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Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
SetText("Cannot find :" + cValue)
return false
func pNofileopened
New qMessageBox(win1) {
setText("Save the file first!")
func pDebug
if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok
cCode = "start run " + cActiveFileName + nl
func pRun
if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok
cCode = "start ring " + cActiveFileName + nl
func pRunNoConsole
if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok
cCode = "start /b ring " + cActiveFileName + nl
func pSave
if cActiveFileName = NULL return pSaveAs() ok
status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0)
lAskToSave = false
func pSaveAs
new qfiledialog(win1) {
cName = getsavefilename(win1,"Save As","","source files(*.ring)")
if cName != NULL
cActiveFileName = cName
status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0)
lAskToSave = false
func pPrint
status1.showmessage("Printing to File : RingDoc.pdf",0)
printer1 = new qPrinter(0) {
setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf
func pCut
65.56. Notepad Application 768
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
func pCopy
func pPaste
func pFont
oFontDialog = new qfontdialog() {
aFont = getfont()
cFont = aFont[1]
Func pSetFont
myfont = new qfont("",0,0,0)
Func pColor
new qcolordialog() { aTextColor = GetColor() }
Func pColor2
new qcolordialog() { aBackColor = GetColor() }
Func pSetColors
textedit1.setstylesheet("color: rgb(" + aTextColor[1] + "," + aTextColor[2] +
"," + aTextColor[3] + ");" + "background-color: rgb(" +
aBackColor[1] + "," + aBackColor[2] + "," +
aBackColor[3] + ")")
func pOpen
new qfiledialog(win1) {
cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:","source files(*.ring)")
if cName != NULL
cActiveFileName = cName
func pNew
new qfiledialog(win1) {
cName = getsavefilename(win1,"New file","","source files(*.ring)")
if cName != NULL
cActiveFileName = cName
Func WriteFile cFileName,cCode
65.56. Notepad Application 769
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
aCode = str2list(cCode)
fp = fopen(cFileName,"wb")
for cLine in aCode
Func MsgBox cTitle,cMessage
new qMessagebox(win1) {
Func pLang
MsgBox("Programming Language",
"This application developed using the Ring programming language")
Func pGUI
MsgBox("GUI Library",
"This application uses the Qt GUI Library through RingQt")
Func pAbout
"2016, Mahmoud Fayed <>")
Func pSaveSettings
cSettings = "aTextColor = ["+aTextColor[1]+","+aTextColor[2]+
","+aTextColor[3]+"]" + nl +
"aBackColor = ["+aBackColor[1]+","+aBackColor[2]+
","+aBackColor[3]+"]" + nl +
"cFont = '" + cFont + "'" + nl +
"cWebSite = '" + cWebsite + "'" + nl
cSettings = substr(cSettings,nl,char(13)+char(10))
if lAsktoSave
new qmessagebox(win1)
setwindowtitle("Save Changes?")
settext("Some changes are not saved!")
setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?")
setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes |
QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Cancel)
result = exec()
win1 {
if result = QMessageBox_Yes
but result = QMessageBox_Cancel
return false
return true
Func pSetWebsite
oWebView { loadpage(new qurl(cWebSite)) }
65.56. Notepad Application 770
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
oWBText { setText(cWebSite) }
Func RestoreSettings
Func pQuit
if pSaveSettings()
The application during the runtime
The next screen shot demonstrates the “File” menu
The next window for “search and replace”
The next screen shot demonstrates the application main window
65.56. Notepad Application 771
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Note: the functions pDebug(), pRun() and pRunNoConsole() in the previous sample are not portable! They are
written in this sample for MS-Windows and we can update them for other operating systems.
