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K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 1
Practice Tests
K12 Life Science
For Middle
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 2
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 3
Table of Contents
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 1 MS Studying Life.................................................................................5
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 2 MS What is a Living Organism..........................................................14
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 3 MS Cells and Their Structures..........................................................23
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 4 MS Cell Functions.............................................................................29
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 5 MS Cell Division, Reproduction, and Protein Synthesis...................35
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 6 MS Genetics .....................................................................................44
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 7 MS Evolution....................................................................................53
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 8 MS Prokaryotes................................................................................62
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 9 MS Protists and Fungi ......................................................................68
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 10 MS Plants .......................................................................................74
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 11 MS Introduction to Animals...........................................................83
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 12 MS Invertebrates ...........................................................................89
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 13 MS Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles...........................................103
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 14 MS Birds and Mammals ...............................................................115
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 15 MS Animal Behavior.....................................................................124
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 4
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 16 MS Skin, Bones, and Muscles.......................................................130
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 17 MS Food and the Digestive System..............................................141
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 18 MS Cardiovascular System...........................................................150
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 19 MS Respiratory and Excretory Systems .......................................159
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 20 MS Controlling the Body..............................................................165
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 22 MS Reproductive Systems and Life Stages ..................................174
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 23 MS Introduction to Ecology .........................................................183
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 24 MS Ecosystem Dynamics..............................................................198
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 25 MS Environmental Problems .......................................................207
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 5
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 1 MS Studying Life
1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Claims must be ___________ by ___________ evidence.
1. backed, adequate
2. backed, asks
3. questions, scientist
4. backed, wonders
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Scientists repeat their experiments so they were confident in their results.
B. A scientist wonders and asks questions.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Scientists explain the world based on their observations.
B. A scientist wonders and asks questions.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance.
B. Scientific theory describe how traits are passed from parents to their offspring.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
___________ was a dinosaur ___________.
1. Dimetrodon, chemical
2. Dimetrodon, scientists
3. Dimetrodon, ancestor
4. knowledge, keeps
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 6
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Science is a way of learning about the natural world that depends on evidence, reasoning, and
repeated testing.
2. A scientist is observant.
3. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance.
4. Scientists repeat their experiments so they were confident in their reasoning.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance.
2. Claims must be backed by adequate reasoning.
3. A scientist is observant.
4. Scientists explain the world based on their observations.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A scientist wonders and asks questions.
2. Scientific knowledge keeps changing because scientists are always `` doing science. ''
3. A scientific theory is a description of what always occurs under certain conditions in nature.
4. A scientific law explains how living things change through time as they adapt to their environment.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. If Scientists develop new ideas about the way the world works, they set up ways to test these new
2. Scientific law are tested and confirmed repeatedly.
3. A scientist wonders and asks questions.
4. A scientific law explains how living things change through time as they adapt to their environment.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A scientific law is a broad explanation that is widely accepted because it is supported by a great deal
of evidence.
2. A scientist is observant.
3. A scientist is skeptical.
4. A scientific theory describes many observations but does n't explain them.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
A scientist tries to find answers using _____ and _____.
1. logic, confirmed
2. logic, repeated testing
3. evidence, logic
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 7
4. logic, evidence
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Scientific theories are _____ and _____ repeatedly.
1. tested, confirmed
2. confirmed, logic
3. confirmed, repeated testing
4. confirmed, evidence
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Science is a way of learning about the natural world that depends on _____, reasoning, and _____.
1. evidence, repeated testing
2. repeated testing, confirmed
3. repeated testing, logic
4. repeated testing, evidence
14) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Controls are kept constant so they will not affect the results of the experiment.
B. The steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test
hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
15) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Replication allows other scientists to repeat the ___________ to ___________ whether they get the
same results.
1. investigation, Experimental
2. investigation, Controls
3. investigation, see
4. investigation, testing
16) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The senses include sight, hearing, touch, feel, smell, and taste.
B. Experimental controls are other factors that might affect the independent variable.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 8
17) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
The ___________ in the ___________ methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form
Hypotesis, Test hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results.
1. steps, anything
2. steps, often
3. steps, scientific
4. steps, takes
18) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question.
B. The scientific investigation is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
19) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The scientific method is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question.
2. The steps in the scientific methods are Make notes, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypothesis,
Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results.
3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question.
4. An experiment investigates the effects of dependent variable on independent variable.
20) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Teh steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test
hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results.
2. The senses include sight, hearing, touch, feel, smell, and taste.
3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific investigation.
4. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question.
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific investigation.
2. Testable means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing that it 's false.
3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question.
4. Controls may be kept constant so they will not affect the results of the experiment.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. An experiment investigates the effects of independent variable on dependent variable.
2. The scientific investigation means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 9
that it 's false.
3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question.
4. An experiment investigates the effects of dependent variable on independent variable.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A scientific investigation follows a general plan called the scientific method.
2. The scientific method is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question.
3. A scientific method follows a general plan called the scientific method.
4. Testable means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing that it 's false.
24) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
When results are communicated, scientists should describe their _____ and how it was _____ in
addition to the results of the test.
1. tested, Communicate
2. hypothesis, tested
3. tested, taste
4. tested, Conslusion
25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Teh steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test
hypoteshis, Draw _____ and _____ Results.
1. Conslusion, Communicate
2. Communicate, touch
3. Communicate, tested
4. Communicate, hearing
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The senses include sight, _____, _____, _____, and _____.
1. touch, smell, taste, tested
2. hearing, touch, smell, taste
3. hearing, smell, taste, Communicate
4. hearing, smell, taste, Conslusion
27) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria.
B. Many important life science discoveries would not have been possible without the microscope.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 10
4. Only B is true.
28) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Microscope gave scientists a direct view into the unseen world of the extremely tiny.
B. Many important life science discoveries would not have been possible without the microscope.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
29) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to ___________ ___________ things with a
1. study, it
2. study, Hans
3. study, living
4. study, 1600s
30) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Microscope gave scientists a direct view into the unseen world of the extremely tiny.
B. He was the first to observe bacteria.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
31) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
The ___________ of the microscope ___________ scientists to see cells, bacteria, and many other
structures that are ___________ small to be seen with the unaided eye.
1. invention, unaided, observe
2. invention, allowed, too
3. invention, first, too
4. invention, unaided, continued
32) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s.
2. Robert Hooke was the first to identify and describe cells.
3. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
4. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria.
33) Identify all true sentences from the following
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 11
1. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
2. Robert Hooke was the first to identify and describe cells.
3. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria.
4. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
34) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. In the late 1600s, van Leeuwenhoek improved the microscope.
2. Electron microscopes continued to improve and are still used today.
3. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s.
4. To see extremely small objects, an light microscope, must be used.
35) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Leeuwenhoek was the first to identify and describe cells.
2. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
3. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s.
4. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
36) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. To see extremely small objects, an light microscope, must be used.
2. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope.
3. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria.
4. He used it to observe many living cells and organisms.
37) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Robert Hooke was the first to identify and _____ cells.
1. describe, used
2. describe, other many structures
3. describe, organisms
4. identify and, describe
38) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
He used it to observe many living cells and _____.
1. living many cells, organisms
2. organisms, other many structures
3. organisms, used
4. organisms, describe
39) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The invention of the microscope allowed scientists to see _____, _____, and many other structures
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 12
that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye.
1. bacteria, other many structures, Zacharias Jansen
2. cells, other many structures, describe
3. cells, bacteria, other many structures
4. bacteria, other many structures, used
40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Light microscopes _____ to improve and are still _____ today.
1. used, describe
2. used, other many structures
3. used, organisms
4. continued, used
41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ made the first light microscope in the late 1500s.
1. Zacharias Jansen, organisms
2. Zacharias Jansen, used
3. Hans, Zacharias Jansen
4. Zacharias Jansen, other many structures
42) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Lab safety symbols warn of specific hazards, such as flames or broken __________________.
1. glass
2. specific
3. immediately
4. basic
43) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
___________ the symbols ___________ ___________ to recognize and avoid the dangers.
1. Knowing, allows, you
2. Knowing, recognize, recognize
3. Knowing, warn, you
4. gear, recognize, warn
44) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety gear, helps prevent accidents in the lab and
in the field.
B. All accidents should be reported immediately.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 13
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
45) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety gear, __________________ prevent accidents in
the lab and in the field.
1. dangers
2. immediately
3. symbols
4. helps
46) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety __________________, helps prevent accidents
in the lab and in the field.
1. symbols
2. gear
3. immediately
4. wearing
1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 1 5. 3 6. 1,2 7. 3,4 8. 1,2 9. 1,3 10. 2,3 11. 3 12. 1 13.
1 14. 2 15. 3 16. 1 17. 3 18. 3 19. 1,3 20. 1,4 21. 2,3 22. 1,3 23. 1,2,4 24.
2 25. 1 26. 2 27. 4 28. 2 29. 3 30. 2 31. 2 32. 1,2 33. 1,2 34. 1,3 35.
3,4 36. 2,4 37. 4 38. 1 39. 3 40. 4 41. 3 42. 1 43. 1 44. 2 45. 4 46. 2
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 14
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 2 MS What is a Living Organism
1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Like plants, all living __________________ have the capacity for growth.
1. Organisms
2. things
3. Reproduction
4. other
2) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
The ability to ___________ is another characteristic of ___________ ___________.
1. reproduce, made, made
2. reproduce, made, causes
3. reproduce, Reproduction, things
4. reproduce, living, things
3) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
All ___________ ___________ are made of one or more cells.
1. living, things
2. made, causes
3. living, causes
4. living, made
4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Producers use sunlight for energy to ___________ their ___________ ___________.
1. produce, controlling, food
2. produce, own, food
3. produce, Multicellular, made
4. produce, Multicellular, Multicellular
5) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Cells are the basic building blocks of life.
B. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 15
1. All living things maintain a stable internal environment.
2. All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their internal temperature, blood
pressuere, water balance, and acidity.
3. Consumers eat plants.
4. When the cell 's internal environment is stable, the condition is called homeostasis.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. All living things grow and reproduce.
2. All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their internal temperature, blood
pressuere, water balance, and acidity.
3. Single-celled living organisms have ways of maintaining homeostasis.
4. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Single-celled organisms grow in size by reproduction.
2. A stimulus response is something in the environment that causes a reaction in an organism.
3. All living things maintain a stable internal environment.
4. All living things are made of one or more cells.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. All living things grow and reproduce.
2. All living things respond to stimuli in their environment.
3. When the cell 's internal environment is stable, the condition is called homeostasis.
4. Organisms may be grouped on the basis of the source of food they use.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. In sexual reproduction, the daughter cells are identical to each other and to the parent cell.
2. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food.
3. A stimulus is something in the environment that causes a reaction in an organism.
4. Single-celled living organisms have ways of maintaining homeostasis.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
All living things grow and reproduce.
1. reproduce, acidity
2. reproduce, internal temperature
3. reproduce, other organisms
4. grow and, reproduce
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 16
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Multicellular organisms like ducks grow by increasing the _____ and _____ of their cells.
1. number, acidity
2. number, reproduce
3. number, internal temperature
4. size, number
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In asexual reproduction, the daughter cells are identical to each _____ and to the _____.
1. parent cell, internal temperature
2. parent cell, acidity
3. other, parent cell
4. parent cell, reproduce
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their _____, _____, and _____.
1. water balance, acidity, parent cell
2. water balance, acidity, Plants
3. water balance, acidity, number
4. internal temperature, water balance, acidity
15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ use this food for energy.
1. other organisms, acidity
2. other organisms, internal temperature
3. other organisms, reproduce
4. Plants, other organisms
16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Proteins ___________ up biochemical reactions ___________ life processes.
1. fatty, form
2. speed, regulate
3. speed, other
4. speed, simple
17) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Carbon is an element that has a tremendous ability to form large compounds.
B. Catabolic reactions require energy.
1. Both A and B are false.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 17
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
18) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Enzymes are highly specific for certain chemical reactions, so they are very effective.
B. The sequence of amino acids in chains and the number of chains in a protein determine the
protein 's shape.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Nucleic acids stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins.
B. Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of biochemical reactions.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Phospholipids make up the cell ___________ of ___________ ___________.
1. membranes, involved, things
2. membranes, living, things
3. membranes, bind, things
4. membranes, adenine, things
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Each atom of carbon can form four chemical bonds with other atoms.
2. The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is a molecule.
3. Lipids provide energy to cells stores energy in plants stores energy in animals makes up the cell walls
of plants.
4. Carbohydrates contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A compound is a unique type of matter in which two or more elements are combined chemically in a
certain ratio.
2. The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is a molecule.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 18
3. Carbohydrates speed up biochemical reactions regulate life processes.
4. Lipids contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Proteins contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur.
2. Nucleic acids contains proteins, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
3. Nucleic acids contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
4. The smallest particle of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is an atom.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen.
2. Plants and some other organisms make glucose in the process of photosynthesis.
3. Nucleus stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins.
4. Plants make starches to store extra glucose.
25) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Lipids contains carbon and oxygen.
2. Lipids provide energy to cells stores energy in plants stores energy in animals makes up the cell walls
of plants.
3. Nucleic acids contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.
4. Nucleic acids stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins.
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Photosynthesis is the process in which producers capture light energy from the sun and use it to
make glucose.
1. use it to make glucose, fats
2. use it to make glucose, stored
3. capture light energy from the sun and, use it to make glucose
4. use it to make glucose, cellular respiration
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Types of lipids include _____, _____, and _____.
1. fats, oils, phospholipids
2. oils, phospholipids, cellular respiration
3. oils, phospholipids, make cell membranes
4. oils, phospholipids, one
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ may be elements or compounds.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 19
1. products, cellular respiration
2. Reactants, products
3. products, fats
4. products, stored
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Carbohydrates contains _____, _____, and _____.
1. carbon, oxygen, oils
2. carbon, oxygen, cellular respiration
3. hydrogen, oxygen, sugar
4. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The sequence of _____ in chains and the _____ of chains in a protein determine the protein 's shape.
1. number, phospholipids
2. number, cellular respiration
3. number, stored
4. amino acids, number
31) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
A species is defined as a group of organisms that can ___________ and produce fertile offspring
1. breed, together
2. breed, nomenclature
3. breed, given
4. nomenclature, unique
32) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The cells of all Eukarya have a nucleus and other organelles.
B. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
33) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The Archaea Domain includes only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Bacteria Domain includes
only the Bacteria Kingdom.
B. Each phylum is divided into classes, each class into orders, each order into families, and each
family into genera.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 20
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
34) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
A virus is nothing more than some DNA or RNA __________________ by a coat of proteins.
