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1250 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 DOI 10.1002/biot.201400170
1 Introduction
Many studies on boronic acids (BA) have focused on their
ability to interact specifically with cis-diol-containing bio-
molecules through the formation of a reversible pair of
covalent ester bonds [1–3]. This rather unique feature has
been widely explored during the last 30 years in the devel-
opment of carbohydrate sensors [4, 5], extraction of cis-
diol-containing molecules [6], labeling of proteins, and cell
surfaces [7, 8] and in the affinity chromatographic sepa-
ration of biomolecules such as glycoproteins, glycopep-
tides, nucleosides, and nucleic acids [9–14].
BA ligands can be found in two different stable con-
formations depending on the pH of the medium. Typical-
ly at neutral or acidic environments, i.e. below the BA’s pI,
the BA adopts a trigonal conformation while at alkaline
environments the ligand becomes hydroxylated and the
resulting boronate anion adopts a tetrahedral conforma-
tion (Supporting information, Fig. S1) [3]. This hydroxyla-
tion is possible since trigonal BAs exhibit a Lewis acid
behavior due to the deficient valence of the boron atom,
which has a free p orbital that enables it to coordinate
with basic molecules [15], such as hydroxyls, resulting in
a highly stable tetrahedral conformation, which is nega-
Biotech Method
Phenylboronate chromatography selectively separates
glycoproteins through the manipulation of electrostatic,
charge transfer, and cis-diol interactions
Rimenys J. Carvalho1,2, James Woo2, M. Raquel Aires-Barros1, Steven M. Cramer2 and Ana M. Azevedo1
1 Department of Bioengineering, IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre for Biological and Chemical
Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
2 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Phenylboronate chromatography (PBC) has been applied for several years, however details regard-
ing the mechanisms of interactions between the ligand and biomolecules are still scarce. The goal
of this work is to investigate the various chemical interactions between proteins and their ligands,
using a protein library containing both glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins. Differences in
the adsorption of these proteins over a pH range from 4 to 9 were related to two main properties:
charge and presence of glycans. Acidic or neutral proteins were strongly adsorbed below pH 8
although the uncharged trigonal form of phenylboronate (PB) is less susceptible to forming elec-
trostatic and cis-diol interactions with proteins. The glycosylated proteins were only adsorbed
above pH 8 when the electrostatic repulsion between the boronate anion and the protein surface
was mitigated (at 200 mM NaCl). All basic proteins were highly adsorbed above pH 8 with PB also
acting as a cation-exchanger with binding occurring through electrostatic interactions. Batch
adsorption performed at acidic conditions in the presence of Lewis base showed that charge-trans-
fer interactions are critical for protein retention. This study demonstrates the multimodal interac-
tion of PBC, which can be a selective tool for separation of different classes of proteins.
Keywords: cis-Diol groups · Glycoproteins · Lewis bases · Multimodal chromatography · Phenylboronic acid chromatography
Correspondence: Dr. Ana M. Azevedo, Department of Bioengineering,
IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre for Biological
and Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de
Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Abbreviations: BA, boronic acid; CPG, control pore glass; PB, phenyl-
boronate; PBC, phenylboronate chromatography; pI, isoelectric point;
RNase A, ribonuclease A; RNase B, ribonuclease B
Received 28 MAR 2014
Revised 22 JUN 2014
Accepted 07 AUG 2014
article online 11 AUG 2014
Supporting information
available online
© 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1251
Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258
tively charged at high pH. This simple change in BA con-
formation increases its affinity for cis-diol compounds,
resulting in slower dissociation from tetrahedral complex-
es than from trigonal complexes [2, 16]. As a result, the
tetrahedral conformation is considered the most reactive
species, although some controversy exists in the litera-
ture [17].
Phenylboronate chromatography (PBC) has been
broadly applied for glycoprotein separation and identifi-
cation since it can specifically retain these proteins via
the glycans present in their structures, especially at pH
values higher than the pKa (8.8) of the phenylboronate (PB)
ligand. PBC has been used in a clinical assay to measure
levels of glycated hemoglobin species in blood [18, 19];
other potential applications include the determination of
glycan patterns [20, 21] and the separation of complex
biological mixtures containing a glycosylated product
[9, 22, 23]. This type of chromatography has important
advantages such as low cost, high chemical stability, and
the specificity to replace established processes such as
Protein A chromatography for monoclonal antibodies
purification [9, 23] and lectin affinity chromatography for
isolation of glycoproteins for glycoproteomics [22]. As pro-
tein-based ligands, Protein A and lectins are more sus-
ceptible to chemical and thermal degradation and are
most costly to produce than PB; however, they are also
very effective due to highly specific interactions with the
target compound [24, 25].
In addition to the affinity interaction between PB and
cis-diol molecules, which is unique to PBC, the Lewis acid
character of the ligand also allows it to interact with hard
Lewis bases whenever the pH is below the ligand pKa [26].
This secondary interaction could be exploited to increase
the selectivity of cis-diol interactions or as an orthogonal
driving force for protein separations. Lewis acid–base
interactions have already been explored in chromatogra-
phy using zirconia as stationary phase. This support is a
Lewis acid that can complex with strong Lewis bases
buffers and form a negatively charged surface [27]. In
PBC, Lewis base groups are present in proteins, in the
form of negatively charged carboxylates (aspartate and
glutamate) or unprotonated amino groups (asparagine
and glutamine); both can easily interact with boron at low
pH [28]. Hydrophobic interactions via the phenyl moiety
have been shown to increase the retention of hydropho-
bic solutes [29], though these interactions were shown to
be minimal at low ionic strength. Lastly, when the ligand
is in the negatively charged tetrahedral conformation, the
hydroxyboronate anion can act as a weak cation-
exchanger [29, 30].
Ren et al. [29] used small, organic molecules to demon-
strate these various interactions (electrostatic, Lewis
acid–base, hydrophobic, and hydrogen bonding) that
occur alongside the affinity cis-diol interaction and
showed that these non-specific interactions can be mini-
mized by altering the solution conditions (i.e. increasing
ionic strength, adding organic solvents, or hydrogen
bonding co-solutes). However, with larger biomolecules
(e.g. proteins), the frequency of these non-specific inter-
actions will increase and some of the mitigation strate-
gies (organic modifiers or urea) are incompatible with pro-
teins as they will induce denaturation. Interestingly,
Ghose et al. [31] have shown that even in specific affinity
interactions such as the one between Protein A and anti-
bodies, these various non-specific interactions are also
present and are responsible for the different elution pH of
the different antibody classes.
Using a library of proteins containing glycosylated and
nonglycosylated species with isoelectric points (pI) rang-
ing from 2.5 to 9.5, the adsorption behavior was measured
over a pH range of 4–9. From these studies, we charac-
terized dominant interactions between PB and different
classes of proteins (acidic, neutral, basic, glycosylated,
and nonglycosylated) and determined which solution
conditions (pH, ionic strength, and modifiers) can mini-
mize non-specific interactions with the ligand.
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Materials
The protein library was composed by the following pro-
teins obtained from Sigma–Aldrich® (St. Louis, MO,
USA): amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger, carbonic
anhydrase from bovine erythrocytes, cellulase from Tri-
choderma reesei, conalbumin from chicken egg white,
pepsin from porcine stomach, ribonuclease A (RNase A)
from bovine pancreas, and ribonuclease B (RNase B) from
bovine pancreas.
2-(Cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid (CHES),
sodium phosphate mono and dibasic anhydrous, sodium
citrate anhydrous, sodium acetate anhydrous, sodium flu-
oride, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris), sodium
chloride, and glycine were also purchased from Sigma–
Aldrich. The chromatographic media used in this study
were controlled porous glass (CPG®) and aminophenyl-
boronic acid functionalized CPG® (ProSep®-PB, EMD Mil-
lipore, UK) and Agarose P6XL (ProMetic Biosciences, UK).
All reagents used had a purity ≥98%, were pro analysis or
of HPLC grade. All the water used in the experiments was
deionized water.
Äkta Explorer and Purifier systems (GE Healthcare,
Uppsala, Sweden) were used to perform all column exper-
iments, both systems were operated online by the soft-
ware Unicorn 5.11. Tricorn™ empty glass columns (i.d.
5 mm; max. bed height 109 mm) were used for packing
ProSep®-PB and Agarose P6XL to a column volume of
2 mL (CV). Batch experiments were performed with Mul-
tiScreen™-HV 0.45  μm Durapore 96-well membrane
plates (EMD Millipore, USA).
