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Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Plastic Hinge Concept Force Control Large Deformation in C programming
C program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei – Publication Date: 31/July/2019
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h> // text color
#include <conio.h>
#define N 10000
#define NN 10 // Degree of freedom
#define Ne 3 // number of element
#define ShowText01 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-inputDATA.csv"
#define ShowText02 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-inputHINGE.csv"
#define ShowText03 "Output data is written in Excel file"
#define ShowText04 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-outputEXCEL.csv"
#define ShowText05 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-outputHTML.html"
#define ShowText06 "Graph-outputHTML.html"
void IMPORT_DATA01(double &Length,double &EA,double &EI,double applied_load[],double &Dmax,int &M,int &itermax,double &tolerance);
void IMPORT_DATA02(double TET[],double MOM[],int &k);
void MatrixAssembled(double [Ne][6][6],double [][NN]);
void MatrixDetermination(double [][NN],int );
void MatrixInverse(double [][NN], double [][NN],int );
void MatrixMulti01(double [][NN], double [], double [], double [],int );
void MatrixMulti02(double [][NN], double [], double [], double [],int );
void MatrixZero(double A[][NN],int n);
void MatrixChange(double A[][NN],double B[][NN],int n);
void ElementInternalForce(double A[],double B[],double C[],double D[],double E[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double U[],double ee[][6],int I);// Calculate internal element force
void ElementStiffness(double eleF[3][6],double Length,double EI,double EA,double u[],double L[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double AA[],double BB[],double CC[],double DD[],double EE[],double Kele[3][6][6]);
void PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(double [],double [],double [],int );// Calculate slope Moment rotation of plastic hinge
void PlasticHingeStiffness(double A[3][6],int I,int II,double B[],double C[],int III,double D[],double E[],double KRK[],int I4,int n);
double ABS(double);
double MAX_ABS(double [],int );
double SQRT2(double);
void MessageNotConverge(int ,int );
void MessageConverge(int ,int ,double ,double []);
void MessageInitialData(double ,double ,double ,double [],double ,int ,double ,int );
void MessageCheckInputMk(int ,int );
void MessageAnalysisReport();
void MessageErrorReportTEXT();
void MessageInputDataTEXT();
void MessagePlasticHingeTEXT(double [],double [],int );
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double ,double ,double ,double ,int ,double ,int );
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA02(double [],double [],int );
int MessageControl(double Dmax,double u[],double TET[],int n);
void bilinear(double [][3],double [][2],double [],int );
void OUTPUT_excel(double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n);
void OUTPUT_html(double applied_load[],double L,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M,double TET[],double MOM[],int m,double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double
output_base05[],int n);
void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]);
void ANALYSIS(double Length,double EI,double EA,double Fini,double Dmax,double itermax,double tolerance,double residual,double applied_load[],double TET[],double MOM[],int n,double Rk[],int M);
void Distance(int);
void textcolor(int ForgC);
void DATE_TIME();
int main(){
double Length,EI,EA,Fini,Dmax,tolerance,residual,applied_load[NN];
int M,Y,itermax;
double TET[10],MOM[10],Rk[10];
PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(TET,MOM,Rk,Y);// Calculate slope Moment rotation of plastic hinge
return 0;
void MatrixInverse(double A[][NN], double C[][NN],int n){
int i,j,l;
double c_A[n][n],B[n][n],m,Sum;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
// Inverse [Kinit]
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<n;j++){
if (i==j)
for (j=0;j<n-1;j++)
for (i=j+1;i<n;i++){
for (l=0;l<n;l++){
c_A[i][l] -= m*c_A[j][l];
B[i][l] -= m*B[j][l];
// backward substitutions
for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
for (j=0;j<n;j++){
for (l=i+1;l<n;l++)
Sum += c_A[i][l]*C[l][j];
void PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(double A[],double B[],double C[],int n){
int i;
printf("%d - Rk[%d]: %fn",0,0,C[0]);
for (i=1;i<n;i++)
printf("%d - Rk[%d]: %fn",i,i,C[i]);
void PlasticHingeStiffness(double A[3][6],int I,int II,double B[],double C[],int III,double D[],double E[],double KRK[],int I4,int n){
if (ABS(A[I][II]) >= 0 && ABS(A[I][II]) <= B[0])
KRK[I4] = D[0];
for (int i=0;i<n-1;i++){
if (ABS(A[I][II]) > B[i] && ABS(A[I][II]) <= B[i+1])
KRK[I4] = (B[i]+D[i+1]*(ABS(C[III])-E[i]))/ABS(C[III]);
if (ABS(A[I][II]) > B[n-1])
KRK[I4] = 0.0;
//printf("ttt %fn",KRK[I4]);
void ElementInternalForce(double A[],double B[],double C[],double D[],double E[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double U[],double ee[][6],int I){
double K[6][6],lan[6][6],UU[6],ff,ll[6][6];
if (I == 0){
if (I == 1){
if (I == 2){
int i,j,k;
// [f] = [K] * [u]
for (i=0; i<6; i++){
for (j=0; j<6; j++){
ff = 0;
for (k=0; k<6; k++)
ff += K[i][k]*lan[k][j];
ll[i][j] = ff;
for (i=0; i<6; i++){
for (j=0; j<6; j++)
ff += ll[i][j]*UU[j];
ee[I][i] = ff;
void MatrixMulti01(double A[][NN], double B[], double C[], double D[],int n){
int i,j;
double ff;
// [f] = [Ktot] * [u] - [F]
for (i=0; i<n; i++){
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
ff += A[i][j]*B[j];
D[i] = ff - C[i];
void MatrixMulti02(double A[][NN], double B[], double C[], double D[],int n){
int i,j;
double Dx;
// [du] = [InvKinit] * [f]
for (i=0; i<n; i++){
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
Dx += A[i][j]* -B[j];
C[i]= Dx;
D[i] += C[i];// u= u+du
double ABS(double B){
if (B < 0)
B = -B;//Absolute number
B = B;
return B;
void Distance(int i){
if (i < 10)
if (i >= 10 && i <= 99)
if (i >= 100 && i <= 999)
if (i >= 1000 && i <= 9999)
if (i >= 10000 && i <= 20000)
void MessageNotConverge(int ii,int iit){
printf(" %dtt%d -> ## The solution for this step is not converged ##n",ii+1,iit);
void MessageConverge(int ii,int iit,double FP,double A[]){
printf(" %dtt%dt %.3ett %.3ett %.3ett %.3en",ii+1,iit,FP,A[2],A[5],A[7]);
void MessageInitialData(double L,double EI,double EA,double applied_load[],double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M){
char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf,Qg,Qk;
int i;
for (i=1;i<93;i++)
printf("tttt%c >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c UNIT: Free Unit %cn",Qf,Qf);
for (i=1;i<93;i++)
printf("tttt%c This program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf("tttt%c E-mail: %cn",Qf,Qf);
for (i=1;i<93;i++)
printf(" Length : %.3en",L);
printf(" Section flextural rigidity - EI: %.3en",EI);
printf(" Section axial rigidity - EA: %.3en",EA);
printf(" Initial incremental external axial [DOF(1)]: %.3en",applied_load[0]);
printf(" External force [DOF(3)]: %.3en",applied_load[1]);
printf(" External force [DOF(4)]: %.3en",applied_load[2]);
printf(" External force [DOF(5)]: %.3en",applied_load[3]);
printf(" External force [DOF(6)]: %.3en",applied_load[4]);
printf(" External force [DOF(7)]: %.3en",applied_load[5]);
printf(" External force [DOF(8)]: %.3en",applied_load[6]);
printf(" External force [DOF(9)]: %.3en",applied_load[7]);
printf(" External force [DOF(11)]: %.3en",applied_load[8]);
printf(" External force [DOF(12)]: %.3en",applied_load[9]);
printf(" Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: %.3en",Dmax);// maximum number of iterations
printf(" Maximum number of iterations: %dn",(int)itermax);
printf(" Specified tolerance for convergence: %.3en",tolerance);// specified tolerance for convergence
printf(" Number of calculation: %dn",M);
void MessageAnalysisReport(){
int i;
char Ql=176;
printf("n ");
for (i=1;i<64;i++)
printf(" Analysis Report ");
for (i=1;i<64;i++)
printf("t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
printf("t Increment Iteration Incremental load [DOF(11)] Displacement [DOF(5)] Displacement [DOF(8)] Displacement [DOF(11)] n");
printf("t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------n");
void MessagePlasticHingeTEXT(double TET[],double MOM[],int Y){
int i;
char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf;
printf(" %c",Qa);
for (i=1;i<33;i++)
printf(" %c Plastic Hinge Data %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf(" %c Rotation Moment %cn",Qf,Qf);
printf(" %c",Qd);
for (i=1;i<33;i++)
printf(" %.3e %.3en",TET[i],MOM[i]);
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double L,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M){
if ( L <= 0 || EI <= 0 || EA <= 0 || Dmax <= 0 || itermax <= 0 || tolerance<= 0 ){
printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01);
printf(" *** Negative data or zero input value is not acceptable ***n");
printf(" Length of element: %.3en",L);
printf(" Section flextural rigidity - EI: %.3en",EI);
printf(" Section axial rigidity - EA: %.3en",EA);
printf(" Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: %.3en",Dmax);
printf(" Maximum iteration: %dn",itermax);
printf(" Tolerance: %.3en",tolerance);
void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA02(double A[],double B[],int n){
int i;
if (A[i] < 0|| B[i] < 0){
printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText02);
printf(" Row %d has a negative value.n",i+1);
printf(" *** Negative data input value is not acceptable ***n");
for (i=1;i<n;i++){
if (A[i] <= A[i-1]){
printf(" Please check the input file! -> [%s]n",ShowText02);
printf(" Check row %d value.n",i+1);
printf(" Rotation[%d]: %.3en",i+1,A[i]);
printf(" *** Data must be sort from minimum value to maximum value ***n");
void MessageCheckInputMk(int Y,int M){
