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Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Dr. Momtahina Mou, Resident Year 1, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Dr. Renesha Islam, Resident Year 1, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
Dr. Serajum Munira, Resident Year 2, Pediatric Cardiology
Outline of Presentation
Indication of ABG
Procedure of arterial blood sampling
Pulmonary gas exchange
Acid base disorders
Stepwise approach to ABG analysis
Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis
refers to the measurement of pH
and the partial pressures of
oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide
(CO2) in arterial blood.
balance in
Normal values
Indications of ABG
Indications of ABG
Establishing diagnosis and assessing
illness severity
•Suspected hypercapnia (↑Pa CO 2 )
•Drowsiness, flapping tremor, bounding
•Clinical deterioration in a patient with
chronic type 2 respiratory impairment
Suspected severe hypoxaemia
•Very low or unrecordable O 2
saturation; cyanosis
•Severe, prolonged or worsening
respiratory distress
•Smoke inhalation Hyperventilation
(confirm ↓PaCO2, check for underlying
metabolic acidosis)
•Acute deterioration in consciousness
•Any severely unwell patient*
•Pulse oximetry unreliable or suspicious
Indications of ABG contd.
Guiding treatment and monitoring response
•Mechanically ventilated patients
•Patients receiving non-invasive assisted ventilation
•Patients with respiratory failure
•Patients with chronic hypercapnia receiving O2
•Critically ill patients undergoing surgery
•Candidates for long-term oxygen therapy
Procedure of arterial
blood sampling
Procedure of arterial blood sampling
Before sampling:
•Confirm the need for the ABG and identify any contraindications.
•Always record details of O2 therapy and respiratory support (e.g. ventilator settings).
•Allow at least 20 minutes after any change in O2 therapy before sampling (to achieve
a steady state).
•Obtain informed consent to proceed.
•Prepare necessary equipment (heparinized syringe with cap, 20–22G needle, gauze).
•Identify the site for sampling by palpation. For radial artery, perform a modified
Allen test to ensure adequate collateral circulation from the ulnar
Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd.
Site of arterial puncture:
Radial artery (1st choice)
Posterior tibial artery(2nd choice)
Arteria dorsal pedis
Femoral artery (should be preserved
for emergency situation)
Brachial artery (should not be used
unless absolutely necessary)
• Position the patient’s hand with
the wrist extended 20–30°.
• Identify the radial artery by
palpating the pulse.
• Clean the sampling site with an
alcohol wipe.
• Expel the heparin from the syringe.
Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd.
Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd.
• Insert the needle at 45 degrees,
bevel facing up.
• Insert the needle slowly to
minimize the risk of arterial spasm.
• When the needle is in the artery, a
flash of pulsatile blood will appear.
• Allow the syringe to fill under
arterial pressure.
Procedure of arterial blood sampling in children
Precautions for collection of blood sample
1. Heparin is acidic and lowers pH.
Use heparin of lower strength
2. Use small volume of heparinised
saline just for lubricating
syringe and plunger. If volume is
more, dissolved oxygen in
heparinised saline may increase
Precautions (contd):
•Presence of air will ↑ PO2 and ↓ PCO2 as ambient air contains
almost no CO2. Resulting pH will rise.
•PaO2 ↑/↓ by 5mmHg for each degree Celsius temp. ↑/↓
•PaCO2 ↑/↓ by 2mmHg for each degree Celsius temp. ↑/↓
Precautions (contd):
•Without ice , analyze within 15 min.
•With ice, analyze within 1 hr.
The main effect of cellular metabolism is to ↓ PO2. Remarkable fall
in PaO2 if the blood contains WBC ≥100,000/mm3 (Leukocyte
larcency), even when the sample is on ice.
•Inadequate collateral circulation at the puncture site
•Should not be performed through a lesion or a surgical shunt
•Evidence of peripheral vascular disease distant to the puncture site
•A coagulopathy or medium- to high-dose anticoagulation therapy
Complications of Arterial Puncture
•Emboli (Air or clotted blood)
•Trauma to vessel
•Arterial occlusion
•Vasovagal response and pain
Pulmonary gas exchange
Pulmonary gas exchange
Arterial blood gases (ABGs) help us to assess the effectiveness of gas exchange by
providing measurements of the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in arterial blood
(i.e. the PaO2 and PaCO2).
Carbon dioxide elimination
• Diffusion of CO2 from the
bloodstream to alveoli is so
efficient that CO2 elimination
is limited by how quickly we
can ‘blow off’ the CO2 in our
• The PaCO2 is determined by
alveolar ventilation.
• PO2 measures the free,
unbound O2 molecules in
• Total amount of O2 in blood
depends on the following two
• 1. Hb concentration
• 2. Saturation of Hb with O2
(SO2): the percentage of
available binding sites on Hb
that contain an O2 molecule.
