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Correcting &
Preventing BAD-I
Breaches in the assurance of data
integrity: BAD-I.
Ajaz | Insights 1
Background: A journey to 2020+: The root cause of BAD-I is I
Challenge [premise]: Beyond the age of majority, few adults continue to develop and mature
Question: What evidence justifies the premise? Why?
Answer: How to develop and mature continuously as an adult and as a professional: CGRP
Ajaz | Insights 2
Ajaz | Insights 3
Hussain: Empowering Workers is the Key to Data Integrity: Pink Sheet (
3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 4
A vision: Pharmaceutical quality for the 21st century
FD&C Act: Scientific training & experience; effectiveness decisions made fairly and responsibly
Activity | Ajaz Hussain, Ph.D. | LinkedIn
Ajaz | Insights 5
Analyzing the state of Data Integrity Compliance in the Indian pharmaceutical industry (
The ability to integrate
design & systems thinking
relates to maturity
From Deming to Orders of Consciousness
Ajaz | Insights 6
Ajaz | Insights 7
Ajaz Hussain, (
Discovered outside the
institution: Investigation
must proceed transparently
Ideally, investigations should be carried out fairly and
privately; prevention is the best option.
The critical question in determining responsibility is whether
authors or managers have any reason to suspect the data.
What does it mean to be responsible?
How responsible is a “scientist”? In surveys about colleagues’
behavior regarding data falsification, admission rates were
14.12% (95% CI: 9.91–19.72) and up to 72% for other
questionable research practices.
In 2005, there was increasing concern that most current
published research findings were false. What about now?
Ajaz | Insights 8
Blots on a field? (
Ajaz | Insights 9
University of Minnesota scientist responds to fraud allegations in Alzheimer's
research (
Science investigation of
Reveals that federal promises to enforce trial transparency have fizzled
FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret and break the law
30 companies, universities, or medical centers never met a single deadline
Clinical scofflaws? | Science | AAAS
Ajaz | Insights 10
Policies, procedures,
and practices
The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for the University, to
coordinate the review in the following stages:
1. An allegation assessment; sufficiently specific to
warrant review?
2. If appropriate, warrant further investigation?
3. When warranted, thoroughly examine evidence;
4. A finding and appropriate personnel action. The
respondent may request a formal hearing
Ajaz | Insights 11
Policy | Research Misconduct (
Section 306(a)(2)(B) of the act (21
U.S.C. 335a(a)(2)(B)) requires the
debarment of an individual if FDA
finds that the individual has been
convicted of a felony under Federal
law for conduct relating to the
regulation of any drug product under
the act. FDA Debarment List (Drug
Product Applications) | FDA
Ajaz | Insights 12
Schools are places where ideas and creativity are
highly valued. Words and symbols are the means by
which these processes are expressed. Academic
integrity is ethical behavior most visibly expressed by
respecting the value of words, thoughts, images, and
ideas; it also includes an understanding of the
principles of ownership with respect to words, thoughts,
and ideas.
Corporate Integrity
Agreement (CIA)
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced its largest
healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history: $3 Billion
from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
• Plead guilty to the three-count criminal
information, including two counts of introducing
misbranded drugs, Paxil and Wellbutrin, into
interstate commerce and one count of failing to
report safety data about the drug Avandia to the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Settlement and Corporate
Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine
(, May 6, 2018.
Ajaz | Insights 13
CIA to resolve criminal liability and false
claim act allegations
GSK, Pfizer, and J&J are among the most-fined drug companies, according to a study
- Pharmaceutical Processing World. November 18, 2020
Pfizer: $2.3 Billion Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine
Amgen Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine
Novartis Settlements and Corporate Integrity Agreement 2020 Version 3.0 – Policy &
Medicine (
Ajaz | Insights 14
BAD-I wide &
Ninety percent of all new drugs approved
by the FDA over the past 30 years are little
or no more effective for patients than
existing drugs. Risky Drugs: Why The FDA
Cannot Be Trusted | Edmond & Lily Safra
Center for Ethics ( (July 17,
High-profile coronavirus retractions raise
concerns about data oversight.
Scientific Integrity: HHS Agencies Need to
Develop Procedures and Train Staff on
Reporting and Addressing Political
Interference | U.S. GAO
Ajaz | Insights 15
Warping into
darkness in the post-
truth world.
A wake-up call to correct and prevent BAD-I
and rebuild trust with transparency
Have we forgotten the principles or we chose
to ignore them by design? Principles of
conservative prescribing - PubMed (
Who regulates the regulators? Politicians?
Can they?
Ajaz | Insights 16
In the post-truth world,
whose truth?
• The post-truth era has emerged because of several
long-cycle trends that affect how we make sense of the
world around us. The phenomenon even has a name
— agnotology, the study of culturally induced
ignorance or doubt. The Post-Truth World - Why Have
We Had Enough Of Experts? (, 2017)
• “Scientists easily kept in line because of their
dependence on the government….”Testimony of
Nicholas Wade on 8 March 2023 to the House Select
Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic.
• 7 key questions for the new House Select
Subcommittee on COVID-19
( and Racism charges fly at
House hearing on coronavirus [Video] (
• Welcome to the New Experience
Economy. How to keep moving closer to
the truth?
3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 17
BAD-I prevalence is
wide and deep
Since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological
utopians have given up on the complex “real world” and built a
simple “fake world” run by corporations and kept stable by
politicians. ~ HyperNormalisation, a BBC documentary
Welcome to the Experience Economy ( (1998)
The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough of Experts? (
Ajaz | Insights 18
Legacy challenges, various ontological
assumptions, and weak epistemology
keep us trapped in a reactive mode (low
orders of consciousness)
Ajaz | Insights 19
NIPTE Conference 2016 Keynote Ajaz Hussain 09272016 Final (
The cause?
More than 60% of respondents said that pressure to
publish and selective reporting always or often
More than half pointed to insufficient replication in the
lab, poor oversight, or low statistical power.
A smaller proportion pointed to obstacles such as
variability in reagents or the use of specialized
techniques that are difficult to repeat.
Baker, M. 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility.
Nature 533, 452–454 (2016).
Ajaz | Insights 20
BAD-I: Root
cause? I
Ajaz | Insights 21
Ajaz | Insights 22
Data-driven decisions
can only be as reliable
as the data they’re
based on
Robust quality control can only assure pharmaceutical
quality when vigilant oversight of data integrity is
practiced and documented.
