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Center for Writing Excellence
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Writing Style and Mechanics
Student Name
Instructor Name
An APA running head is not
needed for undergraduate or
master’s courses per the
University Writing and Style
Guidelines. If you are a student
in a doctoral program, or
otherwise require a running
head in your paper, consult
the doctoral APA Sample
Paper in the CWE>Tutorials
and Guides>Doctoral Writing
Pagination: Use the
header feature in
Microsoft® Word to set
the page number (see
Appendix A).
The title: Use upper and lower case
letters, centered between the left and
right margins, and positioned on the
upper half of the page. Use black, 12-
point Times New Roman font
throughout. Arial and Courier font
types are acceptable.
All lines are double-spaced throughout
the entire document. Use black, 12-point
Times New Roman font throughout the
document. Arial and Courier font types
are acceptable.
This APA Sample Paper is intended for undergraduate and
master’s level students.
The University of Phoenix APA sample papers represent the
consensus of key academic officials within the University. This
sample reflects expectations outlined in the University of
Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines for undergraduate and
master’s courses,
which correspond with the University’s preferred style guide for
most programs: The Publication Manual of the American
Association, Sixth Edition. If your course materials direct you
to follow MLA style, please see the MLA Sample Paper in the
Center for
Writing Excellence (CWE)>Tutorials and Guides>MLA
This sample paper is offered as a concise tool to help students
with style, but it is not a definitive or binding representation of
format for
all courses. The CWE provides many tools to help students
write and format effective papers; however, the faculty member
the assignment grade in the course.
Abstract: Typically, an abstract is required only for
publication. If your assignment instructions indicate
a requirement to use an abstract, a sample can be
found in the CWE>Tutorials and Guides.
Indent the
first line of
using the
tab key,
set at five
to seven
spaces or
require a
number or
Writing Style and Mechanics
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA) began as a
journal article in 1929. The APA reported results from a
meeting of scholars “to establish a
simple set of procedures, or style rules, that would codify the
many components of scientific
writing to increase the ease of reading comprehension” (APA,
2010, p. xiii). Today, the
Publication Manual is in its sixth edition and the APA style
described in it is a widely
recognized standard for scholarly or professional writing in the
social sciences. Although the
style guide is designed to prepare manuscripts for publication,
many universities and health care
journals have adopted its use as a guide to achieve uniformity
and consistency (Cuddy, 2002).
Writing in the style prescribed by the Publication Manual can
be a daunting experience for
students. As with any new skill, “practice makes perfect” (S.
Proofreader, personal
communication, June 28, 2004). Points of APA style most often
used by undergraduate and
graduate students are listed below. However, keep in mind that
this sample paper is a guide and
should not be considered as a replacement for the Publication
Format Considerations
Some commonly used rules and formats from the sixth edition
of the Publication Manual
are listed below. Please note, however, that some assignments
may require unique formatting,
and you should consult your syllabus for clarification.
Correct Margins
Margins are one inch on all sides. This rule is broken only to
avoid placing a lone
heading on the last line of the page or a single line of text on
the top of the next page.
Use the paper
title above your
centered not
citation: No
need to include
on the reference
Use one
or two
after a
period at
the end of
but be
with usage
Level one heading:
Centered, bolded, upper
and lower case letters.
and lower
Margins should be
one inch on all
sides of the
ensure that a
line is not tab
centering a
heading so
as not to
appear off
The place of publication in a reference should include city and
state using two letter postal abbreviation for the state. If the
location is outside of the U.S., use the city and country.
Examples: New York, NY. London, England.
Page Header
The page header contains the page number aligned with the
right margin. The automatic
header function in Microsoft® Word should be used to place the
page numbers consecutively in
the paper (see Appendix A). Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so
on) are used to number each page,
beginning with 1 on the title page.
Document Headings
Paragraph headings should be used in long documents to
organize the essay, to break it
up into readable portions, and to make it easy for readers to
locate information. Using headings
in a short document before every paragraph can make the
writing appear choppy, and the paper
may not flow smoothly from point to point. Use paragraph
headings if your document is longer
than three or four pages or if the assignment instructions require
paragraph headings.
Reference Page
Hanging indentation is used for the reference page. The proper
format can be set in
Microsoft® Word (see Appendix B). Creating the hanging
indentation by using the tab key or
space bar will not protect the formatting if changes are made to
the reference page at a later time.
The reference page is alphabetized by author or by title of the
work when no author is listed, and
each entry contains the date of publication in parentheses
directly after the author’s name. The
title, the place of publication, and the name of the publisher
follow the date of publication for a
book entry. The proliferation of electronic materials has
prompted APA to create formats
designed specifically for Internet and web-based written
material. Visit the APA website at for additional information about
formatting electronic references. You
will also find frequently asked questions and helpful free
tutorials about using APA style.
with a
One space
the p. and
Only references that have been cited in the paper are listed on
the reference page.
Personal communications are cited in the text but do not appear
on the reference page because
the reader cannot retrieve them. Additional reference examples
are available in the Reference
and Citation Examples tutorial in the Center for Writing
Excellence (CWE) at Tutorials and
In-Text Citations
Direct quotations. Direct quotations must mirror the original
source word for word, even
if errors are contained in the original text. To alert the reader
that errors are part of the original
material, the word [sic], enclosed in brackets and italicized,
must follow the erroneous material.
The source of the quotation must be cited. The format of direct
quotations may vary with the
placement of the quoted material in the sentence. The following
is an example of how you may
use a direct quotation from a website with an author: “Diversity
is emerging as one of the most
serious issues in the workplace today, yet most employers are
not prepared to deal with it”
(Copeland, 2003, Erroneous Assumptions, para. 1). The author’s
last name, the year of
publication, the website title or section title, and the paragraph
number, when no page number is
available, are included in the citation.
The following is an example of how one may use a direct
quotation from a book with one
author: Venes (2001) stated, “The types of influenza doctors
must prepare for fall into three
categories” (p. 106). If the author’s name is stated prior to the
quotation, include the date of
publication (in parentheses) after the author’s name, and follow
the quotation with the page or
paragraph number. For a work with two authors, use both
authors’ last names for every citation.
If the source has three or more authors but fewer than six
authors, list all authors in the first
citation, and use the first author’s last name and the words et al.
(without italics) for the rest of
only the
period at
the end,
in longer
in master’s
is the heading
of a section
within the
“Managing a
Using the
heading of a
section for an
online article
citation will
help your
reader quickly
locate the
content in the
the citations. If the source has more than six authors, you may
use the first author’s last name and
the words et al. (without italics) for every citation (APA, 2010,
p. 175). The following example
from the Publication Manual (2010, p. 42) shows a citation from
a work with more than six
authors using the first author: (Good et al., 2001). Refer to the
Reference and Citation Examples
tutorial in the CWE at Tutorials and Guides for more examples
of in-text citations.
