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Testing Cookbooks
Validating Our Recipes in Virtual Environments
Slide 1 of 88
After completing this module, you should be able to:
Use Test Kitchen to verify your recipes converge on a
virtual instance
Read the ServerSpec documentation
Write and execute tests
Slide 2 of 88
As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also
need to start thinking about testing it.
Can We Test Cookbooks?
Slide 3 of 88
As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also
need to start thinking about testing it.
Will the recipes that we created work on
another system similar to this one? Will they
work in production?
Can We Test Cookbooks?
Slide 4 of 88
As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also
need to start thinking about testing it.
Will the recipes that we created work on
another system similar to this one? Will they
work in production?
"Works on my machine".
Can We Test Cookbooks?
Slide 5 of 88
As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also
need to start thinking about testing it.
Will the recipes that we created work on
another system similar to this one? Will they
work in production?
"Works on my machine".
So how could we solve a problem like this?
Can We Test Cookbooks?
Slide 6 of 88
What steps would it take to test one of the cookbooks that
we have created?
Mandating Testing
Slide 7 of 88
Slide 8 of 88
We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are
Testing Cookbooks
Slide 9 of 88
We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are
Testing Cookbooks
Slide 10 of 88
We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are
How often should you test your cookbook?
Testing Cookbooks
Slide 11 of 88
We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are
How often should you test your cookbook?
How often do you think changes will occur?
Testing Cookbooks
Slide 12 of 88
We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are
How often should you test your cookbook?
How often do you think changes will occur?
What happens when the rate of cookbook
changes exceed the time interval it takes to
verify the cookbook?
Testing Cookbooks
Slide 13 of 88
An automated way to ensure code accomplishes the
intended goal and help the team understand its intent.
Code Testing
Slide 14 of 88
"What are we running in production? Maybe I could test
the cookbook against a virtual machine."
Test Configuration
Slide 15 of 88
"What are we running in production? Maybe I could test
the cookbook against a virtual machine."
Configure the workstation cookbook to test against the
centos-6.7 platform
Test the workstation cookbook on a virtual machine
Test Configuration
Slide 16 of 88
Slide 17 of 88
What Can kitchen Do?
kitchenconsole #KitchenConsole!
kitchenconverge[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Convergeoneormoreinstances
kitchencreate[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Createoneormoreinstances
kitchendestroy[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Destroyoneormoreinstances
kitchenhelp[COMMAND] #Describeavailablecommandsoronespecif...
kitcheninit #Addssomeconfigurationtoyourcookbook...
kitchenlist[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Listsoneormoreinstances
kitchensetup[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Setuponeormoreinstances
kitchentest[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Testoneormoreinstances
kitchenverify[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Verifyoneormoreinstances
kitchenversion #PrintKitchen'sversioninformation
Slide 18 of 88
What Can kitchen init Do?
-D,[--driver=onetwothree] #OneormoreKitchenDrivergems...
-P,[--provisioner=PROVISIONER] #ThedefaultKitchenProvisionertouse
[--create-gemfile],[--no-create-gemfile] #WhetherornottocreateaGemfi...
Slide 19 of 88
Do We Have a .kitchen.yml?
│ ├──default.rb
│ └──setup.rb
│ ├──spec_helper.rb
│ └──unit
Slide 20 of 88
What is Inside .kitchen.yml?
Slide 21 of 88
When chef generates a cookbook, a default
.kitchen.ymlis created.
It contains kitchen configuration for the driver,
provisioner, platform, and suites.
Slide 22 of 88
Demo: The kitchen Driver
The driver is responsible for creating a machine that we'll use to test our
Example Drivers:
Slide 23 of 88
Demo: The kitchen Provisioner
This tells Test Kitchen how to run Chef to apply the code in our cookbook to
the machine under test.
The default and simplest approach is to use chef_zero.
Slide 24 of 88
Demo: The kitchen Platforms
This is a list of operation systems on which we want to run our code.
