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 Orthodontic treatment planning poses
significant challenges for clinicians with
respect to their ability to provide the most
predictable results for patients
 Teeth in well aligned arches are one of the
objectives of orthodontic treatment
 Success in orthodontic treatment – Diagnosis
 Different diagnostic aids are available
 Orthodontic casts – oldest
 Model analysis is
the study of
maxillary and
mandibular dental
arches in all the
three planes of
spaces using study
models and
radiographs which
is a valuable tool in
diagnosis and
treatment planning.
 Positive replica of tooth and surrounding
supporting structures
 Essential diagnostic aids
 Anatomic part
 Artistic part
 Should accurately reproduce all the teeth and
soft tissues without any distortion
 Should be symmetrical
 Models should be trimmed in such a way that
when placed on back, the accurately
reproduce the occlusion
 Should have a clean, smooth and nodule free
 Should depict as much alveolar process as
 Study of occlusion from all aspects
 Enables accurate measurements – arch
length, width and tooth size
 Educating the patient on the nature and
severity of malocclusion
 Motivation of patient
 Explain the treatment plan
 Assessment of treatment progress
 Mock surgery
 Transfer of records in case if the patient is to
be treated by another clinician
 Space analysis requires a comparison
between the amount of space available for
the alignment of the teeth and the amount of
space required to align them properly.
 First step-calculation of space available
 Second step-calculate the amount of space
required for alignment of the teeth
 Mixed dentition
◦ Moyer’s analysis
◦ Huckaba’s analysis
◦ Hixen and Old Father
◦ Nance analysis
◦ Tanaka Johnson
 Permanent
dentition analysis
◦ Ponts analysis
◦ Carey’s analysis
◦ Arch perimeter
◦ Ashley Howe’s
◦ Bolton’s analysis
◦ Linder Harth analysis
◦ Korkhaus analysis
◦ Many malocclusion occurs as a result of discrepancy
between arch length and tooth material.
◦ This discrepancy is calculated using Arch perimeter
in maxilla and Careys analysis in mandible
 Determination
of arch length.
Arch length
anterior to the
first permanent
molar is
measured using
a soft brass
The wire is placed contacting the mesial surface
of the first permanent molar of one side and is
passed over the buccal cusps of the premolars
and along the anteriors and is continued on the
opposite side in the same way upto the mesial
surface of the opposite first permanent molar.
 Determination of
tooth material.
The mesio-distal
width of the teeth
anterior to the first
molars (second
premolars to second
premolars) is
measured and
summed up.
 Determination of the Discrepancy.
The discrepancy refers to the difference
between the arch length and tooth material.
 Inference.
◦ Measurement of 4 maxillary incisors
establishes the width of the arch in the
premolar and molar region
◦ suggested that the ratio of combined
incisor to arch width ( as measured from
the center of the occlusal surface of the
teeth) was ideally 0.8 in the bicuspid area
and 0.64 in the first molar area
◦ Determining whether the dental arch is
narrow or normal
◦ Determining the need for lateral arch
◦ Determining how much expansion is
possible at the molar and premolar region
 Determine the sum of M-D width of 4
maxillary incisors : SI
 Measure the width of the arch in the
premolar region from the distal pit of
one upper 1st premolar to distal pit of
the opposite 1st premolar: MPV
 Measure the width of the arch in the
molar region from the mesial pit of the
upper 1st molar to the mesial pit of the
opposite 1st molar: MMV
 Calculated premolar value/ expected
premolar value:
CPV= SI * 100
 Calculated molar value/ expected molar value
CMV = SI * 100
 If measured value is less than the calculated
value, it indicates the need for expansion.
 It is possible to know how much expansion is
needed in the premolar and molar region
 Ponts index gives an approximate indication
of the degree of narrowness of the dental
arches in a case of malocclusion and also the
amount of lateral expansion required for the
arch to be of sufficient size to accommodate
the tooth in perfect alignment.
 Maxillary laterals are the commonly missing
from the oral cavity.
 Maxillary laterals may undergo morphogenic
alterations like peg shaped laterals.
 It does not take skeletal malrelationships into
 Analysis is based on study of French
population and hence, its universal validity is
 Similar to Pont’s analysis.
A variation has been proposed to determine
the calculated premolar value and calculated
molar value.
Calculated premolar value : S.I X 100
Calculated molar value : S.I X 100
 Similar to PONT’S analysis
 Uses LINDER HARTH formula
◦ For a given width of upper incisors a specific value
of the distance between the midpoint of inter
premolar line to the point between the two incisors
should exist
◦ Introduces a third measurement from the
midpoint of inter- premolar line of upper arch to
a point in between the two maxillary incisors.
 For the values noted, the mandibular value
(Ll) should be equal to the maxillary value
(Lu) in millimeters minus 2mm.
This analysis tells about the arch width.
 If the perpendicular distance is more
than ideal, then anterior teeth are
 If the perpendicular distance is less than
the ideal, then the anterior teeth are
◦ There exists a relationship between total width of 12
teeth anterior to the second molars and the width of
the dental arch in the first premolar region.
 Determination of total
tooth material.
The mesio distal
width of all the teeth
mesial to the second
permanent molars is
measured with the
help of dividers and
the values are
summed up. This
value is called Total
Tooth material (TTM).
