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Presented by: Dr. Soumen Kanjilal
PGT, 2nd year
Moderated by: Dr. A.S. Baishya
Assoc. Prof., Deptt. Of Surgery, SMCH
 Introduction
 Epidemiology
 Etiology
 Pathophysiology
 Clinical features
 Management
 Prognosis
Presentation overview
 Short-bowel syndrome is a disorder clinically
defined by
 Malabsorption
 Diarrhea
 Steatorrhea
 Fluid and electrolyte disturbances
 Malnutrition
 Due to functional or anatomical loss of extensive
segments of small intestine so that absorptive
capacity is severely compromised
Extensive segment
Length of small gut* Neonate 250 cm
Adult Average 600 cm (Range 260- 800 cm)
Short Bowel Syndrome 200 cm viable (Adult)
>50 %-80% lost
Lifelong TPN Dependence
(Minimal gut length required for life)
Adult With intact colon 60 cm
Without colon 100 cm
Infant With ileocecal valve 11 cm
Without ileoceal valve 12-25 cm
*As a consequence, the infant and the young child have a favorable long-term
prognosis compared to an adult in regards to potential intestinal growth after
intestinal resection
Jejunum Ileum
Villi Long Shorter
Absorptive surface area Large Less
Tight Junction Relatively large
• epithelium more porous to
larger molecules
• free and rapid flux of water
and electrolytes
• permitting less flux of
water and electrolytes from
the vascular space into the
intestinal lumen
Water absorption Less effective More efficient
Absorption Carbohydrates, proteins, fat,
vitamins (iron-duodenum)
Bile acids, vitamin B-12
GI hormones that affect
intestinal motility
Enteroglucagon and
peptide YY
• Duodenum (Latin: duodēnum Twelve ) (duodenum is 12 fingerbreadth long)
• Jejunum (Latin: jejunus  fasting )(because it was usually found to be empty after death).
• Ileum (Greek: eilein  to twist up tightly)
SBS is an intestinal failure associated with
the inability to maintain protein-energy,
fluid, electrolytes or micronutrient balances
while on conventionally accepted normal
Short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure: consensus definitions and overview.
O'Keefe SJ1, Buchman AL, Fishbein TM, Jeejeebhoy KN, Jeppesen PB, Shaffer J.
 Prevalence is not identified worldwide
 United Kingdom, the incidence of short-bowel
syndrome which requires home TPN was 2 patients
per million population
 United States, approximately 10,000-20,000 patients
receive home-delivered TPN
 Prevalence in Spain 1.8 patients per 1 million
Congenital versus Acquired
Congenital Short Small Bowel * NEONATAL PERIOD ADULT
Necrotizing enterocolitis Crohn’s disease
Intestinal atresia Radiation enteritis
Intestinal volvulus Mesenteric vascular
Intussusception with
ischemic small-intestinal
Recurrent intestinal
* Also associated with gastroschisis ,omphalocele and meconium peritonitis.
Structural versus functional
Any insult leading to 
< 200 cm or loss of ≥ 50% of viable small
bowel 
Increased risk of developing SBS ( NOT
Length maintained BUT function is lost.
For example:
Radiation Enteritis
Cloacal Exstrophy
alteration of
and infectious
Role of Ileo-caecal valve
 Loss of ileocecal valve
 transit time is faster, and loss of fluid and nutrients is
 Colonic bacteria colonize the small bowel, worsening
diarrhea and nutrient loss.
Colon in Continuity
Colonic water absorption could be
increased to as much as five times its
normal capacity following small bowel
Increase incidence of urinary calcium
oxalate stone formation
(Oxalate is normally bound by calcium
in the small bowel and thus is insoluble
when it reaches the colon.
After massive enterectomy, much of this
calcium is bound by free intraluminal
Colonic bacteria  metabolize
undigested carbohydrates(starch &
fibres) into short-chain fatty acids, such
as butyrate, propionate, and acetate.
(up to 500 kcal/day)
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.
( in absence of ileocecal valve)
 Premorbid length of small bowel
 The segment of intestine that is lost
 The age of the patient at the time of bowel loss
 The remaining length of small bowel and colon,
 The presence or absence of the ileo-cecal valve.
Other factors which affect outcome
Proximal jejunal resection is better
tolerated than distal ileum resection
 The physiologic changes and adaptation of patients
with short-bowel syndrome can be viewed in three
1. Acute phase
2. Adaptation phase
3. Maintenance phase
Sundaram A, Koutkia P, Apovian CM. Nutritional management of short bowel
syndrome in adults. J Clin Gastroenterol. Mar 2002;34(3):207-20.
Adaptations to live without small bowel
 The acute phase occurs immediately after massive
bowel resection and may last up to 3-4 months.
 It is associated with malnutrition and fluid and
electrolyte loss through the GI tract.
