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Date: 17/02/09 15:26
/* day =1;
month =1;
year =2009;
DayOfYear::DayOfYear(int new_day,int new_month,int new_ye
day =new_day;
month =new_month;
year =new_year;
cout <<"("<< day <<" ,"<< month <<" "<< year <<")"<<endl;
return day;
return month;
return year;
voidDayOfYear::set_day(int new_day)
day = new_day;
bool equal(DayOfYear date1,DayOfYear date2)
if(( ==
date1.year == date2.year))
#ifndef _DAYOFYEAR_H
#define _DAYOFYEAR_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class DayOfYear{
friend bool equal(DayOfYear date1, DayOfYear
date2);//a friend function that compares two objects
//yes: if date1 is
the same as date2; no: otherwise
DayOfYear();//default constructor: 1/1/2009
DayOfYear(int new_day, int new_month, int
void output() const; //
int get_day(); // return the value of "day"
int get_month();
int get_year();
void set_DayOfYear(int new_day, int new_month, int
new_year); //new_day-->day, new_month->month, new_year--
void set_day(int new_day); // day-->new_day
void set_month(int new_month);
void set_year(int new_year);
int day;
int month; //int --> char *
int year;
#endif //
Name: person.cpp
Date: 22/02/09 14:35
Description: declaration of a new class DayOfYear
if( emails != NULL ){
delete[] emails;
emails = NULL;
id =-1;
name ="NA";
//birthday = DayOfYear( 1,1, 2000);
emails = NULL;
numEmails =0;
Person::Person(int new_id, string new_name,DayOfYear date)
id = new_id;
name = new_name;
//birthday = date;
Person::Person(constPerson& someone)
id =;
name =;
birthday = someone.birthday;
numEmails = someone.numEmails;
//allocate space to *emails if numEmails>0
if(numEmails ==0)
emails = NULL;
emails =new string [numEmails];
for(int i=0;i<numEmails; i++)
emails[ i ]= someone.emails[ i ];
voidPerson::operator=(constPerson& rhs)
id =;
name =;
birthday = rhs.birthday;
//allocate space to *emails if needed
if(numEmails >0)
delete[] emails;//release the old memory
numEmails = rhs.numEmails;
emails =new string [numEmails];
for(int i=0;i<numEmails; i++)
emails[ i ]= rhs.emails[ i ];
// id = 200;
cout <<"--------------------------n";
cout <<" id="<<(*this).id <<" name="<<this-
>name <<" birthday=";
for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++)
cout <<"email-#"<< i <<": "<< emails[i];
cout <<"n--------------------------nn";
return id;
string Person::get_name()const
return name;
return birthday;
voidPerson::set_id(int new_id)
id = new_id;
voidPerson::set_name(string new_name)
name = new_name;
voidPerson::set_birthday(DayOfYear date)
birthday = date;
string Person::getEmail(int i)const
if(i>=0&& i<numEmails)
return emails[i];
voidPerson::add_email( string the_email)
//case 1: emails list is empty
if( numEmails ==0){
emails =new string[1];
emails[0]= the_email;
else{//case 2: expand the list
string *tmp_emails=new string [numEmails];
for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++)//save the emails
tmp_emails[i]= emails[ i ];
delete[] emails;
emails =new string [numEmails+1];//expand the list by o
//verify the above allocation
for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++)
emails[ i ]= tmp_emails[ i ];//copy the existing emails
emails[ numEmails ]= the_email;// add the new email
delete[] tmp_emails;
numEmails +=1;
return numEmails;
void print(constPerson& someone)
cout <<"****"<<someone.get_id()<<" "<< someone.get_nam
//perform a sequential search on the studentList
bool searchStudent(Person*studentList,int num_students,int key
for(int i=0; i<num_students; i++){
if( studentList[ i ].get_id()== key )//found
}//for (i)
returnfalse;//none of the students has ID=key
bool sameID(constPerson& person1,constPerson& person2)
return(person1.get_id()== person2.get_id());
bool equalID(constPerson& person1,constPerson& person2)
return( ==;
#ifndef _PERSON_H
#define _PERSON_H
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "dayOfYear.h"
using namespace std;
class Person{
//equalID() returns true:have the same ID; false:
friend bool equalID(const Person & person1, const
Person &Person2);//
~Person(); //destructor: to release any memory that has
been allocated to the object
Person(); //default constructor: id=-1, name="NA",
Person( int new_id, string new_name, DayOfYear date);
//constructor that initializes
//id to new_id, name to new_name, and
birthday to date
Person(const Person & someone); //copy constructor:
construct a new object as a copy of "someone"
void operator= (const Person &rhs); //assign the object
on the right-hand-side to the left-hand-side
virtual void output() const; //print out a person's info.
