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Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) for Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) 
Industrial Modeling Framework (APE-IMF-MGB) 
“Estimate and Validate Production/Process Parameters in any Industrial System” 
i n d u s t r IAL g o r i t h m s LLC. (IAL) 
November 2014 
Introduction to Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE), Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB), 
Presented in this short document is a description of how to model and solve advanced 
parameter estimation (APE) problems in IMPL. APE is the term given to the application of 
estimating, fitting or calibrating parameters in models involving a network, topology, 
superstructure or flowsheet. When estimating parameters with multiple linear regression (MLR), 
ordinary least squares (OLS), ridge regression (RR), principal component regression (PCR) and 
partial least squares (PLS) there is no explicit model but simply an X-block and Y-block of data. 
Hence, these methods are referred to as “non-parametric” or “data-based” methods as opposed 
to the “parametric” or “model-based” method used here. To solve these types of problems we 
use what is commonly referred to as “error-in-variables” (EIV) regression which is conveniently 
implemented as nonlinear data reconciliation and regression (NDRR) using the technology 
found in Kelly (1998a; 1998b; 1999) and Kelly and Zyngier (2008a). The primary benefit of 
using EIV (NDRR) over the other regression methods is that we can easily handle the inclusion 
of conservation laws and constitutive relations, explicitly, a must for any industrial estimation 
problem (IEP). 
Figure 1. Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Flowsheet.
In order to demonstrate this, Figure 1 depicts a small but representative motor gasoline blending 
(MGB) problem represented in our UOPSS flowsheet paradigm (Kelly, 2004; Kelly 2005; 
Zyngier and Kelly, 2012). These types of blending problems are ubiquitous in oil-refining (Kelly 
and Mann, 2003; Kelly 2006, Castillo et. al. 2013; Kelly et. al. 2014) where models relating 
component recipes or flows (LSR, …, NC4) to component and product (Premium) properties 
(RON, MON, RVP, etc.) are required for planning, scheduling, optimizing and controlling these 
industrial systems. The UOPSS shapes shown in this figure are diamonds for perimeter unit-operations, 
circles with and without “x”’s for outlet and inlet port-states respectively, a rectangle 
with an “x” for a continuous-process unit-operation and the lines with arrow-heads for port-to-port 
transfers or external streams and lines without arrow-heads for internal streams between 
the unit-operation and the port-state. 
The overall goal or purpose of this example is to use actual “end-of-blend report” (EBR) data for 
thirty-three (33) blends or batches of premium motor gasoline and to estimate, fit or adapt linear 
blending-values for each component and for each property i.e., 7 (components) * 3 (properties) 
= 21 parameters or coefficients. These blending-values can then be used as the internal model 
found in blend property controllers with on-line property measurements, instruments or 
analyzers along with bias-updating (parameter-feedback) to effectively control these processes. 
The EBR data is very common in blend-shops and reports the amount (volume or weight) of 
each component used and the total amount of the product blended and has several measured 
properties where RON, MON and RVP are the most common specifications but other properties 
such as sulfur, olefins, aromatics content, distillation temperatures, etc. are also specified and 
measured (Kelly et. al., 2014). There are essentially three (3) well-known nonlinear blending 
models available such as the Ethyl, Dupont (Interaction) and Mobil Transformation methods but 
these also require frequent calibration where their intrinsic predictive value over simply adapting 
the linear blending-values from actual data is not understood to say the least. 
Our novel approach here is to model each of the blends or batches as “scenarios” which are 
conceptually identical to scenarios found in Scenario Optimization for example used to 
effectively manage uncertainty i.e., to find a robust, reliable and resilient solution to a family of 
possible situations. Here a scenario can be thought of as a “sample”, “survey” or “snapshot” of 
the process or production at any instant of time in the past where a scenario is usually defined 
for future events in planning and scheduling problems. As mentioned, since we have 33 
samples or scenarios then technically there are 7 * 3 * 33 = 693 possible blending-values but 
instead we common, link or match all of scenario blending-values together for a particular 
stream so that we have only 7 * 3 = 21 blending-values (degrees-of-freedom, DoF) to estimate 
where the other 672 blending-values are completely dependent (i.e., simple examples of linear 
constitutive equations). How we do this in IMPL can be found in Appendix B under the 
“Common Data” section. As any new blend is completed and/or when a past blend is deemed 
to be too old or out-of-date, the set of scenarios can be modified or updated and the APE 
process can be repeated in a rolling, receding or moving horizon estimation procedure (Kelly 
and Zyngier, 2008b). 
Industrial Modeling Framework (IMF), IMPL and SSIIMPLE 
To implement the mathematical formulation of this and other systems, IAL offers a unique 
approach and is incorporated into our Industrial Modeling Programming Language we call IMPL. 
IMPL has its own modeling language called IML (short for Industrial Modeling Language) which 
is a flat or text-file interface as well as a set of API's which can be called from any computer 
programming language such as C, C++, Fortran, C#, VBA, Java (SWIG), Python (CTYPES) 
and/or Julia (CCALL) called IPL (short for Industrial Programming Language) to both build the
model and to view the solution. Models can be a mix of linear, mixed-integer and nonlinear 
variables and constraints and are solved using a combination of LP, QP, MILP and NLP solvers 
IPOPT, KNITRO and WORHP as well as our own implementation of SLP called SLPQPE 
(Successive Linear & Quadratic Programming Engine) which is a very competitive alternative to 
the other nonlinear solvers and embeds all available LP and QP solvers. 
In addition and specific to DRR problems, we also have a special solver called SECQPE 
standing for Sequential Equality-Constrained QP Engine which computes the least-squares 
solution and a post-solver called SORVE standing for Supplemental Observability, Redundancy 
and Variability Estimator to estimate the usual DRR statistics. SECQPE also includes a 
Levenberg-Marquardt regularization method for nonlinear data regression problems and can be 
presolved using SLPQPE i.e., SLPQPE warm-starts SECQPE. SORVE is run after the 
SECQPE solver and also computes the well-known "maximum-power" gross-error statistics 
(measurement and nodal/constraint tests) to help locate outliers, defects and/or faults i.e., mal-functions 
in the measurement system and mis-specifications in the logging system. 
The underlying system architecture of IMPL is called SSIIMPLE (we hope literally) which is short 
for Server, Solvers, Interfacer (IML), Interacter (IPL), Modeler, Presolver Libraries and 
Executable. The Server, Solvers, Presolver and Executable are primarily model or problem-independent 
whereas the Interfacer, Interacter and Modeler are typically domain-specific i.e., 
model or problem-dependent. Fortunately, for most industrial planning, scheduling, 
optimization, control and monitoring problems found in the process industries, IMPL's standard 
Interfacer, Interacter and Modeler are well-suited and comprehensive to model the most difficult 
of production and process complexities allowing for the formulations of straightforward 
coefficient equations, ubiquitous conservation laws, rigorous constitutive relations, empirical 
correlative expressions and other necessary side constraints. 
