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Surrogate Modeling of Complex Systems Using 
Adaptive Hybrid Functions 
Jie Zhang*, Souma Chowdhury*, Achille Messac# 
Junqiang Zhang* and Luciano Castillo* 
* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering 
# Syracuse University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 
ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 
and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) 
37th Design Automation Conference (DAC) 
August 28 – 31, 2011 
Washington, DC
Introductory Observation 
• The need to quantify complex system performance often demands 
computationally expensive simulations and/or expensive experiments. 
• Surrogate modeling provides approximation models to represent the 
relationships between specific system inputs and outputs, which can be 
used to estimate the system performance for any given input. 
• The hybrid surrogate modeling paradigm, which seeks to combine 
attractive features of different surrogates, offers a promising approach 
towards development of high fidelity approximation models. 
Kriging RBF E-RBF 2
Math Automotive 
Geology Data mining Material Science 
Source: Google Images
Research Objectives 
 This paper explores the wide applicability of the recently 
developed hybrid surrogate: Adaptive Hybrid Functions 
 Previous paper established effectiveness of AHF versus 
individual surrogates. 
 Apply AHF to complex engineered systems design, and 
economic system design problems. 
 This paper implements three representative sampling 
techniques (i) Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), (ii) 
Sobol’s quasirandom sequence, and (iii) Hammersley 
Sequence Sampling (HSS). 
 Investigate the effects of sample size and problem 
dimensionality on the performance of the surrogate model.
• Surrogate Modeling Review 
• Adaptive Hybrid Functions (AHF) 
• Complex Engineered and Economic Systems 
• Wind Farm Design 
• Product Family Design (for Universal Electric Motors) 
• Three-Pane Window Design 
• Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model 
• Results and Discussion 
Surrogate Modeling Review 
 Parametric & Nonparametric Surrogate Modeling 
 Hybrid Surrogate Models 
 Weighted averaged surrogates1 
 Ensemble of surrogates using Generalized Mean Square Cross-validation 
 Optimization on the weights3 
 Based on various local error measures4 
 Using recursive process to obtain the weights5 
1Zepra et al. 2 Goel et al. 3 Acar and Rais-Rohani 4Acar 5Zhou et al.
Adaptive Hybrid Functions (AHF) 
AHF Framework 
 Step A.1: Determination  Step A of the Base Model 
 Determination of a trust region: 
Numerical bounds of the estimated 
parameter (output) as functions of 
the input vector over the feasible 
 Characterization of the local 
measure of accuracy: Using kernel 
functions of the estimated output 
 Step A.2: Formulation of Crowding Distance-Based Trust Region (CD-TR) 
 Wherever the density of training points is high, the interpolative function in that region is 
expected to have smaller errors. 
 Crowding distance is used to evaluate the 
density of points: 
 A parameter ρ is defined to represent the local 
density of input data: 
 The adaptive distance: 
AHF Framework 
It is important to note that the CD-TR estimation is particularly useful for data obtained from 
experiments/simulation that was not preceded by Design of Experiments. In the case of problems, 
where the user has control over sampling, the initial sample data is expected to be relatively evenly 
distributed; significant variation in crowding distance is unlikely.
AHF Framework 
 Accuracy Measure of Surrogate Modeling (AMSM) 
 We develop an Accuracy Measure of Surrogate 
Modeling, to represent the uncertainty in the 
estimated function value. 
 The kernel function provides a measure of the 
accuracy of component surrogates. 
 The corresponding coefficients of the kernel 
function are represented as functions of the input 
vector, thereby characterizing the measure of 
accuracy of the estimated function over the entire 
input domain. 
 The following kernel function is adopted here
AHF Framework 
 We assume that the reliability of the estimated measure of accuracy (kernel function) is 
a maximum of one at the actual output value y(xi); and a minimum of 0.1 at the trust 
region boundaries. The kernel function is represented as 
 σ1 and σ2 are controlled by the full width at one tenth maximum (Δz10), given by 
Step B: Component Surrogates Development 
 In this paper, the AHF integrates: 
 Kriging method 
 Radial Basis Functions (RBF) 
 Extended Radial Basis Functions (E-RBF) 
Step C: Determining Local Weights 
 The AHF is a weighted summation of function values estimated by the component 
 The weights are expressed in terms of the estimated measure of accuracy, expressed as 
where, Pi(x) is the measure of accuracy of the ith surrogate for point x.