 Enteral feedings may also be initiated, but it should
be relatively slow. Patients with less than 100 cm of
small intestine will require TPN.
Sundaram A, Koutkia P, Apovian CM. Nutritional management of short bowel
syndrome in adults. J Clin Gastroenterol. Mar 2002;34(3):207-20.
Acute phase
 The adaptation phase generally begins 2-4 days after
bowel resection and may last up to 12-18 months.
 During this second phase, up to 90% of the bowel
adaptation may occur.
 Villous hyperplasia
 Increased crypt depth
 Intestinal dilatation occur.
 Early continuous feedings with a high viscosity
elemental diet may reduce the duration of TPN.
Adaptation phase
 The absorptive capacity of the GI tract is at its
 Some patients may still require TPN.
 In other patients, nutritional and metabolic
homeostasis can be achieved by small meals and
supplemental nutritional support for life.
Maintenance phase
 Weight loss, fatigue, malaise, and lethargy
 Vitamin A - night blindness and xerophthalmia
 Vitamin D - paresthesias and tetany
 Vitamin E - paresthesias, ataxic gait, and retinopathy
 Vitamin K depletion - easy bruisability or prolonged
 Vitamin B12, folic acid - Anemia
 Calcium and magnesium - paresthesias and tetany
 Low zinc levels - anorexia and diarrhea
Clinical features
 Temporal wasting
 Loss of digital muscle mass
 Peripheral edema
 Dry and flaky skin
 Prominent ridges in nail
 Lingual papillae are blunted or atrophic
Physical signs
 TPN related issues
 Line sepsis and fulminant liver failure
 Enteral Feeding related issues
 gastrostomy or nasogastric tube issues
Work up
 Hematological and Biochemical investigations
 Radiological investigations
 Microbiological investigations
 Histopathological investigations
 Miscellaneous
Work up
Hematological and Biochemical investigations
CBC • Anemia (MCH, MCHC, MCV)
• Thrombocytosis/thrombocytopenia
• Hyper segmented neutrophils
Albumin (half life 21 days) • good indicator of hepatic protein synthesis
• indicator of overall nutritional status
Prealbumin ( 3-5 days) • indicator of acute nutritional status
• monitor the efficacy of nutrition support regimens
AST/ALT • TPN induced liver failure
(Na, K, Cl, Zn, Ca, Mg,Cr, Se, PO4
• TPN monitoring
BUN • Renal reserve
• Dehydration(>20:1)
• Overfed with protein
Vitamins Level
Coagulation Profile • Deranged Liver function
Hematological and Biochemical investigations Frequency*
Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, calcium, magnesium,
Twice weekly
Comprehensive metabolic panel, CBC, triglycerides,
Folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin E, copper, zinc, selenium Monthly
*both in initial phase and the late period or at the time of presentation for
Work up
Radiological investigations
Plain Chest X-ray Post CV line insertion
Plain Abdominal X-ray Suspected bowel obstruction
Barium imaging of the bowel
Abdominal USG fungal balls in the kidney (sepsis)
Renal Stones and related problems
Gall stones and related problems
Liver failure (spleen, ascites, liver texture, Portal
vein flow-Duplex)
CT-Abdomen identify persistent sepsis
Potential Liver/Bowel transplantAngiography
Work up
Microbiological investigations
 Blood cultures (both central and peripheral sites)
 Urinalysis and blood culture (specifically to search for fungal
 CV line tip
• Line Sepsis,
• Gut mucosal atrophy bacterial translocation
• Skin flora penetration
Work up
Histo-pathological investigation
Liver biopsy(rare)
TPN related liver problems
Work up
 Upper GI endoscopy
 to assess for peptic ulcer disease and possible signs of
liver disease e.g. esophageal varices, hypertensive
 Dual radiographic absorptiometry
 Bone density estimation in Metabolic Bone Disease
 Management of SBS is progressed through several
 Management goals varies depending on phases
 Initial phase
 To stabilize critically ill patient
 Controlling sepsis
 Fluid and electrolyte balance
 Initiation of nutrtional support
Goals to be achieved
 As patient is recovered from acute stage primary
goal of management is to maintain nutritional status
 To maximize the absorptive capacity
 Prevent complications of PN and short bowel
 Preserving the intestinal remnant
 Improve the function of remnant bowel
 Augmenting the intestinal length
 Intestinal transplantation
Management options
 Nutrition
 Early aggressive enteral feeding
 Parenteral nutrition
 Aggressive Hydration
 Electrolytes replacement
 Acid reducing agents(PPI, H2
 Antibiotics for bacterial
 Bile salt chelators (Cholestyramine)
 Psychosocial support
 Nontransplant surgery
 Small bowel ± liver
Early aggressive
enteral nutrition*
as soon as patient
can tolerate
most important
stimulus for
of parenteral
 PN support in the early post operative period
 Provision of energy substrate, protein, fluid,
electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and micronutrients
 25-30 kcal/kg per day
 1 to 1.5 g of proteins per day
Maintain nutritional status
 Should started as early as possible when ileus is
 Help to maximize absorptive capacity and to reduce
the complications related to PN
 Patients with small bowel more than 180 cm will not
require PN
 Patients with small bowel more than 90 cm with
colon require PN less than 1 year duration
 Less than 60cm of small bowel might require
permanent PN depending on colon length
Long-term survival and parenteral nutrition dependence in adult patients
with the short bowel syndrome.Messing B1, Crenn P, Beau P, Boutron-Ruault
MC, Rambaud JC, Matuchansky C.
