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Presented By -
Id. Hetvi Trada
Charutar Vidhya Mandal University
― Brief history of UV light disinfection
― What is UV light
― What is ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI)
― Where should germicidal UV-C light systems be used?
― What type of germicidal UV-C light system are needed in facility?
― Additional uses for germicidal UV-C light- HVAC
― Additional benefits of germicidal UV-C lighting controls, sensors, and more
― What types of lamps provide UV-C disinfection lighting?
― What is the difference between low pressure mercury lamps and pulsed xenon
― What is clean room
― Types of clean room
― Fittings lights in cleanroom
― ISO cleanroom specification
― ISO clean air standard and ISO class application
― High efficiency filters (HEPA and ULPA)
― ISO class consideration
― Services and maintenance
― Room construction
― Lighting control
― Lux requirement
― IP ratings
― Lighting color
― The disinfection properties of ultraviolet lighting have been known
for over 140 years, since Downes and Blunt discovered the
antibacterial effects of the shorter wavelengths of sunlight.
― Shortly thereafter, it was proven that the UV portions of the light
spectrum were able to destroy microorganisms.
― After confirming UV lighting’s ability to kill pathogens, the next step
was to find a way to replicate the UV wavelengths that would result
in the disinfection of surfaces, air, and water.
― The first UV quartz lamp was invented in 1904 and resulted in the germicidal lamp. Germicidal lamps are a
type of lamp that produce the wavelengths of ultraviolet light (UV-C; 200nm to 280nm) that have disinfection
Examples of UV disinfection lighting at work:
― Before we define germicidal UV-C light, we need to define ultraviolet,
or UV, light.
― Ultraviolet light is a type of naturally present electromagnetic radiation
that is in sunlight and actually makes up approximately 10% of the total
light generated by the sun.
― UV light is electromagnetic energy with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than x-rays. The
wavelength of this light ranges from 10nm to 400nm and is classified into three sub-bands; UV-A, UV-B, and
― UV light with wavelengths less than 290nm are considered to have “germicidal” properties. Germicidal means
that the light can kill (inactivate) pathogens, just as it sounds.
― Earth’s atmosphere absorbs ultra magnetic radiation with wavelengths less than 290nm, meaning that most of
the UV-C and UV-B generated by the sun is blocked by our planet’s ozone.
― Germicidal UV-C light is commonly used to inactivate or kill microbes on surfaces, in air, and in water. When
implemented properly, UV-C lighting can kill up to 99.9% of pathogens.
― Germicidal ultraviolet light kills pathogen cells by damaging their DNA. Exposure to the electromagnetic
radiation (light) at certain UV wavelengths modifies the genetic material of microorganisms and destroys their
ability to reproduce.
― The UV energy triggers the formation of specific thymine or cystosine dimers in DNA and uracil dimers in
RNA, which causes the inactivation of microbes by causing mutations and/or cell death as well as failure to
― According to this from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “UV can kill all bacteria, including drug-resistant
bacteria because UV light is actually attacking the DNA and RNA of microbes.
― While the amount of UV needed to kill a microbe may vary as there is a relationship between the size of DNA
molecules and the effect of UV radiation, there have been no reports of microbes demonstrating an ability to build
an immunity to light-based methods.”
― UVGI is just one method of sterilization/decontamination using lighting, though, so we like to refer to is as UV
disinfection lighting to encompass more than just the one UVGI method.
― UVGI has been
recommended or used
for the isolation of
disease and bio-defense
systems for buildings by
the United States
Army, the CDC,
the Federal Emergency
Management Agency
(FEMA), and as
a disinfection method for
personal protective
equipment (PPE).
― Healthcare facilities are perhaps the most obvious
application for UV-C light disinfection, where infection and
viruses run rampant and spread from patient to patient and
room to room.
― It has been proven that manual cleaning, even with
chemical cleaners, simply isn't enough.
― Moreover, adding just two minutes of UV-C "cleaning"
along with manual cleaning efforts has been proven
to reduce bacterial load by 70%.
― UV-C lighting can even kill "superbugs" as viruses and
bacteria cannot become resistant to light-based methods
of disinfection like they can with antibiotics and even
chemical cleaners.
― Hospitals
― Surgical centers
― Urgent care centers
― Nursing homes and other senior living facilities
― Laboratories
― Dental offices
― Medical equipment storage facilities
― Pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities
― Here are just some of the healthcare facility types that can
benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection:
― Schools are hotbeds for viruses and infections. Colleges and other higher education institutions are also at risk
because students are often living in close quarters, ballooning the spread of illness.
― Student athletes at all levels are especially susceptible to a host of health issues from athlete's foot to staph
infections, because of the skin-to-skin contact required in most sports.
― Using germicidal UV-C light in education facility settings will keep students, faculty, and staff healthier, but also
reduce the use of harmful chemical cleaners, which can contribute to respiratory illnesses, like asthma, especially
in children, as well as allergic reactions.
― Here are some of the educational facility types that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection:
― Elementary, middle, and high schools
― Colleges and universities
― Trade schools
― Daycare centers and other early learning centers
― School gyms and recreational facilities
― School buses
― Both retail and hospitality businesses survive based on patron recommendations and reviews, and cleanliness is a
vital part of customer satisfaction. In fact, 78% of hotel guests agree that cleanliness is the single most important
factor when choosing where to stay. And that's just one example.
― There are an estimated 48 million cases
of food-borne illness each year. Also,
illnesses spread from staff member to
staff member so easily because of the
close contact required in the industry,
potentially leaving you understaffed.
― Germicidal UV-C light has been proven effective at killing pathogens like E. coli and salmonella, common food-
borne bacteria that cause widespread illness.
― Here are just some food and beverage facilities that can benefit from UV-C disinfection light systems:
― Restaurants
― Food trucks
― Catering businesses
― Banquet halls
― Food processing and packing facilities
― Grocery stores and supermarkets
― Convenience stores
― Food storage facilities
― 78% of hotel guests agree that cleanliness is the single most important factor when choosing where to
stay. Cleanliness and safety have a genuine impact on a hotel's reputation and bottom line.
― As mentioned, manual cleaning simply does not do enough on its own. Sometimes cleaning this way
actually does more harm than good as you spread germs from surface to surface. Add in UV-C disinfection
procedures to your hotel's "cleaning" and market that to your guests- it's sure to make an impact and convince
them to come back again, or stay at other branches.
― Guest rooms are a great place to start with UV disinfection in this
― But the uses for this lighting extend beyond that to conference rooms,
restrooms, gyms, pools, banquet halls- any space within your hotel or
motel can utilize UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation), justifying your
investment in UV-C systems.
