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The Wordlist
Suvrit Sra
October 8, 2000
• ath.: anything.
• char.: characterized or characteristic
• sth.: something.
• sb.: somebody.
• usu.: usually.
• ∼: stands for the word in context

The Wordlist
1. abaft: behind.

17. abolish: 1) to end the observance or effect of
: cancel : annul; 2) destroy : put an end to.

2. abase: disgrace; debase; lower; to humble or

18. abominate: to hate or loathe intensely; abhor.

3. abase: to confound, disgrace, debase; [Opp]
uplift, dignify, elevate.
4. abash: discourage; disconcert; discompose.

19. aboriginal: existing (in a place) from the beginning or from earliest days; indigenous; being the first of its kind in a region.

5. abate: moderate; mitigate; to weaken or become less in amount, degree, etc.

20. abortive: unsuccessful; fruitless; coming to

6. abbreviate: to make briefer; esp to reduce to
a shorter form intended to stand for the whole;

21. abound: teem, swarm, flourish; [Opp.] deficient, destitute, lack.
22. abrade: 1a) to rub or wear away esp by friction : erode; 1b) to irritate or roughen by rubbing; 2) to wear down in spirit : irritate.

7. abdicate: resign; abandon; renounce; to give
up formally (a high office, throne, etc); to surrender or repudiate.
8. abed: in bed; confined to bed.

23. abrasive: 1) tending to abrade; 2) causing
irritation [∼ manners].

9. aberrant: exceptional; deviating; divergent;

24. abrasive: a substance (emery, sandpaper)
used for abrasion.

10. abet: aid; assist; incite; stimulate; promote.

25. abridgment: outline; digest; synopsis; abstract.

11. abeyance: suspension; adjournment; temporary inactivity; a lapse in succession during
which there is no person in whom a title; is

26. abrogation: nullification; revocation; annulment; defeasance; retractation; recantation.

12. abject: of the lowest degree; wretched; cast
away; worthless; groveling; base; outcast.

27. abscond: to depart secretly and hide oneself;
to decamp, bolt, flee; [Opp.] remain, endure,

13. abjure: to give up on oath; forswear; recant;
retract; repudiate; renounce.

28. absentia: absent.
29. absolute: 1a) free from imperfection : perfect; 1b) free or relatively free from mixture :
pure; 2) being, governed by, or char of a ruler
or authority, completely free from; constitutional or other restraint; 3) positive, unquestionable [∼ proof]; 4) fundamental, ultimate

14. ablate: to remove.
15. ablutions: the act or action of bathing.
16. abnegation: denial; refusal; forbearance; selfdenial.
[∼ knowledge]; 5) perfectly embodying the nature of a thing [∼ justice]; 6) complete, totally
unlimited; certain.

42. abysmal: bottomless; unfathomable; abyssal.
43. academia: the academic life, community or
world; pedant.

30. absolution: forgiveness; the act of absolving?.

44. acatalectic: complete.
45. accede: assent; comply; agree.

31. absolve: exonerate; to acquit; exculpate.

46. accentuate: to make prominent; emphasize.

32. abstain: to refrain deliberately and often with
an effort of self-denial from an action or practice.

47. accessible: 1) providing access; 2a) capable of
being reached [∼ by rail]; also : being within
reach; 2b) easy to speak or deal with [∼ people]; 3) capable of being influenced : open; 4)
capable of being used or seen : available; 5) capable of being understood or appreciated [the
author’s most ; ∼ stories].

33. abstemious: sparing in food, drink or enjoyment; temperate.
34. abstention: refrain; (to abstain from).
35. abstinence: 1) voluntary forbearance esp
from indulgence of an appetite or craving or
from eating some foods : abstention; 2) habitual abstaining from intoxicating beverages.

48. accessory: 1) assisting as a subordinate; esp
: contributing to a crime but not as the chief
agent; 2) aiding or contributing in a secondary
way; supplementary.

36. abstract: 1) remove, separate; 2) to consider
apart from application to or association with
a particular instance; 3) to draw away the attention of; 4) steal, purloin.

49. accessory: 1a) a person not actually or constructively present but contributing as an ;
assistant or instigator to the commission of
an offense—called also ; ‘accessory before the
fact’; 1b) a person who knowing that a crime
has been committed aids or shelters ; the offender with the attempt to defeat justice—
called also ‘accessory ; after the fact’; 2a) a
thing of secondary or subordinate importance
: adjunct; 2b) additional object or device not
essential in itself.

37. abstract: 1) summary of points (as of a writing) usu. presented in skeletal form; 2) also sth
that summarizes or concentrates the essentials
of a larger thing; or several things.
38. abstract: 1a) dissociated from any specific instance [∼ entity]; 1b) difficult to understand :
abstruse [∼ problems]; 1c) insufficiently factual : formal [possessed only as an ∼ right]; 2)
dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects :
theoretical; 3) impersonal, detached; 4) having
only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at
pictorial ; representation or narrative content.

50. acclamation: a shout of applause or assent.
51. acclimate: acclimatize; to adapt to a new
temperature, altitude, climate, environment,
or situation.
52. acclivity: a sharp ascending slope or hill.

39. abstruseness: hidden; remote; difficult to

53. accolade: 1a) a ceremonial embrace; 1b) a
ceremony or salute conferring knighthood; 2a)
a mark of acknowledgment : award; 2b) an
expression of praise.

40. abusive: 1) characterized by wrong or improper use or action; esp corrupt [∼ financial
practices]; 2a) using harsh insulting language;
characterized by or serving for abuse; 2b) physically injurious [∼ behavior].

54. accommodate: 1) to make fit, suitable or
congruous; 2) to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile; 3) to provide with sth desired,
needed or suited (as a helpful service, a ; loan
or lodgings); 4a) to make room for; 4b) to hold

41. abut: to terminate at a point of contact; to
lean for support; to border on; adjoin.
without crowding or inconvenience; 5) to give
consideration to : allow for [∼ the special interests of ; some people]; 6) to help or oblige

70. acquittal: a setting free from the charge of
an offense by verdict, sentence or other; legal
71. acrimony: acerbity; tartness; bitterness; hatred; acridity.

55. accost: to approach and speak to often in a
challenging or aggressive way.

72. action:
achievement, activity,
[Opp.] inertia, ennui, lassitude.

56. accoutre: (or accouter) to provide with
equipment or furnishings : outfit.


73. actuary: 1) one who makes calculations connected with insurance, annuity premiums, ; reserves and dividends; 2) relating to statistical
calculation esp of life expectancy.

57. accretion: accumulation; continued growth;
(root: accrescent);
58. accrue: an accession, increment or product.

74. actuate: 1) to put into mechanical action or
motion; 2) to move to action : motivate.

59. accrue: increment; to come as an accession;
to fall due.

75. acuity: sharpness; keenness of perception.

60. acculturate: to change through acculturation.

76. acumen: insight; keenness; perspicacity.

61. acculturation: cultural modification of an individual group or people by adapting to or ;
borrowing traits from another culture.
62. accumulate: amass, aggregate, hoard; [Opp.]
dissipate, disperse, portion.

77. acute: 1) char by sharpness or severity [∼
pain]; 2) ending in a sharp point; 3) marked
by a keen discernment or intellectual perception esp of subtle ; distinctions : penetrating
[an ∼ thinker]; 4) felt, perceived, or experience
intensely [∼ distress].

63. acedia: listlessness; torpor; sloth; apathy;
boredom (of religious stuff).

78. adage: a saying often in metaphorical form
that embodies a common observation.

64. acephalous: leaderless (headless?).

79. adagio: a slow tempo; a slow movement.

65. acerbate: acrimony; soreness; malevolence;
irritate; exasperate.

80. addle: barren; incomplete; abortive; confuse;
muddle; confound [an ∼ egg, he has an ∼

66. acervate: [Biol] heaped; growing in tight clusters or heaps—esp growth of moss or fungi.

81. adduce: allege; advance; affirm; assign; urge;
to bring forward in discussion.

67. acidulous: slightly sour containing carbonic
acid; somewhat acid or harsh in taste or manner.

82. adept: thoroughly proficient; expert; a highly
skilled or well trained individual.

68. acknowledge: 1) to recognize the rights, authority, or status of ; 2) to disclose knowledge
of or agreement with; 3a) to express gratitude
or obligation for; 3b) to take notice of; 3c) to
make known the receipt of; 4) to recognize as
genuine or valid [∼ a debt]; 5) admit, own,
avow, confess.

83. adit: mine entrance.
84. adjourn: discontinue meeting.
85. adjudicate: to determine judicially;
pronounce–to award.


86. adjunct: appendage; augment; supernumerary; interlineation; corollary; addition; appendage; appurtenance.

69. acquiesce: to rest satisfied or without making
opposition; to assent.
87. adjuration: 1) a solemn oath; 2) an earnest 105. advocate: 1) one that pleads the cause of anurging or advising.
other; 2) one that defends or maintains a cause
or proposal; 3) to plead in favor of : support.
88. adjure: 1) to command solemnly under or as
if under oath or penalty of a curse; 2) to urge 106. aegis: a shield belonging to Zeus; protection;
or advise earnestly.
89. adjutant: an officer specially appointed to as- 107. aesthetic: 1a) of, relating to , or dealing with
aesthetics or the beautiful; 1b) artistic; 1c)
sist a commanding officer.
pleasing in appearance : attractive; 2) appre90. admonish: warn; advise; counsel; censure; reciative of, responsive to, or zealous abut the
91. admonition: reproof; counsel; advice.

108. aesthetic: a branch of philosophy dealing
with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and ;
92. adroit: expert or nimble in the use of hands;
with the creation and appreciation of beauty.
dextrous; deft; adept.
109. affable: 1) being pleasant and at ease in talk93. adroit: proficient, dextrous, artful; [Opp.]
ing to others; 2) characterized by ease and
awkward, dull, clumsy.
94. adscititious: derived or acquired from sth ex- 110. affectation: 1a) the act of taking on or distrinsic; added; redundant; adventitious.
playing an attitude or mode of behavior not ;
natural to oneself : artificiality.
95. adulation: to fawn upon; to flatter.
111. affected: 1) inclined, disposed; 2a) given to
96. adulterate: 1) to corrupt, debase, or make
affectation; 2b) assumed artificially or falsely :
impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior;
substance or element; 2) to prepare for sale by
replacing more valuable with less valuable.
112. afferent: bringing towards a central point.
97. adumbrate: to give a faint shadow of; to fore- 113. affiant: affidavit signer.
shadow/overshadow; darkness; allegorise; rep114. affidavit: a sworn statement in writing made
esp under oath or an affirmation before an; au98. aduncity: hooked; curved or hooked as a parthorized magistrate or officer.
rots beak.
115. affiliate: 1a) to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch; 1b) to asso99. advene: to be superadded.
ciate as a member; 2) to trace the origin of.
100. advent: the coming into being or use; arrival.
116. affinity: 1) relationship by marriage; 2) sym101. adventitious: added from without; accidenpathy marked by community of interest : kintal?; adscititious.
ship; 2) an attraction to or liking for sth.
102. adverse: 1) acting against or in a contrary di- 117. affirmation: 1) the act of affirming : a posrection : hostile; 2a) opposed to one’s interests
itive assertion ; 2) a solemn declaration made
[an ∼ verdict]; 2b) causing harm; harmful [∼
under the penalties of perjury by a person who
drug effects].
; conscientiously declines from taking an oath.
103. adversity: misfortune; ill-luck; calamity; dis- 118. affix: 1) to attach physically; 2) to attach in
any way; 3) add; append.
104. advert: to refer; to turn one’s attention.

119. afflatus: inspiration.
120. affluence: abounding/inflowing wealth;


136. agnostic: a person who holds the view that
any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown ;
affray: disturbance; a brawl; breach of the
and prob unknowable; broadly: one who is not
committed to believing in either the existence
or ; the nonexistence of God or a god.
affront: insult; annoy; vex; taunt; provoke;
137. agog: in a state of eager anticipation , excitement or interest.
aficionado: a person who likes, knows about,
and appreciates a usu fervently pursued; inter138. agrarian: relating to land; its management or
est or activity.
afoul: in entanglement; in collision.
139. ague: burning fever; a shivering fit.
agape: curious; expectant; wonder; with gap140. aileron: a flap on an aeroplane wingtip for
ing mouth.
lateral balance.
agenda: 1) a list or outline of things to be
considered or done; 2) an underlying often ide- 141. ailurophile: a person having a strong attraction to or devoted to cats.
ological plan or program.

127. agglomeration: 1) the action or process of 142. alacrity: speed; swiftness; briskness; quickness.
collecting in a mass; 2) a heap or cluster of
usu. disparate elements [urban ∼s knit; to143. albeit: despite the fact; not withstanding
gether etc].
even if.
128. agglutinate: to cause to cohere or clump.
144. alchemy: 1) an early form of chemistry, with
129. aggrandize: exalt; enrich; augment; advance;
philosophical and magical associations, ; studelevate.
ied in the Middle Ages: its chief aims were
to change metals into gold ; and to discover
130. aggravation: heightening; exacerbation; exthe elixir of perpetual youth; 2) a method or
asperation; overestimation; exaggeration.
power of transmutation; 3) esp. the seemingly
miraculous change of a thing into sth. better.
131. aggregate: 1) a mass or body of units or
parts somewhat loosely associated with one ; 145. alcove: 1) a recessed section of a room, as a
another; 2) the whole sum or amount; 3) sum
breakfast nook; 2) secluded corner in a garden
: summerhouse.
132. aggregate: 1) to collect or gather into a mass
146. alderman: a nobleman of highest rank;
or whole : total.
maybe a civic dignitary next to mayor.
133. aghast: struck with terror, amazement or hor147. aleatory: depending on chance.
ror; shocked.
134. agility: 1) marked by ready ability to move 148. alee: on or towards the lee side.
with quick, easy grace; 2) nimbleness; dexter- 149. alembic: distilling vessel.
150. alfresco: in the fresh and cool air; ¡to aug135. agitate: 1) to move with irregular , rapid, or
ment this meaning¿.
violent action; 2) to excite and often trouble
the mind or feelings of : disturb; 3a) to discuss 151. alginate: to prepare a colloidal substance.
excitedly and earnestly; 3b) to stir up public
discussion of; to attempt to arouse public feel- 152. alias: an assumed name; another name;
153. alienate: 1) to transfer the ownership of 169. aloof: 1) at a distance : removed; 2) distant
(property) to another; 2) to make unfriendly
in sympathy, interest, etc; reserved and cool
: estrange; 3) to cause to be withdrawn or
[her manner was ∼].
detached [as from one’s society]; 4) to cause
170. alopecia: loss of hair, esp on the head; baldtransference of (affection).
154. alimentary: 1) connected with food or nutrition; 2) nourishing; 3) support or sustenance. 171. altercation: an angry or heated argument.
155. alimony: allowance for support for divorced 172. altruist: a person living and acting for the
interest of others.
156. allayed: to put down; to quell; to alleviate; to 173. amalgamate: 1) to combine in an amalgam;
2) to join together into one : unite : combine.
to assert positively, or declare; af- 174. amanuensis: one who writes down the dictation.
to assert without proof; 2) to offer
excuse, etc [in his defense he ∼d 175. amaranthine: everlasting.
; insanity].
176. amass: 1) to pile up : collect together; 2) to
158. allegiance: loyalty; submission; subjection;
accumulate (esp wealth).
177. amatory: of, relating to, or expressing sexual
159. allegoric: symbolical narration; (ref trickery).

157. allege: 1)
firm : esp,
as a plea,

160. allegory: 1) a story in which people, things, 178. amazon: a large, strong, masculine woman.
and happenings have a hidden or symbolic;
meaning : allegories are used for teaching or 179. ambergris: perfume base.
explaining ideas, moral ; principles etc; 2) any
180. ambidextrous: 1) able to use both hands
symbol or emblem.
with equal ease; 2) very skillful or versatile;
161. allele: any of several forms of a gene aris3) deceitful : double-dealing.
ing thru mutation, responsible for ; hereditary
181. ambivalence: having opposing emotional atvariation.
titude towards the same subject.
162. allemande: a movement which affects change
182. amble: to move at an easy pace; (move like a
of order in a dance.
163. alleviate: to lessen; to mitigate.
183. ambrosia: food of the Greek gods which con164. allure: to tempt with sth desirable; entice;
ferred everlasting youth and beauty; can be
fascinate; attract.
used to praise any fine food.
165. allusion: passing or casual reference; an inci- 184. ambulatory: 1) of or for walking; 2) able to
dental mention.
walk and not confined to bed [an ambulatory
patient]; 3) moving from one place to another
166. alluvial: of, found in, or made up of, allu: movable; 4) that can be changed or revoked
[an ambulatory will].
167. alluvium: sand, clay, etc, gradually deposited 185. ambuscade: an ambush.
by moving water, as along a river bed ; or the
shore of a lake : wash.
186. ameliorate: to make better; improve.
168. aloft: in air, upward.

187. amenable: able to be led; submissive.
188. amend: 1) to remove the faults of : correct : 204. amplify: 1) to make larger or stronger; inemend; 2) to change or revise (a law, constitucrease or extend (power, authority, etc); 2) to
tion, etc); 3) to make better : improve.
develop more fully, as with details, examples,
statistics, etc.
189. amenity: 1) pleasant quality; attractiveness;
2a) an attractive or desirable feature, as of 205. amputate: to cut off (an arm, leg, etc), esp
by surgery.
a place, climate, etc; 2b) ath that adds to
one’s comfort : convenience; 3) the courteous
206. amulet: an object worn on the body beacts and pleasant manners of polite social because of its supposed magical power to protect;
against injury or evil; a charm; talisman.
190. amerce: punished by fine.
207. ana: collection of odd literary items.
191. amiable: agreeable, pleasing, charming;
208. anachronism: misdate; intempestivity; a
[Opp.] dour, testy, grouchy, crusty.
chronological misplacing of persons, events,
objects, or customs in regard; to each other.
192. amicable: friendly in feeling; showing goodwill; peaceable [an amicable discussion].
209. anagogic: mystical;.
193. amiss: in a wrong way; astray, wrongly, fault210. analects: miscellaneous excerpts.
ily, improperly,etc.
211. analgesia: a fully conscious state in which
194. amity: friendly, peaceful relations, as between
normal pain is not felt.
nations; friendship.
212. analogous: similar or comparable in certain
195. amnesty: a pardon, esp for political offenses
against a government.
213. analogy: 1) similarity in some respects be196. amok (amuck): 1) to rush about in a frenzy
tween things otherwise unlike; partial resemto kill; 2) to lose control of oneself and behave
blance; 2) [Logic] an inference from certain
outrageously and violently; 3) to become wild
admitted resemblances between two or; more
or undisciplined.
things to a probable further similarity between
197. amoral: 1) not to be judged by criteria of
morality; neither moral nor immoral; 2) with- 214. anaphorically: the rhetorical device of beginout moral sense or principles; incapable of disning successive sentences with the same word;
tinguishing between right and wrong.
or phrase.
198. amorous: of, relating to, expression of sexual 215. anarchism: 1) the theory that all forms of
government interfere unjustly with individual;
liberty and should be replaced by the volun199. amorphism: uncouthness; absence of form.
tary association of cooperative; groups; 2) re200. amortize: to wipe out; to provide for the
sistance, sometimes by terrorism, to organized
gradual extinction of sth.
201. amphibology: ambiguity.

216. anastomotic: communication by cross connections to form a network.

202. amphitheater: 1) a round or oval building
with an open space (arena) surrounded by ris- 217. anathema: a solemn ecclesiastical curse; a
ing ; rows of seats.
curse; execration;
203. ample: 1) large in size, extent, scope etc : 218. anchor: 1) any device that holds sth else sespacious : roomy; 2) more than enough : abuncure; 2) ath. that gives or seems to give stadant; 3) enough to fulfill the needs or purpose
bility or security; 3) a person who anchors a
: adequate.
team, news-cast etc.
219. anchoritism: (anchorite: a recluse : a man 234. anneal: 1) to heat (glass, metals,etc) and
then cool slowly to prevent bitterness; 2) to
or woman who has renounced the world).
strengthen and temper (the mind, will, etc).
220. anchovy: a small Mediterranean fish of herring family (put on pizza as sauce).
235. annihilate: 1) to destroy completely : put
out of existence : demolish; 2) to consider or
221. ancillary: 1) subordinate: often with to; 2)
cause to be of no importance or without effect;
that serves as an aid : auxiliary.
nullify [to ∼ another’s ambition]; 3) to conquer
decisively : crush.
222. ancipital: two edged.
223. anecdote: a short, entertaining account of 236. annotated: to make notes upon sth.
some happening, usually personal or; bio237. annuity: payment falling due annually.
224. anemia: 1) lack or vigor or vitality : lifeless- 238.
225. anesthesia: 1) a partial or total loss of the
sense of pain, temperature, touch, etc.; pro240.
duced by disease; 2) a loss of sensation induced by an anesthetic, hypnosis, or acupuncture and; limited to a specific area or involving
a loss of consciousness.
226. anfractuous: winding.
227. anguish: great suffering, as from worry, grief, 242.
or pain; agony.
228. angular: 1) having or forming an angle or
angles; having sharp corners; 2) with bones
that jut out : gaunt; 3) without ease or grace;
stiff [an angular stride].
229. anhedonia: losing the will of living or losing ability to experience pleasure in normally;
pleasurable things.
230. animadvert: to consider; attend to; reprehend; to make a critical and usu censorious 245.
231. animate: 1) to give life to : bring to life; 2)
to make gay, energetic or spirited; 3) to give
motion to : to put into action.

annunciate: proclaim; announce.
anodyne: lenitive; remedial; relief; drug that
relieves pain.
anoint: to smear with ointment or oil; to
drub; to smear with oil in a ceremony of consecration.
anomaly: irregularity; sth different, abnormal, peculiar. or not easily classified.
anomic: ¡see anomie!¿.
anomie: this is a social condition characterized by the breakdown of norms governing; social interactions; social alienation.
anonymous: 1) with no name known or acknowledged; 2) given ,written, etc by a person
whose name is withheld or unknown; 3) not
easily distinguished from others from one another because of a lack of; individual features
or character.
ansate: having a handle.
antagonist: 1) a person who opposes or competes with another : adversary : opponent; 2)
a muscle, drug, etc that acts in opposition to
or counteracts another.

