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Position & Job 
Personal Data 
Time Management 
Leave Administration 
Back Pay 
Security System 
Human Resource Management System 
Version 1D 
Juli 2006 
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Business Support & Information Technology 
Spinindo Building 2nd Floor, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 76 Jakarta 10340 
Tel.: 62-21-3147805, 3147823, Fax : 62-21-3147823,
Customer Code EPSON 
Contract No. 
Purchase Order No. 
Purchase Order Date 
Package Type Standard Package 
Modules · Organization Structure 
· Position & Job 
· Personal Data 
· Time Management System 
· Leave Administration 
· Payroll 
· Jamsostek 
· Tax 
· Bonus 
· Back Pay 
· Security System 
Implementator Ady Mulyadi 
Start Date 1 June 2006
Human Resource Management System 
Version 1D 
Issued Date: 3 August 2006 
Checked By SABESO 
Checked By EPSON 
Checked By EPSON 
Checked By EPSON 
Approved By SABESO 
Approved By EPSON
I. INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________________________1 
2. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE_________________________________________________________2 
2.1. Organization Change...............................................................................1 
2.2. Mutation/Employee Transfer.....................................................................1 
2.3. Organization ID......................................................................................1 
2.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition...........................................................2 
3. PERSONAL DATA____________________________________________________________________2 
3.1. Organization History................................................................................2 
3.2. Welfare Info...........................................................................................2 
3.3. Other Master Data...................................................................................2 
4. GRADE, RANK & POSITION___________________________________________________________2 
4.1. Grade....................................................................................................2 
4.2. Rank.....................................................................................................3 
4.3. Title and Position....................................................................................3 
4.4. Grade & Rank Relation.............................................................................4 
4.5. Grade & Rank Matrix...............................................................................4 
4.6. Employment Type...................................................................................4 
4.7. Promotion & Demotion.............................................................................5 
4.8. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition...........................................................5 
5. CONTRACT EMPLOYEE ADMINISTRATION____________________________________________5 
Current Conditions & Solutions.........................................................................5 
6. WORKING SCHEDULE_______________________________________________________________6 
6.1. Master Shift...........................................................................................6 
6.2. Detail Master Shift..................................................................................6 
6.3. Pick Up Point Bus....................................................................................8 
6.4. Overbreak............................................................................................10 
6.5. Working Schedule Change......................................................................10 
6.6. Employee Behavior: Forget to Swap attendance machine............................10 
6.7. Rules of Rounding for Work Time and Ot Allowance....................................11 
a. Rounding of Overtime_________________________________________11 
b. Rounding of overtime – early & late overtime______________________11 
c. Overtime Rounding from Depnaker (OT Index)______________________11 
6.8. Fixed Salary.........................................................................................11 
6.9. Rounding of Daily Overtime Allowance .....................................................12 
6.10. Overtime Entitlement ...........................................................................12 
6.11. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition........................................................12 
7. ATTENDANCE TYPE________________________________________________________________13 
7.1. Attendance Type Master.........................................................................13 
7.2. Coming Late & Going Out Early...............................................................13 
8. OVERTIME_________________________________________________________________________14 
8.1. X Factor Setting....................................................................................14 
8.2. Manual................................................................................................15 
8.3. OT Workflow.........................................................................................15 
8.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition..........................................................15 
9. PAYROLL__________________________________________________________________________15 
9.1. Payment Date & Period (cut of date)........................................................15 
9.2. Salary Component.................................................................................15 
9.3. Relation between Salary Component & Employment Type...........................16
9.4. Relation between Basic Salary & Grade-Rank............................................17 
9.5. Service Year Allowance..........................................................................18 
9.6. Title Allowance......................................................................................18 
9.7. Family Allowance...................................................................................18 
9.8. Salary During Employee Sick..................................................................18 
9.9. Salary During Employee Skorsing............................................................18 
9.10. Salary During Employee Sicknes Due To Work Accident.............................19 
9.11. Salary Proporsional..............................................................................19 
9.12. Salary For Employee Under Custody.......................................................19 
9.13. Attendance Incentive Deduction............................................................19 
9.14. Meal Allowance...................................................................................20 
9.15. Transportation Allowance......................................................................20 
9.16. Breakfast Allowance.............................................................................20 
9.17. JAMSOSTEK.......................................................................................21 
9.18. Salary Automatic Update After 1 Years..................................................21 
10. TAX DEDUCTION__________________________________________________________________21 
11. BONUS & GIFT____________________________________________________________________22 
11.1. Bonus................................................................................................22 
11.2. THR...................................................................................................23 
12. UANG PESANGON & PENGHARGAAN (REWARD MONEY)_____________________________23 
12.1. Rules Of Pay Calculation Method............................................................23 
12.2. Separation Pay For Employee :..............................................................26 
12.3. Reward Money....................................................................................26 
13. LEAVE___________________________________________________________________________26 
14. SECURITY SYSTEM_______________________________________________________________28 
15. WORKFLOW______________________________________________________________________29 
16. WARNING LETTER________________________________________________________________29
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
The Business Process Model Document is generated as one important guide 
in relation with implementation of human resource system SPISy2000 in a 
company. The document will be used particularly for certain task such as 
Parameter Setting, System Modification, and Testing. 
This document is also generated to anticipate if any exception or irregular 
things related to human resource system may arise. 
It covers all important business process related to Human Resource’s 
regulation in a company. Basically it covers only to business process related 
to modules in SPISy2000 that being implemented in customer’s site, however 
other things may be added as a reference. 
This document includes: 
· Company Structure 
· Format of master data 
· Matrix of table relation, i.e. Grade and Rank relation 
· Rules of calculation 
· Formula of calculation 
· Etc 
Source of document writing: 
1. PKB: Mutual Work Agreement 
2. Regulation of employee affairs 
3. Result of meetings with appointed Personnel 
4. Etc 
This document is not a replacement for existing Regulation Document or 
Employment Agreement; moreover it acts as Fact Finding and summaries. 
Not all detail is included in this document. 
The background of this document writing is due to We often found that level 
of readiness for implementation is not the same between each company. 
Such conditions can be mentioned as follows: 
1. All regulation is well-documented; realization has followed the 
existing document. 
2. All regulation is well-documented; some regulation does not match 
with the realization. This thing happens when changes are made in 
the realization of regulation and no update is made to the 
3. Documentation is incomplete, or missing 
The condition 1 is ideal whereas Business Process Model Document only 
summarizes and simplifies the current format. For Condition no. 2, the 
Business Process Model Document acts as Fact Finding and only covers 
data found on site according to Customer’s approval. For Condition no. 3, 
document is based only on meeting result with Customer. 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
In general, Basic Organization Structure in EPSON consists of: 
1. President 
2. Division 
3. Department 
4. Section 
5. Line 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
The above organization structure in SPISy2000 database will have more 
detail down to the smallest level or unit that is Line. 
From several meetings it is very advisable to have only 1 Head in 1 unit. 
Department as an example. Currently there are many Department have more 
than 1 Manager, therefore it will be divided into Sub-Department, especially in 
SPISy2000 database. 
2.1. Organization Change 
Structure of Organization may change anytime. Possibilities of change are as 
1. Change of name 
2. Removal of division 
3. Addition of division 
Whatever the change take place, it requires history data storing of the 
division name. 
And also system should be able to display leader name on specific date, 
history of each line including: Line name, Leader Name, Line Job / Model, 
Date Change. 
2.2. Mutation/Employee Transfer 
SPISy2000 will be used to overcome problem of a lot of number and 
frequencies of employee mutation. SPISy2000 comes with tree view 
hierarchical Organization Chart which enable to maintain and update data 
easily. SPISy2000 also allow to configure area of mutation. i.e within the 
same section only. etc. that can be used by Leader which may only have 
access right within his group. 
Mutation also needs history and information who/ when do the process 
Transfer can be done with agreement between previous superior and present 
superior. Transfer of employee among department or division 
Transfer Approval 
Grade Shoul be approved by 
VII above Director 
V - VI General Manager 
I - IV Manager, General Manager 
2.3. Organization ID 
Organization ID with 12 digits column width will be used. 
Div Dept Section Line 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
2.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition 
No Description Category 
1 Organization Structure Form in Web Version Add 
2 Organization Code Digit  12 Digits Mod 
3 Query for display leader name on specific date Add 
The existing format in SPISy2000 has fulfilled requirement of PT. EPSON. 
However, please note that: 
3.1. Organization History 
Organization History remains in store with its Organization Name although 
master data in Organization Structure has changed or being removed. 
3.2. Welfare Info 
· Pick Up Point Bus 
· Uniform Size 
This information needs additional separate form for Welfare information. 
Requested by EPSON: 
Workflow should be implemented for uniform requisition. 
3.3. Other Master Data 
Every employee has master data 
· Superior Name 
· Workflow Level 
4.1. Grade 
1. TP 01 (Contract Skill), TP 02 (Contract Unskill) 
2. Grade 1 
3. Grade 2 
4. Grade 3 
5. Grade 4 
6. Grade 5 
7. Grade 6 
8. Grade 61 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
9. Grade 7 
10. Grade 8 
11. Grade 81 
12. Grade 9 
4.2. Rank 
Rank 1 to 20 
Rank 21 to 40 (will be eliminated) 
Rank 21 to 40 will be eliminated in SPISy2000 since it is used only to 
mark employee with less than 1 year work period in order to determine 
amount of Main Salary according to Salary Table. In SPISy2000, 
based on Join Date it will automatically calculate employee work 
period and mark it for period same or less than 1 year, and adjust it 
with existing Salary Table master. 
Current Condition 
Working Period Rank Basic Salary 
>= 1 Year 1 to 20 Salary Tabel A 
< 1 Year 21 to 40 Salary Tabel B 
With SPISy2000 
Rank Working Period Basic Salary 
1 to 20 ****** (Y M D) 
Salary Tabel 
Therefore operator is not required to control or update Rank data since 
system will automatically adjust the salary table. 
