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The underestimated power of
Vincent Pradeilles (@v_pradeilles) – Worldline 🇫🇷
KeyPaths were introduced with Swift 4

They are a way to defer a call to the getter/setter of a property

let countKeyPath: KeyPath<String, Int> = String.count // or .count
let string = "Hello, Swift Heroes!"
string[keyPath: countKeyPath] // 20
They perform the same job than a closure, but with less $0 hanging around
Let’s look at some examples!
Data Manipulation
people.sorted(by: { $0.lastName < $1.lastName })
.filter({ $0.isOverEighteen })
.map({ $0.lastName })
people.sorted(by: .lastName)
How to implement it?
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] {
return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] }
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] {
return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] }
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] {
return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] }
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] {
return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] }
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] {
return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] }
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
How to implement it?
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] {
return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in
return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute]
people.sorted(by: .age)
Same idea goes for all classic
functions, like min, max, sum,
average, etc.
And if you don’t want to write
those wrappers…
You don’t even have to!
From KeyPath to getter function
func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>)
-> (Type) -> Property {
return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] }
From KeyPath to getter function
func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>)
-> (Type) -> Property {
return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] }
From KeyPath to getter function
func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>)
-> (Type) -> Property {
return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] }
From KeyPath to getter function
func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>)
-> (Type) -> Property {
return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] }
From KeyPath to getter function
func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>)
-> (Type) -> Property {
return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] }
An operator can even make the
syntax shorter!
Defining an operator
prefix operator ^^.lastName)
prefix func ^ <Element, Attribute>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Attribute>)
-> (Element) -> Attribute {
return get(keyPath)
It’s not always this simple…
people.sorted(by: { $0.lastName < $1.lastName })
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
Just build another helper
func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>,
comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<))
-> (Type, Type) -> Bool {
return { obj1, obj2 in
return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath])
people.sorted(by: { $0.lastName < $1.lastName })
people.sorted(by: their(.lastName))
people.sorted(by: their(.lastName, comparedWith: >))
Let’s take it one step further:
NSPredicate is great, but it’s a stringly-typed API.

NSPredicate(format: "firstName = 'Bob'")
NSPredicate(format: "lastName = %@", userLastName)
And it only works with code that is exposed to Objective-C 😩
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a
type-safe predicate system?
We want to be able to write complex predicates, like this one: .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
To do so, we need ways to:

