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The Story of God
Creation Fall Redemption Restoration
Biblical Timeline
Genesis 1
“Genesis” literally means “beginning”
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man is the crown jewel of God’s creation
The whole bible is about God’s relationship with mankind
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
From this point on, the bible is about God’s plan to redeem mankind from his fallen
condition, even through the midst of man’s rebellion and opposition
The very first prophesy about God’s plan of redemption is given in this chapter – it’s the
first glimpse of hope (Genesis 3:14-15).
The first glimpse of a blood sacrifice is given in this chapter (Genesis 3:21)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
The first taste of man’s hopelessness is seen in the death of Abel
It continued to Noah’s day
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
This is a glimpse into God’s hatred for sin
This is a foretaste of the final judgment
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
By this time, mankind is so far disconnected from God that people
start to worship many gods (polytheism begins) – Romans 1
God no longer has to judge the world as a whole, but deals with
individual nations. When a nation goes too far past the bounds of
immorality, God can wipe out that nation.
(5 generation cycle) – Hope For America’s Last Generation
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God reveals that His plan of redemption would come through a nation that
He chose out of His own sovereign choice (Gen. 12:1-4)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
This is one of the first clear passages that salvation would come through
faith (Genesis 15:6)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
This is another glimpse/reminder that God would provide the means of
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
From this point on, we see that the promise was given to Abraham, and was
carried on through Isaac (not Ishmael) and then Jacob (not Esau).
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Jacob becomes Israel in Genesis 32 / his sons eventually become the 12
Tribes of Israel
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Joseph’s story is a good picture of God’s faithfulness to his faithful followers
in the midst of opposition – God works out all things according to His
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
400 years of living in Egypt, a new leader rose up who didn’t know about all
of the good they did, and he enslaved them out of fear of their growth (Ex.
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
This is where the law is given / Israel is a theocracy
1) Universal Moral Laws (10 Commandments)
2) Sacrificial Laws
3) Ceremonial/Traditional Laws
4) Laws of Separation
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Israel still a theocracy / Joshua is
the military commander
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
“there was no king in Israel – each
did as he saw fit”
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
Saul, David, and Solomon –
Israel’s Initial Monarchy
(1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11)
David conquered kingdoms and built the palace – Solomon built the temple. The
splendor and potential of the nation of Israel is seen, but sinful leadership causes
misfortune for all the people
Biblical Timeline
God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2)
Man Falls (Gen. 3)
Man’s Fallen-ness
Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6)
God Judges the
World (Gen. 6)
Man’s Sin Continues,
God Creates Nations
(Gen. 11)
God Chooses Abram
(Gen. 12)
God’s Covenant with
Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17)
Isaac is Born, Abraham
Tested (Gen. 21 / 22)
Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30)
Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
Egyptian Oppression
(Exodus 1)
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
Saul, David, and Solomon –
Israel’s Initial Monarchy
(1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11)
Israel divided
From this point on, Israel is divided into the Northern and Southern
kingdoms. Judah and Benjamin are the North and referred to as Judah,
and the other 10 tribes are the south and referred to as Israel
Biblical Timeline
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
Saul, David, and Solomon –
Israel’s Initial Monarchy
(1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11)
Israel divided
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Judah and Israel’s Perpetual
(1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets)
Throughout Israel’s backsliding, God raises up prophets to speak words of warning
and judgment.
We see many promises of a future deliverer who will be the leader that Israel has
been waiting for.
There are some good leaders, but they are few and far in between, and all of them
are flawed.
Biblical Timeline
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
Saul, David, and Solomon –
Israel’s Initial Monarchy
(1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11)
Israel divided
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Judah and Israel’s Perpetual
(1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets)
Jerusalem falls / Babylonian
(2 Kings 25)
The final warning went unheeded, and Israel was taken from their land and taken captive
by a foreign land. Babylon was God’s tool of judgment to Israel.
