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Enhancing CMS based e-commerce solution with cross
platform mobile app
ABSTRACT............................................ 3
Introduction........................................ 3-4
1) Methodology......................................5
1.1) History.....................................5
1.2) Spiral Model...............................6-9
1.3)Advantages of using Spiral Model............10
1.4)Disadvantages of using Spiral model.........10-11
1.5)Spiral Model Application....................11
2) Introduction to E-commerce.......................11
2.1) Architecture of E-commerce.................11
2.2) Business Grouth............................12-17
2.3)Advantages of E commerce....................18-19
2.4)Limitations of E-commerce...................20-21
3) Content Management System........................22
3.1)CMS Architecture............................23
3.2)How CMS work................................24
3.3) Market share of CMS........................25
3.3.1)Content management systems market position report
3.4)Why WordPress................................28
3.4.1) Philosophy..........................29
3.4.2) Features.............................30-35
3.4.3) Combating spam......................35-36
3.4.4) Security.............................36
3.4.5) System architecture..................37
3.4.6) Patterns.............................38
3.4.7) The WordPress JSON Rest API..........39 What is API.................39 What is a rest API..........39 What Is the WordPress JSON REST API (WP API) & How Does It
4) Cross platform concept ..........................41-44
4.1) Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks Comparison on Different
4.1.1) Platform Support ...............43
4.2) Benefits of Developing for Multiple Platforms
5) Mobile applications..............................44
5.1)Present market share.......................45
5.1.1) Mobile App Usage
5.2) Why Cross platform........................46
6) CMS based e-commerce solution “Muktopata”........47
6.1) Website version..........................48
6.2) Mobile App version.......................48
7) Goal and Futur..................................49
Reference ..........................................51-53
Electronic commerce, also known as ecommerce is a type of industry where buying and selling of a
product is conducted over electronic systems such as the internet.
The purpose of this application is to bring knowledge to students about ecommerce and how an
interactive ecommerce application can be designed from scratch using client-side languages, such as
Ionic frame work and CMS, combined with the server-side PHP language. The server side, mostly
Java, contains all the implementation related to setting up the database, creating session models for
joining different user-interface (UI) pages, calculating the shipping costs and SMS API, etc. It is
responsible for taking information from the database and making it available to the UI by mapping
the category or item ID to the respective IDs stored in the database. The client side is responsible for
showing the entire user interface, containing the CSS, HTML, Angular JS and JavaScript.
Interest in developing and deploying e-commerce systems has grown greatly over the past few years,
leading to a major shortage of qualified developers able to deliver such applications. This paper describes
the development of a graduate course in e-commerce education that has been implemented as part of an
Honors degree program and offering for a traditional Information Systems program .This paper provides a
background and context for this course, an overview and discussion of the course content, delivery
methods and practical focus, and discusses experience in running and evolving the project over the past
five months. We hope that our experiences and approaches will be useful for others who are planning
similar projects focusing on e-commerce systems.
Many organizations are developing Information Systems to support e-commerce applications, typically
using the World Wide Web to provide customer access to product and service purchase, and internet
capabilities to support inter-organizational Information exchange (Bambury, 1998; Bolin, 1998). There is
thus a crucial need for Information Systems developers with skills in developing such applications. Such
developers need a good understanding of both intra- and inter-organizational use of e-commerce systems,
appropriate analysis and design techniques, and implementation, quality assurance and deployment
Technologies and methods. This need for Information systems developers with a range of e-commerce
system development skills has led us to design and run a graduate Information Systems course focusing
on e-commerce systems development, as part of an Information Systems degree program .The project is
aimed at equipping students, who have studied conventional analysis, design and implementation courses,
with a range of skills and experience suitable for e-commerce systems development. The course takes a
holistic approach to e-commerce systems engineering education: it covers current development processes,
especially those suitable for highly distributed and evolutionary software development; e-commerce
system IT policy, characteristics and deployment issues; requirements engineering; e-commerce system
architectures and design techniques; user interface, database and middleware implementation
technologies; and distributed IS quality assurance, including performance evaluation, usability
engineering and organizational effectiveness measurement. The project uses a range of teaching
strategies, including lectures, readings and web resources, student presentations, tutorial-based group
activities and simulations, focused practical exercises, group development projects and individual
research projects. This mix is intended to give students a balance of theory, practical development
techniques, and practical system development experience focused on e-commerce systems engineering[5].
M-commerce has been defined as ―a special branch of e-commerce, in which mobile devices and their
network connection medium are used to buy, sell, and promote products, services, and information‖ [1].
According to Koukia, Rigou and Sirmakessis (2006), wireless technologies have improved traditional e-
commerce by ―providing the additional aspects of mobility (of participation) and portability (of
technology).‖ On this theme, mobile and e-commerce application developments are an important factor
for the expansion of m-commerce among consumers. The technical characteristics of devices and
corresponding applications, as well as Internet access facilities, are determining the level of acceptance of
m commerce and its development. Aspects like processing power, display and device size, mobile internet
coverage, standardization and quality of devices, are only some of the important factors that decide the
level of use of m-commerce, and consequently, the level of its development [2]. The purpose of designing
interfaces for mobile applications should be to increase consumers‘ interest in using and dedication to m-
commerce. Among the inhibiting factors is that m-commerce applications were developed based on
ecommerce applications. The most important thing when designing such applications is to design the
application in such a way that it does not distract the user from the main purpose of the application].
However, aspects concerning security and accessibility should not be neglected. Even though storing
sensitive data such as medical, financial, or personal information on mobile devices can help people, the
risks of losing such information or of unauthorized access are higher and should be considered when an
m-commerce transaction begins [3]. This paper will review the latest trends in mobile and ecommerce
applications and will develop an application architecture that describes the internal architecture of both
web and mobile components. Moreover, the focus will be on developing a more sophisticated
demonstration mobile application regime that will employ web-services to communicate with web
This paper will also investigate the requirements of ecommerce applications and why normal websites are
not suitable for mobile devices. More specifically this paper will analyze the characteristics required for
websites so that they function properly on mobile devices. These characteristics are screen size, input
device, task-based interfaces for mobile devices, m-loyalty, design aesthetics and website design. Finally,
the paper will attempt to provide solutions for mobile application development and make
recommendations for future directions.
The following section provides a discussion of e-commerce system development issues that we believe
are important in which to give students a good understanding. We then discuss the context in which our
project is run, give an overview of the course structure, content and teaching philosophy and approaches.
The following sections respectively discuss the mix of theory, practical development technique and
practical project-based experience the project provides students, the means by which this is achieved, and
the assessment strategies we use. We conclude with a discussion of the effectiveness of the project and
lessons learned from its delivery and evolution.
1) Methodology:
The spiral model of the software process has been evolving for
Several years, based on experience with various refinements.
1.1) History:
The spiral model was defined by Barry Boehm in his 1988 article A Spiral Model of Software and
Enhancement. This model was not the first model to discuss iterative development, but it was the first
model to explain why the iteration matters. As originally envisioned, the iterations were typically 6
months to 2 years long. Each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the client who may be internal
reviewing the progress thus far. Analysis and engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the project,
with an eye toward the end goal of the project.
1.2) Spiral Model:
Spiral model is a combination of sequential and prototype model. This model is best used for large
projects which involves continuous enhancements. There are specific activities which are done in one
iteration (spiral) where the output is a small prototype of the large software. The same activities are then
repeated for all the spirals till the entire software is build[16].
To explain in simpler terms, the steps involved in spiral model are:
Figure-1:Steps of Spiral Model
A spiral model has 4 phases described below:
1. Planning phase
2. Risk analysis phase
3. Engineering phase
4. Evaluation phase[17][18].
Figure-2:Phases of Spiral Model
Activities which are performed in the spiral model phases are shown below:[17]
Activities performed Deliverables / Output
Planning -Requirements are studied and
- Feasibility study
- Reviews and walkthroughs to
streamline the requirements
understanding document
Finalized list of
Requirements are studied and
brain storming sessions are done
to identify the potential risks
Once the risks are identified ,
risk mitigation strategy is
planned and finalized
Document which
highlights all the risks
and its mitigation plans.
Engineering Actual development and testing
if the software takes place in
this phase
Test cases and test results
Test summary report and
defect report.
Evaluation Customers evaluate the software
and provide their feedback and
Features implemented
Figure-3:Phases of Spiral Model 2
Different colors represent different spiral or iteration. For first iteration, represented in brown color, all
the 4 activities (Planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation) are performed. After the evaluation
phase is over for the first iteration (spiral), second iteration (spiral) starts the second iteration, which is
represented in orange color, here again all the 4 activities (Planning, risk analysis, engineering and
evaluation) are performed. In a similar way, third iteration is done shown in blue color and so on the
process continues[17].
When to Use Spiral model?
Spiral model is used in the following scenarios:
 When the project is large.
 Where the software needs continuous risk evaluation.
 Requirements are a bit complicated and require continuous clarification.
 Software requires significant changes.
 Where enough time frame is there to get end user feedback.
 Where releases are required to be frequent.
1.3)Advantages of using Spiral Model:
1. Spiral Life Cycle Model is one of the most flexible SDLC models in place. Development phases can be
determined by the project manager, according to the complexity of the project.
2. Project monitoring is very easy and effective. Each phase, as well as each loop, requires a review from
concerned people. This makes the model more transparent.
3. Risk management is one of the in-built features of the model, which makes it extra attractive
compared to other models.
4. Development is fast.
5 .Larger projects / software are created and handled in a strategic way
6. Risk evaluation is proper.
7. Control towards all the phases of development.
8. More and more features are added in a systematic way.
9. Software is produced early. Has room for customer feedback and the changes are implemented
1.4)Disadvantages of using Spiral model:
Disadvantages of Spiral model are as follows:
1. Risk analysis is important phase so requires expert people.
2. Skills required, to evaluate and review project from time to time, need expertise.
3. Rules and protocols should be followed properly to effectively implement this model. Doing so,
through-out the span of project is tough.
4. Due to various customizations allowed from the client, using the same prototype in other projects, in
future, is difficult.
5. It is not suitable for low risk projects.
6. is not beneficial for smaller projects.
7. Spiral may go infinitely.
8. Documentation is more as it has intermediate phases.
9. It is costly for smaller projects[5][6].
1.5)Spiral Model Application:
Spiral Model is very widely used in the software industry as it is in synch with the natural development
process of any product i.e. learning with maturity and also involves minimum risk for the customer as
well as the development firms. Following are the typical uses of Spiral model:
 When costs there is a budget constraint and risk evaluation is important.
 For medium to high-risk projects.
 Long-term project commitment because of potential changes to economic priorities as the
requirements change with time.
 Customer is not sure of their requirements which is usually the case.
 Requirements are complex and need evaluation to get clarity.
 New product line which should be released in phases to get enough customer feedback.
 Significant changes are expected in the product during the development cycle.
Each spiral can be termed as a loop and each loop is a separate development process in a spiral model.
The four activities (Planning, Risk analysis, engineering and evaluation) form the intermediary phases of
a spiral model and is repeated again for each loop.
This model is very good to use for larger projects where you can develop and deliver smaller prototypes
and can enhance it to make the larger software. The implementation of this model requires experienced
resources as risk analysis is a very integral part of this model and risk analysis requires expertise and as a
result this model becomes costly.
2)Introduction to E-commerce:
The internet has changed many aspects of society, from business to recreation, from culture to
communication and technology, as well as shopping and travelling. This new form of communication has
provided new ways of doing business with the help of technological development. E-commerce is the new
way of shopping and doing business. Technology has allowed companies to promote and sell their
products on new markets, overcoming geographical borders as never before. Consumers have access to a
wider market of products when they use wireless and internet technologies. Mobile devices with wide
access to the Internet have allowed companies to reach consumers in more diverse ways, thus ensuring
deep market penetration. This study investigates the opportunities generated through mobile telephone
access to the Internet.Faster wireless networking standards allow wireless devices to use more ecommerce
applications, and consequently, permit wider access to mobile commerce (m-commerce)[2] .
2.1) Architecture of E-commerce:
Figure-4: A high-level architecture for electronic commerce
we see a high-level overview that supports e-commerce on the Internet. The basic idea is that your
potential customers go to your world-wide web (WWW) page, find a product or service that they wish to
purchase from you, and then purchase it while they are at the web page. There are three components to
this architecture: the Internet, a firewall, and your organization. The Internet is where you will interact
electronically with your customers, your firewall will provide you with reasonable protection against
people who wish you harm, and your organization‘s systems will process the business transactions
generated on the WWW by your customers[19].
2.2)Business Grouth:
It‘s no secret that online business is booming. Ten years from now it‘s likely that we‘ll all be
fortunate (on unfortunate) enough to order all our groceries from the comfort of home.
The worldwide expansion of the internet has considerably contributed to the transformation of
trade and store transactions. E-commerce, or electronic commerce, largely means buying and/or
selling products through the internet and is commonly associated with online shopping. E-
commerce also makes use of regular technological maintenance to ensure the smooth functioning
of online store sites, monetary transactions, as well as everything to do with providing and
delivering products. E-commerce statistics confirm the explosive pace at which this industry has
developed as worldwide B2C e-commerce sales amounted to more than 1.2 trillion US dollars in
There are several different types of e-commerce, the most prevalent being B2B (business-to-
business), B2C (business-to-consumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer) e-commerce.
Furthermore, mobile commerce in the shape of buying and selling goods and content via mobile
devices such as smartphones is also on the rise.
Current e-commerce statistics state that 40 percent of worldwide internet users have bought
products or goods online via desktop, mobile, tablet or other online devices. This amounts
to more than 1 billion online buyers and is projected to continuously grow.
According to popular e-commerce market data, US-founded Amazon is one of the leading e-
commerce platforms worldwide. Asian competitors such as Rakuten or Alibaba are also
constantly expanding their share within the B2C e-commerce market. Online auction website
eBay is the most popular example for C2C e-commerce whilst also providing a platform for
merchants to sell their goods[20].
