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; Realizado por: Ing. Napoleón Zambrano Figueroa
; Fecha: desde 2003 en adelante
; Guardar como procesos.lsp
(defun c:d2d()
(setq pto1 (getpoint "Punto 1:")) (terpri)
(setq pto2 (getpoint pto1 "Punto 2:")) (terpri)
(setq x1 (car pto1))
(setq x2 (car pto2))
(setq y1 (car (cdr pto1)))
(setq y2 (car (cdr pto2)))
(setq dl (sqrt (+ (* (- x2 x1) (- x2 x1)) (* (- y2 y1) (- y2 y1)))))
(print "Distancia 2D: ")
(prin1 dl)
(defun c:cota()
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Inserción [3]-None:
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 64)
((= var_osnap 3)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x (+ (car pto) (/ ht 2.)))
(setq y (+ (cadr pto) (/ ht 2.)))
(setq z (caddr pto))
(setq pto1 (list x y z))
(setq txt_z (rtos z 2 3))
(setq txt_z (strcat " + " txt_z))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" pto1 ht "0" txt_z)
(command "_point" pto)
(defun c:HPto()
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq aa (getint "Número de decimales: ")) (terpri)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Inserción [3]-None:
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 64)
((= var_osnap 3)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x (+ (car pto) (/ ht 2.)))
(setq y (+ (cadr pto) (/ ht 2.)))
(setq z (caddr pto))
(setq pto1 (list x y z))
(setq txt_z (rtos z 2 aa))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" pto1 ht "0" txt_z)
(defun c:Coord()
(setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq dht (/ ht 2))
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Centro [3]-None: "))
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 4)
((= var_osnap 3)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto))
(setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 2) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x 2
2) " "))
(setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht)))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" ptoN ht "0" txt_N)
(command "_text" ptoE ht "90" txt_E)
(setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos y 2 2) ";" (rtos x 2 2) ";" (rtos z 2 3)))
(print txt_archin archin)
(close archin)
(defun c:curvas()
(setvar attrec 1)
(setvar attdia 0)
(setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
(setq txt_archin "ang ; x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 ; x3 ; y3 ; Tan ; R ; L ; C")
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq alin_cod (entsel "Seleccione la LWPolilyne: ")) (Terpri)
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de textos: ")) (Terpri)
(setq alin_cod (car alin_cod))
(setq entid (entget alin_cod))
(setq cord_lst (list '(ini) ))
(setq lst42 (list '(ini) ))
(setq n 1 nl 0)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" 0)
(while (< n (length entid))
(setq elis (nth n entid))
(setq id_elis (car elis))
((= id_elis 10)
(setq nl (+ nl 1))
(setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list elis)))
((= id_elis 42)
(setq lst42 (append lst42 (list elis)))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list '(fin))))
(setq lst42 (append lst42 (list '(fin))))
(print cord_lst)
(print lst42)
(setq nelem (length cord_lst) pivot 2 vert 0 curva 0 ctrol t)
(setq pto1 (cdr (nth 1 cord_lst)) pto2 (nth 2 cord_lst) pto3 (nth 3 cord_lst))
(while (/= (car pto3) 'FIN)
(print pto3)
(setq pto2 (cdr pto2))
(setq pto3 (cdr pto3))
(setq tipo (cdr (nth pivot lst42)))
(setq x1 (car pto1) y1 (cadr pto1))
(setq x2 (car pto2) y2 (cadr pto2))
(setq x3 (car pto3) y3 (cadr pto3))
(if (= tipo 0)
(progn ;Vertice
(setq vert (+ vert 1))
(setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto2 pto3))
(setq ang (- ang2 ang1))
(setq ang (abs ang))
((> ang (* 1.5 pi))
(setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang))
((> ang pi)
(setq ang (- ang pi))
(setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4))
(command "_insert" "PI-Alfa" pto2 ht ht "0" ang_txt vert)
(setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2
2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2)))
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1))
(progn ;Arco
(setq curva (+ curva 1))
(setq pto4 (nth (+ pivot 2) cord_lst))
(setq pto4 (cdr pto4))
(setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto3 pto4))
(setq ang (- ang2 ang1))
(setq ang (abs ang))
((> ang (* 1.5 pi))
(setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang))
((> ang pi)
(setq ang (- ang pi))
(setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4))
(setq pto5 (inters pto1 pto2 pto3 pto4 nil))
(setq Tan (distance pto2 pto5))
(setq ang_2 (/ ang 2.))