int get_id() const; //return the id of a Person object
string get_name() const; //return the name of a Person
const DayOfYear get_birthday() const; //return the
birthday of a Person object
string getEmail( int i) const; //return the i-th email if
exists; o.w: return "NA"
void set_id(int new_id); //change a person's id to
void set_name(string new_name); // change a person's
name to new_name
void set_birthday(DayOfYear new_Date); //change a
person's birthday to new_date
void add_email( string the_email); //add the_email to
the list
int get_num_emails() const;
int id;
string name;
DayOfYear birthday;
string *emails; //list of email addresses
int numEmails;
void print( const Person& someone); //print out a person's id
and name
bool sameID(const Person& person1, const Person&
person2);//true:have the same ID; false: otherwise
//search whether there exists a student on the studentList with
bool searchStudent( Person *studentList, int num_students, int
Name: personnel.cpp
Date: 22/02/09 15:02
Description: manage a personnel database that currently consis
ts of one employee Mary
int main()
DayOfYear date(20,7,1985);
Person mary_p(101,"Mary", date);
Student mary_s(101,"Mary", date,1), mary_c;
// Person & mary_p = mary_s;
Person& person1 = mary_s;
mary_s.output();//student verion
mary_s.Person::output();//person version
print( mary_s );
mary_s.add_email("[email protected]");
mary_s.set_grade(1, 98.00);
mary_s.set_grade(2, 100.00);
mary_c = mary_s;
cout << mary_s;
cout << mary_c;
// print(mary_clone);
// mary = mary_clone;
// mary.output();
//sameID(mary, mary_clone);
// equalID(mary, mary_clone);
/**the code below create a dynamic array of Person
//1 & 2:
Person *students213 = NULL; //
int num = 200; //size of the dynamic array *students213
//3. allocate memory to students213
students213 = new Person [ num ];
//4. verify
if (students213 == NULL ){
cerr << "Memory allocation failure.n";
exit( -1 );
//5: use
for (int i=0; i<num; i++){
students213[ i ].set_id( i + 100);
students213[ i ].output();
//search based on id
cout << "Is there a student with ID=207? ";
if (searchStudent( students213, num, 207) )
cout << " Yes."<<endl;
cout << " No. "<<endl;
cout << "Is there a student with ID=507? ";
if (searchStudent( students213, num, 507) )
cout << " Yes."<<endl;
cout << " No. "<<endl;
//6&7: release the memory
delete [] students213;
students213 = NULL;
**end of the dynamic array students213
Q2/student.cppQ2/student.cpp//File name--
student.cpp: implementation file for the Student class
//#include "dayOfYear.h"
if(grades != NULL ){
delete[] grades;
//default constructor
//call the constructor of the base class to initialize the inherited
level =1;//freshmen
num_grades =0;
grades = NULL;
//a second constructor
Student::Student(int new_id, string new_name,DayOfYear date,i
nt lvl):Person(new_id, new_name, date),level(lvl),num_grades(0
//call the corresponding constructor in the
//base class to initialize the inherited members
/* level = lvl;
num_grades = 0;
grades = NULL;
//copy constructor
Student::Student(constStudent& std):Person(std)//call the copy
constructor of the base class
level = std.level;
num_grades = std.num_grades;
if(num_grades <=0)