Quotations that contain fewer than 40 words are enclosed in
double quotation marks
within the text. Use single quotation marks for quotations
contained within a direct quotation.
Quotations of 40 words or more are indented in a block format
without quotation marks. Use
double quotation marks to indicate a quotation within the block
quotation. The block quotation is
started on a new line, and it is indented five to seven spaces or
one-half inch. A sample block
quotation appears on page 7 of this document.
Paraphrased or summarized material. Paraphrasing or
summarizing allows the writer
to present someone else’s ideas or intellectual property and to
supply proper credit to the original
author or authors (Lawton, Cousineau, & Hillard, 2001). When
an author is paraphrased or
summarized, the source must be cited in the text. If a source is
mentioned more than once in a
paragraph, a citation must be included each time. Page or
paragraph numbers are not required for
paraphrased material, but the Publication Manual recommends
that writers include a page or
paragraph number to help the reader easily locate the
information (APA, 2010, p. 171). If a
writer were to paraphrase information from an article located in
an online database, the writer
would format the citation as follows: Daniels (2004) included
Darden Restaurants on her list of
the 50 best companies for minorities. Here is an example where
the author is not mentioned
within the text: A list of companies has been singled out as best
for minority employees (Daniels,
2004). Both examples include the author’s last name and the
date of publication. If the author’s
Write out
and with
within the
text. Use
(&) when
they are
within a
name is not provided with the paraphrased text, it must be
included in the citation. Refer to the
Reference and Citation Examples in the CWE at Tutorials and
Guides for examples of citing
paraphrased material.
Deciding to summarize, to paraphrase, or to provide a direct
quotation is an important
question one must consider when using sources in an academic
paper. Summarizing and
paraphrasing both consist of sharing a source author’s ideas by
phrasing them in one’s own
words. A writer should summarize or paraphrase source material
when it is important to capture
the basic idea but when the author’s exact words are not
essential to the paper. Conversely, a
writer should quote directly when the source verbiage is crucial
and stating it any other way
would cause it to lose its meaning. Usually writers will quote
authors who are experts in their
field and whose ideas support their own. However, excessive
use of direct quotations should be
avoided. Writers are encouraged to paraphrase when doing so
will not change the meaning or the
impact of a source (Ede, 2011).
Plagiarism. Plagiarism constitutes a serious academic concern.
According to Lawton,
Cousineau, and Hillard (2001), “Academic communities demand
that writers credit others for
their work and that the source of their material clearly be
acknowledged” (para. 6). Internet
access has resulted in an increase in plagiarism. McCabe noted
(as cited in Sterngold, 2004),
41% of students said they engaged in cut-and-paste plagiarism
from online sources. The
sentences and phrases used in one’s paper must be original or
cited and referenced accordingly.
Although it may be easier for a writer to use someone else’s
words, doing so discredits the
writer. When in doubt, cite. See the Plagiarism Guide in the
CWE at Tutorials and Guides for
more information about avoiding plagiarism and about properly
citing intellectual property.
Also called an
source. List
only primary
source in
reference list,
and cite
source author
only within the
sources are
not ideal in
writing and
should be
source and
If the
source does
not have
use the
para. for the
Headings should not appear at the end of a page. For the sake of
readability, move the
heading to the top of the next page (see Other Format Issues on
page 7). This ensures
that the intended content of the following body text is clear.
Other Format Issues
The preferred typeface for APA style is black, 12-point Times
New Roman (APA, 2010).
However, Arial and Courier font types are acceptable. Avoid
using any software settings that
reduce spacing between words or letters or that add spacing
between paragraphs. Use double-
spacing throughout the document. You may use one space or
two spaces after sentence-ending
punctuation in the body of your essay, but use consistent
spacing at the end of a sentence
throughout your essay.
Although the Publication Manual (2010) requires an abstract to
precede the text, an
abstract is not used in most student papers. Some assignments
may require an abstract if students
are submitting lengthy papers or project proposals. In those
cases, the direction to submit an
abstract will be in the assignment guidelines. A sample abstract
can be found in the CWE at
Tutorials and Guides.
Writing Mechanics
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence
structure—in addition to
formatting—are essential components of scholarly writing.
Strunk (1918/1999) emphasized the
importance of being succinct:
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no
unnecessary words, a
paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a
drawing should have no
unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This
requires not that the writer
make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat
his subjects only in
outline, but that every word tell. (para. 1)
quotation (40
or more
Indent to the
tab margin
and do not
marks. The
in-text citation
occurs outside
of the
that ends the
In addition to the provision of a standardized format for
scientific writing, the Publication
Manual (2010) emphasizes the importance of proper grammar.
Important basic grammar
principles are listed below. For further information, refer to
Step-by-Step Grammar Review in
the CWE. The Step-by-Step Grammar Review provides
individualized practice with grammar
and punctuation.
Subject and verb agreement. A singular noun requires a singular
verb and a plural noun
requires a plural verb (APA, 2010). Words that intervene
between the noun and the verb do not
change this basic rule.
Noun and pronoun agreement. When writers use a singular
noun, they must also use a
singular pronoun. To avoid using awkward combined forms such
as he/she or (s)he, writers may
reword the sentence and use a plural noun and a plural pronoun
to eliminate the problem of
nouns and pronouns that do not agree. For example, the
sentence “A student applying for a job
must carefully proofread his/her application” may be reworded
to read, “Students applying for
jobs must carefully proofread their applications.” Use of plural
forms also helps writers reduce
bias, avoid stereotypes, and refrain from using both singular and
plural in the same sentence or
Passive voice. Passive voice obscures the actor in this sentence:
“The house was
painted,” because it omits who applied the paint. In contrast,
the same sentence written in active
voice would be something such as this: “Our company painted
the house.” The passive voice,
which is a form of “be” (is, was, were, will be, have been, etc.)
and a participle (painted, etc.), is
useful when the actor's identity is not important to the sentence
or context. Overuse of the
passive voice causes the document to read similarly to an
instructional manual, dry and
monotonous. According to Sigel (2009), it weakens the essay’s
argument and prevents clear and
concise writing. Occasional use of the passive voice is
acceptable, but documents written
primarily in the active voice are more enjoyable and more
persuasive to read (Sigel, 2009).
Punctuation. Correct punctuation establishes the rhythm and
readability of sentences.
Use only one space after commas, colons, and semicolons. Use
one or two spaces after a period
at the end of a sentence (be consistent with use). When a
hyphen or a dash is used, no space
appears before or after the hyphen or dash (APA, 2010). In
academic writing, use a comma to
separate all words in a series of three or more, as in the
following example: Tasks included
reading, writing, and analyzing the information in the text.