if (Y>5 || Y < 5 || M>N || M<2){
printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01);
printf(" Plastic hinge data: %d - Plastic hinge data must be data : 5n",Y);
printf(" Load increments: %d - Minimum : 3 - Maximum : 10000n",M);
void MessageErrorReportTEXT(){
int i;
char Ql;
printf("an ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
printf(" Error Report ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
void MessageInputDataTEXT(){
int i;
char Ql=176;
printf("n ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
printf(" Input Data ");
for (i=1;i<50;i++)
int MessageControl(double Dmax,double u[],double TET[],int n){
int i;
if (ABS(u[7]) >= Dmax){
printf("n ## Displacement [DOF(11)] reached to ultimate displacement ##nn");
i = 1;
if (ABS(u[0]) >= TET[n-1]){
printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(3)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn");
i = 1;
if (ABS(u[8]) >= TET[n-1]){
printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(12)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn");
i = 1;
return i;
void bilinear(double A[][3],double B[][2],double C[],int M){
double AaSUM=0,B_max=0,k0;
int I,Mmax;
double *hh = new double [N];
double *Aa = new double [N];
double *AA = new double [N];
double *BB = new double [N];
for (I=0;I<M;I++){
if (ABS(B[0][0]) < ABS(B[I][0])){
B[0][0] = ABS(B[I][0]);
Mmax = I;
Mmax = I;
for (I=0;I<Mmax;I++){
for (I=0;I<Mmax-1;I++){
hh[I] = AA[I+1]-AA[I];
C[1]=0;// C[0]=D_y ; C[1]=D_u ; C[2]=F_y ; C[3]=F_u ; C[4]=SC ; C[5]=OF ;
for (I=0;I<Mmax+2;I++){ // find max
if(C[1] < AA[I])
if(B_max < BB[I])
//double MOMu;
k0 =BB[4]/AA[4];
C[0] = (C[3]*C[1]*0.5-AaSUM)/(C[3]*0.5 - k0*C[1]*0.5);
C[2] = k0*C[0];
void OUTPUT_txt(){
void OUTPUT_excel(double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n){
int i;
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText04, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile," ### Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation ###n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"Increment,Axial load[DOF(1)],Base Shear[DOF(2)],Ele. Moment[DOF(6)],Ele. Moment[DOF(9)],Base Moment[DOF(12)],Displacement [DOF(1)],Displacement [DOF(5)],Displacement [DOF(7)],Displacement [DOF(11)]n");
void OUTPUT_html(double applied_load[],double Length,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M,double TET[],double MOM[],int m,double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double
output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n){
int i;
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText05, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<html> <body bgcolor="green">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<img src="Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-image01.jpg" style="width:1000px ; height:500px" alt="analysis"><br><br>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="2px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th bgcolor="cyan"> Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation - Output Report </th> n");
// TABLE 1
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange"> Input Data </th> </tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Length: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",Length);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Section flextural rigidity - EI: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",EI);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Section axial rigidity - EA: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",EA);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Initial incremental external axial [DOF(1)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[0]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(3)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[1]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(4)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[2]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(5)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[3]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(6)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[4]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(7)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[5]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(8)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[6]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(9)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[7]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(11)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[8]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(12)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[9]);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",Dmax);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Maximum number of iterations: </th><th> %d </th> </tr>n",itermax);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Specified tolerance for convergence: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",tolerance);
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Number of calculation: </th><th> %d </th> </tr>n",M);
// TABLE 2
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="4" bgcolor="orange"> Hinges Data </th> n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange">Hinge: Moment - Rotation </th></tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Rotation </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Moment </th> </tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> </tr>n",TET[i],MOM[i]);
// TABLE 3
fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1600px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th colspan="10" bgcolor="orange"> Structral Deformation </th> </tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Increment</th> <th bgcolor="orange">Axial load[DOF(1)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Base Shear[DOF(2)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(6)]</th> <th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(9)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(12)]</th><th
bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(1)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(5)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(8)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(11)]</th></tr>n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %d </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td
align ="center"> %.3e </td></tr>n",i+1,output_base01[i],output_base02[i],output_base03[i],output_base04[i],output_base05[i],output_u01[i],output_u02[i],output_u03[i],output_u04[i]);
void MatrixAssembled(double Kele[Ne][6][6],double K[][NN]){
K[0][0]= Kele[0][2][1];//DOF(3)
K[0][1]= Kele[0][2][2];//DOF(3)
K[0][2]= Kele[0][2][3];//DOF(3)
K[0][3]= Kele[0][2][4];//DOF(3)
K[0][4]= 0;
K[0][5]= 0;
K[0][6]= 0;
K[0][7]= 0;
K[0][8]= 0;
K[0][9]= Kele[0][2][0];//DOF(3)
K[1][1]= Kele[0][3][3]+Kele[1][0][0];//DOF(4)
K[1][2]= Kele[0][3][4]+Kele[1][0][1];//DOF(4)
K[1][3]= Kele[0][3][5]+Kele[1][0][2];//DOF(4)
K[1][4]= Kele[1][0][3];//DOF(4)
K[1][5]= Kele[1][0][4];//DOF(4)
K[1][6]= Kele[1][0][5];//DOF(4)
K[1][7]= 0;
K[1][8]= 0;
K[1][9]= Kele[0][3][0];//DOF(4)
K[2][2]= Kele[0][4][4]+Kele[1][1][1];//DOF(5)
K[2][3]= Kele[0][4][5]+Kele[1][1][2];//DOF(5)
K[2][4]= Kele[1][1][3];//DOF(5)
K[2][5]= Kele[1][1][4];//DOF(5)
K[2][6]= Kele[1][1][5];//DOF(5)
K[2][7]= 0;
K[2][8]= 0;
K[2][9]= Kele[0][4][0];//DOF(5)
K[3][3]= Kele[0][5][5]+Kele[1][2][2];//DOF(6)
K[3][4]= Kele[1][2][3];//DOF(6)
K[3][5]= Kele[1][2][4];//DOF(6)
K[3][6]= Kele[1][2][5];//DOF(6)
K[3][7]= 0;
K[3][8]= 0;
K[3][9]= Kele[0][5][0];//DOF(6)
K[4][4]= Kele[1][3][3]+Kele[2][0][0];//DOF(7)
K[4][5]= Kele[1][3][4]+Kele[2][0][1];//DOF(7)
K[4][6]= Kele[1][3][5]+Kele[2][0][2];//DOF(7)
K[4][7]= Kele[2][0][4];//DOF(7)
K[4][8]= Kele[2][0][5];//DOF(7)
K[4][9]= 0;
K[5][5]= Kele[1][4][4]+Kele[2][1][1];//DOF(8)
K[5][6]= Kele[1][4][5]+Kele[2][1][2];//DOF(8)
K[5][7]= Kele[2][1][4];//DOF(8)
K[5][8]= Kele[2][1][5];//DOF(8)
K[5][9]= 0;
K[6][6]= Kele[1][5][5]+Kele[2][2][2];//DOF(9)
K[6][7]= Kele[2][2][4];//DOF(9)
K[6][8]= Kele[2][2][5];//DOF(9)
K[6][9]= 0;
K[7][7]= Kele[2][4][4];//DOF(11)
K[7][8]= Kele[2][4][5];//DOF(11)
K[7][9]= 0;
K[8][8]= Kele[2][5][5];//DOF(12)
K[8][9]= 0;
K[9][9]= Kele[0][0][0];//DOF(1)
K[1][0]= K[0][1];
K[2][0]= K[0][2];
K[3][0]= K[0][3];
K[4][0]= K[0][4];
K[5][0]= K[0][5];
K[6][0]= K[0][6];
K[7][0]= K[0][7];
K[8][0]= K[0][8];
K[9][0]= K[0][9];
K[2][1]= K[1][2];
K[3][1]= K[1][3];
K[4][1]= K[1][4];
K[5][1]= K[1][5];
K[6][1]= K[1][6];
K[7][1]= K[1][7];
K[8][1]= K[1][8];
K[9][1]= K[1][9];
K[3][2]= K[2][3];
K[4][2]= K[2][4];
K[5][2]= K[2][5];
K[6][2]= K[2][6];
K[7][2]= K[2][7];
K[8][2]= K[2][8];
K[9][2]= K[2][9];
K[4][3]= K[3][4];
K[5][3]= K[3][5];
K[6][3]= K[3][6];
K[7][3]= K[3][7];
K[8][3]= K[3][8];
K[9][3]= K[3][9];
K[5][4]= K[4][5];
K[6][4]= K[4][6];
K[7][4]= K[4][7];
K[8][4]= K[4][8];
K[9][4]= K[4][9];
K[6][5]= K[5][6];
K[7][5]= K[5][7];
K[8][5]= K[5][8];
K[9][5]= K[5][9];
K[7][6]= K[6][7];
K[8][6]= K[6][8];
K[9][6]= K[6][9];
K[8][7]= K[7][8];
K[9][7]= K[7][9];
K[9][8]= K[8][9];
void ElementStiffness(double eleF[3][6],double Length,double EI,double EA,double u[],double L[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double AA[],double BB[],double CC[],double DD[],double EE[],double Kele[3][6][6]){
double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,P;
x1 = u[9];y1=0;
x2 = Length/3 + u[1];y2=u[2];
x3 = 2*Length/3 + u[4];y2=u[5];
x4 = Length;y4=u[7];
L[0] = SQRT2((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1));
L[1] = SQRT2((x3-x2)*(x3-x2)+(y3-y2)*(y3-y2));
L[2] = SQRT2((x4-x3)*(x4-x3)+(y4-y3)*(y4-y3));
for (int i=0;i<Ne;i++){
P = -.5*(eleF[i][3] - eleF[i][0]);
AA[i] = 4*EI/L[i] - (2*P*L[i])/15;
BB[i] = 6*EI/(L[i]*L[i]) - (P/10);
CC[i] = 2*EI/L[i] + (P*L[i])/30;