(setq R (/ (* Tan (cos ang_2)) (sin ang_2)))
(setq L (* R ang))
(setq C (distance pto2 pto3))
(setq txt_R (rtos R 2 2) txt_Tan (rtos Tan 2 2) txt_L (rtos L 2 2) txt_C
(rtos C 2 2))
(command "_insert" "Curva" pto5 ht ht "0" txt_R txt_Tan txt_L txt_C
ang_txt curva)
(command "_Pline" pto2 pto5 pto3 "")
(setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2
2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2) ";"
(rtos Tan 2 4) ";" (rtos R 2 4) ";" (rtos L 2 4) ";"
(rtos C 2 4) ";"))
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq pto1 pto3 pivot (+ pivot 2))
(setq pto2 (nth pivot cord_lst))
(setq pto3 (nth (+ pivot 1) cord_lst))
(close archin)
(setvar attdia 1)
(defun c:plcur()
(setq arch_txt "d:/tmp/plcur.txt") (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
;(print "No.,R,alfa,T,L,C" archin)
(setq txt_archin "ang ; x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 ; x3 ; y3 ; Tan ; R ; L ; C")
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq alin_cod (entsel "Seleccione la Polilyne: ")) (Terpri)
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de textos: ")) (Terpri)
(setq alin_cod (car alin_cod))
(setq entid (entget alin_cod))
(setq cord_lst (list '(ini) ))
(setq lst42 (list '(ini) ))
(setq n 1 nl 0)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" 0)
(setq alin_cod (entnext alin_cod))
(setq entid (entget alin_cod))
(setq ctrol1 (cdr (assoc 0 entid)))
(while (= ctrol1 "VERTEX")
(setq elis (assoc 10 entid))
(setq id_elis (assoc 42 entid))
(setq nl (+ nl 1))
(setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list elis)))
(setq lst42 (append lst42 (list id_elis)))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(setq alin_cod (entnext alin_cod))
(setq entid (entget alin_cod))
(setq ctrol1 (cdr (assoc 0 entid)))
(setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list '(fin))))
(setq lst42 (append lst42 (list '(fin))))
(print cord_lst)
(print lst42)
(setq nelem (length cord_lst) pivot 2 vert 0 curva 0 ctrol t)
(setq pto1 (cdr (nth 1 cord_lst)) pto2 (nth 2 cord_lst) pto3 (nth 3 cord_lst))
(while (/= (car pto3) 'FIN)
(print pto3)
(setq pto2 (cdr pto2))
(setq pto3 (cdr pto3))
(setq tipo (cdr (nth pivot lst42)))
(setq x1 (car pto1) y1 (cadr pto1))
(setq x2 (car pto2) y2 (cadr pto2))
(setq x3 (car pto3) y3 (cadr pto3))
((and (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2))
(setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1))
((= tipo 0) ;Vertice
(setq vert (+ vert 1))
(setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto2 pto3))
(setq ang (- ang2 ang1))
(setq ang (abs ang))
((> ang (* 1.5 pi))
(setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang))
((> ang pi)
(setq ang (- ang pi))
(setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4))
(command "_insert" "PI-Alfa" pto2 ht ht "0" ang_txt vert)
(setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1))
(setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2)
";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2)))
(print txt_archin archin)
(progn ;Arco
(setq curva (+ curva 1))
(setq pto4 (nth (+ pivot 2) cord_lst))
(setq pto4 (cdr pto4))
(setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto3 pto4))
(setq ang (- ang2 ang1))
(setq ang (abs ang))
((> ang (* 1.5 pi))
(setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang))
((> ang pi)
(setq ang (- ang pi))
(setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4))
(setq pto5 (inters pto1 pto2 pto3 pto4 nil))
(setq Tan (distance pto2 pto5))
(setq ang_2 (/ ang 2.))
(setq R (/ (* Tan (cos ang_2)) (sin ang_2)))
(setq L (* R ang))
(setq C (distance pto2 pto3))
(setq txt_R (rtos R 2 2) txt_Tan (rtos Tan 2 2) txt_L (rtos L 2 2) txt_C
(rtos C 2 2))
(command "_insert" "Curva" pto5 ht ht "0" txt_R txt_Tan txt_L txt_C ang_txt
(command "_Pline" pto2 pto5 pto3 "")
;(setq txt_arch (strcat (itoa curva) "," txt_R "," ang_txt "," txt_tan ","
txt_L "," txt_C))
;(print txt_arch archin)
(setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2)
";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2) ";"
(rtos Tan 2 4) ";" (rtos R 2 4) ";" (rtos L 2 4) ";"
(rtos C 2 4) ";"))
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq pto1 pto3 pivot (+ pivot 2))
(setq pto2 (nth pivot cord_lst))
(setq pto3 (nth (+ pivot 1) cord_lst))
(close archin)
(defun c:ExpEagle()
(setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
(setq pto1 (getpoint "Seleccione puntos: ")) (terpri)
(setq pto2 (getcorner pto1)) (terpri)
(setq ptos (list pto1 pto2))
(setq filtro (list (cons 0 "INSERT")))
(setq gr_ent (ssget "_W" pto1 pto2 filtro))
(setq num_ent (sslength gr_ent))
(setq n 0)
(print "inicia repeat:" )
(repeat num_ent
(setq ent_nom (ssname gr_ent n))
(setq ent (entget ent_nom))
(setq pto (cdr (assoc 10 ent)))
(setq Norte (cadr pto))
(setq Este (car pto))
(setq Elev (caddr pto))
(repeat 2
(setq ent_nom (entnext ent_nom))
(setq ent (entget ent_nom))
(setq ent_tipo (cdr (assoc 8 ent)))
((= ent_tipo "PNTNO")
(setq pto_num (cdr (assoc 1 ent)))
((= ent_tipo "PNTDES")
(setq Desc (cdr (assoc 1 ent)))
(setq txt_N (rtos Norte 2 3))
(setq txt_E (rtos Este 2 3))
(setq txt_Z (rtos Elev 2 3))
(setq texto (strcat pto_num "," txt_N "," txt_E "," txt_Z "," Desc))
(print texto archin)
(setq n (+ n 1))
(close archin)
(defun c:CtaLn()
(setq pto1 (getpoint "Seleccione puntos: ")) (terpri)
(setq pto2 (getcorner pto1)) (terpri)
(setq ptos (list pto1 pto2))
(setq capa (getstring "Nombre de capa: ")) (terpri)
(setq filtro (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 8 capa)))
(setq gr_ent (ssget "_C" pto1 pto2 filtro))
(setq tot_elem (sslength gr_ent))
(setq ne 0)
(setq ltub 0.)
