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In [49]: import os
import datetime
import requests
import zipfile
import io
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AR
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error
%matplotlib inline
In [50]: sorted(list(filter(lambda f: not f.startswith("."), os.listdir("."))))
In [51]: def get_data(data_url):
with requests.get(data_url) as r:
with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) as z:
In [52]: data_url = "
data_dir = os.path.join("quantquote_daily_sp500_83986", "daily")
Out[50]: ['',
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In [53]: stock_csv_names = sorted(os.listdir(data_dir))
In [54]: cols = ['date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low_price', 'close', 'volume']
In [55]: df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, stock_csv_names[0]),names=cols)
In [56]: df.shape
In [64]: df.head()
In [58]: df.dtypes
We see that most of the typing here looks good (no object / string representations of numeric data) but we do
see that date is coming in as an int rather than a datetime.
Out[56]: (3452, 7)
date time open high low_price close volume
0 1999-11-18 0 42.2076 46.3820 37.4581 39.1928 4.398181e+07
1 1999-11-19 0 39.8329 39.8885 36.9293 37.6251 1.139020e+07
2 1999-11-22 0 38.3208 40.0091 37.1613 39.9442 4.654716e+06
3 1999-11-23 0 39.4247 40.4729 37.3375 37.5138 4.268903e+06
4 1999-11-24 0 37.2262 38.9052 37.1056 38.0889 3.602367e+06
Out[58]: date int64
time int64
open float64
high float64
low_price float64
close float64
volume float64
dtype: object
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In [59]: df.isnull().sum()
In [60]: df.duplicated().sum()
No missing data, and no duplicate data.
In [61]: = pd.to_datetime(, infer_datetime_format=True
check that this is a proper time-series data set, i.e. we're indexed on time, which in this case will mean that we
have one date for every row:
In [67]:
In [31]: df=df.set_index('date')
In [68]: df.time.nunique()
In [69]: df=df.drop('time', axis=1)
Get an iterable of DataFrames , one for each stock in our dataset, with the wrangling we did above included.
In [82]: def get_csv_path(csv_name, stock_csv_folder=data_dir):
return os.path.join(stock_csv_folder, csv_name)
Out[59]: date 0
time 0
open 0
high 0
low_price 0
close 0
volume 0
dtype: int64
Out[60]: 0
Out[67]: 1.0
Out[68]: 1
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In [83]: def get_df(csv_name, cols=cols):
df = pd.read_csv(get_csv_path(csv_name),
usecols=list(filter(lambda c: c!= "time", cols))) = pd.to_datetime(, infer_datetime_format=
return df.set_index("date", drop=False)
In [84]: dfs_iter = (get_df(csv_name) for csv_name in stock_csv_names)
In [85]: dfs_list = list(dfs_iter) #convert generator object to list
In [89]: len(dfs_list)
In [90]: aapl_df = get_df("table_aapl.csv")
In [93]: pd.Series(aapl_df.index).quantile([0, 1])
In [94]: aapl_df.isnull().sum()
In [95]: aapl_df.duplicated().sum()
Out[89]: 500
Out[93]: 0.0 1998-01-02
1.0 2013-08-09
Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Out[94]: date 0
open 0
high 0
low_price 0
close 0
volume 0
dtype: int64
Out[95]: 0
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In [96]: ax = aapl_df.close.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: closing price")
A couple of observations on the above graph:
the stock's price has increased over time
there is a good bit of variability in between the start and end points
it would have been nice to buy AAPL back in the 90s!
We can see clearly that there are a number of different components, if you will, to the above time series:
there's an upward trend over time
there look to be some periodic-ish patterns
there's a fair amount of noise-ish stuff, too
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In [97]: def plot_time_series_decomposition(series, freq=252):
res = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(series, freq=freq)
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(11,8))
p1 = res.trend.plot(ax=ax1, rot=0)
t1 = ax1.title.set_text("trend")
p2 = res.seasonal.plot(ax=ax2, rot=0)
t2 = ax2.title.set_text("seasonal")
p3 = res.resid.plot(ax=ax3, rot=0)
t3 = ax3.title.set_text("resid")
In [98]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.close)
In [101]: aapl_df["return_gross"] = aapl_df.close.divide(aapl_df.close.shift(1))
In [104]: aapl_df["return_net"] = aapl_df.return_gross - 1
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In [105]: aapl_df.return_net.describe()
Returns Distirbution
In [112]: ax = aapl_df.return_net.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=200)
t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return")
In [107]: (aapl_df.return_simple < -.1).sum()
Out[105]: count 3925.000000
mean 0.001672
std 0.029774
min -0.518150
25% -0.013670
50% 0.000859
75% 0.016312
max 0.183749
Name: return_net, dtype: float64
Out[107]: 10
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In [108]: aapl_df[aapl_df.return_simple < -.1]
date open high low_price close volume return_gross return_sim
11.06280 11.18440 9.98318 10.07560 5.813583e+07 0.892333 -0.1076
17.79520 17.80980 16.77650 16.81050 1.138997e+08 0.875187 -0.1248
13.64490 14.10200 12.34160 12.52160 2.339738e+08 0.481850 -0.5181
7.11421 7.29413 6.80785 6.99264 4.577349e+07 0.845883 -0.1541
10.62510 10.69810 9.92974 10.10480 3.854362e+07 0.829214 -0.1707
8.44660 8.55844 8.20832 8.33476 5.893970e+07 0.850621 -0.1493
7.84362 7.87766 7.38652 7.62479 4.142656e+07 0.878923 -0.1210
132.46100 136.15700 122.67700 135.03800 1.181346e+08 0.880185 -0.1198
116.41400 116.41400 97.82880 103.12900 9.250666e+07 0.823352 -0.1766
451.33600 456.96900 441.77900 442.29000 4.939171e+07 0.876643 -0.1233
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In [113]: ax = aapl_df.return_net.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: net daily return")
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In [114]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.return_simple.dropna())
In [115]: aapl_df["return_simple_rolling_21_mean"] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling
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In [122]: ax = aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_21_mean.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: net daily return, rolling 21 mean(one-month)")
retain this functionality to try other windows
In [127]: def set_and_plot_rolling_mean(window):
col_name = f"return_simple_rolling_{window}_mean"
aapl_df[col_name] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling(window).mean()
ax = aapl_df[col_name].plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title(f"aapl: net daily return, rolling {window} day mea
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In [121]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(63)
In [123]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(166)
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In [124]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(252)