Complex Engineered and Economic Systems 
 The AHF is applied to complex engineered design problems 
and an economic system: 
1) Wind Farm Design 
2) Product Family Design (for Universal Electric Motors) 
3) Three-Pane Window Design 
4) Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model 
Problems Challenges to Surrogate 
Wind Farm Design Highly nonlinear, multimodal Low 
Product Family Nonlinear, multimodal Fair 
Three-pane Window Design Highly nonlinear High 
Wind Farm Cost Model No Design of Experiment Commercial data
Wind Farm Design 
The power generated by a wind farm 
The farm efficiency 
We develop a hybrid response surface (using the AHF) to represent the farm efficiency as a 
function of the turbine location coordinates. 
 We consider four cases: 
 wind farm with 4 turbines (8 variables); 
 wind farm with 9 turbines (18 variables); 
 wind farm with 16 turbines (32 variables); and 
 wind farm with 25 turbines (50 variables). 
 Challenges to surrogate modeling: 
 Highly nonlinear (wake model, wake overlap, power generation model) 
 Multimodal (power generation model)
Product Family Design 
 Comprehensive Product Platform Planning (CP3) framework 
 AHF method is used to represent the two objectives and the two constraints as functions of 
design variables: 
 Objectives: performance objective (fperf) and cost objective (fcost) 
 Constraints: system constraint and commonality constraint 
 We consider three cases: 
 2 products (21 variables); 
 3 products (28 variables); and 
 4 products (35 variables). 
 Challenges to surrogate modeling: 
 The performance function and the system 
constraint are fairly nonlinear. 
 The commonality constraint is nonlinear and 
particularly multimodal. 
Design variable limits of the electric motors
Three-Pane Window Design 
 The heat transfer simulation model of the side channels and the air gap is created using 
the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software Fluent. 
 The inputs for the surrogate model are 
 The atmospheric temperature, 
 The wind speed, and 
 The solar radiation. 
 The output of the surrogate model is 
 The heat flux through the inner pane, Qwindow. 
 Challenges to surrogate modeling: 
 Highly nonlinear (CFD model). 
 Computational expensive.
Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model 
 Response Surface-Based Wind Farm Cost (RS-WFC) model 
 The inputs for the surrogate model are 
 The number, and 
 The rated power of wind turbines. 
 The output of the surrogate model is 
 Total annual cost of a wind farm 
 Challenges to surrogate modeling: 
 Not preceded by Design of Experiment.
Performance Criteria 
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): overall performance 
Maximum Absolute Error (MAE): maximum deviation 
Relative Accuracy Error (RAE) 
Cross-Validation: (i) leave-one-out strategy, and (ii) q-fold strategy
Experimental Designs 
We consider three sampling methods: 
 Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) 
 The values of the np numbers of points in each column are randomly 
selected - one from each of the intervals, (0, 1/np); (1/np, 2/np), ..., (1- 
1/np, 1). 
 Sobol’s Quasirandom Sequence Generator 
 Sobol sequences use a base of two to form finer uniform partitions of 
the unit interval, and reorder the coordinates in each dimension. 
 Hammersley Sequence Sampling (HSS) 
 The HSS is based on the representation of a decimal number in the 
inverse radix format, where the radix values are chosen as the first 
(m-1) prime numbers, m being the number of dimensions.
Experimental Designs 
Experimental design for each problem
Results and Discussion 
 In the case of the three-pane window, the HSS technique performs better than the LHS 
 Effect of Sampling Technique and Size 
Three-pane window model 
and Sobol techniques; 
 For the wind farm power generation model, the LHS technique performs better than the 
other two sampling methods; 
 For the product family design problem, in terms of the RMSE values, both LHS and 
Sobol provide better performance. However, the HSS yields smaller MAE values. 
