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Probabilistic Encryption &
How To Play Mental Poker Keeping Secret
All Partial Information
Shaft Goldwasser * and SilvioMicali **
Computer Science Department
University of California - Berkeley
I. Introduction
This paper proposes an Encryption Scheme
that possess the following property:
An adversary, who knows the encryption
algorithm and is given the cyphertext, can-
not obtain any information about the clear-
Any implementation of a Public Key Cryptosys-
tem, as proposed by Diffie and Hellman in [8],
should possess this property.
Our Encryption Scheme follows the ideas in
the number theoretic implementations of a
Public Key Cryptosystem due to Rivest, Shamir
and Adleman [13], and Rabin [12].
Security is based on Complexity Theory and
the intractability of some problems in number
theory such as factoring, index finding and
deciding whether numbers are quadratic resi-
dues with respect to composite mvduli is
assumed. In this context, impossibility means
computational infeasibility and proving that a
problem is hard means to show it equivalent to
one of the above mentioned problems.
The key idea in both the RSA scheme and
the Rabin scheme is the selection of an
appropriate trapdoor function; an easy to
evaluate function f such that x is not easily
computable from f(x), unless some extra
information is known. To encrypt a message
m, one simply evaluates f (m).
Thin research was supported by
* NSF Grant MCS-79-037667
** fellowship from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche -
Italy and in part by NSF Grant MCS-79-037667
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© 1982 ACM0-89791-067-2/82/005/0365 $00.75
We would like to point out two basic weaknesses
of this approach:
1) The fact that f is a trapdoor function does
not rule out the possibility of computing x
from ff (x) when x is of a special form.
Usually messages do not consist of numbers
chosen at random but possess more struc-
ture. Such structural information may help
in decoding. For example, a function f,
which is hard to invert on a generic input,
could conceivably be easy to invert on the
ASCII representations of English sentences.
2) The fact that f is a trapdoor function does
not rule out the possibility of easily com-
puting some partial information about z
(even every other bit of x) from f (z). The
danger in the case that z is the ASCII
representation of an English sentence is
self evident. Encrypting messages in a way
that ensures the secrecy of all partial infor-
mation is an extremely important goal in
Cryptography. The importance of this point
of view is particularly apparent if we want
to use encryption to play card games over
the telephone. If the suit or color of a card
could be compromised the whole game
could be invalid.
Though no one knows how to break the RSA or
the Rabin scheme, in none of these schemes is
it proved that decoding is hard without any
assumptions made on the message space. Rabin
shows that, in his scheme, decoding is hard for
an adversary if the set of possible messages has
some density property.
The novelty of our contribution consists of
1. The notion of Trapdoor Functions is
replaced by Probabilistic Encryption. To
encrypt each message we make use of a fair
coin. The encoding of each message will
depend on the message plus the result of a
sequence of coin tosses. Consequently,
there are many possible encodings for each
message, llowever, messages are always
uniquely decodable.~
IProbabilistic Encryption is completely different from
the technique of apl~eDcling random bits to a message as
suggested in U?.]and [16].
2. Decoding is easy for the legal receiver of a
message, but provably hard for an adver-
sary. Therefore the spirit of a trapdoor
function is maintained. In addition, in our
scheme, without imposing any restrictions
on the message space, we can prove that
decoding is equivalent to deciding qua-
dratic residuosity modulo composite
3. No Partial Information about an encrypted
message could be obtained by an adver-
sary. Assume that the message space has
an associated probability distribution and
that, with respect to this distribution, an
easy to compute predicate P (such as "the
exclusive or of all the bits in the message is
1") has probability p to be true. Let p ~ .5
without any loss of generality. Then,
without any special ability, an adversary,
given the cyphertext~ can always guess
that P is true for the cleartext, and be
correct with probabilityp.
Based on the assumption that deciding qua-
dratic residuosity modulo composite
numbers is hard, we prove that an adver-
sary cannot guess correctly with probabil-
ity p+e,from the cyphertext, whether the
cleartext satisfies the predicate P, where e
is a non negligible positive real number.
Probabilistic Encryption has been useful for the
solution of Mental Poker. The problem whether
it is possible to play a "fair" game of Mental
Poker has been raised by Robert Floyd.
Shamir, Rivest and Adleman proposed an
elegant solution to this problem in [14] using
commutative encryption functions, but they
could not prove that partial information could
not be compromised using their scheme.
Indeed, several problems in the implementa-
tion of their scheme have been pointed out by
Lipton in [ 10].
We present a solution for Mental Poker, for
which we can prove, based on the assumption
that factoring and deciding quadratic
residuosity modulo composite numbers is hard,
that not a single bit of information about a card
which should remain hidden can be discovered.
Our solution does not use commutative encryp-
tion functions.
2. The ,Security of a Public Key Cryptosystem.
All the number theoretic notation used in
this section will be defined in section 3.1.
2.1 What is a Public Key Cryptosystem?
The concept of a Public Key Cryptosystem
was introduced by Diffie and Hellman in their
ingenious paper [8]. Let M be a finite message
space, A, B,... be users, and let m e M denote a
message. Let EA:M~M be A's encryption func-
tion, which is ideally bijective, and DA be A's
decryption function such that DA(EA(m)) = m
for all m e M. In a Public Key Cryptosystem EA
is placed in a public file, and user A keeps DA
private. DA should be difficult to compute
knowing only E A. To send message m to A, B
takes E A from the public file, computes EA(m )
and sends this message to A. A easily computes
DA(EA(m)) to obtain m.
2.2 The RSA scheme and the Rabin scheme
The two implementations of a Public Key
Cryptosystem most relevant and inspiring for
this paper are the RSA scheme [13], due to
Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, and its particular-
ization suggested by Rabin [12].
The key idea in both the RSA scheme and
the Rabin scheme consists in the selection of
an appropriate number theoretic trapdoor
function. In the RSA scheme, user A selects/,~,
the product of two large primes p I and p 2 and a
number s such that s and 9(N) are relatively
prime ,where ~ is the Euler totient function. A
puts N and s in a public fileand keeps the fac-
torization of N private. Let ZN'= ~ z I
i ~ z ~ N-i and z and N are relatively primel.
For every message m eZN', EA(rn)=m s mod
N. Clearly, the ability to take s th roots rood N
implies the ability to decode. A, who knows the
factorization of N, can easily take s th roots mod
N. No efficient way to take sth roots rood Nis
known when the factorlzation of N is unknown.
About the RSA scheme aabin remarks that,
for all we know, inverting the function z ~ rood
N may be a hard problem in general, and yet
easy for a large percentage of the z's.
He suggests to modify the RSA scheme by
choosing s=2. Thus, for all users A, EA(Z ) = z 2
rood N. Notice that E A is a 4-1 function because
our N is the product of two primes. In fact,
every quadratic residue rood N, i.e every q
such that q~z 2 mod N for some z eZN', has
four square roots mod N: ±z mod N and ±y
rood N. As A knows the factorization of N, upon
receiving the encrypted message m 2 mod N, he
could compute its four square roots and get the
message rn. The ambiguity in decoding could
be eliminated, for example, by sending the first
20 digits of rn in addition to m 2 rood N. Such
extra information cannot effectively help in
decoding: we could always guess the first 20
digits of m.
The following theorem shows how hard is it
to invert Rabin's function z 2 mod N.
Theorem (Rabin): If for i~ of the q's quadratic
residues mod N one could find one square root
of q, then one could factor N in Random Poly-
nomial Time.
The theorem follows from the following
lemma that we state without proof.
Lemma 1: Given z, yEZN ° such that x 2=y2
rood N and x ~ :i:y mod N, there is apolyno-
mial time algorithm to factor N. (In fact the
greatest common divisor of N and x :i=y is a fac-
tor of N).
Informal proof of Rabin's theorem: Assume
that we have a magic box B such that given q, a
quadratic residue rood N, for 1% of the q's it
outputs one square root of q rood N. Then we
could factor N by iterating the following step:
Pick i at random in ZN~ and compute q =i ~
mod N. Feed the magic boxB withq. If M
outputs a square root of q different from i
or -i mod N, then (by the above lemma)
factor N.
The expected number of iterations is low, as at
each step, we have a 0.SYochances to factor N.
2.3 Objections to Cryptosystems based on
Trapdoor Functions
Covering ones face with a handkerchief cer-
tainly helps to hide personal identity. However:
1) It will not hide from me the identity of a
special subset of people: my mother, my
sister, close friends.
2) I can gather a lot of information about the
people I cannot identify: their height, their
hair color and so on.
Essentially, the same kind of problems may
arise in the RSA scheme and in the Rabin
scheme and, more generally, in any other Pub-
lic Key Cryptosystem based on Trapdoor Func-
1) The fact that f is a Trapdoor Function does
not rule out the possibility of computing x
from f(x) when x is of special form.
2) The fact that f is trapdoor function does not
rule out the possibility of easily computing
some partial information about x from f(x).
2.4 Discussion of Objection 1
One may argue that Rabin's Public Key
tryptosystem is as hard to break as factoring
in the following way; whoever can2getm a mes-
sages m from their encryptions mod N 1P~
of the time, is actually realizing the magic box
of Rabin's theorem and thus could efficiently
factor n.
We would like to point out the following
Claim: If M, the set of messages, is "sparse"
in ZN*, the ability to decode 1% of all messages
does not yield a random polynomial time algo-
rithm for factoring.
By "sparse" we mean that for a randomly
chosen x E ZN', the probability that x is a mes-
sage is virtually 0.
Let f (x) = z 2 modN. Assume that we are
able to invert the function f only on f(M).
Then we would have a magic box MB which, fed
m 2 rood N, would output m whenever m EM;
and fed q, outputs nothing whenever
qe~m2modNImEMI, except, at most, for a
negligible portion of the q's. With the use of
such a magic box we could decode, but not fac-
tor N efficiently. Using such MB, let us look at
the above informal proof of Rabin's theorem. If
we pick rneM and feed m z rood N into MB,
then we get back m and we cannot factor. If
we pick .ieM and feed i2 mod N to MB, then the
probability that one square root of i2 mod N
different from i, belongs to // is practically 0
and we get no answer.
2.5 Discussion of Objection 2
We would like to define a Public Key Cryp-
tosystem to be secure if an adversary, given
the cyphertext, cannot obtain any partial infor-
mation about the cleartext. This latter notion
needs to be formalized:
Let P be any easy to evaluate, non con-
stant, boolean predicate defined on the
message space M. Let m eM. If, given the
encryption of m, an adversary can
efficiently compute the value of P(m),
then partial information about m can be
obtained from the encryption of m
Notice that, according to the above definition,
no Public Key Cryptosystem based on trapdoor
functions is secure. In fact, if EA is a trapdoor
function, the following predicate P, defined on
the cleartext, is easy to evaluate from the
cyphertext: P(x) is true if and only if E4(x) is
even. We can avoid such problems using Proba-
bitistic Encryption.
We know that some decision problems may
be hard to solve for particular inputs, but easy
to solve for most of the inputs. In view of the
special purpose of Cryptography, the require-
ment that obtaining partial information should
be difficult needs to be strengthened.
Assume that the message space has an
associated probability distribution and that,
with respect to this distribution, a predicate P
has a probability p to be true. Without loss of
generality, letp ~ 0.5.
Definition: An adversary has an e advantage
in evaluating the predicate P, if he can
correctly guess the value of P relative to the
cleartext with probability greater than p +e.
We are now able to restate the previous
partial information definition.
Definition: A Public Key Cryptosystem is e
secure if an adversary does not have an e
advantage in evaluating, given the cyphertext,
any easy to compute predicate relative to the
Based on the assumption that deciding qua-
dratic residuosity modulo composite numbers
is hard, we introduce an e-secure Public Key
Cryptosystem, for every non negligible, posi-
tive, real number e. Let us first deal with the
question of sending securely a single bit in a
Public Key Cryptosystern. This question,
closely related to the security of Partial Infor-
mation, has been raised by Brassard in [~-].
2.6 Attempts to Send a Single Bit Securely in
Public Key Cryptosystems based on TrapDoor
Suppose that user B wants to send a single
bit message to user A in great secrecy. The bit
is equally likely to be a 0 or a 1. B wants no
adversary to have a 1~o advantage in guessing
correctly his message. B knows that EA is hard
to invert and tries to make use of this fact in
the following way.
Idea i: All users in the system agree on an
integer i. User B selects reM at random,
except for the ith bit of T, which will be his
message. B sends E4(r ) to A. •
A can decode and thus get the desired bit. But
what can an adversary do ?
Danger: let y = EA(x), where E A is a one
way function. Then, given y, it could be
difficult to compute x but not a specific bit of x.
Example: let p be a large prime such that
p-i has at least one large prime factor. Let g
be a generator for Zp*. Then ll-=gz mod p is a
well known one-way function. But, even though
it is difficultto compute x from gS mod p (the
index finding problem), it is easy to get the last
bit of x. In fact, x ends in 0 if and only if y is a
quadratic residue mod p, For p prime we have
fast random polynomial time algorithms to test
quadratic residuosity, see [i0].
The following idea was suggested by Donald
Idea 2: B selects 8 ~ i ~ 100 at random, and
sets the ith bit of x to the bit he wants to
communicate. The remaining 93 bits of x are
chosen at random, except for the first 7 bits of
x, which specify location i. B sends EA(x) to A.
