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Cracking the Contraceptive Myths/ 
Natural family planning 
11. CCooiittuuss IInntteerrrruuppttuuss eeffffeeccttiivveellyy pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy && SSTTDD 
22. FFiixxeedd ffeerrttiillee ppeerriioodd (( aavvooiiddaannccee ooff SSII aatt ddaayy 1144 ooff mmeennsseess )) 
33. PPoossttccooiittaall ppeerriinneeaall wwaasshhiinngg pprreevveenntt pprreeggnnaannccyy 
44. BBrreeaasstt ffeeeeddiinngg pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy
Coitus Interruptus effectively pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy && SSTTDD 
It has been suggested that the pre-ejaculate ("Cowper's fluid”) 
emitted by the penis prior to ejaculation normally 
contains spermatozoa (sperm cells), which would compromise the 
effectiveness of the method 
Typical failure rate : 18 – 20 % 
Avoid during fertile period 
11. FFiixxeedd ffeerrttiillee ppeerriioodd (( aavvooiiddaannccee ooff SSII aatt ddaayy 1144 ooff mmeennsseess )) 
• Only applicable for those with regular menses, cycle length is 
recorded for the min of 6 cycles, 
• Fertile period is not only on day fourteen : ovulation varies each 
• Cycle length is recorded for the min of 6 cycles, likely fertile days 
are then calculated allowing for the survival of sperm and ova 
First fertile day : shortest cycle – 20 
Last fertile day : longest cycle – 10
Postcoital perineal wwaasshhiinngg pprreevveenntt pprreeggnnaannccyy 
• Semen travels at 28mph 
• It takes only 5 minutes for them to travel the 6 inches to the cervix 
• Perineal washing does NOT effectively cleanse vagina off the sperm
Breast feeding pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy 
•Exclusive BF during the first 6 
months after last childbirth 
•Induced amenorrhea 
•2% to get pregnant
11. CCaauusseess hhoorrmmoonnaall ddiissttuurrbbaanncceess 
22. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn iinnffeerrttiilliittyy iinn ffuuttuurree 
33. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn 
44. MMaayy ccaauussee rreedduuccttiioonn iinn sseexxuuaall ddrriivvee 
55. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn mmaalliiggnnaannccyy
CCaauusseess hhoorrmmoonnaall ddiissttuurrbbaanncceess 
• Androgen cause in sebum production and terminal hair growth 
• Acne vulgaris – a common skin disorder that involves the sebaceous follicle 
• Hirsutism – growth of terminal hair on the body of a woman in similar pattern & 
sequence as in post pubertal male 
• COCPs - serum free testosterone concentration by inhibiting luteinising hormone 
stimulation of ovarian androgens & increasing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) 
production in the liver 
• COCPs – inhibit 5-alpha reductase activity (required to convert testosterone to 
dihydrotestosterone in hair follicles and skin) 
• Premenstrual symptom – breast tenderness, bloating, fatique, 
headaches, mood swings or irritability 
• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – pre menstrual symptoms 
severe enough to cause impairment of daily activity. Affect 10- 
15% of women 
• COCPs improve PMS/PMDD by suppressing ovulation 
• Drosperinone (a new progestogen derived from spironolactone) 
containing COCP was shown to be highly effective in PMS/PMDD 
• COCPs are better at improving the physical symptoms of 
• If emotional symptoms are predominant, then selective 
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are the initial treatment of 
MMaakkeess oonnee iinnffeerrttiillee 
• A woman’s fertility declines with age, genetically determined. 
• Fertility is also affected by general and gynaecological health, 
concurrent illness, weight, exercise levels, cigarette smoking and 
stress. Weight above and below the recommended range for 
height can have an impact on fertility 
• Systemic review of studies comparing reversible forms of 
contraception found between 79% and 96% of women were able 
to get pregnant in the 12 months after they stopped taking the pill.
MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn 
CCoommppaarreedd wwiitthh ppllaacceebboo oorr nnoo iinntteerrvveennttiioonn, 
tthhee uussee ooff ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn ccoonnttrraacceeppttiivveess wwaass 
nnoott aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn 
Cochrane review identified 49 randomized controlled trials that 
spanned at least three treatment cycles and compared a combination 
contraceptive with placebo, no intervention, or another combination 
contraceptive that differed in drug, dosage, treatment regimen, or 
study length. Only four of the 49 trials had a control group (placebo 
or no intervention). None of the four trials found a statistically 
significant difference in weight change between the combination 
contraceptive and control groups. 
• Some women may experience bloating from water retention before or during periods when 
• Some progestogen ie Drospirenone counteracts the mechanism of water retention thus many 
women enjoys the freedom from water related weight gain/ discomfort
May cause rreedduuccttiioonn iinn sseexxuuaall ddrriivvee 
• Findings from studies of the sexual effects of hormonal contraceptives have been 
inconsistent, and the pharmacologic basis for these effects is unclear 
• When women on the Pill were tested, levels of a chemical which wipes out testosterone 
were found to be seven times higher than in those who had never taken it
MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn mmaalliiggnnaannccyy 
• OCP (chemoprevention) has highest protective effect against ovarian 
• OCP for 5 years reduces the relative risk of developing epithelial ovarian 
cancer by 50% 
• Trials evaluating role of OCP as primary prevention of ovarian cancer 
particularly hereditary ovarian cancer due to BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 (CASH & 
i. 5 years use of OCP in nulliparous women reduced the risk of ovarian 
cancer to similar with non user multipara 
ii. 10 years use of OCP reduced the risk in women with family history ovarian 
cancer to lower than those non users and has no family history 
Oral contraceptive use and the risk of ovarian cancer: the Centers for Disease Control 
Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study. Journal of the American Medical Association 
249(12):1596-9. 1983 Mar 25. 11 p
• The use of COCP for 1 year decrease the risk of endometrial cancer by more than 
• A meta-analysis has shown that
• Lesser known benefit of COCPs is protection against colon cancer 
• A cohort study – women who used COCP for ≥ 96 months had 20- 
40% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer
• FFeeaarr ooff PPeerrffoorraattiioonn//EExxppuullssiioonn 
• IInnccrreeaasseess tthhee rriisskk ooff PPeellvviicc IInnffllaammmmaattoorryy DDiisseeaassee 
• CCaauusseess eexxcceessssiivvee ppeerr vvaaggiinnaall bblleeeeddiinngg 
• HHiigghheerr rriisskk ooff EEccttooppiicc PPrreeggnnaannccyy
Fear ooff PPeerrffoorraattiioonn// EExxppuullssiioonn 
• The rate of uterine perforation associated with intrauterine 
contraceptive use is vveerryy llooww (00––22..33 ppeerr 11000000 iinnsseerrttiioonnss). 
• Expulsion of intrauterine contraception occurs in approximately 11 iinn 
2200 wwoommeenn aanndd iiss mmoosstt ccoommmmoonn iinn tthhee ffiirrsstt 33 mmoonntthhss after 
insertion and often during menstruation 
Harrison-Woolrych M, Ashton J, Coulter D. Uterine perforation on intrauterine device insertion: is 
the incidence higher than previously reported? Contraception 2003; 67: 53–56. 59 World Health 
Organization (WHO). Mechanism of Action, 
Caliskan E, Öztürk N, Dilbaz BÖ, Dilbaz S. Analysis of risk factors associated with uterine 
perforation by intrauterine devices. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2003; 8:150–155.
Increases the risk of pelvic iinnffllaammmmaattoorryy ddiisseeaassee 
Women should be advised there may be an 
increased risk of pelvic infection in the 20 days 
following insertion of intrauterine contraception 
but the risk is the same as the non-IUD-using 
population thereafter (Grade B). 
• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) among IUD users is most strongly 
related to the insertion procedure and to the background risk of STIs. 
• A review of 12 randomised trial identified low rates of PID (1.6 per 1000 
woman-years).After adjusting for confounding factors, although a six-fold 
increase in the risk of PID occurs in the 20 days after insertion, the 
overall risk is low. After this time the risk is low and remains low unless 
there is exposure to STIs 
Farley TM, Rosenberg MJ, Rowe PJ, Chen JH, Meirik O. 