Slide 25 of 88
Demo: The kitchen Suites
This section defines what we want to test. It includes the Chef run-listof
recipes that we want to test.
We define a single suite named default.
Slide 26 of 88
Demo: The kitchen Suites
The suite named default defines a run_list.
Run the workstation cookbook's default recipe file.
Slide 27 of 88
Kitchen defines a list of instances, or test matrix,
based on the platforms multiplied by the suites.
Running kitchen list will show that matrix.
Kitchen Test Matrix
Slide 28 of 88
Example: Kitchen Test Matrix
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier TransportLastAction
default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated>
default-centos-65 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated>
Slide 29 of 88
Example: Kitchen Test Matrix
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier TransportLastAction
default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated>
default-centos-65 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated>
Slide 30 of 88
"What are we running in production? Maybe I could test
the cookbook against a virtual machine."
Group Exercise: Test Configuration
Slide 31 of 88
"What are we running in production? Maybe I could test
the cookbook against a virtual machine."
Configure the workstation cookbook's .kitchen.ymlto
use the Docker driver and centos 6.7 platform.
Use kitchen converge to apply the recipe on a virtual
Group Exercise: Test Configuration
Slide 32 of 88
Group Exercise: Move into the Cookbook's Directory
Slide 33 of 88
Group Exercise: Edit the Kitchen Configuration File
Slide 34 of 88
Group Exercise: Edit the Kitchen Configuration File
Slide 35 of 88
Group Exercise: Look at the Test Matrix
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport LastAction
default-centos-67 Docker ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated>
Slide 36 of 88
"Before I add features it really would be nice to test these
cookbooks against the environments that resemble
Converging a Cookbook
Slide 37 of 88
"Before I add features it really would be nice to test these
cookbooks against the environments that resemble
Configure the workstation cookbook's .kitchen.ymlto
use the Docker driver and centos-6.7 platform
Use kitchen converge to apply the recipe on a virtual
Converging a Cookbook
Slide 38 of 88
Kitchen Create
Create one or more instances.
Slide 39 of 88
Group Exercise: Kitchen Converge
Create the instance (if necessary) and then apply the run list to one or more
Slide 40 of 88
Group Exercise: Converge the Cookbook
SendingbuildcontexttoDockerdaemon 2.56kB
-----> Finishedcreating<default-centos-67>(1m18.32s).
Slide 41 of 88
We want to validate that our run-list installs correctly.
Within the apache cookbook, use kitchen converge for
the default suite on the centos 6.7 platform.
Lab: Converge the Recipe for apache
Slide 42 of 88
Lab: Configuring Test Kitchen for apache
Slide 43 of 88
Lab: Converge the apache Cookbook
SendingbuildcontexttoDockerdaemon 2.56kB
Slide 44 of 88
What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe
without error?
Test Kitchen
Slide 45 of 88
What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe
without error?
What is NOT being tested when kitchen converges the
recipe without error?
Test Kitchen
Slide 46 of 88
What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe
without error?
What is NOT being tested when kitchen converges the
recipe without error?
What is left to validate to ensure that the cookbook
successfully applied the policy defined in the recipe?
Test Kitchen
Slide 47 of 88
"Converging seems to validate that the recipe runs
successfully. But does it assert what actually is installed?"
The First Test
Slide 48 of 88
"Converging seems to validate that the recipe runs
successfully. But does it assert what actually is installed?"
In a few minutes we'll write and execute a test that
asserts that the tree package is installed when the
workstation cookbook's default recipe is applied.
The First Test
Slide 49 of 88
Kitchen Verify
Create, converge, and verify one or more instances.
Slide 50 of 88
Kitchen Destroy
Destroys one or more instances.
Slide 51 of 88
Kitchen Test
Destroys (for clean-up), creates, converges, verifies and then destroys one or
more instances.