User, custom, adhoc or external constraints can be augmented or appended to IMPL when 
necessary in several ways. For MILP or logistics problems we offer user-defined constraints 
configurable from the IML file or the IPL code where the variables and constraints are 
referenced using unit-operation-port-state names and the quantity-logic variable types. It is also 
possible to import a foreign *.ILP file (row-based MPS file) which can be generated by any 
algebraic modeling language or matrix generator. This file is read just prior to generating the 
matrix and before exporting to the LP, QP or MILP solver. For NLP or quality problems we offer 
user-defined formula configuration in the IML file and single-value and multi-value function 
blocks writable in C, C++ or Fortran. The nonlinear formulas may include intrinsic functions 
OR, XOR and CIP, LIP, SIP and KIP (constant, linear and monotonic spline interpolations) as 
well as user-written extrinsic functions (XFCN). It is also possible to import another type of 
foreign file called the *.INL file where both linear and nonlinear constraints can be added easily 
using new or existing IMPL variables. 
Industrial modeling frameworks or IMF's are intended to provide a jump-start to an industrial 
project implementation i.e., a pre-project if you will, whereby pre-configured IML files and/or IPL 
code are available specific to your problem at hand. The IML files and/or IPL code can be 
easily enhanced, extended, customized, modified, etc. to meet the diverse needs of your project 
and as it evolves over time and use. IMF's also provide graphical user interface prototypes for 
drawing the flowsheet as in Figure 1 and typical Gantt charts and trend plots to view the solution 
of quantity, logic and quality time-profiles. Current developments use Python 2.3 and 2.7 
integrated with open-source Gnome Dia and Matplotlib modules respectively but other
prototypes embedded within Microsoft Excel/VBA for example can be created in a 
straightforward manner. 
However, the primary purpose of the IMF's is to provide a timely, cost-effective, manageable 
and maintainable deployment of IMPL to formulate and optimize complex industrial 
manufacturing systems in either off-line or on-line environments. Using IMPL alone would be 
somewhat similar (but not as bad) to learning the syntax and semantics of an AML as well as 
having to code all of the necessary mathematical representations of the problem including the 
details of digitizing your data into time-points and periods, demarcating past, present and future 
time-horizons, defining sets, index-sets, compound-sets to traverse the network or topology, 
calculating independent and dependent parameters to be used as coefficients and bounds and 
finally creating all of the necessary variables and constraints to model the complex details of 
logistics and quality industrial optimization problems. Instead, IMF's and IMPL provide, in our 
opinion, a more elegant and structured approach to industrial modeling and solving so that you 
can capture the benefits of advanced decision-making faster, better and cheaper. 
Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) and Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Synopsis 
At this point we explore further the application of modeling and solving APE problems in IMPL. 
The UOPSS shapes or objects arranged in the blend-shop flowsheet of Figure 1 can be found in 
Appendix A we call the UPS file. A master IML file is found in Appendix B which configures 
several calculations including the hypothetical blending-values (LSR_RON, …, NC4_RVP) from 
which we simulate the actual Premium product or grade property values for RON, MON and 
RVP where for RVP we simulate the typical (Chevron) blending-index of RVP^1.25. Scenario 
1’s IML file (“S1:”) can be found in Appendix C where we use actual component recipes 
(LSR=0.0911, …, NC4=0.1202) from an actual blend-shop. The other thirty-two (32) scenario 
IML files for “S2:”, …, “S33:” are identical to Appendix C except that the actual component 
recipes are different where Appendix B’s Case Data comments shows all of the actual scenario 
recipes in table or matrix form. Although Normally distributed random noise could be added to 
the simulated product properties in each scenario (see NOISESTD, NOISESEED and NRN)), 
no noise was superimposed in order to better compare the regressed blending-values with the 
simulated values. 
The procedure to estimate the blending-values using the EBR data is to regress each property 
individually in order to determine the individual “sum of squares of residuals” (SSR) which also 
determines the “standard error” (SE). To do this in IMPL, the RONSE (Appendix B) is set to 1.0 
while the MONSE and RVPSE are set to some large number such as 1E+20 and the SECQPE 
solver is run which performs NDRR respecting equality constraints only (ignores inequality 
constraints). The three SSR’s are 0.5100, 0.4501 and 0.0594 respectively where when we 
divide the SSR’s by the nominal DoF of 32 this computes the SE where the inverse or reciprocal 
is used as the 2-norm performance weight for the estimation (see Appendix C’s “Cost Data”). 
The diagnostics are computed using SORVE which determines the observability of the 
blending-values or coefficients (unmeasured or regressed variables), redundancy of the 
measurements (measured or reconciled variables) and variances for both. Given the variances 
we can compute the Student-t and Chi-Squared distribution statistics required by the data 
reconciliation diagnostics known as the maximum-power measurement statistic, parameter 
confidence-intervals and the global or objective function statistic. If significant autocorrelation is 
detected in the residuals (measured minus predicted) such as detected by the Durbin-Watson 
test for example then either a dynamic model needs to be configured using lagged or time-
shifted variables (explicit Euler’s method) or only steady-state data should be considered (Kelly 
and Hedengren, 2013). Fortunately for this EBR data set, there is no autocorrelation present. 
Table 1 shows the simulated versus regressed blending-values with 95% confidence-intervals 
(CI’s) in parentheses. All of the blending-value coefficients are within their 95% CI’s except for 
HCR which is somewhat related to the fact that there are only sixteen (16) scenarios with non-zero 
HCR recipe or flow out of thirty-three (33). Although not shown, the RVP blending-values 
are all within their CI’s comfortably. 
Table 1. Simulated v. Regressed Blending-Value Parameters (95% Confidence-Intervals). 
