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Instructions of Intervention Plan
· Intervention Plan
Students are asked to read several of the research presentations
and respond to ONE of them by creating a lesson plan or plan
for intervention to assist individuals with the problems
described in the research presentation.
· This assignment addresses the teaching goal of identifying
strategies for facilitating the development of people. For
example, if your classmate's presentation concerns adolescent
identity in the face of parental divorce, create a plan for
intervention or treatment to help those adolescents that is based
on the conclusions of the research presentation.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns caregivers' health
problems in the face of a family member with Alzheimer's,
create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those
caregivers that is based on the results of the studies summarized
in the presentation.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns college student
grades in the face of extracurricular involvement in athletics,
create a lesson plan or intervention plan to help college students
that is based on the results of the studies.
· If your classmate's presentation concerns the effects of silent
reading on middle schoolers' comprehension skills, create a
lesson plan to help middle schoolers that is based on the results
of the studies.
· Convince me that your plan is based on the results of the
· Please create your OWN intervention--do not borrow one used
in your school district or found in another study.
· Think CREATIVELY about what you might do, why it should
work, and exactly how you would implement it. Think through
the steps of implementation.
The plan should identify a target audience, and a target frame of
duration, and contain an objective, a summary of skills to be
developed, and specific techniques for reaching the objective
and developing the skills. Be sure to identify the research
presentation that you are responding to and explain how your
intervention addresses the issues explained in your classmate’s
research presentation.
Please note that in your References section you should not
include any article that you yourself have not read.
Your classmate’s research presentation will list both of the
studies your classmate read to produce the research
presentation. I encourage you to work from the summaries
produced by your classmate. Unless you have read those
original studies yourself, you may not ethically cite those
studies. If you use other sources in preparing your IP, you
should cite those sources faithfully.
I prefer that you write your IP in Word. Please attach the rubric
(available under the purple button "Course Documents") to the
end of your plan.
The IP will be evaluated according to the rubric under Course
Documents and is worth 7% of your course grade. Please send
the IP (in a Microsoft Word format) to me as an email
attachment with the rubric copied into the last pages no later
than the date listed in the Calendar.
· Intervention Plan Rubric
__of 1 point Identification of Research Presentation to which
your plan is in response
__ of 3 points Explain how the research presentation
findings motivated your intervention--be specific
__of 1 point Target Audience
__of 1 point Target Frame of Duration
__of 1 point Objective
__ of 4 points Skills to be developed
__ of 4 points Specific Techniques
__of 2 points Originality of Student's Intervention
__of 3 points Style--grammar, spelling, rhetorical structure, and
proper citation of any sources used, including your classmate's
research presentation--make a separate References page
__ of 20 points Total
What are the effects of positive parental involvement on
academic achievement in adolescents?
Brianne Gassert
Cheung, C.S. & Pomerantz, E.M. (2013). Why Does Parents’
Involvement Enhance Children’s Achievement? The Role of
Parent-Oriented Motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology,
104 (3), 820-832. doi: 10.1037/a0027183.
Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Nagy, G., & Nagengast, B. (2013,
September 16). Quality of Parental Homework Involvement:
Predictors and Reciprocal Relations With Academic Functioning
in the Reading Domain. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0034100.
To research the benefit of parent-oriented motivation
facilitating (1) adolescent’s engagement and motivation in
school and (2) adolescent’s academic achievement in the school
To research the differences in parent-oriented motivation in two
countries, the United States and China
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Correlational study to show academic differences between
students with varying parental involvement
University of Illinois U.S.-China Adolescence Study data used
Children entering 7th grade through end of 8th grade (2 year
Diversity U.S.- 374 American children (mean age 12.78 years in
fall of 7th grade)
187 boys & 187 girls
Primarily European American (88%)
Hispanic American (9%)
African American (2%)
Asian American (1)
Chicago suburbs
Diversity China- 451 Chinese children (mean age 12.69 years in
fall of 7th grade)
240 boys & 211 girls
Han ethnicity (95%)
Beijing suburbs
Both countries- children attending average to above average
schools in working class or middle class areas
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Questionnaires completed by students
Instructions read aloud in students’ native languages by
research staff in normal school/classroom setting
Two 45 minute sessions
Wave 1: Fall 7th grade
Wave 2: Spring 7th grade
Wave 3: Fall 8th grade
Wave 4: Spring 8th grade
Children received a small gift for participation in study after
each session
Procedures approved by institutional review boards of
University of Illinois and Beijing Normal University
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Standard translation and back translation were used to make
sure all items were relevant in both the U.S. questionnaires and
those used in China
Questions adopted from prior research questionnaires and
Parents’ involvement in children’s learning
Attendance of parent-teacher conferences
Discussing school at home
Helping with homework
Parent-oriented motivation in school
How students show responsibility and gain parental approval
through school tasks
Controlled and autonomous motivation in school
How students relate tasks to intrinsic and extrinsic motivations
Self-regulated learning strategies
School engagement- monitoring, planning, and self-regulation
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Methods of Measurement
Correlations between autonomous and controlled motivation
averaged for both U.S. and Chinese students
Grades standardized to account for averages and standard
At each Wave (measurement/questionnaire), relationships
between motivation, achievement, and other indirect factors
were calculated.