Slide 52 of 88
Serverspec tests your servers' actual state by
executing command locally, via SSH, via WinRM, via
Docker API and so on.
So you don't need to install any agent software on
your servers and can use any configuration
management tools, Puppet, Chef, CFEngine, Itamae
and so on.
Slide 53 of 88
Is the tree package installed?
I expect the package tree should be installed.
Slide 54 of 88
Group Exercise: Requiring a Test Helper
Loads a helper file with that name in the same directory.
Slide 55 of 88
Group Exercise: Describing the Test Context
Describes a body of tests for the workstation cookbook's default recipe.
Slide 56 of 88
Group Exercise: Our Assertion in a spec File
When we converge the workstation cookbook's default recipe we expect the
tree package to be installed.
Slide 57 of 88
workstation/test/ /default/serverspec/default_spec.rb
Test Kitchen will look for tests to run under this directory.
It allows you to put unit or other tests in test/unit, spec,
acceptance, or wherever without mixing them up. This is
configurable, if desired.
Where do Tests Live?
Slide 58 of 88
workstation/test/integration/ /serverspec/default_spec.rb
This corresponds to the name of the test suite that is
defined in the .kitchen.ymlfile.
In our case the name of the suite is default so when
Test Kitchen performs a kitchen verify for the default
suite it will look within the defaultfolder for the
specifications to run.
Where do Tests Live?
Slide 59 of 88
workstation/test/integration/default/ /default_spec.rb
This tells Test Kitchen that we wish to use Serverspec
framework for testing.
Where do Tests Live?
Slide 60 of 88
All test files (or specs) are named after the recipe they
test and end with the suffix _spec.rb.
A spec missing that will not be found when executing
kitchen verify.
Where do Tests Live?
Slide 61 of 88
Group Exercise: Move into the Cookbook
Slide 62 of 88
Group Exercise: Running the Specification
Slide 63 of 88
Group Exercise: Commit Your Work
Slide 64 of 88
More Tests
What are other resources within the recipe that we could test?
Slide 65 of 88
Serverspec can help us assert different characteristics
about files on the file system. Like if it is a file,
directory, socket or symlink.
The file's mode owner or group. If the file is readable,
writeable, or executable. It is even able to verify the
data contained within the file.
Testing a File
Slide 66 of 88
Example: The File Contains Data
I expect the file named /etc/passwdto be a file (as opposed to a directory,
socket or symlink).
Slide 67 of 88
Example: The File Contains Specific Content
I expect the file named /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confto have content that
Slide 68 of 88
Example: The File is Owned by a Particular User
I expect the file named /etc/sudoersto be owned by the rootuser.
Slide 69 of 88
Add tests that validate that the remaining package
resources have been installed
Add tests that validate the file resource
Run kitchen verify to validate the test meets the
expectations that you defined
Commit your changes
Lab: More Tests
Slide 70 of 88
Lab: Our Assertion in a spec File
The package named git is installed.
Slide 71 of 88
Lab: Our Assertion in a spec File
The file named /etc/motdshould be owned by root.
Slide 72 of 88
Group Exercise: Return to the Cookbook Directory
Slide 73 of 88
Lab: Running the Specification
Slide 74 of 88
Lab: Commit Your Work
Slide 75 of 88
"I would love to know that the webserver is installed and
running correctly."
Testing Our Webserver
Slide 76 of 88
"I would love to know that the webserver is installed and
running correctly."
Discuss and decide what should be tested with the
apache cookbook
Testing Our Webserver
Slide 77 of 88
What are some things we could test to validate our
web server has deployed correctly?
What manual tests do we use now to validate a
working web server?
Slide 78 of 88
Create a test file for the apache cookbook's default
Add tests that validate a working web server
Run kitchen verify
Commit your changes
Lab: Testing Apache
Slide 79 of 88
Lab: Switch to the apache cookbook
Slide 80 of 88
Lab: What Does the Webserver Say?
Port 80 should be listening.
