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Different Types Of Arranged Marriages
All of these different types of arranged marriages are still used in today 's world. The question asked by most is, why even go through with arranged
marriage? Why not say no?
Why not run away? Why would you allow your parents to choose who you should be with for the rest of your life? And why not just get a divorce. http:
// 07/zuffoletti/traditional.html. There are a lot of major things that you have to take into account.
Reputation– Not getting married to someone your parents have chosen for, you can ruin your family 's reputation and your good name.
Wealth– Most of those who go through arranged marriage are not wealthy and need the money, so they may sale their daughters to someone to provide
for the rest of the family. Sometimes the daughter may sale herself to provide for her family.
Values– In some cultures and parts of the world, it is traditional for you to be wedded to another by the choosing of your parents.
Religion– Some religion around the world believe that you should be wedded and that the parents decide who you are wedded to.
Horoscope– In some tradition/religions you may be chosen to marry by your horoscope.
Although there are a lot of major things that take place in arranged marriage. There is also a lot of dangerous and harmful thing that also takes place in
most arranged marriages.
Most of the girls that are in arranged marriages are being forced by others.
These girls are abused and beaten.
A lot of
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Differences of Traditional Conservative Culture and Western Culture
Victor Pinto
Hudson Community College
In the film (Arranged, 2007), it tells a story of two women who are going through an arranged marriage. Arranged marriage is something that is seen in
traditional cultures, not really seen in modern western culture. Modern western culture and traditional cultures are very different. Patriarchy is followed
in the home of these families, where the father sets the rules. Dating is also done differently. In traditional cultures, women have arranged dates with
men, whereas in modern western culture people can decide who to go on a date with. Touching is also different, women from traditional cultures are not more content...
For instance, in my home, the person who receives the food first starts eating and does not wait for anyone. In addition, there is another scene when
Rachel brings Nasira who comes from a different culture, to the house without her father's permission, and her mother believes it would upset her
husband if he would have found out. In a modern home, if a child were to bring someone over from any culture you would only need to ask
permission from one of the parents, can be the mother or father. For example, when I bring someone over home I just ask permission from one of my
parents if they can come in. It can be either the mother or father.
Touch From what can be seen in the film (Arranged, 2007), the two characters Rachel and Nasira, are not accustomed to being touched by other
people. One scene where Rachel had her face touched she seemed very uncomfortable while the blind kid was touching her face. Next scene, when
Rachel was talking to some guy at a party she refused to shake his hand. Another scene, Nasira was telling Rachel that her date touched her, but all
they did was bump into each other. In the modern western culture, people are used to coming in contact with other people. For example, I and my
friends, we always shake hands, high five and hug each other.
In the film (Arranged, 2007), Rachel and Nasira, were set up in arranged dates. For Nasira, her dates were chosen from her father, and Rachel, her
dates were chosen for from
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The Main Causes Of Arranged Marriage
"Made in heaven, found on earth – marriages are a new beginning according to some and the final end for others" ("Arranged Marriage", 2009).
Marriage is religiously and socially a huge responsibility and its failure could affect societies negatively. Arranged marriages are planned by families,
when the bride and the groom are chosen either randomly from a wedding or by family relatives. Especially in the Gulf countries, certain families
consider such marriages of high social importance. Arranged marriages in this region have a low expectancy of success. Forced marriages, short
engagements and incompatibility between potential couples are the main causes of divorce in arranged marriages in the Gulf region.
The initial major cause of divorce in arranged marriages is forced marriage. When both sides get married unwillingly, a lifelong struggle will begin to
adapt with the undesired reality. The Saudi Gazette newspaper stated that a lot of women are still forced into their marriages by their families ("Saudi
Arabia Forced and Arranged Marriages", 2003). Especially in Saudi Arabia, marriage is viewed through more content...
According to Al–Qabas Newspaper (2016), forty–eight percent of women in Kuwait are divorced as a result of the gaps between married couples.
These gaps could be age differences, education levels, interests and financial problems. For instance, many girls get married at a young age to a
husband who is ten to twenty years older, creating a relationship between two different generations that lacks mutual understanding. For example,
Batoul got married at the age of nine, having no knowledge at all, to twenty–year old Mohammed. Divorce is an ultimate solution to marriages in
which a husband cannot financially provide his family needs. Life becomes impossible for some couples if they come from two different
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Arranged Marriages in India Essay
In American culture the view on arranged marriages are not looked at very favorably. This is because we have grown up with the knowledge that
when it comes time to marry we will have chosen our spouse of our own free will. The match will be a love match and one that is chosen through our
own needs. Young men and women in India grow up with an opposite view onmarriage. They know that when it comes time to marry their parents will
find them a suitable mate and it will be considered scared and a lifelong commitment (Agence France–Presse.) A total of 74 percent of respondents
from across India voted in favour of traditional "arranged" marriages, according to the poll by private television channel NDTV. In the Hindu faith,
marriage more content...
In a very small percentage of marriages that may be the case but it is not typical. Young people of the region understand that their parents know
them better than anybody else and trust their choices. Matchmakers are a common practice in locating suitable mates. The traditional matchmaker
in India is referred to as a Nayan. Normally, the nayan is a person that is familiar with the family and could be an involved friend or extended
family member. They carry two basic roles: primarily as a locator of leads in relation to matches and secondary as one who negotiates among the
family of the two parties involved. Several factors are taken into considering when attempting to locate suitable matches. The two main factors are the
social standing of the family of the bride or groom along with reputation and also the dowry involved. When the two parties come to mutual terms
regarding the marriage, the nayan can be of assistance in wedding planning and announcements in the community. They are not paid but welcome gifts
in exchange for their services performed after the match is made. In modern times with social networking, internet sites are a very common tool used
in the search. Control is still in the hands of the parents in suitable choices and it is quite possible for the bride and groom to not even meet prior to
their engagement festivities.
Dowries are a very important part of the marriage arrangement in India. The
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Arranged Marriages
Arranged Marriages Within Modern Society
Often times, the words arranged marriage evokes fear or even anger in one's heart. For many people, especially those with a western mindset, the
liberty to choose one's own spouse remains utterly important and even a human right in our society today. While I strongly believe that every human
owns the freedom to choose whether or not they want to marry someone, I also believe misconceptions form in some mind's and in certain situations
when the words, "arranged marriages" are spoken. While in no way are all arranged marriages just and fair throughout the world today, marriages that
are put together by parents where children choose if they believe the match might work or not. Although bad more content...
