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11 150/- E-c {{{g@ 3oo/-
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2011 cgs ftfq-qq tl
Noida. the 20th SePtember, 2018
No. IWAVPR-17/IFC/(INTG)/2015/VoI. IY.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 35 read $'ith
section l7 of the lnlan{ Waterrri,ays Authority of India Act, 1985 (82 of 1985), the Authority, with the previous approval
of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Inland Waterways Authority of
India (Levy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 201 I' namely:-
l. (l) These regularions may be called the Inland Waterways Authority of India (Levy and Collection of fees and
charges) Amendment Regulations, 201 8.
(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
zFtT{ qfrft
tqm m-lgo-s 4l III-{A 6T {FFlitr : 3I{lTqI{uT 9
2. tn the Inland Waterways Authority of India ([rvy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 201 I (herein
after refered to as the said regulations), in regulation 2. for ctauses (b),(c) and (d), the following clauses shall be
substituted , ttamely :-
'(b) "Authority" means Inland Waterways Authority of tndia;
(c ) "tees and charges" means the fees and charges as provided in regulation 4 payable for the services provided
to the vessel or cargo owners for usage ol infrastructure created by the Authority and for use of national
waterways and includes the charges provided to the vessel or cargo owners by any operator duly .
authorized by the Authority;
(ca) "Operator" means a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) which has entered
into a contract with the Authority for operation and maintenance of an inland waterways terminal and is
authorized by the Authority to collect fees and charges for its services as specified in these regulations;
(d) "Schedule" means a Schcdule annexed to these regulations;
3. In the said regulations, in re-{ulrtion l. in thc opcning portion. for words "the Authority shall be classiticd". tht:
rvords "the Authoritt'or bv an1 ()perator duly authorized by the Authority, as tlre case may be. shall bc
classified" shall be substitutcd
4. In the said regulations. lor regulation 4. thc follou,ing regulation shall be substituted, namely :-
"4. Payment of fees and charges- Every vessel or cargo owner shall pay to the Director of Regional Office of
the Authority or to any operator duty authorized by the Authority, as the case may be, the fees and charges as
specified below: -
a. Payment of fees and charges related to Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Composite charges
for all tern.rinals shall be madc as specified in Schedule I;
b. Payment of fees, other than Waterrvays usage charges, vessel related charges and Composite charges, shall :-
i. for all terminals, except the terminals at Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -1, Garden Reach Jetty-ll and British
Indian Steamer Navigation Jettl ) and Kalughat (District Saran) be made as per Schedule II;
ii. for the terminals at Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -I, Garden Reach Jetry-II and British Indian Steamer
Navigation Jetty) and Kalughat (District Saran) be made as per Schedule III;
5. In the said regulations. lbr regulation 5, the following regulation shalt be substituted, namely:-
"5. Maintenance of Accounts - Director of Regional Office oi the Authority shall maintain an account of the
fees and charges received by the Authority. or as the case may be, received from any operator duly authorizcd
by the Authority".
6. In the said regulations, fbr Schedule, the following Schedules shall be substituted, namely:-
Schedule I
[See regulation 4 (a)]
(For Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Composite charges for all terminals)
(D Waterway usage charges
Vessel related cha
(III) Compositecharges
Schedule tI
ISee regulation 4 (b)(i)]
{Fees (other than Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Cornposite charges) for terminals other than
those specifically mentioned in Schedule III)
Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in rupees)
I Movement of cargo vessels 0.02 per gross registered tonnage (GRT) per kilometer for use of National
Waterways and Indo-Bangladesh Protocol Route
2 Movement of cruise vessels Nil for use of National Waterways and Indo-Bangladesh Protocol Route up
to a distance of fifty kilonretcrs (One-way distance).
(i) 0.05 per gross registered tonnage (GRT) per kilometer for use o{
lNational Wateru'ays and tnclo-Bangladesh Protocol Route beyond a
lJistance of fift1' kilornctcr s.
Movement of any other vcssel
not covelcd in above calegories
0.02 per gross registercd tonnrgc (GRT) per kilometer for use of National
Wateru'ays and Indo-B:rugladr:h Protocol Route u'ithin Iudian territory.
Name of the sen'ice Charges (in rupees)
Sl. No.
Berthing chargcs (i) 1000/- for Kolkata/Haldia for trventy-four hours or part
thereof - 6AM to 6AM next clav.
