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Cook County Master Naturalist
Botany 101
Instructor: Christopher David Benda
Plant Ecologist
Illinois Natural History Survey
Illinois Native Plant Society
Instructor, Flora of Southern Illinois
Southern Illinois University
Instructor, Tree ID and Ecology
The Morton Arboretum
Technical Expert Consultant
Illinois Endangered Species
Protection Board
Illinois Botanizer
Facebook Group
Illinois Botany
Illinois Native
Plant Society
Illinois Natural Areas Inventory
Category I – High Quality Natural Communities
Rose Pink
New England Aster
ButtonbushPrickly Pear CatcusCardinal Flower
Orange Jewelweed
0.07% in a natural condition
Natural Community
Soil Moisture Gradient
Simple leaf, magnolia
a. Simple versus compound leaves
Pinnately compound leaf,
black walnut
Palmately compound leaf,
b. Arrangement of leaves on stem
Opposite leaves, maple
Whorled leaves,
Alternate leaves,
American beech
Leaf Characteristics
Simple leaf
Palmately compound leaf
Ohio Buckeye
Aesculus glabra
Pinnately compound leaf
Black Walnut
Alternate leaves
American beech
Whorled leaves
Galium pilosum
Galium aparine
Opposite leaves
Exceptions to the rule:
1. Bladdernut
2. Euonymous (Wahoo)
3. Wild Hydrangea
4. Catalpa
5. Buttonbush
4. Catalpa
5. Buttonbush
Basic Flower Anatomy
• The male part is termed the Stamen, which consists of the anther
and filament.
• The female part is the Carpel, which consists of the stigma, style
and ovary.
Flower Structure
(bisexual flowers)
(unisexual flowers)
Perfect Flowers
• Flowers containing BOTH male (stamen)
and female (carpel)
sexual parts.
• Automatically
Imperfect Flowers
• Flowers containing the reproductive parts
of only one sex.
• These imperfect flowers may be on the
same plant (monoecious),
• or on separate plants (dioecious)
Sparganium eurycarpum Thalictrum dioicum
(one house)
(two houses)
Typha angustifolia
Imperfect, monoecious Imperfect, dioecious
Carex grayi Thalictrum dioicum
(requires a specific habitat
for survival)
(requires a general habitat
for survival)
The Top Ten reasons for
using scientific names
Understand the meaning of the
Latin Pronunciation
Pronounce every letter except diphthongs
Echinacea, Tradescantia, Opuntia, Ambrosia
“ch” is a “k” sound
Polystichum, Heuchera, Aristolochia
If a word has two syllables, the accent always goes with the next to the last (called the penult);
e.g., Àcer.
If a word has three or more syllables, the accent always goes either with the next to the last
(penult) or the third from the last (called the antepenult).
Synandra hispidula, Onoclea sensibilis, Liriodendron tulipifera
phyllum – rhizophyllum, Podophyllum, triphyllum
ae Pellaea, Arisaema, Chamaecrista
au Daucus carota
Eu Teucrium, Leucanthemum
Oe (phoebe), Platanthera peramoena, Ipomoea
Ui Equisetum
“oi” is not a diphthong!
Pleopeltis polypodioides
Pronounce when ending with “e”
Silene, canadense, sessile, hyemale
Latinized last names (one or two i’s)
Dodecatheon frenchii, Emydoidea blandingii
Most trees have been feminized!
Quercus rubra, Fagus grandifolia, Ulmus americana
Latin Pronunciation
English pronunciation of vowels
A – E – I – O - U
Latin pronunciation of vowels
Ah – Eh – EE – Oh - OO
Plant Resources for Southern Illinois
Field Guide Books & Websites
Plant Resources for Southern Illinois
Field Guide Books & Websites
Plant Taxonomy
•Early Plants (spores)
•Archaeplastida (algae)
•Bryophyta (mosses)
•Marchantiophyta (liverworts)
•Anthocerophyta (hornworts)
•Seedless plants
•Pteridophyta (Ferns)
•Fern Allies
•Equisetaceae (Horsetail)
•Isoetaceae (Quillwort)
•Lycopodiaceae (Clubmoss)
•Marsileaceae (Water-Clover)
•Selaginellaceae (Spikemoss)
•Seed Plants
•Gymnosperms (Conifers/Evergreens)
•Juniperus, Pinus, Taxodium
•Angiosperms (Flowering Plants)
•Monocots (Orchids, Lilies, Irises, Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, aquatic plants)
•Dicots (most other flowering plants)
Binomial Nomenclature
“The beginning of wisdom is to call
things by their rightful names.”