◦ Arch width from the tip
of the buccal cusp of
one 1st premolar to the
tip of the buccal cusp of
the opposite 1st
 Determination of
premolar basal arch
◦ The measurement of the
width from canine fossa
of one side to the other
gives us the width of the
dental arch at the apical
base or the junction
between the basal bone
and alveolar process
The canine fossa is
found diatal to the
canine eminence
If the canine fossa is
not clearly
distinguishable then
the measurement is
made from a point
8mm below the crest of
inter dental papilla
distal to the canine
 If PMBAW > PMD arch expansion
is possible
 If PMBAW < PMD arch expansion
is not possible
 Howe’s believed that the premolar basal
arch width ( B.A.W) which he called as the
canine fossa diameter should equal
approximately 44% of the mesio distal
widths of the 12 teeth in the maxilla, if it is
to be sufficiently large enough to
accommodate all the teeth.
 When the ratio is less than 37%, he
considered this to be a basal arch deficiency
necessitating extraction of premolars.
 PMBAW% = PMBAW * 100
IF PMBAW% < 37% Need for extraction
IF PMBAW % > 44% Treated without
If PMBAW% 37-44% Borderline cases
 Howe’s analysis is useful in treatment planning of
problems with suspected apical base deficiencies
and deciding to whether to,
1) Extract teeth,
2) Widen the dental arch, or
3) Expand rapidly the palate.
 Howe’s analysis is applicable to each arch.
◦ There exists a ratio between the M-D width of
maxillary and mandibular teeth
◦ To attain an optimum inter arch relationship, the
maxillary tooth material should be proportionate to
the mandibular tooth material thereby creating a
normal overjet and overbite
 Bolton pointed out that the extraction of one tooth
or several teeth should be done according to the
ratio of tooth material between the maxillary and
mandibular arch, to get ideal interdigitation,
overjet, overbite and alignment of teeth.
 Helps in determining disproportion in size
between maxillary and mandibular teeth
 Sum of mandibular 12.
 Sum of maxillary 12.
 Sum of mandibular 6.
 Sum of maxillary 6.
 Overall Ratio.
 Anterior Ratio.
widths of the mandibular teeth mesial to the
2nd permanent molar is 91.3% the M-D width
of maxillary teeth mesial to 2nd molar
Overall ratio = sum of mand 12 * 100
sum of max 12
◦ If ratio < 91.3% maxillary tooth excess
 Max excess = max 12 – mand 12 * 100
 If ratio > 91.3% mandibular tooth
 Mandibular excess= mand 12 – max 12 *91.3
according to BOLTON, The sum of mesio
distal width of the mandibular anteriors to
the mesio distal width of the maxillary
anteriors should be 77.2%.
Anterior Ratio = Sum of mandibular 6 *100
Sum of maxillary 6
If ratio < 77.2% maxillary anterior
Maxillary excess = max 6 – mand 6 * 100
 If ratio > 77.2% mandibular anterior
 Mandibular excess=
mand 6 – max 6 *77.2
◦ Evaluation of the size of the unerupted
canines and premolars
◦ The Mixed Dentition Analysis helps one
to estimate the amount of spacing or
crowding which would exist for the
patient if all the primary teeth were
replaced by their successors the very
day the analysis is done.
 Premature loss of canines
 Rotation of lateral incisors
 Ectopic eruption of molars
 Distal terminal plane relationship
 crossbite
 Estimation from proportionality table:
◦ moyers(1967)
◦ Tanaka and Johnson
 Radiographic method
◦ Huckaba G.W analysis(1964)
◦ Nance analysis
 Combined method
◦ Hixon and Oldfather (1956)
◦ Modified by Staley and Kerbers (1980)
 Principle:
◦ High correlation between different teeth in same
◦ Possible to predict the size of unerupted teeth by
looking at the teeth present in oral cavity
◦ Size of unerupted permanent canine and premolars
are predicted from the knowledge of the size of
certain permanent teeth already erupted in the oral
cavity – permanent mandibular incisors
Mandibular Incisor have been choosen-
 Erupted early in the mouth.
 Easily measured accurately.
 Are directly in the midst of most space
management problems.
Maxillary Incisors are not chosen-
 Variability in size and their co-relation with other
group of teeth are of lower predicted value.
 Dental cast
 Boley’s gauge
 Moyer’s probability chart
•Measure the width of each of 4 mandibular
permanent incisors
•Total the M-D width of the mandibular
 Calculate the space available for
mandibular cuspids and bicuspids from
the distal aspect of aligned lateral
incisor to mesial aspect of 1st
permanent molar
 Using Moyer’s probability chart the sum
total of total width of upper and lower
cuspids and bicuspids for the given sum
width of lower central and lateral incisors
are calculated
 An experienced clinician can use 50%
Prediction since it is more precise
 For inexperienced clinicians, they should
use the 75% Prediction for combined
widths of Canines and two Premolars
 if the predicted value is greater than available
arch length, crowding of the teeth can be
 It has minimal systematic error and the range of such error is known.
 It can be done with equal reliability by the beginner and the expert as
it does not presume sophisticated clinical judgement.
 Not time consuming
 Requires no special equipment or radiographic projections.
 Although best done on dental casts, it can be done with reasonable
accuracy in the mouth
 This approach generally can be used to predict the
combined widths of a group of unerupted teeth but
cannot be used to estimate the size of any single
unerupted tooth
 The Moyer's analysis is a probability diagnosis.
 The Moyer's analysis does not account for tipping
of the mandibular incisor, either lingually or
 Considered as a modification of Moyer’s
 Conducted studies on 506 orthodontic
patients in cleaveland.