Figure-5:2015 Global Retail E-commerce Index
Even while Alibaba has its eyes set on global markets to expand its business, a large part of its
growth over the next five years will be driven by increased demand in the Chinese e-commerce
market. The country‘s e-retail market is estimated to grow to over $1 trillion by 2018; by then, it
could become even bigger than the combined e-commerce markets of the U.S., Britain, Japan,
Germany, and France. The share of online sales in the Chinese retail market is set to increase
from 10% in Q2 2014 to over-15% by 2017. In this article, we list out the key growth drivers for
this explosive growth in this market.
The rapid increase in China‘s Internet penetration rate, driven by the rising adoption of
smartphones, is one of the main growth drivers in the Chinese e-commerce market. There were
more than 360 million online shoppers in China in 2014; this figure, which is even larger than
the entire population of the U.S., could grow to over 750 million by 2020, in our view. Further,
the trend towards cashless transactions, which is facilitated by more than 4 billion bank cards in
China and by the exchange of millions of virtual red envelopes, has further pushed demand in the
Chinese market. (Red Envelopes are an app offered by Tencent for transferring money.) The
rural areas represent a source for significant long-term growth, on account of the unique online
shopping habits of rural users coupled with tremendous scope for expansion in penetration rates
in these areas. The reduction in delivery time and expansion in product categories are other
factors that will propel demand in the Chinese e-commerce market[21].
Figure-6:E-commerece Market Growth
Across the world, the past year brought a continuation of the impressive growth of retail e-
commerce around the world. Sales increased more than 20 percent worldwide in 2014 to almost
$840 billion, as online retailers continued expanding. The 2015 Global Retail E-Commerce
Index highlights the big and the small: the countries that are always going to be e-commerce
This division plays out in the results of this year's Index: The world's largest markets for e-
commerce dominate the top half of the top 30, led by the United States, China, and the United
Kingdom (see figure 1). In the bottom half are some smaller markets, such as Mexico, whose
potential for growth is impossible to ignore.
Year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2015
This statistic shows the year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006
to 2015. In 2014, Amazon achieved over 20 percent year-over-year net sales revenue growth
whereas eBay's year-over-year revenue decreased by 2 percent in its first annual filing post-
PayPal split[22][23].
Figure-7: Year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2015
The total revenue, income, assets etc. are given below:
Services Online shopping, web hosting, content
Revenue US$ 107 billion (2015)[7]
US$ 2.2 billion (2015)[7]
Net income US$ 596 million (2015)[7]
Total assets US$ 65.444 billion (2015)[7]
Total equity US$ 13.384 billion (2015)[7]
Employees 230,800 (December 2015)[8]
Services Online shopping
Revenue US$8.59 billion (2015)[1]
Operating income US$2.19 billion (2015)[1]
Net income US$1.72 billion (2015)[1]
Total assets US$17.78 billion (2015)[1]
Total equity US$6.57 billion (2015)[1]
Employees 34,600 (2015)[2]
Products E-commerce, Online auction
hosting, Online money transfers, mobile
Services Online shopping
Revenue CN¥76.204 billion (2015)[1]
CN¥22.716 billion (2015)[1]
Net income CN¥24.261 billion (2015)[1]
Total assets CN¥255.434 billion (2015)[1]
Total equity CN¥146.097 billion (2015)[1]
Employees 34,985 (March 2015)[2]
2.3)Advantages of E commerce:
In this section we have described all the advantages of electronic commerce for businesses can
be summarized:
E-Commerce Advantages for Customers
 Convenience
Every product is at the tip of your fingers on the internet, literally. Type in the product you are
looking for into your favorite search engine and every option will appear in a well-organized list
in a matter of seconds.
 Time saving.
With e-commerce there is no driving in circles while looking and digging in hopes of finding
what you need. Stores online offer their full line as well as use warehouses instead of store
fronts—products are easy to locate and can be delivered to your door in just days.
 Options, options, options!
Without driving from store to store the consumer can easily compare and contrast products. See
who offers the best pricing and have more options to choose from. While a physical store has
limited space, the same store on the internet will have full stock.
 Easy to compare
Side by side comparisons are readily available and easy to do. When products are placed online,
they come with all the specifics, and they want you to compare them with others, know they
have the best options and come back for more!
 Easy to find reviews
Because the competition is high, companies online want you to look at other consumer reviews.
Good and bad reviews are on every site, not only can you see if the product is liked, you can also
see the reasons behind the thumbs up or down.
Electronic commerce can also make products and services available in remote areas.
 Coupons and deals
With every online business wanting you, more and more coupons and deals can‘t be avoided,
which are totally great for customers. With major sites that act as department store, you may find
items up to 80% off! Take advantage of the competition and find the best price available.
E-Commerce Advantages for Businesses
 Increasing customer base
The customer base is every business‘s main concern, online or off. When online, a business
doesn‘t have to worry about getting the best property in town, people from around the world
have access to their products and can come back at any time.
 Rise in sales
By not managing a storefront, any business will have more sales online with a higher profit
margin. They can redistribute money to make the consumer shopping experience faster and more
efficient. While being available to international markets, more products will sell.
 24/7, 365 days
If it‘s snowing and the roads are closed, or it‘s too hot and humid to even step outside in the
summer, or a holiday that every store in town closes, your online business is open for consumers
24/7 every day of the year. The doors never close and profits will keep rising.
 Expand business reach
A great tool on the internet is…translation! A business online does not have to make a site for
every language. With the right marketing, every consumer around the globe can find the business
site, products and information without leaving home.
 Recurring payments made easy
With a little research, every business can set up recurring payments. Find the provider that best
suits your needs and billing will be done in a consistent manner; payments will be received in the
same way.
 Instant transactions.
With e-commerce there is no more waiting for the check to clear, or a 30-day wait for certain
other types of payment. Transactions are cleared immediately or at most two to three days for the
money to clear through the banking system.
 Economy Benefit
E-commerce allows us to make transaction without any needs on stores, infrastructure
investment, and other common things we find. Companies only need well-built website and
customer service.
 Better Productivity
 Productivity here means productivity for both companies and customers. People like to
find answers online because it is faster and cheaper, and it costs a lot cheaper expense as
well for the company[24][25].
2.4)Limitations of E-commerce:
E-Commerce Disadvantages for Customers
 Privacy and security. Before making instant transactions online, be sure to check the
sites certificates of security. While it may be easy and convenient to shop, no one wants
their personal information to be stolen. While many sites are reputable, always do your
research for those with less than sufficient security.
 Quality. While e-commerce makes everything easily accessible, a consumer cannot
actually touch products until they are delivered to the door. It is important to view the
return policy before buying. Always make sure returning goods is an option.
 Hidden costs. When making purchases, the consumer is aware of the product cost,
shipping, handling and possible taxes. Be advised: there may be hidden fees that won‘t
show up on your purchasing bill but will show up on your form of payment. Extra
handling fees may occur, especially with international purchases.
 Delay in receiving goods. Although delivery of products is often quicker than expected,
be prepared for delays. A snow storm in one place may throw off the shipping system
across the board. There is also a chance that your product may be lost or delivered to the
wrong address.
 Need access to internet. Internet access is not free, and if you are using free wifi, there is
the chance of information theft over an unsecure site. If you are wearing of your public
library, or cannot afford the internet or computer at home, it may be best to shop locally.
 Lack of personal interaction. While the rules and regulations of each e-commerce
business is laid out for you to read, there is a lot to read and it may be confusing when it
comes to the legalities. With large or important orders, there is no one you can talk to
face to face when you have questions and concerns.
E-Commerce Disadvantages for Businesses:
 Security issues. While businesses make great efforts to keep themselves and the
consumer safe, there are people out there that will break every firewall possible to get the
information they want. We have all seen recently how the biggest and most renown
business can be hacked online.
 Credit card issues. Many credit card businesses will take the side of the consumer when
there is dispute about billing—they want to keep their clients, too. This can lead to a loss
for e-commerce business when goods have already been delivered and the payment is
refunded back to the consumer.
 Extra expense and expertise for e-commerce infrastructure. To be sure an online
business is running correctly, money will have to be invested. As an owner, you need to
know transactions are being handled properly and products are represented in the most
truthful way. To make sure you get what you need, you will have to hire a professional to
tie up any loose ends.
 Needs for expanded reverse logistics. The infrastructure of an online business must be
on point. This will be another cost to the business because money will need to be invested
to ensure proper handling of all aspects of buying and selling, especially with disgruntled
consumers that want more than a refund.
 Sufficient internet service. Although it seems that everyone is now on the internet all
the time, there are still areas in which network bandwidth can cause issues. Before setting
up an e-commerce business, be sure your area can handle the telecommunication
bandwidth you will need to run effectively.
 Constant upkeep. When a business has started as e-commerce, they must be ready to
make changes to stay compatible. While technology grows, the systems that support your
business must be kept up to date or replaced if needed. There may be additional overhead
in order to keep data bases and applications running.
 Scalability of System
A company definitely needs a well-developed website to support numbers of customers at a time.
If your web destination is not well enough, you better forget it[24][25].
3)Content Management System:
CMS (Content Management System) is a software or a suite of applications and tools used to
manage the editorial content of a website. Many CMS offers a graphical user interface for
usability and ease of access enabling publishers to easily use CMS through a web browser. Just a
few example of that would be
 Create, Edit, Publish, Archive web pages
 Create, Edit, Publish, Archive articles
 Create, Edit, Publish, Archive press releases
 Create, Edit, Publish, Archive blogs
 Add / Edit events into an Event Calendar
 Add / Edit Inventory (products), description, product specifications, prices, photos, etc.
 Enter, Edit, or View orders and print packing slips and invoices
 View reports and statistics site data
 Create and Edit system users which have different permission levels to different
section(s) of the above administration
One of the main purpose of CMS (Content Management System) is to provide the capability of
multi users with different level of permissions to manage website or section of the
Figure-9: The Modern Business Environment
We have described some basics on how a CMS (Content Management System) works. It will
help you understand better and know what to look for when you are choosing. A basic CMS
system is comprised of three components – templates, programming language, dashboard and a
3.1)CMS Architecture:
Figure-10: CMS Architecture
Design Managers create templates (editable content regions and non-editable design/navigation
features) within the CMS. Content Contributors write or place content in the page templates.
Editors and Approvers review and edit the information as necessary. Once approved, the
webpage is published via FTP to the website (the server) where Site Visitors can access it.[28]
3.2)How CMS work:
CMS Templates – It‘s a series of files that contain the basic layout of your website or blog.
Template system for CMS may contain a number of different files, different sections of the page,
member login section, and stylesheets. These files are used in conjunction with the selected
programming language and a database to produce what your visitors and you see.
CMS Programming Language – CMS uses a programming language to retain the information
stored in the database, formats it and presents it to the viewer. There are number of programing
languages that can be used. Most common ones are ASP and PHP.
CMS Database – CMS is usually run using a database. Like Programming languages there are
several databases available. Some examples would be MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
3.3) Market share of CMS:
This survey cannot find which CMS is ―better‖ than another. Word Press, Joomla, Drupal and
dozens of other platforms are mature, stable, great CMS‘ that can do a fantastic job in most
cases. According to W3Tech’s survey of the top 1 million domains and which is given below:
Figure-11: Market share of CMS of Websites
Breakdown of websites with a clearly identifiable CMS, according to W3Tech‘s survey of the
top 1 million domains.
According to W3Techs, 2.7% (27,000) of the 1 million most visited websites in the World run
Joomla, and 1.7% (17,000 websites) run Drupal. That means that almost as Many popular
bloggers use websites as use Drupal and Joomla combined. This doesn‘t
include people who have a custom installation of
Figure-12:Percentage of most popular websites run on Word Press, Drupal and Joomla
that are blogs or news-related.
3.3.1)Content management systems market position report:
This diagram shows the market positions in terms of popularity and traffic of the 5 most popular
content management systems.
How to read the diagram:
A technology in the lower right-hand side corner is used by many sites, but mostly by sites with
average traffic rank. A technology in the upper left-hand side corner is used by fewer sites, but
mostly by sites with high traffic. The best position would be the upper right-hand side corner
Figure-13: Content management systems diagram
Another Market share of CMS according to wappanalyzer:
They have compiled the global Open Source CMS information provided by the browser add-on
on this page to give you an idea of the Top 20 Open Source CMS tools out there and their current
market share. There are currently over 20,000 people that have the add-on installed and are
reporting this data. Keep in mind that the statistics are of course only a snapshot of the past 30
days and only cover roughly 1% of the entire web.
Figure-14: Content management systems market share
3.4)Why WordPress:
WordPress is the most popular content management system on the planet. With over 25% of
websites run on this platform, we thought we would look at the history of it, how it transformed
from a simple blogging system into its current form, how its community was born, and the
ecosystem around WordPress.
The platform is changing how websites from all around the world work, with more power and
performance than traditional websites or most other CMS systems. Because of the WYSIWYG
(what you see is what you get) ability to change parts of your site, more and more people are
becoming bloggers, webmasters, and internet marketers than ever before. Functionality can
be extended by plug-in and the looks of the system can be customized using themes. Word Press
is a popular system, used on millions of sites – ranging from small weblogs to large blog
networks. It has a market share of 55.5% in the CMS market, making it the market leader
(W3Techs, 2010). Word Press is developed in PHP and uses MySQL as data storage. The
software s distributed freely under an open source (GPL) license, which allows developers to
make changes to the original software. Word Press can be installed on one‘s own server (or
shared hosting account), but there are also various companies (e.g. that offer a
hosted installation and saves end-users from installation hassles. This document provides a
functional and technical overview of the underlying architecture for the Word Press software.