(ii) 500/- for Patna/Guwahati and tenninals on National
Waterway-3 for trventl,-four hours or pail thereof - 6AM
to 6AM next day.
Itiiil t0Ol- for temporan' pontoons for.trventy-four hours or part
thereof * 6AM to 6AM next da1,
Towage On specific request as per actual cost
3 Pilotage '7
501- per day or part thereof per pilot
Name of the service Charges (in Rupees)
I Movement of Over Dirnensional
Cargo (ODC)
1.50/- Per metric ton per kilontcter'i
*A user paying ODC charges tvouid be exempt from payment o[ water,ay charges and vessel related charges
Charges (in rupees)
SI. No. Name of the service
l. Terminal Charges
I i- per ton part thereof
(i) Dry cargo
l/- per ton or part thcreof
( ii) Liquid cargo
IqFr III-uo-s 4] q5{d ;f,l {l$rD{ : 3I{[qRul 1l
per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) and 151- per fort
ivalent unit (FEU)
(iii) cargo
) 5/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof for next
fourteen days
c) l0/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof for
further fourteen days
d) 40/- per metric ton (N{T) per day or part thereof after
thirty-five days and the cargo shall be caused to be
removed without notice and disposed off by the
Authority at the risk and cost of the owner to vacate the
covered area./transit shed/premises and to recover due
(Per day - 6AM to 6AM next da1)
a) Free for first seven days
shed charges
-1. storagc charges
(a) Free for first seven da1's
(b) 2/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof
for next fourteen days
lic) +i- p.r metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof
d) l6l- pcr metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof atter
thirtl,-live days and the cargo shall be caused to be
removed without tlotice and disposed off by the
Authority at thc risk and cost of the orvner to vacatc the
hard stand/premises and to recover due payment.
(Per day - 6AM to 6AM next day)
fbr further fourteen days
( i) stand
(b) ll per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof
fbr next fourtecn daYs
(c) 2/- per metric ton OrilT) per day or part thereof
for further fourtecn days
d) 8/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof after
thirty-live days and the cargo shall be caused to be
removed without noticc and disposed off by the
Authority at thc risk and cost of the owner to vacate the
open area./prernises and to recover due payment.
a) Free lor first seven days
- 6AM to 6AM next
(ii) open area
(lI) Miscellaneouscharges
Sl. No. Name of the service Charges (in rupees)
Crane (including pontoon crane) hire
800/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacity up to five
metnc tons.
2000/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacit)' up to
twentv melric (ons.
00/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacity of
twentv metnc tolls.
r I 100/- per hour or part thereof
3 li ft 600/- per shift of eight hours for the fork lift of the capacity up to
three metric tons.
As per the actual rates of the Electricity Board/Authority including
supply to the vessel
As per market rate and surcharge, transport etc
of fuel/petroleum oil
300/- per kilolitre
t 00/- per kilolitre
aSe tlisposal
5/- per metric ton (IvlT).
N{inimum 50/-
Issue of rveight cerlillcatc : Rupecs tu'ent1' five per vehicle
eighing scale
Schedule III
ISce regulations a (b)(ii)l
{Fees (other tllan Waterways usage charges. Vessel related charges and Composite charges) for terminals at
Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -1, Garden Reach Jetty-ll and British lndian Steamer Navigation Jetty) and Kalughat
(I) cargo rerated charges
(District saran) )
Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in Rupees)
1. Terminal Chargcs
(i) Dry cargo 211- per tonne or part thereof
Liquid cargo 211- per tonne tlr part thcreof
(iii) Containcrised carg<r 42Ol- per twen(y-foot equivalent unit (TEU) and 800/- per forty-foot
cquivalent unit (FEUt
2. Handling charges - Break Bulk Cargo (Exgrort and Import)
(a) Baggcd Cargo
(i) Discharging charges frorn ship to
shore and vice-versa using GRT
160/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof
(ii) tiomjetty to storage yard /
and vice-versa
- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof
Cargo in wooden box or cartons
(i) Discharging charges from ship to
shore and vice-versa using GRT crane
2501- per metric tonnc (.MT) or cubic meters (CBM), whichever is
Iqrrr III-go-g 4] qKfr 6-t {GFH : 3T{lTgl-$l r3
(ii) from jetty to storage yard
,house and vice-versa
80/- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meters (CBM), whichever is
(c) Iron and steel
(i) charges from ship to
and vice-versa using GRT
300/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof
( ii) Movement from jetty to storage yard /
warehouse and vice-versa
100/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof
3. Truck loading/ unloading charges