4.3. Title and Position 
4.3.1 List of Title 
1. Presiden 
2. Vice Presiden 
3. GM 
4. Ass. GM 
5. Senior Manager 
6. Manager 
7. SPV 
8. Leader 
9. Staff 
10. Spesialis 
11. Operator 
12. Project Leader 
13. Advisor 
4.3.1 List of Position 
Prepare by Epson. 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
4.4. Grade & Rank Relation 
Grade Rank 
01 01 to 20 
02 01 to 20 
03 01 to 20 
04 01 to 20 
05 01 to 20 
06 01 to 20 
61 01 to 20 
07 01 to 20 
08 01 to 20 
81 01 to 20 
4.5. Grade & Rank Matrix 
1 2 3 Dst - 20 
81 G81-R1 G81-R2 G81-R3 G81-R20 
08 G08-R1 G08-R2 G08-R3 G08-R20 
07 G07-R1 G07-R2 G07-R3 G07-R20 
61 G61– 
06 G06-R1 G06-R2 G06-R3 G06-R20 
05 G05-R1 G05-R2 G05-R3 G05-R20 
04 G04-R1 G04-R2 G04-R3 G04-R20 
03 G03-R1 G03-R2 G03-R3 G03-R20 
02 G02-R1 G02-R2 G02-R3 G02-R20 
01 G01-R1 G01-R2 G01-R3 G01-R20 
4.6. Employment Type 
Type Basic Promoted to Remarks 
Page 4 
G81-R1, G08- 
R1, G08-R2 etc 
will be used 
at SPISy2000
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Probation 3 Mth Unchanged 
Contract 3 Mth – 2 
Unchanged/Finish/Extend Contract can be revised, 
contract period begin from 
start working but end of 
contract will be revised. 
Maximum 3 years or 2 times 
extension. Revision is not 
considered extension 
Permanent --- 
4.7. Promotion & Demotion 
No spesific table. 
4.8. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition 
No Description Category 
1 Salary Tabel for Employee less than 1 year or more than 1 
year for each Grade-Rank 
2 Logic for update employee salary, based on Salary Tabel 
when the working period become more than 1 year. 
Current Conditions & Solutions 
Current System’s 
SPISy 2000’s Solution 
1 Difficult to control & 
maintain the data, 
specially expired date 
of individual contract 
SPISy 2000 has alert (warning) system to 
remind the expired date of contract. System will 
automatically list up all the employee who have 
the contract will be expired. 
2 Difficult to change & 
maintain the 
employment status 
because a lot of 
number of employee 
SPISy 2000 has tool to change or update the 
status by “select and change”. System can list 
up all employees who have the status need to 
be updated; select the employee(s) and the 
new status and then system can process 
updating the status automatically. 
3 Kontrak Dipercepat. 
(The contract are 
terminated before the 
end of date) 
Payroll Calculation in SPISy2000 can be set to 
proportional based calculation, but for payment 
date of this case need further confirmation of 
the rules and perhaps need some minor 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Current System’s 
SPISy 2000’s Solution 
6.1. Master Shift 
6.2. Detail Master Shift 
Non Shift 
Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. 
Day Shift 
Rest Time 
08.00 – 
10.30 – 
12.30 – 
15.30 – 
Friday Non 
07.30 – 
10.30 – 
11.55 – 
2 Group 2 Shift 
Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. 
Day Shift 
Rest Time 
Shift 1A 06.15 – 
10.30 – 
12.30 – 
Shift 2A 20.00 – 
23.00 – 
02.30 – 
04.45 – 
Page 6 
Group Shift Shift 
NonShift Non Shift 
2 Group 2 Shift Shift 1A, Shift 2A 
3 Group 3 Shift Shift 1B, Shift 2B, Shift 3B 
3 Group 2 Shift Shift 1C, Shift 2C
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Shift 1A 06.15 – 
10.00 – 
11.55 – 
Shift 2A 20.00 – 
23.00 – 
02.30 – 
04.45 – 
3 Group 3 Shift 
Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. 
Day Shift 
Rest Time 
Shift 1B 06.00 – 
08.45 – 
12.00 – 
Shift 2B 13.55 – 
21. 55 
16.30 – 
18.00 – 
Shift 3B 21.50 – 
01.00 – 
04.00 – 
Shift 1B 06.00 – 
08.45 – 
12.00 – 
Shift 2B 14.10 – 
22. 10 
16.30 – 
18.00 – 
Shift 3B 22.05 – 
01.00 – 
04.15 – 
3 Group 2 Shift 
Pattern: 4 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. 
Day Shift 
Rest Time 
Shift 1C 06.15 – 
10.30 – 
12.30 – 
Shift 2C 20.00 – 
23.00 – 
02.30 – 
04.45 – 
Shift 1C 06.15 – 
10.00 – 
11.55 – 
Shift 2C 20.00 – 
23.00 – 
02.30 – 
04.45 – 
Other Shift 
15.30 – 
? ? ? 
Work time of 2nd Shift can be changed temporarily. Solution is 
make a new Shift and set the work time as 15.30 – 00.30. 
Requested by EPSON: 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
· Enable to generate schedule by Line. 
· Show Employee Data based on the Group Schedule. 
· Question??? How about the Individual Schedule if the Group Schedule 
Group Schedule 
Group 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 
A 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C 2C 2C 12C L 
B 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C 
C L L 2C 2C 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 
Group A: 
Emp 1 
Emp 2 
Emp 3 
… … 
Individual Schedule 
Employee 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 
Emp 1 1C 
L L 2C 2C 2C 12C L 
Emp 2 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C 
Emp 3 L L 2C 2C 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 
6.3. Pick Up Point Bus 
Every employee who uses Pick Up Bus must have “pick up point bus” 
master data. This master data together with Working Schedule and 
Overtime Plan data will be processed to generate Schedule of Pick Up 
Point Bus data. 
Page 8 
Master Employee 
Pickup Point 
Work Schedule 
Emp. Schedule 
O.T Plan 
Bus Schedule 
Pick Point 
Schedule (To & 
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
a. Table A: Master Employee – Pick Up Point 
Name Pick Up Point Bus 
0001 Ady UKI 
0002 Hadi Slipi 
0003 Ari Pasar Rebo 
0004 Denny Bekasi Barat 
0005 Mendaz UKI 
0006 Irna UKI 
b. Table B: Work Schedule 
Date: 24 July 2006 
Nama Shift 
0001 Ady Shift 1 
0002 Hadi Shift 2 
0003 Ari Shift 1 
0004 Denny Shift 3 
c. Table C: Overtime Plan 
Date: 24 July 2006 
Nama Shift 
0005 Mendaz Shift 1 + n Hour 
0006 Irna Shift 1 + n Hour 
d. The combine result from Table A, B dan C will generate Bus 
Schedule. As follow : 
Bus Schedul (From Pick Up Point to EPSON) 
Shift Schedule Pick Up Point Total 
Shift 1 
UKI 3 
Pasar Rebo 1 
Shift 2 Slipi 1 
Shift 3 Bekasi Barat 1 
Bus Schedul (From EPSON to Pick Up Point) 
Shift Schedule Pick Up Point Total 
Shift 1 
UKI 1 
Pasar Rebo 1 
Shift 2 Slipi 1 
Shift 3 Bekasi Barat 1 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Overtime Bus Schedule (From EPSON to Pick Up Point) 
OT Pick Up Point Total 
Shift 1 + n 
UKI 2 
6.4. Overbreak 
Early home or late in after rest time (II) for personal purpose. 
Over Break 
Rest Time (II) 
Over Break 
Over Break = BR + AR  Over Break Deduction (calculation method is 
similar to deduction of late in) or early out. 
The Data is taken from Attendance Machine. 
6.5. Working Schedule Change 
Working schedule for individual often change and difficult to maintain the 
data. Therefore system should be easy to maintain the change. 
Requested by EPSON: 
o Working schedule for Group (Line) is inputed to system weekly 
and workflow process is applied. 
o Working schedule directly update to system by each 
department using web application version. 
6.6. Employee Behavior: Forget to Swap attendance machine 
SPISy 2000 can display daily attendance data both Normal Data or 
Abnormal Data. Abnormal Data means no input, late, early, sick, absence, 
etc which perhaps need further confirmation. 
But there no solution from the system to change the attitude or behaviour 
of individual who not swap the card. Need rule or procedure force from 
management side. 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
6.7. Rules of Rounding for Work Time and Ot Allowance 
a. Rounding of Overtime 
Range Rounding 
1 - 15 0 
16 - 45 30 minutes 
46 - 60 60 minutes 
b. Rounding of overtime – early & late overtime 
SPISy2000 Other Case 
Early Overtime (LA) + 
Late Overtime (LP)  
Rounding = Overtime 
Not available and overtime 
applicable only once in one day 
(LA+LP= Overtime Total) 
c. Overtime Rounding from Depnaker (OT Index) 
Regular Day 
Special Holiday / National 
Rounding for the first hour is minimum 60 minutes, and for the next 
hour is: 
- 1 to 15 minutes round to 0 
- 16 to 45 minutes round to 0.5 
- 46 to 60 minutes round to 1 
6.8. Fixed Salary 
Description of Fixed Salary has been mentioned above is: 
a. Basic Salary. 
b. Fixed Allowance such as: 
- Title allowance 
- Skill allowance 
- Family allowance 
- Service year allowance 
- Transport allowance 
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6.9. Rounding of Daily Overtime Allowance 
Calculated daily and rounding process run only after salary process and 
applicable only for total net income. 
6.10. Overtime Entitlement 
Overtime is payable only for employee in Grade 01 to 08. Grade 07 and 08 
who have position is entitled for payable holiday overtime maximum 8 
6.11. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition 
No Description Category 
1 Need modification for function of bus schedule 
2 Need modification for overtime application form 
(SPL Form) by adding column for: 
· Budget 
· Accumulation 
· Remain 
3 Requested by EPSON: 
Web application for daily update of working 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
7.1. Attendance Type Master 
Alpha S502 X X 
Sick with medical Doctor 
certivicate S514 S514 365 X 
Sick with information only or 
medical invoice S506 S540 365 X X 
Permitted S506 S506 365 X X 
Business trip S541 
Skorsing S542 
Coming Late S500 S500 
Early Out S501 S501 
Leave Annual Leave S504 S504 12 
Marriage S526 S526 3 
Child's Marriage S528 S528 2 
Child's Circumcision/Baptism S527 S527 2 
Wife's Maternity/Curretage S529 S529 2 
Death of Husband/Wife/Child S530 S530 2 
Parents/in Law death S531 S531 2 
Employee's family who live in 
same house, death S531 S543 1 
Menstruation S515 S515 2 X 
Maternity/Miscarriage S525 S525 90 
Pilgrimmage according to 
Government stipulation S532 S532 40 
Employee who fulfill invitation 
from Government institution S544 
Natural Disaster S535 2 
Leave during Pregnancy S524 S524 
Some code should be follow SPISy2000’s code or use cenversion table. 