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Analysis #1: Testing the nature of parent-oriented motivation in
school is different than other forms of motivation assessed
(intrinsic, extrinsic, introjected, or identified)
In both countries, the relationship between the parent-oriented
motivation and other types of motivation was similar.
A comparison of parent-oriented motivation and other forms of
motivation was conducted to show the relationship between the
two based on student feedback.
Researchers used two different models to compare data, finding
that the two-factor model better supported the hypothesis that
parent-oriented motivation is unique from other forms of
motivation, but:
Parent motivation is more closely associated with controlled
forms of motivation, rather than autonomous forms of
This correlation is consistent in both U.S. and China
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Analysis #2: Testing the idea that parent-oriented motivation is
a foundation for the children’s engagement and achievement in
This was measured over time, as a prediction of student success
in school, based on motivation from parents (from Wave 1 to
Wave 4 in data collected).
Two separate comparisons of data showed that the results of
this particular analysis also showed that student response in
both the U.S. and China was similar.
Over time, student response showed that there was an indirect
relationship between initial parental involvement to parental
motivation to student achievement
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Analysis #3: Examination of the effects of other forms of
motivation (to find out whether the role of parent-oriented
motivation is separate)
Wave #1- Parental involvement measurements predicted
accurately increased autonomous motivation by second measure
(spring of 7th grade)
Wave #2- Autonomous motivation measured predicted
accurately increased self-regulated learning by third measure
(fall of 8th grade)
Wave #3- Some increase in grades predicted as a result of self-
regulated learning measured in Wave #2
Wave #4- Increase in academic grades measured as a result of
self-regulated learning measured in Wave #2
Measurements of motivation and parental involvement did not
differ between students in U.S. and China
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions
Study conducted was able to predict that parental involvement
was able to accurately predict positive change in student
motivation and achievement in academic settings.
Parental involvement is often synonymous to children as
controlled motivation; that is, the involvement of parents is
often considered to be external (not intrinsic). Parental approval
of academic achievement is a large motivator for students in
To some degree, parental motivation was also found to be
related to intrinsic motivation, as students internalized the
motivation and goals of parents in the academic setting.
Research also showed that, even though there was a relationship
between parent-oriented motivation and other forms of
motivation, the parent-oriented motivation remained separate
from other forms of motivation- intrinsic, extrinsic, identified,
and introjected motivation.
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions
Students are able to take the parent-oriented motivation and
internalize the goals and desires of parents so that those same
goals and desires become their own.
Students are able to use parent-oriented motivation to increase
achievement in schools.
Parent-oriented motivation is predictive of students’ future
academic success- with accurate predictive outcomes for both
autonomous motivation in schools and academic engagement in
the school setting.
Data collected in U.S. and China shows similarity in
populations studied between the start of 7th grade and the end
of 8th grade in the positive effect of parent-oriented motivation
on students’ academic achievement over time.
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Limitations of Current Study
All reports of parent-oriented motivation made through student
questionnaires in the school setting. The only part of the data
collected not coming directly from students was the data from
academic achievement.
Fix: Include parent and teacher perspectives in future research.
This study was done with similar modes to earlier research
reports; however, it does not always take into account the
effects of outside forces, such as parental achievement in
Fix: Include measures of quality of parental involvement in
students’ academic achievement.
Sample student populations used for this study were not
necessarily representative of the diversity of populations across
the U.S. and China.