65.57 The Cards Game
In the next example we will see a simple Cards game developed using RingQt
Each player get 5 cards, the cards are unknown to any one. each time one player click on one card to see it. if the card
is identical to another card the play get point for each card. if the card value is “5” the player get points for all visible
Load "guilib.ring"
nScale = 1
app1 = new qApp
mypic = new QPixmap("cards.jpg")
mypic2 = mypic.copy(0,(124*4)+1,79,124)
Player1EatPic = mypic.copy(80,(124*4)+1,79,124)
Player2EatPic= mypic.copy(160,(124*4)+1,79,124)
aMyCards = []
aMyValues = []
for x1 = 0 to 3
for y1 = 0 to 12
temppic = mypic.copy((79*y1)+1,(124*x1)+1,79,124)
aMyCards + temppic
aMyValues + (y1+1)
65.57. The Cards Game 772
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
nPlayer1Score = 0 nPlayer2Score=0
Page1 = new Game
again Page1.lnewgame
for t in aMyCards
func gui_setbtnpixmap pBtn,pPixmap
pBtn {
setIcon(new qicon(pPixmap.scaled(width(),height(),0,0)))
setIconSize(new QSize(width(),height()))
Class Game
nCardsCount = 10
win1 layout1 label1 label2 layout2 layout3 aBtns aBtns2
aCards nRole=1 aStatus = list(nCardsCount) aStatus2 = aStatus
aValues aStatusValues = aStatus aStatusValues2 = aStatus
Player1EatPic Player2EatPic
lnewgame = false
nDelayEat = 0.5
nDelayNewGame = 1
func start
win1 = new qWidget() {
setstylesheet("background-color: White")
layout1 = new qvboxlayout()
label1 = new qlabel(win1) {
settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score)
setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter)
setstylesheet("color: White; background-color: Purple;
closebtn = new qpushbutton(win1) {
settext("Close Application")
setstylesheet("font-size: 18px ; color : white ;
background-color: black ;")
65.57. The Cards Game 773
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
aCards = aMyCards
aValues = aMyValues
layout2 = new qhboxlayout()
aBtns = []
for x = 1 to nCardsCount
aBtns + new qpushbutton(win1)
label2 = new qlabel(win1) {
settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score)
setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter)
setstylesheet("color: white; background-color: red;
layout3 = new qhboxlayout()
aBtns2 = []
for x = 1 to nCardsCount
aBtns2 + new qpushbutton(win1)
Func Player1Click x
if nRole = 1 and aStatus[x] = 0
nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1
nRole = 2
aStatus[x] = 1
aStatusValues[x] = aValues[nPos]
65.57. The Cards Game 774
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Func Player2Click x
if nRole = 2 and aStatus2[x] = 0
nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1
nRole = 1
aStatus2[x] = 1
aStatusValues2[x] = aValues[nPos]
Func Player1Eat nPos,nValue
lEat = false
for x = 1 to nCardsCount
if aStatus2[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5)
aStatus2[x] = 2
lEat = True
if (x != nPos) and (aStatus[x] = 1) and
(aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue=5)
aStatus[x] = 2
lEat = True
if lEat
aStatus[nPos] = 2
label1.settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score)
Func Player2Eat nPos,nValue
lEat = false
for x = 1 to nCardsCount
if aStatus[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue = 5)
aStatus[x] = 2
lEat = True
if (x != nPos) and (aStatus2[x] = 1) and
65.57. The Cards Game 775
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
(aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5 )
aStatus2[x] = 2
lEat = True
if lEat
aStatus2[nPos] = 2
label2.settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score)
Func checknewgame
if isnewgame()
lnewgame = true
if nPlayer1Score > nPlayer2Score
label1.settext("Player (1) Wins!!!")
if nPlayer2Score > nPlayer1Score
label2.settext("Player (2) Wins!!!")
Func isnewgame
for t in aStatus
if t = 0
return false
for t in aStatus2
if t = 0
return false
return true
Func delay x
nTime = x * 1000
oTest = new qTest
The application during the runtime
65.57. The Cards Game 776
Ring Documentation, Release 1.10
Note: in the previous screen shot the player get the card number ‘5’ but his score is not increased because he opened
this card while no other cards are visible!
The next screen shot while running the game using a Mobile (Android)
65.57. The Cards Game 777

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The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 81 of 212

  • 1. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 SetText("Cannot find :" + cValue) show() } return false ok func pNofileopened New qMessageBox(win1) { setWindowTitle("Sorry") setText("Save the file first!") show() } func pDebug if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start run " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pRun if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start ring " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pRunNoConsole if cActiveFileName = Null return pNofileopened() ok cCode = "start /b ring " + cActiveFileName + nl system(cCode) func pSave if cActiveFileName = NULL return pSaveAs() ok writefile(cActiveFileName,textedit1.toplaintext()) status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0) lAskToSave = false func pSaveAs new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getsavefilename(win1,"Save As","","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL cActiveFileName = cName writefile(cActiveFileName,textedit1.toplaintext()) status1.showmessage("File : " + cActiveFileName + " saved!",0) pSetActiveFileName() lAskToSave = false ok } func pPrint status1.showmessage("Printing to File : RingDoc.pdf",0) printer1 = new qPrinter(0) { setoutputformat(1) # 1 = pdf setoutputfilename("RingDoc.pdf") textedit1.print(printer1) } status1.showmessage("Done!",0) system("RingDoc.pdf") func pCut textedit1.cut() 65.56. Notepad Application 768
