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Recap of Day 1
Your views on the private sector
In the presentations by the MEEA/Eguard (EIA consultants), and by
 What surprised you
 What you were pleased to hear
 What you disagreed with
 What you want to know more about
Write it down and share
Keypoint Opinion Poll
EIAs are useful when....
 The project is large/significant and long-term e.g. >10 years
 Large mine, hydropower dam
 The government/regulator e.g. Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) has the
necessary resources to ensure the EIA is carried out by the
company/3rd party correctly
 The company has the skills and budget to undertake the EIA
and the actions in the Environmental Management Plan
EIAs are NOT useful when….
 The projects are small, short-term e.g.
 Artisanal and small-scale mining
 Small guesthouse
 Light impact, temporary activity e.g.
 Exploration using aerial, seismic surveys
 (and possibly when) Activities are taking place in areas of weak/mixed
In situations like that, you need the government to:
 set clear and practical rules which the business and other stakeholders know
 Include them in the licence conditions
 Inspect and enforce
 Receive and act on complaints
Not “EIA and SIA”: In Myanmar, EIA covers environmental and
social impacts
EIA requires a single assessment, with
Gender Health Cultural
 To determine social impacts (Impacts on people), the
company/consultant needs to talk to people
 Social impacts, environmental impacts, health
impacts etc usually cannot be separated: a single
impact assessment is required, with relevant experts
 Not separate processes for Cultural Impact
Assessment, Health Impact Assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact
Assessment etc etc
Presentation by ECD
Presentation by CSOs (ECFD)
Coffee break
Community development, ‘CSR’,
social licence to operate, and EIA
Vicky Bowman
Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business
Hotel Htein Thar
4 October 2018
My presentation
 What is responsible business? တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ
 What is ‘CSR’ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးာစမမာစား၏ ေူမႈားရစတာာန္
 What is creating shared value အးမိစအျမတ္္ပြဲားဝအ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ
 What is social licence to operate ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ
 What are community development agreements (CDA)
 How are these activities connected to the EIA process?
Financial support from governments of:
• UK
• Norway
• Switzerland
• Netherlands
• Ireland
• Denmark (2014-2017)
MCRB aims to provide a trusted and impartial platform for the
creation of knowledge, building of capacity, undertaking of advocacy
and promotion of dialogue amongst businesses, civil society,
governments, experts and other stakeholders with the objective of
encouraging responsible business conduct throughout Myanmar.
သာစီးပာစားရစးအဖပြဲဲအသည္စမမာစားအရီး္ဖး္းအဖပြဲဲအသည္စ ွေု့္္းအသိရစရ အဖပြဲဲအသည္စ
မမာစအးာစးတာဝန္ယူမွေရးရွေိား ားသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စမမာစဆိရု္ရာီးညာားာ၊ ဗဟရ
ရတရရွေိားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စားအရည္အား ပစးျမု့္္မာစားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စာ
ွေသ္ဦစ ွေသ္ဖး္အးာစ ားဆပစား ပစညိ ိႈု္စမႈမမာစ ျဖသ္ားီးႈောားသရန္ ွေု့္္ ျမန္မာ
နိရု္ုသတပု္ တာဝန္ယူမႈရွေိား ားသာစီးပာစားရစးေရီး္ုန္စမမာစားီးႈးပန္စောားရစ
အတပး္အမမာစ ား၏းယရသးည္မႈးိရးရရွေိား ား မာ မတ္းမား ားအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စ
တသ္ရီး္းျဖသ္ားီးႈးောားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စးရည္ရပယ္ဖပြဲဲသည္စ္ြဲ့္ီးည ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
Responsible business means business conduct that works for the
long-term interests of Myanmar and its people, based on responsible
social and environmental performance within the context of
international standards.
တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ားသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးဆရိ ည္မွော သသ္မိန္သသ ႈန္စ မမာစ ွေု့္္ အညာ
တာဝန္ယူမႈရွေိား ာ ေူမႈားရစ ွေု့္္း ာဝီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ဆိရို္ရာ ားဆာု္ရပး္္မး္
မမာစ းရိးားေစသာစးေရိး္နားမု္ သရစ၍ ျမန္မာ ရို္ုသ ွေု့္္ ေူးရား၏ ားရရွေည္းအးမိစ
သာစီးပာစမမာစအတပး္ ားဆာု္ရပး္ား ာ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ ေရီး္ားဆာု္မႈမမာစးရိး
ဆရိေရိီးည ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
No. 6.A Shin Saw Pu Rd,
Ahlone, Yangon
Tel/Fax: 01 01-512613
UN Guiding Principles on
Business & Human Rights (2011)
Pillar 2 (respect)
Pillar 3 (remedy)
ရီးိရု္္ပု့္္• းိ္ိရး္နသ္နာမႈမမာစာ အ္ပု့္္အားရစ
္မိစားဖား္မႈ မမာစးိရ
ားရွောု္းက္ရန္ းိတု္သမ္စသသ္ာ
• း္ားရား္းိ္ိရး္မႈမမာစးိရားျဖ
Pillar 1 (protect)
• မားးာု္စား ာ
ီးညး းိ္ိရး္မႈးိရ
• ု့္္တု္ားေမား္ီးတ္ား ာ
မူဝညဒ မမာစ ္မမွေတ္ရန္
• နည္စကီးားဒ သည္စမမက္စမမာစ
ု့္္အားရစ ွေု့္္ သာရု္
Sector Wide Impact Assessments
Briefing papers for Business
(in MM and EN)
What Does a ‘Responsible Business’ Do?
• Respects human rights
• Obeys the law
• Doesn’t pay bribes or tea money
• Pays its taxes
• Respects its employees
• Respects the environment
• Treats other businesses
• Treats its customers responsibly
• Transparent
• Responds to and engages with
stakeholders 15
• ေူ႔အ္ပု့္္အားရစမမာစးိရားေစသာစ
• ကီးားဒးိရားေစသာစေိရး္နာ
• ော ္ားီးစော ္ယူ ( ိရ႔) ေး္ဖး္ရည္ဖိရစားီးစတာမမိစမေရီး္
• အ္ပန္ားဆာု္
• ၎ား၏အေရီး္ မာစမမာစးိရားေစသာစ
• ာာီးညတ္ာန္စးမု္းိရားေစသာစ
• အျ္ာစသာစီးပာစားရစမမာစးိရ တာာန္ယူမႈာ တာာန္ ိမႈျဖု့္္ဆး္ဆသ
• ၎ား၏ Customer (ားသမစာယ္ ူ ားဖား္ ည္)မမာစးိရ
တာာန္ယူမႈာ တာာန္ ိမႈျဖု့္္ဆး္ဆသ
• ီးပု့္္ေု္စျမု္ ာမႈ
• း္ဆိရု္ ူမမာစ ွေု့္္ ္မိတ္ဆး္ားဆာု္ရပး္
CSR 1.0 – donations, philanthropy
CSR 2.0 – includes responsible behaviour
CSR 3.0 - ‘creating shared value’ (CSV) –
business activity which is good for profit,
good for society
Very confusing!!!!
That’s why MCRB tries to avoid using the
word ‘CSR’ and believes it should NOT be
included in Myanmar
A definition of CSR 2.0
The EU definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
“the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on
သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးာစမမာစား၏ ေူမႈားရစတာာန္ (CSR)
“ေူမႈအ ိရု္စအာိရု္စအားီးႈ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စမမာစား၏
း္ားရား္မႈမမာစအတပး္ တာာန္ယူမႈ”
(2011 EU policy on CSR with reference to UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,
သာစီးပာစားရစ ွေု့္္ ေူ႔အ္ပု့္္အားရစဆိရု္ရာ းရေ မဂၢးမူား ာု္သည္စမမက္စမမာစ းိရ းိရစးာစ၍ EU ၏ CSR မူ၀ါဒ)
Another way to think about it….
What is compulsory, obligatory, required by law?
What makes sense for the business to do
voluntarily – part of their business?
What is charity/philanthropy – donations?
The Spectrum of Corporate (Social)
Compliance i.e.
obeying the law
Responsible Business Conduct
တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စား၏
Connected to
business activity
Creating Shared
ဝအ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ
ီးရ၊ ဗဟိတမမာစေရီး္ားဆာု္ျ္ု္စ
Disaster relief
ာဝား စအ ၱရာယ္ဆိရု္ရာ
Voluntary: requires
additional effort or budget
Creating Shared Value ‘CSV’
Creating Shared Value is the development of business strategies
that are both profit making and respond to social needs
A bank develops mobile
money services which
are accessible and
affordable for those
without access to bank
A hotel trains and provides initial
support to local farmers to grow
vegetables safely, and buys them
for use in their catering. The
farmers sell the excess production
on the wider market.