1252 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258
2.2 Adsorption experiments
2.2.1 Column experiments
Proteins were loaded in the column in amounts between
135 and 216 μg; lower loadings were performed in order to
avoid saturation of the column as well as aggregation. The
pH range used in these studies was from 4 to 9 and the
adsorption buffers used were (i) 50 mM sodium acetate
from pH 4 to 6, (ii) 10 mM sodium phosphate from pH 7
and 8, and (iii) 20 mM CHES for pH 9, with the addition of
either 0 or 200 mM NaCl. Elution of adsorbed proteins was
triggered by changing the eluent to 300 mM Tris–HCl, pH
8.5 under a 10 CV gradient elution based on previous work
[9]. According to these authors, the addition of Tris was
found to be effective in eluting all protein from the col-
umn. After elution, the column was cleaned with 30 mM
acetic acid, pH 3 in order to verify if total recovery was
obtained. The total peak area of each protein was ana-
lyzed and compared to confirm total recovery of each
studied protein. Columns of 2  mL of either CPG®,
ProSep®-PB and P6XL were employed in all column exper-
The percentage of adsorption of each protein was
determined based on the area of the Tris–HCl elution peak
divided by the total peak area in the chromatogram. Ran-
domly selected conditions were duplicated and showed a
standard deviation of 3% or less.
2.2.2 Batch experiments
In order to investigate the dominant interactions at the
acidic/neutral pH range, batch experiments were per-
formed in which the adsorption buffer was supplemented
with different Lewis bases buffers, with the intention to
disrupt charge transfer interactions and thus identify the
dominant interactions for protein adsorption to PB.
Pepsin, amyloglucosidase, carbonic anhydrase, conalbu-
min, and cellulase were used in these studies. The Lewis
bases selected were citrate and fluoride, a hard and medi-
um strength base, respectively. Their effect was studied
at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 mM either pre-
pared in 20 mM acetate pH 4 or 20 mM phosphate pH 6.
The adsorptions were performed in 96-well micro-
plates with membranes, 200 μL of protein solution was
added in 20 μL of ProSep®-PB and agitated for 5 h using
shaker-incubator Stat Fax™ 2200 (Bio-Rad, USA) at max-
imum velocity and at room temperature. The supernatant
was then vacuum aspirated into UV 96-well microplate
and the values of samples at UV 280 nm was obtained
with SPECTRAmax Plus 384 microplate reader (Molecular
Devices, USA). The percentage of adsorption was calcu-
lated based on Eq. (1):
100i f
where P is the percentage of protein adsorption, Ci is the
initial concentration of protein (mg/mL), and Cf is the con-
centration of supernatant obtained after adsorption
(mg/mL). The experiments were performed in triplicate.
Experiments with RNase A were also performed using
same equipment and materials using 10–200 mM sodium
citrate as binding condition at pH 4 with and without
300  mM NaCl. The binding condition 50  mM sodium
acetate pH 4 was used as a negative control and 20 mM
CHES pH 9 as positive control. This study was also per-
formed in triplicate and the binding capacity (q) was cal-
culated as Eq. (2):
where Ci is the initial concentration of protein (mg/mL),
Cf is the concentration of protein in the supernatant
obtained after adsorption (mg/mL), Vb is the volume of
beads (mL), and Vs is the volume of sample.
2.3 Protein surface properties analysis
The 3D structure files for each protein were obtained from
Protein Data Bank (PDB) of Research Collaboratory Struc-
tural Bioinformatics (RCSB). All proteins were pretreated
to remove solvents and glycans from the structure file and
later protonated at the desired pH using the Protonate 3D
tool and Amber99 force-field found in the Molecular Oper-
ating Environment (MOE) 2010.10 software (Chemical
Computing Group, Montreal, Canada). After creating a
structure file for each pH in the study, the protein surface
properties (electrostatic potential [EP] and charged amino
acids maps) were visualized using PyMol 1.5 software
(Schrodinger, Inc., NY, USA).
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Influence of charge and glycosylation
on protein adsorption in phenylboronate
Seven proteins were selected as standards for the protein
library among several proteins. According to their pI, pro-
teins were categorized as acidic, neutral, or basic and
each group contained both a glycosylated and nonglyco-
sylated protein (Table 1).
These proteins were selected in order to understand
the general behavior of proteins on PBC in the pH range
from 4 to 9. As described in Section 2, two chromato-
graphic resins with the same aminophenylboronic acid
functionalization were used in this study; ProSep®-PB
with a CPG matrix and Agarose P6XL with an agarose
matrix. Adsorption of nonglycosylated proteins on bare
CPG®, was also studied as a control.
Vi f
© 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1253
Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258
3.1.1 Adsorption profile of basic proteins
The adsorption behavior of the basic proteins RNase A
(nonglycosylated) and RNase B (glycosylated) were exam-
ined as shown in Fig. 1A and 1B. As can be observed in
the figure, the adsorption of these proteins increased with
higher pH, independent of the presence of glycans. Curi-
ously, the onset of adsorption occurred at a lower pH value
for the ProSep®-PB matrix (pH 5–6) than for the Agarose
P6XL matrix. These results suggest the existence of non-
specific interactions with the base matrix. As mentioned
in the introduction, the PB ligand can participate in sev-
eral non-specific interactions with target proteins. With-
out these interactions, the nonglycosylated protein
(RNase A) should not interact with the PB resin and the
Table 1. Isoelectric point (pI), Protein Data Bank Identity (PBD ID),
and classification within the protein library used in this work
Protein pI PDB ID Classification
Pepsin 2.6 3PEP Acidic, NGlya)
Amyloglucosidase 3.6 3GLY Acidic, Glyb)
Cellulase 5.5 3QR3 Neutral, Gly
Conalbumin 6.1 1AIV Neutral, NGly
Carbonic anhydrase 6.6 1V9E Neutral, NGly
RNase A 9.6 1RBX Basic, NGly
RNase B 9.7 1RBB Basic, Gly
a) NGly = nonglycosylated.
b) Gly = glycosylated.
Figure 1. Percentage of adsorption of basic proteins (A) nonglycosylated RNase A and (B) glycosylated RNase B, acidic proteins (C) nonglycosylated
pepsin and (D) glycosylated amyloglycosidase, and neutral proteins (E) nonglycosylated carbonic anhydrase and (F) glycosylated cellulase obtained in an
Äkta Explorer system using different packed-bed columns: ProSep®-PB (straight lines, black circles ●), Prosep®-PB with 200 mM NaCl in adsorption buffer
(straight lines, gray circles ●), Agarose P6XL (dash lines, black squares Ⅲ), and bare CPG® (full area, white circles ▫). The runs were performed in dupli-
cates and all results provide deviation of 3% or less.
1254 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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glycosylated RNase B should bind solely through the
esterification of the cis-diol groups present in its carbo-
hydrate chain. The esterification reaction equilibrium is
considerably higher at alkaline pH (pH >8) explaining the
onset of adsorption observed in Fig. 1A for the Agarose
P6XL. The earlier onset observed for the ProSep®-PB
media was probably due to electrostatic interactions with
surface silanol groups on the silica support, which have
pKa values ranging from 4.9 to 8.5, depending on their
microenvironment [32]. In addition, it is known that BA is
in equilibrium with the hydroxyboronate anion and that
the anion is also favored at alkaline pH values. Thus, PB
was also able to act as a weak cation exchange ligand at
high pH, explained why the positively charged, yet ung-
lycosylated RNase A is retained on the column at high pH.
In fact, the onset of RNase A adsorption was consistent
with the pKas of the charged moieties on the resin, namely
the matrix for ProSep®-PB and the ligand on the Agarose
P6XL resin. Further, the adsorption of the nonglycosylated
RNase A to bare CPG showed that the protein can adsorb
to charged silanol groups on the CPG matrix at low ionic
strength, suggesting that this mode of interaction is
extending the range of adsorption on the ProSep®-PB
resin. To confirm these hypotheses, adsorption experi-
ments were performed in the presence of 200 mM NaCl in
order to mitigate the proposed electrostatic interactions.
Low concentrations of NaCl (>50 mM) have been shown
to mitigate electrostatic interactions with PB [29], yet the
affinity cis-diol interactions have been shown to be NaCl
independent [9, 20]. This strategy has been applied pre-
viously to prevent non-specific interactions in the purifi-
cation of recombinant antibodies [20]. As observed in
Fig. 1A, only 10% of the nonglycosylated RNase A was
observed to bind to the resin, while the adsorption of
RNase B was minimally affected by the presence of
3.1.2 Adsorption profile of acidic proteins
For acidic proteins, adsorption decreased with an
increase in the pH value (Fig. 1C and 1D). Furthermore,
adsorption of the nonglycosylated pepsin (Fig. 1C) per-
sisted over a relatively wider pH range (above 80%
between pH 4 and 7), whereas adsorption of the glycosy-
lated amyloglucosidase (Fig. 1D) began to decrease
around pH 6. The onset of decreased adsorption on
Agarose P6XL was earlier than on ProSep®-PB, analogous
to the effect seen with basic proteins. Because adsorption
occurred predominantly outside the pH range of cis-diol
affinity interactions, protein adsorption must have
occurred via non-specific interactions.
