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Dr. Asmaa Sobhy Abd-ellah 
Lecturer of Anesthesia and Intensive Care 
Alzahraa university hospital 
Al-Azhar university 
 Bariatric surgery is a surgical subspecialty that perform 
operations to treat morbid obesity. 
 Over 100,000 laparoscopic Bariatric procedures were 
performed in the US in 2004 
 Most of the patho-physiology & medical conditions 
associated with extreme Obesity are reversible with 
sustained weight loss following Bariatric surgery.
 Indications  Contraindications 
• BMI > 40 kg/ m2 
• BMI > 30 kg/ m2 
with co-morbidities 
• Failed medical 
 Unstable angina 
 Inflammatory diseases of the 
gastrointestinal tract 
 upper gastrointestinal 
bleeding (varices); 
 chronic pancreatitis; 
 laparoscopic surgery may be 
technically difficult in 
patients weighing >180 kg 
and this may be considered a 
relative contraindication.
Surgical approaches designed to treat obesity can be classified as restrictive or 
1-Restrictive procedures 2- Malabsorptive 
A-Vertical-banded gastroplasty, 
B-Adjustable laparoscopic 
gastric banding 
A- Jejunoileal bypass 
B- Biliopancreatic diversion. 
C - Gastric bypass 
involves the creation of a small 
gastric pouch to cause early 
Involve bypass of a portion of the 
small intestine. With the drawbacks of 
relative technical complexity and a risk 
of malnutrition and vitamin 
deficiencies, along with the need for 
close follow-up.
 Definitions : 
 Ch. Metabolic disorder that is primarily caused by over 
consumption of caloric substances 
 AHA defines obesity by BW> 30% of IBW
Ideal Weight = Height – 100 or 105 (Brocca) 
Body Mass Index = weight (kg)/ height ( m) 2 
BMI = 25 kg/m2 – NORMAL 
BMI > 30 – 49.9 kg/m2 OBESE subdivided into classes 
BMI >50 kg/m2 super-obese 
 Health risks increase with the degree of obesity and with 
increased abdominal distribution of weight. 
 Men with a waist measurement of 40 in. and 
 women with a waist measurement of 35 in. are at increased 
health risk.
Colon and breast 
cancer obesity 
Quality of life issues: depression, social 
CV disease 
Liver & Gallbladder 
Risk of sudden 
1. CV System 2- Respiratory system 
 LV dysfunction is often present in young 
asymptomatic patient 
 high cardiac output and an increased 
circulating volume 
 HTN 
 Increased Pre-load & After-load 
 Increased PAP (dyspnea, fatigue, syncope). 
 Fatty Infiltration of conductive system 
 Risk of arrhythmias 
O2 consumption & CO2 production 
WOB increased 
Chest wall compliance low 
Decrease lung volumes 
Obesity- hypovetilation syndrome
Flow-volume loops from 
healthy obese female, aged 
35 yr, BMI = 43 kg/m2,
FEV1, liters (%predicted) 1.33 ± 0.64 (59 ± 17) 1.26 ± 0.21 (60 ± 13) 
FVC, liters (%predicted) 3.10 ± 1.18 (95 ± 16) 2.80 ± 0.60 (92 ± 20) 
FEV1/FVC,% 42 ± 8 47 ± 12 
PEFR, l/s (%predicted) 4.4 ± 1.4 (68 ± 16) 4.4 ± 0.7 (73 ± 16) 
FEF50, l/s (%predicted) 0.5 ± 0.4 (12 ± 8) 0.5 ± 0.2 (14 ± 6) 
TLC, liters (%predicted) 7.44 ± 1.97 (124 ± 15) 6.35 ± 1.66 (109 ± 30*) 
IC, liters (%predicted) 2.24 ± 0.86 (81 ± 18) 2.18 ± 0.35 (84 ± 15) 
FRC, liters (%predicted) 5.20 ± 1.37 (158 ± 27) 4.18 ± 1.51 (130 ± 38*) 
RV, liters (%predicted) 3.83 ± 1.04 (170 ± 43) 3.42 ± 1.29 (154 ± 53) 
RV/TLC, % 52 ± 11 52 ± 9 