grades = NULL;
else{//allocate space to *grades and copy the grades from std
(*this).grades =newdouble[ num_grades ];
if(grades == NULL ){
cerr<<"Student:Student(const Student &): Memory alloc
ation errorn";
for(int i=0; i<num_grades; i++)
grades[ i ]= std.grades[ i ];
voidStudent::operator=(constStudent& rhs)
level = rhs.level;
if(num_grades != rhs.num_grades){
delete[] grades;
num_grades = rhs.num_grades;
grades =newdouble[ num_grades ];
if(grades == NULL){
cerr<<"Student:operator=(const Student &): Memory all
ocation errorn";
for(int i=0; i<num_grades; i++)
grades[ i ]= rhs.grades[ i ];
return level;
return num_grades;
doubleStudent::get_grade(int i)const
if(i<1|| i>num_grades)
return-1.0;//non-existent grade
return grades[ i-1];
voidStudent::set_level(int lvl)
level = lvl;
voidStudent::set_num_grades(int num)
num_grades = num;
if(num >0){
grades =newdouble[ num ];
if(grades == NULL ){
cerr<<"Student:set_num_grades(int ): Memory allocation
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
grades[ i ]=0;
voidStudent::set_grade(int i,double grd)
if(i>=1&& i<=num_grades)
grades[ i-1]= grd;
ostream&operator<<(ostream& out,constStudent& std)
DayOfYear bday;
bday = std.get_birthday();
out <<"------------------------------n";
out <<"id="<< std.get_id()<<endl;
out <<"name="<< std.get_name()<< endl;
out <<"birthday="<< bday.get_day();
out <<"-"<< bday.get_month();
out <<"-"<< bday.get_year()<< endl;
out <<"#emails="<<std.get_num_emails()<<endl;
out <<" 1st email="<< std.getEmail(0)<<endl;
out <<"level="<<std.level<<endl;
out <<"#grades="<< std.num_grades <<endl;
for(int i=1; i<=std.num_grades; i++)
out <<"grade["<< i <<"]="<< std.grades[i-1]<<" ";
out <<endl;
out <<"------------------------------n";
return out;
DayOfYear bday;
bday = get_birthday();
cout <<"------------------------------n";
cout <<"id="<< get_id()<<endl;
cout <<"name="<< get_name()<< endl;//private-is-
private rule
cout <<"birthday="<< bday.get_day();
cout <<"-"<< bday.get_month();
cout <<"-"<< bday.get_year()<< endl;
cout <<"#emails="<<get_num_emails()<<endl;
cout <<" 1st email="<< getEmail(0)<<endl;
cout <<"level="<<level<<endl;
cout <<"#grades="<< num_grades <<endl;
for(int i=1; i<=num_grades; i++)
cout <<"grade["<< i <<"]="<< grades[i-1]<<" ";
cout <<endl;
cout <<"------------------------------n";
//File name--student.h: declare Student as a derived class of
#ifndef _STUDENT_H
#define _STUDENT_H
#include "person.h"
class Student:public Person
~Student(); //destructor
Student(); //default: 1->level, 0->num_grades, NULL-
Student(int new_id, string new_name, DayOfYear date,
int lvl ); //lvl->level, 0->num_grades, NULL->grades
Student(const Student& std); //copy constructor: std --
void operator=(const Student& rhs); //rhs --> *this
int get_level() const; //return level
int get_num_grades() const; //return num_grades
double get_grade(int i) const; //return grades[i]
void set_level(int lvl); //lvl-->level
void set_num_grades( int num); //num->num_grades,
allocate memory to *grades
void set_grade(int i, double grd); //grd --> grades[i]
friend ostream & operator <<( ostream & out, const
Student& std);
virtual void output() const; //print out a student's info.