7.2. Coming Late & Going Out Early 
An Employee who come late or leave early his / her salary will be deducted. 
In case, his late arrival because of company’s bus was late or carried out 
company duty, salary shall not be deducted. 
Salary deduction do comes late or leaves early is calculated and 
rounded as followes (basic salary only): 
· 01 – 15 minutes = ¼ x 1/173 x Basic Salary 
· 16 – 30 minutes = ½ x 1/173 x Basic Salary 
· 31 – 45 minutes = ¾ x 1/173 x Basic Salary 
· 46 – 60 minutes = 1 x 1/173 x Basic Salary 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
· And so forth 
Salary deduction do to personal reason during working hours is 
calculated and rounded as followes (basic salary + fixed allowance): 
· 01 – 15 minutes = ¼ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) 
· 16 – 30 minutes = ½ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed 
· 31 – 45 minutes = ¾ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed 
· 46 – 60 minutes = 1 x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) 
· And so forth 
Salary deduction above will not affect for Assistant Manager and above, an 
employee who takes treatments at polyclinic or go to hospital with permission 
from his / her superior. 
Overtime must have Overtime Order or Request Form: SPL (Surat Perintah 
Lembur) for it’s validation which is the Overtime will be admitted or not. 
SPL can be generated by 2 ways: 
1. X Factor Setting 
2. Manual 
8.1. X Factor Setting 
PPIC Team will set Working Schedule (Shift & O.T) daily, based on 
Production Plan. SPISy2000 will use this parameter to generate Schedule & 
O.T Request. 
These Parameter data must be available at least 1 day before actual working 
For the X Factor explanation still waiting from EPSON teams. 
Page 14 
X Factor Setting 
Line Code 
Shift Code 
OT Duration 
Emp & Line 
Emp & Shift 
Emp & OT SPL 
“ Can be adjusted
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
8.2. Manual 
SPL can be inputed manually same with standard version of SPISy2000, 
which is filled start and finish Overtime. SPISy2000 accomplished with any 
GENERATE function so SPL not be inputed one by one. 
8.3. OT Workflow 
Overtime needs workflow process for data validation. Further about OT 
Workflow will be explained in another document which is Workflow 
8.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition 
No Description Category 
1 Additional function to generate SPL based on PPIC 
2 Web Base Application for OT Workflow, with email 
Notification system 
9.1. Payment Date & Period (cut of date) 
Salary calculation period is every 16th to 15th and paid every 25th, if in 25th 
is holiday company will arrange payment as follows: 
· 25th is holiday paid on 24th 
· 24th and 25th are holiday paid on 26th 
9.2. Salary Component 
Salary ID Salary Name 
Gaji Pokok Basic Salary 
Tunjangan Jabatan Position Allowance 
Tunjangan Keahlian Skill Allowance 
Tunjangan Masa Kerja Service Year Allowance 
Tunjangan Keluarga Family Allowance 
Uang Makan Siang Meal Allowance 
Uang Makan Malam Night Meal allowance 
Uang Transport Siang Transport allowance 
Uang Transport Malam Night Transport Allowance 
Subsidi Transport untuk 
Grade 07 
Transport Subsidy for Grade 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Insentif Kehadiran Attendance Incentive 
Insentif Kerja Shift Shift Allowance 
Lembur I OT I 
Lembur II OT II 
Lembur III OT III 
Lembur IV OT IV 
Salary ID Salary Name 
Pajak Gaji Tax Deduction 
Jamsostek JHT Karyawan Jamsostek Contribution 
Potongan Absen Absent Deduction 
Potongan Terlambat Late / Early Deduction 
Potongan Izin Permission Deduction 
Potongan Insentif Kehadiran Attendance Incentive 
Potongan Pengobatan Medical Deduction 
Potongan Iuran Pokok 
Cooperation Contribution 
Potongan Iuran Wajib 
Cooperation Mandatory 
Contribution (Potongan Iuran 
Wajib Koperasi) 
Potongan Angsuran Koperasi Cooperation Transaction 
Some salaries id and deduction id have to match accordingly to SPISy2000 
because of some id are Hard Code and can’t be replaced. 
9.3. Relation between Salary Component & Employment Type 
Permanent Remark 
Basic Salary 80 % 100% 
100% 100% 
Skill Allowance 100% 100% 
Family Allowance 100% 100% 
- 100% For permanent employee 
min. 2 years work in 
company for grade 01 to 
100% 100% For grade 07 to 81 not 
100% 100% For grade 07 to 81 not 
included, if absent will be 
Shift Allowance 100% 100% For some title see table 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
9.4. Relation between Basic Salary & Grade-Rank 
Grade 1 2 3 etc - 20 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
>= 1 
Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
< 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 
In SPISy2000, each Grade and Rank are linked with separated. 
Example: Grade 81 Rank 1 
Basic Salary (Rp) Start Date End Date 
< 1 Year Rp. ****** ******* ******* 
>= 1 Year Rp. ****** ******* ******* 
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PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Changes in salary table will be effective in every periode start (on 16th) and no 
proportional calculation. 
9.5. Service Year Allowance 
Service year allowance is given to an employee who has service minimum 2 
years from grade 01 up to grade 61, service year is calculated from joint date 
up to 1st January: 
This service year allowance is updated every year on 1st January 
9.6. Title Allowance 
Position Allowance can be given to the employee, if the employee got a 
position from company, the amount of position allowance are : 
a. Leader : Rp. 80.000 
b. Supervisor : Rp. 250.000 
c. Manager : Rp. 800.000 
d. Sr. Manager : Rp. 1.000.000 
e. Specialist : Rp. 200.000 – Rp. 800.000 
9.7. Family Allowance 
The Ammount of Family Allowance are: 
- Wife : Rp. 40.000 / month (1 legal wife) 
- Child: Rp 15.000 / child / month (max 3 children up to 21st year) 
9.8. Salary During Employee Sick 
1. 1st three month paid 100 % 
2. 2nd three month paid 75 % 
3. 3rd three month paid 50 % 
4. 4th three month paid 25 % 
9.9. Salary During Employee Skorsing 
Employee will be paid 100 % from Basic Salary and if not guilty then the 
lack of salary will be paid. 
Page 18
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
9.10. Salary During Employee Sicknes Due To Work Accident 
Salary during sickness due to work accident (not employee fault): 
1. 1st four month paid 100 %. 
2. 2nd four month paid 75%. 
3. next 50 % salary. 
9.11. Salary Proporsional 
A Salary for an employee who joins the company or resigns from the 
company in the middle of the month is calculated on the following: 
1. Permanent / Contract Employee: 
Total Days / 30 x Std. Salary 
2. Probation Employee: 
Total Days / 30 x Std. Salary x (80 % x Basic Salary) 
9.12. Salary For Employee Under Custody 
If an employee who has been arrested by an authority not due to 
company report then his / her will not get salary but his / her family will be 
given allowance the amount are : 
a. For 1 person 25 % from basic salary. 
b. For 2 person 35 % from basic salary. 
c. For 3 person 45 % from basic salary. 
d. For 4 person 50 % from basic salary. 
9.13. Attendance Incentive Deduction 
1. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 50 % if there are 2nd times late, 
early home, and personal purpose. 
2. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 75 % if there are 3rd times late, 
early home, and personal purpose. 
3. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 100 % if there are 4th times late, 
early home, and personal purpose. 
4. Attendance Incentive Deduction fro 50 % if there is 1 time 
absent without information (sick, permit, menstruation leave). 
5. Attendance Incentive Deduction fro 100 % if there is 2 times 
absent without information (sick, permit, menstruation leave). 
Total maximum deduction is 100% (Rp. 60.000). 
Page 19
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
9.14. Meal Allowance 
1. Meal Allowance payment: 
a. Light Meal for employee who work in 1st shift the amount 
Rp 2.800, paid to employee who work at vendor. 
b. Meal (lunch and dinner) given to employee who work in shift 
1 and non shit (Lunch), for 2nd shift and non shift (who do OT 
until 20.00) receive dinner. 
c. For 3rd shift and driver will receive meal allowance in cash 
for Rp. 4.500. 
d. For 2nd shift employee will receive meal allowance in cash 
for Rp. 2.800 (3 Group 2 Shift and 2 Group 2 Shift). 
e. Meal Allowance during Ramadhan for Moeslems are paid in 
2. Shift Allowance , paid to employee who work in shift the amount are 
shown below : 
f. Shift Allowance (2 Shift Operation) 
Position / Level Shift 2 
Operator 9.500 
Leader 9.750 
Supervisor 12.750 
g. Shift Allowance (3 Shift Operation) 
Position / Level Shift 2 Shift 3 
Operator 3.750 4.000 
Leader 4.000 5.000 
Supervisor 7.000 7.500 
Setting Shift allowance based on Position (Current condition at 
SPISy2000: based on Grade) 
9.15. Transportation Allowance 
Transport allowances are based on grade: 
a. Grade 01-61 the amount are Rp. 123.200 / month and extra Rp. 
5.000 / day for non and 1st shift employee who work OT until 22.00 
WIB. For driver extra transport allowance is Rp. 10.000. 
b. Grade 07 the amount is Rp. 1.000.000 (only for employee grade 07 
who doesn’t have car from company and not component of fixed 
9.16. Breakfast Allowance 
Page 20
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Specific amount (i.e: Rp. 2800) for employee who work at vendor side 
during working day and for shift 2 of 2 Group 2 Shift only. This 
information should be linked with Attendance Type. 
The amount of Jamsostek Contribution is calculated below: 
2 % x Basic Salary from employee and company is 4.89 % x Basic 
9.18. Salary Automatic Update After 1 Years 
Amount of paid salary should be automatically updated by “Generate 
Function” after 1 year of working duration. The effective date of new 
amount are always the start date of salary periode. 
Salary periode: 16/5 to 15/6 
Employee join date Year 2005: Emp A: 18/5, Emp B: 13/6, Emp C: 
Effective date of new salary is same 16/5/2006 for all employees 
Income Tax fully paid by employee and used progressive tax calculation 
Monthly Tax Calculation always looks up data from beginning of year to 
minimize or eliminate the difference. 