Having the same values throughout marriage remains crucial and arranged marriages often draws two people with shared values together. When others
besides the couple themselves search for potentially good matches, shared values often proves itself important. Often, parents search for spouses for
their children with good values and morals. For example, while the child might not always put strong values firstly in finding a spouse, Christian
parents would always search within a community of believers with the same values to look for a potential spouse for their child. When values and
morals become an important deciphering point in marriage through arrangements by wise elders, the marriage often holds potential to last much longer
than a marriage without shared values. Young couples without wiser counsel might end up head over heels inlove yet not always discuss issues such as
values which end up crucial to lasting marriages. While arranged marriages never reach perfection like any normal matrimony, the sharing of values
holds great likelihood when orchestrated and guided by wise seniors.
Arranged marriages often start off with solid foundations especially within career and professional potentials. When searching for a good mate for
their child, parents typically also list one's ability to provide for others as a top characteristic in a person. Parents would typically look for someone
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Essay about Arranged Marriages
Arranged marriage is the union of a man and woman which is brought about by someone other than the bride and groom ("Arranged" 1). Recent
research has shown that arranged marriages may have originated during the Vedic period of Indian history (Chettri 1). Although many arranged
marriages generally rely on the consent of the bride and groom, in some cases, one or both of them is forced to marry without a choice and in others,
they are too pressured to refuse (Reiss 1). Technically, arrangedmarriage is not forced marriage, but parents have been known to use foul methods that
often resembled the latter such as bribery, threats or blackmail (Zuberi 1). Traditionally, parents began to choose children's future spouse because, as
said in more content...
Royal daughters, especially, were married off to different rivaling countries to ensure that there would be no war between the two powers.Arranged
marriage did not just keep peace but also strengthened the military. Through the marriage, the family and their possessions would be under the care
of another and will also share the power of a strong military alliance. Some families married their children off to others with great military power to
strengthen their own position in war. ("Arranged" 1). For the most part, arranged marriage was used for raising families in social classes. Many
families sought out to marry their children with those of a higher status to raise their own standings (Ros 1). Also, as stated on in the
article 'Arranged Marriage– Past and Present', "one of the chief goals of arranged marriage was to keep royal bloodlines pure." (1) Meaning,
arranged marriages would often link members of the royal families together so that they would not mingle or 'taint' their blood with that of those on a
lower class. This, unfortunately, caused many diseases and illnesses in royal children because of the limited gene pool (Lenihan 1). Children were
often very young when sent off to marry their unknown spouse, and due to its involuntary nature, and this is believed to be the root of arranged
marriages bad reputation ("Arranged" 1). During the Elizabethan era, arranged marriages generally benefitted both families since marrying out
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Arranged Marriage Is Good: A Persuasive Speech
Arranged Marriage is a Good Thing: A Persuasive Speech
Marriage is a union that has been around for as long as humans have walked the earth. The human race depends upon the union of its members, and as
such, the subject of marriage has been an issue that receives more intense scrutiny and attention than many would likely believe. In today's day and age,
with humanity continuing to move in a modern direction, many argue that marriage is a union that should be entered into freely and should be based
exclusively on the love between two people. However, I argue that arranged marriage, which has taken place throughout the ages and throughout the
world, is a union that offers its observers a marriage based in support, longevity and love, and is an institution that should not be frowned upon.
Arranged marriage is a good thing and should be respected by those throughout the world who condemn it.
Point I: Arranged marriage has been around for ages.
– Ever since humans have existed, so has the arranged marriage.
– In biblical times and in the Bible itself, arranged marriage was the standard for couples, whose spouses would be chosen for them by their parents or
guardians as early as their birth.
Sub–Point: Arranged marriage was so popular an option as history moved on, that many royals took part in the option such as: Louis XVI and Marie
Antionette, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon
– These biblical and royal arranged
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Research Paper On Arranged Marriage
Arranged marriage.
In the past, Arranged marriage was very common, and still is in some countries in the world. Arranged marriage is when parents choose a spouse for
their sons and daughters. According to Gagoomal (2009), "Arranged marriage is broadly defined as unions in which people other than the bride and
groom, typically parents or other family members, play important or decisive roles in determining who marries whom." (p. 590). Asia and The Middle
East follows this tradition and believe that marriage should come first then think about love. Some people believe in love at first sight, however, others
believe that it takes time and patience to love someone and develop a relationship with them. Arranged marriage leaves their child with no choice but to
marry the person they picked out for them. This may also be more content...
India is the most common country that follows this tradition and is very serious about it. Arranged marriage is different than Traditional marriage
in many ways. Traditional marriage is when a man chooses a woman for him, then speak to her parents and agree to meet up to discuss it together.
In this condition, the lady had a right in the marriage; she can reject the man if she does not want to marry him. Traditional marriage does not force
the lady to marry the man that proposed to her. In this case, they can get to know each other though a small period of time so she can make their
decision if they want to marry each other. There are those who do not agree with neither Arranged marriage nor Traditional marriage. They believe
that the man and the women should marry in love. Many people believe that arranged marriage is a good choice because it guarantees a spouse for
them, it is more stable and secure than love marriage and leads to
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Essay On Arranged Marriage
In the year of 2016, 26,250,000 arranged marriages occurred annually worldwide. In another perspective, 52.25% of marriages were arranged as of
2016 ("Arranged/Forced"). Arrange marriage has many customs and traditions, and requirements for the future bride or groom.Refusal to this type of
marriage can cause many problems on sides of the family and child. These requirements and consequences of refusal can be shown in the short story "
Marriage is a Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe.
Arranged marriages are highly common but yet many people do not know the customs and traditions of arranged marriage. In arranged marriages,
parents choose their son or daughter's future spouse with only a little input from the soon to be newly–weds. If either the son or daughter refuses the
choice, the parents tend to respect their wishes and will find someone else ("Traditional"). Sometimes, in other cultures it varies and the consequences
of refusal to arrange marriage are: "...the consequences for both men and women were they would be considered a burden to their family and if the
parents went to extreme measures then the child could be disowned, beaten, or even be given the death penalty" ("Consequences"). Additionally, in
arranging the girl and boy have to be of the same religion, have a good social status, and have the same culture/traditions. Anyone that does not follow
these requirements is seen as an unfit match. Advantages of arranged marriage are they shorten the time of dating, let
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Argumentative Essay On Arranged Marriage
People don't really know how to choose a long term partner" says Dr. Alvin Cooper (Razdan, 2014, p. 525), this statement comes from an essay
titled "What's Love Got to Do with It?" by Anjula Razdan. In the essay, Razdan invites the reader to consider arranged marriages and the benefits
that one could bring. In the beginning, she expresses her negative opinion on arranged marriages but then goes on to provide the reader with
different facts and statements from professionals about why arranged marriages are a good thing. After considering the information that was
provided in the essay, like Razdan first stated, I also don't agree with arranged marriages. Love should be the reason why people get married, not
because their parents forced them to marry someone or because they want social/economical gain. I was raised with the belief that I would find my
true love and when I found that person, he and I would get married because of love.