Enteral feeding following surgery
 Continuous enteral feeding may permit greater
absorption of nutrients than intermittent enteral
Continuous enteral nutrition during the early adaptive stage of the short
bowel syndrome. Levy E1, Frileux P, Sandrucci S, Ollivier JM, Masini
JP, Cosnes J, Hannoun L, Parc R.
Factors predictive of achieving
independence from TPN
 Residual Bowel length
 Intact colon
 Intact ileocecal valve
 Healthy (versus diseased) residual
small gut
 Jejunal resection (versus ileal resection)
 Bacterial overgrowth
 Dysmotility
Serum Citrulline* in SBS
 α-amino acid
 key intermediate in the urea cycle.
 Citrullinemia is correlated to small bowel length and to net
digestive absorption of fat
 Cuff-off value of 20 µmol/l classified short bowel patients with
permanent intestinal failure with high sensitivity (92%),
specificity (90%), positive predictive value (95%), and negative
value (86%);
 more reliable indicator than anatomic variables to separate transient as opposed
to permanent intestinal failure.
*Etymology: Latin citrullus = watermelon (from which it was first isolated)
 surrogate marker for bowel length and function.
 past the 2-year adaptive period, a powerful
independent indicator allowing distinction of
transient from permanent intestinal failure.
Post-absorptive plasma citrulline concentration
 Hypo-osmolar diets are started initially to reduce the intestinal
fluid loss
 High protein, high carbohydrate diets are recommended for
maximum absorption
 Providing nutrient as their simplest form improves absorption
 Di and tri peptide sugars
 Medium chain tri glycerides
 Addition of pectin increase transit time and reduce water loss
Maximize absorptive capacity
 Early enteral nutrition
 Provision of long chain fatty acid and fiber
 Glutamine – trophic to the gut as well as act as fuel for
 Meal itself act as endocrine stimulation for adaptation
via various hormones and growth factors
Glutamine and the preservation of gut integrity. van der Hulst RR1, van Kreel
BK, von Meyenfeldt MF, Brummer RJ, Arends JW, Deutz NE, Soeters PB.
Maximize adaptive capacity
 To minimize diarrhoea and GI secretion
 Narcotics – Codeine, Diphenoxylate and Loperamide
 Diminished action over time
 Progressive dosage
 Drug holidays
Antimotility and Antisecretory drugs
 PPI and H2 receptor blockers reduce gastrointestinal
 Clonidine also reduce fluid loss (alpha 2 receptor
 Prebiotics and probiotics also proven to improve
Potential benefits of pro- and prebiotics on intestinal mucosal immunity and
intestinal barrier in short bowel syndrome.Stoidis CN1, Misiakos EP2, Patapis P2,
Fotiadis CI2, Spyropoulos BG3.
 GLP – 2 (Teduglutide)
 Increase intestinal absorption and adaptation
 Produce by entero-endocrine cells in small intestine
 Shown to increase absorption and increase villous height and
crypt depth
 Still undergoing further studies
Short Bowel Patients Treated for Two Years with Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 (GLP-2):
Compliance, Safety, and Effects on Quality of Life P. B. Jeppesen,1,* P. Lund,1 I. B.
Gottschalck,1 H. B. Nielsen,2 J. J. Holst,3 J. Mortensen,4 S. S. Poulsen,3 B. Quistorff,3
and P. B. Mortensen1
Newer therapies
 Complications of short bowel syndrome
 Therapy related
 Diarrhea and steatorrhea
 Metabolic abnormalities
 Nutritional deficiencies
 Infectious complications
 Liver disease
 Physiologic
 Cholelithaisis
 Nephrolithiasis
 Gastric hypersectretion
 Bacterial overgrowth
Prevent complications
 Supplementation of vitamin D calcium and
 Treat bacterial over growth in small bowel which can
cause metabolic acidosis
 Prevent catheter related sepsis
 PN related liver disease – multifactorial
 Maximizing enteral calories
 Avoid over feeding
 Prevent specific nutrient deficiencies
Measures to prevent complications
 Occur in 1/3rd of patients
 Due to increase bile stasis, and reduction of bile salt
absorption which leads to cholesterol stones
 Early enteral feeding reduce the stasis and
occurrence of bile stones
 Intermittent CCK injections prevent stasis
 Consider prophylactic cholecystectomy when
laparotomy is being performed for other reasons.