3.4.1) Philosophy:
The philosophy behind WordPress is ‗Clean, Lean, and Mean‘ (WordPress, 2010).This means
that the basis of WordPress contains only a basic array of functions,And that specific
functionality is provided by extensions, which are not integratedIn the core system. This keeps
the core system ‗clean and lean‘: only functionality That is useful for more than 80% of the users
is included in the core. Word Press hasa sophisticated plugin system (the ‗mean‘ part of the
philosophy), which allows Developers to create plugins that change and extend the functionality
of WordPressSignificantly. As of January 2011, there are more than 12.000 plugins
freelyAvailable for WordPress. Simplicity and ‗working out-of-the-box‘ are other Elements of
the WordPress philosophy. WordPress is aimed at users with no orOnly little technical
knowledge, and they should be able to set up a standardWordPress installation in five minutes if
they meet certain conditions. This Philosophy is reflected in the installation pages for
WordPress: the installer asks For as few configuration details as possible, and an explanation is
provided for Every step in the installation.
3.4.2) Features:
WordPress powers more than 24% of the web — a figure that rises every day. Everything from
simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are
built with WordPress.
WordPress combines simplicity for users and publishers with under-the-hood complexity for
developers. This makes it flexible while still being easy-to-use.
The following is a list of some of the features that come as standard with WordPress; however,
there are literally thousands of plugins that extend what WordPress does, so the actual
functionality is nearly limitless. You are also free to do whatever you like with the WordPress
code, extend it or modify in any way or use it for commercial projects without any licensing fees.
That is the beauty of free software, free refers not only to price but also the freedom to have
complete control over it.
Here are some of the features that we think that you‘ll love.
 Simplicity Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly.
Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there.
WordPress is built to make that happen.
 Flexibility With WordPress, you can create any type of website you want: a personal blog
or website, a photo blog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government
website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a network of websites.
You can make your website beautiful with themes, and extend it with plugins. You can
even build your very own application.
 Publish with Ease If you‘ve ever created a document, you‘re already a whizz at creating
content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert
media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.
 Publishing Tools WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content. Create drafts,
schedule publication, and look at your post revisions. Make your content public or
private, and secure posts and pages with a password.
 User Management Not everyone requires the same access to your website. Administrators
manage the site, editor‘s work with content, authors and contributors write that content,
and subscribers have a profile that they can manage. This lets you have a variety of
contributors to your website, and let others simply be part of your community.
 Media Management They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it‘s
important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to
WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it to your website. Add alt
text, captions, and titles, and insert images and galleries into your content. We‘ve even
added a few image editing tools you can have fun with.
 Full Standards Compliance Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full
compliance with the standards set by the W3C. This means that your website will work in
today‘s browser, while maintaining forward compatibility with the next generation of
browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the future.
 Easy Theme System WordPress comes bundled with two default themes, but if they
aren‘t for you there‘s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a
beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of
a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.
 Extend with Plugins WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every
other feature there‘s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries,
social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune
controls for search engine optimization, and forms.
 Built-in Comments Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your
friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress‘s comment tools give you
everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.
 Search Engine Optimized WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the box.
For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that
for you.
 Multilingual WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. If you or the person
you‘re building the website for would prefer to use WordPress in a language other than
English, that‘s easy to do.
 Easy Installation and Upgrades WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. If
you‘re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress using
FTP, and run the installer. Not familiar with FTP? Plenty of web hosts offer one-click
WordPress installers that let you install WordPress with, well, just one click!
 Importers Using blog or website software that you aren‘t happy with? Running your blog
on a hosted service that‘s about to shut down? WordPress comes with importers for
blogger, Live Journal, Movable Type, Type Pad, Tumblr, and WordPress. If you‘re ready
to make the move, we‘ve made it easy for you.
 Own Your Data Hosted services come and go. If you‘ve ever used a service that
disappeared, you know how traumatic that can be. If you‘ve ever seen adverts appear on
your website, you‘ve probably been pretty annoyed. Using WordPress means no one has
access to your content. Own your data, all of it — your website, your content, your data.
 Freedom WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to protect your
freedoms. You are free to use WordPress in any way you choose: install it, use it, modify
it, and distribute it. Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built on.
 Community As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant
and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a
volunteer, attend a Word Camp or Meetup to learn more about WordPress, read blogs
posts and tutorials about WordPress. Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it
what it is today.
 Contribute You can be WordPress too! Help to build WordPress, answer questions on the
support forums, write documentation, translate WordPress into your language, speak at a
Word Camp, write about WordPress on your blog. Whatever your skill, we‘d love to
have you!
Developer Features:
For developers, we‘ve got lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend
WordPress in whatever direction takes your fancy.
Plugin System
The WordPress APIs make it possible for you to create plugins to extend WordPress.
WordPress‘s extensibility lies in the thousands of hooks at your disposal. Once you‘ve created
your plugin, we‘ve even got a plugin repository for you to host it on.
 Theme System
Create WordPress themes for clients, customers, and for WordPress users. The WordPress API
provides the extensibility to create themes as simple or as complex as you wish. If you want to
give your theme away for free you can give it to users in the Theme Repository.
 Custom Content Types
WordPress comes with default content types, but for
More flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own
Custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever
Direction you wish.
Application Framework
If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress
provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management,
HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and much, much more. Custom Content
Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for more flexibility you can add a few
lines of code to create your own custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress
in whatever direction you wish.
The Latest Libraries WordPress comes with the latest script libraries for you to make use of.
These include jQuery, Upload, Underscore.js and Backbone.js. We‘re always on the lookout for
new tools that developers can use to make a better experience for our users.
Here are some of the features that we think that you‘ll love.
 Simplicity Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly.
Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there.
WordPress is built to make that happen.
 Flexibility With WordPress, you can create any type of website you want: a personal
blog or website, a photo blog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government
website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a network of websites.
You can make your website beautiful with themes, and extend it with plugins. You can
even build your very own application.
 Publish with Ease If you‘ve ever created a document, you‘re already a whizz at creating
content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert
media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.
 Publishing Tools WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content. Create
drafts, schedule publication, and look at your post revisions. Make your content public or
private, and secure posts and pages with a password.
 User Management Not everyone requires the same access to your website.
Administrators manage the site, editor‘s work with content, authors and contributors
write that content, and subscribers have a profile that they can manage. This lets you have
a variety of contributors to your website, and let others simply be part of your
 Media Management They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it‘s
important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to
WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it to your website. Add alt
text, captions, and titles, and insert images and galleries into your content. We‘ve even
added a few image editing tools you can have fun with.
 Full Standards Compliance Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full
compliance with the standards set by the W3C. This means that your website will work in
today‘s browser, while maintaining forward compatibility with the next generation of
browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the future.
 Easy Theme System WordPress comes bundled with two default themes, but if they
aren‘t for you there‘s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a
beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of
a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.
 Extend with Plugins WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every
other feature there‘s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries,
social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune
controls for search engine optimization, and forms.
 Built-in Comments Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your
friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress‘s comment tools give you
everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.
 Search Engine Optimized WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the
box. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of
that for you.
 Multilingual WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. If you or the person
you‘re building the website for would prefer to use WordPress in a language other than
English, that‘s easy to do.
 Easy Installation and Upgrades WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade.
If you‘re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress
using FTP, and run the installer. Not familiar with FTP? Plenty of web hosts offer one-
click WordPress installers that let you install WordPress with, well, just one click!
 Importers Using blog or website software that you aren‘t happy with? Running your
blog on a hosted service that‘s about to shut down? WordPress comes with importers for
blogger, Live Journal, Movable Type, Type Pad, Tumblr, and WordPress. If you‘re ready
to make the move, we‘ve made it easy for you.
 Own Your Data Hosted services come and go. If you‘ve ever used a service that
disappeared, you know how traumatic that can be. If you‘ve ever seen adverts appear on
your website, you‘ve probably been pretty annoyed. Using WordPress means no one has
access to your content. Own your data, all of it — your website, your content, your data.
 Freedom WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to protect your
freedoms. You are free to use WordPress in any way you choose: install it, use it, modify
it, and distribute it. Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built on.
 Community As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant
and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a
volunteer, attend a Word Camp or Meetup to learn more about WordPress, read blogs
posts and tutorials about WordPress. Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it
what it is today.
 Contribute You can be WordPress too! Help to build WordPress, answer questions on
the support forums, write documentation, translate WordPress into your language, speak
at a Word Camp, write about WordPress on your blog. Whatever your skill, we‘d love to
have you!
Developer Features:
For developers, we‘ve got lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend
WordPress in whatever direction takes your fancy.
Plugin System
The WordPress APIs make it possible for you to create plugins to extend WordPress.
WordPress‘s extensibility lies in the thousands of hooks at your disposal. Once you‘ve created
your plugin, we‘ve even got a plugin repository for you to host it on.
 Theme System
Create WordPress themes for clients, customers, and for WordPress users. The WordPress API
provides the extensibility to create themes as simple or as complex as you wish. If you want to
give your theme away for free you can give it to users in the Theme Repository.
 Custom Content Types
WordPress comes with default content types, but for
More flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own
Custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever
Direction you wish.
Application Framework
If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress
provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management,
HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and much, much more. Custom Content
Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for more flexibility you can add a few
lines of code to create your own custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress
in whatever direction you wish.
The Latest Libraries WordPress comes with the latest script libraries for you to make use of.
These include jQuery, Upload, Underscore.js and Backbone.js. We‘re always on the lookout for
new tools that developers can use to make a better experience for our users[30].
3.4.3) Combating spam:
In general term, spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast
media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. Spam is
very easy to spread throughout the internet, and works on the principle that if you send out
thousands, or hundreds of thousands of unsolicited advertisements, scams, or other questionable
methods of making money, that you only need a very small percentage of people to be fooled to
make a large amount of money. Spammers use various methods to distribute their electronic junk
mail, and employ bots, or computer programs to quickly and easily send email or comments to
millions of addresses and IPs all over the world. WordPress developers and community members
are constantly working on more and better ways to combat spammers. Several solutions to
combat spam are being addressed by the system, which are covered below: Akismet WordPress
ships out-of-the-box with Akismet installed by default. This plugin aims to manage comment
spam and also ensures that spam does not affect search engine rankings negatively. Each time a
new comment, trackback, or pingback is added to a website, it is submitted to the Akismet web
service which runs several tests on the comment and returns a ‗thumbs up‘ or ‗thumbs down‘. It
also aims to give the blogger more time to connect with their readers, instead of laboring through
page after page of spam. Comment moderation The moderation option shows a listing of the
latest comments on any post and you can quickly scan the comment activity on a website. For
example, spammers try to influence Google‘s search technique called PageRank using comment
spam. The faster the response to comment spam on a website, the less likely the spammers will
return. Spam words Contains a list of words that commonly appear in spam comments which
can be manually added to the moderation list. Blacklist The blacklist is a list of words which
are completely blacklisted from a weblog. If a comment matches a word on the list, it will be
purged without any notification. However, the words will remain in your database marked
as[spam]. Architecture WordPress – ‗code is poetry‘ 13 CAPTCHA CAPTCHAs are a type of
challenge-response test to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. In WordPress,
the CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on
the screen. The acronym stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers
and Humans Apart Authentication Authentication is the act of establishing or confirming
someone as authentic. That claims made by or about the subject are true. WordPress has the
option to register first before you are able to post.
3.4.4) Security:
This section will provide a functional overview of the security quality aspects within WordPress.
Security is defined as the extent to which WordPress prevents the leaking of secure data,
prevents losing important data and the capability of defending against illegal access. First of all,
the developers of WordPress take security very seriously as potential security issues can arise
any moment. This section will present an overview of the functional security measures defined
by WordPress. In order to keep a WordPress installation secure, there are three general steps
which can be taken: 1. Limiting access: This step is about making smart choices that effectively
lower the possible entry points available to a malicious person. 2. Containment: If a weak point
in your installation is found by a malicious person, your system should be configured to
minimize the amount of damage that can be done once inside your system. 3. Backups: The step
of keeping backups, knowing the state of your WordPress installation at regular time intervals,
and documenting your modifications will help in understanding a WordPress installation. The
application can be negatively impacted as a result of how the program is written, which allows
an attacker, for example, to pass HTTP arguments or create bad URI strings. There are two
guidelines/habits to keep vulnerabilities in WordPress to a minimum. Keep up to date with the
latest WordPress version.
 Please note that security patches for older WordPress versions are not maintained by the
WordPress Development team. Architecture WordPress – ‗code is poetry‘ 15 Report bugs
 Report bugs in the likely event of uncovering a security flaw, a (potential) vulnerability or a
bug that could lead to one. Several technical security measures taken by WordPress are discussed
below. Server and network vulnerabilities are considered out of scope for this report. A trusted
host should cover these security aspects adequately. Passwords
 Adopting good security habits can dramatically reduce vulnerabilities. Using strong passwords
makes it very hard to use brute forcing techniques. For example, WordPress allows changing the
administrator account into a different name to make it harder to guess. File permissions.
 WordPress offers the functionality of locking down file permissions as much as possible but
also supports to loosen restrictions on the occasions of allowing write access, or creating special
folders with less strict restrictions. Plugins
 WordPress offers a security scan plugin which scans your WordPress installation for security
vulnerabilities and suggests corrective actions. Database security
 A containment strategy has been implemented for running multiple blogs on the same server.
These can be placed in separate databases each managed by a different user. In the case of a
successful intrusion, the intruder cannot easily alter other blog installations. Data backups
 A sound backup strategy could include keeping a set of regularly-timed snapshots of your
entire. WordPress installation (including WordPress core files and your database) in a trusted
3.4.5) System architecture:
In this chapter the system architecture is investigated using use cases, class diagrams and by
looking at the source code.
General overview
Actors The following is the list of known actors that will interact with the WordPress
application. The roles, from left to right, are defined below. Actors with no privileges are listed
first, ending with the actor with the most privileges. Visitor: A person who pays a visit to a blog
post, e.g. a guest.
 Subscriber: A person who can manage their own profile.
 Contributor: A person who can write and manage their posts but cannot publish them.
 Author: A person who can publish and manage their own posts.
 Editor: A person who can publish and manage posts, pages and also can manage other users'
 Administrator: A person who has access to all the administration features.
 Super administrator: A person with access to the blog network administration features
controlling the entire network.
