d) _________________ is the best way to travel. (fly)
e) _____________ money is really important. (save)
f) ____________ is very bad for your health. (smoke)
g) I don’t like __________________ letters. (write)
h) We enjoy __________________ tennis. (play)
i) __________________ to other countries is really
great. (travel)
3. Complete com o verbo no gerúndio para cada figura.
Christina likes _______________ .
Tony likes _________________ .
Michelle loves ________________ TV.
Peter doesn’t like _____________ the house.
Helen likes _________________ her bike.
Paul loves _________________ .
Heart Throbs
A third of all patients won’t feel any chest pain
You probably already know that a viselike pressure
in the chest is the most common physical sign of
a heart attack. You may even be aware that the
body sometimes “refers” the pain of a heart
attack, sending it to the neck, jaw or arms. But do
you know the second, third or fourth most
common sign of a heart attack? You should. As
many as a third of all men and women feel no
muscle pain when they suffer a heart attack,
according to a study in last week’s Journal of the
American Medical Association. Recognizing the
less common signs of a heart attack could save
your life or that of someone you love.
What Else to Look For
Shortness of breath
Profuse sweating
A sense of doom
Chest, neck, arm, back pain
Personal Time/Your Health: Heart Throbs – PAG...
Exercícios de Fixação
4. (Mód. 7) Use a forma correta de say ou tell.
a) I ___________ that I was tired.
b) ___________ her what you want.
c) Have you ______ the teacher about this problem?
d) Did you ___________ anything?
e) She never ___________ me how she is.
f) Ann ________ her sister she was going to school.
g) Why didn’t you _________ goodbye?
h) ___________ her to sit down.
5. (Mód. 08) Reescreva cada uma das sentenças, co-
meçando com um verbo no gerúndio.
Exemplo: It’s difficult to study late at night.
Studying late at night is difficult.
a) It’s not easy to get up early.
b) It takes time to learn a foreign language.
c) It’s not allowed to park here.
d) It’s interesting to visit art museums.
e) You’re forbidden to talk.
f) It’s nice to listen to music.
g) You are not allowed to smoke.
24 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Question Tag
Question Tag é uma pergunta no final da oração para confirmar o que
foi dito. Se afirmamos algo, o question tag nega.
Exemplo: It’s hot, isn’t it?
1 1afirmação negação
Se negamos algo, o question tag afirma.
Exemplo: It isn’t hot, is it?
1 1negação afirmação
Present Simple: You like English, don’t you?
You don’t like English, do you?
Present Continuous: He is studying, isn’t he?
He isn’t studying, is he?
Present Perfect: She’s arrived, hasn’t she?
She hasn’t arrived, has she?
Past Simple: You ate a hamburguer, didn’t you?
You didn’t eat a hamburguer, did you?
Past Continuous: They were playing soccer, weren’t they?
They weren’t playing soccer, were they?
will – You’ll come, won’t you?
You won’t come, will you?
going to – You’re going to travel, aren’t you?
You aren’t going to travel, are you?
be – This is a good movie, isn’t it?
This isn’t a good movie, is it?
can – She can speak French, can’t she?
She can’t speak French, can she?
would – He wouldn’t like this story, would he?
He would like this story, wouldn’t he?
should – You shouldn’t go to the party, should you?
You should go to the party, shouldn’t you?
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 09
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Escolha o question tag correto.
a) James got a lot of money, did he/didn’t he?
b) You don’t speak Spanish, do you/don’t you?
c) The kids were shouting a lot, were they/weren’t they?
d) Liz doesn’t feel well, does she/doesn’t she?
e) Charles didn’t like the show, did he/didn’t he?
f) It has been a nice day, has it/hasn’t it?
g) You aren’t traveling tonight, are you/aren’t you?
h) You will come to my party, will you/won’t you?
i) Mark likes English, does he/doesn’t he?
j) He’s waiting for the bus, is he/isn’t he?
2. Combine as duas partes de cada sentença.
1) They’re not playing well today, a) has he?
2) But they played well last week, b) are they?
3) They didn’t lose any games, c) didn’t they?
4) The new goalkeeper is excellent, d) won’t they?
5) But they lose too many goals, e) don’t they?
6) They’ll have to change the coach, f) did they?
7) He hasn’t been a good one, g) isn’t he?
1____ 3____ 5____ 7____
2____ 4____ 6____
3. Complete o diálogo usando question tag.
A: I think we’re lost. We should have bought a guide
book, (1) ____________?
B: Well, we’ll have to ask someone, (2) _________ ?
Let’s ask that woman over there, (3) __________?
A: What did she say?
B: I understood her very well, but now I can’t remem-
ber the way to the station.
A: You understood her very well, (4) ____________?
You can’t understand French, (5) ____________?
B: Ok, let’s take a taxi.
A: We don’t have money for a taxi, (6) ____________?
B: No. But it doesn’t matter anymore because we
have already missed our train, (7) ____________?
From: Time For Kids
26 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
4. (Mód. 09) Duas pessoas estão em um cinema. Com-
plete o diálogo usando question tag.
A: It’s a great movie, _____________?
B: Yeah, it’s good.
A: Those two guys are going to fight, ____________?
B: Maybe.
A: I was right, _______________?
B: Yes, you were.
A: That girl has a gun, _________________?
B: Yes, she does.
A: He’s going to shoot the thief, _______________?
B: Maybe.
A: She is really beautiful, _________________?
B: Stop! You can never be quiet, _____________?
5. (Mód. 09) Acrescente o question tag correto.
a) Susan has helped you a lot, ________________?
b) You don’t eat salad, __________________?
c) The baby girl was sleeping, ________________?
d) I missed the plane, __________________?
e) Josie is traveling tomorrow, ________________?
f) We’re going to lose the game, ______________?
g) You haven’t done your homework, ___________?
h) Your parents are coming to the party, __________?
i) Michael didn’t come to school, ______________?
j) You like chocolate cake, __________________?
k) We’re late, __________________?
l) Your name is Jessica, __________________?
m) She’s waiting for the train, __________________?
n) They will come back, __________________?
o) Gillian does not come from Canada, _________?
Passive Voice I - Present ........................................................................................... 29
Passive Voice II ........................................................................................................... 30
Time for kids ............................................................................................................... 31
Third Conditional ........................................................................................................ 33
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 35
All .................................................................................................................................. 37
Every ............................................................................................................................ 37
Each ............................................................................................................................. 37
Most ............................................................................................................................. 37
Description: Adjective Order..................................................................................... 39
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 39
Word Formation: Prefixes .......................................................................................... 41
Suffixes ........................................................................................................................ 41
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 42
Passive Voice I -
A voz passiva é usada principalmente para dar ênfase ao objeto; para
que isso ocorra o objeto torna-se o sujeito da frase.
– o objeto da voz ativa torna-se o sujeito da voz passiva.
– o verbo to be aparece sempre no tempo verbal da frase da voz ativa.
– o verbo principal está sempre no particípio passado.
– o sujeito da voz ativa torna-se o agente da passiva, sempre acom-
panhado da preposição by (isso se for necessário falar quem fez a ação, por
exemplo, someone, they, people). Não há necessidade de serem colocados
como agentes por não serem específicos.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 10
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Passe as sentenças para a voz passiva. Use o agen-
te da passiva somente quando necessário.
Exemplo: Someone in New York writes these
These letters are written in New York.
a) Jessica makes John’s clothes.
b) Mr. White manages the company.
c) They keep a lot of jewels and money in a bank in
d) Cigarretes cause forest fires.
e) Do they grow sugar cane in Brazil?
f) They don’t grow coffee in Russia.
30 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Como vimos no módulo anterior, a voz passiva é feita pelo verbo to be no
mesmo tempo da voz ativa + o particípio passado do verbo principal.
Como podemos ver acima, o verbo principal da voz ativa está no passa-
do simples (wrote), portanto o verbo to be na voz passiva também está no
passado simples (was).
Mudanças verbais que ocorrem na passagem da voz ativa para a voz
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 11
2. Passe para a voz passiva.
a) The teachers must correct the exams.
b) The kids are organizing a surprise party.
c) The American team has won the gold medal.
d) A boy was taking care of the lions.
e) All the students can play this game.
f) A lot of people were watching the speech.
g) The assistant sent a message.
h) The doctors have seen the new patient.
i) A police car is following us.
3. Passe as frases para a voz ativa.
a) The Japanese lamp was broken by the girls.
b) Information is stored by computers.
c) This poem has been written by me.
d) The letters were sent by Karl.
e) The windows are washed by the nurse.
f) Your secret will be revealed by her.
Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação
32 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 11
4. Passe as sentenças para a voz passiva.
a) The police arrest a lot of people every day.
b) Louis always find money on the streets.
c) They plant a lot of trees every year.
d) They sell most of the tickets on the day of the play.
e) The ambulance takes sick people to the hospital.
f) They grow coffee in Brazil.
g) Famous journalists write articles in this
newspaper every day.
5. Reescreva as sentenças na voz passiva.
a) They built the building in 1927.
b) A cat has eaten my food.
c) They will give a gift tomorrow.
d) They have postponed our test.
e) One of the players broke a window.
f) People drink a lot of cans of soft drinks every day.
g) They’ll change your room.
h) Bob has won a prize.
Exercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de Fixaçãoixaçãoixaçãoixaçãoixação
If Sentences
Third Conditional
Como vimos anteriormente, a oração condicional expressa uma condi-
ção e sempre aparece ligada a uma oração principal.
Third Conditional
If + Past Perfect + (would have + Past Participle) Perfect Conditional
Exemplo: If she had had money, she would have gone to the movies.
No exemplo acima, podemos ver que a third conditional descreve uma
condição impossível, ou seja: se ela tivesse tido dinheiro, ela teria ido ao
cinema, como ela não tinha dinheiro, ela não foi.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 12
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Leia a história abaixo.
In August 1995, Paul lost his job in Los Angeles. He
had a family to support and he was very worried. He
saw an advertisement in the newspaper for an
interesting job, but he had to know to speak French.
He didn’t know to speak French very well, so he didn’t
apply for it. In November a friend phoned him to tell
him about a job in Italy. He phoned the company in
Italy, and they asked him to go for an interview. He
thought he wouldn’t get the job, but the director of the
company liked him. However, he couldn’t start at once
because he didn’t know any Italian. He took a course
to learn Italian. So, by January he had a new job and
moved to Italy with his family.
Escreva sentença usando as palavras entre parên-
Exemplo: (If Paul / not / have / a family to support, he
/ not / be / so worried)
If Paul hadn’t had a family to support, he wouldn’t
have been so worried.
a) (If he / not / look / in the newspaper, he / not / see
/ the advertisement)
b) (If he / speak / French, he / apply / for the job)
c) (If his friend / not / phone, he / not / know / about
the job in Italy)
d) (If he / not / contact / the company, they / not / ask
/ him to go for an interview)
e) (If the interview / go / badly, the director / not / offer
/ Paul / a job)
f) (If Paul / know / some Italian, he / start / at once)
34 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
If Sentences (First, Second and Third Conditionals)
Há três tipos principais de condicionais.
Conditional: If + Present Simple + will / can / might
Exemplo: If the weather is
1 good we will go to the club.
Condição provável
Conditional: If + Past Simple + would / could / might
Exemplo: If I had
1 money I would go to Europe.
Condição improvável
Conditional: If + Past Perfect + would have / could have/
/might have + Past Participle
Exemplo: IfRomário had played
Passado Perfeito
1 233 433
Condição impossível
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 13
2. Faça a associação das frases e junte-as usando if. Diga a qual tipo de condicional elas pertencem.
1 - Larry went to bed at 8:00. a - I’ll follow him.
2 - The babies had worn different clothes. b - I wouldn’t have bought it.
3 - If the guide tells what he wants. c - He wouldn’t sleep.
4 - People traveled by train. d - There would be less pollution.
5 - If I hadn’t seen the product in the supermarket. e - We could have said who they were.
3. Bob plays the drums. The noise he makes is annoying
his father.
Mr. Smith: Stop playing the drums! This noise is
Bob: But dad! If (1)
__________________ (I / not
practice), I won’t be a good musician.
Mr. Smith: But it’s midnight. If (2)
_____________________ (you / play) during the day,
_____________________ (I / not / hear) you. If (4)
_____________________ (you / not / play) so loud,
_____________________ (it / not / be) so bad.
Bob: I’m sorry dad. But I can’t stop playing.
Mr. Smith: Son, if (6)
_____________________ (I / re-
alize) a year ago what you were doing, (7)
_____________________ (I / not / buy) it. If (8)
_____________________ (you / keep) making this
noise at night, (9)
_____________________ (I / sell)
the drums.
Exercícios de Aplicação
MAY 22, 2000 VOL. 155 NO. 21 VISIONS 21
Dangerous Season
Forget those summer tans--they’re an
invitation to skin cancer. Kids especially need sun
Ah, the sweet images of summer!
Think of sunny skies, leisurely strolls in the
park, lolling in a new swimsuit on a sandy beach.
The season of sunshine is just around the corner.
That’s the good news. The bad news is that
summer is the danger season for your skin. Each
year 1.3 million Americans fall victim to skin
cancer, and 9,000 of them die. Sadly, almost all
of these deaths could have been prevented. The
problem is that not enough of us are following
basic sun-exposure precautions, especially for
our children. That’s evident from the results of a
new survey by the American Academy of
Dermatology. It shows that 13% of youngsters age
12 or under have experienced at least one
sunburn and that 24% of parents admit they have
never used sunscreen to protect their kids.
While darker skin tends to burn less easily,
everyone needs protection, including African
Americans. Here are some simple rules you
shouldn’t forget:
– Use a sunscreen anytime you’re out in the
sun for more than 20 minutes.
– Apply it 15 to 30 minutes beforehand.
– Cover all exposed parts of your body,
including less accessible places like the legs, the
back of the neck and the tops of the ears.
For more information about your skin and the
sun, search for the words Safe Sun Tips at http:/
/ E-mail Dr. Ian at END
36 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 12
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 13
5. Relacione as colunas.
a) He will help us ( ) we will buy a pizza.
b) I would study today ( ) he would approve the project.
c) If the police comes ( ) if you had looked for it.
d) What would you do ( ) you would see the film.
e) If he accepted the idea ( ) if we ask him for help.
f) You would have found the book ( ) if he breaks the vase.
g) She will punish Tom ( ) I would have finished my work.
h) If you had helped me ( ) they will run away.
i) If you went to the movies ( ) if I gave you 500 dollars?
j) We would have cleaned the kitchen ( ) if I had a test tomorrow.
k) If you are hungry ( ) if we had had time.
l) If they were tired ( ) they would rest.
6. Complete as frases condicionais com os verbos entre parênteses.
a) If the weather is fine, we _____________________ (go) to the mountains.
b) They _____________________ (learn) the lesson if they had paid attention.
c) We _____________________ (go) to the movies if we had had money.
d) She _____________________ (tell) you the story if you ask her.
e) I _____________________ (invite) Paul if I knew him.
f) If they _____________________ (ask) me, I will tell the truth.
g) If it _____________________ (rain) you won’t go out.
h) I’ll explain everything again if she _____________________ (not - understand) it
4. Complete as sentenças com as informações entre
a) (Mary didn’t get a job as a teacher because she
wasn’t graduated)
Mary _____________________ the job as a
teacher if she _____________________ .
b) (Peter lost our address, that’s why he didn’t write
to us)
If Peter _____________________ our address,
he _____________________ to us.
c) (Nancy broke her arm, so she didn’t play)
If Nancy _____________________ her arm, she
_____________________ .
d) (Laura didn’t make dinner because she forgot to
buy meat)
Laura _____________________ dinner if she
_____________________ to buy meat.
Every /All
All pode ser usado antes de substantivos no plural ou antes de um subs-
tantivo incontável.
Exemplo: All plants need water. ⇒ O uso do all indica que são to-
das as plantas do mundo.
Ainda podemos usar o all seguido de uma frase significando tudo ou
uma única coisa.
Exemplos: Tell me all you can do. (Diga-me tudo o que você pode
All he did was tidy his room. (Tudo o que ele fez foi arrumar seu quarto,
ou seja, foi a única coisa que ele fez.)
Every é usado antes de substantivos no singular para falar sobre um
grupo inteiro.
Exemplo: Every bus has a number. (Todo ônibus tem um número.)
Each é usado antes de substantivos no singular e significa cada.
