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                           Memorandum Understanding
                    OF       is madeon this 7thday of November
   Udaipur andbetween:

   TribalAreaDevelopment Department, Govt.of Rajasthan,(hereinafter
                                                                 referred as 'TADD'
   through Additional
          its       Commissioner Mr.Jitendra
                                - ll,           Upadhyay (whichexpression unless
   repugnant the context meaning
             to        or        thereof, deemed meanand include successors,
                                         be         to                 its
                        and assignees in business and permittedassigns) the FIRST


   Rajasthan  Knowledge Gorporation  Limited,a companypromoted Govt.of Rajasthan
                                                              by                     and
   incorporated underCompanies 1956having
                               Act            CIN U80302RJ2008PLC026433,    its registered
   officeat 7A, JhalanaInstitutional
                                  Area, Jaipur- 302004 (hereinafter
                                                                  referred as 'RKCL"
   through its ManagingDirector,Dr. Aatul Wadegaonkar,   (which expression  shall unless
   repugnant the context meaning
             to          or          thereof, deemed meanand include successors,
                                            be       to                  its
   Administrators,executors assignees in business
                          and                       and permittedassigns) the OTHER

   WHEREASRajasthan   Knowledge          Limited(RKCL),an initiative the State
                               Corporation                          of
   Government implement pursuance the Government's
             to         in       of               mandate spread literacy
                                                         to        lT     and
                   across State.
   AND WHEREAS     TADDhas approached    RKCLto imparttraining School
                                                              to       goingstudents at
             School/Hostel underTADD.Parties  heretoagreeto enterinto an MoUspecifying
   the modalities the scheme,
                of           theirrights,
                                        dutiesand responsibilities imparting
                                                                for               in
                                                                           training two
   coursesnamely  Rajasthan               Course Information
                           StateCertificate      in          Technology (RS-C|T) basic
   computercourseand Rajasthan                   coursein EnglishLanguage
                                 State Certificate                          (RS-CEL) to
             School/Hostelstudentsthrough RKCL.

                   OF           WITNESSETH UNDER:

   1. Definitions:

                 any othertermsdefinedelsewherehereinas used in this MoU,the following
             unless context
                   the       otherwise      havethefollowing
                                     require,              respective meanings.

                          Department                   For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation Ltd.

            r p
   Mr. JitendraB4flfay
 xPtfram (ft-ftuy
;'iffi   *Fffq f{frrgfqarrrr
               frrcf.)                                                      PageI of5
1.1 lTGl( me€UrsInbrmalion TechnologU glan lfenOr4 an ofganren esrE|ItErio ltrEr
    the care, supewision and guidance of the Programme Support Agency (PSA) and
    authorized RKCL as per it! norms for conducting
              by                                   specificRKCL'sCoursesand other
    specific       Programs.
                                                                                                   :' r' i ' l

1 . 2 R s . c |T co u rse me a n sth e R ajasthanStatecer tificatecour sein|nfor m ati on.:
     Technology      (herein              ai
                           afterreferred "RS-C|T"1.

i.3 RS-CELCourse means RaiasthanState GertificateGourse in English Language
    (herein           as
          afterreferred "RS-CEL")

1.4 The Learner       means individual
                               the                  proposed the'TADD'andregistered a
                                             Students       by                       as
   | e a r n e ra tth e l T -GK fo rR K CL' sabovePr ogr am safter issuanceofvalid| ogi n| D and
   password him/her RKCLto access
                 to           by                 RKCL'sLearningManagement System(LMS) and
   content    therein  installed the
                                 at    lT-GK'

                   LeadCentre empanelled RKCLfor monitoring,
i.SDLC meansDistrict         as          by                             and
                                            district(s) per RKCL's
                              (ITGK) allotted
   strengthening lT GyanKendras
               the                 of                as          norms

2. Details Gomputqr
          of                              courseof RKCL:
                  literacv& Enqlishlanquaqe
                                       process thesecourses under:
                   learning certification
The Programs,             and                of           as