― Exercise and athletic facilities are at a higher risk for certain infections, think
athlete's foot and staph, because of the close contact and the sharing of
equipment. Gyms, fitness clubs, recreation centers, pools- all of these
spaces are used by so many people each day, and bacteria thrive in moist
― Distinguish your gym or athletic club from the others by providing your
members with the assurance that their equipment, locker room, etc. is truly
clean by adding that extra layer of protection UV-C disinfection light
― Here are just some of the specific spaces that can benefit from UV disinfection lighting in the fitness industry:
― Gyms
― Specialty fitness clubs and centers
― Recreation centers, including youth rec
― Public pools
― Basketball courts, tennis courts, hockey rinks- all
organized sporting facilities
― Recently, cruise ships have gotten a lot of attention because of the novel coronavirus, which spread rapidly
aboard multiple cruises, causing them to dock and isolate all over the world.
― Airlines, airports, trains, and, train stations are additional spaces where close sustained contact and artificial air, as
well as inconsistent manual cleaning, can lead to rapid spread of disease. And both cruise lines and airlines can
flourish or fail based on customer safety and satisfaction.
― Families love to travel from all around the world to theme parks, like Disney World and Six Flags, for getaways.
― Massive crowds waiting hours in line and then crowded in small spaces on rides, in bathrooms, in restaurants
means swift spread of germs. Water parks are especially susceptible to spreading bacterial infections.
― Similar to retail and hospitality are national accounts.
Restaurant chains, national retailers, like clothing stores,
grocery store chains, etc. also require disinfection because
they're heavily trafficked and crowded and require a good
reputation to succeed.
― The important distinction between a chain restaurant and a
mom and pop restaurant, as an example, is scalability and
national implementation. Stouch Lighting has experience
facilitating cross-country lighting projects.
― Many towns, cities, etc. are familiar with UVGI as it is often
used for the disinfection of wastewater.
― Relying on a UVGI system for your wastewater disinfection
over traditional chlorine and other chemical methods is
safer and more environmentally friendly while remaining
comparable if not more affordable in cost.
― Most importantly, UV lighting effectively kills pathogens
that chlorine treatment misses, namely Cryptosporidium,
which causes gastrointestinal infection in humans.
― Wastewater treatment plants
― Parks and recreation facilities
― Correctional facilities
― Authorities
― Here are some of the municipal and government facility types that can benefit
from germicidal UV-C light disinfection:
― Veteran affairs
― Judicial court facilities
― Fire and police stations
― Public works
― A clean work environment leads to healthier employees, which means
less absence and more productivity for your company.
― Aside from this, cleanliness and health is a trend- you could even
qualify for the WELL certification, a designation reserved for buildings
designed with health in mind.
― These types of certifications are a wonderful PR opportunity in
addition to the obvious benefit of a healthier space. If you're looking
to lease your space out, consider your use of germicidal UV-C light
systems a marketing tool for potential tenants as well.
― Industrial facilities often require the handling of material from diverse geographical regions, as well close contact of
employees to keep production running.
― Many non-profits are gathering places for community members, and anywhere communities gather, germs
spread. Churches, community centers, charitable organizations with community-focused services, etc. can all
benefit from the extra level of protection UV-C disinfection light systems provide.
― Here are some of the non-profits that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection:
― Churches, synagogues, and other places of
― Community centers
― Homeless shelters
― Food banks
― Medical-related non-profits, like blood banks and
― Membership organizations, especially those with
large conferences and gatherings
― Other social welfare organizations
― Sadly, non-profits like homeless shelters often suffer breakouts of diseases because of close living quarters, as has
happened with coronavirus.
― Germicidal UV-C lighting is versatile and available in different forms to suit its many applications.
― Germicidal UV-C light systems are available in portable form as mobile UV-C
disinfection units. These units or carts can be moved easily from room to room to
disinfect multiple spaces.
― They're commonly used in hospitals and other medical facilities; after a patient
room or operating room has been cleaned, for example, and is ready for the next
patient, the mobile UV-C disinfection unit is placed in the room and activated to
disinfect surfaces and air in that space.
― These units are usually on wheels or tripods and are easy to operate and
― There are several options when it comes to the type of UV-C fixture for your space.
Here are a few:
― CEILING INSTALLED- These UV-C disinfection fixtures are hung from the ceiling,
often recessed within the ceiling like a conventional troffer, or hung via chain or
aircraft cable. Ceiling mounted UV-C light fixtures are extremely effective because
you can space them apart appropriately to disinfect your specific space based on
size and level of disinfection required.
― WALL MOUNTED- Similarly to the ceiling installed fixtures, wall
mounted fixtures can be spaced and installed for appropriate
disinfection levels based on the size and contours of your facility.
― Aside from the many diverse applications for germicidal UV-C
lighting detailed above, the lighting can be used successfully in
HVAC and other air handling systems.
― This is relevant for nearly all of the applications noted above. UV
disinfection systems are mounted in new or existing duct systems, controlling the spread of airborne toxins by
killing germs in the air before it circulates.
― One of the great advantages of this is that you can install the disinfection system and let it be without much
thought, but the health benefits of your germ-free air remain.
― People often have safety concerns regarding UV lighting. Germicidal UV-C lighting is particularly safe because of
the controls, sensors, switches, etc. available to use with the technology. This technology allows for the following
(and this is not an exhaustive list):
― The lighting to be turned on and off from outside of the space, meaning no one has to be present when the UV
disinfection is in process.
― The lighting to be pre-programmed with certain disinfection cycles so you can run the disinfection whenever
convenient, even at night or when unoccupied .
― The lighting to be controlled from many devices, including smart phones and tablets .
― The lighting to have an auto on/off setting so it will automatically turn off if someone accidentally enters the
room, for instance, or automatically turn on when the room locks.
― As discussed above, germicidal UV-C lighting is available in both permanently installed and mobile units. This
type of versatility is a huge benefit. Also, by simply adjusting the number of lighting units in a space you can
easily scale the disinfection to fit the size you need.
― There are two basic types of commercially viable lamps that provide the UV-C necessary
to be germicidal. We define commercially viable as systems or lamps that provide the
necessary UV-C light intensities and dosages that are actually able to disinfect larger
areas and surfaces.
― There are other light sources of UV-C, such as LED, that do provide ultraviolet light in
the necessary germicidal wavelengths of 100nm to 280nm, but they are not currently
able to provide the intensity of light needed to disinfect surfaces.
― LOWER PRESSURE MERCURY LAMPS :- These lamps are very similar to conventional fluorescent lamps in shape
and form, however, the UV-C lamps lack fluorescent phosphor and are often made of fused quartz, as opposed to
borosilicate glass.
― This allows the light produced by the mercury arc within the lamp to pass out of the glass unmodified, generating
light in the germicidal ultraviolet wavelength.
― Most of these lamps are sold as components in a complete disinfection system, or as linear/compact lamps. The
types are:
― PULSED XENON :- Xenon arc lamps are a type of gas discharge lamp that generates light by passing electricity
through ionized xenon gas.