int level; //1-4: freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior
int num_grades;
double *grades;
#endif //_STUDENT_H
#include <iostream>
#include "figure.h"
#include "rectangle.h"
#include "triangle.h"
using std::cout;
int main()
Triangle tri;
cout << "nDerived class Triangle object calling" << "
Rectangle rect;
cout << "nDerived class Rectangle object calling" << "
return 0;
Each topic must have 150+ words
Topic 1:
Cherie is an accountant for a large advertising agency. After
receiving notice of a prospective, large account, she thinks of a
creative advertising campaign and tells her idea to Charles, her
manager. Charles shoots down her idea and reminds her that her
job is accounting. Several days later, the design team visits
Charles and asks him for more details on his brilliant campaign
idea. Cherie realizes that the campaign being discussed is her
What does this outcome indicate about the communication
climate and power holding in the agency? If you were Cherie,
would you approach Charles about stealing your idea, or would
you show support for your manager? Why?
Topic 2:
When it comes to coworkers, why are strong interpersonal
relationships important in business?
How do you build and maintain those relationships while
keeping professionalism at the forefront?
What are some challenges you face in doing so?
What are the key factors upon which coworker relationships are
usually based? Tell us about your experiences.

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Q2dayOfYear.cppQ2dayOfYear.cpp  Name   Copyright  .docx

  • 1. Q2/dayOfYear.cppQ2/dayOfYear.cpp/* Name: Copyright: Author: Date: 17/02/09 15:26 Description: */ #include"dayOfYear.h" DayOfYear::DayOfYear():day(1),month(1),year(2009) { /* day =1; month =1; year =2009; */ } DayOfYear::DayOfYear(int new_day,int new_month,int new_ye ar) { day =new_day; month =new_month; year =new_year; } voidDayOfYear::output()const { cout <<"("<< day <<" ,"<< month <<" "<< year <<")"<<endl; } intDayOfYear::get_day()
  • 2. { return day; } intDayOfYear::get_month() { return month; } intDayOfYear::get_year() { return year; } voidDayOfYear::set_day(int new_day) { day = new_day; } bool equal(DayOfYear date1,DayOfYear date2) { if(( == date1.year == date2.year)) returntrue; else returnfalse; } Q2/dayOfYear.h #ifndef _DAYOFYEAR_H #define _DAYOFYEAR_H
  • 3. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class DayOfYear{ public: friend bool equal(DayOfYear date1, DayOfYear date2);//a friend function that compares two objects //yes: if date1 is the same as date2; no: otherwise DayOfYear();//default constructor: 1/1/2009 DayOfYear(int new_day, int new_month, int new_year);// void output() const; // int get_day(); // return the value of "day" int get_month(); int get_year(); void set_DayOfYear(int new_day, int new_month, int new_year); //new_day-->day, new_month->month, new_year-- >year void set_day(int new_day); // day-->new_day void set_month(int new_month);
  • 4. void set_year(int new_year); private: int day; int month; //int --> char * int year; }; #endif // Q2/person.cppQ2/person.cpp/* Name: person.cpp Copyright: Author: Date: 22/02/09 14:35 Description: declaration of a new class DayOfYear */ #include"person.h" Person::~Person() { if( emails != NULL ){ delete[] emails; emails = NULL; } }