ERV, liters (%predicted) 1.37 ± 0.69 (134 ± 50) 0.76 ± 0.42* (80 ± 38*) 
sRaw, cmH2O·s (%predicted) 22.5 ± 9.3 (544 ± 218) 21.5 ± 11.8 (512 ± 270) 
DLCO, ml ·min−1 ·mmHg−1 (%predicted) 13.9 ± 6.5 (75 ± 26) 14.6 ± 5.0 (67 ± 20) 
DLCO/VA, ml ·min−1 ·mmHg−1 l−1(%predicted) 2.86 ± 0.69 (77 ± 16) 3.45 ± 0.88 (93 ± 23) 
MIP, cmH2O (%predicted) −67 ± 22 (89 ± 30) −76 ± 16 (108 ± 38) 
MEP, cmH2O (%predicted) 121 ± 28 (75 ± 17) 125 ± 46 (77 ± 24) 
CLst, l/cmH2O 0.37 ± 0.13 0.29 ± 0.12 
PLst, cmH2O (%predicted) 21.3 ± 5.9 (77 ± 37) 27.4 ± 8.1* (97 ± 25) 
Coefficient of retraction, cmH2O/l 3.1 ± 1.4 4.5 ± 1.5* 
Sniff Pes, cmH2O −64 ± 18 −65 ± 11 
Sniff Pdi, cmH2O† 114 ± 27 127 ± 25 
Cough Pga, cmH2O† 137 ± 66 177 ± 69 
Pulmonary function and static respiratory mechanical measurements
Obesity- Hypoventilation Syndrome 
Pickwickian syndrome: 
2.Severe hypoxemia 
3.Periodic breathing 
4.ventricular enlargement 
5.Dependent edema. 
7.Pulmonary edema.
3. Airways 
a) Limitation of extension and flexion of the C-spine. 
b) Restricted mouth opening from submental fat. 
c) Large tongue. 
d) Redundant intra oral tissue. 
e) small Thyromental distance. 
f) Infantile type anterior laryngeal opening.
4 -GI System. 
 Gastroparesis as obese persons have NIDDM . 
 Increase incidence of reflux, haiatal hernia and 
increase abdominal pressure 
 Fatty Liver w or w/o liver dysfunction is common. 
 Gall bladder disease is also common 
5 –Renal System 
Renal clearance of drugs is increased in obesity because 
of increased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate 
 cardio-respiratory 
& airway 
 Co-morbidities: 
 History of previous surgeries and 
their anesthetic challenges and 
need for ICU admission
 Assessed for use of weight reducing substances, herbal 
supplements, and anorexiant drugs (drugs that acting on the 
brain to reduce the appetite). 
 Chronic use of noradrenergic and serotonergic therapy can 
produce hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, psychosis, and 
catecholamine depletion 
 Patient scheduled for surgery following previous Bariatric surgery 
may have chronic metabolic changes
 CBC 
 bl. Sugar 
 Electrolytes 
 Liver and renal functions 
 Coagulation profile 
 ABG (hypoxia & hypercarbia) 
 ECG (LVH- low QRS amplitude -ischemia) 
 Chest x-ray 
 PFTs 
 Sleep study ( polysomniography) OSA /0SHA
 Explanations of anticipated events during 
preoperative preparation (multiple venipunctures, 
central and arterial lines insertions, awake 
intubation, pain management) and protection of 
the patient’s privacy will relieve anxiety
 Medication for chronic HTN 
 No diabetic medication on the morning of 
 Avoid sedation. 
 Antibiotics 
 DVT prophylaxis (heparin –compressive stocks – 
inferior vena cava filter) 
 Prophylaxis for aspiration
 NIBP can be obtained from the wrist or ankle 
 End-tidal co2 monitoring 
 A-line highly recommended for invasive BP monitoring and 
ABG sampling. 
 CV lines especially if difficult peripheral IV line or 
supermoribid obese 
 Urinary catheter 
 Nerve stimulator: needle electrodes are recommended 
(surface electrode)
 Transfer 
Sufficient manpower must be available to help transfer the 
patient from a bed to the operating table, and special inflation 
mattresses have been designed for this purpose. 