 Increase risk in colon preserved patients
 Binding of non absorbed FFA with calcium releases
free oxalate which are soluble and absorbed in colon
 Free oxalate bind with calcium and form stones in
 To prevent
 Low oxalate diet
 Reduce intraluminal fat
 Oral calcium supplement
 Cholestyramine binds with oxalic acid in colon
 Due to loss of inhibiting factors from the small
 Exacerbate malabsorption and diarrhea
 Causes peptic ulcer disease
 Prevention by PPI and H2 receptor blockers, which
continue up to 1 year postop
Gastric hyper secretion
Bacterial overgrowth
 Predisposing factor
 Absence of ileocaecal valve
 Dysmotility of residual gut
 Manifestations
 Deconjugation of bile salts and depletion of bile salt stores
 Vitamin B12 deficiency  Pernicious anemia
 Carbohydrate malabsorption  worsening of osmotic diarrhea
 Metabolic lactic acidosis  CNS disturbances
 Dehydration
 Treatment
 Metronidazole alternating with either Kanamycin or oral
 Re operation surgery is required in half of the patients
 Aim is to preserve the intestinal remnant length
 Avoid resection as much as possible
 Surgical options available
 Intestinal tapering for dilated segments
 Strictureplasty
 Serosal patching
 Recruitment of isolated or by-passed bowel segment
Surgical therapy
 Half of the patients can maintain nutrition only on
enteral nutrition and doesn’t require surgery
 But surgery should be consider if they are having
 worsening malabsorption
 Increased requirement for parenteral nutrition
 Disabling symptoms related to malabsorption
 Other half who is stable on TPN can undergo
surgery in the aim of weaning off from PN
When to consider surgical treatment
 Intestinal remnant length
 Intestinal function
 Diameter of the intestinal remnant
Type of surgery depend on
Preserving existing Intestine
Adults with remnant more than 120cm
Initial conservative management
But when dilatation occurs – due to
obstruction caused by adhesions or stricture at
anastomotic site, surgery is done for
adhesiolysis and strictureplasty
Serosal patching for chronic perforation
Tapering Enteroplasty
 Imbrication of redundant bowel
 Longitudinal transection & removal of part of the
circumference along the anti- mesenteric border.
Improving Intestinal Motility
Patients with marginal remnant, 60 -120cm.
They have rapid transit.
Reversing 10 – 15 cm segment yielded good
Other options
 Creation of artificial valves – not successful
 Retrograde intestinal pacing with electrodes
 Colonic transposition
Improving Intestinal Motility
 Patients with short remnant length < 60 cm with
dilated bowel
 Goal is to preserve the functional length and luminal
 When the dilatation is progressive in the absence of
obstruction – adaptive dilatation and attempted
medical management are unsuccessful surgical
intervention is indicated.
Intestinal Lengthening
LILT (Bianchi1980) Procedure
Serial applications of an intestinal
stapling device, with firings
oriented perpendicular to long axis
of intestine
By 2013, amongst 111 patients
operated 47 % cases had achieved
enteral autonomy by 21 months.
1st performed in 2003 on 2-year-
old baby who had been born with
Intestinal Transplantation
 Indications
 Life threatening complications due to intestinal failure
or long term TPN
 Impending or overt liver failure
 Thrombosis of major central veins
 Frequent episodes of catheter-related sepsis
 Frequent episodes of severe dehydration.
 2000 of transplants done in US by 2012
 75% of patients are younger than 18 years
 1 year graft survival is 89% in adults
 But children less than 1 year of age it is 69%
 Patients survival rates are similar at 1 and 5 year
after transplant
 After one year of surgery 90 % of patients are
independent from PN
Intestine Transplantation in the United States, 1999–2008 Mazariegos, G. V.; Steffick, D.
