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Notas TIC
1.- ¿Cómo superar el reto de la eficiencia en el centro de datos?
2.- Gerentes de TI ignoran vulnerabilidades en las redes corporativas
3.- Data center fuel cells promise seven-nines uptime
4.-Standby: Fuel cells as secondary power sources
5.- Clean Energy: Bloom Energy delivers Better Electrons™
1.- ¿Cómo superar el reto de la eficiencia en el centro de datos?
Fecha de publicación: 26/06/2013 Mundo en Línea
En los nuevos Centro de Datos la preocupación es siempre la misma: ¿cómo
mantener el Centro de Datos como una combinación de factores de
productividad, eficiencia, cumplimiento de estándares, buenas prácticas,
confiabilidad y bajos costos?
No descuidar los demás elementos y concentrarse en el punto clave del centro
de datos es el tema en el que deben enfocarse los proveedores de sistemas
eléctricos. Se trata de mejorar la eficiencia, este factor se ve reflejado en el
costo de la cuenta de energía, la que nos interesa ayudar a disminuir aportando
a la industria sostenibilidad, solidaridad ambiental y responsabilidad
empresarial, por medio de nuestras soluciones y recomendaciones
Hacer que el 100% del aire producido por las unidades de enfriamiento sea
adecuadamente inducido a los equipos de IT y que a su vez, el aire caliente,
sea administrado adecuadamente por medio del sistema de gestión de flujo de
aire, es lo que determina costos eficientes. Con esta innovación se garantiza
que el sistema de enfriamiento sea más preciso, reduciendo emisiones de CO2
a la atmósfera, evitando el mayor calentamiento del planeta y mejorando en
conjunto la disponibilidad y la confiabilidad del centro de datos.
Los inconvenientes y riesgos evidentes se generan al no disiparse los focos de
calor en los gabinetes o hacerlo de forma inadecuada. Por eso es necesario
combinar alternativas probadas en diferentes configuraciones y ambientes,
como Soluciones de Gestión de Flujo de Aire altamente eficientes.
Gestión del flujo de aire
La condición básica para implementar un sistema de optimización de flujo de
aire es contar con gabinetes adecuados para este fin. El gabinete debe disponer
de una capacidad de ventilación masiva desde la parte frontal hacia atrás,
cumpliendo con los requerimientos del estándar EIA/TIA 310D recomendados,
por los fabricantes de equipos activos en dimensiones para rack estándar de
Para la instalación del sistema de Gestión de Flujos de Aire, los bastidores
deben ser diseñados para permitir la ubicación correcta, para su efectivo
desempeño tanto individual como en ubicación por islas o filas.
Los siguientes son los elementos más recomendados en la Gestión de Flujos de
• El primer accesorio a tener en cuenta son las tiras adhesivas. Mejoran la
eficiencia de enfriamiento bloqueando la recirculación del aire caliente a través
de aberturas laterales
• Mejorar la eficiencia de enfriamiento dentro del gabinete es posible también,
llenando el espacio de rack no utilizado, optimizando la circulación de aire y
evitando la recirculación a través de paneles obturadores de montaje frontal,
sin herramientas y adaptable a cualquier orificio dentro del gabinete.
• Paneles bloqueadores de flujo para pasaje de cables 1U con cepillo en banda,
que inhibe el paso de aire indeseado, mejorando la eficiencia de enfriamiento y
separando el pasaje frío del caliente.
• Las unidades de ventilación, frontales o superiores, con ventiladores de alto
rendimiento de 120V. Ayudan al desplazamiento del aire caliente hacia atrás o
hacia arriba del gabinete. Considere el tipo de alimentación, la altura de
ubicación y la compatibilidad con gabinetes que especifiquen su uso.
• ¿Cómo lograr la implementación adecuada con un sistema de
Economizadores? Implemente los ductos de evacuación de aire caliente en la
parte superior del bastidor, convirtiéndolo en una estructura de enfriamiento
pasiva sellada, para que el calor expulsado del equipo sea ventilado hacia
arriba, all sistema de aire de retorno de CRAC / HVAC de la instalación.
2.- Gerentes de TI ignoran vulnerabilidades en las redes corporativas
Fecha de publicación: 26/06/2013
Dimension Data, el proveedor global de soluciones y servicios TIC dijo hoy que
el número de dispositivos en redes corporativas de TI que tienen
vulnerabilidades ha disminuido de 75% en 2011 a 67% en 2012. Si bien este
porcentaje es el más bajo en dos años, enfatiza el enfoque despreocupado que
tienen los administradores de redes en el tema de la seguridad.
