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A Microbiological perspective of Ocular Micro-organisms
Safneck J. R. Endophthalmitis: a review of recent trends. Saudi
Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012;26(2):181–189
Kernt M, Kampik A. Endophthalmitis: pathogenesis, clinical presentation,
management, and perspectives. Clin Ophthalmol. 2010;4:121–35
 Staphyloccocci - derived from Greek “stapyle” (bunch of
 Gram positive cocci arranged in clusters
 Non spore forming, non motile
 Catalase positive (breaks H2O2 into O2 & H2O)
 S. aureus: Coagulase positive, Hemolytic, Ferments
 Plasmid mediated Antibiotic resistance in S. aureus
 1. Coagulase positive Staphylococci
 Staphylococcus aureus
 2. Coagulase negative Staphylococci
 Staphylococcus epidermidis
 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
 Major human pathogen
 Habitat - part of normal flora in some humans (nose ,
sometimes skin esp hospital staff and patients, vagina of
5% females) and animals
 Source of organism - can be infected human host, carrier,
fomite or environment
 Skin commensal, Coagulase negative.
 Has predilection for plastic material
 Associated with infection of IV lines, prosthetic heart
valves, shunts
 Has variable antibiotic sensitivity pattern, highly resistant
 Treatment should be aided with drug sensitivity test.
 Hospital acquired
Due to direct
effect of organism
 Local lesions of skin
 Deep abscesses
 Systemic infections
Toxin mediated
 Food poisoning
 toxic shock syndrome
 Scalded skin syndrome
 Protein A (binds to Fc
portion of Ig G at
complement binding
 Teichoic acid
antibody formation)
 Microcapsule (11
 Peptidoglycan has
1. In all pus forming lesions
 Gram stain and culture of pus
2. In all systemic infections
 Blood culture
3. In infections of other tissues, Culture of relevant tissue
or exudate
4. Gram Stain: Gram positive cocci in clusters
5. Yellowish colonies , b-hemolytic on Blood agar
6.Catalase and coagulase positive
7. Mannitol fermenter
DIAGNOSIS (Continued)
 Very imp. In Pt. Management
 Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
 1.B lactamase production - plasmid mediated
Has made S. aureus resistant to penicillin group of
antibiotics (90% of S. aureus (Gp A))
B lactamase stable penicillins (cloxacillin, oxacillin,
methicillin) used
 2. Alteration of penicillin binding proteins (Chromosomal
 Tested in lab using methicillin
 Referred to as methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA)
 Emerging problem in the world
 In Sri Lanka prevalence varies from 20- 40% in
 Drug of choice - VANCOMYCIN
 In Japan emergence of VIRSA (vancomycin
intermediate resistant S. aureus)
 No effective antibiotics discovered -We might have to
 Presentation: Staph aureus is mostly acute, explosive in
onset, CONS is indolent and insidious in onset
 Mode of entry into eye: Most common organism in post
surgical endophthalmitis, enters the eye via surgical
wounds (SICS tunnel, corneal incisions)
 Clinical picture: Hypopyon in AC with dense vitritis.
 At transcriptional level, namely, agr (accessory gene
regulator) and sar (staphylococcal accessory
 Alpha toxin (tissue necrosis) and beta-toxin
contributed to the decrease in retinal function.
 Gamma-toxin and leukocidin, were highly toxic
when injected intravitreally, causing significant
retinal destruction and inflammation
Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host
Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15
no. 1 111-124
 Gram positive encapsulated (polysaccharide)
flame/lancelate shaped diplococci
 Bile soluble , optochin sensitive
 Aerobes/ F. anaerobes
 Normal upper resp. tract flora
 Common cause of pneumonia & OM in children
 Draughtsman colonies
 Normally alpha hemolysis, but Beta hemolysis under
anaerobic conditions due to pneumolysin O
 Inulin fermentation positive and sensitive to Optochin (5
 Capsular polysaccharide (90 types) (Vaccine most
common 23 types)
 M – protein : Non – virulent, strain specific.
 C substance – species specific, precipitated by abnormal
protein and present in acute infections, injury. Acute
phase reactant – CRP, is produced by hepatocytes.
 Quellung (Neufeld reaction) : Pneumococci + antisera
under Methylene Blue = Capsular swelling ( due to
increase in refractive index)
 Most common cause of bacterial
 Lobar pneumonia – adults (Strains
1-12), children (Strains 6,14,19,23)
 Bronchopneumonia – almost always
secondary infection (all serotypes)
 2nd commonest cause of meningitis
 Pharynx blood stream meninges
 Empyema, pericarditis,
conjunctivitis, endophthalmitis
 Sample – CSF, Sputum, exudates
 Immediately transfer or keep at 37°C
 Direct microscopy or antigen detection by Latex
Agglutination Test or co-agglutination)
 Blood Agar culture at 37° incubator for 18 – 24 hours.
 Colonies – alpha hemolysis, Gram staining, Biochemical.
Rx (catalase, inulin fermentation, bile solubility, optochin)
India Ink Gram Stain
Quellung reaction
 For penicillin sensitive strains, Penicillin is the drug of
choice, for milder cases Amoxicillin can be administered.
 For penicillin resistant strains, a third generation
cephalosporin is indicated.
 Vancomycin is reserved for life threatening illness with
highly resistant strains.
 Presentation: Mostly Acute onset.