Fix: Increase size and variety of sample to include greater
variety in populations questioned.
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Theoretical Perspective:
Self-Determination Theory
“Parent-oriented motivation is likely to arise from external
sources- namely, parents.”
Controlled vs. autonomous motivation
Parent-oriented motivation may take several forms for students,
based on student academic success:
Avoidance of punishment
Rewards for success
Parental expectation- guilt/anxiety
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
How can researchers take into account other student
How can researchers (and /or teachers, parents, or students) use
data to effectively implement programs to increase positive
parental involvement and student achievement?
Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012)
Look at the quality of parental involvement in homework
Understand the relationship between parental homework
involvement and the academic success of students
Reciprocal relationship?
Understand why the quality of parental involvement in
homework activities differs
Socioeconomic background of families
Academic achievement of students
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Correlational study to show the academic differences between
German students of varying socioeconomic backgrounds with
varying parental-homework involvement
Used Tradition and Innovation in Schools Systems Study
Analysis of academics in German middle school students
2,830 5th graders (225 classes in 86 secondary schools; in 2
German states)
36.6% of students were in the lower/intermediate schooling
track in Saxony (German state); in Baden-Wurrtemberg (2nd
German state), 40.5% of students were in the lower schooling
track, while 22.9% of students were in the intermediate track
The lower tracks of students have less data on academic
71.5% of parents surveyed (13.9% mothers and 16.5% fathers
had qualified for college)
27.2% of students had immigrant background (one parent born
outside Germany)
53.6% of students were boys
46.4% of students were girls
Average age in 5th grade was 11.1 years old
Conducted in 5th grade and 7th grade to track progress
Retention rate- 83.1% of students participated in 7th grade
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Conducted over two school days in students’ classrooms during
two school years (2008-2009 and 2010-2011)
5th grade and 7th grade
Voluntary participation
Required parental consent
Questionnaires and standardized achievement tests were
administered in classroom setting by trained research assistants
for students
Questionnaires sent home for parents during the first time of
Socioeconomic background information from parent surveys
only assessed during 5th grade window
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Parental homework involvement
Measures of (perceived) parental control, parental
responsiveness, and parental structure
Students’ academic functioning
Four measures, including reading achievement, reading grade,
reading effort, and homework procrastination
Reading achievement
Standardized achievement test in reading comprehension (open
ended, closed ended, and multiple choice)
Reading grade
Report card grade in reading (at study time, end of 4th grade
and end of 6th grade)
High scores indicative of desired learning outcomes
Reading effort
4 items asking students about reading effort in German
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Homework procrastination
3 items (developed for study)
Socioeconomic background
Occupational status
Parent education
Immigrant background
Occupational status
Information provided by both parents and students
When scores for both mother and father provided, higher score
Educational background
Provided through parent survey
When scores for both mother and father provided, higher score
Immigrant background
Information provided by both parents and students
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Methods of Measurement:
Control for academic track of students, gender (based on
knowledge of parental responsiveness), and socioeconomic
Tested only for data directly correlating with research
questions- dependent variables
Researchers used a multilevel structure to group students within
classrooms and schools
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
At both measurement points, students perceived their parents to
be involved in their homework.
Parents who were perceived to be involved in the homework
process were also thought to provide more structure.
Both parental homework involvement and structure had positive
correlations in the 5th grade survey
In the 7th grade survey, parental involvement in the homework
process had both negative and positive correlations
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Question #1: Predictors of Quality Homework Involvement
Three predictors (control, responsiveness, and structure) were
not associated with either parental occupational status or
educational background
Socioeconomic background did not correlate negatively with
parents assisting their children with homework
Academic functioning:
Accurate predictor of how involved parents were in homework
process as well as parental responsiveness
Low reading achievement predicted more control in the
homework process; less responsiveness
High reading achievement predicted less control in the
homework process; more responsiveness
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Question #2: Relations Between Quality of Parental Homework
Involvement and Students’ Academic Functioning
Unclear whether parents’ behavior had any correlation to
students’ academic success between 5th and 7th grade
Because a parental survey was only given in 5th grade, it was
also unclear whether the parents behavior changed between the
first survey and the second.