Adsorption of nonglycosylated pepsin to bare CPG
was also measured but no interaction was observed. This
was expected since negatively charged acidic proteins
would be repelled from the negatively charged silanols
(pKa 4.9–8.5) on the CPG matrix. Electrostatic repulsion
can also explain the low adsorption of the glycosylated
amyloglucosidase at high pH; repulsion from both the
negatively charged silanols and the hydroxyboronate
anion would prevent the protein from making the surface
contact required to form covalent cis-diol interactions.
As shown previously with the basic proteins, 200 mM
NaCl was added to mitigate electrostatic interactions;
this resulted in the enhanced adsorption of both proteins
at alkaline pH values. The behavior of amyloglucosidase
was particularly interesting because the enhanced
adsorption at higher pH and ionic strength indicated that
electrostatic repulsion between the protein and resin
was impeding the esterification of the glycan cis-diol
In the absence of electrostatic interactions, pepsin
was found to adsorb strongly for pH <8. This was attrib-
uted to the formation of charge transfer interactions
between Lewis acid and base groups; these interactions
were more resistant than electrostatics to an increase in
ionic strength [28]. At low pH, the BA ligand is a weak
Lewis acid [15] with an incomplete set of valence elec-
trons; this enables BA to interact with Lewis bases by
donating a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond.
Because of the covalent nature of this interaction, the
two interacting groups must be closer than the typical
interaction distance for electrostatic forces; this means
that electrostatic repulsion would need to be mitigated
for charge transfer interactions to occur. Proteins con-
tain several functional groups that are Lewis bases,
including carboxylate groups (e.g. aspartate and gluta-
mate) and uncharged primary amines (e.g. N-terminus
and lysine). At pH >8, the ligand converted to the
hydroxylated tetrahedral form; this reduced its affinity
for Lewis bases as a hydroxide (OH–) ion has interacted
with the boron atom. Pepsin has many surface-exposed
carboxylate groups, which supports the hypothesis that
charge transfer interactions play a significant role in the
adsorption of this protein onto PB for pH <8. By increas-
ing the ionic strength, electrostatic repulsion was miti-
gated, which allowed these close-range interactions to
3.1.3 Adsorption profile of neutral proteins
As shown in Fig. 1E and 1F, neutral proteins (carbonic
anhydrase and cellulase) were adsorbed over most of the
pH range (pH <9). Adsorption of the nonglycosylated car-
bonic anhydrase to ProSep®-PB was very strong (above
90%) between pH 5 and 8, even in the presence of 200 mM
NaCl. Protein adsorption to bare CPG at lower pH (below
the silanol pKas of 4.9 and 8.5) suggested that binding at
low pH is not governed by electrostatic interactions, yet
contributes significantly to protein retention. For the gly-
cosylated cellulase, high adsorption to ProSep®-PB was
persistent up to pH 8 and extended to pH 9 in the pres-
ence of 200  mM NaCl; this mitigated the electrostatic
repulsion between the protein (pI 5.5) and boronate anion,
which allowed esterification to occur.
© 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1255
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3.1.4 Comparison of CPG versus agarose media:
Silanol groups enhance binding of proteins
This library study showed that proteins adsorbed over a
wider range of pH values on ProSep®-PB than on the
Agarose P6XL matrix (Fig. 1). In addition to the contribu-
tions of electrostatic interactions referred to previously,
lowered steric hindrance and contribution of electrostat-
ic interactions from negatively charged silanol groups
could have extended the pH adsorption range on the CPG
matrix. This matrix has a larger and more controlled pore
size (1000 Å) than P6XL and the larger porosity of CPG
matrices could have increased the number of available
ligands accessible to larger solutes (e.g. proteins) as com-
pared to agarose. Bovine serum albumin (BSA; 66 kDa)
has a distribution coefficient value (Kav) of 0.55 (55% of
BSA in solution would penetrate into the pores of the
P6XL column), which demonstrated that the proteins
used in this study may not fully penetrate into the pore
3.2 Batch adsorption studies: Exploiting interactions
at lower pH reveal the importance of charge
transfer interactions
The initial column adsorption studies showed electrostat-
ic and charge-transfer interactions could be as important
as cis-diol interactions in the adsorption of proteins in
PBC. While electrostatic interactions were mitigated at
high ionic strength (200 mM NaCl), charge-transfer inter-
actions resulted in the retention of nonglycosylated pro-
teins at low pH and were not mitigated with the addition
of salt. Lewis base buffers (citrate and fluoride) were used
to selectively mitigate charge-transfer interactions in
order to evaluate their contribution to protein–ligand
interactions with the acidic and neutral proteins in this
library (Table 1).
As a Lewis base and also an α-hydroxyacid, citrate is
able to form a stable cyclic complex through a charge-
transfer interaction followed by an esterification reaction
(Supporting information, Fig. S2A) [26]. Fluoride is classi-
fied as a “hard” Lewis base compound and has also been
reported to strongly interact with BAs [29, 33]. Even in
acidic conditions, fluoride readily forms a complex with
PB and will shift equilibrium toward the anionic tetrahe-
dral boronate (PB(OH)2F–) form (Supporting information,
Fig. S2B). This was observed in a previous experiment
with catechol; the small, uncharged molecule was unre-
tained on PB under acidic conditions but was able to form
a cis-diol complex in the presence of fluoride [29]. At high-
er concentrations, fluoride can also displace the remain-
ing hydroxyl groups on the boron atom to generate high-
ly fluorinated species (PB(OH)F2
– and PBF3
–) [33].
In these batch adsorption experiments (Fig. 2), citrate
was observed to reduce the adsorption of acidic proteins,
Figure 2. Effect of citrate (A and B) and fluoride (C and D) at pH 4 and 6, respectively, on the percentage of adsorption of amyloglucosidase (acidic and
glycosylated) (Ⅲ); pepsin (acidic and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ); cellulase (neutral and glycosylated) (Ⅲ); carbonic anhydrase (neutral and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ);
and conalbumin (neutral and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ), all obtained in batch adsorption experiments. The experiments were performed in the presence of dif-
ferent concentration of citrate and fluoride: 10, 50, 100, and 200 mM. The positive controls were performed with 10 mM acetate at pH 4 and 6. *Result
from carbonic anhydrase in 200 mM citrate pH 4 was inconclusive due to precipitation of this protein under this condition. The error bars represent the
deviation of a triplicate experiment.
1256 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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retaining 40% or less of either pepsin or amyloglucosi-
dase, while the effect on cellulase (less acidic) was less
pronounced. Increased adsorption of the neutral carbonic
anhydrase and conalbumin proteins was observed at pH
4 with the addition of citrate; a moderate decrease in
adsorption was only observed at pH 6 with 200 mM cit-
Fluoride also reduced the adsorption of acidic proteins
and promoted the retention of neutral species. However,
this effect was weaker than that observed with citrate;
concentrations above 50 mM were required at pH 4 in
order to reduce adsorption and was less effective at pH 6
at all concentrations tested. In both cases, protein adsorp-
tion appeared to be correlated with its pI; as shown in
Fig. 3, negatively charged species (pepsin) were repulsed
in the presence of modifiers whereas neutral species that
were retained (carbonic anhydrase) displayed patches of
positive charge.
Both modifiers introduced negative charge to the
resin surface by forming Lewis acid/base complexes with
the PB ligand. Citrate has three carboxylic acid groups
with pKa values of 3.17, 4.58, and 5.94 [26]. Therefore, the
charge state of the PB–citrate complex on the resin sur-
face varied from −1 at pH 4 to −3 at pH 6. Fluoride induced
a charge state of −1 at both pH conditions. This modifier-
induced surface charge was able to explain the observed
electrostatic character of protein adsorption in the pres-
ence of fluoride and citrate. Although citrate could theo-
retically disrupt cis-diol interactions with the competing
esterification reaction, fluoride should have promoted cis-
diol interactions under these conditions. The lack of selec-
tivity for glycosylated species suggests that cis-diol inter-
actions were inhibited by electrostatic repulsion; this was
observed previously at high pH in Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
In order to confirm this surface-modification hypothe-
sis, the adsorption of RNase A was measured in a range
of citrate concentrations at pH 4. As seen in Section 3.1.1,
the introduction of negative charge improved the adsorp-
tion of this protein from pH 6 to 9, yet only minimal
adsorption was observed after the addition of 200  mM
NaCl. At pH 4, around 10% of the protein is adsorbed, but
this increased to 90% adsorption in the presence of
10–200 mM citrate (Fig. 4), which confirmed the surface
modification hypothesis. However, even 300  mM NaCl
was not enough to mitigate the electrostatic interactions
with the surface-adsorbed citrate, despite the fact that
200  mM NaCl was sufficient to mitigate electrostatic
interactions at high pH. This could be attributed to the
fact that multiple charges were introduced with the cit-
rate-modification of the surface, which increased the
strength of attraction and therefore required a higher ion-
ic strength to screen the extra charge groups.