A hotel trains local
young people in
English and hospitality
skills and offers all of
them jobs on
A company making
toothpaste and
soap runs a
programme in
schools on
handwashing and
oral hygiene
Myanmar Shared Value Example – Supply
Heineken and Building Markets:
Support for local SME supply chain
• Heineken partnership with Building Markets (BM)
• Aim: create jobs for communities living around the
brewery in Shwepyitha
• BM builds capacity of local SMEs to produce
competitive bids that can win Heineken tendering
processes for services e.g. cleaning, gardening
• BM trains local SMEs in:
• business management
• To submit tenders
• to meet their contractual commitments, including
compliance with labour laws, localisation of
recruitment and remuneration, and safety
When companies buy from local supply chains, they
create ‘indirect’ and ‘induced’ economic impacts
Daewoo hires
Cho Supply
Kyaukphyu (CSK)
to supply
offshore meals
fish from
from local
CSK hires
from local
gets a
takes a
trishaw to
What else?
worker buys
a house for
his family
buys ‘shwe
yin aye’ for
his children
family visits
a ‘mohinga’
shop for
goes to a
family buys
from local
Direct Effects
Companies can ‘create shared value’ by actively building local supply
chains. This will be better for the local economy
Economic Impacts of Travel & Tourism
Source: World Travel and Tourism Council – Economic Impact 2015 Myanmar
The Total Direct + Indirect + induced effect of the Travel & Tourism (T&T) Sector on Myanmar’s GDP is twice
as large as its Direct Effect
Direct Effects
• Accommodatio
• Transportation
• Food &
• Entertainment
• Services
• Shopping
• Others
Indirect Effects
• Spending by
• Spending by
• Spending by
• Investment in
• Government
spending in
• Others
Induced Effects
• Spending by
direct and
employees on
‒ Food
‒ Recreation
‒ Clothing
‒ Household
‒ Others
(Almost) all companies want a ‘Social Licence to Operate’
• Related to how much stakeholders like and trust the
company – especially community trust
• Cannot be written down on paper – so should NOT
be included in any laws
• Difficult to obtain
• Easy to lose
ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ
ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ
 Gaining a ‘social licence to operate’ is about:
 First addressing negative impacts (EIA)
 Then increasing positive impacts through community development
 Do no harm - not cause conflict between, or within communities, or corruption
 Gaining a ‘social licence to operate’ requires
 Listening to all important stakeholders’ needs and views, not just those with the loudest voice
 Mutual respect and trust,
 Communication - stakeholder engagement
 Company personnel need to understand that
 They are guests in the community and should observe a ‘code of conduct’
 All company employees (operations, procurement, safety) and all subcontractors are responsible
for gaining and retaining the companies social licence to operate.
 Activities to gain social licence (e.g. support to local SMEs, training) may have an upfront cost, but
should generate longer term profit/benefit for the company, making them sustainable and
supported by top management
Stakeholder Engagement, Consultation
and Disclosure in Myanmar
Compulsory legal requirement Voluntary activity
Consultation Disclosure Structured Unstructured
- Consultation
ု္စ ာစ Article 5
of Protection of
Rights of National
Races Law (2015)
- EIA Public
minimum 2
(IEE) or 3 (EIA)
Project Summary for
MIC Permits
- Disclosure of draft
EIA on company
website 15 days after
submitting to ECD
- Publication of Six
monthly EMP
Monitoring reports
- Annual
Sustainability Report
(Article 196 of Myanmar
Investment Rules (2017))
- Operational Grievance
Mechanism (OGM)
- Community
Development Agreement
- Community
Shared Value Strategy
- Stakeholder
consultation for
Materiality reporting
- Newsletters, websites,
- Noticeboards
- Drop-in ‘shopfronts’ and
company offices in the
- Community liaison officers
All this counts as
Structuring company-community relations through a
Community Development Agreement
• Community Development Agreement
• Community Development Initiatives
• Voluntary Agreements
• Indigenous Land Use Agreements
• Partnering or Partnership Agreements
• Community Contracts
• Landowner Agreements
• Shared Responsibilities Agreement
• Community Joint Venture Agreements
• Empowerment Agreements
• Exploration Agreements (Canada)
• Impact Benefit Agreements (Canada)
• Social Trust Funds (Peru)
• Investment Agreements (Mongolia)
• Benefits Sharing Agreements (Chile)
• Social Responsibility Agreements
• Participation Agreements
• Socio-economic Monitoring Agreements
(List adapted
from the World
Bank’s “Mining
Agreements -
Experiences and
Field Studies”,
CDAs are best for long-term
projects, involving natural resources
• Large scale mines or oil and gas
• Hydropower dams
Different reasons for Community Development Agreements
• National legal obligation on companies to formally enter into a CDA.
• Papua New Guinea (Mining Act 1992);
• Mongolia (Rio Tinto, Oyu Tolgoi copper mine)
• Companies seeking access to Indigenous lands to negotiate the
conditions of access, or use, with the traditional custodians of that land
• e.g. Australia (Native Title Act 1996), Canada (agreements with First
• Significant previous conflict involving the company and local
communities. An agreement has been negotiated in an effort to resolve
these conflicts e.g. Tintaya copper mine Peru (BHPBilliton)
• Because it strengthens the social licence to operate e.g. Ahafo gold
mine, Ghana (Newmont)
CDA example: 2015 Oyu Tolgoi Cooperation Agreement?
• Agreement between Oyu Tolgoi LLC and its partner
• Provides a strong governance structure for Oyu Tolgoi and
local communities to achieve more effective cooperation
and address mutual obligations
• Sets out how the parties will work together towards
sustainable development in important areas such as water,
environment, pastureland management, cultural heritage,
tourism, local business development and procurement.
• Under the agreement, Oyu Tolgoi will make a contribution
of US$5 million every year to a Development Support Fund
(DSF) – administered jointly between Oyu Tolgoi and the
Community – for community programmes and projects
Issues that can be addressed in CDA negotiations
1. Engagement processes and mechanisms: What form will negotiations take, what form
is most culturally appropriate, accessible, etc.
2. Environmental, social and cultural impact mitigation and compensation
3. Access arrangements: to land, e.g. for exploration, etc.
4. Employment, training, business development and procurement: Critical to delivering
benefits, but requires careful planning and realism
5. Investment in social and economic infrastructure and institutions: Should be based on a
participatory diagnosis of needs, and involve partners with requisite skills
6. Financial payments and disbursements: e.g. towards a community development fund
7. Reciprocal obligations of parties: To one another as part of the agreement
8. Governance arrangements: issues such as representation of parties, mechanisms to
resolve disputes/grievances, etc.
Potential benefits of CDAs
Benefits for Communities Benefits for Mining Company Benefits for Government
 Recognition of status as
owners of the land
 Acknowledgement of
 Compensation for damage,
disruption, changes
 Development benefits
 Greater clarity around
company commitments
 Greater security of access to
land and resources
 Greater clarity around
company obligations
 Reduced conflict and
 Greater community
acceptance of mining
 Increased development
contributions from
companies, and possibility
for government to ‘leverage’
 Greater security for
generation of tax and royalty
Provides a framework for ongoing community-company
2015 Protection of the Rights of National Races Law
 Article 5 ‘hta-nay tain-yin-tha ‘should receive complete and precise
information about extractive industry projects and other business
activities in their areas before project implementation so that negotiations
between the groups and the Government/companies can take place.’
 ပုဒ္မ (၅) “ဌာေ နတုု္္ ု္္းာ္ မာ္းည္ ယု္္နတုု၏ ေဒး ယ္ေမေနမု္္ းဘာ၀
းယံဇာနမာ္ နူ္ေဖာ္ ုန္တုပ္မ္မႈႏု္ွင့္ ေခာ္စ္ပမာ္ေ ္တုပ္ု ္္မာ္ မစနု္မ
ၿပ္ပည္ွင့္စံုၿပ္ နတကေးာ းနု္္ေခက္ေတက္မာ္ ႈႏတ ္ တတုေပ္ေကာု္္၊
းတုုမႈႏးာ ေစတု္ းတုုမဟုန္ ကုမၸဏမာ္မႈႏု္ွင့္ ေဒးခံမာ္ေကာ္ ေဆမ္ေမမ္မ္မာ္
ပတုပ္မတုု္မည္ဖစ္ေကာု္္ ပါ ႈႏတပါးည္။
2017 Myanmar Investment Rule 61
61. The (Myanmar Investment) Commission will consult with other Authorities as necessary or desirable in the conduct of the
assessment of a Proposal, and all such Authorities shall be required to make relevant personnel and other resources available.
Where the Investment may be subject to the Law on the Rights of Protection of Ethnic Nationalities 2015, the Commission will
consider any specific consultations that may be required with the relevant State or Regional Government or other stakeholders as
part of the assessment process or in connection with any conditions to be included in the Permit. 35
Difference between EIA and community development
 EIA: Companies must identify all potential negative impacts and project
affected persons and take measures to
 Avoid
 Reduce
 Mitigate
 Offset
 Companies can/are advise to support community development, and
‘create shared value’ to gain and retain their social licence to operate e.g
 Buy from local suppliers and develop their capability
 Support education of local people so that they can work in
 Sponsor local community and cultural events
Measures to mitigate the company’s
negative impacts
 Compulsory, legal requirement
 Identified in EIA, focussed on
impacts of the project
 Included in Environment (and Social)
Management Plan
 Needed to obtain legal licence or
Environmental Compliance
 Based on consultation of project
affected persons
 Often needs immediate action
 6 month monitoring report to be
CSR/CSV and philanthropy to address wider
social issues
 Voluntary
 Not about social impacts of project but wider
social issues, identified through discussion
and experience
 May delivers business benefits (CSV) or be
unconnected philanthropic
 (Ideally) undertaken a part of a
‘CSR/CSV/social investment’ strategy
 (Ideally) consulted on with
 Builds trust to obtain/retain a ‘social licence
to operate’
 May be no government involvement
 Transparency desirable (and useful:
Compulsory Impact Mitigation or Voluntary ‘CSR’
MCRB’s view is that details of community development (“CSR”)
should not be included in an EIA because….
 Myanmar’s 2015 EIA Procedure does not mention ‘community development’ (or ‘CSR’).
 Adding it makes the EIA process even more complex, both for ECD, and investors.
 ECD/MONREC is not qualified or resources to approve an appropriate community development
 EIA/EMP should identify/address the potential negative environmental and social impacts of a project
 EIA is done by 3rd party EIA consultants, with expertise to identify the project’s negative impacts
 Community development programmes should be designed and agreed directly between the company
and the local stakeholders.