WindP rpoodwucetr fgaemnielrya tmioond melodel 
The errors (RMSE, MAE, PRESS) do not consistently decrease with 
increasing sample size, likely owing to training point sensitivity.
Effect of Problem Dimensionality 
 In the case of Sobol and LHS sampling techniques, the values of 
RMSE, MAE, and PRESS decrease when the dimension increases; 
 In the case of HSS sampling technique, the AHF method has high 
accuracy for relatively lower dimensional problems.
• This paper presented applications of the Adaptive Hybrid Functions 
(AHF) to represent complex engineered and economic systems. 
• The errors (RMSE, MAE, PRESS) do not consistently decrease with 
increasing sample size, likely owing to training point sensitivity. 
• The application of AHF using Sobol’s and LHS sampling provides 
relatively better accuracy for high dimensional problems. 
• The application of AHF using HSS sampling provides relatively better 
accuracy for low dimensional problems. 
• Future research should investigate adaptive sampling strategies to 
provide a more realistic coverage of the design domain for surrogate 
model development. 
• I would like to acknowledge my research adviser 
Prof. Achille Messac, and my co-adviser Prof. 
Luciano Castillo for their immense help and 
support in this research. 
• I would also like to thank my friends and colleagues 
Souma Chowdhury and Junqiang Zhang for their 
valuable contributions to this paper. 
• I would also like to thank NSF for supporting this 
Thank you
Selected References 
1. Goel, T., Haftka, R., Shyy, W., and Queipo, N., "Ensemble of Surrogates," Structural and Multidisciplinary 
Optimization, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2007, pp. 199-216. 
2. Acar, E. and Rais-Rohani, M., "Ensemble of Metamodels with Optimized Weight Factors," Structural and 
Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009, pp. 279-294. 
3. Viana, F., Haftka, R., and Steffen, V., "Multiple Surrogates: How Cross-validation Errors Can Help Us to Obtain the 
Best Predictor," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2009, pp. 439-457. 
4. Forrester, A., Sobester, A., and Keane, A., Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide, Wiley, 
5. Simpson, T., A Concept Exploration Method for Product Family Design, Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 
6. Jin, R., Chen, W., and Simpson, T., "Comparative Studies of Metamodelling Techniques Under Multiple Modelling 
Criteria," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2001, pp. 1-13. 
7. Mullur, A. and Messac, A., "Extended Radial Basis Functions: More Flexible and Effective Metamodeling," AIAA 
Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1306-1315. 
8. Mullur, A. and Messac, A., "Extended Radial Basis Functions: More Flexible and Effective Metamodeling," AIAA 
Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1306-1315. 
9. Queipo, N., Haftka, R., Shyy, W., Goel, T., Vaidyanathan, R., and Tucker, P., "Surrogate-based Analysis and 
Optimization," Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-28. 
10. Wang, G. and Shan, S., "Review of Metamodeling Techniques in Support of Engineering Design Optimization," 
Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 129, No. 4, 2007, pp. 370-380. 
 Test Function 1: 1-Variable Function 
 Test Function 2: 2-Variable Function 
 Test Function 3: Goldstein & Price Function 
 Test Function 4: Branin-Hoo Function 
 Test Function 5 and 6: Hartmann Function
 The kriging approximation function consists of two parts: (i) a 
global trend function, and (ii) a functional departure from the trend 
 In this paper, we use a Matlab Kriging 
toolbox DACE (Design and Analysis 
of Computer Experiments), developed 
by Dr. Nielsen.
Radial Basis Functions 
 Radial Basis Functions 
 The RBFs are expressed in terms of the Euclidean distance, 
y (r) = r2 + c2 
where c > 0 is a prescribed parameter. 
( ) 
% =å - 
f x sy x x 
( ) 
r = x - xi 
 One of the most effective forms is the multiquadric function: 
 The final approximation function is a linear combination of these basis 
functions across all data points.