Acid Base Disorders
Acid Base Disorders
Chronic, mild derangements in acid–base status may interfere with normal
growth and development, whereas acute, severe changes in pH can be fatal.
Control of acid–base balance depends on the kidneys, the lungs, and
intracellular and extracellular buffers.
A normal pH is 7.35-7.45.
There is an inverse relationship between the pH and the hydrogen ion
Acid Base Disorders
An acid (HA) can dissociate into a
hydrogen ion and a conjugate base (A
− ), as follows:
HA ↔ H+ + A−
H2CO3 <--> H+ + HCO3-
Acid base balance
An acid is a
substance that
releases H+ when it
is dissolved in
Acids therefore
increase the H+
concentration of
the solution (i.e.
lower the pH).
Acidaemia is
blood pH below
the normal
range (<7.35)
Acidosis is
any process
that lowers
blood pH
A base is a
substance that
accepts H + when
dissolved in
Bases therefore
lower the H+
concentration of
a solution (i.e.
raise the pH).
Alkalaemia is
blood pH above
the normal
range (>7.45)
Alkalosis is
that raises
blood pH.
A buffer is a substance that
can either accept or release H+
depending on the surrounding
H+ concentration.
Buffers resist big
changes in H+
Acid base disorders and compensatory
pH HCO3- PaCO2
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Compensatory responses never bring the pH back to normal
Metabolic Acidosis
Metabolic acidosis is defined as a
HCO3 level of less than 20 mEq/L
with a pH of less than 7.35.
Metabolic acidosis represents
any process, other than a rise in
PaCO2, that acts to lower blood
pH. It is recognised on an ABG by
a reduction in HCO 3 and a
negative base excess (BE).
Anion gap
 The anion gap is the difference in
the measured cation (Sodium and
potassium) and the measured
anions (Bicarbonate and chloride)
in plasma.
 Normal value: 8-16 mmol/L
 It is also the difference between
unmeasured anions and
unmeasured cations.
 Anion gap is increased when there
is increase in unmeasured anions.
Causes of metabolic acidosis
Increased anion gap metabolic acidosis (Normal Chloride)
 Lactic acidosis (e.g. hypoxaemia, ischaemia, shock, sepsis)
Ketoacidosis (diabetes, starvation, alcohol excess)
Renal failure (accumulation of sulphate, phosphate, urate)
Poisoning (aspirin, methanol, ethylene glycol)
Massive rhabdomyolysis
Causes of metabolic acidosis contd.
Normal or non–anion gap metabolic acidosis
Renal tubular acidosis (types 1, 2 and 4)
Diarrhoea (HCO 3 − loss)
Adrenal insufficiency
Ammonium chloride ingestion
Urinary diversion (e.g. ureterosigmoidostomy)
Drugs (e.g. acetazolamide)
Base excess / deficit
Base deficit: Metabolic acidosis.
Base excess: Metabolic alkalosis
Normal: -2 to + 2
BE < −10/HCO 3 < 15: This value is included in several severity
scoring systems and, when due to lactic acidosis, indicates severe
hypoxia at the cellular level.
Lactic acidosis
•This is the most common cause of metabolic acidosis in hospitalized
patients. It is defined by a low HCO3
- in association with a plasma
lactate concentration greater than 4 mmol/L.
•When the supply of O2 to tissues is inadequate to support normal
aerobic metabolism, cells become dependent on anaerobic
metabolism – which generates lactic acid as a by-product.
•This can occur due to inadequate local blood supply (e.g. ischaemic
gut or limb) or more commonly due to generalised failure of tissue
oxygenation (e.g. profound hypoxaemia, shock or cardiac arrest).
•The extent of lactic acidosis is an indicator of disease severity.
Effects of metabolic acidosis
Hyperventilation (Kussmaul respiration)
Depression of myocardial contractility (PH≤7.2)
Resistance to the effects of catecholamines
Vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries
Shift of K+ out of cells causing hyperkalaemia
Metabolic alkalosis
 A metabolic alkalosis is any
process, other than a fall in
Paco 2 , that acts to increase
blood pH.
 It is characterised on ABG by an
elevated plasma HCO 3 and an
increase in BE.
Metabolic alkalosis
•Loss of gastric secretion (vomiting, NG suction)
•Potassium depletion (e.g. diuretics)
•Cushing syndrome
•Conn syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism)
•Chloride-rich diarrhoea (e.g. villous adenoma)
•Excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate
Effects of metabolic alkalosis
•Decreased myocardial contractility
•Decreased cerebral blood flow(cerebral vasoconstriction)
•Pulmonary vasodilation
•Impaired peripheral oxygen unloading (due shift of oxygen
dissociation curve to left).
Management of metabolic alkalosis
•Mild or even moderate alkalosis may not require correction.
•Because volume depletion is common so, infusion of isotonic saline
(0.9% sodium chloride) is the most common method of chloride
replacement in this condition.