• Define what predicates are

• Construct them

• Combine them

• Evaluate them
Defining Predicates
struct Predicate<Element> {
private let condition: (Element) -> Bool
func evaluate(for element: Element) -> Bool {
return condition(element)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
func > <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] > constant })
Constructing Predicates
func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant })
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
func > <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>,
_ constant: T)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] > constant })
Combining Predicates
func && <Element> (_ leftPredicate: Predicate<Element>,
_ rightPredicate: Predicate<Element>)
-> Predicate<Element> {
return Predicate(condition: { value in
leftPredicate.evaluate(for: value) && rightPredicate.evaluate(for: value)
} .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
Evaluating Predicates
extension Sequence {
func select(where predicate: Predicate<Element>) -> [Element] {
return filter { element in predicate.evaluate(for: element) }
That’s all you need! .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10) 4...18 ~= .age)
people.first(where: .age < 18)
people.contains(where: .lastName.count > 10)
You can even go for more
fancy stuff…
Switching with Predicates
func ~= <Element>(_ lhs: KeyPathPredicate<Element>, rhs: Element) -> Bool {
return lhs.evaluate(for: rhs)
Switching with Predicates
func ~= <Element>(_ lhs: KeyPathPredicate<Element>, rhs: Element) -> Bool {
return lhs.evaluate(for: rhs)
switch person {
case .firstName == "Charlie":
print("I'm Charlie!")
case .age < 18:
print("I'm not an adult...")
Now, let’s look at other
possible applications
Builder Pattern
Builder Pattern
Provides separation between building and using an object
Builder Pattern
let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = .red
label.text = "Hello Swift Heroes!"
label.textAlignment = .center
label.layer.cornerRadius = 5
// do something with label
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
Builder Pattern
protocol Buildable {}
extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject {
func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>,
setTo value: T) -> Self {
self[keyPath: property] = value
return self
extension NSObject: Buildable { }
Builder Pattern
let label = UILabel()
.with(.textColor, setTo: .red)
.with(.text, setTo: "Hello Swift Heroes!")
.with(.textAlignment, setTo: .center)
.with(.layer.cornerRadius, setTo: 5)
// do something with label
Identifiable Pattern
Identifiable Pattern
Enables equality based on an ID
Identifiable Pattern
protocol Identifiable: Equatable {
associatedtype ID: Equatable
static var idKeyPath: KeyPath<Self, ID> { get }
Identifiable Pattern
protocol Identifiable: Equatable {
associatedtype ID: Equatable
static var idKeyPath: KeyPath<Self, ID> { get }
extension Identifiable {
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs[keyPath: Self.idKeyPath] == rhs[keyPath: Self.idKeyPath]
Identifiable Pattern
struct User: Identifiable {
static let idKeyPath =
let id: String
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
Identifiable Pattern
let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
user1 == user2 // false
let user3 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Paul", lastName: "McCartney")
user2 == user3 // true
Validable Pattern
Validable Pattern
Performs property-wise checks
Validable Pattern
struct Validator<T> {
let validee: T
let validator: (T) -> Bool
func validate() -> Bool {
return validator(validee)
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
protocol Validable { }
extension Validable {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>)
-> Validator<Self> {
return Validator<Self>(validee: self,
validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
extension Validator {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<T, Property>)
-> Validator<T> {
return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee,
validator: { self.validate() &&
validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
extension Validator {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<T, Property>)
-> Validator<T> {
return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee,
validator: { self.validate() &&
validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
extension Validator {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<T, Property>)
-> Validator<T> {
return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee,
validator: { self.validate() &&
validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
extension Validator {
func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool,
for property: KeyPath<T, Property>)
-> Validator<T> {
return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee,
validator: { self.validate() &&
validation($0[keyPath: property]) })
Validable Pattern
let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
Validable Pattern
let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
extension User: Validable { }
Validable Pattern
let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
extension User: Validable { }
user1.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id)
.add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName)
.validate() // true
Validable Pattern
let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon")
let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
extension User: Validable { }
user1.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id)
.add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName)
.validate() // true
user2.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id)
.add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName)
.validate() // false
(Of course, you could also use predicates instead of closures 😉)
Binding Pattern
Binding Pattern
Sets up a data-flow
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
@objc func textFieldDidChange() {
destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
@objc func textFieldDidChange() {
destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text
Binding Pattern
class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject {
weak var source: UITextField?
weak var destination: Destination?
var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>
init(source: UITextField,
destination: Destination,
property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) {
self.source = source
self.destination = destination = property
action: #selector(textFieldDidChange),
for: .editingChanged)
@objc func textFieldDidChange() {
destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text
Binding Pattern
extension UITextField {
func bindText<Destination>(to destination: Destination,
on property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>)
-> Binding<Destination> {
return Binding(source: self, destination: destination, property: property)
Binding Pattern
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }()
lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }()
var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name)
Binding Pattern
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }()
lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }()
var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name)
Binding Pattern
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }()
lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }()
var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name)
Binding Pattern
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }()
lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }()
var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name)
Binding Pattern
class ViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }()
lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }()
var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name)
KeyPaths offer deferred reading/writing to a property

They work very well with generic algorithms

They allow for a very clean, declarative and expressive syntax

They are a great tool to build DSLs

They bring some nice sugar syntax to many patterns
KeyPaths are great, use them!

Big thank you to Marion Curtil and Jérôme Alves for their valuable inputs.

You liked what you saw, and you want some of it in your app?
The underestimated power of
Vincent Pradeilles (@v_pradeilles) – Worldline 🇫🇷

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The underestimated power of KeyPaths