Possible hydrophobic effects were also investigated
analyzing the retention/adsorption of the different pro-
Figure 3. Surface properties of pepsin (A) and carbonic anhydrase (B) represented by charged amino acids (aa) and electrostatic potential (EP) maps at
pH 4. Both front (1) and back (2) surfaces are represented by a 180° rotation.
Figure 4. Binding capacity (q) of RNase A, at equilibrium, on Prosep®-PB
matrix under different concentrations of citrate at pH 4 in the presence
of 0 mM (Ⅲ) and 300 mM (Ⅲ) NaCl. Two control experiments were per-
formed: 50 mM acetate pH 4 was used as negative control and 20 mM
CHES pH 9 as positive control. The error bars represent the deviation
of a triplicate experiment.
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teins from the library on a pre-packed phenyl-sepharose
column using the same binding conditions as the ones
used for PBC. No significant retention was obtained for
any protein, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions are
not responsible for increasing the retention on PBC. Fur-
thermore, the binding conditions studied in this work are
not the most favorable for inducing hydrophobicity since
a low conductivity was used. Several studies in the liter-
ature use the same strategy of low conductivity in order
to avoid this secondary interaction [9, 20, 30].
3.3 Role of electrostatic, charge transfer,
and cis-diol interactions in phenylboronate
This work has shown that the adsorption of proteins to PB
is influenced by electrostatic and charge transfer interac-
tions that can strengthen or compete with cis-diol inter-
actions to alter the selectivity of a PBC separation. These
forces were shown to be modulated by the pH, modifiers,
and ionic strength of the surrounding medium; this can
be used to enhance the achievable resolution of this mul-
timodal ligand.
The presence of charged silanol groups on the CPG
base matrix of the ProSep®-PB resin was found to intro-
duce electrostatic interactions that changed the selectiv-
ity of the PB surface as compared to a charge-neutral
agarose base matrix. As already observed by Zhang et al.
[20], 200 mM NaCl was sufficient to eliminate electrostat-
ic interactions (attractive and repulsive) between pro-
teins and negative charges on the PB ligand and matrix.
This reduced the electrostatic repulsion of negatively
charged glycosylated proteins and allowed them to
approach the surface and form cis-diol affinity interac-
After eliminating electrostatic interactions, stronger
charge transfer interactions were also observed between
proteins and the PB ligand. These interactions were found
to form independent of ionic strength and appeared to be
responsible for the retention of several nonglycosylated
proteins. This reduced the selectivity of the material for
cis-diol groups and suggested a different modality for the
fractionation of protein mixtures on this material. The
introduction of citrate or fluoride (strong Lewis bases)
reduced the adsorption of selected proteins at low pH
(pH 4 and 6), competing for charge transfer interactions
with the PB ligand. In addition to this competition effect,
these Lewis bases introduced negative charge to the lig-
and as they adsorbed to the ligand. This re-introduces
electrostatic forces that can retain basic proteins (RNase
A) and reject acidic species (pepsin).
4 Concluding remarks
This work has provided further insight into the multiple
modes of interaction present when proteins adsorb to PB
resins and identified possibilities for altering protein
selectivity from the selectivity generated from cis-diol
interactions. Particularly, it has suggested methods
where glycoproteins captured via cis-diol esterification
could be further fractionated during elution based on elec-
trostatic (via an ionic strength gradient) or charge trans-
fer interactions (via pH or Lewis base gradients). Charge
transfer interactions can also be used to separate biomol-
ecules on PB at lower pH, potentially using Lewis base
buffer species to reversibly modify the ligand surface
properties. By rationally exploiting the full range of inter-
actions present on this ligand, novel and highly selective
windows of separation could be achieved for the fraction-
ation of complex biological mixtures and enhance the role
of PB materials in the industrial-scale manufacturing of
biopharmaceuticals, although some further studies on
capacity and ligand density optimization are needed.
R. J. Carvalho would like to acknowledge Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute for kindly receiving him during 11
months of collaboration, especially the research group of
Professor S. M. Cramer. R. J. Carvalho also acknowledges
Siddharth Parimal and Karim A. Nakamura for helping
with experimental work and the Fundação para Ciência e
Tecnologia (FCT) and MIT-Portugal programs for Ph.D.
financial support with fellowship BD/33725/2009. The
authors would also like to acknowledge FCT for the finan-
cial support through the contract PTDC/EQU-EPR/117427/
The authors declare no financial or commercial conflict of
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© 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Editorial: “Biotech Methods” − bringing methods to the forefront
of biotechnology
Judy Peng
Biosilica-loaded poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibers:
A step closer to bioprinted materials with tunable properties
Georg M. Guebitz and Enrique Herrero Acero
Biotech Method
Rapid one-step purification of single-cells encapsulated in alginate
microcapsules from oil to aqueous phase using a hydrophobic filter
paper: Implications for single-cell experiments
Do-Hyun Lee, Miran Jang and Je-Kyun Park
Biotech Method
Size-selective DNA separation: Recovery spectra help determine
the sodium chloride (NaCl) and polyethylene glycol (PEG)
concentrations required
Zhangyong He, Hong Xu, Min Xiong and Hongchen Gu
Biotech Method
Phenylboronate chromatography selectively separates
glycoproteins through the manipulation of electrostatic,
charge transfer, and cis-diol interactions
Rimenys J. Carvalho, James Woo, M. Raquel Aires-Barros,
Steven M. Cramer and Ana M. Azevedo
Biotech Method
Fluorescent dye ProteoStat to detect and discriminate intracellular
amyloid-like aggregates in Escherichia coli
Susanna Navarro and Salvador Ventura
Biotech Method
Phosphorylation of silk fibroins improves the cytocompatibility
of silk fibroin derived materials: A platform for the production
of tuneable materials
Vadim Volkov, Andreia Vasconcelos, Marisa P. Sárria,
Andreia C. Gomes, Artur Cavaco-Paulo
Research Article
A functional high-content miRNA screen identifies miR-30 family
to boost recombinant protein production in CHO cells
Simon Fischer ,Theresa Buck, Andreas Wagner,
Carolin Ehrhart, Julia Giancaterino, Samuel Mang,
Matthias Schad, Sven Mathias, Armaz Aschrafi,
René Handrick and Kerstin Otte
Research Articles
Feeding strategies enhance high cell density cultivation
and protein expression in milliliter scale bioreactors
Georg Faust, Nils H. Janzen, Christoph Bendig, Lin Römer,
Klaus Kaufmann and Dirk Weuster-Botz
Research Article
Bioactive nanoparticles stimulate bone tissue formation in
bioprinted three-dimensional scaffold and human mesenchymal
stem cells
Guifang Gao, Arndt F. Schilling,Tomo Yonezawa, Jiang Wang,
Guohao Dai and Xiaofeng Cui
Research Article
Biosilica-loaded poly(e-caprolactone) nanofibers mats provide
a morphogenetically active surface scaffold for the growth and
mineralization of the osteoclast-related SaOS-2 cells
Werner E.G. Müller, Emad Tolba, Heinz C. Schröder,
Bärbel Diehl-Seifert,Thorben Link and Xiaohong Wang
Research Article
High-level conversion of L-lysine into 5-aminovalerate
that can be used for nylon 6,5 synthesis
Si Jae Park,Young Hoon Oh, Won Noh, Hye Young Kim,
Jae Ho Shin, Eun Gyo Lee, Seungwoon Lee,Yokimiko David,
Mary Grace Baylon, Bong Keun Song, Jonggeon Jegal,
Sang Yup Lee and Seung Hwan Lee
Research Article
Synergistic effect of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei
enzyme sets on the saccharification of wheat straw and sugarcane
Joost van den Brink, Gabriela Piccolo Maitan-Alfenas,
Gen Zou, Chengshu Wang, Zhihua Zhou,Valéria Monteze
Guimarães and Ronald P. de Vries
Research Article
Solid support membrane-aerated catalytic biofilm reactor
for the continuous synthesis of (S)-styrene oxide at gram scale
Babu Halan,Thomas Letzel, Andreas Schmid and Katja
Research Article
Metabolic modeling of spatial heterogeneity of biofilms in microbial
fuel cells reveals substrate limitations in electrical current
Nadeera Jayasinghe, Ashley Franks, Kelly P. Nevin
and Radhakrishnan Mahadevan
Biotechnology Journal – list of articles published in the October 2014 issue.
This regular issue of BTJ includes the new section “Biotech Methods”, and features articles on nanofibers and biofilms.
The cover illustrates the technique of electrospinning, which is applied for the production of artificial filaments that can be
organized to mats, which has many applications such as wound coverning or for stabilization of bioprinting/3D tissue units.