 Mode of entry: Most common route of entry for the micro-
organism is via the conjunctival bleb related
endophthalmitis, Intra vitreal injections
 Clinical picture: Infected white bleb, hypopyon, moderate
to dense vitritis.
Endophthalmitis Caused by Streptococcal Species: Clinical Settings, Microbiology,
Management, and Outcomes. Kuriyan AE et al. Am J Ophthalmol. 2014
 Propionibacterium species are members of the normal
microbiota of the skin, oral cavity, large intestine,
conjunctiva, and external ear canal.
 Their metabolic products include propionic acid, from
which the genus name derives.
 On Gram stain, they are highly pleomorphic, showing
curved, clubbed, or pointed ends; and occasionally
coccoid or spherical forms.
 Obligate anaerobes
 Propionibacterium acnes, an opportunistic pathogen,
causes the disease acne vulgaris
 It causes acne by producing lipases that split free fatty
acids off from skin lipids. These fatty acids can produce
tissue inflammation.
 P acnes is frequently a cause of postsurgical wound
 Foul-smelling discharge (caused by short-chain fatty-acid
products of anaerobic metabolism)
 Infection in proximity to a mucosal surface (anaerobes are
part of the normal microbiota)
 Gas in tissues (production of CO2 and H2)
 Negative aerobic culture results
 Anaerobes grow most readily on complex media such as
trypticase soy agar base, Schaedler’s blood agar,
Brucella agar, brain–heart infusion agar, & highly
supplemented media (eg, with hemin, vitamin K1, blood).
 A selective complex medium containing kanamycin is used
in parallel.
 Kanamycin does not inhibit the growth of obligate
anaerobes; thus, it permits them to proliferate without
being overshadowed by rapidly growing facultative
 Cultures are incubated at 35–37°C in an anaerobic
atmosphere containing CO2.
 The most active drugs for treatment of anaerobic
infections are clindamycin and metronidazole.
Clindamycin is preferred for infections above the
 Alternative drugs include cefoxitin, cefotetan, some of
the other newer cephalosporins, and piperacillin.
 The carbapenem antibiotics, ertapenem, imipenem,
meropenem, and doripenem, have good activity against
many anaerobes, and resistance is still uncommon.
TREATMENT (Continued)
 Tigecycline, has good in vitro activity against a variety of
anaerobe species, including the B fragilis group.
 Penicillin G remains the drug of choice for treatment of
anaerobic infections that do not involve β-lactamase–
producing Bacteroides and Prevotella species.
 Presentation: Chronic indolent, delayed presentation
 Mode of entry: Predilection for capsular bags, a localized
infection can become endophthalmitis post YAG
 Clinical picture: White intracapsular plaque slowly
growing associated with low grade anterior segment
inflammation and vitritis.
 The genus Bacillus includes large aerobic, gram-positive
rods occurring in chains.
 B cereus can grow in foods and cause food poisoning by
producing either an enterotoxin (diarrhea) or an emetic
toxin (vomiting).
 The emetic form is manifested by nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps, and is self-limiting.
 The diarrheal form is manifested by profuse diarrhea
with abdominal pain and cramps.
 B cereus is an important cause of eye infections, such as
severe keratitis and endophthalmitis.
 Typically, the organisms are introduced into the eye by
foreign bodies associated with trauma but infections can
also occur after surgery.
 B cereus has also been associated with localized
infections, such as wound infections, and with systemic
infections, including endocarditis, the presence of a
medical device or intravenous drug use predisposes to
these infections
 The typical cells, measuring 1 x 3–4 μm,
have square ends and are arranged in long
chains; spores are located in the center of
the bacilli.
 Hemolysis is common with B cereus. Gelatin
is liquefied, and growth in gelatin stabs
resembles an inverted fir tree.
 When grown on blood agar plates, the
organisms produce nonhemolytic gray to
white, tenacious colonies with a rough
texture and a ground-glass appearance.
 Comma-shaped outgrowths (Medusa head,
“curled hair”) may project from the colony
 Gram stain shows large gram-positive rods.
B cereus exhibit motility by “swarming.”
 Serious non–food borne infections should be treated with
vancomycin or clindamycin with or without an
 Ciprofloxacin has been useful for the treatment of wound
 Presentation: Acute explosive onset, post traumatic,
rapidly progressing
 Mode of entry: Most common risk factor is penetrating
ocular trauma
 Clinical picture: Sudden onset, rapidly progressing with
corneal ring abscess associated with systemic involvement
like fever, leukocytosis and malaise.
Bacillus cereus endophthalmitis. DB David et al. British Journal
of Ophthalmology 1994; 78:577-580
 B cereus pore forming toxin Hemolysin BL is a tripartite
toxin, with hemolytic, dermonecrotic, and emetic
 B. cereus supernatants caused retinal tissue damage in an
in vitro retinal button toxicity assay.
 Cereolysin AB, Cereolysin O, or collagenase could be
involved in endophthalmitis pathogenesis.
Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host
Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15
no. 1 111-124
 A large group of aerobic, non sporing gram negative
bacteria motile by polar flagella
 Widely distributed in soil and water
 Gram negative rods
 Aerobic, Motile, Produce water-soluble pigments
 It is pathogenic only when introduced into areas devoid of
normal defenses
 They are slender gram negative bacillus, 1.5 – 3
microbes x 0.5 microns
 Mono-flagellar
 Non capsulated but many strains have mucoid slime layer
 Isolates from Cystic fibrosis patients have abundance of
extracellular polysaccharides composed of alginate
 Escape the defence mechanisms by loose capsule in
which micro colonies of bacillus are enmeshed and
protected from host defences.
