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                                                                                                        Wh4t sqrt
                                                                                                        ot clty do
                                                                                                        vou want

                                        Tollongong Futures is an exciting project involving
                                        the whole community. Together. re can cteate a vision
                                        for our city and plan a future that generations to come
                                        can enjoy and share.
                                        Wollongong Futures is a chance to get involve d and
                                        help ensure we all work towards reaching that vision.

                                       ArieF ttistory
                                       A community survey identified the need to establish a vision for the City of W'ollongong. At the same
                                       time, there was a clear need to review the crty's statuton- plannLng tool, the Local EnvirSnm"ent plan (LEp).
                                       That orovided an exciting oppofunily to begin a planning process to draw together all elements of
                                       the city and its future.
                                       7ollongong Futures, as it is now known, will produce a vision and goals for the city, and ensure that
                                       all subsequent plans support that vision.

      ...        .....t......r,"!-.,

,1,,,11,,,   ,,       l l.FABa:!

hlrY Ao vte                   nd           q Vieioning toyL+?
 Wollongong faces many challenges. Like many cities around the world, we are in a transition period
 from traditional industries to a more diverse economy.
 This impacts directly on local areas through issues including:
 r   Economic issues (unemployment, closing down of traditional industries, etc);
 .   Demographic trends (gentrification, ageing population, diversity, etc);
 .   Changing social needs (housing, education, social services, etc);
 .   Social problems (drug use, crime, etc);
 In modern cities the world over, local government finds it hard to fund arrd manage the multitude of
 emerging issues, and is in a continual state of crisis management.
                 Futures,   with its community visioning process, was developed out of these circumstances
 to address the issues by:
 .   Focussing on a wider range of concerns,
 .   Seriously considering and incorporating community values,
 .   Gearing towards the future and preparing for uncertainty and change,
 .   Developing a shared vision to focus deveiopment efforts.*

hlh,qt i9 Wohn 3o^3 Friura?
 'J7ollongong Futures is a strategic planning initiative.
 Strategic planning determines where an organisation is going and how it is going to get there.
 In strategic planning, flexibility is very important in order to be creative and react to new developments.
 To develop a strate^gig plarr an organisation needs to develop a vision. A vision provides guidance and
 motivation for the following strategic planning process.
 Visioning is a process in which a community thinks about the future it wants, develops a shared yision,
 and plans how to achieve it.
 The visioning process:
 . Provides a clearer understanding of community values and incorporates it into planning;
  . Identifies issues and trends that influence development in communities;
 '   Conveys a comprehensive future-orientated view to guide short and long-term decision making in
     the ciryr and

 '   Develops action plans and implementation tools to achieve a prefer:red future in the city.
 If the visioning process does not lead to         a vision   -   and an action plan to reach the vision - then there
 is little point in undertaking it.

          Staen C. (Ed), A Ca.tide to Communitjt ,4sianing (American Planning Association, Wasbington DC, 1998): p 3 - 5
ttoW Ao de                  akange               te Fr/rvre?
    The role of the vision is to define.a preferred future for the city and to align the Council, communiry
    and other relevant agencies or stakeholders' efforts to reach the goal.
    The elements used to ensure implementation and support of the plans in the'Wollongong Futures process
     .    The positioning of the flollongong Futures Vision as the, ot part of the, Tollongong Strategic Plan
          that drives the corporate plan;
          An action plan as pal1 of the visioning process;
          Internal and external coordination and partnerships within council, with stakeholders and the
          The development of a decision support system that addresses the vision;
          The development of a monitoring and evaluation system to measure how the city is developing
          in relation to the specific goals under the vision or strategic plan;
          Review of the strategic plan in the future.