1. surrounded
2. broadest
3. added
4. phylum
35) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
The Archaea and Bacteria Domains ___________ only ___________ organisms.
1. contain, classifications
2. contain, father
3. contain, single-celled
4. contain, structure
36) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Kingdoms are divided, in turn, into phyla.
2. Carl Linnaeus is called the `` father of taxonomy. ''
3. Modern scientists base classifications of living things mainly on cellular similarities.
4. Modern scientists base classifications of living things mainly on molecular similarities.
37) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Scientists classify living things in order to organize and make sense of the incredible diversity of life.
2. The Archaea Domain includes only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Fungus Domain includes only the
Bacteria Kingdom.
3. The Archaea and Bacteria Domains contain only single-celled or multicellular organisms.
4. Carl Linnaeus is called the `` father of taxonomy. ''
38) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. As a result of microscopes, a new taxon, called the domain, was added to the classification system.
2. The cells of Archaea and Bacteria have a nucleus.
3. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy.
4. The cells of all Eukarya do not have a nucleus and other organelles.
39) Identify all true sentences from the following
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 21
1. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy.
2. A virus use energy, respond to stimuli, grow, or maintain homeostasis.
3. The species is the narrowest category in the Linnaean system.
4. Scientists classify living things in order to organize and make sense of the incredible diversity of life.
40) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The science of classifying objects or elements is called taxonomy.
2. A virus use energy, respond to stimuli, grow, or maintain homeostasis.
3. In the Linnaean system includes the Plant Kingdom, Fungus Kingdom, and Protist Kingdom.
4. The species is the narrowest category in the Linnaean system.
41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In binomial nomenclature, both names are always _____ in italics, and the genus name is always
1. capitalized, reproduce, viruses can evolve
2. capitalized, Plant
3. capitalized, order
4. written, capitalized
42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The Archaea Domain _____ only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Bacteria Domain _____ only the
Bacteria Kingdom.
1. reproduce, viruses can evolve
2. includes
3. other organelles
4. make
43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Both _____ and _____ have cells walls, but their cell walls are made of different materials.
1. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve
2. Archaea, Bacteria
3. Bacteria, other organelles
4. Bacteria, Animal
44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The cells of _____ and _____ lack a nucleus.
1. Bacteria, other organelles
2. Archaea, Bacteria
3. Bacteria, Animal
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 22
4. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve
45) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ may seem more similar to each other than either is to Eukarya.
1. Bacteria, other organelles
2. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve
3. Archaea, Bacteria
4. Bacteria, Animal
1. 2 2. 4 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2 6. 1,3 7. 1,4 8. 3,4 9. 1,2 10. 2,3 11. 4 12. 4 13.
3 14. 4 15. 4 16. 2 17. 3 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 1,4 23. 1,3 24.
1,2,4 25. 3,4 26. 3 27. 1 28. 2 29. 4 30. 4 31. 1 32. 2 33. 2 34. 1 35. 3 36.
1,2,4 37. 1,4 38. 1,3 39. 1,3,4 40. 3,4 41. 4 42. 2 43. 2 44. 2 45. 3
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 23
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 3 MS Cells and Their Structures
1) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Common cell parts are the cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, and ribosomes.
B. Many protists consist of a single cell.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The function of a nerve cell is to carry messages to other cells.
B. Some protists consist of a single cell.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Specialized cells may be organized into tissues.
B. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
If the volume of a cell ___________ too great, ___________ wo n't have enough surface area to
transfer all of its nutrients and wastes.
1. has, Molecules
2. becomes, job
3. becomes, has
4. becomes, it
5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
A nerve ___________ has ___________ long `` arms '' that extend outward from the ___________.
1. cell, many
2. group, arms
3. cell, same
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 24
4. cell, made
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts.
2. The DNA in prokaryotic cells is in the cytoplasm, rather than enclosed within a nuclear membrane.
3. A tissue is a group of cells of the same kind that performs the same or different function.
4. Living things with eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Ribosomes are structures in the cytoplasm where proteins are made.
2. Cytoplasm includes a watery substance called cytosol.
3. Eukaryotes are all single-celled organisms.
4. The mitochondrion is an organelle inside the nucleas that provides energy to the cell.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. All the organisms in the Bacteria and Archaea Domains have prokaryotic cells.
2. An organelle is any structure inside a cell that is enclosed by a membrane.
3. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts.
4. Eukaryotic cells are more complex.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Prokaryotic cells are larger than Eukaryotic cells.
2. All the organisms in the Bacteria and Archaea Domains have prokaryotic cells.
3. Specialized cells may be organized into organs.
4. Cytoplasm includes other cell structures suspended in the cytosol.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells.
2. A white blood cell has a lot of surface area for transferring oxygen.
3. Prokaryotic cells are cells that lack a nucleus.
4. An organelle is any structure inside a cell that is enclosed by a membrane.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
A bigger cell _____ more nutrients and _____ more wastes.
1. creates, wastes
2. creates, Bacteria
3. creates, enters
4. needs, creates
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 25
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Ribosomes consist of _____ and _____.
1. proteins, protists
2. proteins, environment
3. RNA, proteins
4. proteins, wastes
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
A red blood cell is _____ and _____.
1. smooth, enters
2. small, smooth
3. smooth, Bacteria
4. smooth, wastes
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Besides water, cytosol contains _____ and _____.
1. other substances, protists
2. enzymes, other substances
3. other substances, enters
4. other substances, wastes
15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
To carry _____ life processes, a cell must be able to pass substances _____ and _____ of the cell.
1. out, wastes
2. out, enters
3. into, out
4. out, Bacteria
16) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Cytoplasm includes the watery, gel-like cytosol.
B. Endoplasmic reticulum store and transport materials in the cell.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
17) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The chloroplasts may contain pigments that give flowers their colors.
B. The main types of plastids are chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and leucoplasts.
1. Both A and B are false.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 26
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
18) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that helps make and transport proteins and lipids.
B. Cytoplasm help in providing a site for many of the biochemical reactions of the cell.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes.
B. ATP packages energy in smaller amounts that cells can use.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The nuclear envelope has tiny holes, or pores, in it.
B. Crisscrossing the cytoplasm is a structure called the cytoskeleton.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The nuclear envelope has tiny holes, or pores, in it.
2. Vacuoles are used as chambers for biochemical reactions.
3. Vesicles are used to store needed substances such as water.
4. A ribosome is a small organelle where proteins are made.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes.
2. Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and several other types of organelles.
3. Vesicles are much larger than vacuoles and have a variety of functions.
4. Most plant cells have a large central vesicle.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 27
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Cytoskeleton consists of thread-like filaments and tubules.
2. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes.
3. Lysosome are located near the nucleus.
4. Lysosome ensure that the DNA divides correctly when the cell divides.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Vesicles are used to store needed substances such as water.
2. Lysosome are located near the nucleus.
3. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes.
4. Cytoskeleton helps the cell keep its shape.
25) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Cytoskeleton holds cell organelles in place within the cytoplasm.
2. A centrioles is an organelle that recycles unneeded molecules.
3. The vesicles carry energy from the ER.
4. The mitochondrion uses energy in glucose to make smaller molecules called ATP.
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The main types of plastids are _____, _____, and _____.
1. chloroplasts, leucoplasts, store starch
2. chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts
3. chromoplasts, leucoplasts, environment
4. chloroplasts, leucoplasts, oil
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The _____ let water, nutrients, and other substances move _____ and _____ of the cell wall.
1. pores, move, out, supports
2. move, into, out, oil
3. pores, move, out, gathers
4. pores, move, into, out
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The heads are _____, and the tails are _____.
1. hydrophobic, supports
2. hydrophilic, hydrophobic
3. hydrophobic, environment
4. hydrophobic, oil
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 28
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Central vacuole may store substances such as _____, _____, and _____.
1. water, enzymes, salts
2. enzymes, salts, environment
3. enzymes, salts, oil
4. enzymes, salts, store starch
30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The cell wall _____ and _____ the cell.
1. supports, protects
2. protects, environment
3. protects, central large vacuole
4. protects, oil
1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1 6. 2,4 7. 1,2 8. 1,4 9. 2,4 10. 1,3 11. 4 12. 3 13.
2 14. 2 15. 3 16. 3 17. 1 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 1,2 23. 1,2 24.
3,4 25. 1,4 26. 2 27. 4 28. 2 29. 1 30. 1
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 29
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 4 MS Cell Functions
1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Passive transport ___________ ___________ a substance moves from an area where it is more
___________ to an area where it is less ___________.
1. happens, named, concentrated
2. happens, comes, concentrated
3. happens, when, concentrated
4. happens, pinches, other
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. A carrier protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane.
B. ATP allows special transport proteins called pumps to move substances to areas of higher
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Two layers of phospholipids make the outer surfaces of the membrane hydrophilic.
B. Two layers of phospholipids make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid heads
point toward the outside of the membrane.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Passive transport occurs when a substance __________________ through the cell membrane
without needing any energy to pass through.
1. hydrophobic
2. lipid
3. happens
4. passes
5) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The ADP energy causes the carrier protein to change shape and pumps the three sodium ions
out of the cell.
B. When some substances are too big to be pumped across the cell membrane, they may enter or
leave the cell by active transport.
1. Both A and B are false.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 30
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. In facilitated diffusion, molecules need help from transport proteins to pass through the membrane
The two types of transport proteins are channel proteins and carrier proteins.
2. The process is called diffusion.
3. Hydrophilic molecules are very small molecules and can pass through the cell membrane by simple
4. A channel protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. For Active transport, the energy comes from the molecule named ADP.
2. Passive transport occurs when a substance passes through the cell membrane without needing any
energy to pass through.
3. Oxygen and potassiumare examples of molecules that can cross cell membranes by Simple diffusion.
4. Hydrophilic molecules need help to pass through the membrane.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are examples of molecules that can cross cell membranes by Simple
2. A carrier protein allows water or hydrophilic molecules to bypass the hydrophobic interior of the
3. Hydrophilic molecules and very large molecules ca n't pass through the cell membrane by simple
4. Active transport is the opposite of osmosis.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. A channel protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane.
2. Water can pass through the cell membrane by simple diffusion, without the help of channel proteins.
3. Passive transport happens when a substance moves from an area where it is more concentrated to an
area where it is less concentrated.
4. In Simple diffusion, the substance simply passes through tiny spaces in the membrane.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Passive transport occurs when a substance passes through the cell membrane without needing any
energy to pass through.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 31
2. Simple diffusion occurs when a substance diffuses through a cell membrane without any help from
other molecules.
3. The sodium-potassium pump moves sodium ions into the cell and potassium Ions out of the cell.
4. A carrier protein forms a tiny hole called a pore in the cell membrane.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The sodium-_____ pump moves sodium ions out of the _____ and _____ Ions into the _____.
1. potassium, carrier channel transport transport proteins
2. cell, potassium
3. potassium, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid
4. potassium, carries
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Osmosis an important means of transport in cells because the _____ inside and outside cells is
mostly water.
1. fluid
2. carries
3. make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid
4. carrier channel transport proteins
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
When the carrier protein receives a phosphate from ATP, ADP is _____ and energy is _____.
1. formed, released
2. released, carries
3. released, carrier channel transport proteins
4. released, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ are present mainly as positively charged ions dissolved in water.
1. potassium, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid
2. potassium, carries
3. Sodium, potassium
4. potassium, fluid
15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In facilitated diffusion, molecules need help from transport proteins to pass through the membrane
The two types of transport proteins are channel proteins and carrier proteins.
1. make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid
2. carries
3. carrier channel transport proteins
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 32
4. fluid
16) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Aerobic respiration releases far more energy than anaerobic respiration does.
B. Cellular respiration is begins in mitochondria.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
17) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration.
B. During electron transport, the oxygen combines with hydrogen from the energy-storing
molecules to forms water.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
18) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. With fermentation, some organisms can produce ATP from glucose anaerobically.
B. The lactic acid gives unsweetened yogurt its sour taste.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Cellular respiration uses oxygen in addition to glucose.
B. Anything that needs oxygen is described as aerobic.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Fermentation does not include aerobic steps.
B. The products of photosynthesis are needed for cellular respiration.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 33
4. Only B is true.
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Cellular respiration occurs in autotrophs such as plants as well as heterotrophs such as animals.
2. Aerobic respiration results in the formation of less molecules of ATP.
3. Anything that does not need oxygen is described as anaerobic.
4. The products of cellular respiration may be needed for photosynthesis.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The stages Cellular respiration are glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport.
2. During electron transport stage, as many as 34 molecules of ADP are produced.
3. The carbon combines with the oxygen from the pyruvate molecules to form carbon dioxide.
4. During Cellular respiration, the energy is used to form dozens of molecules of ATP.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During electron transport stage, as many as 34 molecules of ADP are produced.
2. Glycolysis does not require oxygen.
3. Cellular respiration occurs in autotrophs such as plants as well as heterotrophs such as animals.
4. The products of photosynthesis may be needed for cellular respiration.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During Glycolysis, Enzymes split a molecule of glucose and results in a net gain of two molecules of
ATP and other energy-storing molecules.
2. Glycolysis may require oxygen.
3. Cellular respiration begins in the cytoplasm of cells.
4. Cellular respiration is completed in mitochondria.
25) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle in the chloroplast.
2. Anything that needs oxygen is described as aerobic.
3. During The Krebs Cycle, the pyruvate molecules from glycolysis next enter the matrix of a
4. During electron transport, the hydrogen combines with oxygen from the energy-storing molecules to
forms water.
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In _____ic fermentation, glycolysis is followed by a step that produces _____ and _____ dioxide.
1. carbon, store
2. carbon, use the energy to make ATP
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 34
3. alcohol, carbon
4. carbon, alcoholic acid lactic fermentation
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Glucose is the simple sugar that living things use to store and _____ energy.
1. store and, transport
2. transport, carbon
3. transport, use the energy to make ATP
4. transport, water
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The types of fermentation are lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation.
1. carbon dioxide
2. carbon
3. plants
4. alcoholic acid lactic fermentation
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Cells first need to release the energy and _____ it in ATP, or adenosine triphosphate.
1. store, use the energy to make ATP
2. release the energy and, store
3. store, water
4. store, carbon
30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The _____ and _____ stage of cellular respiration is called electron transport.
1. third, final
2. final, carbon
3. final, use the energy to make ATP
4. final, store
1. 3 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3 6. 1,2 7. 2,4 8. 1,3 9. 3,4 10. 1,2 11. 2 12. 1 13.