232. animus: 1) an animating force or underlying 247. antecede: to go before in rank, place, or time;
purpose : intention; 2) a feeling or strong illprecede.
will or hatred : animosity.
248. antecedents: 1) any happening or thing prior
233. annals: 1) a written account of events year
to another; 2) ath logically preceding; 3) one’s
by year in chronological order; 2) historical
ancestry, past life, training etc.
records or chronicles : history; 3) any journal containing reports of discoveries in some 249. antediluvian: very old, old-fashioned, or
fields, meetings of; a society, etc.
250. anthropoid: 1) resembling a human; 2) ape- 266. aperture: 1) an opening; hole : gap; 2) the
like [a brutish man with anthropoid features].
opening or the diameter of the opening in a
camera, telescope, etc.; thru which light passes
251. anthropology: the study of humans, esp of
into the lens.
the variety, physical and cultural; characteristics, distribution, customs, social relation- 267. aphasia: inability to express thought in words
ships, etc of humanity.
by reason of some brain disease.
252. anthropomorphism: the attributing of hu- 268. aphesis: initial curtailment.
man shape or characteristics to a god, animal,
269. aphorism: a concise and statement; a brief
or; inanimate thing.
pithy saying.
253. anticipation: foreboding, presentiment, pre270. apiaries: a place where bees are kept.
vision; fear, doubt, dread.
254. anticlimax: 1) a sudden drop from the dig- 271. aplomb: self-possession; assurance; poise.
nified or important in thought or expression 272. apocalypse: 1) any of various Jewish and
to; the commonplace or trivial, sometimes for
Christian pseudonymous writings depicting;
humorous effect; 2) a descent, as in a series of
symbolically the ultimate destruction of evil
events, which is in ludicrous or disappointing;
and triumph of good; 2) a disclosure regarded
contrast to a preceding rise.
as prophetic : revelation.
255. antihero: the protagonist of a novel, play, etc 273. apocryphal: not genuine; of doubtful authorwho lacks the virtues and esteemable; traits of
ity; spurious.
a traditional hero.
274. apodictic: necessarily true.
256. antinomy: opposition between principles.
275. apogee: 1) the point farthest from the earth
257. antipathy: aversion, repugnance, antagoin the orbit of the moon or of a man-made;
nism; [Opp.] approbation, commendation, apsatellite: opposed to perigee; 2) the highest or
farthest point.
258. antiphonal: alternate chanting or singing.

276. apolaustic: devoted to enjoyment.

259. antiquarian: connected with the studies of 277. apologue: a moral fable.
278. apology: exculpation, entreaty, supplication;
260. antisemitic: anti Jews.
[Opp.] censure, arraignment, imputation.
261. antithesis: 1) a contrast or opposition of 279. apoplexy: a condition in any organ of severe
thoughts, usu. in two phrase, clauses, or; senhemorrhage or infraction: formerly used; esp.
tences [you are going : i am staying]; 2) the
to indicate cerebral accident or stroke.
second part of such an expression; 3) the exact opposite [joy is the antithesis of sorrow]. 280. aposiopesis: sentence left unfinished.
262. anvil: an iron or steel block on which metal 281. apostate: renegade; (one who has revolted
objects are hammered into shape.
from ecclesiastical obedience); defection.
263. apathetic: lack of interest towards sth or 282.
someone’s problems?.
264. apathy:
stoicism, lethargy, indifference;
[Opp.] turbulence, eagerness, vehemence.
265. ape: to imitate or mimic.

apothecary: a druggist or pharmacist.
apothegm: a pithy saying more short pointed
and practical than the aphorism need be.
apotheosis: resuscitation; canonization; hero
worship; deification; glorification.
285. appall: to fill with horror or dismay; shock.

301. aqueduct: canal.

286. appanage: 1) a provision for maintenance 302. arbiter: umpire; judge.
esp for the kings younger child; 2) natural at303. arbitrary: 1) not fixed by rules but left to
one’s judgement or choice : discretionary; 2)
based on one’s preference, notion, whim etc;
287. apparition: 1) anything that appears unex3) absolute : despotic.
pectedly or in an extraordinary way; esp, a
strange figure appearing suddenly and thought
304. arbitration: the act of arbitrating; specif, the
to be a ghost; 2) the act of appearing or besettlement of a dispute by a person or persons
coming visible.
chosen to hear both; sides and come to a decision.
288. appease: 1) to pacify or quiet, esp by giving
in to the demands of; 2) to satisfy or relieve 305. arbor: a shaft or beam; a spindle or axis; grass
[water appeases thirst].
plot; garden.
289. appellation: 1) the act of calling by a name; 306. arboretum: a place where many kinds of
2) a name or title that describes or identifies a
trees and shrubs are grown for exhibition.
person or thing : designation.
307. arcade: a passage having an arched roof; any
290. append: to attach or affix; add as a supplecovered passageway, esp one with shops; on the
ment or appendix.
291. appetency: craving.

308. archaic: old-fashioned; ancient.

292. apposite: juxtaposition; appropriate or apt.

309. archetypal: prototype; original pattern or

293. apprehend: 1) to take into custody : capture
or arrest; 2) to take hold of mentally : perceive 310. archives: [usually pl.] a place in which public
: understand; 3) to anticipate with anxiety :
records or historical documents are; preserved;
also, the material preserved.
294. apprise: to inform or notify.

311. ardor: 1) emotional warmth : passion; 2) eagerness : enthusiasm : zeal; 3) intense heat :
295. approbation: approval; official approval,
sanction or commendation.
312. arduous: 1) difficult to do : laborious : oner296. appurtenance: 1) anything that appertains;
ous; 2) using much energy : strenuous; 3) steep
thing added to a more important thing : ad: hard to climb [an arduous slope].
junct; 2) [pl.] apparatus or equipment : accessories; 3) an incidental right, privilege, etc, 313. argot: slang; (orig that of thieves).
attached to some thing and passing with it, as
314. aria: an air or melody in a opera, cantata, or
by conveyance or sale.
oratorio, esp for solo voice with; instrumental
297. apropos: to the purpose; appropriately.
298. apse: a semi circular of polygonal recess esp 315. arid: 1) lacking enough water for things to
grow : dry and barren; 2) not interesting :
at the east end of a church quire.
lifeless : dull.
299. apterous: wingless.
316. aristocracy: 1) orig. government by the best
300. aptitude: the quality of being apt or approcitizens; 2) government by a privileged minorpriate; a natural tendency or inclination; a
ity or upper class, usu. of inherited wealth and
natural ability or talent; quickness to learn or
social position; 3) a country with this form of
govt : oligarchy.
317. armada: 1) a fleet of warships; 2) a fleet of 333. aseptic: medically sterile; not septic; free
military aircraft.
from or keeping away disease producing or putrefying microorganisms.
318. armistice: a suspension of hostilities; a truce.
334. asinine: of or like an ass.
319. armorer: a maker/repairer/custodian of
335. askance: with a sideways glance; obliquely;
arms and armor.
with suspicion, disapproval etc.
320. aromatic: 1) of or having and aroma;
smelling sweet or spicy; fragrant or pungent. 336. askew: aside; awry;
321. arraign: charge; cite; censure; summon (bring 337. asperity: discourtesy; anger; irascibility;
roughness or harshness as of surface, sound,
before a court).
weather,etc or of circumstances.
322. arrant: downright; unmitigated; notorious;
338. aspersion: the act of defaming; a damaging
or disparaging remark; slander; innuendo.
323. array: 1) to place in order : marshal (troops
for battle, etc); 2) to dress in fine or showy 339. aspirant: a person who aspires, as after honors, high position, etc.
attire : deck out.
324. arrears: unpaid and overdue debts; any obligation not met on time; unfinished business,
work, etc.

340. aspiration: a) strong desire or ambition, as
for advancement, honor, etc; b) the thing so
desired; 2) a breathing in, as of dust into the

325. arroyo: 1) a dry gully; 2) a rivulet or stream.

341. assay: to put to trial; to put to the proof; to
326. articulate: 1) having parts connected by
joints; 2) able to speak; 3) expressing oneself 342. assess: 1) to set an estimated value on (propeasily and clearly; 4) well formulated : clearly
erty etc) for taxation; 2) to set the amount of
presented [an articulate argument].
(a tax, a fine, damages etc); 3) to impose a
fine, tax or special payment on (a person or
327. artifacts: any object made by human work;
esp, a simple or primitive tool, weapon, vessel,
343. asseveration: assertion.
328. artifice: 1) skill or ingenuity; 2) a clever ex- 344. assiduity: persistent application or diligence.
pedient; 3) trickery or craft.
345. assiduously: diligently.
329. artisan: a worker in a skilled trade; crafts346. assimilate: 1) to change (food) into a form
that can be taken up by, and made part of;
330. artless: 1) lacking skill or art; 2) uncultured
body tissues; 2) to absorb and incorporate into
: ignorant; 3) not artistic : clumsy : crude;
one’s thinking; 3) to absorb (groups of different
4) without artificiality : simple : natural; 4)
cultures) into the main cultural body; 4) to
without guile or deceit.
make like or alike : cause to resemble : with
331. ascendancy: a position in which one has control or power; supremacy; domination.
347. assonant: to correspond in vowel sound.
332. ascription: act, expression, formula of ascrib- 348. assuage: 1) to lessen (pain, distress, etc) :
ing or imputing (assigning or attributing sth to
allay; 2) to satisfy or slake (thirst, appetite,
etc); 3) to calm (passion, anger, etc) : pacify.
349. assurance: the act or action of assuring: as 367. atrophy: wasting away; progressive decline;
pledge, guarantee: the act of conveying real;
property: also the instrument by which it is
conveyed; the state of being assured: as secu- 368. attenuate: decrease; weaken; mitigate.
rity: being certain in the mind.
369. attest: to bear witness; certify or testify (to).
350. asthenic: weak.
370. attrition: wearing down by rubbing together;
351. astigmatism: distorted view or judgement,
a defective or imperfect sorrow for sin; any
as because of bias.
gradual wearing or weakening esp to the point
of exhaustion; loss of personnel from an orga352. astral: belonging to the stars.
nization in the normal course of events, as by
353. astringent: that contracts the body tissues
and checks secretions, capillary bleeding,etc;
371. atypical: not typical.
styptic; having a harsh biting quality.
372. audacity: boldness; effrontery; presumption;
arrogance; assurance.

354. astrolabe: astronomical instrument.

355. astute: clever, discerning, sagacious; [Opp.]
obtuse, stolid, dull.
373. audit: 1) a formal, often periodic examination
and checking of accounts or financial records
356. astute: sagacious; shrewd; having keen disto verify their correctness; 2) a settlement or
adjustment of accounts.
357. asunder: into parts or pieces; apart or sepa374. augurs: a diviner; soothsayer.
rate in direction or position.
358. asylum: 1) a place where one is safe and se- 375. augury: 1) divination from omens; 2) an
omen; portent; indication.
cure; refuge; 2) the protection given by a sanctuary or refuge or by one country to refugees
from another country; 3) an institution for the 376. august: 1) inspiring awe and reverence; imposing and magnificent; 2) worthy of respect
care of the mentally ill, or of the aged, the poor
because of age and dignity, high position, etc;
359. asyndeton: omission of conjunctions.
377. aura: subtle emanation; air; distinctive char360. atavistic: appearance of ancestral but not
parental characteristics.
378. aureole: a radiance encircling the head or
361. atemporal: independent of or unaffected by
body, as in religious paintings; halo; glory;
time; timeless.
the illuminated area around the sun etc, as
when seen in a mist or during an eclipse; sun’s
362. atheist: a person who believes that there is
no God.
363. atonal: out of tune; not referred to any scale 379. auscultation: the art of discovering the conor tonic.
dition of the lungs and heart by applying the
ear of the stethoscope.
364. atone: 1) to make amends or reparation (for
a wrongdoing etc).
380. austere: 1) having a severe or stern look,
365. atrabilious: melancholy.
366. atrocity: 1) atrocious behaviour or condition;
brutality, cruelty etc.

manner, etc; forbidding; 2) showing strict selfdiscipline and self-denial; ascetic; 3) very plain;
lacking ornament or luxury [austere surroundings].
381. authenticate: 1) to make authentic or valid; 396. avocation: sth done in addition to a vocation
2) to establish the truth of; verify; 3) to prove
or regular work, and usu for pleasure; hobby.
to be genuine or as represented.
397. avowal: a positive declaration; an acknowl382. authoritarian: believing in, relating to ,
edgement; a frank confession.
characterized by, or enforcing unquestioning
obedience to authority, as that of a dictator, 398. avuncular: 1) of an uncle; 2) having traits
considered typical of uncles; jolly, indulgent,
rather than individual freedom of judgement
stodgy, etc.
and action.
383. autism: absorption in self-centered subjective 399. awl: a small, pointed tool for making holes in
wood, leather, etc.
mental activity usu accompanied by marked
withdrawal from reality.
400. awry: askew; with a twist to a side; wrong;
384. autocrat: 1) a ruler with absolute power;
dictator; despot; 2) anyone having unlimited 401. axiom: 1) a statement universally accepted as
power over others; 3) any domineering, selftrue; maxim; 2) an established principle or law
willed person.
of a science, art etc.
385. autodidacts: self taught.
402. azure: of faint blue sky color.
386. automaton: 1) ath that can move or act of
403. azygous: single.
itself; 2) a mechanism that is relatively self
operating, esp robot.
404. bacchanalia: a drunken party; orgy.
387. autopsy: 1) an examination and dissection of 405. badger: to harass or annoy persistently.
a dead body to discover the cause of death,
damage done by disease, etc; post-mortem; 2) 406. badinage: light playful talk; banter.
a detailed critical analysis of a book, play, etc,
407. bagatelle: a trifle; a piece of music played in
or of some event.
a light style.
388. auxiliary: 1) giving help or aid; assisting or
408. bait: 1) to torment or harass with unprosupporting; 2) acting in a subsidiary, or suborvoked, vicious, repeated attacks; 2) to tease or
dinate capacity; 3) additional; supplementary;
goad esp so as to provoke reaction; 3) to put
food etc on (a hook or trap) to lure animals or
389. avaricious: greedy;miserly; parsimonious;
penurious; stingy.
409. baize: a coarse woollen cloth.
390. avariciousness: parsimonious, niggardly,
410. baldric: belt for sword.
penurious, greediness; [Opp.] bountiful, munificent, generous.
411. baleen: whalebone.
391. aver: to declare to be true.

412. baleful: malignant; hurtful; sorrowful.

392. averse: reluctant; disinclined.

413. balk: 1) to obstruct or thwart; foil; 2) to stop
and obstinately refuse to move or act; 3) to
393. aviary: a large cage or building for keeping
hesitate or recoil (at).
many birds.
394. avid: having an intense craving; greedy; eager 414. balm: 1) any fragrant ointment or aromatic
oil for healing or anointing; 2) ath healing or
and enthusiastic.
soothing, esp to the mind or temper [sleep was
395. avocation: a diversion or distraction from
a ∼ to his troubles]; 3) pleasant odor; fraone’s regular occupation.
415. balmy: having the qualities of balm; soothing, 428. barrage: 1) a curtain of artillery fire laid
mild, pleasant, etc [a balmy day].
down to keep enemy forces from moving, or; to
cover or prepare the way for one’s own forces,
416. balustrade: a small pillar supporting a stair
esp in attack; 2) a heavy, prolonged attack of
rail; railing.
words, blows, etc.
417. banal: commonplace; trivial; trite; insipid.
418. bane: the cause of distress, death, or ruin.

429. barrage: a man-made barrier in a stream,
river, etc to deepen the water or channel it;
for irrigation; dam.

419. banter: to joke or jest; to assail with good 430. barratry: a kind of fraud.
humored raillery.
431. barrier: bulwark, barricade, rampart; [Opp.]
opening, transit, way.
420. barb: 1) a thin, somewhat beardlike growth
near the mouth of certain animals, as the; bar- 432. barrister: in England, a qualified member of
bel of a fish; 2) a piece of linen for covering the
the legal profession who presents and; pleads
throat and sometimes the chin worn by nuns;
cases in court; counselor-at-law.
3) a sharp point curving or projecting in an
opposite direction from the main; point of a 433. barter: to trade by exchanging goods or serfish-hook, harpoon, arrow etc; 4) sharpness;
vices without using money.
sting [the ∼ of his wit made us wince]; 5) a
cutting remark; 6) one of the hairlike branches 434. bask: 1) to warm oneself pleasantly, as in the
sunlight; 2) to enjoy a warm or pleasant feeling
growing from the shaft of a feather.
from being in a certain environment or; situation [to bask in someone’s favor].
421. barbate: bearded.
422. bard: 1) any of various national minstrels or 435. bastion: a kind of tower or fortification; (figuratively defense)
epic poets; a poet.
436. bate: to abate, lessen, lower, etc.
423. barefaced: 1) with the face uncovered, unmasked, beardless; 2) unconcealed; open; 3) 437. bathos: ludicrous descent from the elevated
shameless; brazen; audacious.
to the mean in writing or speech.
424. baritone: deep toned male voice between bass 438. batiste: a fine fabric of linen, cotton or wool.
and tenor (eg Amitabh’s voice).
439. batten: to grow fat.
425. barnacle: shell-bearing sea animal.
440. bauble: a trifling piece of finery; a child’s
426. baroque: 1) of, characteristic of or like a style
of art and architecture characterized; by much 441. bawdy: indecent or humorously coarse; lewd.
ornamentation and curved rather than straight
lines; 2) of, characteristic of, or like a style 442. beatific: blissful.
of music characterized by highly; embellished
melodies and fugal or contrapuntal forms; 3) 443. beatitude: heavenly happiness.
designating or of the period in which these
444. bedizen: to dress or decorate in a cheap,
styles flourished( 1600-1750); 4) fantastically
showy way.
overdecorated; gaudily ornate; 5) irregular in
shape said of pearls; something so ornate as to 445. bedlam: an asylum for lunatics; a madhouse.
be in bad taste.
446. bedraggle: to soil by dragging in the wet or
427. barouche: carriage.
dirt; gen for a pathetic condition.
447. bedrock: 1) a secure foundation; 2) the very 463. belittle: to make seem little, less important
bottom; 3) basic principles or facts.
etc; speak slightingly of; depreciate.
448. beech: a common forest tree (silvery bark 464. bellicose: warlike; contentious.
465. belligerent: 1) at war; designating or of a
449. befogged: to obscure.
state recognized under international law as;
being engaged in a war; 2) inclined to or ex450. beget: 1) to be the father or sire of; procreate;
hibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combative2) to bring into being; produce [tyranny ∼s
451. begrudge: 1) to feel ill will or resentment 466. bellwether: leader.
at the possession or employment of (sth) by; 467. bemused: to put in confusion; stupefy.
another [to begrudge another’s fortune]; 2) to
give with ill will or reluctance [he begrudges 468. benediction: a blessing; a solemn invocation
her every cent]; 3) to regard with displeasure
of the divine blessing on men or things.
or disapproval.
469. benefactor: a person who has given help, esp
452. beguile: to cheat or deceive; to pass with
financial help; patron.
diversion of attention from ath tedious or
470. beneficence: active goodness; kindness; charpainful.
453. behemoth: an animal or thing that is huge
or very powerful.
471. beneficiary: 1) anyone receiving benefit; 2)
a person named to receive the income or in454. beholden: obliged to feel grateful; owing
heritance from a will, insurance policy, trust
thanks; indebted.
455. behoove: to be necessary for or incumbent 472. benighted: overtaken by night; involved in
upon [it behooves you to think for yourself].
darkness intellectual or moral.
456. belabor: 1) to beat severely; hit or whip; 2)
473. benign: 1) good-natured; kindly; 2) favorto attack with words; scold; 3) to spend too
able; beneficial; 3) doing little or no harm; not
much time and effort on; develop in too great
detail [to belabor the issue].
474. benison: benediction; blessing.
457. belated: late or too late; tardy.
458. beldam: a hag; a grandmother or remoter an- 475. bequeathal: to transmit to posterity; to commit or entrust to anyone.
459. beleaguer: 1) to besiege by encircling, as with 476. berate: to scold or chide vigorously.
an army; 2) to beset, as with difficulties; ha477. bereave: 1) to deprive or rob; dispossess: now
usually in the pp, bereft [she was bereft of hope
or; happiness]; 2) to leave in a sad or lonely
460. belesprit: in good spirits.
state, as by loss or death.
461. belgard: a fair or kind look.
478. bereft: deprived by death of some dear rela462. belie: 1) to give a false idea of; disguise or
tive or friend; snatched away.
misrepresent [his smile ∼s his anger]; 2) to
leave unfulfilled; disappoint [war ∼d hopes for 479. beset: 1) to cover or set thickly with; stud; 2)
peace]; 3) to show to be untrue; prove false
to attack from all sides; harass or besiege; 3)
[her cruelty ∼d her kind words].
to surround or hem in.
480. besmirch: to soil as with smoke or soot; to 502. bivouac: the resting of soldiers in open air at
bring to dishonor, sully.
481. besotted: to make dull, sottish, or stupid; 503. blanch: 1) to make white; take color out of;
to make pale.
482. bespeak: engage in advance.



504. bland: 1) pleasantly smooth in manner;
suave; 2) mild and soothing; not sharp, harsh
bestow: 1) to give or present as a gift : often
with on or upon; 2) to apply; devote [to ∼
much time on a project].
505. blandish: to flatter or coax in persuading; cajole.
betrothal: mutual pledge to marry; engagement.
506. blase: having indulged in pleasure so much as
to be unexcited by it; satiated and bored.
bevy: 1) a group, esp of girls or women; 2)
a flock : now chiefly of quail; 3) any group or 507. blasphemy: impious or profane speaking.
508. blatant: glaringly obvious; calumniously
bezel: edge of a cutting tool.
clamorous; egregiously vulgar.

487. bibelot: trinket; a small decorative object.
488. bibulous: addicted to drink.
489. bicameral: having two legislative chambers.

509. bleak: dreary, desolate, dismal; [Opp.] bright,
cheerful, balmy.
510. bleary: dim; esp from fatigue or sleep.

490. bicker: to contend in a petty way; a fight or 511. blight: 1) any atmospheric or soil condition,
parasite, or insect that kills,; withers, or checks
the growth of plants; 2) any of several plant
diseases, as rust, mildew, or smut; 3) anything
491. biddable: tractable.
that destroys, prevents growth, or causes de492. bifurcated: having two branches or peaks;
valuation [slums are a; blight on a city]; 4)
a person or thing that withers one’s hopes or
493. bight: bay.
512. blighted: injured; destroyed; depressed; frus494. bigotry: blind or excessive zeal esp in relitrated.
gious manners; intolerance; prejudice.
513. blithe: jocund; cheerful; sprightly.
495. bijoux: a jewel; something delicate and
exquisitely wrought.
514. bloated: 1) to swell, as with water or air; 2)
to puff up, as with pride.

496. bilboes: fetters.
497. bilge: the broadest part of a ships bottom.

515. blowhard: a loudly boastful person.

498. bilious: 1) having or resulting from some ail- 516. bludgeon: a short club with a thick, heavy,
or loaded end.
ment of the bile or the liver.
499. bilk: swindle; frustrate; defraud.

517. bluestocking: a learned lady esp one inclining to pedantry.