In [126]: def set_and_plot_rolling_std(window):
col_name = f"return_simple_rolling_{window}_std"
aapl_df[col_name] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling(window).std()
ax = aapl_df[col_name].plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title(f"aapl: net daily return, rolling {window} day std"
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In [128]: set_and_plot_rolling_std(63)
Plot rolling mean and std together
In [129]: [c for c in aapl_df.columns if "63" in c]
In [132]: aapl_quarterly = aapl_df[[c for c in aapl_df.columns if "63" in c]].drop
In [134]: aapl_quarterly = aapl_quarterly / aapl_quarterly.iloc[0]
In [135]: aapl_quarterly.iloc[0:5]
Out[129]: ['return_simple_rolling_63_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_63_std']
return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std
1998-04-03 1.000000 1.000000
1998-04-06 0.973895 1.004831
1998-04-07 0.601837 0.829599
1998-04-08 0.699827 0.788331
1998-04-09 0.681255 0.784945
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In [136]: ax = aapl_quarterly.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return, rolling 63 mean and std")
inverse relationship between the two
In [138]: aapl_quarterly.corr()
In [139]: aapl_quarterly.iloc[0:5]
return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std
return_simple_rolling_63_mean 1.000000 -0.370614
return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.370614 1.000000
return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std
1998-04-03 1.000000 1.000000
1998-04-06 0.973895 1.004831
1998-04-07 0.601837 0.829599
1998-04-08 0.699827 0.788331
1998-04-09 0.681255 0.784945
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In [141]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_63_std.drop
Compare rolling returns and volatility with differing window lengths and quantify these relationships using
In [142]: def compare_return_to_vol(return_col, vol_col, df=aapl_df):
return df[[return_col, vol_col]].corr()
In [144]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_63_mean", "return_simple_ro
return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std
return_simple_rolling_63_mean 1.000000 -0.370614
return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.370614 1.000000
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In [145]: aapl_df.columns
In [148]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_166_mean", "return_simple_r
In [149]: set_and_plot_rolling_std(166)
Out[145]: Index(['date', 'open', 'high', 'low_price', 'close', 'volume', 'return_
'return_simple', 'return_net', 'return_simple_rolling_21_mean',
'return_simple_rolling_63_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_166_mea
'return_simple_rolling_252_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_63_st
return_simple_rolling_166_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std
return_simple_rolling_166_mean 1.000000 -0.280703
return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.280703 1.000000
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In [151]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_166_mean", "return_simple_r
In [152]: aapl_halflyish = aapl_df[[c for c in aapl_df.columns if "166" in c]
In [153]: aapl_halflyish = aapl_halflyish / aapl_halflyish.iloc[0]
In [154]: ax = aapl_halflyish.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return, rolling 166 mean and std")
In [155]: len(dfs_list)
return_simple_rolling_166_mean return_simple_rolling_166_std
return_simple_rolling_166_mean 1.000000 -0.349501
return_simple_rolling_166_std -0.349501 1.000000
Out[155]: 500
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In [157]: os.listdir(data_dir)[:5]
In [158]: os.listdir(data_dir)[-5:]
In [159]: def get_stock_name(csv_name):
file_name = csv_name.split(".")[0]
return file_name.split("_")[1]
In [160]: dfs_list_indexed = [
pd.concat({get_stock_name(csv_name): dfs_list[i]}, axis=1)
for i, csv_name in enumerate(stock_csv_names)]
In [161]: all_stocks = dfs_list_indexed[0].join(dfs_list_indexed[1:])
In [162]: all_stocks.iloc[:5, :8]
Out[157]: ['table_dlph.csv',
Out[158]: ['table_schw.csv',
a aa
date open high low_price close volume date open
42.2076 46.3820 37.4581 39.1928 4.398181e+07
39.8329 39.8885 36.9293 37.6251 1.139020e+07
38.3208 40.0091 37.1613 39.9442 4.654716e+06
39.4247 40.4729 37.3375 37.5138 4.268903e+06
37.2262 38.9052 37.1056 38.0889 3.602367e+06
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In [164]: all_stocks["aa"].head()
In [165]: tickers = all_stocks.columns.levels[0]
In [166]: _all_close_list = [all_stocks[tick].close for tick in tickers]
In [170]: _all_close_list[0].head()
In [171]: _all_close_list = [srs.rename(tickers[i])
for i, srs in enumerate(_all_close_list)]
In [176]: all_stocks_close = _all_close_list[0].to_frame().join(_all_close_list[1
date open high low_price close volume
1999-11-18 1999-11-18 24.5183 24.5183 24.0579 24.2514 2658683.414
1999-11-19 1999-11-19 24.5647 24.7581 24.2978 24.6846 3022133.556
1999-11-22 1999-11-22 24.6846 25.1450 24.4912 25.0250 4525318.956
1999-11-23 1999-11-23 25.0018 25.4351 24.9515 25.2185 5622139.724
1999-11-24 1999-11-24 25.0482 25.0482 24.6614 24.9283 3144923.734
Out[165]: Index(['a', 'aa', 'aapl', 'abbv', 'abc'], dtype='object')
Out[170]: date
1999-11-18 39.1928
1999-11-19 37.6251
1999-11-22 39.9442
1999-11-23 37.5138
1999-11-24 38.0889
Name: close, dtype: float64
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In [177]: all_stocks_close.iloc[:5, :8]
In [178]: all_stocks_returns = all_stocks_close / all_stocks_close.shift(1)
In [179]: corrs = all_stocks_returns.corr()
In [180]: corrs.iloc[:5, :5]
In [181]: corrs_modified = corrs.replace(1, np.nan)
In [182]: corrs_modified.iloc[:5, :5]
a aa aapl abbv abc abt ace acn
1999-11-18 39.1928 24.2514 21.7924 NaN 3.09830 11.9023 14.3008 NaN
1999-11-19 37.6251 24.6846 22.4756 NaN 3.05589 11.8612 13.9294 NaN
1999-11-22 39.9442 25.0250 22.0185 NaN 2.95767 12.2375 14.0259 NaN
1999-11-23 37.5138 25.2185 22.6264 NaN 2.74784 12.0383 13.9294 NaN
1999-11-24 38.0889 24.9283 23.0373 NaN 2.74784 12.1964 13.3722 NaN
a aa aapl abbv abc
a 1.000000 0.383146 0.361200 0.164908 0.169508
aa 0.383146 1.000000 0.283109 0.067920 0.254100
aapl 0.361200 0.283109 1.000000 0.032483 0.142794
abbv 0.164908 0.067920 0.032483 1.000000 0.282846
abc 0.169508 0.254100 0.142794 0.282846 1.000000
a aa aapl abbv abc
a NaN 0.383146 0.361200 0.164908 0.169508
aa 0.383146 NaN 0.283109 0.067920 0.254100
aapl 0.361200 0.283109 NaN 0.032483 0.142794
abbv 0.164908 0.067920 0.032483 NaN 0.282846
abc 0.169508 0.254100 0.142794 0.282846 NaN
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In [183]: corrs_modified.max().sort_values(ascending=False)[:5]
In [184]: corrs_modified.min().sort_values(ascending=False)[:5]
Create a price
index that provides insight into the daily tendencies of our 500 stocks. We are going to do this as
follows: calculate, for each day, the
Next, vizualize your results. Plot on the same axes a the volatility
spreads. Note
that you may want to normalize prior to plotting.
