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Running head: Examining the reasons 1
Examining the reasons 16
Case Study: Examining the Reasons Why Women Stay
with Their Abusive Male Partner.
Domestic violence is quite common in many forms in today’s
contemporary society. In fact, domestic violence is more
prevalent than it was in the past. In most of the cases of
domestic violence, women tend to be victims more than men
are. The woman in the relationship is often faced with the hard
position of making the decision to leave or not. A number of
factors often deter women from making the decision to leave
their abusive lovers. These factors are often social/cultural,
economic and or psychological (, 2013). They
depend on the nature or the status of the relationship and those
in it.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a major social problem. Domestic violence
breaks down the society as well create an emotionally unhealthy
family foundation. Studies have shown kids who grew up in
homes where there was domestic violence tend to grow up to be
abusers themselves, or they have the tendencies to stay in
abusive relationships.
Research Question
What are the reasons that women give for choosing to stay in
abusive relationships?
By conducting this research study, it will help to narrow down
the reasons why the woman stays in the abusive relationship or
marriage. The research will better help psychologists to gain a
clearer understanding of to handle this specific patient. In
addition, the research will help community organizers to create
effective programs and resources for the abusive woman.
Lived Experience
Capturing the lives of women who choose or chose to stay in
domestic violence relationship
Participant Criteria
Females between the ages 18-35, who are in a domestic violence
relationship or who has left a domestic violence relationship in
the past twelve months.
Currently in a domestic violence relationship or has left a
domestic relationship within the past twelve months.
Literature Review
Dziegielewski S. F., Campbell K. & Turnage B. F. (2005).
Domestic Violence: Focus Groupsfrom the Survivors’
Perspective. Retrieved.
The authors did a study to find out why women who were in
abusive relationships or were married were unable to leave. To
carry out the study they grouped such women into three; the
first group consisted of those who had a desire to leave, group
two consisted of those women who already had a plan and lastly
group three were women who had left and had no expectations
of going back. They then asked them to write down the reasons
why they had planned as above or could not do as above.
The authors found out that the reasons given by the three
categories of women had similarity in terms of context. Despite
the status to which they already belonged, they had similar
reasons for leaving or returning to their relationships. Some of
the reasons included fear, limited resources and quite weirdly,
some of the women claimed that they could not leave because
they loved their spouses (Dziegielewski, Campbell & Turnage,
2005). Limited resources, in this case, implied that the women
were not financially stable and could not afford a house if they
left. From the discussion presented by the three authors, the
reasons that stand out quite clearly are the emotional reasons.
Most of the women had children and could not imagine
themselves wandering the streets with their children alone and
in the cold.
Halket, M., Gormley, K., Mello, N., Rosenthal, L., & Mirkin,
M. (2014). Stay With or Leave the Abuser? The Effects of
Domestic Violence Victim’s Decision on Attributions Made by
Young Adults.
According to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, each year in
the United States 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence
(Halket, Gormley, Rosenthal & Mirkin 2014). The Department
of Justice state that this number could double being as this only
represents the number of women that have actually reported the
abuse. Studies show that there is a 4:1 ratio of women to men
victims. Despite the astounding reported numbers of men
initiated incidents, women are usually the ones that get the
backlash and are blamed for the abuse by onlookers and their
partners. The media has taken a role on how women are
portrayed and blame the victim for the acts committed against
them. The authors state how men are portrayed as “hapless
victims, afloat in a sea of hormones” and incapable of
controlling their own emotions (Halket, Gormley, Rosenthal &
Mirkin 2014). The Rihanna and Chris Brown case is an example
of how the media can place blame on the female for being a
victim of domestic violence. This is even reflected in the
judicial system, being as they have categorized domestic abuse
under family court, instead of criminal court, leaving the
woman to have to file the complaint.
There are so many obstacles that women are faced with, when
trying to leave an abusive relationship. These reasons alone
could cause a woman to stay in the relationship and endure the
continuous abuse. One huge factor being financial burdens,
attackers normally tries to exert power and control by handling
all monies earned, making it hard for the woman to afford to
leave. The abuser will try to alienate the victim from family,
friends, and any types of support system, making the victim feel
alone and helpless. Then there are the children, most women do
not want to separate the children from their father’s, feeling
that they owe it to their children to keep the family together,
and will stay continue the relationship.
There were two studies done in this article that investigated
acknowledgements made by young adults. If women stay or
leave the abusive relationship, and how if the participants were
educated on the risk of domestic violence and leaving the
relationship, would it diminish negative decision-making. In
each study, the young adults responded to the surveys that
weighed in on the female victim. The results indicated that if
the women left the relationship the participants were willing to
give the female victims more of a positive review when it came
to her personality and her parenting. However, informing the
participants beforehand of all the possible risk associated with
the female victims leaving the abusive relationships and their
experiences did not change the effect, but interactions did
lessen some of the effects. The results indicated, while
informing the young adults beforehand of the risk of violence
was useful, it did not change their attitudes towards blaming the
female victims for the abuse.
Hendy, H. M., Eggen, D., Gustitus, C., McLeod, K. C., & Ng, P.
(2003). Decision to Leave Scale: Perceived Reasons to Stay In
or Leave Violent Relationships. Psychology of Women
The authors in this article discuss how they came up with a 30-
item Decision to Leave Scale (DLS). It was developed with 631
college students of only women and women in shelters. The
scale was designed to show the top seven reasons why some
women chose to stay or leave these abusive relationships. Those
seven were, Hopes Things Change, Fear of Loneliness,
Financial Problems, Child Care Needs, Social Embarrassment,
Fear of Harm, and Poor Social Support (Hendy, Eggen,
Gustitus, McLeod, Ng 2003). Measured validity demonstrated
by more DLS concerns for the women that were in the shelter as
to the women in the college. The women that were in the violent
relationships and reported that they stayed for Fear of
Loneliness than the women who decided to leave.
McDonald, P. W., & Dickerson, S. (2013). Engendering
Independence While Living With Purpose: Women’s Lives after
Leaving Abusive Intimate Partners. Journal of Nursing
The authors in this article conducted a study that would
determine the common meanings a history of violence can have
for women that have been out of their abusive relationships for
5 or more years. The article discussed the many trials and
tribulations that they faced trying to rebuild from scratch and
their healing process. They also discussed the resources they
used to tackle those challenges. They also wanted to allow these
women to share their stories for other women that may be in
that same situation that they once were in.
