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User-Defined Gesture for Flying Objects
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used for
aerial photography. It could also be useful for our daily lives
picture taking. For example, a better camera viewpoint can be
easily adjusted by user-defined gestures that is always avail-
able so that every person is completely included in a picture
without being trimmed. Other examples include navigation,
package delivery, and so forth. However, present studys have
not yet been fully discussed in the field of flying objects. We
conduct two parts of studies, namely Study 1 and Study 2, to
further understand intuitive gestures. In all, 176 gestures from
16 participants in user study 1 were logged, analyzed and
paired with think-aloud data for 13 commands performed,
and we built a taxonomy of 3D gestures subsequently. Based
on our research findings, we discover that users tend to con-
trol UAVs by dominant hand instead of both and that a nega-
tive correlation was found between gesture complexities and
their agreement. Moreover, we presented a new task, namely
point-to-point task that assigns the UAV to fly to a specific
spot without the need of other movement control. We ex-
pected users to come up with gestures that can describe a
point in a 3D space. The task was powerful but not intuitive.
Our results will help designers and developers create better
gesture sets informed by user behavior.
Author Keywords
AR.Drone; UAV; Gestures; User-defined gesture
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation: :User In-
terfaces - Interaction styles, evaluation/methodology, user-
centered design.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, are
aircrafts whose flight is controlled remotely by a pilot or con-
trolled autonomously by computers. Up to date, most peo-
ple do not possess drones, aircrafts, flying objects, and so
forth. Thus, the manipulation over or the interaction with a
flying object remains unfamiliar to most people. The goal
of this research is to cull, classify, and analyze intuitive ges-
tures created by participants and to conclude the most favor-
able gestures for each function set of a UAV. We believe that
drone manipulation by user-defined gestures should be fun
and greatly reduce the learning curve resulting in improve-
ments of human-drone interaction. Moreover, the results of
Paste the appropriate copyright statement here. ACM now supports three different
copyright statements:
• ACM copyright: ACM holds the copyright on the work. This is the historical ap-
• License: The author(s) retain copyright, but ACM receives an exclusive publication
• Open Access: The author(s) wish to pay for the work to be open access. The addi-
tional fee must be paid to ACM.
This text field is large enough to hold the appropriate release statement assuming it is
single spaced.
Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here.
this work provide drone designers, developers, and engineers
an insight into such novel human-drone gestural interactions.
Wobbrock et al. [5] conducted a study of gesture taxonomy
for surface computing. His work provides important insight
into the design of gestures for tablets. However, the gestures
and its taxonomy concluded in this work were subject to 2D
touch-screen devices without any further discussion involving
3D in-air gestures.
Vafaei [4] offered more detailed dimensions of gesture tax-
onomy. He proposed two main groups of the dimensions:
gesture mapping and physical characteristics. Although Wob-
brock et al.’s and Vafaei’s works put stress on touch screens
where no in-air gestures were found, the idea of the classifi-
cation of gestures was quite inspirational for our study.
Hansen et al. [2] explored four different gaze control modes
to control a drone. Gaze interaction provides accessibility
for disabled people. Nonetheless, the results of the work in-
dicated that the participants mostly favored the mouse over
gaze in terms of ease-of-use and reliability. Therefore, future
work of similar topics is expected.
Graether and Mueller [1] provided preliminary insights into
the design of a flying robot as a jogging companion. The
insights includes four themes: embodiment, control, person-
ality, and communication. Graether and Mueller discovered
that the communication between the jogger and the flying
robot is best through hand gestures.
Pfeil et al. [3] explored five 3D gesture metaphors for in-
teraction with UAVs. Metaphors of proxy manipulation and
seated proxy had the highest rating since the gesture sets are
more natural, intuitive. Based on the results of their work,
participants using gestural control were capable of complet-
ing the trial in less time compared to that using smartphone
control. Such result is significant and tremendous for the field
of human-computer interaction. However, the gesture sets de-
fined by the author instead of users may not be the most in-
tuitive and natural. We believe that user-defined gestures for
drones should do even more improvements on the user expe-
Developing Gesture Set
Our user study was mainly divided into two parts, namely,
Study 1 and Study 2. For Study 1, 16 participants were re-
cruited and asked to think aloud and perform in-air gestures
for each basic control (e.g. moving forward, backward, left,
right, and so forth). After the gestures being developed, we
then classified the gesture mappings along several dimensions
in reference to the related works. For Study 2, another 16 par-
ticipants were told to pick their favorite gestures from each
gesture sets developed by the participants from Study 1.
