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የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ                                            Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

KFL xND............................................................................................................................................148
1. የየየ የየየ...................................................................................................................... 148
2. የየየየ.............................................................................................................................. 148
3. የየየ 148
ማማማ ማማማ ..................................................................................................................................149
ማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ Sl¥ÌÌM ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ
ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ............149
4. ማ mÊT xStÄdR ማ ማማማማማ ÷¸t½ãCN Sl¥ÌÌM........................................................................149
4.1yqbl¤ ymÊT xStÄdR ÷¸t½ãC............................................................................................... 149
4.2 yN የየ qbl¤ ymÊT xStÄdR ÷¸t½ãC.................................................................................. 151
5. ማ mÊT xStÄdR gùÆx¤ ማማማማማማ ........................................................................................153
5.1 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ......................................................... 153
6 ማማማማ Sl¥QrB...........................................................................................................................154
7 ማ r©N Sl¥d‰jTÂ Sl¥s‰=Tማ........................................................................................................156
8QÛCNÂ yYø¬ ¥rUgÅ dBtR Sl¥zUjTማ............................................................................................157
KFL ማማ T........................................................................................................................................157
ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..................................................................................................................157
9yYø¬ ¥rUgÅ dBtR SlmS«T..............................................................................................................157
10g«R mÊT ym«qM ማ ማማማማ mBT Sl¥GßT..............................................................................161
11 ማ ÄR b¸fRSbT gþz¤ yYø¬ mBTN SlmkÍfL...................................................................................163
13 ማማማማ b ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ......................................................................................167
14. ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ .................................................170
14.10 ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ......183
15 ማ ÊTN Sl ¥k‰yT.........................................................................................................................184
16. ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ..........186
17. ማማማማማማማ bYø¬ mÊ ማማማ §Y Sl¸ÃlÑêcW NBrèC ማ ማማማማ Sl¥ÌÌM
ማማማማማማማማማ .......................................................................................................................207
17.ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ
19. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ..................................................................................................210

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ                                             Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

20. ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ
ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..............................................................................................................212
21. ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..........................................................................................212
22. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ............................................213
23. ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ
ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..................................................................................................................215
24. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ . 216
24.1 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ..................................................................................... 216
24.2 የየ የየ የየየ የየየየ............................................................................................... 219
24.3 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ............................................................................. 220
25. ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ /ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ...........................................221
26. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...........223
26.1 የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ................................................................. 223
26.2 የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ................................ 225
27.      ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ
27.1 የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ.............................................................................. 226
27.2 የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየ የየየየየ................................................................................................................... 230
27.3 የየ የየየየ የየየየ................................................................................................... 232
28. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ .....233
29. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማ /ማማማማማማ
30. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ .................................................................................235
31. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማ .............................................................................236
32. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .......................................................237
33. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ
34. ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ
ማማማማማማ ...................................................................................................................................239
35. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ....................................241
36. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .................243
37. ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ .............................................................................................244

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ                                            Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

39.     ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ......................................................................253
40. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ .....................................254
41. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ........................................................................258
42. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ............................................................................258
43. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ....................................................................259
44. ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .............................261
45. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ............262
46. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ....................................................262
47. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ...........................................................263
48. ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ........264
50. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ
51. ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ .........................................................268
52. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ .......................................269
54. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ...............................................................269
55. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...............270
56. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ .......................................270
57. ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ .......................................................271
58. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ
ማማማማማማ ...................................................................................................................................272
KFL îST.............................................................................................................................................283
yxs‰R oR›èC...................................................................................................................................283
59. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ............................................................283
ማማማማ ...........................................................................................................................................294

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ   Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M

ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R mÊT
          xStÄdRÂ x«ÝqM mws¾ xêJ
የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ             Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

 11¾ ›mT qÜ_R 18                                                 ÆHR ÄR GNïT 21 qN 1998 ›/

          Year No. 18                                                Bahir Dar May 29, 2006

                        bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÁäK‰sþÃêE ¶pÜBlþK
                            yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KLL MKR b¤T
                                       ማማማ ማማ
                                       ZIKRE HIG
                   Of the Council of the Amhara National Regional State
                      in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
                                       Issued under the auspices of                       1324
bx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE
                                       the Council of the Amhara                          ÃNÇ êU BR ----
                                       National Regional State                            Unit price -----
                       ¥WÅ                                                 CONTENT
               xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M                                Proclamation No. 133/2006
                                                      The Revised Amhara National Regional State
ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R                   Rural Land Administration and Use
mÊT xStÄdRÂ x«ÝqM mws¾ xêJ                            Proclamation
               xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M                           Proclamation No. 133/2006
ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R A proclamation issued to provide for the
mÊT xStÄdRNÂ x«ÝqMN lmwsN ywÈ xêJ   Revised Rural Land Administration and Use
                                    of the Amhara National Regional State

                        WHEREAS, it is found necessary to determine
የየየየ የየየየ ÆGÆbùÂ የየየየየየየ
                        and provide the rural land administration and use
የየየየየ  የየየየየ  የየየ  የየየየ to maintain its fertility and to be able to transfer
                        to the next generation by using it properly and
የየየየ    የየየየየየ    የየየየየ
የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ
የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ

bB¼¤‰êE KLlù bØÁ‰lù ÞGUt mNGS¬T                      WHEREAS, it is understood that to create
                                                      conducive situation in the region to fully make
የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ykðL
                                                      practical the rights of farmers and semi-pastorals
የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ                              to get and use land freely and not be displaced
                                                      from it as ensured in the Federal and National
የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
                                                      Regional Constitutions;
የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ      Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

የየየየየ የየየየየየ McÜ hùn¤¬ mF«R
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
የየየየ     የየየየየ       የየየየ     የየየየየየየ WHEREAS, it is believed that to design and
                                               implement a system based on the objective
የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ realities of the region pursuant to the power
የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ vested to regions by the Federal Constitution to
                              administer the land and the natural resources and
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ
                              strengthen the farmer, the investor and
የየየየየ      የየየየየየ      የየየየየ appropriate organizations in their participations
የየየየየየየ     የየየየ    l የየየየየ Â to use land maintaining it properly, use and keep,
                              and to coordinate it with the development
የየየየየየ    የየየየ   የየየየየ    የየ objectives of the government;
የየየየየየ l የየየየ የየየየየየ Â የየየየ
የየየየ የየየ ãC የየ የየየየየየ oR›T qRÛ
bo‰ §Y ¥êL XNd¸ÃSfLG b¥mN

የየየ የየ ÃlW የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ                    WHEREAS, it is found necessary to revise the
                                               existing Rural Land Administration and Use
የየየየየ xêJ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ                     Proclamation to incorporate, in detail, the basic
የየየየ የየየየየ b¸ÃµTT xGÆB çcWN yðÁ               rights of farmers, and ensure the implementation
‰L mNGST ÞgÖC tfɸnT b¸ÃrUG_ xµ*ºN             and inclusion of the        laws of the federal
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
yKLlù MKR b¤T btššlW yB¼¤‰êE KLlù Þg-          NOW, THEREFORE, the Regional Council in
mNGST xNqA 49 N;ùS xNqA 3/1/ X bØÁ‰lù         accordance with the powers vested on it under
mNGST yg«R mÊT xStÄdRÂ x«ÝqM xêJ qÜ_R          sub article 3(1) of Article 49 of the Revised
456/1997 ›.M. xNqA 17 N;ùS xNqA 1 DNUg¤ãC      Constitution of National Region and Sub-article
SR bts«W oLÈN m¿rT YHNN xêJ xW_aL””            1 of Article 17 of the Federal Rural Land
                                               Administration and Use Proclamation No.
                                               456/2005, hereby issues this proclamation.

                                                                         PART ONE
            የየየ የየየ

                                               1. Short Title
1. የየየ የየየ

    የየ የየየ     “የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ                     This Proclamation can be cited as “The
                                                    Revised Rural Land Administration and Use
   የየየየየየየ       የየየየየ       mws¾    የየየ            Determination Proclamation No. 133/2006”.
   የየየ    133/1998   ›.M.”   የየየ    የየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ     Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive


                                             2. Definition
2. የየየየ

የየየ   የየየየ    የየ    የየየየ    የየየየየየ Unless the context requires, other wise, in this
የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ-
  1.      "xRî xdR " ¥lT bzþH xêJ msrT            1. “Farmer” means any person whose
    mdb¾ wYM ̸ mtÄd¶ÃW yGBR o‰ yçn                 regular or steady earning is based on
    ¥ÂcWM sW sþçN kðL xRBè xdéCN Y=M                 agricultural activities and includes semi-
    ‰L””                                             pastorilists.

  2 “የየየየየየ” የየየ የየየየ የየየየ                        2. “Authority” means the Amhara National
                                                     Regional State Environmental Protection,
      የየየ    የየየየየ    የየየየ     የየየየ                  Land Administration and Use Authority.
      የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
  3   "የየ” የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ                      3. “Child” means natural or adopted child.

      የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየ

                                                  4. “Pensioned” means any person who
  4. “የየየ”    የየየ     የየየየ የየየየየ
                                                     unable to engage in work that creates
      የየየየየ    የየየየ      የየየ      የየየ                income by himself and seeks others help
      የየየየ የየየየ nT ƧcW የየየየየየ                       for his livelihood due to senility, disease,
                                                     disability or other related reasons.
      የየየ b የየ gbþ y¸ÃSgŸ የየ የየየየ
      የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ
      የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ
                                                  5. “Communal Holding” means rural land
  5. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ
                                                     which is out of the ownership of the
      የየየ    የየየየየ     የየ    የየየየየ                   government or private holding and used
      የየየየየየ       የየየየየ     የየየየየ                   by the local people in common for
                                                     grazing, forestry and other social
      የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ                          services.
      የየየየ       የየየየ        የየየየየ
      የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ
                                                  6. “State Holding” means rural land
  6.“የየየየየ     የየየ”    የየየ     የየየየ
                                                     demarked and held by Federal or
      የየየየየየ    የየ    የየየየየ       የየየ                Regional Government for country and
      የየየየየ     የየየ      የየየ       የየ                area development and growth, and it
                                                     includes forest lands, wild life
      የየየየየየ        የየየየ       የየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ      Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

   የየየየየየ         የየየ      የየየ      የየ                 sanctuaries, mining lands and parks as
                                                       well as lands around lakes and rivers.
   የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ
                                                 7.“State Holding” means rural land demarked
7. “የየየየየየ       የየየ”     የየየ     lxgRÂ
                                                     and held by Federal or Regional
   የየየየየ      የየየየ      የየየየ      የየየ                Government for country and area
   የየየየየየ       የየየየየ      bðÁ‰LM     çn             development and growth, and it includes
                                                     forest lands, wild life sanctuaries, mining
   bKLL dr© የየየየ የየየ የየየ _BQ                         lands and parks as well as lands around
   የየየ    የየየየ Nየ      የየየ    የየየየየ                  lakes and rivers.
   m«lÃãCN# y¥:DN ¥WÅ ï¬ãCN# ±R÷CNÂ
   b¦YöCM çn bwNøC xµÆbþ y¸gßù oF
   ‰ãCN ëÝL§L””

 8. "yYø¬ mBT" ¥lT ¥N¾WM xRî xdR# kðL             8. “Holding Right” means a right of any
     xRBè xdR wYM bxê° mBT yts«W l¤§              farmer or semi pastoral or any other body
     ¥ÂcWM xµL bzþH xêJ msrT ytrUg«ùlTN           vested with rights on it in accordance with
     ymÊT ÆlYø¬ ymçN# bmÊtÜ §Y NBrT               this proclamation to be the holder of a land,
     y¥F‰T# Ãf‰WN NBrT y¥St§lF# kYø¬              to create all asset on the land, to transfer an
     mÊtÜ ÃlmnqL# mÊtÜN lGBRÂÂ ltf_é ¦BT          asset he created, not to be displaced from his
     L¥TM çn ll¤lÖC tGƉT y¥êL# ym«qM#            holding, to use his land for agricultural and
     mÊtÜN     y¥k‰yT#   y¥WrS#    bSõ¬           natural resource developments and other
     y¥St§lF ymœslùTN mBèC y¸Ã«ÝLL               activities, to rent a land, to bequeath same to
     nW””                                         transfer it as a gift and includes the likes.