(i) Truck loading/unloading 50/- per mctric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM)
4. Storage
(i) Warehousc a. Free for first three days
b. l5/- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter or part thereof for
next tw,elve days
c. 271- pcr metlic tonnc (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) or part
thereof tbr further fifteen days
d. 54/- per metric tonnc (MT) or cuhic meter (CBM) per day or
part thereof atier thirly days
( ii) Open Yard a. Free for first three days
b. l2l- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per day or
parl thereof lor next trvelve days
c. 221- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per day or
part thereof for further fifteen days
d. 441- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per dav or
part thercof after thirty days
5. Handling charges for Bulk Cargo (Export and Imp<lrt)
(a) Stone chips
(i) Composite charge for
loading/unloading on to vessel by
mechanical means. move ment to
yard or truck and loading/unloading
on/from Truck
170/- per tonne
(b) Fll'Ash
(i) Cornposite chzuge for
loading/unloading on to vesscl by
pneumatic means, movenrent to yard
or truck and loading/unloading
on/from Truck
per nretric tonne (lv{T)
6. Container - Terminal Service
(a) Loaded container, Loading or
4500i- per twenty-foor cquivalenr unit (TEU) conrainer, 6000/- per
forty-foot equivalcnt unit (FEU) conlaincr and 6800/- per forty-foot
equivalent high cube ur)it container
1800/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TllLl) container, 22001- per
-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 25001 per forty-foot
high cube unit container
(b) container, Loading or
per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, I
equivalent unit (FEU) container and 1200/- per forty-foot
000/- per
valent high cube unit container
to GRT storage yard and
or vlce versa
of containers from
,l Container - Export
per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container' 110001 per
equivalent unit (FEU) container and 13000/- per forty-foot
valent high cube unit contalner
(a) up of ernpty container frotn
storage yard, placernent f<rr
cargo rcceiving from truck.
cxaminations, stuiTing in
and tlansportatioti ol tlie
oaded containcr up 1() GRT jettY
twenty-fbot equivalent unit ('IEIi) contiritrer. 1300/- per
equivalent unit (FEU) cont'.rinet' and 1300/- per fbrty-foot
high cube unit container
700/- per
(b) ft-On / Lifi-Ot'i'i
45 feet containers, the fccs shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee
rent for FEU cqntainers. RBI declared exchange rate for the conversion of currency applicabie fbr the day shall be
any additional movemenl if requested by exporters
and ground rent shall be twice
for FEU containers
Laden containers
a. Free for first tltree daYs
b. 6 (USD equivalent in Rupees; per TEU tbr next six days
c. 12 (USD equivalent in Rupees) per TEU for next six days
d. 24 (USD equivalent in Rupees) per TEU per day for the next
six days
e. 48 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU per day alier 2l
(c) for export laden containers
rent for FEU containers. RBt declared exchange rate for the conversion o[ currency applicable for the day shall be
and ground rent shall be t"r"ice
45 feet containers. thc ltes shall bc l-25 times higher than Fee for FEIJ containcrs
Container - ImPort
foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 13000/- per forty-
500/- per twentY-foot equivalcnt unit (TEU) container. I 1000/- Per
equivalent high cube unit contatner
of laclen containcr from
T slorage vlrtl to un-stufting
Custorn examinations' un'
of container and
rtation of cmpty container
un-stuffing yard to GRT emPtY
a. Free for first three claYs
b. 6 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU for next six days
c. 12 (USD iquivalent in Rupees) per TEU for next six days
d. 24 (USD equivalent per TEU per day for the next six days
e. 48 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU per day after 2l
of Import laden containers
IqFr III-qu-s 4] xIKd ql {qtlr[ : 3R{TgRst 15
45 feet containers" the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containers and ground rent shall be twice
rent for FEU containers. RBI declared exchange rate for the conversion ol currency applicable for the day shall be
9. Container - Empty Container
(a) / Lift-Off 0/- per twcnty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, 550/- per
equivalent unit (FEU) container and 550/- per forty-foot
valent high cube unit contarner
(b) Rcnt per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, 140/- per
-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 140/- per forty-foot
uivalent high cube unit conlainer
For 45 feet containers, the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containers and ground rent shall be twice the
rent for FEU containers.