 Table 
It is mandatory to arrange a surgical table 
with an adequate weight limit, and 
appropriate support for body parts and 
cushions for Protection from nerve injury 
Strapping patient to operating table help 
keep from falling off table
 Equipment for difficult airway management ,including laryngeal 
mask and fibroptic bronchoscope should be available and 
surgical airways should be considered 
 Since mask ventilation can be difficult, a second person 
 It is possible that no difference between laryngoscopy and 
intubation in normal and obese if paying attention for proper 
patient positioning
 Adequate pre-oxygenation is vital for obese patient 
usually using 45 degree head-up 
 Use of 10 cm H2O CPAP during pre-oxygenation results 
in high pao2 after intubation and decrease the 
incidence of atelectasis 
 Four vital capacity breaths with 100% oxygen within 
30sec have been suggested as superior to the usually 
recommended 3 min of 100% oxygen in obese patient
Anesthetic drugs should be tailored according to their lipid 
solubility and knowledge of their lingering depressive effects on 
respiration calculated according to IBW or more accurately on 
Lipophilic drugs (i.e. benzodiazepines, thiopental, sufentanyl) 
have a greater volume of distribution and longer elimination half-life 
in obese patients, although the clearance rate is similar to that 
in non-obese patients 
Less lipophilic drugs not affected by vd in obese
Drug Dosing Comments 
Propofol (LBW) Preferable induction agent. Titrate dosing to effect 
Thiopental TBW Increased Vd. Increased blood volume, cardiac output, and muscle mass Increased absolute 
dose. Prolonged duration of action 
Midazolam LBW Central Vd increases in line with body weight. Increased absolute dose. Prolonged sedation 
because larger initial doses are needed to achieve adequate serum concentrations 
Succinylcholine TBW Plasma cholinesterase activity increases in proportion to body weight. Increased absolute dose 
Vecuronium LBW Recovery may be delayed if given according to TBW because of increased Vd and impaired 
hepatic clearance 
Rocuronium LBW Faster onset and longer duration of action. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are not 
altered in obese subjects 
LBW Absolute clearance, Vd, and elimination half-life do not change. Unchanged dose per unit body 
weight without prolongation of recovery because of organ- independent elimination 
Fentanyl LBW Increased Vd and elimination half-time, which correlates positively with 
Sufentanil LBW the degree of obesity. Distributes as extensively in excess body mass as in lean tissues. Dose 
should account for total body mass. 
Remifentanil IBW Systemic clearance and Vd corrected per kilogram of TBW—significantly smaller in the obese. 
Pharmacokinetics are similar in obese and nonobese patients 
Neostigmine LBW Reversal of muscle relaxants may be slower than in non -obese patients.
 Ramped position “stacking”
 Any of the commonly available intravenous induction agents may 
be used after taking into consideration problems pecular to individual 
 Obese patients may require larger doses of succinylcholine 
because of greater levels of pseudocholinesterase than in non-obese 
 Neuromuscular recovery time is similar in obese & non-obese 
patient with Atracurium &CIS-ATRACURIUM (NIMBEX)
 Bariatric procedures are usually performed laparoscopically 
unless there is a contraindication such as previous extensive 
abdominal surgery. 
 Therefore, patients are usually placed in a steep reverse 
Trendelenburg position, 
 Although offering a slight respiratory advantage, this 
position, however, exacerbates venous pooling in the limbs, 
decreasing venous return and contributing to the high risk of 
venous thromboembolism.
 Pneumoperitoneum causes systemic changes during 
laparoscopy. The gas most often used for this purpose is 
carbon dioxide. Positioning, such as Trendelenburg, can worsen 
the systemic changes of pneumoperitoneum 
 Systemic vascular resistance is increased with increased 
intraabdominal pressure (IAP). The degree of IAP determines its 
effects on venous return and myocardial performance 
 There is a biphasic cardiovascular response to increases in IAP.
Continuous infusion of short-acting ,such as propofol 
or any inhalational agents or a combination may be 
used to maintain anesthesia 
Desflurane, sevoflurane and isoflurane are minimally 
metabolized and are therefore useful agents in the obese 
patient. Desflurane possibly providing better hemodynamic 
stability and faster washout
 short-acting opioids combined with a low-solubility inhalational 
anesthetic, facilitate a more rapid emergence without increasing 
opioid-related side effects 
 short-acting NDMR is a better choiced for maintenance of 
 Combined epidural and general balanced anesthesia 
has been advocated to allow better titration of 
anesthetic drugs, use of a larger oxygen concentration, 
and optimal muscle relaxation for upper abdominal 
surgery in the obese
 VT – 10-12 mL/Kg IBW 
 FiO2 up to 1.0 may be needed 
 RR 12- 14 bpm 
 High PiP will be needed 
 PEEP = 5cm H2O or more but … 
 N2O is avoided
 Fluid requirements are usually larger to prevent postoperative acute 
tubular necrosis 
 Patients usually require up to twice the calculated maintenance fluid 
requirement plus the calculated deficit based on a 12-h fasting for 
the first hour by using the 4-2-1 formula 
 The next hour usually requires the same amount of crystalloid, 
 After which the amounts are reduced to approximately half the 
calculated maintenance requirement, based on LBM, For the next 12 
beach chair: Upper body elevated 30-45 degree. 
