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Satire Essay On School Prank
There was this school everything seemed normal during the day, no one knew what was happening in the night. One afternoon, Victoria and her
friends were hanging out in her house in the living room and Nicole ,one of Victoria 's friends,thinking maybe we should do a prank on the school in
the dark. While her friends were well known pranksters and they had just came out of detention not to long ago for their tricks. So they were there
playing video games and Victoria was on her phone. "Hey guys how about we go prank the school? We have not done one ",says Nicole ,suggestively.
"Well, do you really want to get a whole week of detention again ", a very bossy, Nathan said. "But I am so bored and I don 't see you people doing more content...
James was the only one that could have because of his hearing aid and says, "Nicole let's go check it out?" "Fine." Nicole says,irritated , while the
others are just minding their own conversation. After James and Nicole made sure that everyone was told what James idea was to check who was
singinging they agreed to it .They were lead to the cafeteria and saw the night guard laying their unconscious. "What happened here?" Victoria said
before, being cut off by James. "I just knew something was happening here." James says in a duh tone. "What now ",says Nicole "we can't just leave
him there on the ground?" The four of them decided to leave him in the staff room and go and do what they were first trying to find. But in their mind
they knew that someone was in the school that was sing but was not the guard and stared .And no one was speaking about it .When they start to get
closer they start to think about the person singing. Until Nathan Speaks up,"What do we do when we find out because we know that it was not the
guard that was singing?" "Well let's just see who is first then ,we will go from there. "Said James They open the door, they see a girl with a torn
dress, she had her eyes closed, and when she opened then they had no life in them. All sudden the girl was coming closer and starts to run after them.
"We should find an exit " said nathan " let 's go this way i believe there is one at the end of the hall ."
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Satire Essay On School Uniforms
Nowadays in America more than eighteen percent of schools were uniforms. Some people believe might make schools harmless. I disagree because
school uniforms ae most definitely dreadful and cost more on top of all the clothes you already have, and above that it is against self–expression. In
the first place, most of society think of them as an uttermost embarrassment to wear. Lots of student don't reach agreement of having to wear the same
thing as they're fellow mates. Proceeding on younger pupils will not like the same gloomy boring uniforms every day they attend at school. Mean
while some may possibly be allergic to the material the cloths are prepared with. In the second place The expense of these dreadful uniforms would be
high. After
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Short Story: The Door Opened
There once was a girl named Amanda. She used to live in New York City, but then her mom and dad lost their jobs. Amanda kinda got in trouble.
There was this door she found in her attic and her parents told her not to open it but she did. The only words that she could hear that came out of
the door, was that there was going to be a war. Amanda has never forgotten those words so her parents told her they had to move. She moved to
Florida, She was so sad to leave all her friends behind She begged her mom to stay but her mom wanted her to come with them Amanda did not
have a choice, she missed a little school when she moved. The day came when she had to go to her new school. She woke up in the morning, not
happy to go. When she got there, she soon found one friend a boy named jay one enemy, Christine Jay was there in the doorway waiting, for He heard
there was going to be a new student. He wanted to make them welcome, but his ex–girlfriend Christine was jealous. Christine noticed jay being nice to
a girl who he barely knew when Amanda walked in. She was very surprised to have a friend already, but Jay was a popular guy and knew how to make
people welcome. Amanda gained many friends too– she even tried out for cheerleading that night. She was a really good cheerleader, for she had done
it at her other school. She already had a lot of friends that would be in cheerleading with her, so that night she stayed after and tried out, she got it and
so did the other girls and they
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Teacher Essay: My Worst Teacher
During my high school years, there were several teachers that I encountered. However, there was one teacher whom I shall never forget. In fact,
he would be very difficult to forget, even if he were only remembered for his size, for he was an enormous man. His name is Anthony Sweeney of
"Sugar Butty" my third form math teacher. To this point, I never knew the exact reason for such name but all students referred to him in such
manner. He was six feet five inches tall and towered over us like a giant and he weighed over three hundred pounds. I never discovered his exact age,
but, he must have been no more than forty, even though his hair had turned grey relatively early on, and there was a smooth shiny bald patch on the
crown of his head. But, it is not just for his size that I remembered him. In fact, one of the things with I remembered distinctively was his sudden
change in temper. One moment he would be very jovial and pleasant to speak to in class, and the next he would shout violently at some timid student
who was merely looking through the window or he would become very mean and impatient with his students. For these reason, he became my absolute
worst teacher.
Most certainly, a student would be subjected to his ambush of abuse daily. We more content...
Sweeney's bark was far worse than his bite in some instances; as many times, he demonstrated his generosity and kindness when he offered to buy
breakfast or lunch for the less fortunate. However, his constant anger and aggression was evident daily; and there was no need to make him angrier
than he already was. He also treated us as though we were incapable of learning and we were absolutely terrified of him. Hence, the entire year of
math class was a nightmare as it was filled with humiliation and anger. So, I have decided in my profession career as teacher not to become like Mr
Sweeney but rather provide an environment where my students can become the best at whatever their heart
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Anti Bullying Satire
Bullying, isn't that a part of life?
I think kids nowadays are so thin skinned. What are they going to do in the real world? I mean everyone is on this anti bullying wagon when they
need to be teaching their children that someone else's opinion of them is irrelevant. I'm not saying that bullying is right but I am saying that it is a part
of life.
Picture two toddlers fighting over a toy and the one toddler bites the other to get the toy. I'm pretty damn sure that the toddler wasn't taught to bite so
that's not a learned behavior but more of a survival instinct and If that toddler then at the age of two realizes that if he or she bites then they win; they
get the toy. Is that bullying? Hurting someone else to get what you want? I know I more content...