                                                9. “Private Holding” means a land possessed
9. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ b¥N¾WM የየየ
                                                    by any farmer or other body vested with
የየየ የየየ bzþH xêJ m¿rT የየየየየ                         right to use it and existing under private
የየየ b የየየየ l¤§ የየየ የየ የየ                           holding having a certificate.
y የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ
የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ

                                                10. “Common Holding” means holding of land
10. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየየ የየየ
                                                    by two or more persons in common having
የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ                            the holding right, and use without division,
የየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ ÆlmBèC                          by sharing the out put from the land.
የየየ የየየየ የየየየ f የ kzþhù         የየየየ
የየየየየየ የየየ           XytU„ የየየየየየየ
የየየ የየየየ

11.“የየየየ      የየየ”      የየየ     የየየየ            11. “Kebele resident” means any person who
                                                    resides regularly in one kebele and earns

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ       Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

የየየየየየ        የየየየ      የየየ        የየየየ               the basic services and social benefits in the
የየየየየ         xgLGlÖècÜNÂ      የየየየየ
የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ WS_ የየየየየ
¥ÂcWM የየ የየየየ

12.   “የየየየ    የየየየየ        የየየ”    የየየ          12. “Land Use Plan” means the system of
                                                    making practical the better chosen
bðzþµ§êEየ     የየየየየየየ          የየየየየ                alternatives  to use land without
የየየየየ የየ r የ ymÊT mgÖœöL yxµÆbþ                    degradation and environmental pollution
                                                    based on physical, economical and social
BKlT œYdRSbT የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ
                                                    information and includes strategic and area
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ tmRõ የየየየየ                          development plans.
የየየየየየየ        SR›T    የየየ     የየየየየ
የየየየየ L¥T XQ የየየ የየየየየየየየ

                                                 13. “Land User” means any person vested with
13.   “የየየየ    የየየየ”    የየየ        የየየየ
                                                      power to use the rural land and its
የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ                               production.
የየየ የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየየ

14. “የየ”የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ                     14. “Person” means natural or legal person.

       የየየየየ   የየየ     የየየየየ        የየየ

15. "የየየየ xgLGlÖT" የየየ የየየየ የየየ                  15. “Public Service” means a service given to
                                                      the public directly or indirectly, such as
      የየየየየየ mNgD የየየየ የየየየየየ                         government office, school, health
      የየየየ XNd mNGST m/b¤T# የየየየየ                     service, market service, road, religious
                                                      institutions, military camps, and the
      የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ
                                                      likes, and includes activities assumed
      የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ                            important to the development of people
      የየየየየ       የየየየየ             የየየ               by the Regional Government and to be
                                                      implemented on the rural land.
      የየየየየየየ         የየየየ     የየየየየ
      የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ tBlW bg«R
      mÊT §Y XNÄþf{Ñ y¸wsnù tGƉTN

16. “የየ የየየየ” የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ                     16. “Another property” means any property
                                                      other than the land.
      ¥ÂcWM l¤§ የየየየ የየየየ
                                                 17. “Use Right” means using the land and its
17. “የየየየየ የየየ” የየየ bzþH xêJ msrT
                                                      production,    pursuant     to     this

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ       Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

    የየየየ      የየየየየየየ        የየየየየየ                      Proclamation.

    የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ

18. "mÊT ¥SlqQ" ¥lT yg«RN mÊT lÞZB               18. “Expropriating from land holding” means
   xgLGlÖT sþÆL bmNGST xµ§T# bGL                      taking the rural land from the holder or
   Æl¦BèC# b^BrT o‰ ¥Hb‰T wYM bl¤lÖC                  user for the sake of public interest paying
   xµ§T L¥T XNÄþµÿDbT oLÈN bts«W                      compensation in advance by government
   ymNGST xµL wœn¤ msrT bQD¸Ã µœ                      bodies, private investors, cooperative
   kFlÖ kmÊtÜ ÆlYø¬ wYM t«Ý¸ mWsD ¥lT                 societies, or other bodies to undertake
   nW””                                               development activities by the decision of
                                                      government body vested with power.

19. "ymÊT ÆlYø¬" ¥lT bxND yg«R mÊT §Y            19. “Land holder” means an individual, group
   yYø¬ mBT ÃlW GlsB# ysãC SBSB wYM                   of people or community, government
   ÞBrtsB# ymNGST xµL# ¥Hb‰êE tÌM                     body, social institution or other body
   wYM l¤§ yÞG sWnT ÃlW xµL nW””                      with the legal personality having a
                                                      possession right over a rural land.

20. "ymÊT MZgÆ" ¥lT yg«R mÊTN btmlkt             20. “Land registration” means an activity of
    y¸gŸbTN ï¬# SÍtÜN# xêœ የ cÜN#                     registering the detailed information about
    ylMntÜN dr©Â yÆlYø¬WN ¥NnT =Mé                    location, area, boundaries, fertility grade,
    ytৠmr© bmZGB §Y y¥SfR tGÆR nW””                 and the identity of the holder on the book
                                                      concerning the rural land.

21. "xnSt¾ yYø¬ m«N" ¥lT oLÈN bts«W xµL          21. “Minimum Holding Size” means the least
     x¥µŸnT MRT ymS«T xQÑ yxNDN xRî                   piece of land given to farmers or semi-
     xdR# wYM kðL xRBè xdR yMGB êSTÂ                  pastoralists to ensure food security,
     l¥rUg_# lXNSúT Gõ># lb¤T mS¶Ã lÙé               animal grazing, house construction, and
     xTKLT L¥T bqE nW tBlÖ bYø¬nT y¸s_                horticultural development, as a holding
     ZQt¾ ymÊT m«N nW””                               land, assuming it satisfactory.

22. "xnSt¾ y¥œ m«N" ¥lT bzþH xêJ msrT            22. “Small Plot Size” means the minimum plot
     b¸wÈ dNB y¸wsNÂ lxND sW bYø¬nT                    of land to be given to a person in holding
     y¸s_ ZQt¾ yxND ¥œ SÍT nW””                        and shall be determined by a regulation
                                                       to be issued pursuant to this

 23. "yg«R mÊT xStÄdR" ¥lT bg«R mÊT Yø¬          23. “Rural Land Administration” means a
      §Y êSTÂ y¸s_bT# ymÊT x«ÝqM XQD                process whereby rural land holding
      y¸tgbRbT# bmÊT t«Ý¸ãC mµkL y¸nsù              security is provided, land use planning is
      GuèC y¸ftÜbTÂ y¥N¾WM yg«R mÊT                 implemented, disputes between rural land
      t«Ý¸   mBèC    GÁ¬ãC     y¸tgb„bT#           holders are resolved, and the rights and
      XNÄþhùM yÆlYø¬ãC ¥œãCN# yGõ>                  obligations of any rural land holder are
      mÊTN mr© bmsBsB bmtNtN lt«Ý¸ãC               enforced, as well as information on farm
      XNÄþÄrsù y¸drGbT £dT nW””                     plots and grazing land of holders are

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ           Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
                                                           gathered, analyzed and supplied to users.

  24. "yg«R mÊT "¥lT oLÈN ÃlW xµL kt¥ BlÖ 24. “Rural Land” means any land found out of
        kkllW Wu y¸gŸ mÊT nW””                 town which is delineated by a body vested
                                               with power.
  25. "kþ‰Y" ¥lT xND xRî xdR bzþH xêJ msrT 25. “Rent” means a system by which a farmer
      ÃgßWN ymÊT Yø¬ ll¤§ sW ltwsn ygþz¤        causes the use of his land, which he gets it
      gdB bWL s_è yxYnT wYM ygNzB _QM           pursuant to this proclamation, for the
      Xytqbl xgLGlÖT §Y XNÄþWL y¸ÃdRGbT         service of another person securing benefits
      S¶T nW””                                  in kind or cash for a limited period of time
                                                in contract.

  26. "lþZ" ¥lT ¥N¾WM Æl¦BT yg«RN mÊT 26. “Lease” means a system by which any
      ltwsn xgLGlÖT kmNGST y¸wSDbT         investor takes a rural land from
      x¿‰R      sþçN  xGÆB     ÆlW    HG   government for a limited period of time,
      XNdttrgÖmW ym«qMÂ y:Ä êSTÂ xDRgÖ     and, as it is interpreted in relevant law, the
      XSk ¥SÃZ y¸dRsù mBèC y¸µttÜbT nW””   right to use the land includes the holding of
                                           same for debt as suretyship.

                                                   3. Gender Reference
3. የየየ የየየየየ

   የየየ      የየየ      የየየ      የየየየ       የየ The provisions of this proclamation set out in the
                                                   masculine gender shall also equally apply to
   የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየ feminine gender.
   የየየየ የየየየየየ

                                                   4. Scope of Application
4. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ

   1. የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ                           1. This proclamation shall apply to any rural
                                                        land found in Amhara National Region.
       የየየየ      የየየየየ       የየየየ      የየየ
       የየ የየየየ የ ç የየየ
                                                        2. Notwithstanding the provision stated
   2. የየየ      የየየየ      የየየ      የየየየ         1
                                                           under sub Article 1 of this Article, special
       የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ                               laws shall continue on application, as the
       የየየየ      የየየየ      የየየየ      የየየየ                  fields they had been stipulated,
                                                           concerning the delineated lands for
       የየየየየየ          የየየየየ         የየየየ                  forestry, wild life protection, bio-
       የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ                               diversity resources, natural resource and
       የየየየየየ         የየየየየ        የየየየየ
                                                           environmental       protection,       mines
                                                           developments and the likes.
       የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ
       yw«ù L† HgÖC XNdytdnggùÆcW
       mS÷C tfɸn¬cW Yq_§L””

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ     Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

                                                                          Part Two
           የየየ የየየ
                                                                 Right to Hold Land
       የየየየ የየየ የየየ
                                                  5. Principle
5. የየ H
                                                  1. The right to ownership of land is vested
  1.   የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ                               in the state and the public. Hence, it is
                                                     impossible to transfer the land holding to
       የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                             other in sale or in exchange by an other
       የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ                         property.
       የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ll¤§
       የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                  2. Any farmer residing in the region shall,
  2.   b የየየ WS_ y¸ñR የየየየየ የየየ                      despite gender or any other reasons of
                                                     difference, have equal right to get land in
       የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ b¥ÂcWM                        holding.
       የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ
       የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ
       የየየ የየየየየ

                                                  3. The holding right of rural land of
  3.   bKLlù WS_ yxRî xdéC yg«R mÊT Yø¬              farmers, in the region, shall not have time
       mBT ygþz¤ gdB ylWM””                          limit.

                                                  4. The system of land administration shall
  4.   የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                         be based on public participation.

       የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ

                                                  5. The land use may be applicable based on
  5.   የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ                              plan and considering environmental
       የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ xtkùé
       y¸f{M YçÂL የየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ     Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
                                                  6. The working system that gives priority to
  6.   ymÊT DLDL b¸µÿDbT gþz¤ ls¤èC#                 women disables and orphan children
       lxQm dµäC lw§J xLÆ ÞÉÂT QD¸Ã                 shall be executed during the time of land
       XNÄþs_ y¸ÃdRG x¿‰R tfɸ YçÂL””                distribution.

 7. tÄÍTntÜ 60 bmè kzþà b§Y yçn ¥ÂcWM            7. Any rural land, 60 per cent and above
      yg«R mÊT ldN# l̸ tKlÖC# lXNSœT mñ             sloppy shall not be used for farming and
      L¥T wYM lmœslùT tGƉT µLçn bStqR               free grazing other than forestry, pernial
      lXRšM çn lLQ Gõ> XNÄþWL xYdrGM””               plants, development of forage for
      çñM YH DNUg¤ bXNÄþH ÃlW yg«R                   animals, and other similar activities.
      mÊT §Y xSqDmW y¸gßù ÆlYø¬ãC                    However, this provisions shall have not
      yxµÆbþ _bÝN z§qE ytf_é ¦BT                    effect on the same rural land priory
      XNKBµb¤N b¥YgÖÄ xµ*ºN mÊtÜN                    seized by the land holders who use it in
      lt«qsW xgLGlÖT bÆlÑÃ MKR XytrÇ                 that it doesn’t damage the environmental
      XNÄY«qÑbT y¥gD W«¤T xYñrWM””                   protection and sustainable natural
                                                     resource care being helped by the advice
                                                     of the professional.