Correct use of commas and
semicolons can be challenging for students. Writers should
consider using a proofreading tool,
such as WritePoint®, to aid in checking proper comma use.
Capitalization. Capitalization is used to designate a proper noun
or trade name as well as
major words in titles and in headings. Instances where
capitalization is not used include laws,
theories, models, or hypotheses, such as ethical decision-
making models and names of conditions
or groups in an experiment, such as experimental or control
groups (APA, 2010). A common
error in capitalization is its use with the name of a job title or
department. An example is human
resources, which is not capitalized, versus the specific title of
ACME Human Resources
Department, which is capitalized.
Seriation (elements written in a series). Items contained in a list
help to clarify the
point being made or help to clarify components of a subject.
Bullets may be used for a list in
academic writing according to APA standards (2010). To show
seriation of separate paragraphs,
however, number each paragraph with an Arabic numeral
followed by a period that is not
enclosed in or followed by parentheses. To show seriation
within a paragraph or a sentence, use
lowercase letters in parentheses (see Appendix C).
Numbers. Spell out numbers one through nine that appear in the
body text. Use Arabic
numerals to express numbers 10 and above. Exceptions to this
rule are discussed in the Grammar
and Writing Guides in the Center for Writing at Tutorials and
Guides. Once in the Grammar and
Writing Guides, go to Grammar Mechanics and select Number
Usage for a list of the exceptions.
If you have the Publication Manual, sixth edition (2010), refer
to pages 111-114 for detailed
information about number usage.
Third person versus first person. Person refers to the point of
view or the source of the
writer’s opinions. Use third person (he, she, or they) in
academic writing. When referring to
yourself, however, stating “The writer instructed the patients” is
ambiguous and may give the
impression that you did not participate. Instead, use a first
person personal pronoun: “I instructed
the patients.” For the most part, reference to self in first person
should be limited to personal
reflection or opinion papers.
By understanding mechanics and usage requirements and by
referencing materials
appropriately with in-text citations and reference entries, you
will clearly communicate the
content of your work. Use the information included in this paper
to develop effective academic
papers. You are also encouraged to refer to the resources in the
CWE and the style information
from for additional information about
academic writing.
Always include a conclusion that summarizes
the main points of the paper.
Reference Page: Use a separate page to list the
references and double-space the entire page. The word
References is upper and lower case, centered, not
bolded, at the top of the page.
A book with
a corporate
author and
an edition
A source
available on
a university
program or
A source
with a
version of a
A print
of a
Italicize the
titles of
books and
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication
manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Copeland, L. (2006). Managing a multicultural workforce.
California Job Journal. Retrieved
Cuddy, C. M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopaedic
Nursing, 21(5), 35-42. Retrieved
Daniels, C. (2004, June 28). 50 Best companies for minorities.
Fortune, 149(13), 136-
146. Retrieved from
Ede, L. (2001). The academic writer (2nd ed.). New York, NY:
Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Lawton, K. A., Cousineau, L., & Hillard, V. E. (2001).
Plagiarism: Its nature and consequences.
Retrieved from Duke University Guide to Library Research
Sigel, T. (2009). How passive voice weakens your scholarly
argument. Journal of Management
Development, 28(5), 478-480. doi:10.1108/02621710910955994
Sterngold, A. (2004). Confronting plagiarism: How
conventional teaching invites cyber-
cheating. Change, 36(3), 16. Retrieved from
Strunk, W., Jr. (1999). Elementary principles of composition:
Omit needless words. In The
elements of style. Retrieved from
(Original work published 1918)
Venes, D. (2001). Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary (19th
ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A.
Appendix A: Header Feature in Microsoft® Word
Identify each page with the page number placed at the right
margin. Do not use your
name to identify each page. Be sure the font type and size are
the same in the header as that used
throughout the document. To create a correct header with an
automatic page number in Word,
use the following guidelines.
Word 2007, 2010, and 2013
1. Click on the Insert tab.
2. Select the Header icon.
3. Choose the Blank header tab from the drop-down menu.
4. Tab to the right margin, and click the Page Number icon.
5. Place the cursor over Current Position. A drop-down menu
should appear.
6. Select the Plain Number option. A number will appear at the
right margin of your
7. Choose Close Header and Footer (the red X at the far right on
the menu). Your cursor
then appears at the beginning of the document, and automatic
page numbers should be
visible as you type each new page.
Word 2003
1. Select the View menu on the toolbar.
2. Select Header and Footer.
3. Place the cursor in the Header box and select the right
justification button on the toolbar
so that the cursor in the Header box moves to the right.
4. Use the automatic function for inserting the page number as
illustrated in this picture by
selecting the first button with the # symbol.
5. Select Close. The header is complete.
Appendix B: Creating a Hanging Indent in Microsoft® Word
To create a hanging indent for your references page in Word,
use the following guidelines.
Word 2007, 2010, and 2013
1. Select the text that requires a hanging indent or create a
hanging indent at the top of the
references page before typing the text.
2. From the Home menu, click on the Paragraph command seen
below. This will bring up
the Indents and Spacing tab.
3. Under Indentation in the Special box, click on Hanging and
select OK.
Word 2003
1. Select the text that requires a hanging indent or create a
hanging indent at the top of the
references page before typing the text.
2. From the Format menu, select the Paragraph command.
3. In the Special list under Indentation, select Hanging and
select OK.
Appendix C: Seriation
To show seriation (lists) within a paragraph or sentence, use
lowercase letters, not
italicized, in parentheses:
Job satisfaction is increased when nurses are provided with (a)
therapeutic massage, (b)
relaxation therapy, and (c) music therapy.
To show seriation of separate paragraphs, number each
paragraph with an Arabic
numeral, followed by a period but not enclosed in or followed
by parentheses. A numbered list
signifies that element 1 is more important than element 2 and so
on. See the following examples
to create a numbered or bulleted list.
Berk (2001) suggests that parents determine suitability of books
for children by using the
following criteria:
1. Books are made from durable material . . . [paragraph
2. Books are action-oriented . . . [paragraph continues]
If all elements in the list are of equal importance, use bullets
instead of numbers as shown below.
Berk (2001) suggests that parents determine suitability of books
for children by using the
following criteria:
-oriented . . . [paragraph continues]
Differentiating Between Market Structures
ECO/365 – Principles of Microeconomics
October 5, 2015
Differentiating Between Market Structures
A market structure in simple terms is the collection of
factors that determine how different buyers and sellers in a
market interact. Further, the term also deals with how market
prices of goods and services change, and how production and
selling processes come together in a particular market. The
paper that follows aims to identify the market structure in which
the selected company operates and the strategies that may be
adopted by the organization to become more competitive based
on the identified market structure ("Market Structure", n.d.).