S . No            Particulars                     RS-CIT                     RS-CEL

1                 Sanctioned  Budget 270 Lacs 5600learners
                                    Rs.                                      5600learners
                  (Numbers coverapproximatelY
                  Nos. for each course including
                  TSP,MADA,    BIKHRI Saharia)
2                 Minimum  batch size            10lear ner                   10learner

3                 Beneficiaries                   gth &11thStudents          gth&11th

4                      Duration
                  Course                          132hrs                      100hrs.
5                 Course  Fees(including                    per
                                          exam.fee Rs.2700/- learner Rs. 2500/-(including
                  & course material/tutorCD)                          service tax) per
I                 Examination Certification
                               &                   By      VaradhmanBy       RKCL     and
                                                   Mahaveer      Open ACTUniv  Group
9                 Re-examination   fee (to be Paid Rs.300/-           Participation
                  by learner),if applicable                           Certificate givenby
                                                                      RKCL &   ACTUniv

10                Deliverables RKCL
                            by                    Study material the Studymaterial the
                                                               in                in
                                                  form of Book, access form of Book,access
                                                  to e-contentthrough to e-content
                                                                 Res. LMSat identified
                                                  LMSat identified                   Res.
                                                  School Hostel.
                                                       &                      School Hostel.

ForTribalAreaDevelopment                                 For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation Ltd.

           IA                                                              #"P
             Commissioner-ll                                        -ffi,::;e,,1".*
]   3.Ileffiilnof       beacf,ciaries:                                                               '- I
    The Studentsof class 9th and 11th of TAD Hosteland Residential      Schoolwill be selectedas
    beneficiariesunder this MoU. The Suitablenumbersof lT Gyan Kendraswill be established     at
    TADD Hostelsand Residential    Schoolsfor runningRS-CIT& RS-CEL course to train approx.
    5600 tribal students with a total project cost of Rs 270 Lakhs. TAQD however agrees that the     :
    selectedResidential schools/ hostelsare tentative   and if requiredmay be modified/changedin              .
    consultationwith RKCL.

    4. Responsibilitesof RKCL and TADD

               Underthe terms of this MoU, Responsibilities RKCL and TADD are as follows:
               Legends; Initiator, Responder
                      |-         R-

                                 OF                          RESPONSIBILITIESTADD

    1.            Nominate Project
                           a       Coordinator will
                                              who          Nominate Project
                                                                       a        Coordinator will
                  in tum be a single point of contact      act as a singlepointcontact   with RKCL
                  throughout the implementation and        for all activities
                                                                            regarding project.
                  operations phase and will represent
                  RKCLfor the purpose billing
                                     of     and other
                  correspondenceduringthe periodof the
                  M OU .

    2      R                                               ldentify
                                                                  Traininglocations number
                                                                                   and    of
                                                           beneficiaries training TADDHostels
                                                                      for        at
    3      R Establish
                               number lT Gyan I
                                    of                     Provide independentlockable,secure
                  Kendrafor Trainingat identified
                                                TADD       premises at TADD Hostels and
                  Hostels Residential
                        and           School.              Residential
                                                                     School training.
    4.            Providing     faculty,     computing Providespace, Electricity
                                                      R                        and general
                               furniture,and necessary training conditions at each training
                  softwares required training.
                                   for                  location
                                                               free of cost
    5.            In case the batch size is less than 10   In case the batch size is less than 10
                  studentsthenProvide faculty training
                                              and          students then provide the necessary
                  relatedsoftwares.                        computing infrastructure,  furniture in
                                                           TADDHostels/ Residential Schools.

    6.            Prepare monthly action plan for R Instruct
                                                           Hostels Residential
                                                                 and         School to
                  implementation of the approved follow the monthly plan of RKCL for
                  programme will submitthe sameto
                           and                      suitable
                                                           implementations support.