 Agreements should involve ongoing community company engagement to build trust.
 Community Development Plans should be adaptable, based on feedback from the community and
changed circumstances, not included in a contract with government (an Environmental Compliance
Certificate is a legal contract).
My final message before lunch
When it comes to community
development and building a
social licence to operate, what is
important is not “HOW MUCH?”
but “HOW?”
The Spectrum of Corporate (Social)
Compliance i.e.
obeying the law
Responsible Business Conduct
တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စား၏
Connected to
business activity
Creating Shared
အ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ
ီးရ၊ ဗဟိတမမာစေရီး္ားဆာု္ျ္ု္စ
Disaster relief
ာဝား စအ ၱရာယ္ဆိရု္ရာ
Voluntary: requires
additional effort or budget
1 2 3
Interactive exercise:
Place examples 1-30 in the relevant area: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Connected to
business activity
Voluntary: requires
additional effort or budget
3: philanthropy
4: Other – e.g.
1. A coal mining company covers its
lorries that carry coal to reduce dust
pollution and respiratory problems for
nearby villagers.
၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားးမား္မာစား ပစတူစားဖာ္ားရစ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အနာစအနာစ ရွေိ
ရပာ ူရပာ ာစမမာစ အ း္ရႈေမ္စားးာု္စ ဆရို္ရာ ားရာဂညျီး နာမမာစ
ျဖသ္ီးပာစျ္ု္စ ွေု့္္ ဖရန္းျ္ု္စ ားေးရညသ္ညမ္စျ္ု္စ တိရ႔းိရ ားေမာ့္္မရန္ အတပး္
၎ ား၏ မာစား ပစ ယ္ားဆာု္ ည့္္ ယာက္မမာစးိရ ဖသရစအရီး္းာစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
2. A hotel provides funds and training
for local farmers to grow safe vegetables
which they buy some of for their
၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးာရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ အာစ းမန္စမာားရစ အရ
ေသရ္သသိတ္္မ ရ ည့္္ ၊ ဗဟု္စ ာစ၊ ဗဟု္စရပး္မမာစ သိရး္ီးမိစရန္ အတပး္
ားုပားးစအားးား္အီးသ ွေု့္္ ု္တန္စမမာစ ားးား္ီးသားီးစီးာစ းရိ၊ ဗဟိရတယ္ း
းရိေယ္ မာစမမာစ းသမွေ ာစ ွေသးပး္းရန္ အ္မိဲ းိရ အားးပမစအားမပစ
ီးိရု္စဆရို္ရာ အတပး္ ျီးန္ေည္ ဝယ္ယူျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
3. A large bank provides scholarships for
poor students in rural and urban areas.
၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဏ္ႀးာစ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားးမစေး္ားတာနယ္ ွေု့္္ မိဲ ျီးားဒ ရွေိ
ဆု္စရြဲ ပမ္စီးညစား ာ ားးမာု္စ ူားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစ အတပး္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရ
4. A supermarket offers space to social
enterprises once a month to sell
၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ သူီးညမာစးတ္ႀးာစ တသ္္ရ ည္ ေူမႈ အးမိစျီး သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ းိရ
၎တရိ႔ား၏ ေး္မႈီးသၥည္စမမာစ ္ု္စးမု္စ ားရာု္စ္မရန္အတပး္ တသ္ေ တသ္္ည
ားနရာ ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
5. A newspaper prints regular articles about
labour law and human trafficking.
၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ တရာစမဝု္ ေူးရန္းူစ ည့္္ အားးာု္စအရာမမာစ ွေု့္္ အေရီး္ မာစကီးားဒ
ဆရို္ရာ ားဆာု္စီးညစမမာစးိရ တု္စသာတသ္ားသာု္ း ီးသရမွေန္ ီးသရ ွေိီး္းရတ္ားဝျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
6. A cement quarrying company trains local
people to work as security guards
၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ ိေီး္ားျမ ားးမား္မရို္စတူစ ည့္္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ မမာစ းိရ
ေသရ္သားရစဝန္းမ္စမမာစ အျဖသ္ အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ ရို္ရန္ အတပး္ ု္တန္စားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
7. A ruby mining company in Mogok builds a
pagoda and monastery.
၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ မရိစးရတ္ ရွေိ ားးမား္ျမတ္ီးတၱျမာစတူစားဖာ္ ည့္္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ရရာစ
တည္ ရန္စႀးာစားးမာု္စ ားဆား္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
8. A pesticides company trains farmers to
use the correct amount of its product.
၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးိရစ တ္ားဆစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးသၥည္စးိရ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ
မွေန္းန္တိးမ ည့္္ အ္မိစအသာစ ႈန္စ ျဖု့္္ အ သရစျီး ိရု္ရန္ အတပး္
9. A telecommunications company
contractually requires their business
partners e.g. teashops selling top-up cards
to not employ children under 14.
၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဆး္ ပယ္ားရစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ ား၏ သာစီးပာစမိတ္ဖး္မမာစ းိရ သာ္မီး္
္မီး္ဆရိ၍ ေရိး္နာားဆာု္ရပး္ားသျ္ု္စ ကီးမာ ားုပျဖည့္္းတ္မမာစ ားရာု္စ္မ ည့္္
ေး္ဖး္ရည္ဆရို္မမာစ းိရ အ း္၁၄ ွေသ္ားအား္ းားေစုယ္မမာစးိရ အေရီး္
္န္႔အီး္ျ္ု္စ မျီးရန္ဲ့ပါသည္။
10. A factory gives scholarships to local high
school children to enable them to complete
10th standard.
၁ာဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ အးး္တန္စားးမာု္စ ူားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစးိရ ၁ာ
တန္စ ီးာစားျမား္ားအာု္ တး္ားရား္ ရို္ားသရန္ အတပး္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရားီးစအီး္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
11. A bottled water company distributes
bottled water for flood relief victims
၁၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားရ န္႔ ူစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ားရား စဒရးက ည္မမာစ အတပး္ ားရ န္႔ ူစမမာစ
12. A hotel provides free of charge facilities
to the government for a conference on
sustainable tourism
၁၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ အသရိစရ း းမု္စီး ည့္္ ားရရွေည္တည္တသား ာ ္ရာစ ပာစေရီး္ုန္စ
ညွေိ ႈို္စားဆပစား ပစီးပြဲ တသ္္ရအတပး္ အ္မ္စအနာစ ားနရာ အ သရစအားဆာု္မမာစ းိရ
၊ ဗဟရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ္ားးစားုပ မားတာု္စ္သ ြဲ ားးား္ီးသားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
13. A hotel provides free of charge facilities
to the government for an ASEAN counter-
terrorism conference
၁၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ အသရိစရ း းမု္စီး ည့္္ အာဆာယသ အးမ္စဖး္ဝညဒတရိး္ဖမး္ားရစ ားဆပစား ပစီးပြဲ
ညာော္သ ျဖသ္ားျမား္ားရစ အတပး္ အ္မ္စအနာစ ားနရာ အ သရစအားဆာု္မမာစ းိရ
၊ ဗဟရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ္ားးစားုပ မားတာု္စ္သ ြဲ ားးား္ီးသားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
14. An engineering company runs a
competition for three scholarships each year
for graduate study in engineering in Australia
and offers them all jobs after their training.
One of the winning students is the Minister’s
၁၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ အု္ဂမု္နာယာ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ သားတစေမ ိရု္ုသတပု္ အု္ဂမု္နာယာ
ာ ာရီး္းိရ ားေ့္ော ု္ယူ ရိ္ု္ရန္ အတပး္ ွေသ္သက္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရ သရစ ဆရ
ားီးစအီး္ ည့္္ ီးို္ီးပြဲ းိရးမု္စီး ားီးစီးာစ းရိ ူတရိ႔ ု္တန္စီးာစဆသရစ ည့္္ အ္ညတပု္
အေရီး္အးရို္ားီးစအီး္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးညာ ု္ဆရရရွေိ ပာစ ည့္္ ားးမာု္စ ူ
ားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစးြဲမွေ တသ္ားယား္ ည္ ဝန္ႀးာစတသ္ားယား္ ား၏ မာစ ျဖသ္ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
15. A new distillery installs a waste water
treatment plant
၁၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ အရး္္မး္ သး္ရသရ သ္တသ္္ရ ည္ ားရဆရိစားရညသ္ န္႔သု္ ည့္္
သး္ရသရတသ္္ရ တည္ားဆား္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
16. An airline sponsors an art festival and
provides free tickets and freight for
international exhibitors
၁၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားေားးာု္စ ေရို္စ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ ရီးညာျီးီးပြဲတ္ရ းိရ ားးား္ီးသ ားီးစီးာစ
ရိ္ု္ုသတးာ ျီးီးပြဲတု္ဆး္ ူမမာစအတပး္ အ္မြဲ့္ ားေယာက္ေတ္မွေတ္ မမာစ
ားီးစအီး္ီးာစ းရန္သည္မမာစ အ္မြဲ့္ ယ္ားဆာု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
17. A quarry contributes rocks and
machinery to repair a local road used only
by villagers which was damaged by floods.