E.; Horslen, S.; Farmer, D.; Fryer, J.; Grant, D.; Langnas, A.; Magee, J. C. [less] 2010-04
Yang feng suffering SBS following resection of small
bowel due to diverticulosis, 1st Chinese to survive
successfully following Small bowel transplantation
Yang Feng, the first Chinese alive who
received a small intestine transplant
holds his bride at the wedding
A seminar on short bowel syndrome

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A seminar on short bowel syndrome

  • 1. Presented by: Dr. Soumen Kanjilal PGT, 2nd year Moderated by: Dr. A.S. Baishya Assoc. Prof., Deptt. Of Surgery, SMCH
  • 2.   Introduction  Epidemiology  Etiology  Pathophysiology  Clinical features  Management  Prognosis Presentation overview
  • 3.   Short-bowel syndrome is a disorder clinically defined by  Malabsorption  Diarrhea  Steatorrhea  Fluid and electrolyte disturbances  Malnutrition  Due to functional or anatomical loss of extensive segments of small intestine so that absorptive capacity is severely compromised Introduction
  • 4.  Extensive segment Length of small gut* Neonate 250 cm Adult Average 600 cm (Range 260- 800 cm) Short Bowel Syndrome 200 cm viable (Adult) >50 %-80% lost Lifelong TPN Dependence (Minimal gut length required for life) Adult With intact colon 60 cm Without colon 100 cm Infant With ileocecal valve 11 cm Without ileoceal valve 12-25 cm *As a consequence, the infant and the young child have a favorable long-term prognosis compared to an adult in regards to potential intestinal growth after intestinal resection
  • 5.  Physiology Jejunum Ileum Villi Long Shorter Absorptive surface area Large Less Tight Junction Relatively large • epithelium more porous to larger molecules • free and rapid flux of water and electrolytes Tighter • permitting less flux of water and electrolytes from the vascular space into the intestinal lumen Water absorption Less effective More efficient Absorption Carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins (iron-duodenum) Bile acids, vitamin B-12 GI hormones that affect intestinal motility Enteroglucagon and peptide YY Etymology: • Duodenum (Latin: duodēnum Twelve ) (duodenum is 12 fingerbreadth long) • Jejunum (Latin: jejunus  fasting )(because it was usually found to be empty after death). • Ileum (Greek: eilein  to twist up tightly)
  • 6.  SBS is an intestinal failure associated with the inability to maintain protein-energy, fluid, electrolytes or micronutrient balances while on conventionally accepted normal diet. Short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure: consensus definitions and overview. O'Keefe SJ1, Buchman AL, Fishbein TM, Jeejeebhoy KN, Jeppesen PB, Shaffer J. Definition
  • 7.   Prevalence is not identified worldwide  United Kingdom, the incidence of short-bowel syndrome which requires home TPN was 2 patients per million population  United States, approximately 10,000-20,000 patients receive home-delivered TPN  Prevalence in Spain 1.8 patients per 1 million population Epidemiology
  • 8.
  • 9.  Classification Congenital versus Acquired CONGENITAL ACQUIRED Congenital Short Small Bowel * NEONATAL PERIOD ADULT Necrotizing enterocolitis Crohn’s disease Intestinal atresia Radiation enteritis Intestinal volvulus Mesenteric vascular accidents OLDER INFANTS and CHILDREN Trauma Intussusception with ischemic small-intestinal injury Recurrent intestinal obstruction * Also associated with gastroschisis ,omphalocele and meconium peritonitis.
  • 10.  Classification Structural versus functional STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL Any insult leading to  < 200 cm or loss of ≥ 50% of viable small bowel  Increased risk of developing SBS ( NOT ALWAYS) Length maintained BUT function is lost. For example: Radiation Enteritis Cloacal Exstrophy
  • 11.
  • 13.  Role of Ileo-caecal valve  Loss of ileocecal valve  transit time is faster, and loss of fluid and nutrients is greater  Colonic bacteria colonize the small bowel, worsening diarrhea and nutrient loss.
  • 14.  Colon in Continuity MERITS DEMERITS Colonic water absorption could be increased to as much as five times its normal capacity following small bowel resection Increase incidence of urinary calcium oxalate stone formation (Oxalate is normally bound by calcium in the small bowel and thus is insoluble when it reaches the colon. After massive enterectomy, much of this calcium is bound by free intraluminal fats) Colonic bacteria  metabolize undigested carbohydrates(starch & fibres) into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate, propionate, and acetate. (up to 500 kcal/day) Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. ( in absence of ileocecal valve)
  • 15.   Premorbid length of small bowel  The segment of intestine that is lost  The age of the patient at the time of bowel loss  The remaining length of small bowel and colon,  The presence or absence of the ileo-cecal valve. Other factors which affect outcome
  • 16.  Proximal jejunal resection is better tolerated than distal ileum resection
  • 17.   The physiologic changes and adaptation of patients with short-bowel syndrome can be viewed in three phases. 1. Acute phase 2. Adaptation phase 3. Maintenance phase Sundaram A, Koutkia P, Apovian CM. Nutritional management of short bowel syndrome in adults. J Clin Gastroenterol. Mar 2002;34(3):207-20. Adaptations to live without small bowel
  • 18.   The acute phase occurs immediately after massive bowel resection and may last up to 3-4 months.  It is associated with malnutrition and fluid and electrolyte loss through the GI tract.  Enteral feedings may also be initiated, but it should be relatively slow. Patients with less than 100 cm of small intestine will require TPN. Sundaram A, Koutkia P, Apovian CM. Nutritional management of short bowel syndrome in adults. J Clin Gastroenterol. Mar 2002;34(3):207-20. Acute phase
  • 19.   The adaptation phase generally begins 2-4 days after bowel resection and may last up to 12-18 months.  During this second phase, up to 90% of the bowel adaptation may occur.  Villous hyperplasia  Increased crypt depth  Intestinal dilatation occur.  Early continuous feedings with a high viscosity elemental diet may reduce the duration of TPN. Adaptation phase
  • 20.   The absorptive capacity of the GI tract is at its maximum.  Some patients may still require TPN.  In other patients, nutritional and metabolic homeostasis can be achieved by small meals and supplemental nutritional support for life. Maintenance phase
  • 21.