It is described that silica [bio-silica] converts those mats to morphogenetically active materials. Image by Werner Mülller.
See the article by Müller et al.
Systems & Synthetic Biology ·
Nanobiotech · Medicine
ISSN 1860-6768 · BJIOAM 9 (10) 1225–1362 (2014) · Vol. 9 · October 2014
Biotech Methods

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(Carvalho, 2014) Phenylboronate chromatography selectively separates glycoproteins

  • 1. 1250 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 DOI 10.1002/biot.201400170 Biotechnology Journal 1 Introduction Many studies on boronic acids (BA) have focused on their ability to interact specifically with cis-diol-containing bio- molecules through the formation of a reversible pair of covalent ester bonds [1–3]. This rather unique feature has been widely explored during the last 30 years in the devel- opment of carbohydrate sensors [4, 5], extraction of cis- diol-containing molecules [6], labeling of proteins, and cell surfaces [7, 8] and in the affinity chromatographic sepa- ration of biomolecules such as glycoproteins, glycopep- tides, nucleosides, and nucleic acids [9–14]. BA ligands can be found in two different stable con- formations depending on the pH of the medium. Typical- ly at neutral or acidic environments, i.e. below the BA’s pI, the BA adopts a trigonal conformation while at alkaline environments the ligand becomes hydroxylated and the resulting boronate anion adopts a tetrahedral conforma- tion (Supporting information, Fig. S1) [3]. This hydroxyla- tion is possible since trigonal BAs exhibit a Lewis acid behavior due to the deficient valence of the boron atom, which has a free p orbital that enables it to coordinate with basic molecules [15], such as hydroxyls, resulting in a highly stable tetrahedral conformation, which is nega- Biotech Method Phenylboronate chromatography selectively separates glycoproteins through the manipulation of electrostatic, charge transfer, and cis-diol interactions Rimenys J. Carvalho1,2, James Woo2, M. Raquel Aires-Barros1, Steven M. Cramer2 and Ana M. Azevedo1 1 Department of Bioengineering, IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 2 Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA Phenylboronate chromatography (PBC) has been applied for several years, however details regard- ing the mechanisms of interactions between the ligand and biomolecules are still scarce. The goal of this work is to investigate the various chemical interactions between proteins and their ligands, using a protein library containing both glycosylated and nonglycosylated proteins. Differences in the adsorption of these proteins over a pH range from 4 to 9 were related to two main properties: charge and presence of glycans. Acidic or neutral proteins were strongly adsorbed below pH 8 although the uncharged trigonal form of phenylboronate (PB) is less susceptible to forming elec- trostatic and cis-diol interactions with proteins. The glycosylated proteins were only adsorbed above pH 8 when the electrostatic repulsion between the boronate anion and the protein surface was mitigated (at 200 mM NaCl). All basic proteins were highly adsorbed above pH 8 with PB also acting as a cation-exchanger with binding occurring through electrostatic interactions. Batch adsorption performed at acidic conditions in the presence of Lewis base showed that charge-trans- fer interactions are critical for protein retention. This study demonstrates the multimodal interac- tion of PBC, which can be a selective tool for separation of different classes of proteins. Keywords: cis-Diol groups · Glycoproteins · Lewis bases · Multimodal chromatography · Phenylboronic acid chromatography Correspondence: Dr. Ana M. Azevedo, Department of Bioengineering, IBB – Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Centre for Biological and Chemical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal E-mail: Abbreviations: BA, boronic acid; CPG, control pore glass; PB, phenyl- boronate; PBC, phenylboronate chromatography; pI, isoelectric point; RNase A, ribonuclease A; RNase B, ribonuclease B Biotechnology Journal Received 28 MAR 2014 Revised 22 JUN 2014 Accepted 07 AUG 2014 Accepted article online 11 AUG 2014 Supporting information available online
  • 2. © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1251 Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 tively charged at high pH. This simple change in BA con- formation increases its affinity for cis-diol compounds, resulting in slower dissociation from tetrahedral complex- es than from trigonal complexes [2, 16]. As a result, the tetrahedral conformation is considered the most reactive species, although some controversy exists in the litera- ture [17]. Phenylboronate chromatography (PBC) has been broadly applied for glycoprotein separation and identifi- cation since it can specifically retain these proteins via the glycans present in their structures, especially at pH values higher than the pKa (8.8) of the phenylboronate (PB) ligand. PBC has been used in a clinical assay to measure levels of glycated hemoglobin species in blood [18, 19]; other potential applications include the determination of glycan patterns [20, 21] and the separation of complex biological mixtures containing a glycosylated product [9, 22, 23]. This type of chromatography has important advantages such as low cost, high chemical stability, and the specificity to replace established processes such as Protein A chromatography for monoclonal antibodies purification [9, 23] and lectin affinity chromatography for isolation of glycoproteins for glycoproteomics [22]. As pro- tein-based ligands, Protein A and lectins are more sus- ceptible to chemical and thermal degradation and are most costly to produce than PB; however, they are also very effective due to highly specific interactions with the target compound [24, 25]. In addition to the affinity interaction between PB and cis-diol molecules, which is unique to PBC, the Lewis acid character of the ligand also allows it to interact with hard Lewis bases whenever the pH is below the ligand pKa [26]. This secondary interaction could be exploited to increase the selectivity of cis-diol interactions or as an orthogonal driving force for protein separations. Lewis acid–base interactions have already been explored in chromatogra- phy using zirconia as stationary phase. This support is a Lewis acid that can complex with strong Lewis bases buffers and form a negatively charged surface [27]. In PBC, Lewis base groups are present in proteins, in the form of negatively charged carboxylates (aspartate and glutamate) or unprotonated amino groups (asparagine and glutamine); both can easily interact with boron at low pH [28]. Hydrophobic interactions via the phenyl moiety have been shown to increase the retention of hydropho- bic solutes [29], though these interactions were shown to be minimal at low ionic strength. Lastly, when the ligand is in the negatively charged tetrahedral conformation, the hydroxyboronate anion can act as a weak cation- exchanger [29, 30]. Ren et al. [29] used small, organic molecules to demon- strate these various interactions (electrostatic, Lewis acid–base, hydrophobic, and hydrogen bonding) that occur alongside the affinity cis-diol interaction and showed that these non-specific interactions can be mini- mized by altering the solution conditions (i.e. increasing ionic strength, adding organic solvents, or hydrogen bonding co-solutes). However, with larger biomolecules (e.g. proteins), the frequency of these non-specific inter- actions will increase and some of the mitigation strate- gies (organic modifiers or urea) are incompatible with pro- teins as they will induce denaturation. Interestingly, Ghose et al. [31] have shown that even in specific affinity interactions such as the one between Protein A and anti- bodies, these various non-specific interactions are also present and are responsible for the different elution pH of the different antibody classes. Using a library of proteins containing glycosylated and nonglycosylated species with isoelectric points (pI) rang- ing from 2.5 to 9.5, the adsorption behavior was measured over a pH range of 4–9. From these studies, we charac- terized dominant interactions between PB and different classes of proteins (acidic, neutral, basic, glycosylated, and nonglycosylated) and determined which solution conditions (pH, ionic strength, and modifiers) can mini- mize non-specific interactions with the ligand. 