500. bipartisan: consisting of members of two par518. bluff: 1) a high, steep, broad-faced bank or
cliff; 2) having a rough and frank but affable
501. bittern: marsh bird.
519. bluff: 1) to mislead or seek to mislead (a per- 540. boustrophedonic: alternately from left to
son) by a false, bold front; 2) to frighten (a
right and right to left.
person) by threats not intended to be carried
541. bovine: 1) of an ox; 2) having ox-like qualout.
ities; thought of as ox-like; slow,dull, stupid,
520. blurb: a publishers commendatory descripstolid, etc.
tion of a book commonly printed on the jacket.
542. bowdlerize: to remove passages considered
521. blurt: to say suddenly, without stopping to
offensive from (a book, play, etc); expurgate.
think: often with out.
543. brachylogy: condensed expression.
522. blustered: to bully or swagger.
523. bode: to be an omen of; presage.
524. bogus: not genuine; spurious.

544. brackish: 1) somewhat salty, as the water of
some marshes near the sea; 2) having an unpleasant taste; nauseating.

525. bolster: 1) a long, narrow cushion or pillow; 545. braggadocio: empty boasting; braggart or
2) a soft pad for easing pressure on any part
of the body; 3) to support, strengthen or reinforce.
546. brandish: to wave or flourish as a weapon.
526. bombast: talk or writing that sounds grand 547. bravado: pretended courage or defiant confior important but has little meaning; pompous
dence where there is little or none.
548. brawn: strong, well-developed muscles; mus527. bonafide: genuine.
cular strength.
528. bonhomie: easy good nature.
549. brazen: bold or reckless;
529. boon: 1) welcome benefit; blessing; 2) merry?.
550. brazier: a vessel or tray for hot coals.
530. boor: crude; peasant; coarse or awkward per551. breakwater: a barrier against force of waves.
son; yokel; churl.
531. bootlegging: illicit distillation of liquor.

552. breviary: prayer book.

532. bosky: woody; bushy; shady; (colloq) some- 553. brevity: shortness of duration; esp, shortness
what tipsy.
or conciseness of expression.
533. bosun: boatswain.
534. bouillon: a clear broth, usually of beef.

554. bridle: any curb or restraint; a head(like
me)movement expressing scorn or vanity.

535. boulevard: a promenade bordered with trees. 555. brindle: marked with spots or streaks (of a
darker color).
536. bounteous: bountiful.
537. bountiful: 1) giving freely and graciously; 556. brinkmanship: the art or practice of pushing
a dangerous situation or confrontation to the
generous; 2) provided in abundance; plentiful.
limit of safety esp to force a desired outcome.
538. bourasque: a tempest.
557. brittle: 1) easily broken or shattered because
539. bourgeois: 1a) a self employed person, as a
hard and inflexible; 2) having a sharp, hard
shopkeeper or businessman; 1b) a member of
quality; 3) stiff and unbending in manner; lackthe bourgeoisie or middle class; 2) a person
ing warmth.
whose, beliefs, attitudes and practices are conventionally middle class.
558. broached: to open up or begin.
559. broadsheet: a sheet of paper printed on one 578. bureaucracy: 1) the administration of govside containing a proclamation or popular maternment thru departments and subdivisions
managed by sets of appointed officials following an inflexible routine; 2) the officials collec560. broadside: the side of a ship; all the guns on
one side of a ship of war; also broadsheet.
579. burgeon: 1) to put forth buds, shoots, etc;
561. brocade: a rich cloth with a raised design, as
sprout; 2) to grow or develop rapidly; expand;
of silk, velvet, gold, or silver, woven into it.
proliferate; flourish [the burgeoning suburbs].
562. brochure: a pamphlet, esp one promoting or 580. burgess: a member of a privileged class in a
advertising something.
563. brooch: an ornament that is held by a pin or 581. burgher: a townsman;.
clasp and is worn at or near the neck.
582. burlesque: ludicrous imitation;.
564. brook: to put up with; endure: usually in the
583. burnish: to make or become shiny by rubnegative [I will brook no interference].
bing; polish.
565. browbeat: to intimidate with harsh, stern
584. buttress: 1) a projecting structure, generally
looks and talk; bully.
of brick or stone, built against a wall to sup566. brumal: wintry.
port or reinforce it; 2) anything like a buttress;
support or prop.
567. brummagem: tinsel.
585. buxom: having a shapely, full-bosomed fig568. brusquely: curtly; roughly.
ure: said of a woman or girl.
569. buccal: of or pertaining to the mouth or 586. cabal: small party united for some secret decheeks.
sign; the plot or scheme itself.
570. bucolic: pertaining to the tending of cattle; 587.
pastoral; rustic.
571. buffoon: a person who is always clowning and
trying to be funny; clown.
572. bugaboo: bugbear;.

cabala: mystical doctrine.
cache: 1) a place in which stores of food,
supplies, etc, are hidden, as by explorers or
trappers; 2) a safe place for hiding or storing
things; 3) ath stored or hidden in such a place.

589. cachet: a seal; any distinctive stamp; a cap573. bugbear: 1) an imaginary hobgoblin or terror
sule enclosing a medicine.
used to frighten children into good conduct; 2)
anything causing seemingly needless or exces- 590. cachinnation: loud laughter.
sive fear or anxiety; 3) imaginary; bane; alarm;
591. cacophony: harsh, jarring sound; dissonance.
574. bullion: 1) gold and silver regarded as raw 592. cadaverous: pale; deathly; sickly looking;
gaunt; corpse like.
material; 2) gold or silver in the form of ingots,
bars, or sometimes coins.
593. cadence: 1) fall of the voice in speaking; 2)
inflection or modulation in tone; 3) any rhyth575. bulwark: the side of the ship projecting above
mic flow of sound; 4) measured movement, as
the deck; a fortification or rampart.
in dancing or marching, or the beat of such
576. bumptiousness: offensively self important.
577. bungle: to spoil by clumsy work or action; 594. cadge: To intrude or live on another meanly,
or beg.
595. cadger: idler; beggar; huckster.

615. canard: a false rumor; a false esp malicious
report that has been fabricated with the intention of doing harm.

596. caesura: rhythmic break.
597. caitiff: a person of low character.

616. cancel: rescind, abrogate, annul; to endorse,
enforce, ratify.

598. cajole: to coax with flattery and insincere
talk; wheedle.
617. candent: glowing; white hot.

599. calamity: 1) deep trouble or misery; 2) any 618. candor: openness; frankness in expressing
extreme misfortune bringing great loss and soroneself; the quality of being fair and unprejrow; disaster.
udiced and impartial.
600. calefaction: increase of temperature; igni- 619. canker: 1) ath that corrupts or gradually detion; inflammation.
stroys; 2) an ulcerlike sore, esp in the mouth :
thought to be an immune reaction.
601. calescent: growing warm.
620. canny: careful and shrewd in one’s actions
602. caliber: degree of worth or value of a person
and dealings; clever and cautious; careful, pruor thing; quality or ability.
dent : with money; thrifty.
603. caliginous: misty.

621. canon: a regulation or dogma decreed by a
church council; the authentic works of a writer;
604. calk: to render watertight; sailor slang–to
605. calligraphy: 1) beautiful handwriting, esp as 622. cant: beveled; to set at an angle; tilt; to pitch
to one side; lean; slope;inclined.
an art; 2) handwriting; penmanship.
606. callous: insensible, obdurate, unfeeling; com- 623. cant: lively; lusty.
passionate, indulgent, tender.
624. cant: the expression or repetition of conventional or trite opinions or sentiments esp the
607. callous: lacking pity, mercy etc; unfeeling;
insincere use of pious words.
thick and hardened.
608. callow: raw; inexperienced (note sense!); low
lying and liable to be submerged; still lacking
the feathers needed for flying; unfledged.
609. calorific: producing heat.

625. cant: to talk or beg in a whining or sing-song
manner; to speak in cant or jargon; to talk
626. cantankerous:

cross-grained; perverse in

610. calumny: defamation, libel, detraction, as627. cantata: a musical composition consisting of
persion; laudation, commendation, goodwill.
vocal solos, choruses etc, often with instrumental accompaniment, used as a setting for
611. calumny: false accusation; slander.
a story to be sung not acted.
612. camaraderie: loyalty and warm, friendly feel628. canto: any of the main divisions of certain
ing among comrades; comradeship.
long poems, corresponding to the chapters of
613. camber: curve upwards.
a book.
614. cameo: 1) a minor but well defined role in 629. canvass: 1) to examine or discuss in detail;
a play, movie, etc, esp by a notable actor; 1)
look over carefully; 2) to go through (places)
a fine bit of descriptive writing ¡other horrid
or among (people) asking for (votes, opinions,
meanings in the dictionary¿.
orders, etc).
630. capacious: having a large capacity; roomy; 645. caricature: 1) a picture or imitation of a perspacious.
son, literary style, etc in which certain; features or mannerisms are exaggerated for satir631. caparisoned: the covering of a horse; rich
ical effect; 2) a likeness or imitation that is so
cloth over war horse.
distorted or inferior as to seem ludicrous.
632. capillary: 1) of or like a hair, esp in being 646. carillon: 1) a set of stationary bells, each
very slender; 2) having a very small bore.
producing one tone of the chromatic scale;
now usu sounded by means of a keyboard; 2)
633. capitulate: to treaty; to draw up terms of
a smaller instrument imitating this electroniagreement; to surrender conditionally.
cally usu by amplifying the; sounds made by
striking metal tubes, bars, etc.
634. caprice: a change of humor or opinion without reason; a freak changeableness.

647. carious: decayed (link to carrion!).

635. caption: 1a) a heading or title, as of an article; 1b) a descriptive title, or legend, as un- 648. carnage: bloody and extensive slaughter, esp
in battle; massacre; bloodshed.
der the illustration; 2b) a heading showing the
names of the parties, court and docket number
649. carousal: festivities; drinking and dancing; a
in a pleading or deposition.
noisy merry drinking party.
636. captious: petulant, censorious, carping, fret650. carp: to catch at small faults and errors.
ful; encouraging, complementary, approving.
637. captious: ready to catch at faults and take 651. carping: biting; venomous; to complain or
find fault in a petty or nagging way.
offense; quibbling; carping; made only for the
sake of argument or fault finding.
652. carrefour: crossroads; square, plaza.
638. carafe: a glass bottle for serving wine, water
653. carrion: the decaying flesh of a dead body esp
or coffee.
when regarded as food for scavenging animals;
ath very disgusting or repulsive.
639. carapace: the horny, protective covering over
all or part of the back of certain animals, as
654. caryatid: column in the shape of a female
the upper shell of the turtle, armadillo etc.
640. carat: 1) a unit of weight for precious stones
and pearls, equal to 200 milligrams; 2) one 655. cascade: 1) a small steep waterfall, esp one of
a series; 2) ath suggesting this, as a shower of
24th part (of pure gold) [14-carat gold is 14
sparks or an arrangement of lace or drapery in
parts pure gold and 10 parts alloy].
rippling folds; 3) ath connected in a series.
641. carcinogenic: any substance that produces
656. cassock: robe worn by a priest.
657. caste: 1) any exclusive and restrictive social
or occupational class or group; 2) rigid class
643. cardinal: 1) of main importance; principal;
distinction based or birth, wealth, etc, operatchief; 2) bright-red, like the robe of a cardinal.
ing as a social system or principle.

642. carcinoma: a cancer.

644. careen: 1) to cause (a ship) to lean or lie on 658. castellated: having turrets and battlements
one side, as on a beach, so that the; bottom
like a castle.
can be cleaned, repaired etc; 2) to cause to
lean sideways, tip, tilt; 3) to lurch from side to 659. castigate: to punish or rebuke severely, esp
side, esp when moving rapidly.
by harsh public criticism.
660. casualty: 1) an accident esp a fatal one; 2) 674. caulk: 1) to stop up (the cracks, seams,etc)
anyone hurt or killed in an accident; 3) ath
of (a window frame, boat, etc) as with a putty
lost, destroyed, or made useless by some unlike sealant or oakum; 2) to make (a joint of
fortunate or unforeseen happening.
overlapping plates) tight by hammering the
edge of one plate into the side of the other.
661. cataclysmic: a debacle; deluge; any great upheaval that causes sudden and violent changes 675. causal: 1) of a cause or causes; 2) being or involving a cause; 3) relating to cause and effect.
as earthquake etc.
662. catalyst: 1) any substance serving as the 676. caustic: that can burn, eat away or destroy
tissue by chemical action; corrosive; cutting or
agent in catalysis; 2) a person or thing acting
sarcastic in utterance; biting.
as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening
a result.
677. cauterize: to burn with a hot needle, a laser,
a caustic substance, or an electric; current, so
663. catapult: 1) an ancient military contrivance
as to destroy dead or unwanted tissue, prevent
for throwing or shooting stones, spears, etc; 2)
the spread of; infection, seal blood vessels etc.
a slingshot; 3) to move quickly; leap.
678. cavalcade: a procession of horsemen or car664. cataract: a large waterfall; any strong flood
riages; any procession; a sequence or series of
or rush of water.
665. catechism: 1) a handbook of questions and 679. cavil: to make empty trifling objections; to
answers for teaching the principles of a reliuse false arguments.
gion; 2) any similar handbook for teaching the
680. cede: to give up one’s rights in; surrender forfundamentals of a subject.
mally; to transfer the title of ownership of.
666. categorical: without qualifications or conditions; absolute; positive; direct; explicit: said 681. celerity: swiftness in acting or moving; speed.
of a statement, theory, etc.
682. celestial: 1) of or in the sky or universe, as
planets, stars, etc; 2a) of heaven; divine; 2b)
667. categorically: unqualifiedly.
of the finest or highest kind [∼ bliss].
668. catenary: type of a suspended cable.

683. celibate: 1) an unmarried person, esp one under a vow to remain unmarried; 2) one who
669. catharsis: 1) purgation, esp of the bowels; 2)
abstains from sexual intercourse.
the purifying of the emotions or relieving of
emotional tensions; 3) the alleviation of fear, 684. cenobite: monk living communally.
problems, and complexes by bringing them to
685. cenotaph: a sepulchral monument without a
consciousness or giving them expression.
burial; empty tomb.
670. cathartic: a medicine for stimulating evacua686. censorious: expressing censure; inclined to
tion of bowels; purgative.
find fault; harshly critical.
671. catholic: 1) of general scope or value; all- 687. censure: to express strong disapproval of;
inclusive; universal; 2) broad in sympathies,
condemn as wrong.
tastes, or understanding; liberal; 3) of the
688. centrifugal: moving or tending to move away
Christian church headed by the Pope.
from the center (as opposed to centripetal?).
672. caucus: a closed meeting of a group of persons
belonging to the same political party or faction 689. centrifuge: a machine using centrifugal force
to separate particles of varying density, as
usu to select candidates or to decide on policy.
cream from milk, or to draw off moisture, as
673. caudle: warm drink for invalids.
in a washing machine.
690. centurion: the commanding officer of an an- 708. chaperon: one who accompanies a lady for
protection or appearances sake.
cient Roman century.
691. cerebral: of the brain or cerebrum; appealing 709. charisma: a divinely inspired gift, grace or
to, or conceived by the intellect rather than
talent as for prophesying, healing etc; a special
the emotions.
quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination; a special charm or allure that
692. cerebrate: to use one’s brain; think.
inspires fascination or devotion.
693. ceremonious: 1) ceremonial; 2) full of cere- 710. charlatan: a person who pretends to have exmony; 3) char by conventional usages or forpert knowledge or skill that he does not have;
mality; 4) excessively formal or proper.
fake; mountebank.
694. certitude: certainty; the state of being or
711. chary: not taking chances; careful; cautious;
feeling certain.
not giving freely; sparing (chary of his hospitality).
695. cessation: a ceasing or stopping, either forever or for some time.

712. chase: to make a groove or furrow in; indent.

696. cession: a ceding or giving up ( of rights,
713. chase: to ornament (metal) by engraving, emproperty, territory etc) to another.
bossing etc.
697. chafe: to rub so as to stimulate or make warm;
to wear away by rubbing; to irritate or make 714. chasm: 1) a deep crack in the earth’s surface;
abyss; narrow gorge; 2) any break or gap ; 3) a
sore by rubbing; to annoy, irritate.
wide divergence of feelings, sentiments, interests, etc; rift.
698. chaff: the husks of wheat or other grain separated in thrashing or winnowing; fine cut
hay or straw used as fodder; ath worthless; 715. chassis: the part of a motor vehicle that includes the engine, the frame, suspension systiny strips of metal foil used to confuse enemy
tem, wheels, steering mechanism, etc but not
the body.
699. chaff: to tease or ridicule in a good natured
716. chaste: not indulging in unlawful sexual acway.
tivity; virtuous; sexually abstinent; celibate;
700. chaffer: haggle.
pure, decent or modest in nature, behaviour
etc; restrained and simple in style; not ornate.
701. chagrin: vexation; annoyance; a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance because one has 717. chasten: 1) to punish in order to correct or
failed or been disappointed; mortification.
make better; chastise; 2) to restrain from excess; subdue; 3) to make purer in style; refine.
702. chalice: 1) a cup; goblet; 2) the cup or wine
of Holy Communion; 3) a cup shaped flower 718. chastise: 1) to punish, esp by beating; 2) to
¡there is some one called chalis too¿.
scold or condemn sharply.
703. chameleon: 1) a changeable or fickle person. 719. chasuble: ecclesiastical garment.
704. chamois: a goat like antelope.
705. champion: to fight for; defend; support.
706. chanticleer: cock.
707. chaparral: thicket.

720. chattel: any kind of property which is not
721. chauvinistic: an absurdly extravagant pride
in one’s country with a corresponding contempt for foreign nations
722. checkered: 1) having a pattern of squares; 740. circlet: a small circle; a ring or circular band
2) varied by the use of color and shading;
worn as an ornament esp on the head.
3) marked by diversified features or by varied
741. circuitous: roundabout; indirect; devious.
events, some unpleasant [ a ∼ career].
723. cherubic: 1) a person, esp a child, with a 742. circumjacence: ambience; environment; encompassment.
sweet, innocent face; 2) a representation of one
of the cherubim as, in early art, a winged angel
743. circumlocution: verbiage, verbosity, redunclothed in red or later, a chubby, rosy-faced
dancy, periphrasis; terseness, succinctness,
child with wings.
724. chiaroscuro: management of light and shade
744. circumscription: the act of limiting; rein a picture.
straining the action of; to confine.
725. chiastic: type of inverted word order.
745. circumspect: looking around on all sides
726. chicanery: trickery or artifice esp in legal proceedings; quibbling.
746. circumvent: to surround or circle around; to
727. chimerical: wildly fanciful; unreal; imagisurround or encircle with evils, enmity etc, ennary.
trap; to get the better of or prevent from happening by craft or ingenuity.
728. chine: backbone.
747. citadel: a fortress on a commanding height for
729. chiromancy: palmistry.
defense of a city; a fortified place; stronghold;
a place of safety; refuge.
730. chitterling: part of the small intestine.
731. choleric: full or choler (anger); passionate; 748. cite: 1) to summon to appear before a court
of law; 2) to quote (a passage, book, speech,
writer, etc); 3) to refer to or mention as a way
732. choreography: 1) dancing, esp ballet dancof example, proof, or precedent.
ing; 2) the arrangement of the written notation
of the movements of a dance, esp of a ballet; 749. civil: 1) of a citizen or citizens; 2) of a community of citizens, their govt, or their interre3) the art of devising dances, esp ballets.
lations [∼ service, war etc]; 3) polite or cour733. chronicle: 1) a historical record or register of
teous, esp in a merely formal way.
facts or events arranged in the order in which
they happened; 2) a narrative; history.
750. clairvoyance: 1) the supposed ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot
734. chutzpah: shameless audacity; impudence;
be seen; 2) keen perception or insight.
751. clairvoyance: 1) the supposed ability to per735. cicatrix: scar tissue.
ceive things that are not in sight or that cannot
be seen; 2) keen perception or insight.
736. cinerary: pertaining to ashes.
737. cinnabar: bright-red mineral.

752. clamber: to climb with effort or clumsily, esp
by using the hands as well as the feet.

738. cipher: 1) the symbol 0, indicating a value of
naught, zero; 2) a person or thing of no im- 753. clammy: moist; cold damp.
portance or value; nonentity; 3a) a system of
secret writing based on a key, or set of prede- 754. clamor: 1) a loud outcry, uproar; 2) a vehement continued expression of the general feeltermined rules or symbols.
ing or public opinion; loud demand or com739. circa: about; around.
755. clandestine: concealed or hidden; surrepti- 775. cockatrice: fabulous serpent.
tious; furtive; kept secret or hidden esp for il776. coda: a more or less independent passage
licit purpose.
added to the end of a section or composition
756. clapper: a thing that makes a clapping sound,
so as to reinforce the sense of conclusion.
as the tongue of a bell or, facetiously, that of
777. coddle: to cook (esp eggs in the shell) gena garrulous person.
tly by heating in water not quite at boiling
757. clarion: strong or loud; bugle like instrument.
temperature; to treat (an invalid, baby etc)
758. clavicle: a bone connecting the sternum with
the scapula; collar bone.
778. codicil: a supplement to a will that changes,
explains, revokes or adds provisions; appendix,

759. claymore: broad sword.

760. cleave: 1) to divide by a blow, as with an axe
779. codify: to arrange (laws, rules etc) systemat: split; 2) to pierce; 3) to sever : disunite.
761. cleft: 1) an opening made by or as by cleaving
: crack, crevice; 2) a hollow between two parts. 780. coercive: with power to compel.
762. clemency: mildness; readiness to forgive.

781. coeval: of the same age or period; contemporary.

763. cliche: hackneyed; a stereo-typed phrase.
782. coffer: a chest for holding money or treasure.
764. clientele: all one’s clients or customers collectively.
783. cog: any of the series of teeth on the rim of
a wheel, for transmitting or receiving motion
765. climactic: of, constituting, or in the order of
by fitting between the teeth of another wheel;
a climax.
gear tooth.
766. clime: a region or realm esp with reference to
784. cogent: powerful; convincing; forceful and to
its climate.
the point as a reason or argument.
767. clime: a region or realm, esp with reference
785. cogitate: to turn a thing over in one’s mind;
to its climate.
to ponder;
768. clique: a small exclusive circle of people;
786. cognate: related by family; having the same
snobbish or narrow coterie.
ancestor; having the same nature or quality;
769. cloister: a place of religious retirement; to
related thru the same source; derived from a
confine within walls.
common original form (as in cognate words of
diff langs and cognate languages).
770. clout: 1) a blow with or as with the hand :
rap; 2) [Now Chiefly Dial] to patch or mend 787. cognition: the process of knowing in the
broadest sense. including perception, memory,
and judgement.
771. cloy: to disgust; to cause distaste from excess.
772. coadjutor: assistant.

788. cognitive: capable of cognition (ie knowing,
quick understanding).