3.4.6) Patterns:
WordPress uses a procedural way of coding. Unfortunately, it cannot be categorized as an MVC
(Model - View - Controller) application however some people say that it follows the MVC
model up to degree in a simplified way. For example the model part consists of the .php files that
contain the queries to the database. A middle layer is comprised of the files that are responsible
for the logic and the rewriting of the content, and the view layer is responsible for the final
formatting of the content. However, there are still many violations to the separation of the layers
that the MVC model requires. For example we can see queries being executed from a file
belonging to the view layer. WordPress has an architecture that is based on four types of building
 The display consists of containers which are certain regions within the page. The defaults are
the Header, Footer, Sidebar(s), and content but they can be more with customization.
 The templates are php files that are responsible for the layout of a region of a page. They
usually have similar names with the region they written for. Every page has to inherit a template
in order be shown properly. For example there are templates that can be used for the front page
(index.php, header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php) and the single post pages (header.php,
sidebar.php, footer.php, comments.php, single.php). A collection of templates along with their
associated .css files comprise a theme which is an overall decoration package of the website.
The Loop/Engine
 The developers have designed a mechanism, called ―The Loop‖, that is responsible for
rendering every page. It is the core engine of the application as it iterates through the database
entries to collect the posts that are required for the specific page that is displayed.
Back End
Communication with the other components (DB server, file, mailing and scheduling system)
 Metadata is information for web pages or their elements what are needed for indexing. They
are stored into the database and used when the pages are displayed. Example of metadata for a
post is the author, the time, the tags etc.
3.4.7) the WordPress JSON Rest API:
In this section we will discuss about REST API. REST APIs are a growing technique and a big
opportunity for developers. Knowing how to create APIs and how to consume them gives you a
great advantage. A REST API can be consumed everywhere. On mobile applications, on front-
end (web apps) or any other devices that have access on the net[33]. what is API:
An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs
to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways.
A few good examples of APIs in action would be:
1. Anytime an app uses Google Maps to display its location information.
2. A mobile or desktop twitter client.
3. A game/service that integrates Facebook features such as login, messaging, etc.
In these instances, and all others like them, the APIs ―expose‖ certain internal functions of the
primary applications so that outside developers can use them in their own applications or
websites. In these examples, app developers have been given the ability to tap into the powerful
features (and/or content) of major web services so that they can build on top of them and/or
integrate key content and features into their own products. But again, only in limited, clearly
defined ways. This allows a form of open collaboration to walk hand in hand with security. what is a rest API:
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style of building APIs; not
a code language or description of its function. A REST API is designed to provide a lightweight
form of communication (less bandwidth) between producer (ex: Twitter) and consumer (ex:
Twitter client), making it a great solution for high volume web services like Google Apps,
Facebook, Twitter, and now WordPress.[32] What Is the WordPress JSON REST API (WP API) & How Does It Work?
JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format
based on a subset of the JavaScript code language. It‘s easy for humans to read and write
and easy for machines to parse and generate. Which also makes it a great fit for creating REST
APIs–such as the new WordPress JSON REST API or WP API as it has been named.
JSON is the notation, REST is the architectural style, and API is the interface they make
up. When you put them all together you get a tool that developers can use to easily share data
from their WordPress website(s) to other websites or applications.[31]
More specifically, the WP API allows you to take CRUD actions on WordPress content. Which
means Create, Read, Update, and Delete the following content types:
 Posts
 Pages
 Custom Post Types
 Media
 Comments
 Taxonomies
 Users
 Or any other type of content you can extend it for[33].
Figure-15: WordPress Theme
4) Cross platform concept:
Cross platform development is a concept in computer software development where you write
application code once, and it runs on multiple platforms. This is very much inline with the ―write
once, run everywhere‖ concept pioneered in the 90s, and brought to a mainstream reality with
Flash in the browser, and AIR on the desktop. The standard evolution of technology has been to
make everything faster, smaller, and more portable, and it is only natural that that this concept
has now come into the mobile development world. In mobile scenarios, it is applied by writing
an application using a codebase & technology that allows the application to be deployed and
distributed across multiple disparate platforms/operating systems/devices. As learnt from the
survey, hybrid approaches have become more prevalent in crossplatform mobile development.
Cross-platform mobile development essentially makes use of frameworks allowing developers to
create platform independent mobile applications predominantly utilizing already familiar web
standards like HTML/JavaScript/CSS. These frameworks act more or less as a middleware or
bridge and provide the platform-specific implementation of API in the native programming
language for the language of the framework to communicate with the native code of
different platforms [8] [9]. According to Martin Fowler, an author and speaker on the
topic of software development [6]
Figure-16: Different solution approches and use of cross-platform tools.
The alternative for developing application natively for every platform is in using cross-platform
development tools (CPTs) that allow using shared codebase across all target platforms with little
modifications. The main advantage of cross-platform development approach is in saving time
and resources on development and maintenance phases, using single development environment
and programming language that is abstract from the platform native programming languages.
Figure 2 shows the share of native developed applications and use of programming languages for
different operating systems[15].
Figure-17: Primary language use by platform
4.1) Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks Comparison on Different
However there are quite a few number of cross-platform mobile development frameworks/tools
that employ the hybrid approach of application development. Adobe‘s PhoneGap,
Appcelerator‘s Titanium, Motorola Solutions'RhoMobile Suite, etc are to name a few popular
ones. This section deals with an analytic comparison between these frameworks. Heitkötter et al.
[13] list out 14 criteria from the infrastructure and development perspective to assess cross-
platform development approaches. Similarly, D. Gavalas and D.Economou [14], compare
different mobile programming platforms in five different areas with respect to various
quantitative and qualitative criteria. Taking some inspiration from these criteria and additionally
identifying our own few according to the context of this work, a list of comparison parameters
has been drawn up. On the basis of these parameters the above mentioned three frameworks will
be gauged against. The parameters have been mentioned below with the explanation how each of
the three frameworks fares on these parameters.
4.1.1)Platform Support
Platform support means the number of different platforms that the framework supports.
So the framework that supports more platforms means it does better on this parameter.
PhoneGap: Supports eight different mobile platforms as of March 2013 namely iOS,
Android, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, webOS, Symbian, Bada and Tizen [10].
Titanium: As of March 2013, Titanium supports iOS, Android and BlackBerry [11].
RhoMobile Suite: As of March 2013, RhoMobile supports iOS, Android, Windows
Phone 7 series, BlackBerry along with now discontinued Windows Mobile [12].
4.2) Benefits of Developing for Multiple Platforms
Greater Reach
The more platforms you cover, the more people you‘ll be able to reach. Simple as that. With
Apple‘s iOS and Google‘s Android competing for top positions worldwide, the number of
smartphone users for these systems is increasing day by day. Developing an application that runs
on both iPhone and Android gives you the added advantage of tapping into greater market
Easy Marketing
When you have a bigger number of fans, marketing becomes easier in the sense that you don‘t
have to create niche messages to cater to a specific set of people. You have the liberty of
marketing the application on various media and through generalised messages for the masses.
One Instead of Many - Cost effective
It is easier to maintain and deploy changes when your team is developing one application that
runs across all platforms. Updates would immediately get synced across all devices and
platforms. This will save you money.
Uniform Look and Feel
The overall design and feel of the app can be maintained across various platforms if there‘s a
single code running on all. When you‘re designing different apps, it can be hard to sync two
different development teams to make the same app.
Reduced Development Costs
All this means you have reduced development costs when making apps for multiple platforms.
But before you make a decision, read on for the disadvantages.
5)Mobile applications
5.1) Present market share:
The customers in today‘s world are on the move and they‘re using mobile application platforms
to get there. Whether they use mobile phones, tablets, or other mobile devices they have all the
information they need. That's why mobile apps are so much important in today‘s market.Mobile
apps allow customers to have all your information at their fingertips. Also, it is important that
your app works on multiple mobile application platforms. But for beginning, start with one
platform.No matter what your business is, a mobile app can help you get and retain customers.,
and that's a fact. We all know that the first place customers go to search for a product or service
is online. If your business is available online, and plus you have an app that users can download
to their devices, your business will make really good impression. At a glance they will be able to
see and open your app and purchase from your business.
Figure-18: Users Ratio of using Devices
5.1.1) Mobile App Usage :
Many of the enterprises are making marketing decisions based on mobile device usage. For
example use of services of Google is increasing mainly by the users of smartphones and tablets
(Koskinen 2014, 18). Also in terms of creating more personal campaigns and being in touch with
the customers more efficiently in the rapidly growing smart device growth have shown its
potential. (Business insider 2013, date of retrieval 12.11.2013.) The growth in mobile medium
enables enterprises to increase customer engagement, to enhance customer satisfaction, generate
revenue, have more sales completed in mobile channel and to build customer loyalty. Today's
consumer is used having access to the network every day and everywhere. High percentage of
smartphone user are during the morning before getting off the bed. 40% of smartphone owners
check their phone before getting off their bed and 70 % on the morning commute uses data.
(ConsumerLab 2012, date of retrieval 20.1.2014.)[13].
Figure-19: Users Ratio of using Devices v/s Ad
5.2)Why Cross platform:
There are several factors that make cross-platform mobile application development seem
attractive to some publishers. Perhaps, the most persuasive is a reduced development cost.
Standard-based web technologies that bridge web applications and mobile devices allow
companies to get an app onto different platforms without having to invest in a team or a
developer specific to the ecosystem.Unquestionably cross platform is going to be more robust in
the time to come. But there are few drawbacks that need to be addressed to make the strategy
offer more fluid, seamless and device-optimized experience. It has been seen a single platform
app offer utilizes the device features in a more exhaustive manner that one-for-all apps.
Secondly, less scope of introducing customized features is a serious drawback to cross platform
apps. Often cross platform apps are felt bland and depreciated than dedicated single platform
apps, because in trying to provide feature set for all platforms it often compromises on device
specific brilliance.
Figure-20: The continuum of mobile application development
The figure above shows how hybrid applications are closing the gap between native and web-
based application development. The first column depicts the native approach, the second
column is the hybrid approach and the last one is the web-based approach. As can be seen
from the figure, the hybrid approach unifies the development and testing process into one
streamlined project with just the separate build processes required for different targeted
6) CMS based e-commerce solution “Muktopata”:
6.1)Website version:
 Muktopata is a CMS based e-commerce site which contains various product list with add
to cart system. Add to Cart is a way to create a temporary list of items by adding them to
cart, which will keep track of the items until user leave our website. User can export
items in your cart by saving the list to a file or sending it to an email address. User can
also place the items on hold or add them to users wish list.This site is made with
Wordpress theme using various Widgets,With a default setup, front page will display
your latest products. Customer can buy and sell their procucts through this site.
Languages are used-
 HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
 PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor)
There are other code languages used WordPress theme and plugin (JavaScript, jQuery, etc)
Figure-21: Muktopata website
6.2) Mobile App version:
WP API exposes a simple yet easy interface to WP Query, the posts API, post meta API, users
API, revisions API and many more. WP provides an easy to use REST API, available via HTTP.
WP API also includes an easy-to-use Javascript API based on Backbone models, allowing plugin
and theme developers to get up and running without needing to know anything about the details
of getting connected. Site's data in simple JSON format, including users, posts, taxonomies and
more. Retrieving or updating data is as simple as sending a HTTP request.Mobile Application of
muktopata is created by parsing Rest API provided by muktopata online site.Languages are used-
 Angular JS
 HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
 JQuery
Figure-22: Muktopata Mobile App
7)Goal and Future of Project:
Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access
both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide
internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store requires travel and must
take place during business hours.
In the event of a problem with the item, consumers are concerned with the ease of returning an
item in exchange for either the correct product or a refund. Consumers may need to contact the
retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund.
Some online companies have more generous return policies to compensate for the traditional
advantage of physical stores. For example, the online shoe retailer includes labels
for free return shipping, and does not charge a restocking fee, even for returns which are not the
result of merchant error.Open source e-Commerce is a free of charge platform that doesn‘t imply
licenses fee. Furthermore, open source users are also responsible for installing, maintaining,
securing and configuring the software on their own servers. In order to set up an open source
platform, basic technical expertise is required in the areas of web design and development.
Software products that are distributed as open source are generally free, and users can access and
modify the source code. Several examples of typical open source E-commerce platforms are
PayCart, PrestaShop, osCommerce, Magento, Thelia and Cart4.
1. Free of charge system;
2. Wide variety of available add-ons/plugins/extensions;
3. Better flexibility with a customizable source code;
E-commerce is continuously progressing and is becoming more and more important to
businesses as technology continues to advance and is something that should be taken advantage
of and implemented.From the inception of the Internet and e-commerce, the possibilities have
become endless for both businesses and consumers. Creating more opportunities for profit
and advancements for businesses, while creating more options for consumers. However, just like
anything else, e-commerce has its disadvantages including consumer uncertainties, but nothing
that can not be resolved or avoided by good decision-making and business practices. E-
Commerce is not just about conducting business transactions via the Internet. Its impact will be
far-reaching, and more prominent then we know currently. This is because the revolution in
information technology is happening simultaneously with other developments, especially the
globalization of the business. The new age of global e-commerce is creating entirely new
economy and that will tremendously change our lives, will reshape the competition in various
industries, and alter the economy globally. As companies are gaining high profits, more and
more other companies are developing their websites to increase their profits. Since more
businesses are being held online resulting in high economy development and emergence of a
more innovative and advanced technology.