Company and Industry
The company selected for the following paper and market
analysis is Shell Oil Company (“Shell”). Shell is one of the
world’s leading energy and petrochemical company and today
has over 94,000 employees in more than 70 countries. The
business of Shell is divided into four sub-divisions namely
upstream international, upstream Americas, downstream and
projects and technology. In terms of business units, Shell is
divided into five business units including exploration,
development and extraction, manufacturing and energy
production, transport and trading and sales ("Shell Global - Our
Business", n.d.).
The industry in which Shell operates is oil and energy.
This industry has a large number of players in the market;
however, the major supply in the oil and energy industry is
dominated by a few large players. Major players in this market
include Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, National Iranian Oil
Company, ExxonMobil, Petro China, BP, and Royal Dutch Shell
(Forbes, Worlds Largest Oil Companies, 2015).
Market Structures
Within the economic framework, four major types of
market structures have been identified namely monopoly,
oligopoly, monopolistic, and perfect competition. The different
market structures are differentiated based upon the number of
buyers and sellers within the market, the level of competition
that exists, and the power enjoyed by the supplier and the buyer.
Characteristics of each of the different market structures are
presented in the sections below (Baurnoll, n.d.). Monopoly, in
simple terms, is a market structure that is dominated by a single
large supplier i.e. a pure monopoly. However, in terms of
regulations applicable in many countries, a monopoly is referred
to as a market structure where one supplier has almost 25% of
the market share. Reasons for the existence of monopolies
include suppliers having patents, copyrights, or exclusive
ownership of a particular resource. The overriding aspect of a
monopoly is its ability to generate supernormal profits using its
monopoly power.
Oligopoly, on the other hand, is a market structure where
the market share is distributed between a few players in the
market. Oligopolies can be identified by using either
concentration ratios, i.e. the ratios of the market share of the
players in the market or by using the HHI index. Industries with
higher concentration ratios are identified as oligopolies. Key
characteristics of this market are the interdependence of the
market players and higher barriers to entry.
Monopolistic competition is a further movement away
from the oligopoly structure and, in essence, is a market where
firms are profit maximizes. There are low barriers to entry, and
there are a larger number of sellers with each having some
degree of market power.
At the end of the spectrum of market structure that began
with a monopoly is perfect competition. Perfect competition is
the exact opposite of a monopoly. More specifically, a perfect
competition market is one where competition is at the highest
level, with no barriers to entry, and every supplier in the
industry is a price taker.
Company market structure
As explained above, Shell operates within the oil and energy
industry. This industry has features that are quite unique,
allowing identification of the market structure of the industry.
More specifically, Shell operates in an industry dominated by a
few large suppliers namely Aramco and ExxonMobil. Further, in
terms of substitutes, the consumer of the industry does not
currently have many options and, hence, a greater power is
enjoyed by the suppliers.
The major reasons for high concentration ratios in the
industry in which Shell operates include economies of scales
enjoyed by companies already in business, elimination of
weaker companies as a rest of business cycle (especially the
latest slump in oil prices), and barriers to entry. Based upon
these factors, the oil industry (the market in which Shell
operates) is an oligopoly (Berger, 1988).
Demand function
Based on the identified market structure for the
organization, the demand curve for products will be kinked, i.e.
the demand curve faced by Shell will be such that it is divided
into two distinct segments. The upper segment of the demand
curve will be highly elastic; whereas the lower part of the
demand curve will be much more inelastic. The reasons for the
highly inelastic demand faced by the organization can be traced
back to the interdependence of market players within an
oligopoly structure.
More specifically, in the market structure that Shell
operates, a decline in price by one organization is likely to be
followed by a decline in price by others in the industry leading
to an overall level of lower prices and, hence, an overall loss
for the industry. The opposite will happen if one player in the
market increases its prices where it is highly likely that others
will not follow. That company is then likely to lose its market
share (David, n.d.).
Business strategies
Based on the identified market structure and the demand
curve faced by the organizations, including Shell, one thing is
clear, in order to increase its market share and, hence its
profitability, Shell cannot and should not involve itself in a
strategy that is based on price competition. Price competition is
not suitable since the impact of any such competition or
strategy is highly dependent on the actions taken by other
players in the market ("Oligopoly", n.d.).
The strategies that are suitable for Shell include collusion,
the formation of a cartel, or the development of non-price based
strategies. The first strategy - collusion - is one that has been
seen in the oil industry for years. In this strategy, major players
in the market come together and agree not to indulge in price
wars and maintain higher prices to protect their sales volumes.
The second strategy that the company may follow is the
formation of a cartel. A cartel is an official contract between
the players in an oligopoly where they agree to set a price that
will be charged by all the players. It also specifies the sales
quota for each player. One of the major examples of a cartel in
the oil industry is OPEC.
Lastly, the strategy that is aligned with my values and is
suitable for Shell, is based on non-price competition i.e. the
company should pursue a strategy that uses a combination of
product development and advertisement in order to develop a
strong brand which in turn allows it to charge premium prices
and, hence, increase its profits. This strategy is a key part of
Shell’s current company strategy as it attempts to strengthen its
Within the non-price based strategy, Shell should pursue
greater levels of technological innovation. Given the current
decline in oil prices, this strategy is essential. Shell’s success in
future will be determined by how successful it has been in
bringing about innovation, the way it does business, and how
its technological advancement brings down its cost to do
business. This success will include innovation in project
management, financial management, and development, as well
as application of newer engineering mechanisms and technology
sales ("Shell Global - Our Strategy", n.d.).
Of the three strategies described above, the first two raise
ethical and legal concerns. More specifically, although may
benefit the company profits, any form of collusion and cartels
will ultimately harm the consumer in the form of higher prices
and lower levels of supply. Aside from being unethical, the
strategies of the formation of a cartel and that of collusion do
not fall in line with Shell’s values. Shell’s long-term strategy
clearly highlights the importance it places on the social and
environmental footprint it leaves. More specifically, Shell has
aimed to meet growing global energy demands in a way that
will minimize the negative social and environmental impacts.
Shell’s aim, therefore, is inconsistent with the aim of a strategy
based on the formation of a cartel or collusion.
Based upon market structure analysis, it is concluded that
Shell Company operates in an oligopoly market structure and, as
such, it is important that it increases long-term profitability
based upon non-price strategies and should involve itself in
ethically and legally questionable practices.
Oligopoly. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Berger, K. (n.d.). World's Biggest Oil Companies - 2015.