High correlation between reading achievement, reading effort,
and homework procrastination
Controlling parent behavior led to higher rates of homework
procrastination (over the course of 2 years), leading to lower
reading achievement and effort over time
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions:
Socioeconomic background did not accurately predict the type
of parental homework involvement
Student behavior determined type and quality of parental
homework involvement
Parental control, responsiveness, and structure each impact
student academic achievement in different ways
Reciprocal relationship between success of students
academically and involvement of parents in homework process
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Limitations of Current Study:
More studies needed to determine the specific facet of
socioeconomic background that influenced parental involvement
Missing data- not all parents completed the parent questionnaire
for students participating in the study
Fix: Increase sample size of students /parents to possible
increase parental participation
Dropout rate of students between 5th grade and 7th grade
Fix: Adjust data accordingly to take into account dropout rate
Organization of data- reviewed to take into account individual
discrepancies; adjusted accordingly by researchers using
“nuisance” factors
Fix: Analyze data to mainly focus on individual academic
progress and correlations between parental involvement
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
Theoretical Perspective:
Self-determination theory
Parental control- may lead to lower academic functioning
Control can decrease student motivation and academic success
Positive relationship between responsiveness in parental
involvement, as well as between parental involvement and
structure provided for students in the home environment
Responsiveness and structure- may lead to increase in academic
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
How can this study influence the type of change needed to
impact parental involvement positively? Can quality of parental
involvement be improved to impact student academic success
How can information be shared to ensure that the impact of
parental involvement is a positive experience for students?
Can schools and teachers provide training programs for parents
to advise parents of techniques to increase quality of
interactions of parents and students?
Study #2:
Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
The quantity and quality of parental involvement in both
homework processes and motivational processes matters!
Programs to improve parental involvement in the school setting
may be necessary to improve the quality of parental
involvement and motivation for students
Take-Home Message
Total Assignment = 100 pts (=23% of course grade)
10 pts -- Your research question/ appropriate selection of
articles and presentation length--total presentation should be no
shorter than 20 and no longer than 40 slides
45 pts -- Summary of each study; please include for each study
the following.
a. Purpose of Study--what are the study's research questions? (6
b. Design --First, answer this question: is this study
experimental?, quasi-experimental?, or correlational?
Experimental=are there randomly assigned groups that were
treated differently?, Quasi-Experimental--are there groups that
naturally occurred--e.g., smokers vs. non-smokers--that were
treated differently by the researcher?, Correlational--a group is
described and the results show differences among the group
members? Second, IF the study has a developmental focus,
analyze the developmental design: cross-sectional, longitudinal,
or sequential. (6 pts)
c. Methods--include participants, materials/instruments, data
collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. After
summarizing the methods, analyze what the researchers did in
terms of the criteria of 1) objectivity, 2) reliability, 3) validity,
4) representative sampling, and 5) replication. (21 pts)
d. Findings--look for information indicating significant
differences--connect the findings back to the research
hypotheses. The findings should be contained in the Results
section of the paper (6 pts)
e. Conclusions--summary of authors' interpretations from
Discussion section (6 pts)
15 pts--Theoretical Perspective--what are the researchers'
(probably implicit) perspectives on human development?--
defend your decisions for each study with reasons (from the
purpose, design, data collection and analysis, results, and
interpretation); you should 1) identify (2 pts), 2) explain (5 pts),
and 3) defend (8 pts) whether the perspective of each study is
organismic, cognitive-developmental, cognitive-learning,
behavioral, psychodynamic, contextual, or humanistic. If
possible to determine the specific theory being tested by the
study, further analyze the origins of the developmental approach
being used. Be sure to defend your point of view.
15 pts -- Take Home Message--having read these two studies
(notice this is a comparative analysis), what do you now
believe? (=conclusions, 5 pts) What other questions do you
have? (=future research questions, 5 pts) What can you not
know for sure? (=limitations, 5 pts)
15 pts -- Communicative Effectiveness
a. Presence of a brief introduction and conclusion (2 pts)
b. Does paper flow? (please use headings) (3 pts)
c. Are words misspelled or used incorrectly, are subject-verb
agreements correct? (4 pts)
d. Correct use of in-text citation (e.g., refer to studies by the
authors' last names and year of publication)--please note that
the only proper way to refer to a study in formal writing is by
the last names of the authors and the year of publication. No
article titles should appear in the narrative. (3 pts)
e. Style of references (3 pts)
For both d. and e. please follow the APA Manual of Style, 6th
ed. An APA tutorial is available under the Cunningham
Memorial Library's home page (see online tutorials).