2 Materials and methods 2.1 Materials The protein library was composed by the following pro- teins obtained from Sigma–Aldrich® (St. Louis, MO, USA): amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger, carbonic anhydrase from bovine erythrocytes, cellulase from Tri- choderma reesei, conalbumin from chicken egg white, pepsin from porcine stomach, ribonuclease A (RNase A) from bovine pancreas, and ribonuclease B (RNase B) from bovine pancreas. 2-(Cyclohexylamino)ethanesulfonic acid (CHES), sodium phosphate mono and dibasic anhydrous, sodium citrate anhydrous, sodium acetate anhydrous, sodium flu- oride, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris), sodium chloride, and glycine were also purchased from Sigma– Aldrich. The chromatographic media used in this study were controlled porous glass (CPG®) and aminophenyl- boronic acid functionalized CPG® (ProSep®-PB, EMD Mil- lipore, UK) and Agarose P6XL (ProMetic Biosciences, UK). All reagents used had a purity ≥98%, were pro analysis or of HPLC grade. All the water used in the experiments was deionized water. Äkta Explorer and Purifier systems (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) were used to perform all column exper- iments, both systems were operated online by the soft- ware Unicorn 5.11. Tricorn™ empty glass columns (i.d. 5 mm; max. bed height 109 mm) were used for packing ProSep®-PB and Agarose P6XL to a column volume of 2 mL (CV). Batch experiments were performed with Mul- tiScreen™-HV 0.45  μm Durapore 96-well membrane plates (EMD Millipore, USA). Biotechnology Journal
  • 3. 1252 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 2.2 Adsorption experiments 2.2.1 Column experiments Proteins were loaded in the column in amounts between 135 and 216 μg; lower loadings were performed in order to avoid saturation of the column as well as aggregation. The pH range used in these studies was from 4 to 9 and the adsorption buffers used were (i) 50 mM sodium acetate from pH 4 to 6, (ii) 10 mM sodium phosphate from pH 7 and 8, and (iii) 20 mM CHES for pH 9, with the addition of either 0 or 200 mM NaCl. Elution of adsorbed proteins was triggered by changing the eluent to 300 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.5 under a 10 CV gradient elution based on previous work [9]. According to these authors, the addition of Tris was found to be effective in eluting all protein from the col- umn. After elution, the column was cleaned with 30 mM acetic acid, pH 3 in order to verify if total recovery was obtained. The total peak area of each protein was ana- lyzed and compared to confirm total recovery of each studied protein. Columns of 2  mL of either CPG®, ProSep®-PB and P6XL were employed in all column exper- iments. The percentage of adsorption of each protein was determined based on the area of the Tris–HCl elution peak divided by the total peak area in the chromatogram. Ran- domly selected conditions were duplicated and showed a standard deviation of 3% or less. 2.2.2 Batch experiments In order to investigate the dominant interactions at the acidic/neutral pH range, batch experiments were per- formed in which the adsorption buffer was supplemented with different Lewis bases buffers, with the intention to disrupt charge transfer interactions and thus identify the dominant interactions for protein adsorption to PB. Pepsin, amyloglucosidase, carbonic anhydrase, conalbu- min, and cellulase were used in these studies. The Lewis bases selected were citrate and fluoride, a hard and medi- um strength base, respectively. Their effect was studied at concentrations ranging from 10 to 200 mM either pre- pared in 20 mM acetate pH 4 or 20 mM phosphate pH 6. The adsorptions were performed in 96-well micro- plates with membranes, 200 μL of protein solution was added in 20 μL of ProSep®-PB and agitated for 5 h using shaker-incubator Stat Fax™ 2200 (Bio-Rad, USA) at max- imum velocity and at room temperature. The supernatant was then vacuum aspirated into UV 96-well microplate and the values of samples at UV 280 nm was obtained with SPECTRAmax Plus 384 microplate reader (Molecular Devices, USA). The percentage of adsorption was calcu- lated based on Eq. (1): (1)  P C C C 100i f i where P is the percentage of protein adsorption, Ci is the initial concentration of protein (mg/mL), and Cf is the con- centration of supernatant obtained after adsorption (mg/mL). The experiments were performed in triplicate. Experiments with RNase A were also performed using same equipment and materials using 10–200 mM sodium citrate as binding condition at pH 4 with and without 300  mM NaCl. The binding condition 50  mM sodium acetate pH 4 was used as a negative control and 20 mM CHES pH 9 as positive control. This study was also per- formed in triplicate and the binding capacity (q) was cal- culated as Eq. (2): (2) where Ci is the initial concentration of protein (mg/mL), Cf is the concentration of protein in the supernatant obtained after adsorption (mg/mL), Vb is the volume of beads (mL), and Vs is the volume of sample. 2.3 Protein surface properties analysis The 3D structure files for each protein were obtained from Protein Data Bank (PDB) of Research Collaboratory Struc- tural Bioinformatics (RCSB). All proteins were pretreated to remove solvents and glycans from the structure file and later protonated at the desired pH using the Protonate 3D tool and Amber99 force-field found in the Molecular Oper- ating Environment (MOE) 2010.10 software (Chemical Computing Group, Montreal, Canada). After creating a structure file for each pH in the study, the protein surface properties (electrostatic potential [EP] and charged amino acids maps) were visualized using PyMol 1.5 software (Schrodinger, Inc., NY, USA). 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Influence of charge and glycosylation on protein adsorption in phenylboronate chromatography Seven proteins were selected as standards for the protein library among several proteins. According to their pI, pro- teins were categorized as acidic, neutral, or basic and each group contained both a glycosylated and nonglyco- sylated protein (Table 1). These proteins were selected in order to understand the general behavior of proteins on PBC in the pH range from 4 to 9. As described in Section 2, two chromato- graphic resins with the same aminophenylboronic acid functionalization were used in this study; ProSep®-PB with a CPG matrix and Agarose P6XL with an agarose matrix. Adsorption of nonglycosylated proteins on bare CPG®, was also studied as a control.   q C C V Vi f b s Biotechnology Journal
  • 4. © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1253 Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 3.1.1 Adsorption profile of basic proteins The adsorption behavior of the basic proteins RNase A (nonglycosylated) and RNase B (glycosylated) were exam- ined as shown in Fig. 1A and 1B. As can be observed in the figure, the adsorption of these proteins increased with higher pH, independent of the presence of glycans. Curi- ously, the onset of adsorption occurred at a lower pH value for the ProSep®-PB matrix (pH 5–6) than for the Agarose P6XL matrix. These results suggest the existence of non- specific interactions with the base matrix. As mentioned in the introduction, the PB ligand can participate in sev- eral non-specific interactions with target proteins. With- out these interactions, the nonglycosylated protein (RNase A) should not interact with the PB resin and the Biotechnology Journal Table 1. Isoelectric point (pI), Protein Data Bank Identity (PBD ID), and classification within the protein library used in this work Protein pI PDB ID Classification Pepsin 2.6 3PEP Acidic, NGlya) Amyloglucosidase 3.6 3GLY Acidic, Glyb) Cellulase 5.5 3QR3 Neutral, Gly Conalbumin 6.1 1AIV Neutral, NGly Carbonic anhydrase 6.6 1V9E Neutral, NGly RNase A 9.6 1RBX Basic, NGly RNase B 9.7 1RBB Basic, Gly a) NGly = nonglycosylated. b) Gly = glycosylated. Figure 1. Percentage of adsorption of basic proteins (A) nonglycosylated RNase A and (B) glycosylated RNase B, acidic proteins (C) nonglycosylated pepsin and (D) glycosylated amyloglycosidase, and neutral proteins (E) nonglycosylated carbonic anhydrase and (F) glycosylated cellulase obtained in an Äkta Explorer system using different packed-bed columns: ProSep®-PB (straight lines, black circles ●), Prosep®-PB with 200 mM NaCl in adsorption buffer (straight lines, gray circles ●), Agarose P6XL (dash lines, black squares Ⅲ), and bare CPG® (full area, white circles ▫). The runs were performed in dupli- cates and all results provide deviation of 3% or less.