 Obligate aerobe, but grow
anaerobically if nitrate is available
 Growth occurs at wide range of
temperatures 6-42⁰C the optimum
being 37⁰C
 Growth on ordinary media
producing large opaque irregular
colonies with distinctive musty
mawkish or earthy smell.
 Iridescent patches with metallic
sheen are seen in cultures on
nutrient agar.
 Oxidase, Catalase & Arginine
 Nonfermentative respiratory
metabolism. Glucose used
 Killed at 55⁰C in on 1 hour. High resistance to chemical
 Resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds
(eg.Chlorxylenol) Resistant to Hexchlorophenes
 Grows also in antiseptic bottles. Hence Dettol, cetrimide
can be used as selective medium
 Sensitive to acids silver salts, beta glutaraldehyde
 P. aeruginosa can infect almost any external site or organ.
 P. aeruginosa is invasive and toxigenic. It attaches to and
colonizes the mucous membrane or skin, invade locally,
and produces systemic diseases and septicemia.
 P. aeruginosa is resistant to many antibiotics. It becomes
dominant when more susceptible bacteria of the normal
flora are suppressed.
 Individuals with cystic fibrosis are highly susceptible to
pseudomonas lung infections as well as those people who
are immunocompromised.
 Septicaemia
 Endocarditis
 Ecthyma gangrenous
 Infantile diarrhoea
 Shanghai fever
 Disabling eye infections
 Toxic extracellular products in culture filtrates
 Exotoxin A and S
 Exotoxin A acts as NADase resembling Diphtheria toxin
 Proteases, elastases, hemolysins and enterotoxin
 Slime layer and Biofilms
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is frequently resistant to many
commonly used antibiotics. Although many strains are
susceptible to gentamicin, tobramycin, colistin, and
amikacin, resistant forms have developed.
 The combination of gentamicin and carbenicillin is
frequently used to treat severe Pseudomonas infections.
 Combined antibiotic therapy is generally required to avoid
resistance that develops rapidly when single drugs are
 Presentation: Acute onset, rapid progression
 Mode of entry: Post cataract surgery, corneal ulcer
 Clinical picture: severe congestion, chemosis, ring ulcer
infiltrate of cornea (characteristic of Pseudomonas),
severe inflammation of anterior chamber and vitritis.
Endophthalmitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Eifrig CW et al.
Ophthalmology. 2003 Sep;110(9):1714-7
Proteus, Klebsiella & Escherichia coli
 Enterobacteriaceae are a large, heterogeneous group of
gram-negative rods whose natural habitat is the intestinal
tract of humans and animals.
 The Enterobacteriaceae are facultative anaerobes or
aerobes, ferment a wide range of carbohydrates, possess
a complex antigenic structure, and produce a variety of
toxins and other virulence factors.
 In this section, we are going to deal with the three most
important coliform spp. Proteus, Klebsiella and E.coli
which cause Endophthalmitis.
 Proteus species produce infections in humans only when
the bacteria leave the intestinal tract. They are found in
urinary tract infections and produce bacteremia,
 Proteus species produce urease, resulting in rapid
hydrolysis of urea with liberation of ammonia, hence the
urine becomes alkaline, promoting stone formation.
 The rapid motility of Proteus may contribute to its
invasion of the urinary tract.
PROTEUS (Characteristics)
 Proteus species move very actively by means of
peritrichous flagella, resulting in “swarming” on solid
 The members of this group deaminate phenylalanine, are
motile, grow on potassium cyanide medium (KCN), and
ferment xylose.
 Proteus species are urease positive & ferments lactose
very slowly or not at all.
 Endophthalmitis caused most commonly following
intraocular surgeries or following corneal ulcer.
 Klebsiella pneumoniae is present in the respiratory tract
and feces of about 5% of normal individuals.
 K pneumoniae can produce extensive hemorrhagic
necrotizing consolidation of the lung. It produces urinary
tract infection and bacteremia with focal lesions in
debilitated patients.
 Klebsiella species rank among the top 10 bacterial
pathogens responsible for hospital-acquired infections.
KLEBSIELLA (Characteristics)
 Klebsiella species exhibit mucoid growth, large
polysaccharide capsules, and lack of motility
 It gives positive test results for citrate, and ornithine
decarboxylase and produce gas from glucose.
 Klebsiella gives positive Voges-Proskauer reactions.
 One of the most common cause of endogenous
 Occurs most commonly in patients with Liver abscess,
uncontrolled Diabetes. Diabetes is a risk factor which
helps bacteria avoid phagocytosis(K1 and K2 serotypes)
Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host
Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15
no. 1 111-124
 E coli are members of the normal intestinal microbiota.
 The enteric bacteria generally do not cause disease, and
in the intestine, they may even contribute to normal
function and nutrition
 When normal host defenses are inadequate, E coli may
reach the bloodstream and cause sepsis.
 Newborns may be highly susceptible to E coli sepsis
because they lack IgM antibodies. Sepsis may occur
secondary to urinary tract infection
 E coli is one of the leading causes of meningitis in infants.
ESCHERICHIA COLI (Characteristics)
 Typical colonial morphology with an iridescent “sheen” on
differential media such as EMB agar, and a positive spot
indole test result.