 8. bzþH xêJ xNqA 8 N;ùS xNqA 2 oR                8. Without prejudice to provision of sub-
     ytdnggW XNdt«bq çñ lÞZB xgLGlÖT                 Article 2 of Article 8 of this
     l¥êL µLçn bStqR yg«R mÊT XNÄþlqQ                proclamation, the rural land shall not be
     xYdrGM””                                        expropriated unless to use it for public

                                             6. The Right to Acquire Land
6. የየየ የየየየየ የየየ

                                                     1. Any Person,who is18 years and above,
 1.    የየየየየ የየየየ 18 የየየየ የየየ                           residing in the region and in need of
                                                        engaging in agricultural activity shall
       የየየ የየየ Â bKLlù WS_ b የየየየ                       have a right to freely acquire holding
       የየ lmtÄdR y¸fLG sW y የየየ የየየ                     land.
       የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ

                                                  2. Notwithstanding the provision stated
 2.    የየየ   የየየ    bN;ùS xNqA 1 oR                  under sub-article 1 herein above, children
                                                     who lost their parents and are under 18
       የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 18                        years may get a land through their
       የየየ    የየየየ cWÂ     የየየየየየየ                   guardian or representatives.
       የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ
       የየየየየየየ       የየየ     የየየየየየ
       የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ         Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
                                                      3. Private investors shall have a right to
 3.      የየየ      የየየየየየ      የየየየየየየ                    acquire land, to use on, by rent from the
                                                         government or from any other rural land
         የየየ   kmNGST    bkþ‰Y     wYM                   holder on the agreement to be made
         k¥N¾WM yg«R mÊT ÆlYø¬ UR b¸drG
         SMMnT y¥GßT የየየ የየየየየየ

 4.      የየየየ WS_ የየየየየ የየየየየየ                        4 Governmental offices and organizations,
         mNGS¬êE      m/b¤èC        DRJèC#              non-governmental organizations, mass
                                                         organizations and religions institutions,
         የየየየየየ       የየየየ      የየየየየ#                   carrying out their works in the region,
         yBzù¦N   ¥Hb‰T የየየየየየ tÌ¥T                     shall, where the work is for non-profit
         የየየየየየ N        y¸ÃkÂWnùT    lgNzB              making, have a right to acquire land they
                                                         use on in a condition that it does not
         የየየ      የየየየየየ    የየየ      የየየየ                contravene the land holding of farmers.
         የየየየየ      የየየ    የየየየየ      የየየ
         የየየየየየ       የየየ     የየየየየየየ
         የየየ      የየየየ    የየየየየ       የየየ

7.    የየየ         የየየየ     የየየየየየየ 7.                   Conditions of Acquiring                         Land
                                                        Holding and Limitation
      የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ

     1. b የየየ WS_ የየየ የየየ Â bGBRÂ o 1. Any Person residing in                                   the region and
        ‰ y¸tÄdR wYM bzþhù lmtÄdR y¸fLG engaged or wants to                                    be engaged in
                                        agricultural works shall                              have a right to
        ¥N¾WM የየ b¸ktlW xµ*ºN mÊT bYø¬  acquire land in holding                               in the following
        y¥GßT mBT xlW”-                 manner:
                                                            a) By distribution from the keble
        የ. bmdb¾nT የየየየየየ wYM mñR                              administering the land in which he
                                                               regularly resides or wants to reside,
            b¸fLGbT       የየየ        የየየየ
            የየየየየየየየየ                 የየየ

                                                            b) By bequeath or gift, the detail to be
        የ. ZRZ„ YHNN xêJ l¥Sf{M b¸wÈ dNB                       determined by a regulation to be
                                                               issued    to    implement         this

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ          Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
                                                                  proclamation, any where in the
         y¸wsN çñ b¥ÂcWM የየየየ xµÆbþ                               region.
         የየየየ የየየ የየየየ””

                              2. The total area of land to be given to a person
  2. l የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ     in holding and a procedure to apply for as
                                 well as get reply to acquire land in holding or
     የየየየ     የየየ   የየየ#የየየ N    in rent shall be provided in the regulation to
     የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ         be issued to implement this proclamation.
     የየየ       የየየየየየየ M           çn   M§>
     y¸ÃgŸbT    የየየየ         የየየ N      የየየ
     የየየየየየ          wdðT    የየየየ       የየየ
     y¸dngG YçÂL””

8. የየየየየ የየየየ                                     8. Land Re-distribution

                                                       1. In any part of the region, land distribution
  1.የየ   የየየ     የየየየየ         የየ       የየየ               and allotment shall not be carried out
                                                          since the coming into force of this
    የየየየየየ የየየየ xµÆbþ የየየየ                                proclamation.
    የየየየ M çn KFFL የየየየየየየየ

                                                       2. Notwithstanding the provision of sub-
 2. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR
                                                          Article 1 of this article, where the land
    የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ s¥nþÃ                               holders residing in one kebele and where
    kmè y¸çnùT b የየየ የየየ WS_ y¸gßùT                      not less than 80 Per cent of them request
                                                          the Authority in writing for land
    ÆlYø¬ãC የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ                              distribution, the land re-distribution may
    የየየየ የየ nW         _Ãq½WN lÆloLÈnù                    be carried out in accordance with a
    የየየ bù     YHNnù    የየየ    የየየየየየ
                                                          directive to be issued to implement this
                                                          decision on the land where question was
    የየየየ       የየየየ         የየየየ     የየየየ                 submitted. Its application shall be only
    የየየየየየ yYø¬ >ÍN የየየየ የየየየ                             on holders who passed the decision.
    የየየየ         የየየየየየ  tfɸntÜM
    Wœn¤WN ÆœlûT ÆlYø¬ãC §Y BÒ
                                                        3. The prohibition of land re-distribution or
 3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR
                                                            allotment provided under sub-article 1 of
    የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ wYM                                   this Article shall not affect the activities
    KFFL የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                                of distribution of irrigable land to
                                                            various users.

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ     Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

       የየየየየ    የየየየየየ       y የየየየየየ
       tGÆR የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ
     4. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                    4. When the land distribution or allotment is
                                                       carried out based on request of people,
       wYM KFFL የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ                         the land holder whose land is to be
       የየየየ     የየየየየየየ        የየየየየ                   decreased and taken shall, where it
                                                       doesn’t bring land division into pieces,
       የየየየ     የየየየየየ       የየየየየየየ
                                                       have a right to get the land he has chosen
       የየየየየየ         የየየ     የየየየየየ                   and get compensation for an asset he
       የየየየ N የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ                         produced and coud not pick it up. The
                                                       detail shall be determined by a
       የየ     የየየየ    የየየየ     የየ S የየ                 regulation.
       የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ
       የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
       የየየ     የየየየየ    የየየየ    የየየየ
       የየየየ የየ s የየየየ

                                             9. The Procedure of Land Provision
9.     የየየየ      የየየየ        የየየየየ
                                                and Minimum Area of Land to be
     የየየየየ የየየ ZQt¾ የየየ                         Provided

     1. የየየየ         የየየየ       የየየየ                 1. The provision of land shall be made to
                                                        all applicants, impartially, having a
       የየየየየየየየ        የየየየ      F§gÖT                  right to acquire land in holding based
       የየየየ    የየየየ    የየየየየየ     የየየ                   on petitioner’s interest and a sequence
                                                        to be determined by the participation
       የየየየ     የየየየ     የየየ    የየየየ
                                                        of people.
       የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
       hùlù    የየየየየ ã        የየየየየየ

                                                     2. Notwithstanding provision of sub-
     2. የየየ    የየየየ    የየየ   የየየየ      1
                                                        article 1 of this article, where the land
       የ t የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ                         to be distributed is not available to all
       y የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ                           petitioners with equal magnitude of
                                                        land holding problem it shall priory be
       የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ                           caused to be given to orphan children,
       XNd QdM tkt§cW lw§J xLÆ ÞÉÂT#                    disables, women and youngsters who
       l የየየ የየየየ የየየየ Â የየየየ የየ                        join the new life of independence,
       የየየየ       የየየየ         የየየየየ


የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ    Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

                                                 3. During the time of deciding the area of
 3. የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
                                                    land to be distributed, the fertility of land
    የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ                           and grade, and other assumptions to be
    የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ                          stated in the directive shall be
    የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ

 4. የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ                       4. The minimum area of plot of land, to be
                                                     provided to one person and cultivable by
    የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ                          rain or irrigation shall, be determined by
    የየየ YHNN xêJ tkTlÖ b¸wÈ የየየ                      a regulation to be issued following this

                                            10. Types of Holdings
10. የየየየ የየየየየ

                                            The land in the region may be held by
የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ
                                            individually, grouplly, communally, and the
የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ


   1. የየየየየየ      sW    የየየ       የየየ            1. The holding of any person is respected by
                                                    law. Therefore, pursuant to provision of
     የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ                           sub-article 2 of article 8 or article 28 of
     የየየ የየየየ 8 N;ùS xNqA 2 የየየ                     this proclamation, no person shall be
                                                    expropriated from his holding with out
     xNqA 28 የየየየየየየየየ የየየየ                         his consent, unless it is done by       re-
     የየየ     የየየየ    የየየየየ     የየየየ                 distribution according to decision of
     የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ
                                                    people or for the purpose of public
     የየየየ     የየየየ     የየየየየ      የየየ
     የየ yÃzWN mÊT kfÝÇ Wu xYn«QM””

   2. የየየየ    የየየ      የየየየየ      የየየ             a. Any person provided with a right to use
                                                     the rural land shall not be deprived from
     የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየ የየየ                          the right to use the land other than
     የየየ     የየየ N   የየየ   የየየየየየ                    provisions of this proclamation or a
                                                     regulation to be issued to execute this
     የየየየ     የየየ    የየየየየየየ       የየ
     የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ      Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

                                              12. Conditions Depriving the Holding
12. የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                   1. Notwithstanding provision under sub-
  1. የየየ የየየ የየየየ 11 N;ùS xNqA 1
                                                      article 1 of article 11 of this proclamation
    oR የየየየየየየ የየየየ              የየየየ                 any holder having a right over using the
    የየየየየ          የየየ   የየየ     ¥N¾WM                land, it may be decided to be deprived
                                                      from the right of using the land by the
    የየየየየ b¸ktlùT MKNÃèC bmÊT Yø¬                     following reasons:
    ym«qM mBtÜN XNÄþÃÈ lþwsN YC§L”-

                                                              a) The detail to be determined in
    የ. ZRZ„ bdNB y¸wsN çñ kGBRÂ Wu bçn
                                                                 regulation, where he is engaged in
          S‰ §Y yts¥‰Â gbþ y¸ÃgŸbT ̸
                                                                 non-farming activity and earns for
          mtÄd‰Ã ÃlW kçn
                                                                 his livelihood thereto;

                                                              b) Where he disappears from his
    የ. የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ
                                                                 residence for 5 consecutive years
         የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ lT                                   without notifying his where about
         የየ የየየ D የ የየየየየየ የ 5                                   and not renting his land or
                                                                 without assigning a representative
         የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ y«Í                                  to administer his land;

                                                              c) Where he fallows his land for
    የ.    የየየየ     የየየየየ    የየየየየየ
                                                                 consecutive 3 years and above or
          የ îST የየየየ የየየ wYM bmsñ                                1 year and above where the land
          y¸l¥ mÊT sþçN kxND xmT b§Y                             is cultivable in irrigation;
          የየየየ      የየየየ    የየ      çêl

    የ.    ZRZ„ bdNB y¸wsN çñ የየየየ                             d) The detail to be determined by a
                                                                 regulation, where gross damage
          የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ                                     occurs over his land due to his
          የየየየየ      የየየየ      የየ   kÆD                          mismanagement;
          የየየ ydrs XNdçn

                                                              e) Where he notifies to the
    የ. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ
                                                                 concerned body that he has
          የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ                                       withdrawn from his holding right.
          Ãœwq XNdçn””
                                                   2. Where a disappeared landholder has
2. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ
                                                      spouse or a minor who lives with him
   የየየየየየ የ L የየየ  xBé y¸ñR mÊT                      and has no land, or where there is a

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ        Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

      yl¤lW LJ µlW wYM የየየየ የየየየየየ                        doubtful      information      that     his
                                                          disappearance is due to unexpected
      የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ                              accidental situation., the provision stated
      mr© ktgß የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1                        under sub Article 1 (b and c) of this
      ðdL t‰ qÜ_R “l¼” oR ysfrW DNUg¤                    Article shall not be applicable.
      የየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                   3. Pursuant to provisions of sub-article 1(b
  3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 ðdL t‰
                                                      and c) of this Article, where the land
      qÜ_R    l¼     DNUg¤ãC     የየየየ                holder disappears or the land administrator
      Æl የየየ W lgþz¤W y«Í wYM xStÄĶ                  is not assigned, ascertaining that it was
      ÃLtmdblT     ¥ÂcWM      yg«R    mÊT             fallow for 3 consecutive years, may
      XNdhùn¤¬W btk¬¬Y l3 ›mT wYM lxND                temporarilly be given to those who do not
      ›mT ÃHL _QM §Y xlmêlù ytrUg« XNdçn              have land or have small land holding up on
      mÊT ll¤§cW wYM xnSt¾ mÊT §§cW                   their petition. The detailed execution shall
      xmLµÓC bgþz¤ÃêEnT _QM §Y XNÄþWL                 be determined by a regulation.
      lþs_ YC§L”” ZRZR xfÉ{Ñ bdNB YwsÂL””

                                                     4. Any person who is deprived from his
 4.    የየየ    የየየየ     የየየ      የየየየ      1
                                                        land holding right pursuant to sub-article
      የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                            1 of this article, shall have a right to get
      የየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ                          compensation for the permanent property
                                                        he had developed on the land in
      የየ የየየየ የየየ N የየየ የየየየየየ                          accordance with the regulation to be
      የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ                             issued to implement this proclamation.
      የየየየየ      የየ    የየየየየ          የየየ

                                                13. Land Use
13. የየየየየ የየየየየ

      1. ¥ÂcWM yg«R የየየ የየየ የየየየ                     1. Any rural land shall, as much as possible,
                                                        have land use plan issued by the
        የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ                           concerned body based on study.
        የየየ    gùĆ   b¸mlktW   xµL   bkùL

      2. yg«R mÊT x«ÝqM XQD yW¦ tÍsSN                2. The rural land use plan shall be prepared
         msrT xDRgÖ ymÊT x«ÝqMN# yxfR                   considering land usage, soil type, air
         xYnTN# yxyR «ÆYN# yXIêT >ÍNNÂ                  condition, vegitation coverage, and socio-
         ¥Hb‰êE xþ÷ñ¸ÃêE hùn¤¬ãCN GMT                  economic situations based on water
         WS_ b¥SgÆT mzUjT xlbT””                        catchments.