Danger: If, given EA(x), we can easily com-
pute the first 7 bits of x and one of the last 93
bits of x, then we could guess B's message with
a 1/98 advantage.
Summarizing: There are many ways in
which a single bit could be "embedded" in a
binary number x. Taking the "exclusive or" of
all the digits of x is just one more example.
However, given y =EA(x), being able to discover
some particular bits embedded in x DOES NOT
CONTRADICT the fact that it is hard to compute
x. Then, what is a secure way to send a single
bit ? The answer to this problem is discussed in
the next section.
The symbol (x,N) will denote the greatest
common divisor of x and N. We use Pr(X) to
denote the probability of the event X. We let
ZN*= ~z [ i ~X ~N-I and (z,N)=l~.
3.I Background and Notation
Given qeZ~v*, is q~-x 2 modN solvable ?If
N is prime, then the answer to this question is
easily computed. If a solution exists, q is said
to be a quadratic residue rood N. Otherwise q is
said to be a quadratic non-residue rood N.
From now on let P, and P2 be odd, distinct
primes and N =PlP2. Then, q~x 2 rood N is
solvable if and only if both q=-x2 rood Pl and
q ~-z2 mod P2 are solvable. If this is the case, q
is said to be a quadratic residue rood N, other-
wise q is said to be a quadratic non-residue
rood N. We will call the problem of determining
whether an element q e ZN* is a quadratic resi-
due, the quadratic residuosity problem.
Let p be an odd prime and q e Zp*, then the
Jacobi symbol (q/p) equals i ifq is a quadratic
residue rood p and -I otherwise. The Jacobi
symbol (q/N), is defined as (q/N) =
(q/pl)(q/P2). Despite the fact that the Jacobi
symbol (q/N) is defined through the factoriza-
tion of N, (q/N) is computable in polynomial
time even when the factorization of N is not
known !
]t is easy to see, from the above definitions
that if (q/N) = -i then q must be a quadratic
non-residue rood N. In fact, q must be a qua-
dratic non-residue either rood Pl or rood P2.
However, if (q/N)=+l, then either q is a qua-
dratic residue rood N or q is a quadratic non-
residue for both the prime factors of N.
Let us count how many of the q 's, such that
(q/N) = 1, are actually quadratic residues.
Theorem: Let p be an odd prime. Then Zp"
is a cyclic group.
Theorem: Let 9 be a generator for Z~*,
then gt rood p is a quadratic residue if and
only if s is even.
Corollary: Half of the numbers in Z~" are
quadratic residues and half are quadratic non-
Theorem: Let N =.PIP2 where Ps and P2 are
distinct odd primes. Then half of the numbers
in ZN" have Jacobi symbol equal to -1 and thus
are quadratic non-residues. The Jacobi symbol
of the rest of the numbers is 1. Exactly half of
these latter ones are quadratic residues.
3.2 A Difficult Problem in Number Theory.
If the factorization of N is not known and
(q/N) =1, then there is no known procedure for
deciding whether q is a quadratic residue mod
N. This decision problem is well known to be
hard in Number Theory. It is one of the main
four algorithmic problems discussed by Gauss
in his "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" (1801). A
polynomial solution for it would imply a polyno-
mial solution to other open problems in
Number Theory, such as deciding whether a
composite n, whose factorization is not known,
is the product of 2 or 3 primes, see open prob-
lems 9 and I5 in Adleman [3].
Recently, Adleman[ 1] showed that a generaliza-
tion of quadratic residuosity is equivalent to
factoring. Using this generalized notion in our
protocol, we could base the security of our
cryptosystem on factoring. At present, we
await the final version of Adelman's paper.
Assumption: Let 0<c<l. For each positive
integer k, let C~,e be the minimum size of cir-
cuits C that decide correctly quadratic resi-
duosity mod n for a fraction e of the /c bit
integers n. Then, for every 0<e<l and every
polynomial Q, there exists 5e,Q such that
/c>Se,Q implies Ce,~ > Q(k)
S.4 A number theoretic result.
We want to show that deciding whether q is
a quadratic residue mod N, is not hard in some
special cases, but is hard on the average in a
very strong sense. In order to do so, let us
recall the weak law of large numbers:
If Yl, Y2..... y~ are /c independent Ber-
noulli variables such that Yi = 1 with proba-
bility p, and S~ = yl+...+y~, then for real
numbers ~, 6>0, /c ~ __!__ implies that
46~ 2
Notice that k is bounded by a polynomial in "0-1
and 6-1.
LetAN'= ~z I zeZ1v" and (z/ N)=l].
Definition: For a composite number N, and for
real number 0< e~ ~ we say that we can
guess with e advantage whether q drawn at ran-
dom from AN ° is a quadratic residue mod N if
we can, in polynomial(INl) time, guess qua-
dratic residuosity rood N correctly for at least
1 of the elements of AN'.
1Theorem 1: Let 0 <c~ ~--, 0 < 6~ 1 be non-
negligible numbers. Suppose we could guess,
with an c advantage whether q, drawn at ran-
dom from AN', is a quadratic residue rood N.
Then we could decide quadratic residuosity of
any integer rood N with probability i- ~ by
means of a polynomial in INI, c-I and (5-I time
probabilistic algorithm.
Proof: Assume, to the contrary, that we have a
polynomial time magic box MB which guesses
correctly whether q EAN• is a quadratic resi-
due mod N, for ~-+c of the elements of AN'.
a = Pr(MB answers "q is a quadratic residue" I q
is a quadratic residue rood n)
fl = Pr(MB answers "q is a quadratic residue" I
q is a quadratic non-residue rood N, q e AN *).
The fraction of AN on which MB is correct
equals ~-~+ 1-fi). In order for MB to have a c
advantage, it must be that c~ - B ~ 2e. How-
ever, a need not be equal to c+~ We will now
show how to get a good estimate for a.
Construct a sample of k quadratic residues
chosen at random in ZN° (the value of k will be
defined later on). This can be easily done by
picking s t..... s~ at random in ZN ° and squaring
them mod N.
Initialize two counters R and NR to 0.
Feed each s~2 to MB. Every time that MB
answers "quadratic residue", increment the R
counter. Every time that MB answer "quadratic
non residue".~increment the NR counter.
Let ~=-~-~ If k is chosen to be suitably
1 ,
large, k ~ ~-~ the weak law of large numbers
assures that
i.e. R/k is a very good approximation to how
well MB guesses if the inputs are only quadratic
We are now ready to determine the quadratic
residuosity of elements in AN .
Let q be an element of Air that we want to
test for quadratic residuosity. Randomly gen-
erate k quadratic residues, z 1..... z~, ele-
ments of ZN* and compute yi~qz~ rood N for i
=i .....k. Notice that
a) if q is a quadratic residue, then the y~'s are
random quadratic residues in IN*
b) if q is a quadratic non-residue in A N*, then
the y~'s are random quadratic non-residues
in A N *.
Let us postpone the proof of (a) and (b) and
assume, for the time being, that they are true.
Initialize two counters R" and NR" to O. Feed
the sample }Yi] into MB. Increment R' every
time that MB answers "quadratic residue", and
NR" every time that MB answers "quadratic
non-residue". We know, that if q is a quadratic
residue, then the
pr([ R" R 5 2
k k I ~2"~)m (1-~-) , and if q is a
quadratic non-residue then
R" R ~)z
-- . Thus ifPr(l ~ .~-I~2~)<I-(I-
IR°k Rl-<2~k then with probability greater
than 1-5, q is a quadratic residue mod N, oth-
erwise, again with probability greater than 1-5,
q was a quadratic non-residue mod N.
We still need to prove (a) and (b). We will
only prove (a) as the proof for (b) is similar. It
will suffice to prove that, given any quadratic
residue q, any other quadratic residue y in ZN"
can be uniquely written as y = q z where z is
a quadratic residue mod N. It is a well known
theorem in algebra that ZN" = Zp,'xZp'. Thus
let a and b be generators for Zp" and Zp, °
such that (a,p2)=l and (b,pl) = 1. Then any
element of ZN. can be written uniquely as aib j
where l~i~pl-1 and l~j~p2-1. Moreover, q
is a quadratic residue mod N if and only if it
can be written as q = aeib 2j where 1 ~ 2i ~Pl-
1 and 1-<2j_<p2-1. Thus if y = a2Sb 2t is any
quadratic residue and x = a2(S-i)b 2(t-y), then
y = qx part (a) is proved.
Theorem 2: Let r cA N" be a publicized qua-
dratic non-residue mod N. Let 0 < ~ g
0 < 5 -< 1 be non-negligible numbers. Suppose
we could guess with an ~ advantage whether q,
drawn at random from AN , is a quadratic resi-
due mod N. Then we could decide quadratic
residuosity of any integer rood N with probabil-
ity 1-5 by means of a polynomial in IN[, e-1 and
6-1 time probabilistie algorithm.
Assume first that given any r quadratic
non-residue rood N, V eAN', someone could
build a polynomial time magic box" MBr that
has a e advantage in distinguishing between
quadratic residues and non-residues rood N. We
will show that even if one is not given such an r,
quadratic residuosity can still be decided.
Construct a set T consisting of 20 elements
chosen at random from AN'. With probability
1- (1/2) 2° one of the elements in T will be a
quadratic non-residue mod N. For each z • T
do the following:
Choose k as in theorem 1. Construct MBz
and test its performance on k random qua-
dratic residues, S=[s 1..... ski, as we did
in Theorem 1. Also pick Yl ..... Y20 at ran-
dom from AN'. Again, with very high proba-
bility, at least one of the y~'s will be a
quadratic non-residue. Now, construct
samples Ht=~y~s Is e S], and feed them
into MB~.
a) If MBz performs on all the Hi's as it per-
formed on S, then go to the next element in T.
Halt if all elements in T have been used.
b) If MBz performs "significantly" differently
on, say Hi, than it did on S, halt.
If case (b) occurs then Yi is a quadratic
non-residue and, most importantly, we obtain a
magic box, MBz, which distinguishes between
quadratic residues and non-residues in random
polynomial time.
Case (b) occurs when there is an x e T
which is a quadratic non-residue rood N, and at
least one of its corresponding yi's is a qua-
dratic non-residue mod N. Thus case (b)
occurs with probability 1- This contrad-
icts our assumption that deciding quadratic
residuosity is hard.
In the above, we assumed that given any
quadratic non residue r eAg*, one could con-
struct a magic box MBr, having a e advantage
in deciding quadratic residuosity, and we
derived a contradiction.
Suppose one is able to build a MBr, having a
~ advantage in deciding quadratic residuosity,
only for 1% of the quadratic non-residues,
r e AN'. Then all that would be changed in the
above proof would be the size of the set T, so
that T will include a suitable r.
Every user in the system publicizes a large
composite number N whose factorization, N =
P~2, he alone knows, and y e A~ such that y
is a quadratic non-residue mod N.
Let N be the public key of user A. Suppose
user B wants to send A a binary message
m=(m 1..... m~). Then, for each m i, B ran-
domly picks an xi e Z~, and sets
zi~ modN if m i is a 0
e~ ~- yz~ 2 modN if m i is al '
B sends (e l..... e~) to A.
To decode m, user A, who knows the factors
of N, reconstructs m by letting
i if ei is a quadratic residue rood N
~'r%i~- 0 if ei a is quadratic non residue moo N
Testing whether q E A~ is a quadratic residue
mod N, when the factorization of N is known, is
easy by the following lemma.
].,emma 2: If the factorization of N is known, we
can test whether there exists an x such that
q ~x 2 mod N in polynomial time.
Proof: q is a quadratic residue mod N if and
only if q is a quadratic residue mod p 1 AND P2.
For a prime p, q is a quadratic residue rood p
if and only if q(p-1)/2 = 1 mod p. Thus, to
test whether q is a quadratic residue mod N we
need only compute q(~-i)/2 rood pl and
q(~-~)/~ mod p2.
We now address the question of the security
of the newly proposed Public Key Cryptosys-
tern. Let E(x) stand for our new encryption
function and let M be the set of all possible
The definition of security in a Public Key
Cryptosystem is very difficult. It depends on
the model assumed of the possible behavior of
an adversary• At present, we assume that an
adversary may intercept E(m) and try to
extract information about m. He can make use
only of a computer, the cyphertext and the a
priori knowledge of the message space M. No
restrictions on M are assumed.
Notice that in our scheme, differently from
the RSA, an adversary, given E(m), may be
lucky in guessing correctly m and yet not able
to prove the correctness of his guess• However,
the possibility of understanding a message,
without being able to prove what it is, is still
dangerous for the security of the Public Key
We show that, given E(rn) for rn ~M, if an
adversary can do better than guessing m at
random, then deciding quadratic residuosity of
any integer mod N, is easy.
Recall that AN*=~z eZN* l(x/N)=ll.
Definition: Let x CAN °. The signature of x,
aN(X ) is defined as
1 if x is a quadratic residue rood N
aN(x) *- 0 if x a is quadratic non residue rood N
Let SN n be the set of all sequences of n ele-
ments from AN*.
Definition: Let s = (xl ..... xn)CSN n. The n-
signature of s, EN(s), is defined to be the
string EN(S ) = aN(Xl) aN(Z2) ''. aN(Zn)
Definition: A decision function is a function
d:S~-,Io, lL
.Let a = (a 1..... ar~,) and b = (b 1..... bn)
be n-signatures.