Exemplo: Each person in that building has a car. (Cada pessoa na-
quele prédio tem um carro.)
Observação – Each acompanhado da preposição of precede um subs-
tantivo no plural.
Exemplo: Each of the apartments has a garage. (Cada um dos apar-
tamentos tem uma garagem.)
Most significa maioria e pode ser usado antes de substantivos no plural
ou antes de um substantivo incontável.
Exemplo: Most people would like to travel more. (A maioria das pes-
soas gostaria de viajar mais.)
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 14
38 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Observação – Most e All podem ser seguidos ou não da preposição of,
mas antes de pronomes é obrigatório o uso de of.
Exemplo: Most of them arrived late.
Observação – Every e All antes de: day, morning, week, etc.
I travel every day = (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ...)
I was traveling all day. (from morning till evening)
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Complete o diálogo com every ou each. Em algu-
mas situações, ambos são possíveis.
Walter: Your new apartment is much bigger than your
previous one. Does (1)
_____________ person have
their own room?
Linda: Yes. And (2)
_____________ one pay his
share of the rent (3)
_____________ month.
Walter: It’s great! Do you have many parties here?
Linda: Of course, but not (4)
_____________ week.
Walter: How do you organize your parties?
Linda: Well, (5)
_____________ guest brings some
food or drinks. But we won’t have any parties for the
next two weeks because we’re studying for our exams
_____________ night.
2. Complete com every ou all e a palavra entre parên-
a) I don’t go to church ____________________
b) I’ve been studying ____________________
(morning) today.
c) She’s so tired today because she spent
____________________ (night) at the disco.
d) Susan gets up at 6:00 ____________________
e) It’s 5:00 p.m.Are you going to sleep ____________
f) Last Sunday my father spent _____________
(day) fishing.
g) Joe is in a hurry ____________________ (time)
I see him.
3. Completar com all ou most.
Cinco pessoas tomaram parte em um jogo para res-
ponder vinte perguntas. Eles responderam todas
corretamente ou a maior parte?
Exemplo: Jessica answered seventeen questions:
She got most of them right.
a) Kate answered all twenty correctly:
b) David’s answered sixteen questions correctly:
c) Mike answered them all right except two:
d) Tony gave twenty correct answers:
Description: Adjective Order.
Para fazermos uma descrição usamos adjetivos. Em inglês, os adjeti-
vos devem seguir uma determinada ordem, de acordo com o quadro abaixo:
Exemplos: She is a beautiful tall American girl.
quality size nationality
It’s a round yellow toy.
shape color
5. Transforme as duas sentenças em uma.
I’ve got a car. It’s blue. It is small. It goes 140 kilometers
an hour.
I’ve got a small, blue car which goes 140 kilometers
an hour.
a) Sue knows a girl. She’s Italian. She’s young. She
lives in Venice.
b) George’s got a jacket. It’s silk. It’s black. It looks
c) Daniel’s got a pair of shoes. It’s new. It’s brown.
It’s cheap.
d) I’ve got a friend. He’s Dutch. He’s pleasant. He
writes to me every month.
e) We study English in a room. It is square. It’s small.
It has just one window.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 15
4. Coloque as palavras em ordem para escrever sen-
tenças corretas.
a) American / He’s / an / boy.
b) a / fair-haired / boy / American / He’s
c) American / thin / He’s / fair-haired / boy / a
d) He’s / young / a / thin / American / fair-haired / boy
e) short / American / thin / fair-haired / boy / young /
He’s / a
f) thin / young / boy / He’s / pleasant / a / fair-haired /
short / American
Exercícios de Aplicação
September 22, 2000
Scientists Discover ‘Hole’ Truth
Astronomers find black hole in galaxy’s
Scientists have just made a discovery - a
VERY big discovery. They have spotted a giant
black hole that lies smack in the middle of the
Milky Way galaxy. This black hole has a mass of
more than two million suns. (How large is that?
Keep in mind that the diameter, or width, of one
sun is 864,000 miles - more than 100 times wider
than the Earth!)
What Are Black Holes?
A black hole is a mysterious object that is so
thick and creates forces of gravity so strong that
even light cannot escape from the hole’s surface.
That’s what makes black holes almost impossible
to see.
Since the newly discovered hole lies within
the Milky Way - which is home to our very own
solar system - it can truly be called our
neighborhood black hole. In fact, scientists have
closely pinpointed its precise location using the
Keck Telescope in Hawaii.
40 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
How to Find a Black Hole
Researchers at the University of California
in Los Angeles have been watching stars spin
closer and faster around the black hole for the
past four years. By measuring tiny differences in
the images of stars that revolve around what is
believed to be the center of the galaxy, scientists
were able to pinpoint the black hole.
This latest discovery will help astronomers
learn more about the formation of galaxies and
black holes. Since researchers have always
believed that most black holes lie at the center of
their galaxies, their new findings may also help
us map out our place in space.
“This has always been a major goal,” said
Wallace Tucker, who works out of the Harvard-
Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
“To try to figure out exactly where the center
of our galaxy is.”
- By Dina Maasarani
Exercícios de Fixação
6. Complete o parágrafo usando all, every ou each. Às
vezes mais de uma resposta pode ser possível.
_________________ the houses in my
neighborhood look the same, the only difference is
that (2)
_________________ house has its own
_________________ morning. (4)
_________________ of the doors of these houses
opens and the people of the house goes off to work or
school. That happens on (5)
weekday morning, but at the weekends is different. (6)
_________________ the families have a car and on
Saturdays (7)
_________________ of them has to be
washed. (8)
_________________ house has a garden
and on Sundays (9)
_________________ the grass
has to be cut. (10)
_________________ the people do
everything that is possible to be the same as their
7. Circule o adjetivo que está no lugar errado e colo-
que-o no grupo correto.
8. Coloque os adjetivos na ordem correta.
a) (blue, velvet, long)
I’ve got a ________ _________ _________ dress.
b) (famous, American, young)
She’s a ________ _________ _________
c) (new, cotton, red)
She’s got a ________ _________ _________
d) (great, Italian, tall)
He’s a ________ _________ _________
volleyball player.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 14
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 15
danger - dangerous
care - careful
Word Formation
(Prefixes and Suffixes)
Os prefixos são usados no início de uma palavra para transformá-la em
uma nova palavra.
Alguns prefixos: dis- un- im- re- mis- in-
dis + appoint = disappoint
un + happy = unhappy
im + patient = impatient
re + write = rewrite
mis + understand = misunderstand
in + direct = indirect
1. Acrescente um dos prefixos às palavras. Um prefixo
pode ser usado mais de uma vez.
dis- un- im- re-
a) This exercise is ____possible to be solved.
b) I was so ____happy this morning.
c) Kids are very ____patient.
d) This the memorial for the ____known soldier.
e) To betray your friend is ____honest.
f) You have to ____write your composition.
g) Everybody ____agrees about it.
Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação
2. Associe cada prefixo com uma palavra da coluna di-
dis- happy agree
im- polite fortune
in- direct appoint
mis- fair accurate
un- patient approve
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 16
Os sufixos são usados no final de uma palavra para transformá-la em
uma nova palavra.
Alguns sufixos:
-ing -ed -ance -ful -able -ly -ous -er
-ism - ish -ive -y -ship -ation
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 17
42 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exercícios de Aplicação
3. Associe cada palavra com o sufixo correto.
organize -ism
member -y
difficult -ation
fool -ful
create -ish
faith -ive
appear -ship
race -ance
Better Wear a Helmet!
It’s the hottest way to get around, but there’s
bad news about scooters. A report out last week
showed that from January through August, more
than 9,400 scooter riders landed in the emergency
room. Nearly nine out of 10 of those injured were
kids unders 15. Scooter injuries are rising fast:
500 were reported in May; in August there were
Why all the accidents? Some blame the
small wheels. “If you hit a pebble, that’s all it takes
to go down,” says Tim Patmont. His company
offers larger scooters with rubber wheels.
Everyone seems to agree on one thing: scooter
riders should wear a helmet, wrist guards and
knee and elbow pads to avoid getting hurt. Oh,
and watch out for cars and for all those other
scooters zooming by.
September 15, 2000 Vol. 6 No. 2
4. Acrescente um dos sufixos abaixo às palavras. Cada
sufixo será usado apenas uma vez.
-ous -ed -ing -able -ance -ful -ly -er
a) It’s danger____ to walk alone in this city.
b) Reading this text was help____.
c) I’m a teach____.
d) This book is not interest____.
e) This chicken is not cook____.
f) You are very friend____.
g) I need to change my appear____.
h) The party was really enjoy____.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 16
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 17
5. Acrescente o prefixo correto a cada uma das pala-
vras. Use in-, im-, un-, mis-, dis-.
a) fair: _______________________
b) understand: _______________________
c) possible: _______________________
d) happy: _______________________
e) accurate: _______________________
f) fortune: _______________________
g) agree: _______________________
h) polite: _______________________
i) appear: _______________________
j) appoint:: _______________________
6. Associe cada palavra com o sufixo correto. Em se-
guida, escreva sentenças usando cada nova pala-
care -ship
relation -ance
colonize -ish
self -ful
disappear -ation
Exemplo: Don’t be so selfish.
Exercícios de Fixação
Relative Clauses I (Who / Which / That) ................................................................... 45
Relative Clause II (Where / Whose / What)............................................................... 46
Weather........................................................................................................................ 47
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 51
Modal Verbs I ............................................................................................................... 53
Características Gerais.............................................................................................. 53
Modal Verbs II .............................................................................................................. 55
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 58
Phrasal Verbs I ............................................................................................................ 59
Phrasal Verbs II ........................................................................................................... 60
Phrasal Verbs III .......................................................................................................... 61
Should – Giving Advice .............................................................................................. 63
Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 65
Relative Clauses
and Weather
Usamos o pronome relativo who para pessoas e o pronome relativo which
para animais, coisas e acontecimentos (podemos usar that ao invés de who
ou which).
She’s the girl who always wears sunglasses.
This is the bus which goes to London.
She’s the girl that always wears sunglasses.
This is the bus that goes to London.
Who, which ou that podem funcionar como sujeitos da relative clause.
I know the man who got the job (he got the job).
Podemos omitir o who, which ou that neste caso.
Who, which ou thatpodem também funcionar como objeto da relative clause.
I read the book which you gave me.
(You gave me the book).
The man who I spoke to is a millionaire.
(I spoke to the man).
Em conversas informais podemos omiti-los.
Podemos usar o whom quando o objeto for uma pessoa, mas é muito
formal e raramente é usado em conversas. Geralmente omitimos ou usa-
mos who no lugar.
The people whom we met were very interesting.
Quando usamos verbos e adjetivos precedidos de preposição, a prepo-
sição geralmente vem no final da relative clause.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 18
46 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
I know who this umbrella belong to.
No inglês formal podemos colocar a preposição no começo, antes do
whom ou which.
I met the man for whom you work.
That’s the job for which I applied.
Exercícios de Aplicação
1. Marque as frases em que não é possível omitir o
pronome relativo who, which ou that.
a) A supermarket cashier in Ashton, Bristol noticed a
customer who was acting strangely. ( )
b) He also noticed the enormous hat that she was
wearing. ( )
c) There were only two things in the basket that she
was carrying. ( )
d) The customer paid for the things which she’d
bought. ( )
e) She then suddenly fainted and fell on top of a child
who was standing behind her. ( )
f) The cashier removed the hat which was still on
the customer’s head. ( )
g) She found a frozen chicken and a packet of frozen
peas which the customer had stolen. ( )
h) It was the frozen chicken and peas that had made
her faint. ( )
2. Complete as frases com pronomes relativos ade-
a) Man must stop destroying the thing _______ mean
his own survival.
b) Nobody has seen the burglar _______ broke in
the store.
c) We are acquainted with some people _______
live in London.
d) The cigarettes _______ Dad smokes are
considered to be “light”.
3. Junte as duas frases usando who ou which.
a) I saw a road accident today. It really upset me.
b) He hit an old woman. She was crossing the road.
c) I took care of the old woman. She was still
d) But she died in the ambulance. it was taking her
to hospital.
Usamos o pronome relativo where para descrever lugares.
That’s the house where I was born.
Podemos usar where sem identificar o lugar descrito.
This is where I live.
I want to go where it’s sunny.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 19
O pronome relativo whose para posse, sempre, será seguido por um substantivo. Pode ser sujeito
ou objeto do verbo.
She’s the girl whose dog bit me. (sujeito)
He’s the man whose wife we met. (objeto)
O pronome relativo what significa: a(s) coisa(s) que.
He doesn’t like what I do. (objeto)
His dishonesty is what worries me. (sujeito)
Podemos começar as frases com what para enfatizar algo.
What we need is a new government.
Não usamos what depois de all e everything.
All you can do is be patient.
Have you got everything you need?
Exercícios de Aplicação
4. Reescreva as frases usando where.
a) (I stayed at this hotel.) This is the hotel .
b) (I had breakfast on this balcony.) This is the
balcony .
c) (We ate at this taverna in the evening.)
d) (I spent most of my time on this beach.)
e) (I met Angelo at this night club.)
5. Complete as lacunas usando whose.
a) (The boot of the car is probably full of wine.) We’re
looking for a red Ford Mondeo _______
b) (We found somebody’s jacket in the store.) We’d
like to talk to the person _______
c) (Somebody’s fingerprints are on the door of the
safe.) We’re looking for the person _______
d) (We found somebody’s gloves near the store
entrance.) We’d like to interview the person
cloud – cloudy
fog – foggy
48 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
wind – windy
rain – rainy
ice – icy
sun – sunny
thunder – thundery
snow – snowy
06. De acordo com o quadro, responda as perguntas
What’s the weather like in...?
a) Athens?
b) Cairo?
c) Dublin?
d) London?
e) Berlin?
f) Moscow?
g) Paris?
a) It’s _______ and the temperature is _______.
b) _____________________________________.
c) _____________________________________.
d) _____________________________________.
e) _____________________________________.
f) _____________________________________.
g) _____________________________________.
Exercícios de Aplicação
07. Complete o quadro com: cold, cool, freezing, hot, very hot,
Exercícios de Fixação
08. (Mód. 19) Complete com informações sobre nosso país.
a) In January, the weather is usually _______
b) In April, the weather is often _______
c) In November, the weather is never _______
d) In July, the weather is _______
09. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases usando who ou which.
a) She spoke to the man. He was standing next to her.
b) I read the letters. They came in the morning past.
c) He likes the other people. They work in his office.
d) She’s that singer. She was on television last night.
e) Next week there is a festival. It happens in the
village every summer.
f) I paid the bills. They came yesterday.
10. (Mód. 18) Complete com which ou who.
A: Did you watch that programme last night?
B: Which one?
A: The programme _______ I mentioned a couple of
days ago. It’s a new series _______ started last
B: No, I didn’t see it. Was it good?
A: Yes, It was about a group of friends _______ were
at school together. Well, Rupert...
B: Who was Rupert?
A: He was an old student of the school _______ had
become a doctor. He went to a party _______ his
old teachers organized. He met a lot of people
_______ had been at school with him many years
before. They talked about the things _______ they
did when they were at school. Then suddenly,
Rupert saw an old girlfriend _______ was
dancing with John...
B: Don’t tell me any more. It’s getting too
11. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases usando who, which ou
a) We ate the sandwiches. Jack made them.
b) I’m doing some work. I have to finish it today.
c) She’s an old woman. I often see her when I go to
the shops.
d) He’s an actor. A lot of people like him.
e) It’s a magazine. I read it sometimes.
12. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases como o exemplo, usando
who ou which.
Ex.: The person phoned. He didn’t leave a message.
The person who phoned didn’t leave a message.
a) The bus goes to the airport. It leaves every 20
50 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
b) The picture was hanging near the door. It was
c) The instructor taught me how to drive. He was
very patient.
d) The girl was sitting next to me. She started talking
to me.
13. (Mód. 18) Transforme as frases do quadro em Relati-
ve Clauses e use-as para completar as frases a seguir.
they love horse races
she tells funny stories
we attended it yesterday
she lives next door to us
who greets me
it is very common in India
a) The ceremony ___________ was very enjoyable.
b) Evelyn is the lady ____________ to the children.
c) The Sennas were friendly guys ____________ .
d) Child marriage, ___________, is not an ordinary
habit in America.
e) We happen to know the widow ______________.
f) I love the child ______________ every morning
on the street where I live.