Calculation for January: 
 Salary in a year (X) = January Salary * 12 
 Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X 
 Tax for January = Y / 12 
Calculation for February: 
 Salary in a year (X) = Salary January + (Salary February * 11) 
 Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X 
 Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January 
 Tax for February = ( Y - Z ) / 11 
Page 21
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Calculation for March: 
 Salary in a year (X) = Salary Jan to Feb+ (Salary Mar * 10) 
 Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X 
 Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January + February 
 Tax for March = ( Y - Z ) / 10 
And So forth for December Calculation: 
 Salary in a year (X) = Salary Jan to Nov + (Salary Dec ) 
 Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X 
 Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January to November 
 Tax for December = ( Y - Z ) 
11.1. Bonus 
Bonus amount of each employee will be calculated using parameters bellow: 
- Assessment Result 
- Attendance Rate 
- Working Period 
- Index (defined by company) 
- The objected period of bonus shall be one year, from April 1st of 
previous year to March 31st of current year, bonus is given only to 
permanent employee who had finished probation period up to 31st 
March and up to payment date still work in IEI 
- For permanent employee who is join less than 1 year (until 31 of 
March), bonus will calculated proportionally (Service Month / 12) x 
Fixed Salary 
Assessment (Performance Evaluation) result data should be inputted or using 
export-import data tools. 
Gift is given to contract employee and no evaluation required. 
Criteria : 
· 0 – 3 month  0 
· 3 – 6 month  amount variable depend on company 
· 6 – 9 month  amount variable depend on company 
Page 22
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
· 9 – 12 month  amount variable depend on company 
11.2. THR 
The Regulatian are shown below: 
· THR paid 14 days before Idul Fitri and 14 days before Natal. 
· Paid for permanent employee which still work 30 days before Idul Fitri 
or Christmas and employee in Idul Fitri or Christmas became 
Permanent Employee. 
· Religion grouping Moeslem and Non Moeslem. 
· Service month calculated from Idul Fitri for Moeslem and Christmas for 
Non Moeslem. 
· For employee who already have service year more than 3 month, but 
less than 1 year will receive THR proportionally: 
Service Month / 12 x 1 Fixed Salary 
· Service month rounding : 
- 1 to 15 days  0 
- 16 to 31 days  1 
12.1. Rules Of Pay Calculation Method 
a. Work relation termination by employee 
Reason Separati 
on Pay 
Reward of 
1 Self request (with 
conditions: application must 
be submitted 30 days 
before, is not in compulsory 
None None 1 time Equal with 
(PKB Verse 
Page 23
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
tenure, and remain on duty) 
2 Self request (not fulfill the 
above no.1 condition) 
None None 1 time 1 month 
(minimum 3 
3 Prolonged sickness, 
disability due to work 
2 times 2 times 1 time None 
4 Prolonged sickness, 
disability is not due to work 
2 times 2 times 1 time None 
5 By death 2 times 1 time 1 time None 
· Resignation by self request, condition of parting pay is employee 
position is not manager. 
· In calculation of reward of working period, the separation pay and 
reward of working period is not zero (0), but is calculated based on 
working period as stipulated in regulation. 
b. Work relation termination by company 
Reason Separation 
Reward of 
1 Change of status, merger, fusion 
or change of ownership status and 
employee refuse to continue 
1 time 1 time 1 time 
2 Change of status, merger, fusion 
or change of ownership status and 
the owner refuse to employ 
2 times 1 time 1 time 
3 Company being shutdown due to 
continuing loss for 2 years proved 
by public accountant or caused by 
force major. 
1 time 1 time 1 time 
4 Company undergo efficiency 2 times 1 time 1 time 
5 Company declares bankruptcy 1 time 1 time 1 time 
c. Work relation termination by retirement 
Reason Separation 
Reward of 
1 Employee reach age of retirement 
(does not joined pension fund 
2 times 1 time 1 time 
Page 24
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
2 Employee reach age of retirement 
(joined pension fund program) 
None 1 time 1 time 
3 Employee retires (has pension 
fund but its value is lesser than 
separation pay stipulated by Law) 
At least equal, if realization is lesser, company 
pays the discrepancy. 
d. Work relation termination by disciplinary breach 
Reason Separation 
Reward of 
Parting Pay 
1 Breach with warning 
letter (SP) 1,2,3 in a row 
1 time 1 time 1 time None 
2 Serious offense Verse 67 None None 1 time 1 month salary 
(minimum 5 
years working 
3 In criminal case, if more 
than 6 months not able 
to perform his duty or 
sentenced guilty in 
criminal court. 
None 1 time 1 time None 
4 Absences for 5 days in a 
row, given 2 summon 
calls and letters 
None None 1 time 1 month salary 
(minimum 4 
years working 
· Resignation by self request, condition of parting pay is employee 
position is not manager. 
· In calculation of reward of working period, the separation pay and 
reward of working period is not zero (0), but is calculated based on 
working period as stipulated in regulation. 
e. Work relation termination by dispute 
Reason Separation 
Reward of 
1 Employee submit work termination 
to LPPHI because company 
breach, and approved 
2 times 1 time 1 time 
2 Company stated as not guilty by 
LPPHI against employee sue 
None None According to 
LPPHI decision 
Page 25
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
· Work relation termination for daily worker, employee in probation, 
trainee, contract, and honorary status does not payable for separation 
pay, reward of working period, entitlement compensation and parting 
· If certain provision is stated in work agreement for contract and 
honorary employee, the provision is valid and fix. 
12.2. Separation Pay For Employee : 
The amount of separation pay is: 
1. Working period < 1 year  1 month salary. 
2. Working period 1 < 2 years  2 months salary. 
3. Working period 2 < 3 years  3 months salary. 
4. Working period 3 < 4 years  4 months salary. 
5. Working period 4 < 5 years  5 months salary. 
6. Working period 5 < 6 years  6 months salary. 
7. Working period 6 < years  7 months salary. 
12.3. Reward Money 
The amount of reward is: 
1. Working period 3 < 6 years  2 months salary. 
2. Working period 6 < 9 years  3 months salary. 
3. Working period 9 < 12 years  4 months salary. 
4. Working period 12 < 15 years  5 months salary. 
5. Working period 15 < 18 years  6 months salary. 
6. Working period 18 < 21 years  7 months salary. 
7. Working period 21 < 24 years  8 months salary. 
8. Working period 24 < years  10 months salary. 
13. LEAVE 
Page 26
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Leave Type Rules Approval By 
Annual Leave 1. Annual Leave Period is 1 April to 31 March. 
Unpaid leave (minimum 1 month or more) is not calculated in service year 
Page 27 
2. Employee entitles to annual leave for 12 days 
within 1 period of annual leave and is 
permanent employee at 1 April. 
3. Annual Leave right for employee who is not 
permanent employee at 1 April and employee 
who start work after 1 April (probation period) 
are not entitled for annual leave. 
4. Application must be submitted a month before 
taking leaves. 
5. Remaining of annual leave day will be 
counted every 31 March. 
6. Remaining annual leave will be paid all at 
once in April with following formula : 
7. Remaining Leave x 1/22 Fixed Salary 
supervisor or 
Special Leave 1. Death of Wife/husband/children or legally 
adopted children – 2 days. 
2. Death of direct parents/parents in law – 2 
3. Wife giving birth – 2 day. 
4. Employee’s marriage – 3 days. 
5. Marriage of direct children or legally adopted 
children – 2 days. 
6. Circumcise/baptize of direct children or legally 
adopted children – 2 days. 
7. Leave for religion purpose not more than 3 
months (Pilgrimage Leave). 
8. Employee’s family who lives in same house 
death – 2 days 
9. Natural disaster – 2 days 
1. First and second day. 
2. Must submit letter of notice from 
1. 45 days prior to giving birth and 45 days after. 
2. Application must be submitted a week before 
taking leave and accompanied by letter from 
the caregiver (Midwife/Doctor). 
Leave outside 
1. After 4th month of pregnancy employee is 
entitled for leave until maternity leave due. 
2. Only applicable for permanent employee 
(working period 1 year or more) 
3. During leave employee is not entitled for wage 
but will receive donation Rp 500.000 / month 
4. Will affect bonus calculation. 
Manager and 
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
If employee resigns by particular reason (pregnancy or raising children below 
5 years old then compensation calculation will be as follow : 
SPISy2000 have Security Setting Facility so we can manage the access 
level of each user, vertically or horizontally. Even we can control more detail 
of each button. 
At The beginning EPSON will divided it security group as follow : 
Group User USer 
Manager Emp A, B, C, etc 
Supervisor Emp F, G, H, etc 
Administrator Emp K, Emp L 
(Can be change or added 
(Can be change or added later) 
Group dan user will be provided by EPSON based on the job function in 
Page 28
PT. Sakura Bengawan 
Workflow Type: 
1. Overtime Requisition Flow 
2. Overtime Result Flow 
3. Leave Requisition Flow 
4. Shift Schedule Input Flow 
5. Daily Absenteeism Flow 
Data can be inputted by Leader (or Authorized staff), then will be sent to 
Manager (or Authorized Superior) via form or email for approval process. 
Level of approval process should be defined before for each type of workflow. 
Detail explanation will be on Workflow Document. 
Warning letter is made flexible, not system automated. In internal affair, an 
approach may be carried out by verbal warning or other method. If approach 
is fail, a written letter will be sent to HRD to issue a warning letter (SP). 