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Instructions of Intervention Plan· Intervention PlanStudents.docx

  • 1. Instructions of Intervention Plan · Intervention Plan Students are asked to read several of the research presentations and respond to ONE of them by creating a lesson plan or plan for intervention to assist individuals with the problems described in the research presentation. · This assignment addresses the teaching goal of identifying strategies for facilitating the development of people. For example, if your classmate's presentation concerns adolescent identity in the face of parental divorce, create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those adolescents that is based on the conclusions of the research presentation. · If your classmate's presentation concerns caregivers' health problems in the face of a family member with Alzheimer's, create a plan for intervention or treatment to help those caregivers that is based on the results of the studies summarized in the presentation. · If your classmate's presentation concerns college student grades in the face of extracurricular involvement in athletics, create a lesson plan or intervention plan to help college students that is based on the results of the studies. · If your classmate's presentation concerns the effects of silent reading on middle schoolers' comprehension skills, create a lesson plan to help middle schoolers that is based on the results of the studies. · Convince me that your plan is based on the results of the studies. · Please create your OWN intervention--do not borrow one used in your school district or found in another study. · Think CREATIVELY about what you might do, why it should work, and exactly how you would implement it. Think through
  • 2. the steps of implementation. The plan should identify a target audience, and a target frame of duration, and contain an objective, a summary of skills to be developed, and specific techniques for reaching the objective and developing the skills. Be sure to identify the research presentation that you are responding to and explain how your intervention addresses the issues explained in your classmate’s research presentation. Please note that in your References section you should not include any article that you yourself have not read. Your classmate’s research presentation will list both of the studies your classmate read to produce the research presentation. I encourage you to work from the summaries produced by your classmate. Unless you have read those original studies yourself, you may not ethically cite those studies. If you use other sources in preparing your IP, you should cite those sources faithfully. I prefer that you write your IP in Word. Please attach the rubric (available under the purple button "Course Documents") to the end of your plan. The IP will be evaluated according to the rubric under Course Documents and is worth 7% of your course grade. Please send the IP (in a Microsoft Word format) to me as an email attachment with the rubric copied into the last pages no later than the date listed in the Calendar. · Intervention Plan Rubric __of 1 point Identification of Research Presentation to which your plan is in response __ of 3 points Explain how the research presentation findings motivated your intervention--be specific __of 1 point Target Audience __of 1 point Target Frame of Duration __of 1 point Objective __ of 4 points Skills to be developed __ of 4 points Specific Techniques
  • 3. __of 2 points Originality of Student's Intervention __of 3 points Style--grammar, spelling, rhetorical structure, and proper citation of any sources used, including your classmate's research presentation--make a separate References page __ of 20 points Total What are the effects of positive parental involvement on academic achievement in adolescents? Brianne Gassert Cheung, C.S. & Pomerantz, E.M. (2013). Why Does Parents’ Involvement Enhance Children’s Achievement? The Role of Parent-Oriented Motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104 (3), 820-832. doi: 10.1037/a0027183. Dumont, H., Trautwein, U., Nagy, G., & Nagengast, B. (2013, September 16). Quality of Parental Homework Involvement: Predictors and Reciprocal Relations With Academic Functioning in the Reading Domain. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0034100. Citations: Purposes: To research the benefit of parent-oriented motivation facilitating (1) adolescent’s engagement and motivation in school and (2) adolescent’s academic achievement in the school setting To research the differences in parent-oriented motivation in two countries, the United States and China
  • 4. Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Design: Correlational study to show academic differences between students with varying parental involvement Participants: University of Illinois U.S.-China Adolescence Study data used Children entering 7th grade through end of 8th grade (2 year study) Diversity U.S.- 374 American children (mean age 12.78 years in fall of 7th grade) 187 boys & 187 girls Primarily European American (88%) Hispanic American (9%) African American (2%) Asian American (1) Chicago suburbs Diversity China- 451 Chinese children (mean age 12.69 years in fall of 7th grade) 240 boys & 211 girls Han ethnicity (95%) Beijing suburbs Both countries- children attending average to above average schools in working class or middle class areas Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Procedure Questionnaires completed by students Instructions read aloud in students’ native languages by research staff in normal school/classroom setting Two 45 minute sessions Wave 1: Fall 7th grade Wave 2: Spring 7th grade Wave 3: Fall 8th grade
  • 5. Wave 4: Spring 8th grade Children received a small gift for participation in study after each session Procedures approved by institutional review boards of University of Illinois and Beijing Normal University Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Measures Standard translation and back translation were used to make sure all items were relevant in both the U.S. questionnaires and those used in China Questions adopted from prior research questionnaires and created Parents’ involvement in children’s learning Attendance of parent-teacher conferences Discussing school at home Helping with homework Parent-oriented motivation in school How students show responsibility and gain parental approval through school tasks Controlled and autonomous motivation in school How students relate tasks to intrinsic and extrinsic motivations Self-regulated learning strategies School engagement- monitoring, planning, and self-regulation Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Methods of Measurement Correlations between autonomous and controlled motivation averaged for both U.S. and Chinese students Grades standardized to account for averages and standard deviations At each Wave (measurement/questionnaire), relationships between motivation, achievement, and other indirect factors were calculated.