(print "inicia repeat:" )
(repeat tot_elem
(setq vr_nom (ssname gr_ent ne))
(setq ln_car (entget vr_nom))
(setq pto1 (cdr (assoc 10 ln_car)))
(setq x1 (car pto1))
(setq y1 (car (cdr pto1)))
(setq z1 (car (cdr (cdr pto1))))
(setq pto1 (cdr (assoc 11 ln_car)))
(setq x2 (car pto1))
(setq y2 (car (cdr pto1)))
(setq z2 (car (cdr (cdr pto1))))
(setq lt (sqrt (+ (* (- x2 x1) (- x2 x1)) (* (- y2 y1) (- y2 y1)))))
(setq ltub (+ ltub lt) ne (+ ne 1))
(print "Numero de elementos: ")
(prin1 tot_elem)
(print "Longitud Total: ")
(prin1 ltub)
(defun c:numtxt()
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-Punto final [1]-Nudo [2]-Ninguno: "))
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(setq incr (getreal "Número inicial: ")) (terpri)
(setq nxtn (getreal "Incremento: ")) (terpri)
(setq incr (- incr nxtn))
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de inserción: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq incr (+ incr nxtn))
(setq txt_incr (rtos incr 2 0))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" pto ht "0" txt_incr)
(defun c:Norte()
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq prec (getint "Precisión: ")) (terpri)
(setq dht (/ ht 2))
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Intersección [3]-None:
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 32)
((= var_osnap 3)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto))
(setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 prec) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x
2 prec) " "))
(setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht)))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" ptoN ht "0" txt_N)
(defun c:Este()
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq prec (getint "Precisi n: ")) (terpri)�
(setq dht (/ ht 2))
(setq var_osnap -1)
(while (= var_osnap -1)
(setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Intersecci n [3]-�
None: "))
((= var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap 1)
((= var_osnap 1)
(setq var_osnap 8)
((= var_osnap 2)
(setq var_osnap 32)
((= var_osnap 3)
(setq var_osnap 0)
(setq var_osnap -1)
(setq osnap_on var_osnap)
(setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584))
(setq pto (list 0 0 0))
(while (/= pto nil)
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on)
(setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto))
(setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 prec) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x
2 prec) " "))
(setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht)))
(command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of)
(command "_text" ptoE ht "90" txt_E)
; calcula areas
(defun c:Carea()
(setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
(print "#Area,Area,Perimetro" archin)
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq incr (getint "N mero inicial: ")) (terpri)�
(setq nxtn (getint "Incremento: ")) (terpri)
(setq narea incr)
(setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri)
(while (/= ent nil)
(setq longr 0.0)
(setq ent_nom (car ent))
(setq ent (entget ent_nom))
(setq lista ent)
(setq pto (assoc 10 ent))
(setq listx (list) listy (list) listc (list) listD (list))
(print "paso 0")
(while (/= pto nil)
(setq x1 (cadr pto))
(setq y1 (caddr pto))
(setq lx (list x1) ly (list y1))
(setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly))
(setq c_lista (assoc 42 lista))
(setq c (cdr c_lista))
(setq lista (cdr (member c_lista lista)))
(setq pto (assoc 10 lista))
(if (and (/= c 0) (/= pto nil))
(setq x2 (cadr pto))
(setq y2 (caddr pto))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq lc (list c) lD (list D))
(setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD))
(if (and (/= c 0) (= pto nil))
(setq x2 (car listx))
(setq y2 (car listy))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq lc (list c) lD (list D))
(setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD))
(if (= c 0)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x2 (cadr pto))
(setq y2 (caddr pto))
(setq x2 (car listx))
(setq y2 (car listy))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq longr (+ longr D))
(print "paso 3")
(setq lx (list (car listx)) ly (list (car listy)))
(setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly))
(setq n 0 area 0.0)
(repeat (- (length listx) 1)
(setq x1 (nth n listx) y1 (nth n listy))
(setq x2 (nth (+ n 1) listx) y2 (nth (+ n 1) listy))
(setq area (+ area (- (* x1 y2) (* x2 y1))))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(print "paso 4")
(setq n 0 areac 0.0 longc 0.0)
(repeat (length listc)
(setq c (nth n listc) D (nth n listD))
(setq sig_c (/ c (abs c)) c (abs c))
(setq H (* D c 0.5))
(setq alfa (abs (- (* 2.0 pi) (* 4.0 (atan (/ 1.0 c))))))
(setq R (/ D (* 2.0 (sin (/ alfa 2.0)))))
(setq l_par (* (abs alfa) R))