Data integrity encompasses the ascertainment and
maintenance of accuracy, completeness, and quality
over time and across formats.
FDA’s data integrity guidance (2018) outlines its
expectations for the accuracy, reliability, and truthfulness
of all data and information drug manufacturers collect.
Remember the other challenges, cheery picking, siloed
data not fully integrated, etc.
Ajaz | Insights 23
Ajaz | Insights 24
The integrity of observations, data, information, and experience: A.L.C.O.A.
Subscribe on LinkedIn
“The elephant and the donkey in my room.”
Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest [adult] order of
consciousness. In Over Our Heads — Robert Kegan | Harvard
A way out of hell!
ALCOA for data integrity, see: Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug
CGMP: Questions and Answers | FDA
ALCOA for my “Experience Integrity”
• Attributable to my thoughts and feelings while holding the
intention to care
• Legible patterns that allow me to read my mind
• Contemporaneous notes of patterns in my thoughts, feelings, and
• Original insights that give meaning to my experience
• Accuracy in researching and testing assumptions to keep moving
closer to the truth
Actions and arguments aligned to care. When not aligned, take a
deep breath to add higher order of consciousness to “looking good”
and go beyond being good to doing and seeing good.
Ajaz | Insights 25
Lessons: 2014-
The challenge at hand is complex akin to redesigning systems.
Amidst all challenges, there are [always] many opportunities.
• Our credibility [as a solution provider], in part, is [us]
realizing that the maturity of our systems reflects our
maturity; we live and work in socio-technical systems.
• To do so, we must overcome the acquired “immunity to
change” and increase the Order of Consciousness.
• Doing more means credibly informing on problems and
solution priorities relevant to the prevailing chaos and
uncertainty and ways to improve and mature the self and
systems (e.g., legislative and regulatory) we live and work.
• We need a critical mass of us suitable and capable of
moving from “don’t use and don’t tell” and “if I don’t look,
there is no problem” and “fail and fix” to be able to “predict
and prevent” harm.
Ajaz | Insights 26
AAPS PharmSciTech, Theme: Team Science and Education for Pharmaceuticals: the NIPTE Model - Springer
Let us “get-it-right” in the 21st Century
Break The 2-3 Sigma Barrier: A Biopharma Case Example | LinkedIn
3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 27
We all are regulators
Let us practice be CGRP
Ajaz | Insights 28
Meaning-making and the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)
The Pure Food and Drug Act was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on June 6,
1906, and implemented on Jan. 1, 1907. By the 1930s, it was widely recognized that the Food
and Drugs Act of 1906 was obsolete, but bitter disagreement arose about what to replace it.
Then, a crisis! "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Sulfanilamide Disaster of 1937 (link to FDA Consumer magazine, June 1981 Issue). Have you
wondered why call it a drug substance disaster when it was the Elixir, a drug product
disaster? Inactive Ingredients? New Drug Application?
“The biggest man-made medical disaster ever” (Thalidomide-induced teratogenesis late 1950’s
and early 1960’s); Thalidomide update: Regulatory aspects - Kelsey - 1988) and the Kefauver-
Harris Amendments in 1962 “Revolutionized Drug Development.” Drug Efficacy Study
Implementation (DESI) | FDA (link to BCS, Biopharmaceutics Classification System and A modern
view of excipient effects on bioequivalence: A case study of sorbitol - PubMed (
Ajaz | Insights 29
How science works
(Link to Federal Judicial
Center 2000)
Adult, Professional
Development & System
Maturity (e.g., CDER
Quality Management
Maturity | FDA)
We all are regulators: cGRP 2023
Ajaz | Insights 30
How to leverage “scientific
training and experience to
bridge the micro/macro
divide and make
“effectiveness” decisions
“fairly and responsibly”
(FD&C Act)
20 March 2023: Case
studies in New Prior
Knowledge of Narrow
Therapeutic Index Drug
Products: Oral and
Transdermal Delivery
27 March 2023: Prevent
BAD-I; “breaches in the
assurance of data integrity.”
Reading and writing are
SMART technologies we use
to experience, so let us use
these to self-assess our
current state and plan to
practice Continuous
Professional Development
Keep the mind open
without boggling it in our
post-truth world, be a
holistic skeptic without fear
Ajaz | Insights 31
Something to ponder,
and write about
Do we do our best, generally and
specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If
so, what evidence? If not, why not?
What modifications should be made to the
draft TDS guidance documents? What
changes suggested would you accept?
Why does it take decades to acknowledge
the obvious?
What is epistemic trust, and how should we
build it going forward?
How do you suggest we keep moving
closer to the truth?
Can we simultaneously personalize our
minds, machines, and medicines to
develop continuously? How?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does
[it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode?
Ajaz | Insights 32
Pharmaceutical Quality and Regulation
graduates, their
health, care, and
20 March 2023
• Case studies in New
Prior Knowledge of
Narrow Therapeutic
Index Drug
Products: Oral and
Transdermal Delivery
27 March 2023
• Preventing BAD-I or
“breaches in the
assurance of data
graduates, their
health, care, and
research …
Ajaz | Insights 33
Objective, knowledge sharing
Background, information, suggested reading & writing for self-assessment
FD&C Act of 1938 and its amendments: “Scientific training and experience” to do what?
Make decisions fairly
and responsibly!
[ECP/PHM-8940, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy]
“Our graduates will become educators for the next generation of
scientists and will contribute to healthcare research in academia,
industry, and the government.” College of Pharmacy Graduate
Programs | College of Pharmacy - University of Minnesota.
Ajaz | Insights 34
Objective, knowledge sharing
• Regulatory Science &
points of
• FD&C Act &
• How science works
(Federal Judicial Center)
• Stages of adult &
Ajaz | Insights
Meaning-making is a process in
need of validation.
Meaning-making and the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act)
The Pure Food and Drug Act was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on June 6,
1906, and implemented on Jan. 1, 1907. By the 1930s, it was widely recognized that the Food
and Drugs Act of 1906 was obsolete, but bitter disagreement arose about what to replace it.
Then, a crisis! "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Sulfanilamide Disaster of 1937 (link to FDA Consumer magazine, June 1981 Issue). Have you
wondered why call it a drug substance disaster when it was the Elixir, a drug product
disaster? Inactive Ingredients? New Drug Application?
