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• Weekly tests continue
• Assignment 2
• Due in 2 weeks (Check my.Seneca)
• Part One
• JavaScript Objects
• Built-In Objects: Date, Math
• Part Two
• JavaScript Objects
• User-Defined Objects
• Prototypal Inheritance
Part 1
JavaScript Built-In Objects (Date & Math)
Date Object
• Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times.
• Creates a Date object with current date and time:
• Date string:
• Will show the date string:
• The date is Mon Mar 10 2014 09:02:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time)
var myDate = new Date();
console.log("The date is " + myDate);
Date Object
• Creates a Date object with certain date and time:
var date1 = new Date(2001, 4, 10);
var date2 = new Date(2001, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 0);
var date3 = new Date("May 10, 2001 11:13:15");
console.log(date1 + "n" + date2 + "n" + date3);
// Outputs
// Thu May 10 2001 00:00:00 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
// Thu May 10 2001 11:13:15 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
// Thu May 10 2001 11:13:15 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
The get… Methods of Date Object
• getMonth() method
• Returns a Number - 0 to 11
• Represents the months of January through December
• e.g.
• getDate() method
• Returns a number - 1 to 31
• e.g.
var myMonth = (new Date()).getMonth();
console.log(myMonth); // The myMonth is 6 which is, July
var myDay = (new Date()).getDate();
console.log(myDay ); // outputs 3 (since this lecture is on the 3rd of June)
The get… Methods of Date Object
• getDay() method
• Returns a Number: 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, …
• e.g.
• getFullYear() method
• Returns a 4 digit year
• e.g.
var myDayOfWeek = (new Date()).getDay();
console.log(myDayOfWeek); // outputs 5 (since this lecture is on a Friday)
var myYear = (new Date()). getFullYear();
console.log(myYear); // 2016
The get… Methods of Date Object
• getHours() method
• Returns a number of 0 to 23
• getMinutes() method
• Returns a number of 0 to 59
• getSeconds() method
• Returns a number of 0 to 59
• getMilliseconds() method
• returns a number of 0 to 999
var myDate = new Date();
var myHour = myDate.getHours();
var myMinutes = myDate.getMinutes();
var mySeconds = myDate.getSeconds();
console.log(myHour + ":" + myMinutes + ":" + mySeconds);
// outputs 10:30:35 (If this statement was
// executed at 10:30 and 35 seconds in the morning)
Date Object – Displaying Dates as Strings
• Methods
• toString()
• toLocaleString()
• toUTCString() // UTC: Universal Time Coordinated – (ie: Standardized Time)
• toDateString()
• For Example:
var dt = new Date();
console.log(dt); // Thu Jun 02 2016 11:11:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
console.log(dt.toString()); // Thu Jun 02 2016 11:11:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
console.log(dt.toLocaleString()); // 6/2/2016, 11:11:50 AM
console.log(dt.toUTCString()); // Thu, 02 Jun 2016 15:11:50 GMT
console.log(dt.toDateString()); // Thu Jun 02 2016
Math Object - Math functions
• Math.max(ident_1, ident_2)
• the maximum of n numbers
• e.g.
• Math.min(ident_1,ident_2)
• the minimum of n numbers
• e.g.
• Math.pow(ident_1, ident2)
• ident_1 to the power ident_2
• e.g.
• Math.sqrt(ident_1)
• square root of
• e.g.
console.log( Math.max(0.52, 1) ); // 1
console.log( Math.min(0.52, 1) ); // 0.52
console.log( Math.pow(2, 8) ); // 256
console.log( Math.sqrt(9) ); // 3
Math Object – Math functions (rounding)
• Math.ceil(ident_1)
• integer closest to but not less than
• e.g.
• Math.floor(ident_1)
• integer closest to but not greater than
• e.g.
• Math.round(ident_1)
• integer closest to
• e.g.
console.log( Math.ceil(0.52) ); // 1
console.log( Math.ceil(0.49) ); // 1
console.log( Math.floor(0.52) ); // 0
console.log( Math.round(0.52) ); // 1
console.log( Math.round(0.49) ); // 0
console.log( Math.round(0.5) ); // 1
Generating Random Numbers
• Math.random()
• Generates a pseudorandom number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
• e.g:
• Examples from MDN page on Math.random()
// Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
return Math.random();
// Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive)
return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;
// Returns a random integer between min (included) and max (excluded)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
// Returns a random integer between min (included) and max (included)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
Part 2
JavaScript Objects (User-Defined Objects, Prototypal Inheritance)
Creating User-defined Objects
• As we have seen, JavaScript objects are associative arrays (or map, or dictionary - a data
structure composed of a collection of key/value pairs), augmented with prototypes.