― Often use flashes lasting a few milliseconds of germicidal ultraviolet light every six seconds or so.
― Pulsed UV light systems such as pulsed xenon are able to combine the germicidal effects of UV-C lighting with
thermal disintegration of cell walls from the intensity and speed of the photonic delivery.
― Although low pressure mercury (LPM) lamps provide
germicidal UV-C light, unless they are higher
wattage lamps (100 watts or more) they will have a
hard time effectively disinfecting surfaces from
further distances.
― Pulsed xenon lamps generate light in a much
smaller form factor, and as a result are able to direct
UV light with more precision without losing intensity.
― This means they can be placed further away from
objects and materials and cover larger areas without
losing effectiveness.
― They also lose efficacy (lumens per watt) quickly,
needing to be replaced every six months if used
― Pulsed xenon lamps also do not lose efficacy nearly
as fast, often lasting up to 2.5 million pulses,
depending on the manufacturer of the lamp.
― LPM lamps produce UV-C at the 253.7nm wavelength,
which, while an effective wavelength range for
germicidal purposes, there are some adverse effects
in regards to duration required for disinfection across
a broader range of bacteria and viruses.
― In addition, pulsed xenon lamps generate a wider
wavelength range of germicidal UV light (200nm –
315nm). This range of UV light has additional
germicidal properties; for example, UV-C light at
222nm has been shown to reduce spore forming
bacteria faster than the 253.7nm wavelength
produced by lower pressure mercury lamps.
― LPM lamps also provide a “constant” dose of UV-C
lighting, meaning they are on at full power for the
duration of a disinfection cycle. This can result in
higher levels of damage to plastics and other
materials than other sources of UV disinfection
― In regards to potential damage to surfaces or
materials, since pulsed xenon do not use “constant”
UV-C light to disinfect, pulsed xenon has been
shown, over a 12 year study, to result in NO
degradation to materials in hospital settings.
― A room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled, and which is constructed and used in a
manner to minimize the introduction, generation, and retention of particles inside the room and in which other
relevant parameters, e.g. temperature, humidity, and pressure, are controlled as necessary.
― Willis Whitfield invented the cleanroom in 1962, circulating air through the cleanroom and taking air out of the
cleanroom in a particular way as to not allow almost any particles in.In 1860’s he used carbolic acid on
instruments, wound and surgeons hands and prevent airborne by spraying into air.
― The use of nuclear fission, as well as the biological and chemical warfare research carried out during the 1939-1945
Second World War, were the driving forces for the production of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters
necessary to contain the dangerous microbial or radioactive contaminants.
― In the early 1950s the Western Electric Company in Winston-Salem, NC, USA was having a major problem in
manufacturing missile gyroscopes. About 99 out of 100 gyroscopes were being rejected, the problem being
identified as dust.
― Cleanroom technology can be divided into three parts: design, testing and
― Cleanrooms have to be first designed and constructed; they then have to
be tested to ensure they achieve their design specification and continue to
do so.
― Finally they have to be operated in such a way as to minimise
― Cleanrooms have evolved into two major types and they are differentiated by their method of ventilation. These are
turbulently ventilated and unidirectional flow cleanrooms.
― Turbulently ventilated cleanrooms are also known as ‘non unidirectional’. Unidirectional flow cleanrooms were
originally known as ‘laminar flow’ cleanrooms.
― This air sweeps across the room in a unidirectional way at and exits through the floor, thus removing the airborne
contamination from the room. This type of clean room uses very much more air than the turbulently ventilated
type, and gives superior cleanliness.
― The type,
number and
placement of air
supply diffusers,
as well as the
extract grilles, is
an important
consideration in
a turbulently
― Air diffusers are used in many air conditioned rooms and situated where the supply air enters a room; they are
designed to minimize the draught caused by high air velocities and ensure good air mixing.
― It is possible to supply the air to a cleanroom with, or without, a diffuser.
― Cleanroom lighting is often an afterthought in cleanroom design, as the primary function of a cleanroom is to
reduce contamination. So when identifying the type of light fitting to use, consideration needs to be given not
just to the lux levels required for the process, but to how this choice of lighting may affect airflow and filtration.
― Arguably the greatest influence when choosing lighting is the ISO classification of the cleanroom.
― ISO 5- Is a super cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 3520 particles >0.5 micron per
cubic meter and 250-300 HEPA Filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standards is class 100or 100
particles per cubic foot. Common applications are semiconductors manufacturing and pharmaceutical filling
― ISO 6-Is a very clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 35,200 particles >0.5 micron
per cubic meter and 180 HEPA filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standard is class 1000 or 1000
particles per cubic foot.
― ISO 7- Is a common clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 352,000 particles>0.5
micron per cubic meter and 60HEPA filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standard is class 10,000 or
10,000 particles per cubic foot. Common applications are pharmacy USP800 compounding rooms, electronic
manufacturing and medical device manufacturing.
― ISO 8-Is the least clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 352,000particles >0.5 micron
per cubic meter and 20 HEPA filtered air changes per hour. By comparison atypical office space would be 5-10
times more dirty. The equivalent FED standard is class 100,000 or 100,000 particles per cubic foot. Common
applications include plastic extrusion for medical devices,E-liquid manufacturing and nutraceutical packaging.
[ ]
Cn=10 X
― N is the IS0 classification number, which shall not
exceed the value of 9.
― D is the considered particle size in µm. • 0.1 is a
constant with a dimension of µm.
Cn is the maximum permitted concentration (in
particles/m3 of air) of airborne particles that are equal
to, or larger, than the considered particle size.
1 10 2
2 100 24 10 4
3 1000 237 102 35 8
4 10000 2370 1020 352 83
5 100000 23700 10200 3520 832 29
6 1000000 237000 102000 35200 8320 293
7 352000 83200 2930
8 3520000 832000 29300
9 35200000 8320000 293000
3 or 4 Sensitive semiconductor or pharmaceutical work
5 Laminar flow cabinets, biological safety cabinets, pharmaceutical isolators
7 Clean room for pharmaceutical preparation, used with laminar flow or biosafety cabinets
8 Typical hospital environment
9 Typical office or labs without air filtering
― HEPA filter media is composed of a mat of randomly arranged non-synthetic borosilicate glass fibers, and taking
a physical shape similar to a sheet of thick and fibrous paper.
― Particles passing these fibers are retained by physical cohesion, and not by electrostatic charge, that occurs in
low end synthetic filter fiber.
― The downside of the synthetic fiber is that the particle retention is compromised once the electrostatic charge
disappears, like when the airflow passing the media stops, and the retention efficiency decreases over time.
― When the airflow stops or over years of usage, the high end non-synthetic fiber will still retain the captured
particles, using the three retention principles shown on the next table.