The standard out from the command curl http://localhost should match
'Hello, world!'
Slide 81 of 88
Lab: Commit Your Work
Slide 82 of 88
Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory
of the cookbook?
Slide 83 of 88
Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory
of the cookbook?
Where would you define additional platforms?
Slide 84 of 88
Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory
of the cookbook?
Where would you define additional platforms?
Why would you define a new test suite?
Slide 85 of 88
Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory
of the cookbook?
Where would you define additional platforms?
Why would you define a new test suite?
What are the limitations of using Test Kitchen to
validate recipes?
Slide 86 of 88
What questions can we help you answer?
Test Kitchen
kitchen commands
kitchen configuration
Slide 87 of 88
Slide 88 of 88

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Testing Cookbooks with Test Kitchen

  • 1. Testing Cookbooks Validating Our Recipes in Virtual Environments Slide 1 of 88
  • 2. After completing this module, you should be able to: Use Test Kitchen to verify your recipes converge on a virtual instance Read the ServerSpec documentation Write and execute tests Objectives Slide 2 of 88
  • 3. As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also need to start thinking about testing it. Can We Test Cookbooks? Slide 3 of 88
  • 4. As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also need to start thinking about testing it. Will the recipes that we created work on another system similar to this one? Will they work in production? Can We Test Cookbooks? Slide 4 of 88
  • 5. As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also need to start thinking about testing it. Will the recipes that we created work on another system similar to this one? Will they work in production? "Works on my machine". Can We Test Cookbooks? Slide 5 of 88
  • 6. As we start to define our infrastructure as code we also need to start thinking about testing it. Will the recipes that we created work on another system similar to this one? Will they work in production? "Works on my machine". So how could we solve a problem like this? Can We Test Cookbooks? Slide 6 of 88
  • 7. What steps would it take to test one of the cookbooks that we have created? Mandating Testing Slide 7 of 88
  • 9. We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are tested. Testing Cookbooks Slide 9 of 88
  • 10. We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are tested. Considerations-- Testing Cookbooks Slide 10 of 88
  • 11. We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are tested. Considerations-- How often should you test your cookbook? Testing Cookbooks Slide 11 of 88
  • 12. We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are tested. Considerations-- How often should you test your cookbook? How often do you think changes will occur? Testing Cookbooks Slide 12 of 88
  • 13. We can start by first mandating that all cookbooks are tested. Considerations-- How often should you test your cookbook? How often do you think changes will occur? What happens when the rate of cookbook changes exceed the time interval it takes to verify the cookbook? Testing Cookbooks Slide 13 of 88
  • 14. An automated way to ensure code accomplishes the intended goal and help the team understand its intent. Code Testing Slide 14 of 88
  • 15. "What are we running in production? Maybe I could test the cookbook against a virtual machine." Test Configuration Slide 15 of 88
  • 16. "What are we running in production? Maybe I could test the cookbook against a virtual machine." Objective: Configure the workstation cookbook to test against the centos-6.7 platform Test the workstation cookbook on a virtual machine Test Configuration Slide 16 of 88
  • 18. What Can kitchen Do? $kitchen--help Commands: kitchenconsole #KitchenConsole! kitchenconverge[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Convergeoneormoreinstances kitchencreate[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Createoneormoreinstances kitchendestroy[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Destroyoneormoreinstances ... kitchenhelp[COMMAND] #Describeavailablecommandsoronespecif... kitcheninit #Addssomeconfigurationtoyourcookbook... kitchenlist[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Listsoneormoreinstances kitchensetup[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Setuponeormoreinstances kitchentest[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Testoneormoreinstances kitchenverify[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] #Verifyoneormoreinstances kitchenversion #PrintKitchen'sversioninformation Slide 18 of 88