  • 5. 1254 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 glycosylated RNase B should bind solely through the esterification of the cis-diol groups present in its carbo- hydrate chain. The esterification reaction equilibrium is considerably higher at alkaline pH (pH >8) explaining the onset of adsorption observed in Fig. 1A for the Agarose P6XL. The earlier onset observed for the ProSep®-PB media was probably due to electrostatic interactions with surface silanol groups on the silica support, which have pKa values ranging from 4.9 to 8.5, depending on their microenvironment [32]. In addition, it is known that BA is in equilibrium with the hydroxyboronate anion and that the anion is also favored at alkaline pH values. Thus, PB was also able to act as a weak cation exchange ligand at high pH, explained why the positively charged, yet ung- lycosylated RNase A is retained on the column at high pH. In fact, the onset of RNase A adsorption was consistent with the pKas of the charged moieties on the resin, namely the matrix for ProSep®-PB and the ligand on the Agarose P6XL resin. Further, the adsorption of the nonglycosylated RNase A to bare CPG showed that the protein can adsorb to charged silanol groups on the CPG matrix at low ionic strength, suggesting that this mode of interaction is extending the range of adsorption on the ProSep®-PB resin. To confirm these hypotheses, adsorption experi- ments were performed in the presence of 200 mM NaCl in order to mitigate the proposed electrostatic interactions. Low concentrations of NaCl (>50 mM) have been shown to mitigate electrostatic interactions with PB [29], yet the affinity cis-diol interactions have been shown to be NaCl independent [9, 20]. This strategy has been applied pre- viously to prevent non-specific interactions in the purifi- cation of recombinant antibodies [20]. As observed in Fig. 1A, only 10% of the nonglycosylated RNase A was observed to bind to the resin, while the adsorption of RNase B was minimally affected by the presence of NaCl. 3.1.2 Adsorption profile of acidic proteins For acidic proteins, adsorption decreased with an increase in the pH value (Fig. 1C and 1D). Furthermore, adsorption of the nonglycosylated pepsin (Fig. 1C) per- sisted over a relatively wider pH range (above 80% between pH 4 and 7), whereas adsorption of the glycosy- lated amyloglucosidase (Fig. 1D) began to decrease around pH 6. The onset of decreased adsorption on Agarose P6XL was earlier than on ProSep®-PB, analogous to the effect seen with basic proteins. Because adsorption occurred predominantly outside the pH range of cis-diol affinity interactions, protein adsorption must have occurred via non-specific interactions. Adsorption of nonglycosylated pepsin to bare CPG was also measured but no interaction was observed. This was expected since negatively charged acidic proteins would be repelled from the negatively charged silanols (pKa 4.9–8.5) on the CPG matrix. Electrostatic repulsion can also explain the low adsorption of the glycosylated amyloglucosidase at high pH; repulsion from both the negatively charged silanols and the hydroxyboronate anion would prevent the protein from making the surface contact required to form covalent cis-diol interactions. As shown previously with the basic proteins, 200 mM NaCl was added to mitigate electrostatic interactions; this resulted in the enhanced adsorption of both proteins at alkaline pH values. The behavior of amyloglucosidase was particularly interesting because the enhanced adsorption at higher pH and ionic strength indicated that electrostatic repulsion between the protein and resin was impeding the esterification of the glycan cis-diol groups. In the absence of electrostatic interactions, pepsin was found to adsorb strongly for pH <8. This was attrib- uted to the formation of charge transfer interactions between Lewis acid and base groups; these interactions were more resistant than electrostatics to an increase in ionic strength [28]. At low pH, the BA ligand is a weak Lewis acid [15] with an incomplete set of valence elec- trons; this enables BA to interact with Lewis bases by donating a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond. Because of the covalent nature of this interaction, the two interacting groups must be closer than the typical interaction distance for electrostatic forces; this means that electrostatic repulsion would need to be mitigated for charge transfer interactions to occur. Proteins con- tain several functional groups that are Lewis bases, including carboxylate groups (e.g. aspartate and gluta- mate) and uncharged primary amines (e.g. N-terminus and lysine). At pH >8, the ligand converted to the hydroxylated tetrahedral form; this reduced its affinity for Lewis bases as a hydroxide (OH–) ion has interacted with the boron atom. Pepsin has many surface-exposed carboxylate groups, which supports the hypothesis that charge transfer interactions play a significant role in the adsorption of this protein onto PB for pH <8. By increas- ing the ionic strength, electrostatic repulsion was miti- gated, which allowed these close-range interactions to form. 3.1.3 Adsorption profile of neutral proteins As shown in Fig. 1E and 1F, neutral proteins (carbonic anhydrase and cellulase) were adsorbed over most of the pH range (pH <9). Adsorption of the nonglycosylated car- bonic anhydrase to ProSep®-PB was very strong (above 90%) between pH 5 and 8, even in the presence of 200 mM NaCl. Protein adsorption to bare CPG at lower pH (below the silanol pKas of 4.9 and 8.5) suggested that binding at low pH is not governed by electrostatic interactions, yet contributes significantly to protein retention. For the gly- cosylated cellulase, high adsorption to ProSep®-PB was persistent up to pH 8 and extended to pH 9 in the pres- ence of 200  mM NaCl; this mitigated the electrostatic repulsion between the protein (pI 5.5) and boronate anion, which allowed esterification to occur. Biotechnology Journal
  • 6. © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1255 Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 3.1.4 Comparison of CPG versus agarose media: Silanol groups enhance binding of proteins This library study showed that proteins adsorbed over a wider range of pH values on ProSep®-PB than on the Agarose P6XL matrix (Fig. 1). In addition to the contribu- tions of electrostatic interactions referred to previously, lowered steric hindrance and contribution of electrostat- ic interactions from negatively charged silanol groups could have extended the pH adsorption range on the CPG matrix. This matrix has a larger and more controlled pore size (1000 Å) than P6XL and the larger porosity of CPG matrices could have increased the number of available ligands accessible to larger solutes (e.g. proteins) as com- pared to agarose. Bovine serum albumin (BSA; 66 kDa) has a distribution coefficient value (Kav) of 0.55 (55% of BSA in solution would penetrate into the pores of the P6XL column), which demonstrated that the proteins used in this study may not fully penetrate into the pore space. 3.2 Batch adsorption studies: Exploiting interactions at lower pH reveal the importance of charge transfer interactions The initial column adsorption studies showed electrostat- ic and charge-transfer interactions could be as important as cis-diol interactions in the adsorption of proteins in PBC. While electrostatic interactions were mitigated at high ionic strength (200 mM NaCl), charge-transfer inter- actions resulted in the retention of nonglycosylated pro- teins at low pH and were not mitigated with the addition of salt. Lewis base buffers (citrate and fluoride) were used to selectively mitigate charge-transfer interactions in order to evaluate their contribution to protein–ligand interactions with the acidic and neutral proteins in this library (Table 1). As a Lewis base and also an α-hydroxyacid, citrate is able to form a stable cyclic complex through a charge- transfer interaction followed by an esterification reaction (Supporting information, Fig. S2A) [26]. Fluoride is classi- fied as a “hard” Lewis base compound and has also been reported to strongly interact with BAs [29, 33]. Even in acidic conditions, fluoride readily forms a complex with PB and will shift equilibrium toward the anionic tetrahe- dral boronate (PB(OH)2F–) form (Supporting information, Fig. S2B). This was observed in a previous experiment with catechol; the small, uncharged molecule was unre- tained on PB under acidic conditions but was able to form a cis-diol complex in the presence of fluoride [29]. At high- er concentrations, fluoride can also displace the remain- ing hydroxyl groups on the boron atom to generate high- ly fluorinated species (PB(OH)F2 – and PBF3 –) [33]. In these batch adsorption experiments (Fig. 2), citrate was observed to reduce the adsorption of acidic proteins, Biotechnology Journal Figure 2. Effect of citrate (A and B) and fluoride (C and D) at pH 4 and 6, respectively, on the percentage of adsorption of amyloglucosidase (acidic and glycosylated) (Ⅲ); pepsin (acidic and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ); cellulase (neutral and glycosylated) (Ⅲ); carbonic anhydrase (neutral and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ); and conalbumin (neutral and nonglycosylated) (Ⅲ), all obtained in batch adsorption experiments. The experiments were performed in the presence of dif- ferent concentration of citrate and fluoride: 10, 50, 100, and 200 mM. The positive controls were performed with 10 mM acetate at pH 4 and 6. *Result from carbonic anhydrase in 200 mM citrate pH 4 was inconclusive due to precipitation of this protein under this condition. The error bars represent the deviation of a triplicate experiment.
  • 7. 1256 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 retaining 40% or less of either pepsin or amyloglucosi- dase, while the effect on cellulase (less acidic) was less pronounced. Increased adsorption of the neutral carbonic anhydrase and conalbumin proteins was observed at pH 4 with the addition of citrate; a moderate decrease in adsorption was only observed at pH 6 with 200 mM cit- rate. Fluoride also reduced the adsorption of acidic proteins and promoted the retention of neutral species. However, this effect was weaker than that observed with citrate; concentrations above 50 mM were required at pH 4 in order to reduce adsorption and was less effective at pH 6 at all concentrations tested. In both cases, protein adsorp- tion appeared to be correlated with its pI; as shown in Fig. 3, negatively charged species (pepsin) were repulsed in the presence of modifiers whereas neutral species that were retained (carbonic anhydrase) displayed patches of positive charge. Both modifiers introduced negative charge to the resin surface by forming Lewis acid/base complexes with the PB ligand. Citrate has three carboxylic acid groups with pKa values of 3.17, 4.58, and 5.94 [26]. Therefore, the charge state of the PB–citrate complex on the resin sur- face varied from −1 at pH 4 to −3 at pH 6. Fluoride induced a charge state of −1 at both pH conditions. This modifier- induced surface charge was able to explain the observed electrostatic character of protein adsorption in the pres- ence of fluoride and citrate. Although citrate could theo- retically disrupt cis-diol interactions with the competing esterification reaction, fluoride should have promoted cis- diol interactions under these conditions. The lack of selec- tivity for glycosylated species suggests that cis-diol inter- actions were inhibited by electrostatic repulsion; this was observed previously at high pH in Sections 3.1.2 and 3.1.3. In order to confirm this surface-modification hypothe- sis, the adsorption of RNase A was measured in a range of citrate concentrations at pH 4. As seen in Section 3.1.1, Biotechnology Journal the introduction of negative charge improved the adsorp- tion of this protein from pH 6 to 9, yet only minimal adsorption was observed after the addition of 200  mM NaCl. At pH 4, around 10% of the protein is adsorbed, but this increased to 90% adsorption in the presence of 10–200 mM citrate (Fig. 4), which confirmed the surface modification hypothesis. However, even 300  mM NaCl was not enough to mitigate the electrostatic interactions with the surface-adsorbed citrate, despite the fact that 200  mM NaCl was sufficient to mitigate electrostatic interactions at high pH. This could be attributed to the fact that multiple charges were introduced with the cit- rate-modification of the surface, which increased the strength of attraction and therefore required a higher ion- ic strength to screen the extra charge groups. Possible hydrophobic effects were also investigated analyzing the retention/adsorption of the different pro- Figure 3. Surface properties of pepsin (A) and carbonic anhydrase (B) represented by charged amino acids (aa) and electrostatic potential (EP) maps at pH 4. Both front (1) and back (2) surfaces are represented by a 180° rotation. Figure 4. Binding capacity (q) of RNase A, at equilibrium, on Prosep®-PB matrix under different concentrations of citrate at pH 4 in the presence of 0 mM (Ⅲ) and 300 mM (Ⅲ) NaCl. Two control experiments were per- formed: 50 mM acetate pH 4 was used as negative control and 20 mM CHES pH 9 as positive control. The error bars represent the deviation of a triplicate experiment.