1 14. 3 15. 3 16. 3 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,3 22. 1,4 23. 2,3 24.
1,3,4 25. 2,3 26. 3 27. 1 28. 4 29. 2 30. 1
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 35
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 5 MS Cell Division, Reproduction, and Protein Synthesis
1) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. In eukaryotes, the cell cycle has interphase and mitotic phase.
B. During Telophase, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. During prophase, Fibers called spindles form between the centrioles.
B. By the time mitosis occurs, the cell 's DNA has already replicated.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Each daughter cell gets a complete copy of the parent cell 's genetic material.
B. During prophase, Fibers called spindles form between the centrioles.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Interphase is longer than mitotic phase.
B. Before a cell divides its DNA must be copied.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
As a cell ___________ to divide, its ___________ ___________ forms one or more structures called
1. prepares, DNA, first
2. prepares, circular, replicates
3. prepares, circular, formed
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 36
4. prepares, circular, membranes
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine.
2. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together.
3. Prokaryotic cell division is called binary fission.
4. During prokaryotic cell division, the cell membrane grows toward the center of the cell.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine.
2. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together.
3. Binary fission occurs in bacteria and other prokaryotes.
4. Prokaryotic DNA forms multiple rodlike chromosomes.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During prokaryotic cell division, the cell membrane grows toward the center of the cell.
2. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine.
3. During prokaryotic cell division, the chloroplast splits apart, and the cell pinches in two.
4. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. When the chromosomes splits apart it 's called cytokinesis.
2. Eukaryotic cells lack a nucleus.
3. Chromosomes are circular in prokaryotes and rodlike in eukaryotes.
4. The sugar in DNA is called deoxyribose.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Nitrogen bases in DNA are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.
2. Chromosomes are rod like in prokaryotes.
3. Cell division is more complex in eukaryotic cells, as they have other organelles.
4. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus holding their DNA.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
During Telophase, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down.
1. uncoil, and the spindle fibers, break down
2. break down, telophase
3. break down, cytokinesis
4. break down, other organelles
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 37
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Before a eukaryotic cell divides, the _____ and _____ must be copied.
1. nucleus, other organelles
2. other organelles, mitosis
3. other organelles, cytokinesis
4. other organelles, down
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
A chromosome consists of _____ and _____ molecules coiled into a definite shape.
1. protein, down
2. DNA, protein
3. protein, cytokinesis
4. protein, prophase
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In DNA, each nucleotide includes a _____, a _____, and a _____.
1. phosphate, nitrogen base, mitosis
2. sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base
3. phosphate, nitrogen base, cytokinesis
4. phosphate, nitrogen base, cytosine
15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The prokaryotic cell _____ in size, its DNA replicates, and the cell _____.
1. divides, telophase
2. divides, cytokinesis
3. divides, other organelles
4. grows, divides
16) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Special cells called gametes are produced by the parents in Sexual reproduction.
B. During Metaphase II, the Chromosomes form, the nuclear membrane breaks down.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
17) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes go to opposite poles of the cell in anaphase I.
B. Meiosis is basically mitosis times four.
1. Both A and B are false.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 38
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
18) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Binary fission occurs when a parent cell simply splits into two daughter cells.
B. Yeasts can reproduce by Fragmentation.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. In humans, the diploid number is two times 23, or 46.
B. During Meiosis, DNA replication results in two haploid daughter cells.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
In meiosis I, ___________ chromosomes pair ___________ and then separate.
1. nuclear, eukaryotes
2. homologous, up
3. homologous, nuclear
4. homologous, asexual
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During Meiosis, DNA replicates before meiosis I but not before meiosis II.
2. Meiosis produces diploid daughter cells.
3. During Telophase I, Chromosomes form, and the nuclear membrane breaks down.
4. Sexual reproduction involves two parents.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During Telophase I, Chromosomes form, and the nuclear membrane breaks down.
2. Sexual reproduction involves two parents.
3. Meiosis occurs when an organism makes gametes.
4. During Metaphase II, Centrioles move to opposite poles and Spindle fibers form.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 39
1. During Telophase I, Spindle fibers form between the centrioles.
2. Meiosis is basically mitosis times four.
3. Sexual reproduction involves two parents.
4. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and then separate.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Meiosis II is just like meiosis.
2. During Meiosis, DNA replication results in four haploid daughter cells.
3. Sexual reproduction involves two parents.
4. During Meiosis, the DNA replicates only twice.
25) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The initial cell that forms when two gametes unite is called a zygote.
2. In Meiosis, the original haploid cell divides twice.
3. During Prophase I, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down.
4. During Meiosis, DNA replicates before meiosis I but not before meiosis II.
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Different methods of asexual reproduction are _____, _____, and _____.
1. binary fission, fragmentation, budding
2. fragmentation, budding, spindle fibers
3. fragmentation, budding, form, and the nuclear membrane breaks
4. binary fission, budding, random union
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair _____ and _____ separate.
1. then, budding
2. up, then
3. then, random union
4. then, meet and
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In Asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetically identical to each _____ and to the _____.
1. parent, random union
2. parent, develops
3. parent, meet and
4. other, parent
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 40
Ways of genetic variation are crossing over, _____, and the _____ of gametes.
1. random union, budding
2. independent assortment, random union
3. random union, mate
4. random union, happen very quickly and does n't
30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The bud stays attached to the parent while it _____ and _____.
1. develops, budding
2. develops, random union
3. grows, develops
4. develops, meet and
31) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. RNA copies instructions in DNA and carries them to a ribosome in the cytoplasm.
B. The two nitrogen bases make up the `` letters '' of the genetic code.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
32) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. DNA stores genetic information.
B. UAG, UGA, and UAA do n't code for any amino acids.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
33) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. All organisms are related by descent from a common ancestor.
B. The mRNA contains bases that are complementary to the bases in the DNA strand.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
34) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Each codon codes for just one amino acid.
B. A point mutations change just one or a few bases in DNA.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 41
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
35) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. At the ribosome, the proteins are joined together to form a chain of amino acids.
B. Messenger DNA copies genetic instructions from RNA in the nucleus.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
36) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Transfer DNA brings amino acids to the ribosome.
2. DNA stores genetic information.
3. Proteins determine the structure and function of all your cells.
4. Proteins consist of a single amino acid.
37) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During transcription, after the DNA unwinds, the enzyme can read the bases in one of the DNA
2. During translation, the genetic code in mRNA is read to make an amino acids.
3. Most amino acids are encoded by more than one codon.
4. Each codon codes for just one amino acid.
38) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Transfer RNA brings amino acids to the ribosome.
2. Proteins determine the structure and function of all your cells.
3. Groups of four bases each make up code `` words.
4. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are contained outside the nucleus.
39) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. UAG, UGA, and UAA are all stop codons.
2. During translation, using one strand of DNA as a template, nucleotides are joined together to make a
complementary strand of mRNA.
3. AUG for the start signal.
4. UAG, UGA, and UAA do n't code for any amino acids.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 42
40) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. RNA consists of one nucleotide chain rather than two chains as in DNA.
2. The four nitrogen bases make up the `` letters '' of the genetic code.
3. DNA helps build proteins.
4. DNA is smaller than RNA.
41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The ribosome consists of _____ and _____.
1. proteins, daughter body cells
2. proteins, structure
3. proteins, instructions
4. rRNA, proteins
42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
During translation, the molecule of mRNA _____ the nucleus and _____ to a ribosome.
1. moves, daughter body cells
2. leaves, moves
3. moves, structure
4. moves, instructions
43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
RNA copies _____ in DNA and _____ them to a ribosome in the cytoplasm.
1. carries, daughter body cells
2. carries, UAG
3. instructions, carries
4. carries, structure
44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
A protein 's _____ and _____ depends on the sequence of its amino acids.
1. structure, function
2. function, carries
3. function, daughter body cells
4. function, RNA
45) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____, _____, and _____ do n't code for any amino acids.
1. UGA, UAA, carries
3. UAG, UAA, daughter body cells
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 43
1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 1 6. 1,2,3 7. 1,2,3 8. 2,4 9. 3,4 10. 1,3 11. 1 12. 1 13.
2 14. 2 15. 4 16. 3 17. 3 18. 3 19. 3 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 2,3 23. 3,4 24.
2,3 25. 1,4 26. 1 27. 2 28. 4 29. 2 30. 3 31. 3 32. 2 33. 2 34. 2 35. 1 36.
2,3 37. 1,3,4 38. 1,2 39. 1,3,4 40. 1,2 41. 4 42. 2 43. 3 44. 1 45. 2
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 44
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 6 MS Genetics
1) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. For each trait, he got the same results.
B. Moreover, the two forms of the trait always showed up in the F2 plants in the same 3:1 ratio.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. In Pea plants, the female gametes lie deep within the flowers.
B. An example of Mendel 's first set of experiments is his research on flower color.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. In Mendel experiment, the offspring formed the second generation F2.
B. One form of the trait seemed to disappear in the F1 plants.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The recessive factor is hidden.
B. Mendel repeated this experiment with each of the other traits.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
5) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Fertilization occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a
different flower.
B. Two forms of the trait always showed up in the F2 plants in the same 3:1 ratio.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 45
4. Only B is true.
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. All of the F1 plants had violet flowers.
2. Mendel concluded if dominant and recessive factors are present in an individual, the dominant factor
may be expressed.
3. Fertilization is a process of fertilization when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in
the same or a different flower.
4. The F1 plants should have only violet-flowered offspring.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen.
2. The offspring formed the first generation F1.
3. Mendel transferred pollen from a plant with violet flowers to a plant with white flowers called cross-
4. In Pea plants, the male gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The recessive factor is eliminated.
2. An example of Mendel 's first set of experiments is his research on flower color.
3. All of the F1 plants had violet flowers.
4. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The recessive factor is eliminated.
2. Fertilization occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a
different flower.
3. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen.
4. Pea plants are easy to grow and grow quickly.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The first generation F1 plants should have only white-flowered offspring.
2. Pollination is a process of fertilization when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the
same or a different flower.
3. Pollination occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a
different flower.
4. Mendel transferred pollen from a plant with white flowers to a plant with violet flowers called cross-
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 46
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
According to law of segregation, the two factors that control a trait separate and go to different
1. go to different gametes, grow and grow quickly
2. go to different gametes, recessive
3. go to different gametes, white violet flowers
4. control a trait separate and, go to different gametes
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In other words, F2 plants with violet flowers and F2 plants with white flowers had a 3:1 ratio.
1. F2 F2 plants, grow and grow quickly
2. white violet flowers, F2 F2 plants
3. F2 F2 plants, go to different gametes
4. F2 F2 plants, dominant
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Mendel concluded if _____ and _____ factors are present in an individual, only the _____ factor is
1. recessive, white violet flowers
2. dominant, recessive
3. recessive, go to different gametes
4. recessive, grow and grow quickly
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Pea plants are easy to grow and grow quickly.
1. dominant
2. white violet flowers
3. go to different gametes
4. grow and grow quickly
15) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Homologous chromosomes may be the same or different alleles.
B. Genes on sex chromosomes may be inherited differently than genes on autosomes.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
The ___________ b allele is expressed ___________ in the bb genotype.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 47
1. complex, plant
2. recessive, pair Chromosomes
3. recessive, only
4. recessive, codominance
17) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. If a gene has two alleles, one may not be dominant to the other.
B. The B allele is dominant to the b allele.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
18) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Each ___________ may have ___________ versions called alleles.
1. gene, versions
2. gene, both
3. gene, different
4. gene, pattern
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. X - linked traits have a different pattern of inheritance than traits controlled by genes on
B. A gene can be defined as a section of a chromosome that contains the genetic code for a
particular protein.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Mothers pass an X to their daughters and a Y to their sons.
2. The phenotype refers to the organism 's traits, such as purple or white flowers.
3. In a Bb heterozygote, only the dominant B allele is expressed.
4. If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is called codominance and another is called inactive
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Fathers pass an X chromosome to each of their children.
2. If the parents had four offspring, the genotype ratios of their actual offspring may differ.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 48
3. The Punnett square shows the possible genotypes and their most likely possibilities.
4. The B allele is dominant to the b allele.
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Each trait Mendel studied was controlled by one gene with one alleles.
2. With incomplete dominance, a recessive allele is not completely dominant.
3. Inheritance is often more complex than it is for traits like those Mendel studied.
4. The phenotype refers to the organism 's traits, such as purple or white flowers.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. If the parents had four offspring, their most likely genotypes would be one BB, two Bb, and one bb.
2. The Punnett square shows the possible genotypes and their most likely possibilities.
3. Inheritance is often more complex than it is for traits like those Mendel studied.
4. Fathers pass an X chromosome to each of their children.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. One gene on the X chromosome determines male sex.
2. With codominance, both alleles are expressed equally in homozygotes.
3. If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is called codominance and another is called incomplete
4. The expression of an organism 's genotype is called its phenotype.
25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
If the parents had four offspring, their most likely genotypes would be one _____, two _____, and
one _____.
1. BB, bb, Y chromosome
2. BB, bb, likely ratios
3. BB, Bb, bb
4. Bb, bb, B
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The terms _____ and _____ are the terms Mendel used to describe his `` factors. ''
1. dominant, recessive
2. recessive, Y
3. recessive, B
4. recessive, Y chromosome
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Individuals with one _____ and one _____ are normally males.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 49
1. Y chromosome, called
2. X, Y chromosome
3. Y chromosome, Y
4. Y chromosome, X
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is _____ codominance and another is _____ incomplete
1. Y chromosome
2. type type A
3. called
4. Y
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____ and _____ are examples of polygenic traits in humans.
1. Skin color, adult height
2. adult height, called
3. adult height, Y
4. adult height, Y chromosome
30) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Hemophilia A leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red
blood cells.
B. Sequencing the human genome has increased our knowledge of genetic makeup of living things.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
31) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Turner 's syndrome leads female with short height and inability to reproduce.
B. Many GMOs are food crops such as corn.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
32) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Biotechnology use polymerase chain reaction and gene cloning.
B. In the process of meiosis, paired chromosomes end up in different gametes.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 50
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
33) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Klinefelter 's syndrome leads male with abnormal sexual development and reduced level of male
sex hormone.
B. Many genetic disorders are caused by mutations in a single gene or abnormal numbers of
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
34) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Down syndrome leads male with abnormal sexual development and reduced level of male sex
B. A recessive allele is expressed in everybody who inherits even one copy of it.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
35) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Hemophilia A leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red blood
2. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red
blood cells.
3. Many genetic disorders are caused by mutations in genes or less numbers of chromosomes.
4. Genetic disorders are diseases caused by mutations.
36) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot.