Additionally, find:
the 10 days with the highest average open-close spreads
the 10 days with the highest volatility in their open-close spreads
In [185]: _all_open_list = [all_stocks[tick].open for tick in tickers]
In [186]: _all_open_list[0].head()
In [187]: _all_open_list = [srs.rename(tickers[i])
for i, srs in enumerate(_all_open_list)]
In [188]: all_stocks_open = _all_open_list[0].to_frame().join(_all_open_list[1:])
Out[183]: eqr 0.884192
avb 0.884192
spg 0.883757
bxp 0.883757
vno 0.883234
dtype: float64
Out[184]: wyn 0.178355
pfg 0.175845
dfs 0.175066
dd 0.168540
hst 0.159443
dtype: float64
Out[186]: date
1999-11-18 42.2076
1999-11-19 39.8329
1999-11-22 38.3208
1999-11-23 39.4247
1999-11-24 37.2262
Name: open, dtype: float64
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In [189]: all_stocks_open.iloc[:5, :8]
In [190]: mean_spread = (all_stocks_close - all_stocks_open).mean(axis=1)
In [191]: mean_spread.head()
In [193]: std_spread = (all_stocks_close - all_stocks_open).std(axis=1)
In [194]: std_spread.head()
In [196]: joined_spread = mean_spread.to_frame().join(std_spread)
In [197]: joined_spread = joined_spread / joined_spread.iloc[0]
a aa aapl abbv abc abt ace acn
1999-11-18 42.2076 24.5183 22.1401 NaN 2.88847 12.1775 14.8134 NaN
1999-11-19 39.8329 24.5647 21.7608 NaN 3.08267 12.0003 14.3973 NaN
1999-11-22 38.3208 24.6846 22.3079 NaN 3.01348 12.0193 14.0259 NaN
1999-11-23 39.4247 25.0018 22.3079 NaN 2.95767 12.1585 14.2116 NaN
1999-11-24 37.2262 25.0482 22.6118 NaN 2.73445 12.0794 13.8848 NaN
Out[191]: date
1999-11-18 0.029497
1999-11-19 -0.136570
1999-11-22 -0.136851
1999-11-23 -0.344567
1999-11-24 0.187926
dtype: float64
Out[194]: date
1999-11-18 1.447925
1999-11-19 2.082665
1999-11-22 1.295058
1999-11-23 2.393124
1999-11-24 1.648351
dtype: float64
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In [198]: ax = joined_spread.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
Check if AAPL post better daily performance in certain months
In [200]: aapl_df["month"] = d: d.month)
In [201]: daily_by_month = aapl_df[["month", "return_simple"]
).agg([np.mean, np.std])
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In [202]: daily_by_month
In [203]: daily_by_month.columns = daily_by_month.columns.droplevel()
mean std
1 0.002190 0.034613
2 0.001037 0.025793
3 0.003630 0.027720
4 0.002755 0.030354
5 -0.000095 0.025757
6 0.000647 0.024897
7 0.003089 0.030554
8 0.001921 0.023400
9 -0.000956 0.042424
10 0.003242 0.033829
11 0.001369 0.028624
12 0.000834 0.025551
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In [204]: ax = daily_by_month.plot.barh(figsize=(11, 11))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: average simple daily return, by month")
So, we see that, on average, AAPL has seen negative daily returns (with higher-than-average volatility) in
September - earnings?
In [206]: aapl_df["year"] = d: d.year)
In [207]: monthly_by_month = aapl_df[["year", "month", "return_simple"]
].groupby(["year", "month"]
).agg([np.amin, np.amax])
In [209]: monthly_by_month = monthly_by_month.diff(axis=1)
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In [211]: monthly_by_month.columns = monthly_by_month.columns.swaplevel()
In [212]: monthly_by_month = monthly_by_month["amax"]
In [213]: monthly_by_month.head()
In [218]: monthlies = monthly_by_month.groupby(level=1
).agg([np.mean, np.std])
year month
1998 1 0.262945
2 0.106502
3 0.151977
4 0.089050
5 0.076243
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In [219]: ax = monthlies.plot.barh(figsize=(11, 11))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: average simple monthly return, by month")
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In [220]: ax = aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame(
).plot.scatter(x="shifted", y="return_simple", figsize=(11,
scrub the outlier and try again
In [221]: t_and_t_plus_one = aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame(
In [222]: (t_and_t_plus_one < -.5).sum()
In [223]: for col in t_and_t_plus_one.columns:
t_and_t_plus_one.loc[t_and_t_plus_one[col] < -.5, col] = np.nan
Out[222]: return_simple 1
shifted 1
dtype: int64
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In [224]: ax = t_and_t_plus_one.plot.scatter(x="shifted", y="return_simple", figsi
ze=(11, 8))
In [226]: aapl_autocorrs = pd.Series({
lag: aapl_df.return_simple.autocorr(lag=lag) for lag in list
(range(1, 20))
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In [227]: ax =, 8), rot=0)
t = ax.title.set_text("aapl: autocorrelation")
Extract the most signification lag values from above, and understand whether day-of-the-week makes a
In [228]: aapl_df["weekday"] = d: d.weekday())
In [229]: aapl_df.weekday.value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index()
Out[229]: 0 0.187723
1 0.204534
2 0.205807
3 0.201732
4 0.200204
Name: weekday, dtype: float64
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In [230]: aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == 4].return_simple.head()
In [231]: aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == 4].return_simple.autocorr(lag=1)
In [232]: for w in sorted(aapl_df.weekday.unique()):
print(w, aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == w].return_simple.autocorr(lag=1
), sep=": ")
In [234]: aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame(
In [235]: aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame(
Out[230]: date
1998-01-02 NaN
1998-01-09 0.010519
1998-01-16 -0.022928
1998-01-23 0.009838
1998-01-30 -0.009699
Name: return_simple, dtype: float64
Out[231]: 0.06890856162364511
0: 0.03307978683299217
1: 0.02142547271905113
2: 0.01132272930404902
3: -0.025362416692087088
4: 0.06890856162364511
return_simple return_simple_rolling_21_mean
return_simple 1.000000 -0.004471
return_simple_rolling_21_mean -0.004471 1.000000
return_simple return_simple_rolling_63_mean
return_simple 1.00000 0.01565
return_simple_rolling_63_mean 0.01565 1.00000
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Taking the logarithm of prices allows for easy returns calculations. Additionally, taking the log of a data set can
squeeze in outliers and reduce skewness:
In [237]: aapl_df["close_log"] = aapl_df.close.apply(np.log)
In [238]: ax = aapl_df.close_log.plot(figsize=(11, 8))
t = ax.set_title("aapl: log closing price")
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In [239]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.close_log)
In [240]: aapl_df["return_log"] = aapl_df.close_log - aapl_df.close_log.shift(1)
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In [241]: ax = aapl_df.return_log.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=100)
t = ax.set_title("aapl: log daily return")
In [242]: aapl_df.return_simple.skew()
In [243]: aapl_df.return_log.skew()
For skewed data with negative values, take the cube
root of it: to separate out the positive and negative values,
and it's interesting to look at each group's frequencies separately.