    For Tribal Area Development Department

             ()                                                                                          .j
    Mr. JitendrN.lpffryay
    Additional Commissioner

                           OF                        RESPONSIBILITIES TADD

7.          Stage-1:  Provide
                            RS-CIT Course training R Ensurethat once the Learnercode is
            will be provided 2hrs per day for 132
                            @                        generatedby RKCL the studentsto
            hrs.                                     shift/postpone next batchlbatches
                                                                  for               for
            Stage-2: Provide training of RS-CEL
            Course 100hrs,
                    for       2hrsperday.

8.          Award certificateto the studentswho
            havesuccessfully completed training
                                                                    l l i l

9.        I Submit the invoice,details of trained R Acknowledge
            learners utilization
                   and         certificate.        trainedlearnersand utilization
                                                   andgivea'ProjectCompletion  Certificate'
                                                   as performatprovided RKCL

5. Svllabus Scheme:

        and Scheme boththe courses annexed "AnnexureA".
                  of             are     in
6. FinancialTerms

RKCLshallcharge TADD@ Rs.2500perlearner RS-CEL Rs. 2700perlearner
               to                            for and            for
     for providing
                 training identified
                        to         students.

      "   TADDthrough   concerned      Officeof TSP,shallpay to RKCL50% of the course
          fee (i.e. Rs.1350/- RS-CITCourseper learner on submission list of enrolled
                            for                       )              of
          students the course
                 in          andshallpayremaining of the course (i.e.Rs. 1350/-)
                                                50%           fee              on              I
          submission training
                   of       completion
                                     report.                                                   i


'     .   TADDthroughconcerned      Officeof TSP shallpay 50%of the course (i.e.
                             District                                     fee
          Rs.1250/- RS-CELper learner ) on submission list of enrolled
                 for                                 of              students the
               and shallpay remaining
          course                    50%of the course (i.e.Rs. 1250/-) submission
                                                   fee              on         of

      r   All the paymentshall be made in the name of 'Rajasthan
          Limiied'payable Jaipur.

                       Department                    For RajasthanKnowledge CorporationLtd.

                                                               Dr. Aatul Wadegaonkar
7    This MoU embodies entire,sole and exclusive
                     the                                    betweenthe partieshereto
     withrespect the subject
               to          matterhereof.
     Any amendment modifications waiverin connection this MoU will not be effective
                  or           or                  with
          madein writing signed boththe parties.
     unless            and     by
     lf any provision this MoU is heldto be invalid,
                    of                             illegal unenforceable, validity,
                                                         or            the        legality
                   of             provision
     andenforceabilitythe remaining       hereof
                                               shallnot in anyway be affected impaired
     This MoUshallbe effective
                             from 7thNovember,                     validfor 1 year(12
                                            2012andshallbe initially
     Months)fromthe effective
                            date,unless          earlier.
                                        terminated      This MoU can be further
     withmutualconsent boththe parties.

     8 . Arbitration:

     All and any disputes
                        and claimsarising of or relating any manner this MoUor the
                                        out            in         to
                                      Interpretation validity
                                                  or               shallfirstbe discussed
     in goocj              dulynominated the purpose eachparty,
            faithby officers           for           by           witha viewto resolving

                            as        whichcannot fullyandsatisfactorily
     Allandanydisputes claims aforesaid,
                     and                        be                   resolved
     seitled the parties aforesaid,
            by          as                             of     party,be submitted Jaipur
                                     shallat the request either                at     to
     arbitration. sucha case,a jointrequest RKCLand TADDwill be madeto an eligible
               In                            by                                      and
     competent  person act as an Arbitrator. appointment the proceedings arbitration
                      to                   The           and              of
     will be subject the provisions Indian
                   to             of     Arbitration Conciliation 1996as amended
                                                   &            Act,           from
     timeto time.

     lN WITNESS WHEREOF parties
                           the                               handsto thesepresent
                                 heretohaveset theirrespective
                  hereof dayandyearherein
     anda duplicate    the              abovewritten.