DD[i] = 12*EI/(L[i]*L[i]*L[i]) - (6*P)/(5*L[i]);
EE[i] = EA/L[i];
double SQRT2(double D){
int it,itermax;
double residual,tolerance,x,dx,dx_ABS,f,df;
it = 0; // initialize iteration count
itermax = 100000;
residual = 100; // initialize residual
tolerance = 1e-9;
x = 1;// initialize answer
while (residual > tolerance){
f = x*x - D;
df = 2 * x;
dx = f/df;
x= x - dx;
residual = ABS(dx); // abs residual
it = it + 1; // increment iteration count
//printf("f: %f -tdx: %f -tresidual: %fn",f,dx,residual);
if (it == itermax)
//printf("tSQRT2(number,power) : SQRT2(%f) - iteration: %d -> ## The solution is not converged ##n",D,it);
if (it < itermax)
//printf("tSQRT(number,power) - SQRT(%f,%f) : %f n",D,n, x);
return x;
void MatrixDetermination(double A[][NN],int n){
// row operations
int i,j,k;
double Product,m,B[n][n];
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
for (k=0;k<n-1;k++)
for (i=k+1;i<n;i++){
m = B[i][k]/B[k][k];
for (j=0;j<n;j++)
B[i][j] -= m*B[k][j];
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
Product *= B[i][i];
// display results
if (Product == 0){
printf("ant ### it Seens that Golobal Matrix is singular or structure is unstable!!! ###n");
void IMPORT_DATA01(double &Length,double &EA,double &EI,double applied_load[],double &Dmax,int &M,int &itermax,double &tolerance){
double Import_Data[17];
int i=0;
FILE *InputFile;
InputFile = fopen(ShowText01, "r");
if (!InputFile){
printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText01);
char line[100],a[100];
while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL){
//printf("a[%d]: %sn",i,a);
Import_Data[i]= atof(a);
void IMPORT_DATA02(double TET[],double MOM[],int &k){
int i = 0;
FILE *InputFile;
InputFile = fopen(ShowText02, "r");
if (!InputFile){
printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText02);
char line[1000];
printf("t TET[%d]: %f - MOM[%d]: %f n",i,TET[i],i,MOM[i]);
while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL);
k = i-1;
void textcolor(int ForgC){
WORD wColor;
//This handle is needed to get the current background attribute
//csbi is used for wAttributes word
if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)){
//To mask out all but the background attribute, and to add the color
wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F);
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor);
void ANALYSIS(double Length,double EI,double EA,double Fini,double Dmax,double itermax,double tolerance,double residual,double applied_load[],double TET[],double MOM[],int n,double Rk[],int M){
int i,j,z,zMAX,it,well_done=0;
double Krk[2],Krk01,Krk02,eleF[Ne][6],K[NN][NN],Kinit[NN][NN],Kt[NN][NN],InvKinit[NN][NN];
double L[Ne],lanX[Ne],lanY[Ne],AA[Ne],BB[Ne],CC[Ne],DD[Ne],EE[Ne],Kele[Ne][6][6],fp,m,Sum,Dx,ff,f[NN],F[NN],Fi[NN],u[NN],du[NN];
double *output_u01 = new double[N];
double *output_u02 = new double[N];
double *output_u03 = new double[N];
double *output_u04 = new double[N];
double *output_base01 = new double[N];
double *output_base02 = new double[N];
double *output_base03 = new double[N];
double *output_base04 = new double[N];
double *output_base05 = new double[N];
double *X = new double[N];
double *Y = new double[N];
// double **K;
// K = new double*[NN];
// for (i=0;i<NN;i++)
// K[i] = new double [NN];
for (i=0;i<NN;i++)
u[i] = 0.0;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
for (j=0;j<6;j++)
for (i=0;i<NN-1;i++)
F[i] = applied_load[i];
for (z=0;z<M;z++){
fp = Fini*(z+1);// Define the applied load
F[9] = fp;
for (i=0;i<NN;i++)
f[i] = 0;
// Plastic hinge DOF(3)
// Plastic hinge DOF(12)
Kinit[0][0] += Krk01;
Kinit[8][8] += Krk02;
// Inverse [Kinit]
it = 0; // initialize iteration count
residual = 100; // initialize residual
while (residual > tolerance){
// Plastic hinge DOF(3)
// Plastic hinge DOF(12)
Kt[0][0] += Krk01;
Kt[8][8] += Krk02;
// Finding the determinant of a square matrix
// [f] = [Kt] * [u] - [F]
// [du] = [InvKinit] * [f]
// Max residual
residual = MAX_ABS(du,NN);
// increment iteration count
it = it + 1;
if (it == itermax){
// iteration control
if (it < itermax){
zMAX = z+1;
output_u01[z] = u[9];
output_u02[z] = u[2];
output_u03[z] = u[5];
output_u04[z] = u[7];
output_base01[z] = fp;//output base axial DOF(1)
output_base02[z] = -eleF[0][1];//output base shear DOF(2)
output_base03[z] = eleF[0][5];//output moment DOF(6)
output_base04[z] = eleF[1][5];//output base moment DOF(9)
output_base05[z] = eleF[2][5];//output base moment DOF(12)
if (MessageControl(Dmax,u,TET,n) == 1){
well_done = 1;
// if (ABS(u[7]) >= Dmax){
// printf("n ## Displacement [DOF(11)] reached to ultimate displacement ##nn");
// well_done = 1;
// break;
// }
// if (ABS(u[0]) >= TET[n-1]){
// printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(3)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn");
// well_done = 1;
// break;
// }
// if (ABS(u[8]) >= TET[n-1]){
// printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(12)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn");
// well_done = 1;
// break;
// }
if (well_done == 1){
for (i=0;i<zMAX;i++){
X[i] = ABS(output_u04[i]);// displacement DOF (11)
Y[i] = ABS(output_base01[i]);// axial load DOF(1)
OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(X,Y,zMAX,"Axial load-Displacement Graph","Displacement [DOF(11)]","Axial load [DOF(1)]");
printf("na - %s -n",ShowText03);
system("start /w Graph-outputHTML.html");
void DATE_TIME(){
system("echo %date%");
system("echo %time%");
double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n){
int i;
double B[N];
double Amax;
// abs value
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
B[i] = A[i];
if(B[i] < 0)
B[i] = -B[i];
// Max of abs
Amax = B[0];
for (i=1;i<n;i++){
if(Amax < B[i])
Amax = B[i];
return Amax;
void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]){
int i;
double x,y,Xmax,Ymax;
double *Xnew = new double [N];
double *Ynew = new double [N];
double *NorX = new double [N];
double *NorY = new double [N];
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
Xnew[i+1] = ABS(X[i]);
Ynew[i+1] = ABS(Y[i]);
for (i=0;i<n+1;i++){
NorX[i] = Xnew[i]/Xmax;
NorY[i] = Ynew[i]/Ymax;
//printf("t %f %f n",NorX[i],NorY[i]);
FILE *OutputFile;
OutputFile = fopen(ShowText06, "w");
fprintf(OutputFile,"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style="background-color:black;"><font color="white"><head><script> n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"window.onload = function(){ n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var s1 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s2 = canvas.getContext('2d'); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var s3 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s4 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s5 = canvas.getContext("2d"); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"var x=120,y=80,X,Y,Lx=1100,Ly=500,i; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s3.beginPath();s3.lineWidth = 3;s3.strokeStyle = "cyan";s3.rect(x,y,Lx,Ly); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly);s3.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly-10);}; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.beginPath();s1.lineWidth = 3;s1.strokeStyle = "yellow"; n");
for (i=0;i<n;i++){
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.lineTo(%f,%f); n",120+NorX[i+1]*1100,80+500-NorY[i+1]*500);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.stroke(); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.beginPath();s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";s2.setLineDash([5, 5]); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y);s2.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y+Ly);} n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);s2.lineTo(x+Lx,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);} s2.stroke();n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"X=x+.25*Lx;Y=.7*y;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.font="50px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.fillText("%s",0,0); n",text1);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-X+.2*x;Y=-Y+y+.6*Ly;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(3*Math.PI/2);s4.font="15px serif"; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text3);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=.2*Lx;Y=y+Ly-20;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(2*Math.PI);s4.font="15px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00"; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text2);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.29*Lx+Lx*(%d+1)*.1;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",x);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.28*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y-Ly*(%d+1)*.1;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i);
fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",y);
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore(); n");
fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore();}; n");
fprintf(OutputFile,"</script></head><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="1300" height="1300" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas></body></html> n");
void MatrixZero(double A[][NN],int n){
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
void MatrixChange(double A[][NN],double B[][NN],int n){
for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
for (int j=0;j<n;j++)
Plot :
Figure(1) Analysis file
Figure(2) Input csv file
Figure(3) Input Moment rotation csv file
Figure(4) Output csv file
Figure(5) Output html file
Figure(6) Output html graph file

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Pushover analysis of frame by force analogy method with force control based o...Pushover analysis of frame by force analogy method with force control based o...