System will give reminder, for example: 
· Absent without information 1 day  Teguran tertulis 
· Absent without information 2 days SP1 
· Absent without information 3 days SP2 
· Absent without information 4 days SP3 
· Coming late 3 times in a month  SP1 
Validity of warning are: 
· Teguran tertulis is 3 months 
· SP1 is 6 months 
· SP2 is 6 months 
· SP3 is 6 months 
Page 29

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  • 1. MODULES for EPSON Organization Structure Position & Job Personal Data Time Management System Leave Administration Payroll Jamsostek Tax Bonus Back Pay Security System BUSINESS PROCESS MODEL FACT FINDING & SUMMARY DOCUMENT Human Resource Management System SPISy2000 For PT. INDONESIA EPSON INDUSTRI Version 1D Juli 2006 PT. Sakura Bengawan Business Support & Information Technology Spinindo Building 2nd Floor, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 76 Jakarta 10340 Tel.: 62-21-3147805, 3147823, Fax : 62-21-3147823,
  • 3. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name SPISy2000 IMPLEMENTATION Customer Name PT. INDONESIA EPSON INDUSTRI Customer Code EPSON Contract No. Purchase Order No. Purchase Order Date Package Type Standard Package Modules · Organization Structure · Position & Job · Personal Data · Time Management System · Leave Administration · Payroll · Jamsostek · Tax · Bonus · Back Pay · Security System Implementator Ady Mulyadi Start Date 1 June 2006
  • 5. CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________________________1 2. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE_________________________________________________________2 2.1. Organization Change...............................................................................1 2.2. Mutation/Employee Transfer.....................................................................1 2.3. Organization ID......................................................................................1 2.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition...........................................................2 3. PERSONAL DATA____________________________________________________________________2 3.1. Organization History................................................................................2 3.2. Welfare Info...........................................................................................2 3.3. Other Master Data...................................................................................2 4. GRADE, RANK & POSITION___________________________________________________________2 4.1. Grade....................................................................................................2 4.2. Rank.....................................................................................................3 4.3. Title and Position....................................................................................3 4.4. Grade & Rank Relation.............................................................................4 4.5. Grade & Rank Matrix...............................................................................4 4.6. Employment Type...................................................................................4 4.7. Promotion & Demotion.............................................................................5 4.8. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition...........................................................5 5. CONTRACT EMPLOYEE ADMINISTRATION____________________________________________5 Current Conditions & Solutions.........................................................................5 6. WORKING SCHEDULE_______________________________________________________________6 6.1. Master Shift...........................................................................................6 6.2. Detail Master Shift..................................................................................6 ..................................................................................................................6 6.3. Pick Up Point Bus....................................................................................8 6.4. Overbreak............................................................................................10 6.5. Working Schedule Change......................................................................10 6.6. Employee Behavior: Forget to Swap attendance machine............................10 6.7. Rules of Rounding for Work Time and Ot Allowance....................................11 a. Rounding of Overtime_________________________________________11 b. Rounding of overtime – early & late overtime______________________11 c. Overtime Rounding from Depnaker (OT Index)______________________11 6.8. Fixed Salary.........................................................................................11 6.9. Rounding of Daily Overtime Allowance .....................................................12 6.10. Overtime Entitlement ...........................................................................12 6.11. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition........................................................12 7. ATTENDANCE TYPE________________________________________________________________13 7.1. Attendance Type Master.........................................................................13 7.2. Coming Late & Going Out Early...............................................................13 8. OVERTIME_________________________________________________________________________14 8.1. X Factor Setting....................................................................................14 8.2. Manual................................................................................................15 8.3. OT Workflow.........................................................................................15 8.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition..........................................................15 9. PAYROLL__________________________________________________________________________15 9.1. Payment Date & Period (cut of date)........................................................15 9.2. Salary Component.................................................................................15 9.3. Relation between Salary Component & Employment Type...........................16
  • 6. 9.4. Relation between Basic Salary & Grade-Rank............................................17 9.5. Service Year Allowance..........................................................................18 9.6. Title Allowance......................................................................................18 9.7. Family Allowance...................................................................................18 9.8. Salary During Employee Sick..................................................................18 9.9. Salary During Employee Skorsing............................................................18 9.10. Salary During Employee Sicknes Due To Work Accident.............................19 9.11. Salary Proporsional..............................................................................19 9.12. Salary For Employee Under Custody.......................................................19 9.13. Attendance Incentive Deduction............................................................19 9.14. Meal Allowance...................................................................................20 9.15. Transportation Allowance......................................................................20 9.16. Breakfast Allowance.............................................................................20 9.17. JAMSOSTEK.......................................................................................21 9.18. Salary Automatic Update After 1 Years..................................................21 10. TAX DEDUCTION__________________________________________________________________21 11. BONUS & GIFT____________________________________________________________________22 11.1. Bonus................................................................................................22 11.2. THR...................................................................................................23 12. UANG PESANGON & PENGHARGAAN (REWARD MONEY)_____________________________23 12.1. Rules Of Pay Calculation Method............................................................23 12.2. Separation Pay For Employee :..............................................................26 12.3. Reward Money....................................................................................26 13. LEAVE___________________________________________________________________________26 14. SECURITY SYSTEM_______________________________________________________________28 15. WORKFLOW______________________________________________________________________29 16. WARNING LETTER________________________________________________________________29
  • 7. PT. Sakura Bengawan I. INTRODUCTION The Business Process Model Document is generated as one important guide in relation with implementation of human resource system SPISy2000 in a company. The document will be used particularly for certain task such as Parameter Setting, System Modification, and Testing. This document is also generated to anticipate if any exception or irregular things related to human resource system may arise. It covers all important business process related to Human Resource’s regulation in a company. Basically it covers only to business process related to modules in SPISy2000 that being implemented in customer’s site, however other things may be added as a reference. This document includes: · Company Structure · Format of master data · Matrix of table relation, i.e. Grade and Rank relation · Rules of calculation · Formula of calculation · Etc Source of document writing: 1. PKB: Mutual Work Agreement 2. Regulation of employee affairs 3. Result of meetings with appointed Personnel 4. Etc This document is not a replacement for existing Regulation Document or Employment Agreement; moreover it acts as Fact Finding and summaries. Not all detail is included in this document. The background of this document writing is due to We often found that level of readiness for implementation is not the same between each company. Such conditions can be mentioned as follows: 1. All regulation is well-documented; realization has followed the existing document. 2. All regulation is well-documented; some regulation does not match with the realization. This thing happens when changes are made in the realization of regulation and no update is made to the document. 3. Documentation is incomplete, or missing The condition 1 is ideal whereas Business Process Model Document only summarizes and simplifies the current format. For Condition no. 2, the Business Process Model Document acts as Fact Finding and only covers data found on site according to Customer’s approval. For Condition no. 3, document is based only on meeting result with Customer. Page 1
  • 8. PT. Sakura Bengawan 2. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE In general, Basic Organization Structure in EPSON consists of: 1. President 2. Division 3. Department 4. Section 5. Line Page 2
