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// READ BEFORE YOU START: // You are given a partially completed program that creates a
list of pets with their list of checkups. // Each pet has the corresponding information: name,
breed, and a linked list of checkups. // To begin, you should trace through the given code and
understand how it works. // Please read the instructions above each required function and follow
the directions carefully. // If you modify any of the given code, the return types, or the
parameters, you risk failing the automated test cases. // // You are to assume that all input is
valid: // Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid
breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String
in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length
and no more than the allowed amount of memory will be used // // Q1 : CLASS METHODS Part
1 : Constructor and Accessor Methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file ( 5 points) // Q2 : CLASS
METHODS Part 2 : Class methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file (10
points) // Q3 : Add Function in hw09.cpp file
( 5 points) // Q4 : Search Function in hw09.cpp file
(10 points) // Q5 : Remove One Function in hw09.cpp
file (15 points) // Q6 : Implement
cin / cout for the lines in main without modifying the functionality ( 5 points)
#include #include #include #include "Container.h" #include "Pet.h" #include "Checkup.h"
using namespace std; // forward declarations void flush(); void branching(char); void
helper(char); void add_pet(string, string); Pet* search_pet(string, string); void
remove_pet(string, string); void clean_up(Pet*); void print_all(); void remove_all(); Container*
list = NULL; // global list int main() { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF |
_CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // Use to check for memory leaks in VS char ch = 'i';
do { // Q6: Implement cin / cout for the lines below without modifying the
functionality (5 points) // (change all printf statements to cout and read the next char
using cin) printf("Please enter your selection "); printf("ta: add a new pet
to the list "); printf("tc: add a new checkup for a pet "); printf("tr:
remove a pet from the list "); printf("tp: print all pets on the list ");
printf("tq: quit "); ch = getchar(); // End Q6 flush();
branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(); list = NULL; return 0; }
void flush() { int c; do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } void
branching(char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'r': case 'p':
helper(c); break; case 'q': break; default:
printf(" Invalid input!  "); } } // The helper function is used to determine how much data
is needed and which function to send that data to. // It uses pointers and values that are returned
from some functions to produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but
you should study this function and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how
the code works before implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or
you risk failing the automated test cases. void helper(char c) { string name, breed; if (c
== 'p') print_all(); else { cout << endl << "Please enter the pet's
name: " << endl; cin >> name; cout << "Please enter the pet's breed: " <<
endl; cin >> breed; flush(); Pet* pet_result = search_pet(name, breed);
if (c == 'a') // add pet { if (pet_result == NULL) {
add_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet added." <<
endl << endl; } else cout << endl << "Pet
already on list." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'c') // add checkup
{ if (pet_result == NULL) { cout << endl <<
"Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; }
string date; cout << "Please enter the date of the checkup: " << endl;
cin >> date; flush(); pet_result->addCheckup(date); cout <<
endl << "Checkup added." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'r') // remove
pet { if (pet_result == NULL) { cout
<< endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; }
remove_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet removed from the list."
<< endl << endl; } } } // Q3: Add Pet (5 points) // This function will be used to
add a new pet to the head of you linked list of containers, no need for sorting. // The search
function is called before this function, therefore you can assume the pet is not already on the list.
// If the pet is added to the list, return 1. If the pet already exists on the list (not added), return 0.
void add_pet(string name, string breed) { } // Q4: Search (10 points) // This function will be
used to search for a pet on the list. // Pets on the list may have the same name OR the same
breed, but should not have the same name AND breed. // Therefore, you must traverse the list
and return a pointer to a 'Pet' with the desired name AND breed. // If the pet does not exist on
the list, return NULL. (See helper function for use of this function). Pet* search_pet(string name,
string breed) { return NULL; } // Q5: Remove Pet (15 points) // This function will be used
to remove a pet from the list. // Traverse the list and use the parameters to remove the pet. // Use
proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_pet(string name, string
breed) { } // This function is already implemented for you. It traverses the list and removes all
pets to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_all() { while (list != NULL) {
Container* container_to_be_removed = list; list = list->next; while
(container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups != NULL) { Checkup
*checkup_to_be_removed = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups;
container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups->next;
delete checkup_to_be_removed; } delete
container_to_be_removed->pet; delete container_to_be_removed; } } // This
function is already implemented for you. It prints all of the pets in the list in an organized format.