Definition: The distance between a and b is
defined to be the number of positions in which
a and b differ. We say that a and b are adja-
cent if the distance between them is 1.
For any decision function d and n-signature l,
let Pd(l):lO,11 n ~ [0,1] be defined as
Pa(l) = Pr ( d(x)=l ] ~N(2~) = l forx eSN n)
Theorem 3: Let 0 <e~ ~- and 0<6~ 1 be
non-negligiblenumbers. If there exists a decision
function d which is easy to compute and two
n-signatures, u and v, have been found such
that [Pa(u )-Pa(v)[>e, then we can decide
quadratic residuosity of any integer mod N
with probability 1-~ by means of a polynomial (
in INI, e -1, and d -t) time probabilistic algo-
Proof: Suppose there exists a decision function
d and two n-signatures u and v such that
IPa(u)-Pd(v)I>~. Let A be the distance
between u and v. Let ao,a I..... a a be a
sequence of n-signatures such that a 0 = u,
a a=v and a.~ is adjacent to a,~+I for 0~i <rn.
As ]Pa(u)-Pa(v)] > ~, there must exist
i, 0 ~ i ~ A - 1, such that
[Pd(a~) - Pa(a~+l) l ~ e/n. For convenience,
lets = ~ andt = a~+ 1.
Let us choose ~= ~ Also, let k ~ 1
4n" d,~2"
Choose k elements, x 1..... xk at random from
Q, =Ix c SN n I EN(x ) = s l and k elements,
Y 1..... Y~ at random from
Qt=lxcSN n I ZN(x) = tl. Then, by the weak
law of large numbers,
Pr(IP~(s) -
Pr (IP~(t) -
I>~) <!4
I >~)<~
d(zt)+...+d(xk) d(yl)+...+d(y~)
k k
As s=(s I..... s,') and t=(t I..... in) are
adjacent, they differ in exactly one location.
Call this location r. Let us assume, without loss
of generality, that sv = i and tr = 0.
We will now show that we can decide qua-
dratic residuosity mod N with probabilit,y
gre&ter than i-6. Let q be an element of AN
that we want to test for residuosity. Choose k
• • • * 2 2random quadratm resldues In AN : xl ..... xe
and compute yj = q.x/2 mod N for i ~ j ~ k. By
theorem 1, the yj's are all quadratic residues if
q is a quadratic residue and all quadratic non-
residues in A~, otherwise.
In theorem 2 we showed that knowing a
non-residue in A~ does not help in deciding
quadratic residuosity. Therefore we can
assume that such a non-residue, h, is known.
This allows us to pick quadratic non-residues at
random from A~, (by computing hz~).
We are now ready to decide whether q is a
quadratic residue.
(* Construct a random sample of ~¢ elements
(y~.~ ..... y,,,~) ..... (y~,~ ..... y~,,~) • Sg"
such that for all
1 ~ i ~ ~%, i # r, 1 ~ j ~/c, fiN (Yj,~) = S~, and
for all 1 ~ j ~ ~, y~.,r=y~. *)
For i = 1..... r-l, r+l .... ~ do
For j = 1..... ~ do
draw z • A~ at random.
if st = 1 theny~,~ := x ~modN
else if s~ =0 theny3,i := hz amodN
(* Evaluate the decision function d on each
member of the sample *)
For j = 1..... /¢ do
x~ = d(U~,~ ..... V~,,.-~,Y~, Y~,,.+~ ..... ~y,,~ )
Notice that the entire sample
either a subset of Os or a subset of fit. Thus
with probability greater than 1-6 one of the fol-
lowing two mutually exclusive eyents will occur:
. .t(x~+...+x~) a/<
- |
o r
(~)I(XI+'''+Xk) I £# < .
If case (1) occurs, we conclude, with probability
greater than 1-6, that q is a quadratic residue.
Otherwise, we conclude, again with probability
greater than 1-6 that q is a quadratic non-
The notion of a decision function is immedi-
ately generalized to that of a discriminating
function. This is a decision function which can
take on more than 2 values. For any non empty
set fl, let D:SN"-~. Let a eft, then
PD.a(I) = Pr(D(x) = a [ ~N(Z) = l for x • SNn).
The following theorem is an easy extension of
theorem 3 and we will state it without proof.
Theorem 4: Let 0< c~ ~-and 0< 6~ 1 be
non-negligible numbers. If there exists a
discriminating function D:SN r'~A, which is
easy to compute and two n-signatures, u and
v, have been found such that
IPi~.=(u)-PD,=(v)I>e, then we can decide qua-
dratic residuosity of any integer nod N with
probability 1-6 by means of a polynomial ( in
INI, e-l, and 6-1) time probabilistic algorithm.
Let us introduce some more notation. Let,
M n = [rnl,m2 ..... I be the set of messages
whose length is ~%, where r~ is bounded by a
polynomial function in IN I. Set k = IM~ I. Let
M~ be the set of all possible encodings of mes-
sage m ieM ~, using the scheme described at
the beginning of this section. Clearly, M~ c SN ~
and for all i and j, IMil = IMjl. Set X =IM~I.
4.1 The Security of Partial Information
In the present version of the paper, we
assume that all messages in M~ are equally
likely. Let P be an easy to evaluate predicate,
defined on M". Let p be the probability that
P(z) is true for arandom z•M '~. Since Mn is
uniformly distributed, and IMn[ = k, P must
evaluate to 1 on p~: messages in Mn.
Let MB be a magic box that receives as
input the cyphertext E(m) •SN '~, where
m •M n, and outputs 0 or 1, its guess for the
value of P(m). Let 0j be the number of 0's and
let ly be the number of l's that MB guesses on
encodings of my. Clearly, 0j + lj = X. Let
lj ifP(mj) = 1
q= 0j ifP(m~.) 0.
C/ represents the number of encodings of mes-
sage m t on which MB correctly guesses the
value of P(my).
Theorem 5: Let 0<6 < 1 be a non negligible
1real number If = S p for some non-
negligible real e > 0, then we could decide qua-
dratic residuosity of any integer mod N with
probability 1-6 by means of a polynomial in
INI, e-l, and 6-1 time probabilistic algorithm.
Proof: Let us partition Mn into 10/e buckets,
MrS= U B~, such that m e B~ if and only if
(i-1) e ~ lm < i ---~---- We show that there
I0 X I0"
exist two non-adjacent buckets, each contain-
ing a non-negligible portion of the messages.
More formally, we show there exist g,h where
l < h + l < g ~ I0/~ such that IBgI,IBhl
> 1 k. Say, that /~ is big if
-i 2 ]c and small otherwise. Then we
IB~ I > (is~ow)that there are two non adjacentwant to
big buckets. Assume, for contradiction, that
this is not the case. Then one of the following
cases must apply:
i) There are no big buckets.
2) There is only one big bucket: B~
3) There are exactlytwo adjacent big buckets:
B~ and B¢_~
Note that case 1 can never be true; otherwise
= E IB{I ~ < k In case 2, E Cj is
i=1 lOI :-I " rn: e Bi
maximum for i = 10' and if all messages m~
for which P(mj) = 1 belong to B ~._2i.e when MB
guesses 1 for all the encodings of all the mes-
sages for which the predicate is true.
Thus, p+~_!__ ~ Ci
k X m~~M"
= i ( ~ C3+ E Cj)~p+ ~ <p+C
k X & m~c B~,~ #~ i 0
In case 3, E Cj.+ E Cj is maximum when
rnjEB~ m~ e B~_,
i = -~-and all the messages for which P is true
belong to BA.._and all the messages for which P
is false belong to BA
10 -1
Thus, p+e~ i ~ Ci =
k X rale M"
1 {(m~ C'+ ~ C1) + ~ C1 }
IcX B~ mi e B~-1 rnt e B, , k ~, ~+ l
i {[p]cx+(l_p)~lO-llcx]+kxclO_I}
kX+3~lO-'kX ) <p+~-
In all three cases we reach a contradiction.
Thus there exist two non adjacent ~uckets
Bg and Bh each containing at least ~ k10 mes-
sages. By sampling, we can find, in a small
expected time, two messages u and v in Bg
and Bh , respectively. We view MB as a decision
function D:SN n -~[0,1]. Then,
PD(u)--PD(v) > -~-and theorem 3 applies.
Next, we will see that an adversary cannot
decode more than a negligible fraction of the
encodings of all messages.
4.2 An Adversary Cannot Decode.
Let MH be a magic box that receives as
input E(m) for m eM n, and outputs mr. MB's
output can be interpreted as MH's guess of
what m is.
Let rj,~ denote the number of encodings of mes-
sage mj, on which MH answers mi. Clearly, r~,~
will denote the number of times, over all possi-
ble encodings of m~, that MB answers correctly.
Theorem 6: Let 0<5< 1 be a non negligible
k r~,~ 1
real number. If ~ k- x > e + ~--for some
1non-negligible e < 1-~-, then we can decide
quadratic residuosity rood N with probability
1-5 by means of a polynomial in INI, e-1 and
6-2 time probabilistic algorithm.
Proof: Say that a message m~ is well decoded if
riA>(~-v)X. Let, W be the set of well-decoded
messages and W' = Mn - W.
Claim 1." There exist at least ~--well-decoded
i=l ~,eW ~EW'
1 1 1
-<xl Wl+(k-l WllE~x=X [(z-Ecll Wl+k~-~) ]
Hence, ]W] > ~/3 e (claim 1) [~
(i - ~/2) > E
Clearly, if we pick messages at random
from Mn, we expect to find a well-decoded mes-
sage in 2v-1 trials. Let QcW such that
1[QI>2e-landletp >
Ee-l(2v-l+ 1) '
Claim 2." There exists two well-decoded mes-
Ir~,~ r,,~ Isages mi, m I eQ such that I-~---- ~ "l > p
proof: Fix m IeD. How many messages m i e
I rJ'i < o m-
can be such that Ir'~'iX 'X - p ' lnere are at
most 1 <2e-1+1 such messages. Thus
there exists an m~ e Q that satisfies the claim.
(claim 2)
Let us transform MB into a discriminating
function D:SNn~Mnu~71. If x eSNn and MB, on
input x, outputsmj, then set D(x)=mj. Ify is
not the encoding of any message, then one of 3
cases must occur:
1) MB outputs m r for !_<i~ t. Set
2) MB outputs m~ for i < 1 or i > t. Set
3) MH does not answer within a certain time
limit. Set D(Y)=T.
Now, note that in claims 1 and 2 just proved
above, we showed that we can quickly find two
well-decoded messages m( and mj such that
IPD,m,(m()-PD,m~(mj)] > p. Thus the
hypothesis of theorem 4 holds and deciding
quadratic residuosity mod N is polynomial in
INI, e -1 and 6-1. []
Theorem 6 shows that inverting the func-
tion E on the encrypted messages is as hard as
deciding quadratic residuosity, independently
of the sparsity of M".
Mental Poker is played like regular poker
except that there are no cards and no deck
The game is played over the telephone lines, oI
over a computer network. Since we cannot
send physical cards over the phone lines, deal-
ing and playing must be simulated by exchang-
ing messages between the players. The players
do not trust each other more than ordinary
players do. A fair game on the telephone
should ensure that:
1) Neither player can have any partial infor-
mation about the cards in his opponent's
hand or in the deck,
2) There is no overlap in the cards dealt to
3) All possible hands are equally probable for
both players.
4) At the end of the game each player can ver-
ify that the game was played according to
the rules and no cheating occurred.
Note that in a fair game of Mental Poker it
is not enough to show that it is computationally
difficult to get the exact value of a card. We
must also show that no partial information
about the card can fall into the hands of an
We present a protocol for two people to play
a fair game of Mental Poker, using eneryption.
We prove that there is no way a player can get
any information about cards not in his hand
under the assumption that deciding quadratic
residuosity is hard.
There are two main tools used in our imple-
mentation of Mental Poker. One is a method
for coin-flipping over the telephone[5] and the
other is the method for sending a single bit
securely in a Public Key Cryptosystem
presented here.
A different solution to the problem of Men-
tal Poker has been obtained independently by
Manuel Blum in [6]. His solution is based on the
assumption that factoring is hard and that
completely secure one way fui,ctions exist.
5.1 Background For Coin Flipping
To flip cL coin in the welt - A and B stand far
apart from each other. B is standing next to a
deep well. A throws a coin into the well from a
distance. Now, B knows the outcome of the flip
(by looking into the well) but can not change it,
and A has no way of knowing the outcome.
Later on when B would like to prove to A that he
won (or lost), he lets A come closer and look
into the well.
Essentially, if we can simulate a flip in the
well by exchanging messages over the
telephone, A can send a random bit to B, where
A does not know what he sent, but B can, if
necessary, prove to A what the bit was. This is
especially applicable to cryptographical games.
The notion of coin flipping in the well has
been introduced by Blum and Micali in [5], in
which, based on the assumption that index
finding is hard, they show how to flip a coin in
the well over the telephone lines. Another
method based on the assumption that factori-
zation is hard has been found by Blum in [4].