•Treatment of cause.
Respiratory Acidosis
A respiratory acidosis is, simply,
an increase in Paco 2 .
Because CO 2 dissolves in blood
to form carbonic acid, this has
the effect of lowering pH (↑H +
Respiratory acidosis
•Normally, lungs are able to increase ventilation to maintain a normal
Paco 2 – even in conditions of increased CO 2 production (e.g.
•Thus, respiratory acidosis always implies a degree of reduced
alveolar ventilation.
•This may occur from any cause of type2 respiratory impairment
• or to counteract a metabolic alkalosis.
Effects of respiratory acidosis
Acidemia, no matter the etiology, affects the cardiovascular system.
An arterial pH <7.2 impairs cardiac contractility.
Hypercapnia causes cerebral vasculature vasodilation.
Hypercapnia produces vasoconstriction of the pulmonary circulation
Central depression at very high levels of pCO2
Treatment of Respiratory Acidosis
Improve Ventilation:
Intubate patient and place on ventilator, increase ventilator rate,
reverse narcotic sedation with naloxone (Narcan), etc
Causes can be treated rapidly include pneumothorax, pain and
CNS depression r/t medication.
A respiratory alkalosis is a decrease in Paco 2 and is caused by alveolar
Primary causes are
•Anxiety (hyperventilation syndrome),
•Breathlessness and
•It may also occur to counteract a metabolic acidosis
Effects of respiratory alkalosis
•Decreased intracranial pressure (secondary to cerebral
•Inhibition of respiratory drive via the central & peripheral
•Decreased myocardial contractility
•Shift of the haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve to the left
(impairing peripheral oxygen unloading)
•Slight fall in plasma [K+]
Treatment of Respiratory Alkalosis
Correct the underlying disorder.
Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
This is the most dangerous pattern of
acid–base abnormality.
It leads to profound acidaemia as there
are two simultaneous acidotic processes
with no compensation.
It is often due to severe ventilatory
failure, in which the rising Paco 2
(respiratory acidosis) is accompanied by
a low Pao 2 , resulting in tissue hypoxia
and consequent lactic acidosis
Stepwise approach to
ABG Analysis
Step 1: Look at the PO2
PO2 (<80 mm Hg):
SaO2 saturation (<90%):
Step 2: Look at the pH
< 7.35 : Acidosis
> 7.45 : Alkalosis
7.35 – 7.45 : Normal/Mixed Disorder
pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3- of 27 mEq/L.
Step 3: Look at the PCO2
> 45 mm Hg : Increased (respiratory acidosis)
< 35 mm Hg : Decreased (respiratory alkalosis)
pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3
- of 27 mEq/L.
Step 4: Look at the HCO3
> 26 mEq/L : Increased (metabolic alkalosis)
< 22 mEq/L : Decreased (metabolic acidosis)
pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3
- of 27 mEq/L.
Step 5: match either the pCO2 or the
HCO3 with the pH to determine the acid-base
•The CO2 is the respiratory component of the ABG. It move in opposite directions to match with pH
↓pCO2 ↑ pH
↑ pCO2 ↓ pH
•The HCO3 is the metabolic component of the ABG. It move in the same direction to match with pH
↓ HCO3 ↓ pH
↑ HCO3 ↑ pH
pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3
- of 27 mEq/L.
•pH acidotic, PCO2 increased
Step 6: does either the CO2 or HCO3
go in the opposite direction of the pH?
To find what is the primary acid base disorder and
what is compensatory
pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3
- of 27 mEq/L.
•HCO3 is going in opposite direction of pH.
pH = 7.30 (7.35) ACIDOSIS
PaCO2 = 56 (35-45) ACIDOSIS = Lungs
HCO3 = 24 (20-28) NORMAL
Respiratory Acidosis (Uncompensated)
pH = 7.33(7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS
pCO2 = 62 (35-45) ACIDOSIS
HCO3 = 35 (20-28) ALKALOSIS
Respiratory Acidosis (compensated )
pH =7.31 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS
PaCO2 = 39 (35-45) NORMAL = lungs
HCO3 = 17 (22-26) ACIDOSIS = kidneys
Metabolic Acidosis (Uncompensated)
pH = 7.29 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS
HCO3 = 18 (22-26) ACIDOSIS
pCO2 = 30 (35-45) ALKALOSIS
Metabolic Acidosis (compensated)
Step 6: Determine whether the patient’s
compensation is appropriate?