  • 1. The underestimated power of KeyPaths Vincent Pradeilles (@v_pradeilles) – Worldline 🇫🇷
  • 3. KeyPaths KeyPaths were introduced with Swift 4 They are a way to defer a call to the getter/setter of a property let countKeyPath: KeyPath<String, Int> = String.count // or .count let string = "Hello, Swift Heroes!" string[keyPath: countKeyPath] // 20 They perform the same job than a closure, but with less $0 hanging around
  • 5. Let’s look at some examples!
  • 7. people.sorted(by: { $0.lastName < $1.lastName }) .filter({ $0.isOverEighteen }) .map({ $0.lastName })
  • 10. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] { return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] } } }
  • 11. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] { return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] } } }
  • 12. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] { return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] } } }
  • 13. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] { return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] } } }
  • 14. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func map<T>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [T] { return map { $0[keyPath: attribute] } } }
  • 15. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 16. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 17. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 18. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 19. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 20. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } }
  • 21. How to implement it? extension Sequence { func sorted<T: Comparable>(by attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> [Element] { return sorted(by: { (elm1, elm2) -> Bool in return elm1[keyPath: attribute] < elm2[keyPath: attribute] }) } } people.sorted(by: .age)
  • 22. Same idea goes for all classic functions, like min, max, sum, average, etc.
  • 23. And if you don’t want to write those wrappers…
  • 24. You don’t even have to!
  • 25. From KeyPath to getter function func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>) -> (Type) -> Property { return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] } }
  • 26. From KeyPath to getter function func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>) -> (Type) -> Property { return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] } }
  • 27. From KeyPath to getter function func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>) -> (Type) -> Property { return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] } }
  • 28. From KeyPath to getter function func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>) -> (Type) -> Property { return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] } }
  • 29. From KeyPath to getter function func get<Type, Property>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, Property>) -> (Type) -> Property { return { obj in obj[keyPath: keyPath] } } people.filter(get(.isOverEighteen))
  • 30. An operator can even make the syntax shorter!
  • 31. Defining an operator prefix operator ^^.lastName) prefix func ^ <Element, Attribute>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Element, Attribute>) -> (Element) -> Attribute { return get(keyPath) }
  • 32. It’s not always this simple…
  • 34. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 35. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 36. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 37. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 38. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 39. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 40. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 41. Just build another helper func their<Type, T: Comparable>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<Type, T>, comparedWith comparator: @escaping (T, T) -> Bool = (<)) -> (Type, Type) -> Bool { return { obj1, obj2 in return comparator(obj1[keyPath: keyPath], obj2[keyPath: keyPath]) } }
  • 45. 🎉
  • 46. Let’s take it one step further: DSLs
  • 47. Predicates NSPredicate is great, but it’s a stringly-typed API. NSPredicate(format: "firstName = 'Bob'") NSPredicate(format: "lastName = %@", userLastName) And it only works with code that is exposed to Objective-C 😩
  • 48. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a type-safe predicate system?
  • 49. Predicates We want to be able to write complex predicates, like this one: .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10) To do so, we need ways to: • Define what predicates are • Construct them • Combine them • Evaluate them
  • 50. Defining Predicates struct Predicate<Element> { private let condition: (Element) -> Bool func evaluate(for element: Element) -> Bool { return condition(element) } }
  • 51. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 52. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 53. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 54. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 55. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 56. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 57. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10) func > <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] > constant }) }
  • 58. Constructing Predicates func <= <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] <= constant }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10) func > <Element, T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>, _ constant: T) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in value[keyPath: attribute] > constant }) }
  • 59. Combining Predicates func && <Element> (_ leftPredicate: Predicate<Element>, _ rightPredicate: Predicate<Element>) -> Predicate<Element> { return Predicate(condition: { value in leftPredicate.evaluate(for: value) && rightPredicate.evaluate(for: value) }) } .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10)
  • 60. Evaluating Predicates extension Sequence { func select(where predicate: Predicate<Element>) -> [Element] { return filter { element in predicate.evaluate(for: element) } } }
  • 61. That’s all you need! .age <= 22 && .lastName.count > 10) 4...18 ~= .age) people.first(where: .age < 18) people.contains(where: .lastName.count > 10)
  • 62. You can even go for more fancy stuff…
  • 63. Switching with Predicates func ~= <Element>(_ lhs: KeyPathPredicate<Element>, rhs: Element) -> Bool { return lhs.evaluate(for: rhs) }
  • 64. Switching with Predicates func ~= <Element>(_ lhs: KeyPathPredicate<Element>, rhs: Element) -> Bool { return lhs.evaluate(for: rhs) } switch person { case .firstName == "Charlie": print("I'm Charlie!") fallthrough case .age < 18: print("I'm not an adult...") fallthrough default: break }
  • 65. 💪
  • 66. Now, let’s look at other possible applications
  • 68. Builder Pattern Provides separation between building and using an object
  • 69. Builder Pattern let label = UILabel() label.textColor = .red label.text = "Hello Swift Heroes!" label.textAlignment = .center label.layer.cornerRadius = 5 // do something with label view.addSubview(label)
  • 71. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 72. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 73. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 74. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 75. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 76. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 77. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } }
  • 78. Builder Pattern protocol Buildable {} extension Buildable where Self: AnyObject { func with<T>(_ property: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Self, T>, setTo value: T) -> Self { self[keyPath: property] = value return self } } extension NSObject: Buildable { }