• Object property names are string keys. They support two equivalent syntaxes:
• dot notation (obj.x = 10)
• bracket notation (obj['x'] = 10)
• Object properties and functions/methods can be added, changed, or deleted at run-time.
Creating Objects (Literal Notation)
• Using Literal Notation
var person1 = { "name": "John", "age": 30 };
// can be simplified as:
// var person1 = { name: "John", age: 30 };
var person2 = {
name: "Steven",
age: 25,
talk: function () {
console.log('I am ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old.");
console.log( );; // My name is Steven, and I'm 25 years old.
"this" when using Literal Notation
• The this keyword always refers to the
"execution context"
• In the previous example, the "talk" function
is always executed as a method of a "person2"
• Therefore, "this" refers to the "person2"
object and we can access the value of it's
properties, name & age using and
var person2 = {
name: "Steven",
age: 25,
talk: function () {
// outputs: Object { name: "Steven", age: 25, talk: }
Crating Objects (Function Constructor)
• Using a Function Constructor with this and new
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
} = function () {
console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old.");
var person3 = new Person("Steven", 30);; // My name is Steven, and I'm 30 years old.
"this" when using Function Constructors
• Recall: The this keyword always refers to the
"execution context"
• In the previous example, the name, age &
show properties/method are declared on the
object that will eventually be created once the
"Person" function is invoked using "new".
• So, unless we specify a "new" object, "this"
refers to the global execution context, ie
"Window" when executing "Person" in a
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
} = function () {
console.log('My name is ' + +
", and I'm " + this.age + " years old.");
Person("Steven", 30);
// outputs: Window
console.log(Person.age); // outputs: undefined
"new" when using Function Constructors
• The new operator creates an instance of an
object type specified by a function.
• This sets up the "this" keyword to point to the
new object (ie, "person3")
• We can inject values into the new object
instance ("person3") by passing values to the
function and assigning them by using the
"this.propertyName" syntax
function Person(name, age) { = name;
this.age = age;
} = function () {
console.log('My name is ' + +
", and I'm " + this.age + " years old.");
var person3 = new Person("Steven", 30);
// outputs: Object { name: "Steven", age: 30 }
console.log(person3.age); // outputs: 30
Dynamically adding properties
• Create an empty object; then dynamically add properties and methods.
var person4 = {};
// equivalent to: var person4 = new Object(); = "James";
person4.age = 30; = function () {
console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old.");
Creating User-Defined Objects (Advanced)
• Usually, JavaScript object properties are
"public". This does not conform the basic
principle of OOP – Encapsulation.
• However, we can achieve encapsulation
with Closures
function Person(name, age) {
var name = name;
var age = age;
return { setName: function(newName) {name = newName;},
getName: function() { return name; },
setAge: function(newAge) { age = newAge;},
getAge: function() { return age; } };
var person1 = Person("John", 25); //instantiate the Person "class"
var myName = person1.getName();
console.log(myName); // John
console.log(person1.getAge()); //20
Prototypal Inheritance
• In JavaScript, if we wish to create a new object based on another object (ie inherit properties
and methods from another object and extend the functionality, we need to work with object
• Note: this is unlike classical inheritance model in C++, Java, C#, etc where Classes inherit from other
• In JavaScript, objects are not based on classes.
• Prototypal Inheritance: Objects inherit from objects.
• A new object can inherit the properties and methods of an existing object.
• Existing object is used as a prototype for creating the new object.
• In effect, the new object "is a clone of the existing object."
• Note: not to be confused with the"Prototype framework" - a JS library called prototype.js.
Prototypal Chain (simplified)
• In JavaScript, all objects have an internal "__proto__" (sometimes "[[prototype]]") property
• This property refers to an object, from which the current object "inherits" properties.