Retrieved from
Berger, K. (1988). The Oil Market as an Oligopoly. Retrieved
Baurnoll, W. J. (n.d.). What Can Economic Theory Contribute
to Managerial Economics?. Retrieved from
David, S. (n.d.). The Cross-Elasticity of Demand and Industry
Boundaries: Coal, Oil, Gas and Uranium. Retrieved from
Shell Global - Our business. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Shell Global - Our strategty. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Market Structure. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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1 Center for Writing Excellence © 2014 Apollo .docx

  • 1. 1 Center for Writing Excellence © 2014 Apollo Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing Style and Mechanics Student Name Course/Number Date Instructor Name
  • 2. An APA running head is not needed for undergraduate or master’s courses per the University Writing and Style Guidelines. If you are a student in a doctoral program, or otherwise require a running head in your paper, consult the doctoral APA Sample Paper in the CWE>Tutorials and Guides>Doctoral Writing Resources. Pagination: Use the header feature in Microsoft® Word to set the page number (see Appendix A). The title: Use upper and lower case letters, centered between the left and right margins, and positioned on the upper half of the page. Use black, 12- point Times New Roman font
  • 3. throughout. Arial and Courier font types are acceptable. All lines are double-spaced throughout the entire document. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman font throughout the document. Arial and Courier font types are acceptable. This APA Sample Paper is intended for undergraduate and master’s level students. The University of Phoenix APA sample papers represent the consensus of key academic officials within the University. This particular sample reflects expectations outlined in the University of Phoenix Writing and Style Guidelines for undergraduate and master’s courses, which correspond with the University’s preferred style guide for most programs: The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition. If your course materials direct you to follow MLA style, please see the MLA Sample Paper in the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)>Tutorials and Guides>MLA Information. This sample paper is offered as a concise tool to help students with style, but it is not a definitive or binding representation of format for all courses. The CWE provides many tools to help students write and format effective papers; however, the faculty member determines
  • 4. the assignment grade in the course. Abstract: Typically, an abstract is required only for publication. If your assignment instructions indicate a requirement to use an abstract, a sample can be found in the CWE>Tutorials and Guides. 2 Indent the first line of each paragraph using the tab key, set at five to seven spaces or one-half inch. Direct quotations require a
  • 5. page number or paragraph number. Writing Style and Mechanics The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) began as a journal article in 1929. The APA reported results from a meeting of scholars “to establish a simple set of procedures, or style rules, that would codify the many components of scientific writing to increase the ease of reading comprehension” (APA, 2010, p. xiii). Today, the Publication Manual is in its sixth edition and the APA style described in it is a widely recognized standard for scholarly or professional writing in the social sciences. Although the style guide is designed to prepare manuscripts for publication, many universities and health care journals have adopted its use as a guide to achieve uniformity and consistency (Cuddy, 2002). Writing in the style prescribed by the Publication Manual can be a daunting experience for students. As with any new skill, “practice makes perfect” (S.
  • 6. Proofreader, personal communication, June 28, 2004). Points of APA style most often used by undergraduate and graduate students are listed below. However, keep in mind that this sample paper is a guide and should not be considered as a replacement for the Publication Manual. Format Considerations Some commonly used rules and formats from the sixth edition of the Publication Manual are listed below. Please note, however, that some assignments may require unique formatting, and you should consult your syllabus for clarification. Correct Margins Margins are one inch on all sides. This rule is broken only to avoid placing a lone heading on the last line of the page or a single line of text on the top of the next page. Use the paper title above your introduction, centered not bolded.
  • 7. Personal communication citation: No need to include on the reference page. Use one or two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence, but be consistent with usage throughout the document. Level one heading: Centered, bolded, upper and lower case letters. .
  • 8. Level two heading: Left margin, bolded, upper and lower case letters. Margins should be one inch on all sides of the document. Writers should ensure that a line is not tab indented when centering a heading so as not to
  • 9. appear off center. 3 The place of publication in a reference should include city and state using two letter postal abbreviation for the state. If the location is outside of the U.S., use the city and country. Examples: New York, NY. London, England. Page Header The page header contains the page number aligned with the right margin. The automatic header function in Microsoft® Word should be used to place the page numbers consecutively in the paper (see Appendix A). Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) are used to number each page, beginning with 1 on the title page. Document Headings Paragraph headings should be used in long documents to organize the essay, to break it up into readable portions, and to make it easy for readers to locate information. Using headings in a short document before every paragraph can make the
  • 10. writing appear choppy, and the paper may not flow smoothly from point to point. Use paragraph headings if your document is longer than three or four pages or if the assignment instructions require paragraph headings. Reference Page Hanging indentation is used for the reference page. The proper format can be set in Microsoft® Word (see Appendix B). Creating the hanging indentation by using the tab key or space bar will not protect the formatting if changes are made to the reference page at a later time. The reference page is alphabetized by author or by title of the work when no author is listed, and each entry contains the date of publication in parentheses directly after the author’s name. The title, the place of publication, and the name of the publisher follow the date of publication for a book entry. The proliferation of electronic materials has prompted APA to create formats designed specifically for Internet and web-based written material. Visit the APA website at for additional information about formatting electronic references. You
  • 11. will also find frequently asked questions and helpful free tutorials about using APA style. 4 Citation with a page number: One space between the p. and the number. Only references that have been cited in the paper are listed on the reference page. Personal communications are cited in the text but do not appear on the reference page because the reader cannot retrieve them. Additional reference examples are available in the Reference and Citation Examples tutorial in the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) at Tutorials and Guides.
  • 12. In-Text Citations Direct quotations. Direct quotations must mirror the original source word for word, even if errors are contained in the original text. To alert the reader that errors are part of the original material, the word [sic], enclosed in brackets and italicized, must follow the erroneous material. The source of the quotation must be cited. The format of direct quotations may vary with the placement of the quoted material in the sentence. The following is an example of how you may use a direct quotation from a website with an author: “Diversity is emerging as one of the most serious issues in the workplace today, yet most employers are not prepared to deal with it” (Copeland, 2003, Erroneous Assumptions, para. 1). The author’s last name, the year of publication, the website title or section title, and the paragraph number, when no page number is available, are included in the citation. The following is an example of how one may use a direct quotation from a book with one author: Venes (2001) stated, “The types of influenza doctors
  • 13. must prepare for fall into three categories” (p. 106). If the author’s name is stated prior to the quotation, include the date of publication (in parentheses) after the author’s name, and follow the quotation with the page or paragraph number. For a work with two authors, use both authors’ last names for every citation. If the source has three or more authors but fewer than six authors, list all authors in the first citation, and use the first author’s last name and the words et al. (without italics) for the rest of Level three heading: Indented, bolded, capitalize only the first word, period at the end, continue text same
  • 14. line. Level three heading usually only necessary in longer papers, most commonly in master’s and doctoral papers. “Erroneous Assumptions” is the heading of a section within the web-based article, “Managing a Multicultural Workforce.” Using the
  • 15. heading of a section for an online article citation will help your reader quickly locate the content in the original source. 5 the citations. If the source has more than six authors, you may use the first author’s last name and the words et al. (without italics) for every citation (APA, 2010, p. 175). The following example from the Publication Manual (2010, p. 42) shows a citation from a work with more than six authors using the first author: (Good et al., 2001). Refer to the Reference and Citation Examples tutorial in the CWE at Tutorials and Guides for more examples of in-text citations.