 More than 90% of E coli isolates are positive for β-
 E coli associated endophthalmitis occurs in patients with
septicemia and immuno-compromised status. Associated
risk factors include endocarditis, body abscesses.
(Of Enterobacteriaceae)
 Enterobacteriaceae have a complex
antigenic structure,
 O antigens are the most external part of
the cell wall lipopolysaccharide and
consist of repeating units of
 K antigens are external to O antigens on
some but not all Enterobacteriaceae. K
antigens may interfere with
agglutination by O antisera, and they
may be associated with virulence.
 H antigens are located on flagella and
are denatured or removed by heat or
 The sulfonamides, ampicillin, cephalosporins,
fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides have marked
antibacterial effects against the enteric bacteria.
 Treatment of gram-negative bacteremia and impending
septic shock requires rapid institution of antimicrobial
therapy, restoration of fluid and electrolyte balance, and
treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
 Nocardia are gram-positive, weakly acid-fast, aerobic,
non-motile, branching filamentous bacteria
 Systemic nocardiosis commonly occurs in
immunosuppressed patients (post-transplant, medicated
with systemic steroids, malignancies, AIDS) by inhalation
 Endogenous nocardial endophthalmitis usually presents
as choroidal lesions and thickened overlying retina with
little or no vitreous inflammation.
 Exogenous endophthalmitis occurring after intra-ocular
surgery or penetrating trauma is commonly confined to
the anterior segment with characteristic yellowish-white
iris nodules, corneal endothelial deposits and a
hypopyon with involvement of wound.
 The mainstay of treatment of Nocardia endophthalmitis is
appropriate antibiotics.
 Co-trimoxazole remains a good first line of therapy till
the culture and susceptibility report are ready.
Additionally, this drug has shown fairly good intra-ocular
 Non-response may require the use of amikacin,
ciprofloxacin or newer antibiotics such as imipenem and
 Use of corticosteroids still controversial with views of
converting acute infection into a chronic smoudlering
 Corynebacterium is a genus of pleomorphic gram-
positive bacilli or coccobacilli that is ubiquitous in the
 Corynebacterium species associated with trauma,
cataract surgery, and endogenous sources, also been
identified in cases of scleral buckle associated
 Mean duration of presentation is 7 months.
 Presents with severe anterior segment inflammation
with hypopyon.
 Prompt response to Vancomycin and Ceftazidime
Endophthalmitis Caused by Corynebacterium Species: Clinical Features,
Antibiotic Susceptibility, and Treatment Outcomes. AE Kuriyan et al.
Ophthalmology Retina 2016;-:1e6
 NTM are aerobic, non-motile, non-spore forming, rapid
growing, acid fast bacilli which are widespread in
 The most common species isolated from patients with
endophthalmitis are Mycobacteria fortuitum and
Mycobacteria chelonae.
 Immunocompromised states & presence of an implant in
or around the have been reported as risk factors. The
presence of an implant may act as a scaffold for the
formation of biofilm by non-tuberculous
 Endophthalmitis manifests with low grade ocular
 Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) staining or polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) help in early identification of these organisms
 Amikacin, clarithromycin, and/ or azithromycin have
been considered to be the best antibiotics
 Treatment with pars plana vitrectomy, removal of implant
(intraocular lens, glaucoma implant or scleral buckle),
serial intravitreal amikacin and systemic
azithromycin/clarithromycin (oral) is recommended.
 Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is a multispecies
complex of bacteria that commonly causes respiratory
infections in persons with cystic fibrosis
 Most common organism associated with contamination of
sterile pharmaceutical products like contaminated nasal
sprays, ultrasound gel, mouthwash and nebulisation
 Presentation is acute with congestion, chemosis, anterior
chamber inflammation and moderate vitritis.
 BOX-PCR fingerprinting and Blood agar growth used to
identify the organism
 Persistence of infections is very common with this
organism due to its intrinsic multidrug resistance nature.
 The organisms are started on combination antibiotics of
Piperacillin/Tazobactam topically and intra-vitreally and
considered for early vitrectomy.