Form# Nature# Flow# Handness# Hand#Shape# Trace# Body#part#
flat hand
index finger
straight line
Figure 1. Percentage of gestures in each taxonomy category.
Referents and Signs
We presented effects of 12 basic controls and 1 imaginative
control (i.e., the referents) to 16 participants. All 12 basic
controls included forward, backward, left, and right transla-
tion, rotation, ascending, descending, takeoff, landing, hov-
ering, and activation of taking photos and recording videos
based on the the functionality of a drone. The imaginative
control, point-to-point control, was the assignment for the
Drone to fly to a specific spot in a 3D space. We asked all
participants to invent all 13 corresponding gestures (i.e., the
signs) in Study 1.
Parrot AR Drone 2.0, a quadrotor vehicle, equipped with a
camera was chosen as the flying object since it is popular,
programmable, and affordable. FreeFlight app is the official
Figure 2. A user performing a gesture to move the Parrot AR.Drone
smartphone app allowing joystick-like control made by Parrot
SA. There are also several third-party open source projects so
that it comes in handy for further system implementation.
32 paid participants with age ranging from 19 to 25 volun-
teered for the study. None had experience with piloting a fly-
ing object. All were right-handed and were college students
recruited from various fields. Half of the participants consist-
ing of 6 females and 10 males attended Study 1 for gesture
set development. The other half consisting of 6 females and
10 males took part in Study 2 for gesture voting.
In Study 1, an approximate 90-second short video of the in-
troduction and motivation of this project was played in the be-
ginning. Second, another 60-second short video showed how
the drone moved. Then, the participant was asked to stand up
and start to come up with 13 gestures for all 13 controls in
random order. We allowed the participant to change any pre-
viously defined gesture if a new idea came to mind. After all
gestures being developed, we employed a Wizard of Oz ap-
proach to give the participant an idea of how the interaction
After Study 1, we categorized the user-defined gesture sets.
Since the gesture for left and right were ”symmetric”, and so
were that for ascend and descend, we grouped them into left-
right and ascend-descend gesture sets, respectively, leading
to 11 gesture sets. All the actions of all 11 gesture sets were
recorded in a video which was played for all participants in
Study 2 to pick their favorite gesture for each gesture set.
Record Videos 1: 31% Record Videos 2: 31%
Take off: 25% Landing: 25% Ascend: 75% Descend: 75% Move Right: 69% Move Left: 69%
Forward: 69% Backward: 69%
Hover: 44%
Rotation: 44% Take Photos : 44%Point-to-point: 38%
Figure 3. Top gestures for each task in user study 2.
Taxonomy of Gesture Set
Form static No motion occurs in G.
large-scale Substantial motion occurs in G.
small-scale Little motion occurs in G.
Nature symbolic Visually depicts a sign
pantomimic Imitates real meaningful actions.
pointing Points to a specific direction.
manipulative Directly manipulates the object.
abstract Mapping is arbitrary.
Flow discrete Action is performed after G.
continuous Action is performed during G.
Handedness dominant G. is performed by the
user’s dominant hand/arm
bi-manual G. is performed using
both hands/arms
Hand Shape Free hand, ball holding, bent hand,
Fist,pinch, Open hand index finger,
Fhumb finger,Flat hand,ASL-F,
Trace straight line Moving parts trace a straight line.
fan shape Moving parts trace a fan shape.
cone Moving parts trace a cone.
expansion/ Hand posture changes with
contraction expansion or contraction.
traceless G. is static.
Table 1. In reference to related works, we manually classified each gesture along
six dimensions: form, nature, flow, handedness, hand shape, and trace. All the
gestures were performed by participants from Study 1. Each dimension contains
multiple categories.”G.” means ”Gesture”
Classification of 3D Gestures
Gesture taxonomy has been used in several works involving
speech gestures, sign language, touch screen gestures, and so
forth. However, works involving gestures for flying objects
seemed rare lately. We managed to explore the most intuitive
gestures for UAVs and provide future developers insights for
better control methods.