RON (Simulated) RON (Regressed) MON (Simulated) MON (Regressed) 
LSR 74.80 75.95 (73.93,77.97) 71.20 72.27 (70.37,74.17) 
LCR 97.40 96.89 (96.16,97.62) 90.90 90.43 (89.75,91.11) 
LCN 80.70 79.65 (77.26,82.04) 78.50 77.50 (75.25,79.74) 
HCR 103.00 102.04 (101.61,102.47) 93.00 92.12 (91.71,92.52) 
HCN 89.60 91.90 (89.07,94.72) 80.50 82.66 (80.00,85.31) 
ALK 95.30 95.03 (94.51,95.54) 92.20 91.93 (91.45,92.42) 
NC4 96.00 95.01 (93.39,96.64) 90.50 89.56 (88.03,91.09) 
An important feature of APE and NDRR is its ability to handle what is commonly referred to as 
“missing-data”. Missing-data is the issue where not all of the X-block and Y-block data are 
available. With most regression methods (excluding PCR and PLS), missing-data is handled 
either by completing removing the observation, sample or scenario or “imputing” a value such 
as using its mean. When missing-data is present in APE, we simply make the measured data 
into unmeasured data whereby the NDRR will actually estimate or fit a reconciled/regressed 
value using the inherent redundancy in the data and in the model. If we assume that the LSR 
recipe or flow is missing in scenario “S1:” (see Appendix C’s Command Data), then we simply 
set its lower and upper bounds to be some appropriate range. This then becomes a nonlinear 
problem due to the flow times property bilinear term and SECQPE estimates its value to be 
0.6613 (0.6546, 0.6681) where its measured value is 0.6582 and is clearly within its CI’s. If we 
assume that the RON property in “S1:” is missing (see Appendix C’s Command Data), then we 
simply set the target bound to our Non-Naturally Occurring Number (NNON=-99,999) which will 
ignore this as a measurement. This is still a linear problem where SECQPE finds the RON 
unmeasured value to be 92.60 (92.53, 92.68) where its measured value is 92.49. 
In summary, it should be clear that IMPL can be used to model and solve advanced parameter 
estimation (APE) problems which can also be considered as “Process or Production Analytics” 
given that we are using prior engineering knowledge, process/production data and popular 
statistics to identify and estimate these models that can then be used in industrial optimization 
problems (IOP’s). Not only can we estimate process/production models that include a 
flowsheet, nonlinearities, dynamics and missing-data using well-established statistical methods 
such as EIV and NDRR but we are also able to provide the necessary diagnostic capability to 
validate these models. 
Kelly, J.D., "On finding the matrix projection in the data reconciliation solution", Computers and 
Chemical Engineering, 1553, (1998a).
Kelly, J.D., "A regularization approach to the reconciliation of constrained data sets", Computers 
and Chemical Engineering, 1771, (1998b). 
Kelly, J.D., "Reconciliation of process data using other projection matrices", Computers and 
Chemical Engineering, 785, (1999). 
Kelly, J.D., Mann, J.M., "Crude-oil blend scheduling optimization: an application with multi-million 
dollar benefits", Hydrocarbon Processing, June, 47, July, 72, (2003). 
Kelly, J.D., "Production modeling for multimodal operations", Chemical Engineering Progress, 
February, 44, (2004). 
Kelly, J.D., "The unit-operation-stock superstructure (UOSS) and the quantity-logic-quality 
paradigm (QLQP) for production scheduling in the process industries", In: MISTA 2005 
Conference Proceedings, 327, (2005). 
Kelly, J.D., "Logistics: the missing link in blend scheduling optimization", Hydrocarbon 
Processing, June, 45, (2006). 
Kelly, J.D., Zyngier, D., "A new and improved MILP formulation to optimize observability, 
redundancy and precision for sensor network problems", American Institute of Chemical 
Engineering Journal, 54, 1282, (2008a). 
Kelly, J.D., Zyngier, D., "Continuously improve planning and scheduling models with parameter 
feedback", FOCAPO 2008, July, (2008). 
Zyngier, D., Kelly, J.D., "UOPSS: a new paradigm for modeling production planning and 
scheduling systems", ESCAPE 22, June, (2012). 
Castillo, P.A., Kelly, J.D., Mahalec, V., "Inventory pinch analysis for gasoline blend planning", 
AIChE J., June, (2013). 
Kelly, J.D., Hedengren, J.D., "A steady-state detection (SDD) algorithm to detect non-stationary 
drifts in processes", Journal of Process Control, 23, 326, (2013). 
Kelly, J.D., Menezes, B.C., Grossmann, I.E., “Distillation blending and cutpoint temperature 
optimization using monotonic interpolation”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 
15146-15156, (2014). 
Appendix A – APE-IMF.UPS File 
i M P l (c) 
Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. 
! Unit-Operation-Port-State-Superstructure (UOPSS) *.UPS File. 
! (This file is automatically generated from the Python program 
! Number of UO shapes = 9 
! Number of UOPS shapes = 16 
! Number of UOPSPSUO shapes = 8 
Appendix B – APE-IMF.IML File 
i M P l (c) 
Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. 
! Calculation Data (Parameters) 
RONSE,0.5100 / 32 
MONSE,0.4501 / 32 
RVPSE,0.0594 / 32 
!LSR 74.80 71.20 14.80 
!LCR 97.40 90.90 14.30 
!LCN 80.70 78.50 12.20 
!HCR 103.00 93.00 1.20 
!HCN 89.60 80.50 1.70 
!ALK 95.30 92.20 7.80 
!NC4 96.00 90.50 52.00 
! Transformed RVP (blending index). 
! Chronological Data (Periods) 
! Case Data (Prefixes) 
! 1 0.0911 0.6582 0.1242 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1202 
! 2 0.0838 0.6643 0.1231 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1224 
! 3 0.1765 0.6524 0.0577 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1107 
! 4 0.0562 0.6761 0.1496 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1140 
! 5 0.1471 0.6721 0.0742 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1033 
! 6 0.1287 0.6589 0.1040 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1049 
! 7 0.0840 0.6604 0.1422 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1070 
! 8 0.1494 0.6316 0.1044 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1112 
! 9 0.1228 0.5424 0.1183 0.0000 0.0000 0.1072 0.1030 
! 10 0.1074 0.6496 0.1083 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1284 
! 11 0.1353 0.6340 0.0877 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1398 
! 12 0.1266 0.6102 0.1510 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1089 
! 13 0.0926 0.6420 0.1174 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1417 
! 14 0.0889 0.6379 0.1306 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1396 
! 15 0.0888 0.5772 0.0902 0.0000 0.0000 0.0841 0.1533 
! 16 0.1430 0.4775 0.0268 0.0000 0.0000 0.2109 0.1388 
! 17 0.0637 0.6158 0.1622 0.0000 0.0000 0.0364 0.1155 
! 18 0.1260 0.1788 0.0000 0.4145 0.0810 0.0722 0.1242 
! 19 0.0856 0.1304 0.0000 0.4503 0.0846 0.0949 0.1509 
! 20 0.1443 0.2216 0.0000 0.3949 0.0239 0.1220 0.0900 
! 21 0.0860 0.1935 0.0000 0.4013 0.0000 0.2614 0.0515 
! 22 0.1298 0.2543 0.0000 0.4157 0.0397 0.0744 0.0828 
! 23 0.1238 0.1237 0.0000 0.3926 0.0000 0.2963 0.0577 
! 24 0.1080 0.2617 0.0000 0.4267 0.0352 0.1294 0.0345 
! 25 0.0905 0.1434 0.0000 0.3886 0.0000 0.3080 0.0629 
! 26 0.1039 0.2561 0.0000 0.4184 0.0343 0.1286 0.0543 
! 27 0.0759 0.2758 0.0526 0.4302 0.0395 0.0821 0.0394 
! 28 0.0762 0.2508 0.0256 0.4268 0.0000 0.1714 0.0450 
! 29 0.0861 0.2494 0.0317 0.4373 0.0000 0.1555 0.0339 
! 30 0.0896 0.2842 0.0262 0.4234 0.0742 0.0554 0.0427 
! 31 0.0761 0.1692 0.0248 0.2484 0.0000 0.4332 0.0422 
! 32 0.0601 0.1596 0.0248 0.2550 0.0000 0.4577 0.0421 
! 33 0.0998 0.2885 0.0257 0.4168 0.0751 0.0559 0.0339 
! Common Data (Parities) 
Appendix C – APE-IMF-S1.IML File 
i M P l (c) 
Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. 