They recruited their participants by using fliers that were
circulated through a domestic violence clinic in New York. The
interviews were transcribed and recorded. They used a
hermeneutic approach with the team to analyze and interpret the
data collected. 21 women of all ages, backgrounds and
ethnicities who had been out of their abusive relationships for 5
or more years were interviewed. They used 6 themes to identify:
developing and maintaining self-reliance; creating a safe and
supportive environment, negotiating relationships, challenging
societal roles and expectations, protecting the children and
nurturing the self (McDonald & Dickerson, 2013). The
conclusion was that women could actually escape abusive
relationship and become successful enough to establish
productive and meaningful lives after all the violence and pain.
However, they still struggled with trust issues and letting their
guards down, from fear of being hurt again.
Rhodes, K. V., Frankel, R. M., Levinthal, N., Prenoveau, E.,
Bailey, J., & Levinson, W. (2007). "You're Not a Victim of
Domestic Violence, Are You?" Provider-Patient Communication
about Domestic Violence.
Rhodes et al. (2007) details a number of studies involving
narratives from domestic violence victims. Domestic violence
victims shared the narratives when they sought medical
treatment. It was interesting that a number of participants felt
inclined to share their domestic violence experiences with the
healthcare providers. Provider response to disclosure is just as
important as asking the right questions and being sensitive to
the patient’s initial response or hesitation (Rhodes, et al., p.626,
2007). Taking the time to listen to a domestic violence victim’s
story could very well mean the difference between them staying
with an abusive partner or her walking away from him.
Rhodes et al. (2007) shared both the positive as well as the
negative factors involved are the study domestic violence
victims sharing their story with medical personnel. The article
concluded with suggesting that there being better
communication efforts made by healthcare providers with
victims of domestic violence.
Halligan, C., Knox, D., & Brinkley, J. (2013). TRAPPED:
REALTIONSHIP. College Student Journal
A study was done at a large southeastern university where there
was a 42 questionnaire that was submitted via email through the
university to be completed. About 259 undergraduates
completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was to examine
the degree of how many females involved in abusive
relationships would report that they would use technology such
as an emails, text messages or Facebook as a way to end an
abusive relationship. Roughly, 60 percent of the participants,
which consisted of all races and backgrounds, stated that they
frequently used technology. The participants responded more to
the perceived barriers as to being able to leave the abusive
relationship. Those that were “abuse prone” were likely to stay
in those abusive relationships, regardless of whether family and
friends disapproved (Halligan, Knox, & Brinkley 2013).
Anderson & Aviles. (2006) .There is different many, many
forms of domestic violence that doctors, and counselors should
watch out for.
In this article, the authors exploit the different but quite hidden
forms, what they refer to as faces, of domestic violence. They
ask the doctors to watch out for these forms for sometimes the
victims are afraid to speak or reveal that they exist. Often the
victims assume that these forms are so little or that others also
go through the same but do not speak about them. An example
highlighted by the authors is sexual form of domestic violence
(Anderson & Aviles, 2006). Often most doctors only watch out
for the physical or emotional exhibits of domestic violence but
leave it at that. The author, therefore, advises that doctors be
very keen in determining the exact forms of domestic violence
that their patients go through.
Ethical Considerations
The identity of the survey participants will remain confidential.
The participants will be given a number by which they can be
distinguished from the other participants. A voice-recording
device will also be used to record narrative from the
participants. The agency will have sole access to the identity of
the actual names and other relevant demographic participant
identifiers and will not disclose this information without
expressed written consent from the participant. Protecting the
identity of the survey participants, their families and jobs is
critical to the agency and we will take measures to ensure the
privacy of your personal information.
Informed Consent
The Informed consent is to the participant aware of the reasons
why the survey is being conducted. The pro and cons of taking
part of the research study and what to expect. The informed
consent also gives the participants a chance to ask questions and
for us the agency to answer the participants questions to their
satisfaction. The consent form also wills provide the
participants with contact information with the agency. In
addition, how their personal information will be protected
during and after the research process. Moreover, the consent
informs the participant they can withdraw from the research
study at any given time. (See appendix)
Data Collection
To ensure the correct and accurate date is collect we will use a
recording device. The recording device is best used to minimize
incorrect interpretation. The voice recording will be kept on file
under a participant number for five years. In addition, the
surveyor will be using case notes to document the participant
behavior during the interview.
Aviles A. M. & Anderson T. R. (2006). Diverse faces of
domestic violence. ABNF Journal. Retrieved from.
Dziegielewski S. F., Campbell K. & Turnage B. F. (2005).
Domestic Violence: Focus Groupsfrom the Survivors’
Perspective. Retrieved from
Halket, M., Gormley, K., Mello, N., Rosenthal, L., & Mirkin,
M. (2014). Stay With or Leave the Abuser? The Effects of
Domestic Violence Victim’s Decision on Attributions Made by
Young Adults. Journal Of Family Violence, 29(1), 35-49,
Halligan, C., Knox, D., & Brinkley, J. (2013). TRAPPED:
REALTIONSHIP. College Student Journal, 47(4), 644-648.
Hendy, H. M., Eggen, D., Gustitus, C., McLeod, K. C., & Ng, P.
(2003). Decision to Leave Scale: Perceived Reasons to Stay In
or Leave Violent Relationships. Psychology Of Women
Quarterly, 27(2), 162173. doi:10.1111/14716402.00096.
Lehrner, A., & Allen, N. E. (2008). Social Change Movements
and the Struggle Over Meaning-Making: A Case Study of
Domestic Violence Narratives. American Journal of Community
Psychology, 42(3/4), 220-234. Doi: 10.1007/s10464-008-9199-
McDonald, P. W., & Dickerson, S. (2013). Engendering
Independence While Living With Purpose: Women’s Lives after
Leaving Abusive Intimate Partners. Journal Of Nursing
Scholarship, 45(4), 388-396. doi:10.1111/jnu.12044.3
Rhodes, K. V., Frankel, R. M., Levinthal, N., Prenoveau, E.,
Bailey, J., & Levinson, W. (2007). "You're Not a Victim of
Domestic Violence, Are You?" Provider-Patient Communication
about Domestic Violence. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 147(9),
620-W204. (2013). Is This Abuse? Why do people stay in
abusive relationships?
Retrieved from
References continued.
Appendix A: Consent Form
Appendix B: Structure Interview Guide
Consent form
· The purpose of the research study is to determine why females
who are in domestic violence relationship to choose to stay in
the relationship or situation.