  • 5. Person::Person() { id =-1; name ="NA"; //birthday = DayOfYear( 1,1, 2000); emails = NULL; numEmails =0; } Person::Person(int new_id, string new_name,DayOfYear date) { id = new_id; name = new_name; //birthday = date; emails=NULL; numEmails=0; } /**/ Person::Person(constPerson& someone) { id =; name =; birthday = someone.birthday; numEmails = someone.numEmails; //allocate space to *emails if numEmails>0 if(numEmails ==0) emails = NULL; else{ emails =new string [numEmails]; for(int i=0;i<numEmails; i++) emails[ i ]= someone.emails[ i ]; } } /**/
  • 6. /**/ voidPerson::operator=(constPerson& rhs) { id =; name =; birthday = rhs.birthday; //allocate space to *emails if needed if(numEmails >0) delete[] emails;//release the old memory numEmails = rhs.numEmails; emails =new string [numEmails]; for(int i=0;i<numEmails; i++) emails[ i ]= rhs.emails[ i ]; } /**/ voidPerson::output()const { // id = 200; cout <<"--------------------------n"; cout <<" id="<<(*this).id <<" name="<<this- >name <<" birthday="; birthday.output(); for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++) cout <<"email-#"<< i <<": "<< emails[i]; cout <<"n--------------------------nn"; } intPerson::get_id()const { return id; }
  • 7. string Person::get_name()const { return name; } constDayOfYearPerson::get_birthday()const { return birthday; } voidPerson::set_id(int new_id) { id = new_id; } voidPerson::set_name(string new_name) { name = new_name; } voidPerson::set_birthday(DayOfYear date) { birthday = date; } string Person::getEmail(int i)const { if(i>=0&& i<numEmails) return emails[i]; else return"NA"; } voidPerson::add_email( string the_email) {
  • 8. //case 1: emails list is empty if( numEmails ==0){ emails =new string[1]; //verification emails[0]= the_email; } else{//case 2: expand the list string *tmp_emails=new string [numEmails]; for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++)//save the emails tmp_emails[i]= emails[ i ]; delete[] emails; emails =new string [numEmails+1];//expand the list by o ne //verify the above allocation for(int i=0; i<numEmails; i++) emails[ i ]= tmp_emails[ i ];//copy the existing emails emails[ numEmails ]= the_email;// add the new email delete[] tmp_emails; } numEmails +=1; } intPerson::get_num_emails()const { return numEmails; } void print(constPerson& someone) { cout <<"****"<<someone.get_id()<<" "<< someone.get_nam e()<<endl; } //perform a sequential search on the studentList
  • 9. bool searchStudent(Person*studentList,int num_students,int key ) { for(int i=0; i<num_students; i++){ if( studentList[ i ].get_id()== key )//found returntrue; }//for (i) returnfalse;//none of the students has ID=key } bool sameID(constPerson& person1,constPerson& person2) { return(person1.get_id()== person2.get_id()); } bool equalID(constPerson& person1,constPerson& person2) { return( ==; } Q2/person.h //person.h #ifndef _PERSON_H #define _PERSON_H #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "dayOfYear.h"
  • 10. using namespace std; class Person{ public: //equalID() returns true:have the same ID; false: otherwise friend bool equalID(const Person & person1, const Person &Person2);// ~Person(); //destructor: to release any memory that has been allocated to the object Person(); //default constructor: id=-1, name="NA", birthday="1/1/2000" Person( int new_id, string new_name, DayOfYear date); //constructor that initializes //id to new_id, name to new_name, and birthday to date Person(const Person & someone); //copy constructor: construct a new object as a copy of "someone" void operator= (const Person &rhs); //assign the object on the right-hand-side to the left-hand-side virtual void output() const; //print out a person's info.