  • 16. Quotations that contain fewer than 40 words are enclosed in double quotation marks within the text. Use single quotation marks for quotations contained within a direct quotation. Quotations of 40 words or more are indented in a block format without quotation marks. Use double quotation marks to indicate a quotation within the block quotation. The block quotation is started on a new line, and it is indented five to seven spaces or one-half inch. A sample block quotation appears on page 7 of this document. Paraphrased or summarized material. Paraphrasing or summarizing allows the writer to present someone else’s ideas or intellectual property and to supply proper credit to the original author or authors (Lawton, Cousineau, & Hillard, 2001). When an author is paraphrased or summarized, the source must be cited in the text. If a source is mentioned more than once in a paragraph, a citation must be included each time. Page or paragraph numbers are not required for paraphrased material, but the Publication Manual recommends that writers include a page or paragraph number to help the reader easily locate the
  • 17. information (APA, 2010, p. 171). If a writer were to paraphrase information from an article located in an online database, the writer would format the citation as follows: Daniels (2004) included Darden Restaurants on her list of the 50 best companies for minorities. Here is an example where the author is not mentioned within the text: A list of companies has been singled out as best for minority employees (Daniels, 2004). Both examples include the author’s last name and the date of publication. If the author’s Write out and with authors’ names mentioned within the text. Use an ampersand (&) when they are written within a citation.
  • 18. 6 name is not provided with the paraphrased text, it must be included in the citation. Refer to the Reference and Citation Examples in the CWE at Tutorials and Guides for examples of citing paraphrased material. Deciding to summarize, to paraphrase, or to provide a direct quotation is an important question one must consider when using sources in an academic paper. Summarizing and paraphrasing both consist of sharing a source author’s ideas by phrasing them in one’s own words. A writer should summarize or paraphrase source material when it is important to capture the basic idea but when the author’s exact words are not essential to the paper. Conversely, a writer should quote directly when the source verbiage is crucial and stating it any other way would cause it to lose its meaning. Usually writers will quote authors who are experts in their field and whose ideas support their own. However, excessive use of direct quotations should be
  • 19. avoided. Writers are encouraged to paraphrase when doing so will not change the meaning or the impact of a source (Ede, 2011). Plagiarism. Plagiarism constitutes a serious academic concern. According to Lawton, Cousineau, and Hillard (2001), “Academic communities demand that writers credit others for their work and that the source of their material clearly be acknowledged” (para. 6). Internet access has resulted in an increase in plagiarism. McCabe noted (as cited in Sterngold, 2004), 41% of students said they engaged in cut-and-paste plagiarism from online sources. The sentences and phrases used in one’s paper must be original or cited and referenced accordingly. Although it may be easier for a writer to use someone else’s words, doing so discredits the writer. When in doubt, cite. See the Plagiarism Guide in the CWE at Tutorials and Guides for more information about avoiding plagiarism and about properly citing intellectual property. Secondary Sources:
  • 20. Also called an indirect source. List only primary source in reference list, and cite secondary source author only within the text. Secondary sources are not ideal in academic writing and should be avoided. Electronic source and quotation: If the electronic source does not have page
  • 21. numbers, use the abbreviation para. for the paragraph number. Headings should not appear at the end of a page. For the sake of readability, move the heading to the top of the next page (see Other Format Issues on page 7). This ensures that the intended content of the following body text is clear. 7 Other Format Issues The preferred typeface for APA style is black, 12-point Times New Roman (APA, 2010). However, Arial and Courier font types are acceptable. Avoid using any software settings that reduce spacing between words or letters or that add spacing between paragraphs. Use double- spacing throughout the document. You may use one space or two spaces after sentence-ending punctuation in the body of your essay, but use consistent spacing at the end of a sentence
  • 22. throughout your essay. Although the Publication Manual (2010) requires an abstract to precede the text, an abstract is not used in most student papers. Some assignments may require an abstract if students are submitting lengthy papers or project proposals. In those cases, the direction to submit an abstract will be in the assignment guidelines. A sample abstract can be found in the CWE at Tutorials and Guides. Writing Mechanics Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure—in addition to formatting—are essential components of scholarly writing. Strunk (1918/1999) emphasized the importance of being succinct: Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all his sentences short, or that he avoid all detail and treat
  • 23. his subjects only in outline, but that every word tell. (para. 1) Block quotation (40 or more words): Indent to the tab margin and do not include quotation marks. The in-text citation occurs outside of the punctuation that ends the sentence. 8 Grammar
  • 24. In addition to the provision of a standardized format for scientific writing, the Publication Manual (2010) emphasizes the importance of proper grammar. Important basic grammar principles are listed below. For further information, refer to Step-by-Step Grammar Review in the CWE. The Step-by-Step Grammar Review provides individualized practice with grammar and punctuation. Subject and verb agreement. A singular noun requires a singular verb and a plural noun requires a plural verb (APA, 2010). Words that intervene between the noun and the verb do not change this basic rule. Noun and pronoun agreement. When writers use a singular noun, they must also use a singular pronoun. To avoid using awkward combined forms such as he/she or (s)he, writers may reword the sentence and use a plural noun and a plural pronoun to eliminate the problem of nouns and pronouns that do not agree. For example, the sentence “A student applying for a job must carefully proofread his/her application” may be reworded to read, “Students applying for
  • 25. jobs must carefully proofread their applications.” Use of plural forms also helps writers reduce bias, avoid stereotypes, and refrain from using both singular and plural in the same sentence or paragraph. Passive voice. Passive voice obscures the actor in this sentence: “The house was painted,” because it omits who applied the paint. In contrast, the same sentence written in active voice would be something such as this: “Our company painted the house.” The passive voice, which is a form of “be” (is, was, were, will be, have been, etc.) and a participle (painted, etc.), is useful when the actor's identity is not important to the sentence or context. Overuse of the passive voice causes the document to read similarly to an instructional manual, dry and 9 monotonous. According to Sigel (2009), it weakens the essay’s argument and prevents clear and concise writing. Occasional use of the passive voice is acceptable, but documents written