· If you chose to participate in the study, you would meet with
an investigator. The investigator will explain what you can
expect during and after the survey. The whole survey process
will take place over two consecutive days meeting for four
hours each section.
· There are no known risks to participation in the study.
· The information collected will be use to understand better the
reasons behind the female decision to stay. In, addition the
information will be helpful to community leader to accumulate
enough information to implement beneficial programs and not
generic programs that can fall under an umbrella of different
· The agency will protect my identity and the confidentiality of
my participation in the survey
· The data I provided shall not be used in a manner that will
disclose my names.
I accept that my participation in the survey is of my free will
and therefore I can withdraw at any given time. I am also aware
that the data I give will be used to tackle domestic violence as a
social problem in the society. Having read and understood all
the terms of the survey, I hereby agree to participate in the
I (insert name) , give permission to T.N.T agency
the right to use my participation in the survey titled “Domestic
violence; why women choose to stay with their abusive male
lovers.” I agree that the information I have given in the study be
used as they wish as long as the following ethical
considerations are met.
Sign: Date:
Initial questions
1. What is your age?
2. What type of community do you live in?
3. What is your annually income?
1. What is your definition of domestic violence?
2. Tell me about your first encounter with violence.
3. What are your beliefs in regards to gender roles in a
household or relationship?
4. Give details about the first five time an incident occurred,
and what were the results.
5. Did being in this relationship put any strain on your personal
or professional relationships? If so, explain how?
6. Describe how or what a particular attack would look like for
S7. Tell me where you see your relationship and the next two
8. Discuss how your relationship damaged you mentally and or
9. Tell me the reason or reasons why you stayed or are staying?
10. What crosses your mind when you are being assaulted?
11. How do you react to the physical abuse after it is over?
12. What was going on in your life during this time to make you
stay in the relationship?
Math 106 Final Examination Version
2158-OL1-6381 Fall, 2015
Math 106 Finite
Final Examination: Fall, 2015Instructor
Answer Sheet
This is an open-book exam. You may refer to your text and
other course materials as you work on the exam, and you may
use a calculator.
Record your answers and work in this document.
There are 25 problems.
Problems #1-12 are multiple choice. Record your choice for
each problem.
Problems #13-15 are short answer. Record your answer for each
Problems #16-25 are short answer with work required when
directed. When requested, show all work and write all answers
in the spaces allotted on the following pages. You may type
your work using plain-text formatting or an equation editor, or
you may hand-write your work and scan it. In either case, show
work neatly and correctly, following standard mathematical
conventions. Each step should follow clearly and completely
from the previous step. If necessary, you may attach extra
Upload this answer sheet (with your extra work, if needed) to
the MATH 106 Final Exam folder under the “Assignments” link
will not be accepted under any circumstance).
You must complete the exam individually. Neither
collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. Your
exam will receive a zero grade unless you complete the
following honor statement.
Please sign (or type) your name below the following honor
I have completed this
final examination
myself, working independently and not consulting anyone
the instructor.
I have neither given nor received help on this final examination.
I have not used any
instructors’ solutions manual
or any online problem solving service.
Name ____________
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Record your answer choices.
SHORT ANSWER. Record your answers below.
13. (a)
14. (a)
15. (a)
SHORT ANSWER with Work Shown. Record your answers and
Problem Number
Work for (a), (b), and (c):
Work for (a) and (b):
Work for (b), (c), and (d):
(b) Region I:
Region II:
Region III:
Region IV:
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 1 of 9
This is an open-book exam. You may refer to your text and
other course materials as you work
on the exam, and you may use a calculator. You must complete
the exam individually.
Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed.
Use of instructors’ solutions
manuals or online problem solving services in NOT allowed.
Record your answers and work on the separate answer sheet
There are 25 problems.
Problems #1–12 are Multiple Choice.
Problems #13–15 are Short Answer. (Work not required to be
Problems #16–25 are Short Answer with work required to be
1. Find the equation of the line passing through (5 , 3) and (– 4,
– 1): 1. _______
A. 4x + 9y = – 25 B. 2x – y = – 7 C. 4x
– 9y = – 7 D. 2x + y = 13
2. Which of the corner points for the system of linear
inequalities graphed below maximizes the
objective function P = 5x + 3y ?
2. _______
A. (0, 3) C. (3, 0)
B. (1, 2) D. (2, 0)
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 2 of 9
3. Identify the single row operation that transforms the matrix
as shown: 3. ________
[ 10 −4−5 2 |
−4.5 ] → [
10 −4
0 0 |
0 ]
A. 0�2 → �2 C. �1 ↔ �2
B. 0.5�1 + �2 → �2 D. 2�2 + �1 → �2
4. If payments of $250 were made monthly for 30 years into an
IRA (individual retirement
account) with 5.5% interest compounded monthly, the total
amount in the account at the end of
30 years can be determined using formula for:
4. _______
A. Sequence of payments; future value of an ordinary annuity
B. Sequence of payments; present value of an ordinary annuity
C. Single payment, compound interest
D. Single payment, simple annual interest
5. A survey of 15 randomly selected students responded to the
question “How many hours a day
do you work on MATH 106?” as follows: 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5,
2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2 . Which
histogram below accurately reflects the frequency distribution
of the 15 students’ responses?
5. ______
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 3 of 9
6. For $5 you can have a single chance to roll two fair 6-sided
dice at the same time. If your roll
comes up “doubles” (same face is up on both dice) you win $30;
if not, you win nothing. What
is the expected value of playing this game?
6. ________
A. − $5.00 C. 0
B. − $4.17 D.
7. Reggie buys a house for $280,000. He makes a 20% down
payment and finances the balance
with a 30-year fixed loan at 4.2% interest compounded monthly.
Reggie’s monthly payment is:
7. _______
A. $1406.22 C. $1369.25
B. $1757.58 D. $1095.40
8. If K = {3, 7, 11, 15} and M = {7, 12, 15, 18}, list {�|� ∈ �
�� � ∈ �}
8. _________
A. {Ø} C. { 7, 15 }
B. {3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 18} D. {3, 7, 11, 15, 7, 12,
15, 18}
9. – 10. Sunnydale Farms has a total of 240 acres of cropland.
The farm owner wants to plant
this acreage in corn and oats. An acre of corn brings $40 in
profit, and an acre of oats gets $30
profit. A total of 320 labor-hours to raise the crops is available.
Each acre of corn needs 2 labor-
hours, and each acre of oats needs 1 labor-hour. Let x represent
acres of corn and y represent
acres of oats.
9. Identify the daily crop production constraint due to labor:
9. _______
A. 2� + � ≤ 320 C. 2� + � ≤ 240
B. 40� + 30� ≤ 320 D. � + � ≤ 240
10. State the objective profit function:
10. _______
A. � = 30� + 40� C. 240 = � + �
B. � = 2� + � D. � = 40� + 30�
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 4 of 9
11. Determine which shaded region corresponds to the solution
region of the system of linear
2� + � ≥ 4 � ≥ 0
� + 3� ≤ 6 � ≥ 0
11. _______
12. The mean time from customer arrival to “service complete”
for a customer at the Citysburg
office of the Department of Motor Vehicles is 93 minutes, with
a standard deviation of 14
minutes. Assuming a normal distribution, what is the
probability that a randomly chosen
customer experiences “arrival-to-service complete” time
between 79 and 107 minutes?
12. ______
A. 0.5000 C. 0.3413
B. 0.4772 D. 0.6826
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 5 of 9
SHORT ANSWER (work NOT required to be shown)
13. For the equation graphed below:
a. Determine the slope m:
m = _____________
b. Determine the x – intercept:
c. Determine the y – intercept:
d. State the equation algebraically in
slope – intercept form:
14. 1000 students at a particular college were asked their
status (full-time or part-time) and their
chosen undergraduate degree field of study. The following table
was obtained.
Full-time Part-time Total
Business 54 152 206
Education 32 104 136
Health Sciences 190 116 306
Social Sciences 198 154 352
Total 474 526 1000
(Report your answers as fractions or as decimal values rounded
to the nearest hundredth.)
Find the probability that a randomly selected student:
(a) majors in business and is part-time. Answer:
(b) majors in business, given that the student is part-time.
Answer: ______________
(c) majors in business or is part-time. Answer:
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 6 of 9
15. Let �(�) = 30, �(� ∩ �) = 10, �(� ∪ �) = 40, and
�(�) = 100.
a. Determine �(�) :
b. Determine �(� ∩ �′) :
c. Determine �(�′ ∩ �′):
SHORT ANSWER, with work required to be shown, as
16. You are a restaurant manager. You must pick 17 entrees
for your menu. There are 14 meat
offerings and 11 poultry offerings to choose from.
(a) In how many ways can 17 entrees be randomly selected out
of the 25 meat and poultry
offerings? Show work.
(b) In how many ways can 17 entrees be chosen, if 11 must be
beef and 6 must be chicken?
Show work.
(c) If 17 entrees are randomly selected from the 25 offerings,
what is the probability that 6 are
chicken and 11 are beef? Round answer to nearest ten-
thousandth (4 places after decimal).
Show work.
17. Solve the system of equations using substitution,
elimination by addition, or augmented
matrix methods (your choice). Show work.
3� + 2� = −10
2� − 3� = 2
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 7 of 9
18. Christina is selling an antique dining room furniture set
through a broker. She wants to get
$1500 for herself, but the broker gets 15% of the selling price
as commission. What should the
selling price be? Show work.
A. $1650.00 C. $1725.00
B. $1764.71 D. $1783.52
19. According to the US Center for Disease Control and
Prevention National Center for Health
Statistics, 10.0 percent of adolescent (ages 12 – 19) Americans
were obese in 1995; an amount
which climbed to 18.0 percent in 2008.
(a) Which of the following linear equations could be used to
predict percent of adolescent
Americans who are obese “y” in a given year “x”, where x = 0
represents the year 1995?
Explain/show work.
�. � =
8 � + 1995 �. � =
13 � + 10
�. � =
8 � + 10 �. � =
13 � + 1995
(b) Use the equation from part (a) to predict the percent of
adolescent Americans who are
obese in the year 2026. Round answer to nearest tenth of a
percent. Show work.
(c) Fill in the blanks to interpret the slope of the equation: The
rate of change of number
of Americans age 65 or older with respect to time is
______________________ per ________________. (Include
units of measurement.)
20. If $460,000 is to be saved over 15 years, how much should
be deposited semi-annually if
the investment earns 15% compounded semi-annually? Round
answer to nearest cent. Show
A. $4435.77 C. $17612.13
B. $4790.74 D. $4448.77
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
Page 8 of 9
21. The feasible region shown below is bounded by lines x + y
= 3, 4x – y = 6, and y = 0.
Find the coordinates of corner point A. Show work.
22. A network security specialist records the number of
incoming e-mails containing links that
six randomly-selected network users receive in a day. Numbers
are 32, 20, 32, 60, 36, and 48.
(a) State the mode (if one exists).
(b) Find the median. Show work/explanation.
(c) Determine the sample mean. Show work
(d) Using the sample mean found in part (c), and given that
the sample standard deviation of
the data set above is 14.03, what percentage of the data set falls
within one standard deviation of
the mean? Show work/explanation.
(d) _______
A. 66.7% C. 50.0%
B. 34.1% D. 68.3%
MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1
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23. There is a 0.95 probability that MATH 106 students will
correctly follow all instructions on
the Final Exam. What is the probability that exactly 95 of the
100 students taking MATH 106 in
a particular term correctly follow all Final Exam instructions?
Round answer to the nearest
thousandth (three places after decimal). Show work.
24. You have $5000 to invest in a single payment. Which is
the better investment: 9.0%
compounded annually or 8.7% compounded monthly? Show
25. A mall developer surveyed 500 customers yesterday to
learn what they go shopping for at
the mall. 280 customers said they shopped for clothes. 355
customers said they went shopping
for electronics. 200 customers said they shopped for both
clothes and electronics.
(a) What is the probability that a single randomly-selected
shopped for neither clothing nor
electronics yesterday? Show work.
(b) Let C = {customers shopping for clothes} and E =
{customers shopping for electronics}.
Determine the number of customers belonging to each of the
regions I, II, III, IV.
Region I: ________ Region II: __________ Region III:
_________ Region IV: __________

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Running head Examining the reasons 1Examining the reasons 16.docx

  • 1. Running head: Examining the reasons 1 Examining the reasons 16 Case Study: Examining the Reasons Why Women Stay with Their Abusive Male Partner. Domestic violence is quite common in many forms in today’s contemporary society. In fact, domestic violence is more prevalent than it was in the past. In most of the cases of domestic violence, women tend to be victims more than men are. The woman in the relationship is often faced with the hard position of making the decision to leave or not. A number of factors often deter women from making the decision to leave their abusive lovers. These factors are often social/cultural, economic and or psychological (, 2013). They depend on the nature or the status of the relationship and those in it. Topic Domestic Violence Problem Domestic violence is a major social problem. Domestic violence breaks down the society as well create an emotionally unhealthy family foundation. Studies have shown kids who grew up in homes where there was domestic violence tend to grow up to be abusers themselves, or they have the tendencies to stay in abusive relationships. Research Question What are the reasons that women give for choosing to stay in abusive relationships? Purpose By conducting this research study, it will help to narrow down
  • 2. the reasons why the woman stays in the abusive relationship or marriage. The research will better help psychologists to gain a clearer understanding of to handle this specific patient. In addition, the research will help community organizers to create effective programs and resources for the abusive woman. Lived Experience Capturing the lives of women who choose or chose to stay in domestic violence relationship Participant Criteria Females between the ages 18-35, who are in a domestic violence relationship or who has left a domestic violence relationship in the past twelve months. Time Currently in a domestic violence relationship or has left a domestic relationship within the past twelve months. Literature Review Dziegielewski S. F., Campbell K. & Turnage B. F. (2005). Domestic Violence: Focus Groupsfrom the Survivors’ Perspective. Retrieved. The authors did a study to find out why women who were in abusive relationships or were married were unable to leave. To carry out the study they grouped such women into three; the first group consisted of those who had a desire to leave, group two consisted of those women who already had a plan and lastly group three were women who had left and had no expectations of going back. They then asked them to write down the reasons why they had planned as above or could not do as above. The authors found out that the reasons given by the three categories of women had similarity in terms of context. Despite the status to which they already belonged, they had similar reasons for leaving or returning to their relationships. Some of the reasons included fear, limited resources and quite weirdly, some of the women claimed that they could not leave because they loved their spouses (Dziegielewski, Campbell & Turnage, 2005). Limited resources, in this case, implied that the women
  • 3. were not financially stable and could not afford a house if they left. From the discussion presented by the three authors, the reasons that stand out quite clearly are the emotional reasons. Most of the women had children and could not imagine themselves wandering the streets with their children alone and in the cold. Halket, M., Gormley, K., Mello, N., Rosenthal, L., & Mirkin, M. (2014). Stay With or Leave the Abuser? The Effects of Domestic Violence Victim’s Decision on Attributions Made by Young Adults. According to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, each year in the United States 1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence (Halket, Gormley, Rosenthal & Mirkin 2014). The Department of Justice state that this number could double being as this only represents the number of women that have actually reported the abuse. Studies show that there is a 4:1 ratio of women to men victims. Despite the astounding reported numbers of men initiated incidents, women are usually the ones that get the backlash and are blamed for the abuse by onlookers and their partners. The media has taken a role on how women are portrayed and blame the victim for the acts committed against them. The authors state how men are portrayed as “hapless victims, afloat in a sea of hormones” and incapable of controlling their own emotions (Halket, Gormley, Rosenthal & Mirkin 2014). The Rihanna and Chris Brown case is an example of how the media can place blame on the female for being a victim of domestic violence. This is even reflected in the judicial system, being as they have categorized domestic abuse under family court, instead of criminal court, leaving the woman to have to file the complaint. There are so many obstacles that women are faced with, when trying to leave an abusive relationship. These reasons alone could cause a woman to stay in the relationship and endure the continuous abuse. One huge factor being financial burdens, attackers normally tries to exert power and control by handling
  • 4. all monies earned, making it hard for the woman to afford to leave. The abuser will try to alienate the victim from family, friends, and any types of support system, making the victim feel alone and helpless. Then there are the children, most women do not want to separate the children from their father’s, feeling that they owe it to their children to keep the family together, and will stay continue the relationship. There were two studies done in this article that investigated acknowledgements made by young adults. If women stay or leave the abusive relationship, and how if the participants were educated on the risk of domestic violence and leaving the relationship, would it diminish negative decision-making. In each study, the young adults responded to the surveys that weighed in on the female victim. The results indicated that if the women left the relationship the participants were willing to give the female victims more of a positive review when it came to her personality and her parenting. However, informing the participants beforehand of all the possible risk associated with the female victims leaving the abusive relationships and their experiences did not change the effect, but interactions did lessen some of the effects. The results indicated, while informing the young adults beforehand of the risk of violence was useful, it did not change their attitudes towards blaming the female victims for the abuse. Hendy, H. M., Eggen, D., Gustitus, C., McLeod, K. C., & Ng, P. (2003). Decision to Leave Scale: Perceived Reasons to Stay In or Leave Violent Relationships. Psychology of Women Quarterly The authors in this article discuss how they came up with a 30- item Decision to Leave Scale (DLS). It was developed with 631 college students of only women and women in shelters. The scale was designed to show the top seven reasons why some women chose to stay or leave these abusive relationships. Those seven were, Hopes Things Change, Fear of Loneliness, Financial Problems, Child Care Needs, Social Embarrassment, Fear of Harm, and Poor Social Support (Hendy, Eggen,
  • 5. Gustitus, McLeod, Ng 2003). Measured validity demonstrated by more DLS concerns for the women that were in the shelter as to the women in the college. The women that were in the violent relationships and reported that they stayed for Fear of Loneliness than the women who decided to leave. McDonald, P. W., & Dickerson, S. (2013). Engendering Independence While Living With Purpose: Women’s Lives after Leaving Abusive Intimate Partners. Journal of Nursing Scholarship The authors in this article conducted a study that would determine the common meanings a history of violence can have for women that have been out of their abusive relationships for 5 or more years. The article discussed the many trials and tribulations that they faced trying to rebuild from scratch and their healing process. They also discussed the resources they used to tackle those challenges. They also wanted to allow these women to share their stories for other women that may be in that same situation that they once were in. They recruited their participants by using fliers that were circulated through a domestic violence clinic in New York. The interviews were transcribed and recorded. They used a hermeneutic approach with the team to analyze and interpret the data collected. 21 women of all ages, backgrounds and ethnicities who had been out of their abusive relationships for 5 or more years were interviewed. They used 6 themes to identify: developing and maintaining self-reliance; creating a safe and supportive environment, negotiating relationships, challenging societal roles and expectations, protecting the children and nurturing the self (McDonald & Dickerson, 2013). The conclusion was that women could actually escape abusive relationship and become successful enough to establish productive and meaningful lives after all the violence and pain. However, they still struggled with trust issues and letting their guards down, from fear of being hurt again. Rhodes, K. V., Frankel, R. M., Levinthal, N., Prenoveau, E., Bailey, J., & Levinson, W. (2007). "You're Not a Victim of
  • 6. Domestic Violence, Are You?" Provider-Patient Communication about Domestic Violence. Rhodes et al. (2007) details a number of studies involving narratives from domestic violence victims. Domestic violence victims shared the narratives when they sought medical treatment. It was interesting that a number of participants felt inclined to share their domestic violence experiences with the healthcare providers. Provider response to disclosure is just as important as asking the right questions and being sensitive to the patient’s initial response or hesitation (Rhodes, et al., p.626, 2007). Taking the time to listen to a domestic violence victim’s story could very well mean the difference between them staying with an abusive partner or her walking away from him. Rhodes et al. (2007) shared both the positive as well as the negative factors involved are the study domestic violence victims sharing their story with medical personnel. The article concluded with suggesting that there being better communication efforts made by healthcare providers with victims of domestic violence. Halligan, C., Knox, D., & Brinkley, J. (2013). TRAPPED: TECHNOLOGY AS A BARRIER TO LEAVING AN ABUSIVE REALTIONSHIP. College Student Journal A study was done at a large southeastern university where there was a 42 questionnaire that was submitted via email through the university to be completed. About 259 undergraduates completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was to examine the degree of how many females involved in abusive relationships would report that they would use technology such as an emails, text messages or Facebook as a way to end an abusive relationship. Roughly, 60 percent of the participants, which consisted of all races and backgrounds, stated that they frequently used technology. The participants responded more to the perceived barriers as to being able to leave the abusive relationship. Those that were “abuse prone” were likely to stay in those abusive relationships, regardless of whether family and friends disapproved (Halligan, Knox, & Brinkley 2013).
  • 7. Anderson & Aviles. (2006) .There is different many, many forms of domestic violence that doctors, and counselors should watch out for. In this article, the authors exploit the different but quite hidden forms, what they refer to as faces, of domestic violence. They ask the doctors to watch out for these forms for sometimes the victims are afraid to speak or reveal that they exist. Often the victims assume that these forms are so little or that others also go through the same but do not speak about them. An example highlighted by the authors is sexual form of domestic violence (Anderson & Aviles, 2006). Often most doctors only watch out for the physical or emotional exhibits of domestic violence but leave it at that. The author, therefore, advises that doctors be very keen in determining the exact forms of domestic violence that their patients go through. Methods Ethical Considerations The identity of the survey participants will remain confidential. The participants will be given a number by which they can be distinguished from the other participants. A voice-recording device will also be used to record narrative from the participants. The agency will have sole access to the identity of the actual names and other relevant demographic participant identifiers and will not disclose this information without expressed written consent from the participant. Protecting the identity of the survey participants, their families and jobs is critical to the agency and we will take measures to ensure the privacy of your personal information. Informed Consent The Informed consent is to the participant aware of the reasons why the survey is being conducted. The pro and cons of taking part of the research study and what to expect. The informed
  • 8. consent also gives the participants a chance to ask questions and for us the agency to answer the participants questions to their satisfaction. The consent form also wills provide the participants with contact information with the agency. In addition, how their personal information will be protected during and after the research process. Moreover, the consent informs the participant they can withdraw from the research study at any given time. (See appendix) Data Collection To ensure the correct and accurate date is collect we will use a recording device. The recording device is best used to minimize incorrect interpretation. The voice recording will be kept on file under a participant number for five years. In addition, the surveyor will be using case notes to document the participant behavior during the interview. References Aviles A. M. & Anderson T. R. (2006). Diverse faces of domestic violence. ABNF Journal. Retrieved from. Dziegielewski S. F., Campbell K. & Turnage B. F. (2005). Domestic Violence: Focus Groupsfrom the Survivors’ Perspective. Retrieved from Halket, M., Gormley, K., Mello, N., Rosenthal, L., & Mirkin, M. (2014). Stay With or Leave the Abuser? The Effects of Domestic Violence Victim’s Decision on Attributions Made by Young Adults. Journal Of Family Violence, 29(1), 35-49, doi:10.1007/s10896-013-9555-4 Halligan, C., Knox, D., & Brinkley, J. (2013). TRAPPED: TECHNOLOGY AS A BARRIER TO LEAVING AN ABUSIVE REALTIONSHIP. College Student Journal, 47(4), 644-648. Hendy, H. M., Eggen, D., Gustitus, C., McLeod, K. C., & Ng, P. (2003). Decision to Leave Scale: Perceived Reasons to Stay In or Leave Violent Relationships. Psychology Of Women Quarterly, 27(2), 162173. doi:10.1111/14716402.00096. Lehrner, A., & Allen, N. E. (2008). Social Change Movements and the Struggle Over Meaning-Making: A Case Study of
  • 9. Domestic Violence Narratives. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42(3/4), 220-234. Doi: 10.1007/s10464-008-9199- McDonald, P. W., & Dickerson, S. (2013). Engendering Independence While Living With Purpose: Women’s Lives after Leaving Abusive Intimate Partners. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 45(4), 388-396. doi:10.1111/jnu.12044.3 Rhodes, K. V., Frankel, R. M., Levinthal, N., Prenoveau, E., Bailey, J., & Levinson, W. (2007). "You're Not a Victim of Domestic Violence, Are You?" Provider-Patient Communication about Domestic Violence. Annals Of Internal Medicine, 147(9), 620-W204. (2013). Is This Abuse? Why do people stay in abusive relationships? Retrieved from do-people-stay/ References continued. Appendices Appendix A: Consent Form Appendix B: Structure Interview Guide Consent form · The purpose of the research study is to determine why females who are in domestic violence relationship to choose to stay in the relationship or situation. · If you chose to participate in the study, you would meet with an investigator. The investigator will explain what you can expect during and after the survey. The whole survey process will take place over two consecutive days meeting for four hours each section.