• If a new object was created using Literal Notation, we have access to a global function:
Object.create(); which will allow us to create a second new object that uses the first as a
prototype (Example 1)
• If a new object was created using a Function Constructor, we have access to a public
"prototype" property which we can use to explicitly set a prototype (Example 2)
• For a more detailed explanation, see:
Example 1 - Object.create()
var rectangle1 = {
width: 10,
height: 15,
show: function () {
console.log('dimensions: ' + this.width + " x " + this.height);
// creates a new rectangle using rectangle1 as prototype
var rectangle2instance = Object.create(rectangle1); // Make rectangle2 inherit from rectangle1
rectangle2instance.width = 20;
rectangle2instance.height = 25;; // dimensions: 20 x 25
Example 2 - prototype property
var rectangle1 = {
width: 10,
height: 15,
show: function () {
console.log('dimensions: ' + this.width + " x " + this.height);
function rectangle2() {
this.width = 20;
this.height = 25;
rectangle2.prototype = rectangle1; // make rectangle2 inherit from rectangle1
var rectangle2instance = new rectangle2(); // create a new instance of rectangle2; // dimensions: 20 x 25
JS OOP Example
• Model of subjects for School of ICT
• Create subject instances using the Object.create method.
var subject = {
code: "",
desc: "",
prog: [], // the prog property is an array
info: {} // the info property is an object
var web222 = Object.create(subject);
web222.code = 'WEB222';
web222.desc = 'Web Programming Principles';
web222.prog = ['CPD', 'CPA']; = { hours: 4, url:' ' };
JS OOP Example
var btc140 = Object.create(subject);
btc140.code = 'BTC140';
btc140.desc = 'Critical Thinking and Writing';
btc140.prog = ['BSD', 'IFS']; = { hours: 3, url:' btc140' }
var ipc144 = Object.create(subject);
ipc144.code = 'IPC144';
ipc144.desc = 'Introduction to Programming Using C';
ipc144.prog = ['CPD', 'CPA', 'CTY']; = { hours: 5, url:' }
var bti220 = Object.create(subject);
bti220.code = 'BTI220';
bti220.desc = 'Internet Architecture and Development';
bti220.prog = ['BSD']; = { hours: 4, url:'' }
JS OOP Example
• All subjects
// Create a collection of all subject objects
var all = [web222, bti220, ipc144, btc140];
// Declare and initialize an accumulator
var totalHours = 0;
// Go through the collection, accumulate hours, dump to the Web Console
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
totalHours += all[i].info.hours;
// Report the total hours
console.log('Total hours is ' + totalHours);
Useful Resource Links (from MDN)
• Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript | MDN
• Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript | MDN
• Details of the object model - JavaScript | MDN
• Closures - JavaScript | MDN
• Standard built-in objects - JavaScript | MDN
• Any questions?
• Would you like to see any more examples?

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  • 2. Announcements • Weekly tests continue • Assignment 2 • Due in 2 weeks (Check my.Seneca)
  • 3. Agenda • Part One • JavaScript Objects • Built-In Objects: Date, Math • Part Two • JavaScript Objects • User-Defined Objects • Prototypal Inheritance
  • 4. Part 1 JavaScript Built-In Objects (Date & Math)
  • 5. Date Object • Enables basic storage and retrieval of dates and times. • Creates a Date object with current date and time: • Date string: • Will show the date string: • The date is Mon Mar 10 2014 09:02:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time) var myDate = new Date(); console.log("The date is " + myDate);
  • 6. Date Object • Creates a Date object with certain date and time: var date1 = new Date(2001, 4, 10); var date2 = new Date(2001, 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 0); var date3 = new Date("May 10, 2001 11:13:15"); console.log(date1 + "n" + date2 + "n" + date3); // Outputs // Thu May 10 2001 00:00:00 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) // Thu May 10 2001 11:13:15 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) // Thu May 10 2001 11:13:15 GMT -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  • 7. The get… Methods of Date Object • getMonth() method • Returns a Number - 0 to 11 • Represents the months of January through December • e.g. • getDate() method • Returns a number - 1 to 31 • e.g. var myMonth = (new Date()).getMonth(); console.log(myMonth); // The myMonth is 6 which is, July var myDay = (new Date()).getDate(); console.log(myDay ); // outputs 3 (since this lecture is on the 3rd of June)