void print_all() { if (list == NULL) cout << endl << "List is empty!" << endl << endl;
Container *container_traverser = list; while (container_traverser != NULL) {
cout << endl << "Name: " << container_traverser->pet->getName() << endl <<
"Breed: " << container_traverser->pet->getBreed() << endl; string
last_checkup = container_traverser->pet->lastCheckup(); if (last_checkup.empty())
cout << "Last Checkup: " << "N/A" << endl << endl; else
cout << "Last Checkup: " << last_checkup << endl << endl; container_traverser =
container_traverser->next; } }
Dear Asker,
Note/Important: Following solution is as correct as possible, without looking at code of
'Container.h', 'Pet.h' and 'Checkup.h'. This solution WAS NOT tested becuase the three files
are needed to test it.
There may be some functions of Pet class missing in this solution [Q2], since definition of 'Pet'
class is not supplied, the difinitions of 'Pet' class methods are given in this solution which can
be cut-pasted into Pet.cpp carefully.
Please share these 3 files as well, to receive complete executable code. In any case, following
solution will give you an idea to approach the problem.
Here is the solution:
// You are given a partially completed program that creates a list of pets with their list of
// Each pet has the corresponding information: name, breed, and a linked list of checkups.
// To begin, you should trace through the given code and understand how it works.
// Please read the instructions above each required function and follow the directions carefully.
// If you modify any of the given code, the return types, or the parameters, you risk failing the
automated test cases.
// You are to assume that all input is valid:
// Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
// Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
// Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010"
// All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed amount of memory will be used
// Q1 : CLASS METHODS Part 1 : Constructor and Accessor Methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp
file ( 5 points)
// Q2 : CLASS METHODS Part 2 : Class methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file (10 points)
// Q3 : Add Function in hw09.cpp file ( 5 points)
// Q4 : Search Function in hw09.cpp file (10 points)
// Q5 : Remove One Function in hw09.cpp file (15 points)
// Q6 : Implement cin / cout for the lines in main without modifying the functionality ( 5 points)
#include "Container.h"
#include "Pet.h"
#include "Checkup.h"
using namespace std;
// forward declarations
void flush();
void branching(char);
void helper(char);
void add_pet(string, string);
Pet* search_pet(string, string);
void remove_pet(string, string);
void clean_up(Pet*);
void print_all();
void remove_all();
Container* list = NULL; // global list
Pet::Pet(string petName, string petBreed){
name = petName;
breed = petBreed;
//Q1 answer
string Pet::getName(){
return name;
string Pet::getBreed(){
return breed;
Checkup* Pet::getCheckups()
return checkups;
//Q1 answer complete
//Q2 answer
string Pet::lastCheckup()
//ensure checkup list is not empty
if (checkups!=NULL)
return checkups->date;
//if there have never been any checkup, return empty strin
return "";
void Pet::addCheckup(string date)
Checkup c(date);
c->next = checkups;
checkups = c;
//Q2 answer complete
int main()
check for memory leaks in VS
char ch = 'i';
do {
// Q6: Implement cin / cout for the lines below without modifying the functionality (5 points)
// (change all printf statements to cout and read the next char using cin)
cout<<"Please enter your selection ";
cout<<"ta: add a new pet to the list ";
cout<<"tc: add a new checkup for a pet ";
cout<<"tr: remove a pet from the list ";
cout<<"tp: print all pets on the list ";
cout<<"tq: quit ");
// End Q6
} while (ch != 'q');
list = NULL;
return 0;
void flush()
int c;
do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF);
void branching(char c)
switch (c) {
case 'a':
case 'c':
case 'r':
case 'p':
case 'q':
printf(" Invalid input!  ");
// The helper function is used to determine how much data is needed and which function to send
that data to.
// It uses pointers and values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput.
// There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it
// It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features.
// Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases.
void helper(char c)
string name, breed;
if (c == 'p')
cout << endl << "Please enter the pet's name: " << endl;
cin >> name;
cout << "Please enter the pet's breed: " << endl;
cin >> breed; flush();
Pet* pet_result = search_pet(name, breed);
if (c == 'a') // add pet
if (pet_result == NULL)
add_pet(name, breed);
cout << endl << "Pet added." << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "Pet already on list." << endl << endl;
else if (c == 'c') // add checkup
if (pet_result == NULL)
cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl;
string date;
cout << "Please enter the date of the checkup: " << endl;
cin >> date; flush();
cout << endl << "Checkup added." << endl << endl;
else if (c == 'r') // remove pet
if (pet_result == NULL)
cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl;
remove_pet(name, breed);
cout << endl << "Pet removed from the list." << endl << endl;
// Q3: Add Pet (5 points)
// This function will be used to add a new pet to the head of you linked list of containers, no
need for sorting.
// The search function is called before this function, therefore you can assume the pet is not
already on the list.
// If the pet is added to the list, return 1. If the pet already exists on the list (not added), return 0.
void add_pet(string name, string breed)
Container c;
Pet p(name, breed);
C->pet = p;
c->next = list;
list = c;
// Q4: Search (10 points)
// This function will be used to search for a pet on the list.
// Pets on the list may have the same name OR the same breed, but should not have the same
name AND breed.
// Therefore, you must traverse the list and return a pointer to a 'Pet' with the desired name
AND breed.
// If the pet does not exist on the list, return NULL. (See helper function for use of this function).
Pet* search_pet(string name, string breed)
Container* temp = list;
if(temp->pet->getName()==name && temp->pet->getBreed()==bread){
return temp->pet;
temp = temp->next;
return NULL;
// Q5: Remove Pet (15 points)
// This function will be used to remove a pet from the list.
// Traverse the list and use the parameters to remove the pet.
// Use proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks.
void remove_pet(string name, string breed)
//if container is empty
//if container has only one element and the first container has to be removed
else if(list->next==NULL)
if(list->pet->getName()==name && list->pet->getBreed()=bread)
//delete the checkups first
Checkup* temp_checkup = list->pet->checkups->checkup;
list->pet->checkups = list->pet->checkups->next;
delete temp_checkup;
delete list->pet;
delete list;
list = NULL;
//if container has more than one pets and first container has to be removed
else if(list->next!=NULL){
Container* listnext=list->next;
if(list->pet->getName()==name && list->pet->getBreed()=bread)
//delete the checkups first
Checkup* temp_checkup = list->pet->checkups->checkup;
list->pet->checkups = list->pet->checkups->next;
delete temp_checkup;
delete list->pet;
//last possibility is that the pet to be removed is in 2nd or later container
Container* current = list;
Container* current_next= list->next;
if(current_next->pet->getName()==name && current_next->pet->getBreed()==bread){
//delete the checkups first
Checkup* temp_checkup = current_next->pet->checkups->checkup;
current_next->pet->checkups = current_next->pet->checkups->next;
delete temp_checkup;
delete current_next->pet;
delete current_next;
// This function is already implemented for you. It traverses the list and removes all pets to
ensure no memory leaks.