 Proposed a regression formula for obtaining
the expected widths of unerupted permanent
canine and premolars
 Radiographic method – 1947
 Similar to Carey’s arch perimeter analysis for
permanent dentition
 Armamentarium
◦ Dental cast
◦ Boley gauge
◦ Millimeter ruler
◦ Periapical radiograoph
 Measure the M-D
width of the
permanent incisors
 Measure the width of
mandibular canine
and premolars from
the radiograph
 Gives the space
needed to
permanent teeth
anterior to first
permanent molars
 Measure the space
available for
permanent teeth using
a brass wire
 From the
measurement 3.4 mm
is reduced to
compensate for the
mesial drift of the 1st
 This gives the space
available for
permanent teeth
anterior to 1st molar
 By comparing the two
measurements, space
available and space
required can be
 Advantages:
◦ Can be performed with reliability
◦ Allows analysis of both the arches
 Disadvantages:
◦ Time consuming
◦ Full mouth radiograph is required
◦ Depends on the skills of the practitioner
 Huckaba G.W 1964
 Uses both study casts and radiographs for
determining the width of unerupted teeth
 Compensates for the radiographic
enlargement of tooth image
 degree of magnification for a primary tooth
will be the same as that of its underlying
permanent successor on the same film
 Can be used in both maxillary and
mandibular arches
 Measure the Width of primary teeth in x-
 Measure the width of underlying
permanent successor in x-ray
 measure the width of the primary tooth on
the cast
 Width of unerupted permanent tooth can
be obtained
actual width of primary molar(X1) actual width of
= permenent premolaR(Y1)
apparent width of primary molar (X2) apparent width of
permanent premolar(Y2)
Y1 = X1 * Y2
 1958
 Modified by ( STANLEY AND KERBER – 1980)
 This procedures combines measurements
from the dental casts and width
measurements from the periapical
 Used only for mandibular arch
 Measure the size of unerupted 1st & 2nd
premolar in one mandibular quadrant
from a peri apical radiograph.
 Determination of mesio distal tooth
width of the lower central and lateral
incisors on the study cast to the side of
the radiograph
 X-axis :
incisor width
measured on
the dental
cast + total
width of 1st &
2nd premolar
on the peri
 Y-axis :
total width of
canine and 1st
& 2nd
 The formula for calculation-
Σ3+4+5=[(Σ 1+2+4+5) X 0.7158]+2.1267
 After adding together both figures, the
probable width of the permanent canine
and 1st & 2nd premolars for the
corresponding quadrant can be read off in
the prediction graph under the column of
the calculated sum total.
1. Computerised analysis of
dental casts
2. Digital Study Models
3. Occulsograms
4. e-MODELS-3D Digital
dental models using laser
5. Ortho CAD TM
 The purpose of the computer program, MODELS,
is to carry out routine analysis of dental models
for all patients who are treated in the orthodontic
 It is used in various research studies related to
assessing changes in the dentition as a result of
orthodontic treatment.
 Data for the program are obtained by means of
digitizing a set of standardized two-dimensional
photographic views of the dental models.
 Computerized software are now capable of
scanning study models and storing the
scanned data as 3D images.
3D digital study models are designed to over
come the problems –
 Storage and Retrieval
 Diagnostic Versatility
 Transferability
 Durability
 Archiving Study Cast
 Documentation of treatment progress and
communication between professional
colleagues is made easy.
 Can examine intra & inter arch and
transverse relationships between U&L arches
 Treatment objectives and planning can be
created by using “Virtual set-up” of
orthodontic appliance.
 To estimate final occlusal relationship.
 Estimate tooth movements in all 3 planes.
 Determine changes in the cant of occlusal
 Aid in arch wire construction.
 Growth prediction with the help of tracing.
 Quantifying the treatment progress and
discovering the exact nature of many
orthodontic problem.
 Developed by Burstone in 1969.
 Occlusograms are actual sized photographs
of occlusal surface of dental casts.
 Tracings of these occlusograms allows the
orthodontist to simulate treatment in occlusal
 Photographic method:
◦ Occlusal surface of U & L dental casts are
photographed in a 1:1 ratio and a tracing of the
photograph is made.
 Photocopying method:
◦ The casts are photocopied on a photocopier
machine and the occlusal photocopy is used to
obtain a tracing.
 An occlusogram is a 1:1 reproduction of
occlusal surface of plaster models on a sheet
of acetate tracing paper.
 4x5 inch positive film transparencies are
 These allows occlusograms to be held one
over the other to examine cuspal
 The photographs can be taken either with
35 mm camera and enlarged to 1:1
magnification or with a 4x5 inches Polaroid
camera for 1:1 instant photographic prints.
 Photographic prints are ideal for tracing
 Problem with producing 4x5 inch
transparencies or photographic print is
maintaining the accurate orientation of the
dental cast which must be accurately trimmed
in the centric relation position
Once the dental cast is trimmed in centric
relation, registration grooves are made.
Both the casts are seated in registration
track in centric relation.
 Cast is placed on the registration track on the
Occlusostat as soon as it is ready for
 Occlusal surface of teeth are flushed with the
leading edge of the occlostat which is also the
focal length of the camera.
 A sheet of tracing paper is placed over the
photocopy of the cast, rough side up and is
secured at the corners using masking tape.
 Tracings are made of both U & L
 R & L should be marked to avoid confusion.
 Tracings can be separated by cutting
between the registration lines.