Extended Radial Basis Function (E-RBF) 
 Extended Radial Basis Functions (E-RBF) is a combination of Radial 
Basis Functions (RBFs) and Non-Radial Basis Functions (N-RBFs). 
 Non-Radial Basis Functions 
 N-RBFs are functions of individual coordinates of generic points x 
relative to a given data point xi, in each dimension separately 
 It is composed of three distinct components 
 The E-RBF approach incorporates both the RBFs and the N-RBFs 
 Methods: (i) linear programming, or (ii) pseudo inverse.
Method Parameter value 
E-RBF λ = 4.75; c = 0.9; t = 2 
RBF c = 0.9 
Kriging θl = 0.1; θu = 20 
Cross-validation q = 5
Hammersley Sequence Sampling 
The two-dimensional Hammersley point set of order is defined by taking all 
numbers in the range from 0 to 2m-1 and interpreting them as binary fractions. 
Calling these numbers xi, then the corresponding yi are obtained by reversing the 
binary digits of xi 

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  • 1. Surrogate Modeling of Complex Systems Using Adaptive Hybrid Functions Jie Zhang*, Souma Chowdhury*, Achille Messac# Junqiang Zhang* and Luciano Castillo* * Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering # Syracuse University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) 37th Design Automation Conference (DAC) August 28 – 31, 2011 Washington, DC
  • 2. Introductory Observation • The need to quantify complex system performance often demands computationally expensive simulations and/or expensive experiments. • Surrogate modeling provides approximation models to represent the relationships between specific system inputs and outputs, which can be used to estimate the system performance for any given input. • The hybrid surrogate modeling paradigm, which seeks to combine attractive features of different surrogates, offers a promising approach towards development of high fidelity approximation models. Hybrid Surrogate Model Kriging RBF E-RBF 2
  • 3. Applications 3 Art Chemistry Math Automotive Biology Geology Data mining Material Science Source: Google Images
  • 4. Research Objectives 4  This paper explores the wide applicability of the recently developed hybrid surrogate: Adaptive Hybrid Functions (AHF).  Previous paper established effectiveness of AHF versus individual surrogates.  Apply AHF to complex engineered systems design, and economic system design problems.  This paper implements three representative sampling techniques (i) Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS), (ii) Sobol’s quasirandom sequence, and (iii) Hammersley Sequence Sampling (HSS).  Investigate the effects of sample size and problem dimensionality on the performance of the surrogate model.
  • 5. Outline • Surrogate Modeling Review • Adaptive Hybrid Functions (AHF) • Complex Engineered and Economic Systems • Wind Farm Design • Product Family Design (for Universal Electric Motors) • Three-Pane Window Design • Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model • Results and Discussion 5
  • 6. Surrogate Modeling Review  Parametric & Nonparametric Surrogate Modeling 6  Hybrid Surrogate Models  Weighted averaged surrogates1  Ensemble of surrogates using Generalized Mean Square Cross-validation Error2  Optimization on the weights3  Based on various local error measures4  Using recursive process to obtain the weights5 1Zepra et al. 2 Goel et al. 3 Acar and Rais-Rohani 4Acar 5Zhou et al.
  • 8. AHF Framework  Step A.1: Determination  Step A of the Base Model  Determination of a trust region: Numerical bounds of the estimated parameter (output) as functions of the input vector over the feasible space.  Characterization of the local measure of accuracy: Using kernel functions of the estimated output value. 8
  • 9. 9  Step A.2: Formulation of Crowding Distance-Based Trust Region (CD-TR)  Wherever the density of training points is high, the interpolative function in that region is expected to have smaller errors.  Crowding distance is used to evaluate the density of points:  A parameter ρ is defined to represent the local density of input data:  The adaptive distance: AHF Framework It is important to note that the CD-TR estimation is particularly useful for data obtained from experiments/simulation that was not preceded by Design of Experiments. In the case of problems, where the user has control over sampling, the initial sample data is expected to be relatively evenly distributed; significant variation in crowding distance is unlikely.
