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Perspectives on Psychological Science
2019, Vol. 14(1) 16 –20
© The Author(s) 2019
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DOI: 10.1177/1745691618804187
As I look back over the past 65 years, my professional
life has been filled with what I can best describe as a
continual series of adventures. For the most part, the
challenges that I’ve confronted were of my own mak-
ing: Like Theseus in the labyrinth, whenever I seemed
to find a solution to a problem, I was confronted with
another problem. My initial difficult confrontation
occurred when I was a fellow at the Austin Riggs Center
in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. I was assigned to work
with a young man with a pervasive delusion of being
followed by government agents. To my surprise, even
though the therapy was for the most part supportive,
the delusion disappeared. In 1952, I subsequently pub-
lished this case history as the first reported successful
psychotherapy of an individual with schizophrenia
(Beck, 1952). This case report is of particular interest
since 50 years elapsed before I returned to the psycho-
therapy of schizophrenia: a form of mental illness that
is considered, then and now, to be relatively impervious
to psychotherapy.
In 1956, fresh from having passed my boards in
psychiatry, I initiated my first major undertaking: vali-
dating the various propositions of psychoanalysis. Hav-
ing undergone a personal analysis and completed the
other requirements for admission to the Philadelphia
Psychoanalytic Institute, I was totally committed to the
theory and therapy of psychoanalysis, but I felt that for
psychoanalysis to be accepted by the larger scientific
community, it would require a solid base of evidence.
On the basis of that conclusion, I decided to test out
the central psychoanalytic proposition that depression
was caused by inverted hostility. That is, if the patient
experienced unacceptable anger toward a close person
but repressed this unacceptable anger, it would come
out in the form of self-criticism, negative expectancy,
suicidal wishes, and depressed mood.
I teamed up with Marvin Hurvich, a psychology
graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. I
prepared a scoring manual for hostility in dreams, and
Marvin blindly scored a sample of dreams from patients
with depression as well as a control group of patients
who were not depressed. To our surprise, the patients
with depression showed less hostility in their dreams
than did the nondepressed individuals. This negative
finding posed a dilemma for us: It would seem that the
absence of manifest hostility in dreams, which had been
characterized by Freud as the “royal road to the uncon-
scious,” invalidated the theory of inverted hostility.
However, after examining the content of dreams for a
second time, we found that the dreams of the patients
with depression consistently portrayed the dreamer or
the action in the dream in a negative way. Conversely,
this consistent finding was not evident in the dreams
of the nondepressed patients. We then reasoned that
the hostility was unable to penetrate through the
dreams, but it still existed at an unconscious level and
assumed the form of a need to suffer. Because of this
theme, we labeled these dreams as “masochistic” and
found that using this negative portrayal of the dreamer
as a symbol of the need for personal suffering clearly
differentiated the patients with depression from those
without (Beck & Hurvich, 1959).
In the early 1960s, I teamed up with Jim Diggory and
Sy Feshbach from the Department of Psychiatry at the
University of Pennsylvania. Although our empirical
articles weren’t published until years later, I conducted
a number of experiments at that time based on the
premise that if patients with depression had a need to
suffer, they would perform better after a negative expe-
rience than after a positive experience (Loeb, Beck, &
Diggory, 1971; Loeb, Beck, Diggory, & Tuthill, 1967;
Loeb, Feshbach, Beck, & Wolf, 1964). For example,
failure at a task or continuous negative feedback would
lead to better performance than would a positive expe-
rience on a task.
804187PPSXXX10.1177/1745691618804187BeckEvolution of
Cognitive Theory and Therapy
Corresponding Author:
Aaron T. Beck, Department of Psychiatry, University of
Perelman School of Medicine, 3535 Market St., Office 3093,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
E-mail: [email protected]
A 60-Year Evolution of Cognitive
Theory and Therapy
Aaron T. Beck
Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania
mailto:[email protected]
Evolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy 17
The results of these experiments turned out to
oppose our hypothesis. Compared with nondepressed
individuals, the individuals with depression performed
significantly better after a positive experience than they
did after a negative experience. I then realized that the
concept of masochism as an explanation for the nega-
tive content in the dreams was probably a fallacy and
that it was necessary to think of a another explanation
for the negative finding. I then came to a rather sim-
plistic explanation for the negative content in the
dreams: The dreams simply represented the way the
dreamer perceived the self. In other words, the dream
content was a replication of the individuals’ self-image
that was actualized in the waking state. I then initiated
a much larger study of dreams of patients with depres-
sion and found that the dreams did consistently portray
the dreamer in negative images, consistent with the
conscious negative self-image (Beck & Ward, 1961).
The findings of the dream studies and experimental
research inspired me to explore the supportive evidence
for the various tenets of psychoanalysis. I first reviewed
the basis for the concept of the unconscious and repres-
sion and the other defense mechanisms. The uncon-
scious as described by Freud consists of a jumble of
unacceptable impulses and fantasies that are held in
check by repression and other defense mechanisms.
Although it was clear that cognitive processing can take
place without awareness (as indicated by various experi -
ments on subliminal bias, etc.), I could find no substan-
tial evidence for the kind of drives and fantasies alluded
to by psychoanalysts nor evidence for the frank exhibi -
tion of the supposed unconscious material. Beginning
to doubt this keystone of psychoanalytic theory, I
decided to examine the bases of psychoanalytic therapy,
such as infantile memories and the existence of transfer-
ence of parental images onto therapists. Here again, the
data were weak and subject to other interpretations. As
I pursued my investigations, the various psychoanalytic
concepts began to collapse like a stack of dominos.
In a talk before the more liberal Academy of Psycho-
analysis, I attempted to maintain some of the psycho-
analytic hypotheses. In this talk, titled “There Is More
on the Surface Than Meets the Eye” (Beck, 1963a), I
tried to demonstrate that many of the patients’ ideas that
were regarded as unconscious were actually conscious.
I also described how I discovered the existence of what
I termed automatic thoughts. I described how one of
my patients undergoing formal psychoanalysis regaled
me from session to session with stories of her sexual
escapades. I finally asked her whether she had any other
thoughts besides these. When she focused on her stream
of consciousness, she reported that she had a separate
series of thoughts: She was afraid of boring me and thus
had to entertain me with stories of her escapades. I then
checked with other patients and similarly determined
that when they focused on everything that was going
through their minds, they had similar thoughts that they
had not been very much aware of previously. In the
course of time, I observed enough of these previously
unreported thoughts to recognize that they played an
important role in the person’s affect and attitudes about
the self, others, and the future. In 1960, I finally became
disillusioned with the formal psychoanalytic approach
of patients lying on the couch and free associating, I
decided to ask the patients to sit up. At that point, we
would carry out more of a collaborative conversation.
After this slight shift in therapeutic approach and deliv-
ery, it became obvious to me that these thoughts often
constituted an important bridge between the external
stimulus situation and the individual’s emotional experi -
ence and their behavior.
A New Theory and Therapy of
The elucidation of these automatic thoughts then laid
the groundwork for a theory of human psychopathology.
In parallel to noticing my clients experiencing automatic
thoughts, I also noticed that when I focused on my own
reactions to a particular stimulus, I became aware of
these thoughts. They appeared to emerge automatically
(hence the label of “automatic thoughts”). When I expe-
rienced either anxiety or anger, I would have an inter-
vening automatic thought, the content of which explained
the particular emotion. Thus, themes of threat or anxiety
led to anger, loss led to sadness, and gain led to exhila-
ration. When I was able to put all of this together, I had
an “a-ha” experience. I felt as though I had discovered
something new. I also observed that the automatic
thoughts actually were exaggerations or even miscon-
structions or misinterpretations of a situation. Thus, for
example, I might misinterpret somebody’s brief response
to a question as a slight and become angry. I found that
when I looked for the evidence for the thought, it was
either very weak or nonexistent. I then found that my
patients’ automatic thoughts were similar to my own,
and this formed a bridge to their affective experience.
In the case of my patients, these automatic thoughts were
generally distortions that fit their diagnosis. My first con-
certed venture was to examine these thoughts in patients
with depression, who constituted the majority of my case
load (Beck, 1963b).
For the most part, I found that automatic thoughts
served a useful function, even though they were gener-
ally covert. For example, when driving, I was able to
multitask: carry on a conversation, listen to the radio,
or engage in my thoughts about a forthcoming lecture
and at the same time, change lanes, increase or decrease
18 Beck
the speed, and circle around obstacles. When I focused
on these thoughts, I perceived self-instructions that
guided my actions whether I was driving or participating
in other activities. When I asked my patients to focus
on their automatic thoughts, I found that the content
varied according to the major psychiatric problem or
diagnosis. In fact, the more severe the disorder, the more
conscious these automatic thoughts became. For exam-
ple, the automatic thoughts of patients with depression
had a general theme of self-criticism or regret. When
the depression was more severe, the automatic thoughts
occupied a good portion of the stream of consciousness.
Likewise, the thought content of patients with anxiety
were filled with fears in either the physical or psycho-
logical realm. Individuals with an obsessional neurosis
tended to have repetitive, conscious automatic thoughts
of an imperative nature (e.g., “wash your hands again”).
There was no specific diagnostic category for problems
with anger, but these generally had the theme of unjusti-
fied loss, challenge, or threat.
My initial application of the construct of automatic
thoughts was to train the patients to focus on and rec-
ognize them. In the interview sessions, I trained the
individuals to examine the validity of thoughts, which
generally constituted either misinterpretations or exag-
gerations of a situation. I had noted that these thoughts
often reflected cognitive distortions—misinterpretations
or exaggerations of situations. In teaching the patients
to evaluate these distortions, I was influenced in part
by the volume by Albert Ellis (1962) titled Reason and
Emotion in Psychotherapy. When the patients were able
to correct their misinterpretation through procedures
such as looking for the evidence, considering alterna-
tive explanations, or evaluating the logic of the conclu-
sions, they began to get better. In reading Ellis’s book,
I noted that he had also recognized the existence of
automatic thoughts, which he labeled self-statements.
His description of self-statements was almost identical
to what I had previously labeled as automatic thoughts.
This constituted a kind of confirmation of the existence
of these phenomena. Albert Ellis and I also recognized
the difference between the automatic thoughts, often
labeled hot cognitions, and the more deliberate, reflec-
tive, and consciously directed thinking, sometimes
labeled cold cognition. Our recognition of these phe-
nomena was later mentioned by Daniel Kahneman
(2011) in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow.
Attempts to Create an Innovative
Theory and Therapy
The next step in my evolution of cognitive theory and
therapy was the recognition that individuals had a
system of beliefs that, when triggered by a particular
situation, yielded the interpretation or misinterpreta-
tion, generally in the form of an automatic thought. I
then attempted to construct a theory of normal thought
processes and psychopathology (Beck, 1976). The
question was how to label the individuals’ beliefs and
automatic thoughts. Having read George Kelly’s (1955)
volume titled A Theory of Personality: The Psychology
of Personal Constructs, I first considered using the term
construct to label the beliefs. However, the term
schema, derived from Piaget’s work, seemed to offer
more possibilities. I thus used schema as the name for
the more or less durable structure that, when triggered,
produced the automatic thought. Following from Piaget,
I ascribed the following characteristics to the schemas:
permeability/impermeability, magnitude, content, and
charge. Permeability/impermeability indicated receptiv-
ity to change, magnitude was the size of the schema
relative to the person’s general self-concept, and con-
tent described the basic theme. When the charge of
the schema was low, the schema was essentially deac-
tivated but became activated again when a stimulus
congruent with the content of the schema became
activated or, in psychopathology, when the schema
was activated to varying degrees during the course of
the episode.
Application to Specific Psychological
Expanding on the concept of schemas, I developed a
number of instruments that measured the idiosyncratic
beliefs for the major depressive disorders and problems
such as depression, suicide, anxiety, substance abuse,
anger and hostility, couples problems, and, more recently,
schizophrenia (e.g., the Beck Depression Inventory;
Beck, Steer, & Carbin, 1988; Beck, Ward, Mendelson,
Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961). Because these various psycho-
logical variables were poorly defined, in each instance
I developed a measure of the psychiatric disorder before
attempting to identify the beliefs, the characteristics of
each disorder, and the therapy adapted to modify the
maladaptive beliefs. Examples from the different diag-
nostic tests are as follows: depression: “I am so sad or
unhappy I can’t stand it”; suicide: “I would end my life
if I could”; anxiety: “I am anxious all of the time”; anger
and hostility: “If someone offends me I should strike
back.” For each disorder, the diagnostic instrument
would be used to identify the primary psychopathology
and would be a partial outcome measure.
In developing a diagram for each disorder, I tried to
focus on the typical maladaptive beliefs of the disorder.
For example, the addictive behaviors (drinking, using,
etc.) were characterized by the same beliefs facilitating
the addiction. When experiencing a craving, common
Evolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy 19
maladaptive cognitions could be “it’s OK this one time”
(permission giving), “I can go to the corner to get a hit”
(facilitating), and/or “I will quit after this one time”
(promising). For anger and aggression issues, the typical
pathway is as follows: The individuals feel diminished in
some way, leading to a momentary hurt feeling. They are
generally not aware of the hurt because it is overshad-
owed by anger and the impulse to counter attack. In
another paradigm, particularly when the individuals feel
vulnerable, they may react to a perceived attack or threat
by becoming anxious. Finally, individuals, particularly
those who are depressed, may respond to the assault by
reinforcing the notion that they deserve it (Beck, 1999).
I also studied anger and aggression extensively in
couples and found consistently that most of the anger
could be attributed to cognitive process (Beck, 1988).
They tended to show a wide range of biases, particu-
larly attentional (observing only negative behaviors and
not positive), interpretive (making negative interpreta-
tions of neutral behavior and exaggerating minimal
negative), and finally globalization (seeing the partner
as the enemy). Here it was possible to observe first-
hand the dysfunctional beliefs in the interactions
between the two individuals. Each individual saw the
self as vulnerable and victimized and the other as over -
powering and victimizing. In any case, it was possible
to restore the individuals to a better condition provided
their animosity had not gone beyond the point of no
return. Note that the same types of images and cogni-
tive distortions are present in conflicts between other
individuals and between larger groups such as ethnic
or religious groups and nations. These kinds of cogni-
tive processes and distortions help to explain the origin
of the killings in war and genocide.