! Case Data (Prefixes) 
! Calculation Data (Parameters) 
! Measured/fixed component recipes. 
! Simulated properties. 
! Construction Data (Pointers) 
! Capacity Data (Prototypes) 
! Constituent Data (Properties) 
! Cost Data (Pricing) 
! Command Data (Future Provisos) 
! Set lower and upper bounds if LCR flow measurement is missing (not available). 
! Set target bound to RNNON if RON property measurement is missing (not available). 

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Similar to Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) for Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Industrial Modeling Framework (APE-IMF-MGB)

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Finite Impulse Response Estimation of Gas Furnace Data in IMPL Industrial Mod...
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Pipeline optimization Industrial Modeling Framework
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Advanced Process Monitoring for Startups, Shutdowns & Switchovers Industrial ...
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Industrial Modeling Service (IMS-IMPL)
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Similar to Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) for Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Industrial Modeling Framework (APE-IMF-MGB) (20)

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Pipeline optimization Industrial Modeling Framework
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Advanced Process Monitoring for Startups, Shutdowns & Switchovers Industrial ...
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Industrial Modeling Service (IMS-IMPL)
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Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) for Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Industrial Modeling Framework (APE-IMF-MGB)

  • 1. Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) for Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Industrial Modeling Framework (APE-IMF-MGB) “Estimate and Validate Production/Process Parameters in any Industrial System” i n d u s t r IAL g o r i t h m s LLC. (IAL) November 2014 Introduction to Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE), Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB), UOPSS and QLQP Presented in this short document is a description of how to model and solve advanced parameter estimation (APE) problems in IMPL. APE is the term given to the application of estimating, fitting or calibrating parameters in models involving a network, topology, superstructure or flowsheet. When estimating parameters with multiple linear regression (MLR), ordinary least squares (OLS), ridge regression (RR), principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) there is no explicit model but simply an X-block and Y-block of data. Hence, these methods are referred to as “non-parametric” or “data-based” methods as opposed to the “parametric” or “model-based” method used here. To solve these types of problems we use what is commonly referred to as “error-in-variables” (EIV) regression which is conveniently implemented as nonlinear data reconciliation and regression (NDRR) using the technology found in Kelly (1998a; 1998b; 1999) and Kelly and Zyngier (2008a). The primary benefit of using EIV (NDRR) over the other regression methods is that we can easily handle the inclusion of conservation laws and constitutive relations, explicitly, a must for any industrial estimation problem (IEP). Figure 1. Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Flowsheet.
  • 2. In order to demonstrate this, Figure 1 depicts a small but representative motor gasoline blending (MGB) problem represented in our UOPSS flowsheet paradigm (Kelly, 2004; Kelly 2005; Zyngier and Kelly, 2012). These types of blending problems are ubiquitous in oil-refining (Kelly and Mann, 2003; Kelly 2006, Castillo et. al. 2013; Kelly et. al. 2014) where models relating component recipes or flows (LSR, …, NC4) to component and product (Premium) properties (RON, MON, RVP, etc.) are required for planning, scheduling, optimizing and controlling these industrial systems. The UOPSS shapes shown in this figure are diamonds for perimeter unit-operations, circles with and without “x”’s for outlet and inlet port-states respectively, a rectangle with an “x” for a continuous-process unit-operation and the lines with arrow-heads for port-to-port transfers or external streams and lines without arrow-heads for internal streams between the unit-operation and the port-state. The overall goal or purpose of this example is to use actual “end-of-blend report” (EBR) data for thirty-three (33) blends or batches of premium motor gasoline and to estimate, fit or adapt linear blending-values for each component and for each property i.e., 7 (components) * 3 (properties) = 21 parameters or coefficients. These blending-values can then be used as the internal model found in blend property controllers with on-line property measurements, instruments or analyzers along with bias-updating (parameter-feedback) to effectively control these processes. The EBR data is very common in blend-shops and reports the amount (volume or weight) of each component used and the total amount of the product blended and has several measured properties where RON, MON and RVP are the most common specifications but other properties such as sulfur, olefins, aromatics content, distillation temperatures, etc. are also specified and measured (Kelly et. al., 2014). There are essentially three (3) well-known nonlinear blending models available such as the Ethyl, Dupont (Interaction) and Mobil Transformation methods but these also require frequent calibration where their intrinsic predictive value over simply adapting the linear blending-values from actual data is not understood to say the least. Our novel approach here is to model each of the blends or batches as “scenarios” which are conceptually identical to scenarios found in Scenario Optimization for example used to effectively manage uncertainty i.e., to find a robust, reliable and resilient solution to a family of possible situations. Here a scenario can be thought of as a “sample”, “survey” or “snapshot” of the process or production at any instant of time in the past where a scenario is usually defined for future events in planning and scheduling problems. As mentioned, since we have 33 samples or scenarios then technically there are 7 * 3 * 33 = 693 possible blending-values but instead we common, link or match all of scenario blending-values together for a particular stream so that we have only 7 * 3 = 21 blending-values (degrees-of-freedom, DoF) to estimate where the other 672 blending-values are completely dependent (i.e., simple examples of linear constitutive equations). How we do this in IMPL can be found in Appendix B under the “Common Data” section. As any new blend is completed and/or when a past blend is deemed to be too old or out-of-date, the set of scenarios can be modified or updated and the APE process can be repeated in a rolling, receding or moving horizon estimation procedure (Kelly and Zyngier, 2008b). Industrial Modeling Framework (IMF), IMPL and SSIIMPLE To implement the mathematical formulation of this and other systems, IAL offers a unique approach and is incorporated into our Industrial Modeling Programming Language we call IMPL. IMPL has its own modeling language called IML (short for Industrial Modeling Language) which is a flat or text-file interface as well as a set of API's which can be called from any computer programming language such as C, C++, Fortran, C#, VBA, Java (SWIG), Python (CTYPES) and/or Julia (CCALL) called IPL (short for Industrial Programming Language) to both build the