1 Inertia Large particles (about 0.5 to 5 micron) have too much inertia and
deviate from the air stream around filter fibers, so they impact on the
filter fiber and be retained by cohesion
2 Interception Medium particles (about 0.1 to 0.5 micron) follow the air stream around
filter fibers, however when they come in *side* contact with a filter fiber
they are intercepted
3 Diffusion Small particles (below 0.1 micron) oscillate according to Brownian
motion due to bombardment by air molecules. When they touch the
fiber, they are retained by cohesion.
Efficiency 99.99% 99.999%
1 Million Spores 10 escape 1 escape
Work Zone ISO 5 -4 ISO 3
Pressure Standard 5% more
Life 8 – 10 years 8 – 10 years
Cost to Replace $ 400 - 600 $ 400 - 600
― To achieve the stringent levels of cleanliness and air changes
required in the higher classes of cleanroom, ceiling space is
prioritised for filtration. ISO class 5 cleanrooms for instance,
may require full ceiling coverage, so space is at a premium.
― Here LED batten lights are a practical option. The linear shape
means that they have an appropriate footprint, which can be
surface mounted between HEPA or ULPA filters, providing a
good spread of light through the facility.
― For lower classes of cleanroom, there are more options as the ceiling space is at less of a premium. Flat panel
LED luminaires integrated into a monobloc ceiling with a flush finish, making them fully cleanable, wipe able
and sprayable.
Consider the profile of the fitting - teardrop luminaires are lights are easy to clean and have little or no impact
on airflow.
― When considering the type of lights to be used in the cleanroom design and planning phase, service and
maintenance is important.
― LED has long since replaced fluorescent lighting as the go-to lighting type, as it not only lasts longer, but uses
less wattage. So using LED lighting has the double benefit of saving energy and reducing the amount of
maintenance required.
― Roomside replaceable lights will allow the lights to be replaced from inside the cleanroom, which is desirable when
space above the roof is limited and maintenance personnel would struggle to gain access.
― Ideally, if the space is available, roof-side replaceable lights permit servicing and maintenance to be conducted
externally, without disrupting the integrity of the cleanroom.
― If roofside models are in use, they will need to be walkable, so that safety is maintained at all times when
maintenance is being performed above the cleanroom.
― To ensure the facility meets the lux levels required, a lighting simulation can be created in the design phase.
Using specialist light planning software, a working plane and the output of lighting can be set. The simulation
produced then allows you to check for even coverage of light and identify any dead spots.
― This allows the light distribution to be tested to ensure it meets requirements. As well as checking that the light
levels are high enough, this will also confirm that the lighting has not been over specified. Excessive lighting
would mean not only a higher investment than actually needed, but also unnecessary maintenance.
― Lighting control can be designed to facilitate individual requirements and budgets. The location of the control
needs to be considered and each has its own pros and cons. Manual control at the side of a cleanroom has the
benefit of gowned operators not having to leave the clean environment to turn on lighting.
― Piezo switches are effective here as they are durable, can be fully sealed and are low profile so have a reduced
capacity to hold dust.
― Lighting can also be controlled via a cleanroom control system, which can automate lighting with day/night control
to suit shift patterns.
― Automated control via a system with passive infrared sensor (PIR) motion detector can ensure energy is not wasted
when a cleanroom is empty, whilst also providing the health and safety reassurance that operators will never be
without the required lux levels.
― This type of lighting was used at the award-winning Convatec facility (pictured above), created by Connect 2
― Getting the required lux levels right is a crucial step for the safe and effective operation within a controlled
― Typically, the minimum lux requirements for a cleanroom are driven by the production of small and sensitive
components. The lighting levels then need to be high enough so that processes are properly illuminated.
― The lux levels required will depend on the task taking place. For example, fine detail work will require 1000 lux at
the working plane, whereas general assembly work will only require 500 lux.
― The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) has a Code for Interior Lighting, which takes into
consideration the application then recommends a range of service illuminance in lux. A sample is shown in the
― The IP
, or ingress protection rating, is really important for controlled environments, as they indicate the level of
protection the lights give against solid objects and moisture.
― An IP rating has two digits, the first being the protection against solid objects and the second being protection
against moisture.
― Most cleanrooms may be satisfied with IP45, which means the light is protected against a solid object greater
than 1 mm and has protection against jets of liquid.
― This moisture protection is higher than a general facility, because cleanrooms are cleaned more often so will
need to be able to resist cleaning sprays.
― Others may require the higher rating of IP65, which means units are completely dust-tight allowing no ingress
and has protection against jets of fluid. As always, companies should risk assess depending on their task and
― The color of lighting is determined by its
Kelvin rating, which represents the color
― Considerations should be given to the
― The Kelvin rating spectrum starts at warm
white (2000-3000 K) and goes up through
cool white (3100-4500 K), to daylight
(4600-6500 K).
― Task lighting tends to require either cool
white or daylight, however it is important
not to over spec brightness, as if
environments are too bright, this could
lead to visual fatigue in workers.
― Consideration should also be given to the
facility that houses the cleanroom.
― Facilities often prefer to match the colour,
as it creates continuity for people walking
in between spaces.
― THE BASICS OF CLEANROOM AND CLEAN ROOM LIGHTING by Stouch Lighting Staff posted at 10/29/20 12:43
PM (Accessed- 02/01/2021)
― CLEANROOMTECHNOLOGY-150712140935-lva1-app6892.pdf (Accessed- 01/01/2021)
― Sam armer 2 august 2018 FITTING LIGHTS IN CLEANROOM (Accessed- 02/01/2021)
― ESCO 16 Nov 2018 IN-DEPTH COMPARISON Between HEPA and ULPA Filters in Biosafety Cabinets (Accessed-

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Uv light disinfection control,cleanroom lighting automation

  • 2. OUTLINE ― Brief history of UV light disinfection ― What is UV light ― What is ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) ― Where should germicidal UV-C light systems be used? ― What type of germicidal UV-C light system are needed in facility? ― Additional uses for germicidal UV-C light- HVAC ― Additional benefits of germicidal UV-C lighting controls, sensors, and more ― What types of lamps provide UV-C disinfection lighting? ― What is the difference between low pressure mercury lamps and pulsed xenon ― What is clean room ― Types of clean room ― Fittings lights in cleanroom ― ISO cleanroom specification ― ISO clean air standard and ISO class application ― High efficiency filters (HEPA and ULPA) ― ISO class consideration ― Services and maintenance ― Room construction ― Lighting control ― Lux requirement ― IP ratings ― Lighting color
  • 3. BRIEF HISTORY OF UV LIGHT DISINFECTION ― The disinfection properties of ultraviolet lighting have been known for over 140 years, since Downes and Blunt discovered the antibacterial effects of the shorter wavelengths of sunlight. ― Shortly thereafter, it was proven that the UV portions of the light spectrum were able to destroy microorganisms. ― After confirming UV lighting’s ability to kill pathogens, the next step was to find a way to replicate the UV wavelengths that would result in the disinfection of surfaces, air, and water. ― The first UV quartz lamp was invented in 1904 and resulted in the germicidal lamp. Germicidal lamps are a type of lamp that produce the wavelengths of ultraviolet light (UV-C; 200nm to 280nm) that have disinfection properties. Examples of UV disinfection lighting at work:
  • 4. WHAT IS UV LIGHT ? ― Before we define germicidal UV-C light, we need to define ultraviolet, or UV, light. ― Ultraviolet light is a type of naturally present electromagnetic radiation that is in sunlight and actually makes up approximately 10% of the total light generated by the sun. ― UV light is electromagnetic energy with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than x-rays. The wavelength of this light ranges from 10nm to 400nm and is classified into three sub-bands; UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. ― UV light with wavelengths less than 290nm are considered to have “germicidal” properties. Germicidal means that the light can kill (inactivate) pathogens, just as it sounds. ― Earth’s atmosphere absorbs ultra magnetic radiation with wavelengths less than 290nm, meaning that most of the UV-C and UV-B generated by the sun is blocked by our planet’s ozone. ― Germicidal UV-C light is commonly used to inactivate or kill microbes on surfaces, in air, and in water. When implemented properly, UV-C lighting can kill up to 99.9% of pathogens. ― Germicidal ultraviolet light kills pathogen cells by damaging their DNA. Exposure to the electromagnetic radiation (light) at certain UV wavelengths modifies the genetic material of microorganisms and destroys their ability to reproduce. ― The UV energy triggers the formation of specific thymine or cystosine dimers in DNA and uracil dimers in RNA, which causes the inactivation of microbes by causing mutations and/or cell death as well as failure to reproduce.