  • 79. Builder Pattern let label = UILabel() .with(.textColor, setTo: .red) .with(.text, setTo: "Hello Swift Heroes!") .with(.textAlignment, setTo: .center) .with(.layer.cornerRadius, setTo: 5) // do something with label view.addSubview(label)
  • 82. Identifiable Pattern protocol Identifiable: Equatable { associatedtype ID: Equatable static var idKeyPath: KeyPath<Self, ID> { get } }
  • 83. Identifiable Pattern protocol Identifiable: Equatable { associatedtype ID: Equatable static var idKeyPath: KeyPath<Self, ID> { get } } extension Identifiable { static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { return lhs[keyPath: Self.idKeyPath] == rhs[keyPath: Self.idKeyPath] } }
  • 84. Identifiable Pattern struct User: Identifiable { static let idKeyPath = let id: String let firstName: String let lastName: String }
  • 85. Identifiable Pattern let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon") let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr") user1 == user2 // false let user3 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Paul", lastName: "McCartney") user2 == user3 // true
  • 88. Validable Pattern struct Validator<T> { let validee: T let validator: (T) -> Bool func validate() -> Bool { return validator(validee) } }
  • 90. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 91. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 92. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 93. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 94. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 95. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 96. Validable Pattern protocol Validable { } extension Validable { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<Self, Property>) -> Validator<Self> { return Validator<Self>(validee: self, validator: { validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 97. Validable Pattern extension Validator { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<T, Property>) -> Validator<T> { return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee, validator: { self.validate() && validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 98. Validable Pattern extension Validator { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<T, Property>) -> Validator<T> { return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee, validator: { self.validate() && validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 99. Validable Pattern extension Validator { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<T, Property>) -> Validator<T> { return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee, validator: { self.validate() && validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 100. Validable Pattern extension Validator { func add<Property>(validation: @escaping (Property) -> Bool, for property: KeyPath<T, Property>) -> Validator<T> { return Validator<T>(validee: self.validee, validator: { self.validate() && validation($0[keyPath: property]) }) } }
  • 101. Validable Pattern let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon") let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr")
  • 102. Validable Pattern let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon") let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr") extension User: Validable { }
  • 103. Validable Pattern let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon") let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr") extension User: Validable { } user1.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id) .add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName) .validate() // true
  • 104. Validable Pattern let user1 = User(id: "1", firstName: "John", lastName: "Lennon") let user2 = User(id: "2", firstName: "Ringo", lastName: "Starr") extension User: Validable { } user1.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id) .add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName) .validate() // true user2.add(validation: { !$0.isEmpty }, for: .id) .add(validation: { $0 == "Lennon" }, for: .lastName) .validate() // false (Of course, you could also use predicates instead of closures 😉)
  • 106. Binding Pattern Sets up a data-flow
  • 107. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> }
  • 108. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> }
  • 109. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> }
  • 110. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> }
  • 111. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } }
  • 112. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } }
  • 113. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } }
  • 114. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } }
  • 115. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } }
  • 116. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } @objc func textFieldDidChange() { destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text } }
  • 117. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } @objc func textFieldDidChange() { destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text } }
  • 118. Binding Pattern class Binding<Destination: AnyObject>: NSObject { weak var source: UITextField? weak var destination: Destination? var property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?> init(source: UITextField, destination: Destination, property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) { self.source = source self.destination = destination = property super.init() self.source?.addTarget(self, action: #selector(textFieldDidChange), for: .editingChanged) } @objc func textFieldDidChange() { destination?[keyPath: property] = source?.text } }
  • 119. Binding Pattern extension UITextField { func bindText<Destination>(to destination: Destination, on property: WritableKeyPath<Destination, String?>) -> Binding<Destination> { return Binding(source: self, destination: destination, property: property) } }
  • 120. Binding Pattern class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }() lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }() var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setupUI() let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name) bindings.append(binding) } }
  • 121. Binding Pattern class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }() lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }() var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setupUI() let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name) bindings.append(binding) } }
  • 122. Binding Pattern class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }() lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }() var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setupUI() let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name) bindings.append(binding) } }
  • 123. Binding Pattern class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }() lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }() var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setupUI() let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name) bindings.append(binding) } }
  • 124. Binding Pattern class ViewController: UIViewController { lazy var viewModel: ViewModel = { ViewModel() }() lazy var nameTextField: UITextField = { UITextField() }() var bindings: [Binding<ViewModel>] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setupUI() let binding = nameTextField.bindText(to: viewModel, on: .name) bindings.append(binding) } }
  • 125. 😎
  • 126. Recap
  • 127. Recap KeyPaths offer deferred reading/writing to a property They work very well with generic algorithms They allow for a very clean, declarative and expressive syntax They are a great tool to build DSLs They bring some nice sugar syntax to many patterns
  • 129. Conclusion KeyPaths are great, use them! Big thank you to Marion Curtil and Jérôme Alves for their valuable inputs. You liked what you saw, and you want some of it in your app?
  • 130. 😊
  • 131. The underestimated power of KeyPaths Vincent Pradeilles (@v_pradeilles) – Worldline 🇫🇷