Este es uno de los hallazgos del Reporte Barómetro de Redes 2013 realizado
por Dimension Data, el cual fue dado a conocer hoy. Publicado por primera vez
en 2009, el Reporte Barómetro de Redes informa acerca del estatus de las
redes a nivel global, utilizando datos de variadas organizaciones recolectados
por el Análisis del Ciclo de Vida de la Tecnología (TLMA) que realiza Dimension
Data en todo el mundo. El Reporte revisa la preparación que tienen las redes
para soportar a sus respectivos negocios, revisando las vulnerabilidades de
seguridad, el estatus de término-de-vida y las variaciones de configuración de
los dispositivos de redes respecto a las mejores prácticas. En los últimos 5
años, Dimension Data ha completado más de 1.200 TLMA’s en organizaciones
de todos los tamaños e industrias, y en todo el mundo.
Raoul Tecala, Director de Desarrollo de Negocios de Integración de Redes en
Dimension Data, dice que “hay ciertas vulnerabilidades que han estado
presentes por muchos años y que no han sido corregidas aún, pese a que
proveedores como Cisco Systems han sido proactivos en proporcionar parches y
mejoras de sistemas y software.”
“Eliminar todas las vulnerabilidades de ambientes grandes y complejos puede
ser una tarea desalentadora y desafiante. Sin embargo, la interrupción y el
esfuerzo requeridos deben ser sopesados frente al impacto y acciones
potenciales que se requieren. Pese a que las redes actualmente parecen tener
menos vulnerabilidades, el alto porcentaje de dispositivos con vulnerabilidades
se mantendrá hasta que el software sea parchado o actualizado a una versión
más nueva y segura.”
Tecala recomienda a las organizaciones enfocar sus esfuerzos en las
vulnerabilidades que representan las mayores amenazas. “Mientras más cerca
está un dispositivo a Internet, más alto es el riesgo. Por lo mismo, las
organizaciones deben ser vigilantes e implementar un régimen constante de
parchado de vulnerabilidades”.
“Si bien las redes TI actuales parecen tener menos vulnerabilidades, y muchas
de éstas son difíciles de eliminar, nuevas vulnerabilidades son identificadas cada
año, por lo que no es sabio ser complacientes”, asegura Tecala.
3.- Data center fuel cells promise seven-nines uptime
Karim U. Khan, Contributor Published: 05 Oct 2006Reprints
This is part one of's update on fuel cell technology in
the data center.
Fuel cells—is the future here already, or do we have to wait another decade?
NASA used fuel cells to send men to the moon; one can be forgiven for
assuming that 40 years hence, the technology would have replaced noisy, dirty,
high-maintenance diesel generators and primitive lead-acid batteries as the
power sources of choice for data center managers. And yet, here we are
approaching the close of 2006, and the range of options for those who want to
incorporate fuel cells into their power delivery and backup systems is
surprisingly slim.
It's not for lack of interest on the part of vendors. MGE UPS Systems had
unveiled a fuel cell-based uninterruptible power supply (UPS) prototype in
2004, but "lack of customer interest/demand and the fact that the technology is
still in its infancy for this type of application" caused MGE to cease work on it,
according to a company spokesperson.
Several years ago, Siemens Power Generation was on the verge of introducing
large-scale stationary fuel cells that by themselves could power an entire data
center, but it decided to hold off and invest in the next generation of fuel cell
technology, leaving it out of the market until at least 2008, according to
information on its Web site.
Right now the two main players in the data center fuel cell market are UTC
Power and American Power Conversion (APC). Each is targeting a distinctly
different use of fuel cells.
UTC Power offers a stationary, on-site fuel cell product called the PureCell 200 -
- essentially a 17-foot long box that can be installed inside or outside your
facility and generate 200 kilowatts of power.
As you probably know, fuel cells need hydrogen to generate electricity, and the
PureCell, like most on-site fuel cells of this magnitude, strips the needed
element out of a piped-in supply of natural gas. Electricity (plus 925,000 BTUs
per hour of heat—enough to keep your facility warm in the winter and provide
enough hot water for even the most heavily caffeinated office) is generated
using liquid phosphoric acid as an electrolyte.
The phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) is a proven first-generation technology that
has been in use at some pioneering facilities for a decade. The nation's largest
such installation of PAFCs is in Garden City, NY, where Verizon has seven of
UTC's 200-kW fuel cells powering a large call switching center and office
Dennis Hughes, the lead property manager at the First National Bank of
Omaha, has been using PAFCs made by UTC in his facility since it opened in
"We have four fuel cells in the facility, but we only need two of those for our
critical load," says Hughes. "We run all four fuel cells every day—what doesn't
get used for critical load gets shared out for secondary load in the building. In
the summertime, we will sometimes put our fuel cells only on critical load, let
the rest be picked up by our three 1250-kW generators, and any excess power
we have over we shove out through the transformers back to the grid."