  • 3. model and to view the solution. Models can be a mix of linear, mixed-integer and nonlinear variables and constraints and are solved using a combination of LP, QP, MILP and NLP solvers such as COINMP, GLPK, LPSOLVE, SCIP, CPLEX, GUROBI, LINDO, XPRESS, CONOPT, IPOPT, KNITRO and WORHP as well as our own implementation of SLP called SLPQPE (Successive Linear & Quadratic Programming Engine) which is a very competitive alternative to the other nonlinear solvers and embeds all available LP and QP solvers. In addition and specific to DRR problems, we also have a special solver called SECQPE standing for Sequential Equality-Constrained QP Engine which computes the least-squares solution and a post-solver called SORVE standing for Supplemental Observability, Redundancy and Variability Estimator to estimate the usual DRR statistics. SECQPE also includes a Levenberg-Marquardt regularization method for nonlinear data regression problems and can be presolved using SLPQPE i.e., SLPQPE warm-starts SECQPE. SORVE is run after the SECQPE solver and also computes the well-known "maximum-power" gross-error statistics (measurement and nodal/constraint tests) to help locate outliers, defects and/or faults i.e., mal-functions in the measurement system and mis-specifications in the logging system. The underlying system architecture of IMPL is called SSIIMPLE (we hope literally) which is short for Server, Solvers, Interfacer (IML), Interacter (IPL), Modeler, Presolver Libraries and Executable. The Server, Solvers, Presolver and Executable are primarily model or problem-independent whereas the Interfacer, Interacter and Modeler are typically domain-specific i.e., model or problem-dependent. Fortunately, for most industrial planning, scheduling, optimization, control and monitoring problems found in the process industries, IMPL's standard Interfacer, Interacter and Modeler are well-suited and comprehensive to model the most difficult of production and process complexities allowing for the formulations of straightforward coefficient equations, ubiquitous conservation laws, rigorous constitutive relations, empirical correlative expressions and other necessary side constraints. User, custom, adhoc or external constraints can be augmented or appended to IMPL when necessary in several ways. For MILP or logistics problems we offer user-defined constraints configurable from the IML file or the IPL code where the variables and constraints are referenced using unit-operation-port-state names and the quantity-logic variable types. It is also possible to import a foreign *.ILP file (row-based MPS file) which can be generated by any algebraic modeling language or matrix generator. This file is read just prior to generating the matrix and before exporting to the LP, QP or MILP solver. For NLP or quality problems we offer user-defined formula configuration in the IML file and single-value and multi-value function blocks writable in C, C++ or Fortran. The nonlinear formulas may include intrinsic functions such as EXP, LN, LOG, SIN, COS, TAN, MIN, MAX, IF, NOT, EQ, NE, LE, LT, GE, GT, AND, OR, XOR and CIP, LIP, SIP and KIP (constant, linear and monotonic spline interpolations) as well as user-written extrinsic functions (XFCN). It is also possible to import another type of foreign file called the *.INL file where both linear and nonlinear constraints can be added easily using new or existing IMPL variables. Industrial modeling frameworks or IMF's are intended to provide a jump-start to an industrial project implementation i.e., a pre-project if you will, whereby pre-configured IML files and/or IPL code are available specific to your problem at hand. The IML files and/or IPL code can be easily enhanced, extended, customized, modified, etc. to meet the diverse needs of your project and as it evolves over time and use. IMF's also provide graphical user interface prototypes for drawing the flowsheet as in Figure 1 and typical Gantt charts and trend plots to view the solution of quantity, logic and quality time-profiles. Current developments use Python 2.3 and 2.7 integrated with open-source Gnome Dia and Matplotlib modules respectively but other
  • 4. prototypes embedded within Microsoft Excel/VBA for example can be created in a straightforward manner. However, the primary purpose of the IMF's is to provide a timely, cost-effective, manageable and maintainable deployment of IMPL to formulate and optimize complex industrial manufacturing systems in either off-line or on-line environments. Using IMPL alone would be somewhat similar (but not as bad) to learning the syntax and semantics of an AML as well as having to code all of the necessary mathematical representations of the problem including the details of digitizing your data into time-points and periods, demarcating past, present and future time-horizons, defining sets, index-sets, compound-sets to traverse the network or topology, calculating independent and dependent parameters to be used as coefficients and bounds and finally creating all of the necessary variables and constraints to model the complex details of logistics and quality industrial optimization problems. Instead, IMF's and IMPL provide, in our opinion, a more elegant and structured approach to industrial modeling and solving so that you can capture the benefits of advanced decision-making faster, better and cheaper. Advanced Parameter Estimation (APE) and Motor Gasoline Blending (MGB) Synopsis At this point we explore further the application of modeling and solving APE problems in IMPL. The UOPSS shapes or objects arranged in the blend-shop flowsheet of Figure 1 can be found in Appendix A we call the UPS file. A master IML file is found in Appendix B which configures several calculations including the hypothetical blending-values (LSR_RON, …, NC4_RVP) from which we simulate the actual Premium product or grade property values for RON, MON and RVP where for RVP we simulate the typical (Chevron) blending-index of RVP^1.25. Scenario 1’s IML file (“S1:”) can be found in Appendix C where we use actual component recipes (LSR=0.0911, …, NC4=0.1202) from an actual blend-shop. The other