With the U & L occlusogram tracing registered
and secured on the sides, the mid sagittal
registration line can be copied on the lower
Growing denture bases can be adjusted so that
they’ll be in their predicted relationship at the end
of treatment periods.
Micheal R. Marcotte –demonstrated the uses of
occlusograms in planning orthodontic
 Determine arch form and width.
 Solution to arch length discrepancies.
 Presence and extent of skeletal asymmetries.
 Anchorage requirements in each quadrant for
extraction cases.
 Presence and extent of tooth mass
 Time consuming.
 Not very precise.
 Because of difference in magnification, the
combination of occlusogram with a head
film has been considered difficult and
 Simulation of space following extraction,
tooth uprighting or incisor retraction can be
easily shown.
 3D prefabrication of archwires using specific
robotics after setting up brackets position on
the dental arches.
 Construction of 3D “ Aligners”- The Invisalign
 Three dimensional digital study model.
Methods of producing digital models:
 Destructive imaging: Removes the part of the
cast ,a little at a time ,while it is being
 Non destructive imaging: Uses structural light
,laser light or x-rays to image while leaving
the original cast intact.
 Constructed through a
laser scanning process
that digitally maps the
geometry of a patient’s
dental anatomy to a high
resolution 3D digital
image with an accuracy of
+. 01mm.
e - models:
 A laser stripe is projected onto the
surface of the plaster cast & a digital
camera is used to analyze distortions
in the stripe.
 The plaster cast is oriented on all
axes to expose all its surfaces for
 This process produces 3D vertices that
are connected into thousands of
triangles to form the 3D image.
 The software then displays the e-model
on the computer screen by assigning
color shades to each triangle based on
its relative orientation to a digital light
source. This results in a high-resolution
3D image that can be viewed measured
& manipulated on the computer screen
as if the cast is in your hand.
 Measurements can be made in any plane or
 Various analysis such as Bolton’s analysis,
arch width & length analysis can be done.
 Cross-sectional tools allow e-models to be
sliced in any vertical or horizontal plane to
check symmetry, overjet, overbite & complete
measurements at any location.
 Permits analysis of occlusal
 Record keeping
 Improves accuracy & efficiency of
orthodontic diagnosis, treatment
planning & bracket placement.
 Midline analysis (skeletal or dental
asymmetries can be evaluated).
 Mock surgeries & presurgical
evaluation can be done.
 Ease in storage
 It is a system to produce 3D digital study models.
 Software has been developed by CADENT(USA).
 The ability to rotate, tilt and section models, and
hold them in any position, potentially allows for far
more detailed analysis, with the added advantage
of bringing the models up instantly, along with the
other clinical information, chairside.
 It gives the orthodontist a virtual 3D set of models,
which can be manipulated in all planes of space;
sectioned in any plane and measured along any
plane with considerable accuracy.
JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS , Vol. 31, 2004 344-347
Computer screen visualization of ‘virtual’ study models
by OrthoCADtm
 a simpler and more effective method of
measuring and storing data taken from the
‘virtual’ model.
 simpler storage and integration into the
patients ‘digital’ file, along with the digital
photographs, x-rays and clinical notes.
 simpler retrieval and viewing along with the
patients other clinical data especially at the
 easy transferral to others in the patient’s
healthcare circle via prints or email
 ‘virtual models’ cannot be mounted and
articulated in reference to the patient’s
tempero-mandibular joint functions.
 High cost.
 There are numerous model analysis based
on different criteria. It is left to the
orthodontist to accept which analysis he
feels best suites his diagnosis and
treatment planning.
 The basis remains the same only the ways
to express it differs so does not matter
which analysis one follows but what matters
is that how efficiently one imply the results
to the treatment planning and do justice to
the patient.
 Handbook of orthodontics.
 Textbook of orthodonttics. – BHALAJHI
 Textbook of orthodontics.
 Textbook of orthodontics.
 Textbook of orthodontics – SRIDHAR PREMKUMAR
 Comparison of mixed dentition analysis methods
and to evaluate the most reliable one. JIOS-
volume 49, 2015.
 Journal of Orthodontics , vol. 31, 2004 344-
 Laser in orthodontics: international journal of
contempory dental and medical reviews
(2014) article id: 041014
 Current products & practices ortho cadt
:journal of orthodontics , vol. 31, 2004 344-
 Digital models - an introduction: semin ortho
10:236-238 (2004)
 A computer program for the analysis of
dental models: computer program in
biomedicine 10 (1979) 261-270
 The use of occlusograms in planning
orthodontic treatment: ajo 69(6) july 1976;
Model analysis

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Model analysis

  • 3.  Orthodontic treatment planning poses significant challenges for clinicians with respect to their ability to provide the most predictable results for patients  Teeth in well aligned arches are one of the objectives of orthodontic treatment  Success in orthodontic treatment – Diagnosis  Different diagnostic aids are available  Orthodontic casts – oldest
  • 5.
  • 6.  Model analysis is the study of maxillary and mandibular dental arches in all the three planes of spaces using study models and radiographs which is a valuable tool in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.