  • 26. primarily in the active voice are more enjoyable and more persuasive to read (Sigel, 2009). Punctuation. Correct punctuation establishes the rhythm and readability of sentences. Use only one space after commas, colons, and semicolons. Use one or two spaces after a period at the end of a sentence (be consistent with use). When a hyphen or a dash is used, no space appears before or after the hyphen or dash (APA, 2010). In academic writing, use a comma to separate all words in a series of three or more, as in the following example: Tasks included reading, writing, and analyzing the information in the text. Correct use of commas and semicolons can be challenging for students. Writers should consider using a proofreading tool, such as WritePoint®, to aid in checking proper comma use. Capitalization. Capitalization is used to designate a proper noun or trade name as well as major words in titles and in headings. Instances where capitalization is not used include laws, theories, models, or hypotheses, such as ethical decision- making models and names of conditions
  • 27. or groups in an experiment, such as experimental or control groups (APA, 2010). A common error in capitalization is its use with the name of a job title or department. An example is human resources, which is not capitalized, versus the specific title of ACME Human Resources Department, which is capitalized. Seriation (elements written in a series). Items contained in a list help to clarify the point being made or help to clarify components of a subject. Bullets may be used for a list in academic writing according to APA standards (2010). To show seriation of separate paragraphs, however, number each paragraph with an Arabic numeral followed by a period that is not 10 enclosed in or followed by parentheses. To show seriation within a paragraph or a sentence, use lowercase letters in parentheses (see Appendix C). Numbers. Spell out numbers one through nine that appear in the body text. Use Arabic numerals to express numbers 10 and above. Exceptions to this
  • 28. rule are discussed in the Grammar and Writing Guides in the Center for Writing at Tutorials and Guides. Once in the Grammar and Writing Guides, go to Grammar Mechanics and select Number Usage for a list of the exceptions. If you have the Publication Manual, sixth edition (2010), refer to pages 111-114 for detailed information about number usage. Third person versus first person. Person refers to the point of view or the source of the writer’s opinions. Use third person (he, she, or they) in academic writing. When referring to yourself, however, stating “The writer instructed the patients” is ambiguous and may give the impression that you did not participate. Instead, use a first person personal pronoun: “I instructed the patients.” For the most part, reference to self in first person should be limited to personal reflection or opinion papers. Conclusion By understanding mechanics and usage requirements and by referencing materials appropriately with in-text citations and reference entries, you
  • 29. will clearly communicate the content of your work. Use the information included in this paper to develop effective academic papers. You are also encouraged to refer to the resources in the CWE and the style information from for additional information about academic writing. Always include a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the paper. 11 Reference Page: Use a separate page to list the references and double-space the entire page. The word References is upper and lower case, centered, not bolded, at the top of the page. An online journal article. A book with a corporate author and an edition number.
  • 30. A source available on a university program or department website. A source with a digital object identifier (DOI). An electronic version of a republished book. A print version of a book. Italicize the titles of books and journals
  • 31. (including journal volume numbers). References American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Copeland, L. (2006). Managing a multicultural workforce. California Job Journal. Retrieved from Cuddy, C. M. (2002). Demystifying APA style. Orthopaedic Nursing, 21(5), 35-42. Retrieved from Daniels, C. (2004, June 28). 50 Best companies for minorities. Fortune, 149(13), 136- 146. Retrieved from Ede, L. (2001). The academic writer (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Lawton, K. A., Cousineau, L., & Hillard, V. E. (2001). Plagiarism: Its nature and consequences. Retrieved from Duke University Guide to Library Research website:
  • 32. Sigel, T. (2009). How passive voice weakens your scholarly argument. Journal of Management Development, 28(5), 478-480. doi:10.1108/02621710910955994 Sterngold, A. (2004). Confronting plagiarism: How conventional teaching invites cyber- cheating. Change, 36(3), 16. Retrieved from Strunk, W., Jr. (1999). Elementary principles of composition: Omit needless words. In The elements of style. Retrieved from (Original work published 1918) Venes, D. (2001). Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary (19th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. javascript:__doLinkPostBack('','target~~URL||args~~http://www||type~~',''); 12 Appendix A: Header Feature in Microsoft® Word
  • 33. Identify each page with the page number placed at the right margin. Do not use your name to identify each page. Be sure the font type and size are the same in the header as that used throughout the document. To create a correct header with an automatic page number in Word, use the following guidelines. Word 2007, 2010, and 2013 1. Click on the Insert tab. 2. Select the Header icon. 3. Choose the Blank header tab from the drop-down menu. 4. Tab to the right margin, and click the Page Number icon. 5. Place the cursor over Current Position. A drop-down menu should appear. 6. Select the Plain Number option. A number will appear at the right margin of your document. 7. Choose Close Header and Footer (the red X at the far right on the menu). Your cursor then appears at the beginning of the document, and automatic page numbers should be visible as you type each new page.
  • 34. Word 2003 1. Select the View menu on the toolbar. 2. Select Header and Footer. 3. Place the cursor in the Header box and select the right justification button on the toolbar so that the cursor in the Header box moves to the right. 13 4. Use the automatic function for inserting the page number as illustrated in this picture by selecting the first button with the # symbol. 5. Select Close. The header is complete. 14
  • 35. Appendix B: Creating a Hanging Indent in Microsoft® Word To create a hanging indent for your references page in Word, use the following guidelines. Word 2007, 2010, and 2013 1. Select the text that requires a hanging indent or create a hanging indent at the top of the references page before typing the text. 2. From the Home menu, click on the Paragraph command seen below. This will bring up the Indents and Spacing tab. 3. Under Indentation in the Special box, click on Hanging and select OK. 15 Word 2003 1. Select the text that requires a hanging indent or create a hanging indent at the top of the references page before typing the text.
  • 36. 2. From the Format menu, select the Paragraph command. 3. In the Special list under Indentation, select Hanging and select OK. 16 Appendix C: Seriation To show seriation (lists) within a paragraph or sentence, use lowercase letters, not italicized, in parentheses: Job satisfaction is increased when nurses are provided with (a) therapeutic massage, (b) relaxation therapy, and (c) music therapy. To show seriation of separate paragraphs, number each paragraph with an Arabic numeral, followed by a period but not enclosed in or followed by parentheses. A numbered list signifies that element 1 is more important than element 2 and so on. See the following examples to create a numbered or bulleted list.