thirty-two (32) scenario IML files for “S2:”, …, “S33:” are identical to Appendix C except that the actual component recipes are different where Appendix B’s Case Data comments shows all of the actual scenario recipes in table or matrix form. Although Normally distributed random noise could be added to the simulated product properties in each scenario (see NOISESTD, NOISESEED and NRN)), no noise was superimposed in order to better compare the regressed blending-values with the simulated values. The procedure to estimate the blending-values using the EBR data is to regress each property individually in order to determine the individual “sum of squares of residuals” (SSR) which also determines the “standard error” (SE). To do this in IMPL, the RONSE (Appendix B) is set to 1.0 while the MONSE and RVPSE are set to some large number such as 1E+20 and the SECQPE solver is run which performs NDRR respecting equality constraints only (ignores inequality constraints). The three SSR’s are 0.5100, 0.4501 and 0.0594 respectively where when we divide the SSR’s by the nominal DoF of 32 this computes the SE where the inverse or reciprocal is used as the 2-norm performance weight for the estimation (see Appendix C’s “Cost Data”). The diagnostics are computed using SORVE which determines the observability of the blending-values or coefficients (unmeasured or regressed variables), redundancy of the measurements (measured or reconciled variables) and variances for both. Given the variances we can compute the Student-t and Chi-Squared distribution statistics required by the data reconciliation diagnostics known as the maximum-power measurement statistic, parameter confidence-intervals and the global or objective function statistic. If significant autocorrelation is detected in the residuals (measured minus predicted) such as detected by the Durbin-Watson test for example then either a dynamic model needs to be configured using lagged or time-
  • 5. shifted variables (explicit Euler’s method) or only steady-state data should be considered (Kelly and Hedengren, 2013). Fortunately for this EBR data set, there is no autocorrelation present. Table 1 shows the simulated versus regressed blending-values with 95% confidence-intervals (CI’s) in parentheses. All of the blending-value coefficients are within their 95% CI’s except for HCR which is somewhat related to the fact that there are only sixteen (16) scenarios with non-zero HCR recipe or flow out of thirty-three (33). Although not shown, the RVP blending-values are all within their CI’s comfortably. Table 1. Simulated v. Regressed Blending-Value Parameters (95% Confidence-Intervals). RON (Simulated) RON (Regressed) MON (Simulated) MON (Regressed) LSR 74.80 75.95 (73.93,77.97) 71.20 72.27 (70.37,74.17) LCR 97.40 96.89 (96.16,97.62) 90.90 90.43 (89.75,91.11) LCN 80.70 79.65 (77.26,82.04) 78.50 77.50 (75.25,79.74) HCR 103.00 102.04 (101.61,102.47) 93.00 92.12 (91.71,92.52) HCN 89.60 91.90 (89.07,94.72) 80.50 82.66 (80.00,85.31) ALK 95.30 95.03 (94.51,95.54) 92.20 91.93 (91.45,92.42) NC4 96.00 95.01 (93.39,96.64) 90.50 89.56 (88.03,91.09) An important feature of APE and NDRR is its ability to handle what is commonly referred to as “missing-data”. Missing-data is the issue where not all of the X-block and Y-block data are available. With most regression methods (excluding PCR and PLS), missing-data is handled either by completing removing the observation, sample or scenario or “imputing” a value such as using its mean. When missing-data is present in APE, we simply make the measured data into unmeasured data whereby the NDRR will actually estimate or fit a reconciled/regressed value using the inherent redundancy in the data and in the model. If we assume that the LSR recipe or flow is missing in scenario “S1:” (see Appendix C’s Command Data), then we simply set its lower and upper bounds to be some appropriate range. This then becomes a nonlinear problem due to the flow times property bilinear term and SECQPE estimates its value to be 0.6613 (0.6546, 0.6681) where its measured value is 0.6582 and is clearly within its CI’s. If we assume that the RON property in “S1:” is missing (see Appendix C’s Command Data), then we simply set the target bound to our Non-Naturally Occurring Number (NNON=-99,999) which will ignore this as a measurement. This is still a linear problem where SECQPE finds the RON unmeasured value to be 92.60 (92.53, 92.68) where its measured value is 92.49. In summary, it should be clear that IMPL can be used to model and solve advanced parameter estimation (APE) problems which can also be considered as “Process or Production Analytics” given that we are using prior engineering knowledge, process/production data and popular statistics to identify and estimate these models that can then be used in industrial optimization problems (IOP’s). Not only can we estimate process/production models that include a flowsheet, nonlinearities, dynamics and missing-data using well-established statistical methods such as EIV and NDRR but we are also able to provide the necessary diagnostic capability to validate these models. References Kelly, J.D., "On finding the matrix projection in the data reconciliation solution", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 1553, (1998a).
  • 6. Kelly, J.D., "A regularization approach to the reconciliation of constrained data sets", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 1771, (1998b). Kelly, J.D., "Reconciliation of process data using other projection matrices", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 785, (1999). Kelly, J.D., Mann, J.M., "Crude-oil blend scheduling optimization: an application with multi-million dollar benefits", Hydrocarbon Processing, June, 47, July, 72, (2003). Kelly, J.D., "Production modeling for multimodal operations", Chemical Engineering Progress, February, 44, (2004). Kelly, J.D., "The unit-operation-stock superstructure (UOSS) and the quantity-logic-quality paradigm (QLQP) for production scheduling in the process industries", In: MISTA 2005 Conference Proceedings, 327, (2005). Kelly, J.D., "Logistics: the missing link in blend scheduling optimization", Hydrocarbon Processing, June, 45, (2006). Kelly, J.D., Zyngier, D., "A new and improved MILP formulation to optimize observability, redundancy and precision for sensor network problems", American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal, 54, 1282, (2008a). Kelly, J.D., Zyngier, D., "Continuously improve planning and scheduling models with parameter feedback", FOCAPO 2008, July, (2008). Zyngier, D., Kelly, J.D., "UOPSS: a new paradigm for modeling production planning and scheduling systems", ESCAPE 22, June, (2012). Castillo, P.A., Kelly, J.D., Mahalec, V., "Inventory pinch analysis for gasoline blend planning", AIChE J., June, (2013). Kelly, J.D., Hedengren, J.D., "A steady-state detection (SDD) algorithm to detect non-stationary drifts in processes", Journal of Process Control, 23, 326, (2013). Kelly, J.D., Menezes, B.C., Grossmann, I.E., “Distillation blending and cutpoint temperature optimization using monotonic interpolation”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 15146-15156, (2014). Appendix A – APE-IMF.UPS File i M P l (c) Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. checksum,73 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Unit-Operation-Port-State-Superstructure (UOPSS) *.UPS File. ! (This file is automatically generated from the Python program !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sUnit,&sOperation,@sType,@sSubtype,@sUse ALK,,perimeter,, Blender,Premium,processc,blender%, HCN,,perimeter,, HCR,,perimeter,, LCN,,perimeter,, LCR,,perimeter,, LSR,,perimeter,, NC4,,perimeter,,