In this scenario, Hughes sees the grid mostly as an unlikely source of backup
power should one of the two redundant natural gas feeds to the fuel cells fail at
the same time his diesel generators and flywheels stop working. "We think of
the electric grid as our third line of defense: fuel cells being first, generators
being second, and commercial power being third place." Suffice it to say that
your next credit card purchase isn't likely to be lost to a blackout.
"We were looking for a system that would take us at least 20 years from the
time the building was built until we'd have to think about doing anything else,"
says Hughes. "We wanted a system that would have at least the 'five-nines' of
availability that our mainframe has." First National's fuel cells give them an
extra two-decimal-place cushion—99.99999% availability.
As for cost, the fuel cells came out as winners when taking into account the
cost of natural gas, excess power sold to the grid, and maintenance. It didn't
hurt that the Department of Energy gave First National a rebate of $1,000 for
every kilowatt of installed fuel cell power, either. The upfront cost of purchasing
and installing a PAFC today is much higher than the cost of a diesel generator
or gas turbine, but the 20-year payback is comparable due to the fuel cell's
lower maintenance and better efficiency.
For a facility with a noise or emissions restriction, a fuel cell like this becomes
an especially attractive option. The only case in which a non-fuel-cell option
within UTC's lineup is more efficient is if you intend for your on-site power
source to provide cooling as well as heating byproducts; a gas turbine
generator can typically run a chiller's compressor while simultaneously
capturing useful waste heat more efficiently than a PAFC can perform these
On the horizon are solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC—the technology Siemens is
betting on) and molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC), each of which offer even
higher rates of efficiency than PAFCs, but have several stability problems to
work out.
4.-Standby: Fuel cells as secondary power sources
Karim U. Khan, ContributerPublished: 05 Oct 2006Reprints
This is part two of's update on fuel cell technology in
the data center. Read part one here.
Of course, if you feel good about the electricity you're already getting and
merely need a source of standby power in the event of an outage, a 200-kW
unit the size of a small shipping container is probably overkill.
In June 2005, APC unveiled a rack-mountable fuel cell UPS compatible with its
InfraStruXure power, cooling, management, and services architecture. The 10-
kW systems can be stacked three-high for a total of 30 kilowatts of clean, green
The InfraStruXure Fuel Cell is seen by the system it plugs into as an ordinary
battery. Only you know that outside your building (for safety's sake) are several
canisters of hydrogen ready deliver their contents to the fuel cell at a moment's
notice. The technology employed is called Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)—
the same technology used in fuel cell vehicles.
Tom Sperrey, managing director at UPS Systems plc, a vendor-neutral UPS
reseller based about 70 miles west of London in the UK, is a proponent and
user of standby fuel cells.
"We'd been tracking fuel cell systems for about five years, and we made the
decision a couple of years ago that it was time for us to get involved," he says,
noting that the technology appeared then to make the leap from an expensive
toy to a potentially useful solution for customers.
One way a standby system based on a fuel cell can be useful is when other
options aren't permitted, like at the small West London financial markets trader
where Sperrey's company recently conducted an installation. "They are
surrounded by residential premises on all sides—there is certainly nowhere to
put a diesel generator," says Sperrey. "For them, a fuel cell was the ideal
solution. We are constructing for them a brick-built hydrogen store with a slate
roof to look like the rest of the building. The fuel cell is indoors. They would not
get planning permission to put a diesel generator in or near the premises."
But why not go with conventional batteries as a backup?
"That was a path they looked at, in fact," Sperrey responds. "Initially they were
going to go down the route of four hours worth of batteries. Two things put
them off: one was the space it takes up in the computer room. The fuel cell
system takes up one cabinet, and the batteries would need three 19-inch rack
cabinets. They would have runtime that was limited to four hours, and they
would then have a situation where for at least the hour following a four-hour
outage, they would have no resilience—if the power were to fail a second time
after coming back on, they would have been out of power. With a fuel cell
system, they've still got full power." Each canister in the five-foot wide, head-
height shed in the yard holds 10 kWh of hydrogen, or about nine hours of
backup energy for the firm.
Sperrey has also found that the costs come out well for fuel cells even over a
10-year period. Speaking of an analysis done for a hospital with a mandate to
purchase equipment based solely on cost-effectiveness, Sperrey says that
"bearing in mind batteries would need to be changed once in 10 years, and
taking into account batteries' twice-yearly in-person maintenance checks, it was
actually substantially less expensive to put in a fuel cell system than batteries."