  • 11. int get_id() const; //return the id of a Person object string get_name() const; //return the name of a Person object const DayOfYear get_birthday() const; //return the birthday of a Person object string getEmail( int i) const; //return the i-th email if exists; o.w: return "NA" void set_id(int new_id); //change a person's id to new_id void set_name(string new_name); // change a person's name to new_name void set_birthday(DayOfYear new_Date); //change a person's birthday to new_date void add_email( string the_email); //add the_email to the list int get_num_emails() const; private: int id; string name; DayOfYear birthday; string *emails; //list of email addresses int numEmails;
  • 12. }; void print( const Person& someone); //print out a person's id and name bool sameID(const Person& person1, const Person& person2);//true:have the same ID; false: otherwise //search whether there exists a student on the studentList with id=key bool searchStudent( Person *studentList, int num_students, int key); #endif Q2/personnel.cppQ2/personnel.cpp/* Name: personnel.cpp Copyright: Author: Date: 22/02/09 15:02 Description: manage a personnel database that currently consis ts of one employee Mary */ #include"dayOfYear.h" #include"person.h" #include"student.h" int main() {
  • 13. DayOfYear date(20,7,1985); Person mary_p(101,"Mary", date); Student mary_s(101,"Mary", date,1), mary_c; // Person & mary_p = mary_s; Person& person1 = mary_s; mary_s.output();//student verion person1.output(); /* mary_p.output(); mary_s.Person::output();//person version print( mary_s ); mary_s.add_email("[email protected]"); mary_s.set_num_grades(2); mary_s.set_grade(1, 98.00); mary_s.set_grade(2, 100.00); mary_c = mary_s; cout << mary_s; cout << mary_c; */ //mary_clone.set_id(202); // print(mary_clone); //mary_clone.output(); // mary = mary_clone; // mary.output(); //sameID(mary, mary_clone); // equalID(mary, mary_clone);
  • 14. /**the code below create a dynamic array of Person *** //1 & 2: Person *students213 = NULL; // int num = 200; //size of the dynamic array *students213 //3. allocate memory to students213 students213 = new Person [ num ]; //4. verify if (students213 == NULL ){ cerr << "Memory allocation failure.n"; exit( -1 ); } //5: use for (int i=0; i<num; i++){ students213[ i ].set_id( i + 100); students213[ i ].output(); } //search based on id cout << "Is there a student with ID=207? "; if (searchStudent( students213, num, 207) ) cout << " Yes."<<endl; else cout << " No. "<<endl; cout << "Is there a student with ID=507? "; if (searchStudent( students213, num, 507) ) cout << " Yes."<<endl; else cout << " No. "<<endl; //6&7: release the memory delete [] students213; students213 = NULL;
  • 15. ***** **end of the dynamic array students213 **************************************/ return0; } Q2/student.cppQ2/student.cpp//File name-- student.cpp: implementation file for the Student class #include"student.h" //#include "dayOfYear.h" //destructor Student::~Student() { if(grades != NULL ){ delete[] grades; } } //default constructor Student::Student():Person() { //call the constructor of the base class to initialize the inherited members level =1;//freshmen num_grades =0; grades = NULL; } //a second constructor Student::Student(int new_id, string new_name,DayOfYear date,i nt lvl):Person(new_id, new_name, date),level(lvl),num_grades(0 ),grades(NULL) { //call the corresponding constructor in the
  • 16. //base class to initialize the inherited members /* level = lvl; num_grades = 0; grades = NULL; */ } //copy constructor Student::Student(constStudent& std):Person(std)//call the copy constructor of the base class { level = std.level; num_grades = std.num_grades; if(num_grades <=0) grades = NULL; else{//allocate space to *grades and copy the grades from std (*this).grades =newdouble[ num_grades ]; if(grades == NULL ){ cerr<<"Student:Student(const Student &): Memory alloc ation errorn"; exit(-1); } for(int i=0; i<num_grades; i++) grades[ i ]= std.grades[ i ]; } } voidStudent::operator=(constStudent& rhs) { (*this).Person::operator=(rhs); level = rhs.level; if(num_grades != rhs.num_grades){ delete[] grades; num_grades = rhs.num_grades; grades =newdouble[ num_grades ];