Lalitha P, Das M, Purva PS, et al; Postoperative endophthalmitis due to Burkholderia
cepacia complex from contaminated anaesthetic eye drops British Journal of
Ophthalmology 19 June 2014
Bacteria causing Endophthalmitis

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Bacteria causing Endophthalmitis

  • 1. BACTERIA CAUSING ENDOPHTHALMITIS A Microbiological perspective of Ocular Micro-organisms
  • 3. ORGANISMS CAUSING ENDOPHTHALMITIS Safneck J. R. Endophthalmitis: a review of recent trends. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012;26(2):181–189
  • 4. CLASSIFICATION OF ENDOPHTHALMITIS Kernt M, Kampik A. Endophthalmitis: pathogenesis, clinical presentation, management, and perspectives. Clin Ophthalmol. 2010;4:121–35
  • 7. INTRODUCTION  Staphyloccocci - derived from Greek “stapyle” (bunch of grapes)  Gram positive cocci arranged in clusters  Non spore forming, non motile  Catalase positive (breaks H2O2 into O2 & H2O)  S. aureus: Coagulase positive, Hemolytic, Ferments Mannitol.  Plasmid mediated Antibiotic resistance in S. aureus
  • 8. GROUPING  1. Coagulase positive Staphylococci  Staphylococcus aureus  2. Coagulase negative Staphylococci  Staphylococcus epidermidis  Staphylococcus saprophyticus
  • 9. STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS  Major human pathogen  Habitat - part of normal flora in some humans (nose , sometimes skin esp hospital staff and patients, vagina of 5% females) and animals  Source of organism - can be infected human host, carrier, fomite or environment
  • 10. STAPHYLOCOCCUS EPIDERMIDIS  Skin commensal, Coagulase negative.  Has predilection for plastic material  Associated with infection of IV lines, prosthetic heart valves, shunts  Has variable antibiotic sensitivity pattern, highly resistant  Treatment should be aided with drug sensitivity test.  Hospital acquired
  • 11. DISEASES Due to direct effect of organism  Local lesions of skin  Deep abscesses  Systemic infections Toxin mediated effect  Food poisoning  toxic shock syndrome  Scalded skin syndrome
  • 12.  Protein A (binds to Fc portion of Ig G at complement binding site)  Teichoic acid (adherence, antibody formation)  Microcapsule (11 serotypes)  Peptidoglycan has endotoxin-like properties. CELL WALL COMPONENTS & ANTIGENS OF S.AUREUS
  • 13. DIAGNOSIS 1. In all pus forming lesions  Gram stain and culture of pus 2. In all systemic infections  Blood culture 3. In infections of other tissues, Culture of relevant tissue or exudate 4. Gram Stain: Gram positive cocci in clusters 5. Yellowish colonies , b-hemolytic on Blood agar 6.Catalase and coagulase positive 7. Mannitol fermenter
  • 15. ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY PATTERN  Very imp. In Pt. Management  Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance  1.B lactamase production - plasmid mediated Has made S. aureus resistant to penicillin group of antibiotics (90% of S. aureus (Gp A)) B lactamase stable penicillins (cloxacillin, oxacillin, methicillin) used  2. Alteration of penicillin binding proteins (Chromosomal mediated)
  • 16. MRSA  Tested in lab using methicillin  Referred to as methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA)  Emerging problem in the world  In Sri Lanka prevalence varies from 20- 40% in hospitals  Drug of choice - VANCOMYCIN  In Japan emergence of VIRSA (vancomycin intermediate resistant S. aureus)  No effective antibiotics discovered -We might have to discover
  • 17. STAPHYLOCOCCAL ENDOPHTHALMITIS  Presentation: Staph aureus is mostly acute, explosive in onset, CONS is indolent and insidious in onset  Mode of entry into eye: Most common organism in post surgical endophthalmitis, enters the eye via surgical wounds (SICS tunnel, corneal incisions)  Clinical picture: Hypopyon in AC with dense vitritis.
  • 18. FACTORS PREDISPOSING TO S. AUREUS ENDOPHTHALMITIS  At transcriptional level, namely, agr (accessory gene regulator) and sar (staphylococcal accessory regulator)  Alpha toxin (tissue necrosis) and beta-toxin contributed to the decrease in retinal function.  Gamma-toxin and leukocidin, were highly toxic when injected intravitreally, causing significant retinal destruction and inflammation Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15 no. 1 111-124
  • 20. INTRODUCTION  Gram positive encapsulated (polysaccharide) flame/lancelate shaped diplococci  Bile soluble , optochin sensitive  Aerobes/ F. anaerobes  Normal upper resp. tract flora  Common cause of pneumonia & OM in children
  • 21. IMPORTANT PROPERTIES  Draughtsman colonies  Normally alpha hemolysis, but Beta hemolysis under anaerobic conditions due to pneumolysin O  Inulin fermentation positive and sensitive to Optochin (5 µg)  Capsular polysaccharide (90 types) (Vaccine most common 23 types)
  • 22. IMPORTANT PROPERTIES (Continued)  M – protein : Non – virulent, strain specific.  C substance – species specific, precipitated by abnormal protein and present in acute infections, injury. Acute phase reactant – CRP, is produced by hepatocytes.  Quellung (Neufeld reaction) : Pneumococci + antisera under Methylene Blue = Capsular swelling ( due to increase in refractive index)
  • 23. PATHOGENICITY  Most common cause of bacterial pneumonia  Lobar pneumonia – adults (Strains 1-12), children (Strains 6,14,19,23)  Bronchopneumonia – almost always secondary infection (all serotypes)  2nd commonest cause of meningitis  Pharynx blood stream meninges  Empyema, pericarditis, conjunctivitis, endophthalmitis etc.
  • 24. LAB DIAGNOSIS  Sample – CSF, Sputum, exudates  Immediately transfer or keep at 37°C  Direct microscopy or antigen detection by Latex Agglutination Test or co-agglutination)  Blood Agar culture at 37° incubator for 18 – 24 hours.  Colonies – alpha hemolysis, Gram staining, Biochemical. Rx (catalase, inulin fermentation, bile solubility, optochin)
  • 25. India Ink Gram Stain Quellung reaction
  • 27. TREATMENT  For penicillin sensitive strains, Penicillin is the drug of choice, for milder cases Amoxicillin can be administered.  For penicillin resistant strains, a third generation cephalosporin is indicated.  Vancomycin is reserved for life threatening illness with highly resistant strains.