      3. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ                       3. Any land user shall be made use in

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ         Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

         የየየየ      የየየየየ       የየየ    የየየየ                 accordance with land use plan to be
                                                           issued thereof.
         XNÄþglgL የየየየየየየ

    4. የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ                          4. Where any land is made for a given
         የየየየየ የየየየ ”-

                                                                 a) Its better             economic     benefit
         የ. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ

                                                                 b) The non-or least existence of side
         የ.   የየየየየ      የየ    የየየየየየየየ
                                                                    effects on the environment,
              የየየየ       የየየየየ         የየየ
              የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ

                                                         c) The acceptability of the service by
         የ. የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ
                                                            beneficiaries shall be ascertained.
              የየየየየየ          የየየ      የየየ
              የየየየየየየ የየየ YñRb¬Lየየ

                                                      5. Where there is no land use plan prepared
    5.   የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ tzUJè
                                                         in writing by pertinent body, any land
          yts« የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ           yl¤l             user may use his land for house
          XNdçn    የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                       construction,       farming,      animal
                                                         husbandary, forestry development, or for
          የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
                                                         other related same activities.
          lXNSœT    የየየየየ       የየየ    የየየ
          የየየ     የ Xn የ hù    የየ    የየየየየ
          የየየየ የየየ tGƉT የየየየየየየ

                                                      6. Notwithstanding the provision stated
    6. የየየ        የየየየ    የየየ       የየየየ 5
                                                         under sub-article 5 of this article, any
         የየየየየየየ         የየየየ        የየየየየ               land user cannot use his land for legally
         የየየየ     የየየየ    የየየ       የየየየየየ               prohibited activity. The detail shall be
                                                         determined by a regulation.
         የየየየ      የየየየየ        የየየየየየየ
         የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                 14. Irrigation Land
14. የየየየየ የየየ

  1.            bzmÂêE        የየየ     የየየየ            1. Any land to be cultivated by modern
                                                         irrigation may, causing the acquisition of
       ¥ÂcWM      የየየ    የየየየ        የየየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ             Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

      የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ                                 proper share of the previous landholder,
                                                              be distributed.
      የየየየየየ        የየየየየየየ          የየየየ

 2.          የየየየ        የየየ        የየየየየ                2. Farmer or semi-pastoralist whose land is
                                                            taken by distribution shall, priory be paid
      የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ wYM kðL                               compensation through the person to
      xRBè xdR      የየየየየየ የየየ የየ                           whom his land is to be given for
      የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ b የየየየ                               permanent assets he cultivated on
                                                            decreased land.
      የየ     bkùL    y¸tµ     የየ      bQD¸Ã

 3.          የየየየ        የየየየ       የየየየየ                3. The traditional irrigation usage shall be
                                                            carried out supported by community
      የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ                               cultural rules and counseling of the
      የየየየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ የየየ                                pertinent professional offices.
      tdGæ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                         4. Without prejudice to the obligations to
 4.          የየየየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ
                                                            apply the requirements to be issued by
      የየየ wÈ*የየየ      የየየየየየ         የየየየ                   professional offices, before any modern
      የየየየ gù    የየየ     የየየየየየየ          የየ                irrigation activity is carried out, it shall
                                                            be necessary to ensure the undertaking of
      የ Âc የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ o‰
                                                            the detailed design works for the dam to
      የየየየየ      xSqDä የየ Z የ የየየየየ                         be constructed, conducting of the
      የየየየ      የየየየየየየ#           የየ gnÆ የ                 catchment works, and the non-damaging
                                                            of the soil and stone dug during the dam
      የየየ    የየየየየየ          የየየየየ        የየ
                                                            construction on public.
      mkÂwnùNÂ b የየየ የየየየ MKNÃT
      töFé   y¸wÈW       የየየየ        የየየየ
      የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየየ
      የየየየ የየየየየ xSf§gþ YçÂL””

   5. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ                               5. The beneficiaries shall be duty bound to
                                                            control their area not to be source of
       የየየየየየ            የየየየ             የየየ               disease and not to cause erosion while
       የየየየየየየ       የየየየ          የየየየየየ                   irrigation development takes place.
       የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ                YHNnù
       የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ

   6. የየየየየየ        የየ      ymSñ   msrt    L¥T           6. The land holders, on whose land the

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ      Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

         GNƬ    yW¦   የየየ    የየየየየየየ                   irrigation infrastructure and water dam
                                                         are built, shall be provided with irrigable
         የየየየየየየ bmSñ k¸l¥W mÊT WS_                      land     substitution,    and     be   paid
         TK ï¬Â bmÊtÜ §Y የየየየ የየየየ                       compensation priorly which it may be
         የየየየ የየየየየየ y¸tµ የየየየ የየ                        substituted by the would be dam users for
                                                         their assets cultivated on their land.
         bQD¸Ã የየየየየየየየየ

       7. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ                    7. The society using irrigation shall be duty
                                                       bound to take care and guard of the
         የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ                         irrigation infrastructure and catchment in
         የየየየየየ          የየ     የየየየየየ                 collaboration with the government.
         የየየየየየየ         _NÝq½Â      የየየ
         የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ

                                                                     PART THREE
              የየየ የየየ
                                                    Transfer and Obligations of Land

       የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ                                       Holding and Use Rights

       የየ èCN የየየየየየየየየ
                                               15. Transfer of Land Holding Right
15.      የየየየ           የየየ       የየየየ

       1. yg«R የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ                  1. Any person provided with rural land
                                                       holding may, as stipulated herein under,
         የየ   የየየየ      የየየየ   የየየ   የየየ               transfer his holding right in bequeath or
         የየየየየየየ xµ*ºN         bWRS wYM                donation.
         bSõ¬ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ

                                                    2. Without prejudice to provision of sub-
      2. የየየ የየየ የየየየ 17 N;ùS xNqA (4)
                                                       Article 4 of Article 17, here of, the right
        የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ                         stated under sub-article 1 of this Article
        የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR y¿frW mBT                   shall not be applicable on organizations
                                                       that are provided with holding land
        የየየ የየየ የየየየ 6 N;ùS       xNqA 4               pursuant to sub article 4 of Article 6 of
        የየየየ     የየየ    የየየየ   የየየየየየ                  this Proclamation
        የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ            Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

                                                    16. Transfer of Land holding right in
16.    የየየየ            የየየ          የየየየ
       የየየየ የየየየየየየየ

  1. bzþH xêJ msrT yg«R የየየ የየየየየ                        1. Any Person, who is made the holder of
                                                            the rural land in accordance with this
       yçn ¥N¾WM sW የየየየ M çn የየየየየ                         proclamation, may transfer his holding or
       የየየየ የየየየየ የየ l የየየየየ wYM                            using right in will to any farmer engaged
       bzþhù mtÄdR l¸fLG የየየየየ xRî xdR                      or likes to engage in agricultural works.
       የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ

  2. የየየየ            የየየ    የየየ          የየየየ            2. Persons residing in town and engaged in
                                                            small income activities to support their
       የየየየየየ         የየየየየ      የየየየ      የየ               lives shall be considered farmer for the
       የየየየየየ         የየ    የየየየ         የየየየ               aim of succession.
       የየየየየ         የየየ    XNd     xRî   xdR

                                                         3. Transferring in will or inheriting the
  3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR
                                                            holding and use right, stipulated under
       የየየየየየየ            የየየየየ      የየየየየ                  sub-article 1 of this Article, shall not be
       የየየየ     የየየየ       የየየየየየ F       wYM               valid where it disinherites the minor
                                                            child of the testater or the family of same
       y¥Wrsù የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ WN
                                                            from inheritance right or harms his
       የየየየየየ         የየ     የየየ         የየየየ               spouse. The detail shall be determinded
       የየየየየየ        mBT kHG Wu የየየየየ                       by a regulation.
       የየየ     የየየየየየ        የየየየ         የየየ
       የየየየ çñ ktgß bÞG ðT y¸{Â xYçNM””
       የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                         4. Any land holder may, in will, transfer his
  4. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ Â
                                                            holding and for limited period of time his
       የየየየየ         የየ    የየየየየ         የየየየ               use right to more than one persons.
       የየየየ      kxND      b§Y    lçnù    የየየ
       የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ

                                                         5. Where a land holder dies without making
  5.   የየየ     የየየየ        የየየየየ     የየየየየ
                                                            a will, as to the holding and use right of
       የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ                              his land, the right shall be transferred to
       yät   XNdçn    የየየ        የየየየየ     o‰               his child or family engaged or likes to be

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ        Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

       l የየየየየ wYM bzþhù mtÄdR l¸fLG                       engaged     in     agricultural     works,
                                                           consecutively, in accordance with the
       yàcÜ የ J የየየ የየየ B የየየ N የየየ                        provisions of a regulation to be issued to
       የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የ¸የየየየየ                             implement this proclamation.
       የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ

                                                     6. Where a man dies without making a will
     6. የየየ የየ የየየየየ bätbT wQT bKLlù
                                                        and he does not have a child residing in
       WS_ y¸ñR የየየየየ o‰ የየየየየየ                        the region and engaged or like to be
       wYM lmtÄdR y¸fLG የየየ የየየ የየየየ                    engaged in agricultural works, or where he
                                                        does not have family, his parents who are
       y የየየ XNdçn የየየየ የየየየ WS_
                                                        residents of the region engaged or like to
       nê¶ãC çnW የየየየየ o‰ የየየየየየ                        be engaged in agricultural works and
       wYM lmtÄdR y¸fLgù kçnù xSqDä çcW               priory known for holding the land less
       yg«R mÊT Yø¬ m«N kkFt¾W yYø¬ m«N                 than the maximum holding area, shall
       b¬C mçnù k¬wq የየየ T የየየ WN                       have a right to inherit the land holding.
       ymWrS mBT Yñ‰cêL””

                                                      7. The right of heirs provided under sub-
7.    የየየ     የየየየ      የየየ    የየየየ       6
                                                          Article 6 of this Article shall not have
     የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ                              prohibition to stay using the land where
     የየየ የየየየ የየየ        bzþÃW qbl¤ WS_                   the alive spouse continues to reside in
                                                          that kebele until he concludes another
     mñ„N   kq«l   የየ   የየየ    የየየየየየ Â
                                                          marriage and where he does not do so it
     የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ                              remains for his lifetime. Particulars shall
     የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ lW                             be determined by a regulation.
     የየየየየየየ            የየየየ         የየየየ

8. kxND b§Y yçnù የየየየ bWRS ÃgßùTN                     8. Where more than one heirs share the
                                                         inherited land, and where the share of
     mÊT            የየየየየየየየ           የየ                each heir is less than the minimum plot
     የየየየየየየየየ           የየየ     የየየ bù                  of land holding determined by a
     የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ                            regulation, they shall not partition the
                                                         land other than using it in common.
     የየየ    የየየ    የየየየየ      የየየየ   የየየ
     የየየየ የየ©þ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                      9. The rural land that does not gain heir
9. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1# 5 የየየ 6
                                                         pursuant to the provisions of sub-Article
     DNUg¤ãC የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ                            1, 5 or 6 of this Article, shall, registred
     yg«R የየየ bÆì ï¬nT የየየየየ የየየየ                        as vacant land, be distributed to the new

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ     Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive

   የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ

                                             17. Transfer of Holding and using
17. የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ
                                                 Right in Donation
       የየየየ የየየየየየየየ

                                                   1. Any land holder may transfer                    his
  1. የየየየየ የየየየ Æ የየየየ yYø¬M çn
                                                      holding or using right in donation            to a
     ym«qM mBtÜN bKLlù WS_ l¸ñR kzþH
                                                      person who resides in the region               and
     b¬C ytmlktÜTN QDm hùn¤¬ãC l¸ÃৠsW
                                                      fulfills the preconditions indicated          here
     bSõ¬ l¥St§lF YC§L”-
                                                      in under:

                                                        a) Where the donee is child or grand
       የ. tqƆ bGBR o‰ y¸tÄdR wYM
                                                           child or other family member
          lmtÄdR y¸fLG yKLlù nê¶ çñ MNM
                                                           engaged or likes to be engaged in
          xYnT mÊT yl¤lW wYM xSqDä
                                                           agricultural works, being the resident
          bÃzW mÊT xnSt¾nT MKNÃT l¤§
                                                           of the region, and not holding any
          mÊT Xytk‰y y¸ÃRS LJ wYM yLJ
                                                           land, or tills land by renting from
          LJ wYM l¤§ yb¤tsbù xÆL kçn
                                                           others due to his previous small

                                                        b) Where the donee had stayed tilling
       የ. tqƆ yÆlYø¬WN mÊT XÃrs wYM
                                                           the land of the holder or working
         l¤§ S‰ Xy¿‰ Sõ¬W kmkÂwnù bðT
                                                           other works and known freely cared
         §lùT 3 tk¬¬Y xm¬T suWN bnÉ sþõR
                                                           for 3 consecutive years before the
         möytÜ y¬wq kçn””
                                                           gift is undertaken.