၁၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားရႀးာစမႈားးာု့္္ ီးမး္သာစ ပာစ ည့္္ ရပာ ာစမမာစ ာ အ သရစျီး ည့္္ ေမ္စးိရ
ျီးန္ေည္ျီးု္ဆု္ရန္ အတပး္ ားးမား္မိရု္စတပု္စေရီး္ုန္စ တသ္္ရ ည္
ားးမား္တသရစမမာစ ွေု့္္ သး္ီးသၥည္စမမာစ ျဖု့္္ းည့္္ဝု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
18. A factory recycles 80% of its water, in
accordance with its Environmental
Management Plan
၁၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ သာမသ္န္႔္ပြဲမႈ အသာအသက္ ွေု့္္ အညာ
၎သး္ရသရ ား၏ ားရ ၈ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စးိရ ျီးန္ေည္အ သရစျီး ရို္ရန္ န္႔သု္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
19. A factory recycles 90% of its water –
its commitment in its Environmental
Management Plan is 80%
၁၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ သာမသ္န္႔္ပြဲမႈ အသာအသက္ အရ
ားရျီးန္ေည္ န္႔သု္ အ သရစျီးရန္ ေရီး္ားဆာု္မည္၊ ဗဟရ းတိးဝတ္ျီးးာစ ည္
မွော ၈ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စ ျဖသ္ား ာ္ေည္စ တးယ့္္ေး္ားတပ႔ တပု္ ၉ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စ
ျီးန္ေည္ အ သရစျီး ရို္ရန္ န္႔သု္ ရို္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
20. A company establishes village level
development funds in an area where it is
thinking of investing which provides loans for
၂ာဲ့ပါသည္။ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အား စသာစသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စသရမမာစ အတပး္ ား္မစားုပ
အားးား္အီးသားီးစ ည့္္ ေရီး္ုန္စတပု္ ရု္စ ွောစျမွေီး္ ွေသရန္ သက္စသာစားန ည့္္ ားနရာ
တသ္္ရတပု္ ရီး္ရပာအဆု့္္ ဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္မႈ ရန္ီးသရားုပ တည္ားးာု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
21. A soft drink factory gives drinks for the
local football tournament
၂၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ အ္မိရည္ သး္ရသရတသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ တပု္စ ား ာေသရစ ီးို္ီးပြဲ တပု္ အ္မိရည္
အားအစမမာစ ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
22. An advertising company provides free
public litter bins and contributes to costs of
collection. The bins carry advertisements for
the company’s clients.
၂၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားးာ္ုားရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အမမာစျီးည္ ူ အ သရစျီး ရို္ ည့္္
အမႈိး္ီးသရစမမာစးိရ အ္မြဲ့္ းာစ းာစားီးစီးာစ အမႈိး္ ိမ္စဆည္စ ည့္္
းရန္းမသရိတ္းိရေည္စ ီးညဝု္ားးား္ီးသျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ းရိ အမႈိး္ီးသရ အားီးႈတပု္
၎းရမၸဏာား၏ ားဖား္ ည္မမာစ ား၏ ားးာုာမမာစ းီး္းာစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
23. A 5 year old apartment block installs
solar panels on its roof to reduce grid
electricity usage
၂၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ ေမွေီး္သသ္အ သရစျီး္းိရ ားေမာ့္္မရန္ အတပး္ း္တမ္စ ၅ ွေသ္ းာီးာ ျဖသ္ ည့္္
အားဆား္အအသရ ည္ ဆရိောျီးာစမမာစ တီး္ဆု္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
24. A petrol station donates lunch to a local
primary school once a month with a
combination of staff and company donations.
၂၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဓာတ္ဆာဆရို္ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစ ွေု့္္ းရမၸဏာ ား၏ အေွေွဴားုပ
သရားီးညု္စျဖု့္္ ေသက္ ားဒ တပု္စ မူေတန္စားးမာု္စ းိရ ားန႔ေည္သာ အေွေွဴ
25. A local construction company donates
30,000 kyats a month to the village
development fund. The headman says the
company can take sand from the beach.
၂၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ ျီးည္တပု္စ ားဆား္ေရီး္ားရစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ရီး္ရပာဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္ားရစ ရန္ီးသရားုပ အတပး္
ေသက္ းမီး္ားုပ ၃ာာာာ ေွေွဴဒညန္စ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ အဆရိီးည ရီး္ရပာ အႀးာစအးြဲ ည္ းမ္စားျ္ရွေိ ြဲမမာစးိရ
းရမၸဏာမွေ းရတ္ယူ ိရ ည္ ၊ ဗဟရ ားျီးားာစ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
26. A mining company donates 500,000 kyats
per year to the village development fund whose
head is required to sign off in support of the
၂၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ တၱတပု္စ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ရီး္ရပာဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္ားရစ ရန္ီးသရားုပ အတပး္ တသ္ ွေသ္းိရ
ေွေွဴဒညန္စားုပ ၅ာာ,ာာာ းမီး္ ေွေွဴဒညန္စ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ ိရ႔ား ာ္ းရိ ရီး္ရပာ အႀးာစအးြဲ ည္
တၱတပု္စးိရ ားးား္္သားးာု္စ ေတ္မွေတ္ားရစးရိစ ရန္ ေရိအီး္ားီး ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
27. A company builds new houses for ten
villagers who had to move as a result of road
widening to their factory.
၂၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ား၏ သး္ရသရ ားးာု့္္ ေမ္စ္မြဲဲ းပု္ ္ြဲ့္ရာ တပု္ ားျီးာု္စားရ္ဲ ္ြဲ့္ရား ာ
ရပာ ူရပာ ာစ ၁ာ ားယား္နာစီးညစ အတပး္ အိမ္အ သ္မမာစ တည္ားဆား္ားီးစ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
28. An airport company which compulsorily
acquired land from farmers provides them with
training to work in the airport as gardeners and
security guards.
၂၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားေဆိီး္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ းသမွေ ားျမားနရာမမာစ းိရ မျဖသ္မားန ိမ္စယူ
္ြဲ့္ရီးာစ းရိ ေယ္ မာစမမာစးိရ ားေဆိီး္တပု္ ကယာက္မွေွဴစမမာစ ွေု့္္ ေသရ္သားရစ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစ အျဖသ္
အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ ရို္ရန္ အတပး္ ု္တန္စားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
29. A factory does not charge its staff for the
personal protection equipment (PPE) that they
need for their job.
၂၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစးိရ အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ရာတပု္ အ သရစျီး ရိ္ု္ရန္ တးိရယ္ားရ ေရီး္ုန္စ္ပု္
အးာအးပယ္ီးသၥည္စ းိရိယာမမာစ အတပး္ သး္ရသရမွေ အ္ားးစားုပ မယူျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
30. As a result of its EIA/feasibility study, a
hydropower project changes the route of a
road to the dam, at $80,000 extra cost, so that
five farmers do not lose their houses and land.
၃ာဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ း္ားရား္မႈ ားေ့္ောဆန္စသသ္ျ္ု္စာ ျဖသ္ ရို္ား္မ ရွေိာ မရွေိ ားေ့္ောဆန္စသသ္ျ္ု္စ
မွေ ရရွေိ ည့္္ အားျဖမမာစ အရ ားရအာစေမွေီး္သသ္ သာမသးိန္စ ည္ ည္ ဆည္ ိရ႔ ပာစားရား္ ရို္ ည့္္
ေမ္စားးာု္စးိရ ားဒႈော ၈ာ,ာာာ အီးိရ အးရန္အးမ္သ ီးာစ ားျီးာု္စေြဲေရိး္ားီး ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ းရိ ရိ႔
ျီးေရီး္ေရိး္ျ္ု္စ အာစျဖု့္္ ေယ္ မာစ ၅ ားယား္ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ ား၏ အိမ္မမာစ ွေု့္္ ားျမမမာစ မဆသရစရႈသစ

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4. vicky bowman eia and social licence to operate as delivered taunggyi

  • 2. Your views on the private sector presentations….. In the presentations by the MEEA/Eguard (EIA consultants), and by Shwetaung/Apache…..  What surprised you  What you were pleased to hear  What you disagreed with  What you want to know more about Write it down and share 2
  • 4. EIAs are useful when....  The project is large/significant and long-term e.g. >10 years e.g  Large mine, hydropower dam  The government/regulator e.g. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) has the necessary resources to ensure the EIA is carried out by the company/3rd party correctly  The company has the skills and budget to undertake the EIA and the actions in the Environmental Management Plan 4
  • 5. EIAs are NOT useful when….  The projects are small, short-term e.g.  Artisanal and small-scale mining  Small guesthouse  Light impact, temporary activity e.g.  Exploration using aerial, seismic surveys  (and possibly when) Activities are taking place in areas of weak/mixed governance In situations like that, you need the government to:  set clear and practical rules which the business and other stakeholders know about  Include them in the licence conditions  Inspect and enforce  Receive and act on complaints 5
  • 6. Not “EIA and SIA”: In Myanmar, EIA covers environmental and social impacts 6 MyanmarEnvironmentalImpactAssessmentProcedure(2015) Article2(h)EnvironmentalImpactmeanstheprobableeffectsorconsequence onthenaturalandbuiltenvironment,andpeopleandcommunitiesofa proposedProjectorbusinessesoractivitiesorundertaking.Impactscanbe directorindirect,cumulative,andpositiveoradverseorboth.Forpurposesof thisProcedure,EnvironmentalImpactsincludeoccupational,social,cultural, socio-economical,publicandcommunityhealth,andsafetyissues.Moreover, socialimpactsincludeInvoluntaryResettlementandrelatingtoIndigenous People.