Once the maladaptive beliefs were identified for a
given disorder, I then proceeded to develop a therapy
for that disorder. To test the clinical utility of the
assigned beliefs for a given disorder or problem, I con-
ducted clinical trials along with my postdoctoral stu-
dents. After a successful randomized controlled trial, I
would typically prepare a book so that the defined
therapy could be used to replicate the initial findings
and also provide material for the practitioners. In addi -
tion to identifying the primary problem and working
to rewire maladaptive beliefs and biases into more
adaptive ones, another key factor in the success of any
of the adaptations of cognitive therapy is the working
relationship with the therapist. In the most severe prob-
lems, such as personality disorders—borderline person-
ality disorder and schizophrenia, for example—the
forging of the connection with the patient involves a
kind of partnership or comradeship in many cases.
Our team has managed over the past decade to make
real progress in the treatment of schizophrenia. In the
course of this treatment, we have found that even the
most severe cases, involving long periods of hospital -
ization, bizarre behavior (e.g., undressing in public),
poor urinary and bowel behaviors, self-injury, and
aggressiveness, are amenable to treatment and subject
to positive change (Grant, Bredemeier, & Beck, 2017;
Grant, Huh, Perivoliotis, Stolar, & Beck, 2012). Most
notably, we have found that psychotic features such as
delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior actually
disguise a normal personality. The task of the therapist
is to activate this normal personality through the rela-
tionship, pinpointing the individual’s strengths, talents,
and aspirations and then drawing on these to jointly
form a therapeutic plan. Although there are notable
differences between traditional cognitive behavior ther -
apy (CBT) and our therapeutic approach for schizo-
phrenia (i.e., recovery-oriented cognitive therapy, or
CT-R), this therapy uses many of the basic tenets of
CBT, including personalizing a cognitive formulation
for each unique individual, working through negative
and dysfunctional beliefs, and discussing strategies to
achieving meaningful goals.
The worldwide expansion of CBT is due largely to
its transdiagnostic efficacy, demonstrated in thousands
of research studies (Brown et al., 2005; Rush, Hollon,
Beck, & Kovacs, 1978; Waltman, Creed, & Beck, 2016;
for a review of studies of CBT effectiveness, see Beck,
1993). Furthermore, in the 1990s, I coauthored a critical
book (D. A. Clark & Beck, 1999) that summarized my
early work in developing a novel theory and therapy
for depression (as discussed in this article) as well as
newer scientific evidence for the efficacy of CBT in
treating depression. There have also been major clinical
advances in the implementation and dissemination of
CBT. A 2015 worldwide survey indicated that CBT is
the most broadly used form of therapy in the world
(Knapp, Kieling, & Beck, 2015). In addition, in the
United Kingdom, CBT has been employed as the domi-
nant modality of therapy in the Improving Access to
Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program under the aus-
pices of the National Health Service (NHS), treating more
than 500,000 people per year with a variety of mental -
health concerns, including depressive and anxiety-
related disorders (D. M. Clark, 2018). This substantial
focus on dissemination and training of quality CBT cli-
nicians from every continent has been fundamental to
the overall acceptance of CBT as the “gold standard”
of therapy (David, Cristea, & Hofmann, 2018). Although
my personal research has been focused primarily on
psychological disorders, it is also necessary to give
credit to the innovative researchers who have success-
fully used CBT to treat a number of medical disorders
that even I would have previously written off as impos-
sible to target with psychotherapy. These include dia-
betes, dementia, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome,
insomnia, and skin diseases.
20 Beck
In this article, I have tried to touch on some of the
highlights of my 60 years in psychiatry and mental
health. Hopefully these efforts demonstrate my com-
mitment to making a better world through the applica-
tion of psychological principles.
Action Editor
Darby Saxbe served as action editor and June Gruber served
as interim editor-in-chief for this article.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared that there were no conflicts of interest
with respect to the authorship or the publication of this
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ArticleSocioCognitive Theory in Cultural ContextBandura
Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context
Albert Bandura*
Stanford University, Stanford, USA
La théorie socio-cognitive adopte une perspective d’action pour
ce qui est du
développement, de l’adaptation et du changement humains.
Cette théorie dis-
tingue trois types d’action: l’action personnelle exercée
l’action par procuration où l’on s’assure de bénéfices désirés en
incitant autrui
a intervenir en sa faveur, et l’action collective où les gens
agissent ensemble
pour construire leur avenir. Des dichotomies conflictuelles
parsèment notre
domaine, opposant l’autonomie et l’interdépendance,
l’individualisme et le
collectivisme. Les déterminants et les doses d’action
individuelle, par pro-
curation et collective varient culturellement. Mais tous les
modes d’action sont
nécessaires pour parvenir á ses fins quel que soit le contexte
culturel. Les
cultures sont diverses et dynamiques, ce ne sont pas des
monolithes statiques.
La diversité intraculturelle et les écarts dans les orientations
mettent en évidence la dynamique aux multiples facettes des
cultures. La glo-
balisation croissante, la pluralité des sociétés et l’immersion
dans un monde
virtuel qui se joue du temps, des distances, des lieux et des
frontières incitent
à élargir la portée des études interculturelles. Les
préoccupations se focalisent
sur la façon dont les forces nationales et globales interagissent
dans la création
de la vie culturelle.
Social cognitive theory adopts an agentic perspective to human
adaptation, and change. The theory distinguishes among three
modes of
agency: personal agency exercised individually; proxy agency
in which people
secure desired outcomes by influencing others to act on their
behalf; and col-
lective agency in which people act in concert to shape their
future. Contentious
dualisms pervade our field pitting autonomy against
interdependence; indi-
vidualism against collectivism and communality; and personal
agency against
social structure. The determinants and agentic blends of
individual, proxy,
and collective instrumentality vary cross-culturally. But all
agentic modes are
needed to make it through the day whatever the cultural context
in which one
resides. Cultures are diverse and dynamic social systems not
static monoliths.
Intracultural diversity and intraindividual variation in
psychosocial orientations
across spheres of functioning underscore the multifaceted
dynamic nature of
* Address for correspondence: Albert Bandura, Department of
Psychology, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94305 - 2130, USA. Email: [email protected]
Preparation of this article and some of the cited research were
facilitated by grants from the
Grant Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. Page 269 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
cultures. The growing globalisation and cultural pluralisation of
and enmeshment in a cyberworld that transcends time, distance,
place, and
national borders call for broadening the scope of cross -cultural
analyses. The
issues of interest center on how national and global forces
interact to shape
the nature of cultural life.
The present article addresses human functioning in cultural
from the agentic perspective of social cognitive theory. To be
an agent is
to influence intentionally one’s functioning and life
circumstances. Social
cognitive theory distinguishes among three modes of agency:
direct personal
agency; proxy agency that relies on others to act on one’s
behest to secure
desired outcomes; and collective agency exercised through
group action. In
personal agency exercised individually, people bring their
influence to bear
directly on themselves and their environment in managing their
lives. In
many spheres of life people do not have direct control over the
social con-
ditions and institutional practices that affect their everyday
lives. Under
these circumstances, they seek their well-being and valued
outcomes through
the exercise of proxy agency. In this socially mediated mode of
people try to get those who have access to resources, expertise
or who wield
influence and power to act at their behest to secure the
outcomes they desire.
People do not live their lives autonomously. Many of the things
they seek
are achievable only through socially interdependent effort.
Hence, they
have to pool their knowledge, skills, and resources, provide
mutual support,
form alliances, and work together to secure what they cannot
on their own.
Successful functioning requires an agentic blend of these
different modes of
agency. The relative contribution of individual, proxy, and
collective modes
to the agentic mix may vary cross-culturally. But all of these
agentic modes
need to be enlisted to make it through the day, regardless of the
culture in
which one happens to reside. People’s efforts to manage their
everyday lives
cannot be reduced to polarities that arbitrarily partition human
agency into
individual and collective forms. Cross-cultural variations are
differences in
relative emphasis in agentic patterning rather than cultural
exclusivity of
agency to individual or collective modes.
Among the mechanisms of human agency none is more central
or pervasive
than beliefs of personal efficacy (Bandura, 1997). Whatever
other factors
serve as guides and motivators, they are rooted in the core
belief that one has
the power to produce desired effects by one’s actions, otherwise
one has little
incentive to act or to persevere in the face of difficulties. Self-
efficacy beliefs
regulate human functioning through cognitive, motivational,
affective, and
decisional processes. They affect whether individuals think in
or self-debilitating ways; how well they motivate themselves
and persevere Page 270 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
in the face of difficulties; the quality of their emotional life,
and the choices
they make at important decisional points which set the course of
life paths.
Numerous large-scale meta-analyses have been conducted on
from studies with diverse experimental and analytic
methodologies applied
across diverse spheres of functioning (Boyer, Zollo, Thompson,
Shewring, & Sims, 2000; Holden, 1991; Holden, Moncher,
Schinke, & Barker,
1990; Moritz, Feltz, Fahrbach, & Mack, 2000; Multon, Brown,
& Lent, 1991;
Sadri & Robertson, 1993; Stajkovic & Lee, 2001; Stajkovic &
Luthans, 1998).
The converging evidence from these diverse lines of research
verifies that
efficacy beliefs contribute significantly to the quality of human
As previously noted, in social cognitive theory efficacy beliefs
are not
confined solely to judgments of personal capabilities. The
theory also encom-
passes perceived collective efficacy representing shared beliefs
in the power
to produce desired effects by collective action (Bandura, 1997,
2000). Perceived
collective efficacy is not simply the sum of the efficacy beliefs
of individual
members. Rather, it is an emergent group-level property that
embodies the
coordinative and interactive dynamics of group functioning.
A group, of course, operates through the behavior of its
members. The
locus of perceived collective efficacy resides in the minds of
group members.
It is people acting in concert on a shared belief not a
disembodied group mind
that is doing the cognising, aspiring, motivating, and regulating.
There is no
emergent entity that operates independently of the beliefs and
actions of the
individuals who make up a social system.
Although beliefs of collective efficacy have a sociocentric
focus, the func-
tions they serve are similar to those of personal efficacy beliefs
and they
operate through similar processes (Bandura, 1997). People’s
shared beliefs
in their collective efficacy influence the type of futures they
seek to achieve
through collective effort; how well they use their resources;
how much effort
they put into their group endeavors; their staying power when
efforts fail to produce quick results or meet forcible opposition;
and their
vulnerability to the discouragement that can beset those taking
on tough
social problems. Meta-analysis of laboratory and field studies
that perceived collective efficacy enhances group functioning
just as per-
sonal efficacy enhances individual functioning (Stajkovi c &
Lee, 2001).
Because of the expanded conception of human agency, social
theory is well suited to elucidate human personal development,
and change in diverse cultural milieus. Cultural analyses must
address the
basic issue of whether there is a universal human nature or
many human
natures spawned by diverse cultural milieus. This calls for a
brief discussion
of the nature of human nature in social cognitive theory.
Viewed from the Page 271 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
sociocognitive perspective, human nature is characterised by a
vast potential-
ity that can be fashioned by direct and vicarious experience into
a variety of
forms within biological limits. Biology provides potentialities
and sets con-
straints but in most spheres of functioning biology permits a
broad range
of cultural possibilities. Gould (1987) argues cogently that
evidence favors
a potentialist view over a determinist view of biology. In this
insightful ana-
lysis, the major explanatory battle is not between nature and
nurture as com-
monly framed, but whether nature operates as a determinist that
has culture
on a “tight leash”, or as a potentialist that has culture on a
“loose leash”.
For example, people possess the biological potentiality for
aggression, but
the answer to the cultural variation in aggressiveness lies more
in ideology
than in biology. There is wide intercultural and intracultural
diversity in
aggression and entire nations, such as Sweden and Switzerland,
have trans-
formed from warring ones to pacifist ones (Alland, 1972;
Bandura, 1999;
Moerk, 1995).
People have changed little genetically over recent decades, but
they have
changed markedly through rapid cultural and technological
evolution in
their beliefs, mores, social roles, and styles of behavior. As
(1972) puts it succinctly, the human species has been selected
for learnability
and plasticity of behavior adaptive to remarkably diverse
habitats not for
behavioral fixedness.
The plasticity, which is intrinsic to the nature of humans,
depends upon
specialised neurophysiological structures and mechanisms that
have evolved
over time. These advanced neural systems are specialised for
attention, detecting the causal structure of the world around
one, trans-
forming that information into abstract form, integrating it and
using it for
adaptive purposes. The evolved morphology and informatio n
systems provide the capacity for the very characteristics that are
human—generative symbolisation, forethought, evaluative self-
reflective self-consciousness, and symbolic communication
(Bandura, 2001).
Through agentic action, people devise ways of adapting flexibly
to remark-
ably diverse environments. Moreover, they use their ingenuity
to insulate
themselves from selection pressures. They create devices that
immensely for their sensory and physical limitations,
circumvent environ-
mental constraints, redesign and construct environments to their
create styles of behavior that enable them to realise desired
outcomes and
pass on the effective ones to others by social modeling and
other experiential
means. Through development of biotechnologies, people are
now chang-
ing the genetic make-up of plants and animals, and even toying
with the
prospect of fashioning some aspects of their nature by genetic
design. The
accelerated growth of knowledge is greatly enhancing human
power to con-
trol, transform, and create environments of increasing
complexity and to
shape their social future. Page 272 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
The common human nature is at the level of basic capacities and
specialised mechanisms through which they operate, but
cultures shape
these potentialities into diverse forms. For example, humans
have evolved
an advanced capacity for observational learning that enables
them to acquire
knowledge, attitudes, values, emotional proclivities, and
competences through
the rich fund of information conveyed by actual and symbolic
(Bandura, 1986). It is difficult to imagine how cultures could
develop and
replicate themselves if their language, mores, customs, and
social practices
in diverse spheres of life had to be gradually shaped in each
new member
by direct consequences of their trial-and error performances
without benefit
of models who display the cultural patterns. Modeling is a
human capacity but how it is used varies in different cultural
The present article focuses on the cross-cultural commonality of
capacity rooted in beliefs of personal and collective efficacy to
effects by one’s actions. Although efficacy beliefs have
generalised func-
tional value, how they are developed and structured, the ways in
which they
are exercised, and the purposes to which they are put, vary
In short, there is commonality in basic agentic capacities and
of operation, but diversity in the culturing of these inherent
capacities. The
cultivated identities, values, belief structures, and agentic
capabilities are the
psychosocial systems through which experiences are filtered.