Appropriate compensation Simple acid-base disorder
Inappropriate compensation Mixed acid-base disorder
Metabolic Acidosis:
Expected PaCO2=1.5HCO3+8±2
(Winter’s formula)
Expected PCO2 in metabolic acidosis
= 1.5 x HCO3 + 8 (range: +/- 2)
= 1.5 x 7 + 8 = 18.5
pH 7.28
PCO2 20 mm Hg
HOC3 7 mEq / L
Appropriate Compensation
pH =7.21 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS
pCO2 = 33 (35-45) ALKALOSIS
HCO3 = 16 (22-26) ACIDOSIS
Expected Compensation(Pco2) = 1.5 X 16 + 8Âą 2
= 32 Âą 2
= 30-34
So, compensation is appropriate
Simple Metabolic Acidosis (compensated )
pH =7.14 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS
pCO2 = 45 (35-45) NORMAL
HCO3 = 17 (22-26) ACIDOSIS
Expected Compensation(Pco2) = 1.5 X 17 + 8Âą 2
= 33.5 Âą 2
= 31.5-35.5
So, compensation is inappropriate, PCO2 > Expected
Mixed Metabolic and Respiratory Acidosis
Arterial vs. venous blood: normal values
PO2( mm Hg) 70-100 35-40 PaO2 - 60
SO2 (%) 93-98 65-75 SaO2 - 25
PCO2(mm Hg) 33-35 42-52 6-8
pH 7.35- 7.45 7.32-7.41 0.03-0.04
HCO3 22-26 24-28 2-4
Quiz 1
Baby boy, 28 wks GA, admitted 3 hrs ago, intubated initially, given surfactant, then extubated
immediately to nasal CPAP, pressure 5 cm H2O, FiO2 0.5.
ABG now: pH=7.20, PCO2=68, PO2=40, HCO3=22, SaO2=85%
Interpret above blood gas
Exp Hco3: 29
Metabolic Acidosis
Quiz 2
Baby girl, born at term by emergency CS, because of cord prolapse and
severe fetal distress. She was flat, needed thorough resuscitation
(intubation, UVC, 2 doses of epinephrine)
Now she is 6 hrs old, ventilated, FiO2 0.3, and had focal seizure.
ABG: pH=7.15, PCO2=30, PO2=60, HCO3=6, SaO2=92%
Interpret above blood gas
Exp Pco2 15-18
Respiratory acidosis
Quiz 3
pH 6.99
PaO2 112
PaCO2 21
HCO3 6
BE -20.6
SaO2 96
Known case of type1 diabetes with
history of
severe abdominal pain, polyuria,
polydipsia and acidotic breathing.
Metabolic acidosis
Same patient after treatment initiation with
rehydration and insulin infusion.
pH 7.34
PaO2 123
PaCO2 31
HCO3 15.6
BE -6.8
SaO2 98
Quiz 4
5 yr old child with acute onset fever, seizures
and altered sensorium presented to the
emergency with increased ICP and neurogenic
pH 7.47
PaO2 154
PaCO2 22
HCO3 15.4
BE -5.8
SaO2 99.4%
Interpretation :
Respiratory alkalosis with metabolic acidosis
Quiz 5
Child presented with fever, loose stools,
respiratory distress.
Dx. pneumonia with septic shock.
pH 7.012
PaO2 72
PaCO2 74
HCO3 18
BE -12.6
SaO2 92
Metabolic plus respiratory acidosis
Child with sepsis and on mechanical
day 12 of hospital stay,on weaning, started on
furosemide for fluid overload.
pH 7.521
PaO2 124
PaCO2 44
HCO3 39.4
BE 14.3
SaO2 99.4%
Metabolic alkalosis
Thank you all

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ABG Analysis in Pediatrics

  • 1. Welcome To Seminar on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis (ABG) Dr. Momtahina Mou, Resident Year 1, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Dr. Renesha Islam, Resident Year 1, Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Dr. Serajum Munira, Resident Year 2, Pediatric Cardiology
  • 2. Outline of Presentation Introduction Indication of ABG Procedure of arterial blood sampling Pulmonary gas exchange Acid base disorders Stepwise approach to ABG analysis ABG vs VBG
  • 4. Introduction Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis refers to the measurement of pH and the partial pressures of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in arterial blood. acid–base balance in blood pulmonary gas exchange
  • 7. Indications of ABG Establishing diagnosis and assessing illness severity •Suspected hypercapnia (↑Pa CO 2 ) •Drowsiness, flapping tremor, bounding pulses •Clinical deterioration in a patient with chronic type 2 respiratory impairment Suspected severe hypoxaemia •Very low or unrecordable O 2 saturation; cyanosis •Severe, prolonged or worsening respiratory distress •Smoke inhalation Hyperventilation (confirm ↓PaCO2, check for underlying metabolic acidosis) •Acute deterioration in consciousness •Any severely unwell patient* •Pulse oximetry unreliable or suspicious result
  • 8. Indications of ABG contd. Guiding treatment and monitoring response •Mechanically ventilated patients •Patients receiving non-invasive assisted ventilation •Patients with respiratory failure •Patients with chronic hypercapnia receiving O2 •Critically ill patients undergoing surgery •Candidates for long-term oxygen therapy
  • 10. Procedure of arterial blood sampling Before sampling: •Confirm the need for the ABG and identify any contraindications. •Always record details of O2 therapy and respiratory support (e.g. ventilator settings). •Allow at least 20 minutes after any change in O2 therapy before sampling (to achieve a steady state). •Obtain informed consent to proceed. •Prepare necessary equipment (heparinized syringe with cap, 20–22G needle, gauze). •Identify the site for sampling by palpation. For radial artery, perform a modified Allen test to ensure adequate collateral circulation from the ulnar artery.