  • 5. ― According to this from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “UV can kill all bacteria, including drug-resistant bacteria because UV light is actually attacking the DNA and RNA of microbes. ― While the amount of UV needed to kill a microbe may vary as there is a relationship between the size of DNA molecules and the effect of UV radiation, there have been no reports of microbes demonstrating an ability to build an immunity to light-based methods.” WHAT IS ULTRAVIOLET GERMICIDAL IRRADIATION (UVGI) ― UVGI is just one method of sterilization/decontamination using lighting, though, so we like to refer to is as UV disinfection lighting to encompass more than just the one UVGI method. WHERE SHOULD GERMICIDAL UV-C LIGHT SYSTEMS BE USED? ― UVGI has been recommended or used for the isolation of disease and bio-defense systems for buildings by the United States Army, the CDC, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and as a disinfection method for personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • 6. ― Healthcare facilities are perhaps the most obvious application for UV-C light disinfection, where infection and viruses run rampant and spread from patient to patient and room to room. ― It has been proven that manual cleaning, even with chemical cleaners, simply isn't enough. ― Moreover, adding just two minutes of UV-C "cleaning" along with manual cleaning efforts has been proven to reduce bacterial load by 70%. ― UV-C lighting can even kill "superbugs" as viruses and bacteria cannot become resistant to light-based methods of disinfection like they can with antibiotics and even chemical cleaners. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL FACILITIES ― Hospitals ― Surgical centers ― Urgent care centers ― Nursing homes and other senior living facilities ― Laboratories ― Dental offices ― Medical equipment storage facilities ― Pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities ― Here are just some of the healthcare facility types that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection:
  • 7. SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES ― Schools are hotbeds for viruses and infections. Colleges and other higher education institutions are also at risk because students are often living in close quarters, ballooning the spread of illness. ― Student athletes at all levels are especially susceptible to a host of health issues from athlete's foot to staph infections, because of the skin-to-skin contact required in most sports. ― Using germicidal UV-C light in education facility settings will keep students, faculty, and staff healthier, but also reduce the use of harmful chemical cleaners, which can contribute to respiratory illnesses, like asthma, especially in children, as well as allergic reactions. ― Here are some of the educational facility types that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection: ― Elementary, middle, and high schools ― Colleges and universities ― Trade schools ― Daycare centers and other early learning centers ― School gyms and recreational facilities ― School buses
  • 8. RETAIL AND HOSPITALITY ― Both retail and hospitality businesses survive based on patron recommendations and reviews, and cleanliness is a vital part of customer satisfaction. In fact, 78% of hotel guests agree that cleanliness is the single most important factor when choosing where to stay. And that's just one example. FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE PROCESSING ― There are an estimated 48 million cases of food-borne illness each year. Also, illnesses spread from staff member to staff member so easily because of the close contact required in the industry, potentially leaving you understaffed. ― Germicidal UV-C light has been proven effective at killing pathogens like E. coli and salmonella, common food- borne bacteria that cause widespread illness. ― Here are just some food and beverage facilities that can benefit from UV-C disinfection light systems: ― Restaurants ― Food trucks ― Catering businesses ― Banquet halls ― Food processing and packing facilities ― Grocery stores and supermarkets ― Convenience stores ― Food storage facilities
  • 9. HOTELS AND MOTELS ― 78% of hotel guests agree that cleanliness is the single most important factor when choosing where to stay. Cleanliness and safety have a genuine impact on a hotel's reputation and bottom line. ― As mentioned, manual cleaning simply does not do enough on its own. Sometimes cleaning this way actually does more harm than good as you spread germs from surface to surface. Add in UV-C disinfection procedures to your hotel's "cleaning" and market that to your guests- it's sure to make an impact and convince them to come back again, or stay at other branches. ― Guest rooms are a great place to start with UV disinfection in this industry. ― But the uses for this lighting extend beyond that to conference rooms, restrooms, gyms, pools, banquet halls- any space within your hotel or motel can utilize UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation), justifying your investment in UV-C systems. FITNESS INDUSTRY ― Exercise and athletic facilities are at a higher risk for certain infections, think athlete's foot and staph, because of the close contact and the sharing of equipment. Gyms, fitness clubs, recreation centers, pools- all of these spaces are used by so many people each day, and bacteria thrive in moist settings. ― Distinguish your gym or athletic club from the others by providing your members with the assurance that their equipment, locker room, etc. is truly clean by adding that extra layer of protection UV-C disinfection light provides.
  • 10. ― Here are just some of the specific spaces that can benefit from UV disinfection lighting in the fitness industry: ― Gyms ― Specialty fitness clubs and centers ― Recreation centers, including youth rec ― Public pools ― Basketball courts, tennis courts, hockey rinks- all organized sporting facilities TRAVEL INDUSTRY ― Recently, cruise ships have gotten a lot of attention because of the novel coronavirus, which spread rapidly aboard multiple cruises, causing them to dock and isolate all over the world. ― Airlines, airports, trains, and, train stations are additional spaces where close sustained contact and artificial air, as well as inconsistent manual cleaning, can lead to rapid spread of disease. And both cruise lines and airlines can flourish or fail based on customer safety and satisfaction. ― Families love to travel from all around the world to theme parks, like Disney World and Six Flags, for getaways. ― Massive crowds waiting hours in line and then crowded in small spaces on rides, in bathrooms, in restaurants means swift spread of germs. Water parks are especially susceptible to spreading bacterial infections.