  • 9. PT. Sakura Bengawan The above organization structure in SPISy2000 database will have more detail down to the smallest level or unit that is Line. From several meetings it is very advisable to have only 1 Head in 1 unit. Department as an example. Currently there are many Department have more than 1 Manager, therefore it will be divided into Sub-Department, especially in SPISy2000 database. 2.1. Organization Change Structure of Organization may change anytime. Possibilities of change are as follow: 1. Change of name 2. Removal of division 3. Addition of division Whatever the change take place, it requires history data storing of the division name. And also system should be able to display leader name on specific date, history of each line including: Line name, Leader Name, Line Job / Model, Date Change. 2.2. Mutation/Employee Transfer SPISy2000 will be used to overcome problem of a lot of number and frequencies of employee mutation. SPISy2000 comes with tree view hierarchical Organization Chart which enable to maintain and update data easily. SPISy2000 also allow to configure area of mutation. i.e within the same section only. etc. that can be used by Leader which may only have access right within his group. Mutation also needs history and information who/ when do the process Transfer can be done with agreement between previous superior and present superior. Transfer of employee among department or division Transfer Approval Grade Shoul be approved by VII above Director V - VI General Manager I - IV Manager, General Manager 2.3. Organization ID Organization ID with 12 digits column width will be used. Div Dept Section Line Page 1
  • 10. PT. Sakura Bengawan 2.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition No Description Category 1 Organization Structure Form in Web Version Add 2 Organization Code Digit  12 Digits Mod 3 Query for display leader name on specific date Add 3. PERSONAL DATA The existing format in SPISy2000 has fulfilled requirement of PT. EPSON. However, please note that: 3.1. Organization History Organization History remains in store with its Organization Name although master data in Organization Structure has changed or being removed. 3.2. Welfare Info · Pick Up Point Bus · Uniform Size This information needs additional separate form for Welfare information. Requested by EPSON: Workflow should be implemented for uniform requisition. 3.3. Other Master Data Every employee has master data · Superior Name · Workflow Level 4. GRADE, RANK & POSITION 4.1. Grade 1. TP 01 (Contract Skill), TP 02 (Contract Unskill) 2. Grade 1 3. Grade 2 4. Grade 3 5. Grade 4 6. Grade 5 7. Grade 6 8. Grade 61 Page 2
  • 11. PT. Sakura Bengawan 9. Grade 7 10. Grade 8 11. Grade 81 12. Grade 9 4.2. Rank Rank 1 to 20 Rank 21 to 40 (will be eliminated) Rank 21 to 40 will be eliminated in SPISy2000 since it is used only to mark employee with less than 1 year work period in order to determine amount of Main Salary according to Salary Table. In SPISy2000, based on Join Date it will automatically calculate employee work period and mark it for period same or less than 1 year, and adjust it with existing Salary Table master. Current Condition Working Period Rank Basic Salary >= 1 Year 1 to 20 Salary Tabel A < 1 Year 21 to 40 Salary Tabel B With SPISy2000 Rank Working Period Basic Salary 1 to 20 ****** (Y M D) (Automatic) Salary Tabel (Automatic) Therefore operator is not required to control or update Rank data since system will automatically adjust the salary table. 4.3. Title and Position 4.3.1 List of Title 1. Presiden 2. Vice Presiden 3. GM 4. Ass. GM 5. Senior Manager 6. Manager 7. SPV 8. Leader 9. Staff 10. Spesialis 11. Operator 12. Project Leader 13. Advisor 4.3.1 List of Position Prepare by Epson. Page 3
  • 12. PT. Sakura Bengawan 4.4. Grade & Rank Relation Grade Rank 01 01 to 20 02 01 to 20 03 01 to 20 04 01 to 20 05 01 to 20 06 01 to 20 61 01 to 20 07 01 to 20 08 01 to 20 81 01 to 20 4.5. Grade & Rank Matrix Rank Grade 1 2 3 Dst - 20 81 G81-R1 G81-R2 G81-R3 G81-R20 08 G08-R1 G08-R2 G08-R3 G08-R20 07 G07-R1 G07-R2 G07-R3 G07-R20 61 G61– R1 G61– R2 G61– R3 G61–R20 06 G06-R1 G06-R2 G06-R3 G06-R20 05 G05-R1 G05-R2 G05-R3 G05-R20 04 G04-R1 G04-R2 G04-R3 G04-R20 03 G03-R1 G03-R2 G03-R3 G03-R20 02 G02-R1 G02-R2 G02-R3 G02-R20 01 G01-R1 G01-R2 G01-R3 G01-R20 4.6. Employment Type Type Basic Promoted to Remarks Page 4 Name definition G81-R1, G08- R1, G08-R2 etc will be used at SPISy2000
  • 13. PT. Sakura Bengawan Duration Probation 3 Mth Unchanged Contract 3 Mth – 2 Year Unchanged/Finish/Extend Contract can be revised, contract period begin from start working but end of contract will be revised. Maximum 3 years or 2 times extension. Revision is not considered extension Permanent --- 4.7. Promotion & Demotion No spesific table. 4.8. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition No Description Category 1 Salary Tabel for Employee less than 1 year or more than 1 year for each Grade-Rank Add 2 Logic for update employee salary, based on Salary Tabel when the working period become more than 1 year. Add 5. CONTRACT EMPLOYEE ADMINISTRATION Current Conditions & Solutions No Current System’s Problem SPISy 2000’s Solution 1 Difficult to control & maintain the data, specially expired date of individual contract employee SPISy 2000 has alert (warning) system to remind the expired date of contract. System will automatically list up all the employee who have the contract will be expired. 2 Difficult to change & maintain the employment status because a lot of number of employee SPISy 2000 has tool to change or update the status by “select and change”. System can list up all employees who have the status need to be updated; select the employee(s) and the new status and then system can process updating the status automatically. 3 Kontrak Dipercepat. (The contract are terminated before the end of date) Payroll Calculation in SPISy2000 can be set to proportional based calculation, but for payment date of this case need further confirmation of the rules and perhaps need some minor Page 5
  • 14. PT. Sakura Bengawan No Current System’s Problem SPISy 2000’s Solution modification. 6. WORKING SCHEDULE 6.1. Master Shift 6.2. Detail Master Shift Non Shift Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. Day Shift Working Hour Rest Time I II III Total Minute Monday to Thursday and Saturday Non Shift 08.00 – 17.00 10.30 – 10.40 12.30 – 13.10 15.30 – 15.40 Friday Non Shift 07.30 – 17.00 10.30 – 10.40 11.55 – 13.05 15.30 -15.40 2 Group 2 Shift Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. Day Shift Working Hour Rest Time I II III Total Minute Monday to Thursday and Saturday Shift 1A 06.15 – 15.15 10.30 – 10.15 12.30 – 12.45 Shift 2A 20.00 – 05.00 23.00 – 23.30 02.30 – 02.45 04.45 – 05.00 Page 6 Group Shift Shift NonShift Non Shift 2 Group 2 Shift Shift 1A, Shift 2A 3 Group 3 Shift Shift 1B, Shift 2B, Shift 3B 3 Group 2 Shift Shift 1C, Shift 2C
  • 15. PT. Sakura Bengawan Friday Shift 1A 06.15 – 15.45 10.00 – 10.15 11.55 – 13.10 Shift 2A 20.00 – 05.00 23.00 – 23.30 02.30 – 02.45 04.45 – 05.00 3 Group 3 Shift Pattern: 5 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. Day Shift Working Hour Rest Time I II III Total Minute Monday to Thursday and Saturday Shift 1B 06.00 – 14.00 08.45 – 09.00 12.00 – 12.45 Shift 2B 13.55 – 21. 55 16.30 – 16.45 18.00 – 18.45 Shift 3B 21.50 – 06.05 01.00 – 01.15 04.00 – 05.00 Friday Shift 1B 06.00 – 14.15 08.45 – 09.00 12.00 – 13.00 Shift 2B 14.10 – 22. 10 16.30 – 16.45 18.00 – 18.45 Shift 3B 22.05 – 06.05 01.00 – 01.15 04.15 – 05.00 3 Group 2 Shift Pattern: 4 days Work Days and 2 days Holidays. Day Shift Working Hour Rest Time I II III Total Minute Monday to Thursday and Saturday Shift 1C 06.15 – 15.15 10.30 – 10.15 12.30 – 12.45 Shift 2C 20.00 – 05.00 23.00 – 23.30 02.30 – 02.45 04.45 – 05.00 Friday Shift 1C 06.15 – 15.45 10.00 – 10.15 11.55 – 13.10 Shift 2C 20.00 – 05.00 23.00 – 23.30 02.30 – 02.45 04.45 – 05.00 Other Shift 12C 15.30 – 00.30 ? ? ? Work time of 2nd Shift can be changed temporarily. Solution is make a new Shift and set the work time as 15.30 – 00.30. Requested by EPSON: Page 7
  • 16. PT. Sakura Bengawan · Enable to generate schedule by Line. · Show Employee Data based on the Group Schedule. · Question??? How about the Individual Schedule if the Group Schedule changes? Sample: Group Schedule Group 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 A 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C 2C 2C 12C L B 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C C L L 2C 2C 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C Group A: Emp 1 Emp 2 Emp 3 … … Etc. Individual Schedule Employee 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Emp 1 1C (A) 1C (A) 1C (A) 2C (C) L L 2C 2C 2C 12C L Emp 2 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 1C L L 2C Emp 3 L L 2C 2C 2C 2C L L 1C 1C 1C 6.3. Pick Up Point Bus Every employee who uses Pick Up Bus must have “pick up point bus” master data. This master data together with Working Schedule and Overtime Plan data will be processed to generate Schedule of Pick Up Point Bus data. Page 8 Master Employee Pickup Point Work Schedule Emp. Schedule Overtime O.T Plan Bus Schedule Pick Point Schedule (To & From)
  • 17. PT. Sakura Bengawan Sample: a. Table A: Master Employee – Pick Up Point Em. ID Name Pick Up Point Bus 0001 Ady UKI 0002 Hadi Slipi 0003 Ari Pasar Rebo 0004 Denny Bekasi Barat 0005 Mendaz UKI 0006 Irna UKI b. Table B: Work Schedule Date: 24 July 2006 Em. ID Nama Shift 0001 Ady Shift 1 0002 Hadi Shift 2 0003 Ari Shift 1 0004 Denny Shift 3 c. Table C: Overtime Plan Date: 24 July 2006 Em. ID Nama Shift 0005 Mendaz Shift 1 + n Hour 0006 Irna Shift 1 + n Hour d. The combine result from Table A, B dan C will generate Bus Schedule. As follow : Bus Schedul (From Pick Up Point to EPSON) Shift Schedule Pick Up Point Total Employee Shift 1 UKI 3 Pasar Rebo 1 Shift 2 Slipi 1 Shift 3 Bekasi Barat 1 Bus Schedul (From EPSON to Pick Up Point) Shift Schedule Pick Up Point Total Employee Shift 1 UKI 1 Pasar Rebo 1 Shift 2 Slipi 1 Shift 3 Bekasi Barat 1 Page 9
  • 18. PT. Sakura Bengawan Overtime Bus Schedule (From EPSON to Pick Up Point) OT Pick Up Point Total Employee Shift 1 + n Hour UKI 2 6.4. Overbreak Early home or late in after rest time (II) for personal purpose. Over Break BR Rest Time (II) Over Break AR Over Break = BR + AR  Over Break Deduction (calculation method is similar to deduction of late in) or early out. The Data is taken from Attendance Machine. 6.5. Working Schedule Change Working schedule for individual often change and difficult to maintain the data. Therefore system should be easy to maintain the change. Requested by EPSON: o Working schedule for Group (Line) is inputed to system weekly and workflow process is applied. o Working schedule directly update to system by each department using web application version. 6.6. Employee Behavior: Forget to Swap attendance machine SPISy 2000 can display daily attendance data both Normal Data or Abnormal Data. Abnormal Data means no input, late, early, sick, absence, etc which perhaps need further confirmation. But there no solution from the system to change the attitude or behaviour of individual who not swap the card. Need rule or procedure force from management side. Page 10
  • 19. PT. Sakura Bengawan 6.7. Rules of Rounding for Work Time and Ot Allowance a. Rounding of Overtime Range Rounding 1 - 15 0 16 - 45 30 minutes 46 - 60 60 minutes b. Rounding of overtime – early & late overtime Overtime SPISy2000 Other Case Early Overtime (LA) + Late Overtime (LP)  Rounding = Overtime Not available and overtime applicable only once in one day (LA+LP= Overtime Total) c. Overtime Rounding from Depnaker (OT Index) Regular Day Holiday Special Holiday / National Rounding for the first hour is minimum 60 minutes, and for the next hour is: - 1 to 15 minutes round to 0 - 16 to 45 minutes round to 0.5 - 46 to 60 minutes round to 1 6.8. Fixed Salary Description of Fixed Salary has been mentioned above is: a. Basic Salary. b. Fixed Allowance such as: - Title allowance - Skill allowance - Family allowance - Service year allowance - Transport allowance Page 11