  • 11. Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd. Site of arterial puncture: Radial artery (1st choice) Posterior tibial artery(2nd choice) Arteria dorsal pedis Femoral artery (should be preserved for emergency situation) Brachial artery (should not be used unless absolutely necessary)
  • 12. • Position the patient’s hand with the wrist extended 20–30°. • Identify the radial artery by palpating the pulse. • Clean the sampling site with an alcohol wipe. • Expel the heparin from the syringe. Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd.
  • 13. Procedure of arterial blood sampling contd. • Insert the needle at 45 degrees, bevel facing up. • Insert the needle slowly to minimize the risk of arterial spasm. • When the needle is in the artery, a flash of pulsatile blood will appear. • Allow the syringe to fill under arterial pressure.
  • 14. Procedure of arterial blood sampling in children
  • 15. Precautions for collection of blood sample 1. Heparin is acidic and lowers pH. Use heparin of lower strength 2. Use small volume of heparinised saline just for lubricating syringe and plunger. If volume is more, dissolved oxygen in heparinised saline may increase pO2.
  • 16. Precautions (contd): SAMPLE SHOULD NOT CONTAIN AIR BUBBLES OR BE LEFT OPEN TO AIR: •Presence of air will ↑ PO2 and ↓ PCO2 as ambient air contains almost no CO2. Resulting pH will rise. TEMPERATURE CORRECTION: (Body temp- 37°C) •PaO2 ↑/↓ by 5mmHg for each degree Celsius temp. ↑/↓ •PaCO2 ↑/↓ by 2mmHg for each degree Celsius temp. ↑/↓
  • 17. Precautions (contd): SAMPLE SHOULD BE SEND WITH ICE: •Without ice , analyze within 15 min. •With ice, analyze within 1 hr. The main effect of cellular metabolism is to ↓ PO2. Remarkable fall in PaO2 if the blood contains WBC ≥100,000/mm3 (Leukocyte larcency), even when the sample is on ice.
  • 18. Contraindications •Inadequate collateral circulation at the puncture site •Should not be performed through a lesion or a surgical shunt •Evidence of peripheral vascular disease distant to the puncture site •A coagulopathy or medium- to high-dose anticoagulation therapy
  • 19. Complications of Arterial Puncture •Arteriospasm •Hematoma •Emboli (Air or clotted blood) •Hemorrhage •Trauma to vessel •Arterial occlusion •Vasovagal response and pain
  • 21. Pulmonary gas exchange Arterial blood gases (ABGs) help us to assess the effectiveness of gas exchange by providing measurements of the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in arterial blood (i.e. the PaO2 and PaCO2).
  • 22. Carbon dioxide elimination • Diffusion of CO2 from the bloodstream to alveoli is so efficient that CO2 elimination is limited by how quickly we can ‘blow off’ the CO2 in our alveoli • The PaCO2 is determined by alveolar ventilation. Oxygenation • PO2 measures the free, unbound O2 molecules in blood. • Total amount of O2 in blood depends on the following two factors: • 1. Hb concentration • 2. Saturation of Hb with O2 (SO2): the percentage of available binding sites on Hb that contain an O2 molecule.
  • 24. Acid Base Disorders Chronic, mild derangements in acid–base status may interfere with normal growth and development, whereas acute, severe changes in pH can be fatal. Control of acid–base balance depends on the kidneys, the lungs, and intracellular and extracellular buffers. A normal pH is 7.35-7.45. There is an inverse relationship between the pH and the hydrogen ion concentration.
  • 25. Acid Base Disorders An acid (HA) can dissociate into a hydrogen ion and a conjugate base (A − ), as follows: HA ↔ H+ + A− H2CO3 <--> H+ + HCO3-
  • 26. Acid base balance An acid is a substance that releases H+ when it is dissolved in solution. Acids therefore increase the H+ concentration of the solution (i.e. lower the pH). Acidaemia is blood pH below the normal range (<7.35) Acidosis is any process that lowers blood pH A base is a substance that accepts H + when dissolved in solution. Bases therefore lower the H+ concentration of a solution (i.e. raise the pH). Alkalaemia is blood pH above the normal range (>7.45) Alkalosis is any process that raises blood pH. A buffer is a substance that can either accept or release H+ depending on the surrounding H+ concentration. Buffers resist big changes in H+ concentration.