  • 7.  Positive replica of tooth and surrounding supporting structures  Essential diagnostic aids
  • 8.  Anatomic part  Artistic part
  • 9.  Should accurately reproduce all the teeth and soft tissues without any distortion  Should be symmetrical  Models should be trimmed in such a way that when placed on back, the accurately reproduce the occlusion  Should have a clean, smooth and nodule free surface  Should depict as much alveolar process as possible
  • 10.  Study of occlusion from all aspects  Enables accurate measurements – arch length, width and tooth size  Educating the patient on the nature and severity of malocclusion  Motivation of patient  Explain the treatment plan  Assessment of treatment progress  Mock surgery  Transfer of records in case if the patient is to be treated by another clinician
  • 11.  Space analysis requires a comparison between the amount of space available for the alignment of the teeth and the amount of space required to align them properly.  First step-calculation of space available  Second step-calculate the amount of space required for alignment of the teeth
  • 12.  Mixed dentition analysis ◦ Moyer’s analysis ◦ Huckaba’s analysis ◦ Hixen and Old Father analysis ◦ Nance analysis ◦ Tanaka Johnson analysis  Permanent dentition analysis ◦ Ponts analysis ◦ Carey’s analysis ◦ Arch perimeter analysis ◦ Ashley Howe’s analysis ◦ Bolton’s analysis ◦ Linder Harth analysis ◦ Korkhaus analysis
  • 13.
  • 14.  PRINCIPLE: ◦ Many malocclusion occurs as a result of discrepancy between arch length and tooth material. ◦ This discrepancy is calculated using Arch perimeter in maxilla and Careys analysis in mandible
  • 15.  Determination of arch length. Arch length anterior to the first permanent molar is measured using a soft brass wire. The wire is placed contacting the mesial surface of the first permanent molar of one side and is passed over the buccal cusps of the premolars and along the anteriors and is continued on the opposite side in the same way upto the mesial surface of the opposite first permanent molar.
  • 16.
  • 17.  Determination of tooth material. The mesio-distal width of the teeth anterior to the first molars (second premolars to second premolars) is measured and summed up.
  • 18.  Determination of the Discrepancy. The discrepancy refers to the difference between the arch length and tooth material.  Inference.
  • 19.  PRINCIPLE: ◦ Measurement of 4 maxillary incisors establishes the width of the arch in the premolar and molar region ◦ suggested that the ratio of combined incisor to arch width ( as measured from the center of the occlusal surface of the teeth) was ideally 0.8 in the bicuspid area and 0.64 in the first molar area
  • 20.  HELPS IN: ◦ Determining whether the dental arch is narrow or normal ◦ Determining the need for lateral arch expansion ◦ Determining how much expansion is possible at the molar and premolar region
  • 21.  Determine the sum of M-D width of 4 maxillary incisors : SI
  • 22.  Measure the width of the arch in the premolar region from the distal pit of one upper 1st premolar to distal pit of the opposite 1st premolar: MPV
  • 23.  Measure the width of the arch in the molar region from the mesial pit of the upper 1st molar to the mesial pit of the opposite 1st molar: MMV
  • 24.  Calculated premolar value/ expected premolar value: CPV= SI * 100 80  Calculated molar value/ expected molar value CMV = SI * 100 64
  • 25.  If measured value is less than the calculated value, it indicates the need for expansion.  It is possible to know how much expansion is needed in the premolar and molar region respectively.  Ponts index gives an approximate indication of the degree of narrowness of the dental arches in a case of malocclusion and also the amount of lateral expansion required for the arch to be of sufficient size to accommodate the tooth in perfect alignment.
  • 26.  Maxillary laterals are the commonly missing from the oral cavity.  Maxillary laterals may undergo morphogenic alterations like peg shaped laterals.  It does not take skeletal malrelationships into considerations.  Analysis is based on study of French population and hence, its universal validity is questionable.
  • 27.  Similar to Pont’s analysis. A variation has been proposed to determine the calculated premolar value and calculated molar value. Calculated premolar value : S.I X 100 85 Calculated molar value : S.I X 100 64
  • 28.  Similar to PONT’S analysis  Uses LINDER HARTH formula  PRINCIPLE: ◦ For a given width of upper incisors a specific value of the distance between the midpoint of inter premolar line to the point between the two incisors should exist ◦ Introduces a third measurement from the midpoint of inter- premolar line of upper arch to a point in between the two maxillary incisors.
  • 30.  For the values noted, the mandibular value (Ll) should be equal to the maxillary value (Lu) in millimeters minus 2mm.
  • 31.
  • 32. This analysis tells about the arch width.  If the perpendicular distance is more than ideal, then anterior teeth are proclined.  If the perpendicular distance is less than the ideal, then the anterior teeth are retroclined.
  • 33.  PRINCIPLE: ◦ There exists a relationship between total width of 12 teeth anterior to the second molars and the width of the dental arch in the first premolar region.
  • 34.  Determination of total tooth material. The mesio distal width of all the teeth mesial to the second permanent molars is measured with the help of dividers and the values are summed up. This value is called Total Tooth material (TTM).
  • 35.  DETERMINATION OF PREMOLAR DIAMETER( P.M.D) ◦ Arch width from the tip of the buccal cusp of one 1st premolar to the tip of the buccal cusp of the opposite 1st premolar
  • 36.  Determination of premolar basal arch width: ◦ The measurement of the width from canine fossa of one side to the other gives us the width of the dental arch at the apical base or the junction between the basal bone and alveolar process The canine fossa is found diatal to the canine eminence
  • 37. If the canine fossa is not clearly distinguishable then the measurement is made from a point 8mm below the crest of inter dental papilla distal to the canine
  • 38.  If PMBAW > PMD arch expansion is possible  If PMBAW < PMD arch expansion is not possible  Howe’s believed that the premolar basal arch width ( B.A.W) which he called as the canine fossa diameter should equal approximately 44% of the mesio distal widths of the 12 teeth in the maxilla, if it is to be sufficiently large enough to accommodate all the teeth.  When the ratio is less than 37%, he considered this to be a basal arch deficiency necessitating extraction of premolars.