2. Marfan syndrome leads to defective protein needed to make mucus.
3. Hemophilia A leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot.
4. A species ' genome consists of all of its genetic information.
37) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 51
2. A dominant allele is expressed in everybody who inherits even one copy of it.
3. Marfan syndrome leads to defective protein needed to make mucus.
4. The Human Genome Project provides a complete blueprint for a human being.
38) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Klinefelter 's syndrome has One X chromosome and no other sex chromosome.
2. A species ' genome consists of all of its genetic information.
3. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red
blood cells.
4. Biotechnology is the use of technology to change the genetic disorders.
39) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Cystic fibrosis lead to defective protein in tissues such as cartilage and bone.
2. The aim of the Human Genome Project was to identify the more than 20, 000 human genes and map
their locations on chromosomes.
3. In the process of meiosis, paired chromosomes normally separate from each other.
4. The Human Genome Project provides a complete blueprint for a human being.
40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The GMOs plants are likely to be _____ and produce more food.
1. produce more food, reduced
2. produce more food, X chromosomes
3. healthier, produce more food
4. produce more food, enzyme
41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Turner 's syndrome leads female with _____ and _____ to reproduce.
1. inability, produce more food
2. short height, inability
3. inability, reduced
4. inability, gene cloning
42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Klinefelter 's syndrome _____ male with abnormal sexual development and _____ level of male sex
1. reduced, produce more food
2. reduced, gene cloning
3. reduced, X chromosomes
4. leads, reduced
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 52
43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Knowing the sequence of the human genome is helping researchers identify and understand genetic
1. identify and, understand genetic disorders
2. understand genetic disorders, gene cloning
3. understand genetic disorders, produce more food
4. understand genetic disorders, reduced
44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Turner 's syndrome has One X chromosome and no other sex chromosome.
1. short height
2. produce more food
3. sex other X chromosome
4. understand genetic disorders
1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 3 6. 1,4 7. 2,4 8. 2,3 9. 2,4 10. 2,4 11. 4 12. 2 13.
2 14. 4 15. 2 16. 3 17. 2 18. 3 19. 2 20. 2,3 21. 2,4 22. 3,4 23. 1,3 24.
3,4 25. 3 26. 1 27. 2 28. 3 29. 1 30. 1 31. 2 32. 2 33. 2 34. 1 35. 2,4 36.
3,4 37. 2,4 38. 2,3 39. 2,3,4 40. 3 41. 2 42. 4 43. 1 44. 3
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 53
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 7 MS Evolution
1) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources.
B. In nature, Lamarck reasoned, individuals with certain traits might be more likely to survive the
`` struggle for existence '' and have offspring.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
2) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed that __________________ change over time.
1. changed
2. realized
3. species
4. famine
3) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
From Malthus, Darwin ___________ that `` overproduction of offspring '' ___________ to a ``
struggle for existence, '' in Darwin 's words.
1. offspring overproduction, change, led
2. change, selection, living
3. offspring overproduction, dome Tortoises, led
4. offspring overproduction, saw, led
4) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. When populations get too big, disease and famine occur.
B. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
5) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Evolution is a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time.
B. Tortoises with saddle - shaped shells lived on islands where food was often scarce.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 54
4. Only B is true.
6) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Living things have changed as descendants diverged from common ancestors in the past.
2. Tortoises with saddle-shaped shells lived on islands where the plants they ate were abundant and
easy to reach.
3. Thomas Malthus proposed that species change over time.
4. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually.
7) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually.
2. Thomas Malthus proposed that species change over time.
3. Evolution is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring.
4. Thomas Malthus argued that human populations have the potential to grow faster than the resources
they need.
8) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources.
2. Living things have changed as descendants converged from common ancestors in the past.
3. As a result of Natural selection, living things traits increase in the population over time.
4. As a result of Evolution, living things traits increase in the population over time.
9) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Living things have changed as descendants diverged from common ancestors in the past.
2. Evolution is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring.
3. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually.
4. Thomas Malthus thought that the traits an organism developed during its life time could be passed on
to its offspring.
10) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. From Lamarck, Darwin realized that Earth is very old.
2. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually.
3. Natural selection is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring.
4. Natural selection is a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time.
11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In nature, Darwin _____, individuals with certain traits might be more likely to survive the ``
struggle for existence '' and have offspring.
1. have offspring, pass
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 55
2. have offspring, famine
3. have offspring, disease
4. reasoned, have offspring
12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
When populations get too big, _____ and _____ occur.
1. famine, have offspring
2. famine, pass
3. famine, reasoned
4. disease, famine
13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Darwin used the word fitness to refer to the ability to reproduce and _____ traits to the next
1. pass, have offspring
2. reproduce and, pass
3. pass, famine
4. pass, disease
14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Tortoises with dome - shaped shells lived on islands where the plants they ate were _____ and _____
to reach.
1. easy, have offspring
2. easy, reasoned
3. abundant, easy
4. easy, pass
15) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. When molecules are used compare species, they are called molecular clocks.
B. A ecologist studies fossils to learn about the evolution of living things is called a ecologist.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
In a distant ___________, ___________ was ___________ to digest food.
1. gives, always, whales
2. ancestor, appendix, needed
3. ancestor, always, cats
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 56
4. ancestor, use, needed
17) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
Embryos of different species may look quite similar, even when the adult forms look
__________________ different.
1. longer
2. very
3. distant
4. digest
18) Fill in the blank in the below sentence
When molecules are used ___________ species, ___________ are called molecular ___________.
1. bones, generally, closely
2. compare, they, clocks
3. compare, generally, bones
4. compare, tail, clocks
19) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Vestigial structures are body parts that are no longer used but are still present in modern
B. When molecules are used compare species, they are called molecular clocks.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
20) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Offspring of a chicken, turtle, pig, and human being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart.
2. Fossils form when remain seeps through the rocks and water and deposits minerals in them.
3. Absolute dating is often based on the amount of carbon-14 or other radioactive element that remains
in a fossil.
4. Absolute dating determines about how long ago a fossil organism lived.
21) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Offspring of a chicken, turtle, pig, and human being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart.
2. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years.
3. Scientists have learned a lot about evolution by comparing living organisms.
4. Absolute dating determines which of two fossils is older or younger than the other but not their age in
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 57
22) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Relative dating is based on the positions of fossils in rock layers.
2. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate position within the layer.
3. Molecular clocks method assumes that sequential mutations occur at a constant rate for a given
protein or segment of DNA.
4. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years.
23) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Species that are the most similar in these ways are generally the most closely related.
2. Fossils form when water seeps through the remains of dead and deposits minerals in them.
3. The more similar the DNA molecules are, the closer the relationship is likely to be between the
4. In humans spinal bones and the appendix are vestigial structures In a distant ancestor, appendix was
part of the cirulatory system.
24) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years.
2. Vestigial structures are body parts that are no longer used but may or may not present in modern
3. Scientists have compared body parts, vestigial organs, embryos, and molecules in different species.
4. Absolute dating determines about how long ago a fossil organism lived.
25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Bats use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to run and _____.
1. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, climb, dead
2. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, run and, climb
3. run and, climb, vestigial organs
4. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, climb, human
26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Scientists have compared _____, _____, _____, and _____ in different species.
1. body parts, vestigial organs, molecules, run and
2. vestigial organs, embryos, molecules, human
3. body parts, vestigial organs, molecules, dead
4. body parts, vestigial organs, embryos, molecules
27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Embryos of a _____, _____, _____, and _____ being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart.
1. chicken, pig, human, appendix
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 58
2. chicken, turtle, pig, human
3. chicken, turtle, human, dead
4. chicken, pig, human, body parts
28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
In humans _____ and the _____ are vestigial structures The _____ is a tiny remnant of a once-
larger organ.
1. appendix, dead
2. tail bones, appendix
3. appendix, human
4. appendix, vestigial organs
29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Fossils form when water seeps through the remains of _____ and _____ minerals in them.
1. deposits, human
2. deposits, body parts
3. dead, deposits
4. deposits, molecules
30) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The geologic time scale divisions are based on major changes in geology, climate, and the
evolution of life.
B. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
31) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. The Precambrian Supereon covers the time from Earth 's formation 4.6 billion years ago to 544
million years ago.
B. During Triassic Period, Flowering plants also appeared for the first time and new insects evolved
to pollinate them.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
32) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Paleozoic Era is divided into six periods.
B. During the Jurassic Period, the first dinosaurs evolved from reptile ancestors.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 59
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
33) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. During the Devonian Period, vascular plants appeared.
B. The geologic time scale divisions are based on major changes in geography, climate, and the
evolution of life.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
34) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Many of them died out.
B. The Precambrian mass extinction gave dinosaurs the opportunity to really flourish during the
Jurassic Period.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
35) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During the Silurian Period, the first seed plants evolved.
2. Photosynthesis evolved about 3 billion years ago.
3. During the Devonian Period, the first seed plants evolved.
4. During the Quaternary Period, the dinosaurs reached their maximum size and distribution.
36) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. Photosynthesis evolved about 3 billion years ago.
2. With their specialized organelles, eukaryotic cells were powerful and efficient.
3. During the Quaternary Period, the dinosaurs reached their maximum size and distribution.
4. Modern corals, fish, and insects all evolved in Jurassic Period.
37) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. The Precambrian Supereon covers the time from Earth 's formation 4.6 billion years ago to 544 million
years ago.
2. The Precambrian Supereon is the first major division of Earth 's history.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 60
3. The geologic time scale organizes Earth 's history on the basis of important events instead of time
4. In the Ordovician Period, Sponges and trilobites were small ocean invertebrates.
38) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During the Silurian Period, vascular plants appeared.
2. Corals appeared in the oceans during the Silurian period.
3. In the Permian Period, the first amphibians evolved during this period.
4. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart.
39) Identify all true sentences from the following
1. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart.
2. In the Cambrian Period, Sponges and trilobites were small ocean invertebrates.
3. Paleozoic Era is divided into six periods.
4. The Jurassic Period ended in a mass extinction.
40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
The geologic time scale divides Earth 's history into _____, _____, and _____.
1. eons, eras, periods
2. eons, periods, water
3. eras, periods, thick
4. eras, periods, cooled
41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
With their specialized organelles, eukaryotic cells were _____ and _____.
1. powerful, efficient
2. efficient, geology
3. efficient, huge ferns
4. efficient, thick
42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
Vascular plants have special tissues to circulate _____ and _____ substances.
1. other, thick
2. other, huge ferns
3. other, geology
4. water, other
43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
_____, _____, and _____ all evolved in Triassic Period.
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 61
1. fish, insects, thick
2. Modern corals, insects, water
3. Modern corals, fish, insects
4. Modern corals, insects, geology
44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
During the Permian Period, _____ and _____ evolved ways to cope with dryness.
1. plants, animals
2. animals, geology
3. animals, water
4. animals, thick
1. 3 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 2 6. 1,4 7. 1,4 8. 1,3 9. 1,3 10. 2,3 11. 4 12. 4 13.
2 14. 3 15. 1 16. 2 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 20. 3,4 21. 2,3 22. 1,4 23. 1,2 24.
1,3,4 25. 2 26. 4 27. 2 28. 2 29. 3 30. 3 31. 3 32. 3 33. 1 34. 3 35. 2,3 36.
1,2 37. 1,2,3 38. 1,2 39. 2,3 40. 1 41. 1 42. 4 43. 3 44. 1
---End of Test---
K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 62
K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 8 MS Prokaryotes
1) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Anaerobic prokaryotes use fermentation or other anaerobic processes rather than cellular
B. The pili protects the cell from chemicals and drying out.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
2) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Prokaryotes that need oxygen are described as aerobic.
B. The cytoskeleton helps the cell keep its shape.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
3) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Most prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells.
B. Only few prokaryotes are decomposers.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
4) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.