  • 8. The get… Methods of Date Object • getDay() method • Returns a Number: 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, … • e.g. • getFullYear() method • Returns a 4 digit year • e.g. var myDayOfWeek = (new Date()).getDay(); console.log(myDayOfWeek); // outputs 5 (since this lecture is on a Friday) var myYear = (new Date()). getFullYear(); console.log(myYear); // 2016
  • 9. The get… Methods of Date Object • getHours() method • Returns a number of 0 to 23 • getMinutes() method • Returns a number of 0 to 59 • getSeconds() method • Returns a number of 0 to 59 • getMilliseconds() method • returns a number of 0 to 999 var myDate = new Date(); var myHour = myDate.getHours(); var myMinutes = myDate.getMinutes(); var mySeconds = myDate.getSeconds(); console.log(myHour + ":" + myMinutes + ":" + mySeconds); // outputs 10:30:35 (If this statement was // executed at 10:30 and 35 seconds in the morning)
  • 10. Date Object – Displaying Dates as Strings • Methods • toString() • toLocaleString() • toUTCString() // UTC: Universal Time Coordinated – (ie: Standardized Time) • toDateString() • For Example: var dt = new Date(); console.log(dt); // Thu Jun 02 2016 11:11:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) console.log(dt.toString()); // Thu Jun 02 2016 11:11:50 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) console.log(dt.toLocaleString()); // 6/2/2016, 11:11:50 AM console.log(dt.toUTCString()); // Thu, 02 Jun 2016 15:11:50 GMT console.log(dt.toDateString()); // Thu Jun 02 2016
  • 11. Math Object - Math functions • Math.max(ident_1, ident_2) • the maximum of n numbers • e.g. • Math.min(ident_1,ident_2) • the minimum of n numbers • e.g. • Math.pow(ident_1, ident2) • ident_1 to the power ident_2 • e.g. • Math.sqrt(ident_1) • square root of • e.g. console.log( Math.max(0.52, 1) ); // 1 console.log( Math.min(0.52, 1) ); // 0.52 console.log( Math.pow(2, 8) ); // 256 console.log( Math.sqrt(9) ); // 3
  • 12. Math Object – Math functions (rounding) • Math.ceil(ident_1) • integer closest to but not less than • e.g. • Math.floor(ident_1) • integer closest to but not greater than • e.g. • Math.round(ident_1) • integer closest to • e.g. console.log( Math.ceil(0.52) ); // 1 console.log( Math.ceil(0.49) ); // 1 console.log( Math.floor(0.52) ); // 0 console.log( Math.round(0.52) ); // 1 console.log( Math.round(0.49) ); // 0 console.log( Math.round(0.5) ); // 1
  • 13. Generating Random Numbers • Math.random() • Generates a pseudorandom number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive) • e.g: • Examples from MDN page on Math.random() // Returns a random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive) return Math.random(); // Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; // Returns a random integer between min (included) and max (excluded) return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; // Returns a random integer between min (included) and max (included) return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
  • 14. Part 2 JavaScript Objects (User-Defined Objects, Prototypal Inheritance)
  • 15. Creating User-defined Objects • As we have seen, JavaScript objects are associative arrays (or map, or dictionary - a data structure composed of a collection of key/value pairs), augmented with prototypes. • Object property names are string keys. They support two equivalent syntaxes: • dot notation (obj.x = 10) • bracket notation (obj['x'] = 10) • Object properties and functions/methods can be added, changed, or deleted at run-time.
  • 16. Creating Objects (Literal Notation) • Using Literal Notation var person1 = { "name": "John", "age": 30 }; // can be simplified as: // var person1 = { name: "John", age: 30 }; var person2 = { name: "Steven", age: 25, talk: function () { console.log('I am ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old."); } }; console.log( );; // My name is Steven, and I'm 25 years old.
  • 17. "this" when using Literal Notation • The this keyword always refers to the "execution context" • In the previous example, the "talk" function is always executed as a method of a "person2" object • Therefore, "this" refers to the "person2" object and we can access the value of it's properties, name & age using and this.age var person2 = { name: "Steven", age: 25, talk: function () { console.log(this); } };; // outputs: Object { name: "Steven", age: 25, talk: }
  • 18. Crating Objects (Function Constructor) • Using a Function Constructor with this and new function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; } = function () { console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old."); }; var person3 = new Person("Steven", 30);; // My name is Steven, and I'm 30 years old.