  • 10. · There are no known risks to participation in the study. · The information collected will be use to understand better the reasons behind the female decision to stay. In, addition the information will be helpful to community leader to accumulate enough information to implement beneficial programs and not generic programs that can fall under an umbrella of different programs. · The agency will protect my identity and the confidentiality of my participation in the survey · The data I provided shall not be used in a manner that will disclose my names. I accept that my participation in the survey is of my free will and therefore I can withdraw at any given time. I am also aware that the data I give will be used to tackle domestic violence as a social problem in the society. Having read and understood all the terms of the survey, I hereby agree to participate in the survey. I (insert name) , give permission to T.N.T agency the right to use my participation in the survey titled “Domestic violence; why women choose to stay with their abusive male lovers.” I agree that the information I have given in the study be used as they wish as long as the following ethical considerations are met. Sign: Date: Name: STRUCTURE INTERVIEW GUIDE Initial questions 1. What is your age? 2. What type of community do you live in? 3. What is your annually income? 1. What is your definition of domestic violence?
  • 11. 2. Tell me about your first encounter with violence. 3. What are your beliefs in regards to gender roles in a household or relationship? 4. Give details about the first five time an incident occurred, and what were the results. 5. Did being in this relationship put any strain on your personal or professional relationships? If so, explain how? 6. Describe how or what a particular attack would look like for you. S7. Tell me where you see your relationship and the next two years. 8. Discuss how your relationship damaged you mentally and or physically 9. Tell me the reason or reasons why you stayed or are staying? 10. What crosses your mind when you are being assaulted? 11. How do you react to the physical abuse after it is over? 12. What was going on in your life during this time to make you stay in the relationship? Math 106 Final Examination Version 2158-OL1-6381 Fall, 2015 Math 106 Finite MathematicsName______________________________ Final Examination: Fall, 2015Instructor __________________________ Answer Sheet Instructions: This is an open-book exam. You may refer to your text and other course materials as you work on the exam, and you may use a calculator. Record your answers and work in this document. There are 25 problems. Problems #1-12 are multiple choice. Record your choice for each problem. Problems #13-15 are short answer. Record your answer for each
  • 12. problem. Problems #16-25 are short answer with work required when directed. When requested, show all work and write all answers in the spaces allotted on the following pages. You may type your work using plain-text formatting or an equation editor, or you may hand-write your work and scan it. In either case, show work neatly and correctly, following standard mathematical conventions. Each step should follow clearly and completely from the previous step. If necessary, you may attach extra pages. Upload this answer sheet (with your extra work, if needed) to the MATH 106 Final Exam folder under the “Assignments” link in LEO classroom. DO NOT SUBMIT THE EXAM ITSELF (it will not be accepted under any circumstance). You must complete the exam individually. Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. Your exam will receive a zero grade unless you complete the following honor statement. ( Please sign (or type) your name below the following honor statement: I have completed this final examination myself, working independently and not consulting anyone except the instructor. I have neither given nor received help on this final examination. I have not used any instructors’ solutions manual or any online problem solving service. Name ____________ ______ ___ Date___________________ )
  • 13. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Record your answer choices. 1.7. 2.8. 3.9. 4.10. 5.11. 6.12. SHORT ANSWER. Record your answers below. 13. (a) (b) (c) (d) 14. (a) (b) (c) 15. (a)
  • 14. (b) (c) SHORT ANSWER with Work Shown. Record your answers and work. Problem Number Solution 16 Answers: (a) (b) (c) Work for (a), (b), and (c):
  • 22. MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 1 of 9 MATH 106 FINAL EXAMINATION This is an open-book exam. You may refer to your text and other course materials as you work on the exam, and you may use a calculator. You must complete the exam individually. Neither collaboration nor consultation with others is allowed. Use of instructors’ solutions manuals or online problem solving services in NOT allowed. Record your answers and work on the separate answer sheet provided. There are 25 problems. Problems #1–12 are Multiple Choice. Problems #13–15 are Short Answer. (Work not required to be shown) Problems #16–25 are Short Answer with work required to be
  • 23. shown. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Find the equation of the line passing through (5 , 3) and (– 4, – 1): 1. _______ A. 4x + 9y = – 25 B. 2x – y = – 7 C. 4x – 9y = – 7 D. 2x + y = 13 2. Which of the corner points for the system of linear inequalities graphed below maximizes the objective function P = 5x + 3y ? 2. _______ A. (0, 3) C. (3, 0) B. (1, 2) D. (2, 0)
  • 24. MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 2 of 9 3. Identify the single row operation that transforms the matrix as shown: 3. ________ [ 10 −4−5 2 | 9 −4.5 ] → [ 10 −4 0 0 | 9 0 ] A. 0�2 → �2 C. �1 ↔ �2 B. 0.5�1 + �2 → �2 D. 2�2 + �1 → �2
  • 25. 4. If payments of $250 were made monthly for 30 years into an IRA (individual retirement account) with 5.5% interest compounded monthly, the total amount in the account at the end of 30 years can be determined using formula for: 4. _______ A. Sequence of payments; future value of an ordinary annuity B. Sequence of payments; present value of an ordinary annuity C. Single payment, compound interest D. Single payment, simple annual interest 5. A survey of 15 randomly selected students responded to the question “How many hours a day do you work on MATH 106?” as follows: 3, 5, 6, 2, 4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2 . Which histogram below accurately reflects the frequency distribution of the 15 students’ responses? 5. ______ HISTOGRAM A HISTOGRAM C
  • 26. HISTOGRAM B HISTOGRAM D 0 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 27. 0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • 28. MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 3 of 9 6. For $5 you can have a single chance to roll two fair 6-sided dice at the same time. If your roll comes up “doubles” (same face is up on both dice) you win $30; if not, you win nothing. What is the expected value of playing this game? 6. ________ A. − $5.00 C. 0 B. − $4.17 D. $0.83 7. Reggie buys a house for $280,000. He makes a 20% down payment and finances the balance with a 30-year fixed loan at 4.2% interest compounded monthly. Reggie’s monthly payment is: 7. _______ A. $1406.22 C. $1369.25
  • 29. B. $1757.58 D. $1095.40 8. If K = {3, 7, 11, 15} and M = {7, 12, 15, 18}, list {�|� ∈ � �� � ∈ �} 8. _________ A. {Ø} C. { 7, 15 } B. {3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 18} D. {3, 7, 11, 15, 7, 12, 15, 18} 9. – 10. Sunnydale Farms has a total of 240 acres of cropland. The farm owner wants to plant this acreage in corn and oats. An acre of corn brings $40 in profit, and an acre of oats gets $30 profit. A total of 320 labor-hours to raise the crops is available. Each acre of corn needs 2 labor- hours, and each acre of oats needs 1 labor-hour. Let x represent acres of corn and y represent acres of oats.