We sketch a third method, based on the
difficulty of distinguishing quadratic residues
from non-residues with respect to composite
A and B want to flip a coin. A generates two
large odd primes at random, P and Q and
sets N=p*Q. A publicizes N and y EAN*
such that y is a quadratic non-residue mod
N. A picks a number q at random from
AN* and asks B, who does not know the fae-
torization of N, whether q is a quadratic
residue rood N or not. B tells A what his
guess his. A now knows whether B won
(lost), and can later prove to B that he
indeed won(lost) by releasing the factoriza-
lion of N.
To avoid adding new assumptions to the
ones that we already have, we propose to use
one of these latter two coin flipping methods in
our protocol for Mental Poker.
The next section will list some known
results that will be used in the proof of the pro-
5.2 Useful Results
Let p 1, P2 be odd primes and N = p 1P2.
].,emma 3: If the factorization of N is known, we
can find qeZ N" such that (q/N) =i and qis a
quadratic non-residue, in random polynomial
Proof: Pick aeZpl such that (a/Pl)=-l.
This can be done in 2 expected trials. Similarly,
pick beZ;, such that (b/p2)=-l. Using the
Chinese Remainder theorem compute the
unique q eZ N" such that q ~ a ( mod pl) and
q-= b (modp2). Now, q is a quadratic non-
residue and (q/ N ) = (q/PlPe ) =
(q/Pl )" (q/P2) = (alp1)" (b/P2)=1.
]_,emma 4: Let N =p 1P 2 such that
-=P2 -: 3rood 4. For all z, y e ZN °, if
Px~ y~ rood N and x ~ ±y rood N then (z/N)
= - (y/g).
Proof: Let
1 (mod Pl)
c ~ 0 (rood Pc)
1 (rnocl Pc)
d ~- O(modpl)
We can find c and d through the Chinese
Remainder Theorem. Let a 2 ~x 2 ( mod pl )
and b z =- x 2 ( mod P2). Then the four square
roots ( mod N ) are given by
ac +db, -ac +db, -(ac +db ) and (ac-db ). Let
x = ac+db, and y =-ac+bd. Since N~-i mod
4 implies (x/ N)=(-x/ N), we need only prove
that (+x/N)=-(+y/N). Thus, (x/N) =
(ac +bd/ N) = (ac +bd/ pl)(ac +bd/ p2 )
=(ac/pl)(bg/p2 ). And (y/ N) =
(-ac +bd/ N)=(-ac +bd/ pl)(-ac +bd/p2)=
(-ac/pl)(bd/p2)=(-1/pl)(x/N). Sincepl = 3
(mod 4), (-i/pl)=-l.
By a theorem of de la Vallee Poussin[15],
approximately half of all primes of a given
length are congruent to 3 rood 4. Thus, compo-
site numbers of the form N=pl,p 2 where
.pl~pe~3 rood 4 constitute approximately 1/4
of all composite numbers which are a product
of two odd primes of a given length, Thus fac-
toring and deciding quadratic residuosity
modulos such special N's remains a hard prob-
lem. Another method, which does not use spe-
cial composite numbers, but increases the
number of messages exchanged in the protocol,
will appear in the final paper.
To represent 52 cards in binary we must
use at least 6 bits per card. Thus at first A and
B agree on 52 different bit patterns which
correspond to the 52 cards.
From now on, when we say that A flips k to
B, we mean that B receives a number k at ran-
dom from A, and A has no information whatso-
ever about k. k is actually sent bit by bit
through a sequence of coin flips into a well.
5.3.1 The Algorithm
STEP 1: B chooses at random 52 pairs of large
prime numbers: (Pl, ql), (P2, q2), (Pa, qa) .....
(P52, q52) such that p~q~-=3 mod 4 for
1 ~ i ~ 52, and produces 52 large composite
numbers whose factorization she knows, i.e
Nl := pl "ql, N2 := p2" q 2..... Ns2 := p~2 " q52.
Next, she shuffles the deck of cards in her
hands and assigns N 1..... Nsa to the shuffled
deck, an N, per the i th card. She publicizes
the ordered 52 tuple < N1, N 2..... N52 >.
STEP 2: A does the same. Let us denote the
primes chosen by him as (s 1, tl), (s 2, re),
(s 3, t3) ..... (s52, t52) such that s,~-ti-=3 mod 4
for 1-< i _< 52, and his 52 composite numbers
by M 1 := s 1 ' t 1, M~ := s a " t 2.....
M52 := s52 • tfa. He shuffles the deck of cards
and assigns M 1..... M52 to the shuffled deck, an
M, per the i th card. He publicizes the
ordered 52 tuple < M1, Me..... M52 >.
STEP 3: B publicizes his entire deck. The deck
is encrypted in the following way. For every
card Ct (with public key Nt), B publicizes an
ordered list of 6 numbers in ANt', (ql ..... q6)
such that for 1 ~ j -< 6, qy is a quadratic resi-
due if and only if the j th bit of Ctisa 1.
For example, let the first card in B's deck
be 010010. Then B publicizes (ql, qa, qa, q4, qS,
q6) where ql, qa, q4 and q6 are quadratic non-
residues mod N~, and q2, q5 are quadratic resi-
dues rood N~ with Jacobi symbol 1. The q¢'s are
chosen at random among the elements of ANt"
with the desired properties. This can be done
in random polynomial time, by Lemma 3.
NOTE that, by Lemma 2, if A can factor N¢, he
can also determine whether the numbers that
B posed as corresponding to the bits in the
encoding of CQ are quadratic residues or not
and therefore determine what the card is. ]f A
can not factor N¢, he can not tell whether the
numbers corresponding to bits in the cards
encoding are quadratic residues or not, and
therefore can not tell what the remaining cards
STEP 4: A publicizes his deck in the exact same
way that B did.
STEP 5 [B deals a Card to A]: Suppose A decided
to pick the K- th card from B's deck. Repeat
the following procedure for each card in B's
encrypted deck. We describe it for the i-th
card, to which N~ corresponds. B flips z e Z~, to
A. A computes x 2 mad N~ and (x/N~). At this
point A must follow one of two procedures: P1 if
i=K and P2 otherwise.
PI: A sends x 2 rood N,i, and -(x/N~) to B.
P2: A sends x e mod Ny. and (x/N~) to B.
19 computes the square roots of x 2 mod N~. Let
the square roots be x, n-z, y and n-y. Next,
B sends the root whose Jaeobi symbol she
received from A :y ifshe received -(x/Ni) from
A, and x otherwise. By ]emma 4, (x/N¢)
uniquely identifies x, and -(x/N~) uniquely
identifies y. Thus if A followed P1 then he will
receive 4 square roots of x 2 rood N~, and by
lemma 1 can factor. If A followed P2, he will get
no new information as to the value of CC/. B
from her side has no information as to which
card A selected. Later, B can verify what he
flipped to A, and hence verify that B has only
found out the factorization of a single card.
STEP 6: At this point A knows the factorization
of N K. To reconstruct the actual card CK, A
applies the polynomial time test of Lamina 2 to
the encrypted representation of CK,
(ql ..... q6). Next, A must delete CK from his
encrypted deck. B can see which encrypted
element in A's deck is being erased, but this
does not enable her to decrypt it.
STEP 7[A deals a card to B]: Clearly, the same
procedure as in Step 5 and 6 is done with the
roles of A and B reversed. Now B will discover
the factorization of one of M 1.... M52.
STEP 8: If any more cards need to be dealt
throughout the game, a similar protocol takes
place. Whenever A needs a card, he will pick a
card from B's deck, by following the procedure
in step 5 and 6. And similarly whenever B
needs a card, she will pick it from A's deck.
STEP 9 [after game verification]: After the
game is over, A can prove to B that everything
he claims she flipped him, was indeed flipped by
her and in what order. B can do the same. A
releases the factorization of each of the M, for
all 1-< i-< 52, and B releases the factorization
of each of the N¢ for all 1~_i~52. They can
both prove to each other whatever claim they
made in the game such as "N is a product of
two primes", "all cards where present at the
deck at all times", "these are the quadratic
residues you flipped to me", or "I won".
5.3.2 Proof Of Correctness:
Claim 1: all hands are equally probable.
Proof: In step 9, A and B verify that both
encrypted decks contained all 52 cards. In
step 5, A himself chooses which encrypted
value from B's deck he wants, thus he is equally
likely to get any card in the deck. Similar rea-
soning holds for B.
Claim 2: no overlapping or repeating hands.
Proof: When A is dealt a card, he erases that
card from his encrypted deck. Thus B can
never be dealt the same card. A knows which
cards he picked from B's deck, and thus will
never pick the same card twice.
Claim 3: ]f player A knows the factorization of
N~ he can reconstruct Ci in 0(IN ]a) time.
Proof: We are given Nt = .Pl P2, and (ql ..... q6)
such that for all j, qi eZN and (qj/N~,) =1. To
reconstruct. Ct, we must test whether qi is a
quadratic residue rood Nt for all j. That can be
done in O( IN I3) steps by Lamina 2.
It still remains to be shown that neither
player can have, at any stage of the game, any
partial information, about a single encrypted
card not in his hand, or any subset of
encrypted cards not in his hand. A complete
proof will be found in the final paper. Here we
restrict ourselves to proving that when two
players A and B publicize their respective
encrypted decks, neither A nor B can answer
quickly with I% advantage a i bit question
about a single card in the opponents deck.
Examples of such i bit questions are: is the i-th
card in the deck black?, Are the first and third
bit of the i-th card equal? Is the rood 2 sum of
the bits in the i-th card 0 or I?
Theorem 7: If A, when B publicizes her
encrypted deck, can answer, in polynomial
time, a l-bit question Q about a single card in
B's deck with i% advantage, then he can decide
quadratic residuosity modulo a random compo-
site N with probability i, by means of a
polynomial(IN0 time probabilistic algorithm.
Proof: Suppose A can answer a l-bit question Q
about card i, to which composite N¢
corresponds. A's ability to answer Q with a i%
advantage can be viewed as a decision function
d:S6-,0,1 (S 6 = all 6-1ong sequences of ele-
ments from AN, ). Since A answers Q correctly
51 times out of a I00, we can efficiently find two
6-signatures u and v such that
IPd(u) --Pd(v)l -->1/100. Thus we can apply
theorem 8 and decide quadratic residuosity
modulo N~ in polynomial time. Contradiction!
5.3.3 Implementation Details
In order to perform the protocol we must
be able to do the following:
1. Generate large prime numbers, This can be
done using Gary Miller's test for primality[ 11] .
2. Find square roots of x 2 triad N when the fac-
torization of N is known. Use Adleman, Manders
and Millers polynomial time algorithm[2] for
finding square roots.
6. Remarks and Further Improvements
In this paper we showed that it is possible
to encrypt messages in such a way, that an
adversary, given the cypherLext, cannot
extract information about the cleartext. This is
sufficient for protocols such as Mental Poker or
for encrypting one's private files.An adversary
can read these files but cannot understand-
We also showed that Probabilistie Encryp-
tion can be used in a Public Key Environment.
However, in a Public Key Cryptosystem, getting
hold of the cyphertext and trying to under-
stand it is the most obvious attack to the secu-
rity of the scheme.
* An adversary could, as a user, try to break
the scheme by communicating.
He could try to break the scheme by inter-
cepting some other user's messages and
changing them.
* Finally, he may try to break the scheme by
making use of the decoding equipment !
The Public Key Cryptosystem presented in this
paper is not secure against these possible
attacks. However, by forcing the users to fol-
low a particular protocol for exchanging mes-
sages, we have built a Public Key Cryptosystem
which is provably secure against the above
mentioned attacks. These results will appear in
a future paper.
Our most sincere thanks go to Richard
Karp, who supervised this research, for his
contributions, encouragement and great
patience, and to Manuel Blum for a wonder-
ful course in Number Theory, many insight-
ful discussions and for having found a way to
reduce the numbers of messages exchanged
in the protocol.
We are particularly indebted to Faith
Fich, Mike Luby, Jeff Shallit and Po Tong.
Without their generous help this paper
would have never been written.
Andrew Yao pointed out to us some gen-
eral difficulties arising with commutative
encryption functions. The claim in section
3.4 was obtained with Vijay Vazirani. We
thank them both.
We are grateful tb Ron Rivest and Mike
Sipser for a very inspiring discussion. It
improved this paper a great deal.
[1] Adleman, L., Private Communication, 1981.
[2] Adleman, L., Manders K. and Miller G., On
Tc~cing Roots In Finite Fields, Proceedings
of the 18th Annual ]EEE Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS),
1977, 175-177.
Adleman, L., On Distinguishing Prime
Numbers from Composite Numbers,
Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Symposium on
the Foundations of Computer Science
(FOCS), Syracuse, N.Y., 1980, 387-408.
Blum, M., Three Applications of The Oblivi-
ous Transfer, to appear, 1981.
Blum, M., and Micali, S., How to Flip A Coin
Through the Telephone, to appear, 1982.
Blum, M., Mental Poker, to appear, 1982.
Brassard, G., Relativized Cryptography,
Proceedings of the 20st IEEE Symposium on
the Foundations of Computer Science
(FOCS) , San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1979, 383-
[8] Diffie, W., and M. E. Hellman, New Direction
in Cryptography, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th.
IT-22, 6 (1976), 644-654.
[9] Coldwasser S., and Micali S., A Bit by Bit
Secure Public Key Cryptosystem, Memoran-
dum NO. UCB/ERL M81/88, University of
California, Berkeley, December 1981.
[10] Lipton, R., How to Cheat at Mental Poker,
Proceeding of the AMS short course on
Cryptology, January 1981.