Some people live in predominantly individualistically oriented
social sys-
tems, others in more collectively oriented ones (Kim, Triandis,
Choi, & Yoon, 1994; Triandis, 1995). A high sense of personal
efficacy is just
as important to group-directedness as to self-directedness.
Group pursuits
are no less demanding of personal efficacy than individual
pursuits. Nor do
people who work interdependently in collectivistic societies
have less need
or desire to be efficacious in the particular roles they perform
than those in
individualistic societies.
Personal efficacy is valued, not because of reverence for
but because a strong sense of personal efficacy is vital for
success regardless
of whether it is achieved individually or by group members
putting their
personal capabilities to the best collective use. A firm group
loyalty creates
strong personal obligations to do one’s part in group pursuits as
ciously as one can. Members are respected for their personal
to group accomplishments. Efficacy beliefs operate in complex,
ways, regardless of how the cultural pursuits are socially
structured. All too
often the complexities and subtleties get lost in oversimplified
comparisons. We shall return to this issue later.
Earley’s (1994) cross-cultural research on organisational
efficacy and
productivity in the United States, Hong Kong, and Mainland
China attests
to cross-cultural generality of the functional value of efficacy
belief. In
each of these settings the organisations were manufacturing the
same Page 273 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
telecommunications equipment and offering the same service. In
each place,
half the managers were trained in an individually oriented
management system,
the other half were trained in a group-oriented management
system. Managers
from the United States, an individualistically oriented culture,
achieve the
highest perceived efficacy and organisational productivity under
the indi-
vidually oriented system. Those from collectivistic cultures,
Hong Kong, and
China, judge themselves most efficacious and achieve the
highest organisa-
tional productivity under the group-oriented system.
There are collectivists in individualistic cultures and
individualists in
collectivistic cultures. Acknowledging intracultural diversity,
Earley ana-
lysed the functional relations between training focus, efficacy
beliefs, and
organisation productivity in terms of whether the inhabitants
favored an indi-
vidualistic or collectivistic ethic, regardless of geographic
locale. Managers
achieved the highest personal efficacy and group productivity
when their
personal orientation matched the organisational social system.
Thus, Amer-
ican collectivists did better under a group-oriented system,
whereas Chinese
individualists did better under an individually oriented system.
The personal
orientation rather than the geographical cultural locale was a
major carrier
of the effects. Analysis in terms of key psychosocial dimensions
has greater
explanatory import than categorising people by geographic
locale because
the former is grounded in a theory about the psychosocial
factors posited
to account for cultural differences and addresses diversities in
groupings. Both at the societal and individual level of analysis,
strong per-
ceived efficacy fosters high group effort and performance
People live their lives in sociocultural milieus that differ in
their shared
values, customs, social practices, and institutional constraints
and oppor-
tunity structures. Dichotomous cultural groupings, such as
collectivistic types, mask much diversity between cultural
systems assigned
to the same type and within a particular culture. Such
classifications rely
on a disputable homogeneity assumption. For example,
collectivistic systems
founded on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Marxism favor a
communal ethic,
but they differ significantly from each other in particular
values, meanings,
and the customs they promote (Kim et al., 1994). Nor are so-
called indi-
vidualistic cultures a uniform lot. Americans, Italians, Germans,
and the British differ in their particular brands of individualism.
within an individualistically oriented culture, such as the United
States, the
Northeast brand of individualism is quite different from the
Midwest and
West versions and the latter differ from that of the Deep
Southern region of
the nation (Vandello & Cohen, 1999). Even the informativeness
of regional
comparisons is questionable because of a substantial ethnic
heterogeneity Page 274 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
within them. Cross-ethnic comparisons, such as Latinos,
and Orientals, can be highly misinformative because of the
diverse nature
of ethnicity. For example, to lump Puerto Ricans, Cubans,
Chicanos, and
Spanish, who have quite different cultural origins, into a Latino
imposes homogeneity on intra-ethnic diversity. Hence, cultural
in which members of a single collectivist culture is compared to
those of
a single individualist one, can spawn a lot of misleading
Cultures are diverse and dynamic social systems not static
monoliths. There
is substantial heterogeneity among individuals within both
individualistic and
collectivistic systems. Thus, for example, there are generational
and socio-
economic variations in communality in collectivistic cultures
with younger
and more affluent members adopting more individualistic
(Matsumoto, Kudoh, & Takeuchi, 1996). Under the sway of
global market and
media forces, entrepreneurship is supplanting communality in
cultures. Conversely, some of the excesses of individualism are
prompting a
resurgence of efforts to restore a sense of community and social
ity in individualistic cultures.
There is even greater intraindividual variation in communality
across dif-
ferent types of social relationships. Members of a
collectivistically oriented
society are highly communal with ingroup members, such as
family mem-
bers, friends, and colleagues, but members of an
individualistically oriented
society are more communal with outgroup members (Matsumoto
et al.,
1996). Indeed, variation in communal style of behavior across
classes of rela-
tionships swamps variation across cultural milieus. Analyses
across activity
domains would undoubtedly reveal that people behave
communally in some
aspects of their lives and individualistically in many other
aspects. Moreover,
people express their cultural orientations conditionally rather
than invari-
antly depending on incentive conditions (Yamagishi, 1988).
Thus, members
of a collectivistically oriented society are active contributors to
effort with ingroup members, but slacken their effort in groups
of outgroup members. But when negative sanctions against free
riders are
instituted they become as communal with outsiders as do people
in individual-
istic cultures. Freeman and Bordia (2001) further confirm that
people vary in
individualistic and collectivistic social orientations depending
on whether
the reference group is familial, peer, academic, or national.
Cultural measures
cast in terms of faceless others and disembodied from domains
of activity,
social contexts, and incentive conditions mask this diversity on
which human
adaptation is conditional. Global, decontextualised measures
shrink psycho-
social variability to uniform polarity that lends to be ascribed to
entire cultures
and their residents.
Intracultural and interdomain variability, and changeability of
orientations as a function of incentive conditions underscores
the concep-
tual and empirical problems of using nations as proxies for
culture and Page 275 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
then ascribing psychosocial attributes to the nations and all its
members as
though they are static monoliths (Gjerde & Onishi, 2000). This
is culturalism
by bounded territory rather than by psychosocial orientations
and social cus-
toms. All too often, a selected cultural factor that yields a small
in group averages is generalised to all individuals in the cultural
as though they all believed and behaved alike as dichotomously
The categorical approach also lends itself readily to
misattributing effects
to traits ascribed to the classification when, in fact, other
dynamic pro-
cesses may be at play. For example, collectivists tend to be
most efficacious
and productive when they manage things together. It is assumed
that this
is because the collectively oriented are disposed to place group
interest and
shared responsibility above self-interest. However, collectivists
are not
always group oriented as if driven by an all-reaching communal
Indeed, they have a low sense of efficacy and perform poorly
when manag-
ing activities within an ethnically mixed group (Earley, 1993).
processes triggered by perceived ingroupness–outgroupness
seem to be at
There is a substantial difference between theorising based on
cultural trait ascriptions and process analyses. Human behavior
is socially
situated, richly contextualised and conditionally expressed. The
ities described above require analyses of psychosocial
determinants and
governing mechanisms grounded in a comprehensive theory of
functioning. Global decontextualised and nonconditionalised
measures of
psychological orientations mask the substantial intracultural
diversity and
intraindividual variation in self-conception. There is no
autonomous self
unless one is living the life of a hermit, nor is there an entirely
ent self completely submerged in collectivity without any
individual identity
or sense of personal capability. Such measures are ill -suited to
understanding of the structure, dynamics, and functions of
factors that shape how people live their lives in given cultural
Contentious theoretical dualisms pervade the cross-cultural
field, pitting
autonomy against interdependence; personal agency against
social struc-
ture; and individualism against collectivism and communality.
Most of the
current theorising and research on cultural variations is
structured around
these categorisations. One duality inappropriately equates self-
efficacy with
individualism and pits it against collectivism (Schooler, 1990).
A contentious
correlative duality regards any reference to self in
psychological theorising
as championing self-centeredness and self-indulgence in
contrast to com-
munal attachments and civic responsibilities (Seligman, 1990;
Sampson, 1977).
These jaundiced views are grounded in a number of erroneous
assumptions. Page 276 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
Perceived self-efficacy does not come with a built-in
individualistic value
system. Therefore, a sense of efficacy does not necessarily
spawn an indi-
vidualistic lifestyle, identity, or morality. If belief in the power
to produce
effects is put to social purposes, it fosters a communal life
rather than
erodes it. People with resilient efficacy and strong prosocial
purpose often
subordinate self-interest to the benefit of others. For example,
parents in
impoverished environments with a resilient sense of efficacy
refuse to have
their children’s development dictated by adverse circumstances
by bringing
their influence to bear on things that matter through resourceful
effort and
self-sacrifice (Bandura, 1997). The same is true for tenacious
social reform-
ers. Gandhi provides a striking example of self-sacrifice in the
exercise of
tenacious personal efficacy. He spearheaded the triumph over
rule through unceasing nonviolent resistance and repeatedly
forced con-
cessions from ruling authorities by going on life-threatening
fasts. He lived
ascetically, not self-indulgently. Similarly, Mandella and King
spurred extra-
ordinary social changes that altered the course of sociopolitical
life in their
societies in the face of daunting challenge through an
enormously resilient
sense of personal efficacy. Without a robust sense of self,
people are easily
overwhelmed by adversities in attempts to change their lives for
the better
through collective effort.
A sense of collective efficacy is not disembodied from
perceived personal
efficacy. A collectivistic culture with members plagued by self-
about their capabilities to perform their roles would achieve
little. A strong
sense of personal efficacy to manage one’s life circumstances
and to have
a hand in effecting societal changes contributes substantially to
perceived col-
lective efficacy to shape their society’s social future
Díez-Nicolás, Caprara, Barbaranelli, & Bandura, 2002).
The conjoint influence of perceived political efficacy and trust
in the gov-
ernmental system predicts the form and level of people’s
political activity
(Craig, 1979; Pollock, 1983; Seligson, 1980). These belief
systems function
similarly regardless of whether the political activism is by
United States’
citizenry or Costa Rican peasants seeking social reforms. People
believe they can achieve desired changes through their
collective voice, and
who view their governmental systems as trustworthy, are active
in conventional political activities. Those who believe they can
social changes by perseverant collective action, but view the
systems and office-holders as untrustworthy, favor more
confrontive and
coercive tactics outside the traditional political channels. The
apathetic have little faith that they can influence governmental
through collective initiatives and are disaffected from the
political system,
believing it ignores their interests.
In political participation, people’s efficacy beliefs to achieve
social change
are put in the service of bettering their lives. In everyday socia l
relationships, Page 277 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
perceived self-efficacy is not antithetical to communality.
Indeed, a high
sense of social and empathic efficacy promote prosocialness as
expressed in
cooperativeness, helpfulness, and sharing (Bandura, Caprara,
Gerbino, & Pastorelli, 2001; Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli,
Pastorelli, &
Regalia, 2001). As already noted, social cognitive theory
provides a theoret-
ical framework applicable to both individualistically and
oriented social systems through its expanded conception of
human agency
exercised individually, socially mediated, and collectively. Kim
and Park (1999)
further extend the cross-cultural applicability of self-efficacy
theory by adding
belief in one’s relational efficacy to promote positive communal
This facet of self-efficacy is well suited to capture the
communal aspect of
life, especially in the more collectivistically oriented cultural
Another disputable duality pits psychological theories of
personal agency
and sociostructural theories as rival conceptions of human
behavior or as
representing different levels and proximities of causati on. In the
cognitive theory of self and society (Bandura, 1986, 2001)
personal agency
and social structure operate interdependently rather than as
entities. Personal agency operates within a broad network of
influences. In these agentic transactions, people are producers
as well as
products of social systems. Social structures are created by
human activity
to organise, guide, and regulate human affairs in given domains
by authorised
rules and sanctions (Giddens, 1984). The sociostructural
practices imple-
mented by social agents, in turn, impose constraints and provide
and opportunity structures for personal development and
functioning. Given
this dynamic bidirectionality of influence, social cognitive
theory rejects a
dualism between personal agency and a disembodied social
A full understanding of human adaptation and change requires
an integ-
rated causal structure in which sociostructural influences
operate through
mechanisms of the self system to produce behavioral effects.
However, in
agentic transactions, the self system is not merely a conduit for
external influ-
ences. The self is socially constituted but, by exercising
directive influence,
human agency operates generatively and proactively on social
systems not
just reactively.
Nor are sociostructural and psychological determinants neatly
ised into remote and proximate ones. For example, poverty is a
economic factor that does not operate in multilayered or remote
Lacking the money needed to provide for the subsistence of
one’s family
pervades everyday life in a very immediate way. Analyses of
paths of influence
lend support for a multicausal model that integrates
sociostructural and
personal determinants. Economic conditions, socioeconomic
status, and
family structure affect behavior through their impact on
people’s sense of effi-
cacy, aspirations, and affective self-regulatory factors rather
than directly Page 278 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
(Baldwin, Baldwin, Sameroff, & Seifer, 1989; Bandura, 1993;
Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996b, 2001; Elder &
Ardelt, 1992).
A major part of people’s daily life is spent in occupational
These pursuits do more than simply provide income for one’s
Occupations structure a large part of people’s everyday reality
and serve as
a major source of personal identity and self-evaluation. As an
ent activity, occupational pursuits also structure a good part of
social relations. Beliefs of personal efficacy play a highly
influential role in
occupational development and pursuits (Bandura, 1997; Betz &
1986; Hackett, 1995; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). The
higher the people’s
perceived efficacy to fulfill educational requirements and
occupational roles
the wider the career options they seriously consider pursuing,
the greater the
interest they have in them, the better they prepare themselves
for different occupational careers, and the greater their staying
power in
challenging career pursuits. People simply eliminate from
consideration entire
classes of occupations they believe to be beyond their
capabilities, however
attractive the occupations may be.