10. Container - Transportation
(a) L-adcn ancl clnptv transportation
and 1l'our CiRT to NSD/KP]'
toltSOOl- per twentl,-fooI equivalent unit (TEU) conl.ainer,
12500/- per fony-foot equivalent unit (FEtl) container and
l:SOOf- p.r forty-foor equivalent high euhe rruit container
For 45 Ieet containers, the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containcrs and ground rent shall be twice
the rent tbr FEU containers.
11. Container - Reel'er Container
(a) ner power plug 50/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TELI) container and I500/-
iorty-foot equivalent (FEU) container for 8 hours or part thereof
(b) monltonng for 8 hours or part thereof'
(I[) Miscellaneouscharges
Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in Rupees)
E,lectric supplv to tlie vessel As per the actual rates of the Electricity Board/Authority including
2. Bunkering of fuel/petroleurn oil
As per market rate and surcharge
3 Water supply 500/- per kiloliter
4 Weighing scale l5/- per metric tonne (MT).
(Minimum 500/-)
Issue of weight certificate: 50/-per vehicle
5 Weighnrent 400/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 600/- per
forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container
6 Verilied gross massl VGM t 1000/- per container
1 Mooring and ancillary functions 4000/- for 8 hours or part thereof
8 and unberthing assistance
(per Berth./Voyage)
9 ; and unberthing assistance
for Ro-Ro (per
10. cutting charge/ Seal fixing
100/- per container
l1 Container s.urvcy charge per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 600/- per
rty-fbot equivalent unit (FEU) container
12. per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 500/- per
fort-v-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container
t5 charge (ln pp bags in casc of
cargo )
I i/- per kg
l6 Customs appraisement charges in
case of multiple shipping bills
750/- per shipping bill/ bill of entry
t1 lnternal shitiing of loirded container 700/- per trventy-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 1225/- pcr
forty-fbot equivalent unit (FEU) container
18. Truck eno', 50/-
t9 Truck u'eiqhment - per truck
20 Terminal charges Ro-Ro truck 150/- for empty truck
200/- up to 12 tonncs
300/- above l2 tonnes
2l 100/- per hour
Truck arriving at terminal lia RORO vessel will be allorved to move
out free of charge.
survey charge
cntry 150/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) ct-ntainer and 300/- per
ti)rry-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container
weeping for spill over cargo I 5{)/- per container
(tID Discount
The operalor of terminals included in this schedule may offer a discount, if anl', on prescribed rates.
However, the discourit has to be from the revenue share of operator onlv and the revenue sharc of Authority
shall not get afTected due to such discounts.
IADVT/III14lE xty.l23 5 t 181
Foot Note: Inland Waternays Authority of Intlia (Levy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 2011, published
inGazetteof IndiaonJuly l6.20ll videno. IWAVCargo/18412009 aretheprincipalregulations.
Uploadedhvl)tc.of Printingat Governmentof lndiaPress.RingRoad. lvlayapuri
and Published bv the Controller of Puhlications- i)eihi-l l(X)54
New Delhi-
1 10064
Oigitally signed by
I 6:2 1 i4l +05'30
Iruck parking

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  • 1. B TI{E GAZETTIT OF INDIA:EXTRAORDINARY [PARr IU-SEC. 4] 11 150/- E-c {{{g@ 3oo/- urtrc g-e rr{g@ {F-c (qm_ft) st&r 14. HA 1 50- 15. AflFT qqw (*o qm d qFrA q fffi tr t) 13- e-fiq qtd fud A qqd q {fiqt-gffi natat uw 7so/- 6I tt HV oi 700/- qrtrrr E_c lTTgd tzzs / - ge urg@ qtrc 6e;N 18. 76 so/- 19. tr6 O-T S{c 2oo/- qzfr 20 *q ggI{ 150 // - e6 2oo/- 12 eq n?F 3oo/- rz eq t 3rflm 21 tr6 ffi 100- TIU-dI qi-t rr.ilqrc d qrq-q t eft-<.d qs 3ni m& ro 6"13irir.t,..rq ft:vIg drt't flsuft; ,rnro d rrqq, ii kqizn ro ga(, zorr oi tisi sgs<Xred +nrfrq irdvftq qoqFi qrkf,{-r (go gq sqn sqq-6ur 3il-{ {in6q) hfuqq. (t[) E-e g_s 311qfi i qTF-a effi d q-flds furitrd sr t 6{ qd ^t sf,i dr eroifu qd 4146.p1d-*a q-qrd-fi d ffiE"BR ii ilft 3lr{ trfi qd d onor qrD-o-rri 6r q]ur€i 6rar q'1]lffd r€t drrn t [ft'-aE-{-lII / 4 / 3TT. / 23s / 181 3i-q-q eqR :(dT. nft-q 7q1fi7rc+/zoog d 3iilfu ffiTRTd 2011 cgs ftfq-qq tl INLAND WATERWAYS AUTHORITY O!' TNDIA NOTIFICAIION Noida. the 20th SePtember, 2018 No. IWAVPR-17/IFC/(INTG)/2015/VoI. IY.-In exercise of the powers conferred by section 35 read $'ith section l7 of the lnlan{ Waterrri,ays Authority of India Act, 1985 (82 of 1985), the Authority, with the previous approval of the Central Government, hereby makes the following regulations further to amend the Inland Waterways Authority of India (Levy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 201 I' namely:- l. (l) These regularions may be called the Inland Waterways Authority of India (Levy and Collection of fees and charges) Amendment Regulations, 201 8. (2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. zFtT{ qfrft 16. I I