“The biggest man-made medical disaster ever” (Thalidomide-induced teratogenesis late 1950’s
and early 1960’s); Thalidomide update: Regulatory aspects - Kelsey - 1988) and the Kefauver-
Harris Amendments in 1962 “Revolutionized Drug Development.” Drug Efficacy Study
Implementation (DESI) | FDA (link to BCS, Biopharmaceutics Classification System and A modern
view of excipient effects on bioequivalence: A case study of sorbitol - PubMed (
Ajaz | Insights 2
How science works
(Link to Federal Judicial
Center 2000)
Adult, Professional
Development & System
Maturity (e.g., CDER
Quality Management
Maturity | FDA)
cGRP 2023 and educators
for the next generation of
[pharmaceutical] scientists
Ajaz | Insights 3
In 2014, I was
collecting my
thoughts on a career
at the FDA to share
with pharmacy
graduate students at
the University of
The notion of “Good
Regulators of
(GRPs) emerged as
the key message.
In March 2023,
what do I intend to
share as the
Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals
(GRP) 22 October 2014 (,
consider supplementing scientific training
with experiential learning.
Practice ‘Integrative Thinking’ (salience,
causality, sequencing, resolution).
Take a systems approach to work-flow,
learning, and accountability, and
Pay attention to effective argumentation
and behavioral economics [and stages of
adult development & maturity].
Current Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals (cGRP) |
LinkedIn 5 April 2016: As a pharmaceutical professional
community, how can we improve in building epistemic
How to keep the mind open
without boggling it in our
post-truth world?
Ajaz | Insights 4
We all are regulators: cGRP 2023
Ajaz | Insights 5
How to leverage “scientific
training and experience to
bridge the micro/macro
divide and make
“effectiveness” decisions
“fairly and responsibly”
(FD&C Act)
20 March 2023: Case
studies in New Prior
Knowledge of Narrow
Therapeutic Index Drug
Products: Oral and
Transdermal Delivery
27 March 2023: Prevent
BAD-I; “breaches in the
assurance of data integrity.”
Reading and writing are
SMART technologies we use
to experience, so let us use
these to self-assess our
current state and plan to
practice Continuous
Professional Development
Something to ponder,
and write about
Do we do our best, generally and
specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If
so, what evidence? If not, why not?
What modifications should be made to the
draft TDS guidance documents? What
changes suggested would you accept?
Why does it take decades to acknowledge
the obvious?
What is epistemic trust, and how should we
build it going forward?
How do you suggest we keep moving
closer to the truth?
Can we simultaneously personalize our
minds, machines, and medicines to
develop continuously? How?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does
[it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode?
Ajaz | Insights 6
The current state is untenable, as it has
been for decades.
Development (CPD)?
Some lessons/solutions in the healthcare sector.
• To err is human: Building a safer health
system. National Academy Press, 2000
• The report stimulated research and
discussion but did it translate into safer
patient care? (BMJ Quality & Safety
• The Institute of Medicine's Redesigning
Continuing Education in the Health
Professions – 2010, PubMed (, major
flaws in how CE is conducted, financed,
regulated, and evaluated. → CPD!
Ajaz | Insights 8
The “To Err is Human” report and the patient safety literature | BMJ Quality & Safety
3/28/2023 November
Lecture @ IMT Mines Albi 14 2018. Ajaz S. Hussain, Ph.D. Š 2018 9
NATURE | VOL 523 | 30 J U LY 2015
Ajaz | Insights 10
Page 107 of Dictatorship on Its Trial. By Eminent Leaders of
Modern Thought. Edited by Otto Forst de Battaglia. Translated
by Huntley Paterson. George G. Harrap & Co, 1930.
In the post-truth world,
whose truth?
• The post-truth era has emerged because of several
long-cycle trends that affect how we make sense of the
world around us. The phenomenon even has a name
— agnotology, the study of culturally induced
ignorance or doubt. The Post-Truth World - Why Have
We Had Enough Of Experts? (, 2017)
• “Scientists easily kept in line because of their
dependence on the government….”Testimony of
Nicholas Wade on 8 March 2023 to the House Select
Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic.
• 7 key questions for the new House Select
Subcommittee on COVID-19
( and Racism charges fly at
House hearing on coronavirus [Video] (
• Welcome to the New Experience
Economy. How to keep moving closer to
the truth?
3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 11
CPD: Integrating
design and systems
Ajaz | Insights 12
“A new, comprehensive vision of professional
development is needed . . ..” Redesigning Continuing Education
in the Health Professions 2010 - NCBI Bookshelf (
Building on the Lessons Learned - A Design Thinking, Systems
Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice - NCBI
Bookshelf (, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
Medicine (October 2018). Design thinking is an iterative process
in which ideas are continually tested against stakeholder
perspectives and refined. Systems thinking to manage the
complexity of the system and factors that contribute to stress
and burnout among health professionals.
Pharmaceutical Quality for the 21st Century is an ongoing journey.
Hussain, A.S., Morris, K. & Gurvich, V.J. Pharmaceutical Quality,
Team Science, and Education Themes: Observations and
Commentary on a Remarkable AAPS PharmSciTech Theme Issue. AAPS
PharmSciTech 22, 88 (2021).
FIGURE 1-1, Inspiration, ideation, implementation - A Design Thinking,
Systems Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice - NCBI
Bookshelf (
Current State: Effectiveness needs to
be assessed fairly and responsibly.
What scientific training and
experience are needed?
A wake-up call to correct and prevent mistakes.
Need to rebuild trust with transparency on a
path to continual improvement in maturing staff
and management systems.
During an expert council meeting, "abruptly
changed course" following "unfavorable
feedback" for the traditional pathway ”is still
troubling.” Committee on Oversight and Reform
and Committee on Energy and Commerce
When expediency precedes policies and
protocols to suppress internal debate,
independent review, and scientific rigor, we
have a problem.
Ajaz | Insights 13
“Personalized”, not
procrustean medicine
An innovative approach to tailoring disease
prevention and treatment that considers
differences in people’s genes, environments, and
lifestyles. Precision Medicine | FDA
Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest order
of consciousness, yet it dominates the minds,
machines, and practice of medicine today. Why?
Can we simultaneously personalize our minds,
machines, and medicines to develop
continuously? How?
Ajaz | Insights 14
Ajaz | Insights 15
cGRP practices attention to effective argumentation, behavioral economics, and
stages of adult development to make mature decisions fairly and responsibly.
Post-truth world
Experience economy
Epistemology of my
efforts at the US
FDA and currently
Bridging Quality and Quantities, mind matters beyond the Pharma
community of pharmaceutical knowledge:
Albert Einstein (1879 -1955)
W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993)
In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life (1998), by
Robert Kegan (1946- )
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the
Western World (2009) by Iain McGilchrist (1953- )
Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), by Daniel Kahneman (1934- )
The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (2018) by
Judea Pearl (1936- )
Ajaz | Insights 16
What is epistemic
trust, and how do we
build it?