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21. “E-Commerce”,Available:
22.”Alibaba vs. Amazon: How the world’s two online shopping giants stack up”,
23. “The Statistics Portal”, Available:
24. “5 Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce”, Available:
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26. T.V. Solodukha ,“Multi-Agent Systemsfor E-Commerce”, Available:
27. “E-Commerce Advantages and Disadvantages”, Available:
28. “New CMS Architecture”, Available:
29. “What is CMS (Content Management System)? Simply Explained”, Available:
30. “”, Available:
31. “WP RESWP REST APIT API”, Available:
32. “The WordPress JSON Rest API (WP API): What It Is, How it Works, & What It
Means For The Future of WordPress”, Available:
33. “The WordPress JSON REST API”, Available:

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  • 1. Page1 Enhancing CMS based e-commerce solution with cross platform mobile app ABSTRACT............................................ 3 Introduction........................................ 3-4 1) Methodology......................................5 1.1) History.....................................5 1.2) Spiral Model...............................6-9 1.3)Advantages of using Spiral Model............10 1.4)Disadvantages of using Spiral model.........10-11 1.5)Spiral Model Application....................11 2) Introduction to E-commerce.......................11 2.1) Architecture of E-commerce.................11 2.2) Business Grouth............................12-17 2.3)Advantages of E commerce....................18-19 2.4)Limitations of E-commerce...................20-21 3) Content Management System........................22 3.1)CMS Architecture............................23 3.2)How CMS work................................24 3.3) Market share of CMS........................25 3.3.1)Content management systems market position report ........................26-27 3.4)Why WordPress................................28 3.4.1) Philosophy..........................29
  • 2. Page2 3.4.2) Features.............................30-35 3.4.3) Combating spam......................35-36 3.4.4) Security.............................36 3.4.5) System architecture..................37 3.4.6) Patterns.............................38 3.4.7) The WordPress JSON Rest API..........39 What is API.................39 What is a rest API..........39 What Is the WordPress JSON REST API (WP API) & How Does It Work? ..........40 4) Cross platform concept ..........................41-44 4.1) Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks Comparison on Different Parameters 4.1.1) Platform Support ...............43 4.2) Benefits of Developing for Multiple Platforms ...............43 5) Mobile applications..............................44 5.1)Present market share.......................45 5.1.1) Mobile App Usage 5.2) Why Cross platform........................46 6) CMS based e-commerce solution “Muktopata”........47 6.1) Website version..........................48 6.2) Mobile App version.......................48 7) Goal and Futur..................................49
  • 3. Page3 Conclusion..........................................50 Reference ..........................................51-53 Abstract Electronic commerce, also known as ecommerce is a type of industry where buying and selling of a product is conducted over electronic systems such as the internet. The purpose of this application is to bring knowledge to students about ecommerce and how an interactive ecommerce application can be designed from scratch using client-side languages, such as Ionic frame work and CMS, combined with the server-side PHP language. The server side, mostly Java, contains all the implementation related to setting up the database, creating session models for joining different user-interface (UI) pages, calculating the shipping costs and SMS API, etc. It is responsible for taking information from the database and making it available to the UI by mapping the category or item ID to the respective IDs stored in the database. The client side is responsible for showing the entire user interface, containing the CSS, HTML, Angular JS and JavaScript. Interest in developing and deploying e-commerce systems has grown greatly over the past few years, leading to a major shortage of qualified developers able to deliver such applications. This paper describes the development of a graduate course in e-commerce education that has been implemented as part of an Honors degree program and offering for a traditional Information Systems program .This paper provides a background and context for this course, an overview and discussion of the course content, delivery methods and practical focus, and discusses experience in running and evolving the project over the past five months. We hope that our experiences and approaches will be useful for others who are planning similar projects focusing on e-commerce systems. Introduction Many organizations are developing Information Systems to support e-commerce applications, typically using the World Wide Web to provide customer access to product and service purchase, and internet capabilities to support inter-organizational Information exchange (Bambury, 1998; Bolin, 1998). There is thus a crucial need for Information Systems developers with skills in developing such applications. Such developers need a good understanding of both intra- and inter-organizational use of e-commerce systems, appropriate analysis and design techniques, and implementation, quality assurance and deployment Technologies and methods. This need for Information systems developers with a range of e-commerce system development skills has led us to design and run a graduate Information Systems course focusing on e-commerce systems development, as part of an Information Systems degree program .The project is aimed at equipping students, who have studied conventional analysis, design and implementation courses, with a range of skills and experience suitable for e-commerce systems development. The course takes a holistic approach to e-commerce systems engineering education: it covers current development processes, especially those suitable for highly distributed and evolutionary software development; e-commerce
  • 4. Page4 system IT policy, characteristics and deployment issues; requirements engineering; e-commerce system architectures and design techniques; user interface, database and middleware implementation technologies; and distributed IS quality assurance, including performance evaluation, usability engineering and organizational effectiveness measurement. The project uses a range of teaching strategies, including lectures, readings and web resources, student presentations, tutorial-based group activities and simulations, focused practical exercises, group development projects and individual research projects. This mix is intended to give students a balance of theory, practical development techniques, and practical system development experience focused on e-commerce systems engineering[5]. M-commerce has been defined as ―a special branch of e-commerce, in which mobile devices and their network connection medium are used to buy, sell, and promote products, services, and information‖ [1]. According to Koukia, Rigou and Sirmakessis (2006), wireless technologies have improved traditional e- commerce by ―providing the additional aspects of mobility (of participation) and portability (of technology).‖ On this theme, mobile and e-commerce application developments are an important factor for the expansion of m-commerce among consumers. The technical characteristics of devices and corresponding applications, as well as Internet access facilities, are determining the level of acceptance of m commerce and its development. Aspects like processing power, display and device size, mobile internet coverage, standardization and quality of devices, are only some of the important factors that decide the level of use of m-commerce, and consequently, the level of its development [2]. The purpose of designing interfaces for mobile applications should be to increase consumers‘ interest in using and dedication to m- commerce. Among the inhibiting factors is that m-commerce applications were developed based on ecommerce applications. The most important thing when designing such applications is to design the application in such a way that it does not distract the user from the main purpose of the application]. However, aspects concerning security and accessibility should not be neglected. Even though storing sensitive data such as medical, financial, or personal information on mobile devices can help people, the risks of losing such information or of unauthorized access are higher and should be considered when an m-commerce transaction begins [3]. This paper will review the latest trends in mobile and ecommerce applications and will develop an application architecture that describes the internal architecture of both web and mobile components. Moreover, the focus will be on developing a more sophisticated demonstration mobile application regime that will employ web-services to communicate with web servers. This paper will also investigate the requirements of ecommerce applications and why normal websites are not suitable for mobile devices. More specifically this paper will analyze the characteristics required for websites so that they function properly on mobile devices. These characteristics are screen size, input device, task-based interfaces for mobile devices, m-loyalty, design aesthetics and website design. Finally, the paper will attempt to provide solutions for mobile application development and make recommendations for future directions. The following section provides a discussion of e-commerce system development issues that we believe are important in which to give students a good understanding. We then discuss the context in which our project is run, give an overview of the course structure, content and teaching philosophy and approaches. The following sections respectively discuss the mix of theory, practical development technique and
  • 5. Page5 practical project-based experience the project provides students, the means by which this is achieved, and the assessment strategies we use. We conclude with a discussion of the effectiveness of the project and lessons learned from its delivery and evolution. 1) Methodology: The spiral model of the software process has been evolving for Several years, based on experience with various refinements. 1.1) History: The spiral model was defined by Barry Boehm in his 1988 article A Spiral Model of Software and Enhancement. This model was not the first model to discuss iterative development, but it was the first model to explain why the iteration matters. As originally envisioned, the iterations were typically 6 months to 2 years long. Each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the client who may be internal reviewing the progress thus far. Analysis and engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the project, with an eye toward the end goal of the project. 1.2) Spiral Model: Spiral model is a combination of sequential and prototype model. This model is best used for large projects which involves continuous enhancements. There are specific activities which are done in one iteration (spiral) where the output is a small prototype of the large software. The same activities are then repeated for all the spirals till the entire software is build[16]. To explain in simpler terms, the steps involved in spiral model are:
  • 6. Page6 Figure-1:Steps of Spiral Model A spiral model has 4 phases described below: 1. Planning phase 2. Risk analysis phase 3. Engineering phase 4. Evaluation phase[17][18].
  • 8. Page8 Activities which are performed in the spiral model phases are shown below:[17] Phase Name Activities performed Deliverables / Output Planning -Requirements are studied and gathered. - Feasibility study - Reviews and walkthroughs to streamline the requirements Requirements understanding document Finalized list of requirements. Risk Analysis Requirements are studied and brain storming sessions are done to identify the potential risks Once the risks are identified , risk mitigation strategy is planned and finalized Document which highlights all the risks and its mitigation plans. Engineering Actual development and testing if the software takes place in this phase Code Test cases and test results Test summary report and defect report. Evaluation Customers evaluate the software and provide their feedback and approval Features implemented document
  • 9. Page9 Figure-3:Phases of Spiral Model 2 Different colors represent different spiral or iteration. For first iteration, represented in brown color, all the 4 activities (Planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation) are performed. After the evaluation phase is over for the first iteration (spiral), second iteration (spiral) starts the second iteration, which is represented in orange color, here again all the 4 activities (Planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation) are performed. In a similar way, third iteration is done shown in blue color and so on the process continues[17]. When to Use Spiral model? Spiral model is used in the following scenarios:  When the project is large.  Where the software needs continuous risk evaluation.  Requirements are a bit complicated and require continuous clarification.  Software requires significant changes.
  • 10. Page10  Where enough time frame is there to get end user feedback.  Where releases are required to be frequent. 1.3)Advantages of using Spiral Model: 1. Spiral Life Cycle Model is one of the most flexible SDLC models in place. Development phases can be determined by the project manager, according to the complexity of the project. 2. Project monitoring is very easy and effective. Each phase, as well as each loop, requires a review from concerned people. This makes the model more transparent. 3. Risk management is one of the in-built features of the model, which makes it extra attractive compared to other models. 4. Development is fast. 5 .Larger projects / software are created and handled in a strategic way 6. Risk evaluation is proper. 7. Control towards all the phases of development. 8. More and more features are added in a systematic way. 9. Software is produced early. Has room for customer feedback and the changes are implemented faster[5][6]. 1.4)Disadvantages of using Spiral model: Disadvantages of Spiral model are as follows: 1. Risk analysis is important phase so requires expert people. 2. Skills required, to evaluate and review project from time to time, need expertise. 3. Rules and protocols should be followed properly to effectively implement this model. Doing so, through-out the span of project is tough. 4. Due to various customizations allowed from the client, using the same prototype in other projects, in future, is difficult.