Babylonian captivity was to last for 70 years
The Persian empire took over Babylon
Biblical Timeline
Israel in the Wilderness
(Ex. 15 – Deut. 34)
Taking the Promised Land
Time of Judges
(Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8)
Saul, David, and Solomon –
Israel’s Initial Monarchy
(1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11)
Israel divided
Moses and the Exodus
(Ex. 2-13)
Judah and Israel’s Perpetual
(1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets)
Jerusalem falls / Babylonian
(2 Kings 25)
Ezra: the temple and city is rebuilt
Nehemiah: the wall is rebuilt
Exiles return to Jerusalem
(Ezra – Nehemiah)
Intertestamental Period
400 years of silence
Many branches of Judaism develop, along with traditions and teachings
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
He came in the spirit and power of Elijah
He broke 400 years of silence
He paved the way for the Messiah
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Prophesies start to be fulfilled literally, and rapidly, starting with His birth
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Jesus challenged the religious establishment and the status quo
No prophet ever talked the way Jesus did (“thus saith the Lord”, vs. “I say unto you”)
He started riots or revival everywhere He went
He chose 12 disciples to follow Him
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
This was the fulfillment of all types, shadows and prophesies of redemption from the Old
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ death, burial and
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Jesus continues challenging the assumptions of His people who thought that the physical
kingdom would be immediately restored.
He brings new light to spreading a spiritual kingdom, and He establishes the church with
one purpose – make disciples
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ death, burial and
Jesus‘ commission and
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ death, burial and
Jesus‘ commission and
Church begins
The church was consummated on the day of Pentecost.
Numbers grew exponentially, and organization begins to take place. Apostles and
Deacons, as well as laity.
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ death, burial and
Jesus‘ commission and
Church begins
Church spreads
The gospel started in Jerusalem with only Jews
The first Christian Martyr (Stephen) catapults the church into “all the worlds” and
believers start spreading the gospel everywhere
Gentiles (non-Jews) are now included in the church
More organization takes place (Elders get established, order and structure is given)
Biblical Timeline
John the Baptist is Born and
comes on the scenes
Jesus is born and comes on
the scenes
Jesus’ ministry
Jesus’ death, burial and
Jesus‘ commission and
Church begins
Church spreads
John’s Revelation of Jesus
The last living Apostle has a revelation of Jesus and His complete Lordship.
This revelation included glimpses of the future restoration of all things, as well as
warnings and instructions.

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Biblical Timeline

  • 1. The Story of God Creation Fall Redemption Restoration
  • 3. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man is the crown jewel of God’s creation The whole bible is about God’s relationship with mankind
  • 4. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) From this point on, the bible is about God’s plan to redeem mankind from his fallen condition, even through the midst of man’s rebellion and opposition The very first prophesy about God’s plan of redemption is given in this chapter – it’s the first glimpse of hope (Genesis 3:14-15). The first glimpse of a blood sacrifice is given in this chapter (Genesis 3:21)
  • 5. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) The first taste of man’s hopelessness is seen in the death of Abel It continued to Noah’s day
  • 6. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) This is a glimpse into God’s hatred for sin This is a foretaste of the final judgment
  • 7. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) By this time, mankind is so far disconnected from God that people start to worship many gods (polytheism begins) – Romans 1 God no longer has to judge the world as a whole, but deals with individual nations. When a nation goes too far past the bounds of immorality, God can wipe out that nation. (5 generation cycle) – Hope For America’s Last Generation
  • 8. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God reveals that His plan of redemption would come through a nation that He chose out of His own sovereign choice (Gen. 12:1-4)
  • 9. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) This is one of the first clear passages that salvation would come through faith (Genesis 15:6)
  • 10. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) This is another glimpse/reminder that God would provide the means of redemption
  • 11. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) From this point on, we see that the promise was given to Abraham, and was carried on through Isaac (not Ishmael) and then Jacob (not Esau). Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27)
  • 12. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Jacob becomes Israel in Genesis 32 / his sons eventually become the 12 Tribes of Israel Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27)
  • 13. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Joseph’s story is a good picture of God’s faithfulness to his faithful followers in the midst of opposition – God works out all things according to His purpose Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48)
  • 14. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) 400 years of living in Egypt, a new leader rose up who didn’t know about all of the good they did, and he enslaved them out of fear of their growth (Ex. 1:8-10) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1)
  • 15. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13)