One of my biggest problems with arranged marriages is that they take away your sense of freedom. Typically, in arranged marriages your lifelong
partner is chosen by a family member and most of the time, people don't even know the person they are getting married to. In the essay, Razdan talks
about her parents and how their relationship started. She says that her parent's relationship was decided "over tea and samosas by their grandfathers"
(Razdan, 2014, p.524) Then she goes on to say that her parents "still barely knew each other on their wedding day – and they certainly hadn't fallen in
love" (Razdan, 2014, p.524) Unlike their experience and others who are involved in an arranged marriage, when I get married I want to marry someone
that I love and know. I want to have a say in who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Even Razdan agrees, in her essay she says "The act of
choosing whom to love represents the very essence of freedom. To take away that choice seems like an attack not just on my autonomy as a person,
but on democracy itself." (Razdan, 2014, p.524).
The second reason for why I disagree with arranged marriages is because you're basically marrying a stranger. Your partner is chosen by your family
and most of the time, the couples don't even know one another. How
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Argumentative Essay On Arranged Marriage
Sylvia Welch
English 101
Dr. Jones
26 June 2017
Essay 3
Marriage is a union between a man and woman. Selecting a husband and wife is one of the most important decisions of a person's life because a
marriage can bring either a happy or unhappy life. Choosing the best partner is one of the keys to get a happy marriage. For some people they may
choose to get married with the person whom they love, which is love marriage. Actually, there are two kinds of marriage that are love marriage and
arranged marriage. Arranged marriage is when the parents or family will choose the partner of their child or relatives. Arranged marriages occur in
around the world especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In many cultures believe that marriage is not always love. Those people claim
that the couple who are getting married still young and have less experience. In this sense, some cultures believe that the best choice of the child's
partner is made by his or her parents. However, it is still controversial among people that choosing arranged marriage is the same with forced
marriage. In this sense, the couple do not have a freedom of choice to choose their own partner. They have to follow their parents decision to get
married with the person. In some countries, people do not agree with arranged marriages, especially for the Western people. They believe that every
person has their own choice to choose their partner in a marriage. Adults seem always think that love before marriage
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Essay on Arranged Marriages
What comes to mind when you hear the words arranged marriage? I am sure a happy, respectful, loving relationship was not what popped into your
mind. Arrange marriages are a complex subject, and the concept is perceived as a human rights issue where individuals loose the right to freedom of
choice. In saying that, my initial opinion of an arranged marriage was not held in high regard. However, after being introduced to someone who is in
the process of an arranged marriage; and conducting my own research; my view changed. Hence I have much regret about my naivety on the concept.
This type of marriage, known as a culturally specific decision (Seth, 2008), has been confused with a forced marriage. In summary, researchers have
confirmed more content...
Unfortunately, this occurs only in fairy tales. To follow on, Seth (2009) states "one of the reasons most people know very little about arrange
marriages for the reason it is a topic that has been negatively represented (or, at best, ignored) by the media" (p. 7). In saying that, when was the last
time you can recall reading or hearing about two adults, including their families, unifying by choice in the efforts of financial and economic
assistance? I personally can not and this thought makes me rather sceptical of the media. It is very likely the mass media has done their research and
covers negative stories, for example forced marriages, for the purpose to increase profit (Van Krieken et al., (2009).
Primarily, I had a lot of misunderstanding and had formed stereotypes towards arrange marriages, I knew so little. The notion of an arrange marriage
brought to mind the characteristics of a forced marriage. The line between these two is at times blurry however freedom of choice is what separates
them (Trapp, 2009). Seth (2009) gives a definition to help understand the concept; "an arranged marriage can be defined as a marriage organised by a
third party and based on considerations other than love, intimacy, and physical or sexual attraction" (p. 7). Seth (2009) further explains the notion by
stating "the idea behind arranged marriages is
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Arranged Marriages Essay example
Arranged Marriages
We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl get married. For the majority of the western world, this is
our ideal image of a great beginning to a perfect marriage. But it is important to realize that while India is very modernized in some aspects, they still
keep to the tradition of arranged marriages. Marriages formed out of love AKA "love marriages" do happen in India but it is not the norm. It is an
accepted fact that a person's family will play a role in picking the marriage partner. Often the most important aspect is the bond between the two
families, rather than the relationship between the couple being married. more content...
Traditionally, however, the bride and groom would not even see each other until the day of their wedding. Today, while most marriages are still
arranged, times are changing. There is usually a small courtship period where the bride and groom can meet and talk under the careful watch of a
guardian. Also, if either one of the two do not want the marriage, it is likely to be cancelled. Very few families today "force" marriages upon their
children. This is called an "assisted marriage".
Even though times are changing and few marriages in Indian families are being arranged, the main reason behind marriage is still not being
recognised. What the true basis of a marriage should be, "Love." For a marriage to last, the couple need to feel that strong bond that keeps their
hearts combined throughout the marriage period. This cannot be, if the two have never met before, or haven't had enough time to get to know each
other. This causes huge amounts of problems between the couple in years to come. The problems are worse if the woman happens to be a young
lady. When women are young, they have this urge of independence. They want to be free, chose the career they wish and settle down in their own
way. Finding out they are to settle down with a man not of their choice, would cause immense problems to the couple and the parents. The child would
probably rebel which
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Arranged Marriage Essay
I chose the topic of arranged marriages with a focus on arranged marriages of minors. It is baffling to me that even in the 21st century, young
children are being forced into intimate relationships. This topic is fascinating due to the fact that as a Canadian, arranging marriages of children
seems absurd. I also wanted to choose this topic to learn more about how arranged marriages work than what I have already learned in this course and
why parents would ever choose to marry off a young child, knowing the consequences that the child may face.
I have some previous knowledge from other social science classes that I have taken such as the "Challenge and Change in Society" course and from
previous units in this course. I learned that arranged marriages often occur because they are a tradition in the culture of people who practice it. There
is also usually an economic component in arranged marriages which may motivate parents to set up the marriages of their children. Usually, the parents
of an individual choose a partner for their child and the parents of the other individual must agree to the marriage. I am also aware that the practice of
arranged marriages is uncommon in Canada, but some people of certain religions do practice it if the individuals both agree to the marriage, as
marriage without the consent of both partners is illegal in Canada. Contrarily, arranged marriages are much more common in less developed countries.
Additionally, I know that in the case of arranged
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Arranged Marriage Sociology
When comparing many sociological perspectives and theories against the idea of arranged marriages in India there are many conclusions that can be
drawn. In specific, feminism, functionalism, and the conflict theory all point out very interesting facts. Some of these theories do a much better job in
terms of accounting for this phenomena; which is not surprising as we looks at the long and detailed history of the subject. However, there is no sole
theory that can truly be linked to account for the total occurrence of such a subject. As you will see, there are many factors that come into play when
an arranged marriage takes place. Not only are the couple being married affected, but the families of both the man and the woman are traditionally more content...