B. Most prokaryotes have one or more small loops of DNA.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
4. Only B is true.
5) Identify true or false in the below sentences
A. Prokaryotes lack other membrane-bound organelles.
B. The sticky plaque that collects on your teeth between brushings is a biofilm.
1. Both A and B are false.
2. Both A and B are true.
3. Only A is true.
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
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K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
K12 middle school life science – practice tests
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K12 middle school life science – practice tests

  • 1. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 1 Practice Tests K12 Life Science For Middle School
  • 2. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 2 School
  • 3. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 3 Table of Contents K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 1 MS Studying Life.................................................................................5 Answers...............................................................................................................................................13 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 2 MS What is a Living Organism..........................................................14 Answers...............................................................................................................................................22 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 3 MS Cells and Their Structures..........................................................23 Answers...............................................................................................................................................28 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 4 MS Cell Functions.............................................................................29 Answers...............................................................................................................................................34 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 5 MS Cell Division, Reproduction, and Protein Synthesis...................35 Answers...............................................................................................................................................43 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 6 MS Genetics .....................................................................................44 Answers...............................................................................................................................................52 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 7 MS Evolution....................................................................................53 Answers...............................................................................................................................................61 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 8 MS Prokaryotes................................................................................62 Answers...............................................................................................................................................67 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 9 MS Protists and Fungi ......................................................................68 Answers...............................................................................................................................................73 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 10 MS Plants .......................................................................................74 Answers...............................................................................................................................................82 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 11 MS Introduction to Animals...........................................................83 Answers...............................................................................................................................................88 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 12 MS Invertebrates ...........................................................................89 Answers.............................................................................................................................................102 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 13 MS Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles...........................................103 Answers.............................................................................................................................................113 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 14 MS Birds and Mammals ...............................................................115 Answers.............................................................................................................................................123 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 15 MS Animal Behavior.....................................................................124
  • 4. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 4 Answers.............................................................................................................................................129 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 16 MS Skin, Bones, and Muscles.......................................................130 Answers.............................................................................................................................................141 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 17 MS Food and the Digestive System..............................................141 Answers.............................................................................................................................................149 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 18 MS Cardiovascular System...........................................................150 Answers.............................................................................................................................................158 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 19 MS Respiratory and Excretory Systems .......................................159 Answers.............................................................................................................................................164 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 20 MS Controlling the Body..............................................................165 Answers.............................................................................................................................................173 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 22 MS Reproductive Systems and Life Stages ..................................174 Answers.............................................................................................................................................182 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 23 MS Introduction to Ecology .........................................................183 Answers.............................................................................................................................................197 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 24 MS Ecosystem Dynamics..............................................................198 Answers.............................................................................................................................................206 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 25 MS Environmental Problems .......................................................207 Answers.............................................................................................................................................218
  • 5. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 5 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 1 MS Studying Life 1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Claims must be ___________ by ___________ evidence. 1. backed, adequate 2. backed, asks 3. questions, scientist 4. backed, wonders 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Scientists repeat their experiments so they were confident in their results. B. A scientist wonders and asks questions. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Scientists explain the world based on their observations. B. A scientist wonders and asks questions. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance. B. Scientific theory describe how traits are passed from parents to their offspring. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence ___________ was a dinosaur ___________. 1. Dimetrodon, chemical 2. Dimetrodon, scientists 3. Dimetrodon, ancestor 4. knowledge, keeps
  • 6. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 6 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Science is a way of learning about the natural world that depends on evidence, reasoning, and repeated testing. 2. A scientist is observant. 3. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance. 4. Scientists repeat their experiments so they were confident in their reasoning. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Examples of scientific theory in life science include Mendel 's laws of inheritance. 2. Claims must be backed by adequate reasoning. 3. A scientist is observant. 4. Scientists explain the world based on their observations. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A scientist wonders and asks questions. 2. Scientific knowledge keeps changing because scientists are always `` doing science. '' 3. A scientific theory is a description of what always occurs under certain conditions in nature. 4. A scientific law explains how living things change through time as they adapt to their environment. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. If Scientists develop new ideas about the way the world works, they set up ways to test these new ideas. 2. Scientific law are tested and confirmed repeatedly. 3. A scientist wonders and asks questions. 4. A scientific law explains how living things change through time as they adapt to their environment. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A scientific law is a broad explanation that is widely accepted because it is supported by a great deal of evidence. 2. A scientist is observant. 3. A scientist is skeptical. 4. A scientific theory describes many observations but does n't explain them. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence A scientist tries to find answers using _____ and _____. 1. logic, confirmed 2. logic, repeated testing 3. evidence, logic
  • 7. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 7 4. logic, evidence 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Scientific theories are _____ and _____ repeatedly. 1. tested, confirmed 2. confirmed, logic 3. confirmed, repeated testing 4. confirmed, evidence 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Science is a way of learning about the natural world that depends on _____, reasoning, and _____. 1. evidence, repeated testing 2. repeated testing, confirmed 3. repeated testing, logic 4. repeated testing, evidence 14) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Controls are kept constant so they will not affect the results of the experiment. B. The steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 15) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Replication allows other scientists to repeat the ___________ to ___________ whether they get the same results. 1. investigation, Experimental 2. investigation, Controls 3. investigation, see 4. investigation, testing 16) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The senses include sight, hearing, touch, feel, smell, and taste. B. Experimental controls are other factors that might affect the independent variable. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true.
  • 8. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 8 17) Fill in the blank in the below sentence The ___________ in the ___________ methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results. 1. steps, anything 2. steps, often 3. steps, scientific 4. steps, takes 18) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question. B. The scientific investigation is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 19) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The scientific method is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question. 2. The steps in the scientific methods are Make notes, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypothesis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results. 3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question. 4. An experiment investigates the effects of dependent variable on independent variable. 20) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Teh steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypoteshis, Draw Conslusion and Communicate Results. 2. The senses include sight, hearing, touch, feel, smell, and taste. 3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific investigation. 4. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question. 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific investigation. 2. Testable means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing that it 's false. 3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question. 4. Controls may be kept constant so they will not affect the results of the experiment. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. An experiment investigates the effects of independent variable on dependent variable. 2. The scientific investigation means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing
  • 9. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 9 that it 's false. 3. A hypothesis is a potential, testable answer to a scientific question. 4. An experiment investigates the effects of dependent variable on independent variable. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A scientific investigation follows a general plan called the scientific method. 2. The scientific method is a series of logical steps for testing a possible answer to a question. 3. A scientific method follows a general plan called the scientific method. 4. Testable means that if the hypothesis is false, it 's possible to find evidence showing that it 's false. 24) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence When results are communicated, scientists should describe their _____ and how it was _____ in addition to the results of the test. 1. tested, Communicate 2. hypothesis, tested 3. tested, taste 4. tested, Conslusion 25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Teh steps in the scientific methods are Make Observation, Ask questions, Form Hypotesis, Test hypoteshis, Draw _____ and _____ Results. 1. Conslusion, Communicate 2. Communicate, touch 3. Communicate, tested 4. Communicate, hearing 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The senses include sight, _____, _____, _____, and _____. 1. touch, smell, taste, tested 2. hearing, touch, smell, taste 3. hearing, smell, taste, Communicate 4. hearing, smell, taste, Conslusion 27) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria. B. Many important life science discoveries would not have been possible without the microscope. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true.
  • 10. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 10 4. Only B is true. 28) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Microscope gave scientists a direct view into the unseen world of the extremely tiny. B. Many important life science discoveries would not have been possible without the microscope. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 29) Fill in the blank in the below sentence In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to ___________ ___________ things with a microscope. 1. study, it 2. study, Hans 3. study, living 4. study, 1600s 30) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Microscope gave scientists a direct view into the unseen world of the extremely tiny. B. He was the first to observe bacteria. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 31) Fill in the blank in the below sentence The ___________ of the microscope ___________ scientists to see cells, bacteria, and many other structures that are ___________ small to be seen with the unaided eye. 1. invention, unaided, observe 2. invention, allowed, too 3. invention, first, too 4. invention, unaided, continued 32) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s. 2. Robert Hooke was the first to identify and describe cells. 3. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 4. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria. 33) Identify all true sentences from the following
  • 11. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 11 1. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 2. Robert Hooke was the first to identify and describe cells. 3. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria. 4. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 34) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. In the late 1600s, van Leeuwenhoek improved the microscope. 2. Electron microscopes continued to improve and are still used today. 3. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s. 4. To see extremely small objects, an light microscope, must be used. 35) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Leeuwenhoek was the first to identify and describe cells. 2. Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 3. Hans and Zacharias Jansen made the first light microscope in the late 1500s. 4. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 36) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. To see extremely small objects, an light microscope, must be used. 2. In the mid-1600s, Robert Hooke was the first scientist to study living things with a microscope. 3. Robert Hooke was the first to observe bacteria. 4. He used it to observe many living cells and organisms. 37) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Robert Hooke was the first to identify and _____ cells. 1. describe, used 2. describe, other many structures 3. describe, organisms 4. identify and, describe 38) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence He used it to observe many living cells and _____. 1. living many cells, organisms 2. organisms, other many structures 3. organisms, used 4. organisms, describe 39) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The invention of the microscope allowed scientists to see _____, _____, and many other structures
  • 12. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 12 that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. 1. bacteria, other many structures, Zacharias Jansen 2. cells, other many structures, describe 3. cells, bacteria, other many structures 4. bacteria, other many structures, used 40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Light microscopes _____ to improve and are still _____ today. 1. used, describe 2. used, other many structures 3. used, organisms 4. continued, used 41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ made the first light microscope in the late 1500s. 1. Zacharias Jansen, organisms 2. Zacharias Jansen, used 3. Hans, Zacharias Jansen 4. Zacharias Jansen, other many structures 42) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Lab safety symbols warn of specific hazards, such as flames or broken __________________. 1. glass 2. specific 3. immediately 4. basic 43) Fill in the blank in the below sentence ___________ the symbols ___________ ___________ to recognize and avoid the dangers. 1. Knowing, allows, you 2. Knowing, recognize, recognize 3. Knowing, warn, you 4. gear, recognize, warn 44) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety gear, helps prevent accidents in the lab and in the field. B. All accidents should be reported immediately. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true.
  • 13. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 13 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 45) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety gear, __________________ prevent accidents in the lab and in the field. 1. dangers 2. immediately 3. symbols 4. helps 46) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Following basic safety rules, such as wearing safety __________________, helps prevent accidents in the lab and in the field. 1. symbols 2. gear 3. immediately 4. wearing Answers 1. 1 2. 2 3. 2 4. 1 5. 3 6. 1,2 7. 3,4 8. 1,2 9. 1,3 10. 2,3 11. 3 12. 1 13. 1 14. 2 15. 3 16. 1 17. 3 18. 3 19. 1,3 20. 1,4 21. 2,3 22. 1,3 23. 1,2,4 24. 2 25. 1 26. 2 27. 4 28. 2 29. 3 30. 2 31. 2 32. 1,2 33. 1,2 34. 1,3 35. 3,4 36. 2,4 37. 4 38. 1 39. 3 40. 4 41. 3 42. 1 43. 1 44. 2 45. 4 46. 2 ---End of Test---
  • 14. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 14 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 2 MS What is a Living Organism 1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Like plants, all living __________________ have the capacity for growth. 1. Organisms 2. things 3. Reproduction 4. other 2) Fill in the blank in the below sentence The ability to ___________ is another characteristic of ___________ ___________. 1. reproduce, made, made 2. reproduce, made, causes 3. reproduce, Reproduction, things 4. reproduce, living, things 3) Fill in the blank in the below sentence All ___________ ___________ are made of one or more cells. 1. living, things 2. made, causes 3. living, causes 4. living, made 4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Producers use sunlight for energy to ___________ their ___________ ___________. 1. produce, controlling, food 2. produce, own, food 3. produce, Multicellular, made 4. produce, Multicellular, Multicellular 5) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Cells are the basic building blocks of life. B. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 6) Identify all true sentences from the following
  • 15. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 15 1. All living things maintain a stable internal environment. 2. All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their internal temperature, blood pressuere, water balance, and acidity. 3. Consumers eat plants. 4. When the cell 's internal environment is stable, the condition is called homeostasis. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. All living things grow and reproduce. 2. All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their internal temperature, blood pressuere, water balance, and acidity. 3. Single-celled living organisms have ways of maintaining homeostasis. 4. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Single-celled organisms grow in size by reproduction. 2. A stimulus response is something in the environment that causes a reaction in an organism. 3. All living things maintain a stable internal environment. 4. All living things are made of one or more cells. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. All living things grow and reproduce. 2. All living things respond to stimuli in their environment. 3. When the cell 's internal environment is stable, the condition is called homeostasis. 4. Organisms may be grouped on the basis of the source of food they use. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. In sexual reproduction, the daughter cells are identical to each other and to the parent cell. 2. Producers use sunlight for energy to produce their own food. 3. A stimulus is something in the environment that causes a reaction in an organism. 4. Single-celled living organisms have ways of maintaining homeostasis. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence All living things grow and reproduce. 1. reproduce, acidity 2. reproduce, internal temperature 3. reproduce, other organisms 4. grow and, reproduce
  • 16. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 16 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Multicellular organisms like ducks grow by increasing the _____ and _____ of their cells. 1. number, acidity 2. number, reproduce 3. number, internal temperature 4. size, number 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In asexual reproduction, the daughter cells are identical to each _____ and to the _____. 1. parent cell, internal temperature 2. parent cell, acidity 3. other, parent cell 4. parent cell, reproduce 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence All living organisms have mechanisms for controlling such factors as their _____, _____, and _____. 1. water balance, acidity, parent cell 2. water balance, acidity, Plants 3. water balance, acidity, number 4. internal temperature, water balance, acidity 15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ use this food for energy. 1. other organisms, acidity 2. other organisms, internal temperature 3. other organisms, reproduce 4. Plants, other organisms 16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Proteins ___________ up biochemical reactions ___________ life processes. 1. fatty, form 2. speed, regulate 3. speed, other 4. speed, simple 17) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Carbon is an element that has a tremendous ability to form large compounds. B. Catabolic reactions require energy. 1. Both A and B are false.
  • 17. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 17 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 18) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Enzymes are highly specific for certain chemical reactions, so they are very effective. B. The sequence of amino acids in chains and the number of chains in a protein determine the protein 's shape. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Nucleic acids stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins. B. Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of biochemical reactions. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Phospholipids make up the cell ___________ of ___________ ___________. 1. membranes, involved, things 2. membranes, living, things 3. membranes, bind, things 4. membranes, adenine, things 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Each atom of carbon can form four chemical bonds with other atoms. 2. The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is a molecule. 3. Lipids provide energy to cells stores energy in plants stores energy in animals makes up the cell walls of plants. 4. Carbohydrates contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A compound is a unique type of matter in which two or more elements are combined chemically in a certain ratio. 2. The smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element is a molecule.
  • 18. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 18 3. Carbohydrates speed up biochemical reactions regulate life processes. 4. Lipids contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Proteins contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. 2. Nucleic acids contains proteins, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. 3. Nucleic acids contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. 4. The smallest particle of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is an atom. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen. 2. Plants and some other organisms make glucose in the process of photosynthesis. 3. Nucleus stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins. 4. Plants make starches to store extra glucose. 25) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Lipids contains carbon and oxygen. 2. Lipids provide energy to cells stores energy in plants stores energy in animals makes up the cell walls of plants. 3. Nucleic acids contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. 4. Nucleic acids stores genetic information in cells helps cells make proteins. 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Photosynthesis is the process in which producers capture light energy from the sun and use it to make glucose. 1. use it to make glucose, fats 2. use it to make glucose, stored 3. capture light energy from the sun and, use it to make glucose 4. use it to make glucose, cellular respiration 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Types of lipids include _____, _____, and _____. 1. fats, oils, phospholipids 2. oils, phospholipids, cellular respiration 3. oils, phospholipids, make cell membranes 4. oils, phospholipids, one 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ may be elements or compounds.
  • 19. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 19 1. products, cellular respiration 2. Reactants, products 3. products, fats 4. products, stored 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Carbohydrates contains _____, _____, and _____. 1. carbon, oxygen, oils 2. carbon, oxygen, cellular respiration 3. hydrogen, oxygen, sugar 4. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen 30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The sequence of _____ in chains and the _____ of chains in a protein determine the protein 's shape. 1. number, phospholipids 2. number, cellular respiration 3. number, stored 4. amino acids, number 31) Fill in the blank in the below sentence A species is defined as a group of organisms that can ___________ and produce fertile offspring ___________. 1. breed, together 2. breed, nomenclature 3. breed, given 4. nomenclature, unique 32) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The cells of all Eukarya have a nucleus and other organelles. B. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 33) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The Archaea Domain includes only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Bacteria Domain includes only the Bacteria Kingdom. B. Each phylum is divided into classes, each class into orders, each order into families, and each family into genera.