(setq longc (+ longc l_par))
(setq a_par (* sig_c (- (* R R alfa 0.5) (* D 0.5 (- R H)))))
(setq areac (+ areac a_par))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(print "paso 5")
(setq area (+ (abs (/ area 2.0)) areac))
(setq perim (+ longr longc))
(print "paso 5.1")
(setq txt_narea (itoa narea))
(print "paso 5.2")
(setq txt_area (strcat "A=" (rtos area 2 2) "m2") narea (+ narea nxtn))
(setq txt_perim (strcat "P=" (rtos perim 2 2) "m"))
(setq txt_archin (strcat txt_narea "," (rtos area 2 3) "," (rtos perim 2
3) ))
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq ptoins (getpoint "Punto de inserci n de texto: ")) (terpri)�
(command "_text" ptoins ht 0 txt_narea)
(setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri)
(close archin)
(print "Proceso finalizado sin problemas")
; calcula longitudes de lineas
(defun c:Clinea()
(setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri)
(setq archin (open arch_txt "W"))
(print "#linea,Longitud" archin)
(setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri)
(setq incr (getint "N mero inicial: ")) (terpri)�
(setq nxtn (getint "Incremento: ")) (terpri)
(setq narea incr)
(setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri)
(while (/= ent nil)
(setq longr 0.0)
(setq ent_nom (car ent))
(setq ent (entget ent_nom))
(setq lista ent)
(setq pto (assoc 10 ent))
(setq listx (list) listy (list) listc (list) listD (list))
(print "paso 0")
(while (/= pto nil)
(setq x1 (cadr pto))
(setq y1 (caddr pto))
(setq lx (list x1) ly (list y1))
(setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly))
(setq c_lista (assoc 42 lista))
(setq c (cdr c_lista))
(setq lista (cdr (member c_lista lista)))
(setq pto (assoc 10 lista))
(if (and (/= c 0) (/= pto nil))
(setq x2 (cadr pto))
(setq y2 (caddr pto))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq lc (list c) lD (list D))
(setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD))
(if (and (/= c 0) (= pto nil))
(setq x2 (car listx))
(setq y2 (car listy))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq lc (list c) lD (list D))
(setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD))
(if (= c 0)
(if (/= pto nil)
(setq x2 (cadr pto))
(setq y2 (caddr pto))
(setq x2 (car listx))
(setq y2 (car listy))
(setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0))))
(setq longr (+ longr D))
(print "paso 3")
(setq lx (list (car listx)) ly (list (car listy)))
(setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly))
(setq n 0 area 0.0)
(repeat (- (length listx) 1)
(setq x1 (nth n listx) y1 (nth n listy))
(setq x2 (nth (+ n 1) listx) y2 (nth (+ n 1) listy))
(setq area (+ area (- (* x1 y2) (* x2 y1))))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(print "paso 4")
(setq n 0 areac 0.0 longc 0.0)
(repeat (length listc)
(setq c (nth n listc) D (nth n listD))
(setq sig_c (/ c (abs c)) c (abs c))
(setq H (* D c 0.5))
(setq alfa (abs (- (* 2.0 pi) (* 4.0 (atan (/ 1.0 c))))))
(setq R (/ D (* 2.0 (sin (/ alfa 2.0)))))
(setq l_par (* (abs alfa) R))
(setq longc (+ longc l_par))
(setq a_par (* sig_c (- (* R R alfa 0.5) (* D 0.5 (- R H)))))
(setq areac (+ areac a_par))
(setq n (+ n 1))
(print "paso 5")
(setq area (+ (abs (/ area 2.0)) areac))
(setq perim (+ longr longc))
(print "paso 5.1")
(setq txt_narea (itoa narea))
(print "paso 5.2")
(setq txt_area (strcat "A=" (rtos area 2 2) "m2") narea (+ narea nxtn))
(setq txt_perim (strcat "P=" (rtos perim 2 2) "m"))
(setq txt_archin (strcat txt_narea "," (rtos longr 2 3) ))
(print txt_archin archin)
(setq ptoins (getpoint "Punto de inserci n de texto: ")) (terpri)�
(command "_text" ptoins ht 0 txt_narea)
(setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri)
(close archin)
(print "Proceso finalizado sin problemas")
(defun c:Procesos()
(print "Distancia XY entre dos puntos: d2d")
(print "Coloca cota de un punto: Cota")
(print "Coloca altura de un punto: HPto")
(print "Datos de LWPolilineas Curvas: Curvas")
(print "Datos de Polilineas Curvas: PLcur")
(print "Coordenadas N-E de un punto: Coord")
(print "Exporta puntos del Eagle: ExpEagle")
(print "Cuenta Longitud de Lineas: CtaLn")
(print "Numera ascendente: numtxt")
(print "Coordenadas Norte de un punto: Norte")
(print "Coordenadas Este de un punto: Este")
(print "Calcula Areas: Carea")
(print "Calcula Longitudes de polilineas: Clinea")

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Analyze curves and calculate parameters for polylines and splines