This theory is focused on the inequalities of different groups in a society, and on the level of power associated to these groups (Mooney, 2000). In the
case of arranged marriages in India, there can be said to be many groups that both contribute and are created with unequal power through the process.
To begin with, the parents potentially hold the future of their child in their hands as they are the ones who choose the significant other (Sandhya,
2013). In the interest of wealth, power and security, most families choose a person with a significant amount of higher status in the society because
through the marriage, ties between the families strengthen and so do both of their overall prestige (Sandhya, 2013). It can be said that families marry
into one another, and this creates economic inequalities as these groups are formed. This idea of marriage being a family affair all starts with people
who hold more power than others, the parents versus the child, and end by creating an even larger group that differs from many other others in that
country (Sandhya, 2013). Overall, I believe that the conflict theory can be said to best describe the idea of arranged marriages because of the nature
that encompasses the
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Essay On Arranged Marriage
An arranged marriage is a commitment involving two people agreed upon by other individuals, typically both sets of parents. This is not to be confused
with a forced marriage, where the parents put together an arrangement involving their kids, without them having a say in it. In Anjula Razdan's "What's
Love got to do with it?" she discusses the reasons on why our methods of seeking a partner do not work; this includes focusing on our emotions and
pleasures, which often result in divorce. Furthermore, she discusses how "most people lack basic relationship skills, and, as a result, most relationships
lack emotional and psychological intimacy" (Razdan, 2013, p 525). Whereas in arranged marriages, many of the issues faced in are gone,
more content...
This method uses the computer as the parent, in which it arranges two individuals together who have the same common beliefs or interest that would
allow them to connect. In Razdan's essay, she calls this an "old–style courtship," where individuals are able to share information, yet feel protected with
the boundaries put in place. Arranged marriages allow individuals to obtain information prior to meeting, discarding any misinformation to occur within
a marriage. Nevertheless, Razdan states how modern–day marriages end in divorce due to the fact that rational discussions were not made prior to the
marriage. According to New World Encyclopedia, there are many types of arranged marriages, some of which allow the couple to meet before
deciding to get married. This allows the couple to find common interests that will allow love to form. Overall, many couples focus on the love and
passion formed in the relationship, and as Robert Epstein state in Razdan essay, "when the heat of passion wears off–and it always does, he says–you
can be left with virtually nothing 'except lawyer's bills'" (Razdan, 2013, p. 525). However, many marriages fail because neither spouse decides to
follow up on issues that have come up, thus, never learning to live with one another, ultimately leading to the loss of love. On the other hand, most
arranged marriages do not involve love; therefore, the emotion is not there to fade away. Moreover, since love is not a factor, the couple has to learn to
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Are Arranged Marriages Successful? Essay
Many centuries before and even to this day, love is not the only reason people get married. Although this may seem ridiculous to some people, it is
very prevalent in the western world that men and women be joined together through an arranged process by which these couples have no choice
(Epstein, Pandit & Thakar, 2013). Many times these arrangements are made through the mother and father of the couples who are to be joined
together. Sometimes these couples don't even know each other and their first time meeting is on their wedding day (Bowman & Dollahite. 2013).
There have been many concerns expressed about this topic due to issues of these couples not being truly happy and forced into a relationship that
neither of them may have wanted. There have been various overall trends in the published literature which have all prompted the question "are
arranged marriages successful?". These articles attempt to find out if couples that are arranged to be married without prior knowledge of each other
are as happy/successful as couples who have known each other for longer periods of time and have fallen in love prior to their marriage. Much of this
research shows that women who are forced into arranged marriages are extremely anxious about the entire process, while men are excited. This
review will not explore spousal violence, but rather the extent to which arranged marriages produce happily married couples. The reason I am
reviewing this literature is because I am curious to know
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Arranged Marriage Essay
Arranged marriage is a bad decision
Marriage is defined as legal or religious union of two person in which they live together. There are different kind of marriage but mostly arrange
marriage and love marriage is talked. "In many cultures, marriages are arranged by the parents, sometimes with the couple having little or no say.
Such arranged marriages are often found within societies with a high degree of hierarchy and awareness of social rank" (BOOK). People often say
arranged marriage are highly traditional and renowned, protect values and so on but what about in the life of bride and groom? Will they be happy
protecting values and culture? Thus, Arranged marriage is a bad decision because they lack a freedom to choose and interference from extended family,
lack of trust, understanding and love is not a first priority, and social problem.
Arranged marriage takes place in different part of the world. "A recent research conducted by a post–graduate student of Amity University, New Delhi
has brought to light the finding that arranged marriages in India originated during the Vedic period of Indian history" (Chettri). It is the period (c. 1500
– c.500 B.C.E) during which the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism were composed. Similarly, Helena Minchew, program officer in
International Women's Health Coalition wrote in her article, "The Human Rights Council in Geneva on 2nd July 2015 adopted its first substantive
resolution on ending child, early, and forced marriage, and
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Arranged Marriages Essay
Arranged Marriages
What is an arranged marriage? Well in the Webster's dictionary it is defined as a marriage where the marital partners are chosen by others based on
considerations other than the pre–existing mutual attraction of the partners.
This habit has been very common in noble families, especially in reigning ones, at the scope of combining and perhaps enforcing the respective
strengths of originary families (and kingdoms) of the spouses. A relevant part of history has been influenced by these unions. Arranged marriage is also
the marriage concluded with the help of a middleman, once frequent in less cultivated social classes. In some areas it is the man who chooses his wife,
often paying some money for her, to her family more content...
Now during mid–evil England, Woman's out look on marriage was based on social status and they believed that they should marry higher class in
order to be recognized in society. While as the men during this era looked at women as more of an object designed for their amusement and didn't
hold women in high regard, this of course was different when referring to the King, he held his queen with the highest respects and didn't lower himself
to such acts. Also arranged marriages were also used in a manner of keeping peace among enemies by offering their daughters to the opposing enemy
in marriage to keep the peace. This also plays to Royalty as well when it came to neighboring countries to help keep the alliance strong among
countries. Of course by current times much of this has long been forgotten and is no longer practiced.
India/Middle East – In India arranged marriages are still done today and with strict rules and beliefs behind them most couples are forced by there
parents to marry, some practices still in use is the marriage of twins to another set of twins. Also most marriages done are to better the existing family
in wealth and in social status but like all systems, the arranged marriage can be abused. There have been a few highly publicised cases of harassment
for bigger dowries; of fathers with daughters becoming financially stripped by endless demands for expensive gifts, of tyrannical interfering in–laws.