The career interests and pursuits of women tend to be
constricted by a
sense of inefficacy for quantitative activities and skills
necessary for occupa-
tions traditionally occupied by males. The gendered patterning
of perceived
occupational efficacy is similar in the United States and Japan
(Betz &
Hackett, 1983; Hackett, 1995; Lucas, Wanberg, & Zytowski,
1997; Matsui,
Ikeda, & Ohnishi, 1989). Moreover, gendered socialisation
exerts a compar-
able impact cross-culturally even on judgments of personal
efficacy for the
same activities performed in different contexts. Women both in
the United
States and Japan have a high sense of efficacy for quantitative
activities em-
bedded in stereotypically feminine activities, but low perceived
when these same quantitative activities are embedded in
scientific pur-
suits (Betz & Hackett, 1983; Junge & Dretzke, 1995; Matsui &
Perceived coping efficacy also affects stress and burnout in
milieus in much the same way cross-culturally. Occupational
stress arises
when perceived task demands tax or exceed perceived efficacy
to manage
them and when people find themselves in jobs below their
capabilities or are
plateaued in their careers with little opportunity to make full
use of their
skills or to enhance them (Brouwers, Evers, & Tomic, 2001;
Brouwers &
Tomic, 1999, 2000; Chwalisz, Altmaier, & Russell, 1992; Jex &
Bliese, 1999;
Jex & Gudanowski, 1992; Salanova, Liorens, Cifre, Martinez, &
in press; Salanova, Peiró, & Schaufeli, in press; Schwarzer &
Schmitz, 1999).
That perceived coping efficacy mediates the impact of work
demands on
occupational stress is replicated in diverse invidualistically
oriented social
systems cited above, including Germany, Netherlands, Spain,
and the United Page 279 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
States at the level of both perceived individual and collective
efficacy. What
is experienced as an occupational stressor also depends on the
level of per-
ceived efficacy in the collectivistically oriented Japanese
culture (Matsui &
Onglatco, 1992). Japanese women employees who have a low
sense of coping
efficacy are stressed by heavy work demands and role
responsibilities. Those
with a high sense of efficacy are frustrated and stressed by
limited opportunities
to make full use of their talents.
So far the cross-cultural generalisability of social cognitive
theory has
been evaluated in terms of its explanatory power and its
predictive power.
The power of the theory to effect society-wide changes in
diverse cultural
milieus provides a third way of gauging generalisability. Mass
media dramat-
isations founded on social cognitive theory are being used to
reduce the most
urgent global problems, namely, the burgeoning population
growth. Global
applications of televised sociocognitive serials have proven
successful in
raising viewers’ perceived efficacy to determine their family
size, increasing
approval of family planning, enhancing the agentic status of
women, and
increasing use of family planning services and contraceptive
methods in
Africa, Asia, and Latin America alike (Bandura, 2002; Vaugha n,
Singhal, & Swalehe, 2000). These numerous global applications
speak to the
operative generalisability of social cognitive theory.
Another line of research into the cross-cultural generalisability
of social
cognitive theory examines the origin, structure, and function of
self-efficacy and other sociocognitive determinants in child
One such research examined the cultural embeddedness and
structure of
children’s perceived self-efficacy in Italy, Poland, and Hungary
Caprara, Barbaranelli, Rola, Rorza, & Bandura, 2001). Although
these soci-
eties represent quite different sociocultural systems, the factor
of children’s self-efficacy beliefs was essentially replicated.
These factors
include perceived efficacy to regulate one’s own learning
activities and master
academic coursework; perceived social efficacy to develop and
interpersonal relationships; and perceived self-regulatory
efficacy to resist
peer pressure to engage in detrimental activities. Moreover,
children in the
collectivistically oriented Korean culture exhibit the same
structure of per-
ceived self-efficacy (Kwak & Bandura, 1997).
Although the factor structure is comparable, the different forms
of per-
ceived self-efficacy play out differently in the different cultural
milieus. Chil-
dren from the various countries have an equivalent level of
efficacy to master
academic subjects, but those from countries with authoritarian
systems have a lower sense of efficacy to take charge of their
own learning. Page 280 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
A low sense of efficacy to regulate one’s own motivation and
learning act-
ivities bears importantly on intellectual self-development. A
major goal of
education is to equip students with the intellectual tools and
capabilities to educate themselves throughout their lifetime.
Evolving educa-
tional technologies and the rapid pace of informational change
are placing
a premium on perceived efficacy for self-regulated learning.
In the socially oriented Italian culture, children judge
themselves more
socially efficacious than their counterparts in the Eastern
European societies
of Poland and Hungary. There are significant gender differences
in per-
ceived efficacy which are replicated cross-nationally. In all
three societies,
girls have a higher sense of efficacy for academic activities and
to resist peer
pressure to engage in transgressive activities.
Not only is the structure of efficacy beliefs comparable cross -
but so are their functional properties. In the more
individualistically oriented
American social system, perceived self-efficacy to regulate
one’s learning
and master academic activities is a good predictor of academic
and level of academic achievement after controlling for prior
(Pajares, 1996; Pajares & Miller, 1994; Schunk, 1989;
Zimmerman & Bandura,
1994; Zimmerman, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992). Belief in
one’s aca-
demic efficacy serves a similar function in academic
attainments in Chinese,
German, Italian, and Korean cultures (Bandura, Barbaranelli,
Caprara, &
Pastorelli, 1996b; Bong, 2001, in press; Joo, Bong, & Choi,
2000; Mayer &
Kim, 2000; Shih & Alexander, 2000). The cross-cultural
comparability of
function is evident as well in the impact of efficacy belief on
perceived occu-
pational efficacy and career choice and development (Bandura,
Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001; Lent, Brown, & Larkin, 1986,
Perceived self-efficacy to manage one’s academic activities not
only oper-
ates similarly in the Korean culture as an enhancer of academic
but even its mediating function is replicated cross-culturally
(Park, Kim,
Chung, Lee, Kwon, & Yang, 2000). Social support has been
shown to enhance
psychosocial functioning. However, mediational analysis across
spheres of functioning reveals that it does so only indirectly to
the extent that
it raises perceived self-efficacy to manage environmental
demands (Benight,
Swift, Sanger, Smith, & Zeppelin, 1999; Cheung & Sun, 2000;
Cutrona &
Troutman, 1986; Duncan & McAuley, 1993; Major, Mueller, &
brandt, 1985).
Park and her associates (Park et al., 2000) examined the causal
ture involving different sources of social support, perceived
academic self-
efficacy, life satisfaction, and academic achievement in Korean
at different age levels. In accord with the functional relations
reported in
studies in the American milieu, the impact of social support on
achievement is entirely mediated through perceived self-
efficacy. Social
support raises perceived efficacy which, in turn, is accompanied
by higher Page 281 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
academic achievement and greater satisfaction with one’s home
and school
life. At the elementary school level, maternal, paternal, teacher,
and peer
support all contribute to children’s perceived academic efficacy.
At the
middle and high school levels, teachers’ support fades from the
picture, the
contribution of maternal support declines and that of paternal
increases. That latter finding reflects the growing role of the
father as ado-
lescents prepare for their occupational development. Although
the relative
weights of the different enabling supportive influences change
with age,
perceived self-efficacy retains its mediating predictive value
the age span. Research by Cheung and Sun (2000) in Hong
Kong further
verifies the generalisability of the sociocognitive causal
structure at the adult
level in a markedly different adaptational domain. The
ameliorative effect
of social support on anxiety and depression is entirely mediated
enhancement of perceived self-efficacy.
Replicability of social cognitive determinants across both
and collectivistic cultures is similarly verified in a markedly
different sphere
of functioning, namely the exercise of moral agency.
Psychological theories
of morality have traditionally focused heavily on the formal
character of
moral reasoning to the neglect of moral conduct. A complete
theory of moral
agency must link moral knowledge and reasoning to moral
conduct. This
requires an agentic theory of morality rather than one confined
mainly to
cognitions about morality. In the social cognitive theory of the
moral self
(Bandura, 1991, 1999) moral reasoning is linked to moral
conduct through
self-regulatory mechanisms by which moral agency is exercised.
It is one
thing to possess self-regulatory skills but another to stick with
them in the
face of compelling inducements to behave otherwise. A strong
sense of self-
regulatory efficacy provides the necessary restraining power.
In the development of a moral self, individuals construct
standards of
right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for conduct.
They regu-
late their actions by the consequences they apply to themselves.
They do
things that give them satisfaction and a sense of self-worth.
They refrain
from behaving in ways that violate their moral standards,
because such
conduct will bring self-condemnation. Moral standards do not
function as
fixed internal regulators of conduct, however. There are several
gical mechanisms by which moral self-sanctions can be
selectively disengaged
from inhumane conduct. Selective activation and disengagemen t
of self-
sanctions permit different types of conduct by persons with the
same moral
standards. The moral disengagement may center on the
cognitive restructur-
ing of inhumane conduct into a benign or worthy one by moral
sanitising language and advantageous comparison; disavowal of
a sense of
personal agency for the harm caused by diffusion or
displacement of respons-
ibility; disregarding or minimising the injurious effects of one’s
actions; and
attributing blame to, and dehumanising those who are
victimised. Page 282 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
Children of weak self-regulatory efficacy and who are facile
moral dis-
engagers show high engagement in antisocial conduct regardless
of whether
they reside in an individualistically oriented or collectivistically
oriented cul-
ture (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996a;
Bandura, Caprara,
Barbaranelli, Pastorelli, & Regalia, 2001; Kwak & Bandura,
1997). Facile
moral disengagement fosters aggressive conduct similarly in
these two types
of societies.
Cultures are no longer insular. Transnational interdependencies
and global
market forces are restructuring national economies and shaping
the political
and social life of societies (Keohane, 1993; Keohane & Nye,
1977). Because of
extensive global interconnectedness the actions of forces
operating remotely
now produce local effects. What happens economically and
politically in
one part of the world can affect the lives of vast populations
Under the new realities of growing transnational influence,
nation states
seek to increase their controlling leverage by merging into
larger functional
units. For example, the nations of Western Europe formed the
Union to exercise greater control over their economic life.
Other nation
states will similarly be forced to merge into larger blocs;
otherwise, they will
have little bargaining power in transnational relations.
However, the regional
marriages do not come without a price. Paradoxically, to gain
control, nations have to negotiate reciprocal pacts that place
some constraints
on how they can conduct their national affairs and alter their
ways of life (Keohane, 1993). Imposed constraints generate
internal societal disputes between those who are adversely
affected by the
accords and those who benefit from them.
Some of the transnational market forces may erode or
undermine valued
cultural aspects of life when they are disregarded or considered
from profitability. Social bonds and common commitments that
lack market-
ability are especially vulnerable to erosion by market forces.
Telecommunications technologies also contribute to a new
consciousness. Ideas, values, and styles of behavior are being
transnationally at an unprecedented rate. Although these
symbolic environ-
ments feeding off communication satellites have not created a
culture, they are producing intercultural commonalities in
certain lifestyle
elements. Continued cultural cross-fertilisation may foster a
more extensive
globalisation of culture. The dawning of the electronic era in
this third
millennium underscores the growing role of electronic
acculturation in
people’s lives. With further development of the Internet world,
people will
be even more heavily embedded in global symbolic
environments. Page 283 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
People worldwide are becoming increasingly enmeshed in a
that transcends time, distance and place, and national borders.
By enabling
individuals to transcend their environment, these information
are placing a premium on the exercise of personal agency. For
students can now exercise substantial personal control over
their own
learning. In the past, their educational development was
dependent on the
schools to which they were assigned. Students now have the
best libraries,
museums, and multimedia instruction at their fingertips through
the global
Internet for educating themselves independently of time and
place. Through
interactive electronic networking, people link together in
dispersed locales,
exchange information, share new ideas, and work
collaboratively on matters
of mutual interest (Robey, Khoo, & Powers, 2000). Worldwide
is shrinking cross-cultural uniqueness.
In organisational life many activities are increasingly performed
by mem-
bers of virtual teams working together from scattered locations
in different
cultural milieus through computer-mediated transactions.
Working remotely
across time, space, and varied cultural orientations can be
taxing. Employees
with high perceived efficacy for remotely conducted
collaboration have more
positive work attitudes and achieve higher group job
performances than
those of low perceived efficacy (Staples, Hulland, & Higgins,
In addition, mass transnational migrations of people seeking a
better life,
ethnic intermarriages, and high global mobility of entertainers,
journalists, academics, and employees of multinational
corporations with
more cosmopolitan orientations are changing cultural
landscapes. This
intermixing creates new hybrid cultural forms blending
elements from dif-
ferent ethnicities. Members of societies with enduring ties to
ethnic heritages
and homelands add further intracultural diversity. In short,
globalisation is
homogenising some aspects of life, polarising other aspects, and
fostering a
lot of cultural hybridisation (Holton, 2000). Growing ethnic
diversity accords
functional value to bicultural efficacy to navigate the demands
of both one’s
own ethnic subculture and that of the larger society. Efforts to
build a new life
elsewhere run up against untold stressors, especially when
migrations involve
radical changes in sociocultural customs and lifestyle patterns.
who are assured of their coping efficacy feel challenged rather
than threatened
by the impediments to a new life (Jerusalem & Mittag, 1995).
Beliefs of per-
sonal efficacy enhance successful migratory adaptation.
These new realities call for broadening the scope of cross -
cultural analyses
beyond the focus on the social forces operating within the
boundaries of
given societies to the forces impinging upon them from abroad.
With growing
international embeddedness and interdependence of societies,
and enmesh-
ment in the Internet symbolic culture, the issues of interest
center on how
national and global forces interact to shape the nature of
cultural life.
Although globalisation is changing the power relations of nation
states, it Page 284 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
© International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
has not rendered them irrelevant (Lie, 1996). Transnational
systems still
have to operate through national institutional frameworks,
human resources,
and operational infrastructures. It is not as though there is little
or nothing
nations can do about transnational forces. As globalisation
reaches ever
deeper into people’s lives, a strong sense of collective efficacy
to make trans-
national systems work for them becomes critical to furthering
their common
interests and welfare.