The dimension of form describes the motions of all gestures.
It is important to find out how many body parts are involved
so that future developers will choose appropriate sensor de-
vices to capture the motion.
The nature dimension conveys how UAVs are regarded and
how a user interacts with them. A user would express with
a symbolic gesture or a pantomimic gesture if a drone is re-
garded as more of a human. On the contrary, a user would per-
form a pointing gesture or a manipulative gesture if a drone is
regarded as more of an object. Finally, abstract gestures are
with arbitrary mappings for which no obvious concept human
or object is considered.
In the flow dimension, a gesture would be continuous if the
task is performed during gesticulation. In contrast, if a ges-
ture is discrete, the gesture must be completed first and sub-
sequently bring out the desired task. Thus, the input sampling
rate and real-time gesture recognition are important factors to
achieve a functional system.
The handedness dimension describes the involvement of the
user’s dominant hand and non-dominant hand for each task.
In our study, no participant performed gestures specifically
for the non-dominant hand, so future developers should focus
on dominant-hand gestures.
The hand shape dimension describes the configuration, form,
and posture of fingers as performing a gesture. We discovered
that participants asked for specific hand shapes to perform
specific tasks. Therefore, hand shape recognition should be
considered and be part of future system implementation while
it is mostly neglected in related works. The hand shapes listed
in Table 1 were in reference of Vafaei’s work [4].
The trace dimension describes a variety of shapes traced by
the moving parts of a gesture. The future drone system should
analyze and recognize these traces after capturing the users’
After all 16 participants had provided gestures for each refer-
ent for Study 1, we grouped the gestures within each referent
such that each group held identical gestures. Group size was
then used to compute an agreement score A that reflects, in a
single number, the degree of consensus among participants.
A =
r R Pi⊆Pr
In Eq. 1, r is a referent in the set of all referents R, Pr is
the set of proposed gestures for referent r, and Pi is a subset
of identical gestures from Pr. The range for A is |Pr|−1
, 1 .
As an example, consider agreement for forward in study 1
and study 2. Both had five groups of identical gestures. The
former had groups of size 1, 10, 2, 1, and 2.
Aforward = 2
+ 2
= 0.48 (2)
5 6
5 6
1 10
5 9
1 4
1 4
3 6
3 4
1 4
1 11
5 4
1 9
Mean SD Box
0.16 0.16 3.5 0.58 3 3 4 4
0.11 0.33 3.5 1.73 5 5 2 2
0.21 0.16 3.25 1.26 3 2 3 5
0.1 0.23 3 0.82 2 3 3 4
0.13 0.23 3 0.82 3 4 3 2
0.13 0.28 2.75 0.96 2 4 3 2
0.32 0.35 2.25 0.50 2 3 2 2
0.27 0.5 1.5 0.58 1 2 2 1
0.24 0.52 1.5 1.00 1 1 3 1
0.48 0.52 1.25 0.50 1 1 2 1
0.29 0.59 1 0.00 1 1 1 1
0.22 0.35 2.41 0.79
Left and
0.23 0.23
0.35 0.352
0.13 0.13
Study 1 gesture agreement
Table 4
Flow Handness Hand Shape
continuous dominant bi-manual free hand open hand flat hand claw bent hand ASL-F ASL-C ASL-L ASL-O ASL-V ILY pinch thumb finger index finger ball holding
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
Figure 4. Agreement for each referent sorted in descending order ac-
cording to complexity rated by the 4 authors.
The result of agreement is indicated in Figure 4. The overall
agreement for Study 1 gestures was A = 0.22. Gesture com-
plexities correlated inversely with their agreement, as more
complex referents elicited lesser gestural agreement.
The statistical result of Figure 4 shows that most of the ba-
sic movement controls involving translation along the pitch,
roll, or yaw axes such as forward and backward, left-right,
and ascend-descend controls are with greater agreement com-
pared to that of the rest of the controls. Thus, designers could
opt the most favorable gestures shown in Figure 3 for each
gesture set mentioned above. The remaining gesture sets such
as hovering, rotation, and takeoff have low agreement mainly
because most users were unfamiliar to UAV controls.