 Fi3ore l. Reaaing '*,e PreFerreA Fotore

                                                                                        Dafiniq   *e   preFerreA Frtlore
                             B{rdg€t                                                   enJ alqning qll eFFods a.F         te

                                                                                            aomturni      buSineSg qnd
                                                                                        gor.lernnent to     it is arueiql in
         4qpitql WorL6                                                                   reaaing   tqt   desired frr'ture.

uo,nJ usel
fransport                   PRgSgr..f

    €.o^oJic Developheni                       $adal q d 4.ulturql
                         6nvironnentql Mana3erent                     Fqilure ta idevrtif,y ,e preFerreA Fttore or to align
                                                                      all driviq Forces lo tig eonnn^on 3oal will rrs,.,lt in in
                                                                                          r.rndesirolle .Future
  The objectives following the aim of the project    are:
  . Create an overarching plan that will drive subsequent strategies ^-.{ -r^--
                                                                     -- and plans,
  . Acknowledge changing character and pro actively plan for it,
  . Identrfy a tange of key issues and subsequent strategies,
  . Facilitate participation in all sectors (community, political and inter-agency),
  . Identify and build on community values,
  . Create general cofiunon ownership of plans,
  . Design and implement (contribute to) a decision support system,
  . Develop indicators to measure progress,
  . Develop a reporting system that will flow back into the strategic plan.
  Partnerships are vital to achieve the vision for Wollongong's future.
  Coordination, the facilitation of participation and the role that partnerships play rn this regard is an
  important element of the flollongong Futures profect.
  Partnerships refer to:
  o Active involvement of different groups in the NTollongong Local Government Area,
  .    The establishment of dialogue beNveen groups,
  .    Consultation and consensus building with groups,
  .    Coordination and communication.
  These groups refer to the:
  .    Citizens (the community),
   o Elected officials (councillors),
   .   State goverruTrent agencies,
   .   Key stakeholders,
   .   Council staff, etc.

  It is expected that thd lWollongong Futures project will provide the following primary product:
  A vision statement and action plan that will:
   .   Drive the corporate plan;
   .   Contribute to other strategic planning initiatives like the LEP, social plan, budget, etc;
   o Contribute to a decision support system to support implementation; and
   .   Contribute to the development indicators that will support the evaluation of flollongong's development.

  The process followed in the Tollongong Futures proiect is based on the Oregon Model.

F4ore 9.1te Nollongang €vlureE Pro.el9

                                                                  NtteRg Do Ng NANrr       rbB€      ?

                                     WR'R6 ARg Wg
                                       GoltJG ?
                                      frendg qnd
                                     Cprreri   TrertAs
                                         b,sgess         *'e'leBaseA
                                     frendi lnpaet       Fozos Groo? 5es9iovt9
                                          qnd            Plqce BoseA Diqloguag
 4onnonity g,JrVeY9.                    Prabqble

              ttoN ARg N€ G}IIJG,.                                 ttoN Do   l€ Ce€{ fieW      ?

             Mahiton^3 and 6valuation,                            Aetion/lnplennentqtion plan
          ldentif,ieqtion and Developr'rent                               ldentitry 6oals
                   o.F lndieators,                                     Develop gt:rate3ieS
                                                                        Salting Priaritieg
          6stqllishent   of
                          Reporting anJ                     Develop q4tian qnJ lnplenent aSenAos
                 FeeAbqcV gysten.

                                                                       (orporale Plan, Bufuat,
                                                                    WorV+ Prograu, Lqnd Use Plannin3,
                                                             frangport Planniq, € cartotle Developnent,
                                                                    6nvironrnentql Managenent
                                                                  Soeiql qnd 4ultrrral Planntn3 ata.
  S.everal             implementation elements are crucial to the success of the project. Although they
  do not form part as a_distinct phase in the process as set out under the previous heading, thef will":
  form part of it throughout the process.

Community Participation
  The aim of this element is involve the community and build community and political support fcrr the
  The community participation element of Wollongong Futures aims to involve the community in all
  phases of the process.

  The objectives of this initiative will be to:
   .   Facilitate real communiry participation,
   .   Promote community ownership,
   .   Build pubiic awareness.

€4ore 4.4onnruni Partieipation in Nollon3ong €'iures

                                                  NItgRg ARg N6 NIAN ?
                                                   Profile   Cannnunt'ty

       itoN ARg W€ GoltlG?                                                             NttERg ARg   W   CoiJG?
   Monitoring qnd 6vqluqtian                                                         Irends qnd Probqble gcertarios