[11] Miller, G., Riemann's Hypothesis and Tests
for Pr~mality, Ph.D. Thesis, U.C. Berkeley,
[12] Rabin, M., Digitalized Signatures and
Public-Key Functions As Intractable As Fac-
torization, MIT/LCS/TR-212, Technical
Memo MIT, 1979.
[13] Rivest, R., Shamir, A., Adleman, L., A
Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures
and Public Key Cryptosystems, Communica-
tions of the ACM, February 1978.
[14] Shamir, Rivest, and Adleman, Mental
Poker, MIT Technical Report, 1978.
[15] Shanks, D., Solved and Unsolved Problems
"~n Number Theory, Chelsea Publishing Co.
Added in proof:
[16] Chau.m, D. L., Untraceable EZec~o~,ic Mail,
Returvt Addresses, and Digital Pseudonymus,
Communications of the ACM, 24,2 (1981) 84-88.

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1982 - Probabilistic Encryption & How To Play Mental Poker Keeping Secret All Partial Information (Goldwasser, S. & Micali, S.)

  • 1. Probabilistic Encryption & How To Play Mental Poker Keeping Secret All Partial Information Shaft Goldwasser * and SilvioMicali ** Computer Science Department University of California - Berkeley I. Introduction This paper proposes an Encryption Scheme that possess the following property: An adversary, who knows the encryption algorithm and is given the cyphertext, can- not obtain any information about the clear- text. Any implementation of a Public Key Cryptosys- tem, as proposed by Diffie and Hellman in [8], should possess this property. Our Encryption Scheme follows the ideas in the number theoretic implementations of a Public Key Cryptosystem due to Rivest, Shamir and Adleman [13], and Rabin [12]. Security is based on Complexity Theory and the intractability of some problems in number theory such as factoring, index finding and deciding whether numbers are quadratic resi- dues with respect to composite mvduli is assumed. In this context, impossibility means computational infeasibility and proving that a problem is hard means to show it equivalent to one of the above mentioned problems. The key idea in both the RSA scheme and the Rabin scheme is the selection of an appropriate trapdoor function; an easy to evaluate function f such that x is not easily computable from f(x), unless some extra information is known. To encrypt a message m, one simply evaluates f (m). Thin research was supported by * NSF Grant MCS-79-037667 ** fellowship from Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Italy and in part by NSF Grant MCS-79-037667 Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. © 1982 ACM0-89791-067-2/82/005/0365 $00.75 We would like to point out two basic weaknesses of this approach: 1) The fact that f is a trapdoor function does not rule out the possibility of computing x from ff (x) when x is of a special form. Usually messages do not consist of numbers chosen at random but possess more struc- ture. Such structural information may help in decoding. For example, a function f, which is hard to invert on a generic input, could conceivably be easy to invert on the ASCII representations of English sentences. 2) The fact that f is a trapdoor function does not rule out the possibility of easily com- puting some partial information about z (even every other bit of x) from f (z). The danger in the case that z is the ASCII representation of an English sentence is self evident. Encrypting messages in a way that ensures the secrecy of all partial infor- mation is an extremely important goal in Cryptography. The importance of this point of view is particularly apparent if we want to use encryption to play card games over the telephone. If the suit or color of a card could be compromised the whole game could be invalid. Though no one knows how to break the RSA or the Rabin scheme, in none of these schemes is it proved that decoding is hard without any assumptions made on the message space. Rabin shows that, in his scheme, decoding is hard for an adversary if the set of possible messages has some density property. The novelty of our contribution consists of 1. The notion of Trapdoor Functions is replaced by Probabilistic Encryption. To encrypt each message we make use of a fair coin. The encoding of each message will depend on the message plus the result of a sequence of coin tosses. Consequently, there are many possible encodings for each message, llowever, messages are always uniquely decodable.~ IProbabilistic Encryption is completely different from the technique of apl~eDcling random bits to a message as suggested in U?.]and [16]. 365
  • 2. 2. Decoding is easy for the legal receiver of a message, but provably hard for an adver- sary. Therefore the spirit of a trapdoor function is maintained. In addition, in our scheme, without imposing any restrictions on the message space, we can prove that decoding is equivalent to deciding qua- dratic residuosity modulo composite numbers. 3. No Partial Information about an encrypted message could be obtained by an adver- sary. Assume that the message space has an associated probability distribution and that, with respect to this distribution, an easy to compute predicate P (such as "the exclusive or of all the bits in the message is 1") has probability p to be true. Let p ~ .5 without any loss of generality. Then, without any special ability, an adversary, given the cyphertext~ can always guess that P is true for the cleartext, and be correct with probabilityp. Based on the assumption that deciding qua- dratic residuosity modulo composite numbers is hard, we prove that an adver- sary cannot guess correctly with probabil- ity p+e,from the cyphertext, whether the cleartext satisfies the predicate P, where e is a non negligible positive real number. Probabilistic Encryption has been useful for the solution of Mental Poker. The problem whether it is possible to play a "fair" game of Mental Poker has been raised by Robert Floyd. Shamir, Rivest and Adleman proposed an elegant solution to this problem in [14] using commutative encryption functions, but they could not prove that partial information could not be compromised using their scheme. Indeed, several problems in the implementa- tion of their scheme have been pointed out by Lipton in [ 10]. We present a solution for Mental Poker, for which we can prove, based on the assumption that factoring and deciding quadratic residuosity modulo composite numbers is hard, that not a single bit of information about a card which should remain hidden can be discovered. Our solution does not use commutative encryp- tion functions. 2. The ,Security of a Public Key Cryptosystem. All the number theoretic notation used in this section will be defined in section 3.1. 2.1 What is a Public Key Cryptosystem? The concept of a Public Key Cryptosystem was introduced by Diffie and Hellman in their ingenious paper [8]. Let M be a finite message space, A, B,... be users, and let m e M denote a message. Let EA:M~M be A's encryption func- tion, which is ideally bijective, and DA be A's decryption function such that DA(EA(m)) = m for all m e M. In a Public Key Cryptosystem EA is placed in a public file, and user A keeps DA private. DA should be difficult to compute knowing only E A. To send message m to A, B takes E A from the public file, computes EA(m ) and sends this message to A. A easily computes DA(EA(m)) to obtain m. 2.2 The RSA scheme and the Rabin scheme The two implementations of a Public Key Cryptosystem most relevant and inspiring for this paper are the RSA scheme [13], due to Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, and its particular- ization suggested by Rabin [12]. The key idea in both the RSA scheme and the Rabin scheme consists in the selection of an appropriate number theoretic trapdoor function. In the RSA scheme, user A selects/,~, the product of two large primes p I and p 2 and a number s such that s and 9(N) are relatively prime ,where ~ is the Euler totient function. A puts N and s in a public fileand keeps the fac- torization of N private. Let ZN'= ~ z I i ~ z ~ N-i and z and N are relatively primel. For every message m eZN', EA(rn)=m s mod N. Clearly, the ability to take s th roots rood N implies the ability to decode. A, who knows the factorization of N, can easily take s th roots mod N. No efficient way to take sth roots rood Nis known when the factorlzation of N is unknown. About the RSA scheme aabin remarks that, for all we know, inverting the function z ~ rood N may be a hard problem in general, and yet easy for a large percentage of the z's. He suggests to modify the RSA scheme by choosing s=2. Thus, for all users A, EA(Z ) = z 2 rood N. Notice that E A is a 4-1 function because our N is the product of two primes. In fact, every quadratic residue rood N, i.e every q such that q~z 2 mod N for some z eZN', has four square roots mod N: ±z mod N and ±y rood N. As A knows the factorization of N, upon receiving the encrypted message m 2 mod N, he could compute its four square roots and get the message rn. The ambiguity in decoding could be eliminated, for example, by sending the first 20 digits of rn in addition to m 2 rood N. Such extra information cannot effectively help in decoding: we could always guess the first 20 digits of m. The following theorem shows how hard is it to invert Rabin's function z 2 mod N. Theorem (Rabin): If for i~ of the q's quadratic 366
  • 3. residues mod N one could find one square root of q, then one could factor N in Random Poly- nomial Time. The theorem follows from the following lemma that we state without proof. Lemma 1: Given z, yEZN ° such that x 2=y2 rood N and x ~ :i:y mod N, there is apolyno- mial time algorithm to factor N. (In fact the greatest common divisor of N and x :i=y is a fac- tor of N). Informal proof of Rabin's theorem: Assume that we have a magic box B such that given q, a quadratic residue rood N, for 1% of the q's it outputs one square root of q rood N. Then we could factor N by iterating the following step: Pick i at random in ZN~ and compute q =i ~ mod N. Feed the magic boxB withq. If M outputs a square root of q different from i or -i mod N, then (by the above lemma) factor N. The expected number of iterations is low, as at each step, we have a 0.SYochances to factor N. 2.3 Objections to Cryptosystems based on Trapdoor Functions Covering ones face with a handkerchief cer- tainly helps to hide personal identity. However: 1) It will not hide from me the identity of a special subset of people: my mother, my sister, close friends. 2) I can gather a lot of information about the people I cannot identify: their height, their hair color and so on. Essentially, the same kind of problems may arise in the RSA scheme and in the Rabin scheme and, more generally, in any other Pub- lic Key Cryptosystem based on Trapdoor Func- tions: 1) The fact that f is a Trapdoor Function does not rule out the possibility of computing x from f(x) when x is of special form. 2) The fact that f is trapdoor function does not rule out the possibility of easily computing some partial information about x from f(x). 2.4 Discussion of Objection 1 One may argue that Rabin's Public Key tryptosystem is as hard to break as factoring in the following way; whoever can2getm a mes- sages m from their encryptions mod N 1P~ of the time, is actually realizing the magic box of Rabin's theorem and thus could efficiently factor n. We would like to point out the following fact. Claim: If M, the set of messages, is "sparse" in ZN*, the ability to decode 1% of all messages does not yield a random polynomial time algo- rithm for factoring. By "sparse" we mean that for a randomly chosen x E ZN', the probability that x is a mes- sage is virtually 0. Let f (x) = z 2 modN. Assume that we are able to invert the function f only on f(M). Then we would have a magic box MB which, fed m 2 rood N, would output m whenever m EM; and fed q, outputs nothing whenever qe~m2modNImEMI, except, at most, for a negligible portion of the q's. With the use of such a magic box we could decode, but not fac- tor N efficiently. Using such MB, let us look at the above informal proof of Rabin's theorem. If we pick rneM and feed m z rood N into MB, then we get back m and we cannot factor. If we pick .ieM and feed i2 mod N to MB, then the probability that one square root of i2 mod N different from i, belongs to // is practically 0 and we get no answer. 2.5 Discussion of Objection 2 We would like to define a Public Key Cryp- tosystem to be secure if an adversary, given the cyphertext, cannot obtain any partial infor- mation about the cleartext. This latter notion needs to be formalized: Let P be any easy to evaluate, non con- stant, boolean predicate defined on the message space M. Let m eM. If, given the encryption of m, an adversary can efficiently compute the value of P(m), then partial information about m can be obtained from the encryption of m Notice that, according to the above definition, no Public Key Cryptosystem based on trapdoor functions is secure. In fact, if EA is a trapdoor function, the following predicate P, defined on the cleartext, is easy to evaluate from the cyphertext: P(x) is true if and only if E4(x) is even. We can avoid such problems using Proba- bitistic Encryption. We know that some decision problems may be hard to solve for particular inputs, but easy to solve for most of the inputs. In view of the special purpose of Cryptography, the require- ment that obtaining partial information should be difficult needs to be strengthened. Assume that the message space has an associated probability distribution and that, with respect to this distribution, a predicate P has a probability p to be true. Without loss of generality, letp ~ 0.5. Definition: An adversary has an e advantage in evaluating the predicate P, if he can correctly guess the value of P relative to the cleartext with probability greater than p +e. 367