Even when considering a diesel generator, which is only two-thirds the cost of
an equivalent fuel cell system, Sperrey says the comparison shows fuel cells are
competitive: "Diesel engines have filters and oil to be changed, and in a fuel cell
all you change are air filters, and you do a yearly calibration of the hydrogen
sensor, so maintenance is not time consuming at all."
For a location without a "green mandate," noise and emissions restrictions, or a
need for more than "five-nines" of power availability, it's not likely that a fuel
cell will be the best option—today. But with cost competitiveness already close
and creeping closer as fuel cell efficiency increases and economies of scale
make the cells more affordable, it's not likely that the idea of a fuel cell as a
viable option for powering and protecting your data center will fizzle out either.
5.- Clean Energy: Bloom Energy delivers Better Electrons™
All electrons are not created equal. Only Bloom Energy delivers electrons that
are clean and reliable at the same time… and just for you. That makes them
better electrons.
Bloom Energy generates clean, reliable power onsite with minimal
environmental impact, making the Bloom Energy Server one of the most
sustainable solutions on the market today. When compared to alternative
sources, Bloom delivers superior results, whether sustainability is measured in
terms of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, avoided air pollutants, reduced
water use, small physical footprint, quiet operation, recyclability, high efficiency
— or all of the above.
Higher Efficiency
Bloom Energy Servers convert natural gas or renewable biogas into electricity
using a direct electrochemical reaction rather than combustion. This highly
efficient process is not bound by the same thermodynamic constraints1
creating electricity, and thus enables exceptionally high conversion efficiency.
Today, Bloom ships systems with an industry-leading 60+ percent electrical
efficiency, based on the lower heating value (LHV) of the fuel — a figure that
has increased markedly since our first commercial shipments in 2008. Looking
forward, we see a clear pathway to deliver even higher efficiency.
By contrast, the average coal-fired power plant — with over a century of R&D
behind it — converts only 33 percent of its energy input into electricity.2
because no one wants a coal plant in their "backyard", this electricity must be
transported over hundreds of miles of power lines, which lose a part of the
produced power — anywhere from 7 - 10 percent in the developed world, and
up to 50 percent3
in developing economies. Since Bloom Energy Servers
typically generate power at the customer's site, energy is generated & provided
directly where it is needed, thus avoiding these losses altogether.
As the world transitions to a renewable energy future, the most sustainable
pathway is to consume our precious resources more efficiently. It's also smarter
— fuel savings mean saving money.
Virtually no Smog Forming Particulates
Bloom Energy Servers convert fuel into delivered electricity at the highest level
of efficiency amongst commercially available technologies. Greater efficiency
means less fuel consumed to produce the same output of electricity and that
lower fuel consumption corresponds to less CO2 emitted. Even when compared
to the most advanced, centralized combined cycle gas turbine power plants,
Bloom has higher delivered electricity efficiency and therefore a lower
CO2 footprint.
The flexibility of the Bloom Energy Server allows customers to dramatically
reduce their carbon emissions while continuing to power their operations
reliably. When fueled with biogas, the Bloom Energy Server provides 100
percent carbon neutral power generation. When powered by natural gas, it
releases a fraction of the CO2 produced by coal-fired plants or even modern
combined cycle natural gas plants, when one accounts for line losses (as
recommended by regulators) . As businesses prepare for a carbon-constrained
future, the Bloom Energy Server offers an elegant and flexible solution to meet
a customer's sustainability needs.
Low CO2 Emissions
Because Bloom uses solid oxide fuel cell technology that converts fuel into
electricity via an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion, Bloom
Energy Servers virtually eliminate smog forming particulates and harmful NOx
and SOx emissions that are emitted by conventional power plants. These
invisible emissions cause smog, asthma, and harm human health5
. Bloom
Servers also generate only a fraction of the carbon dioxide produced by a
conventional modern power plant equipped with the best available control
technology (BACT) — the US EPA's benchmark.
Land Savings
Large centralized power plants, whether they are gas fired, wind, solar or
hydropower, require large land areas far from most population centers. The
electricity they produce is diminished through transmission and distribution
losses. The Bloom Energy Server, on the other hand, is a compact solution with
units occupying only a slightly larger footprint than a parking space. They are
located onsite — eliminating T&D losses — and are well-suited for urban
Bloom Energy Servers also deliver extraordinary water savings. Bloom's
technology uses no water beyond a 240-gallon injection at start up. By
comparison, the average U.S. coal plant uses 1.07 million gallons per 200 kW
annually; and combined cycle natural gas plants use 648,240 gallons per 200
kW annually. A supermarket powered by a 200 kW Bloom Energy Server saves
more than 1 million gallons a year.