Neuromuscular blockade : must be fully reversed and adequate muscle 
strength has to be returned before patient is extubated 
Oxygenation: Restoration of normal pulmonary function after abdominal 
surgery may take several days. 
 Nasal cannula or face mask O2. 
 Nasal CPAP 
 BiPAP 
 Spirometry
Avoid IM injection 
Analgesia can be provided through: 
 An IV opioid via PCA dosed on the basis of IBW 
 IV opioid 
 Epidural analgesia with local anesthetic or opioids 
 Local infiltration of the incision with local anesthetic 
 NSAIDs as an adjunctive to opioids and local infiltration
 For regional anesthesia , special equipments in terms of longer 
needles or special ultrasound probes may be needed 
 Care should be exercised in dosing 
 Laparoscopy can be difficult in super-morbid obese patient 
 Remove all endogastric tubes completely before gastric division 
 After RYGB pouch is created, the anesthiologist should not 
blindly insert the NG tube
 Overall, each type of surgery was safe, with the more complex 
surgeries carrying a greater risk of morbidity and mortality. 
 Mortality ranged from a; 
 low of 0.1% for restrictive procedures to 
 1.3% for biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch. 
Effect on co-morbidities 
oDiabetes resolved in 76.8% of cases, 
o lipid profiles improved in70.0%, 
oHypertension resolved in 61.7%, and 
o obstructive sleep apnea resolved in 85.7%.
 Bariatric surgery is fraught with complexities that need careful consideration. 
 All members of the multidisciplinary team must be involved throughout all 
stages of assessment, surgery, and follow up. 
 Weight loss surgery is associated with a decrease in obesity related co-morbidities, 
which often are not seen in lifestyle changes alone. 
 Patients must be fully counselled on the operative and postoperative sequelae 
of surgery so that they understand the risks. 
 Ensuring that patients are fully optimized before their surgery and receive the 
appropriate levels of care during and after their operations is paramount.

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Anesthesia for bariatric surgery asma

  • 1. By Dr. Asmaa Sobhy Abd-ellah Lecturer of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Alzahraa university hospital Al-Azhar university 3/21/2013
  • 2.  Bariatric surgery is a surgical subspecialty that perform operations to treat morbid obesity.  Over 100,000 laparoscopic Bariatric procedures were performed in the US in 2004  Most of the patho-physiology & medical conditions associated with extreme Obesity are reversible with sustained weight loss following Bariatric surgery.
  • 3.  Indications  Contraindications • BMI > 40 kg/ m2 • BMI > 30 kg/ m2 with co-morbidities • Failed medical treatment  Unstable angina  Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract  upper gastrointestinal bleeding (varices);  chronic pancreatitis;  laparoscopic surgery may be technically difficult in patients weighing >180 kg and this may be considered a relative contraindication.
  • 4. Surgical approaches designed to treat obesity can be classified as restrictive or malabsorptive 1-Restrictive procedures 2- Malabsorptive A-Vertical-banded gastroplasty, B-Adjustable laparoscopic gastric banding procedures A- Jejunoileal bypass B- Biliopancreatic diversion. C - Gastric bypass involves the creation of a small gastric pouch to cause early satiety; Involve bypass of a portion of the small intestine. With the drawbacks of relative technical complexity and a risk of malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies, along with the need for close follow-up.
  • 5.  Definitions :  Ch. Metabolic disorder that is primarily caused by over consumption of caloric substances  AHA defines obesity by BW> 30% of IBW
  • 6. Ideal Weight = Height – 100 or 105 (Brocca) Body Mass Index = weight (kg)/ height ( m) 2 BMI = 25 kg/m2 – NORMAL BMI > 30 – 49.9 kg/m2 OBESE subdivided into classes BMI >50 kg/m2 super-obese  Health risks increase with the degree of obesity and with increased abdominal distribution of weight.  Men with a waist measurement of 40 in. and  women with a waist measurement of 35 in. are at increased health risk.