773. coagulate: to cause (a liquid) to become a
789. cognizance: 1) perception or knowledge; esp
soft, semi solid mass; curdle; clot.
the range of knowledge possible thru observation; 2) official observation of or authority over
774. coalesce: to grow together or to unite into
one body (root of coalition).
790. cohere: 1) stick together; 2) to be connected 805. collusion: a secret agreement to deceive.
naturally or logically, as by a common princi806. colophon: publishers ornamental device; An
ple : be consistent.
inscription, monogram, or cipher, containing
the place and date of publication, printer’s
791. cohort: any band of men esp warriors.
name, etc., formerly placed on the last page
792. coiffure: a headdress; a style of arranging
of a book.
807. colossus: 1) a gigantic statue; 2) any huge or
793. coincident: 1) occurring at the same time;
important person or thing.
2) taking up the same position in the space
at the same time; 3) in agreement; similar or 808. comatose: 1) of, like, or in a coma or stupor;
2) characterized by lethargic inertness; torpid
identical [when desire and need are ∼].
[a comatose economy].
794. colander: a perforated pan, usu bowl-shaped,
809. combatively: aggressively; in fighting spirit;
for draining off liquids, as in washing veg.
795. coliseum: a large place of entertainment.

810. comely: pleasant to look at; attractive; fair.

796. collaborate: 1) to work together, esp in some 811. comely: pleasing; graceful.
literary, artistic, or scientific undertaking; 2)
812. comestible: eatable; food.
to cooperate with an enemy invader.
813. comeuppance: a deserved rebuke or penalty;
797. collage: 1) an art form in which bits of objects
such as newspaper, cloth, pressed; flowers, etc
are pasted together on a surface in incongruous 814. comity: courteousness; civility.
relationship for; their symbolic or suggestive
effect; 2) any collection of seemingly unrelated 815. commandeer: to compel to military service;
to take arbitrarily.
bits and parts, as in a photomontage.
816. commemorate: to honor the memory of as
by a ceremony; to keep alive the memory of;
collateral: 1) parallel in time, rank, imporserve as a memorial to.
tance, etc; corresponding; 2) accompanying or
existing in a subordinate, corroborative, or in- 817. commensurate: 1) equal in measure or size;
coextensive; 2) corresponding in extent or dedirect; relationship; 3a) designating or of segree; proportionate; 3) measurable by the
curity given as a pledge for the fulfillment of
same standard or measure;specif, designatan; obligation; 3b) secured or guaranteed by
ing two quantities having a common measure
property, as stocks, bonds etc.
which is contained an integral number of times
collation: bringing together for examination
in each.
and comparison; a repast between meals.
818. commination: threatening; denunciation.
collop: small piece of meat.
819. commiserate: to feel or show sorrow or pity
colloquial: 1) designating or of the words,
phrases, and idioms characteristic of informal
offering plenty of room;
speech and writing; informal; 2) having to do 820. commodious:
roomy; spacious.
with or like conversation; conversational.

798. collate: to bring together for comparison.


803. colloquialism: conversation in the ordinary 821. communal: 1) of a commune or communes;
2) of or belonging to the community; shared,
language; used in common conversation.
or participated in, by all; 3) designating or of
804. colloquy: a conversation, esp a formal discussocial or economic organization in which there
sion; conference.
is common ownership of property.
822. compact: an agreement between two or more 839. conative: relating to an attempt to perform
individuals, states, etc; covenant.
823. compelling: irresistibly or keenly interest- 840. concatenation: to chain or link together; to
connect in series.
ing, attractive, etc; captivating [a compelling
841. concede: to yield or give up.
824. compendium: a summary or abstract con- 842. conception: 1) that which is conceived, specif
taining the essential information in a brief
an embryo or fetus; 2) the beginning of some
form; concise but comprehensive treatise.
process, chain of events, etc; 3) the act, process
or power of conceiving mentally; formulation
825. compensate: to make up for; be a counterof ideas, esp of abstractions.
balance to in weight, force, etc; 2) to make
equivalent or suitable return to; to recom- 843. concert: to arrange or settle by mutual unpense.
derstanding; contrive or plan together; devise.
826. complacent: satisfied, esp self-satisfied; affa- 844.
ble, smug .
827. complaisant: willing to please; affably agree846.
able; obliging.
828. complement: 1) that which completes or
brings to perfection; 2) the amount or number needed to fill in or complete.
829. compliant: complying or tending to comply;
yielding; submissive.
830. complicity: a sharing of wrongdoing.

conch: spiral shell.
conciliate: to reconcile.
conciliatory: making friends; reconciling.
concise: brief and to the point; short and
conclave: 1) the private meeting of cardinals
to elect a pope; 2) any private or secret meeting; 3) any large conference or convention.

849. concoct: 1) to make by combining various ingredients; compound; 2) to devise, invent, or

831. complicity: complexity; state or condition of
850. concomitant: an accompanying or attendant
being an accomplice.
condition, circumstance or thing.
832. comply: to act in accordance (with a request,
851. concord: harmony, agreement.
order rule etc).
833. comport: to agree; suit; to bear; to behave 852. concordant: harmonious; united.
or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner.
853. concordat: agreement.

834. composure: calmness of mind or manner; 854. concourse: assembly of persons or things runtranquility; self-possession.
ning or drawn together; a large hall; an open
835. comprise: 1) to include; contain; 2) consist
of, be composed of.
855. concupiscence: burning desire.
836. compunction: a sharp feeling of uneasiness 856. concurring: to coincide; to run together; to
agree; to assent.
brought on by a sense of guilt; twinge of conscience; remorse; a feeling of slight regret for
857. condescend: 1) to descend voluntarily to the
sth done.
level, regarded as lower, of the person one is
dealing with; be graciously willing to do sth
837. compunction: contrition; regret; remorse;.
regarded as beneath one’s dignity; deign; 2) to
838. comstockery: over zealous censorship.
deal with others in a proud or haughty way.
858. condign: deserved; suitable; said esp of pun- 875. congruence: 1) the state or quality of being
ishment for wrongdoing.
in agreement; correspondence; harmony.
859. condiments: a seasoning or relish for food, 876. conjecture: an inferring, theorizing, or preas pepper, mustard, sauces, etc.
dicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence;
860. condole: to express sympathy; mourn in sympathy; commiserate.
877. conjugal: of marriage or of the relation between husband and wife; matrimonial; connu861. condoned: to forgive; to excuse; to atone for.
862. conduce: to tend or lead (to an effect); con878.
863. conducive: that conduces to contributes;
tending or leading (to).
864. conduit: a channel or pipe conveying water
or another fluid.

conjunct: conjoined; joined.
connivance: to take no notice; to have a private understanding.
connive: to wink as at a fault; to take no
notice; to have a private understanding.

881. connoisseur: a person who has expert knowledge and keen discrimination in some field esp
in the fine arts or in matters of taste.
confidant: a close, trusted friend, to whom
one confides intimate matters or secrets.
882. connotation: to signify or suggest meanings,
ideas in addition to the explicit primary meanconfiscate: 1) to seize (private property) for
the public treasury, usually as a penalty; 2) to
seize by or as by authority; appropriate.
883. connubial: pertaining to marriage.
conflagration: a big, destructive fire.
884. consanguinity: relationship by descent from
confluence: 1) a flowing together, esp of two
the same ancestor; blood relationship; close asor more streams; 2) the place where they join,
sociation;filiation; agnation; cognation.
or a stream formed in this way; 3) a coming
885. conscientious: governed by or made or
together as of people; crowd; throng.
done according to what one knows is
conformity: 1) the condition or fact of beright;scrupulous; honest; showing care and
ing in harmony or agreement; correspondence;
precision; painstaking.
congruity; similarity; 2) action in accordance
with customs, rules, prevailing opinion, etc; 886. conscription: compulsory enrollment for service.
conventional behaviour.

865. confabulations: confidential conversations.



871. congealing: to freeze; to solidify.

887. consecrate: to set apart for holy use; to render holy or venerable.

872. congenial: 1) kindred; compatible [∼ tastes];
2) having the same tastes and temperament; 888. consensus: 1) an opinion held by all or most;
2) general agreement, esp of opinion.
friendly; sympathetic [∼ friends]; 3) suited to
one’s needs or disposition [∼ work].
889. consequential: 1) following as an effect or
influence; 2) important.
873. congenital: 1) existing as such at birth; 2)
existing as if inborn; inherent [a ∼ cheerful890. conservatory: 1) a room enclosed in glass, for
growing and showing plants; non-commercial
874. conglomeration: varied mixture; collection
greenhouse; 2) a school specializing in one of
or jumble of things;
the fine arts [a music conservatory].
891. consign: 1) to hand over; give up or deliver; 902. contagion: transmission of a disease by direct
2) to put in the care of another; entrust [∼
contact with an infected person or object.
the orphan to her uncle’s care]; 3) to assign to
an undesirable position or place; relegate [∼ to 903. contemn: despise.
oblivion]; 4) to send or deliver as goods to be 904. contemn: to despise.
905. contempt: the feeling or attitude of one who
892. consistency: 1a) the condition of holding tolooks down on somebody or something as begether; firmness or thickness, as of a liquid;
ing low, mean, or unworthy; scorn.
1b) amount or degree of this [oil or the wrong
∼]; 2) agreement; harmony; logical connection 906. contentious: causing lot of disagreements or
[arguments lacking ∼]; 3) agreement with what
has already been done or expressed.
907. context: 1) the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw; light
893. consonance: 1) harmony or agreement of eleon its meaning; 2) the whole situation, backments or parts; accord; 2) a pleasing combinaground, or environment relevant to a particution of simultaneous musical sounds; harmony
lar; event, personality, creation, etc.
of tones.
894. consort: 1) orig, a partner, companion; 2) a 908. contiguous: 1) in physical contact; touching
along all or most of one side; 2) near, next or
wife or husband; spouse, esp of a reigning king
or queen.
895. conspire: 1) to plan and act together secretly, 909. continence: self-restraint; moderation; selfrestraint in esp by total abstinence from sexual
esp in order to commit a crime; 2) to comactivity.
bine or work together for any purpose or effect
[events conspired to ruin him].
910. contingent: 1) that may or may not happen; possible; 2) happening by chance; ac896. consternation: great fear or shock that
cidental; fortuitous; 3) unpredictable because
makes one feel helpless or bewildered.
dependent on chance; 4) a group forming part
897. constituent: 1) necessary in forming or makof a larger group [military ∼].
ing up a whole; component [a ∼ part]; 2) that
can or does appoint or vote for a representa- 911. contort: to twist or wrench out of its usual
form into one that is grotesque; distort viotive; 3) authorized to make or revise a political
constitution or establish a government [a ∼ assembly].
912. contraband: 1) unlawful or prohibited trade;
2) goods forbidden by law to be imported or
898. constraint: 1) a constraining or being conexported; smuggled merchandise.
strained; specif a) confinement or restriction;
b) compulsion or coercion; 2a) a repression of
913. contradistinction: distinction by contrast.
natural feelings or behaviour; 2b) forced, unnatural manner; awkwardness.
914. contrapositive: opposition; contrast?.
899. construe: to explain; to interpret; to infer.

915. contrarity: contrast; anti-thesis; antagonism;

900. consummate: to raise to the highest point;
to perfect or finish.
916. contravene: to go against; oppose; conflict
with; violate [practices contravening an ethi901. consumptive: 1) consuming or tending to
cal code]; to disagree with in argument; conconsume; destructive or wasteful; 2) of, havtradict.
ing, or relating to tuberculosis of the lungs; 3)
a person who has tuberculosis of the lungs.
917. contretemps: an embarrassing situation.
918. contrite: feeling sorry; penitent.

not natural, original or spontaneous [∼ behavior].

919. contrivance: invention; design; artifice.
920. contrived: too obviously the result of forethought and planning; not spontaneous or natural.

931. converge: 1) to come together or tend to
come together at a point; 2) to move or be directed toward each other or toward the same
place, purpose or result.

921. controvert: 1) to argue or reason against;
932. conversant: familiar or acquainted (with),
contradict; deny; dispute 2) to argue about;
esp as a result of study or experience; versed
debate; discuss.
922. contumacious: opposing lawful authority
933. converse: 1) thing related in a converse way;
with contempt; obstinate.
the opposite; 2) [Logic] the proposition obtained by conversion.
923. contumely: insolent; harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt.
934. converse: 1) to hold a conversation; talk; 2)
924. contuse: to injure without breaking the skin;
[Obs] to consort; to interact socially.
935. convert: 1) to change from one form or use
925. conundrum: 1) any puzzling question or
in another; transform; 2) to cause to change
problem; 2) a riddle whose answer contains
as from one religion, doctrine, or course to ana pun (Ex: “What’s the difference between a
other; 3) to exchange for sth equal in value [Re
jeweler and a jailor?”, “One sells watches and
to $].
the other watches cells”).
936. conveyance: 1) the act of conveying; 2) a
926. conundrum: a riddle turning on some odd
means of conveying; carrying device, esp a veor fanciful resemblance between things quite
hicle; 3a) the transfer of the ownership of real
unlike; any puzzling question.
property from one person to another; 3b) the
document by which this is effected; deed.
927. convalescent: 1) gradually recovering health
after illness; 2) of or having to do with conva- 937. conviction: 1) a convicting or being conlescence [a ∼ diet]; a person who is convalescvicted; 2) the state or appearance of being coning.
vinced, as of the truth of a belief [to speak with
∼]; 3) a strong belief.
928. convene: to convoke; to meet together esp for
a common purpose.
938. convivial: 1) having to do with a feast or
festive activity; 2) fond of eating, drinking and
929. convention: 1a) an assembly, often periodigood company; sociable; jovial.
cal, of members or delegates, as of a political; ,
social, professional or religious group; 1b) the
members or delegates of such an assembly; 2a) 939. convoke: to call together; to assemble.
an agreement between persons, nations etc [the 940. convoluted: 2) extremely involved; intricate;
Geneva ∼, a copyright ∼]; 2b) general agreecomplicated [ a ∼ style].
ment on the usages and practices of social life;
[Bohemian revolt against ∼]; 3) a customary 941. copious: heavy; rich; viscous; thick.
practice, rule, method etc.
942. coquetry: flirting; attempt to attract admi930. conventional: 1) having to do with a conration without serious affection.
vention or assembly; 2) of, sanctioned by, or
growing out of custom or usage; customary; 943. coquette: a girl or woman who merely from
3a) depending on or conforming to formal or
vanity tries to get men’s attention ad admiraaccepted standards or rules rather than nature;
944. cordon: 1) a line or circle of police, soldiers, 960. cosmic: 1) of the cosmos; relating to the uniforts. ships etc, stationed around an area to
verse as a whole; 2) of the universe exclusive
guard it; 2) a cord, ribbon, or braid worn as a
of the earth [∼ dust]; 3) vast; grandiose.
decoration or badge.
961. cosset: to fondle; to treat as a pet; to pamper.
945. cormorant: a glutton; web footed sea birds
962. coterie: a social literary or other exclusive
of great voracity.
circle whose members share a common background; clique.
946. cornice: 1) a horizontal molding projecting
along the top of a wall, building, etc; 2) the top 963. countermand: to cancel or revoke ( a compart of an entablature; 3) a projecting, decomand or order); to call back or order back by
rative strip above a window, designed to keep
a contrary order.
a curtain rod from showing.
964. counterpart: 1) a person or thing that cor947. cornucopia: horn of plenty; an exhaustible
responds to or closely resembles another, as in
store; abundance; a receptacle shaped like a
form or function; 2) a thing which, when added
horn or cone.
to another, completes or complements it; 3) a
copy or duplicate, as of a lease.
948. corollary: 1) a proposition that follows from
the one that has already been proved; 2) an 965. counterpoint: the art of combining melodies.
inference or deduction; 3) ath that follows as
966. counterpoise: to poise or weigh against or on
normal result.
the opposite side.
949. corporeal: 1) of, for, or having the nature 967. coup: 1) literally, a blow; 2) a sudden, sucof, the body; physical; bodily; not spiritual; 2)
cessful move or action; brilliant stroke; 3) coup
of material nature; perceptible by the senses;
968. couple: 1) ath joining two things together;
950. corpulent: obese; fat; swollen.
bond; link; 2) two things or persons of the
same sort that are somehow associated.
951. corpus: a body (of things, literature, law etc).
969. courier: 1) a messenger sent in haste or on
952. corral: a pen for cattle; an enclosure; .
a regular schedule with important or; urgent
messages; specif a) a member of the diplomatic
953. correlation: mutuality; complimentary; recorps charged with carrying messages; b) a spy
ciprocal; analogous.
carrying secret information; 2) a person hired
to take care of hotel accommodations and lug954. corroborate: to make certain the validity of;
gage and to act; as a guide for a traveler.
confirm; bolster; support [evidence to corroborate his testimony].
970. covenant: 1) a binding and solemn agreement
to do or keep from doing a specified thing;
955. corroboration: confirmation; to confirm to
compact; 2) an agreement among members of
make more certain.
a church to defend and maintain its doctrines,
polity and faith.
956. corrosive: 1) corroding or causing corrosion;
2) bitingly sarcastic; cutting.
971. covert: concealed, hidden, disguised, or surreptitious [ a covert threat]; protected by a
957. corrugated: to shape or contract into parallel
husband: said of a marriage woman.
grooves and ridges; make wrinkles in; furrow.
972. covert: hidden.
958. coruscate: sparkle.
973. covetousness:
inordinately desirousness;
959. coryphee: chorus girl.
974. covin: (also covine) conspiratorial band.

992. cretin: a person suffering from cretinism.

975. cow: to make timid and submissive by filling 993. cretinism: a congenital deficiency of thyroid
with fear or awe; intimidate.
secretion with resulting deformity and mental
976. cower: 1) to crouch or huddle up, as from
fear or cold; 2) to shrink and tremble, as from 994. crevice: a narrow opening caused by a crack
someone’s anger, threats, or blows; cringe.
or split; fissure; cleft; chink.
977. coy: 1) orig quiet, silent; 2a) shrinking from 995. cringed: to bend or crouch with servility.
contact or familiarity with others; bashful; shy;
2b) primly reserved; demure; 3) affecting inno- 996. criterion: a standard, rule, or test by which
cence or shyness, esp in a playful or coquettish
something can be judged; measure of value.
manner; 4) reticent or evasive in making com997. critiquing: reviewing; criticizing.
998. croft: a small farm (vegetable garden!).

978. cozen: 1) to cheat; defraud; 2) to deceive.

979. crabbed: 1) peevish; morose; ill-tempered; 999. crone: an ugly, withered old woman; hag.
cross; 2) hard to understand because intricate or complicated; 3) hard to read because 1000. crony: a very close intimate friend.
cramped or irregular [∼ handwriting].
1001. crotchety: full of peculiar whims or stubborn
notions; cantankerous; eccentric.
980. crampon: mountain climber.
1002. crotchety: perversely whimsical; eccentric.

981. crapulous: ill from over-drinking.

982. crass: 1) grossly stupid, dull or obtuse; 2) 1003.
tasteless, insensitive, and coarse; 3) moneygrubbing; blatantly materialistic.
983. craven: very cowardly; abjectly afraid; thorough coward.
984. credence: belief; trust.
985. credo: creed;
986. credulity: a tendency to believe too readily,
esp with little or no proof; lack of doubt.

cruet: a small bottle (that can be used as a
crux: 1) a difficult problem; puzzling thing;
2) the essential or deciding point.
crypt: a underground chamber or vault as one
under the main floor of a church, esp formerly
serving as a burial place.

1006. cryptic: 1a) having hidden or ambiguous
meaning; mysterious; baffling [a ∼ comment].

987. creed: 1) a brief statement of religious belief; 1007.
confession of faith; 2) a specific statement of 1008.
this kind, accepted by a church; 3) a statement
of belief, principles or opinions on any subject.

cryptogram: ath written in cipher.
cubicle: 1) a small sleeping compartment, as
in a dormitory; 2) any small compartment, as
for study.

988. crepitate: make a rattling sound (decrepita1009. cuisine: style of cooking; manner of preparing
food; also, the food prepared, as at a restaurant.
989. crepuscule: twilight; dusk.
990. crescendo: gradually increasing in loudness 1010. culinary: of or relating to the kitchen or cookery.
or intensity.
991. crestfallen: 1) with drooping crest or bowed 1011. cull: something picked out; esp, something rehead; 2) dejected, disheartened, or humbled.
jected as not being up to standard.
1012. culminated: to reach the highest point; cli- 1029. dally: 1) to flirt; to play at love; 2) to deal
lightly or carelessly (with); trifle; toy; 3) to
waste time; loiter.
1013. culpable: deserving blame; blameworthy.
1030. dank: disagreeably damp; moist and chilly.
1014. culvert: a conduit, esp a drain, as a pipelike
construction of stone, concrete, or; metal, that 1031. dapper: 1) small and active; 2) trim, neat or
smart in dress or appearance.
passes under a road, railroad track, footpath,
etc. or through an; embankment.
1032. dappled: marked or variegated with spots;
1015. cumbersome: unwieldy; clumsy; burdensome; hard to handle or deal with as because 1033. dastardliness: cowardliness, characterized
of size, weight or many parts.
by underhandedness or treachery.
1016. cupidity: greed; covetousness.

1034. daunt: to make afraid or discouraged; intimidate; dishearten.

1017. curator: one that has the care and superintendence of something; esp, one in charge of a 1035.
museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit.
1018. curlicue: fantastic curl; a fancifully curved or
spiral figure; flourish.
1019. curmudgeon: a surly, ill-mannered, bad tempered person; cantankerous fellow.

dauntless: fearless; unsubdued.
dawdle: to waste (time) in trifling or by being
slow; idle: often with away.
deadlock: 1) a standstill resulting from the
action of equal and opposed forces; stalemate;
2) a tie between opponents in the course of a

1020. cursive: flowing; not disconnected; specif,
designating writing in which the strokes of the 1038. deadpan: without expression or show of emoletters are joined in each word.
tion; blank(ly).
1021. cursorily: running quickly over; hastily; su- 1039.
1022. curtail: to cut short; reduce; abridge.
1023. cynical: 1) believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by; selfishness : 1042.
denying the sincerity of people’s motives and
actions, or by; the value of living; 2) sarcastic,
sneering, etc.

deadwood: dead meaningless customs.
dearth: scarcity, dearness, want, high price.
debase: to make lower in value, quality, character, dignity etc.
debauch: to lead away from duty or allegiance; to corrupt with lewdness.
debilitate: weaken; enervate.