Additionally, the simple, modular, building-block architecture is easy to install
and easy to buy. As your energy needs grow, Bloom can grow with you, all the
while delivering clean, reliable electricity —the benefits of Better ElectronsTM
fam / Junio de 2013
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Eficiencia Data Center

  • 1. 1/9 Notas TIC Índice: 1.- ¿Cómo superar el reto de la eficiencia en el centro de datos? 2.- Gerentes de TI ignoran vulnerabilidades en las redes corporativas 3.- Data center fuel cells promise seven-nines uptime 4.-Standby: Fuel cells as secondary power sources 5.- Clean Energy: Bloom Energy delivers Better Electrons™ 1.- ¿Cómo superar el reto de la eficiencia en el centro de datos? Fecha de publicación: 26/06/2013 Mundo en Línea En los nuevos Centro de Datos la preocupación es siempre la misma: ¿cómo mantener el Centro de Datos como una combinación de factores de productividad, eficiencia, cumplimiento de estándares, buenas prácticas, confiabilidad y bajos costos? No descuidar los demás elementos y concentrarse en el punto clave del centro de datos es el tema en el que deben enfocarse los proveedores de sistemas eléctricos. Se trata de mejorar la eficiencia, este factor se ve reflejado en el costo de la cuenta de energía, la que nos interesa ayudar a disminuir aportando a la industria sostenibilidad, solidaridad ambiental y responsabilidad empresarial, por medio de nuestras soluciones y recomendaciones especializadas. Hacer que el 100% del aire producido por las unidades de enfriamiento sea adecuadamente inducido a los equipos de IT y que a su vez, el aire caliente, sea administrado adecuadamente por medio del sistema de gestión de flujo de aire, es lo que determina costos eficientes. Con esta innovación se garantiza que el sistema de enfriamiento sea más preciso, reduciendo emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera, evitando el mayor calentamiento del planeta y mejorando en conjunto la disponibilidad y la confiabilidad del centro de datos. Los inconvenientes y riesgos evidentes se generan al no disiparse los focos de calor en los gabinetes o hacerlo de forma inadecuada. Por eso es necesario combinar alternativas probadas en diferentes configuraciones y ambientes, como Soluciones de Gestión de Flujo de Aire altamente eficientes. Gestión del flujo de aire La condición básica para implementar un sistema de optimización de flujo de aire es contar con gabinetes adecuados para este fin. El gabinete debe disponer de una capacidad de ventilación masiva desde la parte frontal hacia atrás, cumpliendo con los requerimientos del estándar EIA/TIA 310D recomendados, por los fabricantes de equipos activos en dimensiones para rack estándar de
  • 2. 2/9 19”. Para la instalación del sistema de Gestión de Flujos de Aire, los bastidores deben ser diseñados para permitir la ubicación correcta, para su efectivo desempeño tanto individual como en ubicación por islas o filas. Los siguientes son los elementos más recomendados en la Gestión de Flujos de Aire: • El primer accesorio a tener en cuenta son las tiras adhesivas. Mejoran la eficiencia de enfriamiento bloqueando la recirculación del aire caliente a través de aberturas laterales • Mejorar la eficiencia de enfriamiento dentro del gabinete es posible también, llenando el espacio de rack no utilizado, optimizando la circulación de aire y evitando la recirculación a través de paneles obturadores de montaje frontal, sin herramientas y adaptable a cualquier orificio dentro del gabinete. • Paneles bloqueadores de flujo para pasaje de cables 1U con cepillo en banda, que inhibe el paso de aire indeseado, mejorando la eficiencia de enfriamiento y separando el pasaje frío del caliente. • Las unidades de ventilación, frontales o superiores, con ventiladores de alto rendimiento de 120V. Ayudan al desplazamiento del aire caliente hacia atrás o hacia arriba del gabinete. Considere el tipo de alimentación, la altura de ubicación y la compatibilidad con gabinetes que especifiquen su uso. • ¿Cómo lograr la implementación adecuada con un sistema de Economizadores? Implemente los ductos de evacuación de aire caliente en la parte superior del bastidor, convirtiéndolo en una estructura de enfriamiento pasiva sellada, para que el calor expulsado del equipo sea ventilado hacia arriba, all sistema de aire de retorno de CRAC / HVAC de la instalación. inicio 2.- Gerentes de TI ignoran vulnerabilidades en las redes corporativas Fecha de publicación: 26/06/2013 Dimension Data, el proveedor global de soluciones y servicios TIC dijo hoy que el número de dispositivos en redes corporativas de TI que tienen vulnerabilidades ha disminuido de 75% en 2011 a 67% en 2012. Si bien este porcentaje es el más bajo en dos años, enfatiza el enfoque despreocupado que tienen los administradores de redes en el tema de la seguridad. Este es uno de los hallazgos del Reporte Barómetro de Redes 2013 realizado por Dimension Data, el cual fue dado a conocer hoy. Publicado por primera vez en 2009, el Reporte Barómetro de Redes informa acerca del estatus de las redes a nivel global, utilizando datos de variadas organizaciones recolectados por el Análisis del Ciclo de Vida de la Tecnología (TLMA) que realiza Dimension Data en todo el mundo. El Reporte revisa la preparación que tienen las redes