E. blandingii
Fern Allies
Sphagnum Moss – Sphagnum compactum
Netted Chain Fern – Woodwardia areolata
Royal Fern – Osmunda spectabilis
Silvery Spleenwort Fern– Deparia acrostichoides
Mosquito Fern – Azolla mexicana
Shining Clubmoss – Huperzia lucidula
Scouring Rush – Equisetum hyemale
• plants that don’t produce a protective fruit
around the seed.
• all the conifers - pines, red cedar, white
cedar, tamarack, yew, and cypress.
Gymnosperms (“naked seed”)
Pinus echinata Taxodium distichum
Larix laricina
Illinois Gymnosperms
• Ginkgoaceae – Ginkgo family
– Ginkgo – 1 species
• biloba (Ginkgo)
• flowering plants where the seed is encased
in a protective fruit.
• This is the dominant group of plants on
Earth today.
Angiosperms (“hidden seeds”)
One cotyledon in seed
Leaf veins form a parallel pattern
Flower parts in threes and multiples
of three, irregular (nonsymmetrical)
Two cotyledons in seed
Leaf veins form a net pattern
Flower parts in fours or fives
and their multiples
One cotyledon in seed
Root xylem and
phloem in a ring
Vascular bundles
scattered in stem
Leaf veins form
aparallel pattern
Flower parts in threes
and multiples of three
Flower parts in fours or
fives and their multiples
Leaf veins form
anet pattern
Vascular bundles
in a distinct ring
Root phloem between
arms of xylemTwo cotyledons in seed
Stem Leaf
Monocot vs. Dicot
Coefficient of Conservatism
The native species most successful in badly
damaged habitats were given C values of 0.
At the other end of the spectrum, species
virtually restricted to natural areas in Illinois
received C values of 10.
(Taft et al. 1997)
Further reading
Erigenia link
T & E Species Link
Gee whiz?! information
If you can’t tell a joke about it,
explain where the name comes
from, or tell story about the plant
Plant Humor
How can you ID a dogwood tree?
By its bark!
Dichotomous Keys
Plant Collections
Dichotomous key demonstration
1.Needle-like or scale-like leaves
1. Leaves broad and flat
2. Leaves simple
2. Leaves compound
3. Leaves opposite or whorled
3. Leaves alternate
4. Leaves not toothed or lobed
4. Leaves toothed or lobed
5. Leaves toothed
5. Leaved lobed
Dichotomous Key Exercise
list the group number in the dichotomous key you
would choose for each of these species
Swamp Milkweed
Prickly Pear Cactus
Eastern Red Cedar
Yellow Lady Slipper Orchid
Dodder (parasitic vine)
Flowering Dogwood
Fragrant Water Lily
Panic Grass
Illinois Native Gymnosperms
Eastern Red Cedar
White Cedar (rare)
Tamarack (rare)
Pines (many rare)
Yew (rare)
Bald Cypress (coastal plain)
Common Plant Families
Dicots & Monocots
Araliaceae (Spikenard family)
Wild Ginseng
Panax quinquefolia
Wild Petunia - Ruellia sp.
Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Water Willow – Justicia americana
Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Apiaceae (Carrot family)
Zizia aurea Osmorhiza claytonii
Aristolochiaceae (Birthwort family)
Wild Ginger – Asarum canadense
Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family)
Mead’s Milkweed – Asclepias meadii
Asclepias tuberosa & A. perennis
Asclepias syriaca & A. variegata
Asclepias exaltata & A. purpurescens
Asclepias hirtella & A. verticillata
Asclepias incarnata
Asclepias sullivantii
Asclepias quadrifolia
Asclepias viridiflora & A. viridis
Climbing Milkweed – Matelea gonocarpos
Climbing Milkweed – Matelea obliqua
Asteraceae (Composite family)
Helenium autumnale Leucanthemum vulgare
Prairie Dock - Silphium terebinthinaceum
Blazing Stars – Liatris scabra & aspera
False Dandelion - Krigia biflora
Pussytoes – Antennaria parlinii
Boraginaceae (Borage family)
Lithospermum canescens
Heliotropium indicum & Cynoglossum virginianum
Lithospermum latifolium & Mertensia virginica
Marbleseed – Onosmodium molle var.