We have presented a study of interaction between flying ob-
ject and human gesture, that is leading to a user-defined ges-
ture set based on participants’ agreement over 176 gestures. It
can reflect the user behavior and the properties make it a good
candidate for deployment in gesture recognition system. We
believe that this user-defined gesture set can be helpful for de-
velopers who study UAV gesture control. More over, we have
presented a taxonomy of 3D gestures which is convenient for
analyzing and characterizing gestures in UAV controls. This
work represents a necessary step in bringing interactive flying
objects closer to the hands and minds of UAV users. Last but
not least, it helps developers design gesture interactions with
UAVs for better user experience.
The study of this work mainly focused on gesture itself, and
several most favorable gestures in each gesture sets were dis-
covered. We plan on implementing a system that can take
gestures as input and output basic control commands to a
UAV. The input devices may involve Microsoft Kinect for
Windows v2 or wearable devices such as a smart watch, a
smart band, or smart glasses for motion capture. After the
system being built, we also want to compare the completion
time of the trial designed in Study 2 between gesture control
and smartphone app control. We are also interested in devel-
oping features of the camera in the future so that drones can
soon play a role in photography in our daily lives.
1. Graether, E., and Mueller, F. Joggobot: A flying robot as
jogging companion. In CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on
Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA ’12,
ACM (New York, NY, USA, 2012), 1063–1066.
2. Hansen, J. P., Alapetite, A., MacKenzie, I. S., and
Møllenbach, E. The use of gaze to control drones. In
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research
and Applications, ETRA ’14, ACM (New York, NY,
USA, 2014), 27–34.
3. Pfeil, K., Koh, S. L., and LaViola, J. Exploring 3d gesture
metaphors for interaction with unmanned aerial vehicles.
In Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on
Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI ’13, ACM (New York,
NY, USA, 2013), 257–266.
4. Vafaei, F. Taxonomy of gestures in human computer
interaction (2013).
5. Wobbrock, J. O., Morris, M. R., and Wilson, A. D.
User-defined gestures for surface computing. In
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’09, ACM (New
York, NY, USA, 2009), 1083–1092.

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User-Defined Drone Gestures

  • 1. User-Defined Gesture for Flying Objects ABSTRACT Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used for aerial photography. It could also be useful for our daily lives picture taking. For example, a better camera viewpoint can be easily adjusted by user-defined gestures that is always avail- able so that every person is completely included in a picture without being trimmed. Other examples include navigation, package delivery, and so forth. However, present studys have not yet been fully discussed in the field of flying objects. We conduct two parts of studies, namely Study 1 and Study 2, to further understand intuitive gestures. In all, 176 gestures from 16 participants in user study 1 were logged, analyzed and paired with think-aloud data for 13 commands performed, and we built a taxonomy of 3D gestures subsequently. Based on our research findings, we discover that users tend to con- trol UAVs by dominant hand instead of both and that a nega- tive correlation was found between gesture complexities and their agreement. Moreover, we presented a new task, namely point-to-point task that assigns the UAV to fly to a specific spot without the need of other movement control. We ex- pected users to come up with gestures that can describe a point in a 3D space. The task was powerful but not intuitive. Our results will help designers and developers create better gesture sets informed by user behavior. Author Keywords AR.Drone; UAV; Gestures; User-defined gesture ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m. Information Interfaces and Presentation: :User In- terfaces - Interaction styles, evaluation/methodology, user- centered design. INTRODUCTION Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, are aircrafts whose flight is controlled remotely by a pilot or con- trolled autonomously by computers. Up to date, most peo- ple do not possess drones, aircrafts, flying objects, and so forth. Thus, the manipulation over or the interaction with a flying object remains unfamiliar to most people. The goal of this research is to cull, classify, and analyze intuitive ges- tures created by participants and to conclude the most favor- able gestures for each function set of a UAV. We believe that drone manipulation by user-defined gestures should be fun and greatly reduce the learning curve resulting in improve- ments of human-drone interaction. Moreover, the results of Paste the appropriate copyright statement here. ACM now supports three different copyright statements: • ACM copyright: ACM holds the copyright on the work. This is the historical ap- proach. • License: The author(s) retain copyright, but ACM receives an exclusive publication license. • Open Access: The author(s) wish to pay for the work to be open access. The addi- tional fee must be paid to ACM. This text field is large enough to hold the appropriate release statement assuming it is single spaced. Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here. this work provide drone designers, developers, and engineers an insight into such novel human-drone gestural interactions. RELATED WORK Wobbrock et al. [5] conducted a study of gesture taxonomy for surface computing. His work provides important insight into the design of gestures for tablets. However, the gestures and its taxonomy concluded in this work were subject to 2D touch-screen devices without any further discussion involving 3D in-air gestures. Vafaei [4] offered more detailed dimensions of gesture tax- onomy. He proposed two main groups of the dimensions: gesture mapping and physical characteristics. Although Wob- brock et al.’s and Vafaei’s works put stress on touch screens where no in-air gestures were found, the idea of the classifi- cation of gestures was quite inspirational for our study. Hansen et al. [2] explored four different gaze control modes to control a drone. Gaze interaction provides accessibility for disabled people. Nonetheless, the results of the work in- dicated that the participants mostly favored the mouse over gaze in terms of ease-of-use and reliability. Therefore, future work of similar topics is expected. Graether and Mueller [1] provided preliminary insights into the design of a flying robot as a jogging companion. The insights includes four themes: embodiment, control, person- ality, and communication. Graether and Mueller discovered that the communication between the jogger and the flying robot is best through hand gestures. Pfeil et al. [3] explored five 3D gesture metaphors for in- teraction with UAVs. Metaphors of proxy manipulation and seated proxy had the highest rating since the gesture sets are more natural, intuitive. Based on the results of their work, participants using gestural control were capable of complet- ing the trial in less time compared to that using smartphone control. Such result is significant and tremendous for the field of human-computer interaction. However, the gesture sets de- fined by the author instead of users may not be the most in- tuitive and natural. We believe that user-defined gestures for drones should do even more improvements on the user expe- rience. USER STUDY Developing Gesture Set Our user study was mainly divided into two parts, namely, Study 1 and Study 2. For Study 1, 16 participants were re- cruited and asked to think aloud and perform in-air gestures for each basic control (e.g. moving forward, backward, left, right, and so forth). After the gestures being developed, we then classified the gesture mappings along several dimensions in reference to the related works. For Study 2, another 16 par- ticipants were told to pick their favorite gestures from each gesture sets developed by the participants from Study 1.
  • 2. 0%# 10%# 20%# 30%# 40%# 50%# 60%# 70%# 80%# 90%# 100%# Form# Nature# Flow# Handness# Hand#Shape# Trace# Body#part# static 0.40 large-scale motion 0.39 small-scale motion 0.20 symbolic 0.11 pantomimic 0.25 pointing 0.22 manipulative 0.28 abstract 0.13 discrete 0.79 continuous 0.21 dominant 0.62 bi-manual 0.38 other 0.30 flat hand 0.39 index finger 0.15 ! fist 0.11 traceless 0.40 straight line 0.35 cone 0.09 fan-shaped 0.09 expansion 0.07 hand 0.60 arm 0.38 shoulder 0.02 Figure 1. Percentage of gestures in each taxonomy category. Referents and Signs We presented effects of 12 basic controls and 1 imaginative control (i.e., the referents) to 16 participants. All 12 basic controls included forward, backward, left, and right transla- tion, rotation, ascending, descending, takeoff, landing, hov- ering, and activation of taking photos and recording videos based on the the functionality of a drone. The imaginative control, point-to-point control, was the assignment for the Drone to fly to a specific spot in a 3D space. We asked all participants to invent all 13 corresponding gestures (i.e., the signs) in Study 1. Apparatus Parrot AR Drone 2.0, a quadrotor vehicle, equipped with a camera was chosen as the flying object since it is popular, programmable, and affordable. FreeFlight app is the official Figure 2. A user performing a gesture to move the Parrot AR.Drone forward. smartphone app allowing joystick-like control made by Parrot SA. There are also several third-party open source projects so that it comes in handy for further system implementation. Participants 32 paid participants with age ranging from 19 to 25 volun- teered for the study. None had experience with piloting a fly- ing object. All were right-handed and were college students recruited from various fields. Half of the participants consist- ing of 6 females and 10 males attended Study 1 for gesture set development. The other half consisting of 6 females and 10 males took part in Study 2 for gesture voting. Procedure In Study 1, an approximate 90-second short video of the in- troduction and motivation of this project was played in the be- ginning. Second, another 60-second short video showed how the drone moved. Then, the participant was asked to stand up and start to come up with 13 gestures for all 13 controls in random order. We allowed the participant to change any pre- viously defined gesture if a new idea came to mind. After all gestures being developed, we employed a Wizard of Oz ap- proach to give the participant an idea of how the interaction worked. After Study 1, we categorized the user-defined gesture sets. Since the gesture for left and right were ”symmetric”, and so were that for ascend and descend, we grouped them into left- right and ascend-descend gesture sets, respectively, leading to 11 gesture sets. All the actions of all 11 gesture sets were recorded in a video which was played for all participants in Study 2 to pick their favorite gesture for each gesture set.