  • 22.   Weight loss, fatigue, malaise, and lethargy  Vitamin A - night blindness and xerophthalmia  Vitamin D - paresthesias and tetany  Vitamin E - paresthesias, ataxic gait, and retinopathy  Vitamin K depletion - easy bruisability or prolonged bleeding  Vitamin B12, folic acid - Anemia  Calcium and magnesium - paresthesias and tetany  Low zinc levels - anorexia and diarrhea Clinical features
  • 23.   Temporal wasting  Loss of digital muscle mass  Peripheral edema  Dry and flaky skin  Prominent ridges in nail  Lingual papillae are blunted or atrophic Physical signs
  • 24.   TPN related issues  Line sepsis and fulminant liver failure  Enteral Feeding related issues  gastrostomy or nasogastric tube issues
  • 25.
  • 26.  Work up  Hematological and Biochemical investigations  Radiological investigations  Microbiological investigations  Histopathological investigations  Miscellaneous
  • 27.  Work up Hematological and Biochemical investigations CBC • Anemia (MCH, MCHC, MCV) • Thrombocytosis/thrombocytopenia • Hyper segmented neutrophils Albumin (half life 21 days) • good indicator of hepatic protein synthesis • indicator of overall nutritional status Prealbumin ( 3-5 days) • indicator of acute nutritional status • monitor the efficacy of nutrition support regimens AST/ALT • TPN induced liver failure Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, Zn, Ca, Mg,Cr, Se, PO4 -3) • TPN monitoring BUN • Renal reserve • Dehydration(>20:1) • Overfed with protein Vitamins Level Coagulation Profile • Deranged Liver function
  • 28.  Workup Hematological and Biochemical investigations Frequency* Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous Twice weekly Comprehensive metabolic panel, CBC, triglycerides, cholesterol Weekly Folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin E, copper, zinc, selenium Monthly *both in initial phase and the late period or at the time of presentation for instability
  • 29.  Work up Radiological investigations Plain Chest X-ray Post CV line insertion Plain Abdominal X-ray Suspected bowel obstruction Barium imaging of the bowel Abdominal USG fungal balls in the kidney (sepsis) Renal Stones and related problems Gall stones and related problems Liver failure (spleen, ascites, liver texture, Portal vein flow-Duplex) CT-Abdomen identify persistent sepsis Potential Liver/Bowel transplantAngiography
  • 30.  Work up Microbiological investigations  Blood cultures (both central and peripheral sites)  Urinalysis and blood culture (specifically to search for fungal infection)  CV line tip SOURCE of SEPSIS: • Line Sepsis, • Gut mucosal atrophy bacterial translocation • Skin flora penetration
  • 31.  Work up Histo-pathological investigation Liver biopsy(rare) TPN related liver problems
  • 32.  Work up Miscellaneous  Upper GI endoscopy  to assess for peptic ulcer disease and possible signs of liver disease e.g. esophageal varices, hypertensive gastropathy  Dual radiographic absorptiometry  Bone density estimation in Metabolic Bone Disease
  • 33.
  • 34.   Management of SBS is progressed through several phases  Management goals varies depending on phases  Initial phase  To stabilize critically ill patient  Controlling sepsis  Fluid and electrolyte balance  Initiation of nutrtional support Goals to be achieved
  • 35.   As patient is recovered from acute stage primary goal of management is to maintain nutritional status  To maximize the absorptive capacity  Prevent complications of PN and short bowel syndrome
  • 36.   Preserving the intestinal remnant  Improve the function of remnant bowel  Augmenting the intestinal length  Intestinal transplantation Management options
  • 37.  Treatment (aggressive MULTI DISCPLINARY APPROACH) MEDICAL CARE  Nutrition  Early aggressive enteral feeding  Parenteral nutrition  Aggressive Hydration  Electrolytes replacement  Acid reducing agents(PPI, H2 blocker)  Antibiotics for bacterial overgrowth  Bile salt chelators (Cholestyramine)  Psychosocial support SURGICAL CARE  Nontransplant surgery  Small bowel ± liver transplantation
  • 38. Nutrition Early aggressive enteral nutrition* as soon as patient can tolerate most important stimulus for intestinal adaptation Early discontinuation of parenteral therapy. Prolonged NPO Gut MUCOSAL ATROPHY BACTERIAL TRANSLOCATION SEPSIS
  • 39.   PN support in the early post operative period  Provision of energy substrate, protein, fluid, electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and micronutrients  25-30 kcal/kg per day  1 to 1.5 g of proteins per day Maintain nutritional status
  • 40.