14. (Mód. 18) Assinale a alternativa correta.
1) In that College, it’s the teacher _______ decides
what he wants to teach.
a) that
b) which
c) what
d) where
e) when
2) My uncle Harry, _______ I haven’t seen for years,
is coming for Christmas.
a) that
b) what
c) which
d) whom
e) whose
3) Washington, DC is a city _______ is particularly
beautiful in spring.
a) who
b) whose
c) which
d) when
e) what
4) I’m not sure _____________________.
a) whom she’s staying with
b) with whom is she staying
c) with who she is staying
d) with who is she staying
e) with which who she is staying
5) The Toledos are the worst neighbors _______
we have ever had.
a) that
b) which
c) what
d) whose
e) when
15. (Mód. 19) Complete o diálogo usando what, that ou
omita quando possível.
A: I want to know where you went and the things (1)
_______ you did.
B: I’ve told you (2) _______ we did. We simply had a
drink together.
A: What did you talk about?
B: You know (3) _______ we talked about. I’ve told
you everything (4) _______ we said.
A: Do you like Nick?
B: Yes, I do, but that doesn’t mean (5) _______ you
think it means. You don’t believe (6) _______ I’m
saying, do you? I’ve told you everything (7) _______
happened. That’s all (8) I can do.
16. (Mód. 19) Complete como no modelo.
Dora has met... (the students / their grades were very
Dora has met the students whose grades were very
a) She... (not to be the kind of person / her behavior
could be considered reasonable)
b) What’s the name... (the man / his daughter was
taken to hospital)
c) We happen to know... (experts / their main
occupations are buying and selling books)
d) That’s... (the tree / it’s branches are falling down)
17. (Módulos 18 e 19) Assinale a alternativa correta.
1) Fred is the man _______ car’s been stolen.
a) who
b) whom
c) that
d) whose
e) –
2) Look, that’s the building _______ Anita works.
a) who
b) whom
c) which
d) when
e) where
3) She really doesn’t know _______ to do.
a) who
b) whom
c) what
d) which
e) that
4) He is the man _______ son is a famous surgeon.
a) whose
b) who
c) whom
d) which
e) that
18. (Mód. 19) Combine as frases usando whose.
a) The woman is a careful mother. Her baby is
b) The man is very sad. His wife has run away.
c) The dog is John’s. Its hair is black and white.
d) Mr. Ford is here. His daughter is called Helen.
e) That man is my brother. His hair is black.
Max, 21, and Marissa, 24, were married by a
justice of the peace right before show time on
April 16 in Charleston, W. Va. A cheering crowd
watched the ceremony. Then after the couple
kissed, they hustled into circus costumes and
went on with the show.
“We did the whole show and had a wedding
cake and punch during intermission,” said
Marissa, who first met Max when they started
working together two years ago.
“The wedding was perfect,” beamed the
bride, “and I really love this clown!”
(From: Key Word)
19. (Mód. 18 e 19) Complete com o pronome relativo cor-
a) The man to _______ you gave the money has
b) The table on _______ you put your shoes cost
300 dollars.
c) I have just seen the woman _______ son studied
monkeys and bears.
d) Mrs. Scott, _______ is my mother, wants to see
e) Nothing _______ he says is true.
You’re not going to marry that clown, are
Marissa Young married a real bozo – she tied
the knot with a circus clown!
Max Richardson – in full clown face – took
lovely Marissa as his wife in front of an audience
of 7,000 people at the Ringling Brothers and
Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Their three-ring ceremony included 18
clowns, 18 dancers and five elephants. The bride
made her grand entrance wearing a stunning white
gown – while riding an elephant!
“I always wanted a big fancy wedding and
this was a dream come true,” said Marissa, a
dancer with the circus.
52 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Modal Verbs I
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 20
– Não têm conjugação regular ou completa.
– Não têm infinitivo.
– Não recebem s ou es na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente.
– São seguidos de infinitivo sem to.
– Geralmente formam suas próprias interrogativas e negativas.
– Funcionam como verbos auxiliares.
Can – expressa capacidade ou habilidade, permissão.
Presente: can
Passado: could
Futuro: will be able to
She can swim.
You can leave now.
May – expressa permissão ou possibilidade, probabilidade.
Presente: may
passado: might
futuro: will be allowed to
will be permitted to
May I come in?
It may rain tonight.
Must – sua tradução é “dever” e expressa algo obrigatório. A forma
mustn’t expressa proibição.
Presente: must
Passado: had to
Futuro: will have to
I must tell you the truth.
54 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Ought to – expressa um conselho, algo que se acha importante ou ne-
You ought to visit your grandmother.
Should – expressa um conselho.
You should study more.
Used to – expressa um hábito no passado.
I used to cry when I was a baby.
Need – expressa necessidade.
She needs to go home.
Exercícios de Aplicação
01. Escreva frases pedindo permissão. Use may.
a) drive your car
b) ask you a question
c) help you
d) call you in the morning
e) have lunch earlier
02. Reescreva as frases usando can.
a) He speaks English.
b) We have a good time here.
c) I walk to school in the morning.
d) She writes beautiful letters.
e) My friends play tennis.
03. Escreva frases usando to be able to na forma corre-
a) read that letter yesterday
b) come today
c) travel next year
d) not drive the car last night
04. Reescreva as frases usando have to.
a) I read that book today.
b) He will travel next month.
c) We went home by car yesterday.
d) She works in the morning.
05. Escreva as frases usando ought to.
a) make a cake
b) cook dinner
c) clean the room
d) walk the dog
e) get up early
06. Escreva as frases usando should.
a) talk to him
b) help her
c) go to a doctor
d) stay here
e) drink water
Can / could
Continuous: can / could + be + _ing
Perfect: can / could + have + past participle
Forma negativa: can’t / cannot / couldn’t
Shirley can be sleeping now.
Couldn’t she have told you a lie?
May / might
Continuous: may / might + be + ing
Perfect: may / might + have + past participle
Forma negativa: may not / mightn’t
She mightn’t be talking seriously.
May she have told you a lie?
Continuous: must + be + ing
Perfect: must + have + past participle
Forma negativa: mustn’t
She must have left early today.
Should / Ought to
Continuous: should / ought to + be + ing
Perfect: should / ought to + have + past participle
Forma negativa: shouldn’t / oughtn’t to
They should have spoken to us.
You should be eating well.
Forma negativa: needn’t / don’t need / doesn’t need
* A need for: uma necessidade de
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 21
56 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios de Aplicação
07. Complete com a opção correta.
a) She’s grown-up. She (ought / should) to behave
b) I think you’re feverish. You (ought to / need) taking
your temperature.
c) Is there (a need for / need) Vera’s presence
d) It’s late. You (need to sleeping / should be sleeping)
e) Many symptoms (needn’t / shouldn’t) special
f) This thermometer is inaccurate. We (should have
bought / need to) that German one.
g) That scratch on your arm is getting worse. You
(should have take / ought to have taken)
08. Faça como o modelo.
I don’t see Tom anywhere. (He must / leave)
He must have left.
a) Telma didn’t need to lie to me as we’ve been friends
for a long time. (She might / tell the truth)
b) This report of yours is a complete nonsense. (You
can / not talk seriously)
c) Madalena was extremely selfish. (She could / not
leave me alone and without any help)
d) Walls have ears. (you might / not reveal your
secrets in a loud voice)
e) I’m not sure about her true motives for quitting
school. (can she / lie)
09. Um homem está no hospital. Complete o que o ami-
go dele diz sobre ele usando: couldn’t, may have,
may not, could, may, might have.
a) He _______ be in hospital for weeks.
b) He _______ recover completely.
c) But it _______ be worse. He _______ been killed.
d) This is a very good hospital. He _______ get better
medical treatment anywhere else.
e) The other car was on the wrong side of the road.
The driver _______ been drunk.
10. (Módulo 20) Complete as frases a partir dos modelos.
I think you’ve got the ability to drive.
I think you can drive
You are allowed to enter now.
You may enter now.
a) Tell Rita that it is forbidden to park cars here.
Tell Rita that she
b) I suppose that Rogério had the means to cover
expenses like these ones.
I suppose that Rogério
c) It’s certain that Ricardo’s parents will not let him
join our team.
It’s certain that Ricardo
11. (Mód. 20 e 21) Complete com a opção correta.
a) Sheila (can / cans) invite anybody to her wedding
b) Come what may, your sister (will have / cannot) to
study more.
Exercícios de Fixação
c) Sorry, Elisa can’t talk to you now. She (has to /
mays) care for the dinner.
d) I’ll do the dishes so you (mustn’t / don’t have) to
worry about it.
e) I will never (can / be able) to play the piano, I guess.
f) He (may to / must) be home, he told me he would.
12. (Mód. 20 e 21) Assinale a alternativa correta.
1) Our Literature teacher was very bright-he _______
six foreign languages.
a) must to speak
b) could speak
c) could speaks
d) can to speak
2) Where ____________ we celebrate our wedding,
a) can
b) are we
c) have to
d) must to
3) Do you mean that I _____________ cover all the
expenses by myself, darling?
a) must to
b) must
c) can to
d) to have to
4) Don’t call Carlos now! He _______________.
a) may be sleeping
b) might to sleep
c) may have sleeping
d) may sleep.
5) If we get to the movies at 9 pm, we __________
find it open.
a) can’t to
b) may not
c) must to
d) are to
6) Selma has just undergone a delicate surgery. She
a) should to be resting
b) ought be resting
c) ought to be resting
d) needs do resting
7) Coughing, chestiness and shortness of breath
are symptoms of bronchitis. You _______ see a
a) need
b) don’t need
c) not need
d) needs to
8) My radio is not working. Its batteries _______.
a) need changed
b) needs changing
c) need changing
d) needn’t to changing
9) Camilo has been unemployed for 6 months now.
He _______ the job he was offered.
a) should have accepted
b) should to have accepted
c) ought have accepted
d) needs have accepted
13. (Mód. 21) Corrija, quando necessário, as frases se-
a) My car’s broken down. I couldn’t get to the meeting
on time.
b) I mightn’t have contacted you earlier because I
couldn’t find a phone.
c) I may be as much as an hour late.
d) I might have left home earlier.
e) But I may not have know that my car was going to
break down.
f) This delay wouldn’t have happened at a worse
g) I may have to wait for hours for someone do come
and repair the car.
h) I might leave my car here and take a taxi.
14. (Mód. 20 e 21) Complete usando:
couldn’t might have may not couldn’t have
may could
‘We (1) _______ have got everybody out of the
building. There (2) _______ be more people
trapped inside. But they (3) couldn’t _______ still
be alive in there. The heat’s too intense.’
‘We (4) _______ got here sooner. We came as
soon as we (5) _______.’
‘I wonder what started the fire.’
‘It (6) _______ been a gas leak. I smelt gas when
we first arrived.’
15. (Mód. 20 e 21) Assinale a alternativa correta.
1) They’re so good that they _______ do this without
a) can’t
b) can
c) may
d) should
2) I _______ be a lazy student, but now I’m a very
responsible one.
a) used
b) to use
c) used to
d) using
3) Before Mara _______ arrangements to travel to
Paris she received an amazing letter from Dorival.
a) mays make
b) must make
c) could make
d) may make
4) My father is _______ a nap after meals.
a) used to taking
b) used to take
c) uses to take
d) used taking
5) Sorry, it was my only choice. I simply _______ what
I did.
a) did done
b) ought do
c) had to do
d) must do
58 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
(From: Key Word)
Phrasal Verbs I
and Should
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 22
Verb + a particle (ex. up, on, in, away)
Alguns phrasal verbs têm um significado literal.
Ex.: He heard a helicopter and looked up.
Alguns phrasal verbs têm um significado idiomático.
Ex.: She takes after her mother.
Alguns phrasal verbs têm o significado literal e o idiomático.
He saw the mouse and ran out.
Oil will run out in the next century.
Os phrasal verbs podem ser transitivos ou intransitivos, como outros
Transitivo: tem um objeto.
He took off his jacket.
Intransitivo: não tem objeto.
The plane took off.
Os phrasal verbs podem ser separáveis ou inseparáveis.
Separáveis: objeto pode vir entre verbo e partícula.
Quando o objeto for um pronome, devemos separá-los.
She switched it on.
Inseparáveis: o verbo e a partícula não podem ser separados.
Could you look after the children this evening?
60 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„
Exercícios Aplicação
01. Quais destas frases são transitivas?
a) She really stands out from the rest.
b) Just kick off your shoes and dance.
c) I fell over in the street.
d) We decided to set up a business together.
e) Lindsay isn’t here. She’s just gone out.
02. Separe-os quando possível, corrigindo, se necessá-
a) I’m looking for my glasses.
b) I’m looking for them.
c) They put off the meeting.
d) They put off it.
e) I think I’ll turn off the TV.
1) To get on (to enter) – entrar
Ex.: I always get on the bus at 34th
2) to get off (to leave) – sair
Ex.: Helen got off the bus at 42nd
3) to get up (to arise) – levantar
Ex.: I get up at 7 o’clock every morning.
4) to get along (to do, succeed) – dar-se bem
Ex.: John is getting along very well in his study of English.
5) to get back (to return) – voltar
Ex.: Mr. Harris got back from Chicago yesterday.
6) to get over (to recover from) – recuperar-se
Ex.: It took me more than a month to get over my cold.
7) to get to (to arrive at a place) – chegar em
Ex.: I missed the bus and I didn’t get to the office until ten o’clock.
8) to get better, worse (to become better, worse...) – melhorar, piorar
Ex.: John has been sick for a month but now he is getting better.
9) to get sick, well, tired... (to become sick, ...) – ficar doente
Ex.: John got sick last January and has been in bed since then.
10) to get in touch with (to communicate with) – entrar em contato
Ex.: I have been trying all morning to get in touch with my teacher.
11) to get used to (to become used) – acostumar-se com
Ex.: You will soon get used to this climate and then the changes in
temperature will not affect you.
12) to get rid of (to become free of) – ficar livre de
Ex.: We can’t seen to get rid of the mice in our apartment.
_____/ _____/ _____
Módulo 22
Exercícios Aplicação
f) How is Mr. Holmes _______ in his new job?
g) The man was so weak that the nurse was unable
to _______ him _______.
h) When do you expect to _______ from your trip?
i) I do not think he will ever _______ the loss of his
j) This train _______ Chicago at 11 o’clock tonight.
k) Is your headache _______ or _______?
l) Every afternoon at about 4 o’ clock I _______.
03. Complete com o phrasal verb adequado.
a) It certainly took Mr. Smith a long time to _______
that salesman.
b) I can’t seen to _______ wearing glasses.
c) You can _______ him by telephone by calling the
d) William _______ the subway at the same station
every morning.
e) I usually take the bus here and I _______ at Euston
_____/ _____/ _____
1) to put on (to place on oneself) – colocar
Ex.: Mary put on her scarf and left the room.
2) to take off (to remove) – remover / tirar
Ex.: John took off his hat as he entered the room.
3) to call up (to telephone) – telefonar
Ex.: I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday, although I promised to call
him up exactly at 3 o’clock.
4) to turn on (to start) – ligar
Ex.: Please turn on the light. This room is dark.
5) to turn off (to stop) – desligar
Ex.: Shall I turn the oven off?
6) to pick up (to take – with fingers) – pegar
Ex.: I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.
7) to wait for (to expect) – esperar por
Ex.: We waited for him more than an hour and finally left.
8) to find out (to discover) – descobrir
Ex.: I’ll try to find it out.
9) to look at (to watch) – olhar para
Ex.: I like to walk along a country road and look at the stars at night.
10) to look for (to search for) – procurar por
Ex.: I have lost my gloves. Will you help me look for them?
11) to call on (to visit) – visitar
Ex.: Last night several friends called on us.
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12) to call off (to cancel) – cancelar
Ex.: The game was called off on account of darkness.
13) to look out (to be careful) – ter cuidado
Ex.: Look out for the cars turning in your direction.
14) to look over (to examine) – examinar
Ex.: I want to look over these exercises before I give them to the teacher.
15) to put out (to extinguish) – apagar
Ex.: You can put out your cigarette in that ashtray.
16) to put off (to post pone) – adiar
Ex.: The meeting was put off until next week.
17) to pick out (to choose) – escolher
Ex.: If you want me to treat you to a dessert, pick one out.
18) to talk over (to discuss) – discutir
Ex.: We talked over Carl’s plan.