  • 19. What Can kitchen init Do? $kitchenhelpinit Usage: kitcheninit -D,[--driver=onetwothree] #OneormoreKitchenDrivergems... #Default:kitchen-vagrant -P,[--provisioner=PROVISIONER] #ThedefaultKitchenProvisionertouse #Default:chef_solo [--create-gemfile],[--no-create-gemfile] #WhetherornottocreateaGemfi... Description: InitwilladdTestKitchensupporttoanexistingprojectforconvergence customized)iscreatedintheproject'srootdirectoryandoneormoregems willbeaddedtotheproject'sGemfile. Slide 19 of 88
  • 20. Do We Have a .kitchen.yml? $treecookbooks/workstation-a-I.git workstation ├──Berksfile ├──chefignore ├──.gitignore ├──.kitchen.yml ├──metadata.rb ├── ├──recipes │ ├──default.rb │ └──setup.rb ├──spec │ ├──spec_helper.rb │ └──unit ... Slide 20 of 88
  • 21. What is Inside .kitchen.yml? $catcookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:vagrant provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:ubuntu-14.04 -name:centos-7.1 suites: -name:default Slide 21 of 88
  • 22. When chef generates a cookbook, a default .kitchen.ymlis created. It contains kitchen configuration for the driver, provisioner, platform, and suites. .kitchen.yml Slide 22 of 88
  • 23. Demo: The kitchen Driver ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:vagrant provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:ubuntu-14.04 -name:centos-7.1 ... The driver is responsible for creating a machine that we'll use to test our cookbook. Example Drivers: docker vagrant Slide 23 of 88
  • 24. Demo: The kitchen Provisioner ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:vagrant provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:ubuntu-14.04 -name:centos-7.1 ... This tells Test Kitchen how to run Chef to apply the code in our cookbook to the machine under test. The default and simplest approach is to use chef_zero. Slide 24 of 88
  • 25. Demo: The kitchen Platforms ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:vagrant provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:ubuntu-14.04 -name:centos-7.1 ... This is a list of operation systems on which we want to run our code. Slide 25 of 88
  • 26. Demo: The kitchen Suites ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml ... suites: -name:default run_list: -recipe[workstation::default] attributes: This section defines what we want to test. It includes the Chef run-listof recipes that we want to test. We define a single suite named default. Slide 26 of 88
  • 27. Demo: The kitchen Suites ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml ... suites: -name:default run_list: -recipe[workstation::default] attributes: The suite named default defines a run_list. Run the workstation cookbook's default recipe file. Slide 27 of 88
  • 28. Kitchen defines a list of instances, or test matrix, based on the platforms multiplied by the suites. PLATFORMS x SUITES Running kitchen list will show that matrix. Kitchen Test Matrix Slide 28 of 88
  • 29. suites: -name:default run_list: -recipe[workstation::default] attributes: platforms: -name:ubuntu-12.04 -name:centos-6.5 Example: Kitchen Test Matrix $kitchenlist Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier TransportLastAction default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated> default-centos-65 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated> Slide 29 of 88
  • 30. suites: -name:default run_list: -recipe[workstation::default] attributes: platforms: -name:ubuntu-12.04 -name:centos-6.5 Example: Kitchen Test Matrix $kitchenlist Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier TransportLastAction default-ubuntu-1204 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated> default-centos-65 Vagrant ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated> Slide 30 of 88
  • 31. "What are we running in production? Maybe I could test the cookbook against a virtual machine." Group Exercise: Test Configuration Slide 31 of 88