  • 3. 3/9 para soportar a sus respectivos negocios, revisando las vulnerabilidades de seguridad, el estatus de término-de-vida y las variaciones de configuración de los dispositivos de redes respecto a las mejores prácticas. En los últimos 5 años, Dimension Data ha completado más de 1.200 TLMA’s en organizaciones de todos los tamaños e industrias, y en todo el mundo. Raoul Tecala, Director de Desarrollo de Negocios de Integración de Redes en Dimension Data, dice que “hay ciertas vulnerabilidades que han estado presentes por muchos años y que no han sido corregidas aún, pese a que proveedores como Cisco Systems han sido proactivos en proporcionar parches y mejoras de sistemas y software.” “Eliminar todas las vulnerabilidades de ambientes grandes y complejos puede ser una tarea desalentadora y desafiante. Sin embargo, la interrupción y el esfuerzo requeridos deben ser sopesados frente al impacto y acciones potenciales que se requieren. Pese a que las redes actualmente parecen tener menos vulnerabilidades, el alto porcentaje de dispositivos con vulnerabilidades se mantendrá hasta que el software sea parchado o actualizado a una versión más nueva y segura.” Tecala recomienda a las organizaciones enfocar sus esfuerzos en las vulnerabilidades que representan las mayores amenazas. “Mientras más cerca está un dispositivo a Internet, más alto es el riesgo. Por lo mismo, las organizaciones deben ser vigilantes e implementar un régimen constante de parchado de vulnerabilidades”. “Si bien las redes TI actuales parecen tener menos vulnerabilidades, y muchas de éstas son difíciles de eliminar, nuevas vulnerabilidades son identificadas cada año, por lo que no es sabio ser complacientes”, asegura Tecala. inicio 3.- Data center fuel cells promise seven-nines uptime Karim U. Khan, Contributor Published: 05 Oct 2006Reprints This is part one of's update on fuel cell technology in the data center. Fuel cells—is the future here already, or do we have to wait another decade? NASA used fuel cells to send men to the moon; one can be forgiven for assuming that 40 years hence, the technology would have replaced noisy, dirty, high-maintenance diesel generators and primitive lead-acid batteries as the power sources of choice for data center managers. And yet, here we are approaching the close of 2006, and the range of options for those who want to incorporate fuel cells into their power delivery and backup systems is surprisingly slim. It's not for lack of interest on the part of vendors. MGE UPS Systems had unveiled a fuel cell-based uninterruptible power supply (UPS) prototype in 2004, but "lack of customer interest/demand and the fact that the technology is
  • 4. 4/9 still in its infancy for this type of application" caused MGE to cease work on it, according to a company spokesperson. Several years ago, Siemens Power Generation was on the verge of introducing large-scale stationary fuel cells that by themselves could power an entire data center, but it decided to hold off and invest in the next generation of fuel cell technology, leaving it out of the market until at least 2008, according to information on its Web site. Right now the two main players in the data center fuel cell market are UTC Power and American Power Conversion (APC). Each is targeting a distinctly different use of fuel cells. UTC Power offers a stationary, on-site fuel cell product called the PureCell 200 - - essentially a 17-foot long box that can be installed inside or outside your facility and generate 200 kilowatts of power. As you probably know, fuel cells need hydrogen to generate electricity, and the PureCell, like most on-site fuel cells of this magnitude, strips the needed element out of a piped-in supply of natural gas. Electricity (plus 925,000 BTUs per hour of heat—enough to keep your facility warm in the winter and provide enough hot water for even the most heavily caffeinated office) is generated using liquid phosphoric acid as an electrolyte. The phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) is a proven first-generation technology that has been in use at some pioneering facilities for a decade. The nation's largest such installation of PAFCs is in Garden City, NY, where Verizon has seven of UTC's 200-kW fuel cells powering a large call switching center and office building. Dennis Hughes, the lead property manager at the First National Bank of Omaha, has been using PAFCs made by UTC in his facility since it opened in 1999. "We have four fuel cells in the facility, but we only need two of those for our critical load," says Hughes. "We run all four fuel cells every day—what doesn't get used for critical load gets shared out for secondary load in the building. In the summertime, we will sometimes put our fuel cells only on critical load, let the rest be picked up by our three 1250-kW generators, and any excess power we have over we shove out through the transformers back to the grid." In this scenario, Hughes sees the grid mostly as an unlikely source of backup power should one of the two redundant natural gas feeds to the fuel cells fail at the same time his diesel generators and flywheels stop working. "We think of the electric grid as our third line of defense: fuel cells being first, generators being second, and commercial power being third place." Suffice it to say that your next credit card purchase isn't likely to be lost to a blackout.