  • 4. We are now able to restate the previous partial information definition. Definition: A Public Key Cryptosystem is e secure if an adversary does not have an e advantage in evaluating, given the cyphertext, any easy to compute predicate relative to the cleartext. Based on the assumption that deciding qua- dratic residuosity modulo composite numbers is hard, we introduce an e-secure Public Key Cryptosystem, for every non negligible, posi- tive, real number e. Let us first deal with the question of sending securely a single bit in a Public Key Cryptosystern. This question, closely related to the security of Partial Infor- mation, has been raised by Brassard in [~-]. 2.6 Attempts to Send a Single Bit Securely in Public Key Cryptosystems based on TrapDoor Functions Suppose that user B wants to send a single bit message to user A in great secrecy. The bit is equally likely to be a 0 or a 1. B wants no adversary to have a 1~o advantage in guessing correctly his message. B knows that EA is hard to invert and tries to make use of this fact in the following way. Idea i: All users in the system agree on an integer i. User B selects reM at random, except for the ith bit of T, which will be his message. B sends E4(r ) to A. • A can decode and thus get the desired bit. But what can an adversary do ? Danger: let y = EA(x), where E A is a one way function. Then, given y, it could be difficult to compute x but not a specific bit of x. Example: let p be a large prime such that p-i has at least one large prime factor. Let g be a generator for Zp*. Then ll-=gz mod p is a well known one-way function. But, even though it is difficultto compute x from gS mod p (the index finding problem), it is easy to get the last bit of x. In fact, x ends in 0 if and only if y is a quadratic residue mod p, For p prime we have fast random polynomial time algorithms to test quadratic residuosity, see [i0]. The following idea was suggested by Donald Johnson. Idea 2: B selects 8 ~ i ~ 100 at random, and sets the ith bit of x to the bit he wants to communicate. The remaining 93 bits of x are chosen at random, except for the first 7 bits of x, which specify location i. B sends EA(x) to A. Danger: If, given EA(x), we can easily com- pute the first 7 bits of x and one of the last 93 bits of x, then we could guess B's message with a 1/98 advantage. Summarizing: There are many ways in which a single bit could be "embedded" in a binary number x. Taking the "exclusive or" of all the digits of x is just one more example. However, given y =EA(x), being able to discover some particular bits embedded in x DOES NOT CONTRADICT the fact that it is hard to compute x. Then, what is a secure way to send a single bit ? The answer to this problem is discussed in the next section. 3. DECIDING QUDRATIC RESIDUOSITY IS HARD ON THE AVERAGE The symbol (x,N) will denote the greatest common divisor of x and N. We use Pr(X) to denote the probability of the event X. We let ZN*= ~z [ i ~X ~N-I and (z,N)=l~. 3.I Background and Notation Given qeZ~v*, is q~-x 2 modN solvable ?If N is prime, then the answer to this question is easily computed. If a solution exists, q is said to be a quadratic residue rood N. Otherwise q is said to be a quadratic non-residue rood N. From now on let P, and P2 be odd, distinct primes and N =PlP2. Then, q~x 2 rood N is solvable if and only if both q=-x2 rood Pl and q ~-z2 mod P2 are solvable. If this is the case, q is said to be a quadratic residue rood N, other- wise q is said to be a quadratic non-residue rood N. We will call the problem of determining whether an element q e ZN* is a quadratic resi- due, the quadratic residuosity problem. Let p be an odd prime and q e Zp*, then the Jacobi symbol (q/p) equals i ifq is a quadratic residue rood p and -I otherwise. The Jacobi symbol (q/N), is defined as (q/N) = (q/pl)(q/P2). Despite the fact that the Jacobi symbol (q/N) is defined through the factoriza- tion of N, (q/N) is computable in polynomial time even when the factorization of N is not known ! ]t is easy to see, from the above definitions that if (q/N) = -i then q must be a quadratic non-residue rood N. In fact, q must be a qua- dratic non-residue either rood Pl or rood P2. However, if (q/N)=+l, then either q is a qua- dratic residue rood N or q is a quadratic non- residue for both the prime factors of N. Let us count how many of the q 's, such that (q/N) = 1, are actually quadratic residues. Theorem: Let p be an odd prime. Then Zp" is a cyclic group. Theorem: Let 9 be a generator for Z~*, then gt rood p is a quadratic residue if and only if s is even. Corollary: Half of the numbers in Z~" are quadratic residues and half are quadratic non- residues. 368
  • 5. Theorem: Let N =.PIP2 where Ps and P2 are distinct odd primes. Then half of the numbers in ZN" have Jacobi symbol equal to -1 and thus are quadratic non-residues. The Jacobi symbol of the rest of the numbers is 1. Exactly half of these latter ones are quadratic residues. 3.2 A Difficult Problem in Number Theory. If the factorization of N is not known and (q/N) =1, then there is no known procedure for deciding whether q is a quadratic residue mod N. This decision problem is well known to be hard in Number Theory. It is one of the main four algorithmic problems discussed by Gauss in his "Disquisitiones Arithmeticae" (1801). A polynomial solution for it would imply a polyno- mial solution to other open problems in Number Theory, such as deciding whether a composite n, whose factorization is not known, is the product of 2 or 3 primes, see open prob- lems 9 and I5 in Adleman [3]. Recently, Adleman[ 1] showed that a generaliza- tion of quadratic residuosity is equivalent to factoring. Using this generalized notion in our protocol, we could base the security of our cryptosystem on factoring. At present, we await the final version of Adelman's paper. Assumption: Let 0<c<l. For each positive integer k, let C~,e be the minimum size of cir- cuits C that decide correctly quadratic resi- duosity mod n for a fraction e of the /c bit integers n. Then, for every 0<e<l and every polynomial Q, there exists 5e,Q such that /c>Se,Q implies Ce,~ > Q(k) S.4 A number theoretic result. We want to show that deciding whether q is a quadratic residue mod N, is not hard in some special cases, but is hard on the average in a very strong sense. In order to do so, let us recall the weak law of large numbers: If Yl, Y2..... y~ are /c independent Ber- noulli variables such that Yi = 1 with proba- bility p, and S~ = yl+...+y~, then for real numbers ~, 6>0, /c ~ __!__ implies that 46~ 2 Notice that k is bounded by a polynomial in "0-1 and 6-1. LetAN'= ~z I zeZ1v" and (z/ N)=l]. Definition: For a composite number N, and for 1 real number 0< e~ ~ we say that we can guess with e advantage whether q drawn at ran- dom from AN ° is a quadratic residue mod N if we can, in polynomial(INl) time, guess qua- dratic residuosity rood N correctly for at least 1 of the elements of AN'. 1Theorem 1: Let 0 <c~ ~--, 0 < 6~ 1 be non- negligible numbers. Suppose we could guess, with an c advantage whether q, drawn at ran- dom from AN', is a quadratic residue rood N. Then we could decide quadratic residuosity of any integer rood N with probability i- ~ by means of a polynomial in INI, c-I and (5-I time probabilistic algorithm. Proof: Assume, to the contrary, that we have a polynomial time magic box MB which guesses correctly whether q EAN• is a quadratic resi- 1 due mod N, for ~-+c of the elements of AN'. Let, a = Pr(MB answers "q is a quadratic residue" I q is a quadratic residue rood n) fl = Pr(MB answers "q is a quadratic residue" I q is a quadratic non-residue rood N, q e AN *). The fraction of AN on which MB is correct equals ~-~+ 1-fi). In order for MB to have a c advantage, it must be that c~ - B ~ 2e. How- 1 ever, a need not be equal to c+~ We will now show how to get a good estimate for a. Construct a sample of k quadratic residues chosen at random in ZN° (the value of k will be defined later on). This can be easily done by picking s t..... s~ at random in ZN ° and squaring them mod N. Initialize two counters R and NR to 0. Feed each s~2 to MB. Every time that MB answers "quadratic residue", increment the R counter. Every time that MB answer "quadratic non residue".~increment the NR counter. Let ~=-~-~ If k is chosen to be suitably 1 , large, k ~ ~-~ the weak law of large numbers assures that i.e. R/k is a very good approximation to how well MB guesses if the inputs are only quadratic residues. We are now ready to determine the quadratic residuosity of elements in AN . Let q be an element of Air that we want to test for quadratic residuosity. Randomly gen- erate k quadratic residues, z 1..... z~, ele- ments of ZN* and compute yi~qz~ rood N for i =i .....k. Notice that a) if q is a quadratic residue, then the y~'s are random quadratic residues in IN* b) if q is a quadratic non-residue in A N*, then the y~'s are random quadratic non-residues in A N *. Let us postpone the proof of (a) and (b) and assume, for the time being, that they are true. 369
  • 6. Initialize two counters R" and NR" to O. Feed the sample }Yi] into MB. Increment R' every time that MB answers "quadratic residue", and NR" every time that MB answers "quadratic non-residue". We know, that if q is a quadratic residue, then the pr([ R" R 5 2 k k I ~2"~)m (1-~-) , and if q is a quadratic non-residue then R" R ~)z -- . Thus ifPr(l ~ .~-I~2~)<I-(I- IR°k Rl-<2~k then with probability greater than 1-5, q is a quadratic residue mod N, oth- erwise, again with probability greater than 1-5, q was a quadratic non-residue mod N. We still need to prove (a) and (b). We will only prove (a) as the proof for (b) is similar. It will suffice to prove that, given any quadratic residue q, any other quadratic residue y in ZN" can be uniquely written as y = q z where z is a quadratic residue mod N. It is a well known theorem in algebra that ZN" = Zp,'xZp'. Thus let a and b be generators for Zp" and Zp, ° such that (a,p2)=l and (b,pl) = 1. Then any element of ZN. can be written uniquely as aib j where l~i~pl-1 and l~j~p2-1. Moreover, q is a quadratic residue mod N if and only if it can be written as q = aeib 2j where 1 ~ 2i ~Pl- 1 and 1-<2j_<p2-1. Thus if y = a2Sb 2t is any quadratic residue and x = a2(S-i)b 2(t-y), then y = qx part (a) is proved. Theorem 2: Let r cA N" be a publicized qua- 1 dratic non-residue mod N. Let 0 < ~ g 0 < 5 -< 1 be non-negligible numbers. Suppose we could guess with an ~ advantage whether q, drawn at random from AN , is a quadratic resi- due mod N. Then we could decide quadratic residuosity of any integer rood N with probabil- ity 1-5 by means of a polynomial in IN[, e-1 and 6-1 time probabilistie algorithm. Proof: Assume first that given any r quadratic non-residue rood N, V eAN', someone could build a polynomial time magic box" MBr that has a e advantage in distinguishing between quadratic residues and non-residues rood N. We will show that even if one is not given such an r, quadratic residuosity can still be decided. Construct a set T consisting of 20 elements chosen at random from AN'. With probability 1- (1/2) 2° one of the elements in T will be a quadratic non-residue mod N. For each z • T do the following: Choose k as in theorem 1. Construct MBz and test its performance on k random qua- dratic residues, S=[s 1..... ski, as we did in Theorem 1. Also pick Yl ..... Y20 at ran- dom from AN'. Again, with very high proba- bility, at least one of the y~'s will be a quadratic non-residue. Now, construct samples Ht=~y~s Is e S], and feed them into MB~. a) If MBz performs on all the Hi's as it per- formed on S, then go to the next element in T. Halt if all elements in T have been used. b) If MBz performs "significantly" differently on, say Hi, than it did on S, halt. If case (b) occurs then Yi is a quadratic non-residue and, most importantly, we obtain a magic box, MBz, which distinguishes between quadratic residues and non-residues in random polynomial time. Case (b) occurs when there is an x e T which is a quadratic non-residue rood N, and at least one of its corresponding yi's is a qua- dratic non-residue mod N. Thus case (b) occurs with probability 1- This contrad- icts our assumption that deciding quadratic residuosity is hard. In the above, we assumed that given any quadratic non residue r eAg*, one could con- struct a magic box MBr, having a e advantage in deciding quadratic residuosity, and we derived a contradiction. Suppose one is able to build a MBr, having a ~ advantage in deciding quadratic residuosity, only for 1% of the quadratic non-residues, r e AN'. Then all that would be changed in the above proof would be the size of the set T, so that T will include a suitable r. 4. HOW TO SEND MESSAGES IN A PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOSYSTEM IN A PROVABLY SECURE WAY Every user in the system publicizes a large composite number N whose factorization, N = P~2, he alone knows, and y e A~ such that y is a quadratic non-residue mod N. Let N be the public key of user A. Suppose user B wants to send A a binary message m=(m 1..... m~). Then, for each m i, B ran- domly picks an xi e Z~, and sets zi~ modN if m i is a 0 e~ ~- yz~ 2 modN if m i is al ' B sends (e l..... e~) to A. To decode m, user A, who knows the factors of N, reconstructs m by letting i if ei is a quadratic residue rood N ~'r%i~- 0 if ei a is quadratic non residue moo N 370