  • 2. tqm m-lgo-s 4l III-{A 6T {FFlitr : 3I{lTqI{uT 9 2. tn the Inland Waterways Authority of India ([rvy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 201 I (herein after refered to as the said regulations), in regulation 2. for ctauses (b),(c) and (d), the following clauses shall be substituted , ttamely :- '(b) "Authority" means Inland Waterways Authority of tndia; (c ) "tees and charges" means the fees and charges as provided in regulation 4 payable for the services provided to the vessel or cargo owners for usage ol infrastructure created by the Authority and for use of national waterways and includes the charges provided to the vessel or cargo owners by any operator duly . authorized by the Authority; (ca) "Operator" means a company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) which has entered into a contract with the Authority for operation and maintenance of an inland waterways terminal and is authorized by the Authority to collect fees and charges for its services as specified in these regulations; (d) "Schedule" means a Schcdule annexed to these regulations; 3. In the said regulations, in re-{ulrtion l. in thc opcning portion. for words "the Authority shall be classiticd". tht: rvords "the Authoritt'or bv an1 ()perator duly authorized by the Authority, as tlre case may be. shall bc classified" shall be substitutcd 4. In the said regulations. lor regulation 4. thc follou,ing regulation shall be substituted, namely :- "4. Payment of fees and charges- Every vessel or cargo owner shall pay to the Director of Regional Office of the Authority or to any operator duty authorized by the Authority, as the case may be, the fees and charges as specified below: - a. Payment of fees and charges related to Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Composite charges for all tern.rinals shall be madc as specified in Schedule I; b. Payment of fees, other than Waterrvays usage charges, vessel related charges and Composite charges, shall :- i. for all terminals, except the terminals at Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -1, Garden Reach Jetty-ll and British Indian Steamer Navigation Jettl ) and Kalughat (District Saran) be made as per Schedule II; ii. for the terminals at Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -I, Garden Reach Jetry-II and British Indian Steamer Navigation Jetty) and Kalughat (District Saran) be made as per Schedule III; 5. In the said regulations. lbr regulation 5, the following regulation shalt be substituted, namely:- "5. Maintenance of Accounts - Director of Regional Office oi the Authority shall maintain an account of the fees and charges received by the Authority. or as the case may be, received from any operator duly authorizcd by the Authority". 6. In the said regulations, fbr Schedule, the following Schedules shall be substituted, namely:-
  • 3. l0 THE, GAZETTE, OF INDIA: E,XTRAORDINARY [PART III-SEC. 4] Schedule I [See regulation 4 (a)] (For Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Composite charges for all terminals) (D Waterway usage charges Vessel related cha (III) Compositecharges Schedule tI ISee regulation 4 (b)(i)] {Fees (other than Waterways usage charges, Vessel related charges and Cornposite charges) for terminals other than those specifically mentioned in Schedule III) Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in rupees) I Movement of cargo vessels 0.02 per gross registered tonnage (GRT) per kilometer for use of National Waterways and Indo-Bangladesh Protocol Route 2 Movement of cruise vessels Nil for use of National Waterways and Indo-Bangladesh Protocol Route up to a distance of fifty kilonretcrs (One-way distance). (i) 0.05 per gross registered tonnage (GRT) per kilometer for use o{ lNational Wateru'ays and tnclo-Bangladesh Protocol Route beyond a lJistance of fift1' kilornctcr s. Movement of any other vcssel not covelcd in above calegories 0.02 per gross registercd tonnrgc (GRT) per kilometer for use of National Wateru'ays and Indo-B:rugladr:h Protocol Route u'ithin Iudian territory. Name of the sen'ice Charges (in