  • 19. "this" when using Function Constructors • Recall: The this keyword always refers to the "execution context" • In the previous example, the name, age & show properties/method are declared on the object that will eventually be created once the "Person" function is invoked using "new". • So, unless we specify a "new" object, "this" refers to the global execution context, ie "Window" when executing "Person" in a browser function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; console.log(this); } = function () { console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old."); }; Person("Steven", 30); // outputs: Window console.log(Person.age); // outputs: undefined
  • 20. "new" when using Function Constructors • The new operator creates an instance of an object type specified by a function. • This sets up the "this" keyword to point to the new object (ie, "person3") • We can inject values into the new object instance ("person3") by passing values to the function and assigning them by using the "this.propertyName" syntax function Person(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; console.log(this); } = function () { console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old."); }; var person3 = new Person("Steven", 30); // outputs: Object { name: "Steven", age: 30 } console.log(person3.age); // outputs: 30
  • 21. Dynamically adding properties • Create an empty object; then dynamically add properties and methods. var person4 = {}; // equivalent to: var person4 = new Object(); = "James"; person4.age = 30; = function () { console.log('My name is ' + + ", and I'm " + this.age + " years old."); };;
  • 22. Creating User-Defined Objects (Advanced) • Usually, JavaScript object properties are "public". This does not conform the basic principle of OOP – Encapsulation. • However, we can achieve encapsulation with Closures function Person(name, age) { var name = name; var age = age; return { setName: function(newName) {name = newName;}, getName: function() { return name; }, setAge: function(newAge) { age = newAge;}, getAge: function() { return age; } }; } var person1 = Person("John", 25); //instantiate the Person "class" var myName = person1.getName(); console.log(myName); // John person1.setAge(20); console.log(person1.getAge()); //20
  • 23. Prototypal Inheritance • In JavaScript, if we wish to create a new object based on another object (ie inherit properties and methods from another object and extend the functionality, we need to work with object prototypes • Note: this is unlike classical inheritance model in C++, Java, C#, etc where Classes inherit from other Classes • In JavaScript, objects are not based on classes. • Prototypal Inheritance: Objects inherit from objects. • A new object can inherit the properties and methods of an existing object. • Existing object is used as a prototype for creating the new object. • In effect, the new object "is a clone of the existing object." • Note: not to be confused with the"Prototype framework" - a JS library called prototype.js.
  • 24. Prototypal Chain (simplified) • In JavaScript, all objects have an internal "__proto__" (sometimes "[[prototype]]") property • This property refers to an object, from which the current object "inherits" properties. • If a new object was created using Literal Notation, we have access to a global function: Object.create(); which will allow us to create a second new object that uses the first as a prototype (Example 1) • If a new object was created using a Function Constructor, we have access to a public "prototype" property which we can use to explicitly set a prototype (Example 2) • For a more detailed explanation, see:
  • 25. Example 1 - Object.create() var rectangle1 = { width: 10, height: 15, show: function () { console.log('dimensions: ' + this.width + " x " + this.height); } }; // creates a new rectangle using rectangle1 as prototype var rectangle2instance = Object.create(rectangle1); // Make rectangle2 inherit from rectangle1 rectangle2instance.width = 20; rectangle2instance.height = 25;; // dimensions: 20 x 25
  • 26. Example 2 - prototype property var rectangle1 = { width: 10, height: 15, show: function () { console.log('dimensions: ' + this.width + " x " + this.height); } }; function rectangle2() { this.width = 20; this.height = 25; } rectangle2.prototype = rectangle1; // make rectangle2 inherit from rectangle1 var rectangle2instance = new rectangle2(); // create a new instance of rectangle2; // dimensions: 20 x 25
  • 27. JS OOP Example • Model of subjects for School of ICT • Create subject instances using the Object.create method. var subject = { code: "", desc: "", prog: [], // the prog property is an array info: {} // the info property is an object }; var web222 = Object.create(subject); web222.code = 'WEB222'; web222.desc = 'Web Programming Principles'; web222.prog = ['CPD', 'CPA']; = { hours: 4, url:' ' };
  • 28. JS OOP Example var btc140 = Object.create(subject); btc140.code = 'BTC140'; btc140.desc = 'Critical Thinking and Writing'; btc140.prog = ['BSD', 'IFS']; = { hours: 3, url:' btc140' } var ipc144 = Object.create(subject); ipc144.code = 'IPC144'; ipc144.desc = 'Introduction to Programming Using C'; ipc144.prog = ['CPD', 'CPA', 'CTY']; = { hours: 5, url:' } var bti220 = Object.create(subject); bti220.code = 'BTI220'; bti220.desc = 'Internet Architecture and Development'; bti220.prog = ['BSD']; = { hours: 4, url:'' }
  • 29. JS OOP Example • All subjects // Create a collection of all subject objects var all = [web222, bti220, ipc144, btc140]; // Declare and initialize an accumulator var totalHours = 0; // Go through the collection, accumulate hours, dump to the Web Console for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { totalHours += all[i].info.hours; console.log(all[i]); }; // Report the total hours console.log('Total hours is ' + totalHours);
  • 30. Useful Resource Links (from MDN) • Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript | MDN • Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript | MDN • Details of the object model - JavaScript | MDN • Closures - JavaScript | MDN • Standard built-in objects - JavaScript | MDN
  • 31. Questions? • Any questions? • Would you like to see any more examples?