     ForTribalArea Development
                             Department.              ForRajasthan

                                                       Dr.Aatul Wadegaonkar
                     - ll                              Managing Director

      Tribal Area Development Department RajasthanKnowledgeCorporation
      Government Rajasthan,
                of        Udaipur
      Witness                                 Witness    ,z)
      Signature D-$--,                              SigntturW
      Name lu]iF.y;                                 Name        : AbhayShankar
      Designation?                                  Designation:    Sr. Manager- Marketing

     For Tribal Area Development Department              For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation


                                                                                   a l !t   y'

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  • 1. (MoU) Memorandum Understanding of TH|SMEMORANDUM UNDERSTANDING OF is madeon this 7thday of November 2012at Udaipur andbetween: by TribalAreaDevelopment Department, Govt.of Rajasthan,(hereinafter referred as 'TADD' to through Additional its Commissioner Mr.Jitendra - ll, Upadhyay (whichexpression unless shall repugnant the context meaning to or thereof, deemed meanand include successors, be to its Administrators, executors and assignees in business and permittedassigns) the FIRST of PART. AND Rajasthan Knowledge Gorporation Limited,a companypromoted Govt.of Rajasthan by and incorporated underCompanies 1956having Act CIN U80302RJ2008PLC026433, its registered officeat 7A, JhalanaInstitutional Area, Jaipur- 302004 (hereinafter referred as 'RKCL" to through its ManagingDirector,Dr. Aatul Wadegaonkar, (which expression shall unless repugnant the context meaning to or thereof, deemed meanand include successors, be to its Administrators,executors assignees in business and and permittedassigns) the OTHER of PART: WHEREASRajasthan Knowledge Limited(RKCL),an initiative the State Corporation of Government implement pursuance the Government's to in of mandate spread literacy to lT and lT-Enabled services across State. the AND WHEREAS TADDhas approached RKCLto imparttraining School to goingstudents at Residential School/Hostel underTADD.Parties heretoagreeto enterinto an MoUspecifying the modalities the scheme, of theirrights, dutiesand responsibilities imparting for in training two coursesnamely Rajasthan Course Information StateCertificate in Technology (RS-C|T) basic a computercourseand Rajasthan coursein EnglishLanguage State Certificate (RS-CEL) to Residential School/Hostelstudentsthrough RKCL. NOWTHISMEMORANDUM UNDERSTANDING OF WITNESSETH UNDER: AS 1. Definitions: Withoutlimiting any othertermsdefinedelsewherehereinas used in this MoU,the following termsshall, unless context the otherwise havethefollowing require, respective meanings. ForTribalAreaDevelopment Department For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation Ltd. 11 r p Mr. JitendraB4flfay AdditionalCommissioner-ll xPtfram (ft-ftuy Dr.AatufWadegaonka 'y ong-ro ;'iffi *Fffq f{frrgfqarrrr s?(?Tg{ frrcf.) PageI of5
  • 2. 1.1 lTGl( me€UrsInbrmalion TechnologU glan lfenOr4 an ofganren esrE|ItErio ltrEr the care, supewision and guidance of the Programme Support Agency (PSA) and authorized RKCL as per it! norms for conducting by specificRKCL'sCoursesand other RKCL's specific Programs. :' r' i ' l 1 . 