In [244]: aapl_df["return_cubrt"] = aapl_df.return_simple.apply(np.cbrt)
Out[242]: -1.198448451367238
Out[243]: -3.4413935608928203
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In [246]: ax = aapl_df.return_cubrt.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=500)
t = ax.set_title("aapl: cube root of daily return")
In [247]: aapl_df["day_of_week"] = d: d.weekday())
In [248]: aapl_df.day_of_week.value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index()
In [249]: aapl_df["is_monday"] = aapl_df.day_of_week == 0
Out[248]: 0 0.187723
1 0.204534
2 0.205807
3 0.201732
4 0.200204
Name: day_of_week, dtype: float64
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In [250]: ax = aapl_df.loc[aapl_df.is_monday == True, "return_cubrt"].hist(
figsize=(11, 8), bins=100, density=True, alpha=.35)
ax = aapl_df.loc[aapl_df.is_monday == False, "return_cubrt"].hist(ax=ax,
alpha=.35, bins=100, density=True)
t = ax.set_title("aapl: cube root of daily return")
In [251]: aapl_df[["return_simple", "is_monday"]].groupby("is_monday").agg([np.mea
n, np.std])
In [252]: aapl_returns_2010 = aapl_df.loc[ d: d.year == 2
010), "return_simple"]
mean std
False 0.001286 0.029905
True 0.003341 0.029161
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In [253]: train = aapl_returns_2010.loc[, 6, 30)]
In [254]: train.head()
In [255]: train.tail()
In [256]: test = aapl_returns_2010.loc[, 7, 1)
0, 7, 31)]
In [257]: model = AR(train.values)
In [258]: model_fit =
In [259]: model_fit.k_ar
In [260]: model_fit.params
In [261]: params_df = pd.DataFrame(model_fit.params,
index=[i for i in range(len(model_fit.params
In [262]: autocorrs = aapl_autocorrs.rename("autocorr").loc[:13].to_frame()
Out[254]: date
2010-01-04 0.016518
2010-01-05 0.000701
2010-01-06 -0.016521
2010-01-07 -0.001990
2010-01-08 0.007175
Name: return_simple, dtype: float64
Out[255]: date
2010-06-24 -0.006807
2010-06-25 -0.005433
2010-06-28 0.005089
2010-06-29 -0.044515
2010-06-30 -0.020156
Name: return_simple, dtype: float64
Out[259]: 13
Out[260]: array([ 0.00246467, 0.04125616, 0.03683962, -0.25484031, 0.04155076,
0.09983197, -0.17533004, -0.02235045, -0.07667173, -0.08510721,
-0.01421416, -0.03022782, 0.04335507, 0.29210439])
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In [263]: ax = autocorrs.join(params_df), 8))
In [264]: predictions = model_fit.predict(start=len(train),
end=len(train) + len(test) -1,
In [265]: predictions_df = pd.DataFrame(predictions, index=test.index, columns=["p
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In [266]: ax = test.to_frame().join(predictions_df).plot(figsize=(11, 8), rot=10)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

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Time Series Analysis Sample Code

  • 1. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 1/40 Time Series Analysis In [49]: import os import datetime import requests import zipfile import io import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.tsa.ar_model import AR from sklearn.metrics import r2_score, mean_squared_error %matplotlib inline 0. Get Data In [50]: sorted(list(filter(lambda f: not f.startswith("."), os.listdir(".")))) In [51]: def get_data(data_url): with requests.get(data_url) as r: with zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content)) as z: z.extractall() In [52]: data_url = " p" get_data(data_url=data_url) data_dir = os.path.join("quantquote_daily_sp500_83986", "daily") Out[50]: ['', 'Untitled.ipynb', 'census_data.csv', 'data_science_answers.ipynb', 'data_science_raw.ipynb', 'pandas_basics.ipynb', 'pandas_basics_addntl.ipynb', 'pandas_basics_answers.ipynb', 'python_basics.ipynb', 'python_basics_addntl.ipynb', 'python_basics_answers.ipynb', 'quantquote_daily_sp500_83986', 'requirements.txt', 'time_series_analysis.ipynb', 'time_series_analysis_answers.ipynb']
  • 2. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 2/40 Scope out data directory In [53]: stock_csv_names = sorted(os.listdir(data_dir)) In [54]: cols = ['date', 'time', 'open', 'high', 'low_price', 'close', 'volume'] Check sample data In [55]: df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, stock_csv_names[0]),names=cols) In [56]: df.shape In [64]: df.head() In [58]: df.dtypes We see that most of the typing here looks good (no object / string representations of numeric data) but we do see that date is coming in as an int rather than a datetime. Out[56]: (3452, 7) Out[64]: date time open high low_price close volume 0 1999-11-18 0 42.2076 46.3820 37.4581 39.1928 4.398181e+07 1 1999-11-19 0 39.8329 39.8885 36.9293 37.6251 1.139020e+07 2 1999-11-22 0 38.3208 40.0091 37.1613 39.9442 4.654716e+06 3 1999-11-23 0 39.4247 40.4729 37.3375 37.5138 4.268903e+06 4 1999-11-24 0 37.2262 38.9052 37.1056 38.0889 3.602367e+06 Out[58]: date int64 time int64 open float64 high float64 low_price float64 close float64 volume float64 dtype: object
  • 3. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 3/40 In [59]: df.isnull().sum() In [60]: df.duplicated().sum() No missing data, and no duplicate data. In [61]: = pd.to_datetime(, infer_datetime_format=True ) check that this is a proper time-series data set, i.e. we're indexed on time, which in this case will mean that we have one date for every row: In [67]: In [31]: df=df.set_index('date') In [68]: df.time.nunique() In [69]: df=df.drop('time', axis=1) Problem Get an iterable of DataFrames , one for each stock in our dataset, with the wrangling we did above included. In [82]: def get_csv_path(csv_name, stock_csv_folder=data_dir): return os.path.join(stock_csv_folder, csv_name) Out[59]: date 0 time 0 open 0 high 0 low_price 0 close 0 volume 0 dtype: int64 Out[60]: 0 Out[67]: 1.0 Out[68]: 1