  • 28. STREPTOCOCCUS ENDOPHTHALMITIS  Presentation: Mostly Acute onset.  Mode of entry: Most common route of entry for the micro- organism is via the conjunctival bleb related endophthalmitis, Intra vitreal injections  Clinical picture: Infected white bleb, hypopyon, moderate to dense vitritis. Endophthalmitis Caused by Streptococcal Species: Clinical Settings, Microbiology, Management, and Outcomes. Kuriyan AE et al. Am J Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr;157(4):774-780.e1
  • 30. INTRODUCTION  Propionibacterium species are members of the normal microbiota of the skin, oral cavity, large intestine, conjunctiva, and external ear canal.  Their metabolic products include propionic acid, from which the genus name derives.  On Gram stain, they are highly pleomorphic, showing curved, clubbed, or pointed ends; and occasionally coccoid or spherical forms.  Obligate anaerobes
  • 31. DISEASE SPECTRUM  Propionibacterium acnes, an opportunistic pathogen, causes the disease acne vulgaris  It causes acne by producing lipases that split free fatty acids off from skin lipids. These fatty acids can produce tissue inflammation.  P acnes is frequently a cause of postsurgical wound infections,
  • 32. AIDES IN DIAGNOSIS  Foul-smelling discharge (caused by short-chain fatty-acid products of anaerobic metabolism)  Infection in proximity to a mucosal surface (anaerobes are part of the normal microbiota)  Gas in tissues (production of CO2 and H2)  Negative aerobic culture results
  • 33. CULTURE  Anaerobes grow most readily on complex media such as trypticase soy agar base, Schaedler’s blood agar, Brucella agar, brain–heart infusion agar, & highly supplemented media (eg, with hemin, vitamin K1, blood).  A selective complex medium containing kanamycin is used in parallel.  Kanamycin does not inhibit the growth of obligate anaerobes; thus, it permits them to proliferate without being overshadowed by rapidly growing facultative anaerobes.  Cultures are incubated at 35–37°C in an anaerobic atmosphere containing CO2.
  • 34. TREATMENT  The most active drugs for treatment of anaerobic infections are clindamycin and metronidazole. Clindamycin is preferred for infections above the diaphragm.  Alternative drugs include cefoxitin, cefotetan, some of the other newer cephalosporins, and piperacillin.  The carbapenem antibiotics, ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem, and doripenem, have good activity against many anaerobes, and resistance is still uncommon.
  • 35. TREATMENT (Continued)  Tigecycline, has good in vitro activity against a variety of anaerobe species, including the B fragilis group.  Penicillin G remains the drug of choice for treatment of anaerobic infections that do not involve β-lactamase– producing Bacteroides and Prevotella species.
  • 36. PROPIONIBACTERIUM ACNES ENDOPHTHALMITIS  Presentation: Chronic indolent, delayed presentation  Mode of entry: Predilection for capsular bags, a localized infection can become endophthalmitis post YAG capsulotomy  Clinical picture: White intracapsular plaque slowly growing associated with low grade anterior segment inflammation and vitritis.
  • 38. INTRODUCTION  The genus Bacillus includes large aerobic, gram-positive rods occurring in chains.  B cereus can grow in foods and cause food poisoning by producing either an enterotoxin (diarrhea) or an emetic toxin (vomiting).  The emetic form is manifested by nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and is self-limiting.  The diarrheal form is manifested by profuse diarrhea with abdominal pain and cramps.
  • 39. INFECTIVE SPECTRUM OF B cereus  B cereus is an important cause of eye infections, such as severe keratitis and endophthalmitis.  Typically, the organisms are introduced into the eye by foreign bodies associated with trauma but infections can also occur after surgery.  B cereus has also been associated with localized infections, such as wound infections, and with systemic infections, including endocarditis, the presence of a medical device or intravenous drug use predisposes to these infections
  • 40. IDENTIFICATION & CULTURE  The typical cells, measuring 1 x 3–4 μm, have square ends and are arranged in long chains; spores are located in the center of the bacilli.  Hemolysis is common with B cereus. Gelatin is liquefied, and growth in gelatin stabs resembles an inverted fir tree.  When grown on blood agar plates, the organisms produce nonhemolytic gray to white, tenacious colonies with a rough texture and a ground-glass appearance.  Comma-shaped outgrowths (Medusa head, “curled hair”) may project from the colony  Gram stain shows large gram-positive rods. B cereus exhibit motility by “swarming.”
  • 41. TREATMENT  Serious non–food borne infections should be treated with vancomycin or clindamycin with or without an aminoglycoside.  Ciprofloxacin has been useful for the treatment of wound infections.
  • 42. BACILLUS CEREUS ENDOPHTHALMITIS  Presentation: Acute explosive onset, post traumatic, rapidly progressing  Mode of entry: Most common risk factor is penetrating ocular trauma  Clinical picture: Sudden onset, rapidly progressing with corneal ring abscess associated with systemic involvement like fever, leukocytosis and malaise.
  • 43. Bacillus cereus endophthalmitis. DB David et al. British Journal of Ophthalmology 1994; 78:577-580
  • 44. FACTORS PREDISPOSING TO B CEREUS ENDOPHTHALMITIS  B cereus pore forming toxin Hemolysin BL is a tripartite toxin, with hemolytic, dermonecrotic, and emetic activities  B. cereus supernatants caused retinal tissue damage in an in vitro retinal button toxicity assay.  Cereolysin AB, Cereolysin O, or collagenase could be involved in endophthalmitis pathogenesis. Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15 no. 1 111-124
  • 47. INTRODUCTION  A large group of aerobic, non sporing gram negative bacteria motile by polar flagella  Widely distributed in soil and water  Gram negative rods  Aerobic, Motile, Produce water-soluble pigments  It is pathogenic only when introduced into areas devoid of normal defenses
  • 48. MORPHOLOGY  They are slender gram negative bacillus, 1.5 – 3 microbes x 0.5 microns  Mono-flagellar  Non capsulated but many strains have mucoid slime layer  Isolates from Cystic fibrosis patients have abundance of extracellular polysaccharides composed of alginate polymers  Escape the defence mechanisms by loose capsule in which micro colonies of bacillus are enmeshed and protected from host defences.