1024. cynosure: any person or thing that is a center 1044. debonair: 1) easy and carefree in manner;
of attention or interest.
jaunty; sprightly; 2) elegant and gracious; urbane.
1025. dado: middle section of a pedestal.
1045. debris: 1) rough broken bits of stone, wood,
1026. daedal: ingenious.
glass etc, as after destruction; rubble; 2) bits
or pieces of rubbish; litter.
1027. daemon: a spirit holding a middle place between god and men(spirit, genius,devil).
1046. debunk: to expose the false or exaggerated
claims, pretensions , glamour etc of.
1028. dais: a platform raised above the floor at one
end of a hall or room, as for a throne, seats of 1047. debutante: one who makes her first appearhonor , a speaker’s stand etc.
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All words in English

  • 2. Abbreviations • ath.: anything. • char.: characterized or characteristic • sth.: something. • sb.: somebody. • usu.: usually. • ∼: stands for the word in context 1
  • 3. The Wordlist 1. abaft: behind. 17. abolish: 1) to end the observance or effect of : cancel : annul; 2) destroy : put an end to. 2. abase: disgrace; debase; lower; to humble or humiliate. 18. abominate: to hate or loathe intensely; abhor. 3. abase: to confound, disgrace, debase; [Opp] uplift, dignify, elevate. 4. abash: discourage; disconcert; discompose. 19. aboriginal: existing (in a place) from the beginning or from earliest days; indigenous; being the first of its kind in a region. 5. abate: moderate; mitigate; to weaken or become less in amount, degree, etc. 20. abortive: unsuccessful; fruitless; coming to nth. 6. abbreviate: to make briefer; esp to reduce to a shorter form intended to stand for the whole; shorten. 21. abound: teem, swarm, flourish; [Opp.] deficient, destitute, lack. 22. abrade: 1a) to rub or wear away esp by friction : erode; 1b) to irritate or roughen by rubbing; 2) to wear down in spirit : irritate. 7. abdicate: resign; abandon; renounce; to give up formally (a high office, throne, etc); to surrender or repudiate. 8. abed: in bed; confined to bed. 23. abrasive: 1) tending to abrade; 2) causing irritation [∼ manners]. 9. aberrant: exceptional; deviating; divergent; erroneous. 24. abrasive: a substance (emery, sandpaper) used for abrasion. 10. abet: aid; assist; incite; stimulate; promote. 25. abridgment: outline; digest; synopsis; abstract. 11. abeyance: suspension; adjournment; temporary inactivity; a lapse in succession during which there is no person in whom a title; is vested. 26. abrogation: nullification; revocation; annulment; defeasance; retractation; recantation. 12. abject: of the lowest degree; wretched; cast away; worthless; groveling; base; outcast. 27. abscond: to depart secretly and hide oneself; to decamp, bolt, flee; [Opp.] remain, endure, emerge. 13. abjure: to give up on oath; forswear; recant; retract; repudiate; renounce. 28. absentia: absent. 29. absolute: 1a) free from imperfection : perfect; 1b) free or relatively free from mixture : pure; 2) being, governed by, or char of a ruler or authority, completely free from; constitutional or other restraint; 3) positive, unquestionable [∼ proof]; 4) fundamental, ultimate 14. ablate: to remove. 15. ablutions: the act or action of bathing. 16. abnegation: denial; refusal; forbearance; selfdenial. 2
  • 4. [∼ knowledge]; 5) perfectly embodying the nature of a thing [∼ justice]; 6) complete, totally unlimited; certain. 42. abysmal: bottomless; unfathomable; abyssal. 43. academia: the academic life, community or world; pedant. 30. absolution: forgiveness; the act of absolving?. 44. acatalectic: complete. 45. accede: assent; comply; agree. 31. absolve: exonerate; to acquit; exculpate. 46. accentuate: to make prominent; emphasize. 32. abstain: to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice. 47. accessible: 1) providing access; 2a) capable of being reached [∼ by rail]; also : being within reach; 2b) easy to speak or deal with [∼ people]; 3) capable of being influenced : open; 4) capable of being used or seen : available; 5) capable of being understood or appreciated [the author’s most ; ∼ stories]. 33. abstemious: sparing in food, drink or enjoyment; temperate. 34. abstention: refrain; (to abstain from). 35. abstinence: 1) voluntary forbearance esp from indulgence of an appetite or craving or from eating some foods : abstention; 2) habitual abstaining from intoxicating beverages. 48. accessory: 1) assisting as a subordinate; esp : contributing to a crime but not as the chief agent; 2) aiding or contributing in a secondary way; supplementary. 36. abstract: 1) remove, separate; 2) to consider apart from application to or association with a particular instance; 3) to draw away the attention of; 4) steal, purloin. 49. accessory: 1a) a person not actually or constructively present but contributing as an ; assistant or instigator to the commission of an offense—called also ; ‘accessory before the fact’; 1b) a person who knowing that a crime has been committed aids or shelters ; the offender with the attempt to defeat justice— called also ‘accessory ; after the fact’; 2a) a thing of secondary or subordinate importance : adjunct; 2b) additional object or device not essential in itself. 37. abstract: 1) summary of points (as of a writing) usu. presented in skeletal form; 2) also sth that summarizes or concentrates the essentials of a larger thing; or several things. 38. abstract: 1a) dissociated from any specific instance [∼ entity]; 1b) difficult to understand : abstruse [∼ problems]; 1c) insufficiently factual : formal [possessed only as an ∼ right]; 2) dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects : theoretical; 3) impersonal, detached; 4) having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial ; representation or narrative content. 50. acclamation: a shout of applause or assent. 51. acclimate: acclimatize; to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation. 52. acclivity: a sharp ascending slope or hill. 39. abstruseness: hidden; remote; difficult to understand. 53. accolade: 1a) a ceremonial embrace; 1b) a ceremony or salute conferring knighthood; 2a) a mark of acknowledgment : award; 2b) an expression of praise. 40. abusive: 1) characterized by wrong or improper use or action; esp corrupt [∼ financial practices]; 2a) using harsh insulting language; characterized by or serving for abuse; 2b) physically injurious [∼ behavior]. 54. accommodate: 1) to make fit, suitable or congruous; 2) to bring into agreement or concord : reconcile; 3) to provide with sth desired, needed or suited (as a helpful service, a ; loan or lodgings); 4a) to make room for; 4b) to hold 41. abut: to terminate at a point of contact; to lean for support; to border on; adjoin. 3
  • 5. without crowding or inconvenience; 5) to give consideration to : allow for [∼ the special interests of ; some people]; 6) to help or oblige someone. 70. acquittal: a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence or other; legal process. 71. acrimony: acerbity; tartness; bitterness; hatred; acridity. 55. accost: to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way. 72. action: achievement, activity, [Opp.] inertia, ennui, lassitude. 56. accoutre: (or accouter) to provide with equipment or furnishings : outfit. exertion; 73. actuary: 1) one who makes calculations connected with insurance, annuity premiums, ; reserves and dividends; 2) relating to statistical calculation esp of life expectancy. 57. accretion: accumulation; continued growth; (root: accrescent); 58. accrue: an accession, increment or product. 74. actuate: 1) to put into mechanical action or motion; 2) to move to action : motivate. 59. accrue: increment; to come as an accession; to fall due. 75. acuity: sharpness; keenness of perception. 60. acculturate: to change through acculturation. 76. acumen: insight; keenness; perspicacity. 61. acculturation: cultural modification of an individual group or people by adapting to or ; borrowing traits from another culture. 62. accumulate: amass, aggregate, hoard; [Opp.] dissipate, disperse, portion. 77. acute: 1) char by sharpness or severity [∼ pain]; 2) ending in a sharp point; 3) marked by a keen discernment or intellectual perception esp of subtle ; distinctions : penetrating [an ∼ thinker]; 4) felt, perceived, or experience intensely [∼ distress]. 63. acedia: listlessness; torpor; sloth; apathy; boredom (of religious stuff). 78. adage: a saying often in metaphorical form that embodies a common observation. 64. acephalous: leaderless (headless?). 79. adagio: a slow tempo; a slow movement. 65. acerbate: acrimony; soreness; malevolence; irritate; exasperate. 80. addle: barren; incomplete; abortive; confuse; muddle; confound [an ∼ egg, he has an ∼ brain]. 66. acervate: [Biol] heaped; growing in tight clusters or heaps—esp growth of moss or fungi. 81. adduce: allege; advance; affirm; assign; urge; to bring forward in discussion. 67. acidulous: slightly sour containing carbonic acid; somewhat acid or harsh in taste or manner. 82. adept: thoroughly proficient; expert; a highly skilled or well trained individual. 68. acknowledge: 1) to recognize the rights, authority, or status of ; 2) to disclose knowledge of or agreement with; 3a) to express gratitude or obligation for; 3b) to take notice of; 3c) to make known the receipt of; 4) to recognize as genuine or valid [∼ a debt]; 5) admit, own, avow, confess. 83. adit: mine entrance. 84. adjourn: discontinue meeting. 85. adjudicate: to determine judicially; pronounce–to award. to 86. adjunct: appendage; augment; supernumerary; interlineation; corollary; addition; appendage; appurtenance. 69. acquiesce: to rest satisfied or without making opposition; to assent. 4
  • 6. 87. adjuration: 1) a solemn oath; 2) an earnest 105. advocate: 1) one that pleads the cause of anurging or advising. other; 2) one that defends or maintains a cause or proposal; 3) to plead in favor of : support. 88. adjure: 1) to command solemnly under or as if under oath or penalty of a curse; 2) to urge 106. aegis: a shield belonging to Zeus; protection; patronage. or advise earnestly. 89. adjutant: an officer specially appointed to as- 107. aesthetic: 1a) of, relating to , or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful; 1b) artistic; 1c) sist a commanding officer. pleasing in appearance : attractive; 2) appre90. admonish: warn; advise; counsel; censure; reciative of, responsive to, or zealous abut the prove. beautiful. 91. admonition: reproof; counsel; advice. 108. aesthetic: a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and ; 92. adroit: expert or nimble in the use of hands; with the creation and appreciation of beauty. dextrous; deft; adept. 109. affable: 1) being pleasant and at ease in talk93. adroit: proficient, dextrous, artful; [Opp.] ing to others; 2) characterized by ease and awkward, dull, clumsy. friendliness. 94. adscititious: derived or acquired from sth ex- 110. affectation: 1a) the act of taking on or distrinsic; added; redundant; adventitious. playing an attitude or mode of behavior not ; natural to oneself : artificiality. 95. adulation: to fawn upon; to flatter. 111. affected: 1) inclined, disposed; 2a) given to 96. adulterate: 1) to corrupt, debase, or make affectation; 2b) assumed artificially or falsely : impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior; pretended. substance or element; 2) to prepare for sale by replacing more valuable with less valuable. 112. afferent: bringing towards a central point. 97. adumbrate: to give a faint shadow of; to fore- 113. affiant: affidavit signer. shadow/overshadow; darkness; allegorise; rep114. affidavit: a sworn statement in writing made resent. esp under oath or an affirmation before an; au98. aduncity: hooked; curved or hooked as a parthorized magistrate or officer. rots beak. 115. affiliate: 1a) to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch; 1b) to asso99. advene: to be superadded. ciate as a member; 2) to trace the origin of. 100. advent: the coming into being or use; arrival. 116. affinity: 1) relationship by marriage; 2) sym101. adventitious: added from without; accidenpathy marked by community of interest : kintal?; adscititious. ship; 2) an attraction to or liking for sth. 102. adverse: 1) acting against or in a contrary di- 117. affirmation: 1) the act of affirming : a posrection : hostile; 2a) opposed to one’s interests itive assertion ; 2) a solemn declaration made [an ∼ verdict]; 2b) causing harm; harmful [∼ under the penalties of perjury by a person who drug effects]. ; conscientiously declines from taking an oath. 103. adversity: misfortune; ill-luck; calamity; dis- 118. affix: 1) to attach physically; 2) to attach in tress. any way; 3) add; append. 104. advert: to refer; to turn one’s attention. 119. afflatus: inspiration. 5
  • 7. 120. affluence: abounding/inflowing wealth; 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 136. agnostic: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown ; affray: disturbance; a brawl; breach of the and prob unknowable; broadly: one who is not peace. committed to believing in either the existence or ; the nonexistence of God or a god. affront: insult; annoy; vex; taunt; provoke; exasperate. 137. agog: in a state of eager anticipation , excitement or interest. aficionado: a person who likes, knows about, and appreciates a usu fervently pursued; inter138. agrarian: relating to land; its management or est or activity. distribution. afoul: in entanglement; in collision. 139. ague: burning fever; a shivering fit. agape: curious; expectant; wonder; with gap140. aileron: a flap on an aeroplane wingtip for ing mouth. lateral balance. agenda: 1) a list or outline of things to be considered or done; 2) an underlying often ide- 141. ailurophile: a person having a strong attraction to or devoted to cats. ological plan or program. 127. agglomeration: 1) the action or process of 142. alacrity: speed; swiftness; briskness; quickness. collecting in a mass; 2) a heap or cluster of usu. disparate elements [urban ∼s knit; to143. albeit: despite the fact; not withstanding gether etc]. even if. 128. agglutinate: to cause to cohere or clump. 144. alchemy: 1) an early form of chemistry, with 129. aggrandize: exalt; enrich; augment; advance; philosophical and magical associations, ; studelevate. ied in the Middle Ages: its chief aims were to change metals into gold ; and to discover 130. aggravation: heightening; exacerbation; exthe elixir of perpetual youth; 2) a method or asperation; overestimation; exaggeration. power of transmutation; 3) esp. the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into sth. better. 131. aggregate: 1) a mass or body of units or parts somewhat loosely associated with one ; 145. alcove: 1) a recessed section of a room, as a another; 2) the whole sum or amount; 3) sum breakfast nook; 2) secluded corner in a garden total. : summerhouse. 132. aggregate: 1) to collect or gather into a mass 146. alderman: a nobleman of highest rank; or whole : total. maybe a civic dignitary next to mayor. 133. aghast: struck with terror, amazement or hor147. aleatory: depending on chance. ror; shocked. 134. agility: 1) marked by ready ability to move 148. alee: on or towards the lee side. with quick, easy grace; 2) nimbleness; dexter- 149. alembic: distilling vessel. ity. 150. alfresco: in the fresh and cool air; ¡to aug135. agitate: 1) to move with irregular , rapid, or ment this meaning¿. violent action; 2) to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb; 3a) to discuss 151. alginate: to prepare a colloidal substance. excitedly and earnestly; 3b) to stir up public discussion of; to attempt to arouse public feel- 152. alias: an assumed name; another name; ing. pseudonym. 6
  • 8. 153. alienate: 1) to transfer the ownership of 169. aloof: 1) at a distance : removed; 2) distant (property) to another; 2) to make unfriendly in sympathy, interest, etc; reserved and cool : estrange; 3) to cause to be withdrawn or [her manner was ∼]. detached [as from one’s society]; 4) to cause 170. alopecia: loss of hair, esp on the head; baldtransference of (affection). ness. 154. alimentary: 1) connected with food or nutrition; 2) nourishing; 3) support or sustenance. 171. altercation: an angry or heated argument. 155. alimony: allowance for support for divorced 172. altruist: a person living and acting for the interest of others. wife. 156. allayed: to put down; to quell; to alleviate; to 173. amalgamate: 1) to combine in an amalgam; 2) to join together into one : unite : combine. abate. to assert positively, or declare; af- 174. amanuensis: one who writes down the dictation. to assert without proof; 2) to offer excuse, etc [in his defense he ∼d 175. amaranthine: everlasting. ; insanity]. 176. amass: 1) to pile up : collect together; 2) to 158. allegiance: loyalty; submission; subjection; accumulate (esp wealth). devotion. 177. amatory: of, relating to, or expressing sexual 159. allegoric: symbolical narration; (ref trickery). love. 157. allege: 1) firm : esp, as a plea, temporary 160. allegory: 1) a story in which people, things, 178. amazon: a large, strong, masculine woman. and happenings have a hidden or symbolic; meaning : allegories are used for teaching or 179. ambergris: perfume base. explaining ideas, moral ; principles etc; 2) any 180. ambidextrous: 1) able to use both hands symbol or emblem. with equal ease; 2) very skillful or versatile; 161. allele: any of several forms of a gene aris3) deceitful : double-dealing. ing thru mutation, responsible for ; hereditary 181. ambivalence: having opposing emotional atvariation. titude towards the same subject. 162. allemande: a movement which affects change 182. amble: to move at an easy pace; (move like a of order in a dance. horse). 163. alleviate: to lessen; to mitigate. 183. ambrosia: food of the Greek gods which con164. allure: to tempt with sth desirable; entice; ferred everlasting youth and beauty; can be fascinate; attract. used to praise any fine food. 165. allusion: passing or casual reference; an inci- 184. ambulatory: 1) of or for walking; 2) able to dental mention. walk and not confined to bed [an ambulatory patient]; 3) moving from one place to another 166. alluvial: of, found in, or made up of, allu: movable; 4) that can be changed or revoked vium. [an ambulatory will]. 167. alluvium: sand, clay, etc, gradually deposited 185. ambuscade: an ambush. by moving water, as along a river bed ; or the shore of a lake : wash. 186. ameliorate: to make better; improve. 168. aloft: in air, upward. 187. amenable: able to be led; submissive. 7
  • 9. 188. amend: 1) to remove the faults of : correct : 204. amplify: 1) to make larger or stronger; inemend; 2) to change or revise (a law, constitucrease or extend (power, authority, etc); 2) to tion, etc); 3) to make better : improve. develop more fully, as with details, examples, statistics, etc. 189. amenity: 1) pleasant quality; attractiveness; 2a) an attractive or desirable feature, as of 205. amputate: to cut off (an arm, leg, etc), esp by surgery. a place, climate, etc; 2b) ath that adds to one’s comfort : convenience; 3) the courteous 206. amulet: an object worn on the body beacts and pleasant manners of polite social because of its supposed magical power to protect; haviour. against injury or evil; a charm; talisman. 190. amerce: punished by fine. 207. ana: collection of odd literary items. 191. amiable: agreeable, pleasing, charming; 208. anachronism: misdate; intempestivity; a [Opp.] dour, testy, grouchy, crusty. chronological misplacing of persons, events, objects, or customs in regard; to each other. 192. amicable: friendly in feeling; showing goodwill; peaceable [an amicable discussion]. 209. anagogic: mystical;. 193. amiss: in a wrong way; astray, wrongly, fault210. analects: miscellaneous excerpts. ily, improperly,etc. 211. analgesia: a fully conscious state in which 194. amity: friendly, peaceful relations, as between normal pain is not felt. nations; friendship. 212. analogous: similar or comparable in certain 195. amnesty: a pardon, esp for political offenses respects. against a government. 213. analogy: 1) similarity in some respects be196. amok (amuck): 1) to rush about in a frenzy tween things otherwise unlike; partial resemto kill; 2) to lose control of oneself and behave blance; 2) [Logic] an inference from certain outrageously and violently; 3) to become wild admitted resemblances between two or; more or undisciplined. things to a probable further similarity between them. 197. amoral: 1) not to be judged by criteria of morality; neither moral nor immoral; 2) with- 214. anaphorically: the rhetorical device of beginout moral sense or principles; incapable of disning successive sentences with the same word; tinguishing between right and wrong. or phrase. 198. amorous: of, relating to, expression of sexual 215. anarchism: 1) the theory that all forms of love. government interfere unjustly with individual; liberty and should be replaced by the volun199. amorphism: uncouthness; absence of form. tary association of cooperative; groups; 2) re200. amortize: to wipe out; to provide for the sistance, sometimes by terrorism, to organized gradual extinction of sth. government. 201. amphibology: ambiguity. 216. anastomotic: communication by cross connections to form a network. 202. amphitheater: 1) a round or oval building with an open space (arena) surrounded by ris- 217. anathema: a solemn ecclesiastical curse; a ing ; rows of seats. curse; execration; 203. ample: 1) large in size, extent, scope etc : 218. anchor: 1) any device that holds sth else sespacious : roomy; 2) more than enough : abuncure; 2) ath. that gives or seems to give stadant; 3) enough to fulfill the needs or purpose bility or security; 3) a person who anchors a : adequate. team, news-cast etc. 8
  • 10. 219. anchoritism: (anchorite: a recluse : a man 234. anneal: 1) to heat (glass, metals,etc) and then cool slowly to prevent bitterness; 2) to or woman who has renounced the world). strengthen and temper (the mind, will, etc). 220. anchovy: a small Mediterranean fish of herring family (put on pizza as sauce). 235. annihilate: 1) to destroy completely : put out of existence : demolish; 2) to consider or 221. ancillary: 1) subordinate: often with to; 2) cause to be of no importance or without effect; that serves as an aid : auxiliary. nullify [to ∼ another’s ambition]; 3) to conquer decisively : crush. 222. ancipital: two edged. 223. anecdote: a short, entertaining account of 236. annotated: to make notes upon sth. some happening, usually personal or; bio237. annuity: payment falling due annually. graphical. 224. anemia: 1) lack or vigor or vitality : lifeless- 238. ness. 239. 225. anesthesia: 1) a partial or total loss of the sense of pain, temperature, touch, etc.; pro240. duced by disease; 2) a loss of sensation induced by an anesthetic, hypnosis, or acupuncture and; limited to a specific area or involving a loss of consciousness. 241. 226. anfractuous: winding. 227. anguish: great suffering, as from worry, grief, 242. or pain; agony. 243. 228. angular: 1) having or forming an angle or angles; having sharp corners; 2) with bones that jut out : gaunt; 3) without ease or grace; 244. stiff [an angular stride]. 229. anhedonia: losing the will of living or losing ability to experience pleasure in normally; pleasurable things. 230. animadvert: to consider; attend to; reprehend; to make a critical and usu censorious 245. remark. 246. 231. animate: 1) to give life to : bring to life; 2) to make gay, energetic or spirited; 3) to give motion to : to put into action. annunciate: proclaim; announce. anodyne: lenitive; remedial; relief; drug that relieves pain. anoint: to smear with ointment or oil; to drub; to smear with oil in a ceremony of consecration. anomaly: irregularity; sth different, abnormal, peculiar. or not easily classified. anomic: ¡see anomie!¿. anomie: this is a social condition characterized by the breakdown of norms governing; social interactions; social alienation. anonymous: 1) with no name known or acknowledged; 2) given ,written, etc by a person whose name is withheld or unknown; 3) not easily distinguished from others from one another because of a lack of; individual features or character. ansate: having a handle. antagonist: 1) a person who opposes or competes with another : adversary : opponent; 2) a muscle, drug, etc that acts in opposition to or counteracts another. 232. animus: 1) an animating force or underlying 247. antecede: to go before in rank, place, or time; purpose : intention; 2) a feeling or strong illprecede. will or hatred : animosity. 248. antecedents: 1) any happening or thing prior 233. annals: 1) a written account of events year to another; 2) ath logically preceding; 3) one’s by year in chronological order; 2) historical ancestry, past life, training etc. records or chronicles : history; 3) any journal containing reports of discoveries in some 249. antediluvian: very old, old-fashioned, or fields, meetings of; a society, etc. primitive. 9