rupees) Sl. No. Berthing chargcs (i) 1000/- for Kolkata/Haldia for trventy-four hours or part thereof - 6AM to 6AM next clav. (ii) 500/- for Patna/Guwahati and tenninals on National Waterway-3 for trventl,-four hours or pail thereof - 6AM to 6AM next day. Itiiil t0Ol- for temporan' pontoons for.trventy-four hours or part thereof * 6AM to 6AM next da1, Towage On specific request as per actual cost 3 Pilotage '7 501- per day or part thereof per pilot sl. No Name of the service Charges (in Rupees) I Movement of Over Dirnensional Cargo (ODC) 1.50/- Per metric ton per kilontcter'i *A user paying ODC charges tvouid be exempt from payment o[ water,ay charges and vessel related charges Charges (in rupees) SI. No. Name of the service l. Terminal Charges I i- per ton part thereof (i) Dry cargo l/- per ton or part thcreof ( ii) Liquid cargo related t. l
  • 4. IqFr III-uo-s 4] q5{d ;f,l {l$rD{ : 3I{[qRul 1l per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) and 151- per fort ivalent unit (FEU) (iii) cargo ) 5/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof for next fourteen days c) l0/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof for further fourteen days d) 40/- per metric ton (N{T) per day or part thereof after thirty-five days and the cargo shall be caused to be removed without notice and disposed off by the Authority at the risk and cost of the owner to vacate the covered area./transit shed/premises and to recover due payment. (Per day - 6AM to 6AM next da1) a) Free for first seven days shed charges -1. storagc charges (a) Free for first seven da1's (b) 2/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof for next fourteen days lic) +i- p.r metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof d) l6l- pcr metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof atter thirtl,-live days and the cargo shall be caused to be removed without tlotice and disposed off by the Authority at thc risk and cost of the orvner to vacatc the hard stand/premises and to recover due payment. (Per day - 6AM to 6AM next day) fbr further fourteen days ( i) stand (b) ll per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof fbr next fourtecn daYs (c) 2/- per metric ton OrilT) per day or part thereof for further fourtecn days d) 8/- per metric ton (MT) per day or part thereof after thirty-live days and the cargo shall be caused to be removed without noticc and disposed off by the Authority at thc risk and cost of the owner to vacate the open area./prernises and to recover due payment. a) Free lor first seven days - 6AM to 6AM next (ii) open area (lI) Miscellaneouscharges Sl. No. Name of the service Charges (in rupees) Crane (including pontoon crane) hire charges 800/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacity up to five metnc tons. 2000/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacit)' up to twentv melric (ons.
  • 5. 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:EXTRAORDINARY [PART III-SEC. 4] 00/- per shift of eight hours for the cranes of the capacity of twentv metnc tolls. crilne 2. lContaine r I 100/- per hour or part thereof l'"'o 3 li ft 600/- per shift of eight hours for the fork lift of the capacity up to three metric tons. As per the actual rates of the Electricity Board/Authority including surcharge. lErectric supply to the vessel + As per market rate and surcharge, transport etc lBunkering Ituu.i.unt. of fuel/petroleum oil 5 6 lwrter.unnlt 300/- per kilolitre t 00/- per kilolitre 1 lSerr aSe tlisposal 5/- per metric ton (IvlT). N{inimum 50/- Issue of rveight cerlillcatc : Rupecs tu'ent1' five per vehicle l" eighing scale Schedule III ISce regulations a (b)(ii)l {Fees (other tllan Waterways usage charges. Vessel related charges and Composite charges) for terminals at Kolkata (Garden Reach Jetty -1, Garden Reach Jetty-ll and British lndian Steamer Navigation Jetty) and Kalughat (I) cargo rerated charges (District saran) ) Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in Rupees) 1. Terminal Chargcs (i) Dry cargo 211- per tonne or part thereof Liquid cargo 211- per tonne tlr part thcreof (iii) Containcrised carg<r 42Ol- per twen(y-foot equivalent unit (TEU) and 800/- per forty-foot cquivalent unit (FEUt 2. Handling charges - Break Bulk Cargo (Exgrort and Import) (a) Baggcd Cargo (i) Discharging charges frorn ship to shore and vice-versa using GRT crane 160/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof (ii) tiomjetty to storage yard / and vice-versa - per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof Cargo in wooden box or cartons (b) (i) Discharging charges from ship to shore and vice-versa using GRT crane 2501- per metric tonnc (.MT) or cubic meters (CBM), whichever is higher i. (ii)