Intrauterine contraceptive devices and pelvic inflammatory disease: an international 
perspective. Lancet 1992; 339:785–788.
Causes excessive ppeerr vvaaggiinnaall bblleeeeddiinngg 
An increase amounting to approximately 
20 ml per period without significant 
variations during the study was recorded. 
No significant influence upon serum iron 
and TIBC was found 
In general, Cu-IUDs do not have any effect on ovulation. Nevertheless, a 
shorter luteal phase (post-ovulation) with earlier onset of 
menstruation has been documented. Spotting, light bleeding, heavier 
or longer periods are common in the first 3 to 6 months following Cu- 
IUD insertion. These bleeding patterns are not harmful and usually 
decrease with time. 
World Health Organization. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use (2nd edn). 
2005. [Accessed 12 October 
Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit. UK Selected 
Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use. 2002. 
%20UK%20recommendations1.pdf [Accessed 12 October 2007].
Higher rriisskk ooff EEccttooppiicc PPrreeggnnaannccyy 
WWoommeenn sshhoouulldd bbee iinnffoorrmmeedd tthhaatt tthhee oovveerraallll rriisskk ooff eeccttooppiicc pprreeggnnaannccyy iiss rreedduucceedd 
wwiitthh uussee ooff iinnttrraauutteerriinnee ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn wwhheenn ccoommppaarreedd ttoo uussiinngg nnoo ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn 
aanndd nnoo ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ddeevviiccee iiss aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh aa lloowweerr rraattee ooff eeccttooppiicc pprreeggnnaannccyy ((GGrraaddee 
• Intrauterine methods are such effective contraceptives that the absolute risk of 
pregnancy (intrauterine and ectopic) while using these methods is very low. 
• A previous ectopic pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of intrauterine 
• Contraceptives that inhibit ovulation will reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy to a 
greater degree. A meta-analysis of case-control studies showed no increased risk of 
ectopic pregnancy with current Cu-IUD use (adjusted odds ratio 1.06; 95% CI0.91– 
• IInntteerrffeerreess wwiitthh sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee 
• CCaauusseess eeaarrllyy mmeennooppaauussee 
• CCaauusseess aabbnnoorrmmaall uutteerriinnee bblleeeeddiinngg 
• IIss 110000%% ppeerrcceenntt eeffffeeccttiivvee
Interferes with sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee 
DDooeess nnoott iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh sseexxuuaall 
•Prospective studies have generally reported no change or 
improvements in sexual function, sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, 
coital frequency, and self-perceived femininity 
• Important to emphasize the “ttuubbaall lliiggaattiioonn ““ ddooeess nnoott iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh 
sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee
Causes eeaarrllyy mmeennooppaauussee 
SStteerriilliizzaattiioonn nnoott pprroovveenn ttoo ccaauussee 
ddeettrriimmeennttaall eeffffeecctt oonn oovvaarriiaann 
Theory of early menopause: 
1.interruption and reduction of blood supply to the ovaries. This could cause ovarian 
dysfunction and alter the ovaries' production and/or release of estrogen and 
On theoretical grounds alone, such theories arouse suspicion. 
Two thirds of the ovarian blood supply comes from the uterine artery, through the 
tubal artery, and one-third is from the ovarian artery. 
Given that the anastomotic network between the tubal and ovarian arteries is 
extensive, it is unlikely that interruption of one of these arteries would result in 
clinically remarkable reduction in blood flow to the ovaries 
Studies of more objective measures of ovarian function do not show any consistent 
changes in progesterone or estrogen levels ( longest follow up 6.9 years)
Causes abnormal uutteerriinnee bblleeeeddiinngg 
No significant menstrual changes 
after sterilization 
Postulation that tubal occlusion may cause menstrual changes through 
1.interruption and reduction of blood supply to the ovaries. This could cause ovarian 
dysfunction and alter the ovaries' production and/or release of estrogen and 
2. interference with the direct diffusion of estrogen and progesterone from the 
ovaries to the uterus, leading to endometrial malfunction; 
3. interference with the prostaglandin feedback mechanism between the uterus and 
ovary with deficient prostaglandin production and disturbances in ovarian 
steroidogenesis; and 
4.uterine vascular congestion. 