  • 5. 5/9 "We were looking for a system that would take us at least 20 years from the time the building was built until we'd have to think about doing anything else," says Hughes. "We wanted a system that would have at least the 'five-nines' of availability that our mainframe has." First National's fuel cells give them an extra two-decimal-place cushion—99.99999% availability. As for cost, the fuel cells came out as winners when taking into account the cost of natural gas, excess power sold to the grid, and maintenance. It didn't hurt that the Department of Energy gave First National a rebate of $1,000 for every kilowatt of installed fuel cell power, either. The upfront cost of purchasing and installing a PAFC today is much higher than the cost of a diesel generator or gas turbine, but the 20-year payback is comparable due to the fuel cell's lower maintenance and better efficiency. For a facility with a noise or emissions restriction, a fuel cell like this becomes an especially attractive option. The only case in which a non-fuel-cell option within UTC's lineup is more efficient is if you intend for your on-site power source to provide cooling as well as heating byproducts; a gas turbine generator can typically run a chiller's compressor while simultaneously capturing useful waste heat more efficiently than a PAFC can perform these functions. On the horizon are solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC—the technology Siemens is betting on) and molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC), each of which offer even higher rates of efficiency than PAFCs, but have several stability problems to work out. inicio 4.-Standby: Fuel cells as secondary power sources Karim U. Khan, ContributerPublished: 05 Oct 2006Reprints This is part two of's update on fuel cell technology in the data center. Read part one here. Of course, if you feel good about the electricity you're already getting and merely need a source of standby power in the event of an outage, a 200-kW unit the size of a small shipping container is probably overkill. In June 2005, APC unveiled a rack-mountable fuel cell UPS compatible with its InfraStruXure power, cooling, management, and services architecture. The 10- kW systems can be stacked three-high for a total of 30 kilowatts of clean, green power. The InfraStruXure Fuel Cell is seen by the system it plugs into as an ordinary battery. Only you know that outside your building (for safety's sake) are several canisters of hydrogen ready deliver their contents to the fuel cell at a moment's notice. The technology employed is called Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)— the same technology used in fuel cell vehicles.
  • 6. 6/9 Tom Sperrey, managing director at UPS Systems plc, a vendor-neutral UPS reseller based about 70 miles west of London in the UK, is a proponent and user of standby fuel cells. "We'd been tracking fuel cell systems for about five years, and we made the decision a couple of years ago that it was time for us to get involved," he says, noting that the technology appeared then to make the leap from an expensive toy to a potentially useful solution for customers. One way a standby system based on a fuel cell can be useful is when other options aren't permitted, like at the small West London financial markets trader where Sperrey's company recently conducted an installation. "They are surrounded by residential premises on all sides—there is certainly nowhere to put a diesel generator," says Sperrey. "For them, a fuel cell was the ideal solution. We are constructing for them a brick-built hydrogen store with a slate roof to look like the rest of the building. The fuel cell is indoors. They would not get planning permission to put a diesel generator in or near the premises." But why not go with conventional batteries as a backup? "That was a path they looked at, in fact," Sperrey responds. "Initially they were going to go down the route of four hours worth of batteries. Two things put them off: one was the space it takes up in the computer room. The fuel cell system takes up one cabinet, and the batteries would need three 19-inch rack cabinets. They would have runtime that was limited to four hours, and they would then have a situation where for at least the hour following a four-hour outage, they would have no resilience—if the power were to fail a second time after coming back on, they would have been out of power. With a fuel cell system, they've still got full power." Each canister in the five-foot wide, head- height shed in the yard holds 10 kWh of hydrogen, or about nine hours of backup energy for the firm. Sperrey has also found that the costs come out well for fuel cells even over a 10-year period. Speaking of an analysis done for a hospital with a mandate to purchase equipment based solely on cost-effectiveness, Sperrey says that "bearing in mind batteries would need to be changed once in 10 years, and taking into account batteries' twice-yearly in-person maintenance checks, it was actually substantially less expensive to put in a fuel cell system than batteries." Even when considering a diesel generator, which is only two-thirds the cost of an equivalent fuel cell system, Sperrey says the comparison shows fuel cells are competitive: "Diesel engines have filters and oil to be changed, and in a fuel cell all you change are air filters, and you do a yearly calibration of the hydrogen sensor, so maintenance is not time consuming at all." For a location without a "green mandate," noise and emissions restrictions, or a need for more than "five-nines" of power availability, it's not likely that a fuel cell will be the best option—today. But with cost competitiveness already close and creeping closer as fuel cell efficiency increases and economies of scale