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httpsdoi.org10.11771745691618804187Perspectives on Ps

  • 1. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2019, Vol. 14(1) 16 –20 © The Author(s) 2019 Article reuse guidelines: DOI: 10.1177/1745691618804187 ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE As I look back over the past 65 years, my professional life has been filled with what I can best describe as a continual series of adventures. For the most part, the challenges that I’ve confronted were of my own mak- ing: Like Theseus in the labyrinth, whenever I seemed to find a solution to a problem, I was confronted with another problem. My initial difficult confrontation occurred when I was a fellow at the Austin Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. I was assigned to work with a young man with a pervasive delusion of being followed by government agents. To my surprise, even though the therapy was for the most part supportive, the delusion disappeared. In 1952, I subsequently pub- lished this case history as the first reported successful psychotherapy of an individual with schizophrenia (Beck, 1952). This case report is of particular interest since 50 years elapsed before I returned to the psycho- therapy of schizophrenia: a form of mental illness that is considered, then and now, to be relatively impervious
  • 2. to psychotherapy. In 1956, fresh from having passed my boards in psychiatry, I initiated my first major undertaking: vali- dating the various propositions of psychoanalysis. Hav- ing undergone a personal analysis and completed the other requirements for admission to the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Institute, I was totally committed to the theory and therapy of psychoanalysis, but I felt that for psychoanalysis to be accepted by the larger scientific community, it would require a solid base of evidence. On the basis of that conclusion, I decided to test out the central psychoanalytic proposition that depression was caused by inverted hostility. That is, if the patient experienced unacceptable anger toward a close person but repressed this unacceptable anger, it would come out in the form of self-criticism, negative expectancy, suicidal wishes, and depressed mood. I teamed up with Marvin Hurvich, a psychology graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. I prepared a scoring manual for hostility in dreams, and Marvin blindly scored a sample of dreams from patients with depression as well as a control group of patients who were not depressed. To our surprise, the patients with depression showed less hostility in their dreams than did the nondepressed individuals. This negative finding posed a dilemma for us: It would seem that the absence of manifest hostility in dreams, which had been characterized by Freud as the “royal road to the uncon- scious,” invalidated the theory of inverted hostility. However, after examining the content of dreams for a second time, we found that the dreams of the patients with depression consistently portrayed the dreamer or the action in the dream in a negative way. Conversely,
  • 3. this consistent finding was not evident in the dreams of the nondepressed patients. We then reasoned that the hostility was unable to penetrate through the dreams, but it still existed at an unconscious level and assumed the form of a need to suffer. Because of this theme, we labeled these dreams as “masochistic” and found that using this negative portrayal of the dreamer as a symbol of the need for personal suffering clearly differentiated the patients with depression from those without (Beck & Hurvich, 1959). In the early 1960s, I teamed up with Jim Diggory and Sy Feshbach from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Although our empirical articles weren’t published until years later, I conducted a number of experiments at that time based on the premise that if patients with depression had a need to suffer, they would perform better after a negative expe- rience than after a positive experience (Loeb, Beck, & Diggory, 1971; Loeb, Beck, Diggory, & Tuthill, 1967; Loeb, Feshbach, Beck, & Wolf, 1964). For example, failure at a task or continuous negative feedback would lead to better performance than would a positive expe- rience on a task. 804187PPSXXX10.1177/1745691618804187BeckEvolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy research-article2018 Corresponding Author: Aaron T. Beck, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, 3535 Market St., Office 3093, Philadelphia, PA 19104 E-mail: [email protected] A 60-Year Evolution of Cognitive
  • 4. Theory and Therapy Aaron T. Beck Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania mailto:[email protected] 18804187&domain=pdf&date_stamp=2019-01-18 Evolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy 17 The results of these experiments turned out to oppose our hypothesis. Compared with nondepressed individuals, the individuals with depression performed significantly better after a positive experience than they did after a negative experience. I then realized that the concept of masochism as an explanation for the nega- tive content in the dreams was probably a fallacy and that it was necessary to think of a another explanation for the negative finding. I then came to a rather sim- plistic explanation for the negative content in the dreams: The dreams simply represented the way the dreamer perceived the self. In other words, the dream content was a replication of the individuals’ self-image that was actualized in the waking state. I then initiated a much larger study of dreams of patients with depres- sion and found that the dreams did consistently portray the dreamer in negative images, consistent with the conscious negative self-image (Beck & Ward, 1961). The findings of the dream studies and experimental research inspired me to explore the supportive evidence
  • 5. for the various tenets of psychoanalysis. I first reviewed the basis for the concept of the unconscious and repres- sion and the other defense mechanisms. The uncon- scious as described by Freud consists of a jumble of unacceptable impulses and fantasies that are held in check by repression and other defense mechanisms. Although it was clear that cognitive processing can take place without awareness (as indicated by various experi - ments on subliminal bias, etc.), I could find no substan- tial evidence for the kind of drives and fantasies alluded to by psychoanalysts nor evidence for the frank exhibi - tion of the supposed unconscious material. Beginning to doubt this keystone of psychoanalytic theory, I decided to examine the bases of psychoanalytic therapy, such as infantile memories and the existence of transfer- ence of parental images onto therapists. Here again, the data were weak and subject to other interpretations. As I pursued my investigations, the various psychoanalytic concepts began to collapse like a stack of dominos. In a talk before the more liberal Academy of Psycho- analysis, I attempted to maintain some of the psycho- analytic hypotheses. In this talk, titled “There Is More on the Surface Than Meets the Eye” (Beck, 1963a), I tried to demonstrate that many of the patients’ ideas that were regarded as unconscious were actually conscious. I also described how I discovered the existence of what I termed automatic thoughts. I described how one of my patients undergoing formal psychoanalysis regaled me from session to session with stories of her sexual escapades. I finally asked her whether she had any other thoughts besides these. When she focused on her stream of consciousness, she reported that she had a separate series of thoughts: She was afraid of boring me and thus had to entertain me with stories of her escapades. I then
  • 6. checked with other patients and similarly determined that when they focused on everything that was going through their minds, they had similar thoughts that they had not been very much aware of previously. In the course of time, I observed enough of these previously unreported thoughts to recognize that they played an important role in the person’s affect and attitudes about the self, others, and the future. In 1960, I finally became disillusioned with the formal psychoanalytic approach of patients lying on the couch and free associating, I decided to ask the patients to sit up. At that point, we would carry out more of a collaborative conversation. After this slight shift in therapeutic approach and deliv- ery, it became obvious to me that these thoughts often constituted an important bridge between the external stimulus situation and the individual’s emotional experi - ence and their behavior. A New Theory and Therapy of Psychopathology The elucidation of these automatic thoughts then laid the groundwork for a theory of human psychopathology. In parallel to noticing my clients experiencing automatic thoughts, I also noticed that when I focused on my own reactions to a particular stimulus, I became aware of these thoughts. They appeared to emerge automatically (hence the label of “automatic thoughts”). When I expe- rienced either anxiety or anger, I would have an inter- vening automatic thought, the content of which explained the particular emotion. Thus, themes of threat or anxiety led to anger, loss led to sadness, and gain led to exhila- ration. When I was able to put all of this together, I had an “a-ha” experience. I felt as though I had discovered something new. I also observed that the automatic thoughts actually were exaggerations or even miscon-
  • 7. structions or misinterpretations of a situation. Thus, for example, I might misinterpret somebody’s brief response to a question as a slight and become angry. I found that when I looked for the evidence for the thought, it was either very weak or nonexistent. I then found that my patients’ automatic thoughts were similar to my own, and this formed a bridge to their affective experience. In the case of my patients, these automatic thoughts were generally distortions that fit their diagnosis. My first con- certed venture was to examine these thoughts in patients with depression, who constituted the majority of my case load (Beck, 1963b). For the most part, I found that automatic thoughts served a useful function, even though they were gener- ally covert. For example, when driving, I was able to multitask: carry on a conversation, listen to the radio, or engage in my thoughts about a forthcoming lecture and at the same time, change lanes, increase or decrease 18 Beck the speed, and circle around obstacles. When I focused on these thoughts, I perceived self-instructions that guided my actions whether I was driving or participating in other activities. When I asked my patients to focus on their automatic thoughts, I found that the content varied according to the major psychiatric problem or diagnosis. In fact, the more severe the disorder, the more conscious these automatic thoughts became. For exam- ple, the automatic thoughts of patients with depression had a general theme of self-criticism or regret. When the depression was more severe, the automatic thoughts occupied a good portion of the stream of consciousness.
  • 8. Likewise, the thought content of patients with anxiety were filled with fears in either the physical or psycho- logical realm. Individuals with an obsessional neurosis tended to have repetitive, conscious automatic thoughts of an imperative nature (e.g., “wash your hands again”). There was no specific diagnostic category for problems with anger, but these generally had the theme of unjusti- fied loss, challenge, or threat. My initial application of the construct of automatic thoughts was to train the patients to focus on and rec- ognize them. In the interview sessions, I trained the individuals to examine the validity of thoughts, which generally constituted either misinterpretations or exag- gerations of a situation. I had noted that these thoughts often reflected cognitive distortions—misinterpretations or exaggerations of situations. In teaching the patients to evaluate these distortions, I was influenced in part by the volume by Albert Ellis (1962) titled Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy. When the patients were able to correct their misinterpretation through procedures such as looking for the evidence, considering alterna- tive explanations, or evaluating the logic of the conclu- sions, they began to get better. In reading Ellis’s book, I noted that he had also recognized the existence of automatic thoughts, which he labeled self-statements. His description of self-statements was almost identical to what I had previously labeled as automatic thoughts. This constituted a kind of confirmation of the existence of these phenomena. Albert Ellis and I also recognized the difference between the automatic thoughts, often labeled hot cognitions, and the more deliberate, reflec- tive, and consciously directed thinking, sometimes labeled cold cognition. Our recognition of these phe- nomena was later mentioned by Daniel Kahneman (2011) in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow.
  • 9. Attempts to Create an Innovative Theory and Therapy The next step in my evolution of cognitive theory and therapy was the recognition that individuals had a system of beliefs that, when triggered by a particular situation, yielded the interpretation or misinterpreta- tion, generally in the form of an automatic thought. I then attempted to construct a theory of normal thought processes and psychopathology (Beck, 1976). The question was how to label the individuals’ beliefs and automatic thoughts. Having read George Kelly’s (1955) volume titled A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs, I first considered using the term construct to label the beliefs. However, the term schema, derived from Piaget’s work, seemed to offer more possibilities. I thus used schema as the name for the more or less durable structure that, when triggered, produced the automatic thought. Following from Piaget, I ascribed the following characteristics to the schemas: permeability/impermeability, magnitude, content, and charge. Permeability/impermeability indicated receptiv- ity to change, magnitude was the size of the schema relative to the person’s general self-concept, and con- tent described the basic theme. When the charge of the schema was low, the schema was essentially deac- tivated but became activated again when a stimulus congruent with the content of the schema became activated or, in psychopathology, when the schema was activated to varying degrees during the course of the episode. Application to Specific Psychological Disorders
  • 10. Expanding on the concept of schemas, I developed a number of instruments that measured the idiosyncratic beliefs for the major depressive disorders and problems such as depression, suicide, anxiety, substance abuse, anger and hostility, couples problems, and, more recently, schizophrenia (e.g., the Beck Depression Inventory; Beck, Steer, & Carbin, 1988; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, & Erbaugh, 1961). Because these various psycho- logical variables were poorly defined, in each instance I developed a measure of the psychiatric disorder before attempting to identify the beliefs, the characteristics of each disorder, and the therapy adapted to modify the maladaptive beliefs. Examples from the different diag- nostic tests are as follows: depression: “I am so sad or unhappy I can’t stand it”; suicide: “I would end my life if I could”; anxiety: “I am anxious all of the time”; anger and hostility: “If someone offends me I should strike back.” For each disorder, the diagnostic instrument would be used to identify the primary psychopathology and would be a partial outcome measure. In developing a diagram for each disorder, I tried to focus on the typical maladaptive beliefs of the disorder. For example, the addictive behaviors (drinking, using, etc.) were characterized by the same beliefs facilitating the addiction. When experiencing a craving, common Evolution of Cognitive Theory and Therapy 19 maladaptive cognitions could be “it’s OK this one time” (permission giving), “I can go to the corner to get a hit” (facilitating), and/or “I will quit after this one time” (promising). For anger and aggression issues, the typical
  • 11. pathway is as follows: The individuals feel diminished in some way, leading to a momentary hurt feeling. They are generally not aware of the hurt because it is overshad- owed by anger and the impulse to counter attack. In another paradigm, particularly when the individuals feel vulnerable, they may react to a perceived attack or threat by becoming anxious. Finally, individuals, particularly those who are depressed, may respond to the assault by reinforcing the notion that they deserve it (Beck, 1999). I also studied anger and aggression extensively in couples and found consistently that most of the anger could be attributed to cognitive process (Beck, 1988). They tended to show a wide range of biases, particu- larly attentional (observing only negative behaviors and not positive), interpretive (making negative interpreta- tions of neutral behavior and exaggerating minimal negative), and finally globalization (seeing the partner as the enemy). Here it was possible to observe first- hand the dysfunctional beliefs in the interactions between the two individuals. Each individual saw the self as vulnerable and victimized and the other as over - powering and victimizing. In any case, it was possible to restore the individuals to a better condition provided their animosity had not gone beyond the point of no return. Note that the same types of images and cogni- tive distortions are present in conflicts between other individuals and between larger groups such as ethnic or religious groups and nations. These kinds of cogni- tive processes and distortions help to explain the origin of the killings in war and genocide. Once the maladaptive beliefs were identified for a given disorder, I then proceeded to develop a therapy for that disorder. To test the clinical utility of the assigned beliefs for a given disorder or problem, I con-
  • 12. ducted clinical trials along with my postdoctoral stu- dents. After a successful randomized controlled trial, I would typically prepare a book so that the defined therapy could be used to replicate the initial findings and also provide material for the practitioners. In addi - tion to identifying the primary problem and working to rewire maladaptive beliefs and biases into more adaptive ones, another key factor in the success of any of the adaptations of cognitive therapy is the working relationship with the therapist. In the most severe prob- lems, such as personality disorders—borderline person- ality disorder and schizophrenia, for example—the forging of the connection with the patient involves a kind of partnership or comradeship in many cases. Our team has managed over the past decade to make real progress in the treatment of schizophrenia. In the course of this treatment, we have found that even the most severe cases, involving long periods of hospital - ization, bizarre behavior (e.g., undressing in public), poor urinary and bowel behaviors, self-injury, and aggressiveness, are amenable to treatment and subject to positive change (Grant, Bredemeier, & Beck, 2017; Grant, Huh, Perivoliotis, Stolar, & Beck, 2012). Most notably, we have found that psychotic features such as delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior actually disguise a normal personality. The task of the therapist is to activate this normal personality through the rela- tionship, pinpointing the individual’s strengths, talents, and aspirations and then drawing on these to jointly form a therapeutic plan. Although there are notable differences between traditional cognitive behavior ther - apy (CBT) and our therapeutic approach for schizo- phrenia (i.e., recovery-oriented cognitive therapy, or CT-R), this therapy uses many of the basic tenets of
  • 13. CBT, including personalizing a cognitive formulation for each unique individual, working through negative and dysfunctional beliefs, and discussing strategies to achieving meaningful goals. The worldwide expansion of CBT is due largely to its transdiagnostic efficacy, demonstrated in thousands of research studies (Brown et al., 2005; Rush, Hollon, Beck, & Kovacs, 1978; Waltman, Creed, & Beck, 2016; for a review of studies of CBT effectiveness, see Beck, 1993). Furthermore, in the 1990s, I coauthored a critical book (D. A. Clark & Beck, 1999) that summarized my early work in developing a novel theory and therapy for depression (as discussed in this article) as well as newer scientific evidence for the efficacy of CBT in treating depression. There have also been major clinical advances in the implementation and dissemination of CBT. A 2015 worldwide survey indicated that CBT is the most broadly used form of therapy in the world (Knapp, Kieling, & Beck, 2015). In addition, in the United Kingdom, CBT has been employed as the domi- nant modality of therapy in the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) program under the aus- pices of the National Health Service (NHS), treating more than 500,000 people per year with a variety of mental - health concerns, including depressive and anxiety- related disorders (D. M. Clark, 2018). This substantial focus on dissemination and training of quality CBT cli- nicians from every continent has been fundamental to the overall acceptance of CBT as the “gold standard” of therapy (David, Cristea, & Hofmann, 2018). Although my personal research has been focused primarily on psychological disorders, it is also necessary to give credit to the innovative researchers who have success- fully used CBT to treat a number of medical disorders that even I would have previously written off as impos-
  • 14. sible to target with psychotherapy. These include dia- betes, dementia, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, and skin diseases. 20 Beck In this article, I have tried to touch on some of the highlights of my 60 years in psychiatry and mental health. Hopefully these efforts demonstrate my com- mitment to making a better world through the applica- tion of psychological principles. Action Editor Darby Saxbe served as action editor and June Gruber served as interim editor-in-chief for this article. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The author(s) declared that there were no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship or the publication of this article. References Beck, A. T. (1952). Successful outpatient psychotherapy of a chronic schizophrenic with a delusion based on bor- rowed guilt. Psychiatry, 15, 305–312. doi:10.1080/00332 747.1952.11022883 Beck, A. T. (1963a, November). There is more on the surface than meets the eye. Lecture presented in The Academy of Psychoanalysis, New York, NY.