  • 20. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 20 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 34) Fill in the blank in the below sentence A virus is nothing more than some DNA or RNA __________________ by a coat of proteins. 1. surrounded 2. broadest 3. added 4. phylum 35) Fill in the blank in the below sentence The Archaea and Bacteria Domains ___________ only ___________ organisms. 1. contain, classifications 2. contain, father 3. contain, single-celled 4. contain, structure 36) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Kingdoms are divided, in turn, into phyla. 2. Carl Linnaeus is called the `` father of taxonomy. '' 3. Modern scientists base classifications of living things mainly on cellular similarities. 4. Modern scientists base classifications of living things mainly on molecular similarities. 37) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Scientists classify living things in order to organize and make sense of the incredible diversity of life. 2. The Archaea Domain includes only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Fungus Domain includes only the Bacteria Kingdom. 3. The Archaea and Bacteria Domains contain only single-celled or multicellular organisms. 4. Carl Linnaeus is called the `` father of taxonomy. '' 38) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. As a result of microscopes, a new taxon, called the domain, was added to the classification system. 2. The cells of Archaea and Bacteria have a nucleus. 3. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy. 4. The cells of all Eukarya do not have a nucleus and other organelles. 39) Identify all true sentences from the following
  • 21. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 21 1. The science of classifying living things is called taxonomy. 2. A virus use energy, respond to stimuli, grow, or maintain homeostasis. 3. The species is the narrowest category in the Linnaean system. 4. Scientists classify living things in order to organize and make sense of the incredible diversity of life. 40) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The science of classifying objects or elements is called taxonomy. 2. A virus use energy, respond to stimuli, grow, or maintain homeostasis. 3. In the Linnaean system includes the Plant Kingdom, Fungus Kingdom, and Protist Kingdom. 4. The species is the narrowest category in the Linnaean system. 41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In binomial nomenclature, both names are always _____ in italics, and the genus name is always _____. 1. capitalized, reproduce, viruses can evolve 2. capitalized, Plant 3. capitalized, order 4. written, capitalized 42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The Archaea Domain _____ only the Archaea Kingdom, and the Bacteria Domain _____ only the Bacteria Kingdom. 1. reproduce, viruses can evolve 2. includes 3. other organelles 4. make 43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Both _____ and _____ have cells walls, but their cell walls are made of different materials. 1. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve 2. Archaea, Bacteria 3. Bacteria, other organelles 4. Bacteria, Animal 44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The cells of _____ and _____ lack a nucleus. 1. Bacteria, other organelles 2. Archaea, Bacteria 3. Bacteria, Animal
  • 22. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 22 4. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve 45) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ may seem more similar to each other than either is to Eukarya. 1. Bacteria, other organelles 2. Bacteria, reproduce, viruses can evolve 3. Archaea, Bacteria 4. Bacteria, Animal Answers 1. 2 2. 4 3. 1 4. 2 5. 2 6. 1,3 7. 1,4 8. 3,4 9. 1,2 10. 2,3 11. 4 12. 4 13. 3 14. 4 15. 4 16. 2 17. 3 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 1,4 23. 1,3 24. 1,2,4 25. 3,4 26. 3 27. 1 28. 2 29. 4 30. 4 31. 1 32. 2 33. 2 34. 1 35. 3 36. 1,2,4 37. 1,4 38. 1,3 39. 1,3,4 40. 3,4 41. 4 42. 2 43. 2 44. 2 45. 3 ---End of Test---
  • 23. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 23 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 3 MS Cells and Their Structures 1) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Common cell parts are the cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA, and ribosomes. B. Many protists consist of a single cell. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The function of a nerve cell is to carry messages to other cells. B. Some protists consist of a single cell. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Specialized cells may be organized into tissues. B. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence If the volume of a cell ___________ too great, ___________ wo n't have enough surface area to transfer all of its nutrients and wastes. 1. has, Molecules 2. becomes, job 3. becomes, has 4. becomes, it 5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence A nerve ___________ has ___________ long `` arms '' that extend outward from the ___________. 1. cell, many 2. group, arms 3. cell, same
  • 24. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 24 4. cell, made 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts. 2. The DNA in prokaryotic cells is in the cytoplasm, rather than enclosed within a nuclear membrane. 3. A tissue is a group of cells of the same kind that performs the same or different function. 4. Living things with eukaryotic cells are called eukaryotes. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Ribosomes are structures in the cytoplasm where proteins are made. 2. Cytoplasm includes a watery substance called cytosol. 3. Eukaryotes are all single-celled organisms. 4. The mitochondrion is an organelle inside the nucleas that provides energy to the cell. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. All the organisms in the Bacteria and Archaea Domains have prokaryotic cells. 2. An organelle is any structure inside a cell that is enclosed by a membrane. 3. The function of muscle tissue is to contract or expand in order to move the body or its parts. 4. Eukaryotic cells are more complex. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Prokaryotic cells are larger than Eukaryotic cells. 2. All the organisms in the Bacteria and Archaea Domains have prokaryotic cells. 3. Specialized cells may be organized into organs. 4. Cytoplasm includes other cell structures suspended in the cytosol. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Eukaryotic cells are larger than prokaryotic cells. 2. A white blood cell has a lot of surface area for transferring oxygen. 3. Prokaryotic cells are cells that lack a nucleus. 4. An organelle is any structure inside a cell that is enclosed by a membrane. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence A bigger cell _____ more nutrients and _____ more wastes. 1. creates, wastes 2. creates, Bacteria 3. creates, enters 4. needs, creates
  • 25. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 25 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Ribosomes consist of _____ and _____. 1. proteins, protists 2. proteins, environment 3. RNA, proteins 4. proteins, wastes 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence A red blood cell is _____ and _____. 1. smooth, enters 2. small, smooth 3. smooth, Bacteria 4. smooth, wastes 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Besides water, cytosol contains _____ and _____. 1. other substances, protists 2. enzymes, other substances 3. other substances, enters 4. other substances, wastes 15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence To carry _____ life processes, a cell must be able to pass substances _____ and _____ of the cell. 1. out, wastes 2. out, enters 3. into, out 4. out, Bacteria 16) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Cytoplasm includes the watery, gel-like cytosol. B. Endoplasmic reticulum store and transport materials in the cell. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 17) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The chloroplasts may contain pigments that give flowers their colors. B. The main types of plastids are chloroplasts, chromoplasts, and leucoplasts. 1. Both A and B are false.
  • 26. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 26 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 18) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that helps make and transport proteins and lipids. B. Cytoplasm help in providing a site for many of the biochemical reactions of the cell. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes. B. ATP packages energy in smaller amounts that cells can use. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The nuclear envelope has tiny holes, or pores, in it. B. Crisscrossing the cytoplasm is a structure called the cytoskeleton. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The nuclear envelope has tiny holes, or pores, in it. 2. Vacuoles are used as chambers for biochemical reactions. 3. Vesicles are used to store needed substances such as water. 4. A ribosome is a small organelle where proteins are made. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes. 2. Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus and several other types of organelles. 3. Vesicles are much larger than vacuoles and have a variety of functions. 4. Most plant cells have a large central vesicle.
  • 27. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 27 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Cytoskeleton consists of thread-like filaments and tubules. 2. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes. 3. Lysosome are located near the nucleus. 4. Lysosome ensure that the DNA divides correctly when the cell divides. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Vesicles are used to store needed substances such as water. 2. Lysosome are located near the nucleus. 3. Nucleolus function is to form ribosomes. 4. Cytoskeleton helps the cell keep its shape. 25) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Cytoskeleton holds cell organelles in place within the cytoplasm. 2. A centrioles is an organelle that recycles unneeded molecules. 3. The vesicles carry energy from the ER. 4. The mitochondrion uses energy in glucose to make smaller molecules called ATP. 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The main types of plastids are _____, _____, and _____. 1. chloroplasts, leucoplasts, store starch 2. chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts 3. chromoplasts, leucoplasts, environment 4. chloroplasts, leucoplasts, oil 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The _____ let water, nutrients, and other substances move _____ and _____ of the cell wall. 1. pores, move, out, supports 2. move, into, out, oil 3. pores, move, out, gathers 4. pores, move, into, out 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The heads are _____, and the tails are _____. 1. hydrophobic, supports 2. hydrophilic, hydrophobic 3. hydrophobic, environment 4. hydrophobic, oil
  • 28. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 28 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Central vacuole may store substances such as _____, _____, and _____. 1. water, enzymes, salts 2. enzymes, salts, environment 3. enzymes, salts, oil 4. enzymes, salts, store starch 30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The cell wall _____ and _____ the cell. 1. supports, protects 2. protects, environment 3. protects, central large vacuole 4. protects, oil Answers 1. 2 2. 3 3. 3 4. 4 5. 1 6. 2,4 7. 1,2 8. 1,4 9. 2,4 10. 1,3 11. 4 12. 3 13. 2 14. 2 15. 3 16. 3 17. 1 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 1,2 23. 1,2 24. 3,4 25. 1,4 26. 2 27. 4 28. 2 29. 1 30. 1 ---End of Test---
  • 29. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 29 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 4 MS Cell Functions 1) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Passive transport ___________ ___________ a substance moves from an area where it is more ___________ to an area where it is less ___________. 1. happens, named, concentrated 2. happens, comes, concentrated 3. happens, when, concentrated 4. happens, pinches, other 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. A carrier protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane. B. ATP allows special transport proteins called pumps to move substances to areas of higher concentration. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Two layers of phospholipids make the outer surfaces of the membrane hydrophilic. B. Two layers of phospholipids make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid heads point toward the outside of the membrane. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Passive transport occurs when a substance __________________ through the cell membrane without needing any energy to pass through. 1. hydrophobic 2. lipid 3. happens 4. passes 5) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The ADP energy causes the carrier protein to change shape and pumps the three sodium ions out of the cell. B. When some substances are too big to be pumped across the cell membrane, they may enter or leave the cell by active transport. 1. Both A and B are false.
  • 30. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 30 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. In facilitated diffusion, molecules need help from transport proteins to pass through the membrane The two types of transport proteins are channel proteins and carrier proteins. 2. The process is called diffusion. 3. Hydrophilic molecules are very small molecules and can pass through the cell membrane by simple diffusion. 4. A channel protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. For Active transport, the energy comes from the molecule named ADP. 2. Passive transport occurs when a substance passes through the cell membrane without needing any energy to pass through. 3. Oxygen and potassiumare examples of molecules that can cross cell membranes by Simple diffusion. 4. Hydrophilic molecules need help to pass through the membrane. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are examples of molecules that can cross cell membranes by Simple diffusion. 2. A carrier protein allows water or hydrophilic molecules to bypass the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. 3. Hydrophilic molecules and very large molecules ca n't pass through the cell membrane by simple diffusion. 4. Active transport is the opposite of osmosis. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. A channel protein allows large molecules to pass through the cell membrane. 2. Water can pass through the cell membrane by simple diffusion, without the help of channel proteins. 3. Passive transport happens when a substance moves from an area where it is more concentrated to an area where it is less concentrated. 4. In Simple diffusion, the substance simply passes through tiny spaces in the membrane. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Passive transport occurs when a substance passes through the cell membrane without needing any energy to pass through.
  • 31. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 31 2. Simple diffusion occurs when a substance diffuses through a cell membrane without any help from other molecules. 3. The sodium-potassium pump moves sodium ions into the cell and potassium Ions out of the cell. 4. A carrier protein forms a tiny hole called a pore in the cell membrane. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The sodium-_____ pump moves sodium ions out of the _____ and _____ Ions into the _____. 1. potassium, carrier channel transport transport proteins 2. cell, potassium 3. potassium, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid 4. potassium, carries 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Osmosis an important means of transport in cells because the _____ inside and outside cells is mostly water. 1. fluid 2. carries 3. make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid 4. carrier channel transport proteins 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence When the carrier protein receives a phosphate from ATP, ADP is _____ and energy is _____. 1. formed, released 2. released, carries 3. released, carrier channel transport proteins 4. released, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ are present mainly as positively charged ions dissolved in water. 1. potassium, make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid 2. potassium, carries 3. Sodium, potassium 4. potassium, fluid 15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In facilitated diffusion, molecules need help from transport proteins to pass through the membrane The two types of transport proteins are channel proteins and carrier proteins. 1. make the interior of the membrane hydrophobic and the lipid 2. carries 3. carrier channel transport proteins
  • 32. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 32 4. fluid 16) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Aerobic respiration releases far more energy than anaerobic respiration does. B. Cellular respiration is begins in mitochondria. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 17) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Anaerobic respiration is much quicker than aerobic respiration. B. During electron transport, the oxygen combines with hydrogen from the energy-storing molecules to forms water. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 18) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. With fermentation, some organisms can produce ATP from glucose anaerobically. B. The lactic acid gives unsweetened yogurt its sour taste. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Cellular respiration uses oxygen in addition to glucose. B. Anything that needs oxygen is described as aerobic. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Fermentation does not include aerobic steps. B. The products of photosynthesis are needed for cellular respiration. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true.