  • 49. CULTURE  Obligate aerobe, but grow anaerobically if nitrate is available  Growth occurs at wide range of temperatures 6-42⁰C the optimum being 37⁰C  Growth on ordinary media producing large opaque irregular colonies with distinctive musty mawkish or earthy smell.  Iridescent patches with metallic sheen are seen in cultures on nutrient agar.  Oxidase, Catalase & Arginine positive  Nonfermentative respiratory metabolism. Glucose used oxidatively.
  • 50. RESISTANCE  Killed at 55⁰C in on 1 hour. High resistance to chemical agents  Resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds (eg.Chlorxylenol) Resistant to Hexchlorophenes  Grows also in antiseptic bottles. Hence Dettol, cetrimide can be used as selective medium  Sensitive to acids silver salts, beta glutaraldehyde
  • 51. PATHOGENESIS AND IMMUNITY  P. aeruginosa can infect almost any external site or organ.  P. aeruginosa is invasive and toxigenic. It attaches to and colonizes the mucous membrane or skin, invade locally, and produces systemic diseases and septicemia.  P. aeruginosa is resistant to many antibiotics. It becomes dominant when more susceptible bacteria of the normal flora are suppressed.  Individuals with cystic fibrosis are highly susceptible to pseudomonas lung infections as well as those people who are immunocompromised.
  • 52. CLINICAL PRESENTATION  Septicaemia  Endocarditis  Ecthyma gangrenous  Infantile diarrhoea  Shanghai fever  Disabling eye infections
  • 53. TOXINS & ENZYMES  Toxic extracellular products in culture filtrates  Exotoxin A and S  Exotoxin A acts as NADase resembling Diphtheria toxin  Proteases, elastases, hemolysins and enterotoxin  Slime layer and Biofilms
  • 54. TREATMENT  Pseudomonas aeruginosa is frequently resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. Although many strains are susceptible to gentamicin, tobramycin, colistin, and amikacin, resistant forms have developed.  The combination of gentamicin and carbenicillin is frequently used to treat severe Pseudomonas infections.  Combined antibiotic therapy is generally required to avoid resistance that develops rapidly when single drugs are employed.
  • 55. PSEUDOMONAS ENDOPHTHALMITIS  Presentation: Acute onset, rapid progression  Mode of entry: Post cataract surgery, corneal ulcer  Clinical picture: severe congestion, chemosis, ring ulcer infiltrate of cornea (characteristic of Pseudomonas), severe inflammation of anterior chamber and vitritis. Endophthalmitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Eifrig CW et al. Ophthalmology. 2003 Sep;110(9):1714-7
  • 56. COLIFORM SPP Proteus, Klebsiella & Escherichia coli
  • 57. INTRODUCTION  Enterobacteriaceae are a large, heterogeneous group of gram-negative rods whose natural habitat is the intestinal tract of humans and animals.  The Enterobacteriaceae are facultative anaerobes or aerobes, ferment a wide range of carbohydrates, possess a complex antigenic structure, and produce a variety of toxins and other virulence factors.  In this section, we are going to deal with the three most important coliform spp. Proteus, Klebsiella and E.coli which cause Endophthalmitis.
  • 58. PROTEUS  Proteus species produce infections in humans only when the bacteria leave the intestinal tract. They are found in urinary tract infections and produce bacteremia, pneumonia  Proteus species produce urease, resulting in rapid hydrolysis of urea with liberation of ammonia, hence the urine becomes alkaline, promoting stone formation.  The rapid motility of Proteus may contribute to its invasion of the urinary tract.
  • 59. PROTEUS (Characteristics)  Proteus species move very actively by means of peritrichous flagella, resulting in “swarming” on solid media  The members of this group deaminate phenylalanine, are motile, grow on potassium cyanide medium (KCN), and ferment xylose.  Proteus species are urease positive & ferments lactose very slowly or not at all.  Endophthalmitis caused most commonly following intraocular surgeries or following corneal ulcer.
  • 60. KLEBSIELLA  Klebsiella pneumoniae is present in the respiratory tract and feces of about 5% of normal individuals.  K pneumoniae can produce extensive hemorrhagic necrotizing consolidation of the lung. It produces urinary tract infection and bacteremia with focal lesions in debilitated patients.  Klebsiella species rank among the top 10 bacterial pathogens responsible for hospital-acquired infections.