My oldest daughter got bullied for having braces and my middle daughter got bullied for having hairy arms in Middle School but because I was writing
this paper I asked all my friends, my boyfriend, my three children and my niece did they ever get bullied and if so did it affect them in any
negative way and they all said "yes, they got bullied and no it didn't hurt them." Bullying never stops, you think that when you grow up, you get a
career, and you become free from bullying but bullying is everywhere. Many successful people were once bullied. Is it safe to say that bullying
isn't as bad as people are making it out to be? Sure, in severe cases there are terrible outcomes, but that can be blamed on the parents for coddling
their children when they were young and not letting them experience life. I've been bullied while driving; another car was in a hurry and cut me
off while driving with the middle finger waved so freely out the window with their hand on the horn. There is bullying in the work force; you can
be your supervisors pet and every other employee dislikes you, or you can be the snitch of the work place, or the brown noser. Bullying doesn't end. It
doesn't just magically disappear on your last day of school on your senior year and that why I say it's a part of life and you have to learn deal with it. In
the Herald Media 2012 (Tobler, Payson) states "Bullying prepares you
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Satire Essay On Gun Control
464,033 deaths, in fourteen years, and only 1.3% of these were caused by a shooter. Guns, the thing we use to hunt and to protect our families are
being threatened to have taken away and we must stand against it. People who have been through background checks, are mentally stable, and law
abiding citizens, without past gun violations, have deserved the right to own a weapon, be it for hunting or for their own protection. Many members
of my family own guns, not to go and kill people, but to hunt, just as Americans have done for hundreds of years and to give ourselves some peace in
knowing we can fight back. First of all to explain, some people believe that guns should be taken away from non–officials, including law abiding
citizens, more content...
How would the government take every single gun away from every single person who doesn't have a badge? Additionally the gun–homicide rate
decreases as the gun ownership increases. In 1994, the gun–homicide rate was 7 deaths per 100,000 people, in the last few years that has dropped to
only 3.6. states that the last six years have been safer that the twenty before that. Also, National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive
Vice President Wayne LaPierre believes that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." In fact the rate of purchase
goes up after mass shootings as well as when more laws are put in place, and decrease when the people are given more liberty in having a
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Creative Writing: The Maze
He woke up in a cold sweat on the floor of a strange, rusty iron elevator, there were steel barrels, crates, and coils of rope. He felt the elevator stop
and he could faintly hear people talking above him. Suddenly, big iron doors above him swung open and he was blinded by the light that came out.
"Hey there!" a voice said. "Well you must be confused, let me help clear things up a bit. I'm Ethan, I run things around here". "Huh? What's going on,
where am I?" "You're at what we call 'The Maze.' Here let me show you around. Over there, that is the main house, that is the farm, those are the
woods, and those big doors, they're the entrance to the maze. Do not go in there."
"Wait, why can't I go there?"
"Because it's dangerous, there are more content...
Owen was standing outside the main house and showed Cameron to the obstacle course. Cameron started and passed with flying colors. He got
Cameron set up for the journey out into the maze. They got to where the exit was and saw it was only being guarded by one griever. They sprinted
back home and told everyone that the exit was only being guarded by the one. They got the people who were willing to come set up to go to the
exit. Ethan and Owen prepared them by giving everyone who was coming a spear, knife, backpack, and a water bottle. They started out towards the
exit and still saw just the one griever on the bridge. The bottom of the bridge was invisible in the pitch darkness. It was in a seemingly never ending
abyss. The exit was on the other side of the
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The Teachers : Is It Is Just For Fun? Essay
The teachers. We will then show it to the students.
Interviewer:So something that is content related.
Interviewee:It is not content related.
Interviewer:It is just for fun.
Interviewee:Most times it is just for fun. We did once for content a couple years ago, but we just don't physically havetime to do that.
Interviewer:Which is unfortunate.
Interviewee:I know, because kids like that stuff, they love it. They like to see their teachers being goofy or whatever.
Interviewer:I agree. I will read a definition of text to you and what it means, it is from a textbook. Some people agree with this definition and some
people don't. After I read it, I want to hear how you feel about it.
Text is more than what is written in a page. Text is anything from which meaning can be created, whether it is linguistic or nonlinguistic in nature.
Text can be an audience, a conversation, a work of art, a piece of music, a gesture, or even a piece of media created for television, the movies or the
internet. So, what do you think about this definition?
Interviewee:Well, I agree and I think that is what I said at the beginning of this conversation.
Interviewer:You mentioned it.
Interviewee:That was definitely more eloquently said than what I said in my simple way. Yes, that is definitely for sure. You are surrounded by text all
the time and it is not just a textbook.
Interviewer:You mentioned earlier about facial expressions and they have to read that and it is part of the
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Satire Essay On Bullying In Schools
School bullying is a big ethical problem within our schools and our communities. Some adults see bullying as just part of growing up and being a
kid but it is a serious problem that can lead to children obtaining a loss of self confidence. Victims may receive a damaging self image and they may
even want to end their own lives. There are many consequences to school bullying kids can obtain mental health problems and can experience anxiety
or depression. Children may not be able to sleep or eat and they may lose interest in activities that they used to want to do. Victims who are bullied
might also make their grades suffer and they may miss or drop out of school. Some children may even become aggressive and violent.
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All the stakeholders within a school should aim to create a happy, caring and safe environment where children and adults can respect and value
each other. They need to work hard to enable all children to feel valued and supported and be able to behave sociably. Having a good policy that
clearly explains the procedures for preventing and responding to bullying behavior is important for all schools to have. Bullying should not be
tolerated, and all staff should not allow any bullying at school to occur. All children have rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their
parents do, or what language they speak. All schools have a duty give children an education in a safe environment. Schools need to develop a Code
of Conduct that reinforces school values and clearly defines unacceptable behavior and consequences. They need to empower teachers and especially
students to help enforce policies by teaching them to see what behaviors are not acceptable and how they should react. Schools need to increase adult
supervision because bullying happens when adults are not around. Schools should have assemblies and activities that bring the community together to
show that bullying is wrong. Teachers can have their students write a set of school or class rules or sign a behavior contract. Making scenarios of
bullying and what to do can help students know what they should do. It is also
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Some of the brightest young students at this school are faced with a growing problem. In class there are disruptive and downright rude students who do
not contribute to the learning environment. These bad students are a terrible influence to the rest of the school community, those who don't care about
their education are more likely to get involved with violence and gangs. Some of these students are simply "un–teachable" and are a waste of time and
space, overcrowding the school and ruining its reputation. We must heed the saying "A rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel." After all, what will
become of these worthless people in the future? I hereby suggest a proposal to eliminate all of these social ills, make use of high more
Judging by how many students are unwilling to take school seriously, there will never be a shortage of such laborers. If any defiant workers refuse to
offer labor, they will be executed and their place reserved for some other compliant ex–student, there are too many people anyway. The economy will
certainly benefit from this mass–production and the US will be recognized as one of the most prestigious and prosperous nations in the world,
producing some of the most brilliant, top–notch scholars. This solution will provide a higher–quality education for the rest of the students in the future.