  • 32. "What are we running in production? Maybe I could test the cookbook against a virtual machine." Objective: Configure the workstation cookbook's .kitchen.ymlto use the Docker driver and centos 6.7 platform. Use kitchen converge to apply the recipe on a virtual machine. Group Exercise: Test Configuration Slide 32 of 88
  • 33. Group Exercise: Move into the Cookbook's Directory $cd~/cookbooks/workstation Slide 33 of 88
  • 34. Group Exercise: Edit the Kitchen Configuration File ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:docker provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:centos-6.7 suites: #...REMAINDEROFFILE... Slide 34 of 88
  • 35. Group Exercise: Edit the Kitchen Configuration File ~/cookbooks/workstation/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:docker provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:centos-6.7 suites: #...REMAINDEROFFILE... Slide 35 of 88
  • 36. Group Exercise: Look at the Test Matrix $kitchenlist Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport LastAction default-centos-67 Docker ChefZero Busser Ssh <NotCreated> Slide 36 of 88
  • 37. "Before I add features it really would be nice to test these cookbooks against the environments that resemble production." Converging a Cookbook Slide 37 of 88
  • 38. "Before I add features it really would be nice to test these cookbooks against the environments that resemble production." Objective: Configure the workstation cookbook's .kitchen.ymlto use the Docker driver and centos-6.7 platform Use kitchen converge to apply the recipe on a virtual machine Converging a Cookbook Slide 38 of 88
  • 40. Group Exercise: Kitchen Converge $kitchenconverge[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] Create the instance (if necessary) and then apply the run list to one or more instances. Slide 40 of 88
  • 41. Group Exercise: Converge the Cookbook $cd~/cookbooks/workstation $kitchenconverge ----->StartingKitchen(v1.4.0) ----->Creating<default-centos-67>... SendingbuildcontexttoDockerdaemon 2.56kB (skipping) -----> Finishedcreating<default-centos-67>(1m18.32s). ----->Converging<default-centos-67>... $$$$$$Runninglegacyconvergefor'Docker'Driver (skipping) SynchronizingCookbooks: -workstation CompilingCookbooks... Converging0resources Runninghandlers: Slide 41 of 88
  • 42. We want to validate that our run-list installs correctly. Within the apache cookbook, use kitchen converge for the default suite on the centos 6.7 platform. Lab: Converge the Recipe for apache Slide 42 of 88
  • 43. Lab: Configuring Test Kitchen for apache ~/cookbooks/apache/.kitchen.yml --- driver: name:docker provisioner: name:chef_zero platforms: -name:centos-6.7 suites: -name:default run_list: -recipe[apache::default] attributes: Slide 43 of 88
  • 44. Lab: Converge the apache Cookbook $cd~/cookbooks/apache $kitchenconverge ----->StartingKitchen(v1.4.0) ----->Creating<default-centos-67>... SendingbuildcontexttoDockerdaemon 2.56kB SendingbuildcontexttoDockerdaemon (skipping) InstallingChef installingwithrpm... warning:/tmp/,keyID83ef826a:NOKEY (skipping) SynchronizingCookbooks: -apache CompilingCookbooks... Slide 44 of 88
  • 45. What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe without error? Test Kitchen Slide 45 of 88
  • 46. What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe without error? What is NOT being tested when kitchen converges the recipe without error? Test Kitchen Slide 46 of 88
  • 47. What is being tested when kitchen converges a recipe without error? What is NOT being tested when kitchen converges the recipe without error? What is left to validate to ensure that the cookbook successfully applied the policy defined in the recipe? Test Kitchen Slide 47 of 88
  • 48. "Converging seems to validate that the recipe runs successfully. But does it assert what actually is installed?" The First Test Slide 48 of 88
  • 49. "Converging seems to validate that the recipe runs successfully. But does it assert what actually is installed?" Objective: In a few minutes we'll write and execute a test that asserts that the tree package is installed when the workstation cookbook's default recipe is applied. The First Test Slide 49 of 88