19) to lie down (to recline) – deitar-se
Ex.: If you are tired, why don’t you lie down for an your?
20) to keep on (to continue) – continuar
Ex.: John kept on talking.
Exercícios de Aplicação
04. Complete com o phrasal verb mais adequado.
a) _______ your hat _______ before you leave the
b) _________ your sweater _________ in this warm
c) Did anyone _______ me _______ while I was
d) Do you know who _______ the lights _______?
e) Please _______ the light. We do not need it now.
f) Why didn’t you _______ that pencil which lay on
the floor?
g) We will _______ you on the corner of Broadway
and 86th
h) I was unable to _______ the name of the man
who called.
i) The teacher told us to _______ the blackboard
and not at our books.
j) He has spent an hour _______ the pen which he
k) How many salesmen _______ Mr. Evans every
l) I want to _______ some new ties to give brother
as a present.
m) Before I accepted the new job offer, I _______ it
_______ with my wife.
n) The doctor says that Grace must _______ and
rest an hour every afternoon.
o) Why did the driver tell Mary to _______ as she
was getting off the bus?
p) At first the workers planned to strike, but later they
_______ it _______.
q) He signed the contract without even _______ it
r) The firemen worked hard but were not able to
_______ the fire.
s) If Tom can’t come to the conference, let’s _______
it _______.
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Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
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Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
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Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês
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Lista de verbos irregulares en inglésLista de verbos irregulares en inglés
Lista de verbos irregulares en inglés
Verbos irregulares
Verbos irregularesVerbos irregulares
Verbos irregulares
Irregular verb forms 6º
Irregular verb forms 6ºIrregular verb forms 6º
Irregular verb forms 6º
Verbos irregulares Inglês
Verbos irregulares InglêsVerbos irregulares Inglês
Verbos irregulares Inglês
Verbos Irregulares em Inglês
Verbos Irregulares em InglêsVerbos Irregulares em Inglês
Verbos Irregulares em Inglês
Irregular verbs
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Irregular verbs
Lista de verbos irregulares
Lista de verbos irregularesLista de verbos irregulares
Lista de verbos irregulares
Spanish Verbs
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Spanish Verbs
Verbos irregulares em inglês
Verbos irregulares em inglêsVerbos irregulares em inglês
Verbos irregulares em inglês
Gral verbs separador
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Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs listIrregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs listIrregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs listIrregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs listIrregular verbs list
Irregular verbs list
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbsIrregular verbs
Irregular verbs

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Conteúdo 9° ano - Inglês

  • 1. 9o Ano (8a Série) – Ensino Fundamental Inglês Básico
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 Inglês CAPÍTULO 1 – VERBS PAST PERFECT (SIMPLE AND CONTINUOUS) REPORTED SPEECH List of Verbs ................................................................................................................ 5 Past Perfect Simple .................................................................................................... 10 Past Perfect Continuons............................................................................................ 11 Reported Speech 1 .................................................................................................... 12 Reported Speech 2 .................................................................................................... 13 Reported Speech (Requests, Orders, Advice) ....................................................... 14 Reported Questions................................................................................................... 15 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 16 CAPÍTULO 2 – SAY AND TELL / GERUND Say and Tell ................................................................................................................. 21 Gerund ......................................................................................................................... 21 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 23 CAPÍTULO 3 – QUESTION TAG Question Tag ............................................................................................................... 24 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 25
  • 4. 44
  • 5. 5„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Verbs – Past Perfect Simple – Past Perfect Continuous – Reported Speech CAPÍTULO 1 LIST OF VERBS _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 01 IRREGULAR VERBS Infinitive Past tense Past participle Translation to arise arose arisen surgir, levantar-se to awake awoke or awaked awoke or awaked acordar to be was, were been ser, estar to bear bore borne dar à luz to bear bore borne suportar to beat beat beaten bater, derrotar to become became become tornar-se to begin began begun começar to bend bent bent curvar-se, dobrar to bet bet bet apostar to bind bound bound amarrar, obrigar, encadernar to bite bit bitten morder to bleed bled bled sangrar to blow blew blown soprar to break broke broken quebrar to bring brought brought trazer to build built built construir to burn burnt or burned burnt or burned queimar to burst burst burst irromper, explodir to buy bought bought comprar to cast cast cast atirar, fundir to catch caught caught alcançar, pegar
  • 6. 6 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ to choose chose chosen escolher to cling clung clung agarrar-se, apegar-se to come came come vir, chegar to cost cost cost custar to creep crept crept arrastar-se, engatinhar to cut cut cut cortar to deal dealt dealt lidar, tratar, negociar to dig dug dug cavar to do did done fazer to draw drew drawn desenhar, puxar to dream dreamt or dreamed dreamt or dreamed sonhar to drink drank drunk beber to drive drove driven dirigir, impelir to dwell dwelt or dwelled dwelt or dwelled habilitar, residir to eat ate eaten comer to fall fell fallen cair to feed fed fed alimentar to feel felt felt sentir to fight fought fought lutar to find found found achar, encontrar to flee fled fled fugir to fling flung flung arremessar (-se), atirar to fly flew flown voar, viajar de avião to forbid forbade forbidden proibir to forget forgot forgotten esquecer to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar to freeze froze frozen congelar to get got gotten or got obter, chegar, receber to give gave given dar to go went gone ir to grind ground ground moer to grow grew grown crescer, cultivar to hang hung hung pendurar to have had had ter to hear heard heard ouvir to hide hid hidden esconder to hit hit hit bater, atingir to hold held held segurar to hurt hurt hurt ferir, magoar
  • 7. 7„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ to keep kept kept conservar, guardar to kneel knelt or kneeled knelt or kneeled ajoelhar-se to knit knit or knitted knit or knitted tricotar to know knew known saber, conhecer to lay laid laid pôr, colocar to lead led led levar, conduzir to lean leant or leaned leant or leaned inclinar-se, encostar to leap leapt or leaped leapt or leaped pular, saltar to learn learnt or learned learnt or learned aprender to leave left left abandonar, partir to lend lent lent emprestar (para) to let let let deixar, permitir to lie lay lain deitar-se, jazer, estar situado to light lit or lighted lit or lighted acender to lose lost lost perder to make made made fazer to mean meant meant significar to meet met met encontrar, conhecer to mow mowed mown or mowed cortar to pay paid paid pagar to put put put pôr to quit quit quit desistir, abandonar to read read read ler to ride rode ridden andardecarro,bicicleta,cavalo to ring rang rung tocar, soar to rise rose risen levantar-se, aumentar, subir to run ran run correr to saw sawed sawn or sawed serrar to say said said dizer to see saw seen ver to seek sought sought procurar to sell sold sold vender to send sent sent enviar to set set set pôr, instalar to sew sewed sewn or sewed costurar to shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer to shed shed shed derramar, verter to shine shone shone brilhar to shoot shot shot atirar, disparar
  • 8. 8 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ to show showed shown mostrar to shrink shrank shrunk encolher to shut shut shut fechar to sing sang sung cantar to sink sank sunk afundar to sit sat sat sentar to slay slew slain assassinar to sleep slept slept dormir to slide slid slid or slidden escorregar, deslizar to smell smelt or smelled smelt or smelled cheirar to sow sowed sown or sowed semear to speak spoke spoken falar to speed sped or speeded sped or speeded acelerar, correr to spell spelt or spelled spelt or spelled soletrar to spend spent spent gastar, passar (tempo) to spill spilt or spilled spilt or spilled derramar, entornar to spin span or spun spun fiar, girar to split split split rachar, dividir to spread spread spread espalhar to spring sprang sprung pular, brotar to stand stood stood ficar em pé, suportar to steal stole stolen roubar to stick stuck stuck grudar to sting stung stung picar, ferroar to stink stank stunk cheirar mal to strike struck struck bater, atingir to strive strove striven esforçar-se to swear swore sworn jurar, praguejar to sweat sweat or sweated sweat or sweated transpirar to sweep swept swept varrer to swell swelled swollen or swelled inchar to swim swam swum nadar to swing swung swung balançar to take took taken levar, tirar, pegar, tomar to teach taught taught ensinar to tear tore torn rasgar to tell told told dizer, contar to think thought thought pensar to understand understood understood entender, compreender
  • 9. 9„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ to throw threw thrown jogar, lançar to thrust thrust thrust empurrar to wake woke or waked woken or waked acordar to wear wore worn usar, vestir to weave wove woven tecer to wed wed wed casar-se to weep wept wept lamentar, chorar to wet wet or wetted wet or wetted molhar (-se) to win won won vencer, ganhar to wind wound wound dar corda, curvar to withdraw withdrew withdrawn retirar (-se) to write wrote written escrever Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Complete com o past simple. Todos os verbos são irregulares. 1)1 He jumped in the sea and _____________ to the beach. 2)→I think your cousins ___ _______ very nice. 3)1 He _________ his bike all afternoon. 4)→Laura ____________ a phone call. 1) →Yesterday __________ very hot. 1) 1 Sheila __________ me a letter. 2) 1 The baby ________ for three hours last night. 3) →I _____________ up at 5:00 this morning. 4) →She ________ school early and went home. 2. Complete as sentenças com os verbos no past parti- ciple. Todos são verbos irregulares. a) They have ______________ school now. They’re at the University. b) I’ve ________________ my keys. I can’t find them. c) Have you ever _______________ this play? d) We’ve just ________________ a new CD player. e) Have you ________________ your car yet? I’d like to buy it. f) I’ve never ____________ in a sleeping bag before. g) Our team has _________ . We’re the champions. h) She’s ______________ two aspirins, but she still has a headache. i) Have you ever ______________ to SouthAmerica?
  • 10. 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAST PERFECT SIMPLE FORMAÇÃO AFIRMATIVA I / you / he / she / it / we / they + had + past participle Exemplo: I had already cooked dinner when you arrived. → full form I’d already cooked dinner when you arrived. → short form had = ‘d FORMAÇÃO NEGATIVA I / you / he/ she / it / we / they + had not + past participle Exemplo: We had not finished our homework when the class started. We hadn’t finished our homework when the class started. had not = hadn’t FORMAÇÃO INTERROGATIVA Had + I / you / he / she / it / we / they + past participle Exemplo: Had the film already started when you arrived? Observação – Usamos o past perfect simple para falar de uma ação que foi completada no passado, antes de uma outra também no passado. Exemplo: After John had eaten his dinner he went to bed. B aconteceu primeiro aconteceu depois Observação – Freqüentemente usamos o past perfect com when e after. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 02 Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação 3. Leia cada situação abaixo e marque a resposta correta. a) The boy delivered the pizza. Mark had already paid for it. Which came first: a) ( ) the delivery or b) ( ) the payment? b) The waiter brought the wine. They had already had water. Which came first: a) ( ) the wine or b) ( ) the water? c) I’d read the book, so I wrote a composition. Did I first: a) ( ) read the book or b) ( ) write a compo- sition? d) The film had finished, so my sister rewound the cassette Did my sister rewind the cassette: a) ( ) after or b) ( ) before the film finished? e) Paul had an invitation to the picnic, but he had already arranged a trip to his grandmother’s house. Which came first: a) ( ) the invitation or b) ( ) the arrange- ments for the trip? 4. Em cada item há dois eventos na ordem em que eles ocorreram. Forme uma sentença com as infor- mações, usando as palavras entre parênteses. a) I started the car. My mother appeared. (When my mother / appear /, I / already / start / the car) b) We caught the thief. The policemen arrived. (When the policemen / arrive /, we / already / catch / the thief) c) Daniel finished the report. His boss came back. (When his boss / come / back / Daniel / already / finish / the report) d) Mary went to school. Bill phoned. (When Bill / phone / Mary / already / go / to school) e) My cousins had dinner. I came home. (When I / come / home / my cousins / already / have / dinner) f) Tina prepared lunch. Her husband got home from work. (When her husband / get / home from work / Tina / already / prepare / lunch)
  • 11. 11„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5. James acabou de retornar aos Estados Unidos. Complete as sentenças abaixo a respeito de James, usando o passado perfeito. Use os verbos abaixo. live find spend fly have make break not pay be lend a) James ___________ in Canada and in Mexico. b) He _____________ measles. c) He ______________ a teacher and a driver. d) He _____________ planes in Canada. e) He ______________ his arms in a plane crash. f) He ______________ his relatives in Mexico. g) He ___________ a lot of money but he ________ everything. h) He _____________ some of the money to his relatives and they __________ him back. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORMAÇÃO had been + -ing Exemplos: After I had been walking for an hour I decided to have a rest. → afirmativa She hadn’t been waiting for too long before the bus arrived. → negativa Had you been reading this book before you went to bed? → interrogativa Observação – Usamos o past perfect continuous para enfatizar a continuidade de alguma atividade até um certo momento no passado. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 03 Exercícios de Aplicação 6. Escreva orações sobre o que as pessoas disseram à polícia que estavam fazendo, e o que realmente faziam na noite passada. Exemplo: Mr. Stone said he had been playing golf, but he had been watching people using a telescope. 7. Complete o diálogo, colocando os verbos no past perfect continuous. Jane: How was your test? Beth: Horrible. I was too nervous and too tired because (1) __________________ (I / study) the night before. Jane: Tell me what happened. Beth: The teacher was twenty minutes late because (2) ___________________ (he / talk) to the principal. (3) _________________________ (I / wait) for a long time and I’d got more nervous. Jane: But how was the test? Beth: Well, I don’t know. I tried to be calm. (4) ________ ________ (I / read) a book that said you have to be calm in tests. I’m not sure if it worked. 8. Complete com uma sentença no past perfect conti- nuous para explicar o que aconteceu de acordo com as figuras. a) stay / by the sea b) c) cry drive / his car too fast
  • 12. 12 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ d) play / with matches e) stand / under a tree REPORTED SPEECH 1 Usamos o reported speech (discurso indireto) para contar algo que foi dito anteriormente. Exemplo: Sue: “I’m tired” Sue says (that) she is tired. Quando o verbo usado para fazer o reported speech (discurso indire- to) está no presente (exemplo: say / says), o tempo verbal da oração no direct speech (discurso direto) não sofre alteração alguma. Como você pôde verificar no exemplo acima, tanto no direct speech (discurso direto) quanto no reported speech (discurso indireto), os verbos estão no presente simples. Veja, a seguir, um outro exemplo: Paul: “I’ve never been to Canada”. Paul says (that) he has never been to Canada. Os verbos estão no present perfect (presente perfeito) tanto no direct speech quanto no reported speech. Observação – That pode ser omitido. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 04 Exercício de Aplicação 9. Passe para o reported speech. a) Bob: “New York is a beautiful city.” b) Helen: I play tennis every Sunday.” c) Mary: “James isn’t studying for the final exam.” d) Lucy: “I used to be thin.” e) Joyce: “I can swim.” a) Laura got sunburned. d) The children burnt themselves. b) Bobby looked sad. e) Paul was hurt during a storm. c) Brian was stopped by a policeman.
  • 13. 13„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ REPORTED SPEECH 2 Quando nós usamos o reported speech (discurso indireto) para contar alguma coisa depois de algum tempo que esta ocorreu, geralmente usamos o verbo no passado (exemplo: said), portanto, o verbo no direct speech (discurso direto) sofre alterações quando passado para o reported speech (discurso indireto). Exemplo: Jane: “I want to drink something.” Jane said (that) she wanted to drink something. Como você pôde observar, o verbo que estava no presente simples (want) passou para o passado simples (wanted) no discurso indireto. Outra altera- ção que também ocorreu foi a mudança do pronome I para she. A seguir temos algumas mudanças que ocorrem na passagem do direct speech (discurso direto) para o reported speech (discurso indireto). Exercícios de Aplicação 10. Passe para o reported speech usando said. a) Julie said, “My brother works in a hospital.” b) Brian said, “I’m staying in a good hotel.” c) Jessica said, “I’ve never been to France.” d) Melissa said, “I can’t use a fax machine.” e) Kelly said, “Thomas must try to do the homework.” f) Pat said, “Paul may visit me.” g) Sue said, “I’ll travel on my vacation.” 11. Passe para o reported speech de acordo com cada situação. Exemplos: Edward said: “Ellen, I hate you.” Later, Ellen said to her friends: Edward said that he hated me. Michelle said: “I love your photos, Steve.” Later, Michelle said to her cousin: I said to Steve that I like his photos.