  • 7. Testing whether q E A~ is a quadratic residue mod N, when the factorization of N is known, is easy by the following lemma. ].,emma 2: If the factorization of N is known, we can test whether there exists an x such that q ~x 2 mod N in polynomial time. Proof: q is a quadratic residue mod N if and only if q is a quadratic residue mod p 1 AND P2. For a prime p, q is a quadratic residue rood p if and only if q(p-1)/2 = 1 mod p. Thus, to test whether q is a quadratic residue mod N we need only compute q(~-i)/2 rood pl and q(~-~)/~ mod p2. We now address the question of the security of the newly proposed Public Key Cryptosys- tern. Let E(x) stand for our new encryption function and let M be the set of all possible messages. The definition of security in a Public Key Cryptosystem is very difficult. It depends on the model assumed of the possible behavior of an adversary• At present, we assume that an adversary may intercept E(m) and try to extract information about m. He can make use only of a computer, the cyphertext and the a priori knowledge of the message space M. No restrictions on M are assumed. Notice that in our scheme, differently from the RSA, an adversary, given E(m), may be lucky in guessing correctly m and yet not able to prove the correctness of his guess• However, the possibility of understanding a message, without being able to prove what it is, is still dangerous for the security of the Public Key Cryptosystem. We show that, given E(rn) for rn ~M, if an adversary can do better than guessing m at random, then deciding quadratic residuosity of any integer mod N, is easy. Recall that AN*=~z eZN* l(x/N)=ll. Definition: Let x CAN °. The signature of x, aN(X ) is defined as 1 if x is a quadratic residue rood N aN(x) *- 0 if x a is quadratic non residue rood N Let SN n be the set of all sequences of n ele- ments from AN*. Definition: Let s = (xl ..... xn)CSN n. The n- signature of s, EN(s), is defined to be the string EN(S ) = aN(Xl) aN(Z2) ''. aN(Zn) Definition: A decision function is a function d:S~-,Io, lL .Let a = (a 1..... ar~,) and b = (b 1..... bn) be n-signatures. Definition: The distance between a and b is defined to be the number of positions in which a and b differ. We say that a and b are adja- cent if the distance between them is 1. For any decision function d and n-signature l, let Pd(l):lO,11 n ~ [0,1] be defined as Pa(l) = Pr ( d(x)=l ] ~N(2~) = l forx eSN n) 1 Theorem 3: Let 0 <e~ ~- and 0<6~ 1 be non-negligiblenumbers. If there exists a decision function d which is easy to compute and two n-signatures, u and v, have been found such that [Pa(u )-Pa(v)[>e, then we can decide quadratic residuosity of any integer mod N with probability 1-~ by means of a polynomial ( in INI, e -1, and d -t) time probabilistic algo- rithm. Proof: Suppose there exists a decision function d and two n-signatures u and v such that IPa(u)-Pd(v)I>~. Let A be the distance between u and v. Let ao,a I..... a a be a sequence of n-signatures such that a 0 = u, a a=v and a.~ is adjacent to a,~+I for 0~i <rn. As ]Pa(u)-Pa(v)] > ~, there must exist i, 0 ~ i ~ A - 1, such that [Pd(a~) - Pa(a~+l) l ~ e/n. For convenience, lets = ~ andt = a~+ 1. Let us choose ~= ~ Also, let k ~ 1 4n" d,~2" Choose k elements, x 1..... xk at random from Q, =Ix c SN n I EN(x ) = s l and k elements, Y 1..... Y~ at random from Qt=lxcSN n I ZN(x) = tl. Then, by the weak law of large numbers, Pr(IP~(s) - and Pr (IP~(t) - Set, d(xO+...+d(z~) I>~) <!4 d(y~)+...+d(yk) I >~)<~ d(zt)+...+d(xk) d(yl)+...+d(y~) k k As s=(s I..... s,') and t=(t I..... in) are adjacent, they differ in exactly one location. Call this location r. Let us assume, without loss of generality, that sv = i and tr = 0. We will now show that we can decide qua- dratic residuosity mod N with probabilit,y gre&ter than i-6. Let q be an element of AN that we want to test for residuosity. Choose k • • • * 2 2random quadratm resldues In AN : xl ..... xe and compute yj = q.x/2 mod N for i ~ j ~ k. By theorem 1, the yj's are all quadratic residues if 371
  • 8. q is a quadratic residue and all quadratic non- residues in A~, otherwise. In theorem 2 we showed that knowing a non-residue in A~ does not help in deciding quadratic residuosity. Therefore we can assume that such a non-residue, h, is known. This allows us to pick quadratic non-residues at random from A~, (by computing hz~). We are now ready to decide whether q is a quadratic residue. (* Construct a random sample of ~¢ elements (y~.~ ..... y,,,~) ..... (y~,~ ..... y~,,~) • Sg" such that for all 1 ~ i ~ ~%, i # r, 1 ~ j ~/c, fiN (Yj,~) = S~, and for all 1 ~ j ~ ~, y~.,r=y~. *) For i = 1..... r-l, r+l .... ~ do begin For j = 1..... ~ do draw z • A~ at random. if st = 1 theny~,~ := x ~modN else if s~ =0 theny3,i := hz amodN end. (* Evaluate the decision function d on each member of the sample *) For j = 1..... /¢ do x~ = d(U~,~ ..... V~,,.-~,Y~, Y~,,.+~ ..... ~y,,~ ) Notice that the entire sample either a subset of Os or a subset of fit. Thus with probability greater than 1-6 one of the fol- lowing two mutually exclusive eyents will occur: . .t(x~+...+x~) a/< - | o r (~)I(XI+'''+Xk) I £# < . 2n If case (1) occurs, we conclude, with probability greater than 1-6, that q is a quadratic residue. Otherwise, we conclude, again with probability greater than 1-6 that q is a quadratic non- residue. The notion of a decision function is immedi- ately generalized to that of a discriminating function. This is a decision function which can take on more than 2 values. For any non empty set fl, let D:SN"-~. Let a eft, then PD.a(I) = Pr(D(x) = a [ ~N(Z) = l for x • SNn). The following theorem is an easy extension of theorem 3 and we will state it without proof. 1 Theorem 4: Let 0< c~ ~-and 0< 6~ 1 be non-negligible numbers. If there exists a discriminating function D:SN r'~A, which is easy to compute and two n-signatures, u and v, have been found such that IPi~.=(u)-PD,=(v)I>e, then we can decide qua- dratic residuosity of any integer nod N with probability 1-6 by means of a polynomial ( in INI, e-l, and 6-1) time probabilistic algorithm. Let us introduce some more notation. Let, M n = [rnl,m2 ..... I be the set of messages whose length is ~%, where r~ is bounded by a polynomial function in IN I. Set k = IM~ I. Let M~ be the set of all possible encodings of mes- sage m ieM ~, using the scheme described at the beginning of this section. Clearly, M~ c SN ~ and for all i and j, IMil = IMjl. Set X =IM~I. 4.1 The Security of Partial Information In the present version of the paper, we assume that all messages in M~ are equally likely. Let P be an easy to evaluate predicate, defined on M". Let p be the probability that P(z) is true for arandom z•M '~. Since Mn is uniformly distributed, and IMn[ = k, P must evaluate to 1 on p~: messages in Mn. Let MB be a magic box that receives as input the cyphertext E(m) •SN '~, where m •M n, and outputs 0 or 1, its guess for the value of P(m). Let 0j be the number of 0's and let ly be the number of l's that MB guesses on encodings of my. Clearly, 0j + lj = X. Let lj ifP(mj) = 1 q= 0j ifP(m~.) 0. C/ represents the number of encodings of mes- sage m t on which MB correctly guesses the value of P(my). Theorem 5: Let 0<6 < 1 be a non negligible 1real number If = S p for some non- 1 negligible real e > 0, then we could decide qua- dratic residuosity of any integer mod N with probability 1-6 by means of a polynomial in INI, e-l, and 6-1 time probabilistic algorithm. Proof: Let us partition Mn into 10/e buckets, 10/ MrS= U B~, such that m e B~ if and only if i=l (i-1) e ~ lm < i ---~---- We show that there I0 X I0" exist two non-adjacent buckets, each contain- ing a non-negligible portion of the messages. More formally, we show there exist g,h where l < h + l < g ~ I0/~ such that IBgI,IBhl > 1 k. Say, that /~ is big if -i 2 ]c and small otherwise. Then we IB~ I > (is~ow)that there are two non adjacentwant to big buckets. Assume, for contradiction, that this is not the case. Then one of the following cases must apply: i) There are no big buckets. 2) There is only one big bucket: B~ 372
  • 9. 3) There are exactlytwo adjacent big buckets: B~ and B¢_~ Note that case 1 can never be true; otherwise 10e-* = E IB{I ~ < k In case 2, E Cj is i=1 lOI :-I " rn: e Bi maximum for i = 10' and if all messages m~ for which P(mj) = 1 belong to B ~._2i.e when MB 10 guesses 1 for all the encodings of all the mes- sages for which the predicate is true. Thus, p+~_!__ ~ Ci k X m~~M" = i ( ~ C3+ E Cj)~p+ ~ <p+C k X & m~c B~,~ #~ i 0 In case 3, E Cj.+ E Cj is maximum when rnjEB~ m~ e B~_, i = -~-and all the messages for which P is true belong to BA.._and all the messages for which P 10 is false belong to BA 10 -1 Thus, p+e~ i ~ Ci = k X rale M" 1 {(m~ C'+ ~ C1) + ~ C1 } IcX B~ mi e B~-1 rnt e B, , k ~, ~+ l i {[p]cx+(l_p)~lO-llcx]+kxclO_I} kX+3~lO-'kX ) <p+~- In all three cases we reach a contradiction. Thus there exist two non adjacent ~uckets Bg and Bh each containing at least ~ k10 mes- sages. By sampling, we can find, in a small expected time, two messages u and v in Bg and Bh , respectively. We view MB as a decision function D:SN n -~[0,1]. Then, PD(u)--PD(v) > -~-and theorem 3 applies. Next, we will see that an adversary cannot decode more than a negligible fraction of the encodings of all messages. 4.2 An Adversary Cannot Decode. Let MH be a magic box that receives as input E(m) for m eM n, and outputs mr. MB's output can be interpreted as MH's guess of what m is. Let rj,~ denote the number of encodings of mes- sage mj, on which MH answers mi. Clearly, r~,~ will denote the number of times, over all possi- ble encodings of m~, that MB answers correctly. Theorem 6: Let 0<5< 1 be a non negligible k r~,~ 1 real number. If ~ k- x > e + ~--for some i=l 1non-negligible e < 1-~-, then we can decide quadratic residuosity rood N with probability 1-5 by means of a polynomial in INI, e-1 and 6-2 time probabilistic algorithm. Proof: Say that a message m~ is well decoded if 1 riA>(~-v)X. Let, W be the set of well-decoded messages and W' = Mn - W. Claim 1." There exist at least ~--well-decoded / messages. Proof: k i=l ~,eW ~EW' 1 1 1 -<xl Wl+(k-l WllE~x=X [(z-Ecll Wl+k~-~) ] Hence, ]W] > ~/3 e (claim 1) [~ (i - ~/2) > E Clearly, if we pick messages at random from Mn, we expect to find a well-decoded mes- sage in 2v-1 trials. Let QcW such that 1[QI>2e-landletp > Ee-l(2v-l+ 1) ' Claim 2." There exists two well-decoded mes- Ir~,~ r,,~ Isages mi, m I eQ such that I-~---- ~ "l > p proof: Fix m IeD. How many messages m i e I rJ'i < o m- can be such that Ir'~'iX 'X - p ' lnere are at most 1 <2e-1+1 such messages. Thus (~-~:-p) there exists an m~ e Q that satisfies the claim. (claim 2) Let us transform MB into a discriminating function D:SNn~Mnu~71. If x eSNn and MB, on input x, outputsmj, then set D(x)=mj. Ify is not the encoding of any message, then one of 3 cases must occur: 1) MB outputs m r for !_<i~ t. Set D(y)=m~. 2) MB outputs m~ for i < 1 or i > t. Set D(y)=7. 3) MH does not answer within a certain time limit. Set D(Y)=T. Now, note that in claims 1 and 2 just proved above, we showed that we can quickly find two well-decoded messages m( and mj such that IPD,m,(m()-PD,m~(mj)] > p. Thus the hypothesis of theorem 4 holds and deciding quadratic residuosity mod N is polynomial in INI, e -1 and 6-1. [] 373
  • 10. Theorem 6 shows that inverting the func- tion E on the encrypted messages is as hard as deciding quadratic residuosity, independently of the sparsity of M". 5. MENTALPOKER Mental Poker is played like regular poker except that there are no cards and no deck The game is played over the telephone lines, oI over a computer network. Since we cannot send physical cards over the phone lines, deal- ing and playing must be simulated by exchang- ing messages between the players. The players do not trust each other more than ordinary players do. A fair game on the telephone should ensure that: 1) Neither player can have any partial infor- mation about the cards in his opponent's hand or in the deck, 2) There is no overlap in the cards dealt to players, 3) All possible hands are equally probable for both players. 4) At the end of the game each player can ver- ify that the game was played according to the rules and no cheating occurred. Note that in a fair game of Mental Poker it is not enough to show that it is computationally difficult to get the exact value of a card. We must also show that no partial information about the card can fall into the hands of an adversary. We present a protocol for two people to play a fair game of Mental Poker, using eneryption. We prove that there is no way a player can get any information about cards not in his hand under the assumption that deciding quadratic residuosity is hard. There are two main tools used in our imple- mentation of Mental Poker. One is a method for coin-flipping over the telephone[5] and the other is the method for sending a single bit securely in a Public Key Cryptosystem presented here. A different solution to the problem of Men- tal Poker has been obtained independently by Manuel Blum in [6]. His solution is based on the assumption that factoring is hard and that completely secure one way fui,ctions exist. 5.1 Background For Coin Flipping To flip cL coin in the welt - A and B stand far apart from each other. B is standing next to a deep well. A throws a coin into the well from a distance. Now, B knows the outcome of the flip (by looking into the well) but can not change it, and A has no way of knowing the outcome. Later on when B would like to prove to A that he won (or lost), he lets A come closer and look into the well. Essentially, if we can simulate a flip in the well by exchanging messages over the telephone, A can send a random bit to B, where A does not know what he sent, but B can, if necessary, prove to A what the bit was. This is especially applicable to cryptographical games. The notion of coin flipping in the well has been introduced by Blum and Micali in [5], in which, based on the assumption that index finding is hard, they show how to flip a coin in the well over the telephone lines. Another method based on the assumption that factori- zation is hard has been found by Blum in [4]. We sketch a third method, based on the difficulty of distinguishing quadratic residues from non-residues with respect to composite moduli. A and B want to flip a coin. A generates two large odd primes at random, P and Q and sets N=p*Q. A publicizes N and y EAN* such that y is a quadratic non-residue mod N. A picks a number q at random from AN* and asks B, who does not know the fae- torization of N, whether q is a quadratic residue rood N or not. B tells A what his guess his. A now knows whether B won (lost), and can later prove to B that he indeed won(lost) by releasing the factoriza- lion of N. To avoid adding new assumptions to the ones that we already have, we propose to use one of these latter two coin flipping methods in our protocol for Mental Poker. The next section will list some known results that will be used in the proof of the pro- tocol. 5.2 Useful Results Let p 1, P2 be odd primes and N = p 1P2. ].,emma 3: If the factorization of N is known, we can find qeZ N" such that (q/N) =i and qis a quadratic non-residue, in random polynomial time. Proof: Pick aeZpl such that (a/Pl)=-l. This can be done in 2 expected trials. Similarly, pick beZ;, such that (b/p2)=-l. Using the Chinese Remainder theorem compute the unique q eZ N" such that q ~ a ( mod pl) and q-= b (modp2). Now, q is a quadratic non- residue and (q/ N ) = (q/PlPe ) = (q/Pl )" (q/P2) = (alp1)" (b/P2)=1. ]_,emma 4: Let N =p 1P 2 such that -=P2 -: 3rood 4. For all z, y e ZN °, if Px~ y~ rood N and x ~ ±y rood N then (z/N) = - (y/g). 374