  • 8. © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1257 Biotechnology Journal Biotechnol. J. 2014, 9, 1250–1258 teins from the library on a pre-packed phenyl-sepharose column using the same binding conditions as the ones used for PBC. No significant retention was obtained for any protein, suggesting that hydrophobic interactions are not responsible for increasing the retention on PBC. Fur- thermore, the binding conditions studied in this work are not the most favorable for inducing hydrophobicity since a low conductivity was used. Several studies in the liter- ature use the same strategy of low conductivity in order to avoid this secondary interaction [9, 20, 30]. 3.3 Role of electrostatic, charge transfer, and cis-diol interactions in phenylboronate chromatography This work has shown that the adsorption of proteins to PB is influenced by electrostatic and charge transfer interac- tions that can strengthen or compete with cis-diol inter- actions to alter the selectivity of a PBC separation. These forces were shown to be modulated by the pH, modifiers, and ionic strength of the surrounding medium; this can be used to enhance the achievable resolution of this mul- timodal ligand. The presence of charged silanol groups on the CPG base matrix of the ProSep®-PB resin was found to intro- duce electrostatic interactions that changed the selectiv- ity of the PB surface as compared to a charge-neutral agarose base matrix. As already observed by Zhang et al. [20], 200 mM NaCl was sufficient to eliminate electrostat- ic interactions (attractive and repulsive) between pro- teins and negative charges on the PB ligand and matrix. This reduced the electrostatic repulsion of negatively charged glycosylated proteins and allowed them to approach the surface and form cis-diol affinity interac- tions. After eliminating electrostatic interactions, stronger charge transfer interactions were also observed between proteins and the PB ligand. These interactions were found to form independent of ionic strength and appeared to be responsible for the retention of several nonglycosylated proteins. This reduced the selectivity of the material for cis-diol groups and suggested a different modality for the fractionation of protein mixtures on this material. The introduction of citrate or fluoride (strong Lewis bases) reduced the adsorption of selected proteins at low pH (pH 4 and 6), competing for charge transfer interactions with the PB ligand. In addition to this competition effect, these Lewis bases introduced negative charge to the lig- and as they adsorbed to the ligand. This re-introduces electrostatic forces that can retain basic proteins (RNase A) and reject acidic species (pepsin). 4 Concluding remarks This work has provided further insight into the multiple modes of interaction present when proteins adsorb to PB resins and identified possibilities for altering protein selectivity from the selectivity generated from cis-diol interactions. Particularly, it has suggested methods where glycoproteins captured via cis-diol esterification could be further fractionated during elution based on elec- trostatic (via an ionic strength gradient) or charge trans- fer interactions (via pH or Lewis base gradients). Charge transfer interactions can also be used to separate biomol- ecules on PB at lower pH, potentially using Lewis base buffer species to reversibly modify the ligand surface properties. By rationally exploiting the full range of inter- actions present on this ligand, novel and highly selective windows of separation could be achieved for the fraction- ation of complex biological mixtures and enhance the role of PB materials in the industrial-scale manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals, although some further studies on capacity and ligand density optimization are needed. R. J. Carvalho would like to acknowledge Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute for kindly receiving him during 11 months of collaboration, especially the research group of Professor S. M. Cramer. R. J. Carvalho also acknowledges Siddharth Parimal and Karim A. Nakamura for helping with experimental work and the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and MIT-Portugal programs for Ph.D. financial support with fellowship BD/33725/2009. The authors would also like to acknowledge FCT for the finan- cial support through the contract PTDC/EQU-EPR/117427/ 2010. 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  • 10. © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Editorial: “Biotech Methods” − bringing methods to the forefront of biotechnology Judy Peng Commentary Biosilica-loaded poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibers: A step closer to bioprinted materials with tunable properties Georg M. Guebitz and Enrique Herrero Acero Biotech Method Rapid one-step purification of single-cells encapsulated in alginate microcapsules from oil to aqueous phase using a hydrophobic filter paper: Implications for single-cell experiments Do-Hyun Lee, Miran Jang and Je-Kyun Park Biotech Method Size-selective DNA separation: Recovery spectra help determine the sodium chloride (NaCl) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) concentrations required Zhangyong He, Hong Xu, Min Xiong and Hongchen Gu Biotech Method Phenylboronate chromatography selectively separates glycoproteins through the manipulation of electrostatic, charge transfer, and cis-diol interactions Rimenys J. Carvalho, James Woo, M. Raquel Aires-Barros, Steven M. Cramer and Ana M. Azevedo Biotech Method Fluorescent dye ProteoStat to detect and discriminate intracellular amyloid-like aggregates in Escherichia coli Susanna Navarro and Salvador Ventura Biotech Method Phosphorylation of silk fibroins improves the cytocompatibility of silk fibroin derived materials: A platform for the production of tuneable materials Vadim Volkov, Andreia Vasconcelos, Marisa P. Sárria, Andreia C. Gomes, Artur Cavaco-Paulo Research Article A functional high-content miRNA screen identifies miR-30 family to boost recombinant protein production in CHO cells Simon Fischer ,Theresa Buck, Andreas Wagner, Carolin Ehrhart, Julia Giancaterino, Samuel Mang, Matthias Schad, Sven Mathias, Armaz Aschrafi, René Handrick and Kerstin Otte Research Articles Feeding strategies enhance high cell density cultivation and protein expression in milliliter scale bioreactors Georg Faust, Nils H. Janzen, Christoph Bendig, Lin Römer, Klaus Kaufmann and Dirk Weuster-Botz Research Article Bioactive nanoparticles stimulate bone tissue formation in bioprinted three-dimensional scaffold and human mesenchymal stem cells Guifang Gao, Arndt F. Schilling,Tomo Yonezawa, Jiang Wang, Guohao Dai and Xiaofeng Cui Research Article Biosilica-loaded poly(e-caprolactone) nanofibers mats provide a morphogenetically active surface scaffold for the growth and mineralization of the osteoclast-related SaOS-2 cells Werner E.G. Müller, Emad Tolba, Heinz C. Schröder, Bärbel Diehl-Seifert,Thorben Link and Xiaohong Wang Research Article High-level conversion of L-lysine into 5-aminovalerate that can be used for nylon 6,5 synthesis Si Jae Park,Young Hoon Oh, Won Noh, Hye Young Kim, Jae Ho Shin, Eun Gyo Lee, Seungwoon Lee,Yokimiko David, Mary Grace Baylon, Bong Keun Song, Jonggeon Jegal, Sang Yup Lee and Seung Hwan Lee Research Article Synergistic effect of Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma reesei enzyme sets on the saccharification of wheat straw and sugarcane bagasse Joost van den Brink, Gabriela Piccolo Maitan-Alfenas, Gen Zou, Chengshu Wang, Zhihua Zhou,Valéria Monteze Guimarães and Ronald P. de Vries Research Article Solid support membrane-aerated catalytic biofilm reactor for the continuous synthesis of (S)-styrene oxide at gram scale Babu Halan,Thomas Letzel, Andreas Schmid and Katja Buehler Research Article Metabolic modeling of spatial heterogeneity of biofilms in microbial fuel cells reveals substrate limitations in electrical current generation Nadeera Jayasinghe, Ashley Franks, Kelly P. Nevin and Radhakrishnan Mahadevan Biotechnology Journal – list of articles published in the October 2014 issue. This regular issue of BTJ includes the new section “Biotech Methods”, and features articles on nanofibers and biofilms. The cover illustrates the technique of electrospinning, which is applied for the production of artificial filaments that can be organized to mats, which has many applications such as wound coverning or for stabilization of bioprinting/3D tissue units. It is described that silica [bio-silica] converts those mats to morphogenetically active materials. Image by Werner Mülller. See the article by Müller et al. Systems & Synthetic Biology · Nanobiotech · Medicine ISSN 1860-6768 · BJIOAM 9 (10) 1225–1362 (2014) · Vol. 9 · October 2014 10/2014 Biotech Methods Nanofibers Biofilms