  • 1. ; Realizado por: Ing. Napoleón Zambrano Figueroa ; Fecha: desde 2003 en adelante ; Guardar como procesos.lsp (defun c:d2d() (setq pto1 (getpoint "Punto 1:")) (terpri) (setq pto2 (getpoint pto1 "Punto 2:")) (terpri) (setq x1 (car pto1)) (setq x2 (car pto2)) (setq y1 (car (cdr pto1))) (setq y2 (car (cdr pto2))) (setq dl (sqrt (+ (* (- x2 x1) (- x2 x1)) (* (- y2 y1) (- y2 y1))))) (print "Distancia 2D: ") (prin1 dl) (prin1) ) (defun c:cota() (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Inserción [3]-None: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 64) ) ((= var_osnap 3) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap -1) ) ) (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x (+ (car pto) (/ ht 2.))) (setq y (+ (cadr pto) (/ ht 2.))) (setq z (caddr pto)) (setq pto1 (list x y z)) (setq txt_z (rtos z 2 3)) (setq txt_z (strcat " + " txt_z)) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" pto1 ht "0" txt_z) (command "_point" pto) ) ) ) ) (defun c:HPto() (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq aa (getint "Número de decimales: ")) (terpri)
  • 2. (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Inserción [3]-None: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 64) ) ((= var_osnap 3) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap -1) ) ) (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x (+ (car pto) (/ ht 2.))) (setq y (+ (cadr pto) (/ ht 2.))) (setq z (caddr pto)) (setq pto1 (list x y z)) (setq txt_z (rtos z 2 aa)) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" pto1 ht "0" txt_z) ) ) ) ) (defun c:Coord() (setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq dht (/ ht 2)) (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Centro [3]-None: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 4) ) ((= var_osnap 3) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap 0) ) )
  • 3. (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto)) (setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 2) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x 2 2) " ")) (setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht))) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" ptoN ht "0" txt_N) (command "_text" ptoE ht "90" txt_E) (setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos y 2 2) ";" (rtos x 2 2) ";" (rtos z 2 3))) (print txt_archin archin) ) ) ) (close archin) ) ; ; INICIO PROGRAMA CURVAS PARA LWPOLILINEAS ; (defun c:curvas() (setvar attrec 1) (setvar attdia 0) (setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) (setq txt_archin "ang ; x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 ; x3 ; y3 ; Tan ; R ; L ; C") (print txt_archin archin) (setq alin_cod (entsel "Seleccione la LWPolilyne: ")) (Terpri) (setq ht (getreal "Altura de textos: ")) (Terpri) (setq alin_cod (car alin_cod)) (setq entid (entget alin_cod)) (setq cord_lst (list '(ini) )) (setq lst42 (list '(ini) )) (setq n 1 nl 0) (command "_setvar" "osmode" 0) (while (< n (length entid)) (setq elis (nth n entid)) (setq id_elis (car elis)) (cond ((= id_elis 10) (setq nl (+ nl 1)) (setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list elis))) ) ((= id_elis 42) (setq lst42 (append lst42 (list elis))) ) ) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list '(fin)))) (setq lst42 (append lst42 (list '(fin)))) (print cord_lst) (print lst42) (setq nelem (length cord_lst) pivot 2 vert 0 curva 0 ctrol t) (setq pto1 (cdr (nth 1 cord_lst)) pto2 (nth 2 cord_lst) pto3 (nth 3 cord_lst)) (while (/= (car pto3) 'FIN) (print pto3)
  • 4. (setq pto2 (cdr pto2)) (setq pto3 (cdr pto3)) (setq tipo (cdr (nth pivot lst42))) (setq x1 (car pto1) y1 (cadr pto1)) (setq x2 (car pto2) y2 (cadr pto2)) (setq x3 (car pto3) y3 (cadr pto3)) (if (= tipo 0) (progn ;Vertice (setq vert (+ vert 1)) (setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto2 pto3)) (setq ang (- ang2 ang1)) (setq ang (abs ang)) (cond ((> ang (* 1.5 pi)) (setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang)) ) ((> ang pi) (setq ang (- ang pi)) ) ) (setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4)) (command "_insert" "PI-Alfa" pto2 ht ht "0" ang_txt vert) (setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2))) (print txt_archin archin) (setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1)) ) (progn ;Arco (setq curva (+ curva 1)) (setq pto4 (nth (+ pivot 2) cord_lst)) (setq pto4 (cdr pto4)) (setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto3 pto4)) (setq ang (- ang2 ang1)) (setq ang (abs ang)) (cond ((> ang (* 1.5 pi)) (setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang)) ) ((> ang pi) (setq ang (- ang pi)) ) ) (setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4)) (setq pto5 (inters pto1 pto2 pto3 pto4 nil)) (setq Tan (distance pto2 pto5)) (setq ang_2 (/ ang 2.)) (setq R (/ (* Tan (cos ang_2)) (sin ang_2))) (setq L (* R ang)) (setq C (distance pto2 pto3)) (setq txt_R (rtos R 2 2) txt_Tan (rtos Tan 2 2) txt_L (rtos L 2 2) txt_C (rtos C 2 2)) (command "_insert" "Curva" pto5 ht ht "0" txt_R txt_Tan txt_L txt_C ang_txt curva) (command "_Pline" pto2 pto5 pto3 "") (setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2) ";" (rtos Tan 2 4) ";" (rtos R 2 4) ";" (rtos L 2 4) ";" (rtos C 2 4) ";")) (print txt_archin archin) (setq pto1 pto3 pivot (+ pivot 2)) ) ) (setq pto2 (nth pivot cord_lst)) (setq pto3 (nth (+ pivot 1) cord_lst))