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  • 16. Beck, A. T., Ward, C. H., Mendelson, M., Mock, J., & Erbaugh, J. (1961). An inventory for measuring depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 4, 561–571. doi:10.1001/arch psyc.1961.01710120031004 Brown, G. K., Ten Have, T., Henriques, G. R., Xie, S. X., Hollander, J. E., & Beck, A. T. (2005). Cognitive therapy for the prevention of suicide attempts: A randomized con- trolled trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 294, 563–570. doi:10.1001/jama.294.5.563 Clark, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (1999). Scientific foundations of cognitive theory and therapy of depression. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Clark, D. M. (2018). Realizing the mass public benefit of evidence-based psychological therapies: The IAPT pro- gram. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 14, 159–183. doi:10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-050817-084833 David, D., Cristea, I., & Hofmann, S. G. (2018). Why cognitive behavioral therapy is the current gold standard of psycho- therapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, Article 4. doi:10.3389/ fpsyt.2018.00004 Ellis, A. (1962). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. Oxford, England: Lyle Stuart. Grant, P. M., Bredemeier, K., & Beck, A. T. (2017). Six-month follow-up of recovery-oriented cognitive therapy for low- functioning individuals with schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services, 68, 997–1002. doi:10.1176/
  • 17. Grant, P. M., Huh, G. A., Perivoliotis, D., Stolar, N. M., & Beck, A. T. (2012). Randomized trial to evaluate the effi - cacy of cognitive therapy for low-functioning patients with schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69, 121–127. doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.129 Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kelly, G. A. (1955). The psychology of personal constructs: Volume 1: A theory of personality. New York, NY: W.W. Norton. Knapp, P., Kieling, C., & Beck, A. T. (2015). What do psycho- therapists do? A systematic review and meta-regression of surveys. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84, 377–378. doi:10.1159/000433555 Loeb, A., Beck, A. T., & Diggory, J. (1971). Differential effects of success and failure on depressed and nondepressed patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 152, 106–114. doi:10.1097/00005053-197102000-00003 Loeb, A., Beck, A. T., Diggory, J. C., & Tuthill, R. (1967, September). Expectancy, level of aspiration, performance, and self-evaluation in depression. In Proceedings of the 75th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (Vol. 2, pp. 193–194). Washington DC: Ame rican Psychological Association. Loeb, A., Feshbach, S., Beck, A. T., & Wolf, A. (1964). Some effects of reward upon the social perception and moti - vation of psychiatric patients varying in depression. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 68, 609–616. doi:10.1037/h0044260
  • 18. Rush, A. J., Hollon, S. D., Beck, A. T., & Kovacs, M. (1978). Depression: Must pharmacotherapy fail for cognitive therapy to succeed? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2, 199–206. doi:10.1007/BF01172735 Waltman, S. H., Creed, T. A., & Beck, A. T. (2016). Are the effects of cognitive behavior therapy for depression falling? Review and critique of the evidence. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 23, 113–122. doi:10.1111/ cpsp.12152 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 2002, 51 (2), 269 – 290 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. mBlackwell Science LtdOxford, UKAPPSApplied Psychology: an International Review0269-994X© International Association for Applied Psychology, 200220025121000Original ArticleSocioCognitive Theory in Cultural ContextBandura Social Cognitive Theory in Cultural Context
  • 19. Albert Bandura* Stanford University, Stanford, USA La théorie socio-cognitive adopte une perspective d’action pour ce qui est du développement, de l’adaptation et du changement humains. Cette théorie dis- tingue trois types d’action: l’action personnelle exercée individuellement, l’action par procuration où l’on s’assure de bénéfices désirés en incitant autrui a intervenir en sa faveur, et l’action collective où les gens agissent ensemble pour construire leur avenir. Des dichotomies conflictuelles parsèment notre domaine, opposant l’autonomie et l’interdépendance, l’individualisme et le collectivisme. Les déterminants et les doses d’action individuelle, par pro- curation et collective varient culturellement. Mais tous les modes d’action sont nécessaires pour parvenir á ses fins quel que soit le contexte culturel. Les cultures sont diverses et dynamiques, ce ne sont pas des monolithes statiques. La diversité intraculturelle et les écarts dans les orientations psychosociales mettent en évidence la dynamique aux multiples facettes des cultures. La glo- balisation croissante, la pluralité des sociétés et l’immersion dans un monde
  • 20. virtuel qui se joue du temps, des distances, des lieux et des frontières incitent à élargir la portée des études interculturelles. Les préoccupations se focalisent sur la façon dont les forces nationales et globales interagissent dans la création de la vie culturelle. Social cognitive theory adopts an agentic perspective to human development, adaptation, and change. The theory distinguishes among three modes of agency: personal agency exercised individually; proxy agency in which people secure desired outcomes by influencing others to act on their behalf; and col- lective agency in which people act in concert to shape their future. Contentious dualisms pervade our field pitting autonomy against interdependence; indi- vidualism against collectivism and communality; and personal agency against social structure. The determinants and agentic blends of individual, proxy, and collective instrumentality vary cross-culturally. But all agentic modes are needed to make it through the day whatever the cultural context in which one resides. Cultures are diverse and dynamic social systems not static monoliths. Intracultural diversity and intraindividual variation in psychosocial orientations across spheres of functioning underscore the multifaceted dynamic nature of
  • 21. * Address for correspondence: Albert Bandura, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 - 2130, USA. Email: [email protected] Preparation of this article and some of the cited research were facilitated by grants from the Grant Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. Page 269 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 270 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. cultures. The growing globalisation and cultural pluralisation of societies and enmeshment in a cyberworld that transcends time, distance, place, and national borders call for broadening the scope of cross -cultural analyses. The issues of interest center on how national and global forces interact to shape the nature of cultural life. INTRODUCTION
  • 22. The present article addresses human functioning in cultural embeddedness from the agentic perspective of social cognitive theory. To be an agent is to influence intentionally one’s functioning and life circumstances. Social cognitive theory distinguishes among three modes of agency: direct personal agency; proxy agency that relies on others to act on one’s behest to secure desired outcomes; and collective agency exercised through group action. In personal agency exercised individually, people bring their influence to bear directly on themselves and their environment in managing their lives. In many spheres of life people do not have direct control over the social con- ditions and institutional practices that affect their everyday lives. Under these circumstances, they seek their well-being and valued outcomes through the exercise of proxy agency. In this socially mediated mode of agency, people try to get those who have access to resources, expertise or who wield influence and power to act at their behest to secure the outcomes they desire. People do not live their lives autonomously. Many of the things they seek are achievable only through socially interdependent effort. Hence, they have to pool their knowledge, skills, and resources, provide mutual support, form alliances, and work together to secure what they cannot accomplish
  • 23. on their own. Successful functioning requires an agentic blend of these different modes of agency. The relative contribution of individual, proxy, and collective modes to the agentic mix may vary cross-culturally. But all of these agentic modes need to be enlisted to make it through the day, regardless of the culture in which one happens to reside. People’s efforts to manage their everyday lives cannot be reduced to polarities that arbitrarily partition human agency into individual and collective forms. Cross-cultural variations are differences in relative emphasis in agentic patterning rather than cultural exclusivity of agency to individual or collective modes. Among the mechanisms of human agency none is more central or pervasive than beliefs of personal efficacy (Bandura, 1997). Whatever other factors serve as guides and motivators, they are rooted in the core belief that one has the power to produce desired effects by one’s actions, otherwise one has little incentive to act or to persevere in the face of difficulties. Self- efficacy beliefs regulate human functioning through cognitive, motivational, affective, and decisional processes. They affect whether individuals think in self-enhancing or self-debilitating ways; how well they motivate themselves and persevere
  • 24. Page 270 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 271 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. in the face of difficulties; the quality of their emotional life, and the choices they make at important decisional points which set the course of life paths. Numerous large-scale meta-analyses have been conducted on findings from studies with diverse experimental and analytic methodologies applied across diverse spheres of functioning (Boyer, Zollo, Thompson, Vancouver, Shewring, & Sims, 2000; Holden, 1991; Holden, Moncher, Schinke, & Barker, 1990; Moritz, Feltz, Fahrbach, & Mack, 2000; Multon, Brown, & Lent, 1991; Sadri & Robertson, 1993; Stajkovic & Lee, 2001; Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). The converging evidence from these diverse lines of research verifies that efficacy beliefs contribute significantly to the quality of human
  • 25. functioning. As previously noted, in social cognitive theory efficacy beliefs are not confined solely to judgments of personal capabilities. The theory also encom- passes perceived collective efficacy representing shared beliefs in the power to produce desired effects by collective action (Bandura, 1997, 2000). Perceived collective efficacy is not simply the sum of the efficacy beliefs of individual members. Rather, it is an emergent group-level property that embodies the coordinative and interactive dynamics of group functioning. A group, of course, operates through the behavior of its members. The locus of perceived collective efficacy resides in the minds of group members. It is people acting in concert on a shared belief not a disembodied group mind that is doing the cognising, aspiring, motivating, and regulating. There is no emergent entity that operates independently of the beliefs and actions of the individuals who make up a social system. Although beliefs of collective efficacy have a sociocentric focus, the func- tions they serve are similar to those of personal efficacy beliefs and they operate through similar processes (Bandura, 1997). People’s shared beliefs in their collective efficacy influence the type of futures they seek to achieve
  • 26. through collective effort; how well they use their resources; how much effort they put into their group endeavors; their staying power when collective efforts fail to produce quick results or meet forcible opposition; and their vulnerability to the discouragement that can beset those taking on tough social problems. Meta-analysis of laboratory and field studies corroborates that perceived collective efficacy enhances group functioning just as per- sonal efficacy enhances individual functioning (Stajkovi c & Lee, 2001). CROSS-CULTURAL THEORETICAL GENERALISABILITY Because of the expanded conception of human agency, social cognitive theory is well suited to elucidate human personal development, adaptation, and change in diverse cultural milieus. Cultural analyses must address the basic issue of whether there is a universal human nature or many human natures spawned by diverse cultural milieus. This calls for a brief discussion of the nature of human nature in social cognitive theory. Viewed from the Page 271 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
  • 27. 272 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. sociocognitive perspective, human nature is characterised by a vast potential- ity that can be fashioned by direct and vicarious experience into a variety of forms within biological limits. Biology provides potentialities and sets con- straints but in most spheres of functioning biology permits a broad range of cultural possibilities. Gould (1987) argues cogently that evidence favors a potentialist view over a determinist view of biology. In this insightful ana- lysis, the major explanatory battle is not between nature and nurture as com- monly framed, but whether nature operates as a determinist that has culture on a “tight leash”, or as a potentialist that has culture on a “loose leash”. For example, people possess the biological potentiality for aggression, but the answer to the cultural variation in aggressiveness lies more in ideology than in biology. There is wide intercultural and intracultural diversity in aggression and entire nations, such as Sweden and Switzerland,
  • 28. have trans- formed from warring ones to pacifist ones (Alland, 1972; Bandura, 1999; Moerk, 1995). People have changed little genetically over recent decades, but they have changed markedly through rapid cultural and technological evolution in their beliefs, mores, social roles, and styles of behavior. As Dobzhansky (1972) puts it succinctly, the human species has been selected for learnability and plasticity of behavior adaptive to remarkably diverse habitats not for behavioral fixedness. The plasticity, which is intrinsic to the nature of humans, depends upon specialised neurophysiological structures and mechanisms that have evolved over time. These advanced neural systems are specialised for channeling attention, detecting the causal structure of the world around one, trans- forming that information into abstract form, integrating it and using it for adaptive purposes. The evolved morphology and informatio n processing systems provide the capacity for the very characteristics that are distinctly human—generative symbolisation, forethought, evaluative self- regulation, reflective self-consciousness, and symbolic communication (Bandura, 2001).