  • 14. 14 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ a) Rachel said: “You can trust me, Peter.” Later, Peter said to his father: Rachel said that __ ____________________________________ . b) Mark said: “Charles, your sister has been rude.” Later, Charles said to his sister: Mark said that __ ____________________________________ . c) Ann said: “Louise is moving to my house, Claire.” Later, Claire said to Louise: Ann said that _______ ____________________________________ . d) Diana said: “I’ll help you, Chris.” Later, Diana said to her friends: I said to Chris that ____________________________________ . e) The principal said: “Students! You must stay in the classroom.” Later, the students said to their parents: The prin- cipal said that __________________________ . f) Andy said: “Bill may come to the barbecue, Ron.” Later, Ron said to Bill: Andy said that __________ ____________________________________ . REPORTED SPEECH (REQUESTS, ORDERS, ADVICE) 1. REQUESTS (PEDIDOS) Para passar um pedido para o reported speech usamos o verbo asked. Exemplos: Ricky: “Please wait a minute, Kevin.” Ricky asked Kevin to wait a minute. Observação – No reported speech (discurso indireto), não usamos a palavra please. 2. ORDERS (ORDENS) Para passar uma ordem para o reported speech usamos o verbo told. Exemplos: “Stand up, Jason.” He told Jason to stand up. “You must study harder.” He told me to study harder. 3. ADVICE (CONSELHO) Para passar um conselho para o reported speech, usamos o verbo advised. Exemplos: “You should get married, Paul.” He advised Paul to get married. No reported speech, os verbos ask, tell e advise são usados da se- guinte forma: verbo + objeto + to + infinitivo He told Jason to stand up. Além dos verbos advise, ask e tell, também poderão ser usados os seguintes verbos: order persuade remind forbid warn Quando o pedido, a ordem ou o conselho estiverem na forma negativa, a passagem para o reported speech será a seguinte: verbo + objeto + not to + infinitivo Exemplos: “Don’t run!” She told me not to run. Jane: “Don’t listen to music now, Peter”. Jane told Peter not to listen to music then. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 05
  • 15. 15„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 12. Reescreva as orações usando um objeto + to + infinitive. a) “Make lunch please, Susan.” Paul asked b) “You must do your homework, Mark.” He told c) “Don’t forget to buy a guide book, Liz.” She reminded d) “You should stop drinking, John.” The doctor advised e) “Go to school, Laura.” Frank told f) “Please, bring me some water, Bill.” Sara asked 13. Complete os diálogos usando as palavras entre pa- rênteses, um pronome (me, him, them), a palavra not e o past simple. Exemplo: A: Did you tell the children to wash the dog? (Yes, but I / tell / to use too much soap). B: Yes, but I told them not to use much soap. a) A: Did you invite Beth for dinner? B: (Yes, and I / tell / to be late). b) A: Did the doctor tell your father to rest? B: (Yes, and he / warn / to go to work). c) A: Did you ask Jane to go to the supermarket? B: (Yes, and I / tell / forget the milk). d) A: Did the coach tell the players to eat well? B: (Yes, and he / warn / to go to discos). e) A: Did the dentist tell you to brush your teeth four times a day? B: (Yes, and she / warn / to eat too much chocolate). REPORTED QUESTIONS Quando estamos fazendo o Reported Speech de uma pergunta, usa- mos o verbo ask. Quando tivermos uma yes/no question, ou seja, a pergunta começa com o verbo to be ou um auxiliar, usamos ask if ou ask wether. Exemplo: Do they speak English? ® Direct Speech He asked if they spoke English. ® Reported Speech He asked whether they spoke English. Se tivermos uma pergunta com question word (who, what, where, etc) usamos ask + question word da própria pergunta. Exemplo: Where does Paul live? ® Direct Speech She asked where Paul lived. ® Reported Speech Quando a pergunta é dirigida a uma pessoa, usamos ask + pronome objeto (me, him, her, etc) ou o nome da pessoa. Exemplos: Can you ride a horse? ® Direct Speech He asked me if I could ride a horse. ® Reported Speech Have you been to the U.S.A., Peter? ® Direct Speech He asked him if he had been to the U.S.A. ® Reported Speech Observação – No lugar do verbo ask podemos usar want to know ou wonder. Exemplo: Did they go to the party yesterday? ® Direct Speech She wanted to know if they had been to the party the previous day. ® Reported Speech _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 06
  • 16. 16 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação 14. Passe para o Reported Speech. Exemplo: Did they go to school? She asked if they had gone to school. a) Do you speak Spanish? They asked ___________________________ . b) Why did you take my umbrella? He wanted to know ______________________ . c) How many students came to the class? The teacher asked ______________________ . d) Does Paul study on Saturdays? I asked _______________________________ . e) Can I see you again? I asked _______________________________ . f) What has she done? He asked _____________________________ . g) Why has Jessica cried? Marion asked __________________________ . h) Where do you go on your vacations? Steve asked them _______________________ . i) Where do you study? Ron asked her _________________________ . 15. Dois ladrões roubaram um banco e foram presos. Um policial fez as seguintes perguntas a um deles: a) How long have you been out of prison? b) Have you had a job since then? c) Does your mother give you money? d) Who else gives you money? e) Do you know Joe Smith? f) How long have you known Joe? g) Have you seen Joe recently? a) He asked him __________________________ , and he answered that he had left prision two months ago. b) He asked him __________________________ . He answered he hadn’t found one. c) Then he asked him ______________________ , and he said she gave him some money. d) He asked him __________________________ . He aswered that nobody else. e) He asked him __________________________ , and he said that he and Joe were friends. f) Then he asked him ______________________ , and he told he had known him for ten years. g) Finally he asked him _____________________ , and he replied that he couldn’t remember. LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Too Tired to Think! How much sleep you need depends on your age. Babies doze about 18 hours a day. For school-age kids, nine to 10-12 hours is ideal. But 35% of 10-to-12-years-olds in the survey got only seven or eight hours. And guess what almost half said they do before bedtime. Watch TV. “More children are going to bed with TV on their bedrooms,” says Dr. Mary Carskadon, a sleep researcher in Rhode Island. Dr. Carskadon says that stimulating activities at bedtime make it hard for kids to go to sleep. Getting too little sleep can affect how well you learn. Studies have shown that sleepy people have trouble with memory and concentration. One of the biggest changes comes in your mood. When you’re really tired, you tend to be grouchy. What can you do to stay rested and cheerful? Go to bed at the same time every night. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine (hint: reading is good!). And remember: your body needs rest to refuel for all your daytime activities. – By Alice Park
  • 17. 17„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Fixação 16. (Mód. 01) Complete com o past simple dos verbos entre parênteses. a) John ____________ to the disco yesterday. (go) b) Laura ____________ a new jacket last week. (buy) c) Paul ____________ a letter last month. (send) d) I ____________ some strange noises last night. (hear) e) They ____________ a lot last Saturday. (drink) 17. (Mód. 01) Complete com o past participle dos ver- bos entre parênteses. a) I have ____________ my finger. (cut) b) They have ____________ the homework. (do) c) She has ____________ to Canada. (be) d) He has ______________ an interesting compo- sition. (write) e) We have ________________ some money on the street. (find) 18. (Mód. 02) Escreva sentenças sobre o que as pesso- as já tinham feito ou o que elas nunca tinham feito. Use o passado perfeito e already ou never. a) Last year Mike won a race for the second time. He ___________________________ before that. b) Last month I visited Europe for the first time. I ____________________________ before that. c) Last Sunday Jim drove a car for the first time. He ___________________________ before that. d) Last weekend John came here for the fourth time. He ___________________________ before that. e) Last class my son wrote a composition for the first time. He ___________________________ before that. 19. (Mód. 02) Usar when ou after para fazer uma sentença. a) I listened to music. Then I watched a video for two hours. b) We read a text. Then we talked about it. c) I wrote a card. Then I posted it. d) She stopped taking medicines. She looked much better. e) I bought food for dinner. Then I cooked it. 20. (Mód. 02) Escolha o simple past ou o past perfect. When I (1) (go) to New York last Christmas, I (2) (not be) there for three years. I (3) (arrive) on December 23 rd. As I was walking around the city, I (4) (see) so many familiar places and even a friend, whose address I (5) (lose) after leaving New York. So, I (6) (call) his name. He (7) (not be) confortable meeting me, I don’t know why. He (8) (arrive) in New York that morning, and he (9) (have) an interview job in the beginning of January. Then he (10) (say) goodbye and I could reali- ze I would never see him again. 1 – _____________ 6 – _____________ 2 – _____________ 7 – _____________ 3 – _____________ 8 – _____________ 4 – _____________ 9 – _____________ 5 – _____________ 10 – _____________ 21. (Mód. 03) Larry Smith está respondendo a algumas perguntas de um policial. Complete o diálogo usan- do o past perfect continuous. A: Mr. Smith, what / you / do / that day? (1) __________________________________________ B: I / play / with my kids. We / make / a barbecue. (2) __________________________________________ A: You / drink? (3) __________________________________________ B: Yes, I (4) __________________________________________ A: How long / you / drink? (5) __________________________________________ B: I / drink / for about one hour. (6) __________________________________________ A: Ok, thank you Mr. Smith. __________________________________________ 22. (Mód. 03) Complete o texto com o past perfect continuous. Use os verbos: drive lie repair work Phill was lucky to escape after the accident he had last night. He slept while driving and crashed into a truch left by workers who (1) ___________________ on the road. When he left his office at 2:00 this morning, he (2) __________________ for 36 hour without any sleep. Another driver discovered the accident after Phill (3) _____________________ in his car for half an hour. The doctor said that if Phill (4) ___________________ faster he could have died.
  • 18. 18 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 23. (Mód. 04) Escreva sentenças no reported speech de acordo com as figuras. Use says. a) d) b) e) c) f) 24. (Mód. 04) Complete os espaços abaixo: Be careful with two thieves who are in the city. They say they (1) __________ from the telephone company and want to check if the person’s phone (2) ________ OK. They ask people if they will (3) __________ them enter the house. People usually don’t ask to (4) _________ any iden- tification and they say that the two thieves (5) ________ come in. While one thief stays downstairs pretending to fix the phone, the other thief says he (6) __________ to go upstairs and takes everything he can. 25. (Mód. 04) Joyce foi à uma cartomante para ver seu futuro. Fortune teller: “I can see you’re going to get married to a dark-haired man who was your boyfriend.” Joyce: “I’ve never had a dark-haired boyfriend.” Fortune teller: “You always went to visit him in San Francisco.” Joyce: “I’ve never been to San Francisco.” Fortune teller: “He gave you this ring you’re wearing.” Joyce: “But I bought it myself.” Fortune teller: “You’re going to be very happy with him.” Joyce: “I’m sorry, you’re wrong.” Fortune teller: “You’ll see I’m right.” Agora Joyce está contando a seus amigos o que aconteceu. a) She said she ____________ the man I was going to get married. She said he _________ dark-haired and ____________ my boyfriend. b) I said that I ___________________ a dark-haired boyfriend. c) She said I ___________________________ him in San Francisco. d) I said that I ______________________ San Fran- cisco. e) She said that he _______________ me the ring I _________ wearing. f) I said that I ___________________ it myself. g) She said I ______________________ very happy with him. h) I said that she __________ wrong. i) She said that I _______________ she _________ right. 26. (Mód. 04) Passe as sentenças para o reported speech. Exemplo: “I’ll love you for ever.” He said he would love her for ever. a) “I can’t live without you.” b) “I’ll never forget you.” c) “You’re the only one I love.” d) “You can always trust me.” e) “I haven’t felt this way before.” 27. (Mód. 05) Reescreva o que as pessoas disseram usando as palavras entre parênteses e o past simple. Exemplo: Bob said, “Brian, would you lend me ten dollars, plea- se? (ask) Bob asked Brian to lend him ten dollars. a) My cousin said to his secretary “Remember to call the directors.” (remind) b) The teacher said, “Do your homework, children.” (tell) c) Gary said, “Sue, please lend me your French book.” (ask) d) He said, “Kids, stay away from the river.” (warn) e) The principal said to Mary, “You should see a doctor.” (advise) f) She said, “Frank, wash your hands.” (tell) g) Mrs. Johnson said, “Marty, remember to take your coat.” (remind)
  • 19. 19„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 28. (Mód. 06) Use as palavras entre parênteses para fazer uma pergunta e complete com a reported question. Exemplo: (where / have / Paul / go / ?) Question: Where has Paul gone? Reported Question: I asked where Paul had gone. a) (do / James / play / baseball / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: I asked _______________ ________________________________________ b) (what / have / the kids / drink / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: The teacher asked ______ ________________________________________ c) (What / be / Michael / doing / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: He wanted to know _____ ________________________________________ d) (When / be / the next train / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: The old lady asked______ ________________________________________ e) (Have / Lucy / see / this video / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: Mr. Cheng wanted to know. ________________________________________ f) (How many / people / will / travel / ?) Question:______________________________ Reported Question: The tour guide asked ____ ________________________________________
  • 21. 21„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Say and Tell / Gerund CAPÍTULO 2 SAY AND TELL Para fazermos o reported speech, (com exceção de reported questions) geralmente usamos say ou tell. Com o say, usamos say (that) ou say to someone (that) e, com o tell, temos que usar tell someone (that). Exemplos: Kevin: “You’re very intelligent, Sue.” Kevin said (that) Sue was very intelligent. Kevin said to Sue (that) she was very intelligent. Kevin told Sue (that) she was very intelligent. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 07 Exercício de Aplicação 1. Reescreva as sentenças abaixo usando tell em vez de say. Exemplo: Neil said to Lynn that he wouldn’t come to the meeting. Neil told Lynn that he wouldn’t come to the meeting. a) He said to her that he liked her photos. b) Kevin said to Johnny that he liked that CD. c) Terence said to Mary that he forgot to bring her book. d) She said to Thomas that she would go away. e) He said to me that he couldn’t find his wallet. f) Sara said to him that she would send him a postcard. g) My parents said to me that they would arrive at eight. GERUND Gerúndio é a forma substantiva do verbo e é sempre terminado em ing. Pode ser usado como sujeito ou objeto. Exemplo: Swimming is a nice sport. ® como sujeito Do you like running? ® como objeto Formação do Gerúndio eat – eating swim – swimming write – writing play – playing _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 08
  • 22. 22 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 2. Complete com a forma correta do gerúndio. a) _________________ is a good exercise. (swim) b) ______________ movies is good to relax. (watch) c) I love __________________ clothes. (buy) d) _________________ is the best way to travel. (fly) e) _____________ money is really important. (save) f) ____________ is very bad for your health. (smoke) g) I don’t like __________________ letters. (write) h) We enjoy __________________ tennis. (play) i) __________________ to other countries is really great. (travel) 3. Complete com o verbo no gerúndio para cada figura. a) Christina likes _______________ . b) Tony likes _________________ . c) Michelle loves ________________ TV. d) Peter doesn’t like _____________ the house. e) Helen likes _________________ her bike. f) Paul loves _________________ .
  • 23. 23„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Heart Throbs A third of all patients won’t feel any chest pain duringaheartattack.Couldyoubeoneofthem? BYCHRISTINEGORMAN You probably already know that a viselike pressure in the chest is the most common physical sign of a heart attack. You may even be aware that the body sometimes “refers” the pain of a heart attack, sending it to the neck, jaw or arms. But do you know the second, third or fourth most common sign of a heart attack? You should. As many as a third of all men and women feel no muscle pain when they suffer a heart attack, according to a study in last week’s Journal of the American Medical Association. Recognizing the less common signs of a heart attack could save your life or that of someone you love. What Else to Look For Shortness of breath Indigestion Profuse sweating A sense of doom Nausea Chest, neck, arm, back pain COPYRIGHT © 2000 TIME INC. I PRIVACY POLICY Personal Time/Your Health: Heart Throbs – PAG... Exercícios de Fixação 4. (Mód. 7) Use a forma correta de say ou tell. a) I ___________ that I was tired. b) ___________ her what you want. c) Have you ______ the teacher about this problem? d) Did you ___________ anything? e) She never ___________ me how she is. f) Ann ________ her sister she was going to school. g) Why didn’t you _________ goodbye? h) ___________ her to sit down. 5. (Mód. 08) Reescreva cada uma das sentenças, co- meçando com um verbo no gerúndio. Exemplo: It’s difficult to study late at night. Studying late at night is difficult. a) It’s not easy to get up early. b) It takes time to learn a foreign language. c) It’s not allowed to park here. d) It’s interesting to visit art museums. e) You’re forbidden to talk. f) It’s nice to listen to music. g) You are not allowed to smoke.