  • 10. 10 AHF Framework  Accuracy Measure of Surrogate Modeling (AMSM)  We develop an Accuracy Measure of Surrogate Modeling, to represent the uncertainty in the estimated function value.  The kernel function provides a measure of the accuracy of component surrogates.  The corresponding coefficients of the kernel function are represented as functions of the input vector, thereby characterizing the measure of accuracy of the estimated function over the entire input domain.  The following kernel function is adopted here
  • 11. AHF Framework 11  We assume that the reliability of the estimated measure of accuracy (kernel function) is a maximum of one at the actual output value y(xi); and a minimum of 0.1 at the trust region boundaries. The kernel function is represented as  σ1 and σ2 are controlled by the full width at one tenth maximum (Δz10), given by and where
  • 12. Step B: Component Surrogates Development  In this paper, the AHF integrates:  Kriging method  Radial Basis Functions (RBF)  Extended Radial Basis Functions (E-RBF) 12
  • 13. Step C: Determining Local Weights 13  The AHF is a weighted summation of function values estimated by the component surrogates:  The weights are expressed in terms of the estimated measure of accuracy, expressed as where, Pi(x) is the measure of accuracy of the ith surrogate for point x.
  • 14. Complex Engineered and Economic Systems  The AHF is applied to complex engineered design problems and an economic system: 1) Wind Farm Design 2) Product Family Design (for Universal Electric Motors) 3) Three-Pane Window Design 4) Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model 14 Problems Challenges to Surrogate Modeling Computational Cost Wind Farm Design Highly nonlinear, multimodal Low Product Family Nonlinear, multimodal Fair Three-pane Window Design Highly nonlinear High Wind Farm Cost Model No Design of Experiment Commercial data
  • 15. Wind Farm Design 15 The power generated by a wind farm The farm efficiency We develop a hybrid response surface (using the AHF) to represent the farm efficiency as a function of the turbine location coordinates.  We consider four cases:  wind farm with 4 turbines (8 variables);  wind farm with 9 turbines (18 variables);  wind farm with 16 turbines (32 variables); and  wind farm with 25 turbines (50 variables).  Challenges to surrogate modeling:  Highly nonlinear (wake model, wake overlap, power generation model)  Multimodal (power generation model)
  • 16. Product Family Design 16  Comprehensive Product Platform Planning (CP3) framework  AHF method is used to represent the two objectives and the two constraints as functions of design variables:  Objectives: performance objective (fperf) and cost objective (fcost)  Constraints: system constraint and commonality constraint  We consider three cases:  2 products (21 variables);  3 products (28 variables); and  4 products (35 variables).  Challenges to surrogate modeling:  The performance function and the system constraint are fairly nonlinear.  The commonality constraint is nonlinear and particularly multimodal. Design variable limits of the electric motors
  • 17. Three-Pane Window Design  The heat transfer simulation model of the side channels and the air gap is created using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software Fluent.  The inputs for the surrogate model are 17  The atmospheric temperature,  The wind speed, and  The solar radiation.  The output of the surrogate model is  The heat flux through the inner pane, Qwindow.  Challenges to surrogate modeling:  Highly nonlinear (CFD model).  Computational expensive.
  • 18. Onshore Wind Farm Cost Model 18  Response Surface-Based Wind Farm Cost (RS-WFC) model  The inputs for the surrogate model are  The number, and  The rated power of wind turbines.  The output of the surrogate model is  Total annual cost of a wind farm  Challenges to surrogate modeling:  Not preceded by Design of Experiment.
  • 19. Performance Criteria 19 Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): overall performance Maximum Absolute Error (MAE): maximum deviation Relative Accuracy Error (RAE) Cross-Validation: (i) leave-one-out strategy, and (ii) q-fold strategy
  • 20. Experimental Designs 20 We consider three sampling methods:  Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS)  The values of the np numbers of points in each column are randomly selected - one from each of the intervals, (0, 1/np); (1/np, 2/np), ..., (1- 1/np, 1).  Sobol’s Quasirandom Sequence Generator  Sobol sequences use a base of two to form finer uniform partitions of the unit interval, and reorder the coordinates in each dimension.  Hammersley Sequence Sampling (HSS)  The HSS is based on the representation of a decimal number in the inverse radix format, where the radix values are chosen as the first (m-1) prime numbers, m being the number of dimensions.