  • 27.
  • 28. Acid base disorders and compensatory response pH HCO3- PaCO2 Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory acidosis Respiratory alkalosis Compensatory responses never bring the pH back to normal
  • 29. Metabolic Acidosis Metabolic acidosis is defined as a HCO3 level of less than 20 mEq/L with a pH of less than 7.35. Metabolic acidosis represents any process, other than a rise in PaCO2, that acts to lower blood pH. It is recognised on an ABG by a reduction in HCO 3 and a negative base excess (BE).
  • 30. Anion gap  The anion gap is the difference in the measured cation (Sodium and potassium) and the measured anions (Bicarbonate and chloride) in plasma.  Normal value: 8-16 mmol/L  It is also the difference between unmeasured anions and unmeasured cations.  Anion gap is increased when there is increase in unmeasured anions.
  • 31.
  • 32. Causes of metabolic acidosis Increased anion gap metabolic acidosis (Normal Chloride)  Lactic acidosis (e.g. hypoxaemia, ischaemia, shock, sepsis) Ketoacidosis (diabetes, starvation, alcohol excess) Renal failure (accumulation of sulphate, phosphate, urate) Poisoning (aspirin, methanol, ethylene glycol) Massive rhabdomyolysis
  • 33. Causes of metabolic acidosis contd. Normal or non–anion gap metabolic acidosis Renal tubular acidosis (types 1, 2 and 4) Diarrhoea (HCO 3 − loss) Adrenal insufficiency Ammonium chloride ingestion Urinary diversion (e.g. ureterosigmoidostomy) Drugs (e.g. acetazolamide)
  • 34. Base excess / deficit Base deficit: Metabolic acidosis. Base excess: Metabolic alkalosis Normal: -2 to + 2 BE < −10/HCO 3 < 15: This value is included in several severity scoring systems and, when due to lactic acidosis, indicates severe hypoxia at the cellular level.
  • 35. Lactic acidosis •This is the most common cause of metabolic acidosis in hospitalized patients. It is defined by a low HCO3 - in association with a plasma lactate concentration greater than 4 mmol/L. •When the supply of O2 to tissues is inadequate to support normal aerobic metabolism, cells become dependent on anaerobic metabolism – which generates lactic acid as a by-product. •This can occur due to inadequate local blood supply (e.g. ischaemic gut or limb) or more commonly due to generalised failure of tissue oxygenation (e.g. profound hypoxaemia, shock or cardiac arrest). •The extent of lactic acidosis is an indicator of disease severity.
  • 36. Effects of metabolic acidosis Hyperventilation (Kussmaul respiration) Depression of myocardial contractility (PH≤7.2) Resistance to the effects of catecholamines Vasoconstriction of pulmonary arteries Shift of K+ out of cells causing hyperkalaemia
  • 37. Metabolic alkalosis  A metabolic alkalosis is any process, other than a fall in Paco 2 , that acts to increase blood pH.  It is characterised on ABG by an elevated plasma HCO 3 and an increase in BE.
  • 38. Metabolic alkalosis •Loss of gastric secretion (vomiting, NG suction) •Potassium depletion (e.g. diuretics) •Cushing syndrome •Conn syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism) •Chloride-rich diarrhoea (e.g. villous adenoma) •Excessive administration of sodium bicarbonate
  • 39. Effects of metabolic alkalosis •Decreased myocardial contractility •Decreased cerebral blood flow(cerebral vasoconstriction) •Pulmonary vasodilation •Confusion •Impaired peripheral oxygen unloading (due shift of oxygen dissociation curve to left).
  • 40. Management of metabolic alkalosis •Mild or even moderate alkalosis may not require correction. •Because volume depletion is common so, infusion of isotonic saline (0.9% sodium chloride) is the most common method of chloride replacement in this condition. •Treatment of cause.
  • 41. Respiratory Acidosis A respiratory acidosis is, simply, an increase in Paco 2 . Because CO 2 dissolves in blood to form carbonic acid, this has the effect of lowering pH (↑H + ions)
  • 42. Respiratory acidosis •Normally, lungs are able to increase ventilation to maintain a normal Paco 2 – even in conditions of increased CO 2 production (e.g. sepsis). •Thus, respiratory acidosis always implies a degree of reduced alveolar ventilation. •This may occur from any cause of type2 respiratory impairment • or to counteract a metabolic alkalosis.
  • 43. Effects of respiratory acidosis Acidemia, no matter the etiology, affects the cardiovascular system. An arterial pH <7.2 impairs cardiac contractility. Hypercapnia causes cerebral vasculature vasodilation. Hypercapnia produces vasoconstriction of the pulmonary circulation Central depression at very high levels of pCO2
  • 44. Treatment of Respiratory Acidosis Improve Ventilation: Intubate patient and place on ventilator, increase ventilator rate, reverse narcotic sedation with naloxone (Narcan), etc Causes can be treated rapidly include pneumothorax, pain and CNS depression r/t medication.