  • 39.  PMBAW% = PMBAW * 100 TTM IF PMBAW% < 37% Need for extraction IF PMBAW % > 44% Treated without extraction If PMBAW% 37-44% Borderline cases
  • 40.  Howe’s analysis is useful in treatment planning of problems with suspected apical base deficiencies and deciding to whether to, 1) Extract teeth, 2) Widen the dental arch, or 3) Expand rapidly the palate.  Howe’s analysis is applicable to each arch.
  • 41.  BOLTON’S TOOTH SIZE RATIO ANALYSIS  PRINCIPLE: ◦ There exists a ratio between the M-D width of maxillary and mandibular teeth ◦ To attain an optimum inter arch relationship, the maxillary tooth material should be proportionate to the mandibular tooth material thereby creating a normal overjet and overbite
  • 42.  Bolton pointed out that the extraction of one tooth or several teeth should be done according to the ratio of tooth material between the maxillary and mandibular arch, to get ideal interdigitation, overjet, overbite and alignment of teeth.  Helps in determining disproportion in size between maxillary and mandibular teeth
  • 43.  Sum of mandibular 12.  Sum of maxillary 12.  Sum of mandibular 6.  Sum of maxillary 6.  Overall Ratio.  Anterior Ratio.
  • 44.  DETERMINATION OF OVERALL RATIO: ◦ ACCORDING TO BOLTON, the sum of M-D widths of the mandibular teeth mesial to the 2nd permanent molar is 91.3% the M-D width of maxillary teeth mesial to 2nd molar Overall ratio = sum of mand 12 * 100 sum of max 12 ◦ If ratio < 91.3% maxillary tooth excess  Max excess = max 12 – mand 12 * 100 91.3
  • 45.  If ratio > 91.3% mandibular tooth excess  Mandibular excess= mand 12 – max 12 *91.3 100
  • 46.  DETERMINATION OF ANTERIOR RATIO: according to BOLTON, The sum of mesio distal width of the mandibular anteriors to the mesio distal width of the maxillary anteriors should be 77.2%. Anterior Ratio = Sum of mandibular 6 *100 Sum of maxillary 6 If ratio < 77.2% maxillary anterior excess Maxillary excess = max 6 – mand 6 * 100 77.2
  • 47.  If ratio > 77.2% mandibular anterior excess  Mandibular excess= mand 6 – max 6 *77.2 100
  • 48.
  • 49.  OBJECTIVE: ◦ Evaluation of the size of the unerupted canines and premolars ◦ The Mixed Dentition Analysis helps one to estimate the amount of spacing or crowding which would exist for the patient if all the primary teeth were replaced by their successors the very day the analysis is done.
  • 50.  Premature loss of canines  Rotation of lateral incisors  Ectopic eruption of molars  Distal terminal plane relationship  crossbite
  • 51.  Estimation from proportionality table: ◦ moyers(1967) ◦ Tanaka and Johnson  Radiographic method ◦ Huckaba G.W analysis(1964) ◦ Nance analysis  Combined method ◦ Hixon and Oldfather (1956) ◦ Modified by Staley and Kerbers (1980)
  • 52.  Principle: ◦ High correlation between different teeth in same individual ◦ Possible to predict the size of unerupted teeth by looking at the teeth present in oral cavity ◦ Size of unerupted permanent canine and premolars are predicted from the knowledge of the size of certain permanent teeth already erupted in the oral cavity – permanent mandibular incisors
  • 53. Mandibular Incisor have been choosen-  Erupted early in the mouth.  Easily measured accurately.  Are directly in the midst of most space management problems. Maxillary Incisors are not chosen-  Variability in size and their co-relation with other group of teeth are of lower predicted value.
  • 54.  Dental cast  Boley’s gauge  Moyer’s probability chart
  • 55. •Measure the width of each of 4 mandibular permanent incisors •Total the M-D width of the mandibular incisors
  • 56.  Calculate the space available for mandibular cuspids and bicuspids from the distal aspect of aligned lateral incisor to mesial aspect of 1st permanent molar
  • 57.  Using Moyer’s probability chart the sum total of total width of upper and lower cuspids and bicuspids for the given sum width of lower central and lateral incisors are calculated  An experienced clinician can use 50% Prediction since it is more precise estimate.  For inexperienced clinicians, they should use the 75% Prediction for combined widths of Canines and two Premolars
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60.  if the predicted value is greater than available arch length, crowding of the teeth can be expected
  • 61.  It has minimal systematic error and the range of such error is known.  It can be done with equal reliability by the beginner and the expert as it does not presume sophisticated clinical judgement.  Not time consuming  Requires no special equipment or radiographic projections.  Although best done on dental casts, it can be done with reasonable accuracy in the mouth
  • 62.  This approach generally can be used to predict the combined widths of a group of unerupted teeth but cannot be used to estimate the size of any single unerupted tooth  The Moyer's analysis is a probability diagnosis.  The Moyer's analysis does not account for tipping of the mandibular incisor, either lingually or facially.