  • 4. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 4/40 In [83]: def get_df(csv_name, cols=cols): df = pd.read_csv(get_csv_path(csv_name), names=cols, usecols=list(filter(lambda c: c!= "time", cols))) = pd.to_datetime(, infer_datetime_format= True) return df.set_index("date", drop=False) In [84]: dfs_iter = (get_df(csv_name) for csv_name in stock_csv_names) In [85]: dfs_list = list(dfs_iter) #convert generator object to list In [89]: len(dfs_list) 1. Prices & Returns Prices In [90]: aapl_df = get_df("table_aapl.csv") In [93]: pd.Series(aapl_df.index).quantile([0, 1]) In [94]: aapl_df.isnull().sum() In [95]: aapl_df.duplicated().sum() Out[89]: 500 Out[93]: 0.0 1998-01-02 1.0 2013-08-09 Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns] Out[94]: date 0 open 0 high 0 low_price 0 close 0 volume 0 dtype: int64 Out[95]: 0
  • 5. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 5/40 In [96]: ax = aapl_df.close.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: closing price") A couple of observations on the above graph: the stock's price has increased over time there is a good bit of variability in between the start and end points it would have been nice to buy AAPL back in the 90s! We can see clearly that there are a number of different components, if you will, to the above time series: there's an upward trend over time there look to be some periodic-ish patterns there's a fair amount of noise-ish stuff, too
  • 6. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 6/40 In [97]: def plot_time_series_decomposition(series, freq=252): res = sm.tsa.seasonal_decompose(series, freq=freq) fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(11,8)) p1 = res.trend.plot(ax=ax1, rot=0) t1 = ax1.title.set_text("trend") p2 = res.seasonal.plot(ax=ax2, rot=0) t2 = ax2.title.set_text("seasonal") p3 = res.resid.plot(ax=ax3, rot=0) t3 = ax3.title.set_text("resid") fig.tight_layout() In [98]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.close) Returns In [101]: aapl_df["return_gross"] = aapl_df.close.divide(aapl_df.close.shift(1)) In [104]: aapl_df["return_net"] = aapl_df.return_gross - 1
  • 7. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 7/40 In [105]: aapl_df.return_net.describe() Returns Distirbution In [112]: ax = aapl_df.return_net.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=200) t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return") In [107]: (aapl_df.return_simple < -.1).sum() Out[105]: count 3925.000000 mean 0.001672 std 0.029774 min -0.518150 25% -0.013670 50% 0.000859 75% 0.016312 max 0.183749 Name: return_net, dtype: float64 Out[107]: 10
  • 8. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 8/40 In [108]: aapl_df[aapl_df.return_simple < -.1] Out[108]: date open high low_price close volume return_gross return_sim date 1999- 01-14 1999- 01-14 11.06280 11.18440 9.98318 10.07560 5.813583e+07 0.892333 -0.1076 1999- 09-21 1999- 09-21 17.79520 17.80980 16.77650 16.81050 1.138997e+08 0.875187 -0.1248 2000- 09-29 2000- 09-29 13.64490 14.10200 12.34160 12.52160 2.339738e+08 0.481850 -0.5181 2000- 12-06 2000- 12-06 7.11421 7.29413 6.80785 6.99264 4.577349e+07 0.845883 -0.1541 2001- 07-18 2001- 07-18 10.62510 10.69810 9.92974 10.10480 3.854362e+07 0.829214 -0.1707 2002- 06-19 2002- 06-19 8.44660 8.55844 8.20832 8.33476 5.893970e+07 0.850621 -0.1493 2002- 07-17 2002- 07-17 7.84362 7.87766 7.38652 7.62479 4.142656e+07 0.878923 -0.1210 2008- 01-23 2008- 01-23 132.46100 136.15700 122.67700 135.03800 1.181346e+08 0.880185 -0.1198 2008- 09-29 2008- 09-29 116.41400 116.41400 97.82880 103.12900 9.250666e+07 0.823352 -0.1766 2013- 01-24 2013- 01-24 451.33600 456.96900 441.77900 442.29000 4.939171e+07 0.876643 -0.1233
  • 9. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 9/40 In [113]: ax = aapl_df.return_net.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: net daily return")
  • 10. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 10/40 In [114]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.return_simple.dropna()) In [115]: aapl_df["return_simple_rolling_21_mean"] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling (21).mean()
  • 11. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 11/40 In [122]: ax = aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_21_mean.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: net daily return, rolling 21 mean(one-month)") retain this functionality to try other windows In [127]: def set_and_plot_rolling_mean(window): col_name = f"return_simple_rolling_{window}_mean" aapl_df[col_name] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling(window).mean() ax = aapl_df[col_name].plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title(f"aapl: net daily return, rolling {window} day mea n")
  • 12. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 12/40 In [121]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(63) In [123]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(166)
  • 13. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 13/40 In [124]: set_and_plot_rolling_mean(252) In [126]: def set_and_plot_rolling_std(window): col_name = f"return_simple_rolling_{window}_std" aapl_df[col_name] = aapl_df.return_simple.rolling(window).std() ax = aapl_df[col_name].plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title(f"aapl: net daily return, rolling {window} day std" )
  • 14. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 14/40 In [128]: set_and_plot_rolling_std(63) Plot rolling mean and std together In [129]: [c for c in aapl_df.columns if "63" in c] In [132]: aapl_quarterly = aapl_df[[c for c in aapl_df.columns if "63" in c]].drop na() In [134]: aapl_quarterly = aapl_quarterly / aapl_quarterly.iloc[0] In [135]: aapl_quarterly.iloc[0:5] Out[129]: ['return_simple_rolling_63_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_63_std'] Out[135]: return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std date 1998-04-03 1.000000 1.000000 1998-04-06 0.973895 1.004831 1998-04-07 0.601837 0.829599 1998-04-08 0.699827 0.788331 1998-04-09 0.681255 0.784945