Most cohort studies that controlled for previous menstrual history, previous 
contraception, or increasing age showed no significant menstrual changes after 
IIss 110000%% ppeerrcceenntt eeffffeeccttiivvee 
EEvveerryy ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn mmaayy 
• CREST study reported a 10-year cumulative failure rate of 1.85% for all 
sterilization methods. (0 .75% for unipolar coagulation and postpartum partial 
salpingectomy to a high of 3.65% for spring clip application) 
• Reasons for sterilization failure include undetected preexisting pregnancy 
(luteal phase pregnancy), occlusion of the wrong structure, incomplete or 
inadequate occlusion, slippage of a mechanical device, development of a 
tuboperitoneal fistula, and spontaneous reanastomosis or recanalization of 
the previously separated tubal segments. 
• When sterilization failure occurs, the pregnancy is more likely to be ectopic 
• The overall risk of pregnancy is low among sterilized women. Therefore, the 
absolute risk of ectopic pregnancy among them is substantially lower than the 
absolute risk of ectopic pregnancy among women not using contraception 
Koetsawang S, Gates DS, Suwanichati S et al: Long-term follow-up of laparoscopic sterilizations 
by electrocoagulation, the Hulka clip and the tubal ring. Contraception 41:9, 1990 
Peterson HB, Xia Z, Hughes JM et al: The risk of pregnancy after tubal sterilization: findings 
from the US collaborative review of sterilization. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174:1161, 1996
AAwwaarreenneessss AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy 
CCoosstt SSoocciiaall BBoouunnddrriieess
Education : both for public and medical staff 
Availability of family planning clinics
What is available in your clinic? 
How far is your clinic from patient’s home 
Role of mobile clinic ?
Thank you

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Cracking the contraceptive myths barriers

  • 1. Cracking the Contraceptive Myths/ Barriers DR BUVANES CHELLIAH O & G SPECIALIST SARAWAK GENERAL HOSPITAL
  • 3. Natural family planning 11. CCooiittuuss IInntteerrrruuppttuuss eeffffeeccttiivveellyy pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy && SSTTDD 22. FFiixxeedd ffeerrttiillee ppeerriioodd (( aavvooiiddaannccee ooff SSII aatt ddaayy 1144 ooff mmeennsseess )) 33. PPoossttccooiittaall ppeerriinneeaall wwaasshhiinngg pprreevveenntt pprreeggnnaannccyy 44. BBrreeaasstt ffeeeeddiinngg pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy
  • 4. Coitus Interruptus effectively pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy && SSTTDD It has been suggested that the pre-ejaculate ("Cowper's fluid”) emitted by the penis prior to ejaculation normally contains spermatozoa (sperm cells), which would compromise the effectiveness of the method Typical failure rate : 18 – 20 % Avoid during fertile period DOES NOT PREVENT AGAINST STD
  • 5. 11. FFiixxeedd ffeerrttiillee ppeerriioodd (( aavvooiiddaannccee ooff SSII aatt ddaayy 1144 ooff mmeennsseess )) • Only applicable for those with regular menses, cycle length is recorded for the min of 6 cycles, • Fertile period is not only on day fourteen : ovulation varies each cycle • Cycle length is recorded for the min of 6 cycles, likely fertile days are then calculated allowing for the survival of sperm and ova First fertile day : shortest cycle – 20 Last fertile day : longest cycle – 10
  • 6. Postcoital perineal wwaasshhiinngg pprreevveenntt pprreeggnnaannccyy • Semen travels at 28mph • It takes only 5 minutes for them to travel the 6 inches to the cervix • Perineal washing does NOT effectively cleanse vagina off the sperm
  • 7. Breast feeding pprreevveennttss pprreeggnnaannccyy LACTATIONAL AMENORRHEA METHOD •Exclusive BF during the first 6 months after last childbirth •Induced amenorrhea •2% to get pregnant