  • 2. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 status1.showmessage("Cut!",0) func pCopy textedit1.copy() status1.showmessage("Copy!",0) func pPaste textedit1.paste() status1.showmessage("Paste!",0) func pFont oFontDialog = new qfontdialog() { aFont = getfont() } textedit1.selectall() cFont = aFont[1] pSetFont() Func pSetFont myfont = new qfont("",0,0,0) myfont.fromstring(cFont) textedit1.setcurrentfont(myfont) Func pColor new qcolordialog() { aTextColor = GetColor() } pSetColors() Func pColor2 new qcolordialog() { aBackColor = GetColor() } pSetColors() Func pSetColors textedit1.setstylesheet("color: rgb(" + aTextColor[1] + "," + aTextColor[2] + "," + aTextColor[3] + ");" + "background-color: rgb(" + aBackColor[1] + "," + aBackColor[2] + "," + aBackColor[3] + ")") func pOpen new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getopenfilename(win1,"open file","c:","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL cActiveFileName = cName textedit1.settext(read(cActiveFileName)) ok } func pNew new qfiledialog(win1) { cName = getsavefilename(win1,"New file","","source files(*.ring)") if cName != NULL write(cName,"") cActiveFileName = cName textedit1.settext(read(cActiveFileName)) ok } Func WriteFile cFileName,cCode 65.56. Notepad Application 769
  • 3. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 aCode = str2list(cCode) fp = fopen(cFileName,"wb") for cLine in aCode fwrite(fp,cLine+char(13)+char(10)) next fclose(fp) Func MsgBox cTitle,cMessage new qMessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle(cTitle) setText(cMessage) show() } Func pLang MsgBox("Programming Language", "This application developed using the Ring programming language") Func pGUI MsgBox("GUI Library", "This application uses the Qt GUI Library through RingQt") Func pAbout MsgBox("About", "2016, Mahmoud Fayed <>") Func pSaveSettings cSettings = "aTextColor = ["+aTextColor[1]+","+aTextColor[2]+ ","+aTextColor[3]+"]" + nl + "aBackColor = ["+aBackColor[1]+","+aBackColor[2]+ ","+aBackColor[3]+"]" + nl + "cFont = '" + cFont + "'" + nl + "cWebSite = '" + cWebsite + "'" + nl cSettings = substr(cSettings,nl,char(13)+char(10)) write("ringnotepad.ini",cSettings) if lAsktoSave new qmessagebox(win1) { setwindowtitle("Save Changes?") settext("Some changes are not saved!") setInformativeText("Do you want to save your changes?") setstandardbuttons(QMessageBox_Yes | QMessageBox_No | QMessageBox_Cancel) result = exec() win1 { if result = QMessageBox_Yes pSave() but result = QMessageBox_Cancel return false ok } } ok return true Func pSetWebsite oWebView { loadpage(new qurl(cWebSite)) } 65.56. Notepad Application 770
  • 4. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 oWBText { setText(cWebSite) } Func RestoreSettings eval(read("ringnotepad.ini")) pSetColors() pSetFont() pSetWebsite() Func pQuit if pSaveSettings() myapp.quit() ok The application during the runtime The next screen shot demonstrates the “File” menu The next window for “search and replace” The next screen shot demonstrates the application main window 65.56. Notepad Application 771
  • 5. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Note: the functions pDebug(), pRun() and pRunNoConsole() in the previous sample are not portable! They are written in this sample for MS-Windows and we can update them for other operating systems. 65.57 The Cards Game In the next example we will see a simple Cards game developed using RingQt Each player get 5 cards, the cards are unknown to any one. each time one player click on one card to see it. if the card is identical to another card the play get point for each card. if the card value is “5” the player get points for all visible cards. Load "guilib.ring" nScale = 1 app1 = new qApp mypic = new QPixmap("cards.jpg") mypic2 = mypic.copy(0,(124*4)+1,79,124) Player1EatPic = mypic.copy(80,(124*4)+1,79,124) Player2EatPic= mypic.copy(160,(124*4)+1,79,124) aMyCards = [] aMyValues = [] for x1 = 0 to 3 for y1 = 0 to 12 temppic = mypic.copy((79*y1)+1,(124*x1)+1,79,124) aMyCards + temppic aMyValues + (y1+1) next next 65.57. The Cards Game 772