  • 6. Iqrrr III-go-g 4] qKfr 6-t {GFH : 3T{lTgl-$l r3 (ii) from jetty to storage yard ,house and vice-versa 80/- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meters (CBM), whichever is liigher (c) Iron and steel (i) charges from ship to and vice-versa using GRT 300/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof ( ii) Movement from jetty to storage yard / warehouse and vice-versa 100/- per metric tonne (MT) or part thereof 3. Truck loading/ unloading charges (i) Truck loading/unloading 50/- per mctric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) 4. Storage (i) Warehousc a. Free for first three days b. l5/- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter or part thereof for next tw,elve days c. 271- pcr metlic tonnc (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) or part thereof tbr further fifteen days d. 54/- per metric tonnc (MT) or cuhic meter (CBM) per day or part thereof atier thirly days ( ii) Open Yard a. Free for first three days b. l2l- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per day or parl thereof lor next trvelve days c. 221- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per day or part thereof for further fifteen days d. 441- per metric tonne (MT) or cubic meter (CBM) per dav or part thercof after thirty days 5. Handling charges for Bulk Cargo (Export and Imp<lrt) (a) Stone chips (i) Composite charge for loading/unloading on to vessel by mechanical means. move ment to yard or truck and loading/unloading on/from Truck 170/- per tonne (b) Fll'Ash (i) Cornposite chzuge for loading/unloading on to vesscl by pneumatic means, movenrent to yard or truck and loading/unloading on/from Truck per nretric tonne (lv{T) 6. Container - Terminal Service (a) Loaded container, Loading or Discharging 4500i- per twenty-foor cquivalenr unit (TEU) conrainer, 6000/- per forty-foot equivalcnt unit (FEU) conlaincr and 6800/- per forty-foot equivalent high cube ur)it container
  • 7. 14 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:EXTRAORDTNARY IPARr IU-SEC.4l 1800/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TllLl) container, 22001- per -foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 25001 per forty-foot high cube unit container (b) container, Loading or per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, I equivalent unit (FEU) container and 1200/- per forty-foot 000/- per valent high cube unit container to GRT storage yard and or vlce versa of containers from (c) ,l Container - Export per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container' 110001 per equivalent unit (FEU) container and 13000/- per forty-foot valent high cube unit contalner (a) up of ernpty container frotn storage yard, placernent f<rr cargo rcceiving from truck. cxaminations, stuiTing in and tlansportatioti ol tlie oaded containcr up 1() GRT jettY twenty-fbot equivalent unit ('IEIi) contiritrer. 1300/- per equivalent unit (FEU) cont'.rinet' and 1300/- per fbrty-foot high cube unit container 700/- per valent (b) ft-On / Lifi-Ot'i'i 45 feet containers, the fccs shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee rent for FEU cqntainers. RBI declared exchange rate for the conversion of currency applicabie fbr the day shall be any additional movemenl if requested by exporters and ground rent shall be twice for FEU containers Laden containers a. Free for first tltree daYs b. 6 (USD equivalent in Rupees; per TEU tbr next six days c. 12 (USD equivalent in Rupees) per TEU for next six days d. 24 (USD equivalent in Rupees) per TEU per day for the next six days e. 48 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU per day alier 2l days (c) for export laden containers rent for FEU containers. RBt declared exchange rate for the conversion o[ currency applicable for the day shall be and ground rent shall be t"r"ice 45 feet containers. thc ltes shall bc l-25 times higher than Fee for FEIJ containcrs Container - ImPort 8 foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 13000/- per forty- 500/- per twentY-foot equivalcnt unit (TEU) container. I 1000/- Per equivalent high cube unit contatner of laclen containcr from T slorage vlrtl to un-stufting Custorn examinations' un' of container and rtation of cmpty container un-stuffing yard to GRT emPtY ard (a) a. Free for first three claYs b. 6 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU for next six days c. 12 (USD iquivalent in Rupees) per TEU for next six days d. 24 (USD equivalent per TEU per day for the next six days e. 48 (USD equivalent in Rupees) perTEU per day after 2l days of Import laden containers (b)