  • 21. Experimental Designs 21 Experimental design for each problem
  • 22. Results and Discussion  In the case of the three-pane window, the HSS technique performs better than the LHS 22  Effect of Sampling Technique and Size Three-pane window model and Sobol techniques;  For the wind farm power generation model, the LHS technique performs better than the other two sampling methods;  For the product family design problem, in terms of the RMSE values, both LHS and Sobol provide better performance. However, the HSS yields smaller MAE values. WindP rpoodwucetr fgaemnielrya tmioond melodel The errors (RMSE, MAE, PRESS) do not consistently decrease with increasing sample size, likely owing to training point sensitivity.
  • 23. Effect of Problem Dimensionality 23  In the case of Sobol and LHS sampling techniques, the values of RMSE, MAE, and PRESS decrease when the dimension increases;  In the case of HSS sampling technique, the AHF method has high accuracy for relatively lower dimensional problems.
  • 24. Conclusion • This paper presented applications of the Adaptive Hybrid Functions (AHF) to represent complex engineered and economic systems. • The errors (RMSE, MAE, PRESS) do not consistently decrease with increasing sample size, likely owing to training point sensitivity. • The application of AHF using Sobol’s and LHS sampling provides relatively better accuracy for high dimensional problems. • The application of AHF using HSS sampling provides relatively better accuracy for low dimensional problems. • Future research should investigate adaptive sampling strategies to provide a more realistic coverage of the design domain for surrogate model development. 24
  • 25. Acknowledgement • I would like to acknowledge my research adviser Prof. Achille Messac, and my co-adviser Prof. Luciano Castillo for their immense help and support in this research. • I would also like to thank my friends and colleagues Souma Chowdhury and Junqiang Zhang for their valuable contributions to this paper. • I would also like to thank NSF for supporting this research. 25
  • 26. Questions and Comments 26 Thank you
  • 27. Selected References 1. Goel, T., Haftka, R., Shyy, W., and Queipo, N., "Ensemble of Surrogates," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2007, pp. 199-216. 2. Acar, E. and Rais-Rohani, M., "Ensemble of Metamodels with Optimized Weight Factors," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2009, pp. 279-294. 3. Viana, F., Haftka, R., and Steffen, V., "Multiple Surrogates: How Cross-validation Errors Can Help Us to Obtain the Best Predictor," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2009, pp. 439-457. 4. Forrester, A., Sobester, A., and Keane, A., Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling: A Practical Guide, Wiley, 2008. 5. Simpson, T., A Concept Exploration Method for Product Family Design, Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1998. 6. Jin, R., Chen, W., and Simpson, T., "Comparative Studies of Metamodelling Techniques Under Multiple Modelling Criteria," Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2001, pp. 1-13. 7. Mullur, A. and Messac, A., "Extended Radial Basis Functions: More Flexible and Effective Metamodeling," AIAA Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1306-1315. 8. Mullur, A. and Messac, A., "Extended Radial Basis Functions: More Flexible and Effective Metamodeling," AIAA Journal, Vol. 43, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1306-1315. 9. Queipo, N., Haftka, R., Shyy, W., Goel, T., Vaidyanathan, R., and Tucker, P., "Surrogate-based Analysis and Optimization," Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2005, pp. 1-28. 10. Wang, G. and Shan, S., "Review of Metamodeling Techniques in Support of Engineering Design Optimization," Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 129, No. 4, 2007, pp. 370-380. 27
  • 28. 28  Test Function 1: 1-Variable Function  Test Function 2: 2-Variable Function  Test Function 3: Goldstein & Price Function  Test Function 4: Branin-Hoo Function  Test Function 5 and 6: Hartmann Function
  • 29. Kriging 29  The kriging approximation function consists of two parts: (i) a global trend function, and (ii) a functional departure from the trend function.  In this paper, we use a Matlab Kriging toolbox DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments), developed by Dr. Nielsen.