  • 11. NATIONAL ACCOUNTS ― Similar to retail and hospitality are national accounts. Restaurant chains, national retailers, like clothing stores, grocery store chains, etc. also require disinfection because they're heavily trafficked and crowded and require a good reputation to succeed. ― The important distinction between a chain restaurant and a mom and pop restaurant, as an example, is scalability and national implementation. Stouch Lighting has experience facilitating cross-country lighting projects. MUNICIPAL & GOVERNMENT ― Many towns, cities, etc. are familiar with UVGI as it is often used for the disinfection of wastewater. ― Relying on a UVGI system for your wastewater disinfection over traditional chlorine and other chemical methods is safer and more environmentally friendly while remaining comparable if not more affordable in cost. ― Most importantly, UV lighting effectively kills pathogens that chlorine treatment misses, namely Cryptosporidium, which causes gastrointestinal infection in humans.
  • 12. ― Wastewater treatment plants ― Parks and recreation facilities ― Correctional facilities ― Authorities ― Here are some of the municipal and government facility types that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection: ― Veteran affairs ― Judicial court facilities ― Fire and police stations ― Public works COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE/OFFICES ― A clean work environment leads to healthier employees, which means less absence and more productivity for your company. ― Aside from this, cleanliness and health is a trend- you could even qualify for the WELL certification, a designation reserved for buildings designed with health in mind. ― These types of certifications are a wonderful PR opportunity in addition to the obvious benefit of a healthier space. If you're looking to lease your space out, consider your use of germicidal UV-C light systems a marketing tool for potential tenants as well. INDUSTRIAL, MANUFACTURING, DISTRIBUTION, AND WAREHOUSING ― Industrial facilities often require the handling of material from diverse geographical regions, as well close contact of employees to keep production running.
  • 13. NON-PROFIT ― Many non-profits are gathering places for community members, and anywhere communities gather, germs spread. Churches, community centers, charitable organizations with community-focused services, etc. can all benefit from the extra level of protection UV-C disinfection light systems provide. ― Here are some of the non-profits that can benefit from germicidal UV-C light disinfection: ― Churches, synagogues, and other places of worship ― Community centers ― Homeless shelters ― Food banks ― Medical-related non-profits, like blood banks and clinics ― Membership organizations, especially those with large conferences and gatherings ― Other social welfare organizations ― Sadly, non-profits like homeless shelters often suffer breakouts of diseases because of close living quarters, as has happened with coronavirus.
  • 14. WHAT TYPE OF GERMICIDAL UV-C LIGHT SYSTEM ARE NEEDED IN FACILITY? ― Germicidal UV-C lighting is versatile and available in different forms to suit its many applications. MOBILE UV-C DISINFECTION UNITS ― Germicidal UV-C light systems are available in portable form as mobile UV-C disinfection units. These units or carts can be moved easily from room to room to disinfect multiple spaces. ― They're commonly used in hospitals and other medical facilities; after a patient room or operating room has been cleaned, for example, and is ready for the next patient, the mobile UV-C disinfection unit is placed in the room and activated to disinfect surfaces and air in that space. ― These units are usually on wheels or tripods and are easy to operate and transport. UV-C CEILING AND WALL FIXTURES ― There are several options when it comes to the type of UV-C fixture for your space. Here are a few: ― CEILING INSTALLED- These UV-C disinfection fixtures are hung from the ceiling, often recessed within the ceiling like a conventional troffer, or hung via chain or aircraft cable. Ceiling mounted UV-C light fixtures are extremely effective because you can space them apart appropriately to disinfect your specific space based on size and level of disinfection required.
  • 15. ― WALL MOUNTED- Similarly to the ceiling installed fixtures, wall mounted fixtures can be spaced and installed for appropriate disinfection levels based on the size and contours of your facility. ADDITIONAL USES FOR GERMICIDAL UV-C LIGHT- HVAC ― Aside from the many diverse applications for germicidal UV-C lighting detailed above, the lighting can be used successfully in HVAC and other air handling systems. ― This is relevant for nearly all of the applications noted above. UV disinfection systems are mounted in new or existing duct systems, controlling the spread of airborne toxins by killing germs in the air before it circulates. ― One of the great advantages of this is that you can install the disinfection system and let it be without much thought, but the health benefits of your germ-free air remain. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF GERMICIDAL UV-C LIGHTING CONTROLS, SENSORS, AND MORE ― People often have safety concerns regarding UV lighting. Germicidal UV-C lighting is particularly safe because of the controls, sensors, switches, etc. available to use with the technology. This technology allows for the following (and this is not an exhaustive list): ― The lighting to be turned on and off from outside of the space, meaning no one has to be present when the UV disinfection is in process. ― The lighting to be pre-programmed with certain disinfection cycles so you can run the disinfection whenever convenient, even at night or when unoccupied .
  • 16. ― The lighting to be controlled from many devices, including smart phones and tablets . ― The lighting to have an auto on/off setting so it will automatically turn off if someone accidentally enters the room, for instance, or automatically turn on when the room locks. ― As discussed above, germicidal UV-C lighting is available in both permanently installed and mobile units. This type of versatility is a huge benefit. Also, by simply adjusting the number of lighting units in a space you can easily scale the disinfection to fit the size you need. WHAT TYPES OF LAMPS PROVIDE UV-C DISINFECTION LIGHTING? ― There are two basic types of commercially viable lamps that provide the UV-C necessary to be germicidal. We define commercially viable as systems or lamps that provide the necessary UV-C light intensities and dosages that are actually able to disinfect larger areas and surfaces. ― There are other light sources of UV-C, such as LED, that do provide ultraviolet light in the necessary germicidal wavelengths of 100nm to 280nm, but they are not currently able to provide the intensity of light needed to disinfect surfaces. ― LOWER PRESSURE MERCURY LAMPS :- These lamps are very similar to conventional fluorescent lamps in shape and form, however, the UV-C lamps lack fluorescent phosphor and are often made of fused quartz, as opposed to borosilicate glass. ― This allows the light produced by the mercury arc within the lamp to pass out of the glass unmodified, generating light in the germicidal ultraviolet wavelength. ― Most of these lamps are sold as components in a complete disinfection system, or as linear/compact lamps. The types are:
  • 17. ― PULSED XENON :- Xenon arc lamps are a type of gas discharge lamp that generates light by passing electricity through ionized xenon gas. ― Often use flashes lasting a few milliseconds of germicidal ultraviolet light every six seconds or so. ― Pulsed UV light systems such as pulsed xenon are able to combine the germicidal effects of UV-C lighting with thermal disintegration of cell walls from the intensity and speed of the photonic delivery. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOW PRESSURE MERCURY LAMPS AND PULSED XENON LOW PRESSURE MERCURY LAMPS PULSED XENON ― Although low pressure mercury (LPM) lamps provide germicidal UV-C light, unless they are higher wattage lamps (100 watts or more) they will have a hard time effectively disinfecting surfaces from further distances. ― Pulsed xenon lamps generate light in a much smaller form factor, and as a result are able to direct UV light with more precision without losing intensity. ― This means they can be placed further away from objects and materials and cover larger areas without losing effectiveness. ― They also lose efficacy (lumens per watt) quickly, needing to be replaced every six months if used frequently. ― Pulsed xenon lamps also do not lose efficacy nearly as fast, often lasting up to 2.5 million pulses, depending on the manufacturer of the lamp.