  • 24. 24 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Question Tag CAPÍTULO 3 Question Tag é uma pergunta no final da oração para confirmar o que foi dito. Se afirmamos algo, o question tag nega. Exemplo: It’s hot, isn’t it? 1 1afirmação negação Se negamos algo, o question tag afirma. Exemplo: It isn’t hot, is it? 1 1negação afirmação Exemplos: Present Simple: You like English, don’t you? You don’t like English, do you? Present Continuous: He is studying, isn’t he? He isn’t studying, is he? Present Perfect: She’s arrived, hasn’t she? She hasn’t arrived, has she? Past Simple: You ate a hamburguer, didn’t you? You didn’t eat a hamburguer, did you? Past Continuous: They were playing soccer, weren’t they? They weren’t playing soccer, were they? will – You’ll come, won’t you? You won’t come, will you? going to – You’re going to travel, aren’t you? You aren’t going to travel, are you? be – This is a good movie, isn’t it? This isn’t a good movie, is it? can – She can speak French, can’t she? She can’t speak French, can she? would – He wouldn’t like this story, would he? He would like this story, wouldn’t he? should – You shouldn’t go to the party, should you? You should go to the party, shouldn’t you? _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 09
  • 25. 25„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Escolha o question tag correto. a) James got a lot of money, did he/didn’t he? b) You don’t speak Spanish, do you/don’t you? c) The kids were shouting a lot, were they/weren’t they? d) Liz doesn’t feel well, does she/doesn’t she? e) Charles didn’t like the show, did he/didn’t he? f) It has been a nice day, has it/hasn’t it? g) You aren’t traveling tonight, are you/aren’t you? h) You will come to my party, will you/won’t you? i) Mark likes English, does he/doesn’t he? j) He’s waiting for the bus, is he/isn’t he? 2. Combine as duas partes de cada sentença. 1) They’re not playing well today, a) has he? 2) But they played well last week, b) are they? 3) They didn’t lose any games, c) didn’t they? 4) The new goalkeeper is excellent, d) won’t they? 5) But they lose too many goals, e) don’t they? 6) They’ll have to change the coach, f) did they? 7) He hasn’t been a good one, g) isn’t he? 1____ 3____ 5____ 7____ 2____ 4____ 6____ 3. Complete o diálogo usando question tag. A: I think we’re lost. We should have bought a guide book, (1) ____________? B: Well, we’ll have to ask someone, (2) _________ ? Let’s ask that woman over there, (3) __________? A: What did she say? B: I understood her very well, but now I can’t remem- ber the way to the station. A: You understood her very well, (4) ____________? You can’t understand French, (5) ____________? B: Ok, let’s take a taxi. A: We don’t have money for a taxi, (6) ____________? B: No. But it doesn’t matter anymore because we have already missed our train, (7) ____________? LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR From: Time For Kids
  • 26. 26 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 4. (Mód. 09) Duas pessoas estão em um cinema. Com- plete o diálogo usando question tag. A: It’s a great movie, _____________? B: Yeah, it’s good. A: Those two guys are going to fight, ____________? B: Maybe. A: I was right, _______________? B: Yes, you were. A: That girl has a gun, _________________? B: Yes, she does. A: He’s going to shoot the thief, _______________? B: Maybe. A: She is really beautiful, _________________? B: Stop! You can never be quiet, _____________? 5. (Mód. 09) Acrescente o question tag correto. a) Susan has helped you a lot, ________________? b) You don’t eat salad, __________________? c) The baby girl was sleeping, ________________? d) I missed the plane, __________________? e) Josie is traveling tomorrow, ________________? f) We’re going to lose the game, ______________? g) You haven’t done your homework, ___________? h) Your parents are coming to the party, __________? i) Michael didn’t come to school, ______________? j) You like chocolate cake, __________________? k) We’re late, __________________? l) Your name is Jessica, __________________? m) She’s waiting for the train, __________________? n) They will come back, __________________? o) Gillian does not come from Canada, _________?
  • 27. 27 Inglês CAPÍTULO 4 – PASSIVE VOICE Passive Voice I - Present ........................................................................................... 29 Passive Voice II ........................................................................................................... 30 Time for kids ............................................................................................................... 31 CAPÍTULO 5 – IF SENTENCES THIRD CONDITIONAL Third Conditional ........................................................................................................ 33 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 35 CAPÍTULO 6 – EVERY /ALL / MOST / EACH All .................................................................................................................................. 37 Every ............................................................................................................................ 37 Each ............................................................................................................................. 37 Most ............................................................................................................................. 37 Description: Adjective Order..................................................................................... 39 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 39 CAPÍTULO 7 – WORD FORMATION (PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES) Word Formation: Prefixes .......................................................................................... 41 Suffixes ........................................................................................................................ 41 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 42
  • 28. 2828
  • 29. 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Passive Voice I - Present CAPÍTULO 4 A voz passiva é usada principalmente para dar ênfase ao objeto; para que isso ocorra o objeto torna-se o sujeito da frase. Formação – o objeto da voz ativa torna-se o sujeito da voz passiva. – o verbo to be aparece sempre no tempo verbal da frase da voz ativa. – o verbo principal está sempre no particípio passado. – o sujeito da voz ativa torna-se o agente da passiva, sempre acom- panhado da preposição by (isso se for necessário falar quem fez a ação, por exemplo, someone, they, people). Não há necessidade de serem colocados como agentes por não serem específicos. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 10 Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Passe as sentenças para a voz passiva. Use o agen- te da passiva somente quando necessário. Exemplo: Someone in New York writes these letters. These letters are written in New York. a) Jessica makes John’s clothes. b) Mr. White manages the company. c) They keep a lot of jewels and money in a bank in Switzerland. d) Cigarretes cause forest fires. e) Do they grow sugar cane in Brazil? f) They don’t grow coffee in Russia.
  • 30. 30 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PASSIVE VOICE II Como vimos no módulo anterior, a voz passiva é feita pelo verbo to be no mesmo tempo da voz ativa + o particípio passado do verbo principal. Como podemos ver acima, o verbo principal da voz ativa está no passa- do simples (wrote), portanto o verbo to be na voz passiva também está no passado simples (was). Mudanças verbais que ocorrem na passagem da voz ativa para a voz passiva. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 11
  • 31. 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Passe para a voz passiva. a) The teachers must correct the exams. b) The kids are organizing a surprise party. c) The American team has won the gold medal. d) A boy was taking care of the lions. e) All the students can play this game. f) A lot of people were watching the speech. g) The assistant sent a message. h) The doctors have seen the new patient. i) A police car is following us. 3. Passe as frases para a voz ativa. a) The Japanese lamp was broken by the girls. b) Information is stored by computers. c) This poem has been written by me. d) The letters were sent by Karl. e) The windows are washed by the nurse. f) Your secret will be revealed by her. Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação CASSIE AND RITA LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR
  • 32. 32 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 11 4. Passe as sentenças para a voz passiva. a) The police arrest a lot of people every day. b) Louis always find money on the streets. c) They plant a lot of trees every year. d) They sell most of the tickets on the day of the play. e) The ambulance takes sick people to the hospital. f) They grow coffee in Brazil. g) Famous journalists write articles in this newspaper every day. 5. Reescreva as sentenças na voz passiva. a) They built the building in 1927. b) A cat has eaten my food. c) They will give a gift tomorrow. d) They have postponed our test. e) One of the players broke a window. f) People drink a lot of cans of soft drinks every day. g) They’ll change your room. h) Bob has won a prize. Exercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de FExercícios de Fixaçãoixaçãoixaçãoixaçãoixação
  • 33. 33„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ If Sentences Third Conditional CAPÍTULO 5 Como vimos anteriormente, a oração condicional expressa uma condi- ção e sempre aparece ligada a uma oração principal. Third Conditional Formação If + Past Perfect + (would have + Past Participle) Perfect Conditional Exemplo: If she had had money, she would have gone to the movies. No exemplo acima, podemos ver que a third conditional descreve uma condição impossível, ou seja: se ela tivesse tido dinheiro, ela teria ido ao cinema, como ela não tinha dinheiro, ela não foi. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 12 Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Leia a história abaixo. In August 1995, Paul lost his job in Los Angeles. He had a family to support and he was very worried. He saw an advertisement in the newspaper for an interesting job, but he had to know to speak French. He didn’t know to speak French very well, so he didn’t apply for it. In November a friend phoned him to tell him about a job in Italy. He phoned the company in Italy, and they asked him to go for an interview. He thought he wouldn’t get the job, but the director of the company liked him. However, he couldn’t start at once because he didn’t know any Italian. He took a course to learn Italian. So, by January he had a new job and moved to Italy with his family. Escreva sentença usando as palavras entre parên- teses. Exemplo: (If Paul / not / have / a family to support, he / not / be / so worried) If Paul hadn’t had a family to support, he wouldn’t have been so worried. a) (If he / not / look / in the newspaper, he / not / see / the advertisement) b) (If he / speak / French, he / apply / for the job) c) (If his friend / not / phone, he / not / know / about the job in Italy) d) (If he / not / contact / the company, they / not / ask / him to go for an interview) e) (If the interview / go / badly, the director / not / offer / Paul / a job) f) (If Paul / know / some Italian, he / start / at once)
  • 34. 34 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ REVIEW If Sentences (First, Second and Third Conditionals) Há três tipos principais de condicionais. 1st Conditional: If + Present Simple + will / can / might Exemplo: If the weather is Presente Simples 1 good we will go to the club. 1 Condição provável 2nd Conditional: If + Past Simple + would / could / might Exemplo: If I had Passado Simples 1 money I would go to Europe. 1 Condição improvável 3rd Conditional: If + Past Perfect + would have / could have/ /might have + Past Participle Exemplo: IfRomário had played Passado Perfeito 1 233 433 wewouldhavewonthechampionship. 1 Condição impossível _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 13 2. Faça a associação das frases e junte-as usando if. Diga a qual tipo de condicional elas pertencem. 1 - Larry went to bed at 8:00. a - I’ll follow him. 2 - The babies had worn different clothes. b - I wouldn’t have bought it. 3 - If the guide tells what he wants. c - He wouldn’t sleep. 4 - People traveled by train. d - There would be less pollution. 5 - If I hadn’t seen the product in the supermarket. e - We could have said who they were. 3. Bob plays the drums. The noise he makes is annoying his father. Mr. Smith: Stop playing the drums! This noise is terrible. Bob: But dad! If (1) __________________ (I / not practice), I won’t be a good musician. Mr. Smith: But it’s midnight. If (2) _____________________ (you / play) during the day, (3) _____________________ (I / not / hear) you. If (4) _____________________ (you / not / play) so loud, (5) _____________________ (it / not / be) so bad. Bob: I’m sorry dad. But I can’t stop playing. Mr. Smith: Son, if (6) _____________________ (I / re- alize) a year ago what you were doing, (7) _____________________ (I / not / buy) it. If (8) _____________________ (you / keep) making this noise at night, (9) _____________________ (I / sell) the drums. Exercícios de Aplicação
  • 35. 35„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR MAY 22, 2000 VOL. 155 NO. 21 VISIONS 21 Dangerous Season Forget those summer tans--they’re an invitation to skin cancer. Kids especially need sun protection BY IAN K. SMITH, M.D. Ah, the sweet images of summer! Think of sunny skies, leisurely strolls in the park, lolling in a new swimsuit on a sandy beach. The season of sunshine is just around the corner. That’s the good news. The bad news is that summer is the danger season for your skin. Each year 1.3 million Americans fall victim to skin cancer, and 9,000 of them die. Sadly, almost all of these deaths could have been prevented. The problem is that not enough of us are following basic sun-exposure precautions, especially for our children. That’s evident from the results of a new survey by the American Academy of Dermatology. It shows that 13% of youngsters age 12 or under have experienced at least one sunburn and that 24% of parents admit they have never used sunscreen to protect their kids. While darker skin tends to burn less easily, everyone needs protection, including African Americans. Here are some simple rules you shouldn’t forget: – Use a sunscreen anytime you’re out in the sun for more than 20 minutes. – Apply it 15 to 30 minutes beforehand. – Cover all exposed parts of your body, including less accessible places like the legs, the back of the neck and the tops of the ears. For more information about your skin and the sun, search for the words Safe Sun Tips at http:/ / E-mail Dr. Ian at END COPYRIGHT ® 2000 TIME INC. I PRIVACY POLICY
  • 36. 36 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 12 _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 13 5. Relacione as colunas. a) He will help us ( ) we will buy a pizza. b) I would study today ( ) he would approve the project. c) If the police comes ( ) if you had looked for it. d) What would you do ( ) you would see the film. e) If he accepted the idea ( ) if we ask him for help. f) You would have found the book ( ) if he breaks the vase. g) She will punish Tom ( ) I would have finished my work. h) If you had helped me ( ) they will run away. i) If you went to the movies ( ) if I gave you 500 dollars? j) We would have cleaned the kitchen ( ) if I had a test tomorrow. k) If you are hungry ( ) if we had had time. l) If they were tired ( ) they would rest. 6. Complete as frases condicionais com os verbos entre parênteses. a) If the weather is fine, we _____________________ (go) to the mountains. b) They _____________________ (learn) the lesson if they had paid attention. c) We _____________________ (go) to the movies if we had had money. d) She _____________________ (tell) you the story if you ask her. e) I _____________________ (invite) Paul if I knew him. f) If they _____________________ (ask) me, I will tell the truth. g) If it _____________________ (rain) you won’t go out. h) I’ll explain everything again if she _____________________ (not - understand) it 4. Complete as sentenças com as informações entre parênteses. a) (Mary didn’t get a job as a teacher because she wasn’t graduated) Mary _____________________ the job as a teacher if she _____________________ . b) (Peter lost our address, that’s why he didn’t write to us) If Peter _____________________ our address, he _____________________ to us. c) (Nancy broke her arm, so she didn’t play) If Nancy _____________________ her arm, she _____________________ . d) (Laura didn’t make dinner because she forgot to buy meat) Laura _____________________ dinner if she _____________________ to buy meat.