  • 11. 250. anthropoid: 1) resembling a human; 2) ape- 266. aperture: 1) an opening; hole : gap; 2) the like [a brutish man with anthropoid features]. opening or the diameter of the opening in a camera, telescope, etc.; thru which light passes 251. anthropology: the study of humans, esp of into the lens. the variety, physical and cultural; characteristics, distribution, customs, social relation- 267. aphasia: inability to express thought in words ships, etc of humanity. by reason of some brain disease. 252. anthropomorphism: the attributing of hu- 268. aphesis: initial curtailment. man shape or characteristics to a god, animal, 269. aphorism: a concise and statement; a brief or; inanimate thing. pithy saying. 253. anticipation: foreboding, presentiment, pre270. apiaries: a place where bees are kept. vision; fear, doubt, dread. 254. anticlimax: 1) a sudden drop from the dig- 271. aplomb: self-possession; assurance; poise. nified or important in thought or expression 272. apocalypse: 1) any of various Jewish and to; the commonplace or trivial, sometimes for Christian pseudonymous writings depicting; humorous effect; 2) a descent, as in a series of symbolically the ultimate destruction of evil events, which is in ludicrous or disappointing; and triumph of good; 2) a disclosure regarded contrast to a preceding rise. as prophetic : revelation. 255. antihero: the protagonist of a novel, play, etc 273. apocryphal: not genuine; of doubtful authorwho lacks the virtues and esteemable; traits of ity; spurious. a traditional hero. 274. apodictic: necessarily true. 256. antinomy: opposition between principles. 275. apogee: 1) the point farthest from the earth 257. antipathy: aversion, repugnance, antagoin the orbit of the moon or of a man-made; nism; [Opp.] approbation, commendation, apsatellite: opposed to perigee; 2) the highest or preciation. farthest point. 258. antiphonal: alternate chanting or singing. 276. apolaustic: devoted to enjoyment. 259. antiquarian: connected with the studies of 277. apologue: a moral fable. relics. 278. apology: exculpation, entreaty, supplication; 260. antisemitic: anti Jews. [Opp.] censure, arraignment, imputation. 261. antithesis: 1) a contrast or opposition of 279. apoplexy: a condition in any organ of severe thoughts, usu. in two phrase, clauses, or; senhemorrhage or infraction: formerly used; esp. tences [you are going : i am staying]; 2) the to indicate cerebral accident or stroke. second part of such an expression; 3) the exact opposite [joy is the antithesis of sorrow]. 280. aposiopesis: sentence left unfinished. 262. anvil: an iron or steel block on which metal 281. apostate: renegade; (one who has revolted objects are hammered into shape. from ecclesiastical obedience); defection. 263. apathetic: lack of interest towards sth or 282. someone’s problems?. 283. 264. apathy: stoicism, lethargy, indifference; [Opp.] turbulence, eagerness, vehemence. 284. 265. ape: to imitate or mimic. 10 apothecary: a druggist or pharmacist. apothegm: a pithy saying more short pointed and practical than the aphorism need be. apotheosis: resuscitation; canonization; hero worship; deification; glorification.
  • 12. 285. appall: to fill with horror or dismay; shock. 301. aqueduct: canal. 286. appanage: 1) a provision for maintenance 302. arbiter: umpire; judge. esp for the kings younger child; 2) natural at303. arbitrary: 1) not fixed by rules but left to tribute. one’s judgement or choice : discretionary; 2) based on one’s preference, notion, whim etc; 287. apparition: 1) anything that appears unex3) absolute : despotic. pectedly or in an extraordinary way; esp, a strange figure appearing suddenly and thought 304. arbitration: the act of arbitrating; specif, the to be a ghost; 2) the act of appearing or besettlement of a dispute by a person or persons coming visible. chosen to hear both; sides and come to a decision. 288. appease: 1) to pacify or quiet, esp by giving in to the demands of; 2) to satisfy or relieve 305. arbor: a shaft or beam; a spindle or axis; grass [water appeases thirst]. plot; garden. 289. appellation: 1) the act of calling by a name; 306. arboretum: a place where many kinds of 2) a name or title that describes or identifies a trees and shrubs are grown for exhibition. person or thing : designation. 307. arcade: a passage having an arched roof; any 290. append: to attach or affix; add as a supplecovered passageway, esp one with shops; on the ment or appendix. sides. 291. appetency: craving. 308. archaic: old-fashioned; ancient. 292. apposite: juxtaposition; appropriate or apt. 309. archetypal: prototype; original pattern or model. 293. apprehend: 1) to take into custody : capture or arrest; 2) to take hold of mentally : perceive 310. archives: [usually pl.] a place in which public : understand; 3) to anticipate with anxiety : records or historical documents are; preserved; dread. also, the material preserved. 294. apprise: to inform or notify. 311. ardor: 1) emotional warmth : passion; 2) eagerness : enthusiasm : zeal; 3) intense heat : 295. approbation: approval; official approval, fire. sanction or commendation. 312. arduous: 1) difficult to do : laborious : oner296. appurtenance: 1) anything that appertains; ous; 2) using much energy : strenuous; 3) steep thing added to a more important thing : ad: hard to climb [an arduous slope]. junct; 2) [pl.] apparatus or equipment : accessories; 3) an incidental right, privilege, etc, 313. argot: slang; (orig that of thieves). attached to some thing and passing with it, as 314. aria: an air or melody in a opera, cantata, or by conveyance or sale. oratorio, esp for solo voice with; instrumental accompaniment. 297. apropos: to the purpose; appropriately. 298. apse: a semi circular of polygonal recess esp 315. arid: 1) lacking enough water for things to grow : dry and barren; 2) not interesting : at the east end of a church quire. lifeless : dull. 299. apterous: wingless. 316. aristocracy: 1) orig. government by the best 300. aptitude: the quality of being apt or approcitizens; 2) government by a privileged minorpriate; a natural tendency or inclination; a ity or upper class, usu. of inherited wealth and natural ability or talent; quickness to learn or social position; 3) a country with this form of understand. govt : oligarchy. 11
  • 13. 317. armada: 1) a fleet of warships; 2) a fleet of 333. aseptic: medically sterile; not septic; free military aircraft. from or keeping away disease producing or putrefying microorganisms. 318. armistice: a suspension of hostilities; a truce. 334. asinine: of or like an ass. 319. armorer: a maker/repairer/custodian of 335. askance: with a sideways glance; obliquely; arms and armor. with suspicion, disapproval etc. 320. aromatic: 1) of or having and aroma; smelling sweet or spicy; fragrant or pungent. 336. askew: aside; awry; 321. arraign: charge; cite; censure; summon (bring 337. asperity: discourtesy; anger; irascibility; roughness or harshness as of surface, sound, before a court). weather,etc or of circumstances. 322. arrant: downright; unmitigated; notorious; 338. aspersion: the act of defaming; a damaging rascally. or disparaging remark; slander; innuendo. 323. array: 1) to place in order : marshal (troops for battle, etc); 2) to dress in fine or showy 339. aspirant: a person who aspires, as after honors, high position, etc. attire : deck out. 324. arrears: unpaid and overdue debts; any obligation not met on time; unfinished business, work, etc. 340. aspiration: a) strong desire or ambition, as for advancement, honor, etc; b) the thing so desired; 2) a breathing in, as of dust into the lungs. 325. arroyo: 1) a dry gully; 2) a rivulet or stream. 341. assay: to put to trial; to put to the proof; to test. 326. articulate: 1) having parts connected by joints; 2) able to speak; 3) expressing oneself 342. assess: 1) to set an estimated value on (propeasily and clearly; 4) well formulated : clearly erty etc) for taxation; 2) to set the amount of presented [an articulate argument]. (a tax, a fine, damages etc); 3) to impose a fine, tax or special payment on (a person or 327. artifacts: any object made by human work; property). esp, a simple or primitive tool, weapon, vessel, etc. 343. asseveration: assertion. 328. artifice: 1) skill or ingenuity; 2) a clever ex- 344. assiduity: persistent application or diligence. pedient; 3) trickery or craft. 345. assiduously: diligently. 329. artisan: a worker in a skilled trade; crafts346. assimilate: 1) to change (food) into a form man. that can be taken up by, and made part of; 330. artless: 1) lacking skill or art; 2) uncultured body tissues; 2) to absorb and incorporate into : ignorant; 3) not artistic : clumsy : crude; one’s thinking; 3) to absorb (groups of different 4) without artificiality : simple : natural; 4) cultures) into the main cultural body; 4) to without guile or deceit. make like or alike : cause to resemble : with to. 331. ascendancy: a position in which one has control or power; supremacy; domination. 347. assonant: to correspond in vowel sound. 332. ascription: act, expression, formula of ascrib- 348. assuage: 1) to lessen (pain, distress, etc) : ing or imputing (assigning or attributing sth to allay; 2) to satisfy or slake (thirst, appetite, sth). etc); 3) to calm (passion, anger, etc) : pacify. 12
  • 14. 349. assurance: the act or action of assuring: as 367. atrophy: wasting away; progressive decline; pledge, guarantee: the act of conveying real; degeneration. property: also the instrument by which it is conveyed; the state of being assured: as secu- 368. attenuate: decrease; weaken; mitigate. rity: being certain in the mind. 369. attest: to bear witness; certify or testify (to). 350. asthenic: weak. 370. attrition: wearing down by rubbing together; 351. astigmatism: distorted view or judgement, a defective or imperfect sorrow for sin; any as because of bias. gradual wearing or weakening esp to the point of exhaustion; loss of personnel from an orga352. astral: belonging to the stars. nization in the normal course of events, as by retirement. 353. astringent: that contracts the body tissues and checks secretions, capillary bleeding,etc; 371. atypical: not typical. styptic; having a harsh biting quality. 372. audacity: boldness; effrontery; presumption; arrogance; assurance. 354. astrolabe: astronomical instrument. 355. astute: clever, discerning, sagacious; [Opp.] obtuse, stolid, dull. 373. audit: 1) a formal, often periodic examination and checking of accounts or financial records 356. astute: sagacious; shrewd; having keen disto verify their correctness; 2) a settlement or cernment. adjustment of accounts. 357. asunder: into parts or pieces; apart or sepa374. augurs: a diviner; soothsayer. rate in direction or position. 358. asylum: 1) a place where one is safe and se- 375. augury: 1) divination from omens; 2) an omen; portent; indication. cure; refuge; 2) the protection given by a sanctuary or refuge or by one country to refugees from another country; 3) an institution for the 376. august: 1) inspiring awe and reverence; imposing and magnificent; 2) worthy of respect care of the mentally ill, or of the aged, the poor because of age and dignity, high position, etc; etc. venerable. 359. asyndeton: omission of conjunctions. 377. aura: subtle emanation; air; distinctive char360. atavistic: appearance of ancestral but not acter. parental characteristics. 378. aureole: a radiance encircling the head or 361. atemporal: independent of or unaffected by body, as in religious paintings; halo; glory; time; timeless. the illuminated area around the sun etc, as when seen in a mist or during an eclipse; sun’s 362. atheist: a person who believes that there is corona. no God. 363. atonal: out of tune; not referred to any scale 379. auscultation: the art of discovering the conor tonic. dition of the lungs and heart by applying the ear of the stethoscope. 364. atone: 1) to make amends or reparation (for a wrongdoing etc). 380. austere: 1) having a severe or stern look, 365. atrabilious: melancholy. 366. atrocity: 1) atrocious behaviour or condition; brutality, cruelty etc. 13 manner, etc; forbidding; 2) showing strict selfdiscipline and self-denial; ascetic; 3) very plain; lacking ornament or luxury [austere surroundings].
  • 15. 381. authenticate: 1) to make authentic or valid; 396. avocation: sth done in addition to a vocation 2) to establish the truth of; verify; 3) to prove or regular work, and usu for pleasure; hobby. to be genuine or as represented. 397. avowal: a positive declaration; an acknowl382. authoritarian: believing in, relating to , edgement; a frank confession. characterized by, or enforcing unquestioning obedience to authority, as that of a dictator, 398. avuncular: 1) of an uncle; 2) having traits considered typical of uncles; jolly, indulgent, rather than individual freedom of judgement stodgy, etc. and action. 383. autism: absorption in self-centered subjective 399. awl: a small, pointed tool for making holes in wood, leather, etc. mental activity usu accompanied by marked withdrawal from reality. 400. awry: askew; with a twist to a side; wrong; amiss. 384. autocrat: 1) a ruler with absolute power; dictator; despot; 2) anyone having unlimited 401. axiom: 1) a statement universally accepted as power over others; 3) any domineering, selftrue; maxim; 2) an established principle or law willed person. of a science, art etc. 385. autodidacts: self taught. 402. azure: of faint blue sky color. 386. automaton: 1) ath that can move or act of 403. azygous: single. itself; 2) a mechanism that is relatively self operating, esp robot. 404. bacchanalia: a drunken party; orgy. 387. autopsy: 1) an examination and dissection of 405. badger: to harass or annoy persistently. a dead body to discover the cause of death, damage done by disease, etc; post-mortem; 2) 406. badinage: light playful talk; banter. a detailed critical analysis of a book, play, etc, 407. bagatelle: a trifle; a piece of music played in or of some event. a light style. 388. auxiliary: 1) giving help or aid; assisting or 408. bait: 1) to torment or harass with unprosupporting; 2) acting in a subsidiary, or suborvoked, vicious, repeated attacks; 2) to tease or dinate capacity; 3) additional; supplementary; goad esp so as to provoke reaction; 3) to put reserve. food etc on (a hook or trap) to lure animals or fish. 389. avaricious: greedy;miserly; parsimonious; penurious; stingy. 409. baize: a coarse woollen cloth. 390. avariciousness: parsimonious, niggardly, 410. baldric: belt for sword. penurious, greediness; [Opp.] bountiful, munificent, generous. 411. baleen: whalebone. 391. aver: to declare to be true. 412. baleful: malignant; hurtful; sorrowful. 392. averse: reluctant; disinclined. 413. balk: 1) to obstruct or thwart; foil; 2) to stop and obstinately refuse to move or act; 3) to 393. aviary: a large cage or building for keeping hesitate or recoil (at). many birds. 394. avid: having an intense craving; greedy; eager 414. balm: 1) any fragrant ointment or aromatic oil for healing or anointing; 2) ath healing or and enthusiastic. soothing, esp to the mind or temper [sleep was 395. avocation: a diversion or distraction from a ∼ to his troubles]; 3) pleasant odor; fraone’s regular occupation. grance. 14
  • 16. 415. balmy: having the qualities of balm; soothing, 428. barrage: 1) a curtain of artillery fire laid mild, pleasant, etc [a balmy day]. down to keep enemy forces from moving, or; to cover or prepare the way for one’s own forces, 416. balustrade: a small pillar supporting a stair esp in attack; 2) a heavy, prolonged attack of rail; railing. words, blows, etc. 417. banal: commonplace; trivial; trite; insipid. 418. bane: the cause of distress, death, or ruin. 429. barrage: a man-made barrier in a stream, river, etc to deepen the water or channel it; for irrigation; dam. 419. banter: to joke or jest; to assail with good 430. barratry: a kind of fraud. humored raillery. 431. barrier: bulwark, barricade, rampart; [Opp.] opening, transit, way. 420. barb: 1) a thin, somewhat beardlike growth near the mouth of certain animals, as the; bar- 432. barrister: in England, a qualified member of bel of a fish; 2) a piece of linen for covering the the legal profession who presents and; pleads throat and sometimes the chin worn by nuns; cases in court; counselor-at-law. 3) a sharp point curving or projecting in an opposite direction from the main; point of a 433. barter: to trade by exchanging goods or serfish-hook, harpoon, arrow etc; 4) sharpness; vices without using money. sting [the ∼ of his wit made us wince]; 5) a cutting remark; 6) one of the hairlike branches 434. bask: 1) to warm oneself pleasantly, as in the sunlight; 2) to enjoy a warm or pleasant feeling growing from the shaft of a feather. from being in a certain environment or; situation [to bask in someone’s favor]. 421. barbate: bearded. 422. bard: 1) any of various national minstrels or 435. bastion: a kind of tower or fortification; (figuratively defense) epic poets; a poet. 436. bate: to abate, lessen, lower, etc. 423. barefaced: 1) with the face uncovered, unmasked, beardless; 2) unconcealed; open; 3) 437. bathos: ludicrous descent from the elevated shameless; brazen; audacious. to the mean in writing or speech. 424. baritone: deep toned male voice between bass 438. batiste: a fine fabric of linen, cotton or wool. and tenor (eg Amitabh’s voice). 439. batten: to grow fat. 425. barnacle: shell-bearing sea animal. 440. bauble: a trifling piece of finery; a child’s plaything. 426. baroque: 1) of, characteristic of or like a style of art and architecture characterized; by much 441. bawdy: indecent or humorously coarse; lewd. ornamentation and curved rather than straight lines; 2) of, characteristic of, or like a style 442. beatific: blissful. of music characterized by highly; embellished melodies and fugal or contrapuntal forms; 3) 443. beatitude: heavenly happiness. designating or of the period in which these 444. bedizen: to dress or decorate in a cheap, styles flourished( 1600-1750); 4) fantastically showy way. overdecorated; gaudily ornate; 5) irregular in shape said of pearls; something so ornate as to 445. bedlam: an asylum for lunatics; a madhouse. be in bad taste. 446. bedraggle: to soil by dragging in the wet or 427. barouche: carriage. dirt; gen for a pathetic condition. 15
  • 17. 447. bedrock: 1) a secure foundation; 2) the very 463. belittle: to make seem little, less important bottom; 3) basic principles or facts. etc; speak slightingly of; depreciate. 448. beech: a common forest tree (silvery bark 464. bellicose: warlike; contentious. etc). 465. belligerent: 1) at war; designating or of a 449. befogged: to obscure. state recognized under international law as; being engaged in a war; 2) inclined to or ex450. beget: 1) to be the father or sire of; procreate; hibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combative2) to bring into being; produce [tyranny ∼s ness. rebellion]. 451. begrudge: 1) to feel ill will or resentment 466. bellwether: leader. at the possession or employment of (sth) by; 467. bemused: to put in confusion; stupefy. another [to begrudge another’s fortune]; 2) to give with ill will or reluctance [he begrudges 468. benediction: a blessing; a solemn invocation her every cent]; 3) to regard with displeasure of the divine blessing on men or things. or disapproval. 469. benefactor: a person who has given help, esp 452. beguile: to cheat or deceive; to pass with financial help; patron. diversion of attention from ath tedious or 470. beneficence: active goodness; kindness; charpainful. ity. 453. behemoth: an animal or thing that is huge or very powerful. 471. beneficiary: 1) anyone receiving benefit; 2) a person named to receive the income or in454. beholden: obliged to feel grateful; owing heritance from a will, insurance policy, trust thanks; indebted. etc. 455. behoove: to be necessary for or incumbent 472. benighted: overtaken by night; involved in upon [it behooves you to think for yourself]. darkness intellectual or moral. 456. belabor: 1) to beat severely; hit or whip; 2) 473. benign: 1) good-natured; kindly; 2) favorto attack with words; scold; 3) to spend too able; beneficial; 3) doing little or no harm; not much time and effort on; develop in too great malignant. detail [to belabor the issue]. 474. benison: benediction; blessing. 457. belated: late or too late; tardy. 458. beldam: a hag; a grandmother or remoter an- 475. bequeathal: to transmit to posterity; to commit or entrust to anyone. cestress. 459. beleaguer: 1) to besiege by encircling, as with 476. berate: to scold or chide vigorously. an army; 2) to beset, as with difficulties; ha477. bereave: 1) to deprive or rob; dispossess: now rass. usually in the pp, bereft [she was bereft of hope or; happiness]; 2) to leave in a sad or lonely 460. belesprit: in good spirits. state, as by loss or death. 461. belgard: a fair or kind look. 478. bereft: deprived by death of some dear rela462. belie: 1) to give a false idea of; disguise or tive or friend; snatched away. misrepresent [his smile ∼s his anger]; 2) to leave unfulfilled; disappoint [war ∼d hopes for 479. beset: 1) to cover or set thickly with; stud; 2) peace]; 3) to show to be untrue; prove false to attack from all sides; harass or besiege; 3) [her cruelty ∼d her kind words]. to surround or hem in. 16
  • 18. 480. besmirch: to soil as with smoke or soot; to 502. bivouac: the resting of soldiers in open air at bring to dishonor, sully. night. 481. besotted: to make dull, sottish, or stupid; 503. blanch: 1) to make white; take color out of; infatuated. to make pale. 482. bespeak: engage in advance. 483. 484. 485. 486. 504. bland: 1) pleasantly smooth in manner; suave; 2) mild and soothing; not sharp, harsh bestow: 1) to give or present as a gift : often etc. with on or upon; 2) to apply; devote [to ∼ much time on a project]. 505. blandish: to flatter or coax in persuading; cajole. betrothal: mutual pledge to marry; engagement. 506. blase: having indulged in pleasure so much as to be unexcited by it; satiated and bored. bevy: 1) a group, esp of girls or women; 2) a flock : now chiefly of quail; 3) any group or 507. blasphemy: impious or profane speaking. collection. 508. blatant: glaringly obvious; calumniously bezel: edge of a cutting tool. clamorous; egregiously vulgar. 487. bibelot: trinket; a small decorative object. 488. bibulous: addicted to drink. 489. bicameral: having two legislative chambers. 509. bleak: dreary, desolate, dismal; [Opp.] bright, cheerful, balmy. 510. bleary: dim; esp from fatigue or sleep. 490. bicker: to contend in a petty way; a fight or 511. blight: 1) any atmospheric or soil condition, parasite, or insect that kills,; withers, or checks quarrel. the growth of plants; 2) any of several plant diseases, as rust, mildew, or smut; 3) anything 491. biddable: tractable. that destroys, prevents growth, or causes de492. bifurcated: having two branches or peaks; valuation [slums are a; blight on a city]; 4) forked. a person or thing that withers one’s hopes or ambitions. 493. bight: bay. 512. blighted: injured; destroyed; depressed; frus494. bigotry: blind or excessive zeal esp in relitrated. gious manners; intolerance; prejudice. 513. blithe: jocund; cheerful; sprightly. 495. bijoux: a jewel; something delicate and exquisitely wrought. 514. bloated: 1) to swell, as with water or air; 2) to puff up, as with pride. 496. bilboes: fetters. 497. bilge: the broadest part of a ships bottom. 515. blowhard: a loudly boastful person. 498. bilious: 1) having or resulting from some ail- 516. bludgeon: a short club with a thick, heavy, or loaded end. ment of the bile or the liver. 499. bilk: swindle; frustrate; defraud. 517. bluestocking: a learned lady esp one inclining to pedantry. 500. bipartisan: consisting of members of two par518. bluff: 1) a high, steep, broad-faced bank or ties. cliff; 2) having a rough and frank but affable 501. bittern: marsh bird. manner. 17