  • 3. Record Videos 1: 31% Record Videos 2: 31% Take off: 25% Landing: 25% Ascend: 75% Descend: 75% Move Right: 69% Move Left: 69% Forward: 69% Backward: 69% Hover: 44% Rotation: 44% Take Photos : 44%Point-to-point: 38% Figure 3. Top gestures for each task in user study 2. Taxonomy of Gesture Set Form static No motion occurs in G. large-scale Substantial motion occurs in G. small-scale Little motion occurs in G. Nature symbolic Visually depicts a sign pantomimic Imitates real meaningful actions. pointing Points to a specific direction. manipulative Directly manipulates the object. abstract Mapping is arbitrary. Flow discrete Action is performed after G. continuous Action is performed during G. Handedness dominant G. is performed by the user’s dominant hand/arm bi-manual G. is performed using both hands/arms Hand Shape Free hand, ball holding, bent hand, Fist,pinch, Open hand index finger, Fhumb finger,Flat hand,ASL-F, ASL-C,ASL-L,ASL-O,ASL-V Trace straight line Moving parts trace a straight line. fan shape Moving parts trace a fan shape. cone Moving parts trace a cone. expansion/ Hand posture changes with contraction expansion or contraction. traceless G. is static. Table 1. In reference to related works, we manually classified each gesture along six dimensions: form, nature, flow, handedness, hand shape, and trace. All the gestures were performed by participants from Study 1. Each dimension contains multiple categories.”G.” means ”Gesture” RESULT & DISCUSSION Classification of 3D Gestures Gesture taxonomy has been used in several works involving speech gestures, sign language, touch screen gestures, and so forth. However, works involving gestures for flying objects seemed rare lately. We managed to explore the most intuitive gestures for UAVs and provide future developers insights for better control methods. The dimension of form describes the motions of all gestures. It is important to find out how many body parts are involved so that future developers will choose appropriate sensor de- vices to capture the motion. The nature dimension conveys how UAVs are regarded and how a user interacts with them. A user would express with a symbolic gesture or a pantomimic gesture if a drone is re- garded as more of a human. On the contrary, a user would per- form a pointing gesture or a manipulative gesture if a drone is regarded as more of an object. Finally, abstract gestures are with arbitrary mappings for which no obvious concept human or object is considered. In the flow dimension, a gesture would be continuous if the task is performed during gesticulation. In contrast, if a ges- ture is discrete, the gesture must be completed first and sub- sequently bring out the desired task. Thus, the input sampling rate and real-time gesture recognition are important factors to achieve a functional system. The handedness dimension describes the involvement of the user’s dominant hand and non-dominant hand for each task. In our study, no participant performed gestures specifically for the non-dominant hand, so future developers should focus on dominant-hand gestures. The hand shape dimension describes the configuration, form, and posture of fingers as performing a gesture. We discovered that participants asked for specific hand shapes to perform specific tasks. Therefore, hand shape recognition should be considered and be part of future system implementation while
  • 4. it is mostly neglected in related works. The hand shapes listed in Table 1 were in reference of Vafaei’s work [4]. The trace dimension describes a variety of shapes traced by the moving parts of a gesture. The future drone system should analyze and recognize these traces after capturing the users’ motion. Agreement After all 16 participants had provided gestures for each refer- ent for Study 1, we grouped the gestures within each referent such that each group held identical gestures. Group size was then used to compute an agreement score A that reflects, in a single number, the degree of consensus among participants. A = r R Pi⊆Pr |Pi| |Pr| 2 |R| (1) In Eq. 1, r is a referent in the set of all referents R, Pr is the set of proposed gestures for referent r, and Pi is