  • 5. ) (close archin) (setvar attdia 1) ) ; ; FIN PROGRAMA CURVAS PARA LWPOLILINEAS ; ; ; INICIO PROGRAMA CURVAS PARA POLILINEAS ; (defun c:plcur() (setq arch_txt "d:/tmp/plcur.txt") (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) ;(print "No.,R,alfa,T,L,C" archin) (setq txt_archin "ang ; x1 ; y1 ; x2 ; y2 ; x3 ; y3 ; Tan ; R ; L ; C") (print txt_archin archin) (setq alin_cod (entsel "Seleccione la Polilyne: ")) (Terpri) (setq ht (getreal "Altura de textos: ")) (Terpri) (setq alin_cod (car alin_cod)) (setq entid (entget alin_cod)) (setq cord_lst (list '(ini) )) (setq lst42 (list '(ini) )) (setq n 1 nl 0) (command "_setvar" "osmode" 0) (setq alin_cod (entnext alin_cod)) (setq entid (entget alin_cod)) (setq ctrol1 (cdr (assoc 0 entid))) (while (= ctrol1 "VERTEX") (setq elis (assoc 10 entid)) (setq id_elis (assoc 42 entid)) (setq nl (+ nl 1)) (setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list elis))) (setq lst42 (append lst42 (list id_elis))) (setq n (+ n 1)) (setq alin_cod (entnext alin_cod)) (setq entid (entget alin_cod)) (setq ctrol1 (cdr (assoc 0 entid))) ) (setq cord_lst (append cord_lst (list '(fin)))) (setq lst42 (append lst42 (list '(fin)))) (print cord_lst) (print lst42) (setq nelem (length cord_lst) pivot 2 vert 0 curva 0 ctrol t) (setq pto1 (cdr (nth 1 cord_lst)) pto2 (nth 2 cord_lst) pto3 (nth 3 cord_lst)) (while (/= (car pto3) 'FIN) (print pto3) (setq pto2 (cdr pto2)) (setq pto3 (cdr pto3)) (setq tipo (cdr (nth pivot lst42))) (setq x1 (car pto1) y1 (cadr pto1)) (setq x2 (car pto2) y2 (cadr pto2)) (setq x3 (car pto3) y3 (cadr pto3)) (cond ((and (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2)) (setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1)) ) ((= tipo 0) ;Vertice (setq vert (+ vert 1)) (setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto2 pto3)) (setq ang (- ang2 ang1)) (setq ang (abs ang))
  • 6. (cond ((> ang (* 1.5 pi)) (setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang)) ) ((> ang pi) (setq ang (- ang pi)) ) ) (setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4)) (command "_insert" "PI-Alfa" pto2 ht ht "0" ang_txt vert) (setq pto1 pto2 pivot (+ pivot 1)) (setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2))) (print txt_archin archin) ) (progn ;Arco (setq curva (+ curva 1)) (setq pto4 (nth (+ pivot 2) cord_lst)) (setq pto4 (cdr pto4)) (setq ang1 (angle pto1 pto2) ang2 (angle pto3 pto4)) (setq ang (- ang2 ang1)) (setq ang (abs ang)) (cond ((> ang (* 1.5 pi)) (setq ang (- (* 2. pi) ang)) ) ((> ang pi) (setq ang (- ang pi)) ) ) (setq ang_txt (angtos ang 1 4)) (setq pto5 (inters pto1 pto2 pto3 pto4 nil)) (setq Tan (distance pto2 pto5)) (setq ang_2 (/ ang 2.)) (setq R (/ (* Tan (cos ang_2)) (sin ang_2))) (setq L (* R ang)) (setq C (distance pto2 pto3)) (setq txt_R (rtos R 2 2) txt_Tan (rtos Tan 2 2) txt_L (rtos L 2 2) txt_C (rtos C 2 2)) (command "_insert" "Curva" pto5 ht ht "0" txt_R txt_Tan txt_L txt_C ang_txt curva) (command "_Pline" pto2 pto5 pto3 "") ;(setq txt_arch (strcat (itoa curva) "," txt_R "," ang_txt "," txt_tan "," txt_L "," txt_C)) ;(print txt_arch archin) (setq txt_archin (strcat (rtos ang 2 8) ";" (rtos x1 2 2) ";" (rtos y1 2 2) ";" (rtos x2 2 2) ";" (rtos y2 2 2) ";" (rtos x3 2 3) ";" (rtos y3 2 2) ";" (rtos Tan 2 4) ";" (rtos R 2 4) ";" (rtos L 2 4) ";" (rtos C 2 4) ";")) (print txt_archin archin) (setq pto1 pto3 pivot (+ pivot 2)) ) ) (setq pto2 (nth pivot cord_lst)) (setq pto3 (nth (+ pivot 1) cord_lst)) ) (close archin) ) ; ; FIN PROGRAMA CURVAS PARA POLILINEAS ; (defun c:ExpEagle()
  • 7. (setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) (setq pto1 (getpoint "Seleccione puntos: ")) (terpri) (setq pto2 (getcorner pto1)) (terpri) (setq ptos (list pto1 pto2)) (setq filtro (list (cons 0 "INSERT"))) (setq gr_ent (ssget "_W" pto1 pto2 filtro)) (setq num_ent (sslength gr_ent)) (setq n 0) (print "inicia repeat:" ) (repeat num_ent (setq ent_nom (ssname gr_ent n)) (setq ent (entget ent_nom)) (setq pto (cdr (assoc 10 ent))) (setq Norte (cadr pto)) (setq Este (car pto)) (setq Elev (caddr pto)) (repeat 2 (setq ent_nom (entnext ent_nom)) (setq ent (entget ent_nom)) (setq ent_tipo (cdr (assoc 8 ent))) (cond ((= ent_tipo "PNTNO") (setq pto_num (cdr (assoc 1 ent))) ) ((= ent_tipo "PNTDES") (setq Desc (cdr (assoc 1 ent))) ) ) ) (setq txt_N (rtos Norte 2 3)) (setq txt_E (rtos Este 2 3)) (setq txt_Z (rtos Elev 2 3)) (setq texto (strcat pto_num "," txt_N "," txt_E "," txt_Z "," Desc)) (print texto archin) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (close archin) ) (defun c:CtaLn() (setq pto1 (getpoint "Seleccione puntos: ")) (terpri) (setq pto2 (getcorner pto1)) (terpri) (setq ptos (list pto1 pto2)) (setq capa (getstring "Nombre de capa: ")) (terpri) (setq filtro (list (cons 0 "LINE") (cons 8 capa))) (setq gr_ent (ssget "_C" pto1 pto2 filtro)) (setq tot_elem (sslength gr_ent)) (setq ne 0) (setq ltub 0.) (print "inicia repeat:" ) (repeat tot_elem (setq vr_nom (ssname gr_ent ne)) (setq ln_car (entget vr_nom)) (setq pto1 (cdr (assoc 10 ln_car))) (setq x1 (car pto1)) (setq y1 (car (cdr pto1))) (setq z1 (car (cdr (cdr pto1)))) (setq pto1 (cdr (assoc 11 ln_car))) (setq x2 (car pto1)) (setq y2 (car (cdr pto1))) (setq z2 (car (cdr (cdr pto1)))) (setq lt (sqrt (+ (* (- x2 x1) (- x2 x1)) (* (- y2 y1) (- y2 y1))))) (setq ltub (+ ltub lt) ne (+ ne 1))