  • 37. 37„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Every /All Most/Each CAPÍTULO 6 ALL All pode ser usado antes de substantivos no plural ou antes de um subs- tantivo incontável. Exemplo: All plants need water. ⇒ O uso do all indica que são to- das as plantas do mundo. Ainda podemos usar o all seguido de uma frase significando tudo ou uma única coisa. Exemplos: Tell me all you can do. (Diga-me tudo o que você pode fazer.) All he did was tidy his room. (Tudo o que ele fez foi arrumar seu quarto, ou seja, foi a única coisa que ele fez.) EVERY Every é usado antes de substantivos no singular para falar sobre um grupo inteiro. Exemplo: Every bus has a number. (Todo ônibus tem um número.) EACH Each é usado antes de substantivos no singular e significa cada. Exemplo: Each person in that building has a car. (Cada pessoa na- quele prédio tem um carro.) Observação – Each acompanhado da preposição of precede um subs- tantivo no plural. Exemplo: Each of the apartments has a garage. (Cada um dos apar- tamentos tem uma garagem.) MOST Most significa maioria e pode ser usado antes de substantivos no plural ou antes de um substantivo incontável. Exemplo: Most people would like to travel more. (A maioria das pes- soas gostaria de viajar mais.) _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 14
  • 38. 38 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Observação – Most e All podem ser seguidos ou não da preposição of, mas antes de pronomes é obrigatório o uso de of. Exemplo: Most of them arrived late. Observação – Every e All antes de: day, morning, week, etc. I travel every day = (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ...) I was traveling all day. (from morning till evening) Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Complete o diálogo com every ou each. Em algu- mas situações, ambos são possíveis. Walter: Your new apartment is much bigger than your previous one. Does (1) _____________ person have their own room? Linda: Yes. And (2) _____________ one pay his share of the rent (3) _____________ month. Walter: It’s great! Do you have many parties here? Linda: Of course, but not (4) _____________ week. Walter: How do you organize your parties? Linda: Well, (5) _____________ guest brings some food or drinks. But we won’t have any parties for the next two weeks because we’re studying for our exams (6) _____________ night. 2. Complete com every ou all e a palavra entre parên- teses. a) I don’t go to church ____________________ (week). b) I’ve been studying ____________________ (morning) today. c) She’s so tired today because she spent ____________________ (night) at the disco. d) Susan gets up at 6:00 ____________________ (day). e) It’s 5:00 p.m.Are you going to sleep ____________ (afternoon)? f) Last Sunday my father spent _____________ (day) fishing. g) Joe is in a hurry ____________________ (time) I see him. 3. Completar com all ou most. Cinco pessoas tomaram parte em um jogo para res- ponder vinte perguntas. Eles responderam todas corretamente ou a maior parte? Exemplo: Jessica answered seventeen questions: She got most of them right. a) Kate answered all twenty correctly: b) David’s answered sixteen questions correctly: c) Mike answered them all right except two: d) Tony gave twenty correct answers:
  • 39. 39„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Description: Adjective Order. Para fazermos uma descrição usamos adjetivos. Em inglês, os adjeti- vos devem seguir uma determinada ordem, de acordo com o quadro abaixo: Exemplos: She is a beautiful tall American girl. quality size nationality It’s a round yellow toy. shape color 5. Transforme as duas sentenças em uma. Exemplo: I’ve got a car. It’s blue. It is small. It goes 140 kilometers an hour. I’ve got a small, blue car which goes 140 kilometers an hour. a) Sue knows a girl. She’s Italian. She’s young. She lives in Venice. b) George’s got a jacket. It’s silk. It’s black. It looks great. c) Daniel’s got a pair of shoes. It’s new. It’s brown. It’s cheap. d) I’ve got a friend. He’s Dutch. He’s pleasant. He writes to me every month. e) We study English in a room. It is square. It’s small. It has just one window. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 15 4. Coloque as palavras em ordem para escrever sen- tenças corretas. a) American / He’s / an / boy. b) a / fair-haired / boy / American / He’s c) American / thin / He’s / fair-haired / boy / a d) He’s / young / a / thin / American / fair-haired / boy e) short / American / thin / fair-haired / boy / young / He’s / a f) thin / young / boy / He’s / pleasant / a / fair-haired / short / American Exercícios de Aplicação LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR SCIENCE NEWS September 22, 2000 Scientists Discover ‘Hole’ Truth Astronomers find black hole in galaxy’s center Scientists have just made a discovery - a VERY big discovery. They have spotted a giant black hole that lies smack in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy. This black hole has a mass of more than two million suns. (How large is that? Keep in mind that the diameter, or width, of one sun is 864,000 miles - more than 100 times wider than the Earth!) What Are Black Holes? A black hole is a mysterious object that is so thick and creates forces of gravity so strong that even light cannot escape from the hole’s surface. That’s what makes black holes almost impossible to see. Since the newly discovered hole lies within the Milky Way - which is home to our very own solar system - it can truly be called our neighborhood black hole. In fact, scientists have closely pinpointed its precise location using the Keck Telescope in Hawaii.
  • 40. 40 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ How to Find a Black Hole Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles have been watching stars spin closer and faster around the black hole for the past four years. By measuring tiny differences in the images of stars that revolve around what is believed to be the center of the galaxy, scientists were able to pinpoint the black hole. This latest discovery will help astronomers learn more about the formation of galaxies and black holes. Since researchers have always believed that most black holes lie at the center of their galaxies, their new findings may also help us map out our place in space. “This has always been a major goal,” said Wallace Tucker, who works out of the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “To try to figure out exactly where the center of our galaxy is.” - By Dina Maasarani FROM: TIME FOR KIDS Exercícios de Fixação 6. Complete o parágrafo usando all, every ou each. Às vezes mais de uma resposta pode ser possível. (1) _________________ the houses in my neighborhood look the same, the only difference is that (2) _________________ house has its own number. (3) _________________ morning. (4) _________________ of the doors of these houses opens and the people of the house goes off to work or school. That happens on (5) _________________ weekday morning, but at the weekends is different. (6) _________________ the families have a car and on Saturdays (7) _________________ of them has to be washed. (8) _________________ house has a garden and on Sundays (9) _________________ the grass has to be cut. (10) _________________ the people do everything that is possible to be the same as their neighbors. 7. Circule o adjetivo que está no lugar errado e colo- que-o no grupo correto. 8. Coloque os adjetivos na ordem correta. a) (blue, velvet, long) I’ve got a ________ _________ _________ dress. b) (famous, American, young) She’s a ________ _________ _________ actress. c) (new, cotton, red) She’s got a ________ _________ _________ sweater. d) (great, Italian, tall) He’s a ________ _________ _________ volleyball player. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 14 _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 15
  • 41. 41!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exemplos: danger - dangerous care - careful Word Formation (Prefixes and Suffixes) CAPÍTULO 7 WORD FORMATION: PREFIXES Os prefixos são usados no início de uma palavra para transformá-la em uma nova palavra. Alguns prefixos: dis- un- im- re- mis- in- Exemplos: dis + appoint = disappoint un + happy = unhappy im + patient = impatient re + write = rewrite mis + understand = misunderstand in + direct = indirect 1. Acrescente um dos prefixos às palavras. Um prefixo pode ser usado mais de uma vez. dis- un- im- re- a) This exercise is ____possible to be solved. b) I was so ____happy this morning. c) Kids are very ____patient. d) This the memorial for the ____known soldier. e) To betray your friend is ____honest. f) You have to ____write your composition. g) Everybody ____agrees about it. Exercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de AplicaçãoExercícios de Aplicação 2. Associe cada prefixo com uma palavra da coluna di- reita. dis- happy agree im- polite fortune in- direct appoint mis- fair accurate un- patient approve _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 16 SUFFIXES Os sufixos são usados no final de uma palavra para transformá-la em uma nova palavra. Alguns sufixos: -ing -ed -ance -ful -able -ly -ous -er -ism - ish -ive -y -ship -ation _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 17
  • 42. 42 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR Exercícios de Aplicação 3. Associe cada palavra com o sufixo correto. organize -ism member -y difficult -ation fool -ful create -ish faith -ive appear -ship race -ance WORLD REPORT EDITION IN THE NEWS Better Wear a Helmet! It’s the hottest way to get around, but there’s bad news about scooters. A report out last week showed that from January through August, more than 9,400 scooter riders landed in the emergency room. Nearly nine out of 10 of those injured were kids unders 15. Scooter injuries are rising fast: 500 were reported in May; in August there were 4,000! Why all the accidents? Some blame the small wheels. “If you hit a pebble, that’s all it takes to go down,” says Tim Patmont. His company offers larger scooters with rubber wheels. Everyone seems to agree on one thing: scooter riders should wear a helmet, wrist guards and knee and elbow pads to avoid getting hurt. Oh, and watch out for cars and for all those other scooters zooming by. September 15, 2000 Vol. 6 No. 2 FROM: TIME FOR KIDS 4. Acrescente um dos sufixos abaixo às palavras. Cada sufixo será usado apenas uma vez. -ous -ed -ing -able -ance -ful -ly -er a) It’s danger____ to walk alone in this city. b) Reading this text was help____. c) I’m a teach____. d) This book is not interest____. e) This chicken is not cook____. f) You are very friend____. g) I need to change my appear____. h) The party was really enjoy____. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 16 _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 17 5. Acrescente o prefixo correto a cada uma das pala- vras. Use in-, im-, un-, mis-, dis-. a) fair: _______________________ b) understand: _______________________ c) possible: _______________________ d) happy: _______________________ e) accurate: _______________________ f) fortune: _______________________ g) agree: _______________________ h) polite: _______________________ i) appear: _______________________ j) appoint:: _______________________ 6. Associe cada palavra com o sufixo correto. Em se- guida, escreva sentenças usando cada nova pala- vra. care -ship relation -ance colonize -ish self -ful disappear -ation Sentenças Exemplo: Don’t be so selfish. Exercícios de Fixação
  • 43. 43 Inglês CAPÍTULO 8 – RELATIVE CLAUSES AND WEATHER Relative Clauses I (Who / Which / That) ................................................................... 45 Relative Clause II (Where / Whose / What)............................................................... 46 Weather........................................................................................................................ 47 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 51 CAPÍTULO 9 – MODAL VERBS Modal Verbs I ............................................................................................................... 53 Características Gerais.............................................................................................. 53 Modal Verbs II .............................................................................................................. 55 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 58 CAPÍTULO 10 – PHRASAL VERBS I AND SHOULD Phrasal Verbs I ............................................................................................................ 59 Phrasal Verbs II ........................................................................................................... 60 Phrasal Verbs III .......................................................................................................... 61 Should – Giving Advice .............................................................................................. 63 Leitura Complementar ............................................................................................... 65
  • 44. 4444
  • 45. 45„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Relative Clauses and Weather CAPÍTULO 8 RELATIVE CLAUSES I (WHO / WHICH / THAT) Usamos o pronome relativo who para pessoas e o pronome relativo which para animais, coisas e acontecimentos (podemos usar that ao invés de who ou which). Exemplo: She’s the girl who always wears sunglasses. This is the bus which goes to London. She’s the girl that always wears sunglasses. This is the bus that goes to London. Who, which ou that podem funcionar como sujeitos da relative clause. Exemplo: I know the man who got the job (he got the job). Podemos omitir o who, which ou that neste caso. Who, which ou thatpodem também funcionar como objeto da relative clause. Exemplo: I read the book which you gave me. (You gave me the book). The man who I spoke to is a millionaire. (I spoke to the man). Em conversas informais podemos omiti-los. Podemos usar o whom quando o objeto for uma pessoa, mas é muito formal e raramente é usado em conversas. Geralmente omitimos ou usa- mos who no lugar. Exemplo: The people whom we met were very interesting. Quando usamos verbos e adjetivos precedidos de preposição, a prepo- sição geralmente vem no final da relative clause. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 18
  • 46. 46 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exemplo: I know who this umbrella belong to. No inglês formal podemos colocar a preposição no começo, antes do whom ou which. Exemplo: I met the man for whom you work. That’s the job for which I applied. Exercícios de Aplicação 1. Marque as frases em que não é possível omitir o pronome relativo who, which ou that. a) A supermarket cashier in Ashton, Bristol noticed a customer who was acting strangely. ( ) b) He also noticed the enormous hat that she was wearing. ( ) c) There were only two things in the basket that she was carrying. ( ) d) The customer paid for the things which she’d bought. ( ) e) She then suddenly fainted and fell on top of a child who was standing behind her. ( ) f) The cashier removed the hat which was still on the customer’s head. ( ) g) She found a frozen chicken and a packet of frozen peas which the customer had stolen. ( ) h) It was the frozen chicken and peas that had made her faint. ( ) 2. Complete as frases com pronomes relativos ade- quados. a) Man must stop destroying the thing _______ mean his own survival. b) Nobody has seen the burglar _______ broke in the store. c) We are acquainted with some people _______ live in London. d) The cigarettes _______ Dad smokes are considered to be “light”. 3. Junte as duas frases usando who ou which. a) I saw a road accident today. It really upset me. b) He hit an old woman. She was crossing the road. c) I took care of the old woman. She was still breathing. d) But she died in the ambulance. it was taking her to hospital. RELATIVE CLAUSE II (WHERE / WHOSE / WHAT) Usamos o pronome relativo where para descrever lugares. Exemplo: That’s the house where I was born. Podemos usar where sem identificar o lugar descrito. Exemplo: This is where I live. I want to go where it’s sunny. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 19
  • 47. 47„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ O pronome relativo whose para posse, sempre, será seguido por um substantivo. Pode ser sujeito ou objeto do verbo. Exemplo: She’s the girl whose dog bit me. (sujeito) He’s the man whose wife we met. (objeto) O pronome relativo what significa: a(s) coisa(s) que. Exemplo: He doesn’t like what I do. (objeto) His dishonesty is what worries me. (sujeito) Podemos começar as frases com what para enfatizar algo. Exemplo: What we need is a new government. Não usamos what depois de all e everything. Exemplo: All you can do is be patient. Have you got everything you need? Exercícios de Aplicação 4. Reescreva as frases usando where. a) (I stayed at this hotel.) This is the hotel . b) (I had breakfast on this balcony.) This is the balcony . c) (We ate at this taverna in the evening.) d) (I spent most of my time on this beach.) e) (I met Angelo at this night club.) 5. Complete as lacunas usando whose. a) (The boot of the car is probably full of wine.) We’re looking for a red Ford Mondeo _______ b) (We found somebody’s jacket in the store.) We’d like to talk to the person _______ c) (Somebody’s fingerprints are on the door of the safe.) We’re looking for the person _______ d) (We found somebody’s gloves near the store entrance.) We’d like to interview the person _______ WEATHER cloud – cloudy fog – foggy
  • 49. 49„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 06. De acordo com o quadro, responda as perguntas abaixo. What’s the weather like in...? a) Athens? b) Cairo? c) Dublin? d) London? e) Berlin? f) Moscow? g) Paris? a) It’s _______ and the temperature is _______. b) _____________________________________. c) _____________________________________. d) _____________________________________. e) _____________________________________. f) _____________________________________. g) _____________________________________. Exercícios de Aplicação 07. Complete o quadro com: cold, cool, freezing, hot, very hot, warm. Exercícios de Fixação 08. (Mód. 19) Complete com informações sobre nosso país. a) In January, the weather is usually _______ b) In April, the weather is often _______ c) In November, the weather is never _______ d) In July, the weather is _______ 09. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases usando who ou which. a) She spoke to the man. He was standing next to her. b) I read the letters. They came in the morning past. c) He likes the other people. They work in his office. d) She’s that singer. She was on television last night. e) Next week there is a festival. It happens in the village every summer. f) I paid the bills. They came yesterday. 10. (Mód. 18) Complete com which ou who. A: Did you watch that programme last night? B: Which one? A: The programme _______ I mentioned a couple of days ago. It’s a new series _______ started last night. B: No, I didn’t see it. Was it good? A: Yes, It was about a group of friends _______ were at school together. Well, Rupert... B: Who was Rupert? A: He was an old student of the school _______ had become a doctor. He went to a party _______ his old teachers organized. He met a lot of people _______ had been at school with him many years before. They talked about the things _______ they did when they were at school. Then suddenly, Rupert saw an old girlfriend _______ was dancing with John... B: Don’t tell me any more. It’s getting too complicated! 11. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases usando who, which ou that. a) We ate the sandwiches. Jack made them. b) I’m doing some work. I have to finish it today. c) She’s an old woman. I often see her when I go to the shops. d) He’s an actor. A lot of people like him. e) It’s a magazine. I read it sometimes. 12. (Mód. 18) Junte as frases como o exemplo, usando who ou which. Ex.: The person phoned. He didn’t leave a message. The person who phoned didn’t leave a message. a) The bus goes to the airport. It leaves every 20 minutes.