  • 37. Berk (2001) suggests that parents determine suitability of books for children by using the following criteria: 1. Books are made from durable material . . . [paragraph continues] 2. Books are action-oriented . . . [paragraph continues] If all elements in the list are of equal importance, use bullets instead of numbers as shown below. Berk (2001) suggests that parents determine suitability of books for children by using the following criteria: continues] -oriented . . . [paragraph continues] 1 2 Differentiating Between Market Structures
  • 38. ECO/365 – Principles of Microeconomics October 5, 2015 Differentiating Between Market Structures A market structure in simple terms is the collection of factors that determine how different buyers and sellers in a market interact. Further, the term also deals with how market prices of goods and services change, and how production and selling processes come together in a particular market. The paper that follows aims to identify the market structure in which the selected company operates and the strategies that may be adopted by the organization to become more competitive based on the identified market structure ("Market Structure", n.d.). Company and Industry The company selected for the following paper and market analysis is Shell Oil Company (“Shell”). Shell is one of the world’s leading energy and petrochemical company and today has over 94,000 employees in more than 70 countries. The business of Shell is divided into four sub-divisions namely upstream international, upstream Americas, downstream and projects and technology. In terms of business units, Shell is divided into five business units including exploration, development and extraction, manufacturing and energy production, transport and trading and sales ("Shell Global - Our Business", n.d.). The industry in which Shell operates is oil and energy. This industry has a large number of players in the market;
  • 39. however, the major supply in the oil and energy industry is dominated by a few large players. Major players in this market include Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, National Iranian Oil Company, ExxonMobil, Petro China, BP, and Royal Dutch Shell (Forbes, Worlds Largest Oil Companies, 2015). Market Structures Within the economic framework, four major types of market structures have been identified namely monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic, and perfect competition. The different market structures are differentiated based upon the number of buyers and sellers within the market, the level of competition that exists, and the power enjoyed by the supplier and the buyer. Characteristics of each of the different market structures are presented in the sections below (Baurnoll, n.d.). Monopoly, in simple terms, is a market structure that is dominated by a single large supplier i.e. a pure monopoly. However, in terms of regulations applicable in many countries, a monopoly is referred to as a market structure where one supplier has almost 25% of the market share. Reasons for the existence of monopolies include suppliers having patents, copyrights, or exclusive ownership of a particular resource. The overriding aspect of a monopoly is its ability to generate supernormal profits using its monopoly power. Oligopoly, on the other hand, is a market structure where the market share is distributed between a few players in the market. Oligopolies can be identified by using either concentration ratios, i.e. the ratios of the market share of the players in the market or by using the HHI index. Industries with higher concentration ratios are identified as oligopolies. Key characteristics of this market are the interdependence of the market players and higher barriers to entry. Monopolistic competition is a further movement away from the oligopoly structure and, in essence, is a market where firms are profit maximizes. There are low barriers to entry, and there are a larger number of sellers with each having some degree of market power.
  • 40. At the end of the spectrum of market structure that began with a monopoly is perfect competition. Perfect competition is the exact opposite of a monopoly. More specifically, a perfect competition market is one where competition is at the highest level, with no barriers to entry, and every supplier in the industry is a price taker. Company market structure As explained above, Shell operates within the oil and energy industry. This industry has features that are quite unique, allowing identification of the market structure of the industry. More specifically, Shell operates in an industry dominated by a few large suppliers namely Aramco and ExxonMobil. Further, in terms of substitutes, the consumer of the industry does not currently have many options and, hence, a greater power is enjoyed by the suppliers. The major reasons for high concentration ratios in the industry in which Shell operates include economies of scales enjoyed by companies already in business, elimination of weaker companies as a rest of business cycle (especially the latest slump in oil prices), and barriers to entry. Based upon these factors, the oil industry (the market in which Shell operates) is an oligopoly (Berger, 1988). Demand function Based on the identified market structure for the organization, the demand curve for products will be kinked, i.e. the demand curve faced by Shell will be such that it is divided into two distinct segments. The upper segment of the demand curve will be highly elastic; whereas the lower part of the demand curve will be much more inelastic. The reasons for the highly inelastic demand faced by the organization can be traced back to the interdependence of market players within an oligopoly structure. More specifically, in the market structure that Shell operates, a decline in price by one organization is likely to be followed by a decline in price by others in the industry leading
  • 41. to an overall level of lower prices and, hence, an overall loss for the industry. The opposite will happen if one player in the market increases its prices where it is highly likely that others will not follow. That company is then likely to lose its market share (David, n.d.). Business strategies Based on the identified market structure and the demand curve faced by the organizations, including Shell, one thing is clear, in order to increase its market share and, hence its profitability, Shell cannot and should not involve itself in a strategy that is based on price competition. Price competition is not suitable since the impact of any such competition or strategy is highly dependent on the actions taken by other players in the market ("Oligopoly", n.d.). The strategies that are suitable for Shell include collusion, the formation of a cartel, or the development of non-price based strategies. The first strategy - collusion - is one that has been seen in the oil industry for years. In this strategy, major players in the market come together and agree not to indulge in price wars and maintain higher prices to protect their sales volumes. The second strategy that the company may follow is the formation of a cartel. A cartel is an official contract between the players in an oligopoly where they agree to set a price that will be charged by all the players. It also specifies the sales quota for each player. One of the major examples of a cartel in the oil industry is OPEC. Lastly, the strategy that is aligned with my values and is suitable for Shell, is based on non-price competition i.e. the company should pursue a strategy that uses a combination of product development and advertisement in order to develop a strong brand which in turn allows it to charge premium prices and, hence, increase its profits. This strategy is a key part of Shell’s current company strategy as it attempts to strengthen its brand. Within the non-price based strategy, Shell should pursue greater levels of technological innovation. Given the current
  • 42. decline in oil prices, this strategy is essential. Shell’s success in future will be determined by how successful it has been in bringing about innovation, the way it does business, and how its technological advancement brings down its cost to do business. This success will include innovation in project management, financial management, and development, as well as application of newer engineering mechanisms and technology sales ("Shell Global - Our Strategy", n.d.). Of the three strategies described above, the first two raise ethical and legal concerns. More specifically, although may benefit the company profits, any form of collusion and cartels will ultimately harm the consumer in the form of higher prices and lower levels of supply. Aside from being unethical, the strategies of the formation of a cartel and that of collusion do not fall in line with Shell’s values. Shell’s long-term strategy clearly highlights the importance it places on the social and environmental footprint it leaves. More specifically, Shell has aimed to meet growing global energy demands in a way that will minimize the negative social and environmental impacts. Shell’s aim, therefore, is inconsistent with the aim of a strategy based on the formation of a cartel or collusion. Conclusion Based upon market structure analysis, it is concluded that Shell Company operates in an oligopoly market structure and, as such, it is important that it increases long-term profitability based upon non-price strategies and should involve itself in ethically and legally questionable practices. References Oligopoly. (n.d.). Retrieved from Berger, K. (n.d.). World's Biggest Oil Companies - 2015. Retrieved from oil-a/ Berger, K. (1988). The Oil Market as an Oligopoly. Retrieved
  • 43. from http://h Baurnoll, W. J. (n.d.). What Can Economic Theory Contribute to Managerial Economics?. Retrieved from http://ht tab_contents David, S. (n.d.). The Cross-Elasticity of Demand and Industry Boundaries: Coal, Oil, Gas and Uranium. Retrieved from ntibull18&div=38&id=&page= Shell Global - Our business. (n.d.). Retrieved from Shell Global - Our strategty. (n.d.). Retrieved from Market Structure. (n.d.). Retrieved from structure.html