As contrast to what could be, here is an example. Last year I attended an English class here at Arroyo full of students who'd given up on learning,
preferring to fool around during class. The teacher had simply given up on "us" (or the troublesome ones), the class was rowdy, out of control most of
the time. If only this plan was in effect at that time! The teacher could have taught class uninterrupted without having to waste class time rebuking
those annoying twerps. With this proposal in effect, class sizes would be smaller and there would be less disruption so teachers would have more
one–on–one time helping students worthy of their time. The learning environment/peer influence would improve, resulting in better performance, even
the school's standards would be set
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Scoot And Sully: A Short Story
One day, Scoot and Sully were out sailing a huge boat for Sully's birthday, taking the SEA–nic route. They were about to complete a northeast tack. It
was a bright sunny day, or was it? They casually were on The Old Sea Dog, unaware about the people and dangers around them. They were almost
done with their tack and they were in the bay of Baja California. Scoot and Sully were almost in the harbor when Sully gets hungry and asks Scoot to
make some sandwiches. Scoot said, "Why do I have to make your sandwiches? Go make your own sandwiches." "Just go make them. Geez, you're so
lazy." says Sully. "Ok, fine, I have a joke for you. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?" "Why?" asked Scoot sarcastically. "Because if they flew over the
bay, they' more content...
Because they spend years at C!" When Sully hears no response, he pounded on the bottom of the boat, as he is above the surface of the water, he
shouts, "Can you hear me at all? Ok, I'm sorry I took your dolls when we were growing up. I just wanted to have one for myself. I'm sorry for
cleaning my shoe with your toothbrush. I'm sorry I – " Sully was interrupted by sudden laughing coming from the location of where Scoot was. "I
heard everything," says Scoot, as she cracked up. "That was the FIRST time I've ever heard you apologize. It was so funny!" She thought it was
so funny. She went on her back, floating in the water, giggling and laughing. "And wait, why did you tell me a joke. This isn't the time for jokes you
idiot." Sully was ticked off at Scoot's stupid joke. "Once you get out of there, IF you get out of there, you are so dead! I will tell Mom and Dad after
we get off this old boat!" Sully scolds, being annoyed at the same time. "Why?" said Scoot, as she rolled her eyes, her usual appearance when irritated.
"Anyway, do you have any ideas on how I can get out of here?" asks
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Overpopulation Satire
Walking through the train station seemed more difficult than wading through tar. You couldn't get anywhere due to the sheer volume of people in your
way. The sun's intense heat was punishing the earth's unshielded surface and was boiling the station's inhabitants from the inside. A hot, sticky,
overcrowded mess. Suddenly, everyone erupted into a full sprint; the train was leaving. Thousands of people formed a Tsunami behind me, tearing
down anything that stood in their way. The stampede vibrated between my ears, rattling my eardrums like a baby's toy. It was a scramble to get on.
The crowd forced me forwards with the power of a million bulls. I could barely keep myself upright. Sandwiched between thousands of others, I had
extreme doubt I more content...
Where do we apply the force to get the wheels turning? How do we lift these ideas off the ground? One by one. Currently, organisations such as
Oxfam and Unicef are making an effort to fix all the issues in one foul swoop: lack of education, pollution, birth control availability, spreading of
disease and more. Recently Oxfam and Unicef have focused their energies on alleviating diseases such as the Zika virus and Malaria in developing
countries and at the same time trying to provide adequate shelter and warmth for these same places. This is impossible to do. We need to focus on
one issue at a time, solve that, then move on. Otherwise, we will get nowhere, just as we are doing now. Not enough funding, resources and time are
available to fix everything at once. By focusing all our energy on one solution, we allow ourselves to move quicker and more efficiently. Just as the
WHO is doing, providing birth control for those countries in need and UNESCO is doing, providing education to the developing world. Globally
increasing numbers in lower secondary education by 27% and more than doubling numbers in sub–Saharan Africa. Without this shift in mindset, these
issues will surely get out of hand very quickly. Eventually leading us to abandon our old ways of living for a new and better way or, to our inevitable
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Education and school. Some of you are now grimacing at the prospect of being trapped inside a classroom. Others are now thinking what I wouldn't
do to be able to go back and start all over again. Now don't worry, I'm not going to convince you that you should love school. My job isn't to change
your perspective on school like a politician would do. I am in this building who habitants are insistent that I learn, fulfilling my role as a student
undertaking a challenge presented to me. To this 14 year old, education is my chance. I can't play sports and get a scholarship. This 14 year old would
be compelled say that school is an opportunity that tests my logic, my mental capacity, capabilities, and sometimes my sanity. The thought of being
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Satire Essay On Cell Phones In Schools
BEEP..."Attention all students, after school practices are canceled for all sports." As the loud speaker disconnected Sammy realized her ride home
from cheer practice was her Aunt, and now she has to let her know that it has been cancelled before she drives half hour to come pick her up.
Sammy reached for her phone but concluded that just yesterday cellphones were banned from school and permitted to be left at home. "Emma, I
can't contact my Aunt because I don't have my phone with me. What do I do?" Sammy asked desperately. "Call off the teacher's phone, it's for dire
emergencies and this is one." replied Emma as she looked up at the poster stating, "NO NEED FOR CELL PHONES, KEEP THEM AT HOME." "I
would, but I don't remember her number." more content...
Learning when the appropriate time to socialize or activate cell phones can create responsibilities by having a consequence if cell phones aren't used
at a suitable time. Being responsible and constructing responsibility is when students will comprehend when and when not to mobilized on there cell
phones. Aside from, rivals say that students are most likely to lose their cell phones. In the meantime, students would be responsible and put it in a
safe place at the appropriate time. In the long run, cell phones should be kept with students so it can help develop
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Satire Essay On Technology Kids
Technology Kids Having a kid these days are really hard; I have a baby sister her name is Jasmine, Jasmine is five years old now. When she was two
years old, she knew how to use the I–pad and the laptop. Also now she always come from school and stay on the laptop and doesn't care about
anything else around her. Actually it is not her fault in the first place, it was myfamily and I's fault because we didn't have time for her when she was
young, every one of us have their own thing to do. My sister is not the only one that has this problem, all the young age kids are like that and because
they grow up with any technology in their hands, they think that it is their lives and they have nothing else to do. This problem can be solved by the more content...
Straub said that one of the effects on kids is that "Our kids are getting dumber."(Strab). For example, my brothers and I were in my country we had to
use calculator in 4th grade, and when we came here in high school, the math teachers said that the calculator is not allowed in the class, we struggled
in the class because we weren't good in math without calculator. Now if all the kids have all these technology in the school what will happened they
won't be able to solve math problems easy or write with the write spelling. One day my mom and I had a conference with my sister's kindergarten the
teacher and my sister was with us and the teacher gave her an I–pad to play on a math app and when I was looking to my sister how she was answering
the problems, she was answering most of them wrong because she just wanted to play on the I–pad and she didn't care if it is a math problem or how to
solve it. When I saw my sister like that I felt bad for all the kids that just want to play with the technology and don't care about what they are learning,
also It hurts to see these kids don't learn as good as we learn in the past and think about what we read or what we solve when we are doing it, and it
make a fear for their
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Satire Essay In High School
Plip Plop goes the pitter patter of the rain on the freshly cut grass on the sidewalk leading to the inside of the school. I walk slowly to my locker as
my friends and I talk about the football game that was going to be playing after school. I open my locker and grab my books out of it. I shove my
fat backpack and heavy jacket into it and run before the first bell rings. I plop my books onto the desk next to Samantha Miller, the most popular
girl in school. She instantly starts talking. Especially first period. Social Studies is the worst to have in the morning. Getting up early in the morning,
to come to school all groggy only to hear about a bunch of old dead people who apparently just couldn't stop asking for freedom. Like STOP LIVING
IN THE more content...
So far, my grades haven't been too good I went from an A to a B– to a C+ and down to a D. The rest of my grades weren't too good either. Let's just say
that I haven't seen one A on my report card since last year. And that was in Choir. It's not that I'm stupid or anything. Even in gym. Apparently, you
have to have good sportsmanship in order to get full points for the day. It's just that things got harder so I just stopped caring. But enough about
my bad qualities. Let's talk about my good qualities. I am pretty handsome if I must say so myself. Green eyes and dirty blond hair that falls just
above my eyes. I have some freckles but not so much that I look like I have chicken pox. I am an average height of 5'5'' and I have muscles from all
the sports that I do. Soccer and Lacrosse in the fall, Ice Hockey and Wrestling in the winter, Swimming and Football in the spring, and Volleyball and
Taekwondo in the
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Satirical Essay On Social Media
There has been a serious problem that has risen over the past few years with teens and social media. Due to the creation of iPhones, Twitter, Instagram,
Snapchat and whatever other technology they are spending ridiculous amounts of time on, their generation is soon going to be filled with children who
are a number of things, such as, restless, robotic, obese, uneducated, and even antisocial. As a high school teacher, I have recently noticed a drastic
drop in many of my student's grades and I could not for the life of me find out why. At first, I thought It may have had something to do with my
teaching skills which made me so concerned that I even went to other teachers for advice. After weeks passed and student's grades kept falling, I
got really down on myself and every night I would have an emotional breakdown on my husband. Then finally, I came to the realization it had
nothing to do with my teaching job, it was actually because the students who are making poor grades are so emotionally consumed in their small
pixel screen, even while in class. Recently a survey was done by researchers to get an overview on how often teens "have to" check their social media.
The results were that 92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that more content...
To give an ethical appeal I said that I am a teacher. By saying this I gave credibility to myself for the information I was providing in order to
convince my readers. I used a logical appeal when I gave the statistic "92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that includes the 24
percent who said they are on it almost constantly". This appealed to the readers because it shows just how much teens are actually consumed in social
media. Also, to appeal to emotion I used words such as, antisocial, obese, slugs, emotional breakdown, and my heart aches to create an emotional
response. In doing so it helped me convince my audience of my
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Satire About Education
Our future children, the bosses, doctors and lawyers of tomorrow, could really set up different ways we work and ways we educate. Yet our children
aren't getting the education they need. For reasons such as; not assuring parents about everything going on in school, not asking for help and other
things they hold back from their parents. What if it's a problem at home that's affecting their learning? Could be their family and teachers don't
contribute the motivation these children need. Families don't have the income to help their kids get the right materials. Bullying as well is an
exceedingly big issue in school. Many students across the country perhaps the entire world are having difficulty in school. The greatest excuses for
not doing work in class is "I'm too tired" or "I just don't want to do it". How could we help them?
At home or even at school, no one gives these children the potential to strive for greatness towards their education. Participation is a great example of
motivation because parents and teachers would suggest their child/students to participate in school activities so they can interact with other children
and to get an understanding of what they are learning. Without motivation, these kids are conceiving thoughts like; they will never personify good in
school or in the virtual world. Giving your more content...
They're too frightened to even do something to captivate the bully's attention. Bullying is the most significant thing that is happening to young children
today. They get told they're uninteresting, not smart, not equipped and not adequate to do anything. It destroys their confidence and their self–esteem
to the point where they won't tell a teacher or a parent. Teachers and principals need to watch the students more carefully and to discipline these bullies,
hence they know there are consequences for their
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Stargirl Stereotypes
On the first day of school, students from Mica High in Arizona are talking about the new girl named Stargirl Caraway who has been homeschooled.
They mostly talk about her behavior. She plays her ukulele and sings the song Happy Birthday to people who she doesn't even know. Stargirl also
carries her pet rat Cinnamon in her bag with a sunflower on it. Two boys named Leo Borlock and Kevin Quilan were interested in Stargirl. They both
have a disagreement on putting her on the Hot Seat, which is a school television program. Leo thinks that the broadcasting is going to cause a problem
and doesn't want to do it, but Kevin thinks that it is going to very popular. Eventually, the do the show and it did not go very well. Although people
don't interact
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Satire Essay On School Prank

  • 1. Satire Essay On School Prank There was this school everything seemed normal during the day, no one knew what was happening in the night. One afternoon, Victoria and her friends were hanging out in her house in the living room and Nicole ,one of Victoria 's friends,thinking maybe we should do a prank on the school in the dark. While her friends were well known pranksters and they had just came out of detention not to long ago for their tricks. So they were there playing video games and Victoria was on her phone. "Hey guys how about we go prank the school? We have not done one ",says Nicole ,suggestively. "Well, do you really want to get a whole week of detention again ", a very bossy, Nathan said. "But I am so bored and I don 't see you people doing more content... James was the only one that could have because of his hearing aid and says, "Nicole let's go check it out?" "Fine." Nicole says,irritated , while the others are just minding their own conversation. After James and Nicole made sure that everyone was told what James idea was to check who was singinging they agreed to it .They were lead to the cafeteria and saw the night guard laying their unconscious. "What happened here?" Victoria said before, being cut off by James. "I just knew something was happening here." James says in a duh tone. "What now ",says Nicole "we can't just leave him there on the ground?" The four of them decided to leave him in the staff room and go and do what they were first trying to find. But in their mind they knew that someone was in the school that was sing but was not the guard and stared .And no one was speaking about it .When they start to get closer they start to think about the person singing. Until Nathan Speaks up,"What do we do when we find out because we know that it was not the guard that was singing?" "Well let's just see who is first then ,we will go from there. "Said James They open the door, they see a girl with a torn dress, she had her eyes closed, and when she opened then they had no life in them. All sudden the girl was coming closer and starts to run after them. "We should find an exit " said nathan " let 's go this way i believe there is one at the end of the hall ." Get more content on
  • 2. Satire Essay On School Uniforms Nowadays in America more than eighteen percent of schools were uniforms. Some people believe might make schools harmless. I disagree because school uniforms ae most definitely dreadful and cost more on top of all the clothes you already have, and above that it is against self–expression. In the first place, most of society think of them as an uttermost embarrassment to wear. Lots of student don't reach agreement of having to wear the same thing as they're fellow mates. Proceeding on younger pupils will not like the same gloomy boring uniforms every day they attend at school. Mean while some may possibly be allergic to the material the cloths are prepared with. In the second place The expense of these dreadful uniforms would be high. After Get more content on
  • 3. Short Story: The Door Opened There once was a girl named Amanda. She used to live in New York City, but then her mom and dad lost their jobs. Amanda kinda got in trouble. There was this door she found in her attic and her parents told her not to open it but she did. The only words that she could hear that came out of the door, was that there was going to be a war. Amanda has never forgotten those words so her parents told her they had to move. She moved to Florida, She was so sad to leave all her friends behind She begged her mom to stay but her mom wanted her to come with them Amanda did not have a choice, she missed a little school when she moved. The day came when she had to go to her new school. She woke up in the morning, not happy to go. When she got there, she soon found one friend a boy named jay one enemy, Christine Jay was there in the doorway waiting, for He heard there was going to be a new student. He wanted to make them welcome, but his ex–girlfriend Christine was jealous. Christine noticed jay being nice to a girl who he barely knew when Amanda walked in. She was very surprised to have a friend already, but Jay was a popular guy and knew how to make people welcome. Amanda gained many friends too– she even tried out for cheerleading that night. She was a really good cheerleader, for she had done it at her other school. She already had a lot of friends that would be in cheerleading with her, so that night she stayed after and tried out, she got it and so did the other girls and they Get more content on
  • 4. Teacher Essay: My Worst Teacher During my high school years, there were several teachers that I encountered. However, there was one teacher whom I shall never forget. In fact, he would be very difficult to forget, even if he were only remembered for his size, for he was an enormous man. His name is Anthony Sweeney of "Sugar Butty" my third form math teacher. To this point, I never knew the exact reason for such name but all students referred to him in such manner. He was six feet five inches tall and towered over us like a giant and he weighed over three hundred pounds. I never discovered his exact age, but, he must have been no more than forty, even though his hair had turned grey relatively early on, and there was a smooth shiny bald patch on the crown of his head. But, it is not just for his size that I remembered him. In fact, one of the things with I remembered distinctively was his sudden change in temper. One moment he would be very jovial and pleasant to speak to in class, and the next he would shout violently at some timid student who was merely looking through the window or he would become very mean and impatient with his students. For these reason, he became my absolute worst teacher. Most certainly, a student would be subjected to his ambush of abuse daily. We more content... Sweeney's bark was far worse than his bite in some instances; as many times, he demonstrated his generosity and kindness when he offered to buy breakfast or lunch for the less fortunate. However, his constant anger and aggression was evident daily; and there was no need to make him angrier than he already was. He also treated us as though we were incapable of learning and we were absolutely terrified of him. Hence, the entire year of math class was a nightmare as it was filled with humiliation and anger. So, I have decided in my profession career as teacher not to become like Mr Sweeney but rather provide an environment where my students can become the best at whatever their heart Get more content on
  • 5. Anti Bullying Satire Bullying, isn't that a part of life? I think kids nowadays are so thin skinned. What are they going to do in the real world? I mean everyone is on this anti bullying wagon when they need to be teaching their children that someone else's opinion of them is irrelevant. I'm not saying that bullying is right but I am saying that it is a part of life. Picture two toddlers fighting over a toy and the one toddler bites the other to get the toy. I'm pretty damn sure that the toddler wasn't taught to bite so that's not a learned behavior but more of a survival instinct and If that toddler then at the age of two realizes that if he or she bites then they win; they get the toy. Is that bullying? Hurting someone else to get what you want? I know I more content... My oldest daughter got bullied for having braces and my middle daughter got bullied for having hairy arms in Middle School but because I was writing this paper I asked all my friends, my boyfriend, my three children and my niece did they ever get bullied and if so did it affect them in any negative way and they all said "yes, they got bullied and no it didn't hurt them." Bullying never stops, you think that when you grow up, you get a career, and you become free from bullying but bullying is everywhere. Many successful people were once bullied. Is it safe to say that bullying isn't as bad as people are making it out to be? Sure, in severe cases there are terrible outcomes, but that can be blamed on the parents for coddling their children when they were young and not letting them experience life. I've been bullied while driving; another car was in a hurry and cut me off while driving with the middle finger waved so freely out the window with their hand on the horn. There is bullying in the work force; you can be your supervisors pet and every other employee dislikes you, or you can be the snitch of the work place, or the brown noser. Bullying doesn't end. It doesn't just magically disappear on your last day of school on your senior year and that why I say it's a part of life and you have to learn deal with it. In the Herald Media 2012 (Tobler, Payson) states "Bullying prepares you Get more content on
  • 6. Satire Essay On Gun Control 464,033 deaths, in fourteen years, and only 1.3% of these were caused by a shooter. Guns, the thing we use to hunt and to protect our families are being threatened to have taken away and we must stand against it. People who have been through background checks, are mentally stable, and law abiding citizens, without past gun violations, have deserved the right to own a weapon, be it for hunting or for their own protection. Many members of my family own guns, not to go and kill people, but to hunt, just as Americans have done for hundreds of years and to give ourselves some peace in knowing we can fight back. First of all to explain, some people believe that guns should be taken away from non–officials, including law abiding citizens, more content... How would the government take every single gun away from every single person who doesn't have a badge? Additionally the gun–homicide rate decreases as the gun ownership increases. In 1994, the gun–homicide rate was 7 deaths per 100,000 people, in the last few years that has dropped to only 3.6. states that the last six years have been safer that the twenty before that. Also, National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre believes that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." In fact the rate of purchase goes up after mass shootings as well as when more laws are put in place, and decrease when the people are given more liberty in having a Get more content on
  • 7. Creative Writing: The Maze He woke up in a cold sweat on the floor of a strange, rusty iron elevator, there were steel barrels, crates, and coils of rope. He felt the elevator stop and he could faintly hear people talking above him. Suddenly, big iron doors above him swung open and he was blinded by the light that came out. "Hey there!" a voice said. "Well you must be confused, let me help clear things up a bit. I'm Ethan, I run things around here". "Huh? What's going on, where am I?" "You're at what we call 'The Maze.' Here let me show you around. Over there, that is the main house, that is the farm, those are the woods, and those big doors, they're the entrance to the maze. Do not go in there." "Wait, why can't I go there?" "Because it's dangerous, there are more content... Owen was standing outside the main house and showed Cameron to the obstacle course. Cameron started and passed with flying colors. He got Cameron set up for the journey out into the maze. They got to where the exit was and saw it was only being guarded by one griever. They sprinted back home and told everyone that the exit was only being guarded by the one. They got the people who were willing to come set up to go to the exit. Ethan and Owen prepared them by giving everyone who was coming a spear, knife, backpack, and a water bottle. They started out towards the exit and still saw just the one griever on the bridge. The bottom of the bridge was invisible in the pitch darkness. It was in a seemingly never ending abyss. The exit was on the other side of the Get more content on
  • 8. The Teachers : Is It Is Just For Fun? Essay The teachers. We will then show it to the students. Interviewer:So something that is content related. Interviewee:It is not content related. Interviewer:It is just for fun. Interviewee:Most times it is just for fun. We did once for content a couple years ago, but we just don't physically havetime to do that. Interviewer:Which is unfortunate. Interviewee:I know, because kids like that stuff, they love it. They like to see their teachers being goofy or whatever. Interviewer:I agree. I will read a definition of text to you and what it means, it is from a textbook. Some people agree with this definition and some people don't. After I read it, I want to hear how you feel about it. Text is more than what is written in a page. Text is anything from which meaning can be created, whether it is linguistic or nonlinguistic in nature. Text can be an audience, a conversation, a work of art, a piece of music, a gesture, or even a piece of media created for television, the movies or the internet. So, what do you think about this definition? Interviewee:Well, I agree and I think that is what I said at the beginning of this conversation. Interviewer:You mentioned it. Interviewee:That was definitely more eloquently said than what I said in my simple way. Yes, that is definitely for sure. You are surrounded by text all
  • 9. the time and it is not just a textbook. Interviewer:You mentioned earlier about facial expressions and they have to read that and it is part of the Get more content on
  • 10. Satire Essay On Bullying In Schools School bullying is a big ethical problem within our schools and our communities. Some adults see bullying as just part of growing up and being a kid but it is a serious problem that can lead to children obtaining a loss of self confidence. Victims may receive a damaging self image and they may even want to end their own lives. There are many consequences to school bullying kids can obtain mental health problems and can experience anxiety or depression. Children may not be able to sleep or eat and they may lose interest in activities that they used to want to do. Victims who are bullied might also make their grades suffer and they may miss or drop out of school. Some children may even become aggressive and violent. more content... All the stakeholders within a school should aim to create a happy, caring and safe environment where children and adults can respect and value each other. They need to work hard to enable all children to feel valued and supported and be able to behave sociably. Having a good policy that clearly explains the procedures for preventing and responding to bullying behavior is important for all schools to have. Bullying should not be tolerated, and all staff should not allow any bullying at school to occur. All children have rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, or what language they speak. All schools have a duty give children an education in a safe environment. Schools need to develop a Code of Conduct that reinforces school values and clearly defines unacceptable behavior and consequences. They need to empower teachers and especially students to help enforce policies by teaching them to see what behaviors are not acceptable and how they should react. Schools need to increase adult supervision because bullying happens when adults are not around. Schools should have assemblies and activities that bring the community together to show that bullying is wrong. Teachers can have their students write a set of school or class rules or sign a behavior contract. Making scenarios of bullying and what to do can help students know what they should do. It is also Get more content on
  • 11. Some of the brightest young students at this school are faced with a growing problem. In class there are disruptive and downright rude students who do not contribute to the learning environment. These bad students are a terrible influence to the rest of the school community, those who don't care about their education are more likely to get involved with violence and gangs. Some of these students are simply "un–teachable" and are a waste of time and space, overcrowding the school and ruining its reputation. We must heed the saying "A rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel." After all, what will become of these worthless people in the future? I hereby suggest a proposal to eliminate all of these social ills, make use of high more content... Judging by how many students are unwilling to take school seriously, there will never be a shortage of such laborers. If any defiant workers refuse to offer labor, they will be executed and their place reserved for some other compliant ex–student, there are too many people anyway. The economy will certainly benefit from this mass–production and the US will be recognized as one of the most prestigious and prosperous nations in the world, producing some of the most brilliant, top–notch scholars. This solution will provide a higher–quality education for the rest of the students in the future. As contrast to what could be, here is an example. Last year I attended an English class here at Arroyo full of students who'd given up on learning, preferring to fool around during class. The teacher had simply given up on "us" (or the troublesome ones), the class was rowdy, out of control most of the time. If only this plan was in effect at that time! The teacher could have taught class uninterrupted without having to waste class time rebuking those annoying twerps. With this proposal in effect, class sizes would be smaller and there would be less disruption so teachers would have more one–on–one time helping students worthy of their time. The learning environment/peer influence would improve, resulting in better performance, even the school's standards would be set Get more content on
  • 12. Scoot And Sully: A Short Story One day, Scoot and Sully were out sailing a huge boat for Sully's birthday, taking the SEA–nic route. They were about to complete a northeast tack. It was a bright sunny day, or was it? They casually were on The Old Sea Dog, unaware about the people and dangers around them. They were almost done with their tack and they were in the bay of Baja California. Scoot and Sully were almost in the harbor when Sully gets hungry and asks Scoot to make some sandwiches. Scoot said, "Why do I have to make your sandwiches? Go make your own sandwiches." "Just go make them. Geez, you're so lazy." says Sully. "Ok, fine, I have a joke for you. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?" "Why?" asked Scoot sarcastically. "Because if they flew over the bay, they' more content... Because they spend years at C!" When Sully hears no response, he pounded on the bottom of the boat, as he is above the surface of the water, he shouts, "Can you hear me at all? Ok, I'm sorry I took your dolls when we were growing up. I just wanted to have one for myself. I'm sorry for cleaning my shoe with your toothbrush. I'm sorry I – " Sully was interrupted by sudden laughing coming from the location of where Scoot was. "I heard everything," says Scoot, as she cracked up. "That was the FIRST time I've ever heard you apologize. It was so funny!" She thought it was so funny. She went on her back, floating in the water, giggling and laughing. "And wait, why did you tell me a joke. This isn't the time for jokes you idiot." Sully was ticked off at Scoot's stupid joke. "Once you get out of there, IF you get out of there, you are so dead! I will tell Mom and Dad after we get off this old boat!" Sully scolds, being annoyed at the same time. "Why?" said Scoot, as she rolled her eyes, her usual appearance when irritated. "Anyway, do you have any ideas on how I can get out of here?" asks Get more content on
  • 13. Overpopulation Satire Walking through the train station seemed more difficult than wading through tar. You couldn't get anywhere due to the sheer volume of people in your way. The sun's intense heat was punishing the earth's unshielded surface and was boiling the station's inhabitants from the inside. A hot, sticky, overcrowded mess. Suddenly, everyone erupted into a full sprint; the train was leaving. Thousands of people formed a Tsunami behind me, tearing down anything that stood in their way. The stampede vibrated between my ears, rattling my eardrums like a baby's toy. It was a scramble to get on. The crowd forced me forwards with the power of a million bulls. I could barely keep myself upright. Sandwiched between thousands of others, I had extreme doubt I more content... Where do we apply the force to get the wheels turning? How do we lift these ideas off the ground? One by one. Currently, organisations such as Oxfam and Unicef are making an effort to fix all the issues in one foul swoop: lack of education, pollution, birth control availability, spreading of disease and more. Recently Oxfam and Unicef have focused their energies on alleviating diseases such as the Zika virus and Malaria in developing countries and at the same time trying to provide adequate shelter and warmth for these same places. This is impossible to do. We need to focus on one issue at a time, solve that, then move on. Otherwise, we will get nowhere, just as we are doing now. Not enough funding, resources and time are available to fix everything at once. By focusing all our energy on one solution, we allow ourselves to move quicker and more efficiently. Just as the WHO is doing, providing birth control for those countries in need and UNESCO is doing, providing education to the developing world. Globally increasing numbers in lower secondary education by 27% and more than doubling numbers in sub–Saharan Africa. Without this shift in mindset, these issues will surely get out of hand very quickly. Eventually leading us to abandon our old ways of living for a new and better way or, to our inevitable Get more content on
  • 14. Education and school. Some of you are now grimacing at the prospect of being trapped inside a classroom. Others are now thinking what I wouldn't do to be able to go back and start all over again. Now don't worry, I'm not going to convince you that you should love school. My job isn't to change your perspective on school like a politician would do. I am in this building who habitants are insistent that I learn, fulfilling my role as a student undertaking a challenge presented to me. To this 14 year old, education is my chance. I can't play sports and get a scholarship. This 14 year old would be compelled say that school is an opportunity that tests my logic, my mental capacity, capabilities, and sometimes my sanity. The thought of being challenged Get more content on
  • 15. Satire Essay On Cell Phones In Schools BEEP..."Attention all students, after school practices are canceled for all sports." As the loud speaker disconnected Sammy realized her ride home from cheer practice was her Aunt, and now she has to let her know that it has been cancelled before she drives half hour to come pick her up. Sammy reached for her phone but concluded that just yesterday cellphones were banned from school and permitted to be left at home. "Emma, I can't contact my Aunt because I don't have my phone with me. What do I do?" Sammy asked desperately. "Call off the teacher's phone, it's for dire emergencies and this is one." replied Emma as she looked up at the poster stating, "NO NEED FOR CELL PHONES, KEEP THEM AT HOME." "I would, but I don't remember her number." more content... Learning when the appropriate time to socialize or activate cell phones can create responsibilities by having a consequence if cell phones aren't used at a suitable time. Being responsible and constructing responsibility is when students will comprehend when and when not to mobilized on there cell phones. Aside from, rivals say that students are most likely to lose their cell phones. In the meantime, students would be responsible and put it in a safe place at the appropriate time. In the long run, cell phones should be kept with students so it can help develop Get more content on
  • 16. Satire Essay On Technology Kids Technology Kids Having a kid these days are really hard; I have a baby sister her name is Jasmine, Jasmine is five years old now. When she was two years old, she knew how to use the I–pad and the laptop. Also now she always come from school and stay on the laptop and doesn't care about anything else around her. Actually it is not her fault in the first place, it was myfamily and I's fault because we didn't have time for her when she was young, every one of us have their own thing to do. My sister is not the only one that has this problem, all the young age kids are like that and because they grow up with any technology in their hands, they think that it is their lives and they have nothing else to do. This problem can be solved by the more content... Straub said that one of the effects on kids is that "Our kids are getting dumber."(Strab). For example, my brothers and I were in my country we had to use calculator in 4th grade, and when we came here in high school, the math teachers said that the calculator is not allowed in the class, we struggled in the class because we weren't good in math without calculator. Now if all the kids have all these technology in the school what will happened they won't be able to solve math problems easy or write with the write spelling. One day my mom and I had a conference with my sister's kindergarten the teacher and my sister was with us and the teacher gave her an I–pad to play on a math app and when I was looking to my sister how she was answering the problems, she was answering most of them wrong because she just wanted to play on the I–pad and she didn't care if it is a math problem or how to solve it. When I saw my sister like that I felt bad for all the kids that just want to play with the technology and don't care about what they are learning, also It hurts to see these kids don't learn as good as we learn in the past and think about what we read or what we solve when we are doing it, and it make a fear for their Get more content on
  • 17. Satire Essay In High School Plip Plop goes the pitter patter of the rain on the freshly cut grass on the sidewalk leading to the inside of the school. I walk slowly to my locker as my friends and I talk about the football game that was going to be playing after school. I open my locker and grab my books out of it. I shove my fat backpack and heavy jacket into it and run before the first bell rings. I plop my books onto the desk next to Samantha Miller, the most popular girl in school. She instantly starts talking. Especially first period. Social Studies is the worst to have in the morning. Getting up early in the morning, to come to school all groggy only to hear about a bunch of old dead people who apparently just couldn't stop asking for freedom. Like STOP LIVING IN THE more content... So far, my grades haven't been too good I went from an A to a B– to a C+ and down to a D. The rest of my grades weren't too good either. Let's just say that I haven't seen one A on my report card since last year. And that was in Choir. It's not that I'm stupid or anything. Even in gym. Apparently, you have to have good sportsmanship in order to get full points for the day. It's just that things got harder so I just stopped caring. But enough about my bad qualities. Let's talk about my good qualities. I am pretty handsome if I must say so myself. Green eyes and dirty blond hair that falls just above my eyes. I have some freckles but not so much that I look like I have chicken pox. I am an average height of 5'5'' and I have muscles from all the sports that I do. Soccer and Lacrosse in the fall, Ice Hockey and Wrestling in the winter, Swimming and Football in the spring, and Volleyball and Taekwondo in the Get more content on
  • 18. Satirical Essay On Social Media There has been a serious problem that has risen over the past few years with teens and social media. Due to the creation of iPhones, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and whatever other technology they are spending ridiculous amounts of time on, their generation is soon going to be filled with children who are a number of things, such as, restless, robotic, obese, uneducated, and even antisocial. As a high school teacher, I have recently noticed a drastic drop in many of my student's grades and I could not for the life of me find out why. At first, I thought It may have had something to do with my teaching skills which made me so concerned that I even went to other teachers for advice. After weeks passed and student's grades kept falling, I got really down on myself and every night I would have an emotional breakdown on my husband. Then finally, I came to the realization it had nothing to do with my teaching job, it was actually because the students who are making poor grades are so emotionally consumed in their small pixel screen, even while in class. Recently a survey was done by researchers to get an overview on how often teens "have to" check their social media. The results were that 92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that more content... To give an ethical appeal I said that I am a teacher. By saying this I gave credibility to myself for the information I was providing in order to convince my readers. I used a logical appeal when I gave the statistic "92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that includes the 24 percent who said they are on it almost constantly". This appealed to the readers because it shows just how much teens are actually consumed in social media. Also, to appeal to emotion I used words such as, antisocial, obese, slugs, emotional breakdown, and my heart aches to create an emotional response. In doing so it helped me convince my audience of my Get more content on
  • 19. Satire About Education Education Our future children, the bosses, doctors and lawyers of tomorrow, could really set up different ways we work and ways we educate. Yet our children aren't getting the education they need. For reasons such as; not assuring parents about everything going on in school, not asking for help and other things they hold back from their parents. What if it's a problem at home that's affecting their learning? Could be their family and teachers don't contribute the motivation these children need. Families don't have the income to help their kids get the right materials. Bullying as well is an exceedingly big issue in school. Many students across the country perhaps the entire world are having difficulty in school. The greatest excuses for not doing work in class is "I'm too tired" or "I just don't want to do it". How could we help them? At home or even at school, no one gives these children the potential to strive for greatness towards their education. Participation is a great example of motivation because parents and teachers would suggest their child/students to participate in school activities so they can interact with other children and to get an understanding of what they are learning. Without motivation, these kids are conceiving thoughts like; they will never personify good in school or in the virtual world. Giving your more content... They're too frightened to even do something to captivate the bully's attention. Bullying is the most significant thing that is happening to young children today. They get told they're uninteresting, not smart, not equipped and not adequate to do anything. It destroys their confidence and their self–esteem to the point where they won't tell a teacher or a parent. Teachers and principals need to watch the students more carefully and to discipline these bullies, hence they know there are consequences for their Get more content on
  • 20. Stargirl Stereotypes On the first day of school, students from Mica High in Arizona are talking about the new girl named Stargirl Caraway who has been homeschooled. They mostly talk about her behavior. She plays her ukulele and sings the song Happy Birthday to people who she doesn't even know. Stargirl also carries her pet rat Cinnamon in her bag with a sunflower on it. Two boys named Leo Borlock and Kevin Quilan were interested in Stargirl. They both have a disagreement on putting her on the Hot Seat, which is a school television program. Leo thinks that the broadcasting is going to cause a problem and doesn't want to do it, but Kevin thinks that it is going to very popular. Eventually, the do the show and it did not go very well. Although people don't interact Get more content on