  • 41.  Should started as early as possible when ileus is settled  Help to maximize absorptive capacity and to reduce the complications related to PN  Patients with small bowel more than 180 cm will not require PN  Patients with small bowel more than 90 cm with colon require PN less than 1 year duration  Less than 60cm of small bowel might require permanent PN depending on colon length Long-term survival and parenteral nutrition dependence in adult patients with the short bowel syndrome.Messing B1, Crenn P, Beau P, Boutron-Ruault MC, Rambaud JC, Matuchansky C. Enteral feeding following surgery
  • 42.   Continuous enteral feeding may permit greater absorption of nutrients than intermittent enteral feeding Continuous enteral nutrition during the early adaptive stage of the short bowel syndrome. Levy E1, Frileux P, Sandrucci S, Ollivier JM, Masini JP, Cosnes J, Hannoun L, Parc R.
  • 43.  Factors predictive of achieving independence from TPN  Residual Bowel length  Intact colon  Intact ileocecal valve  Healthy (versus diseased) residual small gut  Jejunal resection (versus ileal resection)  Bacterial overgrowth  Dysmotility SERUM CITRULLINE LEVEL
  • 44.  Serum Citrulline* in SBS  α-amino acid  key intermediate in the urea cycle.  Citrullinemia is correlated to small bowel length and to net digestive absorption of fat  Cuff-off value of 20 µmol/l classified short bowel patients with permanent intestinal failure with high sensitivity (92%), specificity (90%), positive predictive value (95%), and negative value (86%);  more reliable indicator than anatomic variables to separate transient as opposed to permanent intestinal failure. __________________________________________________________________ *Etymology: Latin citrullus = watermelon (from which it was first isolated)
  • 45.   surrogate marker for bowel length and function.  past the 2-year adaptive period, a powerful independent indicator allowing distinction of transient from permanent intestinal failure. Post-absorptive plasma citrulline concentration
  • 46.   Hypo-osmolar diets are started initially to reduce the intestinal fluid loss  High protein, high carbohydrate diets are recommended for maximum absorption  Providing nutrient as their simplest form improves absorption  Di and tri peptide sugars  Medium chain tri glycerides  Addition of pectin increase transit time and reduce water loss Maximize absorptive capacity
  • 47.   Early enteral nutrition  Provision of long chain fatty acid and fiber  Glutamine – trophic to the gut as well as act as fuel for enterocytes  Meal itself act as endocrine stimulation for adaptation via various hormones and growth factors Glutamine and the preservation of gut integrity. van der Hulst RR1, van Kreel BK, von Meyenfeldt MF, Brummer RJ, Arends JW, Deutz NE, Soeters PB. Maximize adaptive capacity
  • 48.   To minimize diarrhoea and GI secretion  Narcotics – Codeine, Diphenoxylate and Loperamide  Diminished action over time  Progressive dosage  Drug holidays Antimotility and Antisecretory drugs
  • 49.   PPI and H2 receptor blockers reduce gastrointestinal secretion  Clonidine also reduce fluid loss (alpha 2 receptor agonist)  Prebiotics and probiotics also proven to improve absorption. Potential benefits of pro- and prebiotics on intestinal mucosal immunity and intestinal barrier in short bowel syndrome.Stoidis CN1, Misiakos EP2, Patapis P2, Fotiadis CI2, Spyropoulos BG3.