void remove_all()
while (list != NULL)
Container* container_to_be_removed = list;
list = list->next;
while (container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups != NULL)
Checkup *checkup_to_be_removed = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups;
container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups->next;
delete checkup_to_be_removed;
delete container_to_be_removed->pet;
delete container_to_be_removed;
// This function is already implemented for you. It prints all of the pets in the list in an organized
void print_all()
if (list == NULL) cout << endl << "List is empty!" << endl << endl;
Container *container_traverser = list;
while (container_traverser != NULL)
cout << endl <<
"Name: " << container_traverser->pet->getName() << endl <<
"Breed: " << container_traverser->pet->getBreed() << endl;
string last_checkup = container_traverser->pet->lastCheckup();
if (last_checkup.empty())
cout << "Last Checkup: " << "N/A" << endl << endl;
cout << "Last Checkup: " << last_checkup << endl << endl;
container_traverser = container_traverser->next;

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READ BEFORE YOU START You are given a partially completed pr.pdf

  • 1. // READ BEFORE YOU START: // You are given a partially completed program that creates a list of pets with their list of checkups. // Each pet has the corresponding information: name, breed, and a linked list of checkups. // To begin, you should trace through the given code and understand how it works. // Please read the instructions above each required function and follow the directions carefully. // If you modify any of the given code, the return types, or the parameters, you risk failing the automated test cases. // // You are to assume that all input is valid: // Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed amount of memory will be used // // Q1 : CLASS METHODS Part 1 : Constructor and Accessor Methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file ( 5 points) // Q2 : CLASS METHODS Part 2 : Class methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file (10 points) // Q3 : Add Function in hw09.cpp file ( 5 points) // Q4 : Search Function in hw09.cpp file (10 points) // Q5 : Remove One Function in hw09.cpp file (15 points) // Q6 : Implement cin / cout for the lines in main without modifying the functionality ( 5 points) #include #include #include #include "Container.h" #include "Pet.h" #include "Checkup.h" using namespace std; // forward declarations void flush(); void branching(char); void helper(char); void add_pet(string, string); Pet* search_pet(string, string); void remove_pet(string, string); void clean_up(Pet*); void print_all(); void remove_all(); Container* list = NULL; // global list int main() { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // Use to check for memory leaks in VS char ch = 'i'; do { // Q6: Implement cin / cout for the lines below without modifying the functionality (5 points) // (change all printf statements to cout and read the next char using cin) printf("Please enter your selection "); printf("ta: add a new pet to the list "); printf("tc: add a new checkup for a pet "); printf("tr: remove a pet from the list "); printf("tp: print all pets on the list "); printf("tq: quit "); ch = getchar(); // End Q6 flush(); branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(); list = NULL; return 0; } void flush() { int c; do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } void branching(char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'r': case 'p': helper(c); break; case 'q': break; default: printf(" Invalid input! "); } } // The helper function is used to determine how much data is needed and which function to send that data to. // It uses pointers and values that are returned
  • 2. from some functions to produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases. void helper(char c) { string name, breed; if (c == 'p') print_all(); else { cout << endl << "Please enter the pet's name: " << endl; cin >> name; cout << "Please enter the pet's breed: " << endl; cin >> breed; flush(); Pet* pet_result = search_pet(name, breed); if (c == 'a') // add pet { if (pet_result == NULL) { add_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet added." << endl << endl; } else cout << endl << "Pet already on list." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'c') // add checkup { if (pet_result == NULL) { cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; } string date; cout << "Please enter the date of the checkup: " << endl; cin >> date; flush(); pet_result->addCheckup(date); cout << endl << "Checkup added." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'r') // remove pet { if (pet_result == NULL) { cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; } remove_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet removed from the list." << endl << endl; } } } // Q3: Add Pet (5 points) // This function will be used to add a new pet to the head of you linked list of containers, no need for sorting. // The search function is called before this function, therefore you can assume the pet is not already on the list. // If the pet is added to the list, return 1. If the pet already exists on the list (not added), return 0. void add_pet(string name, string breed) { } // Q4: Search (10 points) // This function will be used to search for a pet on the list. // Pets on the list may have the same name OR the same breed, but should not have the same name AND breed. // Therefore, you must traverse the list and return a pointer to a 'Pet' with the desired