  • 63.  Considered as a modification of Moyer’s analysis  Conducted studies on 506 orthodontic patients in cleaveland.  Proposed a regression formula for obtaining the expected widths of unerupted permanent canine and premolars
  • 65.  Radiographic method – 1947  Similar to Carey’s arch perimeter analysis for permanent dentition  Armamentarium ◦ Dental cast ◦ Boley gauge ◦ Millimeter ruler ◦ Periapical radiograoph
  • 66.  Measure the M-D width of the mandibular permanent incisors  Measure the width of unerupted mandibular canine and premolars from the radiograph  Gives the space needed to accommodate permanent teeth anterior to first permanent molars
  • 67.  Measure the space available for permanent teeth using a brass wire  From the measurement 3.4 mm is reduced to compensate for the mesial drift of the 1st molar  This gives the space available for permanent teeth anterior to 1st molar  By comparing the two measurements, space available and space required can be predicted
  • 68.  Advantages: ◦ Can be performed with reliability ◦ Allows analysis of both the arches  Disadvantages: ◦ Time consuming ◦ Full mouth radiograph is required ◦ Depends on the skills of the practitioner
  • 69.  Huckaba G.W 1964  Uses both study casts and radiographs for determining the width of unerupted teeth  Compensates for the radiographic enlargement of tooth image
  • 70.  degree of magnification for a primary tooth will be the same as that of its underlying permanent successor on the same film  Can be used in both maxillary and mandibular arches
  • 71.  Measure the Width of primary teeth in x- ray  Measure the width of underlying permanent successor in x-ray  measure the width of the primary tooth on the cast  Width of unerupted permanent tooth can be obtained  actual width of primary molar(X1) actual width of = permenent premolaR(Y1) apparent width of primary molar (X2) apparent width of permanent premolar(Y2) Y1 = X1 * Y2 X2
  • 72.  1958  Modified by ( STANLEY AND KERBER – 1980)  This procedures combines measurements from the dental casts and width measurements from the periapical radiographs  Used only for mandibular arch
  • 73.  Measure the size of unerupted 1st & 2nd premolar in one mandibular quadrant from a peri apical radiograph.  Determination of mesio distal tooth width of the lower central and lateral incisors on the study cast to the side of the radiograph
  • 74.  X-axis : Mandibular incisor width measured on the dental cast + total width of 1st & 2nd premolar on the peri apical radiograph.  Y-axis : Predicted total width of permanent mandibular canine and 1st & 2nd premolar.
  • 75.  The formula for calculation- Σ3+4+5=[(Σ 1+2+4+5) X 0.7158]+2.1267  After adding together both figures, the probable width of the permanent canine and 1st & 2nd premolars for the corresponding quadrant can be read off in the prediction graph under the column of the calculated sum total.
  • 76.
  • 77. 1. Computerised analysis of dental casts 2. Digital Study Models 3. Occulsograms 4. e-MODELS-3D Digital dental models using laser technology 5. Ortho CAD TM Technology
  • 78.  The purpose of the computer program, MODELS, is to carry out routine analysis of dental models for all patients who are treated in the orthodontic clinic.  It is used in various research studies related to assessing changes in the dentition as a result of orthodontic treatment.  Data for the program are obtained by means of digitizing a set of standardized two-dimensional photographic views of the dental models. A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR THE ANALYSIS OF DENTAL MODELS: COMPUTER PROGRAM IN BIOMEDICINE 10 (1979) 261-270
  • 79.  Computerized software are now capable of scanning study models and storing the scanned data as 3D images. 3D digital study models are designed to over come the problems –  Storage and Retrieval  Diagnostic Versatility  Transferability  Durability DIGITAL MODELS - AN INTRODUCTION: SEMIN ORTHO 10:236-238 (2004)
  • 80.  Archiving Study Cast  Documentation of treatment progress and communication between professional colleagues is made easy.  Can examine intra & inter arch and transverse relationships between U&L arches  Treatment objectives and planning can be created by using “Virtual set-up” of orthodontic appliance.
  • 81.  To estimate final occlusal relationship.  Estimate tooth movements in all 3 planes.  Determine changes in the cant of occlusal plane.  Aid in arch wire construction.  Growth prediction with the help of tracing.  Quantifying the treatment progress and discovering the exact nature of many orthodontic problem.
  • 82.  Developed by Burstone in 1969.  Occlusograms are actual sized photographs of occlusal surface of dental casts.  Tracings of these occlusograms allows the orthodontist to simulate treatment in occlusal view.
  • 83.  Photographic method: ◦ Occlusal surface of U & L dental casts are photographed in a 1:1 ratio and a tracing of the photograph is made.  Photocopying method: ◦ The casts are photocopied on a photocopier machine and the occlusal photocopy is used to obtain a tracing.
  • 84.  An occlusogram is a 1:1 reproduction of occlusal surface of plaster models on a sheet of acetate tracing paper.  4x5 inch positive film transparencies are ideal.  These allows occlusograms to be held one over the other to examine cuspal relationship.  The photographs can be taken either with 35 mm camera and enlarged to 1:1 magnification or with a 4x5 inches Polaroid camera for 1:1 instant photographic prints.
  • 85.  Photographic prints are ideal for tracing purposes.  Problem with producing 4x5 inch transparencies or photographic print is maintaining the accurate orientation of the dental cast which must be accurately trimmed in the centric relation position
  • 86. Once the dental cast is trimmed in centric relation, registration grooves are made. Both the casts are seated in registration track in centric relation.