  • 30. 9. Identify the daily crop production constraint due to labor: 9. _______ A. 2� + � ≤ 320 C. 2� + � ≤ 240 B. 40� + 30� ≤ 320 D. � + � ≤ 240 10. State the objective profit function: 10. _______ A. � = 30� + 40� C. 240 = � + � B. � = 2� + � D. � = 40� + 30� MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 4 of 9 11. Determine which shaded region corresponds to the solution region of the system of linear
  • 31. inequalities 2� + � ≥ 4 � ≥ 0 � + 3� ≤ 6 � ≥ 0 11. _______ GRAPH A. GRAPH B. GRAPH C. GRAPH D. 12. The mean time from customer arrival to “service complete” for a customer at the Citysburg office of the Department of Motor Vehicles is 93 minutes, with a standard deviation of 14 minutes. Assuming a normal distribution, what is the probability that a randomly chosen customer experiences “arrival-to-service complete” time between 79 and 107 minutes?
  • 32. 12. ______ A. 0.5000 C. 0.3413 B. 0.4772 D. 0.6826 MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 5 of 9 _____________________________________________________ _________________________ SHORT ANSWER (work NOT required to be shown) 13. For the equation graphed below: a. Determine the slope m:
  • 33. m = _____________ b. Determine the x – intercept: _____________ c. Determine the y – intercept: _____________ d. State the equation algebraically in slope – intercept form: _____________________________ 14. 1000 students at a particular college were asked their status (full-time or part-time) and their chosen undergraduate degree field of study. The following table was obtained.
  • 34. Undergraduate Major Full-time Part-time Total Business 54 152 206 Education 32 104 136 Health Sciences 190 116 306 Social Sciences 198 154 352 Total 474 526 1000 (Report your answers as fractions or as decimal values rounded to the nearest hundredth.) Find the probability that a randomly selected student: (a) majors in business and is part-time. Answer: ______________ (b) majors in business, given that the student is part-time. Answer: ______________
  • 35. (c) majors in business or is part-time. Answer: ______________ MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 6 of 9 15. Let �(�) = 30, �(� ∩ �) = 10, �(� ∪ �) = 40, and �(�) = 100. a. Determine �(�) : ___________________________________ b. Determine �(� ∩ �′) : ___________________________________ c. Determine �(�′ ∩ �′): ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________
  • 36. SHORT ANSWER, with work required to be shown, as indicated. 16. You are a restaurant manager. You must pick 17 entrees for your menu. There are 14 meat offerings and 11 poultry offerings to choose from. (a) In how many ways can 17 entrees be randomly selected out of the 25 meat and poultry offerings? Show work. (b) In how many ways can 17 entrees be chosen, if 11 must be beef and 6 must be chicken? Show work. (c) If 17 entrees are randomly selected from the 25 offerings, what is the probability that 6 are chicken and 11 are beef? Round answer to nearest ten- thousandth (4 places after decimal). Show work.
  • 37. _____________________________________________________ _________________________ 17. Solve the system of equations using substitution, elimination by addition, or augmented matrix methods (your choice). Show work. 3� + 2� = −10 2� − 3� = 2 MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 7 of 9 18. Christina is selling an antique dining room furniture set
  • 38. through a broker. She wants to get $1500 for herself, but the broker gets 15% of the selling price as commission. What should the selling price be? Show work. A. $1650.00 C. $1725.00 B. $1764.71 D. $1783.52 _____________________________________________________ _________________________ 19. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, 10.0 percent of adolescent (ages 12 – 19) Americans were obese in 1995; an amount which climbed to 18.0 percent in 2008. (a) Which of the following linear equations could be used to predict percent of adolescent Americans who are obese “y” in a given year “x”, where x = 0 represents the year 1995? Explain/show work.
  • 39. �. � = 13 8 � + 1995 �. � = 8 13 � + 10 �. � = 13 8 � + 10 �. � = 8 13 � + 1995 (b) Use the equation from part (a) to predict the percent of adolescent Americans who are obese in the year 2026. Round answer to nearest tenth of a percent. Show work. (c) Fill in the blanks to interpret the slope of the equation: The rate of change of number
  • 40. of Americans age 65 or older with respect to time is ______________________ per ________________. (Include units of measurement.) 20. If $460,000 is to be saved over 15 years, how much should be deposited semi-annually if the investment earns 15% compounded semi-annually? Round answer to nearest cent. Show work. A. $4435.77 C. $17612.13 B. $4790.74 D. $4448.77 _____________________________________________________ _________________________ MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 8 of 9
  • 41. 21. The feasible region shown below is bounded by lines x + y = 3, 4x – y = 6, and y = 0. Find the coordinates of corner point A. Show work. 22. A network security specialist records the number of incoming e-mails containing links that six randomly-selected network users receive in a day. Numbers are 32, 20, 32, 60, 36, and 48. (a) State the mode (if one exists). (b) Find the median. Show work/explanation. (c) Determine the sample mean. Show work (d) Using the sample mean found in part (c), and given that the sample standard deviation of
  • 42. the data set above is 14.03, what percentage of the data set falls within one standard deviation of the mean? Show work/explanation. (d) _______ A. 66.7% C. 50.0% B. 34.1% D. 68.3% MATH 106 Finite Mathematics 2158-OL1-6381-V1 Page 9 of 9 23. There is a 0.95 probability that MATH 106 students will correctly follow all instructions on the Final Exam. What is the probability that exactly 95 of the 100 students taking MATH 106 in a particular term correctly follow all Final Exam instructions? Round answer to the nearest thousandth (three places after decimal). Show work.
  • 43. 24. You have $5000 to invest in a single payment. Which is the better investment: 9.0% compounded annually or 8.7% compounded monthly? Show work 25. A mall developer surveyed 500 customers yesterday to learn what they go shopping for at the mall. 280 customers said they shopped for clothes. 355 customers said they went shopping for electronics. 200 customers said they shopped for both clothes and electronics. (a) What is the probability that a single randomly-selected shopped for neither clothing nor electronics yesterday? Show work.
  • 44. (b) Let C = {customers shopping for clothes} and E = {customers shopping for electronics}. Determine the number of customers belonging to each of the regions I, II, III, IV. Region I: ________ Region II: __________ Region III:
  • 45. _________ Region IV: __________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________ U E C II IV III I