name AND breed. // If the pet does not exist on the list, return NULL. (See helper function for use of this function). Pet* search_pet(string name, string breed) { return NULL; } // Q5: Remove Pet (15 points) // This function will be used to remove a pet from the list. // Traverse the list and use the parameters to remove the pet. // Use proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_pet(string name, string breed) { } // This function is already implemented for you. It traverses the list and removes all pets to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_all() { while (list != NULL) { Container* container_to_be_removed = list; list = list->next; while (container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups != NULL) { Checkup *checkup_to_be_removed = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups;
  • 3. container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups->next; delete checkup_to_be_removed; } delete container_to_be_removed->pet; delete container_to_be_removed; } } // This function is already implemented for you. It prints all of the pets in the list in an organized format. void print_all() { if (list == NULL) cout << endl << "List is empty!" << endl << endl; Container *container_traverser = list; while (container_traverser != NULL) { cout << endl << "Name: " << container_traverser->pet->getName() << endl << "Breed: " << container_traverser->pet->getBreed() << endl; string last_checkup = container_traverser->pet->lastCheckup(); if (last_checkup.empty()) cout << "Last Checkup: " << "N/A" << endl << endl; else cout << "Last Checkup: " << last_checkup << endl << endl; container_traverser = container_traverser->next; } } Solution Dear Asker, Note/Important: Following solution is as correct as possible, without looking at code of 'Container.h', 'Pet.h' and 'Checkup.h'. This solution WAS NOT tested becuase the three files are needed to test it. There may be some functions of Pet class missing in this solution [Q2], since definition of 'Pet' class is not supplied, the difinitions of 'Pet' class methods are given in this solution which can be cut-pasted into Pet.cpp carefully. Please share these 3 files as well, to receive complete executable code. In any case, following solution will give you an idea to approach the problem. Here is the solution: // READ BEFORE YOU START: // You are given a partially completed program that creates a list of pets with their list of checkups. // Each pet has the corresponding information: name, breed, and a linked list of checkups. // To begin, you should trace through the given code and understand how it works. // Please read the instructions above each required function and follow the directions carefully. // If you modify any of the given code, the return types, or the parameters, you risk failing the automated test cases. // // You are to assume that all input is valid: // Valid name: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter
  • 4. // Valid breed: String containing alphabetical letters beginning with a capital letter // Valid date: String in the following format: "MM/DD/YYYY" ex: "01/01/2010" // All input will be a valid length and no more than the allowed amount of memory will be used // // Q1 : CLASS METHODS Part 1 : Constructor and Accessor Methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file ( 5 points) // Q2 : CLASS METHODS Part 2 : Class methods for Pet class in Pet.cpp file (10 points) // Q3 : Add Function in hw09.cpp file ( 5 points) // Q4 : Search Function in hw09.cpp file (10 points) // Q5 : Remove One Function in hw09.cpp file (15 points) // Q6 : Implement cin / cout for the lines in main without modifying the functionality ( 5 points) #include #include #include #include "Container.h" #include "Pet.h" #include "Checkup.h" using namespace std; // forward declarations void flush(); void branching(char); void helper(char); void add_pet(string, string); Pet* search_pet(string, string); void remove_pet(string, string); void clean_up(Pet*); void print_all(); void remove_all(); Container* list = NULL; // global list Pet::Pet(string petName, string petBreed){ name = petName; breed = petBreed; } //Q1 answer string Pet::getName(){ return name;
  • 5. } string Pet::getBreed(){ return breed; } Checkup* Pet::getCheckups() { return checkups; } //Q1 answer complete //Q2 answer string Pet::lastCheckup() { //ensure checkup list is not empty if (checkups!=NULL) { return checkups->date; } //if there have never been any checkup, return empty strin return ""; } void Pet::addCheckup(string date) { Checkup c(date); c->next = checkups; checkups = c; } //Q2 answer complete int main() { _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); // Use to check for memory leaks in VS char ch = 'i'; do { // Q6: Implement cin / cout for the lines below without modifying the functionality (5 points) // (change all printf statements to cout and read the next char using cin) cout<<"Please enter your selection ";
  • 6. cout<<"ta: add a new pet to the list "; cout<<"tc: add a new checkup for a pet "; cout<<"tr: remove a pet from the list "; cout<<"tp: print all pets on the list "; cout<<"tq: quit "); cin>>ch; // End Q6 flush(); branching(ch); } while (ch != 'q'); remove_all(); list = NULL; return 0; } void flush() { int c; do c = getchar(); while (c != ' ' && c != EOF); } void branching(char c) { switch (c) { case 'a': case 'c': case 'r': case 'p': helper(c); break; case 'q': break; default: printf(" Invalid input! "); } } // The helper function is used to determine how much data is needed and which function to send that data to.