  • 17. if(grades == NULL){ cerr<<"Student:operator=(const Student &): Memory all ocation errorn"; exit(-1); } for(int i=0; i<num_grades; i++) grades[ i ]= rhs.grades[ i ]; } } intStudent::get_level()const { return level; } intStudent::get_num_grades()const { return num_grades; } doubleStudent::get_grade(int i)const { if(i<1|| i>num_grades) return-1.0;//non-existent grade else return grades[ i-1]; } voidStudent::set_level(int lvl) { level = lvl; } voidStudent::set_num_grades(int num) { num_grades = num;
  • 18. if(num >0){ grades =newdouble[ num ]; if(grades == NULL ){ cerr<<"Student:set_num_grades(int ): Memory allocation errorn"; exit(-1); } for(int i=0; i<num; i++) grades[ i ]=0; } } voidStudent::set_grade(int i,double grd) { if(i>=1&& i<=num_grades) grades[ i-1]= grd; } ostream&operator<<(ostream& out,constStudent& std) { DayOfYear bday; bday = std.get_birthday(); out <<"------------------------------n"; out <<"id="<< std.get_id()<<endl; out <<"name="<< std.get_name()<< endl; out <<"birthday="<< bday.get_day(); out <<"-"<< bday.get_month(); out <<"-"<< bday.get_year()<< endl; out <<"#emails="<<std.get_num_emails()<<endl; out <<" 1st email="<< std.getEmail(0)<<endl; out <<"level="<<std.level<<endl; out <<"#grades="<< std.num_grades <<endl; for(int i=1; i<=std.num_grades; i++) out <<"grade["<< i <<"]="<< std.grades[i-1]<<" "; out <<endl;
  • 19. out <<"------------------------------n"; return out; } voidStudent::output()const { DayOfYear bday; bday = get_birthday(); cout <<"------------------------------n"; cout <<"id="<< get_id()<<endl; cout <<"name="<< get_name()<< endl;//private-is- private rule cout <<"birthday="<< bday.get_day(); cout <<"-"<< bday.get_month(); cout <<"-"<< bday.get_year()<< endl; cout <<"#emails="<<get_num_emails()<<endl; cout <<" 1st email="<< getEmail(0)<<endl; cout <<"level="<<level<<endl; cout <<"#grades="<< num_grades <<endl; for(int i=1; i<=num_grades; i++) cout <<"grade["<< i <<"]="<< grades[i-1]<<" "; cout <<endl; cout <<"------------------------------n"; } Q2/student.h //File name--student.h: declare Student as a derived class of Person #ifndef _STUDENT_H
  • 20. #define _STUDENT_H #include "person.h" class Student:public Person { public: ~Student(); //destructor Student(); //default: 1->level, 0->num_grades, NULL- >grades Student(int new_id, string new_name, DayOfYear date, int lvl ); //lvl->level, 0->num_grades, NULL->grades Student(const Student& std); //copy constructor: std -- >*this void operator=(const Student& rhs); //rhs --> *this int get_level() const; //return level int get_num_grades() const; //return num_grades double get_grade(int i) const; //return grades[i] void set_level(int lvl); //lvl-->level
  • 21. void set_num_grades( int num); //num->num_grades, allocate memory to *grades void set_grade(int i, double grd); //grd --> grades[i] friend ostream & operator <<( ostream & out, const Student& std); virtual void output() const; //print out a student's info. private: int level; //1-4: freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior int num_grades; double *grades; }; #endif //_STUDENT_H Q1/9.cpp #include <iostream> #include "figure.h" #include "rectangle.h" #include "triangle.h"
  • 22. using std::cout; int main() { Triangle tri; tri.draw(); cout << "nDerived class Triangle object calling" << " center().n";; Rectangle rect; rect.draw(); cout << "nDerived class Rectangle object calling" << " center().n";; return 0; } Each topic must have 150+ words
  • 23. Topic 1: Cherie is an accountant for a large advertising agency. After receiving notice of a prospective, large account, she thinks of a creative advertising campaign and tells her idea to Charles, her manager. Charles shoots down her idea and reminds her that her job is accounting. Several days later, the design team visits Charles and asks him for more details on his brilliant campaign idea. Cherie realizes that the campaign being discussed is her idea. What does this outcome indicate about the communication climate and power holding in the agency? If you were Cherie, would you approach Charles about stealing your idea, or would you show support for your manager? Why? Topic 2: When it comes to coworkers, why are strong interpersonal relationships important in business? How do you build and maintain those relationships while keeping professionalism at the forefront? What are some challenges you face in doing so? What are the key factors upon which coworker relationships are usually based? Tell us about your experiences.