2021: A helpful definition in the context of human
development is proposed, “the capacity of the individual to
consider the knowledge conveyed by others as significant,
relevant to the self, and generalizable to other contexts.”
2020: Prof. Robin Bogner, University of Connecticut,
provided a perspective on epistemology at the NIPTE 2020
Research Conference. (link to a short YouTube video)
2014- How can we improve in building epistemic trust has
occupied a more prominent place in my mind since joining
the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology &
Education (NIPTE) in October 2014.
The 1980s: “Epistemology” occupied my awareness, and
it came in via Albert Einstein’s reply to a letter he received
from Robert Thornton, who had just finished his Ph.D. under
Herbert Feigl at Minnesota and was beginning a new job
teaching physics at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.
It remains central to my efforts now as when at FDA.
Ajaz | Insights 17
Changing "Process Validation" to Build "Epistemic Trust":
Science, Law, and Regulatory Science | LinkedIn
Reading, writing, and
rhetoric (argumentation),
SMART we experience to
learn, develop and mature
The integrity of data and experiences matters.
Ajaz | Insights 18
Suggested reading to practice bridging the
“micro/macro” (analysis/synthesis) divide
Hussain, A.S., Morris, K. & Gurvich, V.J. Pharmaceutical Quality, Team Science, and Education Themes: Observations and Commentary on a
Remarkable AAPS PharmSciTech Theme Issue. AAPS PharmSciTech 22, 88 (2021).
Wokovich AM, Prodduturi S, Doub WH, Hussain AS, Buhse LF. Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) adhesion as a critical safety, efficacy, and
quality attribute. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2006 Aug;64(1):1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2006.03.009. Epub 2006 Apr 15. PMID: 16797171.
Hussain, A.S., Gurvich, V.J. & Morris, K. Pharmaceutical “New Prior Knowledge”: Twenty-First Century Assurance of Therapeutic Equivalence.
AAPS PharmSciTech 20, 140 (2019).
Physicochemical failure modes for first-line therapy Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) drugs: A call for attention NTI risk classification and New
Prior Knowledge.
therapeutic-index-nti-drugs-a-call-for-attention-nti-risk-classification-and-new-prior-knowledge/ (2 July 2021).
An Analysis of FDA Warning Letters On Data Governance & Data Integrity (2017).
Pharmaceutical Hurricane Named BAD-I (2017).
Ajaz | Insights 19
A “social
case to study
A “social
case to study
Ajaz | Insights 3/16/2023 20
The French Levothyrox® crisis: We did the best we could but… -
Knowledge, Risk and Satisfaction Management 21 Century Pharmaceutica… (
Another “social
pharmacology” case to study:
Current Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals (cGRP) | LinkedIn 5 April 2016
Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) adhesion is a critical safety, efficacy,
and quality attribute. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2006
[27 July 2005 Meeting of the Drug Safety Oversight Board, CDER, FDA]
[2 January 1995, a memory]
Ajaz | Insights 21
Social pharmacology: expanding horizons - PubMed ( Why does it take decades to acknowledge the obvious?
How will these
guidance documents
help to improve X?
Ajaz | Insights 22
Transdermal and Topical Delivery Systems -
Product Development and Quality
Considerations Guidance for Industry
Assessing Adhesion with TDS for ANDAs -
Draft New Guidance for Industry (
X = quality, safety, …., assurance
What modifications do you think
should be made to the draft
guidance? What changes
suggested would you accept?
Comment from Corium, Inc.
Comment from Johnson & Johnson
Comment from Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P.
Comment from FARE et al.
Comment from Agile Therapeutics
Comment from DBV Technologies
Ajaz | Insights 23
What am I learning
(2014- currently)?
The challenge at hand is complex akin to redesigning systems.
Amidst all challenges, there are [always] many opportunities.
• Our credibility [as a solution provider], in part, is [us]
realizing that the maturity of our systems reflects our
maturity; we live and work in socio-technical systems.
• To do so, we must overcome the acquired “immunity to
change” and increase the Order of Consciousness.
• Doing more means credibly informing on problems and
solution priorities relevant to the prevailing chaos and
uncertainty and ways to improve and mature the self and
systems (e.g., legislative and regulatory) we live and work.
• We need a critical mass of us suitable and capable of
moving from “don’t use and don’t tell” and “if I don’t look,
there is no problem” and “fail and fix” to be able to “predict
and prevent” harm.
Ajaz | Insights 24
AAPS PharmSciTech, Theme: Team Science and Education for Pharmaceuticals: the NIPTE Model - Springer
Ajaz | Insights 25
Continued training and
development matter
more than ever, but…
Lesson 1:
•Professional development Is
essential (often ignored)
Lesson 2:
•Addressing adult human
development empowers our
SMART future
Lesson 3:
•Education and training alone
cannot overcome displacement by
Lesson 4: •Hone quality through “Research”
Ajaz | Insights 26
4 Life Sciences Lessons from the PAT to QbD Journey (
A way out of hell!
ALCOA for data integrity, see: Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug
CGMP: Questions and Answers | FDA
ALCOA for my “Experience Integrity”
• Attributable to my thoughts and feelings while holding the
intention to care
• Legible patterns that allow me to read my mind
• Contemporaneous notes of patterns in my thoughts, feelings, and
• Original insights that give meaning to my experience
• Accuracy in researching and testing assumptions to keep moving
closer to the truth
Actions and arguments aligned to care. When not aligned, take a
deep breath to add higher order of consciousness to “looking good”
and go beyond being good to doing and seeing good.
Ajaz | Insights 27
Ajaz | Insights 28
The integrity of observations, data, information, and experience: A.L.C.O.A.
Subscribe on LinkedIn
“The elephant and the donkey in my room.”
Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest [adult] order of
consciousness. In Over Our Heads — Robert Kegan | Harvard
Something to ponder,
and write about
Do we do our best, generally and
specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If
so, what evidence? If not, why not?
What modifications should be made to the
draft TDS guidance documents? What
changes suggested would you accept?
Why does it take decades to acknowledge
the obvious?
What is epistemic trust, and how should we
build it going forward?
How do you suggest we keep moving
closer to the truth?
Can we simultaneously personalize our
minds, machines, and medicines to
develop continuously? How?
"Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does
[it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode?
Ajaz | Insights 29
Additional sources
Ajaz | Insights 30

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  • 1. Detecting, Correcting & Preventing BAD-I Breaches in the assurance of data integrity: BAD-I. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 1
  • 2. Outline 3/16/2023 Background: A journey to 2020+: The root cause of BAD-I is I Challenge [premise]: Beyond the age of majority, few adults continue to develop and mature Question: What evidence justifies the premise? Why? Answer: How to develop and mature continuously as an adult and as a professional: CGRP Ajaz | Insights 2
  • 3. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 3 Hussain: Empowering Workers is the Key to Data Integrity: Pink Sheet (
  • 4. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 4 A vision: Pharmaceutical quality for the 21st century FD&C Act: Scientific training & experience; effectiveness decisions made fairly and responsibly Activity | Ajaz Hussain, Ph.D. | LinkedIn
  • 5. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 5 Analyzing the state of Data Integrity Compliance in the Indian pharmaceutical industry (
  • 6. The ability to integrate design & systems thinking relates to maturity From Deming to Orders of Consciousness ( 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 6
  • 7. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 7 Ajaz Hussain, (
  • 8. Discovered outside the institution: Investigation must proceed transparently 3/16/2023 Ideally, investigations should be carried out fairly and privately; prevention is the best option. The critical question in determining responsibility is whether authors or managers have any reason to suspect the data. What does it mean to be responsible? How responsible is a “scientist”? In surveys about colleagues’ behavior regarding data falsification, admission rates were 14.12% (95% CI: 9.91–19.72) and up to 72% for other questionable research practices. In 2005, there was increasing concern that most current published research findings were false. What about now? Ajaz | Insights 8
  • 9. Blots on a field? ( 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 9 University of Minnesota scientist responds to fraud allegations in Alzheimer's research (
  • 10. Science investigation of 3/16/2023 Reveals that federal promises to enforce trial transparency have fizzled FDA and NIH let clinical trial sponsors keep results secret and break the law 30 companies, universities, or medical centers never met a single deadline Clinical scofflaws? | Science | AAAS Ajaz | Insights 10
  • 11. Policies, procedures, and practices 3/16/2023 The Research Integrity Officer (RIO) for the University, to coordinate the review in the following stages: 1. An allegation assessment; sufficiently specific to warrant review? 2. If appropriate, warrant further investigation? 3. When warranted, thoroughly examine evidence; and 4. A finding and appropriate personnel action. The respondent may request a formal hearing Ajaz | Insights 11 Policy | Research Misconduct (
  • 12. Mandatory Debarment 3/16/2023 Section 306(a)(2)(B) of the act (21 U.S.C. 335a(a)(2)(B)) requires the debarment of an individual if FDA finds that the individual has been convicted of a felony under Federal law for conduct relating to the regulation of any drug product under the act. FDA Debarment List (Drug Product Applications) | FDA Ajaz | Insights 12 Schools are places where ideas and creativity are highly valued. Words and symbols are the means by which these processes are expressed. Academic integrity is ethical behavior most visibly expressed by respecting the value of words, thoughts, images, and ideas; it also includes an understanding of the principles of ownership with respect to words, thoughts, and ideas.
  • 13. Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) 3/16/2023 The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced its largest healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history: $3 Billion from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) • Plead guilty to the three-count criminal information, including two counts of introducing misbranded drugs, Paxil and Wellbutrin, into interstate commerce and one count of failing to report safety data about the drug Avandia to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine (, May 6, 2018. Ajaz | Insights 13
  • 14. CIA to resolve criminal liability and false claim act allegations GSK, Pfizer, and J&J are among the most-fined drug companies, according to a study - Pharmaceutical Processing World. November 18, 2020 Pfizer: $2.3 Billion Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine ( Amgen Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement – Policy & Medicine ( Novartis Settlements and Corporate Integrity Agreement 2020 Version 3.0 – Policy & Medicine ( 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 14
  • 15. BAD-I wide & increasing…. 3/16/2023 Ninety percent of all new drugs approved by the FDA over the past 30 years are little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs. Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted | Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Ethics ( (July 17, 2013) High-profile coronavirus retractions raise concerns about data oversight. 01695 Scientific Integrity: HHS Agencies Need to Develop Procedures and Train Staff on Reporting and Addressing Political Interference | U.S. GAO Ajaz | Insights 15
  • 16. Warping into darkness in the post- truth world. 3/16/2023 A wake-up call to correct and prevent BAD-I and rebuild trust with transparency Have we forgotten the principles or we chose to ignore them by design? Principles of conservative prescribing - PubMed ( Who regulates the regulators? Politicians? Can they? Ajaz | Insights 16
  • 17. In the post-truth world, whose truth? • The post-truth era has emerged because of several long-cycle trends that affect how we make sense of the world around us. The phenomenon even has a name — agnotology, the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt. The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough Of Experts? (, 2017) • “Scientists easily kept in line because of their dependence on the government….”Testimony of Nicholas Wade on 8 March 2023 to the House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic. • 7 key questions for the new House Select Subcommittee on COVID-19 ( and Racism charges fly at House hearing on coronavirus [Video] ( • Welcome to the New Experience Economy. How to keep moving closer to the truth? 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 17
  • 18. BAD-I prevalence is wide and deep Since the 1970s, governments, financiers, and technological utopians have given up on the complex “real world” and built a simple “fake world” run by corporations and kept stable by politicians. ~ HyperNormalisation, a BBC documentary Welcome to the Experience Economy ( (1998) The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough of Experts? ( (2017) 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 18
  • 19. Legacy challenges, various ontological assumptions, and weak epistemology keep us trapped in a reactive mode (low orders of consciousness) 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 19 NIPTE Conference 2016 Keynote Ajaz Hussain 09272016 Final (