Pushover analysis of frame by force analogy method with force control based o...Salar Delavar Qashqai
Geometric nonlinearity analysis of springs with rigid element displacement co...
Geometric nonlinearity analysis of springs with rigid element displacement co...Geometric nonlinearity analysis of springs with rigid element displacement co...
Geometric nonlinearity analysis of springs with rigid element displacement co...Salar Delavar Qashqai
Truss optimization with excel solver
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Truss optimization with excel solverSalar Delavar Qashqai
Pushover analysis of triangular steel membrane element subjected to lateral d...
Pushover analysis of triangular steel membrane element subjected to lateral d...Pushover analysis of triangular steel membrane element subjected to lateral d...
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Pushover analysis of simply support steel section beam based on plastic hinge...
Pushover analysis of simply support steel section beam based on plastic hinge...Pushover analysis of simply support steel section beam based on plastic hinge...
Pushover analysis of simply support steel section beam based on plastic hinge...Salar Delavar Qashqai
Pushover analysis of steel section beam subjected to incremental vertical loa...
Pushover analysis of steel section beam subjected to incremental vertical loa...Pushover analysis of steel section beam subjected to incremental vertical loa...
Pushover analysis of steel section beam subjected to incremental vertical loa...Salar Delavar Qashqai
Moment curvature analysis of unconfined concrete section with matlab and sap2000
Moment curvature analysis of unconfined concrete section with matlab and sap2000Moment curvature analysis of unconfined concrete section with matlab and sap2000
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Large deformation analysis of cantilever beam subjected to concentrated const...
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Large deformation analysis of cantilever beam subjected to concentrated const...Salar Delavar Qashqai
Moment curvature analysis unconfined concrete section with different tension...
Moment curvature analysis unconfined concrete section  with different tension...Moment curvature analysis unconfined concrete section  with different tension...
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Optimization of steel section based on moment and section ductility
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Import data from csv excel file and export to xml excel file in c programming
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Elastic response pseudo spectrum in c programming
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Structural eigen value analysis in c programming
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Analysis of 1st order and 2nd order nonlinear semi rigid connection braced fr...
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Analysis of 1st order and 2nd order nonlinear semi rigid connection frame sub...
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Moment curvature analysis confined concrete section in matlab
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Moment curvature analysis of unconfined circular concrete pipe section with m...
Moment curvature analysis of unconfined circular concrete pipe section with m...Moment curvature analysis of unconfined circular concrete pipe section with m...
Moment curvature analysis of unconfined circular concrete pipe section with m...Salar Delavar Qashqai
1st order pushover analysis of column subjected to compression and tension ax...
1st order pushover analysis of column subjected to compression and tension ax...1st order pushover analysis of column subjected to compression and tension ax...
1st order pushover analysis of column subjected to compression and tension ax...Salar Delavar Qashqai

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Nonlinear 2nd order analysis of 2 d fixed support beam with plastic hinge concept force control large deformation in c programming

  • 1. >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Plastic Hinge Concept Force Control Large Deformation in C programming
  • 2. C program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei – Publication Date: 31/July/2019 E-mail:
  • 3. C Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> // text color #include <conio.h> #define N 10000 #define NN 10 // Degree of freedom #define Ne 3 // number of element #define ShowText01 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-inputDATA.csv" #define ShowText02 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-inputHINGE.csv" #define ShowText03 "Output data is written in Excel file" #define ShowText04 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-outputEXCEL.csv" #define ShowText05 "Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-outputHTML.html" #define ShowText06 "Graph-outputHTML.html" void IMPORT_DATA01(double &Length,double &EA,double &EI,double applied_load[],double &Dmax,int &M,int &itermax,double &tolerance); void IMPORT_DATA02(double TET[],double MOM[],int &k); void MatrixAssembled(double [Ne][6][6],double [][NN]); void MatrixDetermination(double [][NN],int ); void MatrixInverse(double [][NN], double [][NN],int ); void MatrixMulti01(double [][NN], double [], double [], double [],int ); void MatrixMulti02(double [][NN], double [], double [], double [],int ); void MatrixZero(double A[][NN],int n); void MatrixChange(double A[][NN],double B[][NN],int n); void ElementInternalForce(double A[],double B[],double C[],double D[],double E[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double U[],double ee[][6],int I);// Calculate internal element force void ElementStiffness(double eleF[3][6],double Length,double EI,double EA,double u[],double L[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double AA[],double BB[],double CC[],double DD[],double EE[],double Kele[3][6][6]); void PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(double [],double [],double [],int );// Calculate slope Moment rotation of plastic hinge void PlasticHingeStiffness(double A[3][6],int I,int II,double B[],double C[],int III,double D[],double E[],double KRK[],int I4,int n); double ABS(double); double MAX_ABS(double [],int ); double SQRT2(double); void MessageNotConverge(int ,int ); void MessageConverge(int ,int ,double ,double []); void MessageInitialData(double ,double ,double ,double [],double ,int ,double ,int ); void MessageCheckInputMk(int ,int ); void MessageAnalysisReport(); void MessageErrorReportTEXT(); void MessageInputDataTEXT(); void MessagePlasticHingeTEXT(double [],double [],int ); void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double ,double ,double ,double ,int ,double ,int ); void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA02(double [],double [],int ); int MessageControl(double Dmax,double u[],double TET[],int n); void bilinear(double [][3],double [][2],double [],int ); void OUTPUT_excel(double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n); void OUTPUT_html(double applied_load[],double L,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M,double TET[],double MOM[],int m,double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n); void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]); void ANALYSIS(double Length,double EI,double EA,double Fini,double Dmax,double itermax,double tolerance,double residual,double applied_load[],double TET[],double MOM[],int n,double Rk[],int M); void Distance(int); void textcolor(int ForgC); void DATE_TIME(); int main(){ double Length,EI,EA,Fini,Dmax,tolerance,residual,applied_load[NN]; int M,Y,itermax; double TET[10],MOM[10],Rk[10]; IMPORT_DATA01(Length,EA,EI,applied_load,Dmax,M,itermax,tolerance); MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(Length,EI,EA,Dmax,itermax,tolerance,M); IMPORT_DATA02(TET,MOM,Y); MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA02(TET,MOM,Y); MessageCheckInputMk(Y,M); PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(TET,MOM,Rk,Y);// Calculate slope Moment rotation of plastic hinge textcolor(14); MessageInitialData(Length,EI,EA,applied_load,Dmax,itermax,tolerance,M); MessagePlasticHingeTEXT(TET,MOM,Y); textcolor(11); MessageAnalysisReport(); ANALYSIS(Length,EI,EA,Fini,Dmax,itermax,tolerance,residual,applied_load,TET,MOM,Y,Rk,M); getch(); return 0; } void MatrixInverse(double A[][NN], double C[][NN],int n){ int i,j,l; double c_A[n][n],B[n][n],m,Sum; for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++) c_A[i][j]=A[i][j]; // Inverse [Kinit] for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++){ if (i==j) B[i][j]=1; else B[i][j]=0; } for (j=0;j<n-1;j++) for (i=j+1;i<n;i++){ m=c_A[i][j]/c_A[j][j]; for (l=0;l<n;l++){ c_A[i][l] -= m*c_A[j][l]; B[i][l] -= m*B[j][l]; } } // backward substitutions for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--) for (j=0;j<n;j++){ Sum=0;
  • 4. for (l=i+1;l<n;l++) Sum += c_A[i][l]*C[l][j]; C[i][j]=(B[i][j]-Sum)/c_A[i][i]; } } void PlasticHingeStiffnessCOFF(double A[],double B[],double C[],int n){ int i; C[0]=B[0]/A[0]; printf("%d - Rk[%d]: %fn",0,0,C[0]); for (i=1;i<n;i++) { C[i]=(B[i]-B[i-1])/(A[i]-A[i-1]); printf("%d - Rk[%d]: %fn",i,i,C[i]); } } void PlasticHingeStiffness(double A[3][6],int I,int II,double B[],double C[],int III,double D[],double E[],double KRK[],int I4,int n){ if (ABS(A[I][II]) >= 0 && ABS(A[I][II]) <= B[0]) KRK[I4] = D[0]; for (int i=0;i<n-1;i++){ if (ABS(A[I][II]) > B[i] && ABS(A[I][II]) <= B[i+1]) KRK[I4] = (B[i]+D[i+1]*(ABS(C[III])-E[i]))/ABS(C[III]); } if (ABS(A[I][II]) > B[n-1]) KRK[I4] = 0.0; //printf("ttt %fn",KRK[I4]); } void ElementInternalForce(double A[],double B[],double C[],double D[],double E[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double U[],double ee[][6],int I){ double K[6][6],lan[6][6],UU[6],ff,ll[6][6]; K[0][0]=E[I];K[0][1]=0;K[0][2]=0;K[0][3]=-E[I];K[0][4]=0;K[0][5]=0; K[1][0]=0;K[1][1]=D[I];K[1][2]=B[I];K[1][3]=0;K[1][4]=-D[I];K[1][5]=B[I]; K[2][0]=0;K[2][1]=B[I];K[2][2]=A[I];K[2][3]=0;K[2][4]=-B[I];K[2][5]=C[I]; K[3][0]=-E[I];K[3][1]=0;K[3][2]=0;K[3][3]=E[I];K[3][4]=0;K[3][5]=0; K[4][0]=0;K[4][1]=-D[I];K[4][2]=-B[I];K[4][3]=0;K[4][4]=D[I];K[4][5]=-B[I]; K[5][0]=0;K[5][1]=B[I];K[5][2]=C[I];K[5][3]=0;K[5][4]=-B[I];K[5][5]=A[I]; lan[0][0]=lanX[I];lan[0][1]=lanY[I];lan[0][2]=0;lan[0][3]=0;lan[0][4]=0;lan[0][5]=0; lan[1][0]=-lanY[I];lan[1][1]=lanX[I];lan[1][2]=0;lan[1][3]=0;lan[1][4]=0;lan[1][5]=0; lan[2][0]=0;lan[2][1]=0;lan[2][2]=1;lan[2][3]=0;lan[2][4]=0;lan[2][5]=0; lan[3][0]=0;lan[3][1]=0;lan[3][2]=0;lan[3][3]=lanX[I];lan[3][4]=lanY[I];lan[3][5]=0; lan[4][0]=0;lan[4][1]=0;lan[4][2]=0;lan[4][3]=-lanY[I];lan[4][4]=lanX[I];lan[4][5]=0; lan[5][0]=0;lan[5][1]=0;lan[5][2]=0;lan[5][3]=0;lan[5][4]=0;lan[5][5]=1; if (I == 0){ UU[0]=U[9];UU[1]=0;UU[2]=U[0];UU[3]=U[1];UU[4]=U[2];UU[5]=U[3]; } if (I == 1){ UU[0]=U[1];UU[1]=U[2];UU[2]=U[3];UU[3]=U[4];UU[4]=U[5];UU[5]=U[6]; } if (I == 2){ UU[0]=U[4];UU[1]=U[5];UU[2]=U[6];UU[3]=0;UU[4]=U[7];UU[5]=U[8]; } int i,j,k; // [f] = [K] * [u] for (i=0; i<6; i++){ for (j=0; j<6; j++){ ff = 0; for (k=0; k<6; k++) ff += K[i][k]*lan[k][j]; ll[i][j] = ff; } } for (i=0; i<6; i++){ ff=0; for (j=0; j<6; j++) ff += ll[i][j]*UU[j]; ee[I][i] = ff; } } void MatrixMulti01(double A[][NN], double B[], double C[], double D[],int n){ int i,j; double ff; // [f] = [Ktot] * [u] - [F] for (i=0; i<n; i++){ ff=0; for (j=0; j<n; j++) ff += A[i][j]*B[j]; D[i] = ff - C[i]; } } void MatrixMulti02(double A[][NN], double B[], double C[], double D[],int n){ int i,j; double Dx; // [du] = [InvKinit] * [f] for (i=0; i<n; i++){ Dx=0; for (j=0; j<n; j++) Dx += A[i][j]* -B[j]; C[i]= Dx; D[i] += C[i];// u= u+du } } double ABS(double B){ if (B < 0) B = -B;//Absolute number else B = B;
  • 5. return B; } void Distance(int i){ if (i < 10) printf("bt"); if (i >= 10 && i <= 99) printf("btb"); if (i >= 100 && i <= 999) printf("btbb"); if (i >= 1000 && i <= 9999) printf("btbbb"); if (i >= 10000 && i <= 20000) printf("btbbbb"); } void MessageNotConverge(int ii,int iit){ Distance(ii+1); printf(" %dtt%d -> ## The solution for this step is not converged ##n",ii+1,iit); } void MessageConverge(int ii,int iit,double FP,double A[]){ Distance(ii+1); printf(" %dtt%dt %.3ett %.3ett %.3ett %.3en",ii+1,iit,FP,A[2],A[5],A[7]); } void MessageInitialData(double L,double EI,double EA,double applied_load[],double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M){ char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf,Qg,Qk; int i; Qa=201;Qb=205;Qc=187;Qd=200;Qe=188,Qf=186,Qg=204,Qk=185; printf("tttt%c",Qa); for (i=1;i<93;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qc); printf("tttt%c >> IN THE NAME OF GOD << %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c UNIT: Free Unit %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c",Qg); for (i=1;i<93;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qk); printf("tttt%c This program is written by Salar Delavar Ghashghaei %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c E-mail: %cn",Qf,Qf); printf("tttt%c",Qd); for (i=1;i<93;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qe); MessageInputDataTEXT(); printf(" Length : %.3en",L); printf(" Section flextural rigidity - EI: %.3en",EI); printf(" Section axial rigidity - EA: %.3en",EA); printf(" Initial incremental external axial [DOF(1)]: %.3en",applied_load[0]); printf(" External force [DOF(3)]: %.3en",applied_load[1]); printf(" External force [DOF(4)]: %.3en",applied_load[2]); printf(" External force [DOF(5)]: %.3en",applied_load[3]); printf(" External force [DOF(6)]: %.3en",applied_load[4]); printf(" External force [DOF(7)]: %.3en",applied_load[5]); printf(" External force [DOF(8)]: %.3en",applied_load[6]); printf(" External force [DOF(9)]: %.3en",applied_load[7]); printf(" External force [DOF(11)]: %.3en",applied_load[8]); printf(" External force [DOF(12)]: %.3en",applied_load[9]); printf(" Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: %.3en",Dmax);// maximum number of iterations printf(" Maximum number of iterations: %dn",(int)itermax); printf(" Specified tolerance for convergence: %.3en",tolerance);// specified tolerance for convergence printf(" Number of calculation: %dn",M); } void MessageAnalysisReport(){ int i; char Ql=176; printf("n "); for (i=1;i<64;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf(" Analysis Report "); for (i=1;i<64;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf("n"); printf("t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------n"); printf("t Increment Iteration Incremental load [DOF(11)] Displacement [DOF(5)] Displacement [DOF(8)] Displacement [DOF(11)] n"); printf("t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------n"); } void MessagePlasticHingeTEXT(double TET[],double MOM[],int Y){ int i; char Qa,Qb,Qc,Qd,Qe,Qf; Qa=201;Qb=205;Qc=187;Qd=200;Qe=188;Qf=186; printf(" %c",Qa); for (i=1;i<33;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qc); printf(" %c Plastic Hinge Data %cn",Qf,Qf); printf(" %c Rotation Moment %cn",Qf,Qf); printf(" %c",Qd); for (i=1;i<33;i++) printf("%c",Qb); printf("%cn",Qe); for(i=0;i<Y;i++) printf(" %.3e %.3en",TET[i],MOM[i]); } void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA01(double L,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M){ if ( L <= 0 || EI <= 0 || EA <= 0 || Dmax <= 0 || itermax <= 0 || tolerance<= 0 ){
  • 6. MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01); printf(" *** Negative data or zero input value is not acceptable ***n"); printf(" Length of element: %.3en",L); printf(" Section flextural rigidity - EI: %.3en",EI); printf(" Section axial rigidity - EA: %.3en",EA); printf(" Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: %.3en",Dmax); printf(" Maximum iteration: %dn",itermax); printf(" Tolerance: %.3en",tolerance); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } void MessageCheck_IMPORT_DATA02(double A[],double B[],int n){ int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ if (A[i] < 0|| B[i] < 0){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText02); printf(" Row %d has a negative value.n",i+1); printf(" *** Negative data input value is not acceptable ***n"); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } for (i=1;i<n;i++){ if (A[i] <= A[i-1]){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check the input file! -> [%s]n",ShowText02); printf(" Check row %d value.n",i+1); printf(" Rotation[%d]: %.3en",i+1,A[i]); printf(" *** Data must be sort from minimum value to maximum value ***n"); Sleep(40000);exit(1); } } } void MessageCheckInputMk(int Y,int M){ if (Y>5 || Y < 5 || M>N || M<2){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" Please check this file! -> [%s]n",ShowText01); printf(" Plastic hinge data: %d - Plastic hinge data must be data : 5n",Y); printf(" Load increments: %d - Minimum : 3 - Maximum : 10000n",M); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } void MessageErrorReportTEXT(){ int i; char Ql; Ql=176; textcolor(12); printf("an "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf(" Error Report "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf("n"); } void MessageInputDataTEXT(){ int i; char Ql=176; printf("n "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf(" Input Data "); for (i=1;i<50;i++) printf("%c",Ql); printf("n"); } int MessageControl(double Dmax,double u[],double TET[],int n){ int i; if (ABS(u[7]) >= Dmax){ textcolor(13); printf("n ## Displacement [DOF(11)] reached to ultimate displacement ##nn"); i = 1; } if (ABS(u[0]) >= TET[n-1]){ textcolor(13); printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(3)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn"); i = 1; } if (ABS(u[8]) >= TET[n-1]){ textcolor(13); printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(12)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn"); i = 1; } return i; } void bilinear(double A[][3],double B[][2],double C[],int M){ double AaSUM=0,B_max=0,k0; int I,Mmax; double *hh = new double [N]; double *Aa = new double [N]; double *AA = new double [N]; double *BB = new double [N]; for (I=0;I<M;I++){ if (ABS(B[0][0]) < ABS(B[I][0])){
  • 7. B[0][0] = ABS(B[I][0]); Mmax = I; }//if }//for Mmax = I; AA[0]=0;BB[0]=0; for (I=0;I<Mmax;I++){ AA[I+1]=ABS(A[I][1]); BB[I+1]=ABS(B[I][0]); } for (I=0;I<Mmax-1;I++){ hh[I] = AA[I+1]-AA[I]; Aa[I]=(BB[I]+BB[I+1])*0.5*hh[I]; AaSUM=AaSUM+Aa[I]; } C[1]=0;// C[0]=D_y ; C[1]=D_u ; C[2]=F_y ; C[3]=F_u ; C[4]=SC ; C[5]=OF ; for (I=0;I<Mmax+2;I++){ // find max if(C[1] < AA[I]) C[1]=AA[I]; if(B_max < BB[I]) B_max=BB[I]; } //double MOMu; C[3]=BB[I-2]; k0 =BB[4]/AA[4]; C[0] = (C[3]*C[1]*0.5-AaSUM)/(C[3]*0.5 - k0*C[1]*0.5); C[2] = k0*C[0]; C[4]=C[1]/C[0];C[5]=C[3]/C[2]; } void OUTPUT_txt(){ } void OUTPUT_excel(double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n){ // EXCEL OUTPUT int i; FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText04, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile," ### Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation ###n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"Increment,Axial load[DOF(1)],Base Shear[DOF(2)],Ele. Moment[DOF(6)],Ele. Moment[DOF(9)],Base Moment[DOF(12)],Displacement [DOF(1)],Displacement [DOF(5)],Displacement [DOF(7)],Displacement [DOF(11)]n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) fprintf(OutputFile,"%d,%e,%e,%e,%e,%e,%e,%e,%e,%en",i+1,output_base01[i],output_base02[i],output_base03[i],output_base04[i],output_base05[i],output_u01[i],output_u02[i],output_u03[i],output_u04[i]); fclose(OutputFile); } void OUTPUT_html(double applied_load[],double Length,double EI,double EA,double Dmax,int itermax,double tolerance,int M,double TET[],double MOM[],int m,double output_u01[],double output_u02[],double output_u03[],double output_u04[],double output_base01[],double output_base02[],double output_base03[],double output_base04[],double output_base05[],int n){ // HTML OUTPUT int i; FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText05, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<html> <body bgcolor="green">n"); // IMPORT IMAGE fprintf(OutputFile,"<img src="Pushover2ndOrderFixedSupportBeamPHFCLD-image01.jpg" style="width:1000px ; height:500px" alt="analysis"><br><br>n"); // TOP TITLE oF HTML FILE fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="2px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th bgcolor="cyan"> Nonlinear 2nd-Order Analysis of 2D Fixed Support Beam with Force Control Large Deformation - Output Report </th> n"); // TABLE 1 fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange"> Input Data </th> </tr>n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Length: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",Length); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Section flextural rigidity - EI: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",EI); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Section axial rigidity - EA: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",EA); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Initial incremental external axial [DOF(1)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[0]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(3)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[1]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(4)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[2]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(5)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[3]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(6)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[4]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(7)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[5]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(8)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[6]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(9)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[7]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(11)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[8]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">External force [DOF(12)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",applied_load[9]); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Ultimate displacement [DOF(11)]: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",Dmax); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Maximum number of iterations: </th><th> %d </th> </tr>n",itermax); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Specified tolerance for convergence: </th><th> %.3e </th> </tr>n",tolerance); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Number of calculation: </th><th> %d </th> </tr>n",M); // TABLE 2 fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1000px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<th colspan="4" bgcolor="orange"> Hinges Data </th> n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th colspan="2" bgcolor="orange">Hinge: Moment - Rotation </th></tr>n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange"> Rotation </th> <th bgcolor="orange"> Moment </th> </tr>n"); for(i=0;i<m;i++){ fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td> </tr>n",TET[i],MOM[i]); } // TABLE 3 fprintf(OutputFile,"<table style=”width:100%” border="1px" width="1600px" height="120px" bgcolor="yellow">n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr><th colspan="10" bgcolor="orange"> Structral Deformation </th> </tr>n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <th bgcolor="orange">Increment</th> <th bgcolor="orange">Axial load[DOF(1)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Base Shear[DOF(2)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(6)]</th> <th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(9)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Ele. Moment[DOF(12)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(1)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(5)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(8)]</th><th bgcolor="orange">Displacement [DOF(11)]</th></tr>n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++){ fprintf(OutputFile,"<tr> <td align ="center"> %d </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td> <td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td><td align ="center"> %.3e </td></tr>n",i+1,output_base01[i],output_base02[i],output_base03[i],output_base04[i],output_base05[i],output_u01[i],output_u02[i],output_u03[i],output_u04[i]); } fprintf(OutputFile,"</table></body></html>n"); fclose(OutputFile); } void MatrixAssembled(double Kele[Ne][6][6],double K[][NN]){ K[0][0]= Kele[0][2][1];//DOF(3) K[0][1]= Kele[0][2][2];//DOF(3) K[0][2]= Kele[0][2][3];//DOF(3)
  • 8. K[0][3]= Kele[0][2][4];//DOF(3) K[0][4]= 0; K[0][5]= 0; K[0][6]= 0; K[0][7]= 0; K[0][8]= 0; K[0][9]= Kele[0][2][0];//DOF(3) K[1][1]= Kele[0][3][3]+Kele[1][0][0];//DOF(4) K[1][2]= Kele[0][3][4]+Kele[1][0][1];//DOF(4) K[1][3]= Kele[0][3][5]+Kele[1][0][2];//DOF(4) K[1][4]= Kele[1][0][3];//DOF(4) K[1][5]= Kele[1][0][4];//DOF(4) K[1][6]= Kele[1][0][5];//DOF(4) K[1][7]= 0; K[1][8]= 0; K[1][9]= Kele[0][3][0];//DOF(4) K[2][2]= Kele[0][4][4]+Kele[1][1][1];//DOF(5) K[2][3]= Kele[0][4][5]+Kele[1][1][2];//DOF(5) K[2][4]= Kele[1][1][3];//DOF(5) K[2][5]= Kele[1][1][4];//DOF(5) K[2][6]= Kele[1][1][5];//DOF(5) K[2][7]= 0; K[2][8]= 0; K[2][9]= Kele[0][4][0];//DOF(5) K[3][3]= Kele[0][5][5]+Kele[1][2][2];//DOF(6) K[3][4]= Kele[1][2][3];//DOF(6) K[3][5]= Kele[1][2][4];//DOF(6) K[3][6]= Kele[1][2][5];//DOF(6) K[3][7]= 0; K[3][8]= 0; K[3][9]= Kele[0][5][0];//DOF(6) K[4][4]= Kele[1][3][3]+Kele[2][0][0];//DOF(7) K[4][5]= Kele[1][3][4]+Kele[2][0][1];//DOF(7) K[4][6]= Kele[1][3][5]+Kele[2][0][2];//DOF(7) K[4][7]= Kele[2][0][4];//DOF(7) K[4][8]= Kele[2][0][5];//DOF(7) K[4][9]= 0; K[5][5]= Kele[1][4][4]+Kele[2][1][1];//DOF(8) K[5][6]= Kele[1][4][5]+Kele[2][1][2];//DOF(8) K[5][7]= Kele[2][1][4];//DOF(8) K[5][8]= Kele[2][1][5];//DOF(8) K[5][9]= 0; K[6][6]= Kele[1][5][5]+Kele[2][2][2];//DOF(9) K[6][7]= Kele[2][2][4];//DOF(9) K[6][8]= Kele[2][2][5];//DOF(9) K[6][9]= 0; K[7][7]= Kele[2][4][4];//DOF(11) K[7][8]= Kele[2][4][5];//DOF(11) K[7][9]= 0; K[8][8]= Kele[2][5][5];//DOF(12) K[8][9]= 0; K[9][9]= Kele[0][0][0];//DOF(1) K[1][0]= K[0][1]; K[2][0]= K[0][2]; K[3][0]= K[0][3]; K[4][0]= K[0][4]; K[5][0]= K[0][5]; K[6][0]= K[0][6]; K[7][0]= K[0][7]; K[8][0]= K[0][8]; K[9][0]= K[0][9]; K[2][1]= K[1][2]; K[3][1]= K[1][3]; K[4][1]= K[1][4]; K[5][1]= K[1][5]; K[6][1]= K[1][6]; K[7][1]= K[1][7]; K[8][1]= K[1][8]; K[9][1]= K[1][9]; K[3][2]= K[2][3]; K[4][2]= K[2][4]; K[5][2]= K[2][5]; K[6][2]= K[2][6]; K[7][2]= K[2][7]; K[8][2]= K[2][8]; K[9][2]= K[2][9]; K[4][3]= K[3][4]; K[5][3]= K[3][5]; K[6][3]= K[3][6]; K[7][3]= K[3][7]; K[8][3]= K[3][8]; K[9][3]= K[3][9]; K[5][4]= K[4][5]; K[6][4]= K[4][6]; K[7][4]= K[4][7];
  • 9. K[8][4]= K[4][8]; K[9][4]= K[4][9]; K[6][5]= K[5][6]; K[7][5]= K[5][7]; K[8][5]= K[5][8]; K[9][5]= K[5][9]; K[7][6]= K[6][7]; K[8][6]= K[6][8]; K[9][6]= K[6][9]; K[8][7]= K[7][8]; K[9][7]= K[7][9]; K[9][8]= K[8][9]; } void ElementStiffness(double eleF[3][6],double Length,double EI,double EA,double u[],double L[],double lanX[],double lanY[],double AA[],double BB[],double CC[],double DD[],double EE[],double Kele[3][6][6]){ double x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,P; x1 = u[9];y1=0; x2 = Length/3 + u[1];y2=u[2]; x3 = 2*Length/3 + u[4];y2=u[5]; x4 = Length;y4=u[7]; L[0] = SQRT2((x2-x1)*(x2-x1)+(y2-y1)*(y2-y1)); L[1] = SQRT2((x3-x2)*(x3-x2)+(y3-y2)*(y3-y2)); L[2] = SQRT2((x4-x3)*(x4-x3)+(y4-y3)*(y4-y3)); lanX[0]=(x2-x1)/L[0];lanY[0]=(y2-y1)/L[0]; lanX[1]=(x3-x2)/L[1];lanY[1]=(y3-y2)/L[1]; lanX[2]=(x4-x3)/L[2];lanY[2]=(y4-y3)/L[2]; for (int i=0;i<Ne;i++){ P = -.5*(eleF[i][3] - eleF[i][0]); AA[i] = 4*EI/L[i] - (2*P*L[i])/15; BB[i] = 6*EI/(L[i]*L[i]) - (P/10); CC[i] = 2*EI/L[i] + (P*L[i])/30; DD[i] = 12*EI/(L[i]*L[i]*L[i]) - (6*P)/(5*L[i]); EE[i] = EA/L[i]; Kele[i][0][0]=EE[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]+DD[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][0][1]=(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][0][2]=-BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][0][3]=-(EE[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]+DD[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]); Kele[i][0][4]=-(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][0][5]=-BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][1][0]=(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][1][1]=EE[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]+DD[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][1][2]=BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][1][3]=-(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][1][4]=-(EE[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]+DD[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]); Kele[i][1][5]=BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][2][0]=-BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][2][1]=BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][2][2]=AA[i]; Kele[i][2][3]=BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][2][4]=-BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][2][5]=CC[i]; Kele[i][3][0]=-(EE[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]+DD[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]); Kele[i][3][1]=-(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][3][2]=BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][3][3]=EE[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]+DD[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][3][4]=(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][3][5]=BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][4][0]=-(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][4][1]=EE[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]+DD[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][4][2]=-BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][4][3]=(EE[i]-DD[i])*lanX[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][4][4]=EE[i]*lanY[i]*lanY[i]+DD[i]*lanX[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][4][5]=-BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][5][0]=-BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][5][1]=BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][5][2]=CC[i]; Kele[i][5][3]=BB[i]*lanY[i]; Kele[i][5][4]=-BB[i]*lanX[i]; Kele[i][5][5]=AA[i]; } } double SQRT2(double D){ int it,itermax; double residual,tolerance,x,dx,dx_ABS,f,df; it = 0; // initialize iteration count itermax = 100000; residual = 100; // initialize residual tolerance = 1e-9; x = 1;// initialize answer while (residual > tolerance){ f = x*x - D; df = 2 * x; dx = f/df; x= x - dx; residual = ABS(dx); // abs residual it = it + 1; // increment iteration count //printf("f: %f -tdx: %f -tresidual: %fn",f,dx,residual); if (it == itermax) { //printf("tSQRT2(number,power) : SQRT2(%f) - iteration: %d -> ## The solution is not converged ##n",D,it); break;
  • 10. } } if (it < itermax) { //printf("tSQRT(number,power) - SQRT(%f,%f) : %f n",D,n, x); return x; } } void MatrixDetermination(double A[][NN],int n){ // row operations int i,j,k; double Product,m,B[n][n]; for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=0;j<n;j++) B[i][j]=A[i][j]; for (k=0;k<n-1;k++) for (i=k+1;i<n;i++){ m = B[i][k]/B[k][k]; for (j=0;j<n;j++) B[i][j] -= m*B[k][j]; } Product=1; for (i=0;i<n;i++) Product *= B[i][i]; // display results if (Product == 0){ printf("ant ### it Seens that Golobal Matrix is singular or structure is unstable!!! ###n"); Sleep(40000); exit(1); } } void IMPORT_DATA01(double &Length,double &EA,double &EI,double applied_load[],double &Dmax,int &M,int &itermax,double &tolerance){ double Import_Data[17]; int i=0; FILE *InputFile; InputFile = fopen(ShowText01, "r"); if (!InputFile){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText01); Sleep(6000); exit(1); } char line[100],a[100]; while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL){ sscanf(line,"%s",a); //printf("a[%d]: %sn",i,a); Import_Data[i]= atof(a); i++; } Length=Import_Data[0]; EI=Import_Data[1]; EA=Import_Data[2]; applied_load[0]=Import_Data[3]; applied_load[1]=Import_Data[4]; applied_load[2]=Import_Data[5]; applied_load[3]=Import_Data[6]; applied_load[4]=Import_Data[7]; applied_load[5]=Import_Data[8]; applied_load[6]=Import_Data[9]; applied_load[7]=Import_Data[10]; applied_load[8]=Import_Data[11]; applied_load[9]=Import_Data[12]; Dmax=Import_Data[13]; M=Import_Data[14]; itermax=Import_Data[15]; tolerance=Import_Data[16]; } void IMPORT_DATA02(double TET[],double MOM[],int &k){ int i = 0; FILE *InputFile; InputFile = fopen(ShowText02, "r"); if (!InputFile){ MessageErrorReportTEXT(); printf(" File is not available! -> [%s] n",ShowText02); Sleep(6000); exit(1); } char line[1000]; do{ fscanf(InputFile,"%lf,%lf",&TET[i],&MOM[i]); printf("t TET[%d]: %f - MOM[%d]: %f n",i,TET[i],i,MOM[i]); i++; } while(i < N && fgets(line,sizeof(line),InputFile) != NULL); k = i-1; //printf("%dn",k); } void textcolor(int ForgC){ WORD wColor; //This handle is needed to get the current background attribute HANDLE hStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //csbi is used for wAttributes word if(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi)){