  • 7. // It uses pointers and values that are returned from some functions to produce the correct ouput. // There is no implementation needed here, but you should study this function and know how it works. // It is always helpful to understand how the code works before implementing new features. // Do not change anything in this function or you risk failing the automated test cases. void helper(char c) { string name, breed; if (c == 'p') print_all(); else { cout << endl << "Please enter the pet's name: " << endl; cin >> name; cout << "Please enter the pet's breed: " << endl; cin >> breed; flush(); Pet* pet_result = search_pet(name, breed); if (c == 'a') // add pet { if (pet_result == NULL) { add_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet added." << endl << endl; } else cout << endl << "Pet already on list." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'c') // add checkup { if (pet_result == NULL) { cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; } string date; cout << "Please enter the date of the checkup: " << endl;
  • 8. cin >> date; flush(); pet_result->addCheckup(date); cout << endl << "Checkup added." << endl << endl; } else if (c == 'r') // remove pet { if (pet_result == NULL) { cout << endl << "Pet not found." << endl << endl; return; } remove_pet(name, breed); cout << endl << "Pet removed from the list." << endl << endl; } } } // Q3: Add Pet (5 points) // This function will be used to add a new pet to the head of you linked list of containers, no need for sorting. // The search function is called before this function, therefore you can assume the pet is not already on the list. // If the pet is added to the list, return 1. If the pet already exists on the list (not added), return 0. void add_pet(string name, string breed) { Container c; Pet p(name, breed); C->pet = p; c->next = list; list = c; } // Q4: Search (10 points) // This function will be used to search for a pet on the list. // Pets on the list may have the same name OR the same breed, but should not have the same name AND breed. // Therefore, you must traverse the list and return a pointer to a 'Pet' with the desired name AND breed.
  • 9. // If the pet does not exist on the list, return NULL. (See helper function for use of this function). Pet* search_pet(string name, string breed) { Container* temp = list; while(temp!=NULL){ if(temp->pet->getName()==name && temp->pet->getBreed()==bread){ return temp->pet; } temp = temp->next; } return NULL; } // Q5: Remove Pet (15 points) // This function will be used to remove a pet from the list. // Traverse the list and use the parameters to remove the pet. // Use proper memory management to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_pet(string name, string breed) { //if container is empty if(list==NULL){ return } //if container has only one element and the first container has to be removed else if(list->next==NULL) { if(list->pet->getName()==name && list->pet->getBreed()=bread) { //delete the checkups first while(list->pet->checkups!=NULL) { Checkup* temp_checkup = list->pet->checkups->checkup; list->pet->checkups = list->pet->checkups->next; delete temp_checkup; } delete list->pet; delete list;
  • 10. list = NULL; return; } } //if container has more than one pets and first container has to be removed else if(list->next!=NULL){ Container* listnext=list->next; if(list->pet->getName()==name && list->pet->getBreed()=bread) { //delete the checkups first while(list->pet->checkups!=NULL) { Checkup* temp_checkup = list->pet->checkups->checkup; list->pet->checkups = list->pet->checkups->next; delete temp_checkup; } delete list->pet; list=listnext; return; } } //last possibility is that the pet to be removed is in 2nd or later container Container* current = list; Container* current_next= list->next; while(current_next!=NULL){ if(current_next->pet->getName()==name && current_next->pet->getBreed()==bread){ //delete the checkups first while(current_next->pet->checkups!=NULL) { Checkup* temp_checkup = current_next->pet->checkups->checkup; current_next->pet->checkups = current_next->pet->checkups->next; delete temp_checkup; } current->next=curent_next->next; delete current_next->pet; delete current_next;
  • 11. return; } current=current_next; current_next=current_next->next; } } // This function is already implemented for you. It traverses the list and removes all pets to ensure no memory leaks. void remove_all() { while (list != NULL) { Container* container_to_be_removed = list; list = list->next; while (container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups != NULL) { Checkup *checkup_to_be_removed = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups; container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups = container_to_be_removed->pet->checkups->next; delete checkup_to_be_removed; } delete container_to_be_removed->pet; delete container_to_be_removed; } } // This function is already implemented for you. It prints all of the pets in the list in an organized format. void print_all() { if (list == NULL) cout << endl << "List is empty!" << endl << endl; Container *container_traverser = list; while (container_traverser != NULL) { cout << endl << "Name: " << container_traverser->pet->getName() << endl << "Breed: " << container_traverser->pet->getBreed() << endl; string last_checkup = container_traverser->pet->lastCheckup();
  • 12. if (last_checkup.empty()) cout << "Last Checkup: " << "N/A" << endl << endl; else cout << "Last Checkup: " << last_checkup << endl << endl; container_traverser = container_traverser->next; } }