  • 33. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 33 4. Only B is true. 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Cellular respiration occurs in autotrophs such as plants as well as heterotrophs such as animals. 2. Aerobic respiration results in the formation of less molecules of ATP. 3. Anything that does not need oxygen is described as anaerobic. 4. The products of cellular respiration may be needed for photosynthesis. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The stages Cellular respiration are glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport. 2. During electron transport stage, as many as 34 molecules of ADP are produced. 3. The carbon combines with the oxygen from the pyruvate molecules to form carbon dioxide. 4. During Cellular respiration, the energy is used to form dozens of molecules of ATP. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During electron transport stage, as many as 34 molecules of ADP are produced. 2. Glycolysis does not require oxygen. 3. Cellular respiration occurs in autotrophs such as plants as well as heterotrophs such as animals. 4. The products of photosynthesis may be needed for cellular respiration. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During Glycolysis, Enzymes split a molecule of glucose and results in a net gain of two molecules of ATP and other energy-storing molecules. 2. Glycolysis may require oxygen. 3. Cellular respiration begins in the cytoplasm of cells. 4. Cellular respiration is completed in mitochondria. 25) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The mitochondrion is a membrane-enclosed organelle in the chloroplast. 2. Anything that needs oxygen is described as aerobic. 3. During The Krebs Cycle, the pyruvate molecules from glycolysis next enter the matrix of a mitochondrion. 4. During electron transport, the hydrogen combines with oxygen from the energy-storing molecules to forms water. 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In _____ic fermentation, glycolysis is followed by a step that produces _____ and _____ dioxide. 1. carbon, store 2. carbon, use the energy to make ATP
  • 34. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 34 3. alcohol, carbon 4. carbon, alcoholic acid lactic fermentation 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Glucose is the simple sugar that living things use to store and _____ energy. 1. store and, transport 2. transport, carbon 3. transport, use the energy to make ATP 4. transport, water 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The types of fermentation are lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation. 1. carbon dioxide 2. carbon 3. plants 4. alcoholic acid lactic fermentation 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Cells first need to release the energy and _____ it in ATP, or adenosine triphosphate. 1. store, use the energy to make ATP 2. release the energy and, store 3. store, water 4. store, carbon 30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The _____ and _____ stage of cellular respiration is called electron transport. 1. third, final 2. final, carbon 3. final, use the energy to make ATP 4. final, store Answers 1. 3 2. 2 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3 6. 1,2 7. 2,4 8. 1,3 9. 3,4 10. 1,2 11. 2 12. 1 13. 1 14. 3 15. 3 16. 3 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 20. 2 21. 1,3 22. 1,4 23. 2,3 24. 1,3,4 25. 2,3 26. 3 27. 1 28. 4 29. 2 30. 1 ---End of Test---
  • 35. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 35 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 5 MS Cell Division, Reproduction, and Protein Synthesis 1) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. In eukaryotes, the cell cycle has interphase and mitotic phase. B. During Telophase, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. During prophase, Fibers called spindles form between the centrioles. B. By the time mitosis occurs, the cell 's DNA has already replicated. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Each daughter cell gets a complete copy of the parent cell 's genetic material. B. During prophase, Fibers called spindles form between the centrioles. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Interphase is longer than mitotic phase. B. Before a cell divides its DNA must be copied. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 5) Fill in the blank in the below sentence As a cell ___________ to divide, its ___________ ___________ forms one or more structures called chromosomes. 1. prepares, DNA, first 2. prepares, circular, replicates 3. prepares, circular, formed
  • 36. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 36 4. prepares, circular, membranes 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine. 2. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together. 3. Prokaryotic cell division is called binary fission. 4. During prokaryotic cell division, the cell membrane grows toward the center of the cell. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine. 2. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together. 3. Binary fission occurs in bacteria and other prokaryotes. 4. Prokaryotic DNA forms multiple rodlike chromosomes. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During prokaryotic cell division, the cell membrane grows toward the center of the cell. 2. Adenine always bonds with thymine, and cytosine always bonds with guanine. 3. During prokaryotic cell division, the chloroplast splits apart, and the cell pinches in two. 4. Chemical bonds between the bases hold the two strands of DNA together. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. When the chromosomes splits apart it 's called cytokinesis. 2. Eukaryotic cells lack a nucleus. 3. Chromosomes are circular in prokaryotes and rodlike in eukaryotes. 4. The sugar in DNA is called deoxyribose. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Nitrogen bases in DNA are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. 2. Chromosomes are rod like in prokaryotes. 3. Cell division is more complex in eukaryotic cells, as they have other organelles. 4. Prokaryotic cells have a nucleus holding their DNA. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence During Telophase, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down. 1. uncoil, and the spindle fibers, break down 2. break down, telophase 3. break down, cytokinesis 4. break down, other organelles
  • 37. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 37 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Before a eukaryotic cell divides, the _____ and _____ must be copied. 1. nucleus, other organelles 2. other organelles, mitosis 3. other organelles, cytokinesis 4. other organelles, down 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence A chromosome consists of _____ and _____ molecules coiled into a definite shape. 1. protein, down 2. DNA, protein 3. protein, cytokinesis 4. protein, prophase 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In DNA, each nucleotide includes a _____, a _____, and a _____. 1. phosphate, nitrogen base, mitosis 2. sugar, phosphate, nitrogen base 3. phosphate, nitrogen base, cytokinesis 4. phosphate, nitrogen base, cytosine 15) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The prokaryotic cell _____ in size, its DNA replicates, and the cell _____. 1. divides, telophase 2. divides, cytokinesis 3. divides, other organelles 4. grows, divides 16) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Special cells called gametes are produced by the parents in Sexual reproduction. B. During Metaphase II, the Chromosomes form, the nuclear membrane breaks down. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 17) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes go to opposite poles of the cell in anaphase I. B. Meiosis is basically mitosis times four. 1. Both A and B are false.
  • 38. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 38 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 18) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Binary fission occurs when a parent cell simply splits into two daughter cells. B. Yeasts can reproduce by Fragmentation. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. In humans, the diploid number is two times 23, or 46. B. During Meiosis, DNA replication results in two haploid daughter cells. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Fill in the blank in the below sentence In meiosis I, ___________ chromosomes pair ___________ and then separate. 1. nuclear, eukaryotes 2. homologous, up 3. homologous, nuclear 4. homologous, asexual 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During Meiosis, DNA replicates before meiosis I but not before meiosis II. 2. Meiosis produces diploid daughter cells. 3. During Telophase I, Chromosomes form, and the nuclear membrane breaks down. 4. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During Telophase I, Chromosomes form, and the nuclear membrane breaks down. 2. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. 3. Meiosis occurs when an organism makes gametes. 4. During Metaphase II, Centrioles move to opposite poles and Spindle fibers form. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following
  • 39. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 39 1. During Telophase I, Spindle fibers form between the centrioles. 2. Meiosis is basically mitosis times four. 3. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. 4. In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair up and then separate. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Meiosis II is just like meiosis. 2. During Meiosis, DNA replication results in four haploid daughter cells. 3. Sexual reproduction involves two parents. 4. During Meiosis, the DNA replicates only twice. 25) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The initial cell that forms when two gametes unite is called a zygote. 2. In Meiosis, the original haploid cell divides twice. 3. During Prophase I, the chromosomes uncoil, and the spindle fibers break down. 4. During Meiosis, DNA replicates before meiosis I but not before meiosis II. 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Different methods of asexual reproduction are _____, _____, and _____. 1. binary fission, fragmentation, budding 2. fragmentation, budding, spindle fibers 3. fragmentation, budding, form, and the nuclear membrane breaks 4. binary fission, budding, random union 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In meiosis I, homologous chromosomes pair _____ and _____ separate. 1. then, budding 2. up, then 3. then, random union 4. then, meet and 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In Asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetically identical to each _____ and to the _____. 1. parent, random union 2. parent, develops 3. parent, meet and 4. other, parent 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence
  • 40. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 40 Ways of genetic variation are crossing over, _____, and the _____ of gametes. 1. random union, budding 2. independent assortment, random union 3. random union, mate 4. random union, happen very quickly and does n't 30) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The bud stays attached to the parent while it _____ and _____. 1. develops, budding 2. develops, random union 3. grows, develops 4. develops, meet and 31) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. RNA copies instructions in DNA and carries them to a ribosome in the cytoplasm. B. The two nitrogen bases make up the `` letters '' of the genetic code. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 32) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. DNA stores genetic information. B. UAG, UGA, and UAA do n't code for any amino acids. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 33) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. All organisms are related by descent from a common ancestor. B. The mRNA contains bases that are complementary to the bases in the DNA strand. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 34) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Each codon codes for just one amino acid. B. A point mutations change just one or a few bases in DNA.
  • 41. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 41 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 35) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. At the ribosome, the proteins are joined together to form a chain of amino acids. B. Messenger DNA copies genetic instructions from RNA in the nucleus. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 36) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Transfer DNA brings amino acids to the ribosome. 2. DNA stores genetic information. 3. Proteins determine the structure and function of all your cells. 4. Proteins consist of a single amino acid. 37) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During transcription, after the DNA unwinds, the enzyme can read the bases in one of the DNA strands. 2. During translation, the genetic code in mRNA is read to make an amino acids. 3. Most amino acids are encoded by more than one codon. 4. Each codon codes for just one amino acid. 38) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Transfer RNA brings amino acids to the ribosome. 2. Proteins determine the structure and function of all your cells. 3. Groups of four bases each make up code `` words. 4. In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are contained outside the nucleus. 39) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. UAG, UGA, and UAA are all stop codons. 2. During translation, using one strand of DNA as a template, nucleotides are joined together to make a complementary strand of mRNA. 3. AUG for the start signal. 4. UAG, UGA, and UAA do n't code for any amino acids.
  • 42. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 42 40) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. RNA consists of one nucleotide chain rather than two chains as in DNA. 2. The four nitrogen bases make up the `` letters '' of the genetic code. 3. DNA helps build proteins. 4. DNA is smaller than RNA. 41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The ribosome consists of _____ and _____. 1. proteins, daughter body cells 2. proteins, structure 3. proteins, instructions 4. rRNA, proteins 42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence During translation, the molecule of mRNA _____ the nucleus and _____ to a ribosome. 1. moves, daughter body cells 2. leaves, moves 3. moves, structure 4. moves, instructions 43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence RNA copies _____ in DNA and _____ them to a ribosome in the cytoplasm. 1. carries, daughter body cells 2. carries, UAG 3. instructions, carries 4. carries, structure 44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence A protein 's _____ and _____ depends on the sequence of its amino acids. 1. structure, function 2. function, carries 3. function, daughter body cells 4. function, RNA 45) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____, _____, and _____ do n't code for any amino acids. 1. UGA, UAA, carries 2. UAG, UGA, UAA 3. UAG, UAA, daughter body cells
  • 43. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 43 4. UAG, UAA, RNA Answers 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 1 6. 1,2,3 7. 1,2,3 8. 2,4 9. 3,4 10. 1,3 11. 1 12. 1 13. 2 14. 2 15. 4 16. 3 17. 3 18. 3 19. 3 20. 2 21. 1,4 22. 2,3 23. 3,4 24. 2,3 25. 1,4 26. 1 27. 2 28. 4 29. 2 30. 3 31. 3 32. 2 33. 2 34. 2 35. 1 36. 2,3 37. 1,3,4 38. 1,2 39. 1,3,4 40. 1,2 41. 4 42. 2 43. 3 44. 1 45. 2 ---End of Test---
  • 44. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 44 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 6 MS Genetics 1) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. For each trait, he got the same results. B. Moreover, the two forms of the trait always showed up in the F2 plants in the same 3:1 ratio. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. In Pea plants, the female gametes lie deep within the flowers. B. An example of Mendel 's first set of experiments is his research on flower color. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. In Mendel experiment, the offspring formed the second generation F2. B. One form of the trait seemed to disappear in the F1 plants. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The recessive factor is hidden. B. Mendel repeated this experiment with each of the other traits. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 5) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Fertilization occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a different flower. B. Two forms of the trait always showed up in the F2 plants in the same 3:1 ratio. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true.
  • 45. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 45 4. Only B is true. 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. All of the F1 plants had violet flowers. 2. Mendel concluded if dominant and recessive factors are present in an individual, the dominant factor may be expressed. 3. Fertilization is a process of fertilization when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a different flower. 4. The F1 plants should have only violet-flowered offspring. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen. 2. The offspring formed the first generation F1. 3. Mendel transferred pollen from a plant with violet flowers to a plant with white flowers called cross- pollination. 4. In Pea plants, the male gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The recessive factor is eliminated. 2. An example of Mendel 's first set of experiments is his research on flower color. 3. All of the F1 plants had violet flowers. 4. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The recessive factor is eliminated. 2. Fertilization occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a different flower. 3. In Pea plants, the female gametes are released by tiny grains of pollen. 4. Pea plants are easy to grow and grow quickly. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The first generation F1 plants should have only white-flowered offspring. 2. Pollination is a process of fertilization when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a different flower. 3. Pollination occurs when pollen from one flower reaches the female gametes in the same or a different flower. 4. Mendel transferred pollen from a plant with white flowers to a plant with violet flowers called cross- pollination.
  • 46. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 46 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence According to law of segregation, the two factors that control a trait separate and go to different gametes. 1. go to different gametes, grow and grow quickly 2. go to different gametes, recessive 3. go to different gametes, white violet flowers 4. control a trait separate and, go to different gametes 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In other words, F2 plants with violet flowers and F2 plants with white flowers had a 3:1 ratio. 1. F2 F2 plants, grow and grow quickly 2. white violet flowers, F2 F2 plants 3. F2 F2 plants, go to different gametes 4. F2 F2 plants, dominant 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Mendel concluded if _____ and _____ factors are present in an individual, only the _____ factor is expressed. 1. recessive, white violet flowers 2. dominant, recessive 3. recessive, go to different gametes 4. recessive, grow and grow quickly 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Pea plants are easy to grow and grow quickly. 1. dominant 2. white violet flowers 3. go to different gametes 4. grow and grow quickly 15) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Homologous chromosomes may be the same or different alleles. B. Genes on sex chromosomes may be inherited differently than genes on autosomes. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence The ___________ b allele is expressed ___________ in the bb genotype.
  • 47. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 47 1. complex, plant 2. recessive, pair Chromosomes 3. recessive, only 4. recessive, codominance 17) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. If a gene has two alleles, one may not be dominant to the other. B. The B allele is dominant to the b allele. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 18) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Each ___________ may have ___________ versions called alleles. 1. gene, versions 2. gene, both 3. gene, different 4. gene, pattern 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. X - linked traits have a different pattern of inheritance than traits controlled by genes on autosomes. B. A gene can be defined as a section of a chromosome that contains the genetic code for a particular protein. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Mothers pass an X to their daughters and a Y to their sons. 2. The phenotype refers to the organism 's traits, such as purple or white flowers. 3. In a Bb heterozygote, only the dominant B allele is expressed. 4. If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is called codominance and another is called inactive dominance. 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Fathers pass an X chromosome to each of their children. 2. If the parents had four offspring, the genotype ratios of their actual offspring may differ.
  • 48. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 48 3. The Punnett square shows the possible genotypes and their most likely possibilities. 4. The B allele is dominant to the b allele. 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Each trait Mendel studied was controlled by one gene with one alleles. 2. With incomplete dominance, a recessive allele is not completely dominant. 3. Inheritance is often more complex than it is for traits like those Mendel studied. 4. The phenotype refers to the organism 's traits, such as purple or white flowers. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. If the parents had four offspring, their most likely genotypes would be one BB, two Bb, and one bb. 2. The Punnett square shows the possible genotypes and their most likely possibilities. 3. Inheritance is often more complex than it is for traits like those Mendel studied. 4. Fathers pass an X chromosome to each of their children. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. One gene on the X chromosome determines male sex. 2. With codominance, both alleles are expressed equally in homozygotes. 3. If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is called codominance and another is called incomplete dominance. 4. The expression of an organism 's genotype is called its phenotype. 25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence If the parents had four offspring, their most likely genotypes would be one _____, two _____, and one _____. 1. BB, bb, Y chromosome 2. BB, bb, likely ratios 3. BB, Bb, bb 4. Bb, bb, B 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The terms _____ and _____ are the terms Mendel used to describe his `` factors. '' 1. dominant, recessive 2. recessive, Y 3. recessive, B 4. recessive, Y chromosome 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Individuals with one _____ and one _____ are normally males.