  • 15. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 15/40 In [136]: ax = aapl_quarterly.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return, rolling 63 mean and std") inverse relationship between the two In [138]: aapl_quarterly.corr() In [139]: aapl_quarterly.iloc[0:5] Out[138]: return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std return_simple_rolling_63_mean 1.000000 -0.370614 return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.370614 1.000000 Out[139]: return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std date 1998-04-03 1.000000 1.000000 1998-04-06 0.973895 1.004831 1998-04-07 0.601837 0.829599 1998-04-08 0.699827 0.788331 1998-04-09 0.681255 0.784945
  • 16. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 16/40 In [141]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_63_std.drop na()) Compare rolling returns and volatility with differing window lengths and quantify these relationships using correlation. In [142]: def compare_return_to_vol(return_col, vol_col, df=aapl_df): return df[[return_col, vol_col]].corr() In [144]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_63_mean", "return_simple_ro lling_63_std") Out[144]: return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std return_simple_rolling_63_mean 1.000000 -0.370614 return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.370614 1.000000
  • 17. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 17/40 In [145]: aapl_df.columns In [148]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_166_mean", "return_simple_r olling_63_std") In [149]: set_and_plot_rolling_std(166) Out[145]: Index(['date', 'open', 'high', 'low_price', 'close', 'volume', 'return_ gross', 'return_simple', 'return_net', 'return_simple_rolling_21_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_63_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_166_mea n', 'return_simple_rolling_252_mean', 'return_simple_rolling_63_st d'], dtype='object') Out[148]: return_simple_rolling_166_mean return_simple_rolling_63_std return_simple_rolling_166_mean 1.000000 -0.280703 return_simple_rolling_63_std -0.280703 1.000000
  • 18. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 18/40 In [151]: compare_return_to_vol("return_simple_rolling_166_mean", "return_simple_r olling_166_std") In [152]: aapl_halflyish = aapl_df[[c for c in aapl_df.columns if "166" in c] ].dropna() In [153]: aapl_halflyish = aapl_halflyish / aapl_halflyish.iloc[0] In [154]: ax = aapl_halflyish.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: simple daily return, rolling 166 mean and std") 2. Multi-Stock Analysis In [155]: len(dfs_list) Out[151]: return_simple_rolling_166_mean return_simple_rolling_166_std return_simple_rolling_166_mean 1.000000 -0.349501 return_simple_rolling_166_std -0.349501 1.000000 Out[155]: 500
  • 19. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 19/40 In [157]: os.listdir(data_dir)[:5] In [158]: os.listdir(data_dir)[-5:] In [159]: def get_stock_name(csv_name): file_name = csv_name.split(".")[0] return file_name.split("_")[1] In [160]: dfs_list_indexed = [ pd.concat({get_stock_name(csv_name): dfs_list[i]}, axis=1) for i, csv_name in enumerate(stock_csv_names)] In [161]: all_stocks = dfs_list_indexed[0].join(dfs_list_indexed[1:]) In [162]: all_stocks.iloc[:5, :8] Out[157]: ['table_dlph.csv', 'table_cat.csv', 'table_coh.csv', 'table_mcd.csv', 'table_ca.csv'] Out[158]: ['table_schw.csv', 'table_cl.csv', 'table_te.csv', 'table_vz.csv', 'table_hrs.csv'] Out[162]: a aa date open high low_price close volume date open date 1999-11- 18 1999-11- 18 42.2076 46.3820 37.4581 39.1928 4.398181e+07 1999-11- 18 24.5183 1999-11- 19 1999-11- 19 39.8329 39.8885 36.9293 37.6251 1.139020e+07 1999-11- 19 24.5647 1999-11- 22 1999-11- 22 38.3208 40.0091 37.1613 39.9442 4.654716e+06 1999-11- 22 24.6846 1999-11- 23 1999-11- 23 39.4247 40.4729 37.3375 37.5138 4.268903e+06 1999-11- 23 25.0018 1999-11- 24 1999-11- 24 37.2262 38.9052 37.1056 38.0889 3.602367e+06 1999-11- 24 25.0482
  • 20. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 20/40 In [164]: all_stocks["aa"].head() Close In [165]: tickers = all_stocks.columns.levels[0] tickers[:5] In [166]: _all_close_list = [all_stocks[tick].close for tick in tickers] In [170]: _all_close_list[0].head() In [171]: _all_close_list = [srs.rename(tickers[i]) for i, srs in enumerate(_all_close_list)] In [176]: all_stocks_close = _all_close_list[0].to_frame().join(_all_close_list[1 :]) Out[164]: date open high low_price close volume date 1999-11-18 1999-11-18 24.5183 24.5183 24.0579 24.2514 2658683.414 1999-11-19 1999-11-19 24.5647 24.7581 24.2978 24.6846 3022133.556 1999-11-22 1999-11-22 24.6846 25.1450 24.4912 25.0250 4525318.956 1999-11-23 1999-11-23 25.0018 25.4351 24.9515 25.2185 5622139.724 1999-11-24 1999-11-24 25.0482 25.0482 24.6614 24.9283 3144923.734 Out[165]: Index(['a', 'aa', 'aapl', 'abbv', 'abc'], dtype='object') Out[170]: date 1999-11-18 39.1928 1999-11-19 37.6251 1999-11-22 39.9442 1999-11-23 37.5138 1999-11-24 38.0889 Name: close, dtype: float64