Brassicaceae (Mustard family)
Dentaria laciniata & Cardamine bulbosa
Cactaceae (Cactus family)
Opuntia humifusa
Campanulaceae (Bellflower family)
Lobelia cardinalis & Lobelia puberula
Campanulaceae (Bellflower family)
Lobelia spicata & Lobelia siphilitica
Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family)
Lonicera reticulata
Elderberry – Sambucus canadensis
Coralberry – Symphoricarpus orbiculatus
Rusty Black Haw – Viburnum rufidulum
Caryophyllaceae (Pink family)
Stellaria longifolia
Silene stellata
Fire Pink – Silene virginica
Convolvulaceae (Morning-glory family)
Calystegia sepium Ipomoea pandurata
Flowering Dogwood – Cornus florida
Cornaceae (Dogwood family)
Crassulaceae (Stonecrop family)
Sedum pulchellum
Wild Orpine - Sedum telephioides
Cucurbitaceae (Gourd family)
Sicyos angulatus
Cuscutaceae (Dodder family)
Cuscuta gronovii
Ericaceae (Heath family)
Chamaedaphne calyculata
Wild Azalea - Rhododendron prinophyllum
Farkleberry – Vaccinium arboreum
Lowbush Blueberry - Vaccinium pallidum
Vaccinium venation
Vaccinium arboreum Vaccinium stamineum Vaccinium pallidum
Euphorbiaceae (Spurge family)
Euphorbia corollata Acalypha gracilens
Rushfoil – Crotonopsis elliptica
Fabaceae (Pea family)
Lotus corniculatus Tephrosia virginiana
Pencil Flower - Stylosanthes biflora
Caesalpiniaceae (Caesalpinia family)
Chamaecrista fasciculata Senna marilandica
Redbud - Cercis canadensis
Blackjack Oak - Quercus marilandica
Fagaceae (Beech family)
Post Oak - Quercus stellata
Rock Chestnut Oak - Quercus prinus
Gentianaceae (Gentian family)
Obolaria virginica
Gentiana andrewsii
Wild Columbo – Frasera caroliniensis
Hippocastanaceae (Horse Chestnut family)
Aesculus paviaAesculus glabra
Hypericaceae (St. Johnswort family)
Hypericum prolificumAscyrum multicaule
Pineweed - Hypericum gentianoides
Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Bee-balm - Monarda bradburiana & fistulosa
Pagoda Plant – Blephilia hirsuta
Wild Oregano (Dittany) – Cunila origanoides
Skullcaps – Scutellaria sp.
Blue Curls - Trichostema dichotomum
Loganiaceae (Logania family)
Indian Pink - Spigelia marilandica
Lythraceae (Loosestrife family)
Ammannia coccinea Decodon verticillatus
Magnoliacaeae (Magnolia family)
Magnolia acuminata
Tulip Tree – Liriodendron tulipifera
Malvaceae (Mallow family)
Hibiscus lasiocarpos
Melastomaceae (Meadow Beauty family)
Rhexia virginica
Monotropaceae (Indian Pipe family)
Monotropa uniflora
Nelumbo lutea
Nelumbonaceae (Water Lotus family)
Onagraceae (Evening-primrose family)
Oenothera linifoliaLudwigia alternilfolia
Oenothera pilosella & O. fruticosa
Orobanchaceae (Broomrape family)
Orobanche unifloraEpifagus virginiana
Polemoniaceae (Phlox family)
Phlox bifida
Polygonaceae (Smartweed family)
Persicaria coccineaPersicaria amphibia
Virginia Knotweed - Antenoron virginianum
Portalacaceae (Purslane family)
Phemeranthus parviflorus
Dodecatheon frenchii, Steironema ciliatum,
& Hottonia inflata
Ranunculaceae (Buttercup family)
Delphinium tricorne Ranunculus septentrionalis
Aquilegia canadensis & Thalictrum dioicum
Goldenseal – Hydrastis canadensis
Rosaceae (Rose family)
Potentilla simplex Rosa setigera
Carolina Rose - Rosa carolina
Indian Physic – Porteranthus stipulatus
Rubiaceae (Madder family)
Diodia teresGalium aparine
Houstonia lanceolata & H. pusilla