  • 29. Through agentic action, people devise ways of adapting flexibly to remark- ably diverse environments. Moreover, they use their ingenuity to insulate themselves from selection pressures. They create devices that compensate immensely for their sensory and physical limitations, circumvent environ- mental constraints, redesign and construct environments to their liking, create styles of behavior that enable them to realise desired outcomes and pass on the effective ones to others by social modeling and other experiential means. Through development of biotechnologies, people are now chang- ing the genetic make-up of plants and animals, and even toying with the prospect of fashioning some aspects of their nature by genetic design. The accelerated growth of knowledge is greatly enhancing human power to con- trol, transform, and create environments of increasing complexity and to shape their social future. Page 272 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 273
  • 30. © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. The common human nature is at the level of basic capacities and the specialised mechanisms through which they operate, but cultures shape these potentialities into diverse forms. For example, humans have evolved an advanced capacity for observational learning that enables them to acquire knowledge, attitudes, values, emotional proclivities, and competences through the rich fund of information conveyed by actual and symbolic modeling (Bandura, 1986). It is difficult to imagine how cultures could develop and replicate themselves if their language, mores, customs, and social practices in diverse spheres of life had to be gradually shaped in each new member by direct consequences of their trial-and error performances without benefit of models who display the cultural patterns. Modeling is a universalised human capacity but how it is used varies in different cultural milieus. The present article focuses on the cross-cultural commonality of agentic capacity rooted in beliefs of personal and collective efficacy to produce effects by one’s actions. Although efficacy beliefs have generalised func-
  • 31. tional value, how they are developed and structured, the ways in which they are exercised, and the purposes to which they are put, vary cross-culturally. In short, there is commonality in basic agentic capacities and mechanisms of operation, but diversity in the culturing of these inherent capacities. The cultivated identities, values, belief structures, and agentic capabilities are the psychosocial systems through which experiences are filtered. Some people live in predominantly individualistically oriented social sys- tems, others in more collectively oriented ones (Kim, Triandis, Kâgitçibasi, Choi, & Yoon, 1994; Triandis, 1995). A high sense of personal efficacy is just as important to group-directedness as to self-directedness. Group pursuits are no less demanding of personal efficacy than individual pursuits. Nor do people who work interdependently in collectivistic societies have less need or desire to be efficacious in the particular roles they perform than those in individualistic societies. Personal efficacy is valued, not because of reverence for individualism, but because a strong sense of personal efficacy is vital for success regardless of whether it is achieved individually or by group members putting their personal capabilities to the best collective use. A firm group loyalty creates
  • 32. strong personal obligations to do one’s part in group pursuits as effica- ciously as one can. Members are respected for their personal contributions to group accomplishments. Efficacy beliefs operate in complex, multifaceted ways, regardless of how the cultural pursuits are socially structured. All too often the complexities and subtleties get lost in oversimplified cross-cultural comparisons. We shall return to this issue later. Earley’s (1994) cross-cultural research on organisational efficacy and productivity in the United States, Hong Kong, and Mainland China attests to cross-cultural generality of the functional value of efficacy belief. In each of these settings the organisations were manufacturing the same Page 273 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 274 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
  • 33. telecommunications equipment and offering the same service. In each place, half the managers were trained in an individually oriented management system, the other half were trained in a group-oriented management system. Managers from the United States, an individualistically oriented culture, achieve the highest perceived efficacy and organisational productivity under the indi- vidually oriented system. Those from collectivistic cultures, Hong Kong, and China, judge themselves most efficacious and achieve the highest organisa- tional productivity under the group-oriented system. There are collectivists in individualistic cultures and individualists in collectivistic cultures. Acknowledging intracultural diversity, Earley ana- lysed the functional relations between training focus, efficacy beliefs, and organisation productivity in terms of whether the inhabitants favored an indi- vidualistic or collectivistic ethic, regardless of geographic locale. Managers achieved the highest personal efficacy and group productivity when their personal orientation matched the organisational social system. Thus, Amer- ican collectivists did better under a group-oriented system, whereas Chinese individualists did better under an individually oriented system. The personal orientation rather than the geographical cultural locale was a major carrier
  • 34. of the effects. Analysis in terms of key psychosocial dimensions has greater explanatory import than categorising people by geographic locale because the former is grounded in a theory about the psychosocial factors posited to account for cultural differences and addresses diversities in cultural groupings. Both at the societal and individual level of analysis, strong per- ceived efficacy fosters high group effort and performance attainments. INTRACULTURAL DIVERSITY People live their lives in sociocultural milieus that differ in their shared values, customs, social practices, and institutional constraints and oppor- tunity structures. Dichotomous cultural groupings, such as individualistic– collectivistic types, mask much diversity between cultural systems assigned to the same type and within a particular culture. Such classifications rely on a disputable homogeneity assumption. For example, collectivistic systems founded on Confucianism, Buddhism, and Marxism favor a communal ethic, but they differ significantly from each other in particular values, meanings, and the customs they promote (Kim et al., 1994). Nor are so- called indi- vidualistic cultures a uniform lot. Americans, Italians, Germans,
  • 35. French, and the British differ in their particular brands of individualism. Even within an individualistically oriented culture, such as the United States, the Northeast brand of individualism is quite different from the Midwest and West versions and the latter differ from that of the Deep Southern region of the nation (Vandello & Cohen, 1999). Even the informativeness of regional comparisons is questionable because of a substantial ethnic heterogeneity Page 274 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 275 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. within them. Cross-ethnic comparisons, such as Latinos, African-Americans, and Orientals, can be highly misinformative because of the diverse nature of ethnicity. For example, to lump Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Chicanos, and Spanish, who have quite different cultural origins, into a Latino
  • 36. category imposes homogeneity on intra-ethnic diversity. Hence, cultural contrasts, in which members of a single collectivist culture is compared to those of a single individualist one, can spawn a lot of misleading generalisations. Cultures are diverse and dynamic social systems not static monoliths. There is substantial heterogeneity among individuals within both individualistic and collectivistic systems. Thus, for example, there are generational and socio- economic variations in communality in collectivistic cultures with younger and more affluent members adopting more individualistic orientations (Matsumoto, Kudoh, & Takeuchi, 1996). Under the sway of global market and media forces, entrepreneurship is supplanting communality in collectivistic cultures. Conversely, some of the excesses of individualism are prompting a resurgence of efforts to restore a sense of community and social responsibil- ity in individualistic cultures. There is even greater intraindividual variation in communality across dif- ferent types of social relationships. Members of a collectivistically oriented society are highly communal with ingroup members, such as family mem- bers, friends, and colleagues, but members of an individualistically oriented
  • 37. society are more communal with outgroup members (Matsumoto et al., 1996). Indeed, variation in communal style of behavior across classes of rela- tionships swamps variation across cultural milieus. Analyses across activity domains would undoubtedly reveal that people behave communally in some aspects of their lives and individualistically in many other aspects. Moreover, people express their cultural orientations conditionally rather than invari- antly depending on incentive conditions (Yamagishi, 1988). Thus, members of a collectivistically oriented society are active contributors to collective effort with ingroup members, but slacken their effort in groups composed of outgroup members. But when negative sanctions against free riders are instituted they become as communal with outsiders as do people in individual- istic cultures. Freeman and Bordia (2001) further confirm that people vary in individualistic and collectivistic social orientations depending on whether the reference group is familial, peer, academic, or national. Cultural measures cast in terms of faceless others and disembodied from domains of activity, social contexts, and incentive conditions mask this diversity on which human adaptation is conditional. Global, decontextualised measures shrink psycho- social variability to uniform polarity that lends to be ascribed to entire cultures
  • 38. and their residents. Intracultural and interdomain variability, and changeability of cultural orientations as a function of incentive conditions underscores the concep- tual and empirical problems of using nations as proxies for culture and Page 275 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 276 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. then ascribing psychosocial attributes to the nations and all its members as though they are static monoliths (Gjerde & Onishi, 2000). This is culturalism by bounded territory rather than by psychosocial orientations and social cus- toms. All too often, a selected cultural factor that yields a small difference in group averages is generalised to all individuals in the cultural grouping as though they all believed and behaved alike as dichotomously classified.
  • 39. The categorical approach also lends itself readily to misattributing effects to traits ascribed to the classification when, in fact, other dynamic pro- cesses may be at play. For example, collectivists tend to be most efficacious and productive when they manage things together. It is assumed that this is because the collectively oriented are disposed to place group interest and shared responsibility above self-interest. However, collectivists are not always group oriented as if driven by an all-reaching communal disposition. Indeed, they have a low sense of efficacy and perform poorly when manag- ing activities within an ethnically mixed group (Earley, 1993). Psychosocial processes triggered by perceived ingroupness–outgroupness seem to be at work. There is a substantial difference between theorising based on categorical cultural trait ascriptions and process analyses. Human behavior is socially situated, richly contextualised and conditionally expressed. The complex- ities described above require analyses of psychosocial determinants and governing mechanisms grounded in a comprehensive theory of human functioning. Global decontextualised and nonconditionalised measures of psychological orientations mask the substantial intracultural diversity and
  • 40. intraindividual variation in self-conception. There is no autonomous self unless one is living the life of a hermit, nor is there an entirely interdepend- ent self completely submerged in collectivity without any individual identity or sense of personal capability. Such measures are ill -suited to advance understanding of the structure, dynamics, and functions of sociocultural factors that shape how people live their lives in given cultural milieus. CONTENTIOUS DUALISMS Contentious theoretical dualisms pervade the cross-cultural field, pitting autonomy against interdependence; personal agency against social struc- ture; and individualism against collectivism and communality. Most of the current theorising and research on cultural variations is structured around these categorisations. One duality inappropriately equates self- efficacy with individualism and pits it against collectivism (Schooler, 1990). A contentious correlative duality regards any reference to self in psychological theorising as championing self-centeredness and self-indulgence in contrast to com- munal attachments and civic responsibilities (Seligman, 1990; Sampson, 1977). These jaundiced views are grounded in a number of erroneous
  • 41. assumptions. Page 276 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 277 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. Perceived self-efficacy does not come with a built-in individualistic value system. Therefore, a sense of efficacy does not necessarily spawn an indi- vidualistic lifestyle, identity, or morality. If belief in the power to produce effects is put to social purposes, it fosters a communal life rather than erodes it. People with resilient efficacy and strong prosocial purpose often subordinate self-interest to the benefit of others. For example, parents in impoverished environments with a resilient sense of efficacy refuse to have their children’s development dictated by adverse circumstances by bringing their influence to bear on things that matter through resourceful effort and self-sacrifice (Bandura, 1997). The same is true for tenacious
  • 42. social reform- ers. Gandhi provides a striking example of self-sacrifice in the exercise of tenacious personal efficacy. He spearheaded the triumph over oppressive rule through unceasing nonviolent resistance and repeatedly forced con- cessions from ruling authorities by going on life-threatening fasts. He lived ascetically, not self-indulgently. Similarly, Mandella and King spurred extra- ordinary social changes that altered the course of sociopolitical life in their societies in the face of daunting challenge through an enormously resilient sense of personal efficacy. Without a robust sense of self, people are easily overwhelmed by adversities in attempts to change their lives for the better through collective effort. A sense of collective efficacy is not disembodied from perceived personal efficacy. A collectivistic culture with members plagued by self- doubts about their capabilities to perform their roles would achieve little. A strong sense of personal efficacy to manage one’s life circumstances and to have a hand in effecting societal changes contributes substantially to perceived col- lective efficacy to shape their society’s social future (Fernández-Ballesteros, Díez-Nicolás, Caprara, Barbaranelli, & Bandura, 2002). The conjoint influence of perceived political efficacy and trust
  • 43. in the gov- ernmental system predicts the form and level of people’s political activity (Craig, 1979; Pollock, 1983; Seligson, 1980). These belief systems function similarly regardless of whether the political activism is by United States’ citizenry or Costa Rican peasants seeking social reforms. People who believe they can achieve desired changes through their collective voice, and who view their governmental systems as trustworthy, are active participants in conventional political activities. Those who believe they can accomplish social changes by perseverant collective action, but view the governing systems and office-holders as untrustworthy, favor more confrontive and coercive tactics outside the traditional political channels. The politically apathetic have little faith that they can influence governmental functioning through collective initiatives and are disaffected from the political system, believing it ignores their interests. In political participation, people’s efficacy beliefs to achieve social change are put in the service of bettering their lives. In everyday socia l relationships, Page 277 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM
  • 44. 278 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. perceived self-efficacy is not antithetical to communality. Indeed, a high sense of social and empathic efficacy promote prosocialness as expressed in cooperativeness, helpfulness, and sharing (Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Gerbino, & Pastorelli, 2001; Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli, & Regalia, 2001). As already noted, social cognitive theory provides a theoret- ical framework applicable to both individualistically and collectivistically oriented social systems through its expanded conception of human agency exercised individually, socially mediated, and collectively. Kim and Park (1999) further extend the cross-cultural applicability of self-efficacy theory by adding belief in one’s relational efficacy to promote positive communal relations. This facet of self-efficacy is well suited to capture the communal aspect of life, especially in the more collectivistically oriented cultural systems.