  • 21. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 21/40 In [177]: all_stocks_close.iloc[:5, :8] In [178]: all_stocks_returns = all_stocks_close / all_stocks_close.shift(1) Correlation In [179]: corrs = all_stocks_returns.corr() In [180]: corrs.iloc[:5, :5] In [181]: corrs_modified = corrs.replace(1, np.nan) In [182]: corrs_modified.iloc[:5, :5] Out[177]: a aa aapl abbv abc abt ace acn date 1999-11-18 39.1928 24.2514 21.7924 NaN 3.09830 11.9023 14.3008 NaN 1999-11-19 37.6251 24.6846 22.4756 NaN 3.05589 11.8612 13.9294 NaN 1999-11-22 39.9442 25.0250 22.0185 NaN 2.95767 12.2375 14.0259 NaN 1999-11-23 37.5138 25.2185 22.6264 NaN 2.74784 12.0383 13.9294 NaN 1999-11-24 38.0889 24.9283 23.0373 NaN 2.74784 12.1964 13.3722 NaN Out[180]: a aa aapl abbv abc a 1.000000 0.383146 0.361200 0.164908 0.169508 aa 0.383146 1.000000 0.283109 0.067920 0.254100 aapl 0.361200 0.283109 1.000000 0.032483 0.142794 abbv 0.164908 0.067920 0.032483 1.000000 0.282846 abc 0.169508 0.254100 0.142794 0.282846 1.000000 Out[182]: a aa aapl abbv abc a NaN 0.383146 0.361200 0.164908 0.169508 aa 0.383146 NaN 0.283109 0.067920 0.254100 aapl 0.361200 0.283109 NaN 0.032483 0.142794 abbv 0.164908 0.067920 0.032483 NaN 0.282846 abc 0.169508 0.254100 0.142794 0.282846 NaN
  • 22. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 22/40 In [183]: corrs_modified.max().sort_values(ascending=False)[:5] In [184]: corrs_modified.min().sort_values(ascending=False)[:5] Problem Create a price index that provides insight into the daily tendencies of our 500 stocks. We are going to do this as follows: calculate, for each day, the mean spread between open and closing prices across all 500 stocks. Next, vizualize your results. Plot on the same axes a the volatility of the open and closing price spreads. Note that you may want to normalize prior to plotting. Additionally, find: the 10 days with the highest average open-close spreads the 10 days with the highest volatility in their open-close spreads In [185]: _all_open_list = [all_stocks[tick].open for tick in tickers] In [186]: _all_open_list[0].head() In [187]: _all_open_list = [srs.rename(tickers[i]) for i, srs in enumerate(_all_open_list)] In [188]: all_stocks_open = _all_open_list[0].to_frame().join(_all_open_list[1:]) Out[183]: eqr 0.884192 avb 0.884192 spg 0.883757 bxp 0.883757 vno 0.883234 dtype: float64 Out[184]: wyn 0.178355 pfg 0.175845 dfs 0.175066 dd 0.168540 hst 0.159443 dtype: float64 Out[186]: date 1999-11-18 42.2076 1999-11-19 39.8329 1999-11-22 38.3208 1999-11-23 39.4247 1999-11-24 37.2262 Name: open, dtype: float64
  • 23. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 23/40 In [189]: all_stocks_open.iloc[:5, :8] In [190]: mean_spread = (all_stocks_close - all_stocks_open).mean(axis=1) In [191]: mean_spread.head() In [193]: std_spread = (all_stocks_close - all_stocks_open).std(axis=1) In [194]: std_spread.head() In [196]: joined_spread = mean_spread.to_frame().join(std_spread) In [197]: joined_spread = joined_spread / joined_spread.iloc[0] Out[189]: a aa aapl abbv abc abt ace acn date 1999-11-18 42.2076 24.5183 22.1401 NaN 2.88847 12.1775 14.8134 NaN 1999-11-19 39.8329 24.5647 21.7608 NaN 3.08267 12.0003 14.3973 NaN 1999-11-22 38.3208 24.6846 22.3079 NaN 3.01348 12.0193 14.0259 NaN 1999-11-23 39.4247 25.0018 22.3079 NaN 2.95767 12.1585 14.2116 NaN 1999-11-24 37.2262 25.0482 22.6118 NaN 2.73445 12.0794 13.8848 NaN Out[191]: date 1999-11-18 0.029497 1999-11-19 -0.136570 1999-11-22 -0.136851 1999-11-23 -0.344567 1999-11-24 0.187926 dtype: float64 Out[194]: date 1999-11-18 1.447925 1999-11-19 2.082665 1999-11-22 1.295058 1999-11-23 2.393124 1999-11-24 1.648351 dtype: float64
  • 24. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 24/40 In [198]: ax = joined_spread.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) 3. Returns, by Month Check if AAPL post better daily performance in certain months Average daily returns, by month In [200]: aapl_df["month"] = d: d.month) In [201]: daily_by_month = aapl_df[["month", "return_simple"] ].groupby("month" ).agg([np.mean, np.std])
  • 25. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 25/40 In [202]: daily_by_month In [203]: daily_by_month.columns = daily_by_month.columns.droplevel() Out[202]: return_simple mean std month 1 0.002190 0.034613 2 0.001037 0.025793 3 0.003630 0.027720 4 0.002755 0.030354 5 -0.000095 0.025757 6 0.000647 0.024897 7 0.003089 0.030554 8 0.001921 0.023400 9 -0.000956 0.042424 10 0.003242 0.033829 11 0.001369 0.028624 12 0.000834 0.025551
  • 26. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 26/40 In [204]: ax = daily_by_month.plot.barh(figsize=(11, 11)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: average simple daily return, by month") So, we see that, on average, AAPL has seen negative daily returns (with higher-than-average volatility) in September - earnings? Average monthly returns, by month In [206]: aapl_df["year"] = d: d.year) In [207]: monthly_by_month = aapl_df[["year", "month", "return_simple"] ].groupby(["year", "month"] ).agg([np.amin, np.amax]) In [209]: monthly_by_month = monthly_by_month.diff(axis=1)
  • 27. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 27/40 In [211]: monthly_by_month.columns = monthly_by_month.columns.swaplevel() In [212]: monthly_by_month = monthly_by_month["amax"] In [213]: monthly_by_month.head() In [218]: monthlies = monthly_by_month.groupby(level=1 ).agg([np.mean, np.std]) Out[213]: return_simple year month 1998 1 0.262945 2 0.106502 3 0.151977 4 0.089050 5 0.076243
  • 28. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 28/40 In [219]: ax = monthlies.plot.barh(figsize=(11, 11)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: average simple monthly return, by month") 4. Autocorrelation
  • 29. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 29/40 In [220]: ax = aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame( ).join( aapl_df.return_simple.shift(1).rename("shifted") ).plot.scatter(x="shifted", y="return_simple", figsize=(11, 8)) scrub the outlier and try again In [221]: t_and_t_plus_one = aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame( ).join( aapl_df.return_simple.shift(1).rename("shif ted") ) In [222]: (t_and_t_plus_one < -.5).sum() In [223]: for col in t_and_t_plus_one.columns: t_and_t_plus_one.loc[t_and_t_plus_one[col] < -.5, col] = np.nan Out[222]: return_simple 1 shifted 1 dtype: int64