  • 11. Page11 5. It is not suitable for low risk projects. 6. is not beneficial for smaller projects. 7. Spiral may go infinitely. 8. Documentation is more as it has intermediate phases. 9. It is costly for smaller projects[5][6]. 1.5)Spiral Model Application: Spiral Model is very widely used in the software industry as it is in synch with the natural development process of any product i.e. learning with maturity and also involves minimum risk for the customer as well as the development firms. Following are the typical uses of Spiral model:  When costs there is a budget constraint and risk evaluation is important.  For medium to high-risk projects.  Long-term project commitment because of potential changes to economic priorities as the requirements change with time.  Customer is not sure of their requirements which is usually the case.  Requirements are complex and need evaluation to get clarity.  New product line which should be released in phases to get enough customer feedback.  Significant changes are expected in the product during the development cycle. Each spiral can be termed as a loop and each loop is a separate development process in a spiral model. The four activities (Planning, Risk analysis, engineering and evaluation) form the intermediary phases of a spiral model and is repeated again for each loop. This model is very good to use for larger projects where you can develop and deliver smaller prototypes and can enhance it to make the larger software. The implementation of this model requires experienced resources as risk analysis is a very integral part of this model and risk analysis requires expertise and as a result this model becomes costly. 2)Introduction to E-commerce: The internet has changed many aspects of society, from business to recreation, from culture to communication and technology, as well as shopping and travelling. This new form of communication has provided new ways of doing business with the help of technological development. E-commerce is the new way of shopping and doing business. Technology has allowed companies to promote and sell their products on new markets, overcoming geographical borders as never before. Consumers have access to a wider market of products when they use wireless and internet technologies. Mobile devices with wide
  • 12. Page12 access to the Internet have allowed companies to reach consumers in more diverse ways, thus ensuring deep market penetration. This study investigates the opportunities generated through mobile telephone access to the Internet.Faster wireless networking standards allow wireless devices to use more ecommerce applications, and consequently, permit wider access to mobile commerce (m-commerce)[2] . 2.1) Architecture of E-commerce: Figure-4: A high-level architecture for electronic commerce we see a high-level overview that supports e-commerce on the Internet. The basic idea is that your potential customers go to your world-wide web (WWW) page, find a product or service that they wish to purchase from you, and then purchase it while they are at the web page. There are three components to this architecture: the Internet, a firewall, and your organization. The Internet is where you will interact electronically with your customers, your firewall will provide you with reasonable protection against people who wish you harm, and your organization‘s systems will process the business transactions generated on the WWW by your customers[19]. 2.2)Business Grouth: It‘s no secret that online business is booming. Ten years from now it‘s likely that we‘ll all be fortunate (on unfortunate) enough to order all our groceries from the comfort of home. The worldwide expansion of the internet has considerably contributed to the transformation of trade and store transactions. E-commerce, or electronic commerce, largely means buying and/or
  • 13. Page13 selling products through the internet and is commonly associated with online shopping. E- commerce also makes use of regular technological maintenance to ensure the smooth functioning of online store sites, monetary transactions, as well as everything to do with providing and delivering products. E-commerce statistics confirm the explosive pace at which this industry has developed as worldwide B2C e-commerce sales amounted to more than 1.2 trillion US dollars in 2013. There are several different types of e-commerce, the most prevalent being B2B (business-to- business), B2C (business-to-consumer) and C2C (consumer-to-consumer) e-commerce. Furthermore, mobile commerce in the shape of buying and selling goods and content via mobile devices such as smartphones is also on the rise. Current e-commerce statistics state that 40 percent of worldwide internet users have bought products or goods online via desktop, mobile, tablet or other online devices. This amounts to more than 1 billion online buyers and is projected to continuously grow. According to popular e-commerce market data, US-founded Amazon is one of the leading e- commerce platforms worldwide. Asian competitors such as Rakuten or Alibaba are also constantly expanding their share within the B2C e-commerce market. Online auction website eBay is the most popular example for C2C e-commerce whilst also providing a platform for merchants to sell their goods[20]. Figure-5:2015 Global Retail E-commerce Index
  • 14. Page14 Even while Alibaba has its eyes set on global markets to expand its business, a large part of its growth over the next five years will be driven by increased demand in the Chinese e-commerce market. The country‘s e-retail market is estimated to grow to over $1 trillion by 2018; by then, it could become even bigger than the combined e-commerce markets of the U.S., Britain, Japan, Germany, and France. The share of online sales in the Chinese retail market is set to increase from 10% in Q2 2014 to over-15% by 2017. In this article, we list out the key growth drivers for this explosive growth in this market. The rapid increase in China‘s Internet penetration rate, driven by the rising adoption of smartphones, is one of the main growth drivers in the Chinese e-commerce market. There were more than 360 million online shoppers in China in 2014; this figure, which is even larger than the entire population of the U.S., could grow to over 750 million by 2020, in our view. Further, the trend towards cashless transactions, which is facilitated by more than 4 billion bank cards in China and by the exchange of millions of virtual red envelopes, has further pushed demand in the Chinese market. (Red Envelopes are an app offered by Tencent for transferring money.) The rural areas represent a source for significant long-term growth, on account of the unique online shopping habits of rural users coupled with tremendous scope for expansion in penetration rates in these areas. The reduction in delivery time and expansion in product categories are other factors that will propel demand in the Chinese e-commerce market[21]. Figure-6:E-commerece Market Growth
  • 15. Page15 Across the world, the past year brought a continuation of the impressive growth of retail e- commerce around the world. Sales increased more than 20 percent worldwide in 2014 to almost $840 billion, as online retailers continued expanding. The 2015 Global Retail E-Commerce Index highlights the big and the small: the countries that are always going to be e-commerce behemoths. This division plays out in the results of this year's Index: The world's largest markets for e- commerce dominate the top half of the top 30, led by the United States, China, and the United Kingdom (see figure 1). In the bottom half are some smaller markets, such as Mexico, whose potential for growth is impossible to ignore. Year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2015 This statistic shows the year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2015. In 2014, Amazon achieved over 20 percent year-over-year net sales revenue growth whereas eBay's year-over-year revenue decreased by 2 percent in its first annual filing post- PayPal split[22][23]. Figure-7: Year-over-year revenue growth of and eBay Inc. from 2006 to 2015
  • 16. Page16 The total revenue, income, assets etc. are given below: Amazon: Services Online shopping, web hosting, content distribution Revenue US$ 107 billion (2015)[7] Operating income US$ 2.2 billion (2015)[7] Net income US$ 596 million (2015)[7] Total assets US$ 65.444 billion (2015)[7] Total equity US$ 13.384 billion (2015)[7] Employees 230,800 (December 2015)[8] E-bay: Services Online shopping Revenue US$8.59 billion (2015)[1] Operating income US$2.19 billion (2015)[1]
  • 17. Page17 Net income US$1.72 billion (2015)[1] Total assets US$17.78 billion (2015)[1] Total equity US$6.57 billion (2015)[1] Employees 34,600 (2015)[2] Alibaba: Products E-commerce, Online auction hosting, Online money transfers, mobile commerce Services Online shopping Revenue CN¥76.204 billion (2015)[1] Operating income CN¥22.716 billion (2015)[1] Net income CN¥24.261 billion (2015)[1] Total assets CN¥255.434 billion (2015)[1] Total equity CN¥146.097 billion (2015)[1] Employees 34,985 (March 2015)[2]
  • 18. Page18 2.3)Advantages of E commerce: In this section we have described all the advantages of electronic commerce for businesses can be summarized: E-Commerce Advantages for Customers  Convenience Every product is at the tip of your fingers on the internet, literally. Type in the product you are looking for into your favorite search engine and every option will appear in a well-organized list in a matter of seconds.  Time saving. With e-commerce there is no driving in circles while looking and digging in hopes of finding what you need. Stores online offer their full line as well as use warehouses instead of store fronts—products are easy to locate and can be delivered to your door in just days.  Options, options, options! Without driving from store to store the consumer can easily compare and contrast products. See who offers the best pricing and have more options to choose from. While a physical store has limited space, the same store on the internet will have full stock.  Easy to compare Side by side comparisons are readily available and easy to do. When products are placed online, they come with all the specifics, and they want you to compare them with others, know they have the best options and come back for more!  Easy to find reviews Because the competition is high, companies online want you to look at other consumer reviews. Good and bad reviews are on every site, not only can you see if the product is liked, you can also see the reasons behind the thumbs up or down. Availability: Electronic commerce can also make products and services available in remote areas.  Coupons and deals
  • 19. Page19 With every online business wanting you, more and more coupons and deals can‘t be avoided, which are totally great for customers. With major sites that act as department store, you may find items up to 80% off! Take advantage of the competition and find the best price available. E-Commerce Advantages for Businesses  Increasing customer base The customer base is every business‘s main concern, online or off. When online, a business doesn‘t have to worry about getting the best property in town, people from around the world have access to their products and can come back at any time.  Rise in sales By not managing a storefront, any business will have more sales online with a higher profit margin. They can redistribute money to make the consumer shopping experience faster and more efficient. While being available to international markets, more products will sell.  24/7, 365 days If it‘s snowing and the roads are closed, or it‘s too hot and humid to even step outside in the summer, or a holiday that every store in town closes, your online business is open for consumers 24/7 every day of the year. The doors never close and profits will keep rising.  Expand business reach A great tool on the internet is…translation! A business online does not have to make a site for every language. With the right marketing, every consumer around the globe can find the business site, products and information without leaving home.  Recurring payments made easy With a little research, every business can set up recurring payments. Find the provider that best suits your needs and billing will be done in a consistent manner; payments will be received in the same way.  Instant transactions. With e-commerce there is no more waiting for the check to clear, or a 30-day wait for certain other types of payment. Transactions are cleared immediately or at most two to three days for the money to clear through the banking system.  Economy Benefit
  • 20. Page20 E-commerce allows us to make transaction without any needs on stores, infrastructure investment, and other common things we find. Companies only need well-built website and customer service.  Better Productivity  Productivity here means productivity for both companies and customers. People like to find answers online because it is faster and cheaper, and it costs a lot cheaper expense as well for the company[24][25]. 2.4)Limitations of E-commerce: E-Commerce Disadvantages for Customers  Privacy and security. Before making instant transactions online, be sure to check the sites certificates of security. While it may be easy and convenient to shop, no one wants their personal information to be stolen. While many sites are reputable, always do your research for those with less than sufficient security.  Quality. While e-commerce makes everything easily accessible, a consumer cannot actually touch products until they are delivered to the door. It is important to view the return policy before buying. Always make sure returning goods is an option.  Hidden costs. When making purchases, the consumer is aware of the product cost, shipping, handling and possible taxes. Be advised: there may be hidden fees that won‘t show up on your purchasing bill but will show up on your form of payment. Extra handling fees may occur, especially with international purchases.  Delay in receiving goods. Although delivery of products is often quicker than expected, be prepared for delays. A snow storm in one place may throw off the shipping system across the board. There is also a chance that your product may be lost or delivered to the wrong address.  Need access to internet. Internet access is not free, and if you are using free wifi, there is the chance of information theft over an unsecure site. If you are wearing of your public library, or cannot afford the internet or computer at home, it may be best to shop locally.  Lack of personal interaction. While the rules and regulations of each e-commerce business is laid out for you to read, there is a lot to read and it may be confusing when it comes to the legalities. With large or important orders, there is no one you can talk to face to face when you have questions and concerns. E-Commerce Disadvantages for Businesses:
  • 21. Page21  Security issues. While businesses make great efforts to keep themselves and the consumer safe, there are people out there that will break every firewall possible to get the information they want. We have all seen recently how the biggest and most renown business can be hacked online.  Credit card issues. Many credit card businesses will take the side of the consumer when there is dispute about billing—they want to keep their clients, too. This can lead to a loss for e-commerce business when goods have already been delivered and the payment is refunded back to the consumer.  Extra expense and expertise for e-commerce infrastructure. To be sure an online business is running correctly, money will have to be invested. As an owner, you need to know transactions are being handled properly and products are represented in the most truthful way. To make sure you get what you need, you will have to hire a professional to tie up any loose ends.  Needs for expanded reverse logistics. The infrastructure of an online business must be on point. This will be another cost to the business because money will need to be invested to ensure proper handling of all aspects of buying and selling, especially with disgruntled consumers that want more than a refund.  Sufficient internet service. Although it seems that everyone is now on the internet all the time, there are still areas in which network bandwidth can cause issues. Before setting up an e-commerce business, be sure your area can handle the telecommunication bandwidth you will need to run effectively.  Constant upkeep. When a business has started as e-commerce, they must be ready to make changes to stay compatible. While technology grows, the systems that support your business must be kept up to date or replaced if needed. There may be additional overhead in order to keep data bases and applications running.  Scalability of System A company definitely needs a well-developed website to support numbers of customers at a time. If your web destination is not well enough, you better forget it[24][25].
  • 22. Page22 3)Content Management System: CMS (Content Management System) is a software or a suite of applications and tools used to manage the editorial content of a website. Many CMS offers a graphical user interface for usability and ease of access enabling publishers to easily use CMS through a web browser. Just a few example of that would be  Create, Edit, Publish, Archive web pages  Create, Edit, Publish, Archive articles  Create, Edit, Publish, Archive press releases  Create, Edit, Publish, Archive blogs  Add / Edit events into an Event Calendar  Add / Edit Inventory (products), description, product specifications, prices, photos, etc.  Enter, Edit, or View orders and print packing slips and invoices  View reports and statistics site data  Create and Edit system users which have different permission levels to different section(s) of the above administration One of the main purpose of CMS (Content Management System) is to provide the capability of multi users with different level of permissions to manage website or section of the website/content[26][29].
  • 23. Page23 Figure-9: The Modern Business Environment We have described some basics on how a CMS (Content Management System) works. It will help you understand better and know what to look for when you are choosing. A basic CMS system is comprised of three components – templates, programming language, dashboard and a database.[29] 3.1)CMS Architecture: Figure-10: CMS Architecture
  • 24. Page24 Design Managers create templates (editable content regions and non-editable design/navigation features) within the CMS. Content Contributors write or place content in the page templates. Editors and Approvers review and edit the information as necessary. Once approved, the webpage is published via FTP to the website (the server) where Site Visitors can access it.[28] 3.2)How CMS work: CMS Templates – It‘s a series of files that contain the basic layout of your website or blog. Template system for CMS may contain a number of different files, different sections of the page, member login section, and stylesheets. These files are used in conjunction with the selected programming language and a database to produce what your visitors and you see. CMS Programming Language – CMS uses a programming language to retain the information stored in the database, formats it and presents it to the viewer. There are number of programing languages that can be used. Most common ones are ASP and PHP. CMS Database – CMS is usually run using a database. Like Programming languages there are several databases available. Some examples would be MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • 25. Page25 3.3) Market share of CMS: This survey cannot find which CMS is ―better‖ than another. Word Press, Joomla, Drupal and dozens of other platforms are mature, stable, great CMS‘ that can do a fantastic job in most cases. According to W3Tech’s survey of the top 1 million domains and which is given below: Figure-11: Market share of CMS of Websites Breakdown of websites with a clearly identifiable CMS, according to W3Tech‘s survey of the top 1 million domains. According to W3Techs, 2.7% (27,000) of the 1 million most visited websites in the World run Joomla, and 1.7% (17,000 websites) run Drupal. That means that almost as Many popular
  • 26. Page26 bloggers use websites as use Drupal and Joomla combined. This doesn‘t include people who have a custom installation of Figure-12:Percentage of most popular websites run on Word Press, Drupal and Joomla that are blogs or news-related. 3.3.1)Content management systems market position report: This diagram shows the market positions in terms of popularity and traffic of the 5 most popular content management systems. How to read the diagram: A technology in the lower right-hand side corner is used by many sites, but mostly by sites with average traffic rank. A technology in the upper left-hand side corner is used by fewer sites, but mostly by sites with high traffic. The best position would be the upper right-hand side corner
  • 27. Page27 Figure-13: Content management systems diagram Another Market share of CMS according to wappanalyzer: They have compiled the global Open Source CMS information provided by the browser add-on on this page to give you an idea of the Top 20 Open Source CMS tools out there and their current market share. There are currently over 20,000 people that have the add-on installed and are reporting this data. Keep in mind that the statistics are of course only a snapshot of the past 30 days and only cover roughly 1% of the entire web.
  • 28. Page28 Figure-14: Content management systems market share 3.4)Why WordPress: WordPress is the most popular content management system on the planet. With over 25% of websites run on this platform, we thought we would look at the history of it, how it transformed from a simple blogging system into its current form, how its community was born, and the ecosystem around WordPress. The platform is changing how websites from all around the world work, with more power and performance than traditional websites or most other CMS systems. Because of the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) ability to change parts of your site, more and more people are becoming bloggers, webmasters, and internet marketers than ever before. Functionality can be extended by plug-in and the looks of the system can be customized using themes. Word Press is a popular system, used on millions of sites – ranging from small weblogs to large blog networks. It has a market share of 55.5% in the CMS market, making it the market leader (W3Techs, 2010). Word Press is developed in PHP and uses MySQL as data storage. The software s distributed freely under an open source (GPL) license, which allows developers to make changes to the original software. Word Press can be installed on one‘s own server (or shared hosting account), but there are also various companies (e.g. that offer a
  • 29. Page29 hosted installation and saves end-users from installation hassles. This document provides a functional and technical overview of the underlying architecture for the Word Press software. 3.4.1) Philosophy: The philosophy behind WordPress is ‗Clean, Lean, and Mean‘ (WordPress, 2010).This means that the basis of WordPress contains only a basic array of functions,And that specific functionality is provided by extensions, which are not integratedIn the core system. This keeps the core system ‗clean and lean‘: only functionality That is useful for more than 80% of the users is included in the core. Word Press hasa sophisticated plugin system (the ‗mean‘ part of the philosophy), which allows Developers to create plugins that change and extend the functionality of WordPressSignificantly. As of January 2011, there are more than 12.000 plugins freelyAvailable for WordPress. Simplicity and ‗working out-of-the-box‘ are other Elements of the WordPress philosophy. WordPress is aimed at users with no orOnly little technical knowledge, and they should be able to set up a standardWordPress installation in five minutes if they meet certain conditions. This Philosophy is reflected in the installation pages for WordPress: the installer asks For as few configuration details as possible, and an explanation is provided for Every step in the installation. 3.4.2) Features: WordPress powers more than 24% of the web — a figure that rises every day. Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress. WordPress combines simplicity for users and publishers with under-the-hood complexity for developers. This makes it flexible while still being easy-to-use. The following is a list of some of the features that come as standard with WordPress; however, there are literally thousands of plugins that extend what WordPress does, so the actual functionality is nearly limitless. You are also free to do whatever you like with the WordPress code, extend it or modify in any way or use it for commercial projects without any licensing fees. That is the beauty of free software, free refers not only to price but also the freedom to have complete control over it. Here are some of the features that we think that you‘ll love.  Simplicity Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly. Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there. WordPress is built to make that happen.
  • 30. Page30  Flexibility With WordPress, you can create any type of website you want: a personal blog or website, a photo blog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a network of websites. You can make your website beautiful with themes, and extend it with plugins. You can even build your very own application.  Publish with Ease If you‘ve ever created a document, you‘re already a whizz at creating content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.  Publishing Tools WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content. Create drafts, schedule publication, and look at your post revisions. Make your content public or private, and secure posts and pages with a password.  User Management Not everyone requires the same access to your website. Administrators manage the site, editor‘s work with content, authors and contributors write that content, and subscribers have a profile that they can manage. This lets you have a variety of contributors to your website, and let others simply be part of your community.  Media Management They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it‘s important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it to your website. Add alt text, captions, and titles, and insert images and galleries into your content. We‘ve even added a few image editing tools you can have fun with.  Full Standards Compliance Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full compliance with the standards set by the W3C. This means that your website will work in today‘s browser, while maintaining forward compatibility with the next generation of browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the future.  Easy Theme System WordPress comes bundled with two default themes, but if they aren‘t for you there‘s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.  Extend with Plugins WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every other feature there‘s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries, social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization, and forms.  Built-in Comments Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress‘s comment tools give you everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.
  • 31. Page31  Search Engine Optimized WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the box. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that for you.  Multilingual WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. If you or the person you‘re building the website for would prefer to use WordPress in a language other than English, that‘s easy to do.  Easy Installation and Upgrades WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. If you‘re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress using FTP, and run the installer. Not familiar with FTP? Plenty of web hosts offer one-click WordPress installers that let you install WordPress with, well, just one click!  Importers Using blog or website software that you aren‘t happy with? Running your blog on a hosted service that‘s about to shut down? WordPress comes with importers for blogger, Live Journal, Movable Type, Type Pad, Tumblr, and WordPress. If you‘re ready to make the move, we‘ve made it easy for you.  Own Your Data Hosted services come and go. If you‘ve ever used a service that disappeared, you know how traumatic that can be. If you‘ve ever seen adverts appear on your website, you‘ve probably been pretty annoyed. Using WordPress means no one has access to your content. Own your data, all of it — your website, your content, your data.  Freedom WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to protect your freedoms. You are free to use WordPress in any way you choose: install it, use it, modify it, and distribute it. Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built on.  Community As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a volunteer, attend a Word Camp or Meetup to learn more about WordPress, read blogs posts and tutorials about WordPress. Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it what it is today.  Contribute You can be WordPress too! Help to build WordPress, answer questions on the support forums, write documentation, translate WordPress into your language, speak at a Word Camp, write about WordPress on your blog. Whatever your skill, we‘d love to have you! Developer Features: For developers, we‘ve got lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend WordPress in whatever direction takes your fancy. Plugin System
  • 32. Page32 The WordPress APIs make it possible for you to create plugins to extend WordPress. WordPress‘s extensibility lies in the thousands of hooks at your disposal. Once you‘ve created your plugin, we‘ve even got a plugin repository for you to host it on.  Theme System Create WordPress themes for clients, customers, and for WordPress users. The WordPress API provides the extensibility to create themes as simple or as complex as you wish. If you want to give your theme away for free you can give it to users in the Theme Repository.  Custom Content Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for More flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own Custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever Direction you wish. Application Framework If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management, HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and much, much more. Custom Content Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for more flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever direction you wish. The Latest Libraries WordPress comes with the latest script libraries for you to make use of. These include jQuery, Upload, Underscore.js and Backbone.js. We‘re always on the lookout for new tools that developers can use to make a better experience for our users. Here are some of the features that we think that you‘ll love.  Simplicity Simplicity makes it possible for you to get online and get publishing, quickly. Nothing should get in the way of you getting your website up and your content out there. WordPress is built to make that happen.  Flexibility With WordPress, you can create any type of website you want: a personal blog or website, a photo blog, a business website, a professional portfolio, a government website, a magazine or news website, an online community, even a network of websites. You can make your website beautiful with themes, and extend it with plugins. You can even build your very own application.
  • 33. Page33  Publish with Ease If you‘ve ever created a document, you‘re already a whizz at creating content with WordPress. You can create Posts and Pages, format them easily, insert media, and with the click of a button your content is live and on the web.  Publishing Tools WordPress makes it easy for you to manage your content. Create drafts, schedule publication, and look at your post revisions. Make your content public or private, and secure posts and pages with a password.  User Management Not everyone requires the same access to your website. Administrators manage the site, editor‘s work with content, authors and contributors write that content, and subscribers have a profile that they can manage. This lets you have a variety of contributors to your website, and let others simply be part of your community.  Media Management They say a picture says a thousand words, which is why it‘s important for you to be able to quickly and easily upload images and media to WordPress. Drag and drop your media into the uploader to add it to your website. Add alt text, captions, and titles, and insert images and galleries into your content. We‘ve even added a few image editing tools you can have fun with.  Full Standards Compliance Every piece of WordPress generated code is in full compliance with the standards set by the W3C. This means that your website will work in today‘s browser, while maintaining forward compatibility with the next generation of browser. Your website is a beautiful thing, now and in the future.  Easy Theme System WordPress comes bundled with two default themes, but if they aren‘t for you there‘s a theme directory with thousands of themes for you to create a beautiful website. None of those to your taste? Upload your own theme with the click of a button. It only takes a few seconds for you to give your website a complete makeover.  Extend with Plugins WordPress comes packed full of features for every user, for every other feature there‘s a plugin directory with thousands of plugins. Add complex galleries, social networking, forums, social media widgets, spam protection, calendars, fine-tune controls for search engine optimization, and forms.  Built-in Comments Your blog is your home, and comments provide a space for your friends and followers to engage with your content. WordPress‘s comment tools give you everything you need to be a forum for discussion and to moderate that discussion.  Search Engine Optimized WordPress is optimized for search engines right out of the box. For more fine-grained SEO control, there are plenty of SEO plugins to take care of that for you.
  • 34. Page34  Multilingual WordPress is available in more than 70 languages. If you or the person you‘re building the website for would prefer to use WordPress in a language other than English, that‘s easy to do.  Easy Installation and Upgrades WordPress has always been easy to install and upgrade. If you‘re happy using an FTP program, you can create a database, upload WordPress using FTP, and run the installer. Not familiar with FTP? Plenty of web hosts offer one- click WordPress installers that let you install WordPress with, well, just one click!  Importers Using blog or website software that you aren‘t happy with? Running your blog on a hosted service that‘s about to shut down? WordPress comes with importers for blogger, Live Journal, Movable Type, Type Pad, Tumblr, and WordPress. If you‘re ready to make the move, we‘ve made it easy for you.  Own Your Data Hosted services come and go. If you‘ve ever used a service that disappeared, you know how traumatic that can be. If you‘ve ever seen adverts appear on your website, you‘ve probably been pretty annoyed. Using WordPress means no one has access to your content. Own your data, all of it — your website, your content, your data.  Freedom WordPress is licensed under the GPL which was created to protect your freedoms. You are free to use WordPress in any way you choose: install it, use it, modify it, and distribute it. Software freedom is the foundation that WordPress is built on.  Community As the most popular open source CMS on the web, WordPress has a vibrant and supportive community. Ask a question on the support forums and get help from a volunteer, attend a Word Camp or Meetup to learn more about WordPress, read blogs posts and tutorials about WordPress. Community is at the heart of WordPress, making it what it is today.  Contribute You can be WordPress too! Help to build WordPress, answer questions on the support forums, write documentation, translate WordPress into your language, speak at a Word Camp, write about WordPress on your blog. Whatever your skill, we‘d love to have you! Developer Features: For developers, we‘ve got lots of goodies packed under the hood that you can use to extend WordPress in whatever direction takes your fancy. Plugin System The WordPress APIs make it possible for you to create plugins to extend WordPress. WordPress‘s extensibility lies in the thousands of hooks at your disposal. Once you‘ve created your plugin, we‘ve even got a plugin repository for you to host it on.
  • 35. Page35  Theme System Create WordPress themes for clients, customers, and for WordPress users. The WordPress API provides the extensibility to create themes as simple or as complex as you wish. If you want to give your theme away for free you can give it to users in the Theme Repository.  Custom Content Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for More flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own Custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever Direction you wish. Application Framework If you want to build an application, WordPress can help with that too. Under the hood WordPress provides a lot of the features that your app will need, things like translations, user management, HTTP requests, databases, URL routing and much, much more. Custom Content Types WordPress comes with default content types, but for more flexibility you can add a few lines of code to create your own custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. Take WordPress in whatever direction you wish. The Latest Libraries WordPress comes with the latest script libraries for you to make use of. These include jQuery, Upload, Underscore.js and Backbone.js. We‘re always on the lookout for new tools that developers can use to make a better experience for our users[30]. 3.4.3) Combating spam: In general term, spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. Spam is very easy to spread throughout the internet, and works on the principle that if you send out thousands, or hundreds of thousands of unsolicited advertisements, scams, or other questionable methods of making money, that you only need a very small percentage of people to be fooled to make a large amount of money. Spammers use various methods to distribute their electronic junk mail, and employ bots, or computer programs to quickly and easily send email or comments to
  • 36. Page36 millions of addresses and IPs all over the world. WordPress developers and community members are constantly working on more and better ways to combat spammers. Several solutions to combat spam are being addressed by the system, which are covered below: Akismet WordPress ships out-of-the-box with Akismet installed by default. This plugin aims to manage comment spam and also ensures that spam does not affect search engine rankings negatively. Each time a new comment, trackback, or pingback is added to a website, it is submitted to the Akismet web service which runs several tests on the comment and returns a ‗thumbs up‘ or ‗thumbs down‘. It also aims to give the blogger more time to connect with their readers, instead of laboring through page after page of spam. Comment moderation The moderation option shows a listing of the latest comments on any post and you can quickly scan the comment activity on a website. For example, spammers try to influence Google‘s search technique called PageRank using comment spam. The faster the response to comment spam on a website, the less likely the spammers will return. Spam words Contains a list of words that commonly appear in spam comments which can be manually added to the moderation list. Blacklist The blacklist is a list of words which are completely blacklisted from a weblog. If a comment matches a word on the list, it will be purged without any notification. However, the words will remain in your database marked as[spam]. Architecture WordPress – ‗code is poetry‘ 13 CAPTCHA CAPTCHAs are a type of challenge-response test to ensure that the response is not generated by a computer. In WordPress, the CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen. The acronym stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart Authentication Authentication is the act of establishing or confirming someone as authentic. That claims made by or about the subject are true. WordPress has the option to register first before you are able to post. 3.4.4) Security: This section will provide a functional overview of the security quality aspects within WordPress. Security is defined as the extent to which WordPress prevents the leaking of secure data, prevents losing important data and the capability of defending against illegal access. First of all, the developers of WordPress take security very seriously as potential security issues can arise any moment. This section will present an overview of the functional security measures defined by WordPress. In order to keep a WordPress installation secure, there are three general steps which can be taken: 1. Limiting access: This step is about making smart choices that effectively lower the possible entry points available to a malicious person. 2. Containment: If a weak point in your installation is found by a malicious person, your system should be configured to minimize the amount of damage that can be done once inside your system. 3. Backups: The step of keeping backups, knowing the state of your WordPress installation at regular time intervals, and documenting your modifications will help in understanding a WordPress installation. The application can be negatively impacted as a result of how the program is written, which allows an attacker, for example, to pass HTTP arguments or create bad URI strings. There are two
  • 37. Page37 guidelines/habits to keep vulnerabilities in WordPress to a minimum. Keep up to date with the latest WordPress version.  Please note that security patches for older WordPress versions are not maintained by the WordPress Development team. Architecture WordPress – ‗code is poetry‘ 15 Report bugs  Report bugs in the likely event of uncovering a security flaw, a (potential) vulnerability or a bug that could lead to one. Several technical security measures taken by WordPress are discussed below. Server and network vulnerabilities are considered out of scope for this report. A trusted host should cover these security aspects adequately. Passwords  Adopting good security habits can dramatically reduce vulnerabilities. Using strong passwords makes it very hard to use brute forcing techniques. For example, WordPress allows changing the administrator account into a different name to make it harder to guess. File permissions.  WordPress offers the functionality of locking down file permissions as much as possible but also supports to loosen restrictions on the occasions of allowing write access, or creating special folders with less strict restrictions. Plugins  WordPress offers a security scan plugin which scans your WordPress installation for security vulnerabilities and suggests corrective actions. Database security  A containment strategy has been implemented for running multiple blogs on the same server. These can be placed in separate databases each managed by a different user. In the case of a successful intrusion, the intruder cannot easily alter other blog installations. Data backups  A sound backup strategy could include keeping a set of regularly-timed snapshots of your entire. WordPress installation (including WordPress core files and your database) in a trusted location. 3.4.5) System architecture: In this chapter the system architecture is investigated using use cases, class diagrams and by looking at the source code. General overview Actors The following is the list of known actors that will interact with the WordPress application. The roles, from left to right, are defined below. Actors with no privileges are listed first, ending with the actor with the most privileges. Visitor: A person who pays a visit to a blog post, e.g. a guest.  Subscriber: A person who can manage their own profile.  Contributor: A person who can write and manage their posts but cannot publish them.