  • 16. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) This is where the law is given / Israel is a theocracy
  • 17. Law 1) Universal Moral Laws (10 Commandments) 2) Sacrificial Laws 3) Ceremonial/Traditional Laws 4) Laws of Separation
  • 18. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Israel still a theocracy / Joshua is the military commander
  • 19. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) “there was no king in Israel – each did as he saw fit”
  • 20. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) Saul, David, and Solomon – Israel’s Initial Monarchy (1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11) David conquered kingdoms and built the palace – Solomon built the temple. The splendor and potential of the nation of Israel is seen, but sinful leadership causes misfortune for all the people
  • 21. Biblical Timeline God Creates The Universe God Creates Man (Gen. 1-2) Man Falls (Gen. 3) Man’s Fallen-ness Perpetuates (Gen. 4-6) God Judges the World (Gen. 6) Man’s Sin Continues, God Creates Nations (Gen. 11) God Chooses Abram (Gen. 12) God’s Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15 / 17) Isaac is Born, Abraham Tested (Gen. 21 / 22) Sons of Jacob (Gen. 29-30) Jacob and Esau (Gen. 25 / 27) Joseph (Gen. 37-48) Egyptian Oppression (Exodus 1) Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) Saul, David, and Solomon – Israel’s Initial Monarchy (1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11) Israel divided From this point on, Israel is divided into the Northern and Southern kingdoms. Judah and Benjamin are the North and referred to as Judah, and the other 10 tribes are the south and referred to as Israel
  • 22. Biblical Timeline Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) Saul, David, and Solomon – Israel’s Initial Monarchy (1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11) Israel divided Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Judah and Israel’s Perpetual Backsliding (1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets) Throughout Israel’s backsliding, God raises up prophets to speak words of warning and judgment. We see many promises of a future deliverer who will be the leader that Israel has been waiting for. There are some good leaders, but they are few and far in between, and all of them are flawed.
  • 23. Biblical Timeline Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) Saul, David, and Solomon – Israel’s Initial Monarchy (1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11) Israel divided Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Judah and Israel’s Perpetual Backsliding (1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets) Jerusalem falls / Babylonian Captivity (2 Kings 25) The final warning went unheeded, and Israel was taken from their land and taken captive by a foreign land. Babylon was God’s tool of judgment to Israel. Babylonian captivity was to last for 70 years The Persian empire took over Babylon
  • 24. Biblical Timeline Israel in the Wilderness (Ex. 15 – Deut. 34) Taking the Promised Land (Joshua) Time of Judges (Jud. 1 – 1 Sam. 8) Saul, David, and Solomon – Israel’s Initial Monarchy (1 Sam. 8 – 1 Kings 11) Israel divided Moses and the Exodus (Ex. 2-13) Judah and Israel’s Perpetual Backsliding (1 Kings – 2 Kings and Prophets) Jerusalem falls / Babylonian Captivity (2 Kings 25) Ezra: the temple and city is rebuilt Nehemiah: the wall is rebuilt Exiles return to Jerusalem (Ezra – Nehemiah)
  • 25. Intertestamental Period 400 years of silence Many branches of Judaism develop, along with traditions and teachings
  • 26. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes He came in the spirit and power of Elijah He broke 400 years of silence He paved the way for the Messiah
  • 27. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Prophesies start to be fulfilled literally, and rapidly, starting with His birth Jesus is born and comes on the scenes
  • 28. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Jesus challenged the religious establishment and the status quo No prophet ever talked the way Jesus did (“thus saith the Lord”, vs. “I say unto you”) He started riots or revival everywhere He went He chose 12 disciples to follow Him Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry
  • 29. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes This was the fulfillment of all types, shadows and prophesies of redemption from the Old Testament Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection
  • 30. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Jesus continues challenging the assumptions of His people who thought that the physical kingdom would be immediately restored. He brings new light to spreading a spiritual kingdom, and He establishes the church with one purpose – make disciples Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection Jesus‘ commission and ascension
  • 31. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection Jesus‘ commission and ascension Church begins The church was consummated on the day of Pentecost. Numbers grew exponentially, and organization begins to take place. Apostles and Deacons, as well as laity.
  • 32. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection Jesus‘ commission and ascension Church begins Church spreads The gospel started in Jerusalem with only Jews The first Christian Martyr (Stephen) catapults the church into “all the worlds” and believers start spreading the gospel everywhere Gentiles (non-Jews) are now included in the church More organization takes place (Elders get established, order and structure is given)
  • 33. Biblical Timeline John the Baptist is Born and comes on the scenes Jesus is born and comes on the scenes Jesus’ ministry Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection Jesus‘ commission and ascension Church begins Church spreads John’s Revelation of Jesus The last living Apostle has a revelation of Jesus and His complete Lordship. This revelation included glimpses of the future restoration of all things, as well as warnings and instructions.