  • 18. ― LPM lamps produce UV-C at the 253.7nm wavelength, which, while an effective wavelength range for germicidal purposes, there are some adverse effects in regards to duration required for disinfection across a broader range of bacteria and viruses. ― In addition, pulsed xenon lamps generate a wider wavelength range of germicidal UV light (200nm – 315nm). This range of UV light has additional germicidal properties; for example, UV-C light at 222nm has been shown to reduce spore forming bacteria faster than the 253.7nm wavelength produced by lower pressure mercury lamps. LOW PRESSURE MERCURY LAMPS PULSED XENON ― LPM lamps also provide a “constant” dose of UV-C lighting, meaning they are on at full power for the duration of a disinfection cycle. This can result in higher levels of damage to plastics and other materials than other sources of UV disinfection lighting. ― In regards to potential damage to surfaces or materials, since pulsed xenon do not use “constant” UV-C light to disinfect, pulsed xenon has been shown, over a 12 year study, to result in NO degradation to materials in hospital settings. WHAT IS CLEAN ROOM ? ― A room in which the concentration of airborne particles is controlled, and which is constructed and used in a manner to minimize the introduction, generation, and retention of particles inside the room and in which other relevant parameters, e.g. temperature, humidity, and pressure, are controlled as necessary. ― Willis Whitfield invented the cleanroom in 1962, circulating air through the cleanroom and taking air out of the cleanroom in a particular way as to not allow almost any particles in.In 1860’s he used carbolic acid on instruments, wound and surgeons hands and prevent airborne by spraying into air.
  • 19. ― The use of nuclear fission, as well as the biological and chemical warfare research carried out during the 1939-1945 Second World War, were the driving forces for the production of High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters necessary to contain the dangerous microbial or radioactive contaminants. ― In the early 1950s the Western Electric Company in Winston-Salem, NC, USA was having a major problem in manufacturing missile gyroscopes. About 99 out of 100 gyroscopes were being rejected, the problem being identified as dust. ― Cleanroom technology can be divided into three parts: design, testing and operation. ― Cleanrooms have to be first designed and constructed; they then have to be tested to ensure they achieve their design specification and continue to do so. ― Finally they have to be operated in such a way as to minimise contamination. TYPES OF CLEAN ROOM ― Cleanrooms have evolved into two major types and they are differentiated by their method of ventilation. These are turbulently ventilated and unidirectional flow cleanrooms. ― Turbulently ventilated cleanrooms are also known as ‘non unidirectional’. Unidirectional flow cleanrooms were originally known as ‘laminar flow’ cleanrooms. ― This air sweeps across the room in a unidirectional way at and exits through the floor, thus removing the airborne contamination from the room. This type of clean room uses very much more air than the turbulently ventilated type, and gives superior cleanliness.
  • 20. FITTINGS LIGHTS IN CLEANROOM ― The type, number and placement of air supply diffusers, as well as the extract grilles, is an important consideration in a turbulently ventilated cleanroom. ― Air diffusers are used in many air conditioned rooms and situated where the supply air enters a room; they are designed to minimize the draught caused by high air velocities and ensure good air mixing. ― It is possible to supply the air to a cleanroom with, or without, a diffuser. ― Cleanroom lighting is often an afterthought in cleanroom design, as the primary function of a cleanroom is to reduce contamination. So when identifying the type of light fitting to use, consideration needs to be given not just to the lux levels required for the process, but to how this choice of lighting may affect airflow and filtration. ― Arguably the greatest influence when choosing lighting is the ISO classification of the cleanroom.
  • 21. ISO CLEANROOM SPECIFICATIONS ― ISO 5- Is a super cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 3520 particles >0.5 micron per cubic meter and 250-300 HEPA Filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standards is class 100or 100 particles per cubic foot. Common applications are semiconductors manufacturing and pharmaceutical filling rooms. ― ISO 6-Is a very clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 35,200 particles >0.5 micron per cubic meter and 180 HEPA filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standard is class 1000 or 1000 particles per cubic foot. ― ISO 7- Is a common clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 352,000 particles>0.5 micron per cubic meter and 60HEPA filtered air changes per hour. The equivalent FED standard is class 10,000 or 10,000 particles per cubic foot. Common applications are pharmacy USP800 compounding rooms, electronic manufacturing and medical device manufacturing. ― ISO 8-Is the least clean cleanroom classification. A cleanroom must have less than 352,000particles >0.5 micron per cubic meter and 20 HEPA filtered air changes per hour. By comparison atypical office space would be 5-10 times more dirty. The equivalent FED standard is class 100,000 or 100,000 particles per cubic foot. Common applications include plastic extrusion for medical devices,E-liquid manufacturing and nutraceutical packaging. D 0.1 N [ ] Cn=10 X 2.08 ― N is the IS0 classification number, which shall not exceed the value of 9. ― D is the considered particle size in µm. • 0.1 is a constant with a dimension of µm. Cn is the maximum permitted concentration (in particles/m3 of air) of airborne particles that are equal to, or larger, than the considered particle size.