  • 8. ) (print "Numero de elementos: ") (prin1 tot_elem) (print "Longitud Total: ") (prin1 ltub) (print) ) (defun c:numtxt() (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-Punto final [1]-Nudo [2]-Ninguno: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap -1) ) ) (setq incr (getreal "Número inicial: ")) (terpri) (setq nxtn (getreal "Incremento: ")) (terpri) (setq incr (- incr nxtn)) (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de inserción: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq incr (+ incr nxtn)) (setq txt_incr (rtos incr 2 0)) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" pto ht "0" txt_incr) ) ) ) ) (defun c:Norte() (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq prec (getint "Precisión: ")) (terpri) (setq dht (/ ht 2)) (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Intersección [3]-None: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 32) )
  • 9. ((= var_osnap 3) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap -1) ) ) (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto)) (setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 prec) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x 2 prec) " ")) (setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht))) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" ptoN ht "0" txt_N) ) ) ) ) (defun c:Este() (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq prec (getint "Precisi n: ")) (terpri)� (setq dht (/ ht 2)) (setq var_osnap -1) (while (= var_osnap -1) (setq var_osnap (getint "[0]-End Point [1]-Node [2]-Intersecci n [3]-� None: ")) (cond ((= var_osnap 0) (setq var_osnap 1) ) ((= var_osnap 1) (setq var_osnap 8) ) ((= var_osnap 2) (setq var_osnap 32) ) ((= var_osnap 3) (setq var_osnap 0) ) (setq var_osnap -1) ) ) (setq osnap_on var_osnap) (setq osnap_of (+ var_osnap 16584)) (setq pto (list 0 0 0)) (while (/= pto nil) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_on) (setq pto (getpoint "Punto de cota: ")) (terpri) (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x (car pto) y (cadr pto) z (caddr pto)) (setq txt_N (strcat "N-" (rtos y 2 prec) " ") txt_E (strcat "E-" (rtos x 2 prec) " ")) (setq ptoN (list (+ x dht) (+ y dht)) ptoE (list (- x dht) (+ y dht))) (command "_setvar" "osmode" osnap_of) (command "_text" ptoE ht "90" txt_E) )
  • 10. ) ) ) ; calcula areas (defun c:Carea() (setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) (print "#Area,Area,Perimetro" archin) (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq incr (getint "N mero inicial: ")) (terpri)� (setq nxtn (getint "Incremento: ")) (terpri) (setq narea incr) (setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri) (while (/= ent nil) (setq longr 0.0) (setq ent_nom (car ent)) (setq ent (entget ent_nom)) (setq lista ent) (setq pto (assoc 10 ent)) (setq listx (list) listy (list) listc (list) listD (list)) (print "paso 0") (while (/= pto nil) (setq x1 (cadr pto)) (setq y1 (caddr pto)) (setq lx (list x1) ly (list y1)) (setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly)) (setq c_lista (assoc 42 lista)) (setq c (cdr c_lista)) (setq lista (cdr (member c_lista lista))) (setq pto (assoc 10 lista)) (if (and (/= c 0) (/= pto nil)) (progn (setq x2 (cadr pto)) (setq y2 (caddr pto)) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq lc (list c) lD (list D)) (setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD)) ) ) (if (and (/= c 0) (= pto nil)) (progn (setq x2 (car listx)) (setq y2 (car listy)) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq lc (list c) lD (list D)) (setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD)) ) ) (if (= c 0) (progn (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x2 (cadr pto)) (setq y2 (caddr pto)) ) (progn (setq x2 (car listx)) (setq y2 (car listy)) ) ) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq longr (+ longr D)) )