  • 20. PT. Sakura Bengawan 6.9. Rounding of Daily Overtime Allowance Calculated daily and rounding process run only after salary process and applicable only for total net income. 6.10. Overtime Entitlement Overtime is payable only for employee in Grade 01 to 08. Grade 07 and 08 who have position is entitled for payable holiday overtime maximum 8 hours/day. 6.11. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition No Description Category 1 Need modification for function of bus schedule reporting Mod 2 Need modification for overtime application form (SPL Form) by adding column for: · Budget · Accumulation · Remain Mod 3 Requested by EPSON: Web application for daily update of working schedule Add Page 12
  • 21. PT. Sakura Bengawan 7. ATTENDANCE TYPE 7.1. Attendance Type Master Reasons MCSB Code New Code Total Days Att. Deduct Abt. Deduct Absenteeis m Alpha S502 X X Sick with medical Doctor certivicate S514 S514 365 X Sick with information only or medical invoice S506 S540 365 X X Permitted S506 S506 365 X X Business trip S541 Skorsing S542 Coming Late S500 S500 Early Out S501 S501 Annual Leave Annual Leave S504 S504 12 Special Leave Marriage S526 S526 3 Child's Marriage S528 S528 2 Child's Circumcision/Baptism S527 S527 2 Wife's Maternity/Curretage S529 S529 2 Death of Husband/Wife/Child S530 S530 2 Parents/in Law death S531 S531 2 Employee's family who live in same house, death S531 S543 1 Menstruation S515 S515 2 X Maternity/Miscarriage S525 S525 90 Pilgrimmage according to Government stipulation S532 S532 40 Employee who fulfill invitation from Government institution S544 Natural Disaster S535 2 Leave during Pregnancy S524 S524 Some code should be follow SPISy2000’s code or use cenversion table. 7.2. Coming Late & Going Out Early An Employee who come late or leave early his / her salary will be deducted. In case, his late arrival because of company’s bus was late or carried out company duty, salary shall not be deducted. Salary deduction do comes late or leaves early is calculated and rounded as followes (basic salary only): · 01 – 15 minutes = ¼ x 1/173 x Basic Salary · 16 – 30 minutes = ½ x 1/173 x Basic Salary · 31 – 45 minutes = ¾ x 1/173 x Basic Salary · 46 – 60 minutes = 1 x 1/173 x Basic Salary Page 13
  • 22. PT. Sakura Bengawan · And so forth Salary deduction do to personal reason during working hours is calculated and rounded as followes (basic salary + fixed allowance): · 01 – 15 minutes = ¼ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) · 16 – 30 minutes = ½ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) · 31 – 45 minutes = ¾ x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) · 46 – 60 minutes = 1 x 1/173 x (Basic Salary + Fixed allowance) · And so forth Salary deduction above will not affect for Assistant Manager and above, an employee who takes treatments at polyclinic or go to hospital with permission from his / her superior. 8. OVERTIME Overtime must have Overtime Order or Request Form: SPL (Surat Perintah Lembur) for it’s validation which is the Overtime will be admitted or not. SPL can be generated by 2 ways: 1. X Factor Setting 2. Manual 8.1. X Factor Setting PPIC Team will set Working Schedule (Shift & O.T) daily, based on Production Plan. SPISy2000 will use this parameter to generate Schedule & O.T Request. These Parameter data must be available at least 1 day before actual working day. For the X Factor explanation still waiting from EPSON teams. Page 14 X Factor Setting Line Code Shift Code OT Duration Time SPISy2000 Emp & Line Code Emp & Shift Code SPISy2000 Emp & OT SPL “ Can be adjusted
  • 23. PT. Sakura Bengawan 8.2. Manual SPL can be inputed manually same with standard version of SPISy2000, which is filled start and finish Overtime. SPISy2000 accomplished with any GENERATE function so SPL not be inputed one by one. 8.3. OT Workflow Overtime needs workflow process for data validation. Further about OT Workflow will be explained in another document which is Workflow Document. 8.4. SPISy2000 Modification or Addition No Description Category 1 Additional function to generate SPL based on PPIC Setting Add 2 Web Base Application for OT Workflow, with email Notification system Add 9. PAYROLL 9.1. Payment Date & Period (cut of date) Salary calculation period is every 16th to 15th and paid every 25th, if in 25th is holiday company will arrange payment as follows: · 25th is holiday paid on 24th · 24th and 25th are holiday paid on 26th 9.2. Salary Component Income Salary ID Salary Name Gaji Pokok Basic Salary Tunjangan Jabatan Position Allowance Tunjangan Keahlian Skill Allowance Tunjangan Masa Kerja Service Year Allowance Tunjangan Keluarga Family Allowance Uang Makan Siang Meal Allowance Uang Makan Malam Night Meal allowance Uang Transport Siang Transport allowance Uang Transport Malam Night Transport Allowance Subsidi Transport untuk Grade 07 Transport Subsidy for Grade 07 Page 15
  • 24. PT. Sakura Bengawan Insentif Kehadiran Attendance Incentive Insentif Kerja Shift Shift Allowance Lembur I OT I Lembur II OT II Lembur III OT III Lembur IV OT IV Deduction Salary ID Salary Name Pajak Gaji Tax Deduction Jamsostek JHT Karyawan Jamsostek Contribution Potongan Absen Absent Deduction Potongan Terlambat Late / Early Deduction Potongan Izin Permission Deduction Potongan Insentif Kehadiran Attendance Incentive Deduction Potongan Pengobatan Medical Deduction Potongan Iuran Pokok Koperasi Cooperation Contribution Potongan Iuran Wajib Koperasi Cooperation Mandatory Contribution (Potongan Iuran Wajib Koperasi) Potongan Angsuran Koperasi Cooperation Transaction Remarks: Some salaries id and deduction id have to match accordingly to SPISy2000 because of some id are Hard Code and can’t be replaced. 9.3. Relation between Salary Component & Employment Type Salary Component Probatio n Permanent Remark Basic Salary 80 % 100% Position 100% 100% Allowance Skill Allowance 100% 100% Family Allowance 100% 100% Services Allowance - 100% For permanent employee min. 2 years work in company for grade 01 to 61 Transport Allowance 100% 100% For grade 07 to 81 not included Attendance Incentive 100% 100% For grade 07 to 81 not included, if absent will be deduct Shift Allowance 100% 100% For some title see table Page 16
  • 25. PT. Sakura Bengawan shift 9.4. Relation between Basic Salary & Grade-Rank Rank Grade 1 2 3 etc - 20 81 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 08 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 07 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 61 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 06 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 05 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 04 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 03 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 02 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. 01 >= 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. < 1 Year Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Rp…. Remarks: In SPISy2000, each Grade and Rank are linked with separated. Example: Grade 81 Rank 1 Working Duration Basic Salary (Rp) Start Date End Date < 1 Year Rp. ****** ******* ******* >= 1 Year Rp. ****** ******* ******* Page 17
  • 26. PT. Sakura Bengawan Changes in salary table will be effective in every periode start (on 16th) and no proportional calculation. 9.5. Service Year Allowance Service year allowance is given to an employee who has service minimum 2 years from grade 01 up to grade 61, service year is calculated from joint date up to 1st January: This service year allowance is updated every year on 1st January 9.6. Title Allowance Position Allowance can be given to the employee, if the employee got a position from company, the amount of position allowance are : a. Leader : Rp. 80.000 b. Supervisor : Rp. 250.000 c. Manager : Rp. 800.000 d. Sr. Manager : Rp. 1.000.000 e. Specialist : Rp. 200.000 – Rp. 800.000 9.7. Family Allowance The Ammount of Family Allowance are: - Wife : Rp. 40.000 / month (1 legal wife) - Child: Rp 15.000 / child / month (max 3 children up to 21st year) 9.8. Salary During Employee Sick 1. 1st three month paid 100 % 2. 2nd three month paid 75 % 3. 3rd three month paid 50 % 4. 4th three month paid 25 % 9.9. Salary During Employee Skorsing Employee will be paid 100 % from Basic Salary and if not guilty then the lack of salary will be paid. Page 18
  • 27. PT. Sakura Bengawan 9.10. Salary During Employee Sicknes Due To Work Accident Salary during sickness due to work accident (not employee fault): 1. 1st four month paid 100 %. 2. 2nd four month paid 75%. 3. next 50 % salary. 9.11. Salary Proporsional A Salary for an employee who joins the company or resigns from the company in the middle of the month is calculated on the following: 1. Permanent / Contract Employee: Total Days / 30 x Std. Salary 2. Probation Employee: Total Days / 30 x Std. Salary x (80 % x Basic Salary) 9.12. Salary For Employee Under Custody If an employee who has been arrested by an authority not due to company report then his / her will not get salary but his / her family will be given allowance the amount are : a. For 1 person 25 % from basic salary. b. For 2 person 35 % from basic salary. c. For 3 person 45 % from basic salary. d. For 4 person 50 % from basic salary. 9.13. Attendance Incentive Deduction 1. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 50 % if there are 2nd times late, early home, and personal purpose. 2. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 75 % if there are 3rd times late, early home, and personal purpose. 3. Attendance Incentive Deduction for 100 % if there are 4th times late, early home, and personal purpose. 4. Attendance Incentive Deduction fro 50 % if there is 1 time absent without information (sick, permit, menstruation leave). 5. Attendance Incentive Deduction fro 100 % if there is 2 times absent without information (sick, permit, menstruation leave). Total maximum deduction is 100% (Rp. 60.000). Page 19
  • 28. PT. Sakura Bengawan 9.14. Meal Allowance 1. Meal Allowance payment: a. Light Meal for employee who work in 1st shift the amount Rp 2.800, paid to employee who work at vendor. b. Meal (lunch and dinner) given to employee who work in shift 1 and non shit (Lunch), for 2nd shift and non shift (who do OT until 20.00) receive dinner. c. For 3rd shift and driver will receive meal allowance in cash for Rp. 4.500. d. For 2nd shift employee will receive meal allowance in cash for Rp. 2.800 (3 Group 2 Shift and 2 Group 2 Shift). e. Meal Allowance during Ramadhan for Moeslems are paid in cash. 2. Shift Allowance , paid to employee who work in shift the amount are shown below : f. Shift Allowance (2 Shift Operation) Position / Level Shift 2 Operator 9.500 Leader 9.750 Supervisor 12.750 g. Shift Allowance (3 Shift Operation) Position / Level Shift 2 Shift 3 Operator 3.750 4.000 Leader 4.000 5.000 Supervisor 7.000 7.500 Setting Shift allowance based on Position (Current condition at SPISy2000: based on Grade) 9.15. Transportation Allowance Transport allowances are based on grade: a. Grade 01-61 the amount are Rp. 123.200 / month and extra Rp. 5.000 / day for non and 1st shift employee who work OT until 22.00 WIB. For driver extra transport allowance is Rp. 10.000. b. Grade 07 the amount is Rp. 1.000.000 (only for employee grade 07 who doesn’t have car from company and not component of fixed salary). 9.16. Breakfast Allowance Page 20