          IION DO   N€ G€f   IEW   ?
         Aetion/hnplenneyrtqtian Plqn


       The interaction belween the Council, citizens, and al1 other key stakeholders will need to be
       organised and coordinated. As it is not possible to run the visioning process with all individuals
       in the city, various advisory and working groups will be essential t5 ihe success of the process.
Communiction and Promotion
                                               Communication is very impofiant throughout the visioning process. A specific communication strategy
                                               will be put in place to ensure the community is educated, informed and invited to become involved.'
                                               The main aim of the 7ollongong Futures communication strategy is to engage and activate the community
                                               on the question: 'what sort of city do you want'Wollongong to bei'
                                               The communication strategy will ensure that:
                                                . A widespread positive awareness is created about SToliongong Futures;
                                                . Participation is encouraged in the project;
                                                . Information is disseminated;
                                                . The community is interested and involved in the exchange of ideas across the cityr
                                                . The Wollongong Futures communication strategy will even go further than the immediate project
                                                   activities and seek to promote the project's broader themes of innovation and creativily, and celebration
                                                   of the city's cultural diversity.

                                               ASore 9 Nollongong €olores 4oordinqtion 5lr'tel'tre

                                                                                                 NoLLor.GohE CYq @JW
                                                                                       fo ratify te strategy ?ro.e9, anJ developnent

                                                           (o .oordirtqle delelopnerrt        qnd review of,     te stratejy qnd provide rezannnendqtians I qAttice
                                                        lo   Cortnz;il   on   te   developnnent o€   te   vi5io^ and aetion plans (Nollongong F,*ores ),%r te eily.

                                                  Mana3e   l'e proiezl, coorAinfie in.Forhqtion qnJ qetivities. 6nsure tqt irnportarrt divisiona,l igroet q(e qAAresseA.
                                                  lntegration of, Nollan3ong F,:l'tces into oter plans and policies. AssBt ln regeqrc,, q^d provitioh o,F inForhqtion
                                                                                          qnd relevqnt aonru^i'ty Fqailitqtion.


                                                                                                                                        {g4.ttNllC.AL NoRFh'16 GRorJP
                                                             4or'^tlrJNtfl ADVlSoRy 6Roup
                                                     Provide broqA bxe invalvennent i^ review of
                                                                                                                            Provide   lrrolejic direztion qnd ideqs to     qddress in
                                                                                                                              slrtd'1. €vsore   organisational/ai Wide   i99oe9 q(e
                                                     ie outeoneg in eqa of 'te le 9tq3e9 i^
                                                       te pragrar,'. Aetively partiaipate in te                           iderrtif,ied qnA qAAressed. Pravide sounding boqrd in
                                                  variotrs input/worLsop 9es9io^s tat develop te
                                                                                                                              relqtion to viSio^ and stratqy Airection (rality
                                                                                                                            e'ecV plan). { advze Zn .ours" o.F qatian.
                                                   vigion q^d oetion plan. Provide lirtV/Feedbo,cV to
                                                   teir staV€kal ders 6e neigbouroad eannnittee                          brce qelron plan de.eloped er$tre qdtortg dalelopeA
                                                                                                                             o,re ifreSrorteA into 4ounatl! plqns o,nd /or a3ena1
                                                                         or   Sroop   dc).
                                                                                                                                                   bt'rsiness Plqns'

;i       :.',,..,,,,
                         *f               9

,a.:!:,i:,al!:i:,:,:!:,,....i..   .,, .
Communication Tools'Will Include:
  .     logo
      The                                 . Newspaper articles                  .   Editorial endorsements
  o Newsletters                           . !fleb site and Geographical         .   Public meetings
  . Special publications                    Information System                  .   Special events, etc
                                           Public service announcements

Program and Timing
 A detailed project.programhas been compiled for the Tollongong Futures process up to the completion
 of the visioning element of the process. The rest of the project has been preliminarily scheduled. The
 following table sets out the main tasks and general timing of the project.

 Jan -Jun 2002 TASKS                                   Jul -Dec 2003 TASKS
    . Profiling the community                             . Action planning
      .   Trends and probable scenarios                   .   7ollongong Local Plan review
      .   Internal LEP review                             .   Vision survey
      .   Community survey                                o Action planning workgroups                       I

      .   Community participation design                  .   Place Based Local Plan/Development
      .                                                       Control Plan (DCP) workshops
                                                          .   Communication
      .   Project outline                                 PRODUCTS
      o Promotion material                                r   Action Plan
                                                          e   Vision document