  • 7. NIDDM HTN Colon and breast cancer obesity Quality of life issues: depression, social incompetence CV disease OSA Liver & Gallbladder diseases Arthritis Risk of sudden death
  • 8. 1. CV System 2- Respiratory system  LV dysfunction is often present in young asymptomatic patient  high cardiac output and an increased circulating volume  HTN  Increased Pre-load & After-load  Increased PAP (dyspnea, fatigue, syncope).  Fatty Infiltration of conductive system  Risk of arrhythmias O2 consumption & CO2 production increased WOB increased Chest wall compliance low FRC<CC Decrease lung volumes Obesity- hypovetilation syndrome
  • 9. Flow-volume loops from healthy obese female, aged 35 yr, BMI = 43 kg/m2,
  • 10. NW OB FEV1, liters (%predicted) 1.33 ± 0.64 (59 ± 17) 1.26 ± 0.21 (60 ± 13) FVC, liters (%predicted) 3.10 ± 1.18 (95 ± 16) 2.80 ± 0.60 (92 ± 20) FEV1/FVC,% 42 ± 8 47 ± 12 PEFR, l/s (%predicted) 4.4 ± 1.4 (68 ± 16) 4.4 ± 0.7 (73 ± 16) FEF50, l/s (%predicted) 0.5 ± 0.4 (12 ± 8) 0.5 ± 0.2 (14 ± 6) TLC, liters (%predicted) 7.44 ± 1.97 (124 ± 15) 6.35 ± 1.66 (109 ± 30*) IC, liters (%predicted) 2.24 ± 0.86 (81 ± 18) 2.18 ± 0.35 (84 ± 15) FRC, liters (%predicted) 5.20 ± 1.37 (158 ± 27) 4.18 ± 1.51 (130 ± 38*) RV, liters (%predicted) 3.83 ± 1.04 (170 ± 43) 3.42 ± 1.29 (154 ± 53) RV/TLC, % 52 ± 11 52 ± 9 ERV, liters (%predicted) 1.37 ± 0.69 (134 ± 50) 0.76 ± 0.42* (80 ± 38*) sRaw, cmH2O·s (%predicted) 22.5 ± 9.3 (544 ± 218) 21.5 ± 11.8 (512 ± 270) DLCO, ml ·min−1 ·mmHg−1 (%predicted) 13.9 ± 6.5 (75 ± 26) 14.6 ± 5.0 (67 ± 20) DLCO/VA, ml ·min−1 ·mmHg−1 l−1(%predicted) 2.86 ± 0.69 (77 ± 16) 3.45 ± 0.88 (93 ± 23) MIP, cmH2O (%predicted) −67 ± 22 (89 ± 30) −76 ± 16 (108 ± 38) MEP, cmH2O (%predicted) 121 ± 28 (75 ± 17) 125 ± 46 (77 ± 24) CLst, l/cmH2O 0.37 ± 0.13 0.29 ± 0.12 PLst, cmH2O (%predicted) 21.3 ± 5.9 (77 ± 37) 27.4 ± 8.1* (97 ± 25) Coefficient of retraction, cmH2O/l 3.1 ± 1.4 4.5 ± 1.5* Sniff Pes, cmH2O −64 ± 18 −65 ± 11 Sniff Pdi, cmH2O† 114 ± 27 127 ± 25 Cough Pga, cmH2O† 137 ± 66 177 ± 69 Pulmonary function and static respiratory mechanical measurements
  • 11. Obesity- Hypoventilation Syndrome Pickwickian syndrome: 1.Hypercapnia 2.Severe hypoxemia 3.Periodic breathing 4.ventricular enlargement 5.Dependent edema. 6.Polycythemia. 7.Pulmonary edema.
  • 12. 3. Airways a) Limitation of extension and flexion of the C-spine. b) Restricted mouth opening from submental fat. c) Large tongue. d) Redundant intra oral tissue. e) small Thyromental distance. f) Infantile type anterior laryngeal opening.
  • 13. 4 -GI System.  Gastroparesis as obese persons have NIDDM .  Increase incidence of reflux, haiatal hernia and increase abdominal pressure  Fatty Liver w or w/o liver dysfunction is common.  Gall bladder disease is also common 5 –Renal System Renal clearance of drugs is increased in obesity because of increased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
  • 14.