  • 50.   GLP – 2 (Teduglutide)  Increase intestinal absorption and adaptation  Produce by entero-endocrine cells in small intestine  Shown to increase absorption and increase villous height and crypt depth  Still undergoing further studies Short Bowel Patients Treated for Two Years with Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 (GLP-2): Compliance, Safety, and Effects on Quality of Life P. B. Jeppesen,1,* P. Lund,1 I. B. Gottschalck,1 H. B. Nielsen,2 J. J. Holst,3 J. Mortensen,4 S. S. Poulsen,3 B. Quistorff,3 and P. B. Mortensen1 Newer therapies
  • 51.   Complications of short bowel syndrome  Therapy related  Diarrhea and steatorrhea  Metabolic abnormalities  Nutritional deficiencies  Infectious complications  Liver disease  Physiologic  Cholelithaisis  Nephrolithiasis  Gastric hypersectretion  Bacterial overgrowth Prevent complications
  • 52.   Supplementation of vitamin D calcium and magnesium  Treat bacterial over growth in small bowel which can cause metabolic acidosis  Prevent catheter related sepsis  PN related liver disease – multifactorial  Maximizing enteral calories  Avoid over feeding  Prevent specific nutrient deficiencies Measures to prevent complications
  • 53.   Occur in 1/3rd of patients  Due to increase bile stasis, and reduction of bile salt absorption which leads to cholesterol stones  Early enteral feeding reduce the stasis and occurrence of bile stones  Intermittent CCK injections prevent stasis  Consider prophylactic cholecystectomy when laparotomy is being performed for other reasons. Cholelithiasis
  • 54.   Increase risk in colon preserved patients  Binding of non absorbed FFA with calcium releases free oxalate which are soluble and absorbed in colon  Free oxalate bind with calcium and form stones in urine  To prevent  Low oxalate diet  Reduce intraluminal fat  Oral calcium supplement  Cholestyramine binds with oxalic acid in colon Nephrolithiasis
  • 55.   Due to loss of inhibiting factors from the small bowel  Exacerbate malabsorption and diarrhea  Causes peptic ulcer disease  Prevention by PPI and H2 receptor blockers, which continue up to 1 year postop Gastric hyper secretion
  • 56.  Bacterial overgrowth  Predisposing factor  Absence of ileocaecal valve  Dysmotility of residual gut  Manifestations  Deconjugation of bile salts and depletion of bile salt stores  Vitamin B12 deficiency  Pernicious anemia  Carbohydrate malabsorption  worsening of osmotic diarrhea  Metabolic lactic acidosis  CNS disturbances  Dehydration  Treatment  Metronidazole alternating with either Kanamycin or oral Gentamicin
  • 57.
  • 58.   Re operation surgery is required in half of the patients  Aim is to preserve the intestinal remnant length  Avoid resection as much as possible  Surgical options available  Intestinal tapering for dilated segments  Strictureplasty  Serosal patching  Recruitment of isolated or by-passed bowel segment Surgical therapy
  • 59.   Half of the patients can maintain nutrition only on enteral nutrition and doesn’t require surgery  But surgery should be consider if they are having following  worsening malabsorption  Increased requirement for parenteral nutrition  Disabling symptoms related to malabsorption  Other half who is stable on TPN can undergo surgery in the aim of weaning off from PN When to consider surgical treatment
  • 60.   Intestinal remnant length  Intestinal function  Diameter of the intestinal remnant Type of surgery depend on
  • 61.  Preserving existing Intestine Adults with remnant more than 120cm Initial conservative management But when dilatation occurs – due to obstruction caused by adhesions or stricture at anastomotic site, surgery is done for adhesiolysis and strictureplasty Serosal patching for chronic perforation
  • 62.  Tapering Enteroplasty  Imbrication of redundant bowel  Longitudinal transection & removal of part of the circumference along the anti- mesenteric border. Improving Intestinal Motility
  • 63.  Patients with marginal remnant, 60 -120cm. They have rapid transit. Reversing 10 – 15 cm segment yielded good results Other options  Creation of artificial valves – not successful  Retrograde intestinal pacing with electrodes  Colonic transposition Improving Intestinal Motility
  • 64.   Patients with short remnant length < 60 cm with dilated bowel  Goal is to preserve the functional length and luminal diameter  When the dilatation is progressive in the absence of obstruction – adaptive dilatation and attempted medical management are unsuccessful surgical intervention is indicated. Intestinal Lengthening
  • 66.  STEP Serial applications of an intestinal stapling device, with firings oriented perpendicular to long axis of intestine By 2013, amongst 111 patients operated 47 % cases had achieved enteral autonomy by 21 months. 1st performed in 2003 on 2-year- old baby who had been born with gastroschisis
  • 67.  Intestinal Transplantation  Indications  Life threatening complications due to intestinal failure or long term TPN  Impending or overt liver failure  Thrombosis of major central veins  Frequent episodes of catheter-related sepsis  Frequent episodes of severe dehydration.
  • 68.   2000 of transplants done in US by 2012  75% of patients are younger than 18 years  1 year graft survival is 89% in adults  But children less than 1 year of age it is 69%  Patients survival rates are similar at 1 and 5 year after transplant  After one year of surgery 90 % of patients are independent from PN Intestine Transplantation in the United States, 1999–2008 Mazariegos, G. V.; Steffick, D. E.; Horslen, S.; Farmer, D.; Fryer, J.; Grant, D.; Langnas, A.; Magee, J. C. [less] 2010-04
  • 69.  Yang feng suffering SBS following resection of small bowel due to diverticulosis, 1st Chinese to survive successfully following Small bowel transplantation
  • 70.  Yang Feng, the first Chinese alive who received a small intestine transplant holds his bride at the wedding