  • 7. EIA requires a single assessment, with specialists 7 Impact s Gender Health Cultural Enviro nment Human Rights Economic Impact Assessment  To determine social impacts (Impacts on people), the company/consultant needs to talk to people  Social impacts, environmental impacts, health impacts etc usually cannot be separated: a single impact assessment is required, with relevant experts  Not separate processes for Cultural Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment etc etc
  • 8. Presentation by ECD Presentation by CSOs (ECFD) Coffee break
  • 9. Community development, ‘CSR’, social licence to operate, and EIA Vicky Bowman Director, Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business Hotel Htein Thar Taunggyi 4 October 2018
  • 10. My presentation  What is responsible business? တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ  What is ‘CSR’ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးာစမမာစား၏ ေူမႈားရစတာာန္  What is creating shared value အးမိစအျမတ္္ပြဲားဝအ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ  What is social licence to operate ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ  What are community development agreements (CDA)  How are these activities connected to the EIA process? 10
  • 11. Founders: Financial support from governments of: • UK • Norway • Switzerland • Netherlands • Ireland • Denmark (2014-2017) MCRB aims to provide a trusted and impartial platform for the creation of knowledge, building of capacity, undertaking of advocacy and promotion of dialogue amongst businesses, civil society, governments, experts and other stakeholders with the objective of encouraging responsible business conduct throughout Myanmar. သာစီးပာစားရစးအဖပြဲဲအသည္စမမာစားအရီး္ဖး္းအဖပြဲဲအသည္စ ွေု့္္းအသိရစရ အဖပြဲဲအသည္စ မမာစအးာစးတာဝန္ယူမွေရးရွေိား ားသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စမမာစဆိရု္ရာီးညာားာ၊ ဗဟရ ရတရရွေိားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စားအရည္အား ပစးျမု့္္မာစားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စာ ွေသ္ဦစ ွေသ္ဖး္အးာစ ားဆပစား ပစညိ ိႈု္စမႈမမာစ ျဖသ္ားီးႈောားသရန္ ွေု့္္ ျမန္မာ နိရု္ုသတပု္ တာဝန္ယူမႈရွေိား ားသာစီးပာစားရစးေရီး္ုန္စမမာစားီးႈးပန္စောားရစ အတပး္အမမာစ ား၏းယရသးည္မႈးိရးရရွေိား ား မာ မတ္းမား ားအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စ တသ္ရီး္းျဖသ္ားီးႈးောားသရန္းေည္စားးာု္စးရည္ရပယ္ဖပြဲဲသည္စ္ြဲ့္ီးည ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ Responsible business means business conduct that works for the long-term interests of Myanmar and its people, based on responsible social and environmental performance within the context of international standards. တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ားသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးဆရိ ည္မွော သသ္မိန္သသ ႈန္စ မမာစ ွေု့္္ အညာ တာဝန္ယူမႈရွေိား ာ ေူမႈားရစ ွေု့္္း ာဝီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ဆိရို္ရာ ားဆာု္ရပး္္မး္ မမာစ းရိးားေစသာစးေရိး္နားမု္ သရစ၍ ျမန္မာ ရို္ုသ ွေု့္္ ေူးရား၏ ားရရွေည္းအးမိစ သာစီးပာစမမာစအတပး္ ားဆာု္ရပး္ား ာ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ ေရီး္ားဆာု္မႈမမာစးရိး ဆရိေရိီးည ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ No. 6.A Shin Saw Pu Rd, Ahlone, Yangon Tel/Fax: 01 01-512613
  • 12. UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights (2011) 12 Pillar 2 (respect) းရမၸဏာမမာစား၏တာဝန္ Pillar 3 (remedy) ျီးန္ေည္းရသာစမႈးိရ ရီးိရု္္ပု့္္• းိ္ိရး္နသ္နာမႈမမာစာ အ္ပု့္္အားရစ ္မိစားဖား္မႈ မမာစးိရ ားရွောု္းက္ရန္ းိတု္သမ္စသသ္ာ းားပယ္တာစသာစျ္ု္စမမာစေရီး္ ီး္ားဆာု္ရန္ေိရ • း္ားရား္းိ္ိရး္မႈမမာစးိရားျဖ ားျဖရွေု္စရန္ေရိအီး္မႈ Pillar 1 (protect) ိရု္ုသားတာ္ား၏တာဝန္ • မားးာု္စား ာ းိ္ိရး္မႈျဖသ္ားီးႈောီးည ီးညး းိ္ိရး္မႈးိရ ျီးန္ေည္းရသာစားီးစရန္ • ု့္္တု္ားေမား္ီးတ္ား ာ မူဝညဒ မမာစ ္မမွေတ္ရန္ • နည္စကီးားဒ သည္စမမက္စမမာစ းရတ္ျီးန္ားီးစရန္ေူ႔အ္ပု္ ု့္္အားရစ ွေု့္္ သာရု္ ဆသရစျဖတ္ျ္ု္စ
  • 13. Sector Wide Impact Assessments
  • 14. Briefing papers for Business (in MM and EN) 14
  • 15. What Does a ‘Responsible Business’ Do? • Respects human rights • Obeys the law • Doesn’t pay bribes or tea money • Pays its taxes • Respects its employees • Respects the environment • Treats other businesses responsibly • Treats its customers responsibly • Transparent • Responds to and engages with stakeholders 15 • ေူ႔အ္ပု့္္အားရစမမာစးိရားေစသာစ • ကီးားဒးိရားေစသာစေိရး္နာ • ော ္ားီးစော ္ယူ ( ိရ႔) ေး္ဖး္ရည္ဖိရစားီးစတာမမိစမေရီး္ • အ္ပန္ားဆာု္ • ၎ား၏အေရီး္ မာစမမာစးိရားေစသာစ • ာာီးညတ္ာန္စးမု္းိရားေစသာစ • အျ္ာစသာစီးပာစားရစမမာစးိရ တာာန္ယူမႈာ တာာန္ ိမႈျဖု့္္ဆး္ဆသ • ၎ား၏ Customer (ားသမစာယ္ ူ ားဖား္ ည္)မမာစးိရ တာာန္ယူမႈာ တာာန္ ိမႈျဖု့္္ဆး္ဆသ • ီးပု့္္ေု္စျမု္ ာမႈ • း္ဆိရု္ ူမမာစ ွေု့္္ ္မိတ္ဆး္ားဆာု္ရပး္
  • 16. CSR CSR 1.0 – donations, philanthropy CSR 2.0 – includes responsible behaviour CSR 3.0 - ‘creating shared value’ (CSV) – business activity which is good for profit, good for society Very confusing!!!! That’s why MCRB tries to avoid using the word ‘CSR’ and believes it should NOT be included in Myanmar laws/regulations/contracts…. 16
  • 17. A definition of CSR 2.0 17 The EU definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is…… “the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society”. သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စးာစမမာစား၏ ေူမႈားရစတာာန္ (CSR) “ေူမႈအ ိရု္စအာိရု္စအားီးႈ သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စမမာစား၏ း္ားရား္မႈမမာစအတပး္ တာာန္ယူမႈ” (2011 EU policy on CSR with reference to UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, သာစီးပာစားရစ ွေု့္္ ေူ႔အ္ပု့္္အားရစဆိရု္ရာ းရေ မဂၢးမူား ာု္သည္စမမက္စမမာစ းိရ းိရစးာစ၍ EU ၏ CSR မူ၀ါဒ)
  • 18. Another way to think about it…. What is compulsory, obligatory, required by law? ---------------- What makes sense for the business to do voluntarily – part of their business? CSR2.0/CSR3.0 What is charity/philanthropy – donations? CSR1.0 18
  • 19. The Spectrum of Corporate (Social) Responsibilty Compliance i.e. obeying the law ကီးားဒးိရားေစသာစ ေိရး္နာျ္ု္စ Responsible Business Conduct တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စား၏ ေရီး္ားဆာု္ရမည္႔ေရီး္ုန္စမမာစ Connected to business activity Sustainability ားရရွေည္တည္တသ့္္ရို္မြဲ ျ္ု္စ Creating Shared Value အးမိစအျမတ္္ပြဲားဝ ဝအ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ Philanthropy ီးရ၊ ဗဟိတမမာစေရီး္ားဆာု္ျ္ု္စ Sponsorship ားုပားးစမမာစားးား္ီးသ့္ားီးစျ္ု္စ Disaster relief ာဝား စအ ၱရာယ္ဆိရု္ရာ ေရီး္ားဆာု္္မး္မမာစ Voluntary: requires additional effort or budget Compulsory
  • 20. Creating Shared Value ‘CSV’ Creating Shared Value is the development of business strategies that are both profit making and respond to social needs A bank develops mobile money services which are accessible and affordable for those without access to bank accounts. A hotel trains and provides initial support to local farmers to grow vegetables safely, and buys them for use in their catering. The farmers sell the excess production on the wider market. A hotel trains local young people in English and hospitality skills and offers all of them jobs on graduation A company making toothpaste and soap runs a nationwide programme in schools on handwashing and oral hygiene
  • 21. Myanmar Shared Value Example – Supply chain Heineken and Building Markets: Support for local SME supply chain • Heineken partnership with Building Markets (BM) • Aim: create jobs for communities living around the brewery in Shwepyitha • BM builds capacity of local SMEs to produce competitive bids that can win Heineken tendering processes for services e.g. cleaning, gardening • BM trains local SMEs in: • business management • To submit tenders • to meet their contractual commitments, including compliance with labour laws, localisation of recruitment and remuneration, and safety
  • 22. When companies buy from local supply chains, they create ‘indirect’ and ‘induced’ economic impacts 22 Daewoo hires Cho Supply Kyaukphyu (CSK) to supply offshore meals CSK purchases fish from local fishermen CSK purchases vegetables from local farmers CSK hires local construction company Farmers purchase ‘longyi’ from local store Fisherman gets a haircut Farmers takes a trishaw to work What else? Construction worker buys a house for his family Worker buys ‘shwe yin aye’ for his children Fisherman’s family visits a ‘mohinga’ shop for breakfast Fisherman goes to a local teashop Farmer’s family buys groceries from local market Direct Effects Indirect Effects Induced Effects Legend Companies can ‘create shared value’ by actively building local supply chains. This will be better for the local economy
  • 23. Economic Impacts of Travel & Tourism 23 Source: World Travel and Tourism Council – Economic Impact 2015 Myanmar The Total Direct + Indirect + induced effect of the Travel & Tourism (T&T) Sector on Myanmar’s GDP is twice as large as its Direct Effect Direct Effects • Accommodatio n • Transportation • Food & Beverage • Entertainment • Services • Shopping • Others Indirect Effects • Spending by Hotels • Spending by Transportation • Spending by restaurants • Investment in T&T • Government spending in T&T • Others Induced Effects • Spending by direct and indirect employees on ‒ Food ‒ Recreation ‒ Clothing ‒ Household goods ‒ Others
  • 24. (Almost) all companies want a ‘Social Licence to Operate’ 24 • Related to how much stakeholders like and trust the company – especially community trust • Cannot be written down on paper – so should NOT be included in any laws • Difficult to obtain • Easy to lose ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ
  • 25. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. ေူမႈအဖပြဲ႔အသည္စမွေ ားဆာု္ရပး္ရန္္ပု့္္ျီးမႈႈ  Gaining a ‘social licence to operate’ is about:  First addressing negative impacts (EIA)  Then increasing positive impacts through community development  Do no harm - not cause conflict between, or within communities, or corruption  Gaining a ‘social licence to operate’ requires  Listening to all important stakeholders’ needs and views, not just those with the loudest voice  Mutual respect and trust,  Communication - stakeholder engagement  Company personnel need to understand that  They are guests in the community and should observe a ‘code of conduct’  All company employees (operations, procurement, safety) and all subcontractors are responsible for gaining and retaining the companies social licence to operate.  Activities to gain social licence (e.g. support to local SMEs, training) may have an upfront cost, but should generate longer term profit/benefit for the company, making them sustainable and supported by top management 27
  • 28. Stakeholder Engagement, Consultation and Disclosure in Myanmar 28 Compulsory legal requirement Voluntary activity Consultation Disclosure Structured Unstructured - Consultation with ဌာားနတိရု္စရု္ ု္စ ာစ Article 5 of Protection of Rights of National Races Law (2015) - EIA Public Consultation, minimum 2 (IEE) or 3 (EIA) rounds Project Summary for MIC Permits - Disclosure of draft EIA on company website 15 days after submitting to ECD - Publication of Six monthly EMP Monitoring reports - Annual Sustainability Report (Article 196 of Myanmar Investment Rules (2017)) - Operational Grievance Mechanism (OGM) - Community Development Agreement (CDA) - Community Investment/Creating Shared Value Strategy - Stakeholder consultation for Materiality reporting - Newsletters, websites, Facebook - Noticeboards - Drop-in ‘shopfronts’ and company offices in the community, - Community liaison officers All this counts as Stakeholder Engagement
  • 29. Structuring company-community relations through a Community Development Agreement 29 • Community Development Agreement • Community Development Initiatives • Voluntary Agreements • Indigenous Land Use Agreements • Partnering or Partnership Agreements • Community Contracts • Landowner Agreements • Shared Responsibilities Agreement • Community Joint Venture Agreements • Empowerment Agreements • Exploration Agreements (Canada) • Impact Benefit Agreements (Canada) • Social Trust Funds (Peru) • Investment Agreements (Mongolia) • Benefits Sharing Agreements (Chile) • Social Responsibility Agreements • Participation Agreements • Socio-economic Monitoring Agreements (List adapted from the World Bank’s “Mining Community Development Agreements - Practical Experiences and Field Studies”, 2010) CDAs are best for long-term projects, involving natural resources • Large scale mines or oil and gas • Hydropower dams
  • 30. Different reasons for Community Development Agreements 30 • National legal obligation on companies to formally enter into a CDA. • Papua New Guinea (Mining Act 1992); • Mongolia (Rio Tinto, Oyu Tolgoi copper mine) • Companies seeking access to Indigenous lands to negotiate the conditions of access, or use, with the traditional custodians of that land • e.g. Australia (Native Title Act 1996), Canada (agreements with First Nations) • Significant previous conflict involving the company and local communities. An agreement has been negotiated in an effort to resolve these conflicts e.g. Tintaya copper mine Peru (BHPBilliton) • Because it strengthens the social licence to operate e.g. Ahafo gold mine, Ghana (Newmont)
  • 31. CDA example: 2015 Oyu Tolgoi Cooperation Agreement? 31 • Agreement between Oyu Tolgoi LLC and its partner communities • Provides a strong governance structure for Oyu Tolgoi and local communities to achieve more effective cooperation and address mutual obligations • Sets out how the parties will work together towards sustainable development in important areas such as water, environment, pastureland management, cultural heritage, tourism, local business development and procurement. • Under the agreement, Oyu Tolgoi will make a contribution of US$5 million every year to a Development Support Fund (DSF) – administered jointly between Oyu Tolgoi and the Community – for community programmes and projects
  • 32. Issues that can be addressed in CDA negotiations 32 1. Engagement processes and mechanisms: What form will negotiations take, what form is most culturally appropriate, accessible, etc. 2. Environmental, social and cultural impact mitigation and compensation 3. Access arrangements: to land, e.g. for exploration, etc. 4. Employment, training, business development and procurement: Critical to delivering benefits, but requires careful planning and realism 5. Investment in social and economic infrastructure and institutions: Should be based on a participatory diagnosis of needs, and involve partners with requisite skills 6. Financial payments and disbursements: e.g. towards a community development fund 7. Reciprocal obligations of parties: To one another as part of the agreement 8. Governance arrangements: issues such as representation of parties, mechanisms to resolve disputes/grievances, etc.
  • 33. Potential benefits of CDAs 33 Benefits for Communities Benefits for Mining Company Benefits for Government  Recognition of status as traditional/customary owners of the land  Acknowledgement of impacts  Compensation for damage, disruption, changes  Development benefits  Greater clarity around company commitments  Greater security of access to land and resources  Greater clarity around company obligations  Reduced conflict and company-community disputes  Greater community acceptance of mining development  Increased development contributions from companies, and possibility for government to ‘leverage’ this  Greater security for generation of tax and royalty revenues Provides a framework for ongoing community-company engagement
  • 34. 2015 Protection of the Rights of National Races Law  Article 5 ‘hta-nay tain-yin-tha ‘should receive complete and precise information about extractive industry projects and other business activities in their areas before project implementation so that negotiations between the groups and the Government/companies can take place.’  ပုဒ္မ (၅) “ဌာေ နတုု္္ ု္္းာ္ မာ္းည္ ယု္္နတုု၏ ေဒး ယ္ေမေနမု္္ းဘာ၀ းယံဇာနမာ္ နူ္ေဖာ္ ုန္တုပ္မ္မႈႏု္ွင့္ ေခာ္စ္ပမာ္ေ ္တုပ္ု ္္မာ္ မစနု္မ ၿပ္ပည္ွင့္စံုၿပ္ နတကေးာ းနု္္ေခက္ေတက္မာ္ ႈႏတ ္ တတုေပ္ေကာု္္၊ းတုုမႈႏးာ ေစတု္ းတုုမဟုန္ ကုမၸဏမာ္မႈႏု္ွင့္ ေဒးခံမာ္ေကာ္ ေဆမ္ေမမ္မ္မာ္ ပတုပ္မတုု္မည္ဖစ္ေကာု္္ ပါ ႈႏတပါးည္။ 34
  • 35. 2017 Myanmar Investment Rule 61 61. The (Myanmar Investment) Commission will consult with other Authorities as necessary or desirable in the conduct of the assessment of a Proposal, and all such Authorities shall be required to make relevant personnel and other resources available. Where the Investment may be subject to the Law on the Rights of Protection of Ethnic Nationalities 2015, the Commission will consider any specific consultations that may be required with the relevant State or Regional Government or other stakeholders as part of the assessment process or in connection with any conditions to be included in the Permit. 35
  • 36. Difference between EIA and community development  EIA: Companies must identify all potential negative impacts and project affected persons and take measures to  Avoid  Reduce  Mitigate  Offset  Companies can/are advise to support community development, and ‘create shared value’ to gain and retain their social licence to operate e.g  Buy from local suppliers and develop their capability  Support education of local people so that they can work in company  Sponsor local community and cultural events 36
  • 37. 37 Measures to mitigate the company’s negative impacts  Compulsory, legal requirement  Identified in EIA, focussed on impacts of the project  Included in Environment (and Social) Management Plan  Needed to obtain legal licence or Environmental Compliance Certificate  Based on consultation of project affected persons  Often needs immediate action  6 month monitoring report to be published CSR/CSV and philanthropy to address wider social issues  Voluntary  Not about social impacts of project but wider social issues, identified through discussion and experience  May delivers business benefits (CSV) or be unconnected philanthropic  (Ideally) undertaken a part of a ‘CSR/CSV/social investment’ strategy  (Ideally) consulted on with communities/stakeholders  Builds trust to obtain/retain a ‘social licence to operate’  May be no government involvement  Transparency desirable (and useful: ‘branding’) Compulsory Impact Mitigation or Voluntary ‘CSR’
  • 38. MCRB’s view is that details of community development (“CSR”) should not be included in an EIA because….  Myanmar’s 2015 EIA Procedure does not mention ‘community development’ (or ‘CSR’).  Adding it makes the EIA process even more complex, both for ECD, and investors.  ECD/MONREC is not qualified or resources to approve an appropriate community development programme.  EIA/EMP should identify/address the potential negative environmental and social impacts of a project  EIA is done by 3rd party EIA consultants, with expertise to identify the project’s negative impacts  Community development programmes should be designed and agreed directly between the company and the local stakeholders.  Agreements should involve ongoing community company engagement to build trust.  Community Development Plans should be adaptable, based on feedback from the community and changed circumstances, not included in a contract with government (an Environmental Compliance Certificate is a legal contract). 38
  • 39. My final message before lunch 39 When it comes to community development and building a social licence to operate, what is important is not “HOW MUCH?” but “HOW?”