  • 45. RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS: A respiratory alkalosis is a decrease in Paco 2 and is caused by alveolar hyperventilation. Primary causes are •Pain, •Anxiety (hyperventilation syndrome), •Fever, •Breathlessness and •Hypoxaemia. •It may also occur to counteract a metabolic acidosis
  • 46. Effects of respiratory alkalosis •Decreased intracranial pressure (secondary to cerebral vasoconstriction) •Inhibition of respiratory drive via the central & peripheral chemoreceptors •Decreased myocardial contractility •Shift of the haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve to the left (impairing peripheral oxygen unloading) •Slight fall in plasma [K+]
  • 47. Treatment of Respiratory Alkalosis Correct the underlying disorder.
  • 48. Mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis This is the most dangerous pattern of acid–base abnormality. It leads to profound acidaemia as there are two simultaneous acidotic processes with no compensation. It is often due to severe ventilatory failure, in which the rising Paco 2 (respiratory acidosis) is accompanied by a low Pao 2 , resulting in tissue hypoxia and consequent lactic acidosis
  • 50. Step 1: Look at the PO2 PO2 (<80 mm Hg): hypoxemia SaO2 saturation (<90%):
  • 51. Step 2: Look at the pH < 7.35 : Acidosis > 7.45 : Alkalosis 7.35 – 7.45 : Normal/Mixed Disorder pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3- of 27 mEq/L. • ACIDOSIS
  • 52. Step 3: Look at the PCO2 > 45 mm Hg : Increased (respiratory acidosis) < 35 mm Hg : Decreased (respiratory alkalosis) pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3 - of 27 mEq/L. • INCREASED
  • 53. Step 4: Look at the HCO3 - > 26 mEq/L : Increased (metabolic alkalosis) < 22 mEq/L : Decreased (metabolic acidosis) pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3 - of 27 mEq/L. • INCREASED
  • 54. Step 5: match either the pCO2 or the HCO3 with the pH to determine the acid-base disorder •The CO2 is the respiratory component of the ABG. It move in opposite directions to match with pH ↓pCO2 ↑ pH ↑ pCO2 ↓ pH •The HCO3 is the metabolic component of the ABG. It move in the same direction to match with pH ↓ HCO3 ↓ pH ↑ HCO3 ↑ pH pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3 - of 27 mEq/L. •pH acidotic, PCO2 increased RESPIRATORY ACIDOSIS
  • 55. Step 6: does either the CO2 or HCO3 go in the opposite direction of the pH? To find what is the primary acid base disorder and what is compensatory pH of 7.30, PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg, and HCO3 - of 27 mEq/L. •HCO3 is going in opposite direction of pH. So it is METABOLIC COMPENSATION.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. Example-1 pH = 7.30 (7.35) ACIDOSIS PaCO2 = 56 (35-45) ACIDOSIS = Lungs HCO3 = 24 (20-28) NORMAL Respiratory Acidosis (Uncompensated)
  • 59. Example-2 pH = 7.33(7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS pCO2 = 62 (35-45) ACIDOSIS HCO3 = 35 (20-28) ALKALOSIS Respiratory Acidosis (compensated )
  • 60. Example-3 pH =7.31 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS PaCO2 = 39 (35-45) NORMAL = lungs HCO3 = 17 (22-26) ACIDOSIS = kidneys Metabolic Acidosis (Uncompensated)
  • 61. Example-4 pH = 7.29 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS HCO3 = 18 (22-26) ACIDOSIS pCO2 = 30 (35-45) ALKALOSIS Metabolic Acidosis (compensated)
  • 62. Step 6: Determine whether the patient’s compensation is appropriate? Appropriate compensation Simple acid-base disorder Inappropriate compensation Mixed acid-base disorder
  • 63. Metabolic Acidosis: Expected PaCO2=1.5HCO3+8Âą2 (Winter’s formula) Expected PCO2 in metabolic acidosis = 1.5 x HCO3 + 8 (range: +/- 2) = 1.5 x 7 + 8 = 18.5 pH 7.28 PCO2 20 mm Hg HOC3 7 mEq / L
  • 65. Example-5 pH =7.21 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS pCO2 = 33 (35-45) ALKALOSIS HCO3 = 16 (22-26) ACIDOSIS Expected Compensation(Pco2) = 1.5 X 16 + 8Âą 2 = 32 Âą 2 = 30-34 So, compensation is appropriate Simple Metabolic Acidosis (compensated )
  • 66. Example-6 pH =7.14 (7.35-7.45) ACIDOSIS pCO2 = 45 (35-45) NORMAL HCO3 = 17 (22-26) ACIDOSIS Expected Compensation(Pco2) = 1.5 X 17 + 8Âą 2 = 33.5 Âą 2 = 31.5-35.5 So, compensation is inappropriate, PCO2 > Expected Mixed Metabolic and Respiratory Acidosis