  • 6. Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Results Analysis #1: Testing the nature of parent-oriented motivation in school is different than other forms of motivation assessed (intrinsic, extrinsic, introjected, or identified) In both countries, the relationship between the parent-oriented motivation and other types of motivation was similar. A comparison of parent-oriented motivation and other forms of motivation was conducted to show the relationship between the two based on student feedback. Researchers used two different models to compare data, finding that the two-factor model better supported the hypothesis that parent-oriented motivation is unique from other forms of motivation, but: Parent motivation is more closely associated with controlled forms of motivation, rather than autonomous forms of motivation This correlation is consistent in both U.S. and China Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Results Analysis #2: Testing the idea that parent-oriented motivation is a foundation for the children’s engagement and achievement in school This was measured over time, as a prediction of student success in school, based on motivation from parents (from Wave 1 to Wave 4 in data collected). Two separate comparisons of data showed that the results of this particular analysis also showed that student response in both the U.S. and China was similar. Over time, student response showed that there was an indirect
  • 7. relationship between initial parental involvement to parental motivation to student achievement Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Results Analysis #3: Examination of the effects of other forms of motivation (to find out whether the role of parent-oriented motivation is separate) Wave #1- Parental involvement measurements predicted accurately increased autonomous motivation by second measure (spring of 7th grade) Wave #2- Autonomous motivation measured predicted accurately increased self-regulated learning by third measure (fall of 8th grade) Wave #3- Some increase in grades predicted as a result of self- regulated learning measured in Wave #2 Wave #4- Increase in academic grades measured as a result of self-regulated learning measured in Wave #2 Measurements of motivation and parental involvement did not differ between students in U.S. and China Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions Study conducted was able to predict that parental involvement was able to accurately predict positive change in student motivation and achievement in academic settings. Parental involvement is often synonymous to children as controlled motivation; that is, the involvement of parents is often considered to be external (not intrinsic). Parental approval of academic achievement is a large motivator for students in school. To some degree, parental motivation was also found to be
  • 8. related to intrinsic motivation, as students internalized the motivation and goals of parents in the academic setting. Research also showed that, even though there was a relationship between parent-oriented motivation and other forms of motivation, the parent-oriented motivation remained separate from other forms of motivation- intrinsic, extrinsic, identified, and introjected motivation. Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions Students are able to take the parent-oriented motivation and internalize the goals and desires of parents so that those same goals and desires become their own. Students are able to use parent-oriented motivation to increase achievement in schools. Parent-oriented motivation is predictive of students’ future academic success- with accurate predictive outcomes for both autonomous motivation in schools and academic engagement in the school setting. Data collected in U.S. and China shows similarity in populations studied between the start of 7th grade and the end of 8th grade in the positive effect of parent-oriented motivation on students’ academic achievement over time. Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Limitations of Current Study All reports of parent-oriented motivation made through student questionnaires in the school setting. The only part of the data collected not coming directly from students was the data from academic achievement. Fix: Include parent and teacher perspectives in future research. This study was done with similar modes to earlier research reports; however, it does not always take into account the effects of outside forces, such as parental achievement in
  • 9. academics. Fix: Include measures of quality of parental involvement in students’ academic achievement. Sample student populations used for this study were not necessarily representative of the diversity of populations across the U.S. and China. Fix: Increase size and variety of sample to include greater variety in populations questioned. Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Theoretical Perspective: Self-Determination Theory “Parent-oriented motivation is likely to arise from external sources- namely, parents.” Controlled vs. autonomous motivation Parent-oriented motivation may take several forms for students, based on student academic success: Avoidance of punishment Rewards for success Parental expectation- guilt/anxiety Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Questions: How can researchers take into account other student populations? How can researchers (and /or teachers, parents, or students) use data to effectively implement programs to increase positive parental involvement and student achievement? Study #1: Cheung and Pomerantz (2012) Purposes: Look at the quality of parental involvement in homework Understand the relationship between parental homework