  • 50. Kitchen Verify $kitchenverify[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] Create, converge, and verify one or more instances. Slide 50 of 88
  • 52. Kitchen Test $kitchentest[INSTANCE|REGEXP|all] Destroys (for clean-up), creates, converges, verifies and then destroys one or more instances. Slide 52 of 88
  • 53. Serverspec tests your servers' actual state by executing command locally, via SSH, via WinRM, via Docker API and so on. So you don't need to install any agent software on your servers and can use any configuration management tools, Puppet, Chef, CFEngine, Itamae and so on. Serverspec Slide 53 of 88
  • 54. Example Is the tree package installed? describepackage('tree')do it{shouldbe_installed} end I expect the package tree should be installed. Slide 54 of 88
  • 55. Group Exercise: Requiring a Test Helper ~/cookbooks/workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb require'spec_helper' describe'workstation::default'do describepackage('tree')do it{shouldbe_installed} end end Loads a helper file with that name in the same directory. Slide 55 of 88
  • 56. Group Exercise: Describing the Test Context ~/cookbooks/workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb require'spec_helper' describe'workstation::default'do describepackage('tree')do it{shouldbe_installed} end end Describes a body of tests for the workstation cookbook's default recipe. Slide 56 of 88
  • 57. Group Exercise: Our Assertion in a spec File ~/cookbooks/workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb require'spec_helper' describe'workstation::default'do describepackage('tree')do it{shouldbe_installed} end end When we converge the workstation cookbook's default recipe we expect the tree package to be installed. Slide 57 of 88
  • 58. workstation/test/ /default/serverspec/default_spec.rb Test Kitchen will look for tests to run under this directory. It allows you to put unit or other tests in test/unit, spec, acceptance, or wherever without mixing them up. This is configurable, if desired. Where do Tests Live? integration Slide 58 of 88
  • 59. workstation/test/integration/ /serverspec/default_spec.rb This corresponds to the name of the test suite that is defined in the .kitchen.ymlfile. In our case the name of the suite is default so when Test Kitchen performs a kitchen verify for the default suite it will look within the defaultfolder for the specifications to run. Where do Tests Live? default Slide 59 of 88
  • 60. workstation/test/integration/default/ /default_spec.rb This tells Test Kitchen that we wish to use Serverspec framework for testing. Where do Tests Live? serverspec Slide 60 of 88
  • 61. workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/ All test files (or specs) are named after the recipe they test and end with the suffix _spec.rb. A spec missing that will not be found when executing kitchen verify. Where do Tests Live? default_spec.rb Slide 61 of 88
  • 62. Group Exercise: Move into the Cookbook $cd~/cookbooks/workstation Slide 62 of 88
  • 63. Group Exercise: Running the Specification $kitchenverify ----->StartingKitchen(v1.4.0) ----->Converging<default-centos-67>... $$$$$$Runninglegacyconvergefor'Docker'Driver (skipping) ----->ChefOmnibusinstallationdetected(installonlyifmissing) Transferringfilesto<default-centos-67> StartingChefClient,version12.4.1 (skipping) Runninghandlers: Runninghandlerscomplete ChefClientfinished,6/6resourcesupdatedin64.426896317seconds Finishedconverging<default-centos-67>(1m9.02s). ----->Kitchenisfinished.(1m9.69s) Slide 63 of 88
  • 64. Group Exercise: Commit Your Work $cd~/cookbooks/workstation $gitadd. $gitstatus $gitcommit-m"Addedfirsttestforthedefaultrecipe" Slide 64 of 88
  • 65. More Tests What are other resources within the recipe that we could test? Slide 65 of 88
  • 66. Serverspec can help us assert different characteristics about files on the file system. Like if it is a file, directory, socket or symlink. The file's mode owner or group. If the file is readable, writeable, or executable. It is even able to verify the data contained within the file. Testing a File Slide 66 of 88
  • 67. Example: The File Contains Data describefile('/etc/passwd')do it{shouldbe_file} end I expect the file named /etc/passwdto be a file (as opposed to a directory, socket or symlink). Slide 67 of 88