  • 19. 519. bluff: 1) to mislead or seek to mislead (a per- 540. boustrophedonic: alternately from left to son) by a false, bold front; 2) to frighten (a right and right to left. person) by threats not intended to be carried 541. bovine: 1) of an ox; 2) having ox-like qualout. ities; thought of as ox-like; slow,dull, stupid, 520. blurb: a publishers commendatory descripstolid, etc. tion of a book commonly printed on the jacket. 542. bowdlerize: to remove passages considered 521. blurt: to say suddenly, without stopping to offensive from (a book, play, etc); expurgate. think: often with out. 543. brachylogy: condensed expression. 522. blustered: to bully or swagger. 523. bode: to be an omen of; presage. 524. bogus: not genuine; spurious. 544. brackish: 1) somewhat salty, as the water of some marshes near the sea; 2) having an unpleasant taste; nauseating. 525. bolster: 1) a long, narrow cushion or pillow; 545. braggadocio: empty boasting; braggart or 2) a soft pad for easing pressure on any part boaster. of the body; 3) to support, strengthen or reinforce. 546. brandish: to wave or flourish as a weapon. 526. bombast: talk or writing that sounds grand 547. bravado: pretended courage or defiant confior important but has little meaning; pompous dence where there is little or none. language. 548. brawn: strong, well-developed muscles; mus527. bonafide: genuine. cular strength. 528. bonhomie: easy good nature. 549. brazen: bold or reckless; 529. boon: 1) welcome benefit; blessing; 2) merry?. 550. brazier: a vessel or tray for hot coals. 530. boor: crude; peasant; coarse or awkward per551. breakwater: a barrier against force of waves. son; yokel; churl. 531. bootlegging: illicit distillation of liquor. 552. breviary: prayer book. 532. bosky: woody; bushy; shady; (colloq) some- 553. brevity: shortness of duration; esp, shortness what tipsy. or conciseness of expression. 533. bosun: boatswain. 534. bouillon: a clear broth, usually of beef. 554. bridle: any curb or restraint; a head(like me)movement expressing scorn or vanity. 535. boulevard: a promenade bordered with trees. 555. brindle: marked with spots or streaks (of a darker color). 536. bounteous: bountiful. 537. bountiful: 1) giving freely and graciously; 556. brinkmanship: the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the generous; 2) provided in abundance; plentiful. limit of safety esp to force a desired outcome. 538. bourasque: a tempest. 557. brittle: 1) easily broken or shattered because 539. bourgeois: 1a) a self employed person, as a hard and inflexible; 2) having a sharp, hard shopkeeper or businessman; 1b) a member of quality; 3) stiff and unbending in manner; lackthe bourgeoisie or middle class; 2) a person ing warmth. whose, beliefs, attitudes and practices are conventionally middle class. 558. broached: to open up or begin. 18
  • 20. 559. broadsheet: a sheet of paper printed on one 578. bureaucracy: 1) the administration of govside containing a proclamation or popular maternment thru departments and subdivisions ter. managed by sets of appointed officials following an inflexible routine; 2) the officials collec560. broadside: the side of a ship; all the guns on tively. one side of a ship of war; also broadsheet. 579. burgeon: 1) to put forth buds, shoots, etc; 561. brocade: a rich cloth with a raised design, as sprout; 2) to grow or develop rapidly; expand; of silk, velvet, gold, or silver, woven into it. proliferate; flourish [the burgeoning suburbs]. 562. brochure: a pamphlet, esp one promoting or 580. burgess: a member of a privileged class in a advertising something. town; 563. brooch: an ornament that is held by a pin or 581. burgher: a townsman;. clasp and is worn at or near the neck. 582. burlesque: ludicrous imitation;. 564. brook: to put up with; endure: usually in the 583. burnish: to make or become shiny by rubnegative [I will brook no interference]. bing; polish. 565. browbeat: to intimidate with harsh, stern 584. buttress: 1) a projecting structure, generally looks and talk; bully. of brick or stone, built against a wall to sup566. brumal: wintry. port or reinforce it; 2) anything like a buttress; support or prop. 567. brummagem: tinsel. 585. buxom: having a shapely, full-bosomed fig568. brusquely: curtly; roughly. ure: said of a woman or girl. 569. buccal: of or pertaining to the mouth or 586. cabal: small party united for some secret decheeks. sign; the plot or scheme itself. 570. bucolic: pertaining to the tending of cattle; 587. pastoral; rustic. 588. 571. buffoon: a person who is always clowning and trying to be funny; clown. 572. bugaboo: bugbear;. cabala: mystical doctrine. cache: 1) a place in which stores of food, supplies, etc, are hidden, as by explorers or trappers; 2) a safe place for hiding or storing things; 3) ath stored or hidden in such a place. 589. cachet: a seal; any distinctive stamp; a cap573. bugbear: 1) an imaginary hobgoblin or terror sule enclosing a medicine. used to frighten children into good conduct; 2) anything causing seemingly needless or exces- 590. cachinnation: loud laughter. sive fear or anxiety; 3) imaginary; bane; alarm; 591. cacophony: harsh, jarring sound; dissonance. fear. 574. bullion: 1) gold and silver regarded as raw 592. cadaverous: pale; deathly; sickly looking; gaunt; corpse like. material; 2) gold or silver in the form of ingots, bars, or sometimes coins. 593. cadence: 1) fall of the voice in speaking; 2) inflection or modulation in tone; 3) any rhyth575. bulwark: the side of the ship projecting above mic flow of sound; 4) measured movement, as the deck; a fortification or rampart. in dancing or marching, or the beat of such 576. bumptiousness: offensively self important. movement. 577. bungle: to spoil by clumsy work or action; 594. cadge: To intrude or live on another meanly, botch. or beg. 19
  • 21. 595. cadger: idler; beggar; huckster. 615. canard: a false rumor; a false esp malicious report that has been fabricated with the intention of doing harm. 596. caesura: rhythmic break. 597. caitiff: a person of low character. 616. cancel: rescind, abrogate, annul; to endorse, enforce, ratify. 598. cajole: to coax with flattery and insincere talk; wheedle. 617. candent: glowing; white hot. 599. calamity: 1) deep trouble or misery; 2) any 618. candor: openness; frankness in expressing extreme misfortune bringing great loss and soroneself; the quality of being fair and unprejrow; disaster. udiced and impartial. 600. calefaction: increase of temperature; igni- 619. canker: 1) ath that corrupts or gradually detion; inflammation. stroys; 2) an ulcerlike sore, esp in the mouth : thought to be an immune reaction. 601. calescent: growing warm. 620. canny: careful and shrewd in one’s actions 602. caliber: degree of worth or value of a person and dealings; clever and cautious; careful, pruor thing; quality or ability. dent : with money; thrifty. 603. caliginous: misty. 621. canon: a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council; the authentic works of a writer; 604. calk: to render watertight; sailor slang–to law?. snooze. 605. calligraphy: 1) beautiful handwriting, esp as 622. cant: beveled; to set at an angle; tilt; to pitch to one side; lean; slope;inclined. an art; 2) handwriting; penmanship. 606. callous: insensible, obdurate, unfeeling; com- 623. cant: lively; lusty. passionate, indulgent, tender. 624. cant: the expression or repetition of conventional or trite opinions or sentiments esp the 607. callous: lacking pity, mercy etc; unfeeling; insincere use of pious words. thick and hardened. 608. callow: raw; inexperienced (note sense!); low lying and liable to be submerged; still lacking the feathers needed for flying; unfledged. 609. calorific: producing heat. 625. cant: to talk or beg in a whining or sing-song manner; to speak in cant or jargon; to talk hypocritically. 626. cantankerous: temper. cross-grained; perverse in 610. calumny: defamation, libel, detraction, as627. cantata: a musical composition consisting of persion; laudation, commendation, goodwill. vocal solos, choruses etc, often with instrumental accompaniment, used as a setting for 611. calumny: false accusation; slander. a story to be sung not acted. 612. camaraderie: loyalty and warm, friendly feel628. canto: any of the main divisions of certain ing among comrades; comradeship. long poems, corresponding to the chapters of 613. camber: curve upwards. a book. 614. cameo: 1) a minor but well defined role in 629. canvass: 1) to examine or discuss in detail; a play, movie, etc, esp by a notable actor; 1) look over carefully; 2) to go through (places) a fine bit of descriptive writing ¡other horrid or among (people) asking for (votes, opinions, meanings in the dictionary¿. orders, etc). 20
  • 22. 630. capacious: having a large capacity; roomy; 645. caricature: 1) a picture or imitation of a perspacious. son, literary style, etc in which certain; features or mannerisms are exaggerated for satir631. caparisoned: the covering of a horse; rich ical effect; 2) a likeness or imitation that is so cloth over war horse. distorted or inferior as to seem ludicrous. 632. capillary: 1) of or like a hair, esp in being 646. carillon: 1) a set of stationary bells, each very slender; 2) having a very small bore. producing one tone of the chromatic scale; now usu sounded by means of a keyboard; 2) 633. capitulate: to treaty; to draw up terms of a smaller instrument imitating this electroniagreement; to surrender conditionally. cally usu by amplifying the; sounds made by striking metal tubes, bars, etc. 634. caprice: a change of humor or opinion without reason; a freak changeableness. 647. carious: decayed (link to carrion!). 635. caption: 1a) a heading or title, as of an article; 1b) a descriptive title, or legend, as un- 648. carnage: bloody and extensive slaughter, esp in battle; massacre; bloodshed. der the illustration; 2b) a heading showing the names of the parties, court and docket number 649. carousal: festivities; drinking and dancing; a in a pleading or deposition. noisy merry drinking party. 636. captious: petulant, censorious, carping, fret650. carp: to catch at small faults and errors. ful; encouraging, complementary, approving. 637. captious: ready to catch at faults and take 651. carping: biting; venomous; to complain or find fault in a petty or nagging way. offense; quibbling; carping; made only for the sake of argument or fault finding. 652. carrefour: crossroads; square, plaza. 638. carafe: a glass bottle for serving wine, water 653. carrion: the decaying flesh of a dead body esp or coffee. when regarded as food for scavenging animals; ath very disgusting or repulsive. 639. carapace: the horny, protective covering over all or part of the back of certain animals, as 654. caryatid: column in the shape of a female the upper shell of the turtle, armadillo etc. figure. 640. carat: 1) a unit of weight for precious stones and pearls, equal to 200 milligrams; 2) one 655. cascade: 1) a small steep waterfall, esp one of a series; 2) ath suggesting this, as a shower of 24th part (of pure gold) [14-carat gold is 14 sparks or an arrangement of lace or drapery in parts pure gold and 10 parts alloy]. rippling folds; 3) ath connected in a series. 641. carcinogenic: any substance that produces 656. cassock: robe worn by a priest. cancer. 657. caste: 1) any exclusive and restrictive social or occupational class or group; 2) rigid class 643. cardinal: 1) of main importance; principal; distinction based or birth, wealth, etc, operatchief; 2) bright-red, like the robe of a cardinal. ing as a social system or principle. 642. carcinoma: a cancer. 644. careen: 1) to cause (a ship) to lean or lie on 658. castellated: having turrets and battlements one side, as on a beach, so that the; bottom like a castle. can be cleaned, repaired etc; 2) to cause to lean sideways, tip, tilt; 3) to lurch from side to 659. castigate: to punish or rebuke severely, esp side, esp when moving rapidly. by harsh public criticism. 21
  • 23. 660. casualty: 1) an accident esp a fatal one; 2) 674. caulk: 1) to stop up (the cracks, seams,etc) anyone hurt or killed in an accident; 3) ath of (a window frame, boat, etc) as with a putty lost, destroyed, or made useless by some unlike sealant or oakum; 2) to make (a joint of fortunate or unforeseen happening. overlapping plates) tight by hammering the edge of one plate into the side of the other. 661. cataclysmic: a debacle; deluge; any great upheaval that causes sudden and violent changes 675. causal: 1) of a cause or causes; 2) being or involving a cause; 3) relating to cause and effect. as earthquake etc. 662. catalyst: 1) any substance serving as the 676. caustic: that can burn, eat away or destroy tissue by chemical action; corrosive; cutting or agent in catalysis; 2) a person or thing acting sarcastic in utterance; biting. as the stimulus in bringing about or hastening a result. 677. cauterize: to burn with a hot needle, a laser, a caustic substance, or an electric; current, so 663. catapult: 1) an ancient military contrivance as to destroy dead or unwanted tissue, prevent for throwing or shooting stones, spears, etc; 2) the spread of; infection, seal blood vessels etc. a slingshot; 3) to move quickly; leap. 678. cavalcade: a procession of horsemen or car664. cataract: a large waterfall; any strong flood riages; any procession; a sequence or series of or rush of water. events. 665. catechism: 1) a handbook of questions and 679. cavil: to make empty trifling objections; to answers for teaching the principles of a reliuse false arguments. gion; 2) any similar handbook for teaching the 680. cede: to give up one’s rights in; surrender forfundamentals of a subject. mally; to transfer the title of ownership of. 666. categorical: without qualifications or conditions; absolute; positive; direct; explicit: said 681. celerity: swiftness in acting or moving; speed. of a statement, theory, etc. 682. celestial: 1) of or in the sky or universe, as planets, stars, etc; 2a) of heaven; divine; 2b) 667. categorically: unqualifiedly. of the finest or highest kind [∼ bliss]. 668. catenary: type of a suspended cable. 683. celibate: 1) an unmarried person, esp one under a vow to remain unmarried; 2) one who 669. catharsis: 1) purgation, esp of the bowels; 2) abstains from sexual intercourse. the purifying of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions; 3) the alleviation of fear, 684. cenobite: monk living communally. problems, and complexes by bringing them to 685. cenotaph: a sepulchral monument without a consciousness or giving them expression. burial; empty tomb. 670. cathartic: a medicine for stimulating evacua686. censorious: expressing censure; inclined to tion of bowels; purgative. find fault; harshly critical. 671. catholic: 1) of general scope or value; all- 687. censure: to express strong disapproval of; inclusive; universal; 2) broad in sympathies, condemn as wrong. tastes, or understanding; liberal; 3) of the 688. centrifugal: moving or tending to move away Christian church headed by the Pope. from the center (as opposed to centripetal?). 672. caucus: a closed meeting of a group of persons belonging to the same political party or faction 689. centrifuge: a machine using centrifugal force to separate particles of varying density, as usu to select candidates or to decide on policy. cream from milk, or to draw off moisture, as 673. caudle: warm drink for invalids. in a washing machine. 22
  • 24. 690. centurion: the commanding officer of an an- 708. chaperon: one who accompanies a lady for protection or appearances sake. cient Roman century. 691. cerebral: of the brain or cerebrum; appealing 709. charisma: a divinely inspired gift, grace or to, or conceived by the intellect rather than talent as for prophesying, healing etc; a special the emotions. quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination; a special charm or allure that 692. cerebrate: to use one’s brain; think. inspires fascination or devotion. 693. ceremonious: 1) ceremonial; 2) full of cere- 710. charlatan: a person who pretends to have exmony; 3) char by conventional usages or forpert knowledge or skill that he does not have; mality; 4) excessively formal or proper. fake; mountebank. 694. certitude: certainty; the state of being or 711. chary: not taking chances; careful; cautious; feeling certain. not giving freely; sparing (chary of his hospitality). 695. cessation: a ceasing or stopping, either forever or for some time. 712. chase: to make a groove or furrow in; indent. 696. cession: a ceding or giving up ( of rights, 713. chase: to ornament (metal) by engraving, emproperty, territory etc) to another. bossing etc. 697. chafe: to rub so as to stimulate or make warm; to wear away by rubbing; to irritate or make 714. chasm: 1) a deep crack in the earth’s surface; abyss; narrow gorge; 2) any break or gap ; 3) a sore by rubbing; to annoy, irritate. wide divergence of feelings, sentiments, interests, etc; rift. 698. chaff: the husks of wheat or other grain separated in thrashing or winnowing; fine cut hay or straw used as fodder; ath worthless; 715. chassis: the part of a motor vehicle that includes the engine, the frame, suspension systiny strips of metal foil used to confuse enemy tem, wheels, steering mechanism, etc but not radar. the body. 699. chaff: to tease or ridicule in a good natured 716. chaste: not indulging in unlawful sexual acway. tivity; virtuous; sexually abstinent; celibate; 700. chaffer: haggle. pure, decent or modest in nature, behaviour etc; restrained and simple in style; not ornate. 701. chagrin: vexation; annoyance; a feeling of embarrassment and annoyance because one has 717. chasten: 1) to punish in order to correct or failed or been disappointed; mortification. make better; chastise; 2) to restrain from excess; subdue; 3) to make purer in style; refine. 702. chalice: 1) a cup; goblet; 2) the cup or wine of Holy Communion; 3) a cup shaped flower 718. chastise: 1) to punish, esp by beating; 2) to ¡there is some one called chalis too¿. scold or condemn sharply. 703. chameleon: 1) a changeable or fickle person. 719. chasuble: ecclesiastical garment. 704. chamois: a goat like antelope. 705. champion: to fight for; defend; support. 706. chanticleer: cock. 707. chaparral: thicket. 720. chattel: any kind of property which is not freehold. 721. chauvinistic: an absurdly extravagant pride in one’s country with a corresponding contempt for foreign nations 23
  • 25. 722. checkered: 1) having a pattern of squares; 740. circlet: a small circle; a ring or circular band 2) varied by the use of color and shading; worn as an ornament esp on the head. 3) marked by diversified features or by varied 741. circuitous: roundabout; indirect; devious. events, some unpleasant [ a ∼ career]. 723. cherubic: 1) a person, esp a child, with a 742. circumjacence: ambience; environment; encompassment. sweet, innocent face; 2) a representation of one of the cherubim as, in early art, a winged angel 743. circumlocution: verbiage, verbosity, redunclothed in red or later, a chubby, rosy-faced dancy, periphrasis; terseness, succinctness, child with wings. brevity. 724. chiaroscuro: management of light and shade 744. circumscription: the act of limiting; rein a picture. straining the action of; to confine. 725. chiastic: type of inverted word order. 745. circumspect: looking around on all sides watchfully. 726. chicanery: trickery or artifice esp in legal proceedings; quibbling. 746. circumvent: to surround or circle around; to 727. chimerical: wildly fanciful; unreal; imagisurround or encircle with evils, enmity etc, ennary. trap; to get the better of or prevent from happening by craft or ingenuity. 728. chine: backbone. 747. citadel: a fortress on a commanding height for 729. chiromancy: palmistry. defense of a city; a fortified place; stronghold; a place of safety; refuge. 730. chitterling: part of the small intestine. 731. choleric: full or choler (anger); passionate; 748. cite: 1) to summon to appear before a court of law; 2) to quote (a passage, book, speech, bilious. writer, etc); 3) to refer to or mention as a way 732. choreography: 1) dancing, esp ballet dancof example, proof, or precedent. ing; 2) the arrangement of the written notation of the movements of a dance, esp of a ballet; 749. civil: 1) of a citizen or citizens; 2) of a community of citizens, their govt, or their interre3) the art of devising dances, esp ballets. lations [∼ service, war etc]; 3) polite or cour733. chronicle: 1) a historical record or register of teous, esp in a merely formal way. facts or events arranged in the order in which they happened; 2) a narrative; history. 750. clairvoyance: 1) the supposed ability to perceive things that are not in sight or that cannot 734. chutzpah: shameless audacity; impudence; be seen; 2) keen perception or insight. brass. 751. clairvoyance: 1) the supposed ability to per735. cicatrix: scar tissue. ceive things that are not in sight or that cannot be seen; 2) keen perception or insight. 736. cinerary: pertaining to ashes. 737. cinnabar: bright-red mineral. 752. clamber: to climb with effort or clumsily, esp by using the hands as well as the feet. 738. cipher: 1) the symbol 0, indicating a value of naught, zero; 2) a person or thing of no im- 753. clammy: moist; cold damp. portance or value; nonentity; 3a) a system of secret writing based on a key, or set of prede- 754. clamor: 1) a loud outcry, uproar; 2) a vehement continued expression of the general feeltermined rules or symbols. ing or public opinion; loud demand or com739. circa: about; around. plaint. 24
  • 26. 755. clandestine: concealed or hidden; surrepti- 775. cockatrice: fabulous serpent. tious; furtive; kept secret or hidden esp for il776. coda: a more or less independent passage licit purpose. added to the end of a section or composition 756. clapper: a thing that makes a clapping sound, so as to reinforce the sense of conclusion. as the tongue of a bell or, facetiously, that of 777. coddle: to cook (esp eggs in the shell) gena garrulous person. tly by heating in water not quite at boiling 757. clarion: strong or loud; bugle like instrument. temperature; to treat (an invalid, baby etc) tenderly. 758. clavicle: a bone connecting the sternum with the scapula; collar bone. 778. codicil: a supplement to a will that changes, explains, revokes or adds provisions; appendix, supplement. 759. claymore: broad sword. 760. cleave: 1) to divide by a blow, as with an axe 779. codify: to arrange (laws, rules etc) systemat: split; 2) to pierce; 3) to sever : disunite. ically. 761. cleft: 1) an opening made by or as by cleaving : crack, crevice; 2) a hollow between two parts. 780. coercive: with power to compel. 762. clemency: mildness; readiness to forgive. 781. coeval: of the same age or period; contemporary. 763. cliche: hackneyed; a stereo-typed phrase. 782. coffer: a chest for holding money or treasure. 764. clientele: all one’s clients or customers collectively. 783. cog: any of the series of teeth on the rim of a wheel, for transmitting or receiving motion 765. climactic: of, constituting, or in the order of by fitting between the teeth of another wheel; a climax. gear tooth. 766. clime: a region or realm esp with reference to 784. cogent: powerful; convincing; forceful and to its climate. the point as a reason or argument. 767. clime: a region or realm, esp with reference 785. cogitate: to turn a thing over in one’s mind; to its climate. to ponder; 768. clique: a small exclusive circle of people; 786. cognate: related by family; having the same snobbish or narrow coterie. ancestor; having the same nature or quality; 769. cloister: a place of religious retirement; to related thru the same source; derived from a confine within walls. common original form (as in cognate words of diff langs and cognate languages). 770. clout: 1) a blow with or as with the hand : rap; 2) [Now Chiefly Dial] to patch or mend 787. cognition: the process of knowing in the coarsely. broadest sense. including perception, memory, and judgement. 771. cloy: to disgust; to cause distaste from excess. 772. coadjutor: assistant. 788. cognitive: capable of cognition (ie knowing, quick understanding). 773. coagulate: to cause (a liquid) to become a 789. cognizance: 1) perception or knowledge; esp soft, semi solid mass; curdle; clot. the range of knowledge possible thru observation; 2) official observation of or authority over 774. coalesce: to grow together or to unite into one body (root of coalition). sth. 25