 Jul -Dec 2002 TASKS
    . Profiling the community                          Jan -Dec 2004+ TASKS
      .                                                   . Monitoring system development
          Trends and probable scenarios
      o                                                   .   7ollongong Local Plan review
      o                                                   .   Place Based Local Plan/DCP workshops
          Internal LEP review
      .                                                   .   Communication
          Community survey
      .   Communication                                   PRODUCTS
                                                          .   Place Based Local Plan (DCP)
      o   Communiry profile
      .   Community values
      .   Technical working group and
          communify advisory group
                                                         W'ollongong Futures is a very
                                                         important strategic planning process.
 Jan -Jun 2003 TASKS
                                                         It will help decide the future paths
    . Visioning                                          that the cofirmunity takes to create a
                                                         city where they want to live.
      o Action planning
      .                                                  Wollongong Futures will help the city
          Tollongong Local Plan review
                                                         to take control of its own destiny.
      .   Visioning feedback
      r   Communication strategy update

      .   Vision strategy framework
   City of Innouation

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  • 1. iIlF;l fd , -.,
  • 2. t::,tl:,,:, -- Wh4t sqrt ot clty do vou want Tollongong Futures is an exciting project involving the whole community. Together. re can cteate a vision for our city and plan a future that generations to come can enjoy and share. Wollongong Futures is a chance to get involve d and help ensure we all work towards reaching that vision. ArieF ttistory A community survey identified the need to establish a vision for the City of W'ollongong. At the same time, there was a clear need to review the crty's statuton- plannLng tool, the Local EnvirSnm"ent plan (LEp). That orovided an exciting oppofunily to begin a planning process to draw together all elements of the city and its future. 7ollongong Futures, as it is now known, will produce a vision and goals for the city, and ensure that all subsequent plans support that vision. ... .....t......r,"!-., : ,1,,,11,,, ,, l l.FABa:! j!i:i,iiiIi:itii::iii:i;]r.iri,r:
  • 3. hlrY Ao vte nd q Vieioning toyL+? Wollongong faces many challenges. Like many cities around the world, we are in a transition period from traditional industries to a more diverse economy. This impacts directly on local areas through issues including: r Economic issues (unemployment, closing down of traditional industries, etc); . Demographic trends (gentrification, ageing population, diversity, etc); . Changing social needs (housing, education, social services, etc); . Social problems (drug use, crime, etc); In modern cities the world over, local government finds it hard to fund arrd manage the multitude of emerging issues, and is in a continual state of crisis management. 'Wollongong Futures, with its community visioning process, was developed out of these circumstances to address the issues by: . Focussing on a wider range of concerns, . Seriously considering and incorporating community values, . Gearing towards the future and preparing for uncertainty and change, . Developing a shared vision to focus deveiopment efforts.* hlh,qt i9 Wohn 3o^3 Friura? 'J7ollongong Futures is a strategic planning initiative. Strategic planning determines where an organisation is going and how it is going to get there. In strategic planning, flexibility is very important in order to be creative and react to new developments. To develop a strate^gig plarr an organisation needs to develop a vision. A vision provides guidance and motivation for the following strategic planning process. Visioning is a process in which a community thinks about the future it wants, develops a shared yision, and plans how to achieve it. The visioning process: . Provides a clearer understanding of community values and incorporates it into planning; . Identifies issues and trends that influence development in communities; ' Conveys a comprehensive future-orientated view to guide short and long-term decision making in the ciryr and ' Develops action plans and implementation tools to achieve a prefer:red future in the city. If the visioning process does not lead to a vision - and an action plan to reach the vision - then there is little point in undertaking it. *Ames, Staen C. (Ed), A Ca.tide to Communitjt ,4sianing (American Planning Association, Wasbington DC, 1998): p 3 - 5