  • 50. 50 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ b) The picture was hanging near the door. It was horrible. c) The instructor taught me how to drive. He was very patient. d) The girl was sitting next to me. She started talking to me. 13. (Mód. 18) Transforme as frases do quadro em Relati- ve Clauses e use-as para completar as frases a seguir. they love horse races she tells funny stories we attended it yesterday she lives next door to us who greets me it is very common in India a) The ceremony ___________ was very enjoyable. b) Evelyn is the lady ____________ to the children. c) The Sennas were friendly guys ____________ . d) Child marriage, ___________, is not an ordinary habit in America. e) We happen to know the widow ______________. f) I love the child ______________ every morning on the street where I live. 14. (Mód. 18) Assinale a alternativa correta. 1) In that College, it’s the teacher _______ decides what he wants to teach. a) that b) which c) what d) where e) when 2) My uncle Harry, _______ I haven’t seen for years, is coming for Christmas. a) that b) what c) which d) whom e) whose 3) Washington, DC is a city _______ is particularly beautiful in spring. a) who b) whose c) which d) when e) what 4) I’m not sure _____________________. a) whom she’s staying with b) with whom is she staying c) with who she is staying d) with who is she staying e) with which who she is staying 5) The Toledos are the worst neighbors _______ we have ever had. a) that b) which c) what d) whose e) when 15. (Mód. 19) Complete o diálogo usando what, that ou omita quando possível. A: I want to know where you went and the things (1) _______ you did. B: I’ve told you (2) _______ we did. We simply had a drink together. A: What did you talk about? B: You know (3) _______ we talked about. I’ve told you everything (4) _______ we said. A: Do you like Nick? B: Yes, I do, but that doesn’t mean (5) _______ you think it means. You don’t believe (6) _______ I’m saying, do you? I’ve told you everything (7) _______ happened. That’s all (8) I can do. 16. (Mód. 19) Complete como no modelo. Ex.: Dora has met... (the students / their grades were very low) Dora has met the students whose grades were very low. a) She... (not to be the kind of person / her behavior could be considered reasonable) b) What’s the name... (the man / his daughter was taken to hospital) c) We happen to know... (experts / their main occupations are buying and selling books) d) That’s... (the tree / it’s branches are falling down) 17. (Módulos 18 e 19) Assinale a alternativa correta. 1) Fred is the man _______ car’s been stolen. a) who b) whom c) that d) whose e) – 2) Look, that’s the building _______ Anita works. a) who b) whom c) which d) when e) where 3) She really doesn’t know _______ to do. a) who b) whom c) what d) which e) that 4) He is the man _______ son is a famous surgeon. a) whose b) who c) whom d) which e) that
  • 51. 51„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 18. (Mód. 19) Combine as frases usando whose. a) The woman is a careful mother. Her baby is sleeping. b) The man is very sad. His wife has run away. c) The dog is John’s. Its hair is black and white. d) Mr. Ford is here. His daughter is called Helen. e) That man is my brother. His hair is black. Max, 21, and Marissa, 24, were married by a justice of the peace right before show time on April 16 in Charleston, W. Va. A cheering crowd watched the ceremony. Then after the couple kissed, they hustled into circus costumes and went on with the show. “We did the whole show and had a wedding cake and punch during intermission,” said Marissa, who first met Max when they started working together two years ago. “The wedding was perfect,” beamed the bride, “and I really love this clown!” (From: Key Word) LEITURA COMPLEMENTAR 19. (Mód. 18 e 19) Complete com o pronome relativo cor- reto. a) The man to _______ you gave the money has died. b) The table on _______ you put your shoes cost 300 dollars. c) I have just seen the woman _______ son studied monkeys and bears. d) Mrs. Scott, _______ is my mother, wants to see you. e) Nothing _______ he says is true. You’re not going to marry that clown, are you? Marissa Young married a real bozo – she tied the knot with a circus clown! Max Richardson – in full clown face – took lovely Marissa as his wife in front of an audience of 7,000 people at the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Their three-ring ceremony included 18 clowns, 18 dancers and five elephants. The bride made her grand entrance wearing a stunning white gown – while riding an elephant! “I always wanted a big fancy wedding and this was a dream come true,” said Marissa, a dancer with the circus.
  • 53. 53„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Modal Verbs I _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 20 CAPÍTULO 9 MODAL VERBS I CARACTERÍSTICAS GERAIS – Não têm conjugação regular ou completa. – Não têm infinitivo. – Não recebem s ou es na 3ª pessoa do singular no presente. – São seguidos de infinitivo sem to. – Geralmente formam suas próprias interrogativas e negativas. – Funcionam como verbos auxiliares. Can – expressa capacidade ou habilidade, permissão. Presente: can Passado: could Futuro: will be able to Ex.: She can swim. You can leave now. May – expressa permissão ou possibilidade, probabilidade. Presente: may passado: might futuro: will be allowed to will be permitted to Ex.: May I come in? It may rain tonight. Must – sua tradução é “dever” e expressa algo obrigatório. A forma mustn’t expressa proibição. Presente: must Passado: had to Futuro: will have to Ex.: I must tell you the truth.
  • 54. 54 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Ought to – expressa um conselho, algo que se acha importante ou ne- cessário. Ex.: You ought to visit your grandmother. Should – expressa um conselho. Ex.: You should study more. Used to – expressa um hábito no passado. Ex.: I used to cry when I was a baby. Need – expressa necessidade. Ex.: She needs to go home. Exercícios de Aplicação 01. Escreva frases pedindo permissão. Use may. a) drive your car b) ask you a question c) help you d) call you in the morning e) have lunch earlier 02. Reescreva as frases usando can. a) He speaks English. b) We have a good time here. c) I walk to school in the morning. d) She writes beautiful letters. e) My friends play tennis. 03. Escreva frases usando to be able to na forma corre- ta. a) read that letter yesterday b) come today c) travel next year d) not drive the car last night 04. Reescreva as frases usando have to. a) I read that book today. b) He will travel next month. c) We went home by car yesterday. d) She works in the morning. 05. Escreva as frases usando ought to. a) make a cake b) cook dinner c) clean the room d) walk the dog e) get up early 06. Escreva as frases usando should. a) talk to him b) help her c) go to a doctor d) stay here e) drink water
  • 55. 55„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ MODAL VERBS II Can / could Continuous: can / could + be + _ing Perfect: can / could + have + past participle Forma negativa: can’t / cannot / couldn’t Ex.: Shirley can be sleeping now. Couldn’t she have told you a lie? May / might Continuous: may / might + be + ing Perfect: may / might + have + past participle Forma negativa: may not / mightn’t Ex.: She mightn’t be talking seriously. May she have told you a lie? Must Continuous: must + be + ing Perfect: must + have + past participle Forma negativa: mustn’t Ex.: She must have left early today. Should / Ought to Continuous: should / ought to + be + ing Perfect: should / ought to + have + past participle Forma negativa: shouldn’t / oughtn’t to Ex.: They should have spoken to us. You should be eating well. Need Forma negativa: needn’t / don’t need / doesn’t need * A need for: uma necessidade de _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 21
  • 56. 56 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios de Aplicação 07. Complete com a opção correta. a) She’s grown-up. She (ought / should) to behave accordingly. b) I think you’re feverish. You (ought to / need) taking your temperature. c) Is there (a need for / need) Vera’s presence tomorrow? d) It’s late. You (need to sleeping / should be sleeping) e) Many symptoms (needn’t / shouldn’t) special attention. f) This thermometer is inaccurate. We (should have bought / need to) that German one. g) That scratch on your arm is getting worse. You (should have take / ought to have taken) 08. Faça como o modelo. Ex.: I don’t see Tom anywhere. (He must / leave) He must have left. a) Telma didn’t need to lie to me as we’ve been friends for a long time. (She might / tell the truth) b) This report of yours is a complete nonsense. (You can / not talk seriously) c) Madalena was extremely selfish. (She could / not leave me alone and without any help) d) Walls have ears. (you might / not reveal your secrets in a loud voice) e) I’m not sure about her true motives for quitting school. (can she / lie) 09. Um homem está no hospital. Complete o que o ami- go dele diz sobre ele usando: couldn’t, may have, may not, could, may, might have. a) He _______ be in hospital for weeks. b) He _______ recover completely. c) But it _______ be worse. He _______ been killed. d) This is a very good hospital. He _______ get better medical treatment anywhere else. e) The other car was on the wrong side of the road. The driver _______ been drunk. 10. (Módulo 20) Complete as frases a partir dos modelos. Ex.: I think you’ve got the ability to drive. I think you can drive You are allowed to enter now. You may enter now. a) Tell Rita that it is forbidden to park cars here. Tell Rita that she b) I suppose that Rogério had the means to cover expenses like these ones. I suppose that Rogério c) It’s certain that Ricardo’s parents will not let him join our team. It’s certain that Ricardo 11. (Mód. 20 e 21) Complete com a opção correta. a) Sheila (can / cans) invite anybody to her wedding party. b) Come what may, your sister (will have / cannot) to study more. Exercícios de Fixação c) Sorry, Elisa can’t talk to you now. She (has to / mays) care for the dinner. d) I’ll do the dishes so you (mustn’t / don’t have) to worry about it. e) I will never (can / be able) to play the piano, I guess. f) He (may to / must) be home, he told me he would. 12. (Mód. 20 e 21) Assinale a alternativa correta. 1) Our Literature teacher was very bright-he _______ six foreign languages. a) must to speak b) could speak c) could speaks d) can to speak 2) Where ____________ we celebrate our wedding, darling? a) can b) are we c) have to d) must to
  • 57. 57„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3) Do you mean that I _____________ cover all the expenses by myself, darling? a) must to b) must c) can to d) to have to 4) Don’t call Carlos now! He _______________. a) may be sleeping b) might to sleep c) may have sleeping d) may sleep. 5) If we get to the movies at 9 pm, we __________ find it open. a) can’t to b) may not c) must to d) are to 6) Selma has just undergone a delicate surgery. She ___________. a) should to be resting b) ought be resting c) ought to be resting d) needs do resting 7) Coughing, chestiness and shortness of breath are symptoms of bronchitis. You _______ see a doctor. a) need b) don’t need c) not need d) needs to 8) My radio is not working. Its batteries _______. a) need changed b) needs changing c) need changing d) needn’t to changing 9) Camilo has been unemployed for 6 months now. He _______ the job he was offered. a) should have accepted b) should to have accepted c) ought have accepted d) needs have accepted 13. (Mód. 21) Corrija, quando necessário, as frases se- guintes. a) My car’s broken down. I couldn’t get to the meeting on time. b) I mightn’t have contacted you earlier because I couldn’t find a phone. c) I may be as much as an hour late. d) I might have left home earlier. e) But I may not have know that my car was going to break down. f) This delay wouldn’t have happened at a worse time. g) I may have to wait for hours for someone do come and repair the car. h) I might leave my car here and take a taxi. 14. (Mód. 20 e 21) Complete usando: couldn’t might have may not couldn’t have may could ‘We (1) _______ have got everybody out of the building. There (2) _______ be more people trapped inside. But they (3) couldn’t _______ still be alive in there. The heat’s too intense.’ ‘We (4) _______ got here sooner. We came as soon as we (5) _______.’ ‘I wonder what started the fire.’ ‘It (6) _______ been a gas leak. I smelt gas when we first arrived.’ 15. (Mód. 20 e 21) Assinale a alternativa correta. 1) They’re so good that they _______ do this without laughter. a) can’t b) can c) may d) should 2) I _______ be a lazy student, but now I’m a very responsible one. a) used b) to use c) used to d) using 3) Before Mara _______ arrangements to travel to Paris she received an amazing letter from Dorival. a) mays make b) must make c) could make d) may make 4) My father is _______ a nap after meals. a) used to taking b) used to take c) uses to take d) used taking 5) Sorry, it was my only choice. I simply _______ what I did. a) did done b) ought do c) had to do d) must do
  • 59. 59„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Phrasal Verbs I and Should _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 22 CAPÍTULO 10 PHRASAL VERBS I Verb + a particle (ex. up, on, in, away) Alguns phrasal verbs têm um significado literal. Ex.: He heard a helicopter and looked up. Alguns phrasal verbs têm um significado idiomático. Ex.: She takes after her mother. Alguns phrasal verbs têm o significado literal e o idiomático. Ex.: He saw the mouse and ran out. Oil will run out in the next century. Os phrasal verbs podem ser transitivos ou intransitivos, como outros verbos. Transitivo: tem um objeto. He took off his jacket. Intransitivo: não tem objeto. The plane took off. Os phrasal verbs podem ser separáveis ou inseparáveis. Separáveis: objeto pode vir entre verbo e partícula. Quando o objeto for um pronome, devemos separá-los. She switched it on. Inseparáveis: o verbo e a partícula não podem ser separados. Could you look after the children this evening?
  • 60. 60 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios Aplicação 01. Quais destas frases são transitivas? a) She really stands out from the rest. b) Just kick off your shoes and dance. c) I fell over in the street. d) We decided to set up a business together. e) Lindsay isn’t here. She’s just gone out. 02. Separe-os quando possível, corrigindo, se necessá- rio. a) I’m looking for my glasses. b) I’m looking for them. c) They put off the meeting. d) They put off it. e) I think I’ll turn off the TV. PHRASAL VERBS II 1) To get on (to enter) – entrar Ex.: I always get on the bus at 34th Street. 2) to get off (to leave) – sair Ex.: Helen got off the bus at 42nd Street. 3) to get up (to arise) – levantar Ex.: I get up at 7 o’clock every morning. 4) to get along (to do, succeed) – dar-se bem Ex.: John is getting along very well in his study of English. 5) to get back (to return) – voltar Ex.: Mr. Harris got back from Chicago yesterday. 6) to get over (to recover from) – recuperar-se Ex.: It took me more than a month to get over my cold. 7) to get to (to arrive at a place) – chegar em Ex.: I missed the bus and I didn’t get to the office until ten o’clock. 8) to get better, worse (to become better, worse...) – melhorar, piorar Ex.: John has been sick for a month but now he is getting better. 9) to get sick, well, tired... (to become sick, ...) – ficar doente Ex.: John got sick last January and has been in bed since then. 10) to get in touch with (to communicate with) – entrar em contato Ex.: I have been trying all morning to get in touch with my teacher. 11) to get used to (to become used) – acostumar-se com Ex.: You will soon get used to this climate and then the changes in temperature will not affect you. 12) to get rid of (to become free of) – ficar livre de Ex.: We can’t seen to get rid of the mice in our apartment. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 22
  • 61. 61„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ Exercícios Aplicação f) How is Mr. Holmes _______ in his new job? g) The man was so weak that the nurse was unable to _______ him _______. h) When do you expect to _______ from your trip? i) I do not think he will ever _______ the loss of his wife. j) This train _______ Chicago at 11 o’clock tonight. k) Is your headache _______ or _______? l) Every afternoon at about 4 o’ clock I _______. 03. Complete com o phrasal verb adequado. a) It certainly took Mr. Smith a long time to _______ that salesman. b) I can’t seen to _______ wearing glasses. c) You can _______ him by telephone by calling the hotel. d) William _______ the subway at the same station every morning. e) I usually take the bus here and I _______ at Euston Station. _____/ _____/ _____ Módulo 23PHRASAL VERBS III 1) to put on (to place on oneself) – colocar Ex.: Mary put on her scarf and left the room. 2) to take off (to remove) – remover / tirar Ex.: John took off his hat as he entered the room. 3) to call up (to telephone) – telefonar Ex.: I forgot to call up Mr. Jones yesterday, although I promised to call him up exactly at 3 o’clock. 4) to turn on (to start) – ligar Ex.: Please turn on the light. This room is dark. 5) to turn off (to stop) – desligar Ex.: Shall I turn the oven off? 6) to pick up (to take – with fingers) – pegar Ex.: I would have picked it up if I had noticed it. 7) to wait for (to expect) – esperar por Ex.: We waited for him more than an hour and finally left. 8) to find out (to discover) – descobrir Ex.: I’ll try to find it out. 9) to look at (to watch) – olhar para Ex.: I like to walk along a country road and look at the stars at night. 10) to look for (to search for) – procurar por Ex.: I have lost my gloves. Will you help me look for them? 11) to call on (to visit) – visitar Ex.: Last night several friends called on us.
  • 62. 62 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 12) to call off (to cancel) – cancelar Ex.: The game was called off on account of darkness. 13) to look out (to be careful) – ter cuidado Ex.: Look out for the cars turning in your direction. 14) to look over (to examine) – examinar Ex.: I want to look over these exercises before I give them to the teacher. 15) to put out (to extinguish) – apagar Ex.: You can put out your cigarette in that ashtray. 16) to put off (to post pone) – adiar Ex.: The meeting was put off until next week. 17) to pick out (to choose) – escolher Ex.: If you want me to treat you to a dessert, pick one out. 18) to talk over (to discuss) – discutir Ex.: We talked over Carl’s plan. 19) to lie down (to recline) – deitar-se Ex.: If you are tired, why don’t you lie down for an your? 20) to keep on (to continue) – continuar Ex.: John kept on talking. Exercícios de Aplicação 04. Complete com o phrasal verb mais adequado. a) _______ your hat _______ before you leave the house. b) _________ your sweater _________ in this warm room. c) Did anyone _______ me _______ while I was out? d) Do you know who _______ the lights _______? e) Please _______ the light. We do not need it now. f) Why didn’t you _______ that pencil which lay on the floor? g) We will _______ you on the corner of Broadway and 86th Street. h) I was unable to _______ the name of the man who called. i) The teacher told us to _______ the blackboard and not at our books. j) He has spent an hour _______ the pen which he lost. k) How many salesmen _______ Mr. Evans every day? l) I want to _______ some new ties to give brother as a present. m) Before I accepted the new job offer, I _______ it _______ with my wife. n) The doctor says that Grace must _______ and rest an hour every afternoon. o) Why did the driver tell Mary to _______ as she was getting off the bus? p) At first the workers planned to strike, but later they _______ it _______. q) He signed the contract without even _______ it _______. r) The firemen worked hard but were not able to _______ the fire. s) If Tom can’t come to the conference, let’s _______ it _______.