  • 49. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 49 1. Y chromosome, called 2. X, Y chromosome 3. Y chromosome, Y 4. Y chromosome, X 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence If a gene has two alleles, one possibility is _____ codominance and another is _____ incomplete dominance. 1. Y chromosome 2. type type A 3. called 4. Y 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____ and _____ are examples of polygenic traits in humans. 1. Skin color, adult height 2. adult height, called 3. adult height, Y 4. adult height, Y chromosome 30) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Hemophilia A leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red blood cells. B. Sequencing the human genome has increased our knowledge of genetic makeup of living things. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 31) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Turner 's syndrome leads female with short height and inability to reproduce. B. Many GMOs are food crops such as corn. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 32) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Biotechnology use polymerase chain reaction and gene cloning. B. In the process of meiosis, paired chromosomes end up in different gametes.
  • 50. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 50 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 33) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Klinefelter 's syndrome leads male with abnormal sexual development and reduced level of male sex hormone. B. Many genetic disorders are caused by mutations in a single gene or abnormal numbers of chromosomes. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 34) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Down syndrome leads male with abnormal sexual development and reduced level of male sex hormone. B. A recessive allele is expressed in everybody who inherits even one copy of it. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 35) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Hemophilia A leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red blood cells. 2. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red blood cells. 3. Many genetic disorders are caused by mutations in genes or less numbers of chromosomes. 4. Genetic disorders are diseases caused by mutations. 36) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot. 2. Marfan syndrome leads to defective protein needed to make mucus. 3. Hemophilia A leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot. 4. A species ' genome consists of all of its genetic information. 37) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to reduced activity of a protein needed for blood to clot.
  • 51. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 51 2. A dominant allele is expressed in everybody who inherits even one copy of it. 3. Marfan syndrome leads to defective protein needed to make mucus. 4. The Human Genome Project provides a complete blueprint for a human being. 38) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Klinefelter 's syndrome has One X chromosome and no other sex chromosome. 2. A species ' genome consists of all of its genetic information. 3. Sickle Cell Anemia leads to defective hemoglobin protein that is needed to transport oxygen in red blood cells. 4. Biotechnology is the use of technology to change the genetic disorders. 39) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Cystic fibrosis lead to defective protein in tissues such as cartilage and bone. 2. The aim of the Human Genome Project was to identify the more than 20, 000 human genes and map their locations on chromosomes. 3. In the process of meiosis, paired chromosomes normally separate from each other. 4. The Human Genome Project provides a complete blueprint for a human being. 40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The GMOs plants are likely to be _____ and produce more food. 1. produce more food, reduced 2. produce more food, X chromosomes 3. healthier, produce more food 4. produce more food, enzyme 41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Turner 's syndrome leads female with _____ and _____ to reproduce. 1. inability, produce more food 2. short height, inability 3. inability, reduced 4. inability, gene cloning 42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Klinefelter 's syndrome _____ male with abnormal sexual development and _____ level of male sex hormone. 1. reduced, produce more food 2. reduced, gene cloning 3. reduced, X chromosomes 4. leads, reduced
  • 52. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 52 43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Knowing the sequence of the human genome is helping researchers identify and understand genetic disorders. 1. identify and, understand genetic disorders 2. understand genetic disorders, gene cloning 3. understand genetic disorders, produce more food 4. understand genetic disorders, reduced 44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Turner 's syndrome has One X chromosome and no other sex chromosome. 1. short height 2. produce more food 3. sex other X chromosome 4. understand genetic disorders Answers 1. 2 2. 2 3. 2 4. 2 5. 3 6. 1,4 7. 2,4 8. 2,3 9. 2,4 10. 2,4 11. 4 12. 2 13. 2 14. 4 15. 2 16. 3 17. 2 18. 3 19. 2 20. 2,3 21. 2,4 22. 3,4 23. 1,3 24. 3,4 25. 3 26. 1 27. 2 28. 3 29. 1 30. 1 31. 2 32. 2 33. 2 34. 1 35. 2,4 36. 3,4 37. 2,4 38. 2,3 39. 2,3,4 40. 3 41. 2 42. 4 43. 1 44. 3 ---End of Test---
  • 53. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 53 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 7 MS Evolution 1) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources. B. In nature, Lamarck reasoned, individuals with certain traits might be more likely to survive the `` struggle for existence '' and have offspring. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 2) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed that __________________ change over time. 1. changed 2. realized 3. species 4. famine 3) Fill in the blank in the below sentence From Malthus, Darwin ___________ that `` overproduction of offspring '' ___________ to a `` struggle for existence, '' in Darwin 's words. 1. offspring overproduction, change, led 2. change, selection, living 3. offspring overproduction, dome Tortoises, led 4. offspring overproduction, saw, led 4) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. When populations get too big, disease and famine occur. B. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 5) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Evolution is a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time. B. Tortoises with saddle - shaped shells lived on islands where food was often scarce. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true.
  • 54. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 54 4. Only B is true. 6) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Living things have changed as descendants diverged from common ancestors in the past. 2. Tortoises with saddle-shaped shells lived on islands where the plants they ate were abundant and easy to reach. 3. Thomas Malthus proposed that species change over time. 4. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually. 7) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually. 2. Thomas Malthus proposed that species change over time. 3. Evolution is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring. 4. Thomas Malthus argued that human populations have the potential to grow faster than the resources they need. 8) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. From Malthus, Darwin saw that populations could grow faster than their resources. 2. Living things have changed as descendants converged from common ancestors in the past. 3. As a result of Natural selection, living things traits increase in the population over time. 4. As a result of Evolution, living things traits increase in the population over time. 9) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Living things have changed as descendants diverged from common ancestors in the past. 2. Evolution is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring. 3. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually. 4. Thomas Malthus thought that the traits an organism developed during its life time could be passed on to its offspring. 10) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. From Lamarck, Darwin realized that Earth is very old. 2. Lyell argued that geological processes such as erosion change Earth 's surface very gradually. 3. Natural selection is the process in which living things with beneficial traits produce more offspring. 4. Natural selection is a change in the inherited traits of organisms over time. 11) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In nature, Darwin _____, individuals with certain traits might be more likely to survive the `` struggle for existence '' and have offspring. 1. have offspring, pass
  • 55. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 55 2. have offspring, famine 3. have offspring, disease 4. reasoned, have offspring 12) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence When populations get too big, _____ and _____ occur. 1. famine, have offspring 2. famine, pass 3. famine, reasoned 4. disease, famine 13) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Darwin used the word fitness to refer to the ability to reproduce and _____ traits to the next generation 1. pass, have offspring 2. reproduce and, pass 3. pass, famine 4. pass, disease 14) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Tortoises with dome - shaped shells lived on islands where the plants they ate were _____ and _____ to reach. 1. easy, have offspring 2. easy, reasoned 3. abundant, easy 4. easy, pass 15) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. When molecules are used compare species, they are called molecular clocks. B. A ecologist studies fossils to learn about the evolution of living things is called a ecologist. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 16) Fill in the blank in the below sentence In a distant ___________, ___________ was ___________ to digest food. 1. gives, always, whales 2. ancestor, appendix, needed 3. ancestor, always, cats
  • 56. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 56 4. ancestor, use, needed 17) Fill in the blank in the below sentence Embryos of different species may look quite similar, even when the adult forms look __________________ different. 1. longer 2. very 3. distant 4. digest 18) Fill in the blank in the below sentence When molecules are used ___________ species, ___________ are called molecular ___________. 1. bones, generally, closely 2. compare, they, clocks 3. compare, generally, bones 4. compare, tail, clocks 19) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Vestigial structures are body parts that are no longer used but are still present in modern organisms. B. When molecules are used compare species, they are called molecular clocks. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 20) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Offspring of a chicken, turtle, pig, and human being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart. 2. Fossils form when remain seeps through the rocks and water and deposits minerals in them. 3. Absolute dating is often based on the amount of carbon-14 or other radioactive element that remains in a fossil. 4. Absolute dating determines about how long ago a fossil organism lived. 21) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Offspring of a chicken, turtle, pig, and human being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart. 2. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years. 3. Scientists have learned a lot about evolution by comparing living organisms. 4. Absolute dating determines which of two fossils is older or younger than the other but not their age in years.
  • 57. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 57 22) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Relative dating is based on the positions of fossils in rock layers. 2. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate position within the layer. 3. Molecular clocks method assumes that sequential mutations occur at a constant rate for a given protein or segment of DNA. 4. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years. 23) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Species that are the most similar in these ways are generally the most closely related. 2. Fossils form when water seeps through the remains of dead and deposits minerals in them. 3. The more similar the DNA molecules are, the closer the relationship is likely to be between the community. 4. In humans spinal bones and the appendix are vestigial structures In a distant ancestor, appendix was part of the cirulatory system. 24) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Absolute dating gives the fossil an approximate age in years. 2. Vestigial structures are body parts that are no longer used but may or may not present in modern organisms. 3. Scientists have compared body parts, vestigial organs, embryos, and molecules in different species. 4. Absolute dating determines about how long ago a fossil organism lived. 25) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Bats use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to run and _____. 1. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, climb, dead 2. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, run and, climb 3. run and, climb, vestigial organs 4. use their front limbs to fly, whales use them to swim, and cats use them to, climb, human 26) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Scientists have compared _____, _____, _____, and _____ in different species. 1. body parts, vestigial organs, molecules, run and 2. vestigial organs, embryos, molecules, human 3. body parts, vestigial organs, molecules, dead 4. body parts, vestigial organs, embryos, molecules 27) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Embryos of a _____, _____, _____, and _____ being look so similar that it 's hard to tell them apart. 1. chicken, pig, human, appendix
  • 58. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 58 2. chicken, turtle, pig, human 3. chicken, turtle, human, dead 4. chicken, pig, human, body parts 28) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence In humans _____ and the _____ are vestigial structures The _____ is a tiny remnant of a once- larger organ. 1. appendix, dead 2. tail bones, appendix 3. appendix, human 4. appendix, vestigial organs 29) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Fossils form when water seeps through the remains of _____ and _____ minerals in them. 1. deposits, human 2. deposits, body parts 3. dead, deposits 4. deposits, molecules 30) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The geologic time scale divisions are based on major changes in geology, climate, and the evolution of life. B. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 31) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. The Precambrian Supereon covers the time from Earth 's formation 4.6 billion years ago to 544 million years ago. B. During Triassic Period, Flowering plants also appeared for the first time and new insects evolved to pollinate them. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 32) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Paleozoic Era is divided into six periods. B. During the Jurassic Period, the first dinosaurs evolved from reptile ancestors.
  • 59. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 59 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 33) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. During the Devonian Period, vascular plants appeared. B. The geologic time scale divisions are based on major changes in geography, climate, and the evolution of life. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 34) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Many of them died out. B. The Precambrian mass extinction gave dinosaurs the opportunity to really flourish during the Jurassic Period. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 35) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During the Silurian Period, the first seed plants evolved. 2. Photosynthesis evolved about 3 billion years ago. 3. During the Devonian Period, the first seed plants evolved. 4. During the Quaternary Period, the dinosaurs reached their maximum size and distribution. 36) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. Photosynthesis evolved about 3 billion years ago. 2. With their specialized organelles, eukaryotic cells were powerful and efficient. 3. During the Quaternary Period, the dinosaurs reached their maximum size and distribution. 4. Modern corals, fish, and insects all evolved in Jurassic Period. 37) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. The Precambrian Supereon covers the time from Earth 's formation 4.6 billion years ago to 544 million years ago. 2. The Precambrian Supereon is the first major division of Earth 's history.
  • 60. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 60 3. The geologic time scale organizes Earth 's history on the basis of important events instead of time alone. 4. In the Ordovician Period, Sponges and trilobites were small ocean invertebrates. 38) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During the Silurian Period, vascular plants appeared. 2. Corals appeared in the oceans during the Silurian period. 3. In the Permian Period, the first amphibians evolved during this period. 4. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart. 39) Identify all true sentences from the following 1. During Triassic Period, the continents continued to move apart. 2. In the Cambrian Period, Sponges and trilobites were small ocean invertebrates. 3. Paleozoic Era is divided into six periods. 4. The Jurassic Period ended in a mass extinction. 40) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence The geologic time scale divides Earth 's history into _____, _____, and _____. 1. eons, eras, periods 2. eons, periods, water 3. eras, periods, thick 4. eras, periods, cooled 41) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence With their specialized organelles, eukaryotic cells were _____ and _____. 1. powerful, efficient 2. efficient, geology 3. efficient, huge ferns 4. efficient, thick 42) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence Vascular plants have special tissues to circulate _____ and _____ substances. 1. other, thick 2. other, huge ferns 3. other, geology 4. water, other 43) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence _____, _____, and _____ all evolved in Triassic Period.
  • 61. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 61 1. fish, insects, thick 2. Modern corals, insects, water 3. Modern corals, fish, insects 4. Modern corals, insects, geology 44) Fill in the blanks in the below sentence During the Permian Period, _____ and _____ evolved ways to cope with dryness. 1. plants, animals 2. animals, geology 3. animals, water 4. animals, thick Answers 1. 3 2. 3 3. 4 4. 2 5. 2 6. 1,4 7. 1,4 8. 1,3 9. 1,3 10. 2,3 11. 4 12. 4 13. 2 14. 3 15. 1 16. 2 17. 2 18. 2 19. 2 20. 3,4 21. 2,3 22. 1,4 23. 1,2 24. 1,3,4 25. 2 26. 4 27. 2 28. 2 29. 3 30. 3 31. 3 32. 3 33. 1 34. 3 35. 2,3 36. 1,2 37. 1,2,3 38. 1,2 39. 2,3 40. 1 41. 1 42. 4 43. 3 44. 1 ---End of Test---
  • 62. K12 Middle School Life Science – Practice Tests From 62 K12 Middle LifeScience Chapter 8 MS Prokaryotes 1) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Anaerobic prokaryotes use fermentation or other anaerobic processes rather than cellular respiration. B. The pili protects the cell from chemicals and drying out. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 2) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Prokaryotes that need oxygen are described as aerobic. B. The cytoskeleton helps the cell keep its shape. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 3) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Most prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells. B. Only few prokaryotes are decomposers. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 4) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell. B. Most prokaryotes have one or more small loops of DNA. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true. 4. Only B is true. 5) Identify true or false in the below sentences A. Prokaryotes lack other membrane-bound organelles. B. The sticky plaque that collects on your teeth between brushings is a biofilm. 1. Both A and B are false. 2. Both A and B are true. 3. Only A is true.