  2. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ                         a. Any      landholder    may     transfer
                                                      permanently his holding right and
       የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ                         temporarily his using right to deferent
       dGä የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ                         persons in gift.
       የየየየ lþÃSt§LF የየየየየየ

  3.         የየየ T የየየ W የየየየ የየየ               3. Where the land holding is a common
                                                   holding of a husband and wife or other
    የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ                       persons, the gift shall only be applicable in
    የየየየየየ       የየ   የየየየ     የየየየየ               agreement of all the husband and wife or
                                                   other common holders.
    የየየ      የየየ   የየየ     የየየ    የየየ
    የየየየየየየ        የየየ    የየየየየ     የየ

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ       Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
                                                  4. Organizations may, excluding holding
  4.         yYø¬       mB¬cWN      œY=MR
                                                     right, transfer their land using right for
      የየየየየ          የየየየ         የየየየየ              limited period of time in donation.
      የየየየየየ        የየየየየ    የየ     የየየየ
      ¥የየየየየ የየየየየየ

  5.         ¥ÂcWM      የየየየ      የየየየየ           5. Any gift agreement shall be in writing. An
                                                     agreement made orally shall not be
      የየየየ       የየየየ    የየየየየየ      የየየ             acceptable by law.
      የየየየየ       የየየየ    የየየየየ      የየየ
      የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ

  6.         bIhùF ytdrg የ Âc የየ የየየየ             6. Any gift agreement made in writing shall
                                                     be submitted to and registered in the
      የየየየየ የየየ b የየየየየ የየየ §lW                      woreda branch office of the Authority.
      yÆloLÈnù    QRNÅF     m/b¤T    የየየ
      የየየየየ የየየየየየ

                                               18. Transferring Land Use Right in
18.    የየየየ         የየየየየ         የየየየ
        የየየየ የየየየየየየየ

                                                       1. Any land holder may transfer his using
  1. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ
                                                          right in rent to any person.
       የየየየ      የየየየየየ      የየ     የየየየ
       የየየየየየ የየየየየየ

  2. የየየየ የየየ l¸bL_ የየ የየየየየ                           2. Any land rent agreement made for
                                                          more than 3 years shall be made in
       ¥ÂcWM     የየየየ     የየየ     የየየየየ                   writing.
       የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ

  3. bAhùF ytdrg የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ                        3. Any land rent agreement made in
                                                          writing unless it explains area of the
       የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ                              land, year of the rent, the amount and
       የየየየ WN       የየየየ         የየየየየ                   system of payment, shall be invalid.
       የየየየየ የየየ y¸gLA µLçn bStqR
       የየየ የየየየየየ
  4. y¸k‰yW mÊT bU‰ ytÃz kçn hùlùM                     4. Where the land to be rented is a
     ÆlYø¬ãC µLtS¥ÑbT bStqR Wlù f‰>                       common holding, the agreement shall

የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ       Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive
     YçÂL””                                                 be invalid, unless all holders agree
                                                            upon it.

  5. bIhùF ytdrg ¥ÂcWM የየየየ የየየ                        5. Any land rent agreement made in
                                                          writing shall be submitted to and
     የየየየየ      የየየ    b የየየየየ የየየ                        registered in the branch office of the
     §lW yÆloLÈnù     QRNÅF m/b¤T የየየ                     Authority, in woreda where the land is
     የየየየየ YñRb¬Lየየ

                                                       6. The maximum duration of rent time
  6. kFt¾W y የየየ የየየ የየየ 25 የየየ
                                                          may be 25 years. Therefore, any
     የየየየ”” SlçnM የ 25 የየየ የየየ                            agreement made for more than 25 years
     የየየ የየ tdRgÖ ytgß የየየየ የየየ                           shall be considered as only made for 25
                                                          years land rent agreement pursuant to
     የየየየየ bþñR bzþH xêJ m¿rT የ 25                        this proclamation.
     የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ

                                                       7. The period of the limit of rent provided
  7. የየየ       የየየየ    የየየ     የየየየ      6
                                                          in sub-Article 6 of this Article shall not
     የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ                                 ban its renewability after the
     የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ lþ¬dS                             completion of the agreement period.
     y¸CLbTN XDL y¸klKL xYçNM””

  8. የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ b የየየየ                             8. The amount of rent to be paid in
                                                       agreement with private holders may be
     ymÊT የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ                             determined by agreement to be made
     y የየየ      m«N   የየየየየ        የየየየ                between the lessor and the lessee.
     b¸ÃdRgùT የየየየ y¸wsN YçÂL””

  9. የየየየ      የየየየየ     WS_      የየየየየ              9. Unless it is clearly indicated in the rent
                                                        agreement that the lessee has right to re-
     የየየየየየ የየየ ÃlW mçnù bGlA                           rent, he shall, partially or fully, not rent
     µLtmlkt   የየየየየ     የየየ†      የየየየ                 the land to the third party.
     bkðLM çn bÑlù l3¾ wgN     የየየየየየ

19. blþZ SR›T ytgß bg«R mÊT ym«qM 19. Mortgage of Rural Land Use Right
     mBTN y:Ä êSTÂ xDRgÖ Sl¥SÃZ       Obtained in Lease System

     1. yg«RN mÊT blþZ ytk‰y ¥N¾WM                  1. Any investor who rented rural land in

Amhara region rural land proclamation regulation&directive
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Amhara region rural land proclamation regulation&directive