  • 30. Radial Basis Functions 30  Radial Basis Functions  The RBFs are expressed in terms of the Euclidean distance, y (r) = r2 + c2 where c > 0 is a prescribed parameter. ( ) % =å - f x sy x x 1 ( ) np i i i = r = x - xi  One of the most effective forms is the multiquadric function:  The final approximation function is a linear combination of these basis functions across all data points.
  • 31. Extended Radial Basis Function (E-RBF) 31  Extended Radial Basis Functions (E-RBF) is a combination of Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) and Non-Radial Basis Functions (N-RBFs).  Non-Radial Basis Functions  N-RBFs are functions of individual coordinates of generic points x relative to a given data point xi, in each dimension separately  It is composed of three distinct components E-RBF  The E-RBF approach incorporates both the RBFs and the N-RBFs  Methods: (i) linear programming, or (ii) pseudo inverse.
  • 32. 32 Method Parameter value E-RBF λ = 4.75; c = 0.9; t = 2 RBF c = 0.9 Kriging θl = 0.1; θu = 20 Cross-validation q = 5
  • 33. Hammersley Sequence Sampling The two-dimensional Hammersley point set of order is defined by taking all numbers in the range from 0 to 2m-1 and interpreting them as binary fractions. Calling these numbers xi, then the corresponding yi are obtained by reversing the binary digits of xi 33

Editor's Notes

  1. Overall, the presentation needs to be better paced. There is too much information and time spent on AHF. This paper is about performance of AHF, and exploration of sampling strategies, sampling size, and dimensionality in the case of complex problems. You do not emphasize that enough in the introduction. The introduction makes this paper look like a new surrogate modeling paper. Please make corrections accordingly. My text changes are in green. Carefully check the notes at the bottom of each section for further comments.
  2. Optional: You can show an animation of three different surrogates (side by side) , e.g. kriging, rbf, and qrsm which then move towards each other combine, and then the hybrid surrogate appears.
  3. Give references at the bottom in small grey fonts for the hybrid surrogates
  4. and the representation of the corresponding kernel function parameters as functions of the input vector.
  5. Is “y(x)” normalized. If so, by what?
  6. In a presentation, you do not need to say “as given by”, just use “:” You still have RBHF in the graph. It should be AHF
  7. I think you are spending too much time on the AHF, which you have already presented in SDM 2011 Spend more time in explaining the complexity of the 4 real life test cases, and how AHF addresses the challenging complexities.
  8. Before this slide, Use one slide with a table: 4 test problems. In the next column, their challenges. In the next column, their computational expense.
  9. Before this slide, Use one slide with a table: 4 test problems. In the next column, their challenges. In the next column, their computational expense.
  10. Where are the features of these two problems. And why on the same page?
  11. You are comparing sampling methods. You should atleast provide one separate slide with one/two line description of each sampling method. If you comparing them, and people do not even know their characteristic differences, you are not really teaching them anything. It should be “Variable limits”
  12. You are comparing sampling methods. You should atleast provide one separate slide with one/two line description of each sampling method. If you comparing them, and people do not even know their characteristic differences, you are not really teaching them anything. It should be “Variable limits”
  13. Underline “Three Pane Window Model” caption Please comment why the errors do not decrease consistently with increasing sample size: most likely because, AHF is highly sensitive to the actual training points chosen. Everytime you generate a higher sample size data, the random training pts are mostly different (that may be one of the reasons).
  14. The first observation is weird. Please explain. Does the sample size proportionally scale up with the dimensionality. Discuss each error separately. May be bring each figure separately and as a big figure, instead of all three together side by side.
  15. Your second conclusion was incorrect. I have replaced it. The last conclusion has no apparent significance. Also replaced. It would also be very interesting to see, how the contribution of the different component surrogates change when problem dimensionality changes, and/or when sample size changes. The journal version of this topic should definitely include that.