  • 7. Premium,,perimeter,, &sUnit,&sOperation,@sType,@sSubtype,@sUse ! Number of UO shapes = 9 &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation ALLPARTS,ALK, ALLPARTS,Blender,Premium ALLPARTS,HCN, ALLPARTS,HCR, ALLPARTS,LCN, ALLPARTS,LCR, ALLPARTS,LSR, ALLPARTS,NC4, ALLPARTS,Premium, &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@sType,@sSubtype ALK,,o,,out, Blender,Premium,ALK,,in, Blender,Premium,HCN,,in, Blender,Premium,HCR,,in, Blender,Premium,LCN,,in, Blender,Premium,LCR,,in, Blender,Premium,LSR,,in, Blender,Premium,NC4,,in, Blender,Premium,o,,out, HCN,,o,,out, HCR,,o,,out, LCN,,o,,out, LCR,,o,,out, LSR,,o,,out, NC4,,o,,out, Premium,,i,,in, &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@sType,@sSubtype ! Number of UOPS shapes = 16 &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,ALK, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,HCN, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,HCR, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,LCN, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,LCR, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,LSR, ALLINPORTS,Blender,Premium,NC4, ALLINPORTS,Premium,,i, ALLOUTPORTS,ALK,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,Blender,Premium,o, ALLOUTPORTS,HCN,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,HCR,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,LCN,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,LCR,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,LSR,,o, ALLOUTPORTS,NC4,,o, &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState ALK,,o,,Blender,Premium,ALK, Blender,Premium,o,,Premium,,i, HCN,,o,,Blender,Premium,HCN, HCR,,o,,Blender,Premium,HCR, LCN,,o,,Blender,Premium,LCN, LCR,,o,,Blender,Premium,LCR, LSR,,o,,Blender,Premium,LSR, NC4,,o,,Blender,Premium,NC4, &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState ! Number of UOPSPSUO shapes = 8 &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState ALLPATHS,ALK,,o,,Blender,Premium,ALK, ALLPATHS,HCN,,o,,Blender,Premium,HCN, ALLPATHS,HCR,,o,,Blender,Premium,HCR, ALLPATHS,LCN,,o,,Blender,Premium,LCN, ALLPATHS,LCR,,o,,Blender,Premium,LCR, ALLPATHS,LSR,,o,,Blender,Premium,LSR, ALLPATHS,NC4,,o,,Blender,Premium,NC4, ALLPATHS,Blender,Premium,o,,Premium,,i, &sAlias,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState Appendix B – APE-IMF.IML File i M P l (c) Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Calculation Data (Parameters) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sCalc,@sValue PERIOD,1.0 START,-PERIOD
  • 8. BEGIN,0.0 END,1.0 DELTA,0.0 NOISESTD,0.0 NOISESEED,4*50+1 RONSE,0.5100 / 32 MONSE,0.4501 / 32 RVPSE,0.0594 / 32 ! RON MON RVP !LSR 74.80 71.20 14.80 !LCR 97.40 90.90 14.30 !LCN 80.70 78.50 12.20 !HCR 103.00 93.00 1.20 !HCN 89.60 80.50 1.70 !ALK 95.30 92.20 7.80 !NC4 96.00 90.50 52.00 LSR_RON,74.8 LCR_RON,97.40 LCN_RON,80.70 HCR_RON,103.00 HCN_RON,89.60 ALK_RON,95.30 NC4_RON,96.00 LSR_MON,71.20 LCR_MON,90.90 LCN_MON,78.50 HCR_MON,93.00 HCN_MON,80.50 ALK_MON,92.20 NC4_MON,90.50 ! Transformed RVP (blending index). LSR_RVP,(14.8)^1.25 LCR_RVP,(14.30)^1.25 LCN_RVP,(12.20)^1.25 HCR_RVP,(1.20)^1.25 HCN_RVP,(1.70)^1.25 ALK_RVP,(7.80)^1.25 NC4_RVP,(52.00)^1.25 &sCalc,@sValue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Chronological Data (Periods) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @rPastTHD,@rFutureTHD,@rTPD START,END,PERIOD @rPastTHD,@rFutureTHD,@rTPD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Case Data (Prefixes) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! LSR LCR LCN HCR HCN ALK NC4 ! 1 0.0911 0.6582 0.1242 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1202 ! 2 0.0838 0.6643 0.1231 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1224 ! 3 0.1765 0.6524 0.0577 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1107 ! 4 0.0562 0.6761 0.1496 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1140 ! 5 0.1471 0.6721 0.0742 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1033 ! 6 0.1287 0.6589 0.1040 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1049 ! 7 0.0840 0.6604 0.1422 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1070 ! 8 0.1494 0.6316 0.1044 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1112 ! 9 0.1228 0.5424 0.1183 0.0000 0.0000 0.1072 0.1030 ! 10 0.1074 0.6496 0.1083 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1284 ! 11 0.1353 0.6340 0.0877 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1398 ! 12 0.1266 0.6102 0.1510 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1089 ! 13 0.0926 0.6420 0.1174 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1417 ! 14 0.0889 0.6379 0.1306 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1396 ! 15 0.0888 0.5772 0.0902 0.0000 0.0000 0.0841 0.1533 ! 16 0.1430 0.4775 0.0268 0.0000 0.0000 0.2109 0.1388 ! 17 0.0637 0.6158 0.1622 0.0000 0.0000 0.0364 0.1155 ! 18 0.1260 0.1788 0.0000 0.4145 0.0810 0.0722 0.1242 ! 19 0.0856 0.1304 0.0000 0.4503 0.0846 0.0949 0.1509 ! 20 0.1443 0.2216 0.0000 0.3949 0.0239 0.1220 0.0900 ! 21 0.0860 0.1935 0.0000 0.4013 0.0000 0.2614 0.0515 ! 22 0.1298 0.2543 0.0000 0.4157 0.0397 0.0744 0.0828 ! 23 0.1238 0.1237 0.0000 0.3926 0.0000 0.2963 0.0577 ! 24 0.1080 0.2617 0.0000 0.4267 0.0352 0.1294 0.0345 ! 25 0.0905 0.1434 0.0000 0.3886 0.0000 0.3080 0.0629 ! 26 0.1039 0.2561 0.0000 0.4184 0.0343 0.1286 0.0543 ! 27 0.0759 0.2758 0.0526 0.4302 0.0395 0.0821 0.0394 ! 28 0.0762 0.2508 0.0256 0.4268 0.0000 0.1714 0.0450 ! 29 0.0861 0.2494 0.0317 0.4373 0.0000 0.1555 0.0339 ! 30 0.0896 0.2842 0.0262 0.4234 0.0742 0.0554 0.0427 ! 31 0.0761 0.1692 0.0248 0.2484 0.0000 0.4332 0.0422 ! 32 0.0601 0.1596 0.0248 0.2550 0.0000 0.4577 0.0421 ! 33 0.0998 0.2885 0.0257 0.4168 0.0751 0.0559 0.0339 Include-@sFile_Name