  • 4. ttoW Ao de akange te Fr/rvre? The role of the vision is to define.a preferred future for the city and to align the Council, communiry and other relevant agencies or stakeholders' efforts to reach the goal. The elements used to ensure implementation and support of the plans in the'Wollongong Futures process include: . The positioning of the flollongong Futures Vision as the, ot part of the, Tollongong Strategic Plan that drives the corporate plan; An action plan as pal1 of the visioning process; Internal and external coordination and partnerships within council, with stakeholders and the community; The development of a decision support system that addresses the vision; The development of a monitoring and evaluation system to measure how the city is developing in relation to the specific goals under the vision or strategic plan; Review of the strategic plan in the future. Fi3ore l. Reaaing '*,e PreFerreA Fotore Dafiniq *e preFerreA Frtlore B{rdg€t enJ alqning qll eFFods a.F te v aomturni buSineSg qnd gor.lernnent to it is arueiql in 4qpitql WorL6 reaaing tqt desired frr'ture. Pro3rcr' uo,nJ usel fransport PRgSgr..f Planning €.o^oJic Developheni $adal q d 4.ulturql Plannin3 6nvironnentql Mana3erent Fqilure ta idevrtif,y ,e preFerreA Fttore or to align all driviq Forces lo tig eonnn^on 3oal will rrs,.,lt in in r.rndesirolle .Future
  • 5. Objectives The objectives following the aim of the project are: . Create an overarching plan that will drive subsequent strategies ^-.{ -r^-- -- and plans, . Acknowledge changing character and pro actively plan for it, . Identrfy a tange of key issues and subsequent strategies, . Facilitate participation in all sectors (community, political and inter-agency), . Identify and build on community values, . Create general cofiunon ownership of plans, . Design and implement (contribute to) a decision support system, . Develop indicators to measure progress, . Develop a reporting system that will flow back into the strategic plan. Partnerships Partnerships are vital to achieve the vision for Wollongong's future. Coordination, the facilitation of participation and the role that partnerships play rn this regard is an important element of the flollongong Futures profect. Partnerships refer to: o Active involvement of different groups in the NTollongong Local Government Area, . The establishment of dialogue beNveen groups, . Consultation and consensus building with groups, . Coordination and communication. These groups refer to the: . Citizens (the community), o Elected officials (councillors), . State goverruTrent agencies, . Key stakeholders, . Council staff, etc. Products It is expected that thd lWollongong Futures project will provide the following primary product: A vision statement and action plan that will: . Drive the corporate plan; . Contribute to other strategic planning initiatives like the LEP, social plan, budget, etc; o Contribute to a decision support system to support implementation; and . Contribute to the development indicators that will support the evaluation of flollongong's development.
  • 6. *utii,Wr The process followed in the Tollongong Futures proiect is based on the Oregon Model. F4ore 9.1te Nollongang €vlureE Pro.el9 NtteRg Do Ng NANrr rbB€ ? WR'R6 ARg Wg GoltJG ? frendg qnd Prabqble 5te^a(ioE Dstertrine Cprreri TrertAs g b,sgess *'e'leBaseA frendi lnpaet Fozos Groo? 5es9iovt9 qnd Plqce BoseA Diqloguag 4onnonity g,JrVeY9. Prabqble 9zertqrio. ttoN ARg N€ G}IIJG,. ttoN Do l€ Ce€{ fieW ? Mahiton^3 and 6valuation, Aetion/lnplennentqtion plan ldentif,ieqtion and Developr'rent ldentitry 6oals - o.F lndieators, Develop gt:rate3ieS qnd Salting Priaritieg 6stqllishent of Reporting anJ Develop q4tian qnJ lnplenent aSenAos FeeAbqcV gysten. &pital (orporale Plan, Bufuat, WorV+ Prograu, Lqnd Use Plannin3, u frangport Planniq, € cartotle Developnent, 6nvironrnentql Managenent Soeiql qnd 4ultrrral Planntn3 ata.
  • 7. lnpbnnartation S.everal implementation elements are crucial to the success of the project. Although they ^overlapping do not form part as a_distinct phase in the process as set out under the previous heading, thef will": form part of it throughout the process. Community Participation The aim of this element is involve the community and build community and political support fcrr the proiect. The community participation element of Wollongong Futures aims to involve the community in all phases of the process. The objectives of this initiative will be to: . Facilitate real communiry participation, . Promote community ownership, . Build pubiic awareness. €4ore 4.4onnruni Partieipation in Nollon3ong €'iures NItgRg ARg N6 NIAN ? Profile Cannnunt'ty itoN ARg W€ GoltlG? NttERg ARg W CoiJG? Monitoring qnd 6vqluqtian Irends qnd Probqble gcertarios IION DO N€ G€f IEW ? Aetion/hnplenneyrtqtian Plqn ,ffi Organisation/Coordination The interaction belween the Council, citizens, and al1 other key stakeholders will need to be organised and coordinated. As it is not possible to run the visioning process with all individuals in the city, various advisory and working groups will be essential t5 ihe success of the process.