  • 30. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 30/40 In [224]: ax = t_and_t_plus_one.plot.scatter(x="shifted", y="return_simple", figsi ze=(11, 8)) In [226]: aapl_autocorrs = pd.Series({ lag: aapl_df.return_simple.autocorr(lag=lag) for lag in list (range(1, 20)) })
  • 31. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 31/40 In [227]: ax =, 8), rot=0) t = ax.title.set_text("aapl: autocorrelation") Problem Extract the most signification lag values from above, and understand whether day-of-the-week makes a difference. In [228]: aapl_df["weekday"] = d: d.weekday()) In [229]: aapl_df.weekday.value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index() Out[229]: 0 0.187723 1 0.204534 2 0.205807 3 0.201732 4 0.200204 Name: weekday, dtype: float64
  • 32. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 32/40 In [230]: aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == 4].return_simple.head() In [231]: aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == 4].return_simple.autocorr(lag=1) In [232]: for w in sorted(aapl_df.weekday.unique()): print(w, aapl_df[aapl_df.weekday == w].return_simple.autocorr(lag=1 ), sep=": ") Correlations, with rolling window returns In [234]: aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame( ).join( aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_21_mean.shift(1) ).corr() In [235]: aapl_df.return_simple.to_frame( ).join( aapl_df.return_simple_rolling_63_mean.shift(1) ).corr() 5. Log Returns Out[230]: date 1998-01-02 NaN 1998-01-09 0.010519 1998-01-16 -0.022928 1998-01-23 0.009838 1998-01-30 -0.009699 Name: return_simple, dtype: float64 Out[231]: 0.06890856162364511 0: 0.03307978683299217 1: 0.02142547271905113 2: 0.01132272930404902 3: -0.025362416692087088 4: 0.06890856162364511 Out[234]: return_simple return_simple_rolling_21_mean return_simple 1.000000 -0.004471 return_simple_rolling_21_mean -0.004471 1.000000 Out[235]: return_simple return_simple_rolling_63_mean return_simple 1.00000 0.01565 return_simple_rolling_63_mean 0.01565 1.00000
  • 33. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 33/40 Taking the logarithm of prices allows for easy returns calculations. Additionally, taking the log of a data set can squeeze in outliers and reduce skewness: In [237]: aapl_df["close_log"] = aapl_df.close.apply(np.log) In [238]: ax = aapl_df.close_log.plot(figsize=(11, 8)) t = ax.set_title("aapl: log closing price")
  • 34. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 34/40 In [239]: plot_time_series_decomposition(aapl_df.close_log) In [240]: aapl_df["return_log"] = aapl_df.close_log - aapl_df.close_log.shift(1)
  • 35. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 35/40 In [241]: ax = aapl_df.return_log.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=100) t = ax.set_title("aapl: log daily return") In [242]: aapl_df.return_simple.skew() In [243]: aapl_df.return_log.skew() For skewed data with negative values, take the cube root of it: to separate out the positive and negative values, and it's interesting to look at each group's frequencies separately. In [244]: aapl_df["return_cubrt"] = aapl_df.return_simple.apply(np.cbrt) Out[242]: -1.198448451367238 Out[243]: -3.4413935608928203
  • 36. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 36/40 In [246]: ax = aapl_df.return_cubrt.hist(figsize=(11, 8), bins=500) t = ax.set_title("aapl: cube root of daily return") In [247]: aapl_df["day_of_week"] = d: d.weekday()) In [248]: aapl_df.day_of_week.value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index() In [249]: aapl_df["is_monday"] = aapl_df.day_of_week == 0 Out[248]: 0 0.187723 1 0.204534 2 0.205807 3 0.201732 4 0.200204 Name: day_of_week, dtype: float64
  • 37. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 37/40 In [250]: ax = aapl_df.loc[aapl_df.is_monday == True, "return_cubrt"].hist( figsize=(11, 8), bins=100, density=True, alpha=.35) ax = aapl_df.loc[aapl_df.is_monday == False, "return_cubrt"].hist(ax=ax, alpha=.35, bins=100, density=True) t = ax.set_title("aapl: cube root of daily return") In [251]: aapl_df[["return_simple", "is_monday"]].groupby("is_monday").agg([np.mea n, np.std]) 6. Autoregression In [252]: aapl_returns_2010 = aapl_df.loc[ d: d.year == 2 010), "return_simple"] Out[251]: return_simple mean std is_monday False 0.001286 0.029905 True 0.003341 0.029161
  • 38. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 38/40 In [253]: train = aapl_returns_2010.loc[, 6, 30)] In [254]: train.head() In [255]: train.tail() In [256]: test = aapl_returns_2010.loc[, 7, 1) 0, 7, 31)] In [257]: model = AR(train.values) In [258]: model_fit = In [259]: model_fit.k_ar In [260]: model_fit.params In [261]: params_df = pd.DataFrame(model_fit.params, index=[i for i in range(len(model_fit.params ))], columns=["model_params"]) In [262]: autocorrs = aapl_autocorrs.rename("autocorr").loc[:13].to_frame() Out[254]: date 2010-01-04 0.016518 2010-01-05 0.000701 2010-01-06 -0.016521 2010-01-07 -0.001990 2010-01-08 0.007175 Name: return_simple, dtype: float64 Out[255]: date 2010-06-24 -0.006807 2010-06-25 -0.005433 2010-06-28 0.005089 2010-06-29 -0.044515 2010-06-30 -0.020156 Name: return_simple, dtype: float64 Out[259]: 13 Out[260]: array([ 0.00246467, 0.04125616, 0.03683962, -0.25484031, 0.04155076, 0.09983197, -0.17533004, -0.02235045, -0.07667173, -0.08510721, -0.01421416, -0.03022782, 0.04335507, 0.29210439])
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  • 40. 8/1/2019 Aiden Wu's Sample Code localhost:8888/nbconvert/html/Desktop/PythonRelated/python_fundamentals-master/Aiden Wu's Sample Code.ipynb?download=false 40/40 In [266]: ax = test.to_frame().join(predictions_df).plot(figsize=(11, 8), rot=10) In [ ]: In [ ]: