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(Register Number – 2022575)
Under the supervision of
CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
Overview of literature …………………………………………………
Statement of the study …………………………………………………
Aim of the Project …………………………………..…………………
Objectives of the study …………..……………………………………
Research questions …………………………………………..………..
Hypothesis …………………………………………………………….
Significance/ contribution to the discipline …………………………...
Conceptual Framework…………………...……………………………
Research methodology ……………………………………………...…
Chapterization ……………………………………………………….
Timeline ……………………………………...……………………….
References …………………………………………………………….
Sustainability and Ethical Practices as an Integral Part of Brands
In today's world, where consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact their
choices have on the planet and society, brands are recognizing the importance of
integrating sustainability and ethical practices into their core values. This shift is driven
by a growing awareness of environmental challenges, social inequalities, and a desire
to support brands that align with personal values.
Sustainability encompasses a brand's commitment to minimizing its environmental
footprint, reducing waste and pollution, utilizing sustainable materials, and investing in
renewable energy sources. Ethical practices, on the other hand, focus on ensuring fair
labor practices, upholding human rights standards, and giving back to the communities
they serve.
The integration of sustainability and ethical practices is not merely a moral obligation
but a strategic imperative for brands. Consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the
practices of the brands they support, and they are willing to pay a premium for products
that align with their values. Studies have shown that a significant majority of
consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and believe that
companies have a responsibility to address social and environmental issues.
In an era of heightened environmental consciousness and social responsibility,
sustainability and ethical practices have emerged as indispensable cornerstones
of modern branding. Businesses that integrate these principles into their core
operations not only contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world but also
reap substantial rewards in the form of enhanced brand reputation, unwavering
customer loyalty, and robust financial performance.The shift in consumer values
has been profound. No longer driven solely by price and convenience, today's
discerning consumers demand products and services that align with their ethical
compass and environmental concerns. They are eager to support brands that
demonstrate a commitment to minimizing their environmental footprint, upholding
fair labor practices, and promoting ethical sourcing throughout their supply
chains.Businesses that fail to embrace sustainability and ethics risk losing
significant market share to more competitors. Conversely, those that champion
these principles can expect to reap a multitude of benefits, including:
Elevated Brand Reputation: Companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment
to sustainability and ethics are perceived as more responsible, trustworthy, and
aligned with consumer values. This positive image translates into increased brand
loyalty, advocacy, and a willingness to pay a premium for their products or services.
Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Consumers are more likely to form strong bonds with
brands that share their values and prioritize ethical practices. They are more likely
to repeat purchases, recommend the brand to others, and become vocal advocates
for the brand's message.
Cost Reductions and Operational Efficiency: Sustainable practices can lead to
substantial cost savings in areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and
improved supply chain management. By adopting eco-friendly practices and
optimizing resource utilization, companies can significantly reduce their
environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing their bottom line.
Attracting Socially Conscious Investors: Socially responsible companies are
increasingly attractive to investors who prioritize ESG (environmental, social, and
governance) factors. These investors recognize the long-term value of companies
that operate responsibly and sustainably, and their investments can provide a
valuable source of capital for future growth and innovation.
Integrating sustainability and ethics into branding requires a holistic approach that
permeates every aspect of the business, from product development and
manufacturing to marketing and customer engagement. Key steps include:
Establishing Clear Sustainability and Ethical Goals: Companies should set clear,
measurable, and achievable goals for sustainability and ethical practices, ensuring
that they align with their overall business strategy and values. These goals should
be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect evolving standards and consumer
Incorporating Sustainability into Product Development: Sustainable product
development should be a core tenet of every company's operations. This entails
utilizing sustainable materials, adopting eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and
designing products for longevity and recyclability. Businesses should also prioritize
minimizing waste and packaging throughout the product lifecycle.In conclusion,
sustainability and ethical practices are not merely optional considerations for
businesses; they are fundamental pillars of successful branding in today's market.
By embracing these principles, companies not only make a positive contribution to
the world but also reap significant benefits in terms of brand reputation, customer
loyalty, and financial performance. As consumer values continue to evolve and
environmental concerns intensify, businesses that prioritise sustainability and
ethics will be well-positioned for long-term success and enduring prosperity.
Torelli et al 2020 :This paper aims to analyze the interconnections and distinctions
between sustainability, responsibility, and ethics, while exploring how companies
navigate these realms. It highlights the risk of companies veering towards a self-
serving and utilitarian perspective, compromising the genuine essence of these
concepts. The methodology involves a theoretical critical approach, utilizing existing
literature for a conceptual exploration of sustainability, corporate social responsibility
(CSR), and ethics, as well as corporate behavior within these domains. (Torelli et al
2020)The findings reveal that while ethics, sustainability, CSR, and
social/environmental reporting possess unique meanings, they share important
conceptual and operational ties. The study acknowledges the need for empirical
research to support these outcomes. The significance lies in helping scholars and
businesses comprehend the nuances of these concepts, enabling proper alignment
and application. The study underscores the importance of distinguishing these terms
to avoid confusion and misinterpretation, with potential societal implications. A novel
aspect is the critical examination of how these concepts intersect and diverge,
impacting real-world outcomes, addressing a gap in existing literature.
Davies et al 2022: This Special Issue of the Journal of Brand Management presents
a diverse range of research on sustainability and branding, highlighting their relevance
for practitioners and policymakers. The articles emphasize the importance of brand
sensitivity to external factors, such as changing consumer expectations and demands
related to sustainability.(Davies et al 2022)The capabilities approach is used as a lens
to explore brand management strategies, including organizational agility and
stakeholder engagement. The potential of brands as platforms for sustainable efforts
is noted, and the need for further research on brand strategy and sustainability is
highlighted. One research direction could focus on the internal capabilities of brands
to advance sustainability, examining challenges and trade-offs. Another area of
exploration could involve understanding how consumers, stakeholders, and society
interact with sustainable brands, delving into collaborative value creation and the
practical implementation of brand values. Ultimately, the articles suggest that
sustainable brands have the potential to transform consumption practices towards
more sustainable behaviors.
Peek.S et al 2017:In today's dynamic business landscape, integrating sustainability
into your business strategy is no longer a choice. A values-driven approach to
business strategies is crucial for long-term success.(Peek.S et al 2017) Sustainability
in business refers to its impact on the environment and society, aiming to address
pressing global issues like climate change, inequality, resource depletion, human
rights, and more. Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson highlights
that doing well financially and doing good in the world are intertwined.
J.Marie et al 2013:Sustainable business practices not only drive social and
environmental change but also contribute to overall success. High Environmental,
Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings correlate with outperforming the market. The
benefits of sustainability in business include protecting your brand, mitigating risks,
attracting motivated employees through shared purpose, tapping into a growing
market for sustainable goods, and driving change through collaborative
efforts.Sustainability enhances profitability, growth, and employee retention.(J.Marie
et al 2013) It is no longer a choice but a vital element of a successful business strategy,
ensuring a positive impact on society and the environment while securing long-term
Julia et al 2019:The article emphasizes the growing importance of sustainability for
organizations, highlighting that sustainability, encompassing Environment, Social, and
Governance (ESG) factors, should be an integral part of corporate strategy. (Julia et
al 2019) Despite 90% of executives acknowledging its importance, only 60% of
organizations have sustainability strategies in place. Establishing a sustainability
strategy, along with a dedicated chief sustainability officer, is crucial. McKinsey notes
that this approach allows for long-term investments. However, there are challenges,
including board commitment, accountability, and talent gaps. Investor pressure, with
85% considering ESG factors, and consumer demand, especially from millennials and
Gen-Z, are significant drivers for sustainability. Companies must integrate
sustainability into their strategies to remain relevant in the evolving market.
Hayes.A et al 2023:he article highlights the importance of ethical practice in
organizational behavior, encompassing various aspects such as corporate
governance, employment practices, stakeholder relations, and transparency in
decision-making. It emphasizes that ethical decisions involve trade-offs and
understanding the consequences of different courses of action.(Hayes.A et al 2023)
Transparency is crucial in building trust with employees and stakeholders. The article
also discusses eight different perspectives or 'lenses' for making ethical decisions,
which go beyond simple right or wrong judgments, providing alternative ways to
evaluate situations. The principles for the profession, as reflected in the Profession
Map, include ethical practice as a core behavior, underscoring the significance of
ethical values in the professional world.
Vanessa.L et al 2019:This article underscores the significance of a code of ethics,
which serves as a foundational guide for professionals to conduct business with
honesty and integrity. It outlines the key elements that such a document typically
encompasses, including an organization's mission, values, problem-solving
approaches, ethical principles aligned with core values, and the standards to which
professionals are held.(Vanessa.L et al 2019) Furthermore, it highlights the common
existence of these codes within businesses and trade organizations, where violations
can lead to termination, emphasizing their role in setting clear behavioral rules and
providing a preemptive framework for ethical conduct.
Ronald et al 2018:This article underscores the importance of integrating ethics into
sustainability efforts, highlighting that solving complex global challenges necessitates
collaboration among individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.(Ronald
et al 2018) It emphasizes the role of ethics in ensuring that all voices, including those
of nature and future generations, are considered within the three pillars of
sustainability - social, environmental, and economic. The article asserts that making
ethical choices, despite potential challenges, will ultimately yield more positive and
long-lasting impacts for the greater good.
Mandal.R. et al 2022:Business ethics encompasses the standards for morally right
and wrong conduct in business, extending beyond legal requirements to promote
integrity and trust among employees and stakeholders.(Mandal.R. et al 2022) While
corporate ethics programs are now commonplace, their quality varies, with a
significant portion of U.S. workers perceiving inadequately implemented ethics
programs. The importance of business ethics is growing due to technology-driven
transparency, and many believe it will continue to rise in significance.Building an
ethical culture involves creating a comprehensive ethics program that touches on
various aspects of business operations, as recommended by the U.S. Department of
Commerce, and integrating ethics with business operations, as advised by Gartner
Peek, S. et al 2023: Ethical branding involves leaving a legacy of values, responsible
actions, and sustainability. It avoids harm to people, animals, and the environment,
contributing positively to society. Statistics reveal that customers are willing to pay
more for companies with positive environmental and social contributions. (Peek, S. et
al 2023)Ethical practices are the second-highest reason for brand loyalty. Ethical
branding is essential as it allows brands to support social causes, stand out in a
competitive market, find a niche, and attract talented employees who value ethical
practices. It helps differentiate the brand, engage with the right audience, and
demonstrate a commitment to positive change.
(Irfan, M et al 2023:Business ethics is of paramount importance in ensuring quality
service, regulatory compliance, and avoiding legal issues. Establishing an ethical
culture begins with leadership and ongoing commitment to ethical standards. Ethical
behavior entails a strong moral code and consistent values that extend to all
employees, fostering honesty and fairness in relationships with colleagues and
clients.(Peek, S. et al 2023) This not only boosts company morale but also attracts
and retains employees who believe in ethical business practices. A high ethical
standard also appeals to customers, building a positive reputation and long-term
loyalty while encouraging referrals to your business.
Villena, Gioia et al 2020: argue that sustainability is essential for businesses in the
21st century, but that many companies are struggling to implement sustainable
practices in their supply chains. They identify a number of challenges, including the
complexity of global supply chains, the lack of transparency, and the pressure to
reduce costs.(Villena, Gioia et al 2020)To overcome these challenges, the authors
recommend that companies take a holistic approach to sustainability. This means
considering the environmental and social impacts of their supply chains at every stage,
from raw material extraction to product delivery. It also means working with suppliers
to improve their own sustainability practices.The authors provide a number of
examples of companies that are successfully implementing sustainable supply chain
practices. They also offer practical advice for companies that are just getting started.
Polman,Bhattachary et al 2022:states that employee engagement is essential for
creating a sustainable business. They point out that employees are the ones who
actually implement sustainability initiatives, so it is important to get them on
board.(Polman,Bhattachary et al 2022) The authors provide a number of examples
of how companies are engaging their employees in sustainability efforts. For example,
Unilever has a program called the "Sustainable Living Plan" that gives employees
opportunities to learn about sustainability and make a difference in their
communities.Polman and Bhattacharya offer a number of tips for companies that want
to engage their employees in sustainability. They recommend that companies start by
creating a culture of sustainability, setting clear goals and targets, and giving
employees the resources and support they need to be successful.
Lakovidou, I,Bourlakis, N. S. et al 2018:A literature review of the history and
evolution of corporate social responsibility:Iakovidou and Bourlakis provide a
comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility
(CSR).(Iakovidou, I,Bourlakis, N. S. et al 2018) They argue that CSR has become
increasingly important for businesses in recent years, as consumers and investors are
demanding that companies operate in a sustainable and ethical manner.The authors
discuss the different theories of CSR and the different ways that companies can
implement CSR initiatives. They also discuss the challenges and opportunities of
CSR.Iakovidou and Bourlakis conclude by arguing that CSR is essential for
businesses in the 21st century. They state that companies that embrace CSR will be
better positioned to succeed in the long term.
(Irfan et al. 2021): provide a comprehensive overview of the global climate change
impacts, adaptation, and sustainable mitigation measures. They argue that climate
change is a major threat to the planet and that businesses have a responsibility to play
in mitigating climate change.(Irfan et al. 2021)The authors discuss the different ways
that businesses can mitigate climate change, such as reducing their greenhouse gas
emissions, investing in renewable energy, and developing sustainable products and
services. They also discuss the importance of adaptation to climate change.Irfan et al.
conclude by arguing that businesses need to take action to address climate change
now. They state that businesses that fail to act on climate change will be at risk in the
long term.
David A. Kevin et al 2018:This article discusses the role of sustainability and ethical
practices in brand building. The authors argue that sustainability and ethical practices
can help businesses to build strong brands that are attractive to consumers. (David
A. Kevin et al 2018)The authors also provide examples of companies that have
successfully used sustainability and ethical practices to build their brands.
David T. Wasieleski et al 2017 :This article discusses the impact of sustainability and
ethical practices on consumer behavior. The authors argue that consumers are
increasingly interested in buying from brands that are committed to sustainability and
ethical practices.(David A. Kevin et al 2018)The authors also discuss the benefits of
sustainability and ethical practices for businesses, such as increased customer loyalty
and market share.
Anne Marie et al 2012:This article examines the role of consumer perception in the
use of sustainability as a brand differentiator. The authors argue that consumers are
more likely to purchase from brands that they perceive as being sustainable.(Anne
Marie et al 2012) The authors also discuss the challenges that businesses face in
communicating their sustainability credentials to consumers.
Simon L. Dolan et al 2023:This article examines the relationship between
sustainability and brand performance. The authors argue that sustainability can have
a positive impact on brand performance, in terms of brand awareness, brand
reputation, and customer loyalty. (Simon L. Dolan et al 2023)The authors also
discuss the factors that influence the relationship between sustainability and brand
Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2015: This article discusses the role of
transparency and accountability in ethical branding. The authors argue that consumers
are more likely to trust and support brands that are transparent and accountable in
their sustainability and ethical practices. The authors also discuss the challenges that
businesses face in being transparent and accountable.
David A. Aaker et al 2017: This article discusses the future of sustainability in
branding. The authors argue that sustainability is becoming increasingly important to
consumers, and that businesses need to develop sustainable branding strategies in
order to remain competitive.(David A. Aaker et al 2017)The authors also discuss
some of the key trends that are shaping the future of sustainable branding.
Michael Porter et al 2018:This article discusses the financial benefits of sustainability
for businesses. The authors argue that sustainable businesses are more likely to
outperform their competitors on financial metrics such as profitability and shareholder
returns.(Michael Porter et al 2018) The authors also provide examples of sustainable
businesses that are outperforming the market.
(Nadia K. Khare et al 2015) This article examines the impact of sustainability on brand
value. The authors argue that sustainability can have a positive impact on brand value,
in terms of brand awareness, brand loyalty, and customer satisfaction. The authors
also discuss the factors that influence the relationship between sustainability and
brand value.
Ronald K. Fuller et al 2008: This article discusses the importance of ethical branding
for building trust and loyalty with consumers. The authors argue that consumers are
more likely to trust and support brands that they perceive as being ethical.(Ronald K.
Fuller et al 2008)The authors also discuss the benefits of ethical branding for
businesses, such as increased customer loyalty and market share.
Stefan Schaltegger and Martin Wagner (2017,july) This article discusses the role of
sustainability in creating a competitive advantage for businesses. The authors argue
that sustainability can help businesses to differentiate themselves from their
competitors and attract new customers. The authors also discuss the challenges that
businesses face in implementing sustainable strategies.
(Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2019) This article discusses the rise of the
sustainable consumer. The authors argue that consumers are increasingly aware of
the environmental and social impacts of their purchases, and are more likely to buy
from brands that are committed to sustainability and ethical practices. The authors
also discuss the implications of the rise of the sustainable consumer for businesses.
(Simon L. Dolan, Christopher Johnson et al 2021) This article examines how
consumers perceive sustainable branding. The authors argue that consumers are
more likely to trust and support brands that are transparent and accountable in their
sustainability practices. The authors also discuss the factors that influence consumers'
perceptions of sustainable branding.
(Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2017) This article discusses the importance of
storytelling in ethical branding. The authors argue that stories can help businesses to
connect with consumers on an emotional level and build trust. The authors also
discuss how businesses can use storytelling to communicate their sustainability and
ethical commitments to consumers.
(Wayne D. Hoyer,David A. Aaker et al 2010) This article discusses the role of
sustainability in building brand resilience. The authors argue that sustainable
businesses are more likely to be resilient in the face of shocks such as economic
downturns and natural disasters. The authors also discuss the factors that contribute
to the resilience of sustainable brands.
(David B. Levy et al 2019):This article examines the impact of sustainability on brand
innovation. The authors argue that sustainability can drive innovation by forcing
businesses to rethink their products, services, and processes. The authors also
discuss the challenges that businesses face in innovating for sustainability.
Julie L. et al. 2022: This article presents a conversation with conscious consumers
about the future of ethical branding. The consumers discuss their expectations of
ethical brands, the factors that influence their purchasing decisions, and the
challenges that businesses face in meeting their expectations.(Julie L. et al. 2022)
● Explore the integration of sustainability and ethical practices into brands. This
includes identifying the different ways that brands are integrating sustainability
and ethics into their business models, as well as the benefits and challenges of
doing so.
● Examine how consumers are responding to brands that are committed to
sustainability and ethics. This includes understanding consumers' attitudes and
behaviours towards sustainable and ethical brands, as well as the factors that
influence their purchase decisions.
● Provide recommendations for brands on how to successfully integrate
sustainability and ethical practices into their branding strategies. This includes
identifying the best practices for developing and communicating sustainability
and ethical branding messages, as well as how to build and maintain trust with
consumers.The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the existing body of
knowledge on sustainability and ethical branding, and to help brands to develop
and implement successful sustainability and ethical branding strategies.
This research project is important because it addresses a timely and relevant
topic. Sustainability and ethical practices are becoming increasingly important
to consumers, and brands need to be able to respond to this trend effectively.
The project's findings will provide valuable insights into how brands can
integrate sustainability and ethics into their business models and achieve
● How do businesses define and integrate sustainability and ethical practices into
their branding strategies?
● What is the relationship between a company's sustainability and ethical
branding and its brand reputation among consumers?
● What are the primary challenges that businesses face when integrating
sustainability and ethical practices into their branding strategies?
● How can brands measure the impact of their sustainable and ethical practices
on their business performance?
● To assess the extent to which sustainability and ethical practices are integrated
into the branding strategies of businesses.
● To examine the impact of sustainability and ethical branding on brand
reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance.
● To identify the key challenges and barriers that organizations face when
attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their brand.
● To identify the different ways in which brands can measure the impact of their
sustainable and ethical practices on their business performance.
Objective 1:
● H0: Sustainability and ethical practices are not integrated to a significant
extent into the branding strategies of businesses.
● H1: Sustainability and ethical practices are integrated to a significant extent
into the branding strategies of businesses.
Objective 2:
● H0: Sustainability and ethical branding does not have a significant impact on
brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance.
● H1: Sustainability and ethical branding has a significant positive impact on
brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance.
Objective 3:
● H0: There are no significant challenges or barriers that organizations face
when attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their
● H1: There are significant challenges and barriers that organizations face when
attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their brand.
Objective 4:
● H0: There are no effective ways to measure the impact of sustainable and
ethical practices on business performance.
● H1: There are effective ways to measure the impact of sustainable and ethical
practices on business performance.
Sustainability and ethical practices are becoming increasingly important to consumers.
Brands that are able to successfully integrate these principles into their business
models will be well-positioned to succeed in the future. This research study will provide
valuable insights into how brands can achieve this goal.The proposed research on
"Sustainability and Ethical Practices as an Integral Part of Brands" holds significant
importance for various stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, policymakers,
and academia.
Independent Variables:
b. Industry Type: Categorical variable representing the industry or sector to which a
company belongs.
c. Company Size: A continuous variable representing the size of the company,
typically measured by revenue or the number of employees.
d. Geographical Location: Categorical variable representing the region or country
where the company is headquartered.
e. Consumer Attitudes and Preferences: This variable includes responses from
consumers regarding their beliefs, values, and preferences related to sustainability
and ethical practices in brands.
Dependent Variables:
a. Brand Reputation: A measure of the overall perception of a brand by consumers,
including elements such as trust, credibility, and recognition.
b. Customer Loyalty: This variable assesses the extent of customer commitment to a
brand, often measured by metrics like repeat purchases, customer retention, and
willingness to recommend the brand to others.
c. Financial Performance: A quantitative measure of a company's financial success,
including indicators like revenue, profit margins, and stock performance.
Research Design:
This study will employ a quantitative method to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the research objectives.
Data Collection Methods:
Quantitative Data Collection:
Quantitative data will be collected through structured surveys distributed to a larger
sample of consumers. This phase aims to provide quantitative measurements of
consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors related to sustainable and ethical
Survey Questionnaire: The survey will include closed-ended questions, Likert scales,
and multiple-choice questions. It will cover aspects such as brand recognition,
consumer preferences, purchase behavior, and the influence of sustainability and
ethics on their choices.
Sampling size
The sampling method is Random Sampling. The sampling size of this paper is 425 in
number, 40
being additional considering the factors of not being answered completely. Even
though this paper is an unknown set, it is considered the population of Bangalore is
13,193,035 using the formula No = Z2pq/e2.
Margin of error – 5% Confidence Level – 95%
Z value – 1.96
Target population of age group between (18 – 60 years of age) – 50% Desired
population – 50% of 13,193 = 6,597
Sample Size = 425
No = Z2pq/e2.
e is the margin of error
p is the (estimated) proportion of the population which has the attribute in question q
is 1 – p
Data Analysis:
Quantitative Data Analysis:Quantitative data from the surveys will be analysed using
google forms. The research findings will be presented in a comprehensive research
report that includes an executive summary, methodology, findings, discussion, and
recommendations. The report will be structured to align with the research objectives
and will be available for both academic and practical audiences.This research
methodology aims to provide a rigorous and comprehensive approach to investigating
the role of sustainability and ethical practices in brand identity and their influence on
consumer behaviour. It combines the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative
methods to ensure a holistic understanding of the subject matter.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of Literature
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings
Chapter 5: Discussion
Chapter 6:Recommendation and Implication
Chapter 7: Conclusion
1 Submission of proposal NOVEMBER 2023
2 Proposal presentation NOVEMBER 2023
3 Introduction NOVEMBER 2023
4 Methodology JANUARY 2024
5 Data analysis JANUARY 2024
6 Findings and recommendations JANUARY 2024
7 Conclusion FEBRUARY 2024
Torelli, R. (2020). Sustainability, responsibility and ethics: different concepts for a
single path. Social Responsibility Journal, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Golob, U., Burghausen, M., Kernstock, J., & Davies, M. (2022c). Brand
management and
sustainability: exploring potential for the transformative power of brands.
Journal of Brand
Management, 29(6), 513–519.
The importance of sustainability in Business | HBS Online. (2019c, November 6).
Retrieved from
Why sustainability is crucial for corporate strategy. (2023b, October 6). Retrieved from
CIPD | On this page. (n.d.). CIPD.
Hayes, A. (2023, March 28). Code of Ethics: understanding its types, uses through
examples. Retrieved from
Vanessalevesque. (n.d.). Ways of knowing. Retrieved from
3 reasons why business ethics is important | University of Redlands. (n.d.). Retrieved
Mandal, R. (2022, March 29). What is ethical branding & How to create an ethical
brand. Retrieved from
Peek, S. (2023, October 23). A culture of ethical behavior is essential to business
success. Retrieved from
rfan, M., et al. (2023). A review of the global climate change impacts, adaptation, and
sustainable mitigation measures. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Iakovidou, I., & Bourlakis, N. S. (2018). A literature review of the history and evolution
of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Corporate Social
Polman, P., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2016). Engaging Employees to Create a
Sustainable Business. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall. Retrieved from
Villena, V. H., & Gioia, D. A. (2020). A More Sustainable Supply Chain. Harvard
Business Review, March-April 2020. URL:

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  • 2. SEPTEMBER 2023 Contents. Introduction………………………………………….………………… Overview of literature ………………………………………………… Statement of the study ………………………………………………… Aim of the Project …………………………………..………………… Objectives of the study …………..…………………………………… Research questions …………………………………………..……….. Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………. Significance/ contribution to the discipline …………………………... Conceptual Framework…………………...…………………………… Research methodology ……………………………………………...… Chapterization ………………………………………………………. Timeline ……………………………………...………………………. References …………………………………………………………….
  • 3. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION RESEARCH TOPIC:- Sustainability and Ethical Practices as an Integral Part of Brands INTRODUCTION In today's world, where consumers are increasingly conscious of the impact their choices have on the planet and society, brands are recognizing the importance of integrating sustainability and ethical practices into their core values. This shift is driven by a growing awareness of environmental challenges, social inequalities, and a desire to support brands that align with personal values. Sustainability encompasses a brand's commitment to minimizing its environmental footprint, reducing waste and pollution, utilizing sustainable materials, and investing in renewable energy sources. Ethical practices, on the other hand, focus on ensuring fair labor practices, upholding human rights standards, and giving back to the communities they serve. The integration of sustainability and ethical practices is not merely a moral obligation but a strategic imperative for brands. Consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the practices of the brands they support, and they are willing to pay a premium for products that align with their values. Studies have shown that a significant majority of consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and believe that companies have a responsibility to address social and environmental issues. In an era of heightened environmental consciousness and social responsibility, sustainability and ethical practices have emerged as indispensable cornerstones of modern branding. Businesses that integrate these principles into their core operations not only contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world but also reap substantial rewards in the form of enhanced brand reputation, unwavering customer loyalty, and robust financial performance.The shift in consumer values has been profound. No longer driven solely by price and convenience, today's discerning consumers demand products and services that align with their ethical compass and environmental concerns. They are eager to support brands that demonstrate a commitment to minimizing their environmental footprint, upholding fair labor practices, and promoting ethical sourcing throughout their supply chains.Businesses that fail to embrace sustainability and ethics risk losing
  • 4. significant market share to more competitors. Conversely, those that champion these principles can expect to reap a multitude of benefits, including: Elevated Brand Reputation: Companies that demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability and ethics are perceived as more responsible, trustworthy, and aligned with consumer values. This positive image translates into increased brand loyalty, advocacy, and a willingness to pay a premium for their products or services. Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Consumers are more likely to form strong bonds with brands that share their values and prioritize ethical practices. They are more likely to repeat purchases, recommend the brand to others, and become vocal advocates for the brand's message. Cost Reductions and Operational Efficiency: Sustainable practices can lead to substantial cost savings in areas such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and improved supply chain management. By adopting eco-friendly practices and optimizing resource utilization, companies can significantly reduce their environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing their bottom line. Attracting Socially Conscious Investors: Socially responsible companies are increasingly attractive to investors who prioritize ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors. These investors recognize the long-term value of companies that operate responsibly and sustainably, and their investments can provide a valuable source of capital for future growth and innovation. Integrating sustainability and ethics into branding requires a holistic approach that permeates every aspect of the business, from product development and manufacturing to marketing and customer engagement. Key steps include: Establishing Clear Sustainability and Ethical Goals: Companies should set clear, measurable, and achievable goals for sustainability and ethical practices, ensuring that they align with their overall business strategy and values. These goals should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect evolving standards and consumer expectations.
  • 5. Incorporating Sustainability into Product Development: Sustainable product development should be a core tenet of every company's operations. This entails utilizing sustainable materials, adopting eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and designing products for longevity and recyclability. Businesses should also prioritize minimizing waste and packaging throughout the product lifecycle.In conclusion, sustainability and ethical practices are not merely optional considerations for businesses; they are fundamental pillars of successful branding in today's market. By embracing these principles, companies not only make a positive contribution to the world but also reap significant benefits in terms of brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance. As consumer values continue to evolve and environmental concerns intensify, businesses that prioritise sustainability and ethics will be well-positioned for long-term success and enduring prosperity. CHAPTER 2 - REVIEW OF LITERATURE OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE:- Torelli et al 2020 :This paper aims to analyze the interconnections and distinctions between sustainability, responsibility, and ethics, while exploring how companies navigate these realms. It highlights the risk of companies veering towards a self- serving and utilitarian perspective, compromising the genuine essence of these concepts. The methodology involves a theoretical critical approach, utilizing existing literature for a conceptual exploration of sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and ethics, as well as corporate behavior within these domains. (Torelli et al 2020)The findings reveal that while ethics, sustainability, CSR, and social/environmental reporting possess unique meanings, they share important conceptual and operational ties. The study acknowledges the need for empirical research to support these outcomes. The significance lies in helping scholars and businesses comprehend the nuances of these concepts, enabling proper alignment and application. The study underscores the importance of distinguishing these terms to avoid confusion and misinterpretation, with potential societal implications. A novel aspect is the critical examination of how these concepts intersect and diverge, impacting real-world outcomes, addressing a gap in existing literature. Davies et al 2022: This Special Issue of the Journal of Brand Management presents a diverse range of research on sustainability and branding, highlighting their relevance for practitioners and policymakers. The articles emphasize the importance of brand sensitivity to external factors, such as changing consumer expectations and demands
  • 6. related to sustainability.(Davies et al 2022)The capabilities approach is used as a lens to explore brand management strategies, including organizational agility and stakeholder engagement. The potential of brands as platforms for sustainable efforts is noted, and the need for further research on brand strategy and sustainability is highlighted. One research direction could focus on the internal capabilities of brands to advance sustainability, examining challenges and trade-offs. Another area of exploration could involve understanding how consumers, stakeholders, and society interact with sustainable brands, delving into collaborative value creation and the practical implementation of brand values. Ultimately, the articles suggest that sustainable brands have the potential to transform consumption practices towards more sustainable behaviors. Peek.S et al 2017:In today's dynamic business landscape, integrating sustainability into your business strategy is no longer a choice. A values-driven approach to business strategies is crucial for long-term success.(Peek.S et al 2017) Sustainability in business refers to its impact on the environment and society, aiming to address pressing global issues like climate change, inequality, resource depletion, human rights, and more. Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson highlights that doing well financially and doing good in the world are intertwined. J.Marie et al 2013:Sustainable business practices not only drive social and environmental change but also contribute to overall success. High Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings correlate with outperforming the market. The benefits of sustainability in business include protecting your brand, mitigating risks, attracting motivated employees through shared purpose, tapping into a growing market for sustainable goods, and driving change through collaborative efforts.Sustainability enhances profitability, growth, and employee retention.(J.Marie et al 2013) It is no longer a choice but a vital element of a successful business strategy, ensuring a positive impact on society and the environment while securing long-term success. Julia et al 2019:The article emphasizes the growing importance of sustainability for organizations, highlighting that sustainability, encompassing Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, should be an integral part of corporate strategy. (Julia et al 2019) Despite 90% of executives acknowledging its importance, only 60% of organizations have sustainability strategies in place. Establishing a sustainability strategy, along with a dedicated chief sustainability officer, is crucial. McKinsey notes that this approach allows for long-term investments. However, there are challenges, including board commitment, accountability, and talent gaps. Investor pressure, with 85% considering ESG factors, and consumer demand, especially from millennials and Gen-Z, are significant drivers for sustainability. Companies must integrate sustainability into their strategies to remain relevant in the evolving market. Hayes.A et al 2023:he article highlights the importance of ethical practice in organizational behavior, encompassing various aspects such as corporate
  • 7. governance, employment practices, stakeholder relations, and transparency in decision-making. It emphasizes that ethical decisions involve trade-offs and understanding the consequences of different courses of action.(Hayes.A et al 2023) Transparency is crucial in building trust with employees and stakeholders. The article also discusses eight different perspectives or 'lenses' for making ethical decisions, which go beyond simple right or wrong judgments, providing alternative ways to evaluate situations. The principles for the profession, as reflected in the Profession Map, include ethical practice as a core behavior, underscoring the significance of ethical values in the professional world. Vanessa.L et al 2019:This article underscores the significance of a code of ethics, which serves as a foundational guide for professionals to conduct business with honesty and integrity. It outlines the key elements that such a document typically encompasses, including an organization's mission, values, problem-solving approaches, ethical principles aligned with core values, and the standards to which professionals are held.(Vanessa.L et al 2019) Furthermore, it highlights the common existence of these codes within businesses and trade organizations, where violations can lead to termination, emphasizing their role in setting clear behavioral rules and providing a preemptive framework for ethical conduct. Ronald et al 2018:This article underscores the importance of integrating ethics into sustainability efforts, highlighting that solving complex global challenges necessitates collaboration among individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.(Ronald et al 2018) It emphasizes the role of ethics in ensuring that all voices, including those of nature and future generations, are considered within the three pillars of sustainability - social, environmental, and economic. The article asserts that making ethical choices, despite potential challenges, will ultimately yield more positive and long-lasting impacts for the greater good. Mandal.R. et al 2022:Business ethics encompasses the standards for morally right and wrong conduct in business, extending beyond legal requirements to promote integrity and trust among employees and stakeholders.(Mandal.R. et al 2022) While corporate ethics programs are now commonplace, their quality varies, with a significant portion of U.S. workers perceiving inadequately implemented ethics programs. The importance of business ethics is growing due to technology-driven transparency, and many believe it will continue to rise in significance.Building an ethical culture involves creating a comprehensive ethics program that touches on various aspects of business operations, as recommended by the U.S. Department of Commerce, and integrating ethics with business operations, as advised by Gartner Peek, S. et al 2023: Ethical branding involves leaving a legacy of values, responsible actions, and sustainability. It avoids harm to people, animals, and the environment, contributing positively to society. Statistics reveal that customers are willing to pay more for companies with positive environmental and social contributions. (Peek, S. et al 2023)Ethical practices are the second-highest reason for brand loyalty. Ethical
  • 8. branding is essential as it allows brands to support social causes, stand out in a competitive market, find a niche, and attract talented employees who value ethical practices. It helps differentiate the brand, engage with the right audience, and demonstrate a commitment to positive change. (Irfan, M et al 2023:Business ethics is of paramount importance in ensuring quality service, regulatory compliance, and avoiding legal issues. Establishing an ethical culture begins with leadership and ongoing commitment to ethical standards. Ethical behavior entails a strong moral code and consistent values that extend to all employees, fostering honesty and fairness in relationships with colleagues and clients.(Peek, S. et al 2023) This not only boosts company morale but also attracts and retains employees who believe in ethical business practices. A high ethical standard also appeals to customers, building a positive reputation and long-term loyalty while encouraging referrals to your business. Villena, Gioia et al 2020: argue that sustainability is essential for businesses in the 21st century, but that many companies are struggling to implement sustainable practices in their supply chains. They identify a number of challenges, including the complexity of global supply chains, the lack of transparency, and the pressure to reduce costs.(Villena, Gioia et al 2020)To overcome these challenges, the authors recommend that companies take a holistic approach to sustainability. This means considering the environmental and social impacts of their supply chains at every stage, from raw material extraction to product delivery. It also means working with suppliers to improve their own sustainability practices.The authors provide a number of examples of companies that are successfully implementing sustainable supply chain practices. They also offer practical advice for companies that are just getting started. Polman,Bhattachary et al 2022:states that employee engagement is essential for creating a sustainable business. They point out that employees are the ones who actually implement sustainability initiatives, so it is important to get them on board.(Polman,Bhattachary et al 2022) The authors provide a number of examples of how companies are engaging their employees in sustainability efforts. For example, Unilever has a program called the "Sustainable Living Plan" that gives employees opportunities to learn about sustainability and make a difference in their communities.Polman and Bhattacharya offer a number of tips for companies that want to engage their employees in sustainability. They recommend that companies start by creating a culture of sustainability, setting clear goals and targets, and giving employees the resources and support they need to be successful. Lakovidou, I,Bourlakis, N. S. et al 2018:A literature review of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility:Iakovidou and Bourlakis provide a comprehensive overview of the history and evolution of corporate social responsibility
  • 9. (CSR).(Iakovidou, I,Bourlakis, N. S. et al 2018) They argue that CSR has become increasingly important for businesses in recent years, as consumers and investors are demanding that companies operate in a sustainable and ethical manner.The authors discuss the different theories of CSR and the different ways that companies can implement CSR initiatives. They also discuss the challenges and opportunities of CSR.Iakovidou and Bourlakis conclude by arguing that CSR is essential for businesses in the 21st century. They state that companies that embrace CSR will be better positioned to succeed in the long term. (Irfan et al. 2021): provide a comprehensive overview of the global climate change impacts, adaptation, and sustainable mitigation measures. They argue that climate change is a major threat to the planet and that businesses have a responsibility to play in mitigating climate change.(Irfan et al. 2021)The authors discuss the different ways that businesses can mitigate climate change, such as reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, investing in renewable energy, and developing sustainable products and services. They also discuss the importance of adaptation to climate change.Irfan et al. conclude by arguing that businesses need to take action to address climate change now. They state that businesses that fail to act on climate change will be at risk in the long term. David A. Kevin et al 2018:This article discusses the role of sustainability and ethical practices in brand building. The authors argue that sustainability and ethical practices can help businesses to build strong brands that are attractive to consumers. (David A. Kevin et al 2018)The authors also provide examples of companies that have successfully used sustainability and ethical practices to build their brands. David T. Wasieleski et al 2017 :This article discusses the impact of sustainability and ethical practices on consumer behavior. The authors argue that consumers are increasingly interested in buying from brands that are committed to sustainability and ethical practices.(David A. Kevin et al 2018)The authors also discuss the benefits of sustainability and ethical practices for businesses, such as increased customer loyalty and market share. Anne Marie et al 2012:This article examines the role of consumer perception in the use of sustainability as a brand differentiator. The authors argue that consumers are
  • 10. more likely to purchase from brands that they perceive as being sustainable.(Anne Marie et al 2012) The authors also discuss the challenges that businesses face in communicating their sustainability credentials to consumers. Simon L. Dolan et al 2023:This article examines the relationship between sustainability and brand performance. The authors argue that sustainability can have a positive impact on brand performance, in terms of brand awareness, brand reputation, and customer loyalty. (Simon L. Dolan et al 2023)The authors also discuss the factors that influence the relationship between sustainability and brand performance. Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2015: This article discusses the role of transparency and accountability in ethical branding. The authors argue that consumers are more likely to trust and support brands that are transparent and accountable in their sustainability and ethical practices. The authors also discuss the challenges that businesses face in being transparent and accountable. David A. Aaker et al 2017: This article discusses the future of sustainability in branding. The authors argue that sustainability is becoming increasingly important to consumers, and that businesses need to develop sustainable branding strategies in order to remain competitive.(David A. Aaker et al 2017)The authors also discuss some of the key trends that are shaping the future of sustainable branding. Michael Porter et al 2018:This article discusses the financial benefits of sustainability for businesses. The authors argue that sustainable businesses are more likely to outperform their competitors on financial metrics such as profitability and shareholder returns.(Michael Porter et al 2018) The authors also provide examples of sustainable businesses that are outperforming the market. (Nadia K. Khare et al 2015) This article examines the impact of sustainability on brand value. The authors argue that sustainability can have a positive impact on brand value, in terms of brand awareness, brand loyalty, and customer satisfaction. The authors also discuss the factors that influence the relationship between sustainability and brand value. Ronald K. Fuller et al 2008: This article discusses the importance of ethical branding for building trust and loyalty with consumers. The authors argue that consumers are more likely to trust and support brands that they perceive as being ethical.(Ronald K. Fuller et al 2008)The authors also discuss the benefits of ethical branding for businesses, such as increased customer loyalty and market share. Stefan Schaltegger and Martin Wagner (2017,july) This article discusses the role of sustainability in creating a competitive advantage for businesses. The authors argue that sustainability can help businesses to differentiate themselves from their
  • 11. competitors and attract new customers. The authors also discuss the challenges that businesses face in implementing sustainable strategies. (Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2019) This article discusses the rise of the sustainable consumer. The authors argue that consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of their purchases, and are more likely to buy from brands that are committed to sustainability and ethical practices. The authors also discuss the implications of the rise of the sustainable consumer for businesses. (Simon L. Dolan, Christopher Johnson et al 2021) This article examines how consumers perceive sustainable branding. The authors argue that consumers are more likely to trust and support brands that are transparent and accountable in their sustainability practices. The authors also discuss the factors that influence consumers' perceptions of sustainable branding. (Julie L. Ozanne,Robin L. Roy et al 2017) This article discusses the importance of storytelling in ethical branding. The authors argue that stories can help businesses to connect with consumers on an emotional level and build trust. The authors also discuss how businesses can use storytelling to communicate their sustainability and ethical commitments to consumers. (Wayne D. Hoyer,David A. Aaker et al 2010) This article discusses the role of sustainability in building brand resilience. The authors argue that sustainable businesses are more likely to be resilient in the face of shocks such as economic downturns and natural disasters. The authors also discuss the factors that contribute to the resilience of sustainable brands. (David B. Levy et al 2019):This article examines the impact of sustainability on brand innovation. The authors argue that sustainability can drive innovation by forcing businesses to rethink their products, services, and processes. The authors also discuss the challenges that businesses face in innovating for sustainability. Julie L. et al. 2022: This article presents a conversation with conscious consumers about the future of ethical branding. The consumers discuss their expectations of ethical brands, the factors that influence their purchasing decisions, and the challenges that businesses face in meeting their expectations.(Julie L. et al. 2022) AIM OF THE PROJECT:-
  • 12. ● Explore the integration of sustainability and ethical practices into brands. This includes identifying the different ways that brands are integrating sustainability and ethics into their business models, as well as the benefits and challenges of doing so. ● Examine how consumers are responding to brands that are committed to sustainability and ethics. This includes understanding consumers' attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable and ethical brands, as well as the factors that influence their purchase decisions. ● Provide recommendations for brands on how to successfully integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their branding strategies. This includes identifying the best practices for developing and communicating sustainability and ethical branding messages, as well as how to build and maintain trust with consumers.The overall aim of the project is to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on sustainability and ethical branding, and to help brands to develop and implement successful sustainability and ethical branding strategies. This research project is important because it addresses a timely and relevant topic. Sustainability and ethical practices are becoming increasingly important to consumers, and brands need to be able to respond to this trend effectively. The project's findings will provide valuable insights into how brands can integrate sustainability and ethics into their business models and achieve success. RESEARCH QUESTIONS:- ● How do businesses define and integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their branding strategies? ● What is the relationship between a company's sustainability and ethical branding and its brand reputation among consumers? ● What are the primary challenges that businesses face when integrating sustainability and ethical practices into their branding strategies? ● How can brands measure the impact of their sustainable and ethical practices on their business performance? OBJECTIVES:- ● To assess the extent to which sustainability and ethical practices are integrated into the branding strategies of businesses.
  • 13. ● To examine the impact of sustainability and ethical branding on brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance. ● To identify the key challenges and barriers that organizations face when attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their brand. ● To identify the different ways in which brands can measure the impact of their sustainable and ethical practices on their business performance. HYPOTHESIS:- Objective 1: ● H0: Sustainability and ethical practices are not integrated to a significant extent into the branding strategies of businesses. ● H1: Sustainability and ethical practices are integrated to a significant extent into the branding strategies of businesses. Objective 2: ● H0: Sustainability and ethical branding does not have a significant impact on brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance. ● H1: Sustainability and ethical branding has a significant positive impact on brand reputation, customer loyalty, and financial performance. Objective 3: ● H0: There are no significant challenges or barriers that organizations face when attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their brand. ● H1: There are significant challenges and barriers that organizations face when attempting to integrate sustainability and ethical practices into their brand. Objective 4: ● H0: There are no effective ways to measure the impact of sustainable and ethical practices on business performance. ● H1: There are effective ways to measure the impact of sustainable and ethical practices on business performance. SIGNIFICANCE:-
  • 14. Sustainability and ethical practices are becoming increasingly important to consumers. Brands that are able to successfully integrate these principles into their business models will be well-positioned to succeed in the future. This research study will provide valuable insights into how brands can achieve this goal.The proposed research on "Sustainability and Ethical Practices as an Integral Part of Brands" holds significant importance for various stakeholders, including businesses, consumers, policymakers, and academia. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK:- Independent Variables: b. Industry Type: Categorical variable representing the industry or sector to which a company belongs. c. Company Size: A continuous variable representing the size of the company, typically measured by revenue or the number of employees. d. Geographical Location: Categorical variable representing the region or country where the company is headquartered. e. Consumer Attitudes and Preferences: This variable includes responses from consumers regarding their beliefs, values, and preferences related to sustainability and ethical practices in brands. Dependent Variables: a. Brand Reputation: A measure of the overall perception of a brand by consumers, including elements such as trust, credibility, and recognition. b. Customer Loyalty: This variable assesses the extent of customer commitment to a brand, often measured by metrics like repeat purchases, customer retention, and willingness to recommend the brand to others. c. Financial Performance: A quantitative measure of a company's financial success, including indicators like revenue, profit margins, and stock performance.
  • 15. CHAPTER 3 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:- Research Design: This study will employ a quantitative method to provide a comprehensive understanding of the research objectives. Data Collection Methods: Quantitative Data Collection: Quantitative data will be collected through structured surveys distributed to a larger sample of consumers. This phase aims to provide quantitative measurements of consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors related to sustainable and ethical brands. Survey Questionnaire: The survey will include closed-ended questions, Likert scales, and multiple-choice questions. It will cover aspects such as brand recognition, consumer preferences, purchase behavior, and the influence of sustainability and ethics on their choices. Sampling: Sampling size The sampling method is Random Sampling. The sampling size of this paper is 425 in number, 40 being additional considering the factors of not being answered completely. Even though this paper is an unknown set, it is considered the population of Bangalore is 13,193,035 using the formula No = Z2pq/e2. Margin of error – 5% Confidence Level – 95% Z value – 1.96 Target population of age group between (18 – 60 years of age) – 50% Desired population – 50% of 13,193 = 6,597 Sample Size = 425 No = Z2pq/e2. e is the margin of error p is the (estimated) proportion of the population which has the attribute in question q is 1 – p
  • 16. Data Analysis: Quantitative Data Analysis:Quantitative data from the surveys will be analysed using google forms. The research findings will be presented in a comprehensive research report that includes an executive summary, methodology, findings, discussion, and recommendations. The report will be structured to align with the research objectives and will be available for both academic and practical audiences.This research methodology aims to provide a rigorous and comprehensive approach to investigating the role of sustainability and ethical practices in brand identity and their influence on consumer behaviour. It combines the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative methods to ensure a holistic understanding of the subject matter. CHAPTERIZATION:- Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Review of Literature Chapter 3: Research Methodology Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings Chapter 5: Discussion Chapter 6:Recommendation and Implication Chapter 7: Conclusion TIMELINE:- SL NO. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY TIME 1 Submission of proposal NOVEMBER 2023 2 Proposal presentation NOVEMBER 2023 3 Introduction NOVEMBER 2023 4 Methodology JANUARY 2024 5 Data analysis JANUARY 2024
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