  • 29. PT. Sakura Bengawan Specific amount (i.e: Rp. 2800) for employee who work at vendor side during working day and for shift 2 of 2 Group 2 Shift only. This information should be linked with Attendance Type. 9.17. JAMSOSTEK The amount of Jamsostek Contribution is calculated below: 2 % x Basic Salary from employee and company is 4.89 % x Basic Salary. 9.18. Salary Automatic Update After 1 Years Amount of paid salary should be automatically updated by “Generate Function” after 1 year of working duration. The effective date of new amount are always the start date of salary periode. Example: Salary periode: 16/5 to 15/6 Employee join date Year 2005: Emp A: 18/5, Emp B: 13/6, Emp C: 16/5 Effective date of new salary is same 16/5/2006 for all employees 10. TAX DEDUCTION Income Tax fully paid by employee and used progressive tax calculation method. Monthly Tax Calculation always looks up data from beginning of year to minimize or eliminate the difference. Example: Calculation for January:  Salary in a year (X) = January Salary * 12  Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X  Tax for January = Y / 12 Calculation for February:  Salary in a year (X) = Salary January + (Salary February * 11)  Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X  Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January  Tax for February = ( Y - Z ) / 11 Page 21
  • 30. PT. Sakura Bengawan Calculation for March:  Salary in a year (X) = Salary Jan to Feb+ (Salary Mar * 10)  Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X  Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January + February  Tax for March = ( Y - Z ) / 10 And So forth for December Calculation:  Salary in a year (X) = Salary Jan to Nov + (Salary Dec )  Tax in a year (Y) = Tax from salary X  Tax already paid (Z) = Tax for January to November  Tax for December = ( Y - Z ) 11. BONUS & GIFT 11.1. Bonus Bonus amount of each employee will be calculated using parameters bellow: - Assessment Result - Attendance Rate - Working Period - Index (defined by company) - The objected period of bonus shall be one year, from April 1st of previous year to March 31st of current year, bonus is given only to permanent employee who had finished probation period up to 31st March and up to payment date still work in IEI - For permanent employee who is join less than 1 year (until 31 of March), bonus will calculated proportionally (Service Month / 12) x Fixed Salary Assessment (Performance Evaluation) result data should be inputted or using export-import data tools. Gift is given to contract employee and no evaluation required. Criteria : · 0 – 3 month  0 · 3 – 6 month  amount variable depend on company · 6 – 9 month  amount variable depend on company Page 22
  • 31. PT. Sakura Bengawan · 9 – 12 month  amount variable depend on company 11.2. THR The Regulatian are shown below: · THR paid 14 days before Idul Fitri and 14 days before Natal. · Paid for permanent employee which still work 30 days before Idul Fitri or Christmas and employee in Idul Fitri or Christmas became Permanent Employee. · Religion grouping Moeslem and Non Moeslem. · Service month calculated from Idul Fitri for Moeslem and Christmas for Non Moeslem. · For employee who already have service year more than 3 month, but less than 1 year will receive THR proportionally: Service Month / 12 x 1 Fixed Salary · Service month rounding : - 1 to 15 days  0 - 16 to 31 days  1 12. UANG PESANGON & PENGHARGAAN (REWARD MONEY) 12.1. Rules Of Pay Calculation Method a. Work relation termination by employee N Reason Separati o on Pay Reward of Working Period (UPMK) Entitle-ment Compen-sation Parting Pay 1 Self request (with conditions: application must be submitted 30 days before, is not in compulsory None None 1 time Equal with UPMK (PKB Verse 70) Page 23
  • 32. PT. Sakura Bengawan tenure, and remain on duty) 2 Self request (not fulfill the above no.1 condition) None None 1 time 1 month salary (minimum 3 years working period) 3 Prolonged sickness, disability due to work accident 2 times 2 times 1 time None 4 Prolonged sickness, disability is not due to work accident 2 times 2 times 1 time None 5 By death 2 times 1 time 1 time None Note: · Resignation by self request, condition of parting pay is employee position is not manager. · In calculation of reward of working period, the separation pay and reward of working period is not zero (0), but is calculated based on working period as stipulated in regulation. b. Work relation termination by company N o Reason Separation Pay Reward of Working Period (UPMK) Entitlement Compensation 1 Change of status, merger, fusion or change of ownership status and employee refuse to continue employment. 1 time 1 time 1 time 2 Change of status, merger, fusion or change of ownership status and the owner refuse to employ people. 2 times 1 time 1 time 3 Company being shutdown due to continuing loss for 2 years proved by public accountant or caused by force major. 1 time 1 time 1 time 4 Company undergo efficiency 2 times 1 time 1 time 5 Company declares bankruptcy 1 time 1 time 1 time c. Work relation termination by retirement No Reason Separation Pay Reward of Working Period (UPMK) Entitlement Compensation 1 Employee reach age of retirement (does not joined pension fund program) 2 times 1 time 1 time Page 24
  • 33. PT. Sakura Bengawan 2 Employee reach age of retirement (joined pension fund program) None 1 time 1 time 3 Employee retires (has pension fund but its value is lesser than separation pay stipulated by Law) At least equal, if realization is lesser, company pays the discrepancy. d. Work relation termination by disciplinary breach N Reason Separation o Pay Reward of Working Period (UPMK) Entitle ment Compe nsation Parting Pay 1 Breach with warning letter (SP) 1,2,3 in a row 1 time 1 time 1 time None 2 Serious offense Verse 67 None None 1 time 1 month salary (minimum 5 years working period) 3 In criminal case, if more than 6 months not able to perform his duty or sentenced guilty in criminal court. None 1 time 1 time None 4 Absences for 5 days in a row, given 2 summon calls and letters appropriately. None None 1 time 1 month salary (minimum 4 years working period) Note: · Resignation by self request, condition of parting pay is employee position is not manager. · In calculation of reward of working period, the separation pay and reward of working period is not zero (0), but is calculated based on working period as stipulated in regulation. e. Work relation termination by dispute N o Reason Separation Pay Reward of Working Period (UPMK) Entitlement Compensation 1 Employee submit work termination to LPPHI because company breach, and approved 2 times 1 time 1 time 2 Company stated as not guilty by LPPHI against employee sue None None According to LPPHI decision Page 25
  • 34. PT. Sakura Bengawan Note: · Work relation termination for daily worker, employee in probation, trainee, contract, and honorary status does not payable for separation pay, reward of working period, entitlement compensation and parting pay. · If certain provision is stated in work agreement for contract and honorary employee, the provision is valid and fix. 12.2. Separation Pay For Employee : The amount of separation pay is: 1. Working period < 1 year  1 month salary. 2. Working period 1 < 2 years  2 months salary. 3. Working period 2 < 3 years  3 months salary. 4. Working period 3 < 4 years  4 months salary. 5. Working period 4 < 5 years  5 months salary. 6. Working period 5 < 6 years  6 months salary. 7. Working period 6 < years  7 months salary. 12.3. Reward Money The amount of reward is: 1. Working period 3 < 6 years  2 months salary. 2. Working period 6 < 9 years  3 months salary. 3. Working period 9 < 12 years  4 months salary. 4. Working period 12 < 15 years  5 months salary. 5. Working period 15 < 18 years  6 months salary. 6. Working period 18 < 21 years  7 months salary. 7. Working period 21 < 24 years  8 months salary. 8. Working period 24 < years  10 months salary. 13. LEAVE Page 26
  • 35. PT. Sakura Bengawan Leave Type Rules Approval By Annual Leave 1. Annual Leave Period is 1 April to 31 March. Unpaid leave (minimum 1 month or more) is not calculated in service year Page 27 2. Employee entitles to annual leave for 12 days within 1 period of annual leave and is permanent employee at 1 April. 3. Annual Leave right for employee who is not permanent employee at 1 April and employee who start work after 1 April (probation period) are not entitled for annual leave. 4. Application must be submitted a month before taking leaves. 5. Remaining of annual leave day will be counted every 31 March. 6. Remaining annual leave will be paid all at once in April with following formula : 7. Remaining Leave x 1/22 Fixed Salary Superior, supervisor or concerned manager. Special Leave 1. Death of Wife/husband/children or legally adopted children – 2 days. 2. Death of direct parents/parents in law – 2 days. 3. Wife giving birth – 2 day. 4. Employee’s marriage – 3 days. 5. Marriage of direct children or legally adopted children – 2 days. 6. Circumcise/baptize of direct children or legally adopted children – 2 days. 7. Leave for religion purpose not more than 3 months (Pilgrimage Leave). 8. Employee’s family who lives in same house death – 2 days 9. Natural disaster – 2 days Menstruation Leave 1. First and second day. 2. Must submit letter of notice from Midwife/Doctor. Maternity Leave/ Miscarriage 1. 45 days prior to giving birth and 45 days after. 2. Application must be submitted a week before taking leave and accompanied by letter from the caregiver (Midwife/Doctor). Maternity Leave outside quota 1. After 4th month of pregnancy employee is entitled for leave until maternity leave due. 2. Only applicable for permanent employee (working period 1 year or more) 3. During leave employee is not entitled for wage but will receive donation Rp 500.000 / month (taxed). 4. Will affect bonus calculation. Manager and GM
  • 36. PT. Sakura Bengawan If employee resigns by particular reason (pregnancy or raising children below 5 years old then compensation calculation will be as follow : 14. SECURITY SYSTEM SPISy2000 have Security Setting Facility so we can manage the access level of each user, vertically or horizontally. Even we can control more detail of each button. At The beginning EPSON will divided it security group as follow : Group User USer Manager Emp A, B, C, etc Supervisor Emp F, G, H, etc Administrator Emp K, Emp L (Can be change or added later) (Can be change or added later) Group dan user will be provided by EPSON based on the job function in EPSON. Page 28
  • 37. PT. Sakura Bengawan 15. WORKFLOW Workflow Type: 1. Overtime Requisition Flow 2. Overtime Result Flow 3. Leave Requisition Flow 4. Shift Schedule Input Flow 5. Daily Absenteeism Flow Data can be inputted by Leader (or Authorized staff), then will be sent to Manager (or Authorized Superior) via form or email for approval process. Level of approval process should be defined before for each type of workflow. Detail explanation will be on Workflow Document. 16. WARNING LETTER Warning letter is made flexible, not system automated. In internal affair, an approach may be carried out by verbal warning or other method. If approach is fail, a written letter will be sent to HRD to issue a warning letter (SP). System will give reminder, for example: · Absent without information 1 day  Teguran tertulis · Absent without information 2 days SP1 · Absent without information 3 days SP2 · Absent without information 4 days SP3 · Coming late 3 times in a month  SP1 Validity of warning are: · Teguran tertulis is 3 months · SP1 is 6 months · SP2 is 6 months · SP3 is 6 months Page 29