  • 9. APE-IMF-S1.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S2.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S3.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S4.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S5.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S6.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S7.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S8.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S9.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S10.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S11.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S12.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S13.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S14.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S15.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S16.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S17.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S18.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S19.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S20.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S21.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S22.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S23.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S24.iml Include-@sFile_Name
  • 10. Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S25.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S26.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S27.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S28.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S29.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S30.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S31.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S32.iml Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name APE-IMF-S33.iml Include-@sFile_Name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Common Data (Parities) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sQuality,@sType,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sQuality,@sType LSR,,o,,RON,PP, LCR,,o,,RON,PP, LCN,,o,,RON,PP, HCR,,o,,RON,PP, HCN,,o,,RON,PP, ALK,,o,,RON,PP, NC4,,o,,RON,PP, LSR,,o,,MON,PP, LCR,,o,,MON,PP, LCN,,o,,MON,PP, HCR,,o,,MON,PP, HCN,,o,,MON,PP, ALK,,o,,MON,PP, NC4,,o,,MON,PP, LSR,,o,,RVP,PP, LCR,,o,,RVP,PP, LCN,,o,,RVP,PP, HCR,,o,,RVP,PP, HCN,,o,,RVP,PP, ALK,,o,,RVP,PP, NC4,,o,,RVP,PP, &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sQuality,@sType,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sQuality,@sType Appendix C – APE-IMF-S1.IML File i M P l (c) Copyright and Property of i n d u s t r I A L g o r i t h m s LLC. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Case Data (Prefixes) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sScenario S1: &sScenario !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Calculation Data (Parameters) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sCalc,@sValue PERIOD,1.0 START,-PERIOD BEGIN,0.0 END,1.0 ! Measured/fixed component recipes. LSR,0.0911 LCR,0.6582
  • 11. LCN,0.1242 HCR,0.0000 HCN,0.0000 ALK,0.0000 NC4,0.1202 ! Simulated properties. NOISE,2.0 * (NRN(NOISESEED) - 0.5) * NOISESTD RON,LSR*LSR_RON+ LCR*LCR_RON+ LCN*LCN_RON+ HCR*HCR_RON+ HCN*HCN_RON+ ALK*ALK_RON+ NC4*NC4_RON+ NOISE MON,LSR*LSR_MON+ LCR*LCR_MON+ LCN*LCN_MON+ HCR*HCR_MON+ HCN*HCN_MON+ ALK*ALK_MON+ NC4*NC4_MON+ NOISE RVP,LSR*LSR_RVP+ LCR*LCR_RVP+ LCN*LCN_RVP+ HCR*HCR_RVP+ HCN*HCN_RVP+ ALK*ALK_RVP+ NC4*NC4_RVP+ NOISE &sCalc,@sValue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Construction Data (Pointers) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Include-@sFile_Name Include-@sFile_Name !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Capacity Data (Prototypes) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sUnit,&sOperation,@rRate_Lower,@rRate_Upper ALLPARTS,0.0,1000.0 &sUnit,&sOperation,@rRate_Lower,@rRate_Upper &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTeeRate_Lower,@rTeeRate_Upper ALLINPORTS,0.0,1000.0 ALLOUTPORTS,0.0,1000.0 &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTeeRate_Lower,@rTeeRate_Upper &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTotalRate_Lower,@rTotalRate_Upper ALLINPORTS,0.0,1000.0 ALLOUTPORTS,0.0,1000.0 &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTotalRate_Lower,@rTotalRate_Upper &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rYield_Lower,@rYield_Upper,@rYield_Fixed ALLINPORTS,0.0,1.0 ALLOUTPORTS,0.0,1.0 &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rYield_Lower,@rYield_Upper,@rYield_Fixed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Constituent Data (Properties) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sProperty RON MON RVP &sProperty &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rProperty_Lower,@rProperty_Upper,@rProperty_Target ALLINPORTS,RON,0.0,200.0 ALLINPORTS,MON,0.0,200.0 ALLINPORTS,RVP,0.0,200.0 ALLOUTPORTS,RON,0.0,200.0 ALLOUTPORTS,MON,0.0,200.0 ALLOUTPORTS,RVP,0.0,200.0 &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rProperty_Lower,@rProperty_Upper,@rProperty_Target !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Cost Data (Pricing) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rPropertyPro_Weight,@rPropertyPer1_Weight,@rPropertyPer2_Weight,@rPropertyPen_Weigh t Premium,,i,,RON,,,1.0/RONSE Premium,,i,,MON,,,1.0/MONSE Premium,,i,,RVP,,,1.0/RVPSE &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rPropertyPro_Weight,@rPropertyPer1_Weight,@rPropertyPer2_Weight,@rPropertyPen_Weigh t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Command Data (Future Provisos) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &sUnit,&sOperation,@rSetup_Lower,@rSetup_Upper,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time ALLPARTS,1,1,BEGIN,END &sUnit,&sOperation,@rSetup_Lower,@rSetup_Upper,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rSetup_Lower,@rSetup_Upper,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time ALLPATHS,1,1,BEGIN,END &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rSetup_Lower,@rSetup_Upper,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTotalRate_Lower,@rTotalRate_Upper,@rTotalRate_Target,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time LSR,,o,,MAX(LSR-DELTA;0.0),LSR+DELTA,,BEGIN,END ! Set lower and upper bounds if LCR flow measurement is missing (not available). !LCR,,o,,0.0,1.0,,BEGIN,END LCR,,o,,MAX(LCR-DELTA;0.0),LCR+DELTA,,BEGIN,END
  • 12. LCN,,o,,MAX(LCN-DELTA;0.0),LCN+DELTA,,BEGIN,END HCR,,o,,MAX(HCR-DELTA;0.0),HCR+DELTA,,BEGIN,END HCN,,o,,MAX(HCN-DELTA;0.0),HCN+DELTA,,BEGIN,END ALK,,o,,MAX(ALK-DELTA;0.0),ALK+DELTA,,BEGIN,END NC4,,o,,MAX(NC4-DELTA;0.0),NC4+DELTA,,BEGIN,END &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,@rTotalRate_Lower,@rTotalRate_Upper,@rTotalRate_Target,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rProperty_Lower,@rProperty_Upper,@rProperty_Target,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time ! Set target bound to RNNON if RON property measurement is missing (not available). !Premium,,i,,RON,0.0,200.0,-99999,BEGIN,END Premium,,i,,RON,0.0,200.0,RON,BEGIN,END Premium,,i,,MON,0.0,200.0,MON,BEGIN,END Premium,,i,,RVP,0.0,200.0,RVP,BEGIN,END &sUnit,&sOperation,&sPort,&sState,&sProperty,@rProperty_Lower,@rProperty_Upper,@rProperty_Target,@rBegin_Time,@rEnd_Time