  • 20. The cause? 3/16/2023 More than 60% of respondents said that pressure to publish and selective reporting always or often contributed. More than half pointed to insufficient replication in the lab, poor oversight, or low statistical power. A smaller proportion pointed to obstacles such as variability in reagents or the use of specialized techniques that are difficult to repeat. Baker, M. 1,500 scientists lift the lid on reproducibility. Nature 533, 452–454 (2016). Ajaz | Insights 20
  • 23. Data-driven decisions can only be as reliable as the data they’re based on 3/16/2023 Robust quality control can only assure pharmaceutical quality when vigilant oversight of data integrity is practiced and documented. Data integrity encompasses the ascertainment and maintenance of accuracy, completeness, and quality over time and across formats. FDA’s data integrity guidance (2018) outlines its expectations for the accuracy, reliability, and truthfulness of all data and information drug manufacturers collect. Remember the other challenges, cheery picking, siloed data not fully integrated, etc. Ajaz | Insights 23
  • 24. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 24 The integrity of observations, data, information, and experience: A.L.C.O.A. Subscribe on LinkedIn “The elephant and the donkey in my room.” Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest [adult] order of consciousness. In Over Our Heads — Robert Kegan | Harvard
  • 25. A way out of hell! 3/16/2023 ALCOA for data integrity, see: Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug CGMP: Questions and Answers | FDA ALCOA for my “Experience Integrity” • Attributable to my thoughts and feelings while holding the intention to care • Legible patterns that allow me to read my mind • Contemporaneous notes of patterns in my thoughts, feelings, and actions/inactions • Original insights that give meaning to my experience • Accuracy in researching and testing assumptions to keep moving closer to the truth Actions and arguments aligned to care. When not aligned, take a deep breath to add higher order of consciousness to “looking good” and go beyond being good to doing and seeing good. Ajaz | Insights 25
  • 26. Lessons: 2014- currently 3/16/2023 The challenge at hand is complex akin to redesigning systems. Amidst all challenges, there are [always] many opportunities. • Our credibility [as a solution provider], in part, is [us] realizing that the maturity of our systems reflects our maturity; we live and work in socio-technical systems. • To do so, we must overcome the acquired “immunity to change” and increase the Order of Consciousness. • Doing more means credibly informing on problems and solution priorities relevant to the prevailing chaos and uncertainty and ways to improve and mature the self and systems (e.g., legislative and regulatory) we live and work. • We need a critical mass of us suitable and capable of moving from “don’t use and don’t tell” and “if I don’t look, there is no problem” and “fail and fix” to be able to “predict and prevent” harm. Ajaz | Insights 26 AAPS PharmSciTech, Theme: Team Science and Education for Pharmaceuticals: the NIPTE Model - Springer
  • 27. Let us “get-it-right” in the 21st Century Break The 2-3 Sigma Barrier: A Biopharma Case Example | LinkedIn 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 27
  • 28. We all are regulators Let us practice be CGRP 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 28
  • 29. Meaning-making and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) The Pure Food and Drug Act was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on June 6, 1906, and implemented on Jan. 1, 1907. By the 1930s, it was widely recognized that the Food and Drugs Act of 1906 was obsolete, but bitter disagreement arose about what to replace it. Then, a crisis! "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Sulfanilamide Disaster of 1937 (link to FDA Consumer magazine, June 1981 Issue). Have you wondered why call it a drug substance disaster when it was the Elixir, a drug product disaster? Inactive Ingredients? New Drug Application? “The biggest man-made medical disaster ever” (Thalidomide-induced teratogenesis late 1950’s and early 1960’s); Thalidomide update: Regulatory aspects - Kelsey - 1988) and the Kefauver- Harris Amendments in 1962 “Revolutionized Drug Development.” Drug Efficacy Study Implementation (DESI) | FDA (link to BCS, Biopharmaceutics Classification System and A modern view of excipient effects on bioequivalence: A case study of sorbitol - PubMed ( 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 29 How science works (Link to Federal Judicial Center 2000) Adult, Professional Development & System Maturity (e.g., CDER Quality Management Maturity | FDA)
  • 30. We all are regulators: cGRP 2023 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 30 How to leverage “scientific training and experience to bridge the micro/macro divide and make “effectiveness” decisions “fairly and responsibly” (FD&C Act) 20 March 2023: Case studies in New Prior Knowledge of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drug Products: Oral and Transdermal Delivery 27 March 2023: Prevent BAD-I; “breaches in the assurance of data integrity.” Reading and writing are SMART technologies we use to experience, so let us use these to self-assess our current state and plan to practice Continuous Professional Development
  • 31. Keep the mind open without boggling it in our post-truth world, be a holistic skeptic without fear 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 31
  • 32. Something to ponder, and write about 3/16/2023 Do we do our best, generally and specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If so, what evidence? If not, why not? What modifications should be made to the draft TDS guidance documents? What changes suggested would you accept? Why does it take decades to acknowledge the obvious? What is epistemic trust, and how should we build it going forward? How do you suggest we keep moving closer to the truth? Can we simultaneously personalize our minds, machines, and medicines to develop continuously? How? "Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does [it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode? Ajaz | Insights 32
  • 33. Pharmaceutical Quality and Regulation Yesterday's graduates, their health, care, and research…. 20 March 2023 • Case studies in New Prior Knowledge of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drug Products: Oral and Transdermal Delivery 27 March 2023 • Preventing BAD-I or “breaches in the assurance of data integrity.” Today’s graduates, their health, care, and research … 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 33 Objective, knowledge sharing Meaning-making Background, information, suggested reading & writing for self-assessment FD&C Act of 1938 and its amendments: “Scientific training and experience” to do what? Make decisions fairly and responsibly!
  • 34. REGULATORY SCIENCE AND AFFAIRS [ECP/PHM-8940, University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy] “Our graduates will become educators for the next generation of scientists and will contribute to healthcare research in academia, industry, and the government.” College of Pharmacy Graduate Programs | College of Pharmacy - University of Minnesota. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 34
  • 35. Objective, knowledge sharing Subject: • Regulatory Science & Affairs Objective points of references • FD&C Act & amendments • How science works (Federal Judicial Center) • Stages of adult & professional development 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 1 Meaning-making is a process in need of validation.