  • 6. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 nPlayer1Score = 0 nPlayer2Score=0 do Page1 = new Game Page1.Start() again Page1.lnewgame mypic.delete() mypic2.delete() Player1EatPic.delete() Player2EatPic.delete() for t in aMyCards t.delete() next func gui_setbtnpixmap pBtn,pPixmap pBtn { setIcon(new qicon(pPixmap.scaled(width(),height(),0,0))) setIconSize(new QSize(width(),height())) } Class Game nCardsCount = 10 win1 layout1 label1 label2 layout2 layout3 aBtns aBtns2 aCards nRole=1 aStatus = list(nCardsCount) aStatus2 = aStatus aValues aStatusValues = aStatus aStatusValues2 = aStatus Player1EatPic Player2EatPic lnewgame = false nDelayEat = 0.5 nDelayNewGame = 1 func start win1 = new qWidget() { setwindowtitle("Five") setstylesheet("background-color: White") showfullscreen() } layout1 = new qvboxlayout() label1 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter) setstylesheet("color: White; background-color: Purple; font-size:20pt") setfixedheight(200) } closebtn = new qpushbutton(win1) { settext("Close Application") setstylesheet("font-size: 18px ; color : white ; background-color: black ;") setclickevent("Page1.win1.close()") } 65.57. The Cards Game 773
  • 7. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 aCards = aMyCards aValues = aMyValues layout2 = new qhboxlayout() aBtns = [] for x = 1 to nCardsCount aBtns + new qpushbutton(win1) aBtns[x].setfixedwidth(79*nScale) aBtns[x].setfixedheight(124*nScale) gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],mypic2) layout2.addwidget(aBtns[x]) aBtns[x].setclickevent("Page1.Player1click("+x+")") next layout1.addwidget(label1) layout1.addlayout(layout2) label2 = new qlabel(win1) { settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score) setalignment(Qt_AlignHCenter | Qt_AlignVCenter) setstylesheet("color: white; background-color: red; font-size:20pt") setfixedheight(200) } layout3 = new qhboxlayout() aBtns2 = [] for x = 1 to nCardsCount aBtns2 + new qpushbutton(win1) aBtns2[x].setfixedwidth(79*nScale) aBtns2[x].setfixedheight(124*nScale) gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],mypic2) layout3.addwidget(aBtns2[x]) aBtns2[x].setclickevent("Page1.Player2click("+x+")") next layout1.addwidget(label2) layout1.addlayout(layout3) layout1.addwidget(closebtn) win1.setlayout(layout1) app1.exec() Func Player1Click x if nRole = 1 and aStatus[x] = 0 nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],aCards[nPos]) del(aCards,nPos) nRole = 2 aStatus[x] = 1 aStatusValues[x] = aValues[nPos] del(aValues,nPos) Player1Eat(x,aStatusValues[x]) checknewgame() 65.57. The Cards Game 774
  • 8. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 ok Func Player2Click x if nRole = 2 and aStatus2[x] = 0 nPos = ((random(100)+clock())%(len(aCards)-1)) + 1 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],aCards[nPos]) del(aCards,nPos) nRole = 1 aStatus2[x] = 1 aStatusValues2[x] = aValues[nPos] del(aValues,nPos) Player2Eat(x,aStatusValues2[x]) checknewgame() ok Func Player1Eat nPos,nValue app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayEat) lEat = false for x = 1 to nCardsCount if aStatus2[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5) aStatus2[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],Player1EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer1Score++ ok if (x != nPos) and (aStatus[x] = 1) and (aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue=5) aStatus[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],Player1EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer1Score++ ok next if lEat nPlayer1Score++ gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[nPos],Player1EatPic) aStatus[nPos] = 2 label1.settext("Player (1) - Score : " + nPlayer1Score) ok Func Player2Eat nPos,nValue app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayEat) lEat = false for x = 1 to nCardsCount if aStatus[x] = 1 and (aStatusValues[x] = nValue or nValue = 5) aStatus[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns[x],Player2EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer2Score++ ok if (x != nPos) and (aStatus2[x] = 1) and 65.57. The Cards Game 775
  • 9. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 (aStatusValues2[x] = nValue or nValue=5 ) aStatus2[x] = 2 gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[x],Player2EatPic) lEat = True nPlayer2Score++ ok next if lEat nPlayer2Score++ gui_setbtnpixmap(aBtns2[nPos],Player2EatPic) aStatus2[nPos] = 2 label2.settext("Player (2) - Score : " + nPlayer2Score) ok Func checknewgame if isnewgame() lnewgame = true if nPlayer1Score > nPlayer2Score label1.settext("Player (1) Wins!!!") ok if nPlayer2Score > nPlayer1Score label2.settext("Player (2) Wins!!!") ok app1.processEvents() delay(nDelayNewGame) win1.delete() app1.quit() ok Func isnewgame for t in aStatus if t = 0 return false ok next for t in aStatus2 if t = 0 return false ok next return true Func delay x nTime = x * 1000 oTest = new qTest oTest.qsleep(nTime) The application during the runtime 65.57. The Cards Game 776
  • 10. Ring Documentation, Release 1.10 Note: in the previous screen shot the player get the card number ‘5’ but his score is not increased because he opened this card while no other cards are visible! The next screen shot while running the game using a Mobile (Android) 65.57. The Cards Game 777