  • 8. Communiction and Promotion Communication is very impofiant throughout the visioning process. A specific communication strategy will be put in place to ensure the community is educated, informed and invited to become involved.' The main aim of the 7ollongong Futures communication strategy is to engage and activate the community on the question: 'what sort of city do you want'Wollongong to bei' The communication strategy will ensure that: . A widespread positive awareness is created about SToliongong Futures; . Participation is encouraged in the project; . Information is disseminated; . The community is interested and involved in the exchange of ideas across the cityr . The Wollongong Futures communication strategy will even go further than the immediate project activities and seek to promote the project's broader themes of innovation and creativily, and celebration of the city's cultural diversity. ASore 9 Nollongong €olores 4oordinqtion 5lr'tel'tre v NoLLor.GohE CYq @JW fo ratify te strategy ?ro.e9, anJ developnent (o .oordirtqle delelopnerrt qnd review of, te stratejy qnd provide rezannnendqtians I qAttice lo Cortnz;il on te developnnent o€ te vi5io^ and aetion plans (Nollongong F,*ores ),%r te eily. Mana3e l'e proiezl, coorAinfie in.Forhqtion qnJ qetivities. 6nsure tqt irnportarrt divisiona,l igroet q(e qAAresseA. lntegration of, Nollan3ong F,:l'tces into oter plans and policies. AssBt ln regeqrc,, q^d provitioh o,F inForhqtion qnd relevqnt aonru^i'ty Fqailitqtion. a- {g4.ttNllC.AL NoRFh'16 GRorJP 4or'^tlrJNtfl ADVlSoRy 6Roup Provide broqA bxe invalvennent i^ review of Provide lrrolejic direztion qnd ideqs to qddress in slrtd'1. €vsore organisational/ai Wide i99oe9 q(e ie outeoneg in eqa of 'te le 9tq3e9 i^ te pragrar,'. Aetively partiaipate in te iderrtif,ied qnA qAAressed. Pravide sounding boqrd in variotrs input/worLsop 9es9io^s tat develop te relqtion to viSio^ and stratqy Airection (rality e'ecV plan). { advze Zn .ours" o.F qatian. vigion q^d oetion plan. Provide lirtV/Feedbo,cV to teir staV€kal ders 6e neigbouroad eannnittee brce qelron plan de.eloped er$tre qdtortg dalelopeA o,re ifreSrorteA into 4ounatl! plqns o,nd /or a3ena1 or Sroop dc). bt'rsiness Plqns' ;i :.',,..,,,, *f 9 ,a.:!:,i:,al!:i:,:,:!:,,....i.. .,, .
  • 9. Communication Tools'Will Include: . logo The . Newspaper articles . Editorial endorsements o Newsletters . !fleb site and Geographical . Public meetings . Special publications Information System . Special events, etc Public service announcements Program and Timing A detailed project.programhas been compiled for the Tollongong Futures process up to the completion of the visioning element of the process. The rest of the project has been preliminarily scheduled. The following table sets out the main tasks and general timing of the project. Jan -Jun 2002 TASKS Jul -Dec 2003 TASKS . Profiling the community . Action planning . Trends and probable scenarios . 7ollongong Local Plan review . Internal LEP review . Vision survey . Community survey o Action planning workgroups I . Community participation design . Place Based Local Plan/Development . Control Plan (DCP) workshops Communicationstrategy . Communication PRODUCTS . Project outline PRODUCTS o Promotion material r Action Plan e Vision document Jul -Dec 2002 TASKS . Profiling the community Jan -Dec 2004+ TASKS . . Monitoring system development Trends and probable scenarios o . 7ollongong Local Plan review Visioning o . Place Based Local Plan/DCP workshops Internal LEP review . . Communication Community survey . Communication PRODUCTS . Place Based Local Plan (DCP) PRODUCTS o Communiry profile . Community values . Technical working group and Covtcbsion communify advisory group W'ollongong Futures is a very important strategic planning process. Jan -Jun 2003 TASKS It will help decide the future paths . Visioning that the cofirmunity takes to create a city where they want to live. o Action planning . Wollongong Futures will help the city Tollongong Local Plan review to take control of its own destiny. . Visioning feedback r Communication strategy update PRODUCTS . Vision strategy framework
  • 10. / WorroNcoNc City of Innouation