2 R s . c |T co u rse me a n sth e R ajasthanStatecer tificatecour sein|nfor m ati on.: Technology (herein ai afterreferred "RS-C|T"1. i.3 RS-CELCourse means RaiasthanState GertificateGourse in English Language (herein as afterreferred "RS-CEL") 1.4 The Learner means individual the proposed the'TADD'andregistered a Students by as | e a r n e ra tth e l T -GK fo rR K CL' sabovePr ogr am safter issuanceofvalid| ogi n| D and password him/her RKCLto access to by RKCL'sLearningManagement System(LMS) and content therein installed the at lT-GK' LeadCentre empanelled RKCLfor monitoring, i.SDLC meansDistrict as by and supporting district(s) per RKCL's (ITGK) allotted strengthening lT GyanKendras the of as norms 2. Details Gomputqr of courseof RKCL: literacv& Enqlishlanquaqe process thesecourses under: learning certification admission, The Programs, and of as S . No Particulars RS-CIT RS-CEL 1 Sanctioned Budget 270 Lacs 5600learners Rs. 5600learners (Numbers coverapproximatelY to Nos. for each course including TSP,MADA, BIKHRI Saharia) & 2 Minimum batch size 10lear ner 10learner 3 Beneficiaries gth &11thStudents gth&11th Students 4 Duration Course 132hrs 100hrs. 5 Course Fees(including per exam.fee Rs.2700/- learner Rs. 2500/-(including & course material/tutorCD) service tax) per learner I Examination Certification & By VaradhmanBy RKCL and Mahaveer Open ACTUniv Group Kota University, 9 Re-examination fee (to be Paid Rs.300/- Participation by learner),if applicable Certificate givenby is RKCL & ACTUniv 10 Deliverables RKCL by Study material the Studymaterial the in in form of Book, access form of Book,access through to e-contentthrough to e-content Res. LMSat identified LMSat identified Res. School Hostel. & School Hostel. & Department ForTribalAreaDevelopment For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation Ltd. a- I/ IA #"P wtr. litenuk#nyay Additional Commissioner-ll -ffi,::;e,,1".* (flf,8ru 3Ttdtrffi3Trgaf,
  • 3. ] 3.Ileffiilnof beacf,ciaries: '- I : The Studentsof class 9th and 11th of TAD Hosteland Residential Schoolwill be selectedas beneficiariesunder this MoU. The Suitablenumbersof lT Gyan Kendraswill be established at TADD Hostelsand Residential Schoolsfor runningRS-CIT& RS-CEL course to train approx. 5600 tribal students with a total project cost of Rs 270 Lakhs. TAQD however agrees that the : selectedResidential schools/ hostelsare tentative and if requiredmay be modified/changedin . consultationwith RKCL. 4. Responsibilitesof RKCL and TADD Underthe terms of this MoU, Responsibilities RKCL and TADD are as follows: of Legends; Initiator, Responder |- R- Sr. No. RESPONSIBILITIES RKCL OF RESPONSIBILITIESTADD OF 1. Nominate Project a Coordinator will who Nominate Project a Coordinator will who in tum be a single point of contact act as a singlepointcontact with RKCL throughout the implementation and for all activities regarding project. this operations phase and will represent RKCLfor the purpose billing of and other correspondenceduringthe periodof the M OU . 2 R ldentify Traininglocations number and of Ntil beneficiaries training TADDHostels for at andResidentialSchool. 3 R Establish appropriate number lT Gyan I of Provide independentlockable,secure Kendrafor Trainingat identified TADD premises at TADD Hostels and Hostels Residential and School. Residential School training. for 4. Providing faculty, computing Providespace, Electricity R and general infrastructure, furniture,and necessary training conditions at each training softwares required training. for location free of cost 5. In case the batch size is less than 10 In case the batch size is less than 10 studentsthenProvide faculty training and students then provide the necessary relatedsoftwares. computing infrastructure, furniture in TADDHostels/ Residential Schools. 6. Prepare monthly action plan for R Instruct Hostels Residential and School to implementation of the approved follow the monthly plan of RKCL for programme will submitthe sameto and suitable implementations support. and TADD. For Tribal Area Development Department () .j .'fi V Mr. JitendrN.lpffryay Additional Commissioner -ll uftftcaengae (fro,-,