  • 68. Example: The File Contains Specific Content describefile('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')do its(:content){shouldmatch/} end I expect the file named /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confto have content that matches Slide 68 of 88
  • 69. Example: The File is Owned by a Particular User describefile('/etc/sudoers')do it{shouldbe_owned_by'root'} end I expect the file named /etc/sudoersto be owned by the rootuser. Slide 69 of 88
  • 70. Add tests that validate that the remaining package resources have been installed ( Add tests that validate the file resource ( Run kitchen verify to validate the test meets the expectations that you defined Commit your changes Lab: More Tests Slide 70 of 88
  • 71. Lab: Our Assertion in a spec File ~/cookbooks/workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb require'spec_helper' describe'workstation::default'do #...othertestsforpackages... describepackage('tree')do it{shouldbe_installed} end describepackage('git')do it{shouldbe_installed} end end The package named git is installed. Slide 71 of 88
  • 72. Lab: Our Assertion in a spec File ~/cookbooks/workstation/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb ... describepackage('git')do it{shouldbe_installed} end describefile('/etc/motd')do it{shouldbe_owned_by'root'} end end The file named /etc/motdshould be owned by root. Slide 72 of 88
  • 73. Group Exercise: Return to the Cookbook Directory $cd~/cookbooks/workstation Slide 73 of 88
  • 74. Lab: Running the Specification $kitchenverify ----->StartingKitchen(v1.4.0) ----->Converging<default-centos-67>... $$$$$$Runninglegacyconvergefor'Docker'Driver (skipping) ----->ChefOmnibusinstallationdetected(installonlyifmissing) Transferringfilesto<default-centos-67> StartingChefClient,version12.4.1 (skipping) Runninghandlers: Runninghandlerscomplete ChefClientfinished,6/6resourcesupdatedin64.426896317seconds Finishedconverging<default-centos-67>(1m9.02s). ----->Kitchenisfinished.(1m9.69s) Slide 74 of 88
  • 75. Lab: Commit Your Work $cd~/cookbooks/workstation $gitadd. $gitstatus $gitcommit-m"Addedadditionaltestsfordefaultrecipe" Slide 75 of 88
  • 76. "I would love to know that the webserver is installed and running correctly." Testing Our Webserver Slide 76 of 88
  • 77. "I would love to know that the webserver is installed and running correctly." Objective: Discuss and decide what should be tested with the apache cookbook Testing Our Webserver Slide 77 of 88
  • 78. What are some things we could test to validate our web server has deployed correctly? What manual tests do we use now to validate a working web server? Testing Slide 78 of 88
  • 79. Create a test file for the apache cookbook's default recipe Add tests that validate a working web server Run kitchen verify Commit your changes Lab: Testing Apache Slide 79 of 88
  • 80. Lab: Switch to the apache cookbook $cd~/cookbooks/apache Slide 80 of 88
  • 81. Lab: What Does the Webserver Say? ~/cookbooks/apache/test/integration/default/serverspec/default_spec.rb require'spec_helper' describe'apache::default'do describeport(80)do it{shouldbe_listening} end describecommand('curlhttp://localhost')do its(:stdout){shouldmatch/Hello,world!/} end end Port 80 should be listening. The standard out from the command curl http://localhost should match 'Hello, world!' Slide 81 of 88
  • 82. Lab: Commit Your Work $cd~/cookbooks/apache $gitadd. $gitstatus $gitcommit-m"Addedtestsforthedefaultrecipe" Slide 82 of 88
  • 83. Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory of the cookbook? Discussion Slide 83 of 88
  • 84. Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory of the cookbook? Where would you define additional platforms? Discussion Slide 84 of 88
  • 85. Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory of the cookbook? Where would you define additional platforms? Why would you define a new test suite? Discussion Slide 85 of 88
  • 86. Why do you have to run kitchen within the directory of the cookbook? Where would you define additional platforms? Why would you define a new test suite? What are the limitations of using Test Kitchen to validate recipes? Discussion Slide 86 of 88
  • 87. Q&A What questions can we help you answer? Test Kitchen kitchen commands kitchen configuration Serverspec Slide 87 of 88