a subset of identical gestures from Pr. The range for A is |Pr|−1 , 1 . As an example, consider agreement for forward in study 1 and study 2. Both had five groups of identical gestures. The former had groups of size 1, 10, 2, 1, and 2. Aforward = 2 1 16 2 + 10 16 2 + 2 2 16 2 = 0.48 (2) 0.24 0.29 0.27 0.48 0.16 0.21 0.1 0.32 0.13 0.13 0.11 5 6 5 6 1 10 5 9 1 4 1 4 3 6 3 4 1 4 1 11 5 4 1 9 Complexity Mean SD Box 0.16 0.16 3.5 0.58 3 3 4 4 0.11 0.33 3.5 1.73 5 5 2 2 0.21 0.16 3.25 1.26 3 2 3 5 0.1 0.23 3 0.82 2 3 3 4 0.13 0.23 3 0.82 3 4 3 2 0.13 0.28 2.75 0.96 2 4 3 2 0.32 0.35 2.25 0.50 2 3 2 2 0.27 0.5 1.5 0.58 1 2 2 1 0.24 0.52 1.5 1.00 1 1 3 1 0.48 0.52 1.25 0.50 1 1 2 1 0.29 0.59 1 0.00 1 1 1 1 0.22 0.35 2.41 0.79 0 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 R otate H over Take off Take pictures Left and R ight Ascend and D escend M ean 0.16 0.33 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.352 0.16 0.11 0.21 0.1 0.13 0.13 0.32 0.27 0.24 0.48 0.29 0.222 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Rotate Point-to-Point Hover Recordvideos Takeoff Land Takepictures Backward LeftandRight Forward AscendandDescend Agreement Study 1 gesture agreement Table 4 Flow Handness Hand Shape continuous dominant bi-manual free hand open hand flat hand claw bent hand ASL-F ASL-C ASL-L ASL-O ASL-V ILY pinch thumb finger index finger ball holding 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Figure 4. Agreement for each referent sorted in descending order ac- cording to complexity rated by the 4 authors. The result of agreement is indicated in Figure 4. The overall agreement for Study 1 gestures was A = 0.22. Gesture com- plexities correlated inversely with their agreement, as more complex referents elicited lesser gestural agreement. Finding The statistical result of Figure 4 shows that most of the ba- sic movement controls involving translation along the pitch, roll, or yaw axes such as forward and backward, left-right, and ascend-descend controls are with greater agreement com- pared to that of the rest of the controls. Thus, designers could opt the most favorable gestures shown in Figure 3 for each gesture set mentioned above. The remaining gesture sets such as hovering, rotation, and takeoff have low agreement mainly because most users were unfamiliar to UAV controls. CONCLUSION We have presented a study of interaction between flying ob- ject and human gesture, that is leading to a user-defined ges- ture set based on participants’ agreement over 176 gestures. It can reflect the user behavior and the properties make it a good candidate for deployment in gesture recognition system. We believe that this user-defined gesture set can be helpful for de- velopers who study UAV gesture control. More over, we have presented a taxonomy of 3D gestures which is convenient for analyzing and characterizing gestures in UAV controls. This work represents a necessary step in bringing interactive flying objects closer to the hands and minds of UAV users. Last but not least, it helps developers design gesture interactions with UAVs for better user experience. FUTURE WORK The study of this work mainly focused on gesture itself, and several most favorable gestures in each gesture sets were dis- covered. We plan on implementing a system that can take gestures as input and output basic control commands to a UAV. The input devices may involve Microsoft Kinect for Windows v2 or wearable devices such as a smart watch, a smart band, or smart glasses for motion capture. After the system being built, we also want to compare the completion time of the trial designed in Study 2 between gesture control and smartphone app control. We are also interested in devel- oping features of the camera in the future so that drones can soon play a role in photography in our daily lives. REFERENCES 1. Graether, E., and Mueller, F. Joggobot: A flying robot as jogging companion. In CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI EA ’12, ACM (New York, NY, USA, 2012), 1063–1066. 2. Hansen, J. P., Alapetite, A., MacKenzie, I. S., and Møllenbach, E. The use of gaze to control drones. 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