  • 10. involvement and the academic success of students Reciprocal relationship? Understand why the quality of parental involvement in homework activities differs Socioeconomic background of families Academic achievement of students Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Design: Correlational study to show the academic differences between German students of varying socioeconomic backgrounds with varying parental-homework involvement Used Tradition and Innovation in Schools Systems Study (TRAIN) Analysis of academics in German middle school students 2,830 5th graders (225 classes in 86 secondary schools; in 2 German states) 36.6% of students were in the lower/intermediate schooling track in Saxony (German state); in Baden-Wurrtemberg (2nd German state), 40.5% of students were in the lower schooling track, while 22.9% of students were in the intermediate track The lower tracks of students have less data on academic development 71.5% of parents surveyed (13.9% mothers and 16.5% fathers had qualified for college) 27.2% of students had immigrant background (one parent born outside Germany) 53.6% of students were boys 46.4% of students were girls Average age in 5th grade was 11.1 years old Conducted in 5th grade and 7th grade to track progress Retention rate- 83.1% of students participated in 7th grade study
  • 11. Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Procedure: Conducted over two school days in students’ classrooms during two school years (2008-2009 and 2010-2011) 5th grade and 7th grade Voluntary participation Required parental consent Questionnaires and standardized achievement tests were administered in classroom setting by trained research assistants for students Questionnaires sent home for parents during the first time of measurement Socioeconomic background information from parent surveys only assessed during 5th grade window Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Measures: Parental homework involvement Measures of (perceived) parental control, parental responsiveness, and parental structure Students’ academic functioning Four measures, including reading achievement, reading grade, reading effort, and homework procrastination Reading achievement Standardized achievement test in reading comprehension (open ended, closed ended, and multiple choice) Reading grade Report card grade in reading (at study time, end of 4th grade and end of 6th grade) High scores indicative of desired learning outcomes
  • 12. Reading effort 4 items asking students about reading effort in German Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Measures: Homework procrastination 3 items (developed for study) Socioeconomic background Occupational status Parent education Immigrant background Occupational status Information provided by both parents and students When scores for both mother and father provided, higher score used Educational background Provided through parent survey When scores for both mother and father provided, higher score used Immigrant background Information provided by both parents and students Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Methods of Measurement: Control for academic track of students, gender (based on knowledge of parental responsiveness), and socioeconomic background Tested only for data directly correlating with research questions- dependent variables Researchers used a multilevel structure to group students within
  • 13. classrooms and schools Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Results: Correlations At both measurement points, students perceived their parents to be involved in their homework. Parents who were perceived to be involved in the homework process were also thought to provide more structure. Both parental homework involvement and structure had positive correlations in the 5th grade survey In the 7th grade survey, parental involvement in the homework process had both negative and positive correlations Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Results: Question #1: Predictors of Quality Homework Involvement Three predictors (control, responsiveness, and structure) were not associated with either parental occupational status or educational background Socioeconomic background did not correlate negatively with parents assisting their children with homework Academic functioning: Accurate predictor of how involved parents were in homework process as well as parental responsiveness Low reading achievement predicted more control in the homework process; less responsiveness High reading achievement predicted less control in the homework process; more responsiveness
  • 14. Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Results: Question #2: Relations Between Quality of Parental Homework Involvement and Students’ Academic Functioning Unclear whether parents’ behavior had any correlation to students’ academic success between 5th and 7th grade Because a parental survey was only given in 5th grade, it was also unclear whether the parents behavior changed between the first survey and the second. High correlation between reading achievement, reading effort, and homework procrastination Controlling parent behavior led to higher rates of homework procrastination (over the course of 2 years), leading to lower reading achievement and effort over time Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Discussion & Researchers’ Conclusions: Socioeconomic background did not accurately predict the type of parental homework involvement Student behavior determined type and quality of parental homework involvement Parental control, responsiveness, and structure each impact student academic achievement in different ways Reciprocal relationship between success of students academically and involvement of parents in homework process Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013)