  • 1. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive ማማማ ÆHRÄR.............................................................................................................................................41 mGbþÃ..............................................................................................................................................147 KFL xND............................................................................................................................................148 «Q§§..................................................................................................................................................148 1. የየየ የየየ...................................................................................................................... 148 2. የየየየ.............................................................................................................................. 148 3. የየየ 148 ማማማ ማማማ ..................................................................................................................................149 ማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ Sl¥ÌÌM ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ............149 4. ማ mÊT xStÄdR ማ ማማማማማ ÷¸t½ãCN Sl¥ÌÌM........................................................................149 4.1yqbl¤ ymÊT xStÄdR ÷¸t½ãC............................................................................................... 149 4.2 yN የየ qbl¤ ymÊT xStÄdR ÷¸t½ãC.................................................................................. 151 5. ማ mÊT xStÄdR gùÆx¤ ማማማማማማ ........................................................................................153 5.1 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ......................................................... 153 6 ማማማማ Sl¥QrB...........................................................................................................................154 7 ማ r©N Sl¥d‰jT Sl¥s‰=Tማ........................................................................................................156 8QÛCN yYø¬ ¥rUgÅ dBtR Sl¥zUjTማ............................................................................................157 .........................................................................................................................................................157 KFL ማማ T........................................................................................................................................157 ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..................................................................................................................157 9yYø¬ ¥rUgÅ dBtR SlmS«T..............................................................................................................157 10g«R mÊT ym«qM ማ ማማማማ mBT Sl¥GßT..............................................................................161 11 ማ ÄR b¸fRSbT gþz¤ yYø¬ mBTN SlmkÍfL...................................................................................163 13 ማማማማ b ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ......................................................................................167 14. ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ .................................................170 14.10 ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ......183 15 ማ ÊTN Sl ¥k‰yT.........................................................................................................................184 16. ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ..........186 17. ማማማማማማማ bYø¬ mÊ ማማማ §Y Sl¸ÃlÑêcW NBrèC ማ ማማማማ Sl¥ÌÌM ማማማማማማማማማ .......................................................................................................................207 17.ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..........................................................................209 19. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ..................................................................................................210 I
  • 2. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 20. ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..............................................................................................................212 21. ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..........................................................................................212 22. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ............................................213 23. ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ..................................................................................................................215 24. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ . 216 24.1 የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ..................................................................................... 216 24.2 የየ የየ የየየ የየየየ............................................................................................... 219 24.3 የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ............................................................................. 220 25. ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ /ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ...........................................221 26. ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...........223 26.1 የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ................................................................. 223 223 26.2 የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ................................ 225 27. ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማ.........................................................................................................................................226 27.1 የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ.............................................................................. 226 27.2 የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ................................................................................................................... 230 27.3 የየ የየየየ የየየየ................................................................................................... 232 28. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ .....233 29. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማ /ማማማማማማ ...........................................................................................................................................................234 30. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ .................................................................................235 31. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማ .............................................................................236 32. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .......................................................237 33. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማ ማማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ...........................................................................................................................................................238 34. ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...................................................................................................................................239 35. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ....................................241 36. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .................243 37. ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ .............................................................................................244 II
  • 3. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 39. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ......................................................................253 40. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ .....................................254 41. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ........................................................................258 42. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ............................................................................258 43. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማ ....................................................................259 44. ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ .............................261 45. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ............262 46. ማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ....................................................262 47. ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ...........................................................263 ..........................................................................................................................................................263 48. ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ........264 50. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማ ........................................................................267 51. ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ .........................................................268 52. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማማ .......................................269 54. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ...............................................................269 55. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...............270 56. ማማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ .......................................270 57. ማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማ .......................................................271 58. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማ ማማ ማማማ ማማማማማማማ ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ...................................................................................................................................272 KFL îST.............................................................................................................................................283 yxs‰R oR›èC...................................................................................................................................283 59. ማማማማ ማማማማማማ ማማማማማማማማ ማማማ ............................................................283 ማማማማ ...........................................................................................................................................294 III
  • 4. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive IV
  • 5. xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R mÊT xStÄdR x«ÝqM mws¾ xêJ
  • 6. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 11¾ ›mT qÜ_R 18 ÆHR ÄR GNïT 21 qN 1998 ›/ M 11th Year No. 18 Bahir Dar May 29, 2006 bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÁäK‰sþÃêE ¶pÜBlþK yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KLL MKR b¤T ማማማ ማማ ZIKRE HIG Of the Council of the Amhara National Regional State in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Issued under the auspices of 1324 bx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE the Council of the Amhara ÃNÇ êU BR ---- mNGST MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT National Regional State Unit price ----- ywÈ ¥WÅ CONTENT xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M Proclamation No. 133/2006 The Revised Amhara National Regional State ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R Rural Land Administration and Use mÊT xStÄdR x«ÝqM mws¾ xêJ Proclamation xêJ qÜ_R 133/1998 ›/M Proclamation No. 133/2006 ytššlW yx¥‰ B¼¤‰êE KL§êE mNGST yg«R A proclamation issued to provide for the mÊT xStÄdRN x«ÝqMN lmwsN ywÈ xêJ Revised Rural Land Administration and Use of the Amhara National Regional State WHEREAS, it is found necessary to determine የየየየ የየየየ ÆGÆbù የየየየየየየ and provide the rural land administration and use የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ to maintain its fertility and to be able to transfer to the next generation by using it properly and የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ carefully; የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ bB¼¤‰êE KLlù bØÁ‰lù ÞGUt mNGS¬T WHEREAS, it is understood that to create conducive situation in the region to fully make የየየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ykðL practical the rights of farmers and semi-pastorals የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ to get and use land freely and not be displaced from it as ensured in the Federal and National የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ Regional Constitutions; የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 2
  • 7. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየ የየየየየየ McÜ hùn¤¬ mF«R የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ WHEREAS, it is believed that to design and implement a system based on the objective የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ realities of the region pursuant to the power የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ vested to regions by the Federal Constitution to administer the land and the natural resources and የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ strengthen the farmer, the investor and የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ appropriate organizations in their participations የየየየየየየ የየየየ l የየየየየ  to use land maintaining it properly, use and keep, and to coordinate it with the development የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየ objectives of the government; የየየየየየ l የየየየ የየየየየየ  የየየየ የየየየ የየየ ãC የየ የየየየየየ oR›T qRÛ bo‰ §Y ¥êL XNd¸ÃSfLG b¥mN የየየ የየ ÃlW የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ WHEREAS, it is found necessary to revise the existing Rural Land Administration and Use የየየየየ xêJ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ Proclamation to incorporate, in detail, the basic የየየየ የየየየየ b¸ÃµTT xGÆB çcWN yðÁ rights of farmers, and ensure the implementation ‰L mNGST ÞgÖC tfɸnT b¸ÃrUG_ xµ*ºN and inclusion of the laws of the federal government; የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ yKLlù MKR b¤T btššlW yB¼¤‰êE KLlù Þg- NOW, THEREFORE, the Regional Council in mNGST xNqA 49 N;ùS xNqA 3/1/ X bØÁ‰lù accordance with the powers vested on it under mNGST yg«R mÊT xStÄdR x«ÝqM xêJ qÜ_R sub article 3(1) of Article 49 of the Revised 456/1997 ›.M. xNqA 17 N;ùS xNqA 1 DNUg¤ãC Constitution of National Region and Sub-article SR bts«W oLÈN m¿rT YHNN xêJ xW_aL”” 1 of Article 17 of the Federal Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation No. 456/2005, hereby issues this proclamation. PART ONE የየየ የየየ GENERAL የየየየ 1. Short Title 1. የየየ የየየ የየ የየየ “የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ This Proclamation can be cited as “The Revised Rural Land Administration and Use የየየየየየየ የየየየየ mws¾ የየየ Determination Proclamation No. 133/2006”. የየየ 133/1998 ›.M.” የየየ የየየየ 3
  • 8. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየየ 2. Definition 2. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ Unless the context requires, other wise, in this proclamation. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ- 1. "xRî xdR " ¥lT bzþH xêJ msrT 1. “Farmer” means any person whose mdb¾ wYM ̸ mtÄd¶ÃW yGBR o‰ yçn regular or steady earning is based on ¥ÂcWM sW sþçN kðL xRBè xdéCN Y=M agricultural activities and includes semi- ‰L”” pastorilists. 2 “የየየየየየ” የየየ የየየየ የየየየ 2. “Authority” means the Amhara National Regional State Environmental Protection, የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ Land Administration and Use Authority. የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ 3 "የየ” የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ 3. “Child” means natural or adopted child. የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየ 4. “Pensioned” means any person who 4. “የየየ” የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ unable to engage in work that creates የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ income by himself and seeks others help የየየየ የየየየ nT ƧcW የየየየየየ for his livelihood due to senility, disease, disability or other related reasons. የየየ b የየ gbþ y¸ÃSgŸ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየየ 5. “Communal Holding” means rural land 5. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ which is out of the ownership of the የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ government or private holding and used የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ by the local people in common for grazing, forestry and other social የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ services. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ 6. “State Holding” means rural land 6.“የየየየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየ demarked and held by Federal or የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ Regional Government for country and የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ area development and growth, and it includes forest lands, wild life የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ 4
  • 9. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ sanctuaries, mining lands and parks as well as lands around lakes and rivers. የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ 7.“State Holding” means rural land demarked 7. “የየየየየየ የየየ” የየየ lxgR and held by Federal or Regional የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ Government for country and area የየየየየየ የየየየየ bðÁ‰LM çn development and growth, and it includes forest lands, wild life sanctuaries, mining bKLL dr© የየየየ የየየ የየየ _BQ lands and parks as well as lands around የየየ የየየየ Nየ የየየ የየየየየ lakes and rivers. m«lÃãCN# y¥:DN ¥WÅ ï¬ãCN# ±R÷CN b¦YöCM çn bwNøC xµÆbþ y¸gßù oF ‰ãCN ëÝL§L”” 8. "yYø¬ mBT" ¥lT ¥N¾WM xRî xdR# kðL 8. “Holding Right” means a right of any xRBè xdR wYM bxê° mBT yts«W l¤§ farmer or semi pastoral or any other body ¥ÂcWM xµL bzþH xêJ msrT ytrUg«ùlTN vested with rights on it in accordance with ymÊT ÆlYø¬ ymçN# bmÊtÜ §Y NBrT this proclamation to be the holder of a land, y¥F‰T# Ãf‰WN NBrT y¥St§lF# kYø¬ to create all asset on the land, to transfer an mÊtÜ ÃlmnqL# mÊtÜN lGBR ltf_é ¦BT asset he created, not to be displaced from his L¥TM çn ll¤lÖC tGƉT y¥êL# ym«qM# holding, to use his land for agricultural and mÊtÜN y¥k‰yT# y¥WrS# bSõ¬ natural resource developments and other y¥St§lF ymœslùTN mBèC y¸Ã«ÝLL activities, to rent a land, to bequeath same to nW”” transfer it as a gift and includes the likes. 9. “Private Holding” means a land possessed 9. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ b¥N¾WM የየየ by any farmer or other body vested with የየየ የየየ bzþH xêJ m¿rT የየየየየ right to use it and existing under private የየየ b የየየየ l¤§ የየየ የየ የየ  holding having a certificate. y የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 10. “Common Holding” means holding of land 10. “የየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየየ የየየ by two or more persons in common having የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ the holding right, and use without division, የየየ የየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ ÆlmBèC by sharing the out put from the land. የየየ የየየየ የየየየ f የ kzþhù የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ XytU„ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ 11.“የየየየ የየየ” የየየ የየየየ 11. “Kebele resident” means any person who resides regularly in one kebele and earns 5