And it goes without saying, no marriage, not even
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Different Types Of Arranged Marriages

  • 1. Different Types Of Arranged Marriages All of these different types of arranged marriages are still used in today 's world. The question asked by most is, why even go through with arranged marriage? Why not say no? Why not run away? Why would you allow your parents to choose who you should be with for the rest of your life? And why not just get a divorce. http: // 07/zuffoletti/traditional.html. There are a lot of major things that you have to take into account. Reputation– Not getting married to someone your parents have chosen for, you can ruin your family 's reputation and your good name. Wealth– Most of those who go through arranged marriage are not wealthy and need the money, so they may sale their daughters to someone to provide for the rest of the family. Sometimes the daughter may sale herself to provide for her family. Values– In some cultures and parts of the world, it is traditional for you to be wedded to another by the choosing of your parents. Religion– Some religion around the world believe that you should be wedded and that the parents decide who you are wedded to. Horoscope– In some tradition/religions you may be chosen to marry by your horoscope. Although there are a lot of major things that take place in arranged marriage. There is also a lot of dangerous and harmful thing that also takes place in most arranged marriages. Most of the girls that are in arranged marriages are being forced by others. These girls are abused and beaten. A lot of Get more content on
  • 2. Arranged Differences of Traditional Conservative Culture and Western Culture Victor Pinto Hudson Community College Abstract In the film (Arranged, 2007), it tells a story of two women who are going through an arranged marriage. Arranged marriage is something that is seen in traditional cultures, not really seen in modern western culture. Modern western culture and traditional cultures are very different. Patriarchy is followed in the home of these families, where the father sets the rules. Dating is also done differently. In traditional cultures, women have arranged dates with men, whereas in modern western culture people can decide who to go on a date with. Touching is also different, women from traditional cultures are not more content... For instance, in my home, the person who receives the food first starts eating and does not wait for anyone. In addition, there is another scene when Rachel brings Nasira who comes from a different culture, to the house without her father's permission, and her mother believes it would upset her husband if he would have found out. In a modern home, if a child were to bring someone over from any culture you would only need to ask permission from one of the parents, can be the mother or father. For example, when I bring someone over home I just ask permission from one of my parents if they can come in. It can be either the mother or father. Touch From what can be seen in the film (Arranged, 2007), the two characters Rachel and Nasira, are not accustomed to being touched by other people. One scene where Rachel had her face touched she seemed very uncomfortable while the blind kid was touching her face. Next scene, when Rachel was talking to some guy at a party she refused to shake his hand. Another scene, Nasira was telling Rachel that her date touched her, but all they did was bump into each other. In the modern western culture, people are used to coming in contact with other people. For example, I and my friends, we always shake hands, high five and hug each other. Dating In the film (Arranged, 2007), Rachel and Nasira, were set up in arranged dates. For Nasira, her dates were chosen from her father, and Rachel, her dates were chosen for from
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  • 4. The Main Causes Of Arranged Marriage "Made in heaven, found on earth – marriages are a new beginning according to some and the final end for others" ("Arranged Marriage", 2009). Marriage is religiously and socially a huge responsibility and its failure could affect societies negatively. Arranged marriages are planned by families, when the bride and the groom are chosen either randomly from a wedding or by family relatives. Especially in the Gulf countries, certain families consider such marriages of high social importance. Arranged marriages in this region have a low expectancy of success. Forced marriages, short engagements and incompatibility between potential couples are the main causes of divorce in arranged marriages in the Gulf region. The initial major cause of divorce in arranged marriages is forced marriage. When both sides get married unwillingly, a lifelong struggle will begin to adapt with the undesired reality. The Saudi Gazette newspaper stated that a lot of women are still forced into their marriages by their families ("Saudi Arabia Forced and Arranged Marriages", 2003). Especially in Saudi Arabia, marriage is viewed through more content... According to Al–Qabas Newspaper (2016), forty–eight percent of women in Kuwait are divorced as a result of the gaps between married couples. These gaps could be age differences, education levels, interests and financial problems. For instance, many girls get married at a young age to a husband who is ten to twenty years older, creating a relationship between two different generations that lacks mutual understanding. For example, Batoul got married at the age of nine, having no knowledge at all, to twenty–year old Mohammed. Divorce is an ultimate solution to marriages in which a husband cannot financially provide his family needs. Life becomes impossible for some couples if they come from two different Get more content on
  • 5. Arranged Marriages in India Essay In American culture the view on arranged marriages are not looked at very favorably. This is because we have grown up with the knowledge that when it comes time to marry we will have chosen our spouse of our own free will. The match will be a love match and one that is chosen through our own needs. Young men and women in India grow up with an opposite view onmarriage. They know that when it comes time to marry their parents will find them a suitable mate and it will be considered scared and a lifelong commitment (Agence France–Presse.) A total of 74 percent of respondents from across India voted in favour of traditional "arranged" marriages, according to the poll by private television channel NDTV. In the Hindu faith, marriage more content... In a very small percentage of marriages that may be the case but it is not typical. Young people of the region understand that their parents know them better than anybody else and trust their choices. Matchmakers are a common practice in locating suitable mates. The traditional matchmaker in India is referred to as a Nayan. Normally, the nayan is a person that is familiar with the family and could be an involved friend or extended family member. They carry two basic roles: primarily as a locator of leads in relation to matches and secondary as one who negotiates among the family of the two parties involved. Several factors are taken into considering when attempting to locate suitable matches. The two main factors are the social standing of the family of the bride or groom along with reputation and also the dowry involved. When the two parties come to mutual terms regarding the marriage, the nayan can be of assistance in wedding planning and announcements in the community. They are not paid but welcome gifts in exchange for their services performed after the match is made. In modern times with social networking, internet sites are a very common tool used in the search. Control is still in the hands of the parents in suitable choices and it is quite possible for the bride and groom to not even meet prior to their engagement festivities. Dowries are a very important part of the marriage arrangement in India. The Get more content on
  • 6. Arranged Marriages Arranged Marriages Within Modern Society Often times, the words arranged marriage evokes fear or even anger in one's heart. For many people, especially those with a western mindset, the liberty to choose one's own spouse remains utterly important and even a human right in our society today. While I strongly believe that every human owns the freedom to choose whether or not they want to marry someone, I also believe misconceptions form in some mind's and in certain situations when the words, "arranged marriages" are spoken. While in no way are all arranged marriages just and fair throughout the world today, marriages that are put together by parents where children choose if they believe the match might work or not. Although bad more content... Having the same values throughout marriage remains crucial and arranged marriages often draws two people with shared values together. When others besides the couple themselves search for potentially good matches, shared values often proves itself important. Often, parents search for spouses for their children with good values and morals. For example, while the child might not always put strong values firstly in finding a spouse, Christian parents would always search within a community of believers with the same values to look for a potential spouse for their child. When values and morals become an important deciphering point in marriage through arrangements by wise elders, the marriage often holds potential to last much longer than a marriage without shared values. Young couples without wiser counsel might end up head over heels inlove yet not always discuss issues such as values which end up crucial to lasting marriages. While arranged marriages never reach perfection like any normal matrimony, the sharing of values holds great likelihood when orchestrated and guided by wise seniors. Arranged marriages often start off with solid foundations especially within career and professional potentials. When searching for a good mate for their child, parents typically also list one's ability to provide for others as a top characteristic in a person. Parents would typically look for someone Get more content on
  • 7. Essay about Arranged Marriages Arranged marriage is the union of a man and woman which is brought about by someone other than the bride and groom ("Arranged" 1). Recent research has shown that arranged marriages may have originated during the Vedic period of Indian history (Chettri 1). Although many arranged marriages generally rely on the consent of the bride and groom, in some cases, one or both of them is forced to marry without a choice and in others, they are too pressured to refuse (Reiss 1). Technically, arrangedmarriage is not forced marriage, but parents have been known to use foul methods that often resembled the latter such as bribery, threats or blackmail (Zuberi 1). Traditionally, parents began to choose children's future spouse because, as said in more content... Royal daughters, especially, were married off to different rivaling countries to ensure that there would be no war between the two powers.Arranged marriage did not just keep peace but also strengthened the military. Through the marriage, the family and their possessions would be under the care of another and will also share the power of a strong military alliance. Some families married their children off to others with great military power to strengthen their own position in war. ("Arranged" 1). For the most part, arranged marriage was used for raising families in social classes. Many families sought out to marry their children with those of a higher status to raise their own standings (Ros 1). Also, as stated on in the article 'Arranged Marriage– Past and Present', "one of the chief goals of arranged marriage was to keep royal bloodlines pure." (1) Meaning, arranged marriages would often link members of the royal families together so that they would not mingle or 'taint' their blood with that of those on a lower class. This, unfortunately, caused many diseases and illnesses in royal children because of the limited gene pool (Lenihan 1). Children were often very young when sent off to marry their unknown spouse, and due to its involuntary nature, and this is believed to be the root of arranged marriages bad reputation ("Arranged" 1). During the Elizabethan era, arranged marriages generally benefitted both families since marrying out Get more content on
  • 8. Arranged Marriage Is Good: A Persuasive Speech Arranged Marriage is a Good Thing: A Persuasive Speech Intro: Marriage is a union that has been around for as long as humans have walked the earth. The human race depends upon the union of its members, and as such, the subject of marriage has been an issue that receives more intense scrutiny and attention than many would likely believe. In today's day and age, with humanity continuing to move in a modern direction, many argue that marriage is a union that should be entered into freely and should be based exclusively on the love between two people. However, I argue that arranged marriage, which has taken place throughout the ages and throughout the world, is a union that offers its observers a marriage based in support, longevity and love, and is an institution that should not be frowned upon. Thesis: Arranged marriage is a good thing and should be respected by those throughout the world who condemn it. Point I: Arranged marriage has been around for ages. – Ever since humans have existed, so has the arranged marriage. – In biblical times and in the Bible itself, arranged marriage was the standard for couples, whose spouses would be chosen for them by their parents or guardians as early as their birth. Sub–Point: Arranged marriage was so popular an option as history moved on, that many royals took part in the option such as: Louis XVI and Marie Antionette, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain and Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon – These biblical and royal arranged Get more content on
  • 9. Research Paper On Arranged Marriage Arranged marriage. In the past, Arranged marriage was very common, and still is in some countries in the world. Arranged marriage is when parents choose a spouse for their sons and daughters. According to Gagoomal (2009), "Arranged marriage is broadly defined as unions in which people other than the bride and groom, typically parents or other family members, play important or decisive roles in determining who marries whom." (p. 590). Asia and The Middle East follows this tradition and believe that marriage should come first then think about love. Some people believe in love at first sight, however, others believe that it takes time and patience to love someone and develop a relationship with them. Arranged marriage leaves their child with no choice but to marry the person they picked out for them. This may also be more content... India is the most common country that follows this tradition and is very serious about it. Arranged marriage is different than Traditional marriage in many ways. Traditional marriage is when a man chooses a woman for him, then speak to her parents and agree to meet up to discuss it together. In this condition, the lady had a right in the marriage; she can reject the man if she does not want to marry him. Traditional marriage does not force the lady to marry the man that proposed to her. In this case, they can get to know each other though a small period of time so she can make their decision if they want to marry each other. There are those who do not agree with neither Arranged marriage nor Traditional marriage. They believe that the man and the women should marry in love. Many people believe that arranged marriage is a good choice because it guarantees a spouse for them, it is more stable and secure than love marriage and leads to Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Arranged Marriage In the year of 2016, 26,250,000 arranged marriages occurred annually worldwide. In another perspective, 52.25% of marriages were arranged as of 2016 ("Arranged/Forced"). Arrange marriage has many customs and traditions, and requirements for the future bride or groom.Refusal to this type of marriage can cause many problems on sides of the family and child. These requirements and consequences of refusal can be shown in the short story " Marriage is a Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe. Arranged marriages are highly common but yet many people do not know the customs and traditions of arranged marriage. In arranged marriages, parents choose their son or daughter's future spouse with only a little input from the soon to be newly–weds. If either the son or daughter refuses the choice, the parents tend to respect their wishes and will find someone else ("Traditional"). Sometimes, in other cultures it varies and the consequences of refusal to arrange marriage are: "...the consequences for both men and women were they would be considered a burden to their family and if the parents went to extreme measures then the child could be disowned, beaten, or even be given the death penalty" ("Consequences"). Additionally, in arranging the girl and boy have to be of the same religion, have a good social status, and have the same culture/traditions. Anyone that does not follow these requirements is seen as an unfit match. Advantages of arranged marriage are they shorten the time of dating, let Get more content on