  • 15. Limitations of Current Study: More studies needed to determine the specific facet of socioeconomic background that influenced parental involvement Missing data- not all parents completed the parent questionnaire for students participating in the study Fix: Increase sample size of students /parents to possible increase parental participation Dropout rate of students between 5th grade and 7th grade Fix: Adjust data accordingly to take into account dropout rate Organization of data- reviewed to take into account individual discrepancies; adjusted accordingly by researchers using “nuisance” factors Fix: Analyze data to mainly focus on individual academic progress and correlations between parental involvement Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Theoretical Perspective: Self-determination theory Parental control- may lead to lower academic functioning Control can decrease student motivation and academic success Positive relationship between responsiveness in parental involvement, as well as between parental involvement and structure provided for students in the home environment Responsiveness and structure- may lead to increase in academic functioning Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) Questions: How can this study influence the type of change needed to impact parental involvement positively? Can quality of parental involvement be improved to impact student academic success
  • 16. positively? How can information be shared to ensure that the impact of parental involvement is a positive experience for students? Can schools and teachers provide training programs for parents to advise parents of techniques to increase quality of interactions of parents and students? Study #2: Dumont, Trautwein, Nagy, and Nagengast (2013) The quantity and quality of parental involvement in both homework processes and motivational processes matters! Pros: Cons: Programs to improve parental involvement in the school setting may be necessary to improve the quality of parental involvement and motivation for students Take-Home Message Total Assignment = 100 pts (=23% of course grade) 10 pts -- Your research question/ appropriate selection of articles and presentation length--total presentation should be no shorter than 20 and no longer than 40 slides 45 pts -- Summary of each study; please include for each study the following. a. Purpose of Study--what are the study's research questions? (6 pts) b. Design --First, answer this question: is this study experimental?, quasi-experimental?, or correlational? Experimental=are there randomly assigned groups that were treated differently?, Quasi-Experimental--are there groups that
  • 17. naturally occurred--e.g., smokers vs. non-smokers--that were treated differently by the researcher?, Correlational--a group is described and the results show differences among the group members? Second, IF the study has a developmental focus, analyze the developmental design: cross-sectional, longitudinal, or sequential. (6 pts) c. Methods--include participants, materials/instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. After summarizing the methods, analyze what the researchers did in terms of the criteria of 1) objectivity, 2) reliability, 3) validity, 4) representative sampling, and 5) replication. (21 pts) Rubric d. Findings--look for information indicating significant differences--connect the findings back to the research hypotheses. The findings should be contained in the Results section of the paper (6 pts) e. Conclusions--summary of authors' interpretations from Discussion section (6 pts) 15 pts--Theoretical Perspective--what are the researchers' (probably implicit) perspectives on human development?-- defend your decisions for each study with reasons (from the purpose, design, data collection and analysis, results, and interpretation); you should 1) identify (2 pts), 2) explain (5 pts), and 3) defend (8 pts) whether the perspective of each study is organismic, cognitive-developmental, cognitive-learning, behavioral, psychodynamic, contextual, or humanistic. If possible to determine the specific theory being tested by the study, further analyze the origins of the developmental approach being used. Be sure to defend your point of view. 15 pts -- Take Home Message--having read these two studies (notice this is a comparative analysis), what do you now believe? (=conclusions, 5 pts) What other questions do you
  • 18. have? (=future research questions, 5 pts) What can you not know for sure? (=limitations, 5 pts) Rubric 15 pts -- Communicative Effectiveness a. Presence of a brief introduction and conclusion (2 pts) b. Does paper flow? (please use headings) (3 pts) c. Are words misspelled or used incorrectly, are subject-verb agreements correct? (4 pts) d. Correct use of in-text citation (e.g., refer to studies by the authors' last names and year of publication)--please note that the only proper way to refer to a study in formal writing is by the last names of the authors and the year of publication. No article titles should appear in the narrative. (3 pts) e. Style of references (3 pts) For both d. and e. please follow the APA Manual of Style, 6th ed. An APA tutorial is available under the Cunningham Memorial Library's home page (see online tutorials). Rubric