  • 22. ISO CLASS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF PARTICLES ALLOWED PER 1 M3 OF SPACE 0.1 MICRON 0.2 MICRON 0.3 MICRON 0.5 MICRON 1 MICRON 5 MICRON 1 10 2 2 100 24 10 4 3 1000 237 102 35 8 4 10000 2370 1020 352 83 5 100000 23700 10200 3520 832 29 6 1000000 237000 102000 35200 8320 293 7 352000 83200 2930 8 3520000 832000 29300 9 35200000 8320000 293000 ISO CLASS APPLICATION 3 or 4 Sensitive semiconductor or pharmaceutical work 5 Laminar flow cabinets, biological safety cabinets, pharmaceutical isolators 7 Clean room for pharmaceutical preparation, used with laminar flow or biosafety cabinets 8 Typical hospital environment 9 Typical office or labs without air filtering ISO CLEAN AIR STANDARD AND ISO CLASS APPLICATION
  • 23. HIGH EFFICIENCY FILTERS (HEPA AND ULPA) ― HEPA filter media is composed of a mat of randomly arranged non-synthetic borosilicate glass fibers, and taking a physical shape similar to a sheet of thick and fibrous paper. ― Particles passing these fibers are retained by physical cohesion, and not by electrostatic charge, that occurs in low end synthetic filter fiber. ― The downside of the synthetic fiber is that the particle retention is compromised once the electrostatic charge disappears, like when the airflow passing the media stops, and the retention efficiency decreases over time. ― When the airflow stops or over years of usage, the high end non-synthetic fiber will still retain the captured particles, using the three retention principles shown on the next table. NO PRINCIPLE EXPLANATION ILLUSTRATION 1 Inertia Large particles (about 0.5 to 5 micron) have too much inertia and deviate from the air stream around filter fibers, so they impact on the filter fiber and be retained by cohesion 2 Interception Medium particles (about 0.1 to 0.5 micron) follow the air stream around filter fibers, however when they come in *side* contact with a filter fiber they are intercepted 3 Diffusion Small particles (below 0.1 micron) oscillate according to Brownian motion due to bombardment by air molecules. When they touch the fiber, they are retained by cohesion.
  • 24. FILTER HEPA ULPA Efficiency 99.99% 99.999% 1 Million Spores 10 escape 1 escape Work Zone ISO 5 -4 ISO 3 Pressure Standard 5% more Life 8 – 10 years 8 – 10 years Cost to Replace $ 400 - 600 $ 400 - 600 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HEPA & ULPA
  • 25. ISO CLASS CONSIDERATION ― To achieve the stringent levels of cleanliness and air changes required in the higher classes of cleanroom, ceiling space is prioritised for filtration. ISO class 5 cleanrooms for instance, may require full ceiling coverage, so space is at a premium. ― Here LED batten lights are a practical option. The linear shape means that they have an appropriate footprint, which can be surface mounted between HEPA or ULPA filters, providing a good spread of light through the facility. ― For lower classes of cleanroom, there are more options as the ceiling space is at less of a premium. Flat panel LED luminaires integrated into a monobloc ceiling with a flush finish, making them fully cleanable, wipe able and sprayable. Consider the profile of the fitting - teardrop luminaires are lights are easy to clean and have little or no impact on airflow. SERVICE AND MAINTAINANCE ― When considering the type of lights to be used in the cleanroom design and planning phase, service and maintenance is important. ― LED has long since replaced fluorescent lighting as the go-to lighting type, as it not only lasts longer, but uses less wattage. So using LED lighting has the double benefit of saving energy and reducing the amount of maintenance required.
  • 26. ― Roomside replaceable lights will allow the lights to be replaced from inside the cleanroom, which is desirable when space above the roof is limited and maintenance personnel would struggle to gain access. ― Ideally, if the space is available, roof-side replaceable lights permit servicing and maintenance to be conducted externally, without disrupting the integrity of the cleanroom. ― If roofside models are in use, they will need to be walkable, so that safety is maintained at all times when maintenance is being performed above the cleanroom. ROOM CONSTRUCTION ― To ensure the facility meets the lux levels required, a lighting simulation can be created in the design phase. Using specialist light planning software, a working plane and the output of lighting can be set. The simulation produced then allows you to check for even coverage of light and identify any dead spots. ― This allows the light distribution to be tested to ensure it meets requirements. As well as checking that the light levels are high enough, this will also confirm that the lighting has not been over specified. Excessive lighting would mean not only a higher investment than actually needed, but also unnecessary maintenance. LIGHTING CONTROL ― Lighting control can be designed to facilitate individual requirements and budgets. The location of the control needs to be considered and each has its own pros and cons. Manual control at the side of a cleanroom has the benefit of gowned operators not having to leave the clean environment to turn on lighting.
  • 27. ― Piezo switches are effective here as they are durable, can be fully sealed and are low profile so have a reduced capacity to hold dust. ― Lighting can also be controlled via a cleanroom control system, which can automate lighting with day/night control to suit shift patterns. ― Automated control via a system with passive infrared sensor (PIR) motion detector can ensure energy is not wasted when a cleanroom is empty, whilst also providing the health and safety reassurance that operators will never be without the required lux levels. ― This type of lighting was used at the award-winning Convatec facility (pictured above), created by Connect 2 Cleanrooms. LUX REQUIREMENTS ― Getting the required lux levels right is a crucial step for the safe and effective operation within a controlled environment. ― Typically, the minimum lux requirements for a cleanroom are driven by the production of small and sensitive components. The lighting levels then need to be high enough so that processes are properly illuminated. ― The lux levels required will depend on the task taking place. For example, fine detail work will require 1000 lux at the working plane, whereas general assembly work will only require 500 lux. ― The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) has a Code for Interior Lighting, which takes into consideration the application then recommends a range of service illuminance in lux. A sample is shown in the table.
  • 28. IP RATINGS ― The IP , or ingress protection rating, is really important for controlled environments, as they indicate the level of protection the lights give against solid objects and moisture. ― An IP rating has two digits, the first being the protection against solid objects and the second being protection against moisture. ― Most cleanrooms may be satisfied with IP45, which means the light is protected against a solid object greater than 1 mm and has protection against jets of liquid. ― This moisture protection is higher than a general facility, because cleanrooms are cleaned more often so will need to be able to resist cleaning sprays. ― Others may require the higher rating of IP65, which means units are completely dust-tight allowing no ingress and has protection against jets of fluid. As always, companies should risk assess depending on their task and application.
  • 29. IP TABLE BELOW EXPLAINS: LIGHTING COLOR ― The color of lighting is determined by its Kelvin rating, which represents the color temperature. ― Considerations should be given to the task. ― The Kelvin rating spectrum starts at warm white (2000-3000 K) and goes up through cool white (3100-4500 K), to daylight (4600-6500 K). ― Task lighting tends to require either cool white or daylight, however it is important not to over spec brightness, as if environments are too bright, this could lead to visual fatigue in workers. ― Consideration should also be given to the facility that houses the cleanroom. ― Facilities often prefer to match the colour, as it creates continuity for people walking in between spaces.
  • 30.
  • 31. ― THE BASICS OF CLEANROOM AND CLEAN ROOM LIGHTING by Stouch Lighting Staff posted at 10/29/20 12:43 PM (Accessed- 02/01/2021) REFERENCES ― CLEANROOMTECHNOLOGY-150712140935-lva1-app6892.pdf (Accessed- 01/01/2021) ― Sam armer 2 august 2018 FITTING LIGHTS IN CLEANROOM (Accessed- 02/01/2021) cabinets/1958/ ― ESCO 16 Nov 2018 IN-DEPTH COMPARISON Between HEPA and ULPA Filters in Biosafety Cabinets (Accessed- 02/01/2021)