  • 8. PPIILLLLSS :: PPOOPP && CCOOCCPP 11. CCaauusseess hhoorrmmoonnaall ddiissttuurrbbaanncceess 22. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn iinnffeerrttiilliittyy iinn ffuuttuurree 33. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn 44. MMaayy ccaauussee rreedduuccttiioonn iinn sseexxuuaall ddrriivvee 55. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn mmaalliiggnnaannccyy
  • 9. CCaauusseess hhoorrmmoonnaall ddiissttuurrbbaanncceess • Androgen cause in sebum production and terminal hair growth • Acne vulgaris – a common skin disorder that involves the sebaceous follicle • Hirsutism – growth of terminal hair on the body of a woman in similar pattern & sequence as in post pubertal male • COCPs - serum free testosterone concentration by inhibiting luteinising hormone stimulation of ovarian androgens & increasing sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) production in the liver  • COCPs – inhibit 5-alpha reductase activity (required to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone in hair follicles and skin)  HHyyppeerraannddrrooggeenniissmm
  • 10. PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME • Premenstrual symptom – breast tenderness, bloating, fatique, headaches, mood swings or irritability • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – pre menstrual symptoms severe enough to cause impairment of daily activity. Affect 10- 15% of women • COCPs improve PMS/PMDD by suppressing ovulation • Drosperinone (a new progestogen derived from spironolactone) containing COCP was shown to be highly effective in PMS/PMDD • COCPs are better at improving the physical symptoms of PMS/PMDD • If emotional symptoms are predominant, then selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are the initial treatment of choice
  • 11. MMaakkeess oonnee iinnffeerrttiillee • A woman’s fertility declines with age, genetically determined. • Fertility is also affected by general and gynaecological health, concurrent illness, weight, exercise levels, cigarette smoking and stress. Weight above and below the recommended range for height can have an impact on fertility • Systemic review of studies comparing reversible forms of contraception found between 79% and 96% of women were able to get pregnant in the 12 months after they stopped taking the pill.
  • 12. MMaayy rreessuulltt iinn wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn CCoommppaarreedd wwiitthh ppllaacceebboo oorr nnoo iinntteerrvveennttiioonn, tthhee uussee ooff ccoommbbiinnaattiioonn ccoonnttrraacceeppttiivveess wwaass nnoott aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh wweeiigghhtt ggaaiinn Cochrane review identified 49 randomized controlled trials that spanned at least three treatment cycles and compared a combination contraceptive with placebo, no intervention, or another combination contraceptive that differed in drug, dosage, treatment regimen, or study length. Only four of the 49 trials had a control group (placebo or no intervention). None of the four trials found a statistically significant difference in weight change between the combination contraceptive and control groups. • Some women may experience bloating from water retention before or during periods when COCP. • Some progestogen ie Drospirenone counteracts the mechanism of water retention thus many women enjoys the freedom from water related weight gain/ discomfort
  • 13. May cause rreedduuccttiioonn iinn sseexxuuaall ddrriivvee • Findings from studies of the sexual effects of hormonal contraceptives have been inconsistent, and the pharmacologic basis for these effects is unclear • When women on the Pill were tested, levels of a chemical which wipes out testosterone were found to be seven times higher than in those who had never taken it