  • 45. Another disputable duality pits psychological theories of personal agency and sociostructural theories as rival conceptions of human behavior or as representing different levels and proximities of causati on. In the social cognitive theory of self and society (Bandura, 1986, 2001) personal agency and social structure operate interdependently rather than as disembodied entities. Personal agency operates within a broad network of sociostructural influences. In these agentic transactions, people are producers as well as products of social systems. Social structures are created by human activity to organise, guide, and regulate human affairs in given domains by authorised rules and sanctions (Giddens, 1984). The sociostructural practices imple- mented by social agents, in turn, impose constraints and provide resources and opportunity structures for personal development and functioning. Given this dynamic bidirectionality of influence, social cognitive theory rejects a dualism between personal agency and a disembodied social structure. A full understanding of human adaptation and change requires an integ- rated causal structure in which sociostructural influences operate through mechanisms of the self system to produce behavioral effects. However, in agentic transactions, the self system is not merely a conduit for
  • 46. external influ- ences. The self is socially constituted but, by exercising directive influence, human agency operates generatively and proactively on social systems not just reactively. Nor are sociostructural and psychological determinants neatly dichotom- ised into remote and proximate ones. For example, poverty is a socio- economic factor that does not operate in multilayered or remote causation. Lacking the money needed to provide for the subsistence of one’s family pervades everyday life in a very immediate way. Analyses of paths of influence lend support for a multicausal model that integrates sociostructural and personal determinants. Economic conditions, socioeconomic status, and family structure affect behavior through their impact on people’s sense of effi- cacy, aspirations, and affective self-regulatory factors rather than directly Page 278 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 279
  • 47. © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. (Baldwin, Baldwin, Sameroff, & Seifer, 1989; Bandura, 1993; Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996b, 2001; Elder & Ardelt, 1992). A major part of people’s daily life is spent in occupational activities. These pursuits do more than simply provide income for one’s livelihood. Occupations structure a large part of people’s everyday reality and serve as a major source of personal identity and self-evaluation. As an interdepend- ent activity, occupational pursuits also structure a good part of people’s social relations. Beliefs of personal efficacy play a highly influential role in occupational development and pursuits (Bandura, 1997; Betz & Hackett, 1986; Hackett, 1995; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994). The higher the people’s perceived efficacy to fulfill educational requirements and occupational roles the wider the career options they seriously consider pursuing, the greater the interest they have in them, the better they prepare themselves educationally for different occupational careers, and the greater their staying power in challenging career pursuits. People simply eliminate from consideration entire
  • 48. classes of occupations they believe to be beyond their capabilities, however attractive the occupations may be. The career interests and pursuits of women tend to be constricted by a sense of inefficacy for quantitative activities and skills necessary for occupa- tions traditionally occupied by males. The gendered patterning of perceived occupational efficacy is similar in the United States and Japan (Betz & Hackett, 1983; Hackett, 1995; Lucas, Wanberg, & Zytowski, 1997; Matsui, Ikeda, & Ohnishi, 1989). Moreover, gendered socialisation exerts a compar- able impact cross-culturally even on judgments of personal efficacy for the same activities performed in different contexts. Women both in the United States and Japan have a high sense of efficacy for quantitative activities em- bedded in stereotypically feminine activities, but low perceived self-efficacy when these same quantitative activities are embedded in scientific pur- suits (Betz & Hackett, 1983; Junge & Dretzke, 1995; Matsui & Tsukamoto, 1991). Perceived coping efficacy also affects stress and burnout in occupational milieus in much the same way cross-culturally. Occupational stress arises when perceived task demands tax or exceed perceived efficacy to manage
  • 49. them and when people find themselves in jobs below their capabilities or are plateaued in their careers with little opportunity to make full use of their skills or to enhance them (Brouwers, Evers, & Tomic, 2001; Brouwers & Tomic, 1999, 2000; Chwalisz, Altmaier, & Russell, 1992; Jex & Bliese, 1999; Jex & Gudanowski, 1992; Salanova, Liorens, Cifre, Martinez, & Schaufeli, in press; Salanova, Peiró, & Schaufeli, in press; Schwarzer & Schmitz, 1999). That perceived coping efficacy mediates the impact of work demands on occupational stress is replicated in diverse invidualistically oriented social systems cited above, including Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and the United Page 279 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 280 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. States at the level of both perceived individual and collective
  • 50. efficacy. What is experienced as an occupational stressor also depends on the level of per- ceived efficacy in the collectivistically oriented Japanese culture (Matsui & Onglatco, 1992). Japanese women employees who have a low sense of coping efficacy are stressed by heavy work demands and role responsibilities. Those with a high sense of efficacy are frustrated and stressed by limited opportunities to make full use of their talents. So far the cross-cultural generalisability of social cognitive theory has been evaluated in terms of its explanatory power and its predictive power. The power of the theory to effect society-wide changes in diverse cultural milieus provides a third way of gauging generalisability. Mass media dramat- isations founded on social cognitive theory are being used to reduce the most urgent global problems, namely, the burgeoning population growth. Global applications of televised sociocognitive serials have proven successful in raising viewers’ perceived efficacy to determine their family size, increasing approval of family planning, enhancing the agentic status of women, and increasing use of family planning services and contraceptive methods in Africa, Asia, and Latin America alike (Bandura, 2002; Vaugha n, Rogers, Singhal, & Swalehe, 2000). These numerous global applications
  • 51. speak to the operative generalisability of social cognitive theory. SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY IN DEVELOPMENTAL CULTURAL CONTEXT Another line of research into the cross-cultural generalisability of social cognitive theory examines the origin, structure, and function of perceived self-efficacy and other sociocognitive determinants in child development. One such research examined the cultural embeddedness and structure of children’s perceived self-efficacy in Italy, Poland, and Hungary (Pastorelli, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Rola, Rorza, & Bandura, 2001). Although these soci- eties represent quite different sociocultural systems, the factor structure of children’s self-efficacy beliefs was essentially replicated. These factors include perceived efficacy to regulate one’s own learning activities and master academic coursework; perceived social efficacy to develop and manage interpersonal relationships; and perceived self-regulatory efficacy to resist peer pressure to engage in detrimental activities. Moreover, children in the collectivistically oriented Korean culture exhibit the same structure of per- ceived self-efficacy (Kwak & Bandura, 1997).
  • 52. Although the factor structure is comparable, the different forms of per- ceived self-efficacy play out differently in the different cultural milieus. Chil- dren from the various countries have an equivalent level of efficacy to master academic subjects, but those from countries with authoritarian educational systems have a lower sense of efficacy to take charge of their own learning. Page 280 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 281 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. A low sense of efficacy to regulate one’s own motivation and learning act- ivities bears importantly on intellectual self-development. A major goal of education is to equip students with the intellectual tools and self-regulatory capabilities to educate themselves throughout their lifetime. Evolving educa- tional technologies and the rapid pace of informational change are placing
  • 53. a premium on perceived efficacy for self-regulated learning. In the socially oriented Italian culture, children judge themselves more socially efficacious than their counterparts in the Eastern European societies of Poland and Hungary. There are significant gender differences in per- ceived efficacy which are replicated cross-nationally. In all three societies, girls have a higher sense of efficacy for academic activities and to resist peer pressure to engage in transgressive activities. Not only is the structure of efficacy beliefs comparable cross - culturally, but so are their functional properties. In the more individualistically oriented American social system, perceived self-efficacy to regulate one’s learning and master academic activities is a good predictor of academic aspirations and level of academic achievement after controlling for prior achievement (Pajares, 1996; Pajares & Miller, 1994; Schunk, 1989; Zimmerman & Bandura, 1994; Zimmerman, Bandura, & Martinez-Pons, 1992). Belief in one’s aca- demic efficacy serves a similar function in academic attainments in Chinese, German, Italian, and Korean cultures (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996b; Bong, 2001, in press; Joo, Bong, & Choi, 2000; Mayer & Kim, 2000; Shih & Alexander, 2000). The cross-cultural comparability of
  • 54. function is evident as well in the impact of efficacy belief on perceived occu- pational efficacy and career choice and development (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 2001; Lent, Brown, & Larkin, 1986, 1987). Perceived self-efficacy to manage one’s academic activities not only oper- ates similarly in the Korean culture as an enhancer of academic attainment, but even its mediating function is replicated cross-culturally (Park, Kim, Chung, Lee, Kwon, & Yang, 2000). Social support has been shown to enhance psychosocial functioning. However, mediational analysis across diverse spheres of functioning reveals that it does so only indirectly to the extent that it raises perceived self-efficacy to manage environmental demands (Benight, Swift, Sanger, Smith, & Zeppelin, 1999; Cheung & Sun, 2000; Cutrona & Troutman, 1986; Duncan & McAuley, 1993; Major, Mueller, & Hilde- brandt, 1985). Park and her associates (Park et al., 2000) examined the causal struc- ture involving different sources of social support, perceived academic self- efficacy, life satisfaction, and academic achievement in Korean children at different age levels. In accord with the functional relations reported in studies in the American milieu, the impact of social support on
  • 55. academic achievement is entirely mediated through perceived self- efficacy. Social support raises perceived efficacy which, in turn, is accompanied by higher Page 281 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 282 BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. academic achievement and greater satisfaction with one’s home and school life. At the elementary school level, maternal, paternal, teacher, and peer support all contribute to children’s perceived academic efficacy. At the middle and high school levels, teachers’ support fades from the picture, the contribution of maternal support declines and that of paternal support increases. That latter finding reflects the growing role of the father as ado- lescents prepare for their occupational development. Although the relative weights of the different enabling supportive influences change
  • 56. with age, perceived self-efficacy retains its mediating predictive value throughout the age span. Research by Cheung and Sun (2000) in Hong Kong further verifies the generalisability of the sociocognitive causal structure at the adult level in a markedly different adaptational domain. The ameliorative effect of social support on anxiety and depression is entirely mediated through enhancement of perceived self-efficacy. Replicability of social cognitive determinants across both individualistic and collectivistic cultures is similarly verified in a markedly different sphere of functioning, namely the exercise of moral agency. Psychological theories of morality have traditionally focused heavily on the formal character of moral reasoning to the neglect of moral conduct. A complete theory of moral agency must link moral knowledge and reasoning to moral conduct. This requires an agentic theory of morality rather than one confined mainly to cognitions about morality. In the social cognitive theory of the moral self (Bandura, 1991, 1999) moral reasoning is linked to moral conduct through self-regulatory mechanisms by which moral agency is exercised. It is one thing to possess self-regulatory skills but another to stick with them in the face of compelling inducements to behave otherwise. A strong
  • 57. sense of self- regulatory efficacy provides the necessary restraining power. In the development of a moral self, individuals construct standards of right and wrong that serve as guides and deterrents for conduct. They regu- late their actions by the consequences they apply to themselves. They do things that give them satisfaction and a sense of self-worth. They refrain from behaving in ways that violate their moral standards, because such conduct will bring self-condemnation. Moral standards do not function as fixed internal regulators of conduct, however. There are several psycholo- gical mechanisms by which moral self-sanctions can be selectively disengaged from inhumane conduct. Selective activation and disengagemen t of self- sanctions permit different types of conduct by persons with the same moral standards. The moral disengagement may center on the cognitive restructur- ing of inhumane conduct into a benign or worthy one by moral justification, sanitising language and advantageous comparison; disavowal of a sense of personal agency for the harm caused by diffusion or displacement of respons- ibility; disregarding or minimising the injurious effects of one’s actions; and attributing blame to, and dehumanising those who are victimised.
  • 58. Page 282 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 283 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. Children of weak self-regulatory efficacy and who are facile moral dis- engagers show high engagement in antisocial conduct regardless of whether they reside in an individualistically oriented or collectivistically oriented cul- ture (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996a; Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli, & Regalia, 2001; Kwak & Bandura, 1997). Facile moral disengagement fosters aggressive conduct similarly in these two types of societies. GROWING INTERCULTURAL COMMONALITIES THROUGH GLOBALISATION AND PLURALISATION OF SOCIETIES Cultures are no longer insular. Transnational interdependencies and global
  • 59. market forces are restructuring national economies and shaping the political and social life of societies (Keohane, 1993; Keohane & Nye, 1977). Because of extensive global interconnectedness the actions of forces operating remotely now produce local effects. What happens economically and politically in one part of the world can affect the lives of vast populations elsewhere. Under the new realities of growing transnational influence, nation states seek to increase their controlling leverage by merging into larger functional units. For example, the nations of Western Europe formed the European Union to exercise greater control over their economic life. Other nation states will similarly be forced to merge into larger blocs; otherwise, they will have little bargaining power in transnational relations. However, the regional marriages do not come without a price. Paradoxically, to gain international control, nations have to negotiate reciprocal pacts that place some constraints on how they can conduct their national affairs and alter their traditional ways of life (Keohane, 1993). Imposed constraints generate fragmenting internal societal disputes between those who are adversely affected by the accords and those who benefit from them. Some of the transnational market forces may erode or undermine valued
  • 60. cultural aspects of life when they are disregarded or considered detractors from profitability. Social bonds and common commitments that lack market- ability are especially vulnerable to erosion by market forces. Telecommunications technologies also contribute to a new collective consciousness. Ideas, values, and styles of behavior are being transmitted transnationally at an unprecedented rate. Although these symbolic environ- ments feeding off communication satellites have not created a transnational culture, they are producing intercultural commonalities in certain lifestyle elements. Continued cultural cross-fertilisation may foster a more extensive globalisation of culture. The dawning of the electronic era in this third millennium underscores the growing role of electronic acculturation in people’s lives. With further development of the Internet world, people will be even more heavily embedded in global symbolic environments. Page 283 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM 284
  • 61. BANDURA © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002. People worldwide are becoming increasingly enmeshed in a cyberworld that transcends time, distance and place, and national borders. By enabling individuals to transcend their environment, these information technologies are placing a premium on the exercise of personal agency. For example, students can now exercise substantial personal control over their own learning. In the past, their educational development was dependent on the schools to which they were assigned. Students now have the best libraries, museums, and multimedia instruction at their fingertips through the global Internet for educating themselves independently of time and place. Through interactive electronic networking, people link together in dispersed locales, exchange information, share new ideas, and work collaboratively on matters of mutual interest (Robey, Khoo, & Powers, 2000). Worldwide connectivity is shrinking cross-cultural uniqueness. In organisational life many activities are increasingly performed by mem- bers of virtual teams working together from scattered locations in different
  • 62. cultural milieus through computer-mediated transactions. Working remotely across time, space, and varied cultural orientations can be taxing. Employees with high perceived efficacy for remotely conducted collaboration have more positive work attitudes and achieve higher group job performances than those of low perceived efficacy (Staples, Hulland, & Higgins, 1998). In addition, mass transnational migrations of people seeking a better life, ethnic intermarriages, and high global mobility of entertainers, athletes, journalists, academics, and employees of multinational corporations with more cosmopolitan orientations are changing cultural landscapes. This intermixing creates new hybrid cultural forms blending elements from dif- ferent ethnicities. Members of societies with enduring ties to ethnic heritages and homelands add further intracultural diversity. In short, globalisation is homogenising some aspects of life, polarising other aspects, and fostering a lot of cultural hybridisation (Holton, 2000). Growing ethnic diversity accords functional value to bicultural efficacy to navigate the demands of both one’s own ethnic subculture and that of the larger society. Efforts to build a new life elsewhere run up against untold stressors, especially when migrations involve radical changes in sociocultural customs and lifestyle patterns.
  • 63. Migrants who are assured of their coping efficacy feel challenged rather than threatened by the impediments to a new life (Jerusalem & Mittag, 1995). Beliefs of per- sonal efficacy enhance successful migratory adaptation. These new realities call for broadening the scope of cross - cultural analyses beyond the focus on the social forces operating within the boundaries of given societies to the forces impinging upon them from abroad. With growing international embeddedness and interdependence of societies, and enmesh- ment in the Internet symbolic culture, the issues of interest center on how national and global forces interact to shape the nature of cultural life. Although globalisation is changing the power relations of nation states, it Page 284 Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:29 PM SOCIOCOGNITIVE THEORY IN CULTURAL CONTEXT 285 © International Association for Applied Psychology, 2002.
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