  • 8. IqFr III-qu-s 4] xIKd ql {qtlr[ : 3R{TgRst 15 45 feet containers" the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containers and ground rent shall be twice rent for FEU containers. RBI declared exchange rate for the conversion ol currency applicable for the day shall be 9. Container - Empty Container (a) / Lift-Off 0/- per twcnty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, 550/- per equivalent unit (FEU) container and 550/- per forty-foot valent high cube unit contarner (b) Rcnt per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container, 140/- per -foot equivalent unit (FEU) container and 140/- per forty-foot uivalent high cube unit conlainer For 45 feet containers, the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containers and ground rent shall be twice the rent for FEU containers. 10. Container - Transportation (a) L-adcn ancl clnptv transportation and 1l'our CiRT to NSD/KP]' toltSOOl- per twentl,-fooI equivalent unit (TEU) conl.ainer, 12500/- per fony-foot equivalent unit (FEtl) container and l:SOOf- p.r forty-foor equivalent high euhe rruit container I I For 45 Ieet containers, the fees shall be 1.25 times higher than Fee for FEU containcrs and ground rent shall be twice the rent tbr FEU containers. 11. Container - Reel'er Container (a) ner power plug 50/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TELI) container and I500/- iorty-foot equivalent (FEU) container for 8 hours or part thereof (b) monltonng for 8 hours or part thereof' (I[) Miscellaneouscharges Sl. No Name of the service Charges (in Rupees) E,lectric supplv to tlie vessel As per the actual rates of the Electricity Board/Authority including surcharge 2. Bunkering of fuel/petroleurn oil lubricants As per market rate and surcharge 3 Water supply 500/- per kiloliter 4 Weighing scale l5/- per metric tonne (MT). (Minimum 500/-) Issue of weight certificate: 50/-per vehicle 5 Weighnrent 400/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 600/- per forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container 6 Verilied gross massl VGM t 1000/- per container 1 Mooring and ancillary functions 4000/- for 8 hours or part thereof applied. l.
  • 9. 16 THlr GAZ.ET'I'Ii OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY IPARr III-SEC.4l 8 and unberthing assistance (per Berth./Voyage) 9 ; and unberthing assistance for Ro-Ro (per 1500/- 10. cutting charge/ Seal fixing harge 100/- per container l1 Container s.urvcy charge per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 600/- per rty-fbot equivalent unit (FEU) container 12. per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 500/- per fort-v-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container 13. l1 t5 charge (ln pp bags in casc of cargo ) I i/- per kg l6 Customs appraisement charges in case of multiple shipping bills 750/- per shipping bill/ bill of entry t1 lnternal shitiing of loirded container 700/- per trventy-foot equivalent unit (TEU) container and 1225/- pcr forty-fbot equivalent unit (FEU) container 18. Truck eno', 50/- t9 Truck u'eiqhment - per truck 20 Terminal charges Ro-Ro truck 150/- for empty truck 200/- up to 12 tonncs 300/- above l2 tonnes 2l 100/- per hour Truck arriving at terminal lia RORO vessel will be allorved to move out free of charge. survey charge cntry 150/- per twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) ct-ntainer and 300/- per ti)rry-foot equivalent unit (FEU) container weeping for spill over cargo I 5{)/- per container (tID Discount The operalor of terminals included in this schedule may offer a discount, if anl', on prescribed rates. However, the discourit has to be from the revenue share of operator onlv and the revenue sharc of Authority shall not get afTected due to such discounts. IADVT/III14lE xty.l23 5 t 181 AJAY KUMAR GUPTA' SecY. Foot Note: Inland Waternays Authority of Intlia (Levy and Collection of fees and charges) Regulations, 2011, published inGazetteof IndiaonJuly l6.20ll videno. IWAVCargo/18412009 aretheprincipalregulations. Uploadedhvl)tc.of Printingat Governmentof lndiaPress.RingRoad. lvlayapuri and Published bv the Controller of Puhlications- i)eihi-l l(X)54 New Delhi- ALOK 1 10064 Oigitally signed by KUMAR ALOK KUMAR Date:2018.09.24 I 6:2 1 i4l +05'30 t Iruck parking I