  • 15.  cardio-respiratory & airway  Co-morbidities:  History of previous surgeries and their anesthetic challenges and need for ICU admission
  • 16.  Assessed for use of weight reducing substances, herbal supplements, and anorexiant drugs (drugs that acting on the brain to reduce the appetite).  Chronic use of noradrenergic and serotonergic therapy can produce hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, psychosis, and catecholamine depletion  Patient scheduled for surgery following previous Bariatric surgery may have chronic metabolic changes
  • 17.  CBC  bl. Sugar  Electrolytes  Liver and renal functions  Coagulation profile  ABG (hypoxia & hypercarbia)  ECG (LVH- low QRS amplitude -ischemia)  Chest x-ray  PFTs  Sleep study ( polysomniography) OSA /0SHA
  • 18.  Explanations of anticipated events during preoperative preparation (multiple venipunctures, central and arterial lines insertions, awake intubation, pain management) and protection of the patient’s privacy will relieve anxiety
  • 19.
  • 20.  Medication for chronic HTN  No diabetic medication on the morning of surgery  Avoid sedation.  Antibiotics  DVT prophylaxis (heparin –compressive stocks – inferior vena cava filter)  Prophylaxis for aspiration
  • 21.  NIBP can be obtained from the wrist or ankle  End-tidal co2 monitoring  A-line highly recommended for invasive BP monitoring and ABG sampling.  CV lines especially if difficult peripheral IV line or supermoribid obese  Urinary catheter  Nerve stimulator: needle electrodes are recommended (surface electrode)
  • 22.  Transfer Sufficient manpower must be available to help transfer the patient from a bed to the operating table, and special inflation mattresses have been designed for this purpose.  Table It is mandatory to arrange a surgical table with an adequate weight limit, and appropriate support for body parts and cushions for Protection from nerve injury Strapping patient to operating table help keep from falling off table
  • 23.  Equipment for difficult airway management ,including laryngeal mask and fibroptic bronchoscope should be available and surgical airways should be considered  Since mask ventilation can be difficult, a second person  It is possible that no difference between laryngoscopy and intubation in normal and obese if paying attention for proper patient positioning
  • 24.  Adequate pre-oxygenation is vital for obese patient usually using 45 degree head-up  Use of 10 cm H2O CPAP during pre-oxygenation results in high pao2 after intubation and decrease the incidence of atelectasis  Four vital capacity breaths with 100% oxygen within 30sec have been suggested as superior to the usually recommended 3 min of 100% oxygen in obese patient
  • 25. Anesthetic drugs should be tailored according to their lipid solubility and knowledge of their lingering depressive effects on respiration calculated according to IBW or more accurately on LBW Lipophilic drugs (i.e. benzodiazepines, thiopental, sufentanyl) have a greater volume of distribution and longer elimination half-life in obese patients, although the clearance rate is similar to that in non-obese patients Less lipophilic drugs not affected by vd in obese
  • 26. Drug Dosing Comments Propofol (LBW) Preferable induction agent. Titrate dosing to effect Thiopental TBW Increased Vd. Increased blood volume, cardiac output, and muscle mass Increased absolute dose. Prolonged duration of action Midazolam LBW Central Vd increases in line with body weight. Increased absolute dose. Prolonged sedation because larger initial doses are needed to achieve adequate serum concentrations Succinylcholine TBW Plasma cholinesterase activity increases in proportion to body weight. Increased absolute dose Vecuronium LBW Recovery may be delayed if given according to TBW because of increased Vd and impaired hepatic clearance Rocuronium LBW Faster onset and longer duration of action. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are not altered in obese subjects Atracurium Cisatracurium LBW Absolute clearance, Vd, and elimination half-life do not change. Unchanged dose per unit body weight without prolongation of recovery because of organ- independent elimination Fentanyl LBW Increased Vd and elimination half-time, which correlates positively with Sufentanil LBW the degree of obesity. Distributes as extensively in excess body mass as in lean tissues. Dose should account for total body mass. Remifentanil IBW Systemic clearance and Vd corrected per kilogram of TBW—significantly smaller in the obese. Pharmacokinetics are similar in obese and nonobese patients Neostigmine LBW Reversal of muscle relaxants may be slower than in non -obese patients.