  • 38. Page38  Author: A person who can publish and manage their own posts.  Editor: A person who can publish and manage posts, pages and also can manage other users' posts,etc.  Administrator: A person who has access to all the administration features.  Super administrator: A person with access to the blog network administration features controlling the entire network. 3.4.6) Patterns: WordPress uses a procedural way of coding. Unfortunately, it cannot be categorized as an MVC (Model - View - Controller) application however some people say that it follows the MVC model up to degree in a simplified way. For example the model part consists of the .php files that contain the queries to the database. A middle layer is comprised of the files that are responsible for the logic and the rewriting of the content, and the view layer is responsible for the final formatting of the content. However, there are still many violations to the separation of the layers that the MVC model requires. For example we can see queries being executed from a file belonging to the view layer. WordPress has an architecture that is based on four types of building blocks: Display  The display consists of containers which are certain regions within the page. The defaults are the Header, Footer, Sidebar(s), and content but they can be more with customization. Templates  The templates are php files that are responsible for the layout of a region of a page. They usually have similar names with the region they written for. Every page has to inherit a template in order be shown properly. For example there are templates that can be used for the front page (index.php, header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php) and the single post pages (header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, comments.php, single.php). A collection of templates along with their associated .css files comprise a theme which is an overall decoration package of the website. The Loop/Engine  The developers have designed a mechanism, called ―The Loop‖, that is responsible for rendering every page. It is the core engine of the application as it iterates through the database entries to collect the posts that are required for the specific page that is displayed. Back End Communication with the other components (DB server, file, mailing and scheduling system)
  • 39. Page39 Metadata  Metadata is information for web pages or their elements what are needed for indexing. They are stored into the database and used when the pages are displayed. Example of metadata for a post is the author, the time, the tags etc. 3.4.7) the WordPress JSON Rest API: In this section we will discuss about REST API. REST APIs are a growing technique and a big opportunity for developers. Knowing how to create APIs and how to consume them gives you a great advantage. A REST API can be consumed everywhere. On mobile applications, on front- end (web apps) or any other devices that have access on the net[33]. what is API: An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. A few good examples of APIs in action would be: 1. Anytime an app uses Google Maps to display its location information. 2. A mobile or desktop twitter client. 3. A game/service that integrates Facebook features such as login, messaging, etc. In these instances, and all others like them, the APIs ―expose‖ certain internal functions of the primary applications so that outside developers can use them in their own applications or websites. In these examples, app developers have been given the ability to tap into the powerful features (and/or content) of major web services so that they can build on top of them and/or integrate key content and features into their own products. But again, only in limited, clearly defined ways. This allows a form of open collaboration to walk hand in hand with security. what is a rest API: REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style of building APIs; not a code language or description of its function. A REST API is designed to provide a lightweight form of communication (less bandwidth) between producer (ex: Twitter) and consumer (ex:
  • 40. Page40 Twitter client), making it a great solution for high volume web services like Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, and now WordPress.[32] What Is the WordPress JSON REST API (WP API) & How Does It Work? JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format based on a subset of the JavaScript code language. It‘s easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. Which also makes it a great fit for creating REST APIs–such as the new WordPress JSON REST API or WP API as it has been named. JSON is the notation, REST is the architectural style, and API is the interface they make up. When you put them all together you get a tool that developers can use to easily share data from their WordPress website(s) to other websites or applications.[31] More specifically, the WP API allows you to take CRUD actions on WordPress content. Which means Create, Read, Update, and Delete the following content types:  Posts  Pages  Custom Post Types  Media  Comments  Taxonomies  Users  Or any other type of content you can extend it for[33].
  • 41. Page41 Figure-15: WordPress Theme 4) Cross platform concept: Cross platform development is a concept in computer software development where you write application code once, and it runs on multiple platforms. This is very much inline with the ―write once, run everywhere‖ concept pioneered in the 90s, and brought to a mainstream reality with Flash in the browser, and AIR on the desktop. The standard evolution of technology has been to make everything faster, smaller, and more portable, and it is only natural that that this concept has now come into the mobile development world. In mobile scenarios, it is applied by writing an application using a codebase & technology that allows the application to be deployed and distributed across multiple disparate platforms/operating systems/devices. As learnt from the survey, hybrid approaches have become more prevalent in crossplatform mobile development. Cross-platform mobile development essentially makes use of frameworks allowing developers to create platform independent mobile applications predominantly utilizing already familiar web standards like HTML/JavaScript/CSS. These frameworks act more or less as a middleware or bridge and provide the platform-specific implementation of API in the native programming language for the language of the framework to communicate with the native code of different platforms [8] [9]. According to Martin Fowler, an author and speaker on the topic of software development [6]
  • 42. Page42 Figure-16: Different solution approches and use of cross-platform tools. The alternative for developing application natively for every platform is in using cross-platform development tools (CPTs) that allow using shared codebase across all target platforms with little modifications. The main advantage of cross-platform development approach is in saving time and resources on development and maintenance phases, using single development environment and programming language that is abstract from the platform native programming languages. Figure 2 shows the share of native developed applications and use of programming languages for different operating systems[15]. Figure-17: Primary language use by platform
  • 43. Page43 4.1) Cross-Platform Mobile Development Frameworks Comparison on Different Parameters: However there are quite a few number of cross-platform mobile development frameworks/tools that employ the hybrid approach of application development. Adobe‘s PhoneGap, Appcelerator‘s Titanium, Motorola Solutions'RhoMobile Suite, etc are to name a few popular ones. This section deals with an analytic comparison between these frameworks. Heitkötter et al. [13] list out 14 criteria from the infrastructure and development perspective to assess cross- platform development approaches. Similarly, D. Gavalas and D.Economou [14], compare different mobile programming platforms in five different areas with respect to various quantitative and qualitative criteria. Taking some inspiration from these criteria and additionally identifying our own few according to the context of this work, a list of comparison parameters has been drawn up. On the basis of these parameters the above mentioned three frameworks will be gauged against. The parameters have been mentioned below with the explanation how each of the three frameworks fares on these parameters. 4.1.1)Platform Support Platform support means the number of different platforms that the framework supports. So the framework that supports more platforms means it does better on this parameter. PhoneGap: Supports eight different mobile platforms as of March 2013 namely iOS, Android, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone, webOS, Symbian, Bada and Tizen [10]. Titanium: As of March 2013, Titanium supports iOS, Android and BlackBerry [11]. RhoMobile Suite: As of March 2013, RhoMobile supports iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7 series, BlackBerry along with now discontinued Windows Mobile [12]. 4.2) Benefits of Developing for Multiple Platforms Greater Reach The more platforms you cover, the more people you‘ll be able to reach. Simple as that. With Apple‘s iOS and Google‘s Android competing for top positions worldwide, the number of smartphone users for these systems is increasing day by day. Developing an application that runs on both iPhone and Android gives you the added advantage of tapping into greater market potential. Easy Marketing When you have a bigger number of fans, marketing becomes easier in the sense that you don‘t have to create niche messages to cater to a specific set of people. You have the liberty of marketing the application on various media and through generalised messages for the masses. One Instead of Many - Cost effective It is easier to maintain and deploy changes when your team is developing one application that
  • 44. Page44 runs across all platforms. Updates would immediately get synced across all devices and platforms. This will save you money. Uniform Look and Feel The overall design and feel of the app can be maintained across various platforms if there‘s a single code running on all. When you‘re designing different apps, it can be hard to sync two different development teams to make the same app. Reduced Development Costs All this means you have reduced development costs when making apps for multiple platforms. But before you make a decision, read on for the disadvantages. 5)Mobile applications 5.1) Present market share: The customers in today‘s world are on the move and they‘re using mobile application platforms to get there. Whether they use mobile phones, tablets, or other mobile devices they have all the information they need. That's why mobile apps are so much important in today‘s market.Mobile apps allow customers to have all your information at their fingertips. Also, it is important that your app works on multiple mobile application platforms. But for beginning, start with one platform.No matter what your business is, a mobile app can help you get and retain customers., and that's a fact. We all know that the first place customers go to search for a product or service is online. If your business is available online, and plus you have an app that users can download to their devices, your business will make really good impression. At a glance they will be able to see and open your app and purchase from your business.
  • 45. Page45 Figure-18: Users Ratio of using Devices 5.1.1) Mobile App Usage : Many of the enterprises are making marketing decisions based on mobile device usage. For example use of services of Google is increasing mainly by the users of smartphones and tablets (Koskinen 2014, 18). Also in terms of creating more personal campaigns and being in touch with the customers more efficiently in the rapidly growing smart device growth have shown its potential. (Business insider 2013, date of retrieval 12.11.2013.) The growth in mobile medium enables enterprises to increase customer engagement, to enhance customer satisfaction, generate revenue, have more sales completed in mobile channel and to build customer loyalty. Today's consumer is used having access to the network every day and everywhere. High percentage of smartphone user are during the morning before getting off the bed. 40% of smartphone owners check their phone before getting off their bed and 70 % on the morning commute uses data. (ConsumerLab 2012, date of retrieval 20.1.2014.)[13].
  • 46. Page46 Figure-19: Users Ratio of using Devices v/s Ad 5.2)Why Cross platform: There are several factors that make cross-platform mobile application development seem attractive to some publishers. Perhaps, the most persuasive is a reduced development cost. Standard-based web technologies that bridge web applications and mobile devices allow companies to get an app onto different platforms without having to invest in a team or a developer specific to the ecosystem.Unquestionably cross platform is going to be more robust in the time to come. But there are few drawbacks that need to be addressed to make the strategy offer more fluid, seamless and device-optimized experience. It has been seen a single platform app offer utilizes the device features in a more exhaustive manner that one-for-all apps. Secondly, less scope of introducing customized features is a serious drawback to cross platform apps. Often cross platform apps are felt bland and depreciated than dedicated single platform apps, because in trying to provide feature set for all platforms it often compromises on device specific brilliance.
  • 47. Page47 Figure-20: The continuum of mobile application development The figure above shows how hybrid applications are closing the gap between native and web- based application development. The first column depicts the native approach, the second column is the hybrid approach and the last one is the web-based approach. As can be seen from the figure, the hybrid approach unifies the development and testing process into one streamlined project with just the separate build processes required for different targeted platforms. 6) CMS based e-commerce solution “Muktopata”: 6.1)Website version:  Muktopata is a CMS based e-commerce site which contains various product list with add to cart system. Add to Cart is a way to create a temporary list of items by adding them to cart, which will keep track of the items until user leave our website. User can export items in your cart by saving the list to a file or sending it to an email address. User can also place the items on hold or add them to users wish list.This site is made with Wordpress theme using various Widgets,With a default setup, front page will display your latest products. Customer can buy and sell their procucts through this site. Languages are used-  HTML (HyperText Markup Language)  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • 48. Page48  PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor) There are other code languages used WordPress theme and plugin (JavaScript, jQuery, etc) Figure-21: Muktopata website 6.2) Mobile App version: WP API exposes a simple yet easy interface to WP Query, the posts API, post meta API, users API, revisions API and many more. WP provides an easy to use REST API, available via HTTP. WP API also includes an easy-to-use Javascript API based on Backbone models, allowing plugin and theme developers to get up and running without needing to know anything about the details of getting connected. Site's data in simple JSON format, including users, posts, taxonomies and more. Retrieving or updating data is as simple as sending a HTTP request.Mobile Application of muktopata is created by parsing Rest API provided by muktopata online site.Languages are used-  Angular JS  HTML (HyperText Markup Language)  CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)  JQuery
  • 49. Page49 Figure-22: Muktopata Mobile App 7)Goal and Future of Project: Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours. In the event of a problem with the item, consumers are concerned with the ease of returning an item in exchange for either the correct product or a refund. Consumers may need to contact the retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund. Some online companies have more generous return policies to compensate for the traditional advantage of physical stores. For example, the online shoe retailer includes labels for free return shipping, and does not charge a restocking fee, even for returns which are not the result of merchant error.Open source e-Commerce is a free of charge platform that doesn‘t imply licenses fee. Furthermore, open source users are also responsible for installing, maintaining, securing and configuring the software on their own servers. In order to set up an open source platform, basic technical expertise is required in the areas of web design and development. Software products that are distributed as open source are generally free, and users can access and
  • 50. Page50 modify the source code. Several examples of typical open source E-commerce platforms are PayCart, PrestaShop, osCommerce, Magento, Thelia and Cart4. Advantages: 1. Free of charge system; 2. Wide variety of available add-ons/plugins/extensions; 3. Better flexibility with a customizable source code; Conclusion: E-commerce is continuously progressing and is becoming more and more important to businesses as technology continues to advance and is something that should be taken advantage of and implemented.From the inception of the Internet and e-commerce, the possibilities have become endless for both businesses and consumers. Creating more opportunities for profit and advancements for businesses, while creating more options for consumers. However, just like anything else, e-commerce has its disadvantages including consumer uncertainties, but nothing that can not be resolved or avoided by good decision-making and business practices. E- Commerce is not just about conducting business transactions via the Internet. Its impact will be far-reaching, and more prominent then we know currently. This is because the revolution in information technology is happening simultaneously with other developments, especially the globalization of the business. The new age of global e-commerce is creating entirely new economy and that will tremendously change our lives, will reshape the competition in various industries, and alter the economy globally. As companies are gaining high profits, more and more other companies are developing their websites to increase their profits. Since more businesses are being held online resulting in high economy development and emergence of a more innovative and advanced technology.
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