  • 7. 7/9 make the cells more affordable, it's not likely that the idea of a fuel cell as a viable option for powering and protecting your data center will fizzle out either. 5.- Clean Energy: Bloom Energy delivers Better Electrons™ All electrons are not created equal. Only Bloom Energy delivers electrons that are clean and reliable at the same time… and just for you. That makes them better electrons. Bloom Energy generates clean, reliable power onsite with minimal environmental impact, making the Bloom Energy Server one of the most sustainable solutions on the market today. When compared to alternative sources, Bloom delivers superior results, whether sustainability is measured in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, avoided air pollutants, reduced water use, small physical footprint, quiet operation, recyclability, high efficiency — or all of the above. Higher Efficiency Bloom Energy Servers convert natural gas or renewable biogas into electricity using a direct electrochemical reaction rather than combustion. This highly efficient process is not bound by the same thermodynamic constraints1 for creating electricity, and thus enables exceptionally high conversion efficiency. Today, Bloom ships systems with an industry-leading 60+ percent electrical efficiency, based on the lower heating value (LHV) of the fuel — a figure that has increased markedly since our first commercial shipments in 2008. Looking forward, we see a clear pathway to deliver even higher efficiency. By contrast, the average coal-fired power plant — with over a century of R&D behind it — converts only 33 percent of its energy input into electricity.2 Yet because no one wants a coal plant in their "backyard", this electricity must be transported over hundreds of miles of power lines, which lose a part of the produced power — anywhere from 7 - 10 percent in the developed world, and up to 50 percent3 in developing economies. Since Bloom Energy Servers typically generate power at the customer's site, energy is generated & provided directly where it is needed, thus avoiding these losses altogether. As the world transitions to a renewable energy future, the most sustainable pathway is to consume our precious resources more efficiently. It's also smarter — fuel savings mean saving money. Virtually no Smog Forming Particulates Bloom Energy Servers convert fuel into delivered electricity at the highest level of efficiency amongst commercially available technologies. Greater efficiency means less fuel consumed to produce the same output of electricity and that lower fuel consumption corresponds to less CO2 emitted. Even when compared to the most advanced, centralized combined cycle gas turbine power plants, Bloom has higher delivered electricity efficiency and therefore a lower CO2 footprint.
  • 8. 8/9 The flexibility of the Bloom Energy Server allows customers to dramatically reduce their carbon emissions while continuing to power their operations reliably. When fueled with biogas, the Bloom Energy Server provides 100 percent carbon neutral power generation. When powered by natural gas, it releases a fraction of the CO2 produced by coal-fired plants or even modern combined cycle natural gas plants, when one accounts for line losses (as recommended by regulators) . As businesses prepare for a carbon-constrained future, the Bloom Energy Server offers an elegant and flexible solution to meet a customer's sustainability needs. Low CO2 Emissions Because Bloom uses solid oxide fuel cell technology that converts fuel into electricity via an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion, Bloom Energy Servers virtually eliminate smog forming particulates and harmful NOx and SOx emissions that are emitted by conventional power plants. These invisible emissions cause smog, asthma, and harm human health5 . Bloom Servers also generate only a fraction of the carbon dioxide produced by a conventional modern power plant equipped with the best available control technology (BACT) — the US EPA's benchmark. Land Savings Large centralized power plants, whether they are gas fired, wind, solar or hydropower, require large land areas far from most population centers. The electricity they produce is diminished through transmission and distribution losses. The Bloom Energy Server, on the other hand, is a compact solution with units occupying only a slightly larger footprint than a parking space. They are located onsite — eliminating T&D losses — and are well-suited for urban environments. Bloom Energy Servers also deliver extraordinary water savings. Bloom's technology uses no water beyond a 240-gallon injection at start up. By comparison, the average U.S. coal plant uses 1.07 million gallons per 200 kW annually; and combined cycle natural gas plants use 648,240 gallons per 200
  • 9. 9/9 kW annually. A supermarket powered by a 200 kW Bloom Energy Server saves more than 1 million gallons a year. Additionally, the simple, modular, building-block architecture is easy to install and easy to buy. As your energy needs grow, Bloom can grow with you, all the while delivering clean, reliable electricity —the benefits of Better ElectronsTM inicio <<<<<*****>>>>> fam / Junio de 2013 Serán bienvenidos sus comentarios a: Presentaciones Técnicas disponibles para consulta y Noticias de meses previos en: Debe estar registrado como usuario. COMPARTA CON SUS COLABORADORES Y COLEGAS <<<<****>>>>