  • 27.  Ramped position “stacking”
  • 28.  Any of the commonly available intravenous induction agents may be used after taking into consideration problems pecular to individual patients  Obese patients may require larger doses of succinylcholine because of greater levels of pseudocholinesterase than in non-obese patients.  Neuromuscular recovery time is similar in obese & non-obese patient with Atracurium &CIS-ATRACURIUM (NIMBEX)
  • 29.  Bariatric procedures are usually performed laparoscopically unless there is a contraindication such as previous extensive abdominal surgery.  Therefore, patients are usually placed in a steep reverse Trendelenburg position,  Although offering a slight respiratory advantage, this position, however, exacerbates venous pooling in the limbs, decreasing venous return and contributing to the high risk of venous thromboembolism.
  • 30.  Pneumoperitoneum causes systemic changes during laparoscopy. The gas most often used for this purpose is carbon dioxide. Positioning, such as Trendelenburg, can worsen the systemic changes of pneumoperitoneum  Systemic vascular resistance is increased with increased intraabdominal pressure (IAP). The degree of IAP determines its effects on venous return and myocardial performance  There is a biphasic cardiovascular response to increases in IAP.
  • 31. Continuous infusion of short-acting ,such as propofol or any inhalational agents or a combination may be used to maintain anesthesia Desflurane, sevoflurane and isoflurane are minimally metabolized and are therefore useful agents in the obese patient. Desflurane possibly providing better hemodynamic stability and faster washout
  • 32.  short-acting opioids combined with a low-solubility inhalational anesthetic, facilitate a more rapid emergence without increasing opioid-related side effects  short-acting NDMR is a better choiced for maintenance of anesthesia  Combined epidural and general balanced anesthesia has been advocated to allow better titration of anesthetic drugs, use of a larger oxygen concentration, and optimal muscle relaxation for upper abdominal surgery in the obese
  • 33.  VT – 10-12 mL/Kg IBW  FiO2 up to 1.0 may be needed  RR 12- 14 bpm  High PiP will be needed  PEEP = 5cm H2O or more but …  N2O is avoided
  • 34.  Fluid requirements are usually larger to prevent postoperative acute tubular necrosis  Patients usually require up to twice the calculated maintenance fluid requirement plus the calculated deficit based on a 12-h fasting for the first hour by using the 4-2-1 formula  The next hour usually requires the same amount of crystalloid,  After which the amounts are reduced to approximately half the calculated maintenance requirement, based on LBM, For the next 12 h
  • 35. Position: beach chair: Upper body elevated 30-45 degree. Neuromuscular blockade : must be fully reversed and adequate muscle strength has to be returned before patient is extubated Oxygenation: Restoration of normal pulmonary function after abdominal surgery may take several days.  Nasal cannula or face mask O2.  Nasal CPAP  BiPAP  Spirometry
  • 36. Avoid IM injection Analgesia can be provided through:  An IV opioid via PCA dosed on the basis of IBW  IV opioid  Epidural analgesia with local anesthetic or opioids  Local infiltration of the incision with local anesthetic  NSAIDs as an adjunctive to opioids and local infiltration
  • 37.  For regional anesthesia , special equipments in terms of longer needles or special ultrasound probes may be needed  Care should be exercised in dosing  Laparoscopy can be difficult in super-morbid obese patient  Remove all endogastric tubes completely before gastric division  After RYGB pouch is created, the anesthiologist should not blindly insert the NG tube
  • 38.  Overall, each type of surgery was safe, with the more complex surgeries carrying a greater risk of morbidity and mortality.  Mortality ranged from a;  low of 0.1% for restrictive procedures to  1.3% for biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch. Effect on co-morbidities oDiabetes resolved in 76.8% of cases, o lipid profiles improved in70.0%, oHypertension resolved in 61.7%, and o obstructive sleep apnea resolved in 85.7%.
  • 39.  Bariatric surgery is fraught with complexities that need careful consideration.  All members of the multidisciplinary team must be involved throughout all stages of assessment, surgery, and follow up.  Weight loss surgery is associated with a decrease in obesity related co-morbidities, which often are not seen in lifestyle changes alone.  Patients must be fully counselled on the operative and postoperative sequelae of surgery so that they understand the risks.  Ensuring that patients are fully optimized before their surgery and receive the appropriate levels of care during and after their operations is paramount.