  • 11. Proof: Let 1 (mod Pl) c ~ 0 (rood Pc) 1 (rnocl Pc) d ~- O(modpl) We can find c and d through the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Let a 2 ~x 2 ( mod pl ) and b z =- x 2 ( mod P2). Then the four square roots ( mod N ) are given by ac +db, -ac +db, -(ac +db ) and (ac-db ). Let x = ac+db, and y =-ac+bd. Since N~-i mod 4 implies (x/ N)=(-x/ N), we need only prove that (+x/N)=-(+y/N). Thus, (x/N) = (ac +bd/ N) = (ac +bd/ pl)(ac +bd/ p2 ) =(ac/pl)(bg/p2 ). And (y/ N) = (-ac +bd/ N)=(-ac +bd/ pl)(-ac +bd/p2)= (-ac/pl)(bd/p2)=(-1/pl)(x/N). Sincepl = 3 (mod 4), (-i/pl)=-l. By a theorem of de la Vallee Poussin[15], approximately half of all primes of a given length are congruent to 3 rood 4. Thus, compo- site numbers of the form N=pl,p 2 where .pl~pe~3 rood 4 constitute approximately 1/4 of all composite numbers which are a product of two odd primes of a given length, Thus fac- toring and deciding quadratic residuosity modulos such special N's remains a hard prob- lem. Another method, which does not use spe- cial composite numbers, but increases the number of messages exchanged in the protocol, will appear in the final paper. 5.3 THE PROTOCOL To represent 52 cards in binary we must use at least 6 bits per card. Thus at first A and B agree on 52 different bit patterns which correspond to the 52 cards. From now on, when we say that A flips k to B, we mean that B receives a number k at ran- dom from A, and A has no information whatso- ever about k. k is actually sent bit by bit through a sequence of coin flips into a well. 5.3.1 The Algorithm STEP 1: B chooses at random 52 pairs of large prime numbers: (Pl, ql), (P2, q2), (Pa, qa) ..... (P52, q52) such that p~q~-=3 mod 4 for 1 ~ i ~ 52, and produces 52 large composite numbers whose factorization she knows, i.e Nl := pl "ql, N2 := p2" q 2..... Ns2 := p~2 " q52. Next, she shuffles the deck of cards in her hands and assigns N 1..... Nsa to the shuffled deck, an N, per the i th card. She publicizes the ordered 52 tuple < N1, N 2..... N52 >. STEP 2: A does the same. Let us denote the primes chosen by him as (s 1, tl), (s 2, re), (s 3, t3) ..... (s52, t52) such that s,~-ti-=3 mod 4 for 1-< i _< 52, and his 52 composite numbers by M 1 := s 1 ' t 1, M~ := s a " t 2..... M52 := s52 • tfa. He shuffles the deck of cards and assigns M 1..... M52 to the shuffled deck, an M, per the i th card. He publicizes the ordered 52 tuple < M1, Me..... M52 >. STEP 3: B publicizes his entire deck. The deck is encrypted in the following way. For every card Ct (with public key Nt), B publicizes an ordered list of 6 numbers in ANt', (ql ..... q6) such that for 1 ~ j -< 6, qy is a quadratic resi- due if and only if the j th bit of Ctisa 1. For example, let the first card in B's deck be 010010. Then B publicizes (ql, qa, qa, q4, qS, q6) where ql, qa, q4 and q6 are quadratic non- residues mod N~, and q2, q5 are quadratic resi- dues rood N~ with Jacobi symbol 1. The q¢'s are chosen at random among the elements of ANt" with the desired properties. This can be done in random polynomial time, by Lemma 3. NOTE that, by Lemma 2, if A can factor N¢, he can also determine whether the numbers that B posed as corresponding to the bits in the encoding of CQ are quadratic residues or not and therefore determine what the card is. ]f A can not factor N¢, he can not tell whether the numbers corresponding to bits in the cards encoding are quadratic residues or not, and therefore can not tell what the remaining cards are, STEP 4: A publicizes his deck in the exact same way that B did. STEP 5 [B deals a Card to A]: Suppose A decided to pick the K- th card from B's deck. Repeat the following procedure for each card in B's encrypted deck. We describe it for the i-th card, to which N~ corresponds. B flips z e Z~, to A. A computes x 2 mad N~ and (x/N~). At this point A must follow one of two procedures: P1 if i=K and P2 otherwise. PI: A sends x 2 rood N,i, and -(x/N~) to B. P2: A sends x e mod Ny. and (x/N~) to B. 19 computes the square roots of x 2 mod N~. Let the square roots be x, n-z, y and n-y. Next, B sends the root whose Jaeobi symbol she received from A :y ifshe received -(x/Ni) from A, and x otherwise. By ]emma 4, (x/N¢) uniquely identifies x, and -(x/N~) uniquely identifies y. Thus if A followed P1 then he will receive 4 square roots of x 2 rood N~, and by lemma 1 can factor. If A followed P2, he will get no new information as to the value of CC/. B 375
  • 12. from her side has no information as to which card A selected. Later, B can verify what he flipped to A, and hence verify that B has only found out the factorization of a single card. STEP 6: At this point A knows the factorization of N K. To reconstruct the actual card CK, A applies the polynomial time test of Lamina 2 to the encrypted representation of CK, (ql ..... q6). Next, A must delete CK from his encrypted deck. B can see which encrypted element in A's deck is being erased, but this does not enable her to decrypt it. STEP 7[A deals a card to B]: Clearly, the same procedure as in Step 5 and 6 is done with the roles of A and B reversed. Now B will discover the factorization of one of M 1.... M52. STEP 8: If any more cards need to be dealt throughout the game, a similar protocol takes place. Whenever A needs a card, he will pick a card from B's deck, by following the procedure in step 5 and 6. And similarly whenever B needs a card, she will pick it from A's deck. STEP 9 [after game verification]: After the game is over, A can prove to B that everything he claims she flipped him, was indeed flipped by her and in what order. B can do the same. A releases the factorization of each of the M, for all 1-< i-< 52, and B releases the factorization of each of the N¢ for all 1~_i~52. They can both prove to each other whatever claim they made in the game such as "N is a product of two primes", "all cards where present at the deck at all times", "these are the quadratic residues you flipped to me", or "I won". 5.3.2 Proof Of Correctness: Claim 1: all hands are equally probable. Proof: In step 9, A and B verify that both encrypted decks contained all 52 cards. In step 5, A himself chooses which encrypted value from B's deck he wants, thus he is equally likely to get any card in the deck. Similar rea- soning holds for B. Claim 2: no overlapping or repeating hands. Proof: When A is dealt a card, he erases that card from his encrypted deck. Thus B can never be dealt the same card. A knows which cards he picked from B's deck, and thus will never pick the same card twice. Claim 3: ]f player A knows the factorization of N~ he can reconstruct Ci in 0(IN ]a) time. Proof: We are given Nt = .Pl P2, and (ql ..... q6) such that for all j, qi eZN and (qj/N~,) =1. To reconstruct. Ct, we must test whether qi is a quadratic residue rood Nt for all j. That can be done in O( IN I3) steps by Lamina 2. It still remains to be shown that neither player can have, at any stage of the game, any partial information, about a single encrypted card not in his hand, or any subset of encrypted cards not in his hand. A complete proof will be found in the final paper. Here we restrict ourselves to proving that when two players A and B publicize their respective encrypted decks, neither A nor B can answer quickly with I% advantage a i bit question about a single card in the opponents deck. Examples of such i bit questions are: is the i-th card in the deck black?, Are the first and third bit of the i-th card equal? Is the rood 2 sum of the bits in the i-th card 0 or I? Theorem 7: If A, when B publicizes her encrypted deck, can answer, in polynomial time, a l-bit question Q about a single card in B's deck with i% advantage, then he can decide quadratic residuosity modulo a random compo- site N with probability i, by means of a polynomial(IN0 time probabilistic algorithm. Proof: Suppose A can answer a l-bit question Q about card i, to which composite N¢ corresponds. A's ability to answer Q with a i% advantage can be viewed as a decision function d:S6-,0,1 (S 6 = all 6-1ong sequences of ele- ments from AN, ). Since A answers Q correctly 51 times out of a I00, we can efficiently find two 6-signatures u and v such that IPd(u) --Pd(v)l -->1/100. Thus we can apply theorem 8 and decide quadratic residuosity modulo N~ in polynomial time. Contradiction! 5.3.3 Implementation Details In order to perform the protocol we must be able to do the following: 1. Generate large prime numbers, This can be done using Gary Miller's test for primality[ 11] . 2. Find square roots of x 2 triad N when the fac- torization of N is known. Use Adleman, Manders and Millers polynomial time algorithm[2] for finding square roots. 6. Remarks and Further Improvements In this paper we showed that it is possible to encrypt messages in such a way, that an adversary, given the cypherLext, cannot extract information about the cleartext. This is sufficient for protocols such as Mental Poker or for encrypting one's private files.An adversary can read these files but cannot understand- them. We also showed that Probabilistie Encryp- tion can be used in a Public Key Environment. However, in a Public Key Cryptosystem, getting hold of the cyphertext and trying to under- stand it is the most obvious attack to the secu- 376
  • 13. rity of the scheme. * An adversary could, as a user, try to break the scheme by communicating. He could try to break the scheme by inter- cepting some other user's messages and changing them. * Finally, he may try to break the scheme by making use of the decoding equipment ! The Public Key Cryptosystem presented in this paper is not secure against these possible attacks. However, by forcing the users to fol- low a particular protocol for exchanging mes- sages, we have built a Public Key Cryptosystem which is provably secure against the above mentioned attacks. These results will appear in a future paper. Acknowledgements Our most sincere thanks go to Richard Karp, who supervised this research, for his contributions, encouragement and great patience, and to Manuel Blum for a wonder- ful course in Number Theory, many insight- ful discussions and for having found a way to reduce the numbers of messages exchanged in the protocol. We are particularly indebted to Faith Fich, Mike Luby, Jeff Shallit and Po Tong. Without their generous help this paper would have never been written. Andrew Yao pointed out to us some gen- eral difficulties arising with commutative encryption functions. The claim in section 3.4 was obtained with Vijay Vazirani. We thank them both. We are grateful tb Ron Rivest and Mike Sipser for a very inspiring discussion. It improved this paper a great deal. References [1] Adleman, L., Private Communication, 1981. [2] Adleman, L., Manders K. and Miller G., On Tc~cing Roots In Finite Fields, Proceedings of the 18th Annual ]EEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 1977, 175-177. [3] [4] [5] [8] [7] Adleman, L., On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), Syracuse, N.Y., 1980, 387-408. Blum, M., Three Applications of The Oblivi- ous Transfer, to appear, 1981. Blum, M., and Micali, S., How to Flip A Coin Through the Telephone, to appear, 1982. Blum, M., Mental Poker, to appear, 1982. Brassard, G., Relativized Cryptography, Proceedings of the 20st IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) , San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1979, 383- 391. [8] Diffie, W., and M. E. Hellman, New Direction in Cryptography, IEEE Trans. on Inform. Th. IT-22, 6 (1976), 644-654. [9] Coldwasser S., and Micali S., A Bit by Bit Secure Public Key Cryptosystem, Memoran- dum NO. UCB/ERL M81/88, University of California, Berkeley, December 1981. [10] Lipton, R., How to Cheat at Mental Poker, Proceeding of the AMS short course on Cryptology, January 1981. [11] Miller, G., Riemann's Hypothesis and Tests for Pr~mality, Ph.D. Thesis, U.C. Berkeley, 1975. [12] Rabin, M., Digitalized Signatures and Public-Key Functions As Intractable As Fac- torization, MIT/LCS/TR-212, Technical Memo MIT, 1979. [13] Rivest, R., Shamir, A., Adleman, L., A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems, Communica- tions of the ACM, February 1978. [14] Shamir, Rivest, and Adleman, Mental Poker, MIT Technical Report, 1978. [15] Shanks, D., Solved and Unsolved Problems "~n Number Theory, Chelsea Publishing Co. (1978). Added in proof: [16] Chau.m, D. L., Untraceable EZec~o~,ic Mail, Returvt Addresses, and Digital Pseudonymus, Communications of the ACM, 24,2 (1981) 84-88. 377