  • 61. KLEBSIELLA (Characteristics)  Klebsiella species exhibit mucoid growth, large polysaccharide capsules, and lack of motility  It gives positive test results for citrate, and ornithine decarboxylase and produce gas from glucose.  Klebsiella gives positive Voges-Proskauer reactions.  One of the most common cause of endogenous endophthalmitis.  Occurs most commonly in patients with Liver abscess, uncontrolled Diabetes. Diabetes is a risk factor which helps bacteria avoid phagocytosis(K1 and K2 serotypes) Bacterial Endophthalmitis: Epidemiology, Therapeutics, and Bacterium-Host Interactions. Michelle C. Callegan et al. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. January 2002 vol. 15 no. 1 111-124
  • 62. ESCHERICHIA COLI  E coli are members of the normal intestinal microbiota.  The enteric bacteria generally do not cause disease, and in the intestine, they may even contribute to normal function and nutrition  When normal host defenses are inadequate, E coli may reach the bloodstream and cause sepsis.  Newborns may be highly susceptible to E coli sepsis because they lack IgM antibodies. Sepsis may occur secondary to urinary tract infection  E coli is one of the leading causes of meningitis in infants.
  • 63. ESCHERICHIA COLI (Characteristics)  Typical colonial morphology with an iridescent “sheen” on differential media such as EMB agar, and a positive spot indole test result.  More than 90% of E coli isolates are positive for β- glucuronidase.  E coli associated endophthalmitis occurs in patients with septicemia and immuno-compromised status. Associated risk factors include endocarditis, body abscesses.
  • 64. ANTIGENIC STRUCTURE (Of Enterobacteriaceae)  Enterobacteriaceae have a complex antigenic structure,  O antigens are the most external part of the cell wall lipopolysaccharide and consist of repeating units of polysaccharide.  K antigens are external to O antigens on some but not all Enterobacteriaceae. K antigens may interfere with agglutination by O antisera, and they may be associated with virulence.  H antigens are located on flagella and are denatured or removed by heat or alcohol.
  • 65. TREATMENT  The sulfonamides, ampicillin, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides have marked antibacterial effects against the enteric bacteria.  Treatment of gram-negative bacteremia and impending septic shock requires rapid institution of antimicrobial therapy, restoration of fluid and electrolyte balance, and treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
  • 67. NOCARDIA  Nocardia are gram-positive, weakly acid-fast, aerobic, non-motile, branching filamentous bacteria  Systemic nocardiosis commonly occurs in immunosuppressed patients (post-transplant, medicated with systemic steroids, malignancies, AIDS) by inhalation  Endogenous nocardial endophthalmitis usually presents as choroidal lesions and thickened overlying retina with little or no vitreous inflammation.  Exogenous endophthalmitis occurring after intra-ocular surgery or penetrating trauma is commonly confined to the anterior segment with characteristic yellowish-white iris nodules, corneal endothelial deposits and a hypopyon with involvement of wound.
  • 68. NOCARDIA (Contd;)  The mainstay of treatment of Nocardia endophthalmitis is appropriate antibiotics.  Co-trimoxazole remains a good first line of therapy till the culture and susceptibility report are ready. Additionally, this drug has shown fairly good intra-ocular penetration  Non-response may require the use of amikacin, ciprofloxacin or newer antibiotics such as imipenem and linezolid.  Use of corticosteroids still controversial with views of converting acute infection into a chronic smoudlering infection.
  • 70. CORYNEBACTERIUM  Corynebacterium is a genus of pleomorphic gram- positive bacilli or coccobacilli that is ubiquitous in the environment.  Corynebacterium species associated with trauma, cataract surgery, and endogenous sources, also been identified in cases of scleral buckle associated infections  Mean duration of presentation is 7 months.  Presents with severe anterior segment inflammation with hypopyon.  Prompt response to Vancomycin and Ceftazidime Endophthalmitis Caused by Corynebacterium Species: Clinical Features, Antibiotic Susceptibility, and Treatment Outcomes. AE Kuriyan et al. Ophthalmology Retina 2016;-:1e6
  • 71. NON TUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIUM  NTM are aerobic, non-motile, non-spore forming, rapid growing, acid fast bacilli which are widespread in environment.  The most common species isolated from patients with endophthalmitis are Mycobacteria fortuitum and Mycobacteria chelonae.  Immunocompromised states & presence of an implant in or around the have been reported as risk factors. The presence of an implant may act as a scaffold for the formation of biofilm by non-tuberculous mycobacterium.  Endophthalmitis manifests with low grade ocular inflammation
  • 72. NON TUBERCULOUS MYCOBACTERIUM (Contd;)  Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) staining or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) help in early identification of these organisms  Amikacin, clarithromycin, and/ or azithromycin have been considered to be the best antibiotics  Treatment with pars plana vitrectomy, removal of implant (intraocular lens, glaucoma implant or scleral buckle), serial intravitreal amikacin and systemic azithromycin/clarithromycin (oral) is recommended.
  • 73. BURKHOLDERIA CEPACIAE  Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is a multispecies complex of bacteria that commonly causes respiratory infections in persons with cystic fibrosis  Most common organism associated with contamination of sterile pharmaceutical products like contaminated nasal sprays, ultrasound gel, mouthwash and nebulisation solution  Presentation is acute with congestion, chemosis, anterior chamber inflammation and moderate vitritis.  BOX-PCR fingerprinting and Blood agar growth used to identify the organism
  • 74. (Contd;)  Persistence of infections is very common with this organism due to its intrinsic multidrug resistance nature.  The organisms are started on combination antibiotics of Piperacillin/Tazobactam topically and intra-vitreally and considered for early vitrectomy. Lalitha P, Das M, Purva PS, et al; Postoperative endophthalmitis due to Burkholderia cepacia complex from contaminated anaesthetic eye drops British Journal of Ophthalmology 19 June 2014