  • 4. Sr No. RESPONSIBILITIES RKCL OF RESPONSIBILITIES TADD OF 7. Stage-1: Provide RS-CIT Course training R Ensurethat once the Learnercode is will be provided 2hrs per day for 132 @ generatedby RKCL the studentsto hrs. shift/postpone next batchlbatches for for training. Stage-2: Provide training of RS-CEL Course 100hrs, for 2hrsperday. 8. Award certificateto the studentswho havesuccessfully completed training the l l i l program. 9. I Submit the invoice,details of trained R Acknowledge receiptinvoice,detailsof learners utilization and certificate. trainedlearnersand utilization certificate andgivea'ProjectCompletion Certificate' as performatprovided RKCL by 5. Svllabus Scheme: & and Scheme boththe courses annexed "AnnexureA". of are in ,Syllabus 6. FinancialTerms : RKCLshallcharge TADD@ Rs.2500perlearner RS-CEL Rs. 2700perlearner to for and for RS-ClT for providing training identified to students. " TADDthrough concerned Officeof TSP,shallpay to RKCL50% of the course District fee (i.e. Rs.1350/- RS-CITCourseper learner on submission list of enrolled for ) of students the course in andshallpayremaining of the course (i.e.Rs. 1350/-) 50% fee on I submission training of completion report. i : ' . TADDthroughconcerned Officeof TSP shallpay 50%of the course (i.e. District fee Rs.1250/- RS-CELper learner ) on submission list of enrolled for of students the in and shallpay remaining course 50%of the course (i.e.Rs. 1250/-) submission fee on of training completion report. r;t. r All the paymentshall be made in the name of 'Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation a Limiied'payable Jaipur. at ForTribalAreaDevelopment Department For RajasthanKnowledge CorporationLtd. .1" rf'lY -7 Dr. Aatul Wadegaonkar
  • 5. J 7 This MoU embodies entire,sole and exclusive the betweenthe partieshereto understanding withrespect the subject to matterhereof. Any amendment modifications waiverin connection this MoU will not be effective or or with madein writing signed boththe parties. unless and by lf any provision this MoU is heldto be invalid, of illegal unenforceable, validity, or the legality of provision andenforceabilitythe remaining hereof shallnot in anyway be affected impaired or thereby. This MoUshallbe effective from 7thNovember, validfor 1 year(12 2012andshallbe initially Months)fromthe effective date,unless earlier. terminated This MoU can be further extended withmutualconsent boththe parties. of 8 . Arbitration: All and any disputes and claimsarising of or relating any manner this MoUor the out in to breach,termination,non-performance. Interpretation validity or shallfirstbe discussed thereof, in goocj dulynominated the purpose eachparty, faithby officers for by witha viewto resolving thesame. as whichcannot fullyandsatisfactorily Allandanydisputes claims aforesaid, and be resolved or seitled the parties aforesaid, by as of party,be submitted Jaipur shallat the request either at to arbitration. sucha case,a jointrequest RKCLand TADDwill be madeto an eligible In by and competent person act as an Arbitrator. appointment the proceedings arbitration to The and of will be subject the provisions Indian to of Arbitration Conciliation 1996as amended & Act, from timeto time. lN WITNESS WHEREOF parties the handsto thesepresent heretohaveset theirrespective hereof dayandyearherein anda duplicate the abovewritten. ForTribalArea Development Department. ForRajasthan KnoyledgeGorporation Ltd. 'Mr.Jitendra Upadhyay r.rtw Dr.Aatul Wadegaonkar Addl.Commissioner - ll Managing Director Tribal Area Development Department RajasthanKnowledgeCorporation Ltd,Jaipur Government Rajasthan, of Udaipur Witness Witness ,z) Signature D-$--, SigntturW n Name lu]iF.y; Name : AbhayShankar tt Designation? Designation: Sr. Manager- Marketing A{D For Tribal Area Development Department For RajasthanKnowledge Corporation tL v, a l !t y' [t Nv7 '--/ Dr.AatulWadegaonkar Managing Directcir gTPfrRtrdsrr{drfr (ftft