  • 11. Argumentative Essay On Arranged Marriage People don't really know how to choose a long term partner" says Dr. Alvin Cooper (Razdan, 2014, p. 525), this statement comes from an essay titled "What's Love Got to Do with It?" by Anjula Razdan. In the essay, Razdan invites the reader to consider arranged marriages and the benefits that one could bring. In the beginning, she expresses her negative opinion on arranged marriages but then goes on to provide the reader with different facts and statements from professionals about why arranged marriages are a good thing. After considering the information that was provided in the essay, like Razdan first stated, I also don't agree with arranged marriages. Love should be the reason why people get married, not because their parents forced them to marry someone or because they want social/economical gain. I was raised with the belief that I would find my true love and when I found that person, he and I would get married because of love. One of my biggest problems with arranged marriages is that they take away your sense of freedom. Typically, in arranged marriages your lifelong partner is chosen by a family member and most of the time, people don't even know the person they are getting married to. In the essay, Razdan talks about her parents and how their relationship started. She says that her parent's relationship was decided "over tea and samosas by their grandfathers" (Razdan, 2014, p.524) Then she goes on to say that her parents "still barely knew each other on their wedding day – and they certainly hadn't fallen in love" (Razdan, 2014, p.524) Unlike their experience and others who are involved in an arranged marriage, when I get married I want to marry someone that I love and know. I want to have a say in who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. Even Razdan agrees, in her essay she says "The act of choosing whom to love represents the very essence of freedom. To take away that choice seems like an attack not just on my autonomy as a person, but on democracy itself." (Razdan, 2014, p.524). The second reason for why I disagree with arranged marriages is because you're basically marrying a stranger. Your partner is chosen by your family and most of the time, the couples don't even know one another. How Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Arranged Marriage Sylvia Welch English 101 Dr. Jones 26 June 2017 Essay 3 Marriage Marriage is a union between a man and woman. Selecting a husband and wife is one of the most important decisions of a person's life because a marriage can bring either a happy or unhappy life. Choosing the best partner is one of the keys to get a happy marriage. For some people they may choose to get married with the person whom they love, which is love marriage. Actually, there are two kinds of marriage that are love marriage and arranged marriage. Arranged marriage is when the parents or family will choose the partner of their child or relatives. Arranged marriages occur in around the world especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In many cultures believe that marriage is not always love. Those people claim that the couple who are getting married still young and have less experience. In this sense, some cultures believe that the best choice of the child's partner is made by his or her parents. However, it is still controversial among people that choosing arranged marriage is the same with forced marriage. In this sense, the couple do not have a freedom of choice to choose their own partner. They have to follow their parents decision to get married with the person. In some countries, people do not agree with arranged marriages, especially for the Western people. They believe that every person has their own choice to choose their partner in a marriage. Adults seem always think that love before marriage Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Arranged Marriages What comes to mind when you hear the words arranged marriage? I am sure a happy, respectful, loving relationship was not what popped into your mind. Arrange marriages are a complex subject, and the concept is perceived as a human rights issue where individuals loose the right to freedom of choice. In saying that, my initial opinion of an arranged marriage was not held in high regard. However, after being introduced to someone who is in the process of an arranged marriage; and conducting my own research; my view changed. Hence I have much regret about my naivety on the concept. This type of marriage, known as a culturally specific decision (Seth, 2008), has been confused with a forced marriage. In summary, researchers have confirmed more content... Unfortunately, this occurs only in fairy tales. To follow on, Seth (2009) states "one of the reasons most people know very little about arrange marriages for the reason it is a topic that has been negatively represented (or, at best, ignored) by the media" (p. 7). In saying that, when was the last time you can recall reading or hearing about two adults, including their families, unifying by choice in the efforts of financial and economic assistance? I personally can not and this thought makes me rather sceptical of the media. It is very likely the mass media has done their research and covers negative stories, for example forced marriages, for the purpose to increase profit (Van Krieken et al., (2009). Primarily, I had a lot of misunderstanding and had formed stereotypes towards arrange marriages, I knew so little. The notion of an arrange marriage brought to mind the characteristics of a forced marriage. The line between these two is at times blurry however freedom of choice is what separates them (Trapp, 2009). Seth (2009) gives a definition to help understand the concept; "an arranged marriage can be defined as a marriage organised by a third party and based on considerations other than love, intimacy, and physical or sexual attraction" (p. 7). Seth (2009) further explains the notion by stating "the idea behind arranged marriages is Get more content on
  • 14. Arranged Marriages Essay example Arranged Marriages We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl get married. For the majority of the western world, this is our ideal image of a great beginning to a perfect marriage. But it is important to realize that while India is very modernized in some aspects, they still keep to the tradition of arranged marriages. Marriages formed out of love AKA "love marriages" do happen in India but it is not the norm. It is an accepted fact that a person's family will play a role in picking the marriage partner. Often the most important aspect is the bond between the two families, rather than the relationship between the couple being married. more content... Traditionally, however, the bride and groom would not even see each other until the day of their wedding. Today, while most marriages are still arranged, times are changing. There is usually a small courtship period where the bride and groom can meet and talk under the careful watch of a guardian. Also, if either one of the two do not want the marriage, it is likely to be cancelled. Very few families today "force" marriages upon their children. This is called an "assisted marriage". Even though times are changing and few marriages in Indian families are being arranged, the main reason behind marriage is still not being recognised. What the true basis of a marriage should be, "Love." For a marriage to last, the couple need to feel that strong bond that keeps their hearts combined throughout the marriage period. This cannot be, if the two have never met before, or haven't had enough time to get to know each other. This causes huge amounts of problems between the couple in years to come. The problems are worse if the woman happens to be a young lady. When women are young, they have this urge of independence. They want to be free, chose the career they wish and settle down in their own way. Finding out they are to settle down with a man not of their choice, would cause immense problems to the couple and the parents. The child would probably rebel which Get more content on
  • 15. Arranged Marriage Essay I chose the topic of arranged marriages with a focus on arranged marriages of minors. It is baffling to me that even in the 21st century, young children are being forced into intimate relationships. This topic is fascinating due to the fact that as a Canadian, arranging marriages of children seems absurd. I also wanted to choose this topic to learn more about how arranged marriages work than what I have already learned in this course and why parents would ever choose to marry off a young child, knowing the consequences that the child may face. I have some previous knowledge from other social science classes that I have taken such as the "Challenge and Change in Society" course and from previous units in this course. I learned that arranged marriages often occur because they are a tradition in the culture of people who practice it. There is also usually an economic component in arranged marriages which may motivate parents to set up the marriages of their children. Usually, the parents of an individual choose a partner for their child and the parents of the other individual must agree to the marriage. I am also aware that the practice of arranged marriages is uncommon in Canada, but some people of certain religions do practice it if the individuals both agree to the marriage, as marriage without the consent of both partners is illegal in Canada. Contrarily, arranged marriages are much more common in less developed countries. Additionally, I know that in the case of arranged Get more content on