  • 87.  Cast is placed on the registration track on the Occlusostat as soon as it is ready for photograph.  Occlusal surface of teeth are flushed with the leading edge of the occlostat which is also the focal length of the camera.
  • 88.  A sheet of tracing paper is placed over the photocopy of the cast, rough side up and is secured at the corners using masking tape.  Tracings are made of both U & L occlusograms.  R & L should be marked to avoid confusion.  Tracings can be separated by cutting between the registration lines.
  • 89. With the U & L occlusogram tracing registered and secured on the sides, the mid sagittal registration line can be copied on the lower tracing. Growing denture bases can be adjusted so that they’ll be in their predicted relationship at the end of treatment periods.
  • 90. Micheal R. Marcotte –demonstrated the uses of occlusograms in planning orthodontic treatment.  Determine arch form and width.  Solution to arch length discrepancies.  Presence and extent of skeletal asymmetries.  Anchorage requirements in each quadrant for extraction cases.  Presence and extent of tooth mass discrepancies.
  • 91.  Time consuming.  Not very precise.  Because of difference in magnification, the combination of occlusogram with a head film has been considered difficult and unreliable.
  • 92.  Simulation of space following extraction, tooth uprighting or incisor retraction can be easily shown.  3D prefabrication of archwires using specific robotics after setting up brackets position on the dental arches.  Construction of 3D “ Aligners”- The Invisalign technology.
  • 93.  Three dimensional digital study model. Methods of producing digital models:  Destructive imaging: Removes the part of the cast ,a little at a time ,while it is being imaged.  Non destructive imaging: Uses structural light ,laser light or x-rays to image while leaving the original cast intact. LASER IN ORTHODONTICS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORY DENTAL AND MEDICAL REVIEWS (2014) ARTICLE ID: 041014
  • 94.  Constructed through a laser scanning process that digitally maps the geometry of a patient’s dental anatomy to a high resolution 3D digital image with an accuracy of +. 01mm. e - models:
  • 95.  A laser stripe is projected onto the surface of the plaster cast & a digital camera is used to analyze distortions in the stripe.  The plaster cast is oriented on all axes to expose all its surfaces for scanning. 95
  • 96.  This process produces 3D vertices that are connected into thousands of triangles to form the 3D image.  The software then displays the e-model on the computer screen by assigning color shades to each triangle based on its relative orientation to a digital light source. This results in a high-resolution 3D image that can be viewed measured & manipulated on the computer screen as if the cast is in your hand.
  • 97.  Measurements can be made in any plane or orientation.  Various analysis such as Bolton’s analysis, arch width & length analysis can be done.  Cross-sectional tools allow e-models to be sliced in any vertical or horizontal plane to check symmetry, overjet, overbite & complete measurements at any location.
  • 98.  Permits analysis of occlusal relationships.  Record keeping 98
  • 99. 99  Improves accuracy & efficiency of orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning & bracket placement.  Midline analysis (skeletal or dental asymmetries can be evaluated).  Mock surgeries & presurgical evaluation can be done.  Ease in storage
  • 100.  It is a system to produce 3D digital study models.  Software has been developed by CADENT(USA).  The ability to rotate, tilt and section models, and hold them in any position, potentially allows for far more detailed analysis, with the added advantage of bringing the models up instantly, along with the other clinical information, chairside.  It gives the orthodontist a virtual 3D set of models, which can be manipulated in all planes of space; sectioned in any plane and measured along any plane with considerable accuracy. CURRENT PRODUCTS & PRACTICES ORTHO CADTtm : JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS , Vol. 31, 2004 344-347
  • 101. Computer screen visualization of ‘virtual’ study models by OrthoCADtm
  • 102.  a simpler and more effective method of measuring and storing data taken from the ‘virtual’ model.  simpler storage and integration into the patients ‘digital’ file, along with the digital photographs, x-rays and clinical notes.  simpler retrieval and viewing along with the patients other clinical data especially at the chairside.  easy transferral to others in the patient’s healthcare circle via prints or email attachment
  • 103.  ‘virtual models’ cannot be mounted and articulated in reference to the patient’s tempero-mandibular joint functions.  High cost.
  • 104.  There are numerous model analysis based on different criteria. It is left to the orthodontist to accept which analysis he feels best suites his diagnosis and treatment planning.  The basis remains the same only the ways to express it differs so does not matter which analysis one follows but what matters is that how efficiently one imply the results to the treatment planning and do justice to the patient.
  • 105.  Handbook of orthodontics. - ROBERT E. MOYERS.  Textbook of orthodonttics. – BHALAJHI  Textbook of orthodontics. – GURKEERAT SINGH  Textbook of orthodontics. - WILLIAM R. PROFFIT  Textbook of orthodontics – SRIDHAR PREMKUMAR  Comparison of mixed dentition analysis methods and to evaluate the most reliable one. JIOS- volume 49, 2015.
  • 106.  Journal of Orthodontics , vol. 31, 2004 344- 347  Laser in orthodontics: international journal of contempory dental and medical reviews (2014) article id: 041014  Current products & practices ortho cadt :journal of orthodontics , vol. 31, 2004 344- 347  Digital models - an introduction: semin ortho 10:236-238 (2004)  A computer program for the analysis of dental models: computer program in biomedicine 10 (1979) 261-270  The use of occlusograms in planning orthodontic treatment: ajo 69(6) july 1976; 655-657

Editor's Notes

  1. Put images of elongated radiographs