  • 67. Arterial vs. venous blood: normal values VALUE ARTERIAL MIXED VENOUS TYPICAL A-V DIFFERENCE PO2( mm Hg) 70-100 35-40 PaO2 - 60 SO2 (%) 93-98 65-75 SaO2 - 25 PCO2(mm Hg) 33-35 42-52 6-8 pH 7.35- 7.45 7.32-7.41 0.03-0.04 HCO3 22-26 24-28 2-4
  • 68. Quiz 1 Baby boy, 28 wks GA, admitted 3 hrs ago, intubated initially, given surfactant, then extubated immediately to nasal CPAP, pressure 5 cm H2O, FiO2 0.5. ABG now: pH=7.20, PCO2=68, PO2=40, HCO3=22, SaO2=85% Interpret above blood gas Acidosis Respiratory Exp Hco3: 29 Metabolic Acidosis Hypoxemia
  • 69. Quiz 2 Baby girl, born at term by emergency CS, because of cord prolapse and severe fetal distress. She was flat, needed thorough resuscitation (intubation, UVC, 2 doses of epinephrine) Now she is 6 hrs old, ventilated, FiO2 0.3, and had focal seizure. ABG: pH=7.15, PCO2=30, PO2=60, HCO3=6, SaO2=92% Interpret above blood gas Acidosis Metabolic Exp Pco2 15-18 Respiratory acidosis
  • 70. Quiz 3 pH 6.99 PaO2 112 PaCO2 21 HCO3 6 BE -20.6 SaO2 96 Known case of type1 diabetes with history of severe abdominal pain, polyuria, polydipsia and acidotic breathing. Interpretation Metabolic acidosis
  • 71. Same patient after treatment initiation with rehydration and insulin infusion. pH 7.34 PaO2 123 PaCO2 31 HCO3 15.6 BE -6.8 SaO2 98
  • 72. Quiz 4 5 yr old child with acute onset fever, seizures and altered sensorium presented to the emergency with increased ICP and neurogenic breathing. pH 7.47 PaO2 154 PaCO2 22 HCO3 15.4 BE -5.8 SaO2 99.4% Interpretation : Respiratory alkalosis with metabolic acidosis
  • 73. Quiz 5 Child presented with fever, loose stools, respiratory distress. Dx. pneumonia with septic shock. pH 7.012 PaO2 72 PaCO2 74 HCO3 18 BE -12.6 SaO2 92 Interpretation Metabolic plus respiratory acidosis
  • 74. Quiz Child with sepsis and on mechanical ventilation..on day 12 of hospital stay,on weaning, started on furosemide for fluid overload. pH 7.521 PaO2 124 PaCO2 44 HCO3 39.4 BE 14.3 SaO2 99.4% Interpretation Metabolic alkalosis

Editor's Notes

  1. Two separate but interrelated concepts: how well the lungs perform their work of gas exchange, and status of acid-base balance in blood. Acid-Base status pH PaCO2 HCO3 Base excess/deficit Oxygenation status Oxygen saturation PaO2
  2. Unless results are required urgently, 
  3. Radial artery of non-dominant hand
  4. • Greater extension of the wrist may impede arterial flow. • choose a site where the pulse is prominent.
  5. • Greater extension of the wrist may impede arterial flow. • after withdrawing needle, apply firm pressure to the site of arterial puncture.
  6. *These are not absolute and depend on the clinical importance of ABG analysis.
  7. Gases move from areas of higher partial pressure to lower partial pressure. At the alveolar–capillary membrane, air in alveoli has a higher Po 2 and lower Pco 2 than capillary blood. Thus, O 2 molecules move from alveoli to blood and CO 2 molecules move from blood to alveoli until the partial pressures are equal.
  8. A strong acid is highly dissociated, so in this reaction, there is little HA. A weak acid is poorly dissociated; not all of the hydrogen ions are released from HA. A − acts as a base when the reaction moves to the left. These reactions are in equilibrium. When HA is added to the system, there is dissociation of some HA until the concentrations of H + and A − increase enough that a new equilibrium is reached. Addition of hydrogen ions causes a decrease in A − and an increase in HA. Addition of A − causes a decrease in hydrogen ions and an increase in HA.
  9. A strong acid is highly dissociated, so in this reaction, there is little HA. A weak acid is poorly dissociated; not all of the hydrogen ions are released from HA. A − acts as a base when the reaction moves to the left. These reactions are in equilibrium. When HA is added to the system, there is dissociation of some HA until the concentrations of H + and A − increase enough that a new equilibrium is reached. Addition of hydrogen ions causes a decrease in A − and an increase in HA. Addition of A − causes a decrease in hydrogen ions and an increase in HA.