  • 10. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ the basic services and social benefits in the same. የየየየየ xgLGlÖècÜN የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ WS_ የየየየየ ¥ÂcWM የየ የየየየ 12. “የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ” የየየ 12. “Land Use Plan” means the system of making practical the better chosen bðzþµ§êEየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ alternatives to use land without የየየየየ የየ r የ ymÊT mgÖœöL yxµÆbþ degradation and environmental pollution based on physical, economical and social BKlT œYdRSbT የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ information and includes strategic and area የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ tmRõ የየየየየ development plans. የየየየየየየ SR›T የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ L¥T XQ የየየ የየየየየየየየ 13. “Land User” means any person vested with 13. “የየየየ የየየየ” የየየ የየየየ power to use the rural land and its የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ production. የየየ የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየየ 14. “የየ”የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ 14. “Person” means natural or legal person. የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ 15. "የየየየ xgLGlÖT" የየየ የየየየ የየየ 15. “Public Service” means a service given to the public directly or indirectly, such as የየየየየየ mNgD የየየየ የየየየየየ government office, school, health የየየየ XNd mNGST m/b¤T# የየየየየ service, market service, road, religious institutions, military camps, and the የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ likes, and includes activities assumed የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ important to the development of people የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ by the Regional Government and to be implemented on the rural land. የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ tBlW bg«R mÊT §Y XNÄþf{Ñ y¸wsnù tGƉTN ëÝL§L”” 16. “የየ የየየየ” የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 16. “Another property” means any property other than the land. ¥ÂcWM l¤§ የየየየ የየየየ 17. “Use Right” means using the land and its 17. “የየየየየ የየየ” የየየ bzþH xêJ msrT production, pursuant to this 6
  • 11. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ Proclamation. የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ 18. "mÊT ¥SlqQ" ¥lT yg«RN mÊT lÞZB 18. “Expropriating from land holding” means xgLGlÖT sþÆL bmNGST xµ§T# bGL taking the rural land from the holder or Æl¦BèC# b^BrT o‰ ¥Hb‰T wYM bl¤lÖC user for the sake of public interest paying xµ§T L¥T XNÄþµÿDbT oLÈN bts«W compensation in advance by government ymNGST xµL wœn¤ msrT bQD¸Ã µœ bodies, private investors, cooperative kFlÖ kmÊtÜ ÆlYø¬ wYM t«Ý¸ mWsD ¥lT societies, or other bodies to undertake nW”” development activities by the decision of government body vested with power. 19. "ymÊT ÆlYø¬" ¥lT bxND yg«R mÊT §Y 19. “Land holder” means an individual, group yYø¬ mBT ÃlW GlsB# ysãC SBSB wYM of people or community, government ÞBrtsB# ymNGST xµL# ¥Hb‰êE tÌM body, social institution or other body wYM l¤§ yÞG sWnT ÃlW xµL nW”” with the legal personality having a possession right over a rural land. 20. "ymÊT MZgÆ" ¥lT yg«R mÊTN btmlkt 20. “Land registration” means an activity of y¸gŸbTN ï¬# SÍtÜN# xêœ የ cÜN# registering the detailed information about ylMntÜN dr©Â yÆlYø¬WN ¥NnT =Mé location, area, boundaries, fertility grade, ytৠmr© bmZGB §Y y¥SfR tGÆR nW”” and the identity of the holder on the book concerning the rural land. 21. "xnSt¾ yYø¬ m«N" ¥lT oLÈN bts«W xµL 21. “Minimum Holding Size” means the least x¥µŸnT MRT ymS«T xQÑ yxNDN xRî piece of land given to farmers or semi- xdR# wYM kðL xRBè xdR yMGB êST pastoralists to ensure food security, l¥rUg_# lXNSúT Gõ># lb¤T mS¶Ã lÙé animal grazing, house construction, and xTKLT L¥T bqE nW tBlÖ bYø¬nT y¸s_ horticultural development, as a holding ZQt¾ ymÊT m«N nW”” land, assuming it satisfactory. 22. "xnSt¾ y¥œ m«N" ¥lT bzþH xêJ msrT 22. “Small Plot Size” means the minimum plot b¸wÈ dNB y¸wsN lxND sW bYø¬nT of land to be given to a person in holding y¸s_ ZQt¾ yxND ¥œ SÍT nW”” and shall be determined by a regulation to be issued pursuant to this Proclamation. 23. "yg«R mÊT xStÄdR" ¥lT bg«R mÊT Yø¬ 23. “Rural Land Administration” means a §Y êST y¸s_bT# ymÊT x«ÝqM XQD process whereby rural land holding y¸tgbRbT# bmÊT t«Ý¸ãC mµkL y¸nsù security is provided, land use planning is GuèC y¸ftÜbT y¥N¾WM yg«R mÊT implemented, disputes between rural land t«Ý¸ mBèC GÁ¬ãC y¸tgb„bT# holders are resolved, and the rights and XNÄþhùM yÆlYø¬ãC ¥œãCN# yGõ> obligations of any rural land holder are mÊTN mr© bmsBsB bmtNtN lt«Ý¸ãC enforced, as well as information on farm XNÄþÄrsù y¸drGbT £dT nW”” plots and grazing land of holders are 7
  • 12. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive gathered, analyzed and supplied to users. 24. "yg«R mÊT "¥lT oLÈN ÃlW xµL kt¥ BlÖ 24. “Rural Land” means any land found out of kkllW Wu y¸gŸ mÊT nW”” town which is delineated by a body vested with power. 25. "kþ‰Y" ¥lT xND xRî xdR bzþH xêJ msrT 25. “Rent” means a system by which a farmer ÃgßWN ymÊT Yø¬ ll¤§ sW ltwsn ygþz¤ causes the use of his land, which he gets it gdB bWL s_è yxYnT wYM ygNzB _QM pursuant to this proclamation, for the Xytqbl xgLGlÖT §Y XNÄþWL y¸ÃdRGbT service of another person securing benefits S¶T nW”” in kind or cash for a limited period of time in contract. 26. "lþZ" ¥lT ¥N¾WM Æl¦BT yg«RN mÊT 26. “Lease” means a system by which any ltwsn xgLGlÖT kmNGST y¸wSDbT investor takes a rural land from x¿‰R sþçN xGÆB ÆlW HG government for a limited period of time, XNdttrgÖmW ym«qM y:Ä êST xDRgÖ and, as it is interpreted in relevant law, the XSk ¥SÃZ y¸dRsù mBèC y¸µttÜbT nW”” right to use the land includes the holding of same for debt as suretyship. 3. Gender Reference 3. የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ The provisions of this proclamation set out in the masculine gender shall also equally apply to የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየ የየየ feminine gender. የየየየ የየየየየየ 4. Scope of Application 4. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ 1. የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ 1. This proclamation shall apply to any rural land found in Amhara National Region. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየ የየየየ የ ç የየየ 2. Notwithstanding the provision stated 2. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 under sub Article 1 of this Article, special የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ laws shall continue on application, as the የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ fields they had been stipulated, concerning the delineated lands for የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ forestry, wild life protection, bio- የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ diversity resources, natural resource and የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ environmental protection, mines developments and the likes. የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ yw«ù L† HgÖC XNdytdnggùÆcW mS÷C tfɸn¬cW Yq_§L”” 8
  • 13. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive Part Two የየየ የየየ Right to Hold Land የየየየ የየየ የየየ 5. Principle 5. የየ H 1. The right to ownership of land is vested 1. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ in the state and the public. Hence, it is impossible to transfer the land holding to የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ other in sale or in exchange by an other የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ property. የየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ ll¤§ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 2. Any farmer residing in the region shall, 2. b የየየ WS_ y¸ñR የየየየየ የየየ despite gender or any other reasons of difference, have equal right to get land in የየየ የየየየ የየ የየየ b¥ÂcWM holding. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየ 3. The holding right of rural land of 3. bKLlù WS_ yxRî xdéC yg«R mÊT Yø¬ farmers, in the region, shall not have time mBT ygþz¤ gdB ylWM”” limit. 4. The system of land administration shall 4. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ be based on public participation. የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ 5. The land use may be applicable based on 5. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ plan and considering environmental protection. የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ xtkùé y¸f{M YçÂL የየ 9
  • 14. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 6. The working system that gives priority to 6. ymÊT DLDL b¸µÿDbT gþz¤ ls¤èC# women disables and orphan children lxQm dµäC lw§J xLÆ ÞÉÂT QD¸Ã shall be executed during the time of land XNÄþs_ y¸ÃdRG x¿‰R tfɸ YçÂL”” distribution. 7. tÄÍTntÜ 60 bmè kzþà b§Y yçn ¥ÂcWM 7. Any rural land, 60 per cent and above yg«R mÊT ldN# l̸ tKlÖC# lXNSœT mñ sloppy shall not be used for farming and L¥T wYM lmœslùT tGƉT µLçn bStqR free grazing other than forestry, pernial lXRšM çn lLQ Gõ> XNÄþWL xYdrGM”” plants, development of forage for çñM YH DNUg¤ bXNÄþH ÃlW yg«R animals, and other similar activities. mÊT §Y xSqDmW y¸gßù ÆlYø¬ãC However, this provisions shall have not yxµÆbþ _bÝN z§qE ytf_é ¦BT effect on the same rural land priory XNKBµb¤N b¥YgÖÄ xµ*ºN mÊtÜN seized by the land holders who use it in lt«qsW xgLGlÖT bÆlÑà MKR XytrÇ that it doesn’t damage the environmental XNÄY«qÑbT y¥gD W«¤T xYñrWM”” protection and sustainable natural resource care being helped by the advice of the professional. 8. bzþH xêJ xNqA 8 N;ùS xNqA 2 oR 8. Without prejudice to provision of sub- ytdnggW XNdt«bq çñ lÞZB xgLGlÖT Article 2 of Article 8 of this l¥êL µLçn bStqR yg«R mÊT XNÄþlqQ proclamation, the rural land shall not be xYdrGM”” expropriated unless to use it for public service. 6. The Right to Acquire Land 6. የየየ የየየየየ የየየ 1. Any Person,who is18 years and above, 1. የየየየየ የየየየ 18 የየየየ የየየ residing in the region and in need of engaging in agricultural activity shall የየየ የየየ  bKLlù WS_ b የየየየ have a right to freely acquire holding የየ lmtÄdR y¸fLG sW y የየየ የየየ land. የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ 2. Notwithstanding the provision stated 2. የየየ የየየ bN;ùS xNqA 1 oR under sub-article 1 herein above, children who lost their parents and are under 18 የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 18 years may get a land through their የየየ የየየየ cW የየየየየየየ guardian or representatives. የየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ 10
  • 15. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 3. Private investors shall have a right to 3. የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ acquire land, to use on, by rent from the government or from any other rural land የየየ kmNGST bkþ‰Y wYM holder on the agreement to be made k¥N¾WM yg«R mÊT ÆlYø¬ UR b¸drG SMMnT y¥GßT የየየ የየየየየየ 4. የየየየ WS_ የየየየየ የየየየየየ 4 Governmental offices and organizations, mNGS¬êE m/b¤èC DRJèC# non-governmental organizations, mass organizations and religions institutions, የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ# carrying out their works in the region, yBzù¦N ¥Hb‰T የየየየየየ tÌ¥T shall, where the work is for non-profit የየየየየየ N y¸ÃkÂWnùT lgNzB making, have a right to acquire land they use on in a condition that it does not የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ contravene the land holding of farmers. የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ 7. የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ 7. Conditions of Acquiring Land Holding and Limitation የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ 1. b የየየ WS_ የየየ የየየ  bGBR o 1. Any Person residing in the region and ‰ y¸tÄdR wYM bzþhù lmtÄdR y¸fLG engaged or wants to be engaged in agricultural works shall have a right to ¥N¾WM የየ b¸ktlW xµ*ºN mÊT bYø¬ acquire land in holding in the following y¥GßT mBT xlW”- manner: a) By distribution from the keble የ. bmdb¾nT የየየየየየ wYM mñR administering the land in which he regularly resides or wants to reside, b¸fLGbT የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ b) By bequeath or gift, the detail to be የ. ZRZ„ YHNN xêJ l¥Sf{M b¸wÈ dNB determined by a regulation to be issued to implement this 11
  • 16. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive proclamation, any where in the y¸wsN çñ b¥ÂcWM የየየየ xµÆbþ region. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ”” 2. The total area of land to be given to a person 2. l የየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ in holding and a procedure to apply for as well as get reply to acquire land in holding or የየየየ የየየ የየየ#የየየ N in rent shall be provided in the regulation to የየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ be issued to implement this proclamation. የየየ የየየየየየየ M çn M§> y¸ÃgŸbT የየየየ የየየ N የየየ የየየየየየ wdðT የየየየ የየየ y¸dngG YçÂL”” 8. የየየየየ የየየየ 8. Land Re-distribution 1. In any part of the region, land distribution 1.የየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየ and allotment shall not be carried out since the coming into force of this የየየየየየ የየየየ xµÆbþ የየየየ proclamation. የየየየ M çn KFFL የየየየየየየየ 2. Notwithstanding the provision of sub- 2. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR Article 1 of this article, where the land የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ s¥nþà holders residing in one kebele and where kmè y¸çnùT b የየየ የየየ WS_ y¸gßùT not less than 80 Per cent of them request the Authority in writing for land ÆlYø¬ãC የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ distribution, the land re-distribution may የየየየ የየ nW _Ãq½WN lÆloLÈnù be carried out in accordance with a የየየ bù YHNnù የየየ የየየየየየ directive to be issued to implement this decision on the land where question was የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ submitted. Its application shall be only የየየየየየ yYø¬ >ÍN የየየየ የየየየ on holders who passed the decision. የየየየ የየየየየየ tfɸntÜM Wœn¤WN ÆœlûT ÆlYø¬ãC §Y BÒ YçÂL”” 3. The prohibition of land re-distribution or 3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR allotment provided under sub-article 1 of የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ wYM this Article shall not affect the activities KFFL የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ of distribution of irrigable land to various users. 12
  • 17. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየ የየየየየየ y የየየየየየ tGÆR የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 4. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ 4. When the land distribution or allotment is carried out based on request of people, wYM KFFL የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ the land holder whose land is to be የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ decreased and taken shall, where it doesn’t bring land division into pieces, የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ have a right to get the land he has chosen የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ and get compensation for an asset he የየየየ N የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ produced and coud not pick it up. The detail shall be determined by a የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ S የየ regulation. የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ s የየየየ 9. The Procedure of Land Provision 9. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ and Minimum Area of Land to be የየየየየ የየየ ZQt¾ የየየ Provided 1. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ 1. The provision of land shall be made to all applicants, impartially, having a የየየየየየየየ የየየየ F§gÖT right to acquire land in holding based የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ on petitioner’s interest and a sequence to be determined by the participation የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ of people. የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ hùlù የየየየየ ã የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 2. Notwithstanding provision of sub- 2. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 article 1 of this article, where the land የ t የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ to be distributed is not available to all y የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ petitioners with equal magnitude of land holding problem it shall priory be የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ caused to be given to orphan children, XNd QdM tkt§cW lw§J xLÆ ÞÉÂT# disables, women and youngsters who l የየየ የየየየ የየየየ Â የየየየ የየ join the new life of independence, የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ consecutively. የየየየየየየ 13
  • 18. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 3. During the time of deciding the area of 3. የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ land to be distributed, the fertility of land የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ and grade, and other assumptions to be የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ stated in the directive shall be considered. የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ 4. የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ 4. The minimum area of plot of land, to be provided to one person and cultivable by የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ rain or irrigation shall, be determined by የየየ YHNN xêJ tkTlÖ b¸wÈ የየየ a regulation to be issued following this Proclamation. የየየየየየየ 10. Types of Holdings 10. የየየየ የየየየየ The land in the region may be held by የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ individually, grouplly, communally, and the government. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ 1. የየየየየየ sW የየየ የየየ 1. The holding of any person is respected by law. Therefore, pursuant to provision of የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ sub-article 2 of article 8 or article 28 of የየየ የየየየ 8 N;ùS xNqA 2 የየየ this proclamation, no person shall be expropriated from his holding with out xNqA 28 የየየየየየየየየ የየየየ his consent, unless it is done by re- የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ distribution according to decision of የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ people or for the purpose of public interest. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየ yÃzWN mÊT kfÝÇ Wu xYn«QM”” 2. የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ a. Any person provided with a right to use the rural land shall not be deprived from የየየየየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየ የየየ the right to use the land other than የየየ የየየ N የየየ የየየየየየ provisions of this proclamation or a regulation to be issued to execute this የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ proclamation. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 14