  • 41. Lunch
  • 42. The Spectrum of Corporate (Social) Responsibilty Compliance i.e. obeying the law ကီးားဒးိရားေစသာစ ေိရး္နာျ္ု္စ Responsible Business Conduct တာဝန္ယူမႈရိွေား ာသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စား၏ ေရီး္ားဆာု္ရမည္႔ေရီး္ုန္စမမာစ Connected to business activity Sustainability ားရရွေည္တည္တသ့္္ရို္မြဲ ျ္ု္စ Creating Shared Value အးမိစအျမတ္္ပြဲားဝ အ သရရစ္မျ္ု္စ Philanthropy ီးရ၊ ဗဟိတမမာစေရီး္ားဆာု္ျ္ု္စ Sponsorship ားုပားးစမမာစားးား္ီးသ့္ားီးစျ္ု္စ Disaster relief ာဝား စအ ၱရာယ္ဆိရု္ရာ ေရီး္ားဆာု္္မး္မမာစ Voluntary: requires additional effort or budget Compulsory 1 2 3 44
  • 43. 222 Interactive exercise: Place examples 1-30 in the relevant area: 1, 2, 3, or 4 Connected to business activity Voluntary: requires additional effort or budget 1: Compulsory/ legal requirement 2: creating shared value 3: philanthropy 4 4: Other – e.g. corruption
  • 44. 44 1. A coal mining company covers its lorries that carry coal to reduce dust pollution and respiratory problems for nearby villagers. ၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားးမား္မာစား ပစတူစားဖာ္ားရစ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အနာစအနာစ ရွေိ ရပာ ူရပာ ာစမမာစ အ း္ရႈေမ္စားးာု္စ ဆရို္ရာ ားရာဂညျီး နာမမာစ ျဖသ္ီးပာစျ္ု္စ ွေု့္္ ဖရန္းျ္ု္စ ားေးရညသ္ညမ္စျ္ု္စ တိရ႔းိရ ားေမာ့္္မရန္ အတပး္ ၎ ား၏ မာစား ပစ ယ္ားဆာု္ ည့္္ ယာက္မမာစးိရ ဖသရစအရီး္းာစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 2. A hotel provides funds and training for local farmers to grow safe vegetables which they buy some of for their catering. ၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးာရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ အာစ းမန္စမာားရစ အရ ေသရ္သသိတ္္မ ရ ည့္္ ၊ ဗဟု္စ ာစ၊ ဗဟု္စရပး္မမာစ သိရး္ီးမိစရန္ အတပး္ ားုပားးစအားးား္အီးသ ွေု့္္ ု္တန္စမမာစ ားးား္ီးသားီးစီးာစ းရိ၊ ဗဟိရတယ္ း းရိေယ္ မာစမမာစ းသမွေ ာစ ွေသးပး္းရန္ အ္မိဲ းိရ အားးပမစအားမပစ ီးိရု္စဆရို္ရာ အတပး္ ျီးန္ေည္ ဝယ္ယူျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 3. A large bank provides scholarships for poor students in rural and urban areas. ၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဏ္ႀးာစ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားးမစေး္ားတာနယ္ ွေု့္္ မိဲ ျီးားဒ ရွေိ ဆု္စရြဲ ပမ္စီးညစား ာ ားးမာု္စ ူားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစ အတပး္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရ ားးား္ီးသားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 4. A supermarket offers space to social enterprises once a month to sell handicrafts ၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ သူီးညမာစးတ္ႀးာစ တသ္္ရ ည္ ေူမႈ အးမိစျီး သာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စ းိရ ၎တရိ႔ား၏ ေး္မႈီးသၥည္စမမာစ ္ု္စးမု္စ ားရာု္စ္မရန္အတပး္ တသ္ေ တသ္္ည ားနရာ ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
  • 45. 5. A newspaper prints regular articles about labour law and human trafficking. ၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ တရာစမဝု္ ေူးရန္းူစ ည့္္ အားးာု္စအရာမမာစ ွေု့္္ အေရီး္ မာစကီးားဒ ဆရို္ရာ ားဆာု္စီးညစမမာစးိရ တု္စသာတသ္ားသာု္ း ီးသရမွေန္ ီးသရ ွေိီး္းရတ္ားဝျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 6. A cement quarrying company trains local people to work as security guards ၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ ိေီး္ားျမ ားးမား္မရို္စတူစ ည့္္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ မမာစ းိရ ေသရ္သားရစဝန္းမ္စမမာစ အျဖသ္ အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ ရို္ရန္ အတပး္ ု္တန္စားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 7. A ruby mining company in Mogok builds a pagoda and monastery. ၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ မရိစးရတ္ ရွေိ ားးမား္ျမတ္ီးတၱျမာစတူစားဖာ္ ည့္္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ရရာစ တည္ ရန္စႀးာစားးမာု္စ ားဆား္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 8. A pesticides company trains farmers to use the correct amount of its product. ၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးိရစ တ္ားဆစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးသၥည္စးိရ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ မွေန္းန္တိးမ ည့္္ အ္မိစအသာစ ႈန္စ ျဖု့္္ အ သရစျီး ိရု္ရန္ အတပး္ ု္တန္စားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 9. A telecommunications company contractually requires their business partners e.g. teashops selling top-up cards to not employ children under 14. ၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဆး္ ပယ္ားရစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ ား၏ သာစီးပာစမိတ္ဖး္မမာစ းိရ သာ္မီး္ ္မီး္ဆရိ၍ ေရိး္နာားဆာု္ရပး္ားသျ္ု္စ ကီးမာ ားုပျဖည့္္းတ္မမာစ ားရာု္စ္မ ည့္္ ေး္ဖး္ရည္ဆရို္မမာစ းိရ အ း္၁၄ ွေသ္ားအား္ းားေစုယ္မမာစးိရ အေရီး္ ္န္႔အီး္ျ္ု္စ မျီးရန္ဲ့ပါသည္။
  • 46. 46 10. A factory gives scholarships to local high school children to enable them to complete 10th standard. ၁ာဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ ္သ အးး္တန္စားးမာု္စ ူားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစးိရ ၁ာ တန္စ ီးာစားျမား္ားအာု္ တး္ားရား္ ရို္ားသရန္ အတပး္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရားီးစအီး္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 11. A bottled water company distributes bottled water for flood relief victims ၁၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားရ န္႔ ူစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ားရား စဒရးက ည္မမာစ အတပး္ ားရ န္႔ ူစမမာစ ျဖန္႔ားဝားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 12. A hotel provides free of charge facilities to the government for a conference on sustainable tourism ၁၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ အသရိစရ း းမု္စီး ည့္္ ားရရွေည္တည္တသား ာ ္ရာစ ပာစေရီး္ုန္စ ညွေိ ႈို္စားဆပစား ပစီးပြဲ တသ္္ရအတပး္ အ္မ္စအနာစ ားနရာ အ သရစအားဆာု္မမာစ းိရ ၊ ဗဟရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ္ားးစားုပ မားတာု္စ္သ ြဲ ားးား္ီးသားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 13. A hotel provides free of charge facilities to the government for an ASEAN counter- terrorism conference ၁၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ အသရိစရ း းမု္စီး ည့္္ အာဆာယသ အးမ္စဖး္ဝညဒတရိး္ဖမး္ားရစ ားဆပစား ပစီးပြဲ ညာော္သ ျဖသ္ားျမား္ားရစ အတပး္ အ္မ္စအနာစ ားနရာ အ သရစအားဆာု္မမာစ းိရ ၊ ဗဟရိတယ္ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ္ားးစားုပ မားတာု္စ္သ ြဲ ားးား္ီးသားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 14. An engineering company runs a competition for three scholarships each year for graduate study in engineering in Australia and offers them all jobs after their training. One of the winning students is the Minister’s daughter. ၁၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ အု္ဂမု္နာယာ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ သားတစေမ ိရု္ုသတပု္ အု္ဂမု္နာယာ ာ ာရီး္းိရ ားေ့္ော ု္ယူ ရိ္ု္ရန္ အတပး္ ွေသ္သက္ ီးညာ ု္ဆရ သရစ ဆရ ားီးစအီး္ ည့္္ ီးို္ီးပြဲ းိရးမု္စီး ားီးစီးာစ းရိ ူတရိ႔ ု္တန္စီးာစဆသရစ ည့္္ အ္ညတပု္ အေရီး္အးရို္ားီးစအီး္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးညာ ု္ဆရရရွေိ ပာစ ည့္္ ားးမာု္စ ူ ားးမာု္စ ာစမမာစးြဲမွေ တသ္ားယား္ ည္ ဝန္ႀးာစတသ္ားယား္ ား၏ မာစ ျဖသ္ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။