  • 27. 790. cohere: 1) stick together; 2) to be connected 805. collusion: a secret agreement to deceive. naturally or logically, as by a common princi806. colophon: publishers ornamental device; An ple : be consistent. inscription, monogram, or cipher, containing the place and date of publication, printer’s 791. cohort: any band of men esp warriors. name, etc., formerly placed on the last page 792. coiffure: a headdress; a style of arranging of a book. hair. 807. colossus: 1) a gigantic statue; 2) any huge or 793. coincident: 1) occurring at the same time; important person or thing. 2) taking up the same position in the space at the same time; 3) in agreement; similar or 808. comatose: 1) of, like, or in a coma or stupor; 2) characterized by lethargic inertness; torpid identical [when desire and need are ∼]. [a comatose economy]. 794. colander: a perforated pan, usu bowl-shaped, 809. combatively: aggressively; in fighting spirit; for draining off liquids, as in washing veg. 795. coliseum: a large place of entertainment. 810. comely: pleasant to look at; attractive; fair. 796. collaborate: 1) to work together, esp in some 811. comely: pleasing; graceful. literary, artistic, or scientific undertaking; 2) 812. comestible: eatable; food. to cooperate with an enemy invader. 813. comeuppance: a deserved rebuke or penalty; 797. collage: 1) an art form in which bits of objects deserts. such as newspaper, cloth, pressed; flowers, etc are pasted together on a surface in incongruous 814. comity: courteousness; civility. relationship for; their symbolic or suggestive effect; 2) any collection of seemingly unrelated 815. commandeer: to compel to military service; to take arbitrarily. bits and parts, as in a photomontage. 816. commemorate: to honor the memory of as by a ceremony; to keep alive the memory of; collateral: 1) parallel in time, rank, imporserve as a memorial to. tance, etc; corresponding; 2) accompanying or existing in a subordinate, corroborative, or in- 817. commensurate: 1) equal in measure or size; coextensive; 2) corresponding in extent or dedirect; relationship; 3a) designating or of segree; proportionate; 3) measurable by the curity given as a pledge for the fulfillment of same standard or measure;specif, designatan; obligation; 3b) secured or guaranteed by ing two quantities having a common measure property, as stocks, bonds etc. which is contained an integral number of times collation: bringing together for examination in each. and comparison; a repast between meals. 818. commination: threatening; denunciation. collop: small piece of meat. 819. commiserate: to feel or show sorrow or pity colloquial: 1) designating or of the words, for. phrases, and idioms characteristic of informal offering plenty of room; speech and writing; informal; 2) having to do 820. commodious: roomy; spacious. with or like conversation; conversational. 798. collate: to bring together for comparison. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. colloquialism: conversation in the ordinary 821. communal: 1) of a commune or communes; 2) of or belonging to the community; shared, language; used in common conversation. or participated in, by all; 3) designating or of 804. colloquy: a conversation, esp a formal discussocial or economic organization in which there sion; conference. is common ownership of property. 26
  • 28. 822. compact: an agreement between two or more 839. conative: relating to an attempt to perform individuals, states, etc; covenant. action. 823. compelling: irresistibly or keenly interest- 840. concatenation: to chain or link together; to connect in series. ing, attractive, etc; captivating [a compelling drama]. 841. concede: to yield or give up. 824. compendium: a summary or abstract con- 842. conception: 1) that which is conceived, specif taining the essential information in a brief an embryo or fetus; 2) the beginning of some form; concise but comprehensive treatise. process, chain of events, etc; 3) the act, process or power of conceiving mentally; formulation 825. compensate: to make up for; be a counterof ideas, esp of abstractions. balance to in weight, force, etc; 2) to make equivalent or suitable return to; to recom- 843. concert: to arrange or settle by mutual unpense. derstanding; contrive or plan together; devise. 826. complacent: satisfied, esp self-satisfied; affa- 844. ble, smug . 845. 827. complaisant: willing to please; affably agree846. able; obliging. 847. 828. complement: 1) that which completes or brings to perfection; 2) the amount or number needed to fill in or complete. 848. 829. compliant: complying or tending to comply; yielding; submissive. 830. complicity: a sharing of wrongdoing. conch: spiral shell. conciliate: to reconcile. conciliatory: making friends; reconciling. concise: brief and to the point; short and clear. conclave: 1) the private meeting of cardinals to elect a pope; 2) any private or secret meeting; 3) any large conference or convention. 849. concoct: 1) to make by combining various ingredients; compound; 2) to devise, invent, or plan. 831. complicity: complexity; state or condition of 850. concomitant: an accompanying or attendant being an accomplice. condition, circumstance or thing. 832. comply: to act in accordance (with a request, 851. concord: harmony, agreement. order rule etc). 833. comport: to agree; suit; to bear; to behave 852. concordant: harmonious; united. or conduct (oneself) in a specified manner. 853. concordat: agreement. 834. composure: calmness of mind or manner; 854. concourse: assembly of persons or things runtranquility; self-possession. ning or drawn together; a large hall; an open space. 835. comprise: 1) to include; contain; 2) consist of, be composed of. 855. concupiscence: burning desire. 836. compunction: a sharp feeling of uneasiness 856. concurring: to coincide; to run together; to agree; to assent. brought on by a sense of guilt; twinge of conscience; remorse; a feeling of slight regret for 857. condescend: 1) to descend voluntarily to the sth done. level, regarded as lower, of the person one is dealing with; be graciously willing to do sth 837. compunction: contrition; regret; remorse;. regarded as beneath one’s dignity; deign; 2) to 838. comstockery: over zealous censorship. deal with others in a proud or haughty way. 27
  • 29. 858. condign: deserved; suitable; said esp of pun- 875. congruence: 1) the state or quality of being ishment for wrongdoing. in agreement; correspondence; harmony. 859. condiments: a seasoning or relish for food, 876. conjecture: an inferring, theorizing, or preas pepper, mustard, sauces, etc. dicting from incomplete or uncertain evidence; guesswork 860. condole: to express sympathy; mourn in sympathy; commiserate. 877. conjugal: of marriage or of the relation between husband and wife; matrimonial; connu861. condoned: to forgive; to excuse; to atone for. bial. 862. conduce: to tend or lead (to an effect); con878. tribute. 879. 863. conducive: that conduces to contributes; tending or leading (to). 880. 864. conduit: a channel or pipe conveying water or another fluid. conjunct: conjoined; joined. connivance: to take no notice; to have a private understanding. connive: to wink as at a fault; to take no notice; to have a private understanding. 881. connoisseur: a person who has expert knowledge and keen discrimination in some field esp in the fine arts or in matters of taste. confidant: a close, trusted friend, to whom one confides intimate matters or secrets. 882. connotation: to signify or suggest meanings, ideas in addition to the explicit primary meanconfiscate: 1) to seize (private property) for ing. the public treasury, usually as a penalty; 2) to seize by or as by authority; appropriate. 883. connubial: pertaining to marriage. conflagration: a big, destructive fire. 884. consanguinity: relationship by descent from confluence: 1) a flowing together, esp of two the same ancestor; blood relationship; close asor more streams; 2) the place where they join, sociation;filiation; agnation; cognation. or a stream formed in this way; 3) a coming 885. conscientious: governed by or made or together as of people; crowd; throng. done according to what one knows is conformity: 1) the condition or fact of beright;scrupulous; honest; showing care and ing in harmony or agreement; correspondence; precision; painstaking. congruity; similarity; 2) action in accordance with customs, rules, prevailing opinion, etc; 886. conscription: compulsory enrollment for service. conventional behaviour. 865. confabulations: confidential conversations. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. congealing: to freeze; to solidify. 887. consecrate: to set apart for holy use; to render holy or venerable. 872. congenial: 1) kindred; compatible [∼ tastes]; 2) having the same tastes and temperament; 888. consensus: 1) an opinion held by all or most; 2) general agreement, esp of opinion. friendly; sympathetic [∼ friends]; 3) suited to one’s needs or disposition [∼ work]. 889. consequential: 1) following as an effect or influence; 2) important. 873. congenital: 1) existing as such at birth; 2) existing as if inborn; inherent [a ∼ cheerful890. conservatory: 1) a room enclosed in glass, for ness]. growing and showing plants; non-commercial 874. conglomeration: varied mixture; collection greenhouse; 2) a school specializing in one of or jumble of things; the fine arts [a music conservatory]. 28
  • 30. 891. consign: 1) to hand over; give up or deliver; 902. contagion: transmission of a disease by direct 2) to put in the care of another; entrust [∼ contact with an infected person or object. the orphan to her uncle’s care]; 3) to assign to an undesirable position or place; relegate [∼ to 903. contemn: despise. oblivion]; 4) to send or deliver as goods to be 904. contemn: to despise. sold. 905. contempt: the feeling or attitude of one who 892. consistency: 1a) the condition of holding tolooks down on somebody or something as begether; firmness or thickness, as of a liquid; ing low, mean, or unworthy; scorn. 1b) amount or degree of this [oil or the wrong ∼]; 2) agreement; harmony; logical connection 906. contentious: causing lot of disagreements or arguments. [arguments lacking ∼]; 3) agreement with what has already been done or expressed. 907. context: 1) the parts of a discourse that surround a word or passage and can throw; light 893. consonance: 1) harmony or agreement of eleon its meaning; 2) the whole situation, backments or parts; accord; 2) a pleasing combinaground, or environment relevant to a particution of simultaneous musical sounds; harmony lar; event, personality, creation, etc. of tones. 894. consort: 1) orig, a partner, companion; 2) a 908. contiguous: 1) in physical contact; touching along all or most of one side; 2) near, next or wife or husband; spouse, esp of a reigning king adjacent. or queen. 895. conspire: 1) to plan and act together secretly, 909. continence: self-restraint; moderation; selfrestraint in esp by total abstinence from sexual esp in order to commit a crime; 2) to comactivity. bine or work together for any purpose or effect [events conspired to ruin him]. 910. contingent: 1) that may or may not happen; possible; 2) happening by chance; ac896. consternation: great fear or shock that cidental; fortuitous; 3) unpredictable because makes one feel helpless or bewildered. dependent on chance; 4) a group forming part 897. constituent: 1) necessary in forming or makof a larger group [military ∼]. ing up a whole; component [a ∼ part]; 2) that can or does appoint or vote for a representa- 911. contort: to twist or wrench out of its usual form into one that is grotesque; distort viotive; 3) authorized to make or revise a political lently. constitution or establish a government [a ∼ assembly]. 912. contraband: 1) unlawful or prohibited trade; 2) goods forbidden by law to be imported or 898. constraint: 1) a constraining or being conexported; smuggled merchandise. strained; specif a) confinement or restriction; b) compulsion or coercion; 2a) a repression of 913. contradistinction: distinction by contrast. natural feelings or behaviour; 2b) forced, unnatural manner; awkwardness. 914. contrapositive: opposition; contrast?. 899. construe: to explain; to interpret; to infer. 915. contrarity: contrast; anti-thesis; antagonism; inversion. 900. consummate: to raise to the highest point; to perfect or finish. 916. contravene: to go against; oppose; conflict with; violate [practices contravening an ethi901. consumptive: 1) consuming or tending to cal code]; to disagree with in argument; conconsume; destructive or wasteful; 2) of, havtradict. ing, or relating to tuberculosis of the lungs; 3) a person who has tuberculosis of the lungs. 917. contretemps: an embarrassing situation. 29
  • 31. 918. contrite: feeling sorry; penitent. not natural, original or spontaneous [∼ behavior]. 919. contrivance: invention; design; artifice. 920. contrived: too obviously the result of forethought and planning; not spontaneous or natural. 931. converge: 1) to come together or tend to come together at a point; 2) to move or be directed toward each other or toward the same place, purpose or result. 921. controvert: 1) to argue or reason against; 932. conversant: familiar or acquainted (with), contradict; deny; dispute 2) to argue about; esp as a result of study or experience; versed debate; discuss. (in). 922. contumacious: opposing lawful authority 933. converse: 1) thing related in a converse way; with contempt; obstinate. the opposite; 2) [Logic] the proposition obtained by conversion. 923. contumely: insolent; harsh language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt. 934. converse: 1) to hold a conversation; talk; 2) 924. contuse: to injure without breaking the skin; [Obs] to consort; to interact socially. bruise. 935. convert: 1) to change from one form or use 925. conundrum: 1) any puzzling question or in another; transform; 2) to cause to change problem; 2) a riddle whose answer contains as from one religion, doctrine, or course to ana pun (Ex: “What’s the difference between a other; 3) to exchange for sth equal in value [Re jeweler and a jailor?”, “One sells watches and to $]. the other watches cells”). 936. conveyance: 1) the act of conveying; 2) a 926. conundrum: a riddle turning on some odd means of conveying; carrying device, esp a veor fanciful resemblance between things quite hicle; 3a) the transfer of the ownership of real unlike; any puzzling question. property from one person to another; 3b) the document by which this is effected; deed. 927. convalescent: 1) gradually recovering health after illness; 2) of or having to do with conva- 937. conviction: 1) a convicting or being conlescence [a ∼ diet]; a person who is convalescvicted; 2) the state or appearance of being coning. vinced, as of the truth of a belief [to speak with ∼]; 3) a strong belief. 928. convene: to convoke; to meet together esp for a common purpose. 938. convivial: 1) having to do with a feast or festive activity; 2) fond of eating, drinking and 929. convention: 1a) an assembly, often periodigood company; sociable; jovial. cal, of members or delegates, as of a political; , social, professional or religious group; 1b) the members or delegates of such an assembly; 2a) 939. convoke: to call together; to assemble. an agreement between persons, nations etc [the 940. convoluted: 2) extremely involved; intricate; Geneva ∼, a copyright ∼]; 2b) general agreecomplicated [ a ∼ style]. ment on the usages and practices of social life; [Bohemian revolt against ∼]; 3) a customary 941. copious: heavy; rich; viscous; thick. practice, rule, method etc. 942. coquetry: flirting; attempt to attract admi930. conventional: 1) having to do with a conration without serious affection. vention or assembly; 2) of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage; customary; 943. coquette: a girl or woman who merely from 3a) depending on or conforming to formal or vanity tries to get men’s attention ad admiraaccepted standards or rules rather than nature; tion. 30
  • 32. 944. cordon: 1) a line or circle of police, soldiers, 960. cosmic: 1) of the cosmos; relating to the uniforts. ships etc, stationed around an area to verse as a whole; 2) of the universe exclusive guard it; 2) a cord, ribbon, or braid worn as a of the earth [∼ dust]; 3) vast; grandiose. decoration or badge. 961. cosset: to fondle; to treat as a pet; to pamper. 945. cormorant: a glutton; web footed sea birds 962. coterie: a social literary or other exclusive of great voracity. circle whose members share a common background; clique. 946. cornice: 1) a horizontal molding projecting along the top of a wall, building, etc; 2) the top 963. countermand: to cancel or revoke ( a compart of an entablature; 3) a projecting, decomand or order); to call back or order back by rative strip above a window, designed to keep a contrary order. a curtain rod from showing. 964. counterpart: 1) a person or thing that cor947. cornucopia: horn of plenty; an exhaustible responds to or closely resembles another, as in store; abundance; a receptacle shaped like a form or function; 2) a thing which, when added horn or cone. to another, completes or complements it; 3) a copy or duplicate, as of a lease. 948. corollary: 1) a proposition that follows from the one that has already been proved; 2) an 965. counterpoint: the art of combining melodies. inference or deduction; 3) ath that follows as 966. counterpoise: to poise or weigh against or on normal result. the opposite side. 949. corporeal: 1) of, for, or having the nature 967. coup: 1) literally, a blow; 2) a sudden, sucof, the body; physical; bodily; not spiritual; 2) cessful move or action; brilliant stroke; 3) coup of material nature; perceptible by the senses; d’etat. tangible. 968. couple: 1) ath joining two things together; 950. corpulent: obese; fat; swollen. bond; link; 2) two things or persons of the same sort that are somehow associated. 951. corpus: a body (of things, literature, law etc). 969. courier: 1) a messenger sent in haste or on 952. corral: a pen for cattle; an enclosure; . a regular schedule with important or; urgent messages; specif a) a member of the diplomatic 953. correlation: mutuality; complimentary; recorps charged with carrying messages; b) a spy ciprocal; analogous. carrying secret information; 2) a person hired to take care of hotel accommodations and lug954. corroborate: to make certain the validity of; gage and to act; as a guide for a traveler. confirm; bolster; support [evidence to corroborate his testimony]. 970. covenant: 1) a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; 955. corroboration: confirmation; to confirm to compact; 2) an agreement among members of make more certain. a church to defend and maintain its doctrines, polity and faith. 956. corrosive: 1) corroding or causing corrosion; 2) bitingly sarcastic; cutting. 971. covert: concealed, hidden, disguised, or surreptitious [ a covert threat]; protected by a 957. corrugated: to shape or contract into parallel husband: said of a marriage woman. grooves and ridges; make wrinkles in; furrow. 972. covert: hidden. 958. coruscate: sparkle. 973. covetousness: inordinately desirousness; 959. coryphee: chorus girl. avariciousness. 31
  • 33. 974. covin: (also covine) conspiratorial band. 992. cretin: a person suffering from cretinism. 975. cow: to make timid and submissive by filling 993. cretinism: a congenital deficiency of thyroid with fear or awe; intimidate. secretion with resulting deformity and mental deficiency. 976. cower: 1) to crouch or huddle up, as from fear or cold; 2) to shrink and tremble, as from 994. crevice: a narrow opening caused by a crack someone’s anger, threats, or blows; cringe. or split; fissure; cleft; chink. 977. coy: 1) orig quiet, silent; 2a) shrinking from 995. cringed: to bend or crouch with servility. contact or familiarity with others; bashful; shy; 2b) primly reserved; demure; 3) affecting inno- 996. criterion: a standard, rule, or test by which cence or shyness, esp in a playful or coquettish something can be judged; measure of value. manner; 4) reticent or evasive in making com997. critiquing: reviewing; criticizing. mitment. 998. croft: a small farm (vegetable garden!). 978. cozen: 1) to cheat; defraud; 2) to deceive. 979. crabbed: 1) peevish; morose; ill-tempered; 999. crone: an ugly, withered old woman; hag. cross; 2) hard to understand because intricate or complicated; 3) hard to read because 1000. crony: a very close intimate friend. cramped or irregular [∼ handwriting]. 1001. crotchety: full of peculiar whims or stubborn notions; cantankerous; eccentric. 980. crampon: mountain climber. 1002. crotchety: perversely whimsical; eccentric. 981. crapulous: ill from over-drinking. 982. crass: 1) grossly stupid, dull or obtuse; 2) 1003. tasteless, insensitive, and coarse; 3) moneygrubbing; blatantly materialistic. 1004. 983. craven: very cowardly; abjectly afraid; thorough coward. 1005. 984. credence: belief; trust. 985. credo: creed; 986. credulity: a tendency to believe too readily, esp with little or no proof; lack of doubt. cruet: a small bottle (that can be used as a sprinkler). crux: 1) a difficult problem; puzzling thing; 2) the essential or deciding point. crypt: a underground chamber or vault as one under the main floor of a church, esp formerly serving as a burial place. 1006. cryptic: 1a) having hidden or ambiguous meaning; mysterious; baffling [a ∼ comment]. 987. creed: 1) a brief statement of religious belief; 1007. confession of faith; 2) a specific statement of 1008. this kind, accepted by a church; 3) a statement of belief, principles or opinions on any subject. cryptogram: ath written in cipher. cubicle: 1) a small sleeping compartment, as in a dormitory; 2) any small compartment, as for study. 988. crepitate: make a rattling sound (decrepita1009. cuisine: style of cooking; manner of preparing tion). food; also, the food prepared, as at a restaurant. 989. crepuscule: twilight; dusk. 990. crescendo: gradually increasing in loudness 1010. culinary: of or relating to the kitchen or cookery. or intensity. 991. crestfallen: 1) with drooping crest or bowed 1011. cull: something picked out; esp, something rehead; 2) dejected, disheartened, or humbled. jected as not being up to standard. 32
  • 34. 1012. culminated: to reach the highest point; cli- 1029. dally: 1) to flirt; to play at love; 2) to deal max. lightly or carelessly (with); trifle; toy; 3) to waste time; loiter. 1013. culpable: deserving blame; blameworthy. 1030. dank: disagreeably damp; moist and chilly. 1014. culvert: a conduit, esp a drain, as a pipelike construction of stone, concrete, or; metal, that 1031. dapper: 1) small and active; 2) trim, neat or smart in dress or appearance. passes under a road, railroad track, footpath, etc. or through an; embankment. 1032. dappled: marked or variegated with spots; mottled. 1015. cumbersome: unwieldy; clumsy; burdensome; hard to handle or deal with as because 1033. dastardliness: cowardliness, characterized of size, weight or many parts. by underhandedness or treachery. 1016. cupidity: greed; covetousness. 1034. daunt: to make afraid or discouraged; intimidate; dishearten. 1017. curator: one that has the care and superintendence of something; esp, one in charge of a 1035. museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit. 1036. 1018. curlicue: fantastic curl; a fancifully curved or spiral figure; flourish. 1037. 1019. curmudgeon: a surly, ill-mannered, bad tempered person; cantankerous fellow. dauntless: fearless; unsubdued. dawdle: to waste (time) in trifling or by being slow; idle: often with away. deadlock: 1) a standstill resulting from the action of equal and opposed forces; stalemate; 2) a tie between opponents in the course of a contest. 1020. cursive: flowing; not disconnected; specif, designating writing in which the strokes of the 1038. deadpan: without expression or show of emoletters are joined in each word. tion; blank(ly). 1021. cursorily: running quickly over; hastily; su- 1039. perficially. 1040. 1022. curtail: to cut short; reduce; abridge. 1041. 1023. cynical: 1) believing that people are motivated in all their actions only by; selfishness : 1042. denying the sincerity of people’s motives and actions, or by; the value of living; 2) sarcastic, sneering, etc. 1043. deadwood: dead meaningless customs. dearth: scarcity, dearness, want, high price. debase: to make lower in value, quality, character, dignity etc. debauch: to lead away from duty or allegiance; to corrupt with lewdness. debilitate: weaken; enervate. 1024. cynosure: any person or thing that is a center 1044. debonair: 1) easy and carefree in manner; of attention or interest. jaunty; sprightly; 2) elegant and gracious; urbane. 1025. dado: middle section of a pedestal. 1045. debris: 1) rough broken bits of stone, wood, 1026. daedal: ingenious. glass etc, as after destruction; rubble; 2) bits or pieces of rubbish; litter. 1027. daemon: a spirit holding a middle place between god and men(spirit, genius,devil). 1046. debunk: to expose the false or exaggerated claims, pretensions , glamour etc of. 1028. dais: a platform raised above the floor at one end of a hall or room, as for a throne, seats of 1047. debutante: one who makes her first appearhonor , a speaker’s stand etc. ance. 33