Partridge-berry – Mitchella repens
Buttonbush – Cephalanthus occidentalis
Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage family)
Small-flowered Alumroot - Heuchera parviflora
Scrophulariaceae (Snapdragon family)
Physostegia virginiana Penstemon pallidus
Castilleja coccinea & Chelone obliqua
Mimulus alatus & Veronicastrum virginicum
Ulmaceae (Elm family)
Winged Elm - Ulmus alata
Urticaceae (Nettle family)
Boehmeria cylindrica & Laportea canadensis
Valerianaceae (Valerian family)
Valeriana pauciflora & Valerianella radiata
Violaceae (Violet family)
Viola palmata
Viola striata & V. pubescens
Bird’s-foot Violet - Viola pedata
Agavaceae (Agave family)
American Agave - Manfreda virginiana
Arrowhead - Sagittaria latifolia
Alismataceae (Water Plantain family)
Spider Lily – Hymenocallis caroliniana
Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family)
Araceae (Arum family)
Arisaema dracontium & A. triphyllum
Araceae (Arum family)
Symplocarpos foetidus & Peltrandra virginica
Commelinaceae (Dayflower family)
Tradesantia subaspera & Commelina communis
Cyperaceae (Sedge family)
Carex grayi & Carex davisii
Iridaceae (Iris family)
Iris fulva & Iris schrevei
Blue-eyed Grass – Sisrhynchium albidum
Juncaceae (Rush family)
Luzula multiflora & Juncus balticus
Sedges have edges, rushes are round,
grasses have joints when the cops aren’t
Sedges vs. Rushes vs. Grasses
Sedges (Cyperaceae) have one bract
subtending each flower, tristichous leaves
(though some are round)
Grasses (Poaceae) have two bracts
subtending each flower (palea and
lemma), distichous leaves, hollow stem
Rushes (Juncaceae) have six petals/sepals
(called tepals) that subtend a capsule,
leaves reduced or absent, pithy stem
Sedges vs. Rushes vs. Grasses
Juncaceae (Rush family)
Juncus tenuis
Liliaceae (Lily family)
Erythronium americanum Lilium michiganense
Alliaceae (Onion family)
Wild Leek – Allium tricoccum
Wild Onion – Allium cernuum
False Garlic – Nothoscordum bivalve
Colchicaceae (Colchicicum family)
Bellwort – Uvularia grandiflora
Hyacinthaceae (Hyacinth family)
Wild Hyacinth – Camassia scilloides
Ruscaceae (Ruscus family)
Smilacina racemosa
Polygonatum biflorum
Trilliaceae (Trillium family)
Trillium flexipes
Trillium recurvatum
Melanthiaceae (Melanthium family)
Melanthium virginicum
Pontederiaceae (Pickerelweed family)
Pickerelweed – Pontederia cordata
Cypripedium pubescens & Calopogon oklahomensis
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Spring Coralroot Orchid - Corallorhiza wisteriana
Crested Coralroot Orchid– Hexalectris spicata
Cranefly Orchid -Tipularia discolor
Adam & Eve Orchid – Aplectrum hyemale
Galearis spectabilis & Goodyera pubescens
Twayblade Orchid – Liparis lilifolia
Platanthera peramoena & P. flava var. flava
Spiranthes vernalis & S. cernuus
Orchidaceae (Orchid family)
Triphora trianthophora & Isotria verticillata
Poaceae (Grass family)
Large Fruited Panic Grass – Dichanthelium boscii
Poverty Oats Grass - Danthonia spicata
Japanese Stiltgrass – Microstegium vimineum
Smilacaceae (Greenbrier family)
Greenbrier – Smilax ecirrhata
Sparganiaceae (Bur-reed family)
Sparganium eurycarpum
Typhaceae (Cattail family)
Typha angustifolia & T. latifolia
Rapid Color Guide
Rapid Color Guide

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