  • 15. OOVVAARRIIAANN CCAARRCCIINNOOMMAA • OCP (chemoprevention) has highest protective effect against ovarian cancer • OCP for 5 years reduces the relative risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer by 50% • Trials evaluating role of OCP as primary prevention of ovarian cancer particularly hereditary ovarian cancer due to BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 (CASH & SEER) i. 5 years use of OCP in nulliparous women reduced the risk of ovarian cancer to similar with non user multipara ii. 10 years use of OCP reduced the risk in women with family history ovarian cancer to lower than those non users and has no family history Oral contraceptive use and the risk of ovarian cancer: the Centers for Disease Control Cancer and Steroid Hormone Study. Journal of the American Medical Association 249(12):1596-9. 1983 Mar 25. 11 p
  • 16. EENNDDOOMMEETTRRIIAALL CCAANNCCEERR • The use of COCP for 1 year decrease the risk of endometrial cancer by more than 40% • A meta-analysis has shown that
  • 17. CCOOLLOONN CCAANNCCEERR • Lesser known benefit of COCPs is protection against colon cancer • A cohort study – women who used COCP for ≥ 96 months had 20- 40% lower risk of developing colorectal cancer
  • 18. INTRAUTERINE DEVICE • FFeeaarr ooff PPeerrffoorraattiioonn//EExxppuullssiioonn • IInnccrreeaasseess tthhee rriisskk ooff PPeellvviicc IInnffllaammmmaattoorryy DDiisseeaassee • CCaauusseess eexxcceessssiivvee ppeerr vvaaggiinnaall bblleeeeddiinngg • HHiigghheerr rriisskk ooff EEccttooppiicc PPrreeggnnaannccyy
  • 19. Fear ooff PPeerrffoorraattiioonn// EExxppuullssiioonn • The rate of uterine perforation associated with intrauterine contraceptive use is vveerryy llooww (00––22..33 ppeerr 11000000 iinnsseerrttiioonnss). • Expulsion of intrauterine contraception occurs in approximately 11 iinn 2200 wwoommeenn aanndd iiss mmoosstt ccoommmmoonn iinn tthhee ffiirrsstt 33 mmoonntthhss after insertion and often during menstruation Harrison-Woolrych M, Ashton J, Coulter D. Uterine perforation on intrauterine device insertion: is the incidence higher than previously reported? Contraception 2003; 67: 53–56. 59 World Health Organization (WHO). Mechanism of Action, Caliskan E, Öztürk N, Dilbaz BÖ, Dilbaz S. Analysis of risk factors associated with uterine perforation by intrauterine devices. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2003; 8:150–155.
  • 20. Increases the risk of pelvic iinnffllaammmmaattoorryy ddiisseeaassee Women should be advised there may be an increased risk of pelvic infection in the 20 days following insertion of intrauterine contraception but the risk is the same as the non-IUD-using population thereafter (Grade B). • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) among IUD users is most strongly related to the insertion procedure and to the background risk of STIs. • A review of 12 randomised trial identified low rates of PID (1.6 per 1000 woman-years).After adjusting for confounding factors, although a six-fold increase in the risk of PID occurs in the 20 days after insertion, the overall risk is low. After this time the risk is low and remains low unless there is exposure to STIs Farley TM, Rosenberg MJ, Rowe PJ, Chen JH, Meirik O. Intrauterine contraceptive devices and pelvic inflammatory disease: an international perspective. Lancet 1992; 339:785–788.
  • 21. Causes excessive ppeerr vvaaggiinnaall bblleeeeddiinngg An increase amounting to approximately 20 ml per period without significant variations during the study was recorded. No significant influence upon serum iron and TIBC was found In general, Cu-IUDs do not have any effect on ovulation. Nevertheless, a shorter luteal phase (post-ovulation) with earlier onset of menstruation has been documented. Spotting, light bleeding, heavier or longer periods are common in the first 3 to 6 months following Cu- IUD insertion. These bleeding patterns are not harmful and usually decrease with time. World Health Organization. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use (2nd edn). 2005. [Accessed 12 October 2007]. Faculty of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Clinical Effectiveness Unit. UK Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use. 2002. %20UK%20recommendations1.pdf [Accessed 12 October 2007].
  • 22. Higher rriisskk ooff EEccttooppiicc PPrreeggnnaannccyy WWoommeenn sshhoouulldd bbee iinnffoorrmmeedd tthhaatt tthhee oovveerraallll rriisskk ooff eeccttooppiicc pprreeggnnaannccyy iiss rreedduucceedd wwiitthh uussee ooff iinnttrraauutteerriinnee ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn wwhheenn ccoommppaarreedd ttoo uussiinngg nnoo ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn aanndd nnoo ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ddeevviiccee iiss aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh aa lloowweerr rraattee ooff eeccttooppiicc pprreeggnnaannccyy ((GGrraaddee AA)).. • Intrauterine methods are such effective contraceptives that the absolute risk of pregnancy (intrauterine and ectopic) while using these methods is very low. • A previous ectopic pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of intrauterine contraception • Contraceptives that inhibit ovulation will reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy to a greater degree. A meta-analysis of case-control studies showed no increased risk of ectopic pregnancy with current Cu-IUD use (adjusted odds ratio 1.06; 95% CI0.91– 1.24)
  • 23. FFEEMMAALLEE SSTTEERRIILLIIZZAATTIIOONN • IInntteerrffeerreess wwiitthh sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee • CCaauusseess eeaarrllyy mmeennooppaauussee • CCaauusseess aabbnnoorrmmaall uutteerriinnee bblleeeeddiinngg • IIss 110000%% ppeerrcceenntt eeffffeeccttiivvee
  • 24. Interferes with sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee DDooeess nnoott iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh sseexxuuaall ffuunnccttiioonn •Prospective studies have generally reported no change or improvements in sexual function, sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, coital frequency, and self-perceived femininity • Important to emphasize the “ttuubbaall lliiggaattiioonn ““ ddooeess nnoott iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh sseexxuuaall iinntteerrccoouurrssee
  • 25. Causes eeaarrllyy mmeennooppaauussee SStteerriilliizzaattiioonn nnoott pprroovveenn ttoo ccaauussee ddeettrriimmeennttaall eeffffeecctt oonn oovvaarriiaann ffuunnccttiioonn Theory of early menopause: 1.interruption and reduction of blood supply to the ovaries. This could cause ovarian dysfunction and alter the ovaries' production and/or release of estrogen and progesterone; On theoretical grounds alone, such theories arouse suspicion. Two thirds of the ovarian blood supply comes from the uterine artery, through the tubal artery, and one-third is from the ovarian artery. Given that the anastomotic network between the tubal and ovarian arteries is extensive, it is unlikely that interruption of one of these arteries would result in clinically remarkable reduction in blood flow to the ovaries Studies of more objective measures of ovarian function do not show any consistent changes in progesterone or estrogen levels ( longest follow up 6.9 years)
  • 26. Causes abnormal uutteerriinnee bblleeeeddiinngg No significant menstrual changes after sterilization Postulation that tubal occlusion may cause menstrual changes through 1.interruption and reduction of blood supply to the ovaries. This could cause ovarian dysfunction and alter the ovaries' production and/or release of estrogen and progesterone; 2. interference with the direct diffusion of estrogen and progesterone from the ovaries to the uterus, leading to endometrial malfunction; 3. interference with the prostaglandin feedback mechanism between the uterus and ovary with deficient prostaglandin production and disturbances in ovarian steroidogenesis; and 4.uterine vascular congestion. Most cohort studies that controlled for previous menstrual history, previous contraception, or increasing age showed no significant menstrual changes after sterilization
  • 27. IIss 110000%% ppeerrcceenntt eeffffeeccttiivvee EEvveerryy ccoonnttrraacceeppttiioonn mmaayy ffaaiill • CREST study reported a 10-year cumulative failure rate of 1.85% for all sterilization methods. (0 .75% for unipolar coagulation and postpartum partial salpingectomy to a high of 3.65% for spring clip application) • Reasons for sterilization failure include undetected preexisting pregnancy (luteal phase pregnancy), occlusion of the wrong structure, incomplete or inadequate occlusion, slippage of a mechanical device, development of a tuboperitoneal fistula, and spontaneous reanastomosis or recanalization of the previously separated tubal segments. • When sterilization failure occurs, the pregnancy is more likely to be ectopic • The overall risk of pregnancy is low among sterilized women. Therefore, the absolute risk of ectopic pregnancy among them is substantially lower than the absolute risk of ectopic pregnancy among women not using contraception Koetsawang S, Gates DS, Suwanichati S et al: Long-term follow-up of laparoscopic sterilizations by electrocoagulation, the Hulka clip and the tubal ring. Contraception 41:9, 1990 Peterson HB, Xia Z, Hughes JM et al: The risk of pregnancy after tubal sterilization: findings from the US collaborative review of sterilization. Am J Obstet Gynecol 174:1161, 1996
  • 29. AAwwaarreenneessss AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy CCoosstt SSoocciiaall BBoouunnddrriieess
  • 30. AAwwaarreenneessss Education : both for public and medical staff Availability of family planning clinics
  • 31. CCoosstt CHEAPEST IS THE BEST ?? A C B D
  • 32. AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy What is available in your clinic? How far is your clinic from patient’s home Role of mobile clinic ?