  • 36. Meaning-making and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) The Pure Food and Drug Act was signed into law by President Theodore Roosevelt on June 6, 1906, and implemented on Jan. 1, 1907. By the 1930s, it was widely recognized that the Food and Drugs Act of 1906 was obsolete, but bitter disagreement arose about what to replace it. Then, a crisis! "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Sulfanilamide Disaster of 1937 (link to FDA Consumer magazine, June 1981 Issue). Have you wondered why call it a drug substance disaster when it was the Elixir, a drug product disaster? Inactive Ingredients? New Drug Application? “The biggest man-made medical disaster ever” (Thalidomide-induced teratogenesis late 1950’s and early 1960’s); Thalidomide update: Regulatory aspects - Kelsey - 1988) and the Kefauver- Harris Amendments in 1962 “Revolutionized Drug Development.” Drug Efficacy Study Implementation (DESI) | FDA (link to BCS, Biopharmaceutics Classification System and A modern view of excipient effects on bioequivalence: A case study of sorbitol - PubMed ( 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 2 How science works (Link to Federal Judicial Center 2000) Adult, Professional Development & System Maturity (e.g., CDER Quality Management Maturity | FDA)
  • 37. cGRP 2023 and educators for the next generation of [pharmaceutical] scientists 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 3 In 2014, I was collecting my thoughts on a career at the FDA to share with pharmacy graduate students at the University of Minnesota. The notion of “Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals” (GRPs) emerged as the key message. In March 2023, what do I intend to share as the keystone message? Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals (GRP) 22 October 2014 (, consider supplementing scientific training with experiential learning. Practice ‘Integrative Thinking’ (salience, causality, sequencing, resolution). Take a systems approach to work-flow, learning, and accountability, and Pay attention to effective argumentation and behavioral economics [and stages of adult development & maturity]. Current Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals (cGRP) | LinkedIn 5 April 2016: As a pharmaceutical professional community, how can we improve in building epistemic trust?
  • 38. How to keep the mind open without boggling it in our post-truth world? 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 4
  • 39. We all are regulators: cGRP 2023 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 5 How to leverage “scientific training and experience to bridge the micro/macro divide and make “effectiveness” decisions “fairly and responsibly” (FD&C Act) 20 March 2023: Case studies in New Prior Knowledge of Narrow Therapeutic Index Drug Products: Oral and Transdermal Delivery 27 March 2023: Prevent BAD-I; “breaches in the assurance of data integrity.” Reading and writing are SMART technologies we use to experience, so let us use these to self-assess our current state and plan to practice Continuous Professional Development
  • 40. Something to ponder, and write about 3/16/2023 Do we do our best, generally and specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If so, what evidence? If not, why not? What modifications should be made to the draft TDS guidance documents? What changes suggested would you accept? Why does it take decades to acknowledge the obvious? What is epistemic trust, and how should we build it going forward? How do you suggest we keep moving closer to the truth? Can we simultaneously personalize our minds, machines, and medicines to develop continuously? How? "Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does [it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode? Ajaz | Insights 6
  • 41. The current state is untenable, as it has been for decades. 3/16/2023
  • 42. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)? 3/16/2023 Some lessons/solutions in the healthcare sector. • To err is human: Building a safer health system. National Academy Press, 2000 • The report stimulated research and discussion but did it translate into safer patient care? (BMJ Quality & Safety 2006;15:174-178.) • The Institute of Medicine's Redesigning Continuing Education in the Health Professions – 2010, PubMed (, major flaws in how CE is conducted, financed, regulated, and evaluated. → CPD! Ajaz | Insights 8 The “To Err is Human” report and the patient safety literature | BMJ Quality & Safety
  • 43. 3/28/2023 November Lecture @ IMT Mines Albi 14 2018. Ajaz S. Hussain, Ph.D. Š 2018 9 NATURE | VOL 523 | 30 J U LY 2015
  • 44. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 10 Page 107 of Dictatorship on Its Trial. By Eminent Leaders of Modern Thought. Edited by Otto Forst de Battaglia. Translated by Huntley Paterson. George G. Harrap & Co, 1930.
  • 45. In the post-truth world, whose truth? • The post-truth era has emerged because of several long-cycle trends that affect how we make sense of the world around us. The phenomenon even has a name — agnotology, the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt. The Post-Truth World - Why Have We Had Enough Of Experts? (, 2017) • “Scientists easily kept in line because of their dependence on the government….”Testimony of Nicholas Wade on 8 March 2023 to the House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus Pandemic. • 7 key questions for the new House Select Subcommittee on COVID-19 ( and Racism charges fly at House hearing on coronavirus [Video] ( • Welcome to the New Experience Economy. How to keep moving closer to the truth? 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 11
  • 46. CPD: Integrating design and systems thinking 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 12 “A new, comprehensive vision of professional development is needed . . ..” Redesigning Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2010 - NCBI Bookshelf ( Building on the Lessons Learned - A Design Thinking, Systems Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice - NCBI Bookshelf (, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (October 2018). Design thinking is an iterative process in which ideas are continually tested against stakeholder perspectives and refined. Systems thinking to manage the complexity of the system and factors that contribute to stress and burnout among health professionals. Pharmaceutical Quality for the 21st Century is an ongoing journey. Hussain, A.S., Morris, K. & Gurvich, V.J. Pharmaceutical Quality, Team Science, and Education Themes: Observations and Commentary on a Remarkable AAPS PharmSciTech Theme Issue. AAPS PharmSciTech 22, 88 (2021). 7 FIGURE 1-1, Inspiration, ideation, implementation - A Design Thinking, Systems Approach to Well-Being Within Education and Practice - NCBI Bookshelf (
  • 47. Current State: Effectiveness needs to be assessed fairly and responsibly. What scientific training and experience are needed? 3/16/2023 A wake-up call to correct and prevent mistakes. Need to rebuild trust with transparency on a path to continual improvement in maturing staff and management systems. During an expert council meeting, "abruptly changed course" following "unfavorable feedback" for the traditional pathway ”is still troubling.” Committee on Oversight and Reform and Committee on Energy and Commerce When expediency precedes policies and protocols to suppress internal debate, independent review, and scientific rigor, we have a problem. Ajaz | Insights 13
  • 48. “Personalized”, not procrustean medicine 3/16/2023 An innovative approach to tailoring disease prevention and treatment that considers differences in people’s genes, environments, and lifestyles. Precision Medicine | FDA Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest order of consciousness, yet it dominates the minds, machines, and practice of medicine today. Why? Can we simultaneously personalize our minds, machines, and medicines to develop continuously? How? Ajaz | Insights 14