  • 16. Arranged Marriage Sociology When comparing many sociological perspectives and theories against the idea of arranged marriages in India there are many conclusions that can be drawn. In specific, feminism, functionalism, and the conflict theory all point out very interesting facts. Some of these theories do a much better job in terms of accounting for this phenomena; which is not surprising as we looks at the long and detailed history of the subject. However, there is no sole theory that can truly be linked to account for the total occurrence of such a subject. As you will see, there are many factors that come into play when an arranged marriage takes place. Not only are the couple being married affected, but the families of both the man and the woman are traditionally more content... This theory is focused on the inequalities of different groups in a society, and on the level of power associated to these groups (Mooney, 2000). In the case of arranged marriages in India, there can be said to be many groups that both contribute and are created with unequal power through the process. To begin with, the parents potentially hold the future of their child in their hands as they are the ones who choose the significant other (Sandhya, 2013). In the interest of wealth, power and security, most families choose a person with a significant amount of higher status in the society because through the marriage, ties between the families strengthen and so do both of their overall prestige (Sandhya, 2013). It can be said that families marry into one another, and this creates economic inequalities as these groups are formed. This idea of marriage being a family affair all starts with people who hold more power than others, the parents versus the child, and end by creating an even larger group that differs from many other others in that country (Sandhya, 2013). Overall, I believe that the conflict theory can be said to best describe the idea of arranged marriages because of the nature that encompasses the Get more content on
  • 17. Essay On Arranged Marriage An arranged marriage is a commitment involving two people agreed upon by other individuals, typically both sets of parents. This is not to be confused with a forced marriage, where the parents put together an arrangement involving their kids, without them having a say in it. In Anjula Razdan's "What's Love got to do with it?" she discusses the reasons on why our methods of seeking a partner do not work; this includes focusing on our emotions and pleasures, which often result in divorce. Furthermore, she discusses how "most people lack basic relationship skills, and, as a result, most relationships lack emotional and psychological intimacy" (Razdan, 2013, p 525). Whereas in arranged marriages, many of the issues faced in are gone, more content... This method uses the computer as the parent, in which it arranges two individuals together who have the same common beliefs or interest that would allow them to connect. In Razdan's essay, she calls this an "old–style courtship," where individuals are able to share information, yet feel protected with the boundaries put in place. Arranged marriages allow individuals to obtain information prior to meeting, discarding any misinformation to occur within a marriage. Nevertheless, Razdan states how modern–day marriages end in divorce due to the fact that rational discussions were not made prior to the marriage. According to New World Encyclopedia, there are many types of arranged marriages, some of which allow the couple to meet before deciding to get married. This allows the couple to find common interests that will allow love to form. Overall, many couples focus on the love and passion formed in the relationship, and as Robert Epstein state in Razdan essay, "when the heat of passion wears off–and it always does, he says–you can be left with virtually nothing 'except lawyer's bills'" (Razdan, 2013, p. 525). However, many marriages fail because neither spouse decides to follow up on issues that have come up, thus, never learning to live with one another, ultimately leading to the loss of love. On the other hand, most arranged marriages do not involve love; therefore, the emotion is not there to fade away. Moreover, since love is not a factor, the couple has to learn to Get more content on
  • 18. Are Arranged Marriages Successful? Essay Many centuries before and even to this day, love is not the only reason people get married. Although this may seem ridiculous to some people, it is very prevalent in the western world that men and women be joined together through an arranged process by which these couples have no choice (Epstein, Pandit & Thakar, 2013). Many times these arrangements are made through the mother and father of the couples who are to be joined together. Sometimes these couples don't even know each other and their first time meeting is on their wedding day (Bowman & Dollahite. 2013). There have been many concerns expressed about this topic due to issues of these couples not being truly happy and forced into a relationship that neither of them may have wanted. There have been various overall trends in the published literature which have all prompted the question "are arranged marriages successful?". These articles attempt to find out if couples that are arranged to be married without prior knowledge of each other are as happy/successful as couples who have known each other for longer periods of time and have fallen in love prior to their marriage. Much of this research shows that women who are forced into arranged marriages are extremely anxious about the entire process, while men are excited. This review will not explore spousal violence, but rather the extent to which arranged marriages produce happily married couples. The reason I am reviewing this literature is because I am curious to know Get more content on
  • 19. Arranged Marriage Essay Arranged marriage is a bad decision Marriage is defined as legal or religious union of two person in which they live together. There are different kind of marriage but mostly arrange marriage and love marriage is talked. "In many cultures, marriages are arranged by the parents, sometimes with the couple having little or no say. Such arranged marriages are often found within societies with a high degree of hierarchy and awareness of social rank" (BOOK). People often say arranged marriage are highly traditional and renowned, protect values and so on but what about in the life of bride and groom? Will they be happy protecting values and culture? Thus, Arranged marriage is a bad decision because they lack a freedom to choose and interference from extended family, lack of trust, understanding and love is not a first priority, and social problem. Arranged marriage takes place in different part of the world. "A recent research conducted by a post–graduate student of Amity University, New Delhi has brought to light the finding that arranged marriages in India originated during the Vedic period of Indian history" (Chettri). It is the period (c. 1500 – c.500 B.C.E) during which the Vedas, the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism were composed. Similarly, Helena Minchew, program officer in International Women's Health Coalition wrote in her article, "The Human Rights Council in Geneva on 2nd July 2015 adopted its first substantive resolution on ending child, early, and forced marriage, and Get more content on
  • 20. Arranged Marriages Essay Arranged Marriages What is an arranged marriage? Well in the Webster's dictionary it is defined as a marriage where the marital partners are chosen by others based on considerations other than the pre–existing mutual attraction of the partners. This habit has been very common in noble families, especially in reigning ones, at the scope of combining and perhaps enforcing the respective strengths of originary families (and kingdoms) of the spouses. A relevant part of history has been influenced by these unions. Arranged marriage is also the marriage concluded with the help of a middleman, once frequent in less cultivated social classes. In some areas it is the man who chooses his wife, often paying some money for her, to her family more content... Now during mid–evil England, Woman's out look on marriage was based on social status and they believed that they should marry higher class in order to be recognized in society. While as the men during this era looked at women as more of an object designed for their amusement and didn't hold women in high regard, this of course was different when referring to the King, he held his queen with the highest respects and didn't lower himself to such acts. Also arranged marriages were also used in a manner of keeping peace among enemies by offering their daughters to the opposing enemy in marriage to keep the peace. This also plays to Royalty as well when it came to neighboring countries to help keep the alliance strong among countries. Of course by current times much of this has long been forgotten and is no longer practiced. India/Middle East – In India arranged marriages are still done today and with strict rules and beliefs behind them most couples are forced by there parents to marry, some practices still in use is the marriage of twins to another set of twins. Also most marriages done are to better the existing family in wealth and in social status but like all systems, the arranged marriage can be abused. There have been a few highly publicised cases of harassment for bigger dowries; of fathers with daughters becoming financially stripped by endless demands for expensive gifts, of tyrannical interfering in–laws. And it goes without saying, no marriage, not even Get more content on