  • 47. 47 15. A new distillery installs a waste water treatment plant ၁၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ အရး္္မး္ သး္ရသရ သ္တသ္္ရ ည္ ားရဆရိစားရညသ္ န္႔သု္ ည့္္ သး္ရသရတသ္္ရ တည္ားဆား္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 16. An airline sponsors an art festival and provides free tickets and freight for international exhibitors ၁၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားေားးာု္စ ေရို္စ တသ္္ရ ည္ အ ရီးညာျီးီးပြဲတ္ရ းိရ ားးား္ီးသ ားီးစီးာစ ရိ္ု္ုသတးာ ျီးီးပြဲတု္ဆး္ ူမမာစအတပး္ အ္မြဲ့္ ားေယာက္ေတ္မွေတ္ မမာစ ားီးစအီး္ီးာစ းရန္သည္မမာစ အ္မြဲ့္ ယ္ားဆာု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 17. A quarry contributes rocks and machinery to repair a local road used only by villagers which was damaged by floods. ၁၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားရႀးာစမႈားးာု့္္ ီးမး္သာစ ပာစ ည့္္ ရပာ ာစမမာစ ာ အ သရစျီး ည့္္ ေမ္စးိရ ျီးန္ေည္ျီးု္ဆု္ရန္ အတပး္ ားးမား္မိရု္စတပု္စေရီး္ုန္စ တသ္္ရ ည္ ားးမား္တသရစမမာစ ွေု့္္ သး္ီးသၥည္စမမာစ ျဖု့္္ းည့္္ဝု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 18. A factory recycles 80% of its water, in accordance with its Environmental Management Plan ၁၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ သာမသ္န္႔္ပြဲမႈ အသာအသက္ ွေု့္္ အညာ ၎သး္ရသရ ား၏ ားရ ၈ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စးိရ ျီးန္ေည္အ သရစျီး ရို္ရန္ န္႔သု္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 19. A factory recycles 90% of its water – its commitment in its Environmental Management Plan is 80% ၁၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ သး္ရသရ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ သာမသ္န္႔္ပြဲမႈ အသာအသက္ အရ ားရျီးန္ေည္ န္႔သု္ အ သရစျီးရန္ ေရီး္ားဆာု္မည္၊ ဗဟရ းတိးဝတ္ျီးးာစ ည္ မွော ၈ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စ ျဖသ္ား ာ္ေည္စ တးယ့္္ေး္ားတပ႔ တပု္ ၉ာ ရာ္ရို္ ႈန္စ ျီးန္ေည္ အ သရစျီး ရို္ရန္ န္႔သု္ ရို္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
  • 48. 48 20. A company establishes village level development funds in an area where it is thinking of investing which provides loans for microenterprises ၂ာဲ့ပါသည္။ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အား စသာစသာစီးပာစားရစေရီး္ုန္စသရမမာစ အတပး္ ား္မစားုပ အားးား္အီးသားီးစ ည့္္ ေရီး္ုန္စတပု္ ရု္စ ွောစျမွေီး္ ွေသရန္ သက္စသာစားန ည့္္ ားနရာ တသ္္ရတပု္ ရီး္ရပာအဆု့္္ ဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္မႈ ရန္ီးသရားုပ တည္ားးာု္ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 21. A soft drink factory gives drinks for the local football tournament ၂၁ဲ့ပါသည္။ အ္မိရည္ သး္ရသရတသ္္ရ ည္ ားဒ တပု္စ ား ာေသရစ ီးို္ီးပြဲ တပု္ အ္မိရည္ အားအစမမာစ ားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 22. An advertising company provides free public litter bins and contributes to costs of collection. The bins carry advertisements for the company’s clients. ၂၂ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားးာ္ုားရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ အမမာစျီးည္ ူ အ သရစျီး ရို္ ည့္္ အမႈိး္ီးသရစမမာစးိရ အ္မြဲ့္ းာစ းာစားီးစီးာစ အမႈိး္ ိမ္စဆည္စ ည့္္ းရန္းမသရိတ္းိရေည္စ ီးညဝု္ားးား္ီးသျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ းရိ အမႈိး္ီးသရ အားီးႈတပု္ ၎းရမၸဏာား၏ ားဖား္ ည္မမာစ ား၏ ားးာုာမမာစ းီး္းာစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 23. A 5 year old apartment block installs solar panels on its roof to reduce grid electricity usage ၂၃ဲ့ပါသည္။ ေမွေီး္သသ္အ သရစျီး္းိရ ားေမာ့္္မရန္ အတပး္ း္တမ္စ ၅ ွေသ္ းာီးာ ျဖသ္ ည့္္ အားဆား္အအသရ ည္ ဆရိောျီးာစမမာစ တီး္ဆု္ျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 24. A petrol station donates lunch to a local primary school once a month with a combination of staff and company donations. ၂၄ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဓာတ္ဆာဆရို္ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎ား၏ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစ ွေု့္္ းရမၸဏာ ား၏ အေွေွဴားုပ သရားီးညု္စျဖု့္္ ေသက္ ားဒ တပု္စ မူေတန္စားးမာု္စ းိရ ားန႔ေည္သာ အေွေွဴ ေွေွဴဒညန္စားးပမစားမပစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။
  • 49. 49 25. A local construction company donates 30,000 kyats a month to the village development fund. The headman says the company can take sand from the beach. ၂၅ဲ့ပါသည္။ ျီးည္တပု္စ ားဆား္ေရီး္ားရစ းရမၸဏာတသ္္ရ ည္ ရီး္ရပာဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္ားရစ ရန္ီးသရားုပ အတပး္ ေသက္ းမီး္ားုပ ၃ာာာာ ေွေွဴဒညန္စ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ အဆရိီးည ရီး္ရပာ အႀးာစအးြဲ ည္ းမ္စားျ္ရွေိ ြဲမမာစးိရ းရမၸဏာမွေ းရတ္ယူ ိရ ည္ ၊ ဗဟရ ားျီးားာစ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ 26. A mining company donates 500,000 kyats per year to the village development fund whose head is required to sign off in support of the mine. ၂၆ဲ့ပါသည္။ တၱတပု္စ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ရီး္ရပာဖပသဖိစတရိစတး္ားရစ ရန္ီးသရားုပ အတပး္ တသ္ ွေသ္းိရ ေွေွဴဒညန္စားုပ ၅ာာ,ာာာ းမီး္ ေွေွဴဒညန္စ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ ိရ႔ား ာ္ းရိ ရီး္ရပာ အႀးာစအးြဲ ည္ တၱတပု္စးိရ ားးား္္သားးာု္စ ေတ္မွေတ္ားရစးရိစ ရန္ ေရိအီး္ားီး ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ 27. A company builds new houses for ten villagers who had to move as a result of road widening to their factory. ၂၇ဲ့ပါသည္။ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ား၏ သး္ရသရ ားးာု့္္ ေမ္စ္မြဲဲ းပု္ ္ြဲ့္ရာ တပု္ ားျီးာု္စားရ္ဲ ္ြဲ့္ရား ာ ရပာ ူရပာ ာစ ၁ာ ားယား္နာစီးညစ အတပး္ အိမ္အ သ္မမာစ တည္ားဆား္ားီးစ ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ 28. An airport company which compulsorily acquired land from farmers provides them with training to work in the airport as gardeners and security guards. ၂၈ဲ့ပါသည္။ ားေဆိီး္ းရမၸဏာ တသ္္ရ ည္ ေယ္ မာစမမာစ းသမွေ ားျမားနရာမမာစ းိရ မျဖသ္မားန ိမ္စယူ ္ြဲ့္ရီးာစ းရိ ေယ္ မာစမမာစးိရ ားေဆိီး္တပု္ ကယာက္မွေွဴစမမာစ ွေု့္္ ေသရ္သားရစ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစ အျဖသ္ အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ ရို္ရန္ အတပး္ ု္တန္စားီးစျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 29. A factory does not charge its staff for the personal protection equipment (PPE) that they need for their job. ၂၉ဲ့ပါသည္။ ဝန္းမ္စမမာစးိရ အေရီး္ေရီး္းိရု္ရာတပု္ အ သရစျီး ရိ္ု္ရန္ တးိရယ္ားရ ေရီး္ုန္စ္ပု္ အးာအးပယ္ီးသၥည္စ းိရိယာမမာစ အတပး္ သး္ရသရမွေ အ္ားးစားုပ မယူျ္ု္စဲ့ပါသည္။ 30. As a result of its EIA/feasibility study, a hydropower project changes the route of a road to the dam, at $80,000 extra cost, so that five farmers do not lose their houses and land. ၃ာဲ့ပါသည္။ ီးတ္ဝန္စးမု္ း္ားရား္မႈ ားေ့္ောဆန္စသသ္ျ္ု္စာ ျဖသ္ ရို္ား္မ ရွေိာ မရွေိ ားေ့္ောဆန္စသသ္ျ္ု္စ မွေ ရရွေိ ည့္္ အားျဖမမာစ အရ ားရအာစေမွေီး္သသ္ သာမသးိန္စ ည္ ည္ ဆည္ ိရ႔ ပာစားရား္ ရို္ ည့္္ ေမ္စားးာု္စးိရ ားဒႈော ၈ာ,ာာာ အီးိရ အးရန္အးမ္သ ီးာစ ားျီးာု္စေြဲေရိး္ားီး ည္ဲ့ပါသည္။ းရိ ရိ႔ ျီးေရီး္ေရိး္ျ္ု္စ အာစျဖု့္္ ေယ္ မာစ ၅ ားယား္ ည္ ၎တရိ႔ ား၏ အိမ္မမာစ ွေု့္္ ားျမမမာစ မဆသရစရႈသစ ားတာ့္ားီးဲ့ပါသည္။