  • 19. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 12. Conditions Depriving the Holding 12. የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ Right የየየየየ 1. Notwithstanding provision under sub- 1. የየየ የየየ የየየየ 11 N;ùS xNqA 1 article 1 of article 11 of this proclamation oR የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ any holder having a right over using the የየየየየ የየየ የየየ ¥N¾WM land, it may be decided to be deprived from the right of using the land by the የየየየየ b¸ktlùT MKNÃèC bmÊT Yø¬ following reasons: ym«qM mBtÜN XNÄþÃÈ lþwsN YC§L”- a) The detail to be determined in የ. ZRZ„ bdNB y¸wsN çñ kGBR Wu bçn regulation, where he is engaged in S‰ §Y yts¥‰Â gbþ y¸ÃgŸbT ̸ non-farming activity and earns for mtÄd‰Ã ÃlW kçn his livelihood thereto; b) Where he disappears from his የ. የየየየ የየ የየየየየየ የየየየ residence for 5 consecutive years የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ lT without notifying his where about የየ የየየ D የ የየየየየየ የ 5 and not renting his land or without assigning a representative የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ y«Í to administer his land; XNdçn c) Where he fallows his land for የ. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ consecutive 3 years and above or የ îST የየየየ የየየ wYM bmsñ 1 year and above where the land y¸l¥ mÊT sþçN kxND xmT b§Y is cultivable in irrigation; የየየየ የየየየ የየ çêl XNdçn# የ. ZRZ„ bdNB y¸wsN çñ የየየየ d) The detail to be determined by a regulation, where gross damage የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየ occurs over his land due to his የየየየየ የየየየ የየ kÆD mismanagement; የየየ ydrs XNdçn e) Where he notifies to the የ. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ concerned body that he has የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ withdrawn from his holding right. Ãœwq XNdçn”” 2. Where a disappeared landholder has 2. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ spouse or a minor who lives with him የየየየየየ የ L የየየ  xBé y¸ñR mÊT and has no land, or where there is a 15
  • 20. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive yl¤lW LJ µlW wYM የየየየ የየየየየየ doubtful information that his disappearance is due to unexpected የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ accidental situation., the provision stated mr© ktgß የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 under sub Article 1 (b and c) of this ðdL t‰ qÜ_R “l¼” oR ysfrW DNUg¤ Article shall not be applicable. የየየየ የየየየየየየ 3. Pursuant to provisions of sub-article 1(b 3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 ðdL t‰ and c) of this Article, where the land qÜ_R l¼ DNUg¤ãC የየየየ holder disappears or the land administrator Æl የየየ W lgþz¤W y«Í wYM xStÄĶ is not assigned, ascertaining that it was ÃLtmdblT ¥ÂcWM yg«R mÊT fallow for 3 consecutive years, may XNdhùn¤¬W btk¬¬Y l3 ›mT wYM lxND temporarilly be given to those who do not ›mT ÃHL _QM §Y xlmêlù ytrUg« XNdçn have land or have small land holding up on mÊT ll¤§cW wYM xnSt¾ mÊT §§cW their petition. The detailed execution shall xmLµÓC bgþz¤ÃêEnT _QM §Y XNÄþWL be determined by a regulation. lþs_ YC§L”” ZRZR xfÉ{Ñ bdNB YwsÂL”” 4. Any person who is deprived from his 4. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 land holding right pursuant to sub-article የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየ 1 of this article, shall have a right to get የየ ¥N¾WM የየ የየየየ የየ የየየየ compensation for the permanent property he had developed on the land in የየ የየየየ የየየ N የየየ የየየየየየ accordance with the regulation to be የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ issued to implement this proclamation. የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ 13. Land Use 13. የየየየየ የየየየየ 1. ¥ÂcWM yg«R የየየ የየየ የየየየ 1. Any rural land shall, as much as possible, have land use plan issued by the የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ concerned body based on study. የየየ gùĆ b¸mlktW xµL bkùL YwÈl¬L”” 2. yg«R mÊT x«ÝqM XQD yW¦ tÍsSN 2. The rural land use plan shall be prepared msrT xDRgÖ ymÊT x«ÝqMN# yxfR considering land usage, soil type, air xYnTN# yxyR «ÆYN# yXIêT >ÍNN condition, vegitation coverage, and socio- ¥Hb‰êE xþ÷ñ¸ÃêE hùn¤¬ãCN GMT economic situations based on water WS_ b¥SgÆT mzUjT xlbT”” catchments. 3. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 3. Any land user shall be made use in 16
  • 21. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ accordance with land use plan to be issued thereof. XNÄþglgL የየየየየየየ 4. የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 4. Where any land is made for a given service: የየየየየ የየየየ ”- a) Its better economic benefit የ. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ provision, የየየየ b) The non-or least existence of side የ. የየየየየ የየ የየየየየየየየ effects on the environment, የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ c) The acceptability of the service by የ. የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ beneficiaries shall be ascertained. የየየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ YñRb¬Lየየ 5. Where there is no land use plan prepared 5. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ tzUJè in writing by pertinent body, any land yts« የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ yl¤l user may use his land for house XNdçn የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ construction, farming, animal husbandary, forestry development, or for የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ other related same activities. lXNSœT የየየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የ Xn የ hù የየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ tGƉT የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ 6. Notwithstanding the provision stated 6. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 5 under sub-article 5 of this article, any የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ land user cannot use his land for legally የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ prohibited activity. The detail shall be determined by a regulation. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ 14. Irrigation Land 14. የየየየየ የየየ 1. bzmÂêE የየየ የየየየ 1. Any land to be cultivated by modern irrigation may, causing the acquisition of ¥ÂcWM የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 17
  • 22. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ proper share of the previous landholder, be distributed. የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 2. የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ 2. Farmer or semi-pastoralist whose land is taken by distribution shall, priory be paid የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ wYM kðL compensation through the person to xRBè xdR የየየየየየ የየየ የየ whom his land is to be given for የየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየ b የየየየ permanent assets he cultivated on decreased land. የየ bkùL y¸tµ የየ bQD¸Ã የየየየየየየየ 3. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ 3. The traditional irrigation usage shall be carried out supported by community የየየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ cultural rules and counseling of the የየየየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ የየየ pertinent professional offices. tdGæ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 4. Without prejudice to the obligations to 4. የየየየየየየየ የየየ የ/የየየ apply the requirements to be issued by የየየ wÈ*የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ professional offices, before any modern የየየየ gù የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ irrigation activity is carried out, it shall be necessary to ensure the undertaking of የ Âc የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ o‰ the detailed design works for the dam to የየየየየ xSqDä የየ Z የ የየየየየ be constructed, conducting of the የየየየ የየየየየየየ# የየ gnÆ የ catchment works, and the non-damaging of the soil and stone dug during the dam የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ construction on public. mkÂwnùN b የየየ የየየየ MKNÃT töFé y¸wÈW የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ xSf§gþ YçÂL”” 5. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 5. The beneficiaries shall be duty bound to control their area not to be source of የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ disease and not to cause erosion while የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ irrigation development takes place. የየየየየየየየ የየየየየየ YHNnù የየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ 6. የየየየየየ የየ ymSñ msrt L¥T 6. The land holders, on whose land the 18
  • 23. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive GNƬ yW¦ የየየ የየየየየየየ irrigation infrastructure and water dam are built, shall be provided with irrigable የየየየየየየ bmSñ k¸l¥W mÊT WS_ land substitution, and be paid TK ï¬Â bmÊtÜ §Y የየየየ የየየየ compensation priorly which it may be የየየየ የየየየየየ y¸tµ የየየየ የየ substituted by the would be dam users for their assets cultivated on their land. bQD¸Ã የየየየየየየየየ 7. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ 7. The society using irrigation shall be duty bound to take care and guard of the የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ irrigation infrastructure and catchment in የየየየየየ የየ የየየየየየ collaboration with the government. የየየየየየየ _NÝq½Â የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ PART THREE የየየ የየየ Transfer and Obligations of Land የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ Holding and Use Rights የየ èCN የየየየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 15. Transfer of Land Holding Right 15. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ 1. yg«R የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ 1. Any person provided with rural land holding may, as stipulated herein under, የየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ transfer his holding right in bequeath or የየየየየየየ xµ*ºN bWRS wYM donation. bSõ¬ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ 2. Without prejudice to provision of sub- 2. የየየ የየየ የየየየ 17 N;ùS xNqA (4) Article 4 of Article 17, here of, the right የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ የየ የየየ stated under sub-article 1 of this Article የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR y¿frW mBT shall not be applicable on organizations that are provided with holding land የየየ የየየ የየየየ 6 N;ùS xNqA 4 pursuant to sub article 4 of Article 6 of የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ this Proclamation የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ 19
  • 24. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 16. Transfer of Land holding right in 16. የየየየ የየየ የየየየ Bequeath የየየየ የየየየየየየየ 1. bzþH xêJ msrT yg«R የየየ የየየየየ 1. Any Person, who is made the holder of the rural land in accordance with this yçn ¥N¾WM sW የየየየ M çn የየየየየ proclamation, may transfer his holding or የየየየ የየየየየ የየ l የየየየየ wYM using right in will to any farmer engaged bzþhù mtÄdR l¸fLG የየየየየ xRî xdR or likes to engage in agricultural works. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ 2. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየ 2. Persons residing in town and engaged in small income activities to support their የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየ lives shall be considered farmer for the የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየ aim of succession. የየየየየ የየየ XNd xRî xdR የየየየየየየ 3. Transferring in will or inheriting the 3. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1 oR holding and use right, stipulated under የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ sub-article 1 of this Article, shall not be የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ F wYM valid where it disinherites the minor child of the testater or the family of same y¥Wrsù የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ WN from inheritance right or harms his የየየየየየ የየ የየየ የየየየ spouse. The detail shall be determinded የየየየየየ mBT kHG Wu የየየየየ by a regulation. የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ çñ ktgß bÞG ðT y¸{Â xYçNM”” የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ 4. Any land holder may, in will, transfer his 4. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ Â holding and for limited period of time his የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየየ use right to more than one persons. የየየየ kxND b§Y lçnù የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየ 5. Where a land holder dies without making 5. የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ a will, as to the holding and use right of የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ his land, the right shall be transferred to yät XNdçn የየየ የየየየየ o‰ his child or family engaged or likes to be 20
  • 25. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive l የየየየየ wYM bzþhù mtÄdR l¸fLG engaged in agricultural works, consecutively, in accordance with the yàcÜ የ J የየየ የየየ B የየየ N የየየ provisions of a regulation to be issued to የየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የ¸የየየየየ implement this proclamation. የየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየየ 6. Where a man dies without making a will 6. የየየ የየ የየየየየ bätbT wQT bKLlù and he does not have a child residing in WS_ y¸ñR የየየየየ o‰ የየየየየየ the region and engaged or like to be wYM lmtÄdR y¸fLG የየየ የየየ የየየየ engaged in agricultural works, or where he does not have family, his parents who are y የየየ XNdçn የየየየ የየየየ WS_ residents of the region engaged or like to nê¶ãC çnW የየየየየ o‰ የየየየየየ be engaged in agricultural works and wYM lmtÄdR y¸fLgù kçnù xSqDä çcW priory known for holding the land less yg«R mÊT Yø¬ m«N kkFt¾W yYø¬ m«N than the maximum holding area, shall b¬C mçnù k¬wq የየየ T የየየ WN have a right to inherit the land holding. ymWrS mBT Yñ‰cêL”” 7. The right of heirs provided under sub- 7. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 6 Article 6 of this Article shall not have የየየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ prohibition to stay using the land where የየየ የየየየ የየየ bzþÃW qbl¤ WS_ the alive spouse continues to reside in that kebele until he concludes another mñ„N kq«l የየ የየየ የየየየየየ  marriage and where he does not do so it የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየ remains for his lifetime. Particulars shall የየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ lW be determined by a regulation. የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየየ 8. kxND b§Y yçnù የየየየ bWRS ÃgßùTN 8. Where more than one heirs share the inherited land, and where the share of mÊT የየየየየየየየ የየ each heir is less than the minimum plot የየየየየየየየየ የየየ የየየ bù of land holding determined by a የየየየየየ የየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ regulation, they shall not partition the land other than using it in common. የየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ የየ©þ የየየየየ የየየየየየየ 9. The rural land that does not gain heir 9. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 1# 5 የየየ 6 pursuant to the provisions of sub-Article DNUg¤ãC የየየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ 1, 5 or 6 of this Article, shall, registred yg«R የየየ bÆì ï¬nT የየየየየ የየየየ as vacant land, be distributed to the new petitioners. 21
  • 26. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ 17. Transfer of Holding and using 17. የየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ Right in Donation የየየየ የየየየየየየየ 1. Any land holder may transfer his 1. የየየየየ የየየየ Æ የየየየ yYø¬M çn holding or using right in donation to a ym«qM mBtÜN bKLlù WS_ l¸ñR kzþH person who resides in the region and b¬C ytmlktÜTN QDm hùn¤¬ãC l¸ÃৠsW fulfills the preconditions indicated here bSõ¬ l¥St§lF YC§L”- in under: a) Where the donee is child or grand የ. tqƆ bGBR o‰ y¸tÄdR wYM child or other family member lmtÄdR y¸fLG yKLlù nê¶ çñ MNM engaged or likes to be engaged in xYnT mÊT yl¤lW wYM xSqDä agricultural works, being the resident bÃzW mÊT xnSt¾nT MKNÃT l¤§ of the region, and not holding any mÊT Xytk‰y y¸ÃRS LJ wYM yLJ land, or tills land by renting from LJ wYM l¤§ yb¤tsbù xÆL kçn others due to his previous small holding. b) Where the donee had stayed tilling የ. tqƆ yÆlYø¬WN mÊT XÃrs wYM the land of the holder or working l¤§ S‰ Xy¿‰ Sõ¬W kmkÂwnù bðT other works and known freely cared §lùT 3 tk¬¬Y xm¬T suWN bnÉ sþõR for 3 consecutive years before the möytÜ y¬wq kçn”” gift is undertaken. 2. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ a. Any landholder may transfer permanently his holding right and የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ temporarily his using right to deferent dGä የየየየየ የየ የየየየየ የየየ persons in gift. የየየየ lþÃSt§LF የየየየየየ 3. የየየ T የየየ W የየየየ የየየ 3. Where the land holding is a common holding of a husband and wife or other የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ persons, the gift shall only be applicable in የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየ agreement of all the husband and wife or other common holders. የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየ የየየየየ የየ YçÂL”” 22
  • 27. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive 4. Organizations may, excluding holding 4. yYø¬ mB¬cWN œY=MR right, transfer their land using right for የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ limited period of time in donation. የየየየየየ የየየየየ የየ የየየየ ¥የየየየየ የየየየየየ 5. ¥ÂcWM የየየየ የየየየየ 5. Any gift agreement shall be in writing. An agreement made orally shall not be የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየ acceptable by law. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየየየ 6. bIhùF ytdrg የ Âc የየ የየየየ 6. Any gift agreement made in writing shall be submitted to and registered in the የየየየየ የየየ b የየየየየ የየየ §lW woreda branch office of the Authority. yÆloLÈnù QRNÅF m/b¤T የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ 18. Transferring Land Use Right in 18. የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ Rent የየየየ የየየየየየየየ 1. Any land holder may transfer his using 1. የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየየ right in rent to any person. የየየየ የየየየየየ የየ የየየየ የየየየየየ የየየየየየ 2. የየየየ የየየ l¸bL_ የየ የየየየየ 2. Any land rent agreement made for more than 3 years shall be made in ¥ÂcWM የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ writing. የየየየ የየየየ የየየየየየ 3. bAhùF ytdrg የየየየ የየየ የየየየየ 3. Any land rent agreement made in writing unless it explains area of the የየየየየ የየየየ የየየየየ የየየየ land, year of the rent, the amount and የየየየ WN የየየየ የየየየየ system of payment, shall be invalid. የየየየየ የየየ y¸gLA µLçn bStqR የየየ የየየየየየ 4. y¸k‰yW mÊT bU‰ ytÃz kçn hùlùM 4. Where the land to be rented is a ÆlYø¬ãC µLtS¥ÑbT bStqR Wlù f‰> common holding, the agreement shall 23
  • 28. የየየየ የየየ የየየ የየየ የየየየየየየየ የየየየ Amhara Region Rural Land Proclamation, Regulation & Directive YçÂL”” be invalid, unless all holders agree upon it. 5. bIhùF ytdrg ¥ÂcWM የየየየ የየየ 5. Any land rent agreement made in writing shall be submitted to and የየየየየ የየየ b የየየየየ የየየ registered in the branch office of the §lW yÆloLÈnù QRNÅF m/b¤T የየየ Authority, in woreda where the land is found. የየየየየ YñRb¬Lየየ 6. The maximum duration of rent time 6. kFt¾W y የየየ የየየ የየየ 25 የየየ may be 25 years. Therefore, any የየየየ”” SlçnM የ 25 የየየ የየየ agreement made for more than 25 years የየየ የየ tdRgÖ ytgß የየየየ የየየ shall be considered as only made for 25 years land rent agreement pursuant to የየየየየ bþñR bzþH xêJ m¿rT የ 25 this proclamation. የየየ የየየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 7. The period of the limit of rent provided 7. የየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየየ 6 in sub-Article 6 of this Article shall not የየየየየየየ የየየየ የየየ የየየ ban its renewability after the የየየ የየየ የየየየ የየየየየ lþ¬dS completion of the agreement period. y¸CLbTN XDL y¸klKL xYçNM”” 8. የየየ የየየየየየየ የየ b የየየየ 8. The amount of rent to be paid in agreement with private holders may be ymÊT የየየ የየየየየ የየየየየየ determined by agreement to be made y የየየ m«N የየየየየ የየየየ between the lessor and the lessee. b¸ÃdRgùT የየየየ y¸wsN YçÂL”” 9. የየየየ የየየየየ WS_ የየየየየ 9. Unless it is clearly indicated in the rent agreement that the lessee has right to re- የየየየየየ የየየ ÃlW mçnù bGlA rent, he shall, partially or fully, not rent µLtmlkt የየየየየ የየየ† የየየየ the land to the third party. bkðLM çn bÑlù l3¾ wgN የየየየየየ የየየየየየየ 19. blþZ SR›T ytgß bg«R mÊT ym«qM 19. Mortgage of Rural Land Use Right mBTN y:Ä êST xDRgÖ Sl¥SÃZ Obtained in Lease System 1. yg«RN mÊT blþZ ytk‰y ¥N¾WM 1. Any investor who rented rural land in 24