  • 49. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 15 cGRP practices attention to effective argumentation, behavioral economics, and stages of adult development to make mature decisions fairly and responsibly. Post-truth world Experience economy 4.0
  • 50. Epistemology of my efforts at the US FDA and currently 3/16/2023 Bridging Quality and Quantities, mind matters beyond the Pharma community of pharmaceutical knowledge: Albert Einstein (1879 -1955) W. Edwards Deming (1900-1993) In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life (1998), by Robert Kegan (1946- ) The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (2009) by Iain McGilchrist (1953- ) Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011), by Daniel Kahneman (1934- ) The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect (2018) by Judea Pearl (1936- ) Ajaz | Insights 16
  • 51. What is epistemic trust, and how do we build it? 3/16/2023 2021: A helpful definition in the context of human development is proposed, “the capacity of the individual to consider the knowledge conveyed by others as significant, relevant to the self, and generalizable to other contexts.” 2020: Prof. Robin Bogner, University of Connecticut, provided a perspective on epistemology at the NIPTE 2020 Research Conference. (link to a short YouTube video) 2014- How can we improve in building epistemic trust has occupied a more prominent place in my mind since joining the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education (NIPTE) in October 2014. The 1980s: “Epistemology” occupied my awareness, and it came in via Albert Einstein’s reply to a letter he received from Robert Thornton, who had just finished his Ph.D. under Herbert Feigl at Minnesota and was beginning a new job teaching physics at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. It remains central to my efforts now as when at FDA. Ajaz | Insights 17 Changing "Process Validation" to Build "Epistemic Trust": Science, Law, and Regulatory Science | LinkedIn
  • 52. Reading, writing, and rhetoric (argumentation), SMART we experience to learn, develop and mature The integrity of data and experiences matters. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 18
  • 53. Suggested reading to practice bridging the “micro/macro” (analysis/synthesis) divide Hussain, A.S., Morris, K. & Gurvich, V.J. Pharmaceutical Quality, Team Science, and Education Themes: Observations and Commentary on a Remarkable AAPS PharmSciTech Theme Issue. AAPS PharmSciTech 22, 88 (2021). Wokovich AM, Prodduturi S, Doub WH, Hussain AS, Buhse LF. Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) adhesion as a critical safety, efficacy, and quality attribute. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2006 Aug;64(1):1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2006.03.009. Epub 2006 Apr 15. PMID: 16797171. Hussain, A.S., Gurvich, V.J. & Morris, K. Pharmaceutical “New Prior Knowledge”: Twenty-First Century Assurance of Therapeutic Equivalence. AAPS PharmSciTech 20, 140 (2019). Physicochemical failure modes for first-line therapy Narrow Therapeutic Index (NTI) drugs: A call for attention NTI risk classification and New Prior Knowledge. therapeutic-index-nti-drugs-a-call-for-attention-nti-risk-classification-and-new-prior-knowledge/ (2 July 2021). An Analysis of FDA Warning Letters On Data Governance & Data Integrity (2017). fda-warning-letters-on-data-governance-data-integrity-0001 Pharmaceutical Hurricane Named BAD-I (2017). 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 19 A “social pharmacology” case to study A “social pharmacology” case to study
  • 54. Ajaz | Insights 3/16/2023 20 The French LevothyroxÂŽ crisis: We did the best we could but… - ScienceDirect Knowledge, Risk and Satisfaction Management 21 Century Pharmaceutica… (
  • 55. Another “social pharmacology” case to study: 3/16/2023 Current Good Regulators of Pharmaceuticals (cGRP) | LinkedIn 5 April 2016 Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) adhesion is a critical safety, efficacy, and quality attribute. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2006 [27 July 2005 Meeting of the Drug Safety Oversight Board, CDER, FDA] [2 January 1995, a memory] Ajaz | Insights 21 Social pharmacology: expanding horizons - PubMed ( Why does it take decades to acknowledge the obvious?
  • 56. How will these guidance documents help to improve X? 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 22 Transdermal and Topical Delivery Systems - Product Development and Quality Considerations Guidance for Industry ( Assessing Adhesion with TDS for ANDAs - Draft New Guidance for Industry ( X = quality, safety, …., assurance
  • 57. What modifications do you think should be made to the draft guidance? What changes suggested would you accept? 3/16/2023 Comment from Corium, Inc. Comment from Johnson & Johnson Comment from Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. Comment from FARE et al. Comment from Agile Therapeutics Comment from DBV Technologies Ajaz | Insights 23
  • 58. What am I learning (2014- currently)? 3/16/2023 The challenge at hand is complex akin to redesigning systems. Amidst all challenges, there are [always] many opportunities. • Our credibility [as a solution provider], in part, is [us] realizing that the maturity of our systems reflects our maturity; we live and work in socio-technical systems. • To do so, we must overcome the acquired “immunity to change” and increase the Order of Consciousness. • Doing more means credibly informing on problems and solution priorities relevant to the prevailing chaos and uncertainty and ways to improve and mature the self and systems (e.g., legislative and regulatory) we live and work. • We need a critical mass of us suitable and capable of moving from “don’t use and don’t tell” and “if I don’t look, there is no problem” and “fail and fix” to be able to “predict and prevent” harm. Ajaz | Insights 24 AAPS PharmSciTech, Theme: Team Science and Education for Pharmaceuticals: the NIPTE Model - Springer
  • 60. Continued training and development matter more than ever, but… 3/16/2023 Lesson 1: •Professional development Is essential (often ignored) Lesson 2: •Addressing adult human development empowers our SMART future Lesson 3: •Education and training alone cannot overcome displacement by AI Lesson 4: •Hone quality through “Research” Ajaz | Insights 26 4 Life Sciences Lessons from the PAT to QbD Journey (
  • 61. A way out of hell! 3/16/2023 ALCOA for data integrity, see: Data Integrity and Compliance With Drug CGMP: Questions and Answers | FDA ALCOA for my “Experience Integrity” • Attributable to my thoughts and feelings while holding the intention to care • Legible patterns that allow me to read my mind • Contemporaneous notes of patterns in my thoughts, feelings, and actions/inactions • Original insights that give meaning to my experience • Accuracy in researching and testing assumptions to keep moving closer to the truth Actions and arguments aligned to care. When not aligned, take a deep breath to add higher order of consciousness to “looking good” and go beyond being good to doing and seeing good. Ajaz | Insights 27
  • 62. 3/16/2023 Ajaz | Insights 28 The integrity of observations, data, information, and experience: A.L.C.O.A. Subscribe on LinkedIn “The elephant and the donkey in my room.” Procrustean, one-size-fits-all, is the lowest [adult] order of consciousness. In Over Our Heads — Robert Kegan | Harvard
  • 63. Something to ponder, and write about 3/16/2023 Do we do our best, generally and specifically, in the context of NTI drugs? If so, what evidence? If not, why not? What modifications should be made to the draft TDS guidance documents? What changes suggested would you accept? Why does it take decades to acknowledge the obvious? What is epistemic trust, and how should we build it going forward? How do you suggest we keep moving closer to the truth? Can we simultaneously personalize our minds, machines, and medicines to develop continuously? How? "Never let a good crisis go to waste“ does [it] not demand a perpetual crisis mode? Ajaz | Insights 29