  • 11. ) ) (print "paso 3") (setq lx (list (car listx)) ly (list (car listy))) (setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly)) (setq n 0 area 0.0) (repeat (- (length listx) 1) (setq x1 (nth n listx) y1 (nth n listy)) (setq x2 (nth (+ n 1) listx) y2 (nth (+ n 1) listy)) (setq area (+ area (- (* x1 y2) (* x2 y1)))) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (print "paso 4") (setq n 0 areac 0.0 longc 0.0) (repeat (length listc) (setq c (nth n listc) D (nth n listD)) (setq sig_c (/ c (abs c)) c (abs c)) (setq H (* D c 0.5)) (setq alfa (abs (- (* 2.0 pi) (* 4.0 (atan (/ 1.0 c)))))) (setq R (/ D (* 2.0 (sin (/ alfa 2.0))))) (setq l_par (* (abs alfa) R)) (setq longc (+ longc l_par)) (setq a_par (* sig_c (- (* R R alfa 0.5) (* D 0.5 (- R H))))) (setq areac (+ areac a_par)) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (print "paso 5") (setq area (+ (abs (/ area 2.0)) areac)) (setq perim (+ longr longc)) (print "paso 5.1") (setq txt_narea (itoa narea)) (print "paso 5.2") (setq txt_area (strcat "A=" (rtos area 2 2) "m2") narea (+ narea nxtn)) (setq txt_perim (strcat "P=" (rtos perim 2 2) "m")) (setq txt_archin (strcat txt_narea "," (rtos area 2 3) "," (rtos perim 2 3) )) (print txt_archin archin) (setq ptoins (getpoint "Punto de inserci n de texto: ")) (terpri)� (command "_text" ptoins ht 0 txt_narea) (setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri) ) (close archin) (print "Proceso finalizado sin problemas") ) ; calcula longitudes de lineas (defun c:Clinea() (setq arch_txt (getstring "Archivo de Datos: ")) (terpri) (setq archin (open arch_txt "W")) (print "#linea,Longitud" archin) (setq ht (getreal "Altura de texto: ")) (terpri) (setq incr (getint "N mero inicial: ")) (terpri)� (setq nxtn (getint "Incremento: ")) (terpri) (setq narea incr) (setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri) (while (/= ent nil) (setq longr 0.0) (setq ent_nom (car ent)) (setq ent (entget ent_nom)) (setq lista ent) (setq pto (assoc 10 ent)) (setq listx (list) listy (list) listc (list) listD (list)) (print "paso 0") (while (/= pto nil)
  • 12. (setq x1 (cadr pto)) (setq y1 (caddr pto)) (setq lx (list x1) ly (list y1)) (setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly)) (setq c_lista (assoc 42 lista)) (setq c (cdr c_lista)) (setq lista (cdr (member c_lista lista))) (setq pto (assoc 10 lista)) (if (and (/= c 0) (/= pto nil)) (progn (setq x2 (cadr pto)) (setq y2 (caddr pto)) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq lc (list c) lD (list D)) (setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD)) ) ) (if (and (/= c 0) (= pto nil)) (progn (setq x2 (car listx)) (setq y2 (car listy)) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq lc (list c) lD (list D)) (setq listc (append listc lc) listD (append listD lD)) ) ) (if (= c 0) (progn (if (/= pto nil) (progn (setq x2 (cadr pto)) (setq y2 (caddr pto)) ) (progn (setq x2 (car listx)) (setq y2 (car listy)) ) ) (setq D (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2.0) (expt (- y2 y1) 2.0)))) (setq longr (+ longr D)) ) ) ) (print "paso 3") (setq lx (list (car listx)) ly (list (car listy))) (setq listx (append listx lx) listy (append listy ly)) (setq n 0 area 0.0) (repeat (- (length listx) 1) (setq x1 (nth n listx) y1 (nth n listy)) (setq x2 (nth (+ n 1) listx) y2 (nth (+ n 1) listy)) (setq area (+ area (- (* x1 y2) (* x2 y1)))) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (print "paso 4") (setq n 0 areac 0.0 longc 0.0) (repeat (length listc) (setq c (nth n listc) D (nth n listD)) (setq sig_c (/ c (abs c)) c (abs c)) (setq H (* D c 0.5)) (setq alfa (abs (- (* 2.0 pi) (* 4.0 (atan (/ 1.0 c)))))) (setq R (/ D (* 2.0 (sin (/ alfa 2.0))))) (setq l_par (* (abs alfa) R)) (setq longc (+ longc l_par)) (setq a_par (* sig_c (- (* R R alfa 0.5) (* D 0.5 (- R H)))))
  • 13. (setq areac (+ areac a_par)) (setq n (+ n 1)) ) (print "paso 5") (setq area (+ (abs (/ area 2.0)) areac)) (setq perim (+ longr longc)) (print "paso 5.1") (setq txt_narea (itoa narea)) (print "paso 5.2") (setq txt_area (strcat "A=" (rtos area 2 2) "m2") narea (+ narea nxtn)) (setq txt_perim (strcat "P=" (rtos perim 2 2) "m")) (setq txt_archin (strcat txt_narea "," (rtos longr 2 3) )) (print txt_archin archin) (setq ptoins (getpoint "Punto de inserci n de texto: ")) (terpri)� (command "_text" ptoins ht 0 txt_narea) (setq ent (entsel "Seleccione Polilinea 2D: ")) (terpri) ) (close archin) (print "Proceso finalizado sin problemas") ) (defun c:Procesos() (print "Distancia XY entre dos puntos: d2d") (print "Coloca cota de un punto: Cota") (print "Coloca altura de un punto: HPto") (print "Datos de LWPolilineas Curvas: Curvas") (print "Datos de Polilineas Curvas: PLcur") (print "Coordenadas N-E de un punto: Coord") (print "Exporta puntos del Eagle: ExpEagle") (print "Cuenta Longitud de Lineas: CtaLn") (print "Numera ascendente: numtxt") (print "Coordenadas Norte de un punto: Norte") (print "Coordenadas Este de un punto: Este") (print "Calcula Areas: Carea") (print "Calcula Longitudes de polilineas: Clinea") )