  • 11. //To mask out all but the background attribute, and to add the color wColor = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xF0) + (ForgC & 0x0F); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStdOut, wColor); } return; } void ANALYSIS(double Length,double EI,double EA,double Fini,double Dmax,double itermax,double tolerance,double residual,double applied_load[],double TET[],double MOM[],int n,double Rk[],int M){ int i,j,z,zMAX,it,well_done=0; double Krk[2],Krk01,Krk02,eleF[Ne][6],K[NN][NN],Kinit[NN][NN],Kt[NN][NN],InvKinit[NN][NN]; double L[Ne],lanX[Ne],lanY[Ne],AA[Ne],BB[Ne],CC[Ne],DD[Ne],EE[Ne],Kele[Ne][6][6],fp,m,Sum,Dx,ff,f[NN],F[NN],Fi[NN],u[NN],du[NN]; double *output_u01 = new double[N]; double *output_u02 = new double[N]; double *output_u03 = new double[N]; double *output_u04 = new double[N]; double *output_base01 = new double[N]; double *output_base02 = new double[N]; double *output_base03 = new double[N]; double *output_base04 = new double[N]; double *output_base05 = new double[N]; double *X = new double[N]; double *Y = new double[N]; // double **K; // K = new double*[NN]; // for (i=0;i<NN;i++) // K[i] = new double [NN]; for (i=0;i<NN;i++) u[i] = 0.0; for (i=0;i<3;i++) for (j=0;j<6;j++) eleF[i][j]=0.0; Fini=applied_load[0]; for (i=0;i<NN-1;i++) F[i] = applied_load[i]; for (z=0;z<M;z++){ fp = Fini*(z+1);// Define the applied load F[9] = fp; ElementStiffness(eleF,Length,EI,EA,u,L,lanX,lanY,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,Kele); for (i=0;i<NN;i++) f[i] = 0; // Plastic hinge DOF(3) PlasticHingeStiffness(eleF,0,2,MOM,u,1,Rk,TET,Krk,0,n); // Plastic hinge DOF(12) PlasticHingeStiffness(eleF,2,5,MOM,u,8,Rk,TET,Krk,1,n); MatrixAssembled(Kele,K); MatrixZero(Kinit,NN); MatrixChange(K,Kinit,NN); Kinit[0][0] += Krk01; Kinit[8][8] += Krk02; // Inverse [Kinit] MatrixInverse(Kinit,InvKinit,NN); it = 0; // initialize iteration count residual = 100; // initialize residual while (residual > tolerance){ ElementStiffness(eleF,Length,EI,EA,u,L,lanX,lanY,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,Kele); // Plastic hinge DOF(3) PlasticHingeStiffness(eleF,0,2,MOM,u,1,Rk,TET,Krk,0,n); // Plastic hinge DOF(12) PlasticHingeStiffness(eleF,2,5,MOM,u,8,Rk,TET,Krk,1,n); MatrixZero(Kt,NN); MatrixChange(K,Kt,NN); Kt[0][0] += Krk01; Kt[8][8] += Krk02; // Finding the determinant of a square matrix MatrixDetermination(Kt,NN); // [f] = [Kt] * [u] - [F] MatrixMulti01(Kt,u,F,f,NN); // [du] = [InvKinit] * [f] MatrixMulti02(InvKinit,f,du,u,NN); // Max residual residual = MAX_ABS(du,NN); // increment iteration count it = it + 1; if (it == itermax){ MessageNotConverge(z,it); break; } }//while // iteration control if (it < itermax){ MessageConverge(z,it,fp,u); } zMAX = z+1; output_u01[z] = u[9];
  • 12. output_u02[z] = u[2]; output_u03[z] = u[5]; output_u04[z] = u[7]; ElementInternalForce(AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,lanX,lanY,u,eleF,0); output_base01[z] = fp;//output base axial DOF(1) output_base02[z] = -eleF[0][1];//output base shear DOF(2) output_base03[z] = eleF[0][5];//output moment DOF(6) ElementInternalForce(AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,lanX,lanY,u,eleF,1); output_base04[z] = eleF[1][5];//output base moment DOF(9) ElementInternalForce(AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,lanX,lanY,u,eleF,2); output_base05[z] = eleF[2][5];//output base moment DOF(12) if (MessageControl(Dmax,u,TET,n) == 1){ well_done = 1; break; } // if (ABS(u[7]) >= Dmax){ // printf("n ## Displacement [DOF(11)] reached to ultimate displacement ##nn"); // well_done = 1; // break; // } // if (ABS(u[0]) >= TET[n-1]){ // printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(3)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn"); // well_done = 1; // break; // } // if (ABS(u[8]) >= TET[n-1]){ // printf("n ## Rotation [DOF(12)] reached to ultimate rotation ##nn"); // well_done = 1; // break; // } }//for if (well_done == 1){ OUTPUT_excel(output_u01,output_u02,output_u03,output_u04,output_base01,output_base02,output_base03,output_base04,output_base05,zMAX); OUTPUT_html(applied_load,Length,EI,EA,Dmax,itermax,tolerance,M,TET,MOM,n,output_u01,output_u02,output_u03,output_u04,output_base01,output_base02,output_base03,output_base04,output_base05,zMAX); for (i=0;i<zMAX;i++){ X[i] = ABS(output_u04[i]);// displacement DOF (11) Y[i] = ABS(output_base01[i]);// axial load DOF(1) } OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(X,Y,zMAX,"Axial load-Displacement Graph","Displacement [DOF(11)]","Axial load [DOF(1)]"); textcolor(15); printf("na - %s -n",ShowText03); system("start /w Graph-outputHTML.html"); DATE_TIME(); } free(output_u01);free(output_u02);free(output_u03);free(output_u04); free(output_base01);free(output_base02);free(output_base03);free(output_base04);free(output_base05); free(X);free(Y); } void DATE_TIME(){ printf("nt"); system("echo %date%"); printf("t"); system("echo %time%"); } double MAX_ABS(double A[],int n){ int i; double B[N]; double Amax; // abs value for (i=0;i<n;i++){ B[i] = A[i]; if(B[i] < 0) B[i] = -B[i]; } // Max of abs Amax = B[0]; for (i=1;i<n;i++){ if(Amax < B[i]) Amax = B[i]; } return Amax; } void OUTPUT_HTML_GRAPH(double X[],double Y[],int n,const char text1[],const char text2[],const char text3[]){ // HTML GRAPH OUTPUT int i; double x,y,Xmax,Ymax; double *Xnew = new double [N]; double *Ynew = new double [N]; double *NorX = new double [N]; double *NorY = new double [N]; Xmax=MAX_ABS(X,n); Ymax=MAX_ABS(Y,n); Xnew[0]=0;Ynew[0]=0; for (i=0;i<n;i++){ Xnew[i+1] = ABS(X[i]); Ynew[i+1] = ABS(Y[i]); } for (i=0;i<n+1;i++){ NorX[i] = Xnew[i]/Xmax; NorY[i] = Ynew[i]/Ymax; //printf("t %f %f n",NorX[i],NorY[i]); } FILE *OutputFile; OutputFile = fopen(ShowText06, "w"); fprintf(OutputFile,"<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body style="background-color:black;"><font color="white"><head><script> n");
  • 13. fprintf(OutputFile,"window.onload = function(){ n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");var s1 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s2 = canvas.getContext('2d'); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var s3 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s4 = canvas.getContext("2d");var s5 = canvas.getContext("2d"); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"var x=120,y=80,X,Y,Lx=1100,Ly=500,i; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s3.beginPath();s3.lineWidth = 3;s3.strokeStyle = "cyan";s3.rect(x,y,Lx,Ly); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly);s3.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.1,y+Ly-10);}; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<9;i++){s3.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.1);s3.lineTo(x+10,y+Ly*(i+1)*.1);};s3.stroke();n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.beginPath();s1.lineWidth = 3;s1.strokeStyle = "yellow"; n"); for (i=0;i<n;i++){ fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.moveTo(%f,%f);",120+NorX[i]*1100,80+500-NorY[i]*500); fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.lineTo(%f,%f); n",120+NorX[i+1]*1100,80+500-NorY[i+1]*500); } fprintf(OutputFile,"s1.stroke(); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.beginPath();s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";s2.setLineDash([5, 5]); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y);s2.lineTo(x+Lx*(i+1)*.05,y+Ly);} n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s2.lineWidth = 1;s2.strokeStyle = "cyan";for(i=0;i<19;i++){s2.moveTo(x,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);s2.lineTo(x+Lx,y+Ly*(i+1)*.05);} s2.stroke();n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"X=x+.25*Lx;Y=.7*y;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.font="50px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.fillText("%s",0,0); n",text1); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-X+.2*x;Y=-Y+y+.6*Ly;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(3*Math.PI/2);s4.font="15px serif"; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text3); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=.2*Lx;Y=y+Ly-20;s4.translate(X,Y);s4.rotate(2*Math.PI);s4.font="15px serif";s4.fillStyle = "#7fff00"; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"s4.textAlign = "left";s4.fillText("%s",0,0);s4.restore(); n",text2); for(i=0;i<10;i++){ x=.1*(i+1)*Xmax; fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.29*Lx+Lx*(%d+1)*.1;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i); fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",x); } for(i=0;i<10;i++){ y=.1*(i+1)*Ymax; fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.28*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y-Ly*(%d+1)*.1;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif"; n",i); fprintf(OutputFile,"s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText("%.3e",X,Y);s5.restore(); n",y); } fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx;Y=.3*y+Ly+20;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore(); n"); fprintf(OutputFile,";X=-.25*Lx-50;Y=Ly+.3*y;s5.rotate(2*Math.PI);s5.font="16px serif";s5.fillStyle = "#7fff00";s5.textAlign = "left";s5.fillText(0,X,Y);s5.restore();}; n"); fprintf(OutputFile,"</script></head><body><canvas id="myCanvas" width="1300" height="1300" style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas></body></html> n"); fclose(OutputFile); free(Xnew);free(Ynew);free(NorX);free(NorY); } void MatrixZero(double A[][NN],int n){ for (int i=0;i<n;i++) for (int j=0;j<n;j++) A[i][j]=0.0; } void MatrixChange(double A[][NN],double B[][NN],int n){ for (int i=0;i<n;i++) for (int j=0;j<n;j++) B[i][j]=A[i][j]; }
  • 16. Figure(3) Input Moment rotation csv file
  • 19. Figure(6) Output html graph file